CHAPTER I To V 1 - 090744
CHAPTER I To V 1 - 090744
CHAPTER I To V 1 - 090744
Chapter I
the 21st century standards into creating new sets of goals. A common aspiration
influential toward this goal. However, the process of choosing the right program
program is not just selecting an academic path; it's essentially determining the
Fashion and Design; Electrical Technology; and Food, Service and Management
drawing which make use of different drafting tools, and the Computer Aided
Design (CAD) that deals with computer software to create an accurate and better
nurturing the future educators in the field of technical and vocational education.
Individuals strive to make a living for a better and more comfortable life.
Samide et al., (2019), profession is seen as a key to success and bright future
and being able to specialize in a particular field is a stepping stone towards it.
choose among the alternatives from a criterion or strategy given. These decisions
are at times based on the person’s intuition or feeling, which are mostly subjective
and would work well on problems of limited impact (Wang and Ruhe, 2017).
person’s interpretations, responses, and how they react to situations they face
(Kuzgun and Bancali, 2017), wherein a decision is taken based on the availability
choosing a program in college, but it all comes down to one decision that should
be thoroughly thought about. These factors may include the student’s passion
and experiences, referral of family and friends, the reputation and location of the
Starting college marks the initial stride on the journey towards the future
that lies ahead. It takes both courage and determination to chase after one's
aspirations, which is why selecting a career path is among the most challenging
For the past few years, students enrolled in BTVTEd Major in Drafting
Technology faced difficulties in choosing their college program since the majority
of them are all below quota applicants from different colleges of the university
which led them to enroll in the said program. By knowing their perception and
reasons, it will be concluded that there are several factors influencing their choice
that may be influenced by the internal or external environment. This study aims
to determine the factors that influence the program preference of students in the
Technology. It aims to gain insights into the challenges and barriers that
in selecting their college program. With a clear understanding of this matter, the
a. Age;
b. Gender;
c. SHS Track/Strand;
d. Household Monthly Income; and
e. Location
2. What is the level of influence of the following factors in choosing the
a. Personal Factor;
b. Peer Factor;
c. Parental Factor;
d. Teacher Factor;
e. School Factor;
f. Employment Factor;
h. Media Factor
HO: There is no significant relationship between the demographic profile and the
parental, teacher, school, employment, financial, and media influences. The scope
of the study encompasses first to fourth year BTVTEd Major in Drafting Technology
students enrolled in the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year at the
The study focused on the BTVTEd Drafting Technology program, which has
collected raw data will be used to identify the factors influencing students'
The results of this study into the factors influencing students’ program
the senior high school students for them to better understand their rights and
Parents. The results of the study will help them and give them ideas on
how they will support their students in higher education in this program.
BTVTEd Faculty. Given that the focus of this study is one of the majoring
the result will be beneficial to its faculty since the factors that influence the
Technology to compete in the industry where skills and talents are the basis for
for shaping the institution's curriculum. This would enable them to stay informed
curriculum. This helps them stay updated and ensure excellent performance and
Future Researchers. This study will serve as the basis of the future
Chapter II
This chapter shows the presentation of literature and studies that can be
seen relevant to the existing study. This literature and studies were collected to
connect the problems stated in the existing study. It also shows the presentation
of the synthesis of the art, gap, theoretical and conceptual frameworks and its
paradigms, and the definition of terms to further understand the conceptual and
Related Literature
This section presents the different literatures that are related to the current
study. They were selected as per the aspect of nearness of connections, or the
De La Cruz, et. al (2019) looks into the factors that influence students’
the Philippines. The survey discovered that the most important factors influencing
enrollment were the student's age, family income, and availability to TVET
education system and plays an important role in preparing students for the
(2020) it implies that deciding for a career path is affected by different aspects
financial requirements. There are also people that can influence decisions for a
mentors. The article also shows that Personality is a major consideration among
that is often affected by a variety of choices. There are students who are most
likely to become undecided on their chosen path even after graduating, that’s
why this is a crucial part of their journey where decisions must be made carefully.
The article published by Online College Org has suggested various factors that
influence career development and choices. These factors that are stated include
skills and abilities, interest and personality type, life roles, and previous
particularly on how they decide in considering and choosing their career path.
The article suggested working with a career counselor when unsure of what path
to take, to help students understand that career choices are not decided on one
seen as the basis of their decision because it drives motivation and effective
learning when they are interested in what they do. Also, there is a high chance
Kazi and Akhlaq (2017) highlighted that students have the need to
consider several factors in order to determine the career of their choice. These
factors include parental education, profession and income, influence of peers and
impressions taken from the media. However, there are instances where students
such as in the MS level opt for their chosen field by force or in the act of
compromising decisions. Aside from the factors stated, there are influential
future income, future status, and societal differences that significantly impact the
career choices of young students. (Sharif et al. 2019). It is mentioned that peers
college program, as they often seek shared experiences, advice, and guidance
Aryani and Umar (2020) suggest that when choosing a college major,
students take into account various factors such as preparation for a good job and
social skills training. Also, students consider the cost of a major particularly to
students who have low standing in the society, this factor is assumed to be one
of the reasons why students are keen in deciding for a major. Moreover, gender
stereotypes may also influence students' choices as certain majors are often
selection are influenced by factors pertaining to the institution itself, which include
its reputation, infrastructure, and location. It simply means that most of the
students consider their choice of school, whether it is well known for providing a
high quality of education that will foster their skills, knowledge, and abilities and
for its facilities that will cater their needs in instruction and provide experience.
particularly if they reside in a rural or urban area that may affect their choices of
One factor that influences students when selecting their college program
is the consideration about the institution where the students wish to study. This
Students might select their college program based on the institution that they
considerations for causes of this incident included misfit graduates which also
leading to limited information on how to help them in choosing their career path.
Furthermore, for most of the Filipino students, their decision for choosing a career
path is influenced not by their passion for the career they desire, but for the
a key concern for TVET in the Philippines and have a detrimental impact on
educational quality. In the context of the study, considering job opportunities such
program. Programs that have a clear path towards success are often seen by
students as that will help them to be financially stable. Therefore, choosing the
Alinea (2021) implicates that the education system has its quality and
industries. These two program concepts are merged from the teacher education
individuals that are interested in both industry work and the teaching profession.
This curriculum also introduces TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education) and
The World Bank (2016) assesses the situation of TVET in the Philippines
research, TVET is a vital component of the Philippine education system and plays
an important role in preparing students for the workforce. The Asian Development
Bank (2017) also stated that TVET plays an important role in boosting economic
growth and eliminating poverty. The report also discovered that TVET can assist
The review of literature that is presented showed various factors that could
affect and influence students in selecting for their college program. It also showed
factors that are present in the on-going study, especially personal interest. It is
evident that personal interest is mentioned numerous times, revealing that most
individual, and their desire to enhance their skills and attitude towards a particular
goal. Factors like peer and family influence, consideration about institutions,
future job opportunities, and financial stability are also mentioned in the literature
found as these are points that are mostly considered by students rather than just
merely forming their decision by their interest. Another literature explores the
both industry and teaching professions. These programs aim to enhance skills
and competencies for future career prospects. It is relevant to the present study
Related Studies
sources of ideas and inspiration in undertaking the present study. The main
concern of the study deals with the factors influencing students’ program
Drafting Technology. Therefore, the following are the present and previous
studies from different authors that are related to the existing study.
The study of Llacuna (2018) revealed that the primary factor influencing
courses was its potential demand in the industry. This indicates that students
tend to take course offerings with strong employability prospects after graduation.
Following this was the influence of teachers' encouragement and the students’
parental decisions about their course. The study also showed the most preferred
The study indicated that several factors could influence the course
but also in other senior high school strand such as the Academic Track. The
students' course preferences may vary according to the internal and external
influences in the environment during their grade school year. Abarro, found out
Business and Management (ABM) as their preferred Senior High School strand
that may influence their course preferences in college. The student’s sex,
monthly family income, school preference, occupation of the family head and the
average scholastic rating are the factors in choosing their career track in senior
high school.
and monitoring their progress in college and career readiness, there will be a
continuous support and monitoring, they can be fully industry ready once they
graduate from college and start their jobs with the aid of their nurtured skills,
Alba et al. (2022) conducted a study regarding the factors influencing the
least influential factor is the family and peer factor. The previous study of Alba et
BTVTEd program wherein the opportunity and interest factors are the most
influential factors in the decision-making of the students while the family and peer
factor are the stated least influential. While the present study has the same focus
as the mentioned study, they differ on the respondents since Alba et al. focused
on the program, while the present study focused on one major of the program,
Joaquin et al. (2018) conducted a study investigating the factors that affect
education. The results show that most of the students often based their decisions
on their hobbies, talents and skills based on their personal basis and the person
that influences their choice in tertiary education study also confirmed that
and social needs have a significant role in choosing a course. Senior High School
possible programs are being introduced that may spark their interest. In the
study, choosing a course for tertiary education may be affected and influenced
by different factors which were stated and somehow similar to the present study.
Tahil (2021) also stated that among the SHS STEM students at the
the factor Personal Interest is the most influential factor to them, particularly when
their personality or an attribute is in line with any college degree that may suit
their preferences. According to this study, family support and peers are also
don't rely solely on their family's preferred choice for them, as well as peers are
Tahil’s study, personal interest is the most influential factor since it allows
students tend to be more engaged and focused when they are interested in what
they do.
Elep (2012) administered a study about the Career Guidance Program for
Matango National High School, Camarines Norte. It is stated in the study that
students of the said high school consider factors that include the guidance of their
Furthermore, the factor that is also most often considered is the school and its
proximity to the residence or hometown of the students. The study suggests that
the students be more informed, have more career options and have ample time
to decide for the program they will choose in college. Parents must be involved
towards their desired program. This study determined that family, peers, and
other people are relevant to the individual and had a great impact on decisions
associated with them are influential in making decisions since their views on
revealed that family members have a huge impact in the students' decision in
choosing a career path, particularly the mother and the father's influence. Parents
life, including a career path. There are also instances where the environment
student interacts and how it impacts their viewpoint. Furthermore, the study also
identified that the location of the school, peer advice and encouragement, and
a career path. Both the previous and present study may have been completely
different from each other, given that both have different focuses, but the previous
study is in line with the present study which is included in the factors that may
influencing factor. Most students tend to listen to their parents' suggestions and
advice towards selecting their college program. However, some parents decide for
their child for the reason that they know what’s best for them.
Choice in Selecting a University'', there are 5 factors that are believed to have
reputation); job prospects i.e. students have high chance for employment after
experience; and student life programs that focuses solely on the students’
benefits, and lastly, a safe and friendly environment. According to the study, the
most influential determinant factors among the 5 factors are learning environment
and job prospects, followed by student life programs, support systems, then the
safe and friendly environment and sports facilities. The present study is also in
need of determining influential factors, but the focus of the present study is to
Drafting Technology.
at Osorio National High School. The study implies that there are 'problems' that
lead students to be undecided in choosing their career path. These are confusion
career, and peer influence. The study identified that the major reason for
several programs related to choosing career path such as career talks from other
institutions, career counseling, and career decision making program. Indeed, the
also be included in the said factor since not all institutions are affordable for every
student. While this study was focused on the causes why students are unsure of
what college program to choose and notably contrasting to the present study,
both have the same intention as both studies unravel the factors influencing
course selection of Grade 12 students, the most and least factor affecting the
course selection process of Senior High School students are identified among
the 12 factors listed. The scale is 1-12, with 12 being the most affecting factor.
The most influential to Grade 12 students is Career Opportunities, while the least
influential is the factor "other students." Furthermore, Fernando et. al., (2015) in
the study titled "Factors Affecting College Course Preferences", there are 4
that 4th year students consider many factors when it comes to course selection,
and not solely based on their personal preferences. They also consider their
program that will be able to enhance and develop their skills and competence in
a specific field, and to give them a high-paying job in the future as well. Both of
the studies have found out the factor that most influenced the students during
college program selection. Their results can be of help to the present study as it
can be viewed as references that factors found can truly influence the students
in that particular area. Therefore, the researchers concluded the need to conduct
the present study in order to also find out which among the factors can truly
notably interest, peer and family influence, institutional considerations, future job
Additionally, the review also indicates that a student's demographic profile can
The researchers were able to build the foundation of this present study by
utilizing the facts and principles obtained from the related literature and significant
information from the related studies. The similarities between the related studies
and the current research acted as a crucial point of reference during the research
Alba et al. conducted a study with regards to the factors that influence the
Industrial Technology that showed the opportunity and interest factors are the
most influential to their decision-making while the family and peer factor are the
least influential. The previous study revolved on the factors influencing the
program preferences of students in BTVTEd while the present study deals with
the factors that influence the program preferences of students in BTVTEd Major
in Drafting Technology.
The study of Kazi and Akhlaq emphasized several factors that must be
parental education, profession and income, influence of peers and media. It can
foundation of their education. Similar can be said for the influential factors of
career choice of the students which are the roles of parents, tutors, future income,
future status, and the societal differences which are termed as “influencers” that
consideration among the stated factors particularly the self-efficacy that means
indicated by the article “Factors that Influence Students Career Choice: 7Ps of
stage in every student’s life which are affected by different choices that must be
done carefully because it is the situation where to decide a path for the future.
influence career choice as well as its development that include skills and abilities,
interest and personality type, life roles and previous experiences that were seen
as the influential factors in considering and choosing their career path. It was
suggested that consulting a career counselor when unsure of what path to take
is a good choice to help students understand their choices in the future. Guidance
The study of Aryani and Umar about choosing a college major, students
must consider different factors such as the preparation for a good job and their
social skills training. They also consider the cost of a program particularly to those
students who are struggling with their finances and for this very reason, they tend
gender stereotyping also influences their choices since some majors are often
university that will expand their knowledge and hone their skills and abilities in
their chosen majoring program. These factors are the university’s reputation,
technology course is one of the factors that influences the grade 12 TVL students
of Sorsogon City Division. It means that a course that has a strong employability
providing a job in the future. The study also depicted the college courses that
component in its education system that prepares students for their workforce,
TVET faces a low enrollment of students from the past few years which has
discovered several factors that influence it which are the students’ age, family
Alinea suggests that the quality and structure of the education system is
and industries. The convergence of the programs forms the basis of the Bachelor
technical-vocational education.
On the other hand, Tahil stated that personal interest is the most influential
factor to the grade 12 students particularly if their personality fits the college
degree they are aiming for in the future. Furthermore, the students' family support
and peers are also influential in their decision in selecting a college program that
influencing the students choice in selecting their career path as well as choosing
their college major in the future. It was concluded that there were aspects similar
to the present study which supported its entirety such as the focus of the study,
respondents, instrument used as well as the stated factors that influence the
respondent’s choices in college major and career path decisions. Through the
support of the literature and studies, the present study focused on the factors
Teacher Education Major in Drafting Technology for the past few years being
Industrial Technology.
reviewed literature and studies. The present study was similar to the previous
studies because it has the same concept that focused on determining the factors
However, the present study will be going through an in-depth analysis about
variables which are the demographic profile and factors that influence the
student’s college program preferences. The factors that will be the basis of the
study are the interest factors, peer and family influence, consideration about
institutions and future job opportunities. The correlation between the two
variables will signify if the concluded factors influence the program preferences
It became evident that none of the reviewed literature and studies are
exactly similar with the present study. Some areas of the studies are similar but
different in the focused variable as well as the methodologies used. The present
study deals with identifying the factors that influence students’ program
and the factors that influence students’ program preference in the said program.
The researchers found out that this aspect was not found in the previous
Bicol University, College of Industrial Technology which are the opportunity and
while the family and peer factor are least influential. The previous study focused
wherein their respondents were exclusively from the said department. Meanwhile,
the present study focuses on the factors influencing students’ program preference
factors were most influential to students that will be conducted through a survey.
The study will also determine if there is a significant relationship between the
demographic profile and the level of effect of the factors influencing students’
Theoretical Framework
This study focuses on various factors that influence the students’ program
values, and other pertinent factors. Steele (2020) also cited that decision-making
convictions. This theory will help the researchers determine why the students in
preference during the college’s admission for the incoming new set of freshmen
of the university.
the Theory of Planned Behavior suggests that an individual's actions stem from
their intentions, which are often shaped by their attitudes, social norms, and
perceived control over their actions. However, despite these intentions, external
behaviors or outcomes. This theory offers insights into how students' career
also highlights that external factors could lead to indecision among students,
The aforementioned theories will support the present study. With its
decide and plan for their college program and will be further labeled as the
Conceptual Framework
understanding of the flow of the present study. There are two variables identified
perspective on success is influenced by their age since the majority of them set
comes to their life decisions aligned with their age. Gender introduces potential
depending on their gender since most of the programs are referred to as feminine
or masculine.
The senior high school track plays a crucial role in shaping students'
decisions, with options such as the Academic Track being preferred for college-
bound students and the Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) track for those
factor, with proximity to the institution being a significant consideration. It tells the
Second, the dependent variables are the factors that include interest
factor, peer and family influence, consideration about institutions, future job
influence a decision, given that what college program an individual should choose
should be in line with what fascinated them the most, that also includes their
hobbies and experiences. However, it is not the same case with peer, family, and
teacher factors. These factors show that the influence of family, friends, teachers,
or other people relevant to the student can affect his/her decision in selecting a
college program since these people serve as their guide towards a good
people often suggest programs that they think the student would excel the most
or would financially benefit them, while peers such as friends may encourage the
The school factor is also one of the factors that can greatly influence
students to decide. It is believed that students consider the institution they wish
to enter, with good quality education, reputation, and facilities to guarantee their
future success. Moreover, the financial factor can also greatly influence the
monthly income of the family and the total expenses it will cost taking the chosen
program. Another factor is the Employment factor that may lead them to a
demand in the industry. Lastly, since today’s generation have access to the
phenomenon within the department, thereby prompting the initiation of this study.
• Personal Factor
• Age
• Peer Factor
• Gender
• Parental Factor
• SHS Track
• Teacher Factor
• Household Monthly Income
• School Factor
• Location
• Employment Factor
• Financial Factor
• Media Factor
Definition of Terms
make use of different drafting tools, and the Computer Aided Design (CAD) that
allows the application of skills and training, coupled with avenues for professional
development and progression (Cox, 2012). In this study, the employment factor
could impact the respondent's decision to pursue and select a college program.
steady income while avoiding debt (Tamplin, 2023). This study used financial
norms, behaviors, and roles linked to being a woman, man, girl, or boy within a
society. It can evolve over time influenced by social norms, cultural values, and
household who are above a certain age. In this research, monthly income is
selecting courses, students consider factors such as interest, peer and family
financial stability.
Media Factor. Media Factor. In the study, the media factor may be most
influential to students who are strongly convinced of what they have seen on
(Springer Link).
Personal Factor. These are the activities and subjects that bring joy to an
individual and are topics they enjoy spending time learning about (Cambridge
like location, size, cost, academic quality, campus safety, choice of majors, and
Senior High School Track (SHS Track). A Senior High School (SHS)
with a unique set of knowledge and skills closely related to specific career fields,
between the academic pathways chosen by Senior High School Track (SHS
Track) students and their intended higher education programs, with the goal of
furnishing them with the necessary knowledge and skills for their desired
analyzing the connection between two sets of variables in each context (Wanjohi,
2014). The study used the term significant relationship to determine the
group of people, like their age, gender, and where they live, often collected in
surveys. This study looks at these details to understand why people choose
certain careers in higher education, considering things like age, gender, where
they live, what they studied in high school, and how much money their family
Chapter III
conduct the study. Specifically, the research method, study respondents, data
sources, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical tool used
Research Method
see the relationships between different variables (McBurney & White, 2009).
field of Drafting Technology. Data for the study was obtained through survey
Pearson's correlation), was employed to interpret the data. The aim was to
The respondents of the study will be based on the official list of enrolled
College of Industrial Technology. There are 103 students who are enrolled during
the second semester of the academic year 20223-2024. However, the retrieval
rate was 86.41% or 89 out of the 103 students. Specifically, there are 18 students
in first year, 23 students in second year, 27 students in third year and 21 students
in fourth year.
Sources of Data
Research Instrument
researchers utilized the adapted questionnaires from the study of Alba et., al
(2022). The researchers used standardized instruments where the elements and
concerns of the previous study are the same and relevant to the present study.
For ethical consideration and protocol, the researchers asked permission to the
The researchers adapted the parameters used in the study of Alba et., al
indicator such as personal factor, peer factor, parental factor, teacher factor,
school factor, employment factor, financial factor, and media factor that describe
and will determine which of the factors affect the course preference of the
Likert scale. A rating system that was used in surveys to assess people's
opinions, attitudes, views, and perceptions is the Likert Scale. The researchers
utilized this strategy to measure the respondents' familiarity with the factors they
Nikolopoulou, 2020). The Likert Scale provided by the researchers were used by
The scale reveals 1 as the lowest acceptability with the interpretation of "Not
Measurements Interpretation
Very much influenced. The parameter had influenced me the most and that is
Less influenced. The parameter did not influence me much in certain ways.
demographic profile of the respondents and the factors influencing their program
In creating the final survey questionnaire, the researchers considered all the
Technology of Bicol University. This was done using a letter of permission signed
by the research adviser, recommended for approval by the director of the BTVTEd
department, and the college dean. The respondents are students from first to
fourth year students of the said program in the second semester of academic year
2023-2024. During data collection, the researchers discussed and explained the
given sufficient time to complete the questionnaire, and the collected data were
examined and interpreted using the best statistical tools available. Furthermore,
Statistical Treatment
variables. It will also be applied to quantify responses relative to the total number
among respondents.
% = percentage
f = frequency
certain things are in the study. It helps us understand how good students are at
dealing with different problems when choosing their college program. We give
× =weighted mean
strength, direction, and significance of the linear relationship between two interval
employed "Statistics for Beginners" and “Jamovi” for a quick and accurate
r= correlation coefficient
Chapter IV
This chapter presents the findings, results, analysis, and interpretation of the data
collected from the respondents. It aims to clearly explain the significance and relevance
of the data shown in various tables and figures to the study's objectives. The interpretation
of the data is guided by the statement of the problem (SOTP’s). Overall, this chapter offers
indicated a strong interest in the drafting technology program. The study surveyed 89
respondents in total. The age group with the highest representation was 20 and 22-year-
olds, with each age constituting 23.60 percent of the total respondents. The age with the
lowest representation was 24-year-olds, with only one respondent, making up 1.12
percent. The findings suggest that age may play a significant role in influencing students'
preferences for college programs. The data showed that respondents ages 20 and 22
years old have the highest number of frequencies because of the K to 12 program, where
students are obliged to take an additional 2 years in high school, which is categorized as
Senior High School. This means that K to 12 increases the age at which students graduate
from high school. Typically, a student will finish high school at around 16 years old
however because of the program, 18 years old will be the age to finish high school. Which
is the reason why 20 and 22 years old have the highest frequency among the other set of
The survey results indicate that age may play a significant role in influencing
students' preferences for college programs. In line with this, David et al. (2010) found that
age plays a role in program selection, suggesting students make choices based on their
evolving readiness, perceived relevance of programs to their goals, and the realities of
their life circumstances. The present research's survey findings support this notion,
indicating that age may be a significant factor influencing students' preference for Drafting
of the respondents in the BTVTEd Drafting Technology program. Males established nearly
half of the respondents with 44 students and 49.5 percent, while females comprised 42.7
percent, totaling 38 students. This gender balance suggests a degree of equity within the
program, though it also reveals a slight female majority. Furthermore, LGBTQ+ individuals
Moreover, the fact that 2 students comprising 2.2 percent chose not to disclose their
gender suggests a recognition of privacy and autonomy in how individuals present their
identities. The findings underscore the importance of fostering a supportive and inclusive
other genders, as it is believed that males may be more inclined to technical works,
machinery, or more on labor works. This percentage result partially diverges from research
by Cristina et al. (2018) who suggests social stereotypes often influence program
selection. The paper suggests that gender stereotypes influence higher education degree
program, potentially attracting individuals regardless of gender that led the researchers to
this result.
The data presented in the table gives insights into the socio-demographic profiles
of students according to their chosen Senior High School (SHS) tracks and strands. It is
noticed that the majority of respondents, comprising 31.5 percent each, pursued the
and Mathematics (STEM) strand. This finding is significant, considering that these
pathways are closely associated with courses in Drafting, indicating a preference among
students for fields related to technical skills and sciences. This result means to say that
the respondents considered their SHS track/strand in choosing their college program.
Various SHS tracks and strands provide valuable insights into the educational preferences
and career aspirations of the student population, highlighting the diverse range of interests
The research conducted by Manugas et al. showed that the type of Senior High
School program a student chooses greatly affects how well they do in college. These
programs are designed to give students a strong academic foundation, making the
transition from high school to college much easier. This preparation helps students
develop the skills they will need in the future. Furthermore, starting off with a solid high
school education sets students up for success in their higher education and future careers.
With this regard, many students aim to get a college degree to increase their chances of
getting a good job and standing out in the competitive job market.
The table shows the result of household monthly income as one of the socio-
over half of the respondents belong to households with a monthly income of Php 10,957
or below with 51.7 percent. The next largest group made up 33.7 percent falls within the
household monthly income between Php 21,195 and 43,827 with a percentage of 13.5.
The remaining 1.1 percent of respondents belong to the highest income bracket which is
greater than Php 43,828. It is stated that half of the overall percentage have a monthly
household income of Php 10,957 or below. Meanwhile, there are no respondents with
household incomes above Php 76,669. This finding suggests that a significant portion of
decision to enroll. According to Esquire Philippines, families falling within this income
TOTAL 89 100%
An article by Brewer (2019) indicates that family income plays a role in shaping
undergraduate behavior, including academic and extracurricular activities, but it does not
means to say that the income of the family is one of the few factors that incoming college
students consider when choosing college programs. Some students need to adjust make
ends meet, choosing a program that will fit within the budget that is allocated to it.
profile in terms of their location, categorized by district. It is evident that District Two has
the highest number of respondents, with a total of 35, equivalent to 39.3 percent. This
indicates that students who are near the vicinity of Bicol University consider the institution
as their best pick among the universities in the Bicol region. In contrast, Masbate has only
3 respondents, equivalent to 3.4 percent, due to its distance from Bicol University. This
suggests that the location of the university significantly impacts the program preferences
of the students.
program aligns with research on higher education access. While Gibbons (2012) focused
on the distance between home and college as a barrier to entry, his work highlights a
broader point: location can be a deciding factor in educational choices, especially for
students with limited resources. Considering the financial constraints and practical
considerations often faced by students, particularly those from rural areas, it's
understandable that location plays a significant role in their choice of Drafting Technology
The table shows the respondents’ level of influence in terms of personal factors. It
is evident in the table below that most of the students considered their personal interests
and attributes, and that can somewhat influence their decision in choosing the BTVTEd
Drafting Technology Program. The second indicator had the highest average score of
3.51, suggesting that most students are particularly interested in activities related to
drawing and teaching. On the other hand, the first indicator had the lowest average score
among the indicators, with a mean of 3.08, because it did not align with the students'
Average Weighted Mean 3.27
Very Much Influenced (4.21 – 5.00) Influenced (3.41 – 4.20) Somewhat Influenced (2.61 – 3.40) Less Influenced (1.81 –
2.60) Not Influenced (1.00 – 1.80)
investigated the influences on students' career choices. The research suggests that
personal interests are a major factor. Interestingly, the data presented in the tables above
The presented data below shows the level of influence of peers to the respondent’s
choice in pursuing drafting technology as their college program. It was shown in the first
indicator, where the respondents pursued the program because their shared interests with
friends have the highest weighted mean with a total of 2.63 with an interpretation of
somewhat influenced. While the fourth indicator has a numerical rating of 1.33 that has
the lowest weighted mean and have a not influenced interpretation. It means that the peer
factor has less influence on the respondent’s decision in choosing the BTVTEd Drafting
Technology program. This also implies that the respondents do not only rely their
decisions on the influence of their peers but also other factors as well.
In the study conducted by Naz et al. (2014) titled "Peer and Friends and Career
Decision Making: Critical Analysis," it is highlighted that the influence of peers and friends
is highly significant in shaping students' career choices and academic paths. The research
study states that peers and friends inherently have a major impact on various aspects of
students' lives. These aspects include the adaptation of their lifestyles, the way they
present themselves, and the decisions they make regarding their education and future
careers. These social influences are particularly dominant in the process of role selection,
as students often look to their peers and friends for guidance, approval, and social
validation. Consequently, the study reveals that the decisions students make about their
careers and academic goals are significantly shaped by the social dynamics and
The data presented shows the level of influence in terms of the respondents’
parental factor in choosing the BTVTEd Drafting Technology program as their college
degree. The first indicator with the highest weighted mean suggests that a student’s
parents' profession has a relatively low influence on their choice of major, with a mean of
1.84. While the third indicator has the lowest mean of 1.27, where there are instances that
parents may use their connections to help their children get a job after graduation. It means
that the parental factor does not influence the respondent’s decision in choosing the
above-mentioned program.
career paths. While acknowledging the value of parental guidance on potential college
programs, as this study emphasizes, the data presented in the tables suggests this
factor may not hold significant influence for a majority of the respondents. In simpler
terms, while parental input is valuable, the ultimate decision regarding program selection
This table presents the indicators related to teacher factors, showing that these
factors have a relatively low influence on students' decisions to choose the BTVTEd -
Drafting Technology program. The influence of a previous drafting teacher has the highest
mean score with 2.81, suggesting a moderate impact due to the limited number of drafting
teachers. While career consultations, with the lowest weighted mean of 1.82 and were
found to have a minimal impact on these respondents. This suggest that the presence of
teachers or mentors plays a minor role in their choosing their college program.
A study by Boxuan et al. (2021) showed that teachers can affect what courses
students choose, but there are often other things influencing those choices as well. This
means that a teacher's advice and support might have a more indirect effect that students
don't necessarily recognize when answering survey questions. It's possible that mentors
give more specific advice that only applies to some students or that it's more helpful later
The data in the table highlights the school-related factors that might influence
BTVTEd Drafting Technology students in their program preference. The most influential
factor is the reputation of the school as a well-known local institution of the region, with a
mean score of 4.63. While the proximity of the school to the students' homes, which affects
A recent study by Tamimi et al. (2023), titled "Exploring the Factors that Influence
University Selection: Insights from College Students," investigated the reasons why
students choose a particular university. Their findings suggest that a university's reputation
is a major factor in a student's decision, even more important than things like facilities or
where the university is located. The study emphasizes the importance of reputation in
influencing student choices. This aligns with the observation that the respondents in this
study were likely drawn to the university's established reputation within the region. This
reputation is built on its history of providing quality education and its active involvement in
Factor. These indicators might have been influential to the BTVTEd Drafting Technology
students in choosing their program preference. It shows the influence of thinking about
future works and plans where employment is required. The first indicator emphasizes the
importance of considering opportunities in the drafting or teaching field when choosing the
program, with a mean score of 4.18, making it the most significant factor among those
analyzed. While the potential for future job prospects with high income has also impacted
respondents to some extent, with the lowest weighted mean score of 3.20. In conclusion,
the employment factor is indeed a consideration that influenced most of the respondents
In the study conducted by Pascual (2014), it was found out that the primary
the demands of the job market increases the issue of unemployment and
underscores this trend, revealing that respondents prioritize contemplating the potential
consider the tuition fees of the program, which has a strong influence with a weighted
mean of 3.45. While, the respondents also consider the program's financial stability rating,
even if it's not their first-choice field, it has the lowest weighted mean score of 2.69. These
findings emphasize the significant impact that financial factors have on students' decision-
A study by Shumba et al. (2013) found that 69.2 percent of students in Africa
reported that not having enough money was a major obstacle to getting the job they
wanted. This suggests that family income is very important in shaping what students
decide to do for a living, because if they don't have enough money, they may not be able
to afford the training or education they need for their dream career. However, the data in
the tables also suggests that money wasn't the only thing students thought about when
choosing a particular program to study. In other words, financial factors were important,
program preferences for drafting technology. The analysis indicates that students are
primarily influenced by their interest in watching videos about drafting on social media
platforms, with weighted mean of 3.47, signifying a strong impact on their decision-making
process. While the influencer endorsements on social media have the lesser impact on
their decision with a weighted mean score of 2.19. These weighted means suggest that
emphasizes students' preference for dynamic and visually engaging content when
compelling video content that effectively highlights the offerings and benefits of their
Average Weighted Mean 2.63
Very Much Influenced (4.21 – 5.00) Influenced (3.41 – 4.20) Somewhat Influenced (2.61 – 3.40) Less Influenced (1.81 –
2.60) Not Influenced (1.00 – 1.80)
In a recent academic work by Šola and Zia (2021), the authors examine how social
media impacts students' decisions about college programs and institutions. Their findings
suggest that Facebook is the most popular social media platform among students, and
universities themselves use it to advertise their programs. Interestingly, the data presented
in tables (tabulated results) indicates that social media only has a moderate influence on
the students involved in this study. In other words, most students reported that social
media promotions for the Drafting Technology program at the Bachelor of Technical
and Peer factors have a relatively lower level of influence on students' program
preferences compared to other factors, with weighted mean of 2.27 and 1.87, respectively.
Parental factors, with a weighted mean of 1.60, are perceived as "Not Influenced,"
indicating it does not significantly influence students' program preferences.
important family background characteristics are for students in college. Their study found
that both parents and peers have a direct and indirect influence on students as they go
through higher education. This means that the support and expectations from parents and
friends play a significant role in shaping students' ambitions for future career opportunities.
Moreover, the study's results indicate that several factors impact students' academic
choices. These factors include the influence of family, the peer group they associate with,
the likelihood of securing a good job after graduation, and the chance to acquire valuable
job skills during their studies. All these elements together help determine the academic
The analysis of the table suggests that there is no significant relationship between
the students' socio-demographic profile and their personal decisions and choices in
choosing the BTVTEd Drafting Technology program, with a very weak relationship. The
correlated data are the following: Age vs. Personal factor has 1.00 computed value,
Gender vs. Personal factor has -0.47, SHS Track/Strand vs. Personal factor has 0.97,
Household Monthly Income vs. Personal factor has -1.55, and Location vs. Personal factor
has a computed value of -0.19. Findings revealed that while age, gender, senior high
school track/strand, household monthly income, and location each show varying degrees
impact is minimal. These correlations are not strong enough to reject the null hypothesis,
decisions. This conclusion is supported by the computed value of -0.25 and a probability
value of 0.45.
profiles and personal factors influencing their choice of the BTVTEd Drafting Technology
program. This finding aligns partially with the work of Amit & Galway (2021), who also
in some engineering programs. However, their study also emphasizes the need for
findings suggest socio-demographic factors might not be a major deciding factor for
BTVTEd Drafting Technology specifically, it's crucial to ensure this program remains
The present study implies that students chose the BTVTEd Drafting Technology
program, regardless of their age, gender, SHS track/strand, monthly income, and their
location. This finding suggests that socio-demographic factors and personal factors might
not be the main reasons students choose Drafting Technology. Instead, students' intrinsic
factors like interest in design, spatial reasoning skills, and a desire for a hands-on career
Table 17 shows that peer factor is not influenced by the socio-demographic profile
of the students in choosing BTVTEd Drafting Technology program. The correlated data
are the following: Age vs. Peer factor has 0.74 computed value, Gender vs. Peer factor
has -1.58, SHS Track/Strand vs. Peer factor has 0.51, Household Monthly Income vs.
Peer factor has -1.41, and Location vs. Peer factor has a computed value of 0.07. The
result shows the overall computed value which is -0.33 and the p-value which is 0.54.
Therefore, it is concluded that the null hypothesis is accepted, the relationship between
the students’ profile and peer factor does not exist. Moreover, the study found very weak
The tabulated results align with the findings of Ng & Meena (2021), who also
their study, in the context of mental health. However, it is important to acknowledge that
their study focused on a different outcome variable compared to program choice. Further
research specifically exploring the role of peer influence in students' decisions to pursue
and support to one another. Students with the same age, gender, SHS track/strand, or
location tend to relate and get closer to each other. In the context of choosing BTVTEd
Drafting Technology program, the results stated that the socio-demographic profile and
peer factor of students does not have a significant relationship, concluding that there are
far more factors that have strongly influenced the students in choosing the program.
The table presents the analyzed data between the socio-demographic profile of
the respondents and the parental factor. By analyzing the data presented, the age vs
parental resulted in a computed value of 0.44. The gender vs parental factor has a
computed value of -0.10 while the SHS track, or strand vs parental obtained a -0.05
computed value. Furthermore, the household monthly income vs parental factor resulted
in a computed value of -0.80 and the location of the respondents’ vs the parental factor
has a 0.04 computed value correspondingly. All of the correlated data resulted in accepting
the null hypothesis that indicates the teacher factor does not influence the students
program preferences in pursuing their higher education career. This also means that the
relationship between the aforementioned correlated data in the table has a very weak
According to Ostafinski's study, parents can play a big role in influencing their
children's decisions to go to college. Parents' advice and experiences can emphasize how
important it is to get a college degree. Previous research showed a strong link between
parents' influence and students' choices, but the current study suggests otherwise. It
implies that students today are making their own decisions about college. Instead of
relying on their parents' guidance, they are focusing more on what they are personally
interested in and passionate about. This means that students are more independent in
The table shows the relationship between the socio-demographic profile of the
respondents and the teacher factor. Dissecting the data presented, age vs teacher factor
resulted in a computed value of 6.93, it means that the age and teacher of the respondents
influences their program preferences leading to reject the null hypothesis. Meanwhile, the
gender vs. teacher factor resulted in a -0.05 computed value. This implies that the two
preferences in choosing their college program. The SHS track or Strand vs teacher factor
and the household monthly income and teacher factor gave a 2.90 and -10.68 computed
value respectively. Both of the correlated data have similar interpretations. Lastly is the
location vs teacher factor with a computed value of -1.55 which also means that the
accepting the null hypothesis with a p value of 0.27 less than the computed value -0.49
that indicates the teacher factor does not influence the students' program preferences in
pursuing their higher education career. This also means that the relationship between the
While the analysis examined various factors, including the teacher, the result
showed a weak connection between these elements and students’ program choices. This
suggests that teachers' considerations may not be the main priority for most students
Meanwhile, the data also suggests a significant relationship between age and how
students perceive teachers. This contradicts the initial null hypothesis of no connection
between these variables. A possible explanation is that young students are more
receptive to adult influence. They may develop a strong sense of trust in their teachers as
guides, which can persist even as they mature, like choosing a college program. This
assumption partially aligns with the findings of Hoffman & Philip in 2009. Based on the
study, the teacher guides the students in choosing the course selection and helping them
in the course completion and further courses to pursue for better prospects for their career
Table 20 presents the tabulated results for whether the socio-demographic profile
and school factors of Drafting Technology students in choosing the program have a
significant relationship with each other. The following are the results from the correlated
data: Age vs. School factor has -2.16 computed value, Gender vs. School factor has -
1.13, and SHS Track/Strand vs. School factor has -1.42, Household Monthly Income vs.
School factor has 1.44, and Location vs. School factor has a computed value of 2.81. It is
stated that the correlation between the two variables mentioned does not exist, supported
by an overall computed value of -0.09 and a P-value of 0.25. As a result, the null
hypothesis has been accepted and indicates that no correlation is present between the
students’ profile and the school aspect. Overall, the study discovered very little evidence
(2004), investigated the influence of demographics and school factors on student choices
in higher education. Interestingly, these studies found a weak relationship between these
adjustment of mature-age students, but even within this group, demographic differences
had minimal impact. Similarly, Shulruf et al. found that a school's overall demographic
makeup did not significantly impact student outcomes. They suggest that interventions for
struggling students should target individuals, not the institutions themselves. These
findings suggest that other factors beyond demographics, such as personal interests and
school-related support systems, play a more significant role in shaping students' program
The table presents the analyzed data between the socio-demographic profile of
the respondents and the employment factor. Analyzing the data presented, the age vs
employment resulted in a computed value of 2.57. The gender vs employment factor has
a computed value of -0.52 while the SHS track, or strand vs employment obtained a 2.25
resulted in a computed value of -3.95 and the location of the respondents’ vs the financial
factor has a -0.92 computed value. All of the correlated data accepted the null hypothesis
with a total computed value of -0.11 which means, there is no significant relationship
preferences in college. The correlated data also presented a very weak relationship
background and employment factors influencing their choice of the Drafting Technology
program, which partially contradicts the findings of Sharif et al. (2019) who reported a
that employment factors have a weak relationship with students’ choice. This difference
might be due to the specific program under study attracting students based more on
The table shows the significant relationship between the socio-demographic profile
and financial factors of BTVTEd Drafting Technology students in choosing the program.
According to the tabulated results, the two mentioned variables are found out to have no
significance with each other, with the following data: Age vs. Financial factor has a
computed value of 0.78, Gender vs. Financial factor has -1.29, SHS Track/Strand vs.
Financial factor has 1.10, Household Monthly Income vs. Financial factor has -0.95, and
Location vs. Financial factor has a computed value of -0.26. This was proven by the overall
computed value of -0.12 and a probability value of 0.50, leading to all correlated data in
accepting the null hypothesis. It is also stated that the dependent and independent
Profile vs. Factors Computed Pearson's r
P-value Decision Remarks
Influencing the Students Value Correlation
Program Preference
Accept the Moderate
Age vs. Financial 0.78 0.52 0.48
Ho Relationship
Gender vs. Financial Accept the Strong
-1.29 0.33 -0.67
Ho Relationship
SHS Track/Strand Accept the Strong
vs. Financial 1.10 0.39 0.61
Ho Relationship
Household Monthly Accept the Moderate
-0.95 0.44 -0.56
Income vs. Financial Ho Relationship
Accept the Very Weak
Location vs. Financial -0.26 0.82 -0.18
Ho Relationship
Accept Very Weak
TOTAL -0.12 0.50 -0.06
the Ho Relationship
Perfect Relationship (± 1.00) Very Strong Relationship (± .80 - ± .99) Strong Relationship (± .60 - ± .79) Moderate
Relationship (± .40 - ± .59) Weak Relationship (± .30 - ± .39) Very Weak Relationship (± .01 - ± .19) No Relationship (0.00)
From the study of Garlon et al. (1996), it is also found that there is no significant
comes to choosing a career path or a specific program, Drafting Technology. While the
at all. Other factors might be stronger influences and future research could explore these.
With all the accumulated data and credible justification, the correlation between
the aforementioned variables is seen to have no significance to each other, with a very
weak relationship. This suggests that financial considerations might not be the primary
Table 23 presents the tabulated results for whether the socio-demographic profile
and media factors of Drafting Technology students in choosing the program have a
significant relationship with each other. The following are the results from the correlated
data: Age vs. Media factor has 1.15 computed value, Gender vs. Media factor has -0.48,
SHS Track/Strand vs. Media factor has 0.58, Household Monthly Income vs. Media factor
has -2.08, and Location vs. Media factor has a computed value of -0.28. It is stated that
correlation between the two variables mentioned does not exist, supported by an overall
computed value of -0.22 and a probability value of 0.53. Overall, the study found very
This finding aligns with the research conducted by Rolando et al. (2016) who
investigated the role of social media in school choice decisions. Their study, focusing on
demographic profile and the influence of media factors. This suggests that students from
diverse backgrounds may be accessing and processing information about the Drafting
Technology program through similar social media platforms and channels, regardless of
relationship to the BTVTEd Drafting Technology students in choosing the program. These
variables might play a lesser role when students are intrinsically motivated towards a
specific program. Students might rely more on educational resources like counselors,
applicable to a broad range of students. Media might be less influential compared to these
direct sources.
the respondents relate to the factors that influence BTVTEd drafting technology students
in choosing their program. The results showed that there was no significant relationship,
leading to the acceptance of the null hypothesis. The computed value was -0.09, and the
p-value was 0.45, indicating that the findings were not statistically significant. Additionally,
the Pearson’s r correlation coefficient was -0.07, suggesting a very weak relationship
between the socio-demographic factors and the students' choices. This means that the
for Drafting Technology. This contrasts somewhat with Alexis et al. (2018) who identified
factors like socio-economic status (SES), parental education, occupational status, and
career goals influencing students' educational aspirations and college enrollment. In the
case of the present study, the specific program might attract students based on individual
In light of the findings from our recent study investigating the relationship between
socio-demographic profiles and factors that influence the student’s program preferences
within the Bicol University College of Industrial Technology's BTVTEd course, a unique
opportunity to enhance the program's appeal across a diverse range of Senior High School
backgrounds, the appeal of the BTVTEd program remains consistently strong. This
discovery underscores the need for a comprehensive action plan aimed at fostering
widespread awareness and engagement among Senior High School (SHS) students.
factors that influence the students’ program preference signals an opportunity to broaden
our outreach efforts and diversify our student body. Our action plan seeks to capitalize on
inherent benefits of the BTVTEd program and highlights the diverse range of career
opportunities it offers.
engage SHS students and provide them with the necessary exposure and information to
make informed decisions about their future careers. Through career orientation classes
and interactive sessions, we will empower students to explore various career pathways
and identify how the BTVTEd program aligns with their aspirations. The implementation
of this action plan represents a proactive step towards enhancing the visibility and appeal
of the BTVTEd program within our institution. By targeting a diverse audience and
to pursue their academic and career goals through the BTVTEd course.
The present study found that the students’ socio-demographic profile and the
factors that influence students in choosing BTVTEd Drafting Technology do not exist. This
suggests that students from various backgrounds are choosing this program, driven by
individual motivations rather than a specific profile. Recognizing this knowledge gap, the
students in making informed choices regarding their college program selection. This
that align with their interests and aspirations. A well-designed information campaign could
attract students who possess a strong fit for the program, potentially leading to increased
enrollment figures. Equipping students with knowledge about the program would empower
mutually beneficial scenario for both the student body and the program. Students would
benefit from enhanced guidance, while the program would attract a more engaged student
A BTVTEd Action Plan Utilizing Presentations, Posters, and Social Media
Introduce and Increase 1. Conduct career consultations in Career Talks 1. Conduct career consultations in SHS
awareness and interest in the at least 30 different SHS across and different SHS across Albay. students
Bachelor of Technical- Albay. Presentations 2. Partner with SHS guidance (Grade 11 &
Vocational Teacher Education 2. Through presentations, motivate counselors to schedule 12)
(BTVTEd) Major in Drafting at least 60% of students attending presentations.
Technology presentations to consider the 3. Develop engaging presentations
diverse career paths available for highlighting the following:
BTVTEd graduates in each major.
This can be achieved by • Overview of the BTVTEd
showcasing success stories of Major in Drafting Technology
alumni or industry professionals. program
3. Utilize visuals like infographics or • Highlight the practical skills
short videos in presentations to and industry knowledge
keep at least 85% of students gained through the program.
engaged throughout the sessions. • Showcase the diverse
career opportunities
available for BTVTEd
Drafting Technology. Use
success stories of alumni or
industry professionals.
• Include visuals like
infographics or short videos
to enhance engagement.
Introduce the Bachelor of 1. Distribute flyers and posters in 30 Informative 1. Design eye-catching flyers and
Technical-Vocational SHS campuses across Albay. Flyers and posters showcasing the BTVTEd
Teacher Education Major in 2. Design eye-catching flyers and Posters program.
Drafting Technology as a posters that capture students' 2. Include key information like:
program in the university attention and effectively • Program majors offered.
that aims to
Chapter V
This chapter presents the summary of the findings of the study, conclusions, and
program preferences. The study specifically addresses the following questions: 1.) What
is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of a.) Age; b.) Gender; c.)
SHS Track/Strand; d.) Household Monthly Income; e.) Location. 2.) What is the level of
influence of the following factors in choosing the BTVTEd Major in Drafting Technology
terms of a.) Personal Factor; b.) Peer Factor; c.) Parental Factor; d.) Teacher Factor; e.)
School Factor; f.) Employment Factor; g.) Financial Factor; h.) Media Factor. 3.) What is
the significant relationship between the socio-demographic profile of respondents and the
factors that influence them in choosing their program? 4.) What recommended action plan
education program? The study investigates the relationship between students' socio-
demographic profiles and the factors influencing their choice of college program, operating
under the hypothesis that no significant relationship exists between these variables. An
action plan was proposed to introduce the BTVTEd program to senior high school students
the study aims to determine the relationship between the identified variables. Primary data
were collected using modified survey questionnaires administered onsite via printed
forms. The study aims to include 103 officially enrolled students in BTVTEd Drafting
Technology in the second semester in the academic year 2023-2024. However, only 89
of these 103 students actually responded, giving a retrieval rate of 86.41%. Although there
is a small difference between the target and actual respondents, the high response rate
shows that the study still has reliable data. This means the results of the study are likely
Based on the data gathered, these are the findings of the proponents after they
only 89 students out of the targeted 103 respondents of the BTVTEd Drafting Technology
responded to the survey which is equivalent to 86.41% response rate. The age of the
frequency. Upon tabulating the gathered data, it resulted in the highest frequency ages
from 20 and 22 years old each having a total of 21 respondents equivalent to 23.60% of
the total response rate. On the other hand, the lowest is the 24 years old with only 1
Majority of the respondents of the study are male students with a total frequency
of 44 which is equal to 49.5%. The female respondents have a total frequency of 38 while
the LGBTQA+ is 5 having an equivalent rate of 42.7% and 5.6% respectively. Finally, there
are 2 respondents who prefer not to say their gender for confidential purposes which is
equivalent to 2.2%.
The senior high school track of the respondents is one of their bases to decide
their college program. The data gathered from the study resulted in the Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) having the highest frequency together
with the Technical-Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) strand with a total percentage of
31.5%. It was followed by the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and Accountancy
5.6%. Lastly is the Arts and Design Strand with only 2 frequencies that corresponds to
that may influence their college program preferences. Based on the tabulated data, there
are a total of 46 frequencies whose household family income is below Php 10,957 with a
total percentage of 51.7. It was followed by Php 10,957 to 21,194 with a total frequency of
30 equivalent to 33.7%. The Php 21,194 to 43,828 have a 12 frequency and have an
equivalent percentage of 13.5. Only 1 respondent, which is 1.1 percent, has an income
from Php 43,828 to 76,669. There are no respondents with household incomes above Php
The last socio-demographic profile of the respondents was all about their location
that determined the distance from the university that was categorized into districts in
Albay. District 2 has the highest frequency among the other districts mentioned. It has a
total of 35 frequencies which is equivalent to 39.3 percent and Masbate has the lowest
With the tabulated data, it was concluded that the socio-demographic profile of the
respondents such as the age, gender, shs track/ strand, household monthly income and
2. It was concluded that there are various factors that influence the students’ program
preference that will determine their career choice. The analysis shows that school and
preferences, with weighted means of 4.11 and 3.64, respectively, indicating they are
"Influenced." This implies that students' program choices are strongly shaped by their
school environment and future job prospects. In contrast, personal, financial, and media
factors have a moderate impact on students' program preferences, with weighted means
ranging from 3.27 to 2.63, categorized as "Somewhat Influenced." Teacher and peer
factors exert a relatively lower influence, with weighted means of 2.27 and 1.87,
respectively. Parental factors, with a weighted mean of 1.60, are considered "Not
Influenced," indicating they do not significantly affect students' program choices. Overall,
emphasizing the variety of factors that influence their educational and career paths.
3. Based on the tabulated result of the gathered data, it is concluded that there is no
significant relationship between the socio-demographic profile of the respondents and the
college program. The total computed value of socio-demographic profile and the factors
is -0.05 with an equivalent p-value of 0.46 leading to accept the null hypothesis.
Furthermore, the average Pearson’s r correlation gained a total of -0.07 wherein the
aforementioned correlated data has a very weak relationship. This simply means that the
gathered data from the respondents do not influence the students’ decision in choosing
the BTVTEd Drafting Technology. The study of Malik (2020) resulted in the socio-
It was revealed that parents' influence is the most important followed by the financial
factor, gender, and personal interest of parents. While the previous study concluded that
college, the present study resulted otherwise. This means that there are factors that are
more influential in choosing their college program. The result of the gathered data showed
that the school factor has the highest weighted mean among the other factors making it
clear that the respondents consider the university’s reputation, facilities, benefits, and their
geographical location to choose the BTVTEd program. With this, the researchers end up
their decision to choose BTVTEd Drafting Technology as their higher education program.
The study shows that the BTVTEd Drafting Technology program is open to any incoming
freshmen who have a strong interest in this field. It welcomes all students who are
passionate about drafting technology, regardless of their background. The program is also
diverse and does not show any gender bias, meaning it treats all genders equally.
Likewise, the respondents' senior high school strand or track, their geographical location,
and their monthly income do not have much impact on their choice to pursue this program.
This means that students from different educational backgrounds, places, and financial
situations can all choose this program regardless of their standing in society.
2. The researchers’ analysis has shed light on the factors that influence students'
allowed the researchers to categorize these factors based on their level of influence.
Notably, school and employment factors emerged as the most significant factors for this
student population. This focus on practicality aligns with the characteristics of today's
beyond their years. Students are prioritizing factors with tangible outcomes, such as the
quality of their chosen institution and future career prospects, over purely intrinsic or
external influences. This shift highlights the importance of crafting educational programs
that address both technical skills and career readiness to effectively attract and retain
socio-demographic profile of the respondents and the factors influencing their program
preferences in choosing BTVTEd Drafting Technology. With this, the null hypothesis of
the study is accepted by correlating their profile and the factors. This means that the socio-
demographic profile of the respondents and the factors do not influence their decision in
4. Upon tabulating the data gathered from the respondents, it is concluded that
school factor is the most influential among the factors. The researchers recommended an
action plan emphasizing the introduction of BTVTEd Drafting Technology to incoming first
flyers and posters in different SHS campuses and establishing social media page solely
for the BTVTEd Drafting Technology are hereby recommended. This is intended to
increase the exposure of the said program to students and schools, public and private.
1. Providing students career consultations and awareness throughout their senior high
school year focusing on the introduction of different programs aligned to their strand or
track. This will shape the students’ prior academic path and create a strong foundation
with the help of their teachers as well as their parents. The presence of these individuals
will be instrumental in the decision- making process which can lead in choosing their
Technology program to students. By showcasing the program's benefits and its potential
alignment with their academic goals, such outreach could inform and encourage students
interested in both drafting and teaching careers to pursue this comprehensive degree
consideration to spread the word through the internet. To enhance program awareness
informative flyers and brochures distributed to local schools, as well as creating program-
specific social media platforms, blogs, and publications for wider outreach and easier
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Note: The Data Privacy Act of the Philippines of 2012 is an “AN ACT PROTECTING INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL
Dear respondents,
The 3rd year students of BTVTEd Drafting Technology are currently conducting a study entitled:
TECHNOLOGY (BTVTED - DT). With this regard, we would like to request for your participation by answering
this survey questionnaire adapted from the study of Alba et al. Your response will be used for gathering data
and information, as well as for the accomplishment of the research study. The information that will be given
will be treated with utmost confidentiality to protect your privacy. Therefore, your participation in this survey is
greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a great day ahead.
Kindly fill out the information being asked by answering and putting a check (✓) on the box.
Kindly please check (✓) the scale you feel is suitable based on your experience in choosing this program and
A. PERSONAL FACTORS. (These are things that a person enjoys doing and the subjects that a person likes
to spend time learning about).
B. PEER FACTORS. (The influence of friends on students in choosing programs through normative standards
and behavior modeling, influencing their decision to choose their college program).
C. PARENTAL FACTORS. (The influence of parents on students in choosing programs through normative
standards and behavior modeling, influencing their decision to choose their college program).
D. TEACHER FACTORS. (The influence of teachers on students in choosing programs through normative
standards and behavior modeling, influencing their decision to choose their college program).
E. SCHOOL FACTORS. (This is the way of considering a broad range of factors, such as location, size,
cost, academic quality, campus safety, choice of majors, etc.).
F. EMPLOYMENT FACTORS. (Typically refers to a job that allows you to utilize your skills and training, while
also providing a pathway for professional growth and advancement).
G. FINANCIAL FACTORS. (Refers to factors that influence students' choices in choosing college programs
that will suit their financial situation).
H. MEDIA FACTORS. (This is the way media channels such as advertisements, online articles, social
media posts, and videos influence students in choosing a program.)
5 4 3 2 1 WM Interpretation
I pursued the Education Somewhat
7 23 37 14 8
1 program because it 3.08
interests me.
(35) (92) (111) (28) (8) Influenced
I entered the program
because I like to do work 14 26 41 7 1
that is related to drafting (70) (104) (123) (14) (1)
3.51 Influenced
and teaching.
I have an experience in Somewhat
12 20 34 16 7
3 both teaching and 3.16
(60) (80) (102) (32) (7) Influenced
I am fond of teaching and Somewhat
10 25 42 7 5
4 enjoys doing drafting 3.31
related activities.
(50) (100) (124) (14) (5) Influenced
Average Weighted Mean 3.26
5 4 3 2 1 WM Interpretation
I pursued this program Somewhat
7 20 21 15 26
1 because of my shared 2.63
interests with my friends
(35) (80) (63) (30) (26) Influenced
I was convinced by my Less
3 13 13 14 46
2 friends to take this 2.02
(15) (52) (39) (28) (46) Influenced
I was forced by my
0 1 7 13 68
4 friends to take this
(0) (4) (21) (26) (68)
1.34 Not Influenced
Average Weighted Mean 1.88
5 4 3 2 1 WM Interpretation
I am influenced by my Less
1 11 10 18 49
1 parent/s’ profession in 1.84
choosing this program.
(5) (44) (30) (36) (49) Influenced
I think my parent/s are
1 3 9 15 61
2 responsible for selecting
(5) (12) (27) (30) (61)
1.52 Not Influenced
a college program for me.
I chose this program
because my parents has 0 2 3 12 72
connections in my future (0) (8) (9) (24) (72)
1.27 Not Influenced
work after I graduate.
I feel the need to fulfill my
parent/s’ dreams of 3 5 14 12 55
becoming a (15) (20) (42) (24) (55)
1.75 Not Influenced
5 4 3 2 1 WM Interpretation
I was influenced by my
previous teacher who 17 13 23 8 28 Somewhat
1 2.81
majored in Drafting (85) (52) (69) (16) (28) Influenced
I was advised by my Less
5 13 12 17 42
2 JHS/SHS teacher to 2.12
pursue this program.
(25) (52) (36) (34) (42) Influenced
I was mentored in this Less
7 18 11 14 39
3 program by my previous 2.33
(35) (72) (33) (28) (39) Influenced
I took a career Less
2 6 16 15 50
4 consultation from a 1.82
(10) (24) (48) (30) (50) Influenced
Average Weighted Mean 2.27
5 4 3 2 1 WM Interpretation
I considered entering
Bicol University because 67 14 6 1 1 Very Much
1 4.63
it is a well-known (335) (56) (18) (2) (1) Influenced
university in my region.
5 4 3 2 1 WM Interpretation
I look forward to plenty of
opportunities in industry,
39 34 11 3 2
1 academe, and/or
(195) (136) (33) (6) (2)
4.18 Influenced
entrepreneurship after I
take this program.
I decided to take this
program that will ensure 11 22 37 12 7 Somewhat
2 3.20
a high amount of income (55) (88) (111) (24) (7) Influenced
in the future.
I pursued this program
19 25 30 11 4
3 that will be timely and in
(95) (100) (90) (22) (4)
3.49 Influenced
demand in the future.
I am aware of the
possibilities that go along 25 27 24 9 4
with the program that I (125) (108) (72) (18) (4)
3.67 Influenced
am searching for.
5 4 3 2 1 WM Interpretation
I considered the
program's tuition fees as 23 19 31 7 9
a crucial factor in my (115) (76) (93) (14) (9)
3.45 Influenced
program preference.
I prioritized programs
with lower overall costs, 11 24 30 10 14 Somewhat
2 3.09
including living expenses (55) (96) (90) (20) (14) Influenced
and materials.
I choose this program Somewhat
9 12 26 26 16
3 because of the higher 2.69
financial stability rating,
(45) (48) (78) (52) (16) Influenced
I am influenced by the
availability of 14 22 34 12 7 Somewhat
4 3.27
scholarships and (70) (88) (102) (24) (7) Influenced
financial aid.
Average Weighted Mean 3.12
5 4 3 2 1 WM Interpretation
I am interested in
watching videos about
22 22 28 10 7
1 drafting technology in
(110) (88) (84) (20) (7)
3.47 Influenced
different social media
I saw a publication
material (PubMat) about 10 8 20 21 30 Less
2 2.40
the program during (50) (32) (60) (42) (30) Influenced
college admissions.
I have read good
comments and reviews 8 9 27 18 27 Less
3 2.47
about this program from (40) (36) (81) (36) (27) Influenced
people in the internet.
I was influenced by
professional/s or 9 9 11 21 39 Less
4 2.19
influencer/s in social (45) (36) (33) (42) (39) Influenced
Average Weighted Mean 2.63
Statistical Tools Used
Communication Skills
Organizational Skills
Leadership Skills
2D CAD Skills
3D CAD Skills
Graphic Designing / Designing
Zone 5, Gabawan, Daraga, Albay
Health Training
Child Protection Training
Building Your Digital Toolkit: A Comprehensive Introduction to Technical Drafting, 2D
Animation, ad 2D/3D Rendering Software
TM Work-Based Learning with Emphasis on Trainer’s Methodology
Outdoor Sports
Communicating skills
Poetry Making
Drawing/ Sketching
Outdoor Sports
Cruzada, Legazpi City, Albay
0915 319 8829
Playing Guitar