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Neil Joseph M. Hernandez, Nathaniel D. Magnaye, Ian M. Mandigma, and Paula Cassandra P. Santos
Adviser: Shirley E. Maranan
College of Industrial Technology, Batangas State University,
Alangilan Campus, Batangas City 4200,,,


The purpose of this tracer study was to analyze the employment status of graduates from
Batangas State University, Bachelor of Industrial Technology Major in Mechanical Technology
program during the academic year 2021-2022. This comprehensive study delved into various aspects
of the respondents' personal, educational, and employment backgrounds.The study employed a
descriptive survey methodology, encompassing all 45 graduates from 2021-2022. The Graduate
Tracer Study (GTS) served as the primary data collection tool.The data revealed that a majority of the
graduates were male, between the ages of 20 and 24. Their decision to pursue this degree was
primarily motivated by a genuine passion for the profession and the availability of the course.
Furthermore, a significant portion of graduates opted for advanced studies to bolster their professional
development. In terms of employment, a substantial percentage of graduates found work as cadet
technicians. The majority of respondents secured positions in local industries, with only one
respondent working abroad.Graduates expressed that their first job was related to their degree,
reinforcing the programmer’s relevance.

Overall, this study shows Batangas State University's commitment to fostering an

environment conducive to knowledge generation and utilization, particularly in the realm of
technological advancement. These findings provide valuable insights for curriculum development and
academic planning to ensure that graduates remain well-equipped for the dynamic demands of the

Keywords: Graduate Tracer Study (GTS), Descriptive Survey Methodology

1. INTRODUCTION Education is the main component for the

Tracer studies are frequently intended to follow strengthening of individuals for their financial,
changes at a singular level following an political, and innovative turn of events. The
improvement intervention. For instance, a tracer learning conditions of advanced education
study may be intended to follow people who have establishments should accept this perception
gotten professional training to see if or how they when organizing their course programs. With the
utilize the education or training they received and end goal of value affirmation programs, higher
how their lives progress over time. education establishments can contribute
definitively by applying the standards of tracer
A country's economy runs on the study to create a reasonable learning-
information and abilities of its people. The strengthening climate for the ceaseless
necessities for abilities develop with outside advancement of past undergraduates. While
ventures, innovative advances, and globalization. numerous advanced education institutions give
To keep up with changes, individuals need to preparation to various clients, most fail to
procure abilities to be useful and make money, remember them when they graduate and pass on
and these can be accomplished through education. the institutions' current circumstances without
any means to reach them. Employment upon 1.1. sex;
graduation and over the long haul is, naturally, a 1.2. age;
significant need for the vast majority of our 1.3. civil status;
college undergraduates. The central mission of 1.4. year graduated;
our college keeps on being the formation of an 1.5. professional examination passed;
open space of higher education advancing from a 2. To identify the graduates reasons for:
deep-rooted point of view. This depends on the 2.1.taking the course or pursuing the degree;
value of access and ought to be viewed as a and
chance for the individual turn of events, 2.2.pursuing other tertiary level
permitting every one of those fit for profiting qualification/advanced studies;
from advanced education to better integrate into 3. To assess the employability of Graduates in
the worldwide technological society (Ramirez et terms of:
al., 2014). 3.1 waiting time for the first job;
3.2 number of jobs since graduation;
As cited by Cuadra et al. (2019), each 3.3 employment status;
scholastic establishment will likely produce 3.4 present occupation;
skilled and exceptionally qualified graduates that 3.5 gross monthly income;
can ultimately be serious in a local and global 3.6 present employer;
field. A tracer study is an extremely useful asset 3.7 nature of work;
that can provide important data for assessing the 3.8 place of work;
whereabouts and execution of graduates in the 3.10 number of Employees in present
work environment. company/organization; and
3.11 length of service in each job;
Mechanical Technology students who 4. To deteremine the relevance of the following
are skilled with hand tools and a variety of to the graduates’ first job:
machine tools are responsible for the maintenance 4.1 graduates’ course/degree;
and repair of all kinds of machines. Students are 4.2 curriculum graduates had in college; and
also involved in the construction and design of 4.3 competencies acquired from the university;
any kind of machinery, from the industry's largest 5. To asses the graduates’ satisfaction in the
equipment to the most recent designs. Students of present Job in terms of:
mechanical technology are keen on figuring out 5.1 intention to stay;
how things work. They are knowledgeable as well 5.2 reason for staying on the job;and
as inventive. Both composed and verbal relational 5.3 reasons for changing their present job;
abilities, as well as authoritative capacities, are 6. To propose a plan of action to further enhance
well-developed in them. Mechanical technology the employability of graduates of Mechanical
requires skilled operators of apparatus, especially Technology.
machines, who can work in an industrial setting or
work environment. 3. METHODOLOGY
3.1 Research Design
In line with this, the researchers present The study used the descriptive method of
the profiles of BIT Mechanical Technology research to assess the employability of the BIT
students and the application of their major of Mechanical Technology graduates of Batangas
specialization to their actual jobs. It also attempts State University for AY 2021-2022. It
to decide if the graduates of the said program determined the present status of the graduates.
continue to follow their preferred career path.v
3.2 Respondents of the Study
2. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY There were 45 graduates from the
This study traced the graduates of Bachelor of academic year 2021-2022 in the Bachelor of
Industrial Technology Major in Mechanical Industrial Technology with a Major in
Technology of Batangas State University. Mechanical Technology program at Batangas
Specifically, it sought answers to the following: State University, Alangilan Campus who served
as the respondents of this study. However, there’s
1. To determine the profile of the graduates no sampling used to determine the number of
respondents since all the BIT majors in
in terms of:
mechanical technology were considered to be The profile of the target research
part of the study. participants, who are Mechanical Technology
graduates, is highly regarded in terms of sex, age,
3.3 Data Gathering Instrument and civil status, which was obtained through
The researchers' primary data collection questionnaires and tabulated in Tables 2 to 5.
tools were a structured questionnaire provided by
the university. It contains questions that allow us 4.1.1 Sex. Table 1 presents the profile of
to determine the demographic profile, mechanical graduates in terms of sex.
educational background, and working status of
the graduates of Mechanical Technology Table 1
Academic Year 2021-2022. Profile of Mechanical Technology
Graduates in terms of Sex
Construction of the questionnaire. The
questionnaire was provided by the university Sex Frequency Percentage Rank
through the office of the Vice President of
Academic Affairs. Male 35 77.80 1
Female 10 22.20 2
3.4 Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers requested permission to Total 19 100%
obtain the list of BIT Mechanical Technology
graduates in a letter addressed to the Records
Office of the Batangas State University, Table 1 above shows the sex of the
Alangilan Campus. The first procedure was to
respondents. As seen, 77.8 percent of graduates
request permission from the university and
government agency to obtain Freedom of from 2021–2022 are males, with a total
Information under RA 10173, or the Data frequency of 35 graduates, while female
Privacy Act of 2012. The names of graduates, the graduates are 10 equivalents to 22.2 percent. This
year they graduated, their field of specialization, simply means that mechanical technology is
their email address, and their contact numbers primarily intended for men, seeing as mechanical
were gathered, as stated in the request letter, technicians repair, assemble, and machine
before passing survey-based questionnaires to the
selected respondents from Academic Year 2021-
2022 through the email they used at school. 4.1.2 Age. Presented in Table 2 is the profile of
the respondents in terms of age.
3.5 Statistical Treatment
The gathered data from questionnaires were Table 2
tallied, tabulated, and subjected to the following Profile of Mechanical Technology Graduates
statistical tools. in terms of Age
Frequency, percentage, and rank. These tools
were used to present and analyze the profiles of Age Frequency Percentage Rank
the graduates, the graduates’ reasons for taking 20-24 19 97.80 1
the course, the employability of the graduates,
and the graduates’ sources of information about 25-29 2.20 2.20 2
their first job.
Total 45 100.00
Mean and Composite Mean. These statistical
treatments were used to determine the relevance
of graduates to the competencies acquired from
Ages 20–24 have the greatest number of
the university and graduates’ satisfaction in their
present jobs. respondents, with a frequency of 44 and a total
percentage of 97.8 percent, while ages 25–29
4. RESUT AND DISCUSSION have a total percentage of 2.2 percent.
4.1 Profile of Mechanical Technology
4.1.3 Civil Status. The survey shows that most of
the graduates are still single. Reasons for Frequency Percentage Rank
Pursuing the
4.1.4 Course Taken. The researchers proposed to Degree
have a survey of mechanical technology Good Grades 1 2.22 9
graduates from 2021 to 2022. in subject
4.1.5 Year Graduated. Most of the respondents
Peer 1 2.22 9
and graduates are from the year 2021, and the
least number of graduates is noted from 2022.
Strong 13 28.89 1
4.1.6 Professional Examination Passed. Table 3 passion for
below presents the profile of mechanical the
technology graduates in terms of professional profession
examinations passed. Prospect of 5 11.11 3.5
Table 3 advancement
Profile of Mechanical Technology Graduates
Influence of 3 6.67 5.5
in terms of Professional Examination Passed Parents
Inspired by 1 2.22 9
Professional Frequency Percentage Rank role model
Passed Prospect for 3 6.67 5.5
National 6 13.30 2 immediate
Certificate II employment/
Not 38 84.50 1 adaptability
PRC 1 2.20 3 Availability 11 24.44 2
Examinations of course
offering in
Total 45 100 chosen
No particular 5 11.14 3.5
The table shows that from 2021–2022, choice/no
no graduates took the Career Service better idea
Examination, six (6) graduates passed their
National Certificate II, thirty-nine (39) graduates Others 2 4.44 7
responded that it is now applicable to them, one (DOST
(1) graduate passed the PRC Examination, and Scholarship,
own choice,
no graduate took the Professional Examination no idea of
(international-based). course to
Total 45 100.00
4.2 Reasons of Pursuing the course
4.2.1 Reasons for Pursuing the Degree. Table 4
shows the profile of the respondents in terms of 4.2.2 Pursuing Advanced Studies. Table 5
their reasons for pursuing the course below shows the profile of graduates in terms of
pursuing advanced studies.
Table 4
Profile of Mechanical Technology Graduates Table 5
in terms of Reasons of Pursuing Advance Profile of Mechanical Technology Graduates
Studies in terms of Reasons of Pursuing Advance
Pursuing Frequen Percenta Ran Items Frequ Percentag Rank
Advance cy ge k ency e
Less than 1 18 40.00 1
For 1 2.22 3 month
Promotion 2-5 months 17 37.78 2
For 25 55.56 1
Professio- 6-12 months 5 11.11 3
Develop- More than 4 8.89 4
ment one year
Not 19 42.22 2 N/A 1 2.22 5
Total 45 100.00
Total 45 100.00

Table 5 above illustrates the

respondent's educational profile in terms of
pursuing advanced studies. According to the 4.3.2 Number of Jobs Since Graduation.
given data, most of the graduates’ reasons for Table 8 presents the number of jobs since their
not pursuing advanced studies are their own graduation.
preferences. While the majority of the graduates
want to pursue advanced study. The majority of the respondents have
had one job since they graduated; hence,
4.3 Employability of Graduates twelve (12) respondents revealed that they
have had two jobs since graduating.
Table 6
Employability Rate of Mechanical Table 8
Technology Graduates Employability of Mechanical Technology
Graduates in terms of Number of Jobs
Items 2022 Percentage
Since Graduation
Employed 35 77.78%
Non-Employed 10 22.22% Number Frequency Percentage Rank
of Jobs
Total 45 100% 1 27 60.00 1

2 12 26.67 2
Table 6 above displays the employability
rate of mechanical technology graduates. First, 3 2 4.44 4
35 respondents claimed that they were
No 4 8.89 3
employed by an organization or industry,
while 10 declared themselves unemployed.
Total 45 100.00
4.3.1 Waiting Time for the First Job. The
overall assessment revealed that 18 respondents
got their first job in less than a month, 17
4.3.3 Employment Status. Table 9 presents
respondents got their first job between 2 and 5
the employment status of the respondents.
months, and the other 5 respondents between 6
and 12 months.
Table 9
Table 7 Employability of Mechanical Technology
Employability of Mechanical Technology Graduates in terms of Employment Status
Graduates in terms of waiting time for
the First Job
Items Frequency Percentage Rank
The presented table displays the
Permanent 17 37.78 1
respondents' gross monthly income. The
Temporary 10 22.22 3 majority of the mechanical graduates earned a
gross monthly income of 10,000–19,000,
Self- 4 8.89 4 while nine (9) respondents earned a gross
Employed monthly income of less than 10,000, five (5)
Contractual 13 28.89 2 respondents earned a gross monthly income of
No answer 1 2.22 5 20,00–29,999, and one (1) respondent revealed
having a gross monthly income of 40k and
Total 45 100.00 above.

4.3.6 Present Employer. The study's findings

Table 9 displays the respondents'
indicate that BIT Mechanical Technology
employment status. It shows that seventeen
graduates are highly qualified and possess the
(17) respondents are employed as permanent
competencies required by mechanical
employees; yet, thirteen (13) respondents are
companies and industries. Furthermore,
contractual employees in their job, while ten
mechanical graduates are in high demand at
(10) respondents are temporarily employed,
some industrial and related firms. Sohbi
and four (4) respondents are self-employed.
Kohgei Company and Cal-Comp Precision
Philippines, among others, are the province's
4.3.4 Present Occupation. Most of the leading mechanical companies. For Batangas
graduates are working as cadet technicians and State University Mechanical Technology
mechanical technicians. graduates, even small-scale mechanical shops
are in high demand.
With a percentage of 11.12%, the
majority of respondents work as cadet 4.3.7 Nature of Work. The nature of the work
technicians. Three graduates said they are jetty of mechanical technology graduates is
operators and mechanical technicians, with a presented in Table 11.
combined percentage of 6.68%. Three
graduates stated that they work as technicians.
Table 11
Two respondents stated that they were process
Employment Data of the Respondents in
engineers. Other specification jobs held by 23
Terms of Nature of Work
graduates include Associate Software Engineer,
Valve Technician, Maintenance Technician, Nature of Frequency Percentage Rank
Equipment Specialist, and others. Finally, Work
there are six respondents who did not specify Government 2 4.44 2
their job titles.
Non-govern- 43 95.56 1
4.3.5 Gross Monthly Income. The table 10 Total 45 100.00
shows the Gross Monthly Income of the
Mechanical Technology Graduates.
According to the table, the majority of
respondents work for a non-government
Table 10 establishment or company. Forty-three
Employment Data of the Respondents in graduates said they work for a non-
Terms of Gross Monthly Income government organization, while the remaining
Gross Freque Percent Rank
Monthly ncy age
two work for a government institution.
Less than 10k 9 20.00 2 4.3.8 Place of Work. Table 12 presents the
10k-19k 30 66.67 1
place of work of Mechanical Technology
20k-29.9k 5 11.11 3
40k-49,999 1 2.22 4 Table 12
Total 19 100% Employment Data of the Respondents in
Terms of Place of Work
According to the study's findings, the
Place of Freque Percenta Rank majority of respondents agreed that their first
Work ncy ge job was related to their course or degree. This
Local 44 97.78 1 is based on their responses, which were
emphatically "yes". In contrast, 11 respondents
Abroad 1 2.22 2 said "no" in response to the question.
Total 45 100%
4.4.2 Curriculum Graduates Had in College.
Table 14 presents the relevance of the
According to the table above, the mechanical technology graduates first job to
majority of respondents work for local their curriculum in college.
companies, with only one (1) respondent
working abroad. Table 14
Relevance of the Mechanical Technology
4.3.9 Number of Employees. According to Graduates’ First Job to their Curriculum in
the data gathered, 10 respondents work for College
companies with 10 to 99 employees. The four First Job Frequency Percentage Rank
respondents then indicated that they work for Related to
companies with 100 to 199 employees. Curriculum
Twenty-seven of them said they work in in College
companies with 200 or more employees, while Yes 36 80.00 1
four said they work in companies and No 9 20.00 2
industries with fewer than ten employees. This Total 45 100
result simply show

4.3.10 Length of Service in the Present Job. According to the table, respondents'
Based on the table, 35 respondents stated that first job is related to their college curriculum.
they've been in their current job for 1-6 months, The majority of respondents, 36 in total,
while 4 stated they have been there for 7–12 agreed that their college curriculum was
months. One respondent stated that he has relevant to their first job, while the remaining
been at his current job for 13–18 months. respondents disagreed. This finding simply
Following that are two respondents who have means that the skills they learned at university
been with the company for 19–24 months. are relevant to their jobs, and they apply these
Finally, three respondents stated that they have skills in the repair and maintenance job.
been at their current job for at least 25 months.
4.4.3. Competencies acquired
4.4. Relevance of the mechanical technology from the university. According to the
graduates’ first job findings, critical thinking skills have the
highest weighted mean, and the results show
that this skill is extremely relevant to the first
4.4.1 Graduates’ Course or Degree Table 13
job of mechanical technology graduates.
presents the relevance of the Mechanical
However, entrepreneurial skills have the
Technology graduate's first job to their
lowest weighted mean of 3.91. This skill
graduate course or degree.
received the lowest weighted mean because it
is not closely related to mechanical technology
Table 13 and would be more relevant in a business-
Employability of Mechanical associated job.
Technology Graduates in Terms of
Employment Relevance in Their First Job
Almost all of the competencies
First Job Frequency Percentage Rank
Related to presented in the table are relevant to their
Course occupations. It demonstrates the significance
Yes 34 76.56 1 of these skills in the workplace and the
No 11 23.44 2 recommendation that students learn them so
Total 45 100
they can use them to advance in their careers.
5. Graduates’ Satisfaction in the Present respondents (or 53.3%) have reasons to change
Jobs. jobs because of their salary and wages. Other
reasons include something personal or
5.1.1 Intention to Stay in Their Present Job. confidential that they would rather not disclose,
Table 15 presents the graduates’ reasons for which has 2 respondents with a 4.4 percent
staying in their present jobs. response rate. It is followed by career
challenge, which received 17.8 percent, with
Table 15 one respondent answering none. Special skills
Mechanical Technology Graduates’ received a percentage of 6.7 percent, while
Satisfaction in Terms of Intention to stay in course study received a lower percentage of
their Present Job 4.4 percent. According to the findings,
Intention to Frequency Percentage Rank respondents change jobs for a variety of
Stay reasons. These graduates are young and
Yes 35 77.78 1 looking for better opportunities, so when
options to prosper and grow professionally
No 10 22.22 2
arise, they seize them and proceed to a more
Total 45 100 rewarding one.

Based on a survey conducted, 35 6. Proposed Plan of Action

individuals expressed their intention to stay in
their current job, which accounts for 77.78% The proposed plan of action is to encourage
of the respondents. This indicates a strong recent graduates to continue their education
inclination towards continuing their current through professional development courses,
employment. On the other hand, 10 individuals industry certifications, and other relevant
answered negatively, which represents 22.22% training opportunities. Likewise, provide
of the participants. incentives for ongoing learning and
development, such as time off for training,
5.2.1 Reasons for Staying in Their Present tuition reimbursement, or bonuses for
Job. According to the findings, the majority of completing specific programs.
graduates stay in their jobs because of their
special skills. Salary and wages related to Moreover, recent graduates are encouraged
course of study and proximity to residence, to work collaboratively on group projects,
skill development and passion, good team assignments, and other activities that
experience, experience, contract, just not to be require teamwork. This will help them develop
idle, and none were followed by salaries and interpersonal skills and learn to work
wages. effectively with others. In addition, to provide
regular feedback and recognition to recent
This means that BIT mechanical graduates for their accomplishments, both
graduates prefer to stay in their current jobs individually and as part of a team. Through
because they frequently encounter difficult or this, it can help them reinforce positive
challenging tasks that help them improve their behaviors and encourage continuous
skills. They thrive on variety in their jobs as improvement. Graduates can also develop the
technicians or machinists. Wages and salaries human relations skills, problem-solving skills,
are deemed necessary in order for them to and critical thinking skills necessary for
survive and live a decent life. Another reason effective communication and conflict
for respondents' continued employment is its resolution in the workplace. This will help
relevance to their special skills. Obviously, an them succeed in their careers and become
employee would not change jobs if they were valuable contributors to their organizations.
unrelated. They will always want to move on
to a job where they can expand their skills and To add relevant ideas, expand the
advance professionally. mechanical technology curriculum to include
courses and training programs that align with
5.3.1 Reasons for Changing their Present international job market demands. This will
Job. According to the data gathered, 24 help graduates gain the skills and knowledge
necessary to succeed in the global job market. curriculum review committee for additional
At last, host job fairs and career events to comments or feedback.
connect mechanical technology graduates with
potential employers. This will provide

5.CONCLUSION With boundless love and gratitude, the
From the findings generated in this study, the researchers would like to express their
following conclusions were drawn: heartfelt appreciation to the following
individuals who have contributed to the
1. The majority of Mechanical Technology completion of this study:
graduates were male, 20–24 years old, single, To Dr. Elisa D. Gutierrez, Dean of
from batch 2021–2022, and NC and PRC the College of Industrial Technology, for
Examination passers. allowing them to pursue the study.
2. The majority of the graduates finished the To Dr. Shirley E. Maranan, their
program but did not take advanced studies; they adviser and subject matter specialist, for her
went on to earn their degrees due to their strong invaluable scholarly assistance and undeniable
passion for the field, followed by good grades in effort, suggestions, and provisions made while
subject matter and further education or training supervising the study.
in career development. To Asst. Prof. Irish Giselle C.
3. The majority of respondents have only had one Bautista, chairperson of the panel of
job since graduating, and they work in the local examiners, for the guidance and supervision
mechanical industries. They waited less than a that aided us in completing the study
month for their first job, after which the successfully, as well as her collaboration in
majority of them had permanent jobs with making the study possible.
salaries ranging from P10,000 to P19,999 per To Dr. Jeffrey P. Maranan, one of
month. The majority of them are employed by a the panelists, for providing great advice,
business or industry that is not regulated by the remarks, and time to this study, as well as for
government. Their highest employee count is sharing his insights and invaluable ideas that
200 or more, and the most common job title or aided us in carrying out the study.
position they hold is technician. Lastly, the To Assoc. Prof. Servillano A.
majority of their employment in a company or Gardiano, their course adviser, for his kind
industry lasts between 1 and 8 months. supervision, sincere gratitude, and the learning
4. The majority of respondents believed that their opportunities he delivers to learners and
first employment had relevance to their college researchers like us who persist in molding
coursework and to their field of concentration. each student to push themselves to their limit.
5. The majority of respondents stated that their To their classmates, professors, and
current jobs' salaries and wages were their friends who shared their knowledge and
primary motivation for switching jobs. guidance in the development of this study.
6. In order to make mechanical graduates more To the respondents for their full
employable, the proposed course of action is cooperation and support in making this study
provided. possible by cooperating through surveys.
To their parents, who have pushed
6.RECOMMENDATIONS them and helped ensure that they are
Based on the summary of findings and conclusions, comfortable tackling these tasks, even on busy
the following recommendations are offered: schedules. Their journey in college would not
have been bearable without them by their side,
1. Before leaving the university's portals, as well as the countless times they pushed
Mechanical Technology Bachelor of Industrial them to continue, reminding them why they
Technology majors may be encouraged to take started and that they are nearing the end of
and pass the National Certification (NCII) college life. Their undying guidance and life
exam and other skills-related tests. advice kept the researchers motivated to
2. Prior to its implementation, the proposed accomplish this study.
action plan may be presented to the
Above all, to the Omnipotent
Creator for providing them with this
opportunity and granting the potential for
success, for His shower of blessings
throughout the finalization of this research
study, and for consistently directing them in
the right direction.

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