1.2 and 1.3 Earth Science
1.2 and 1.3 Earth Science
1.2 and 1.3 Earth Science
which ones.
0 tot" ',~ fr/r, -e.
What is wrong with maps? What is the only
type of representation that does not have this
vv--~"> J--\~ --\W-- 91 ~ fW
error? c., e'-MlL
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~ Co tl cvt-·etl. ' o " NG c
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What types of map shows 3D surface in 2
What do contour lines show? If they are close €.. \ e>f f>'I\ J ~-\ e,~'tG' ',~ C \ot;t('
together, is the slope steep or gradual?
Draw the demo showing warm/cool water moving in fish tank, please label. What does this represent i n
our eart h?
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J200 L
Plate Tectonics
10. ls the following sentence true or false? Forces such as weathering
and erosion that work to wear away high points::~ flatten out
Earth's surface are caUed constructive forces. :t[j.,\~
11. Circle the letter of each type of constructive force.
a. gravity
(i;) mountain building
c. ocean currents
12. Is the follov.,fog sentence true or false? Constructive forces
depend on Earth's internal heat for their source of energy.
-t t \j-e.,.
13. Circle the letter of the theory that provided geologists with a
model to ex plain how earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur
and how continents move.
n. continental drift
b. evolution
plate tectonics
d. Pangal'il . -c.. ~, 7 \fh~ l l . ~
14. Explain th!;' erinciples of the plate tectorrn:s the_qry. r;...1711f ). \\ JF , ~.H\
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Determining Location
Milch each descri1,tio11 lo ifs term .
f Description Tenn
1. the distance north or )I..JQngitude
south of the equa tor 'i.,.._gfobe
2. the dis tance eas t or west eastern, western
of the prime meridian
)i..prime meridia n
J. the line of latitude
a round the middle northern, southern
of the globe at Odegrees ~lntitude
4. the line of longitude ~ equator
at O degrees
e 5. the two hemis pheres
fo rmed by the equato r
G 6. the two hemisph eres
fo rmed by the prime
meridi an and the
180° meridi ,m
7. a sphe ric.-il model
of E.-i rth