8.1 What Is An Earthquake
8.1 What Is An Earthquake
8.1 What Is An Earthquake
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Define the difference between the layers of The Lithosphere and Asthenosphere are
the Earth defined based on ,r11:ech,[fol f 5
properties while the crust and m~(lt~ re
based on (, \re.:ro',,lU-.\ tfN"f
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U<l le A{o u, I6
Earlhq uakes and Eilrlh's Interior
C. hrt£AY1.C, /n1~WYe~ D. Energy is released.
9. The ~\CIPz\.,l ,-e.ie 1111J.. hypothesis states that when rocks are
deformed, they bend and then break, releasin stored energy.
10. · ·
to tC:£
ll. Is e foHow ing sentence tru~_Qr)a lse? Most eilr thqu akes occur
along ex1stmg fa ults. _ 1'<' ~
-=-- --
lZ. Circle the letter of small Earth movements that occur follo wing a
ma1or earU1quake.
a. fo reshocks
b. slippage
@ aftershocks
' d. foci .L . w ,te.vv\
l 11, \ •. " l'~,\:ir:1: 71 .
13. The -?~Y) 'ff'i\{M{V) ·rvv\\ 1s one of the most studied fault systems
in the world. t;l&W
14. What is fault creep?
Locating an Earthquake
11. Is the following sentence true or false? On a seis mogram, the
greater the interval is between the arriva l of the first P wave and
the first S wave, the greater the distance to the earthqu ake source.
12. ls the following sentence true or fal se 7 You can use travel-time
graphs from two seismogra~\ to find the exact location of an
earthquake epicenter. ~'=---