Bio-Vision - Plus One Maths Questions All Units

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1. Sets : A well defined collection of distinct objects.

2. Set representations : Roster form , Set builder form,Venn-diagram

3. Empty or null set : Set containing no element.Denoted as ф or { }

4. Singleton set :Set containing only one element.

5. Finite set : Set containing no element or definite number of elements.

6. Infinite set : Set containing infinite number of elements.

7. Equivalent sets : Set containing same number of elements.

8. Equal sets: Set containg exactly the same elements.

9. Subset:AÌB if every element of set A is also an element of set B

A is a subset of B and B is a super set of A

10. Proper subset : AÌB and A ≠ B

11. Power set : The collection of all subsets of set A , denoted as P(A)

12. Universal set : The super set of all subset under discussion.

13. Disjoint sets : A and B disjoint if AÇB = ф

14. AÈB = { x : x Î A or x Î B }

15. AÇB = { x : x Î A and x Î B }

16. A – B ={ x : x Î A and x Ï B }

17. A1 = { x : x Î U and x Ï A }

18. If n(A) = m

(i) Number of subset of A = 2m (ii) Number of proper subset of A = 2m -1

(iii) Number of elements of the power set of A is n[P(A)] =2m


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Set Notation
Not A A1
A or B AÈ B
Either A or B AÈ B
Atleast one of A,B AÈ B
A and B AÇ B
A but not B A – B or A Ç B1
B but not A B- A or A1 Ç B
Neither A nor B A 1 Ç B1
None of A, B A 1 Ç B1
Exactly one of A,B (A - B) È (B - A)
Atleast one of A,B,C A ÈBÈC
None of A,B,C A 1Ç B1 Ç C1

20. (i) n(A È B) = n(A) + n(B) - n(A Ç B) (ii) n(A È B) = n(A) + n(B) if A and B are disjoint.

(iii) n(A - B) = n(A) - n(A Ç B) (iv) n(B - A) = n(B) - n(A Ç B)

(v) n(A1) = n(U) – n(A)

(vi) n(AÈB ÈC) = n(A)+n(B)+n(C)- n(AÇB)-n(B Ç C)-n(AÇC)+n(A Ç BÇ C)

21. De morgan's Laws

(i) (A È B) 1 = A1 Ç B1 (ii) (A Ç B)1 = A1 È B1

1. Consider the sets A = {2,3,5,7} and B = {1,2,3,4,6,12}

(a) Find AB

(b) Find A-B,B-A and hence show that (AB)  (A-B)  (B-A)= A  B
(c) Write the power set of AB

2. If U = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} , A={1,2,4,7} and B = {1,3,5,7}

(a) Find A  B
1 1 1 1 1
(b) Find A ,B and hence show that (A  B) = A B


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3. Consider the sets U,A and B given by

U ={x:x is a natural number less than 8 } , A = {x:x is a prime number <6}

B = {x: x is an odd number less than <9}

1 1
(a) Write U,A and B in the roster form. (b) Find A ,B ,A  B and A B

4. Let A ={x:x is an integer,1/2<x<7/2} and B = {2,3,4}

(a) Write A in the roster form. (b) Find the power set of A B

(c) Verify that (A-B) (A  B) = A

5. Consider the sets A and B given by A ={x:x is a prime number <10},B={x:x

is a

natural number which divides 12}

(a) Write A and B in the roster form. (b) Find A-B and A  B

(c) Verify that (A  B) – A = B-A

6. A={x:x is a natural number 2≤ x ≤ 6} , B={x:x is a prime number ≤7}

C={x: x - 5x+6=0}
(a) Write A,B,C in the roster form (b) Verify that (AB)  C =A (B

7. Which among the following is a finite set ?

(a) {x:x is an integer less than 1 }

(b) {x:x is an integer which is divisible by 7 }

(c) {x:x is a prime number less than 9 }
(d) {x:xÎRÇQ: R,set of real numbers,Q set of rational numbers}

8. If A={1},B={ {1},2},C={ {1},3} and U={ {1},{2},{3},1,2,3} then find

(a) AÇB (b) BÇC (c) n[(AÇB)1È(BÇC)1]

9. Let A={x:xÎR,x2-5x+6=0} and B= {x:xÎR,x2=9}


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(a) Write A and B in roster form.

(b) Find AÈB and AÇB (c) Find (A-B)È(B-A)=(AÈB) – (AÇB)

10. Let U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, A={2,4,6,8} and B = {2,4,8}

(a) Find AI and B1 (b) Also find (AÈB)1 (c) Verify (AÈB)1=AIÇB1

11. (a) If U = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 } , A = { 1,3,5,7 } , B = {2,3,5,6} .Find A – B , ( A È B) 1

(b) In a committee 60 people speak English,30 people speak Hindi,and 15


both English and Hindi. How many speak atleast one of these two languages ?

12. Given U = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 } , A = { 1,2,3,4,5} , B = {3,4,5,6}

(i) Write A È B

(ii) Verify ( A È B) 1 = A1Ç B1

(iii) Verify whether n(A È B) = n(A – B ) + n(A Ç B) + n(B – A)

13. (a) If X={a,b,c,d} and Y={f,b,d,g} then find X-Y and Y-X

(b) State whether the following is true or false :If AÌB then AÈB = A

14. (a) Let V={a,e,i,o,u} and B = {a,i,k,u}. Find V-B and B-V

(b) For two sets A and B with AÇB1=f,which among the following is true

( A=f, BÌA, A1ÌB , AÌB )

15. (a) Write the subset of the set {-1,0,1}

(b) If a set has 30 different proper subsets,then what is the number of elements in
set ? [4,5,6,cannot be determined]

(c) Explain with reason the truthness of the statement : “for any two nonempty
sets A

and B,A-B = f means A=B

(d) Which of the following is equal to AÇB1

1 1 1 1 1 1

[ A-B,B-A, A1-B,B1-A ] 1


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16. (a) If X and Y are two sets such that n(XÈY)=50,n(X)=28 and n(Y)=32.Find

(b) Let A and B be two sets such that n(A)=20,n(AÈB)=42,n(AÇB)=4.Find

(i) n(B) (ii)n(A-B) (iii) n(B-A)

17. (a) In a group of 400 people 250 can speak Hindi and 200 can speak English.How

many people can speak both Hindi and English.

(b) Out of 20 members in an office,12 like to take tea and 15 like cofee.Assume

that each one likes atleast one of the two drinks,how many like

(i) Only tea and not cofee (ii) Only cofee and not tea (iii) Both cofee and tea

18. In a certain locality of Delhi,there are 1000 families.A survey indicated that 300

subscribe to 'The Hindustan Times' daily newspaper and 250 subscribe to 'The

Statesman' daily newspaper. Of these two catogories,100 subscibe to both.

(a) Express the data using a venn diagram.

(b) Find the number of families which subscribe Hindustan Times but not

(c) Find the number of families which do not subscribe to any of these

19. In a survey of 400 students in a school,100 were listed as drinking apple juice,150

as drinking orange juice and 75 were listed as both drinking apple as well as

orange juice.Find how many students were drinking neither apple juice nor
orange juice.

20. (a) How many elements has P(A) if A = { 1,2,3 }

(b) If A and B are two sets such that AÌ B . What is A È B .

(c) Draw the Venn Diagram of B – A

21. Let A = { x : x ÎW ,x < 5 } , B = { x: x is a prime number less than 5 }

U = { x : x is an integer , 0 £ x £ 3 }

(i) Write A and B in roster form. (ii) Find (A – B ) È ( B – A )


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(iii) Verify ( A È B) 1 = A1Ç B1

22. Let A ={ x : x is an integer , 0 £ x £ 3 }, B = { x: x is an integer -3 < x < 3 }

U = { x : x is an integer , -4 < x < 4 }

(i) Write A,B,U in roster form (ii) Verify ( A È B) 1 = A1Ç B1


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1. If (a,b) = (c,d) then a=c ,b=d

2. A x B = { (x,y) : x Î A and x Î B}

3. A x B x C = { (x,y,z) : x Î A ,y Î B and z Î C}

4. R is a subset of A x B if R Ì A x B

5. Representation of relations = Roster form,Set builder form,arrow diagram

6. If n(A) = p ,n(B) = q then

(i) Number of elements of A x B = pq (ii) Number of subset of A x B = 2pq

(iii) Number of functions from A to B = qp (iv) Number of relation from A to B = 2pq

7. Functions : A function f from A to B is a relation in which each element of set A is

is related to unique element of B

(i) Domain of f = A (ii) Co-domain of f = B (iii) Range of f = Subset of B


1. (a) Let P = {1,2},Find P x P x P

(b) Let A = {1,2,3,.........,13,14} . R is the relation on A defined by

R= {(x,y):3x-y=0; x,yÎA}

(i) Write R in roster form. (ii) Find the domain and range of R.

2. (a) Let A = {7,8},B = {5,4,2}.Find A x B

(b) Determine the domain and range of relation R defined by

R= {(x,y):y=x+1, xÎ{0,1,2,3,4,5}}

(c) Draw the graph of the function f(x) = |x| +1 ,xÎR

3. (a) If A={1,2} and B = {3,4} Write the number of relations from A to B.

(b) Determine the domain and range of a relation R defined by

R = {(x,x3):x is a prime number ≤15}

(c) Draw the graph of signum function and write its range.


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4. Let A = {1,2,3,4,5}and R is the relation on A defined by

R= {(a,b): b =a2}

(i) Write R in roster form. (ii) Find the domain and range of R.
5. Consider the real function f(x)=
(i) Find the domain and range of R. (ii) Prove that f(x)f(-x) + f(0) = 0

6. Let A = {1,2,3,4,6}and R is the relation on A defined by

R= {(a,b): a,bÎA,b is exactly divisible by a}

(i) Write R in roster form. (ii) Find the domain and range of R.

7. Consider the relation R ={(x,2x-1) /xÎA where A={2,-1,3} }

(i) Write R in roster form. (ii) Find the domain and range of R.
8. Consider the function f(x)=Öx-2 , g(x)=
(i) Find domain of f. (ii) Find range of f.

(iii) Find (f+g)(x). (iv) Find(fg)(x).

9. The cartesian product Px P has 9 elements among which are found (-a,0) and (0,a).

A relation from P to P defined as R = {(x,y): x+y =0}

(i) Find P. (ii) Depict this relation using an arrow diagram .

(iii) Write down the domain and range of R.

(iv) How many relations are possible from P to P

10. Consider the function f(x) = 2-3x,xÎR,x³ 0

(i) Find its range. (ii) Draw its graph in the given domain.

11. Let A = {1,2},B={3,4}

(i) Choose the number of relations from A to B from the bracket [4,16,32,64]

(ii) Determine the domain and range of the relation R = {(x,√9-x2 ) }

12. (i) A={1,2,3}, B={4,5} show whether A x B = B x A

(ii) Let f = {(1,4),(2,1),(3,3),(4,2)}.Find the domain of f.


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13. Let A ={1,2,3} B= {3,4} and C={4,5,6}.Find (A x B) Ç (A x C)

14. (a) Find the domain and range of the function f(x) = 1- x
(b) Find the domain and range of the function {(x, -|x| ) , xÎR}

15. Consider A = {1,2,3,.......,10}

(i) n(A x A) =........... (ii) R={(x,y)/x+2y =10,x,yÎA}.Express R in roster form.

(iii) Is R a function on A ?Justify your answer.

16. (a) If ( x +1 , y - 2 ) = ( 5 , 1 ) . Find x and y.

3 3 3 3
(b) Find the domain and range of {(x, x 2 ), xÎR }
17. Consider the function f:R→R defined by f(x) = │x -1│

(i) Is f(2) = f(0), why ? (ii) Draw the graph of f(x).

(iii) If g(x) = │x+1│,find (f+g)(x) and (f-g)(x).

18. (a) Let A={2,3,4,5,6} and R be the relation in A defined by

R = {(a,b):aÎA,bÎA, a divides b} find

(i) R (ii) domain of R (iii) range of R

(b) If R is a relation on the set N of natural numbers defined by a+3b=12 find

(i) R (ii) domain of R (iii) range of R

19. (a) Determine the domain and range of the relation R defined

R = {(x+1,x+6):xÎ{0,1,2,3,4,5} }

(b) Given that f(x) = 2x2-3x

(i) find f(1) and f(2) (ii) what is the value of f(x+2) (iii) solve if f(x) =0
20. Find the domain and range of the function f(x) =
21. (a) If a set A has 3 elements and set B = { 3,4,5} ,then the number of elements of A x B is

(b) If A = { -1 , 1 } , find A x A x A

(c) Write the domain and range of the relation R= { (1,6),(2,7),(3,8),(4,9),(5,10) }


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22. Let A = { 1,2,3 } and B = { a,b }

(i) Write the universal relation from A to B

(ii) What is the number of non-empty relations from A to B .

23. (a) Consider A = { 1,2,3,5} and B = {4,6,9} . Define a relation R : A →B by

R = {(x,y): x-y is odd , x Î A, y Î B }.Write R in roster form and find range of R.

(b) A={1,2,3,5} and B = {4,6,9}. Define a relation R from A to B by

R={(x,y): the difference between x and y is odd ,x Î A, y Î B }.

Write R in roster form.

24. (a) Let A = {1,2,3,4}, B = {1,5,9,11,15,16} and f = {(1,5),(2,9),(3,1),(4,5)(2,11)}

Is f a function from A to B ? why ?

(b) If f ={(2,5),(3,1),(5,2),(8,5),(10,2),(11,5) } is a function,write its range.

25. Given A = { 3,4,5} ,B= {2}

(i) Determine the domain and range of the relation R from A to B defined by

R = {(x,y) : y = x-2 }

(ii) Represent the above relation R using an arrow diagram.

(iii) Is R a function from A to B ? why ?

26. Consider the real function f(x) = f(x) = 1 – 2x

(i) Find f(-1) and f(2) (ii) Find x if f(x) = -1

27. (a) Consider the real function of f(x) =
x2- 8x+12
(i) Find the value of x if f(x) = 1 (ii) Find the domain of f

(b) Sketch the graph of the function f(x) = |x+1|

(c) Draw the graph of the function f(x) = 1 +x if -1≤x≤0

1 – x if 0<x≤1
28. (a) Find the range of the function f(x) = [2x] , 1/3 ≤ x ≤ 8/3

(b) Let R be the set of reals . Define a function f : R → R by f(x) = 2x2 - 1

(i) Find f(-1) +f(1) (ii) Find f(f(x)) (iii) Draw the graph of f(x)
(i i28


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1 1800 = π radians , 1 Radian = 180/π degree = 570 161 , 1 Degree = π/180 radian = 0.01746 approximately

2 l= rθ where l= length of an arc of a circle of radius r,and θ=angle subtended at the centre of a circle.

3 Equation General solution

Sinx = 0 x = nπ , nεz

Cosx = 0 x = (2n+1)π/2 ,nεz

Tanx = 0 x = nπ , nεz

Sinx = Siny x = nπ + (-1) ny , nεz

Cosx = Cosy x = 2nπ±y , nεz

Tanx = Tany x = nπ + y , nεz


( a ) sinA = BC/AC ( d ) cosecA = AC/BC A

( b ) cosA = AB/AC ( e ) secA = AC/AB

( c ) tanA = BC/AB ( f ) cotA = AB/BC


( a ) sin x = 1/cosec x and cosec x = 1/sin x

( b ) cos x = 1/sec x and sec x = 1/cos x

( c ) tan x = 1/cot x and cot x = 1/tan x


( a ) tan x = sin x /cos x ( b ) cot x = cos x /sin x

( a ) sin2 x + cos2 x = 1 ( b ) sec 2 x – tan2 x = 1 ( c ) cosec2 x - cot2 x = 1

1-sin2 x = cos2 x 1+tan2 x = sec2 x 1+cot2 x = cosec2 x

1-cos2 x = sin2 x sec2 x-1 = tan2 x cosec2 x-1 = cot2 x



sin x R [ -1 , 1 ]

cos x R [ -1 , 1 ]
tan x R – {x: x=(2n+1)π/2,nε z } R
cot x R – {x: x=nπ,nε z } R

cosec x R – {x: x=nπ,nε z } R - ( -1 , 1 )

sec x R – {x: x=(2n+1)π/2,nε z } R- ( -1 , 1 )

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90 0 or π/2


π/2+x or π - x 2π +x or π/2 -x
0 or 3600 or 2π
180 or π


π + x or 3π/2 - x 3π/2 + x or 2π - x

2700 or 3π/2


( a ) sin(-x) = -sin x ( b ) cos(-x) = cos x ( c ) tan(-x) = -tan x

( d ) cosec(-x) = -cosec x ( e ) sec(-x) = sec x ( f ) cot(-x) = -cot x


DEGREE MEASURE 0 300 450 600 900 1800 2700 3600

RADIAN MEASURE 0 π/6 π/4 π/3 π/2 π 3π/2 2π

Sin 0 ½ 1/√2 √3/2 1 0 -1 0

Cos 1 √3/2 1/√2 ½ 0 -1 0 1

Tan 0 1/√3 1 √3 – 0 – 0

Cosec – 2 √2 2/√3 1 – -1 --

Sec 1 2/√3 √2 2 – -1 – 1

Cot – √3 1 1/√3 0 – o –

12 FORMULAE OF x+y and x-y

( a ) sin( x+y) = sin x cos y + cos x sin y ( b ) sin( x-y) = sin x cos y - cos x sin y

( c ) cos( x+y) = cos x cos y - sin x sin y ( d ) cos( x-y) = cos x cos y + sin x sin y

( e ) tan( x+y) = tanx +tany ( f ) tan( x-y) = tanx - tany

1-tanxtany 1+tanxtany
( e ) cot( x+y) = cotxcoty - 1 (g) cot( x-y) = cotxcoty +1
Cotx + coty Coty - cotx

( a ) sin 2x = 2sin x cos x= 2 tan x

1 + tan2x
( b ) cos 2x = cos2x-sin2x=2cos2x-1=1-2sin2x= 1 - tan2x
1 + tan2x
( c ) tan 2x = 2 tan x
1 - tan2x 3 3tan x - tan3x
( d ) sin 3x = 3sin x-4sin x ( e ) cos 3x = 4cos3x-3cos x ( f ) tan 3x =
1 -3 tan2x

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3tan x - tan3x
1 -3 tan2x


( a ) sin x + sin y = 2sin x +ycos x -y ( a ) sin x cos y = 1/2[ sin(x+y) + sin(x-y) ]

2 2
x +y x -y
( b ) sin x - sin y = 2cos 2 sin 2 ( b ) cos x sin y = 1/2[ sin(x+y) - sin(x-y) ]

( c ) cos x + cos y = 2cos x +ycos x -y ( c ) cos x cos y = 1/2[ cos(x+y)+cos(x-y) ]

2 2
( d ) cos x - cos y = -2sin x +ysin x -y ( d ) sin x sin y = -1/2[ cos(x+y) – cos(x-y) ]
2 2

( a ) 1+cos x = 2cos2x/2 ( b ) 1-cos x = 2sin 2x/2

( c ) 1+sin x = (cos 1x/2 sin x/2)2

+ +tanx ( d ) 1-sin x = (cos x/2 - sin x/2)2

( e ) tan( π/4+x) = 1 - tanx ( f ) tan( π/4-x) = 1 - tanx

1 + tanx

( g ) sin2x = ½ [ 1 -cos 2x ] ( h ) cos 2x = ½ [ 1 + cos 2x ]

( I ) sin3x = ¼ [ 3sin x-sin 3x ] ( j ) cos 3x = ¼ [ 3cos x+cos 3x ]


SinA = SinB = SinC

a b c

(i) a2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc cosA (ii) b2 = c2 + a2 - 2ca cosB (i) c2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab cosC


(I) tan B - C = b - c cot A

2 b+c 2

(ii) tanC - A = c - a cot B

2 c+a 2

(iii) tan A - B = a - b cot C

2 a+ b 2


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1. (a) The value of sin(π-x) =........

(b) Find the principal and general solution of the equation sin x = √3 /2

2. (a) Prove that Sin 5x + sin 3x = tan 4x

Cos 5x + cos 3x
(b) Prove that 3 sin π/6 sec π/3 - 4sin 5π/6 cot π/4 = 1

(c) Solve : sin 2x – sin 4x + sin 6x = 0

3. (a) Prove that tan(π/4 +x) = 1+tanx 2

tan(π/4 -x) 1-tanx
Hence find the value of 1 + tan 15 0
Also find tan 750
1 - tan 150

cos 3x + cos 7x - cos 2x

4. (a) Prove that = cot 2x
Sin 7x – sin 3x – sin 2x
(b) Show that ( cos x + cos y)2 + (sin x + sin y)2 = 4 cos2 x – y
5. (a) Evaluate tan(13π/6)

(b) If tan x = 1 and x in the 3rd quadrant,find sin x and cos x

6. (a) Find the degree measure corresponding to 11/14 radians ( use π = 22/7 )

(b) If cos x = -1 and x in the 3rd quadrant,find sin x and tan x

7. (a) Expand cos (x+y) and hence prove cos 2x = 1- 2sin2x

(b) Solve the equation tan2θ + cot2θ = 2

8. (a) Show that cos 8A.cos 5A – cos 12A. cos 9A = tan 4A

sin 8A. Cos 5A + cos 12A.sin 9A
(b) Show that sin 5x + sin x – 2 sin 3x = tanx
cos 5x – cos x
9. (a) Convert 31p radian in to degree measure
(b) Find the value of sin ( 31p )
(c) Find the general solution of the equation sin x = -√3 /2

10. (a) Convert 220401 in to radian measure.

(b) If sin x = 12/13 and x is an acute angle ,find the value of cos 2x , sin 2x
(c) Show that sin(400 + x) cos(100 + x) - cos(400 + x) sin(100 + x) =


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11. (a) If x+y = π/4, then prove that (1+tan x)(1+tan y) = 2 and hence deduce tan π/8
3 tanx- tan3x
(b) Prove that tan 3x =
1- 3tan2x
12. (a) The radian measure of 2400 is ( 1 radian , 4π/3 radian,π/3 radian,π/2 radian )

(b) If sin θ = 3/5 , cos φ = -12/13,where θ and φ both lie in the 2nd quadrant

find the value of sin ( θ +φ )

13. (a) Show that sin 1050 + cos 1050 =1/2

(b) Simplify sin 5x – sin 3x

(c) Find the value of tan 220 301

14. (a) Find sin 7650

(b) If tan x = 4/3 and x lies in 3rd quadrant find sin x and cos x

(c) Calculate cos 750 and cos 15 0 using the values of cos 450 and cos 300

(d) Draw the graph of f(x) = sin 2x

15. (a) Prove that Sinx = tan x/2

1 + cos x
(b) Find the domain and range of f(x) = sin 2x

16. (a) Prove that (cos x + cos y)2 + (sin x + sin y)2 = 4 cos 2 x-y
(b) If tan x = -4/3 and x lies in 2rd quadrant find sin x and cos x

(c) Prove that sec 2A + tan 2A = tan( π/4 + A)

(d) Prove that Cos 2A = tan( π/4 - A)

1 + sin 2A
17. (a) What is the value of cos 700 cos 100 + sin 700 sin 100

(b) Prove that tan 3x tan 2x tan x = tan 3x – tan 2x – tan x .Hence find tan 150

(c) Find the value of sin 180

18. If cos A = -24/25 and cos B = 3/5 , where A lies in the second quadrant ,

B lies in the first quadrant

(a) Find SinA,SinB

(b) Also find Sin(A+B) , Cos(A+B)


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19. (a) Prove that cotx cot 2x – cot 2x cot 3x – cot 3x cot x = 1

(b) Find the radian measure corresponding to the degree measure 7500

(c) Prove that Sin 2x = 2 tan x2

1 + tan x
20. (a) cos 5x + cos 3x = cot x
sin 5x - sin 3x
(b) Show that cos200 cos 400 cos 800 = 1/8

(c) Find the principal solutions of the equation sin x = 1

21. (a) Find the value of cos π/3 cos π/6 - sin π/3 sin π/6 = 1
cos x/2 + sin x/2
(b) = sec x + tan x
cos x/2 - sin x/2
22. (a) Find the value of (sin A + cos A)2 + (sin A – cos A)2

(b) Solve sin x + √3 cos x = 1

(c) Find sin 1050– cos 1050

23. (a) Show that sin 780 -sin 180 + cos 1320 = 0

(b) If tan A = 1/3 and tan B = 1/7 show that 2A + B = π/4

24. (a) Show that Sin x + sin 3x + sin 5x + sin 7x = tan 4x

Cos x + cos 3 x + cos 5x + cos 7x

(b) Prove that tan 700= tan200 + 2 tan 500

(c) Eind the general solution of the equation sin x+ sin 3x + sin 5x = 0
25. (a) If sin(-x) = 1 and cos(-x) = ,find the value of x.
2 2
(b) If x is in 3rd quadrant then

(i) Choose the possible value of cosec x from the bracket

[ -3/5, 3/5, 5/3, -5/3 ]

(ii) Evaluate tanx – secx for x in (i)

(c) Find the value of the other trigonometric functions in each of the following.
(i) tanx = , x in 3rd quadrant.
(ii) sinx= ,x in 1st quadrant.


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26. (a) Prove that tan( x+y) = tanx + tany where x,y and (x+y) are not multiple of π/2
(b) Find the value of sin 2250

(c) Match the following

sin π/6 1
sec π/3 1/2
tan 5π/6 √3/2
cot π/4 - 1/√3

27. (a) Write the values of sin 6000 ,cos 3300 ,cos 1200 ,sin 1500

(b) Prove that sin 6000 cos 3300+ cos 1200 sin 1500 + sin 1800 cos 1800 = -1

28. (a) Show that tan 150 = 2 - √3 (b) Show that tan 150+ cot 150 = 4
(b) Prove that cos 2x =

29. (a) Show that cos 4x + cos 3x + cos 2x = cot 3x

sin 4x + sin 3 x + sin 2x
(b) Prove that cos(π/4 + x) + cos (π/4 - x) = √2 cos x
30. (a) Prove that tan B – C = b – c cot
2 b+c 2
(b) A tree breaks due to storm and the broken part bends so that the top of the tree

touches the ground making an angle 300with it . The distance between the foot of

the tree to the point where the top touches the ground is 8m. Find the height of the


(c) In ∆ ABC , prove that a(b cos C – c cos B ) = b2 – c2

(a) In ∆ ABC , prove that Sin(B – C) = b - 2c

2 2
Sin(B + C) a
(b) In ∆ ABC , prove that a sin(B-C) + b sin(C-A) + c sin(A-B) = 0

(c) A tree stands vertically on a hill side which makes an angle 150 with the horizontal.

From a point on the ground 350 m down the hill from the base of the tree,the angle

of elevation of the top of the tree is 600. Find the height of the tree.
cos A cos B cos C a2 + b2 +c2
(d) In ∆ ABC , prove that = = c = 2abc
a b


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1. Principle of mathematical induction

Let P(n) be a statement involving the natural number n such that

( i ) P(1) is true

( ii ) P(k+1) is true whenever P(k) is true for all natural number


1. Consider the statement “32n+2-8n-9 is divisible by 8”

(a) Verify the statement for n = 1

(b) Prove the statement using the principle of mathematical induction

for all natural numbers

2. Consider the statement P(n) = 1+3+32 +.............+3n-1 =
(a) Check whether P(1) is true.

(b) If P(k) is true ,prove that P(k+1) is also true.

(c) Is P(n) true for all natural numbers n ? Justify your answer .

3. Consider the statement:P(n) : “ 9n-1 is a multiple of 8 ''

(a) Check whether P(1) is true.

(b) If P(k) is true ,prove that P(k+1) is also true.

4. Consider the statement: “ P(n) : n(n+1)(2n+1) is divisible by 6 ''

(a) Verify the statement for n= 2

(b) If P(k) is true ,prove that P(k+1) is also true.

5. Consider the statement: “ 7n-3n is divisible by 6 ''

(a) Verify the statement for n= 2

(b) Prove the statement using the principle of mathematical induction

for all natural numbers.


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6. (a) Which among the following is the least number that will divided

72n-42n for every positive integer n [4,7,11,33]

(b) Prove by mathematical induction (cosx +i sinx )n = cos nx +i sin nx where i =√-1

7. (a) For every positive integer n, 7n-3n should be divisible by [2,3,4,8]

(b) Prove by principle of mathematical induction that

2 + 22 + 23 + …..........2n = 2(2n-1)

8. Let P(n) : 1 + 3 + 5 + ….......... + (2n-1) = n2

(a) Verify P(1) is true .

(b) Write P(k)

(c) Verify P(k+1) is true when P(k) is true.

9. Consider the statement:P(n) : “ 32n-1 is divisible by 8 ''

(a) Check whether P(1) is true.

(b) If P(k) is true ,prove that P(k+1) is also true.

10. Consider the statement:P(n) : “ n2-n+7 is a prime number”

(a) Verify that P(1),P(2),P(3) and P(4) are true.

(b) Can you say that P(n) will be true for all natural numbers ? Give reason.

11. (a) The sum of the first n natural numbers is …........

(b) Prove that the above result by the principle of mathematical induction

for every positive integer n.

12. Consider the statement: “ P(n) : n(n+1)(n+2) is divisible by 12 ''

(a) Is P(5) true ?justify your answer

(b) Show that P(3) and P(4) are true.


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13. (a) The sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers is …........

(b) Prove that the above result by the principle of mathematical induction

for every positive integer n.

14. (a) The sum of the cubes of first n natural numbers is …........

(b) Prove that the above result by the principle of mathematical induction

for every positive integer n.

15. (a) Using mathematical induction show that 12 +22 + 32 + …...... +n2 > n3/3

(b) Using mathematical induction show that

1.2 + 2.22 +3.23 +.........+n.2n = (n-1)2n+1 +2

16. Let P(n) : 2 + 4 + 6 + ….......... +2n = n(n+1)

(a) Verify P(1) is true .

(b) Write P(k)

(c) Verify P(k+1) is true when P(k) is true.

17. Let P(n) : ½ + ¼ +1/8 +................ + 1/2n = 1 - 1/2n

(a) Verify P(1) is true .

(b) Write P(k)

(c) Verify P(k+1) is true when P(k) is true.

18. Let P(n): 1 + 1 + 1 + …..........................+ 1 = n

1.2 2.3 3.4 n(n+1) n(n+1)
(a) Check whether P(1) is true.

(b) If P(k) is true ,prove that P(k+1) is also true.

19. Let P(n) = 1 + 1 + 1 +......................+ 1 = n

1.4 4.7 7.10 (3n-2)(3n+1) 3n+1
(a) Check whether P(1) is true.

(b) If P(k) is true ,prove that P(k+1) is also true.


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1. If a + ib = c + id then a = c , b=d

2. i2 = -1 , i3 = -i , i4 = 1 if i= √-1

3. Conjucate of z = a + ib is z = a – ib

4. Modulus of z = a + ib is │z │ = √a2 + b2

5. z z =│z │2 π-θ θ

6. Multiplicative inverse of z is 1/z or z-1 -(π-θ) -θ

7. z-1 = z/│z │2

8. Polar form of a complex number z = x + iy is

z = r(cos θ + i sin θ ) where

r = √x2 + y2 , cos θ = x/r , sin θ = y/r


1. (a) Solve √3x2 +x + √3 = 0

(b) Represent the complex number z = 1 + i√3 in the polar form

2. (a) Solve √5x2 +x + √5 = 0

(b) Represent the complex number z = √3 + i in the polar form

5-√3 i
3. Consider the complex number z =
4 +2√3 i
(a) Express z in the form a + ib

(b) Express z in polar form

4. Consider the complex number z = 2+i

(a) Express z in the form a + ib

(b) Express z in polar form

5. Consider the complex number z =
2 + 3i
(a) Express z in the form a + ib

(b) Express z in polar form


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6. (a) If i = √-1 find the sum of i+ i2 +i3 + ….....+i99
(b) Convert
Cos π/4 + i sin π/4
(i) a + ib form

(ii) Polar form

7. (a) Express the complex number 3 - √-16 in the form a + ib

1 - √-9
(b) Solve the equation ix2 – x + 12 i = 0

(c) Represent the complex number z = 1 + i√3 in the polar form

2 –i
8. (a) Express the complex number in the form a + ib
(b) Solve 27 x2 – 10 x +1 = 0

(c) What is the amplitude of the complex number -i

9. (a) Find the multiplicative inverse of -i

(b) Which of the following is true

(i) │z1 + z2 │≤ │z1│ + │z2 │

(ii) │z1 -- z2 │< │z1│ - │z2 │

(iii) │z1 -- z2 │> │z1│ + │z2 │

(c) Find the product z1.z2 if z1 = 2 +3i ,z2 = 3+2i

10. (a) Represent the complex number z = 1 + i in the polar form

(b) For what value of x and y if 4x + i(3x-y) = 3-6i

(c) Find the multiplicative inverse of 4-3i

11. (a) Express the complex number 3i3 (15i6) in the form x + iy

(b) Represent the complex number 3 + 5i and -3-5i in the complex plane.

12. (a) If 5 + 6i = x + iy , then find the value of x and y

3 + 4i
(b) Write i in the polar form.

(c) Find the value of i9 + i10 + i11 + i12


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13. (a) Write 3 - √-25 as a complex number

(b) Successive vertices of a parallelogram are z1 = 0 , z2 = 1 , z3 = 2 + i.

What is the complex number which corresponds to the fourth vertex.

(c) Find the real numbers x and y if (x-iy) (3 + 5i) is the conjucate of 6 – 24 i

14. (a) Find the multiplicative inverse of √5 + 3 i

2 + 3i
(b) Separate the real and imaginary parts of
2 - 3i
(c) Find a and b if (a + ib)2 = -5 +12i

15. (a) Solve the equation 3x2 – 4x + 20/3 = 0

(b) Represent the complex number 5 +i √3 in polar form.

2i√3 - 4
16. Consider the complex number z = i+ i +i3 + i4

(i) Write z in the form a + ib

(ii) Find the conjucate of z

(iii) Find z2

17. (a) Find the real part of 1

(b)Consider the complex number z = 1 + i
(i) Express z in the form a + ib

(ii) Express z in polar form

18. (a) Consider the equation z2 – 2z + 4 = 0

(i) Find two complex numbers z1 and z2 satisfying the above equation.

(ii) Simplify z1/z2 + z2/z1

(b) Find the square root of -7 – 24 i

19. (a) Find the multiplicative inverse of (2 - 8i)(7+8i)

(b) Find the square root of -8 + 6i

(c) Convert (1+7i) in to polar form




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1. (a) Solve 7x+3 < 5x +9 and represent the solution on the number line.

(b) Solve 4x+3 < 3x +7 and represent the solution on the number line.

(c) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically

3x + 2y ≤ 12 , x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0

2. (a) Solve the inequality 2(2x+3) – 10 < 6(x – 2)

(b) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically

x - 2y ≤ 8 , 2x + y ≤ 8 , x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0

3. (a) Solve the inequality 3(2 - x) ≥ 2(1 – x)

(b) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically

2x +y ≥ 4 , x + y ≤ 3 , 2x -3 y ≤ 6

4. (a) Solve the inequality 3(2 + x) ≥ 2(1 + x)

(b) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically

3x +4y ≥ 12 , x -2y ≤ 3 , x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0

5. (a) Solve the inequality 3(x - 1) ≤ 2(x – 3)

(b) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically

5x + 4y ≤ 20 , x ≥ 1 , y ≥ 2

6. (a) Arathi took 3 examinations in an year . The marks obtained by her in the

second and third examinations are more than 5 and 10 respectively than in

the first examination . If her average mark is atleast 80 . Find the minimum

mark that she should get in the first examination.

(b) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically

2x +3y ≥ 6 , 3x +4y ≤ 12

7. (a) Solve the inequality 3x-4 ≥ x +1 - 1

2 4
(b) Solve the system of inequalities graphically : 2x + y ≤ 8 , x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0


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8. (a) Solve 3x-4 + 8 ≥ 2 + 4x
2 3
(b) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically

2x +y ≤ 24 , x + y ≤ 11 , 2x +5y ≤ 40, x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0

9. (a) Solve the system of inequalities graphically

(i) 2x +y ≥8 , x + 2y ≥10 (ii) 4x+3 ≤ 6x + y

(b) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically

2x +y -3 ≥ 0 , x – 2y + 1 ≤ 0 , y ≤ 3

10. (a) Solve |x| < 5 ,then represent the solution graphically.

(b) Draw the graph of x +y = 2 and 2x+3y = 6

(c) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically

x +y ≤ 2 , 2x +3y ≤ 6 , x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0

(d) Solve 2 – 3x ≥ 2(x+6), then represent the solution graphically.

(e) Solve 3x + 5 ≤ x - 7 when (i) x is an integer (ii) x is a real number

and give its graphical solution.

11. (a) The interval representing the solution of the inequality 3x-1 ≥ 5 ,xÎR

(i) [ 5,¥ ) (ii) [ 2,¥ ) (iii) [ 3,¥ ) (iv) (-¥ ,¥ )

(b) Solve the inequality 2x-5 ≥ 3

(c) Find all pairs of consecutive even positive integers, both of which are larger than

5, such that their sum is less than 23

12. (a) Mini obtained 38 and 40 scores in the first two unit tests. Find the minimum score

to be obtained in the third test to have an average of atleast 30 scores.

(b) Solve the following system of inequalities graphically

3x +4y ≤ 60 , x + 3y ≤ 30 , x ≥ 0 , y ≥ 0

(c) Solve -8 ≤ 5x – 3 < 3


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1. n
Pr = n! where 0< r ≤n
(n -r)!
2. Pr = n(n-1)(n-2) ….........(n-r+1) , 0< r ≤n

3. n! = 1 x 2 x 3 x …........

4. n = n(n-1)! = n(n-1)(n-2)! etc

5. 0! = 1 , nPn = n! , n
P0 = 1

6. The number of permutations of n different things ,taken r at a time where

repetition is allowed is nr
7. The number of permutations of n objects where n1 are of same kind is
8. The number of permutations of n objects where n1 are of same kind,

n2 are of same kind , n3 are of same kind …...... nk are of same kind is n!
9. The number of selection of n objects taken r at a time is nCr
Pr =
n n!
(a) nPr = nCr x r! (b) nCr =
r! r!(n- r)!
(c) nC0 =1 , nCn =1 , nCr = nCn-r , nCr + nCr-1 = n+1Cr

(d) If nCx = nCy then x = y or x+y = n


1. (a) In how many ways can the letters of the word , PERMUTATIONS be arranged if:

(i) The words start with P and end with S

(ii) There are always 4 letters between P and S

(b) In how many ways can 5 girls and 3 boys be seated in a row so that no two boys

are together.

(c) How many chords can be drawn through 21 points.

2. (a) How many 4 digit numbers are there with distinct digits ?

(b) If 2nC3 : nC3 = 11 : 1, then find the value of n (c) Find n if n-1P3 : nP4 = 1 : 9


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3. (a) Find the value of n such that 3.nP4 = 5. n-1
P4 , n>4

(b) In how many ways can 5 students be seated in a bench ?

(c) Find the number of different 8-letters arrangements that can be made from the

letters of the word , ' DAUGHTER' so that

(i) All vowels occur together. (ii) All vowels do not occure together.
4. (a) Determine n if C3 = 11. nC3

(b) In how many ways can a cricket team of 11 players be selected from 15 players.

(c) A bag contain 5 white , 6 red and 4 blue balls . Determine the number of ways in

which 2 white , 3 red and 2 blue balls can be selected.

5. (a) Find the value of n such that nP5 = 42. nP3 , n>4

(b) A committee of 3 persons is to be constituted from a group of 2 men and 3 women.

How many of these committees would consist of man and 2 women ?

6. (a) Find the value of n such that 12. n-1P3 = 5. n+1


(b) In how many ways can 7 athletes be chosen out of 12 ?

(c) The English alphabet has 5 vowels and 21 consonants .How many words with two

different vowels and two different consonants can be formed without repetition of


7. (a) Find the value of r such that 5Pr = 6Pr-1

(b) If there are 12 persons in a party and each of them shake hands with all others ,

what is the total number of hand shakes ?

(c) In how many ways can a committee of 3 men and 2 women be selected out of 7 men

and 5 women ?
8. (a) 1 + 1 = , then find x (c) If nC8 = nC2 , then find nC3
8! 9! 10!
(b) How many 4 digit numbers are there with no digit repeated?


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9. (a) Simplify P4 n

P3n -1

(b) In how many different ways can the letters of the word HEXAGON be permuted

(c) In how many ways can a team of 3 boys and 3 girls be selected from 5 boys and 4

girls ?

10. (a) If nC2 : 2nC1 = 3:2 , find n

(b) Find the number of words that can be formed from the letters of the word

MALAYALAM.How many of these arrangements start with Y ?

11. (a) If 4Pr = 6 x 5Pr-1 , find r

(b) How many 3 digit numbers can be formed with the digits 0,1,2,3,and 4 ?

(c) In a Panchayath there are 10 Panchayath members. Ladies contested only in the

50% reserved constituency . If the post of President and Vice President are

reserved for ladies , in how many ways both the President and Vice president

can be selected.

12. (a) Prove that nCr = nCr-1

(b) 28 matches were played in a volley ball tournament . Each team playing

one against each of others.How many teams were there ?

(c) If the letters of the word “TUTOR”be permuted among themselves and arranged

as in a dictionary,then find the position of the word TUTOR.

13. (a) A bag contains 5 black and 6 red balls . Determine the number of ways in which

2 black and 3 red balls can be selected from the lot.

(b) Determine the number of 5 card combinations out of a deck of 52 cards if there is

exactly one ace in each combination.

(c) Find r if 10Pr = 2. 9Pr


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14. (a) A team of 8 players is to be chosen from a group of 12 players. One of the 8 is then

selected as captain and another as vice caption . In how many ways can the team be

selected .

(b) A box contain 4 red , 3 white and 4 black balls . In how many different ways can a

red and a black ball be selected

(c) 10C4 + 10C5 = …........

15. (a) How many words can be made from the letters in the word MONDAY without

repetition if 4 letters are used at a time .

(b) The letters of the word TUESDAY are arranged in a line, each arrangement

ending with letter S .

(i) How many different arrangement are possible.

(ii) How many of them starts with letter D.

16. (a) A mathematics paper consists of 10 questions divided into two parts I and II

each part containing 5 questions . A student is required to attempt 6 question in all,

taking atleast two question from each part.

(i) What are the possible choices ?

(ii) In how many ways can the student select the question.

(b) If the letters of the word ' FATHER' be permuted and arranged as in a

dictionary,find the rank of the word.

17. (a) In how many ways can a committee be selected from 15 persons if the committee

is to have 3 members ?

(b) What is the relation between nPr and nCr ? Show that nCr + nCr-1 = n+1Cr

18. What is the number of ways of choosing 4 cards from a pack of 52 playing cards.

(i) four cards of the same suit (ii) are face cards.


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19. (a) Using the alphabets of the word BANANA,determine how many words can be

formed so that the two N's are not together.

(b) 7 different points on the circumference of a circle are chosen. These points are

joined pairwise by straight lines . How many straight lines can be drawn.

20. (a) 0! = …......

(i) 0 (ii) 1 (iii) 2 (iv) 3

(b) Find the number of 8 letter arrangements that can be made from the letters

of the word DAUGHTER so that all vowels do not occur together.

21. (a) Find 5P4 and 6P3

(b) Find the number of 3 letter words which can be formed by the letters of the word


(c) In how many ways , can the letters of the word “ HEXAGON” be permuted ?

22. In how many ways can the letters of the word ENGLISH be arranged if

(i) All the letters used at a time

(ii) Words start with E and end in H

(iii) Four letters are used at a time.

23. (a) Find the number of words that can be formed from the letters of the word


(b) How many of these arrangements start with Y.

22 22
24. (a) How many values of r will satisfy Cr+2 = C2r-1 ?

(b) Given that n C11 = nC9, where n is a natural number . Find the value of r making
Cr the largest.

25. How many 4 digit odd numbers can be formed with the help of the digits 1,2,3,4,5 if

(i) No digits is repeated. (ii) Digits are repeated.


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1. (a+b)n = nC0 an + nC1 an-1b + nC2an-2b2 +................+nCnbn

2. (a-b)n = nC0 an - nC1 an-1b + nC2an-2b2 -................+(-1)n nCnbn

3. Consider the expansion (a+b)n

(i) Number of terms in the expansion = n+1

(ii) General term = (r+1)th term = Tr+1 = nCran-rbr

(iii) If n is even , then middle term is the (n/2 +1)th term

(iv) If n is odd, then the middle terms are n+1 th

and n+1 +1 th
2 2
4. Consider the expansion (a-b)n

(i) Number of terms in the expansion = n+1

(ii) General term = (r+1)th term = Tr+1 = (-1)r nCran-rbr

(iii) If n is even , then middle term is the (n/2 +1)th term

(iv) If n is odd, then the middle terms are n+1 th and n+1 +1 th terms
************************ 2
1. Consider the expansion x - 2
2 x
(i) How many terms in this expansion ? (ii) Write its general term.

(iii) Find its middle term. (iv) Find its 9th term

(v) Find the coefficient of x6 (vi) Find its independent term.

(vii) Find its 3rd term from its end of the expansion.(viii) Write its expansion.

2. (a) Write the number of terms in the expansion of (a – b)2n

(b) Find the general terms in the expansion of (x2 – yx) 12 , x≠ 0

(c) Find the coefficient of x6y3 in the expansion of (x + 2y)9

3. (a) Write the number of terms in the expansion of (x - 1/x)14

(b) Find the general terms in the expansion of (x - 1/x) 14, x≠ 0

(c) Find the middle term in the above expansion.

(d) Find the terms independent of x in the above expansion.


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4. Consider the expansion of ( x/9 + 9y)2n

(i) The number of terms in the expansion is ….......

(ii) What is its (n+1)th term. (iii) If n = 5 , find its middle term.

5. (a) Find (x + y)4 - (x-y)4 .Hence evaluate (√5 + √6)4 - (√5 - √6) 4

(b) Find the general term in the expansion of ( 3x2 - 1/ 3x)10

(c) Find the term independent of x in the above expansion.

6. Consider the expansion of ( x2 - 1/ 3x)9

(i) Find the coefficient of x9

(ii) Find the term independent of x.

7. (a) Find the general term in the expansion of ( 3x2 /2 - 1/3x)6

(b) Find the term independent of x in the above expansion.

8. (a) Find the general term in the expansion of ( x2 - y)6

(b) Using binomial theorem , find an expansion for (1+x)n

(c) Obtain the expression for ( x2 + 3/x)6

9. (a) If the coefficient of x2 in the expansion of (1+x)n is 6 then find the positive

value of n.

(b) Find the 3rd term in the expansion of (b + √2)6

(c) Prove that the sum of the binomial coefficients of the odd terms is equal to the sum

of the even terms and each equal to 2n-1

10. (a) If the coefficients of (r-5) th and (2r-1)th terms in the expansion of (1 +x)34 are equal.

Find r.

(b) Find the coefficient of x10 in the binomial expansion of ( 2x2 - 3/x)11 , x≠0

(c) Prove that there is no term involving x6 in the expansion of ( 2x2 - 3/x)11 , x≠0

(d) The sum of the coefficients of the first 3 terms in the expansion of (x – 3/x2) m., x≠0

m being a natural number is 559 . Find the term of the expansion containing x3


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11. (a) Find a , if the 17th term and 18th term of the expansion of(2+a)50 are equal

(b) Prove that (1+x)n = nC0 +nC1 x + nC2 x2+............... + nCn xn

(c) If the 21st and 22nd terms in the expansion of ( 1+ x)44 are equal, then find the

value of x.

12. (a) If the coefficients of 2nd , 3rd ,and 4th term in the expansion of (1 +x)n are in A.P,

then show that n2 – 9n +14 = 0

(b) Using binomial theorem , prove that 6n -5n always leaves a remainder 1 when

divided by 25, whenever n is a positive integer.

(c) Which is larger (1.01)1000000 or 10000.

13. (a) Write the expansion of (1-2x)5

(b) Show that 9n+1-8n -9 is divisible by 64, whenever n is a positive integer.

14. Consider the expansion of (x3 + 1 )8

(i) Write the general term in the expansion.

(ii) Find the coefficient of the term containing x8

(iii) Find the term independent of x in the above expansion.

15. (a) Find the coefficient of a4 in the product (1 +2a)4(2-a)5 using binomial theorem.

(b) Show that the coefficient of the middle term of (1+x)2n is equal to the sum of the

two middle term of (1+x)2n-1

(c) If the coefficients of (r-5)th and (2r-1)th terms in the expansion (1 + x)34 are

equal ,find r

16. (a) Find n , if the coefficients of the 4th and 13th terms in the expansion of

(a + b)n are equal.

(b) Find x ,if 8th and 9th term of the expansion (13 + x)20 are equal.

(c) Using binomial theorem , evaluate (101)5


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1. Let 'a' be the first term and 'd' be the common difference of an A.P,then

(i) nth term = a +(n-1)d

(ii) number of terms (n) = Last term – first term +1

Common difference
(iii) Sum of the first n terms = n/2[ 2a +(n-1)d] = n/2[ first term + last term]

2. The arithmetic mean between (A) the numbers a and b is A = a+b

3. Three terms of an A.P = a , a+d , a+2d or a-d , a , a+d

4. Insert 'n' arithmetic means between the numbers a and b , then d = b -a

5. Let 'a' be the first term and 'r' be the common ratio of a G.P, then

(i) nth term = arn-1

(ii) Sum of the first n terms

Sn = a(r – 1) if r >1

Sn = a(1 - r ) if r <1

Sn = na if r = 1
Sn = if│r │<1
6. The geometric mean between (G) the numbers a and b is G = √ab

7. Three terms of a G.P = a , ar , ar2 0r a/r , a , ar

8. Insert 'n' geometric mean between the numbers a and b,then rn+1 = b/a

9. Arithmetic mean is greater than or equal to geometric mean , A ≥ G

10. Sum of the first n natural numbers is ∑ n = n(n+1)

11. Sum of the squares of first n natural numbers is ∑ n2 = n(n+1)(2n+1)
12. 3
Sum of the cubes of first n natural numbers is ∑ n = n 2
(n+1) 2

*********************** 4

n(n - 2)
1. (a) Find the 5th term of the sequence whose nth term is an =
(b) Write the sum of the first 'n' natural numbers .

(c) The 5th,8th,and 11th terms of a G.P.are p,q and s respectvely.Prove that q2 = ps


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2. (a) Find the 5th term of the sequence whose nth term an =
(b) Find 7 + 77 + 777 + …............. to n terms

(c) Find the sum to n terms of the series 1 x 2 + 2 x 3 + 3 x 4 + …......

3. (a) If the pth,qth and rth terms of a GP are a , b and c respectively.

Prove that aq-r br-p cp-q = 1

(b) If AM and GM of two numbers are 10 and 8 respectively. Find the numbers.

4. (a) Find the 10th term of an A.P.Whose nth term is 2n-3

(b) Find the sum of the first 10 terms of the above A.P.

(c) Find the sum of first 10 terms of a G.P.Whose 3rd term is 12 and 8th term is 384.

5. (a) Which of the following is the nth term of an A.P.

(i) 3-2n (ii) n2-3 (iii) 3n - 2 (iv) 2-3n2

(b) Find the 10th term of the sequence -6,-11/2,-5,........

(c) The sum of the first three terms of a G.P. is 39/10 and their product is 1.

Find the common ratio and the terms.

6. (a) In an A.P, the first term is 2 and the sum of the first 5 terms is one fourth the

sum of the next 5 terms .

(i) Find the common difference.

(ii) Find the 20th term.

(b) If AM and GM of two numbers are 34 and 16 respectively. Find the numbers.

7. (a) The 3rd term of the sequence whose nth term is (3/2)n+1 is ................

(b) Insert 3 numbers between 1 and 256 so that the result sequence is a G.P.

(c) If mth term of an A.P. is n and nthterm is m ,where m≠n, find pth term.

8. (a) The 6th term of the sequence whose nth term is an = 2n-3 is …..............
(b) Find the sum to infinity of the sequence 1,1/3,1/9,.................

(c) If a , b , c are in G.P. and a1/x = b1/y = c1/z , prove that x , y , z are in A.P.


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9. (a) If mth term of an A.P. is n and nth term is m ,where m≠n, find (m+n)th term.

(b) The 3rd,8th,and 13th terms of a G.P.are x,y and z respectvely.

Prove that x,y,z are in G.P.

(c) Prove that x,y,z in the above satisfies the equation y 10 = 1

n(n2 + 5)
10. (a) If the nth term of a sequence is then find its first two terms.
(b) How many terms of A.P. -6,-11/2,-5,........are needed to give the sum -25 ?

(c) Find the 10th term of a G.P. whose 3rd term is 24 and 6th term is 192.

11. (a) Find the value of x in which the numbers -2/7,x,-7/2 are in G.P.

(b) Find the sum of all natural numbers between 100 and 1000 which are multiple of 5.

(c) Prove that 12 + 22 + 32 + …........... +n2 = n(n+1)(2n+1)

12. (a) Find the sum of the sequence to n terms 9,99,999,.......

(b) If a1 = 1 , an = an-1 + 2 , for n ≥ 2 then write,4 terms of the sequence.

(c) The sum of 3 terms of a 39/10 and their product is 1. Find the first term,

common ratio, and the terms.

13. (a) State whether the following is true or false .

“ If each term of an A.P is multiplied by a constant then the resulting sequence

is also an A.P.

(b) Show that the sum of (m +n)th and (m-n)th terms of an equal to the twice

of the mth term.

14. (a) The nth term of a sequence an = 1 – 2n

(i) a1 – a2 = …........

(ii) Find an+1 – an

(iii) Does the above sequence form an A.P. ? Justify your answer.

(b) The nth term of a sequence is given by n2 + 3 . Will it be an A.P. ? Give reason.

(c) If an + bn is the A.M between a and b then find the value of n.

an-1 + bn-1


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15. (a) The Fibonacci sequence is defined by
1= a1 = a2 and an = an-1 + an-2 , n >2 , find , for n = 1,2,3,4,5
(b) Find the 18th and 25th terms of the sequence defined by
n(n+2) ,if n is an even natural number
tn =
n2+1 if n is an odd natural number

16. (a) If the sum of p terms of an AP is equal to the sum of its q terms , then prove that

the sum of its (p+q) terms is 0.

(b) The first 3 terms of a sequence are 1/3 , ½ and ¾

(i) Identify the sequence .

(ii) Find the 6th term of the sequence .

17. (a) Consider the G.P,3,6,12,.............

(i) Which term of this G.P, is 96 ?

(ii) Find the value of n so that sum to n terms of this G.P is 381.

(b) Find the sum to n terms of the series 3 x 8 + 6 x 11 + 9 x 14 + …........

(c) Find the sum to n terms of the series whose nth term is n(n+3)

18. (a) Find the sum of multiples of 8 between 300 and 500.

(b) If the sum of a certain number of terms of the A.P. 25,22,19, 116.

Find the last term.

(c) Which term of the G.P, 2,8,32,........upto n term is 131072 ?

19. (a) Consider the G.P, 3, 3/2, ¾ ,........

(i) Find the common ratio of the G.P.

(ii) How many terms of the above G.P,are needed to give the sum 3069
(b) Find the sum of the series 0.6 + 0.66 + 0.66 + ….......+ up to n terms


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1. Distance between the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is (x1 – x2)2 + (y1-y2)2

2. The co-ordinates of a point dividing the line segment joining (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)

in the ratio m : n
mx2 +nx1 my2 +ny1
(i) Internally are ,
m+n m+n

mx2 -nx1 my2 -ny1

(ii) Externally are ,
m-n m-n

3. Midpoint of the line joining (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is x1+x2 , y1+y2

2 2
4. Area of a triangle ABC whose vertices are A(x1,y1) ,B(x2 ,y2) , C(x3,y3) is

½ [ x1(y2-y3) + x2(y3-y1) + x3(y1-y2) ]

x1 y1 1

5. ½ x2 y2 1

x3 y3 1

x1+x2+ x3 y1+y2 + y3
6. Centroid of ∆ABC is ,
3 3

ax1+bx2+ cx3 ay1+by2 + cy3

7. Incentre of ∆ABC is ,
a+ b+c a+b+c

8. If a line makes an angle q with the positive direction of x axis,then slope of the line

is m = tanq

9. (i) Slope of x axis is 0

(ii) Slope of a line parallel to x axis is 0

(iii) Slope of y axis is not defined (1/0)

(iv) Slope of a line parallel to y axis is not defined ( 1/0 )

y2 - y1
10. Slope of a line joining (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is m =
x2 -x1


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11. Consider two non vertical lines with slopes m1 and m2 ,then

(i) the lines are parallel if m1 = m2

(ii) the lines are perpendicular if m1m2 = -1

m2 - m 1
(iii) tanq = , where q is the acute angle between the lines
1 +m1m2
12. Three points A,B and C are collinear iff slope of AB = slope of BC = slope of AC

13. (i) Equation of x axis is , y = 0

(ii) Equation of a line parallel to x axis is y = k , where k is constant.

(iii) Equation of y axis is x = 0

(iv) Equation of a line parallel to y axis is x = k , where k is constant.

(v) Equation of a line through origin and having slope m is y = mx

(vi) Equation of a line through (x1 , y1) and having slope m is y -y1 = m(x – x1)
y2 - y1
(vii) Equation of a line through (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is y -y1 = (x – x1)
x2 -x1
(viii) If a line with slope m makes y intercept c , then equation of line is y = mx +c

(ix) If a line with slope m makes x intercept d , then equation of line is y = m(x – d)

(x) Equation of a line making intercept a and b on the x and y axis is x + y =1

a b
(xi) The equation of a line having normal distance from origin p and the angle between

normal and positive x axis ω is given by x cosω + y sinω = p

14. General equation of a line is ax + by + c = 0

(i) Slope = -a/b

(ii) x- intercept = -c/a

(iii) y itercept = -c/b

-a -c
(iv) Reduce this equation in to slope intercept form → y = x+
b b
(v) Reduce this equation into intercept form → x + y =1
-c/a -c/b
(vi) Reduce this equation into normal form → x cosω + y sinω = p where
cosω = , sinω = ±b , p= ±c
√a2 + b2 √a2 + b2 √a2 + b2


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15. The perpendicular distance from the point (x1,y1) to the line ax + by + c = 0 is

ax1 + by1 +c
√ a2 + b2

16. Distance between the parallel lines ax + by + c1 = 0 and ax + by +c2 = 0 is

| c1 – c2 |
√a2 + b2

17. Consider two lines a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0

a1 b1 c
(i) Coincident if = = 1
a2 b2 c2

a1 b1
(ii) Parallel if =
a2 b2

(iii) Perpendicular if a1a2 + b1 b2 = 0

18. The equation of any line passing through the intersection of lines a1x + b1y + c1 = 0

a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 is a1x + b1y +c1 +k(a2x + b2y + c2) = 0

19. When the origin is shifted to the co-ordinate (h,k),the co-ordinate (x,y) is changed to

( x-h , y-k ) in the new system


1. (a) Find the equation of the line passing through the points (3,-2) and (-1,4).

(b) Reduce the equation √3 x + y -8 = 0 into normal form.

(c) If the angle between two lines is π/4 and slope of one line is 1 , find the slope of
other line.

2. (a) Find the slope of the line passing through the points (3,-2) and (-1,4).

(b) Find the distance of the point (3,-5) from the line 3x-4y-26 = 0

(c) Consider the equation of the line 3x-4y-10 = 0 . Find its :

(i) Slope (ii) x and y intercepts.


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3. (a) Find the slope of the line joining the points (2,2) and (5,3).

(b) Find the equation of the line joining the points (2,2) and (5,3).

4. (a) If two lines are perpendicular , then the product of their slopes is..........

(b) Find the equation of a line perpendicular to the line x-2y +3 =0 and passing through

the point (1,-2).

5. Consider the straight line 3x + 4y +8 = 0

(i) What is the slope of a line which is perpendicular to the given line.

(ii) If the perpendicular line passing through (2,3).Form its equation.

(iii) Find the foot of the perpendicular drawn from (2,3) to the given line.

6. The vertices of a ∆ABC are A(-2,3) , B(2,3) and C(4,5).

(i) Find the slope of BC

(ii) Find the equation of the altitude of ∆ABC passing through A.

7. (a) Find the point of intersection of the lines 2x +y -3 = 0 and 3x – y - 2 = 0

(b) Find the equation of the line passing through the above point of intersection

parallel to the line x + y + 1 = 0.

8. (a) Find the slope of the line joining the points (-2,6) and (4,8).

(b) Find the value of x if the above line is perpendicular to the line joining

(8,12) and (x,24).

9. (a) Reduce the equation 3x + 4y -12 = 0 into intercept form.

(b) Find the distance of the above line from its origin.

(c) Find the distance of the above line from the line 6x + 8y – 18 = 0

10. (a) Find the slope of the line x + y =1

a b
(b) If the lines joining the points (0,0),(1,1) and (2,2) , (4,y) are perpendicular, find y.

(c) Find the distance between the lines 8x + 15y -5 =0 and 8x +15y +12 =0


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11. Consider the points A(2,2) and B(5,3)

(i) Find the slope of the line through the points A and B.

(ii) Find the equation of the line passing through the points A and B.

(iii) Find the image of the point (1,2) in the line through A and B.

(iv) Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB.

12. (a) Find the angle between the x-axis and the line joining (2,-1) and (4,-3).

(b) Convert the equation of the line 2x-3y +6 = 0 into intercept form.

13. (a) Write the equation of y axis .

(b) Find the distance between the pair of lines 4x-3y-9 =0 and 8x - 6y -21 =0.

(c) Find the distance of the point (3,-3) from the line 3x-4y-26 = 0.

14. (a) Find the x and y intercepts of the line 6x + 3y -5 = 0

(b) Find the area of the quadrilateral whose vertices are (2,1) , (6,0),(5,-2) and (-3,-1).
x + y =1
(c) The points (a,0),(0,b) and (x,y) are collinear . Using slope prove that
a b
15. (a) Find the equation of the line passing through the point(-1,2) and having slope 4.

(b) The line through (4,3) and (-6,0) intersects the line 5x + y = 0 . Find the

angle of intersection.

(c) Find the equation of line that has y intercept -3 and perpendicular to the line

3x + 5y = 4.

16. (a) Find the slope of the line through the points (1,2) and (4,2).

(b) What is the centroid of the triangle whose vertices are (x1,y1) ,(x2 ,y2) , (x3,y3) ?

(c) Find the relation between x and y such that (x,y) is equidistant from (6,-1) and (2,3).

17. Consider two points A(-2,3) and B(1,6)

(i) Find the equation of the line passing through A and B.

(ii) Find the equation of the line passing through (2,1) and perpendicular to AB.

(iii) Find the foot of the perpendicular.


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18. (a) Find the co-ordinate of the point which divides (1,-3) and (-3,9) internally in the

ratio 1:3

(b) For what value of x the points (x,-1),(2,1),(4,5) are collinear.

(c) In the figure, find the equation of AB .

B x

19. Consider the points A(6,2),B(3,1) and C(-2,4).

(i) Find AB , BC and AC. (ii) Show that ∆ABC is right angled.

20. (a) Point of concurrence of medians of a triangle is called …............

(b) Show that the points (-1,-1),(2,3) and (8,11) are collinear.

21. (a) consider the straight line passing through A(-2,6) and B(4,8).

Find the slope of the line AB.

(b) Find the slopes of the lines 3x + 4y +13 = 0 and 12x-5y +32 = 0.

(c) Find the equation of the line through the intersection of the these lines and passing

through origin.

22. (a) What is the equation of the line perpendicular to the y axis and intersecting it at a

point 3 units below the origin.

(b) Find the distance between the parallel lines 4x-3y-9 = 0 and 4x-3y-24 = 0

23. If p be the measure of the perpendicular segment from the origin to the line whose

intecepts on the axes are a and b.

(i) Write the equation of the line.

(ii) Show that 1 = 1 + 1

p2 a2 b2
(iii) Find the angle between the lines y - √3 x -5 = 0 and √3 y – x +6 = 0.


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24. (a) Find the equation of the line which cut off intercepts on the axes , whose sum and

product are 1 and -6 respectively.

(b) What are the points on the axis of y whose perpendicular distance from the line

4x-3y-12 = 0 is 3.

25. Two vertices of a triangle are the points (2,3) and (3,4) . Given that the third vertex is o

is on positive side of x-axis and the area of a triangle is 5 square units. Find 3rd vertex.

26. (a) A straight line passes through (1,1) is make an equal intercepts in the coordinate

axes . Write its equation.

(b) If this line has a perpendicular passing through (3,5) , find the equation of the


(c) What will be the point of intersection of the line and the perpendicular.

27. (a) A(1,2) , B(3,3) and C(4,3) are vertices of ∆ABC. Write the equation of AB and AC.

(b) Determine the centroid of the ∆ABC .

(c) Determine the angle A of ∆ABC .

28. (a) Find the slope of the straight line through (-3,2) and (3,3).

(b) Find whether the line through (-3,2) and (3,3) is perpendicular or parallel or

neither perpendicular nor parallel to the line through (-2,-1) and (4,0).

29. The points A(2,-1),B(0,2),C(3,3) and D(5,0) are the vertices of a quadrilateral.

(i) Write the coordinates of the midpoints of AC and BD.

(ii) Write the equations of AC and BD.

(iii) Find the tangent of the angle between them.

30. The equation of two lines are 3x + 4y + 13 = 0 and 12x- 5y +32 =0.

(i) Find the slope of the lines.

(ii) Find the equation of the line through the intersection of these lines and

passing through origin.


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31. The two coordinates of a ∆ABC are A(-2,4) ,B(7,-3) and G(3,2) is the centroid of ∆ABC.

(i) Write the coordinate of C.

(ii) Find the area of ∆ABC.

32. (a) What is the point of intersection of the lines x +5y = 8 and 3x- 5y = 4.

(b) Find the equation of the line through the point of intersection and passing through


(c) Calculate the intercepts of the line thus obtained.

33. (a) A(-7,-3) , B(3,-5) , C(5,10) are three vertices of the parallelogram of which AB and

AC are the sides .

(i) Find the fourth vertex.

(ii) Calculate the length of the diagonals.

(b) Show that the equations of the lines passing through the intersection of the lines

x-3y+1 = 0 ,2x+5y-9 = 0 and at a distance 2 units from the origin are x=2,3x+4y=10.

34. (a) Find the slope of a line whose angle of inclination with respect to x axis is 1500

(b) Consider the line joining the points P(-4,1) and Q(0,5)

(i) Write the coordinates of the midpoint of PQ.

(ii) Find the equation of the line passing through the midpoint of PQ and

parallel to the line 3x-4y+2 = 0.

35. (a) Consider the straight line passing through A(-2,6) and B(4,8).

(i) Find the slope of the line passing through A and B.

(ii) Prove that the straight line AB is perpendicular to y +3x = 2.

(b) Find the equation of a line parallel to 7x – y - 9 = 0 and passing through the

point (1,5).

(c) Find the transformed equation of x2 + y2 =1 when the origin is shifted to (1,-1)


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1. Equation of a circle with centre (0,0) and radius r is x2 + y2 = r2.

2. Equation of a circle with centre (h,k) and radius r is (x-h)2 + (y-k)2 = r2.

3. General form of the equation of a circle is x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy +c =0

(i) Centre (-g,-f). (ii) Radius = √ g2 + f2 – c

4. Parabola

Equation of parabola y2 =4ax y2 =-4ax x2 =4ay x2 =-4ay

Axis of symmetry x axis x axis y axis y axis

Vertex (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0)

Focus (a,0) (-a,0) (0,a) (0,-a)

Equation of directrix x+a =0 x-a =0 y+a =0 y-a =0

Equation of latus rectum x=a x=-a y=a y=-a

Length of latus rectum 4a 4a 4a 4a

st th nd rd st nd
The quadrants in which graph lies 1 and 4 2 and 3 1 and 2 3 and 4th

5. Ellipse.

Equation x2 + y2 = 1 x2 + y2 =1
a2 b2 b2 a2
a2 > b2 a2 > b2
Centre (0,0) (0,0)
Foci (±c,0) where c =ae (0,±c) where c =ae
Length of latus rectum 2b2 2b2
a a
Equation of latus rectum x = ±ae y = ±ae
Vertices (±a,0) (0,±a)
Equation of major axis x=0 (yaxis) y=0(x axis)
Equation of minor axis y=0(x axis) x=0 (yaxis)
Length of major axis 2a 2a
Length of minor axis 2b 2b
Equation of directrices x = ±a/e y = ±a/e
Relation between a , b and e b2 = a2(1-e2) b2 = a2(1-e2)
Relation between a , b and c c2 = a2- b2 c2 = a2- b2
Eccentrcity e = c/a , e <1 e = c/a , e <1


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6. Hyperbola

x2 - y2 = 1 y2 - x2 =1
a2 b2 a2 b2
Centre (0,0) (0,0)
Foci (±c,0) where c =ae (0,±c) where c =ae
Length of latus rectum 2b2 2b2
a a
Equation of latus rectum x = ±ae y = ±ae
Vertices (±a,0) (0,±a)
Equation of transverse axis x=0 (yaxis) y=0(x axis)
Equation of conjucate axis y=0(x axis) x=0 (yaxis)
Length of transverse axis 2a 2a
Length of conjucate axis 2b 2b
Equation of directrices x = ±a/e y = ±a/e
Relation between a , b and e b2 = a2(e2-1) b2 = a2(e2-1)
Relation between a , b and c c2 = a2 + b2 c2 = a2 + b2
Eccentricity e = c/a , e >1 e = c/a , e >1
1. (a) Directrix of the parabola x2 = -4ay is …...........

(b) Find the equation of the ellipse whose length of the major axis is 20 and

foci are (0, ±5).

2. Consider the ellipse x2 + y2 = 1.

25 9
Find the coordinates of the foci ,the length of the major axis ,the length of the

minor axis , latus rectum and eccentricity.

3. (a) Find the centre and radius of the circle x2 + y2 – 4x - 8y -45 =0 .

(b) Find the foci,the eccentricity and the length of the latus rectum of the ellipse

4x2 + 9y2 = 36.

(c) Find the equation of a parabola with vertex at (0,0) and focus at (0,2).

4. A hyperbola whose ransverse axis is x-axis , centre (0,0) and the foci (±√10,0) passes

through the point (3,2).

(i) Find the equation of the hyperbola. (ii) Find its eccentricity


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5. (a) Find the equation of the circle with centre (2,2) and passing through the point (4,5).

(b) Find the eccentricity and length of latus rectum of the ellipse 9x2 + 4y2 = 36.

6. An ellipse whose major axis as x- axis and the centre (0,0) passes through

(4,3) and (-1,4).

(i) Find the equation of the ellipse. (ii) Find its eccentricity.

7. Consider the conic 9y2 - 4x2 = 36. Find :

(i) The foci. (ii) Eccentricity. (iii) Length of latus rectum.

8. Consider the circle x2 + y2 + 8x + 10y - 8 =0.

(i) Find its centre C and radius r.

(ii) Find the equation of the circle with centre at C and passing through the

point (1,2).

9. (a) Find the centre and radius of the circle 2x2 + 2y2 – x = 0.

(b) Find the equation of a parabola with focus (6,0) and directrix is x = -6.

(c) Find the coordinates of the foci ,the length of the major axis ,the length of the

minor axis , latus rectum and eccentricity of the ellipse x2 + y2 = 1

25 100
2 2
10. (a) Find the equation of the circle concentric with the circle x + y - 4x - 6y – 9 = 0

and passing through (-4,-5).

11. (a) Focus of the parobola x2 =4ay is …..................

(b) y2 = -12x , represents a parabola whose directrix is …................

12. (a) Find the equation of the ellipse with centre at the origin , length of major axis is 12

and focus at (4,0).

(b) 9x2 - 16y2 = 144 is a hyperbola with eccentricity …..........

(c) The circle whose equation is x2 + (y-1)2 =2 has the centre …...........

13. (a) Find the centre and radius of the circle x2 + y2 – 2x + 2y -23 =0 .

(b) Find the equation of the circle concentric with x2 + y2–2x+2y -23 =0 and radius √12.


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14. (a) If A(-2,3) ,B(3,-5). Find the equation of the circle with AB as diametre.

(b) Consider the equation x2 + y2 = 1

100 25
(i) The above curve is …...... (ii) Find the eccentricity e of the above conic .

15. (a) An ellipse has its centre at origin , whose major axis is 5 and minor axis is 4.

(i) Write the equation . (ii) What is its eccentricity ?

(b) For the parabola y2 = 8x . Write its focus and equation of its directrix.

(c) Find the equation of the hyperbola whose vertices are (±5,0) and foci (±8,0).

16. (a) Find the equation of the circle passing through (1,-1) and centre at the intersection

of the line x – y = 4 and 2x +3y = -7.

(b) Represent the ellipse x2 + 16y2 = 16 in standard form . What is its eccentricity ?

17. (a) The equation of a hyperbola is y2 – 16x2 = 16 . Write the equation in standard

form,hence find the centre,foci,vertices,eccentricity and length of latus rectum.


(b) Consider the circle given below . =3

(i) Find the centre of the circle.

(ii) Find the equation of the circle.

18. The two end points of a diameter of a circle are (-2,3) and (3,-5).

(i) Determine the centre and radius of the circle.

(ii) Determine the radius of the circle.

(iii) Determine whether the origin lies inside the circle or not.

19. Consider the ellipse 16x2 + 9y2 = 144 .

(i) On which coordinate axis does the foci of this ellipse lie .

(ii) Determine the eccentricity of the ellipse.

20. (a) Consider the equation x2 =-4ay . Its graph is ….......

(b) Find the coordinates of the focus and length of the latus rectum of the

parabola y2 =-6x.


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1. Octant



SIGN (+,+,+) (-,+,+) (-,-,+) (+,-,+) (+,+,-) (-,+,-) (-,-,-) (+,-.-)

Example (2,3,4) (-5,3,2) (-3,-2,4) (4,-2,5) (3,2,-4) (-3,4,-2) (-2,-3,-5) (3,-2,-4)

2. (a) Any point on x-axis is of the form (x,0,0).

(b) Any point on y-axis is of the form (0,y,0).

(c) Any point on z-axis is of the form (0,0,z).

(d) Any point on XY-plane is of the form (x,y,0).

(e) Any point on XZ-plane is of the form (x,,0,z).

(f) Any point on YZ-plane is of the form (0,y,z).

3. Distance between P(x1,y1,z1) and Q(x2,y2,z2) is √ (x2-x1)2+ (y2-y1)2 + (z2-z1)2

4. The coordinates of the point R which divides the line segment joining

P(x1,y1,z1) and Q(x2,y2,z2)

mx2+nx1 my2+ny1 mz2+nz1
(i) Internally in the ratio m:n is , ,
m+n m+n m+n

my2-ny1 mz2-nz1
(ii) Externally in the ratio m:n is mx2- nx1 , ,
m-n m-n m-n

5. Coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment joining P(x1,y1,z1) and Q(x2,y2,z2) is

x1+x2 y1+y2 z1+z2

2 , 2 , 2

6. Coordinates of the centroid of the triangle , whose vertices are (x1,y1,z1) ,

x1+x2 +x3 y1+y2 +y3 z1+z2 +z3
(x2,y2,z2) and (x3,y3,z3) are , ,
3 3 3


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1. (a) A point in the XZ plane is [ (1,1,1) , (2,0,3) , (2,3,0) , (-1,2,3) ]

(b) Show that the points A(1,2,3), B(-1,-2,-1),C(2,3,2) and D(4,7,6) are the

vertices of a parallelogram .

2. (a) Find the distance between the points (2,3,5) and (4,3,1).

(b) Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining the

points A(4,8,10) and B(6,10,-8) is divided by the XY plane.

3. (a) Find the distance between the points (2,-1,3) and (-2,1,3).

(b) Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining the

points (-2,3,5) and (1,-4,6) internally in the ratio of 2 : 3

4. Given three points A(-4,6,10),B(2,4,6) and C(14,0,2).

(i) Find AB , BC and AC. (ii) Prove that A,B and C are collinear.

5. (a) If (5/3, 22/3,-22/3) is the centroid of a ΔPQR with vertices P(a,7,-10) , Q(1,2b,-6)

R(4,9,3c) find the values of a , b and c.

(b) Prove that ΔPQR is isosceles.

6. Consider the points A(-2,3,5)),B(1,2,3) and C(7,0,-1).

(i) Using the distance formula,show that the points A , B and C are collinear.

(ii) Find the ratio in which B divides the line segment AC.

7. Consider the triangle with vertices A(0,7,-10) , B(1,6,-6) , C(4,9,-6).

(i) Prove that the triangle is right angled.

(ii) Find the centroid of the triangle.

8. (a) Find the coordinates of the point which trisect the line segment joining the

points P(4,0,1) and Q(2,4,0) .

(b) Find the locus of the set of points 'P' such that the distance from A(2,3,4) is equal

to twice the distance from B(-2,1,2).

(c) Distance of the point (3,4,5) from x axis is ….......


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9. (a) Consider the points A(-2,4,7) and B(3,-5,8).

(i) If p divides AB in the ratio k:1 , then find the coordinates of P.

(ii) Find the coordinates of the point where the line segment AB crosses the YZ


10. Consider the points A(2,1,3) and B(1,2,1).

(i) Find the ratio in which the join of AB is divided by YZ plane.

(ii) Also find the point of division.

11. (a) Coordinates planes divide the space into …........... octant.

(b) Name the octant in which the following points lie:

(1,2,3) , (4,-2,3) ,(4,-2,-5) ,(-4,2,-5)

12. (a) Determine the point on x-axis which is equidistant from (-2,3,5) and (1,2,3).

(b) Show that the points A(1,2,3),B(-1,-2,-1),C(2,3,2) and D(4,7,6) are the vertices

of a parallelogram.Also show that ABCD is not a rectangle.

13. (a) Find the centroid of the triangle whose vertices are (1,-2,3),(3,1,-6) and (5,10,3).

(b) Three vertices of a parallelogram ABCD are A(3,-1,2) , B(1,2,-4) and C(-1,1,2).

Find the coordinates of the fourth vertex.

14. (a) The midpoints of the sides of a triangle are (1,5,-1) , (0,4,-2) and (2,3,4).

(i) Find its vertices. (ii) Find centroid of ΔABC

15. Consider the point A(2,-1,2).

(i) A lies in ….........octant. (ii) Find the distance between origin and A.

(iii) B(3,4,5) is a point in first octant , find the ratio in which YZ plane divides AB

(iv) Also find the point of division.

16. Consider the points A(3,1,-2) and B(1,7,-4).

(i) In which octants does these points lie.

(ii) Find the reflection(image) of the point A in the XY plane.


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xn – an = nan-1. ex – 1
1. lim 2. lim =1
x®a x-a x®o x
3. lim sin x = 0. 4. lim cos x = 1
x®o x®o

sinx log(1+x)
5. lim = 1. [ x in radians ] 6. lim x =1
x®o x x®o

tanx 1
7. lim =1. [ x in radians ] 8. lim = 
x®o x x®o x
 Right hand limit of f(x) at x = a is f(a+) = lim f(x) = lim f(a+h).
x®a+ h®o
10. Left hand limit of f(x) at x = a is.

f(a-) = lim f(x) = lim f(a-h).

x®a- h®o
11. The limit of a function f(x) exist iff f(a+) = f(a-).
f(a+h) – f(a)
12. Derivative of a function f at x = a is defined by f1(a) = lim
h®o h
13. First principle:

Derivatives of a function at any point x is defined by f1(x) = lim f(x+h) – f(x)

h®o h
14. d ( u ± v) = ± dv 15. d (uv) = u dv + v du ( Product rule )
dx dx dx dx dx dx

16. d u = v du - u dv ( Quotient rule )

dx v dx dx
17. Derivatives.
(i) d(xn) = nxn-1 (ii) d (x) = 1 (iii) d (k) = 0
dx dx dx

(iv) d (√x) = 1 (v) d (sin x ) = cos x (vi) d (cosx) = -sinx.

dx 2√x dx dx

(vii) d (tan x) = sec2x (vii ) d (cot x) = -cosec2x.

dx dx

(ix) d (sec x ) = secx tanx (x) d (cosec x) = - cosecx cotx

dx dx


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1. (a) Find the derivative of f(x) = sinx , using first principle.
(b) Find the derivative of x – cosx using quotient rule.

x 100
x 99 x2
2. (a) If f(x) = + + ….............................+ +x +1 , prove that f1(1) = 100f1(0).
100 99 2
(b) Find the derivative of (x-1)(x-2) from first principle.
3. (a) Match the following.

lim e2x – 1 1
x®o x

lim cos 5x 0

lim sinx 2
x®o x

(b) Find the derivative of tanx, cotx using the first principle.
4. (a) Match the following.

x4 – 16
lim 0
x®0 x-2

lim sin px 32
x®0 cos 2x

lim πr2 3

(b) Let f(x) = 2x2 +3x-5 ,find f1(0) +3f1(1).

5. (a) Find the derivative of f(x) = cosx , using first principle.
(b) Find the derivative of sinx + cosx with respect to x using quotient rule.
sinx – cosx

x3 – 27
6. (a) Evaluate lim . (b) Evaluate lim √1+x - 1
x®0 x2-9 x®0 x

tanx – sinx Sinx

(c) Evaluate lim sin3x (d) Evaluate lim
x®0 x®0 x cosbx


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x2-5x +6
7. (a) Evaluate lim (b) Evaluate lim √z – 1
x®0 x-1 x®0 1 - z

(c) Evaluate lim sin(π-x) (d) Evaluate lim √ tan( p/2 – x)

x®p π(π-x) x® p/2 p/2 – x

x7 - 1
8. (a) Evaluate lim (b) Evaluate lim √x - √a
x®1 x4 - 1 x®a x +a

(c) Evaluate lim cos2x–1 (d) If xy = c2 , prove that x2 dy + c2 = 0

x®0 cosx - 1 dx

xp – 2p
9. (a) If lim = 192 , then find p.
x®2 x- 2

(b) Find the derivative of 1 from first principle.


(c) Find the derivative of (ax+b)n (ax+c)m .

x3 – 8
10. (a) Evaluate lim (b) Evaluate lim ( cosec x – cot x)
x®0 x2 - 4 x®0

(c) Find the derivative of x - 1 with respect to x.


(d) Find the derivative of 3 – 4x-5 with respect to x.

11. (a) If y = sin(x+a) ,then prove that dy = cos2a

cos x dx cos x

1- cos 4x x10 + x5 +1
(b) Evaluate lim (c) Evaluate lim
x®0 x2 x-1
x® -1

12. (a) Findthe derivative of √x with respect to x using first principle.

(b) What is the derivative of log x with respect to x.
(c) Find the derivative of sin(x+1) from first principle.
(d) Differentiate (x2+1) (3x2-4x+5) with respect to x using product rule.


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4x+3 x2 + 5x +6
13. (a) Evaluate lim (b) Evaluate lim
x®0 2x-1 x®-2 x2 +3x +2

(c) Evaluate lim (x+5) – 25

(d) Evaluate lim x5 +1
x®0 x x®-1 x3 +1

14. (a) Evaluate lim Sin 5x (b) Evaluate lim sin ax

x®0 5x x®0 bx

(c) Evaluate lim sin ax (d) Evaluate lim sin 5x

x®0 sin bx x®0 sin 3x

15. (a) If lim f(x) = k then find lim f(x)

x®0 x2 x®0

xn – 3n
(b) Find n if lim = 108.
x®3 x - 3
a + bx , x<1
16. (a) Suppose f(x) = 4 ,x=1 and if lim f(x) =f(1) , what are the possible
b – ax , x>1 x®0

values of a and b .

1+ cos 2x ex – x – 1
17. (a) Find lim (b) find lim
x®p (p - 2x)2 x®0 x

(c) Find lim ex -e2 (d) Find lim log(1+x ) 3

x®0 x-2 x®0 sin x


18. (a) Find the derivative of secx,cosec x with respect to x using first principle.

(b) Find the derivative of x2 + x +1 from first principle.

19. Find the derivatives of the following with respect to x.

x2 tanx
(a) 5x3 + 3x2 +7 (b) 2x2 + 4 (c) cos (x-5) (d)

sinx cosx
(h) x2 + 5x +6
(e) (x2+1) cosx (f) x (g)
1+sin x x +3x +2


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1. Mathematical statement : A mathematically acceptable statement is a sentence which is

either true or false but not both simultaneously.

2. Simple statement : A statement is said to be simple if it cannot be broken down in to

two or more sentences.

3. Negation of a statement : The denial of a statement is called a negation of a statement.

4. Compound statement : A statement is made up of two or more smaller statement.

5. Contrapositive statement : The contrapositive of a statement “ p Þ q is the

statement ~q Þ ~p”

6. Converse of a statement : Converse of a statement “ pÞ q is the statement q Þ p”

7. The following methods are used to check the validity of a statement.

(i) Direct method. (ii) contrapositive method.

(iii) method of contradiction. (iv) Using a counter example.

8. Truth value table

p q Conjunction Disjunction Conditional statement Biconditional statement

( pÙq) (pÚq) pÞq pÛq


1. (a) Write the negation of the statement “ √7 is rational ”

(b) Prove that “√7 is irrational” by the method of contradiction.

2. Write the negation of the following statements :

(i) “ All triangles are not equilateral triangles” .

(ii) “√5 is not a complex number”


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3. Consider the statement “If x is an integer and x is even , then x is also even”.

(i) Write the converse of this statement.

(ii) Prove the statement by the contrapositive method.

4. (a) Write the converse of the statement :

“ If a number n is even , then n2 is even”

(b) Write the negation of the statement: “ Newdelhi is a city”

5. (a) Write the negation of the statement :

“ Both the diagonals of a rectangles have the same length”

(b) Prove the statement: “ Product of two odd integers is odd”. By proving its

contrapositive method.

6. (a) Write the converse of the statement :

p: If 'a' divides 'b' then 'b' is a multiple of 'a'.

(b) Consider the compound statement.

p : 2 + 2 is equal to 4 or 6 .

(i) Write the component statement.

(ii) Is the compound statement true ? Why ?

7. (a) Write the contrapositive of the following statement :

“If a triangle is equilateral , it is isosceles”

(b) Check whether the following statement is true or false by contrapositive method.

“If x and y are odd integers then xy is odd”

8. Identify the statements given below as contrapositive or converse of each other :

If you live in Delhi,then you have winter cloths.

(a) If you do not have winter cloths , then you do not live in Delhi

(b) If you do have winter cloths , then you live in Delhi.


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9. (a) Write the contrapositive of the following statement :

“If a number is divisible by 10, then it is divisible by 5”

(b) Form the biconditional statement of the following statement:

p:ΔABC is equilateral. q:ΔABC is equiangular.

10. (a) Write the truth value of the statement “Kerala is in India and 3+4 = 8”

(b) Write the negation of the statement p: All squares are not rectangles.

11. Find out which of the following sentences are statement and which are not , justify

your answer.

(i) Listen to me, John ! (ii) The moon revolves around the sun.

(iii) Who are you ? (iv) The number 6 has three prime factors.

12. Write the negation of the following statement :

(i) The number 2 is greater than 7. (ii) Every natural number is an integer.

(iii) For every real number x , x2 > x. (iv) All birds have wings.

13. Write the component statement of the compound statement:

“All living things have two legs and two eyes”

14. Check whether the following statements are ' inclusive or' exclusive or'

(i) The school is closed if it is a Holiday or a Sunday.

(ii) The students can take Malayalam or Hindi as their second language.

15. Identify the quantifier in the following statements and write its negation.

(i) For all positive integers x, we have x+2 > 8.

(ii) There exist a capital for every state in India.

(iii) For every real number x, x<x+1.

16. Check whether the statement “ If x and y are odd integers , then xy is an odd integer”

is true or false by

(i) Direct method (ii) Contrapositive method (iii) Converse method.


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1. Range = maximum value -minimum value

2. Mean deviation for ungrouped data:

(a) M.D( x ) = Σ|x- x| where x = mean and n = number of terms.

x = Sx
Σ|x- m|
(a) M.D(m) = where m = median and n = number of terms.
The numbers are arranged in ascending or descending order.
n+1 th
(i) If n is odd, then , m = observation
(ii) If n is even then, m = mean of n th , n +1 th
2 2
3. Mean deviation for grouped data.

(i) M.D( x ) = Σf|x- x| where x = mean and N = number of terms.

x = Sfx
(ii) M.D(m) = Σf|x- m| where m = median and N = number of terms.
m = l + (N/2 – c) h , where l= Lower limit of the median class
f= Frequency of the median class c = Cumilative frequency up to the median class

h= Width of the median class. N= Total frequency.

4. Variance and Standard deviation.

Sx2 Sx 2
(i) Variance ( s 2 ) = - (ungrouped data)
n n

(ii) Variance ( s 2 )
= Sfx - Sfx 2 ( grouped data)
(iii) Standard deviation = √ variance
(iv) Coefficient of variation (C.V) = x 100
(v) The distribution having greater C.V has more variability around the central value

than the distribution having smaller value of the C.V .

(vi) Less the C.V more consistant is the data.



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1. The scores of 10 players in a game are given below:


(i) Find the mean . (ii) Find the mean deviation from the mean .

2. Consider the following data:


(i) Find the median. (ii) Find the mean deviation from the median.

3. Consider the following table :

x 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
f 3 1 1 8 17 38 9 3

(i) Find the mean. (ii) Find the mean deviation about the mean.

4. Consider the following data:

xi 3 6 9 12 13 15 21 22
fi 3 4 5 2 4 5 4 3

(i) Find the median of the data

(ii) Calculate Σfi|xi- median|

(iii) Calculate mean deviation from the median.

5. Consider the frequency distribution :

Class 0-100 100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 500-600 600-700 700-800

frequency 4 8 9 10 7 5 4 3

(i) Find the mean. (ii) Find the mean deviation about the mean.

6. Consider the frequency distribution :

x 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55

f 5 6 12 14 26 12 16 9

(i) Find the median.

(ii) Find the mean deviation from the median.


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7. Consider the numbers 4,7,8,9,10,12,13,17.

(i) Find the mean of the number.

(ii) Find the mean deviation about the mean.

(iii) Find the standard deviation.

8. Consider the data : 6,8,10,12,14,16,20,22,24

(i) Find its mean. (ii) Find its mean deviation about mean.

(iii) Find its variance and standard deviation

(iv) Find its coefficient of variation of the data.

9. For the following observation:


(i) Find the arithmetic mean and median.

(ii) Find its variance and standard deviation

10. Consider the following data :


(i) Find the mean of the data.

(ii) Calculate the variance . (ii) Find the variance.

11. (a) If `x is the mean and s is the standard deviation of a distribution , then the

coefficient of variation is ….........

(b) Find the standard deviation for the following data:

xi 3 8 13 18 23
fi 7 10 15 10 6

12. Consider the frequency distribution :

Class 8 11 17 20 25 30 35
frequency 2 3 4 1 5 7 3

(a) Find mean. (b) Calculate the variance and the standard deviation.


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13. The scores of two batsman A and B in 5 innings during a certain match are as follows.

A 10 15 80 70 25
B 8 9 7 10 6

(i) Find mean score of each batsman.

(ii) Find standard deviation of the scores of each batsman.

(iii) Which of the batsman is more consistant.

14. Consider the frequency distribution :

Class 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100

frequency 3 7 12 15 8 3 2

(a) Find mean. (b) Calculate the variance and the standard deviation.

15. (a) Find the mean deviation from median of 32,37,30,41,34,39,43,33,35.

(b) The mean and standard deviation of 10 observation is found to be 10 and 4

respectively . Later it was found that one item is mistaken as 10 instead of 12.

Find the correct mean and standard deviation.

16. (a) The value of arithmetic mean of differences of a finite number of observations

from their arithmetic mean is …...........

(b) Find the mean of the first n odd natural numbers.

(c) What is the value of 1 [ (a-1)2 + (a-2)2 +...........+(a-n)2 ]

17. The arithmetic mean and variance of two observations are given below.

Mean Variance
Distribution I 30 225
Distribution II 20 144

(i) Compute the standard deviations of the two observations.

(ii) Find the coefficient of variation of the two distributions.


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1. Sample space : The set of all possible outcome of a random experiment.Denoted as 'S'.

2. Sample point : Elements of sample space.

3. Event : Any subset of a sample space.

4. Impossible event : The empty set . Denoted as 'f'.

5. Sure event : The whole sample space .Denoted as 'S'

6. Complementary event of A : The set A1 or S-A.

7. Mutually exclusive event : A and B are mutually exclusive events if A Ç B = f

8. Mutually exhaustive events: A,B,C are mutually exhaustive events if AÈBÈC = S

9. Probability of an event : For a finite sample space with equally likely outcomes

probability of an event A = P(A) = n(A) = number of elements in the set A

n(S) number of elements in the set S
10. Equally likely outcomes : All outcomes with equal probability.

11. (i) P(A È B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A Ç B)

(ii) P(A È B) = P(A) + P(B) if A and B are mutually exclusive.

(iii) P(A - B) = P(A) - P(A Ç B) or P(A Ç B1) = P(A) - P(A Ç B)

(iv) P(B - A) = P(B) - P(A Ç B) or P(B Ç A1) = P(B) - P(A Ç B)

(v) P(A1) = 1 – P(A) (vi) 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1

Set Notation Neither A nor B A 1 Ç B1

Not A A1 None of A, B A 1 Ç B1

A or B AÈ B Exactly one of A,B (A - B) È (B - A)

Either A or B AÈ B None of A,B,C A 1Ç B1 Ç C1
Atleast one of A,B AÈ B
A and B AÇ B
A but not B A – B or A Ç B1
B but not A B- A or A1 Ç B


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1. A coin is tossed. Find the probability of

(i) Only one head. (ii) Only one tail.

(iii) No head (iii) No tail.

2. Two unbiased coins are tossed . What is the probability of

(i) Exactly one head (ii) Atleast one head

(iii) Atmost one head (iv) No tail

3. Three coins are tossed once . Find the probability of getting:

(i) Atleast one head. (ii) Atmost one head. (iii) No head.

(iv) Exactly one head (v) Atleast 2 head. (vi) Atmost 2 heads.

4. A die is thrown. Find the probability of

(i) A prime number will appear. (ii) A number less than 6 will appear.

(iii) A number greater than or equal to 3 will appear (iv) An even number will appear.

5. Two dice are thrown simultaneously.Find the probability that

(i) Getting a doublet. (ii) The sum is greater than 8. (iii) The sum is 7.

(iv) 2 occurs on either die. (v) The sum is atleast 7 and a multiple of 3.

6. One card is drawn from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards . If each outcome is equally

likely,calculate the probability that

(i) The card will be a diamond. (ii) The red card. (iii) An ace card.

(iv) The face card. (v) Red ace card. (vi)Neither Red nor Ace.

7. (a) If A and B are two events in a random experiment,then,P(A) +P(B) - P(A Ç B) = ….

(b) Given P(A) = 0.5, P(B) = 0.6 and P(A Ç B) = 0.3 . Find P(A È B) and P(A1).

8. If M and N are two events such that P(M) = 1 , P(N) = 1 , P(MÇN) = 1 . Find
2 4 16
(i) P(M or N) (ii) P(M1È N 1)

(iii) P( not M and not N) (iv) P( Not M and N)


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9. (a) A coin is tossed repeatedly until a head comes up. Write the sample space.

(b) If A and B are two events in a random experiment then P(AÈB ) = …......
1 1
(c) Let P(A) = 1 , P(B) = , P(AÇB) = . Find P( not A and not B)
3 5 15
(d) A bag contains 9 discs of which 4 are red, 3 are blue and 2 are yellow. A disc is

drawn at random from the bag . Calculate the probability that it will be

(i) Red. (ii) Not yellow.

10. In a class of 60 students , 30 opted for NCC, 32 opted for NSS and 24 opted for both

NCC and NSS. If one of these students is selected at random, find:

(i) The probability that the student opted for NCC or NSS.

(ii) The probability that the student opted for exactly one of NCC or NSS.

11. (a) If 1 is the probability of an event A,then what is the probability of the event
'not A'.

(b) If P(A) = 3 and P(B) = 1 , find P(A È B ) if A and B are mutually exclusive
events. 5 5

(c) A coin is tossed repeatedly until a tail comes up. Write the sample space.
12. If A and B are two events of a random experiment such that P(A) = , P(B) = 1 and
4 2
P(A and B) = 1 . Find
(i) P( A or B ) (ii) P(Not A and Not B )

(iii) P(A but not B) (iv) P(Exactly one of A,B)

(v) Verify that P(A È B ) = 1 – P(A1) P(B 1)

13. A bag contains 9 balls of which 4 are red , 3 are white , and 2 are green. If a ball is

drawn at random then :

(i) Calculate the probability that it is not white. (ii) It is either white or green.

14. A committee of two persons is selected from two men and 3 women.What is the

probability that the committee will have

(i) No man. (ii) One man only. (iii) Two men.


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15. (a) The number of outcomes in the sample space of the random experiment of throwing

two dice is …..........

(b) Two students Anil Ashima appeared in an examination. The probability that Anil

will qualify the examination is 0.05 and that Ashima will qualify the examination

is 0.10 . The probabilty that both will qualify the examination is 0.02.Find the

the probability that

(i) Both will not qualify the examination.

(ii) Only one of them will pass.

16. A bag contains 5 white,6 black and 6 yellow balls. 3 balls are drawn at random.Find

the probability of drawn balls

(i) All are black (ii) Exactly 2 yellow balls are present.

(iii) Atleast 2 yellow balls are present. (iv) No black.

17. Find the probability that when hand of 7 cards is drawn from a well shuffled deck of

52 cards,it contains

(i) All kings. (ii) 3 kings. (iii) Atleast 3 kings.

18. The probability that Ramu will pass the examination in both mathematics and physics

is 0.5,the probability of passing neither Mathematics nor Physics is 0.1,the probability

of passing Mathematics is 0.75.

(i) What is the probability of passing Mathematics or Physics.

(ii) What is the probability of passing Physics. ?

19. Two dice are thrown.Let A be an event to get an even number on the first die and B

be the event to get the sum of numbers obtained on two dice as 8.

(i) Write the sample space.

(ii) Write the outcomes favourable to event A and to event B.

(iii) Find P(A or B)


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