PerDev Module 6 2nd Quarter CareerDevelopment Concepts
PerDev Module 6 2nd Quarter CareerDevelopment Concepts
PerDev Module 6 2nd Quarter CareerDevelopment Concepts
Quarter 2 – Module 6:
Career Development Concepts
and Factors Influencing Career
What I Know
This test would like to assess your prior knowledge, please answer honestly.
Write the letter of your answer in any size of paper or in your notebook.
1. Which word means a position an individual hold during specific duties?
A. Function B. Job C. Occupation D. Vocation
2. What is the term for the combination and sequence of roles played by a person
throughout his or her life?
A. Advocacy B. Career C. Life-goals D. Professionalism
3. In the Philippines, our collectivist orientation makes our _________ a strong
influence in our career decisions.
A. gender B. family C. life roles D. skills and abilities
4. What do you call the set of fundamental beliefs, ideals or practices that inform
you how to conduct your life?
A. enlightenment B. wishes C. core values D. goals in life
5. What word refers to similar work for where people have similar responsibilities
and acquire a common set of skills and knowledge?
A. Job B. Position C. Occupation D. Role
6. Describe your unique characteristics that will clearly and accurately enhance
your self-understanding and useful in making career development plans.
A. Interest B. Skills C. Values D. All of the above
7. Making Career Decision starts with knowing _____, EXCEPT
A. What you do well? C. What you enjoy?
B. What is important to you? D. What is your job satisfaction level?
8. What do you call the process of choosing a career, improving your skills, and
advancing along a career path?
A. Career Development C. Career Wheel
B. Career Satisfaction D. Career Shift
9. Which theory defines career as the entire lifetime of a person?
A. Super’s Career Development C. Holland Trait and Factor
B. Bandura’s Self- Efficacy D. Krumboltz’s Social Learning
10. Who can best assist you as a student, in the conduct of self-assessment and
help you understand the different theories that can be applied to your career
development process?
A. Friends C. Pediatrician
B. Guidance Counselor D. Student Organization President
11. To limit the stress caused by financial constraints, before choosing a career
one should look at their ____________________.
A. social and economic conditions
B. money management technique
C. cultural background
D. family history
A. Rely on your intuition
B. Conduct formal self-assessment
C. Go with the demands of the market
D. Seek help from an astrologer to predict your future
15. What is the importance of knowing career development concept to you as a
A. Make you explore the different adventures of life.
B. Make you realize how scary and stress provoking life is.
C. Let you feel the tedious and tiresome process of career planning.
D. Allows you to understand where you are and where you want to be.
As an adolescent you are now at the stage where you find that you have
specific interests and aptitudes. You are aware of your inclinations to perform and
learn about some subjects more than others. Some of you may had tried out jobs in
your community. All of those are expected hence, at this stage you had started to
explore a specific career that is aligned to your life goals.
Before we begin our lesson, please be reminded of the learning objectives of
this module:
▪ explain that understanding different factors, career development concepts and
personal life goals influence career planning and decision-making
▪ identify career options based on different factors, career developments
concepts and personal life goals.
What’s In
What you want to be when you grow up? Do you still remember this question
from your childhood, is your answer always the same when you will be asked what
you will be when you grow up?
Perhaps, at this moment you are already starting to visualize deep inside you
what you will be doing in life years later. Can you share it, by doing the activity
below? Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper following the graphic organizer
Activity 1: THEN AND NOW
Then… Now…
Process Questions
1. Take a looked at your answer, is there a difference in your career choice then
and now?
2. What do you think are the factors that lead to the change? If it is still the
same, what are the factors that allowed it to stay that way?
3. Do you think you can make your career choice today a reality? If yes, how
can you make it real? If not, state the reason and how and you can possibly
make it come true?
What’s New
Put a check mark on the column if you agree to the statement and under column
if you disagree.
Process Questions:
1. Which statement is the hardest to decide? Why?
2. Is there someone or something that influenced your decisions? Explain your
What is It
Graduation is fast approaching, and college life is waving at you, are you
excited to unfold another chapter of your life now? I know you are... Around the
world, students like you at this stage are now preparing for a bigger and wider world
after high school. One way to do it, is to establish an understanding of career
development concepts, life goals and factors influencing career choices to be able to
set your own personal career plan.
Reflect on the following questions
Write your answer in a separate paper.
1. What is important to you at this moment in your life now?
2. What are your field of interests? Are they aligned to your skills and abilities?
3. How can understanding the concepts of career and life goals help you in
planning your career?
4. Career is defined as the combination and sequence of roles played by a person
throughout a lifetime (Super, 1980). Your career basically dictates a lot of things in
your life - it can determine the kind of lifestyle that you will be leading; the quality
of relationships that you have with people around you like your family and friends,
the kind of balance you will be able to keep with your life and your responsibilities.
There are two other concepts that is often associated to the concept of career:
Factors Influencing Career Choice
Important part of the development process is examining the different factors
that will play an impact on one’s career choice.
Childhood Previous Experiences
Fantasies Factors
Gender Culture
From the graphic organizer above, answer the following questions. Write your answer
in a separate paper.
1. How can your skills and abilities, interest and personality type boost your
career decision making?
2. Do childhood fantasies, life roles and previous experiences affects one’s career
choice? In what possible means?
3. In the world where gender equality is given importance, do you still believe that
your gender be given consideration in choosing your career? Why?
4. In what way culture influence your choice of career?
5. One of the major considerations in deciding for a college course is social and
economic conditions, how will these factors impact your career decisions?
What’s More
As a student, you should realize that career decision making is a process that
you have to go through and in doing so, your goal should be to make sound and
informed decisions for these are key to good choices. Can you try to start making
decisions at this point?
In your paper or notebook copy the given template below and exercise your
decision making in the given situations. As you make decisions make sure to apply
what you had learned on the discussion above.
E. Your values will also play a role in your career choice.
F. Friends are the best source of support system they can never affect your plan
to be successful in the future.
G. Parents are always right, so let them decide alone for your future career
H. It is always best to be levelheaded and calm when making life directing
I. You need to know yourself well enough to consciously process and select
information through what you prefer, what you value, and the skills you have.
J. You should also base your career decisions on the current trends in the job
Now, that you were able to grasps the ideas in career decision making, are you
confident enough to pursue your dream career and pave your own path?
What I can Do
Now let, us check on what are your plans for yourself after learning the
different ideas shared to you in this learning module.
Write down your two top career choices using the graphic organizer given.
Under each star identify your personality trait, skills, career interest, career interest
area and values that may fit to your chosen career.
My Top Career
1. Choices 2.
______________ Personality Trait ______________
______________ Skills ______________
______________ Career Interest ______________
______________ Career Interest Areas ______________
______________ Values ______________
Read the statement carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in a
separate answer sheet or in your notebook.
1. What word refers to a position held by an individual in the context of specific
A. Job B. Promotion C. Occupation D. Vocation
2. What word denotes the combination and sequence of roles played by a person
throughout his or her lifetime?
A. Career B. Culture C. Destiny D. Sacrifices
3. What is the term for similar work for which people have similar responsibilities
and for which they develop a common set of skills and knowledge?
A. Job B. Occupation C. Position D. Role
4. John is very good in planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating business
that is why he took up BS Accountancy. The main factor that influences
John’s choice of course is _____.
A. experience C. life roles
B. gender D. skills and abilities
5. What do you call the process of choosing a career, improving your skills, and
advancing along a career path?
A. Career Satisfaction C. Career Shift
B. Career Development D. Career Wheel
6. They work as part time or full time and are often sent to places in their home
country or around the world. They receive training for first aid and other
important skills for rescue and relief.
A. Police Officers C. Human Rights Advocates
B. Red Cross Volunteers D. Youth Coordinating Council
7. What do you call the thoughts that can deter you from developing a healthy
and wholesome self-concept?
A. Daydreams C. Social imagination
B. Fantasizing thoughts D. Self-sabotaging thoughts
8. What skills required for a content writer?
A. excellent writing skills C. Both A & B
B. solid command in English D. None of the above
9. Questions that need clear and accurate answers so that you can better
enhance self-understanding and make useful career development plans.
A. What you do well? C. What is important to you?
B. What you like to do? D. All of the above
10. Why are values important in career decision-making process?
A. gives you a sense of purpose C. guides your salvation
B. makes you a true Christian D. deepens your faith in God
11. What statement sets out a real concept of personality and interest as a factor
that could influence a person's career decision?
A. career magnet
B. career boosting
C. need to match with the career requirements
D. those with pleasing personality are easily hired
12. According to Super’s life and career developmental stage, most of you whose
age ranges from 15-24 belongs to exploratory stage and these possess
characteristics, EXCEPT
A. Skill development
B. Making tentative choices
C. Stabilization through work experience
D. "Trying out" through classes, work, hobbies
13. To be a customer service representative of Business Process Outsourcing
Companies (BPOs), you must have the following qualities, EXCEPT
A. good problem-solving skills
B. strong command of English
C. willing to work on weekends, nightshifts, and holidays
D. preferably political science or legal management graduate
14. Importance of career development to students, EXCEPT
A. Let students understand themselves better.
B. Allow students to make well informed decisions.
C. Enable students to take ownership of their career choice.
D. Make students become dependent to their parent’s decision.
15. Arrange in sequential order (growth to decline) the developmental tasks of an
individual, according to Super’s Career Developmental Stages.
1. Giving less time to hobbies
2. Getting started in a chosen field
3. Developing a realistic self-concept
4. Learning more about opportunities
5. Verifying current occupational choice
A. 3,5,2,4,1 B. 3,2,4,1,5 C. 3,4,2,5,1 D. 3,4,5,2,1
Additional Activities
Line 1 – Write your first name Ziana
Line 2 – Write your favorite occupation A pediatrician
Line 3 – Who can [Write something Who wants to help little children feel better
important you will do in this occupation] from pain
Line 4 – Who earns [Write the median Who earns ₱4,000 a day
salary for this occupation]
Line 5 – Who knows how to [Write Who knows how to diagnose and treat
illnesses, administer vaccines, treat
knowledge necessary for this occupation]
accidents and injuries of young patients
Line 6 – Who values [Write the work Who values quality, safety, and
value(s) related to the occupation] compassionate environment for all
Line 7 – Write your last name Uy
Congratulations, for discerning what you really want in life. Your dreams are
valid let them come true.
Answer Key
What I Have Learned
9. D 9. A
8. C 8. A
7. D 7. D
6. B 6. D
C 5. B 15. 5. C 15. D
D 4. D 14. 4. C 14. B
D 3. B 13. 3. B 13. C
C 2. A 12. 2. B 12. D
C 1. A 11. 1. B 11. A
Carandang, Ma. Lourdes A. Personal Development. Mandaluyong City,
Philippines: Anvil Publishing Inc. (2016)
Dawn Rosenberg McKay .What Is Career Development?. Updated August 04,
525496. Retrieved Oct.22, 2020
Catherine Moore. How to Set and Achieve Life Goals The Right Way.2020. Retrieved Oct.28, 2020
Microsoft 365
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