MPG TH Salary 2024
MPG TH Salary 2024
MPG TH Salary 2024
ManpowerGroup Thailand
About ManpowerGroup
ManpowerGroup® (NYSE: MAN), the leading global workforce solutions company, helps organizations transform in a fast-changing world of work by sourcing, assessing,
developing, and managing the talent that enables them to win. We develop innovative solutions for hundreds of thousands of organizations every year, providing them with
skilled talent while finding meaningful, sustainable employment for millions of people across a wide range of industries and skills. Our expert family of brands – Manpower,
Experis, and Talent Solutions – creates substantially more value for candidates and clients across more than 70 countries and territories and has done so for 75 years. We are
recognized consistently for our diversity – as a best place to work for Women, Inclusion, Equality, and Disability, and in 2023 ManpowerGroup was named one of the World's
Most Ethical Companies for the 14th time – all confirming our position as the brand of choice for in-demand talent.
Recognition 15
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Lamphun Branch Head Office PROVINCE EACH YEAR
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25 Years of History
Since 1998
Established in Thailand
Eastern Seaboard Branch
100+ Experienced consultants
specializing in diversified
Amata City Chonburi Branch
Songkhla (Southern) industries
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Executive Search Contract Outsourcing Visa & Work Permit Career Transition Program
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As we venture into the dynamic landscape of Thailand's labor market in 2024, it is my privilege to share insights and
reflections on the trends shaping our workforce. In the wake of unprecedented global challenges, the resilience and
adaptability of the Thai labor market have become more evident than ever.
Our commitment to remote and hybrid work models remains unwavering, aligning with workforce preferences and
fostering agility in our inclusive environment.
Talent shortages in key sectors, including Information Technology, healthcare, and engineering, drive our intensified
efforts to attract and retain skilled professionals. Our collaboration with educational institutions and dedication to
sustainable practices reflects our commitment to corporate social responsibility.
According to ManpowerGroup's latest Global Insights report, "The Greening World of Work 2023 Outlook," 70% of
employers globally are actively recruiting for sustainability roles.
As ManpowerGroup Thailand is a leader in the global workforce, we embrace these trends with an unceasing commitment
to innovation, inclusivity, and continuous growth. We're dedicated to supporting your business success, and our
"ManpowerGroup Thailand Salary Guide Survey 2024" will be your valuable tool in navigating the evolving labor
Lilly Ngamtrakulpanit market in 2024.
Country Manager,
ManpowerGroup Thailand Your success is our success.
Thailand Market Overview 2024 Summary
Thailand’s market is experiencing a profound digital transformation, influenced However, amidst these promising aspects, geopolitical risks and volatile
by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Brands are confronting challenges energy prices loom as potential challenges. Industries reliant on energy
in environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG)1 while adjusting to imports face uncertainties that may result in sector-specific challenges,
pre-pandemic spending patterns. potentially impacting employment dynamics.
As we navigate the evolving landscape of Thailand's economic prospects, the Simultaneously, a strategic shift towards a lower-carbon growth path
projected growth of 3.2% in 2024 offers a promising business environment.2 unveils opportunities in renewable energy and sustainability-focused
This anticipated expansion is set to heighten labor demand across diverse sectors. Initiatives such as building electric vehicle infrastructure and
sectors, fueled by businesses expanding their operations to meet growing promoting low-carbon technologies are expected to contribute to job
market needs. creation in these progressive industries.
The recovery in tourism and robust goods exports serves as a catalyst for The emphasis on carbon pricing and environmental initiatives introduces a new
positive impacts on associated industries. Hospitality, travel, and export-oriented dimension to job markets. Industries dedicated to reducing carbon emissions,
sectors are poised for increased hiring to satisfy the increasing demand resulting including renewable energy, energy efficiency, and environmental conservation,
from these encouraging developments. stand to benefit from these policy directions.
Adding to the economic narrative is the implementation of the digital wallet Concurrently, the health damages linked to air pollution spotlight potential
program, poised to propel near-term growth. This initiative opens avenues strains on the healthcare system.3 Efforts to address these concerns may
for heightened job opportunities in the technology and financial sectors, translate into increased demand for healthcare professionals and services,
emphasizing the demand for skills in digital finance and technology. reshaping employment landscapes in the healthcare sector.
The projected slowdown in headline inflation to 1.1% in 2024 carries implications In summary, the complex interplay of the economic outlook and policy initiatives
for wage negotiations. The potential for sustained low inflation may influence holds sway over Thailand's labor market dynamics in 2024. Sectors aligned with
wage growth trajectories, directly affecting the cost of living for workers. tourism, technology, renewable energy, and healthcare are poised for
transformative shifts in employment patterns, reflective of the nuanced
economic and environmental factors outlined above.
Banking and Finance
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Thailand’s Banking and Finance
Industry Overview
Thailand’s banking and finance industry is a vital component of its economy
and contributes significantly to its growth and development.
1. Banking Sector: The banking sector in Thailand is dominated by commercial 5. Fintech Innovation: Thailand has seen a rise in financial
banks, including both domestic and international banks. The Bank of Thailand technology (fintech) innovation, with startups and technology
serves as the central bank and regulatory authority overseeing the banking companies developing innovative solutions to address various
industry. financial needs. The government has supported fintech
development in the financial services sector by fostering an
2. Financial Markets: Thailand has a well-developed financial market that environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship.
encompasses stock exchanges, bond markets, and currency markets. The
Stock Exchange of Thailand is the primary stock exchange in which publicly 6. Challenges and Opportunities: Despite its strengths, Thailand’s
listed companies trade shares. The bond market is also significant, with banking and finance industry faces challenges such as cybersecurity
government bonds, corporate bonds, and other actively traded fixed-income risks, regulatory compliance, and economic uncertainties. However,
securities . there are many opportunities for growth, including digital transfor-
mation, infrastructure development, and regional integration through
3. Regulatory Environment: The regulatory environment in Thailand's banking initiatives such as the ASEAN Economic Community.
and finance industry is governed by various regulatory bodies, including the
Bank of Thailand, Securities and Exchange Commission, and Ministry of Overall, Thailand’s banking and finance industry is dynamic
Finance. These authorities play a crucial role in ensuring the stability, integrity, and resilient and plays a crucial role in supporting economic
and efficiency of the financial system. growth, fostering financial stability, and driving innovation.
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
CBO (Chief Banking Officer 180,000 220,000 219,000 289,200 210,000 310,500
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Financial Planning and Analyst 35,000 45,000 37,000 68,000 67,000 130,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Credit Control and Analyst 15,000 17,820 16,500 29,800 21,300 41,300
Compensation and Benefits Manager 50,000 65,000 58,000 72,000 75,000 87,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Public Relations (PR) Manager 36,700 42,000 31,030 63,450 41,000 87,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Sales Support /Sales Administrator 12,000 17,500 18,000 23,500 25,500 32,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Data Center Operation Manager 54,000 147,000 62,000 168,000 84,000 189,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Legal and Compliance Manager 55,000 67,000 62,000 79,000 77,500 142,000
Licensing and Permit Manager 42,000 64,500 55,000 78,500 70,000 120,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Ethics and Compliance Officer 18,000 22,000 27,000 37,600 43,800 50,000
Risk and Compliance Analyst 18,000 26,500 26,500 35,000 42,000 54,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Customer Service Operations Manager 35,000 55,000 51,000 65,000 63,500 120,000
Customer Service Team Lead 25,000 37,000 30,000 45,000 32,500 60,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Contact Center Team Leader 35,000 57,000 45,000 65,000 50,000 75,000
Live Chat Support Agent 15,000 18,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 35,000
Social Media Customer Service Representative 13,000 17,000 18,000 26,500 25,000 32,000
Call center TH - English speaking 15,000 20,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 37,000
Call center TH - Thai speaking 13,000 16,000 15,000 25,000 18,000 31,500
Project Management Office (PMO) 68,000 105,000 97,000 135,000 140,000 185,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Manager 47,000 52,000 62,300 76,500 62,000 136,000
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Specialist 28,300 37,000 31,500 51,000 45,000 68,000
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager 52,000 63,000 57,000 78,200 74,000 93,500
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Specialist 23,000 32,000 25,600 32,600 33,000 56,700
Green Building and Infrastructure Specialist 18,000 23,000 22,000 35,000 35,600 44,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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IT and Tech
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Thailand’s IT and Tech
Industry Overview
Thailand’s information technology (IT) and technology industries are rapidly
evolving, driven by digital transformation initiatives, government support, and
the increasing demand for technological solutions across various sectors.
6. Startup Ecosystem: Thailand's startup ecosystem is growing
1. Digital Economy Development: Thailand has been actively promoting the rapidly, with a burgeoning community of technology entrepreneurs,
development of its digital economy as part of its Thailand 4.0 agenda. These incubators, accelerators, and venture capital firms. To facilitate
include initiatives to promote digital infrastructure, encourage innovation and business registration and investment, the government has
entrepreneurship, and enhance digital skills in the workforce. launched initiatives to support startups, including funding
programs, mentorship initiatives, and regulatory reforms.
2. Key Players and Clusters: Thailand is home to a vibrant ecosystem of
technology companies, startups, and research institutions. The key players 7. Challenges and Opportunities: Although Thailand's IT and
include multinational corporations, local technology firms, and startups. technology industries have experienced significant growth,
Technology clusters such as Cyberjaya and Digital Park Thailand serve as they still face challenges such as talent shortages, regulatory
hubs for innovation and collaboration. hurdles, and cybersecurity risks. However, there are ample
opportunities for growth, including digital transformation in
3. Government Initiatives: The Thai government has launched various initiatives traditional industries, expansion of e-commerce and digital
to support the growth of the IT and technology industries. This includes payments, and regional collaboration within the ASEAN
investment incentives, research and development grants, and policies to Economic Community.
promote digital innovation and adoption across sectors such as healthcare,
agriculture, and manufacturing. Overall, Thailand’s IT and technology industries are poised for
continued growth and innovation driven by a supportive
4. Digital Infrastructure: Thailand has invested in digital infrastructure to ecosystem, government initiatives, and increasing demand for
support the expansion of its digital economy. This includes efforts to improve digital solutions in the digital age.
broadband connectivity, expand mobile network coverage, and develop
smart-city initiatives in urban areas.
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Financial Planning and Analyst 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 135,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Data Center Operation Manager 54,000 147,000 62,000 168,000 84,000 189,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Manager - - 60,000 85,000 72,000 125,000
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Specialist - - 42,000 65,000 55,000 90,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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FMCG and Retail
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Thailand’s FMCG and Retail
Industry Overview
Thailand’s Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and retail industries are
dynamic and play vital roles in the country's economy.
1. Market Size and Growth: The FMCG sector in Thailand is sizable and 6. Government Regulations: Regulations ensure consumer
growing steadily owing to rapid urbanization, a burgeoning middle class, safety, fair competition, and support for domestic industries
and evolving consumer preferences. through standards, labeling, import rules, and taxation
2. Retail Landscape: Thailand's retail sector includes modern formats, such
as supermarkets and convenience stores, alongside traditional markets. 7. Challenges and Opportunities: In Thailand’s Retail industry,
Major players include Central Group, CP All, Tesco Lotus, Big C, and Robinson the major challenges include intense competition, margin
Department Store. pressure, and supply chain disruptions; however, there are
opportunities in the premium, health, wellness, and online
3. E-commerce: Driven by the increasing Internet and smartphone use, retail segments.
Thailand's e-commerce sector is booming. Local and international platforms
offer a wide range of FMCG products. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the industry has
shown resilience and adaptability. To thrive, businesses must
4. Consumer Behavior: Thai consumers prioritize factors such as convenience, innovate, adapt to trends, and leverage digital technologies.
quality, and product innovation. As such, the demand for premium, healthier, For the latest insights, consult updated reports on Thailand's
and eco-friendly products is increasing. FMCG and retail sectors.
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Project Management Office (PMO) 56,000 72,000 63,000 89,050 65,700 155,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Credit Control and Analyst 15,750 18,700 23,325 31,000 32,300 49,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Compensation and Benefits Manager 21,000 27,000 30,000 42,850 37,380 58,590
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Public Relations (PR) Manager 38,535 44,100 32,582 66,623 43,050 91,350
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Sales Support /Sales Administrator 12,600 18,375 18,900 24,675 26,775 33,600
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Data Center Operation Manager 54,000 147,000 62,000 168,000 84,000 189,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Legal and Compliance Manager 57,750 70,350 65,100 82,950 81,375 149,100
Ethics and Compliance Officer 18,900 23,100 28,350 39,480 45,990 52,500
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Risk and Compliance Analyst 18,900 27,825 27,825 36,750 44,100 56,700
Licensing and Permit Manager 44,100 67,725 57,750 82,425 73,500 126,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Customer Service Operations Manager 36,750 57,750 53,550 68,250 66,675 126,000
Customer Service Team Lead 26,250 38,850 31,500 47,250 34,100 63,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Contact Center Team Leader 36,750 59,850 47,250 68,000 52,500 78,750
Live Chat Support Agent 15,000 18,900 21,000 31,500 26,250 36,750
Social Media Customer Service Representative 13,650 17,850 18,900 27,800 26,250 33,600
Call center TH - English speaking 15,750 21,000 20,000 31,500 26,250 38,000
Call center TH - Thai speaking 13,800 16,800 15,750 26,250 18,900 33,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Clinical Research Associate (CRA) 25,000 35,000 28,000 56,000 57,000 120,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Coordinator 18,000 25,000 22,000 37,000 35,000 53,500
Project Management Office (PMO) 42,000 63,000 67,700 75,600 70,875 139,700
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Manager 49,350 54,600 65,415 80,325 65,100 142,800
Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Specialist 29,715 38,850 33,000 53,550 47,250 71,400
Health and Safety Inspector 18,000 23,000 25,000 37,000 34,000 55,000
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Specialist 24,150 33,600 26,880 34,230 34,650 59,535
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Green Building and Infrastructure Specialist 17,000 25,000 22,000 36,000 37,500 48,000
Lean Six Sigma Specialist 32,000 47,000 52,000 65,000 68,000 92,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Thailand’s Manufacturing Industrial
Industry Overview
Thailand's manufacturing industry plays a significant role in its economy and
contributes substantially to its GDP and employment.
1. Contribution to GDP: Manufacturing sectors, such as automotive, electronics, Overall, supported by government policies and a skilled
food processing, textiles, and chemicals, significantly contribute to Thailand's workforce, Thailand's manufacturing sector drives economic
GDP. growth. These challenges include rising labor costs and
global economic uncertainties. For recent updates, consult
2. Automotive Industry: Thailand is a major player in automotive manufacturing specific reports on Thailand's manufacturing sector.
in Southeast Asia and produces a wide range of vehicles.
Thailand's manufacturing industry continues to be a significant
3. Electronics and Electrical Appliances: The country has a strong electronics driver of economic growth and development, supported by its
sector that attracts foreign investment because of its skilled workforce. skilled workforce, strategic location, and diversified industrial
base. However, ongoing efforts are required to address the
4. Food Processing: Thailand's food-processing industry is renowned globally, challenges faced and sustain competitiveness in global
benefiting from both domestic and international demand. markets. Therefore, it is advisable to consult updated reports
and data sources specific to Thailand's manufacturing sector
5. Textiles and Garments: Known for quality and innovation, Thailand's textile to obtain the most recent and detailed information.
industry exports to various international markets.
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Financial Planning and Analyst 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 90,000 135,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Manager - - 50,000 90,000 135,000 165,000
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Specialist 30,000 40,000 45,000 65,000 70,000 95,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
Toyota Production System (TPS) Engineer 18,000 30,000 27,000 55,000 50,000 80,000
Lean Six Sigma Engineer/Specialist 23,000 35,000 55,000 95,000 100,000 160,000
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
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Entry-Level Middle-Level High-Level
Positions by department
Min Max Min Max Min Max
1. Healthcare Infrastructure: Thailand has been investing heavily in its healthcare 6. Healthcare Challenges: Despite progress, Thailand faces
infrastructure, with modern hospitals and medical facilities being established challenges such as an aging population, a rising prevalence of
nationwide. Bangkok has several hospitals that attract medical tourists. chronic diseases, and disparities in healthcare access between
urban and rural areas. Addressing these challenges is crucial to
2. Medical Tourism: Thailand has emerged as a leading destination for medical sustain the growth of the healthcare sector.
tourism, offering high-quality healthcare services at a relatively lower cost than
in many Western countries. This has significantly contributed to the country's 7. Regulatory Environment: The regulatory environment for
economy and healthcare industry. healthcare and life sciences in Thailand is relatively favorable,
with clear guidelines and regulations governing the industry.
3. Government Initiatives: The Thai government has implemented various However, companies entering the market must navigate the
initiatives to improve healthcare access and quality, including the introduction regulatory landscape effectively to ensure compliance.
of universal healthcare coverage for citizens. This has helped increase
healthcare utilization and the demand for medical services. Overall, Thailand's healthcare and life sciences market presents
significant opportunities for investment and growth driven by
4. Pharmaceutical Industry: Thailand has a growing pharmaceutical industry with supportive government policies, increasing healthcare
domestic and international pharmaceutical companies operating there. The demand, and a growing focus on innovation and research.
government has been actively promoting the development of the pharmaceutical However, addressing challenges such as healthcare disparities
sector through incentives and support for R&D. and regulatory complexities is essential for the sustainable
development of the sector.
5. Biotechnology and Life Sciences: Thailand is also focusing on the development
of its biotechnology and life sciences sectors. Research institutions and universities
conduct research in areas such as biomedicine, agricultural biotechnology, and
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) 150,000 180,000 167,000 207,000 235,000 520,000
COO (Chief Operating Officer) 120,000 172,000 157,000 187,000 201,000 370,000
CFO (Chief Financial Officer) 100,000 156,000 126,000 191,500 195,700 235,000
CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) 120,000 175,000 137,000 200,600 182,700 374,000
CTO (Chief Technology Officer) 130,000 165,000 143,000 210,975 156,000 432,000
CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) 120,000 170,000 132,000 175,000 167,500 500,250
Financial Planning and Analyst 20,000 32,000 26,000 78,600 82,520 122,000
Credit Control and Analyst 14,000 16,200 20,290 26,970 28,000 42,630
Compensation and Benefits Manager 50,000 64,000 59,000 72,000 82,000 117,000
Compensation and Benefits Analyst 18,270 23,490 26,100 37,200 32,520 50,900
Public Relations (PR) Manager 33,520 38,300 28,300 57,960 37,400 79,470
Sales Support /Sales Administrator 10,900 15,980 16,400 21,400 23,200 29,200
Data Center Operation Manager 54,000 147,000 62,000 168,000 84,000 189,000
Legal and Compliance Manager 50,200 61,200 56,600 72,160 70,790 129,700
Ethics and Compliance Officer 16,000 20,090 24,000 34,300 40,000 45,600
Risk and Compliance Analyst 15,500 24,200 24,200 31,900 38,000 49,300
Customer Service Operations Manager 31,900 50,200 46,500 59,300 58,000 109,620
Customer Service Team Lead 22,838 33,800 27,405 41,108 29,667 54,810
Contact Center Team Leader 31,900 52,070 41,100 59,160 45,600 68,500
Live Chat Support Agent 14,000 16,400 18,270 27,405 22,800 31,970
Social Media Customer Service Representative 12,800 15,530 16,440 24,000 22,800 29,200
Call center TH - English speaking 15,700 18,270 17,400 27,400 27,800 42,060
Call center TH - Thai speaking 15,000 16,600 13,700 22,000 17,400 28,710
Research and Development Manager 43,500 60,900 50,460 68,730 84,390 132,240
Research and Development Engineer 15,790 23,229 22,620 47,850 26,970 49,590
Clinical Research Associate (CRA) 21,750 30,450 24,360 48,720 49,590 104,400
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Coordinator 15,660 21,750 19,140 32,190 30,450 46,545
Project Management Office (PMO) 36,540 54,810 58,800 65,700 61,660 121,500
Health and Safety Manager 42,900 47,500 56,910 69,800 56,600 124,200
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Specialist 25,850 33,800 28,710 46,500 41,100 62,100
Health and Safety Inspector 15,000 20,010 21,750 32,190 29,580 47,850
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager/Director 47,500 57,550 52,070 71,400 67,500 85,400
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Specialist 21,010 29,200 23,300 29,780 30,100 51,700
Green Building and Infrastructure Specialist 16,790 21,750 19,140 31,320 32,600 41,760
Lean Six Sigma Specialist 27,840 40,890 45,240 56,550 59,160 80,040
Financial Planning and Analyst 40,000 55,000 60,000 90,000 80,000 140,000
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Manager - - 60,000 80,000 100,000 150,000
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Specialist - - 35,000 70,000 80,000 100,000
Lean Six Sigma Engineer/Specialist 23,000 35,000 50,000 80,000 70,000 110,000
1. Strategic Location: Thailand's geographic location at the heart of Southeast Asia 6. Logistics Services: Thailand has a well-developed logistics
makes it a key transportation hub. It serves as a gateway connecting Southeast services sector that includes freight forwarding, warehousing,
Asia to other global markets, thereby facilitating trade and commerce. distribution, and supply chain management. Both domestic
and international companies operate in the logistics market
2. Infrastructure Development: The Thai government has been investing in and provide a range of services to meet the needs of various
transportation infrastructure, including roads, railways, ports, and airports, industries.
to enhance connectivity and facilitate the movement of goods and people.
Projects such as the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) aim to further develop 7. Government Initiatives: The Thai government has implemented
infrastructure and logistics capabilities. policies and initiatives to promote the development of the
transportation and logistics industry, including infrastructure
3. Port and Maritime Sector: Thailand has several major ports, including investments, trade facilitation measures, and regulatory
Laem Chabang Port and Bangkok Port, which handle a significant portion of reforms.
the country's maritime trade. Efforts to improve port efficiency and capacity
to accommodate the growing trade volumes are ongoing. 8. Challenges and Opportunities: Although Thailand's transport
and logistics industry has experienced growth, it also faces
4. Air Cargo and Aviation: The Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok is a major air challenges such as congestion, infrastructure bottlenecks, and
cargo hub in the region that handles large volumes of international freight. competition from neighboring countries. These challenges
Thailand's aviation sector also supports logistics operations with several present opportunities for investment, innovation, and collaboration
domestic and international airports serving passengers and cargo. to improve efficiency and sustainability.
5. Road and Rail Networks: Thailand has an extensive road network that Thailand's transportation and logistics industries play a vital
facilitates the transportation of goods within the country and across role in supporting economic growth, trade, and regional
borders. The railway network, which includes both freight and passenger integration. With ongoing infrastructure investments and
services, plays an important role in the logistics supply chain. efforts to enhance logistics capabilities, the industry is poised
for further development and expansion in the coming years.
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) 135,000 162,000 150,000 186,000 211,000 400,000
COO (Chief Operating Officer) 108,000 154,800 141,000 163,000 180,900 313,000
CFO (Chief Financial Officer) 110,000 140,400 113,400 172,000 176,130 231,500
CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) 108,000 157,500 121,000 180,000 164,000 330,000
CTO (Chief Technology Officer) 117,000 148,500 128,700 189,878 140,400 388,800
CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) 108,000 153,000 118,800 167,000 150,000 450,200
Financial Planning and Analyst 23,000 36,200 37,400 48,840 69,200 75,800
Credit Control and Analyst 13,600 14,580 18,200 24,200 25,200 38,000
Compensation and Benefits Manager 46,000 59,000 60,000 71,500 80,500 118,000
Compensation and Benefits Analyst 16,000 21,100 23,490 33,000 29,200 45,810
Public Relations (PR) Manager 30,000 34,000 25,400 52,100 33,600 71,500
Sales Support /Sales Administrator 13,810 15,380 17,760 25,260 20,880 38,280
Data Center Operation Manager 54,000 147,000 62,000 168,000 84,000 189,000
Legal and Compliance Manager 45,180 55,080 50,940 64,944 63,711 116,730
Customer Service Operations Manager 28,710 45,180 41,850 53,370 52,200 98,650
Customer Service Team Lead 20,500 30,420 24,600 36,900 26,700 49,300
Contact Center Team Leader 28,710 46,000 36,990 53,000 41,040 61,650
Social Media Customer Service Representative 15,520 16,300 19,700 21,600 20,520 26,280
Live Chat Support Agent 15,600 14,760 16,400 24,600 20,520 28,773
Call center TH - English speaking 15,130 18,400 15,660 24,000 25,020 39,850
Call center TH - Thai speaking 13,500 14,940 16,500 19,800 15,660 35,800
Project Management Office (PMO) Manager 32,886 49,329 52,920 59,130 55,494 109,350
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Manager 38,610 42,750 51,200 62,820 50,940 151,000
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Specialist 23,200 30,420 25,800 41,850 36,990 55,890
Sustainability and Environmental Specialist 25,600 43,000 32,000 56,000 67,000 77,000
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager 42,750 51,795 46,000 64,260 60,750 76,860
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Specialist 18,900 26,280 20,970 26,800 27,000 46,500
Global Supply Chain Manager 57,000 65,000 59,800 87,500 64,200 203,490
Supply Chain Strategy Manager 56,000 77,000 64,000 94,000 76,800 164,500
1. Natural Gas Production and LNG Infrastructure: Ranking 22nd globally in 5. Electricity Generation and Transmission: Infrastructure
natural gas production, Thailand meets 20% of the global demand. The country upgrades are underway to meet growing electricity demand and
is expanding its liquid natural gas (LNG) infrastructure with storage facilities in integrate renewable energy sources into grids. Investments in
Map Ta Phut and is constructing facilities in Ban Nong Fab, Rayong Province. smart-grid technologies, energy storage, and interconnection
This expansion aims to meet the rising LNG demand and support Thailand's projects aim to improve reliability and stability.
transition from coal and lignite for power generation.
6. Challenges and Opportunities: Challenges such as energy
2. Renewable Energy Development: Thailand is actively promoting renewable security, fuel price fluctuations, and regulatory uncertainties
energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass, and hydropower to diversify its persist, but they present opportunities for innovation,
energy mix and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. Ambitious targets for investment, and collaboration. Thailand's energy sector is
renewable energy capacity expansion have been set and supported by poised for sustainable growth and transformation driven by
policies such as feed-in tariffs and incentives. continued government support, private-sector involvement,
and technological advancements.
3. Solar and Wind Energy: Thailand has abundant solar resources and has
become a leading market for solar energy in Southeast Asia. Similarly, the Overall, Thailand's energy industry is evolving toward a more
wind energy sector is growing, attracting investments in wind farms and sustainable and diversified energy landscape, with renewable
projects both domestically and internationally. energy playing an increasingly significant role. With continued
government support, private sector involvement, and technological
4. Energy Efficiency: Thailand is focusing on improving energy efficiency advancements, the industry is poised for further growth and
across sectors, such as industry, transportation, and buildings, to reduce transformation in the coming years.
energy consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and enhance energy
Financial Planning and Analyst 15,500 29,650 27,550 45,380 31,900 71,850
Credit Control and Analyst 15,200 17,935 16,650 25,150 18,900 38,500
Compensation and Benefits Manager 52,000 62,800 60,700 70,000 72,000 97,800
Compensation and Benefits Analyst 15,000 25,825 26,170 34,750 31,900 64,300
Public Relations (PR) Manager 22,500 25,500 19,050 39,075 75,200 113,625
Sales Support /Sales Administrator 16,600 23,375 28,900 32,675 26,775 43,600
Data Center Operation Manager 54,000 147,000 62,000 168,000 84,000 189,000
Legal and Compliance Manager 67,750 75,550 65,000 82,000 81,000 159,000
Licensing and Permit Manager 44,100 67,750 57,750 82,000 75,500 126,000
Risk and Compliance Analyst 18,900 27,800 27,800 46,750 41,100 56,700
Project Management Office (PMO) Manager 45,000 65,000 57,000 73,000 69,000 131,000
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Manager 51,000 68,000 65,000 80,000 82,000 165,000
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Specialist 27,000 37,650 31,000 55,000 48,000 72,000
Health and Safety Inspector 17,000 25,000 24,000 35,000 32,500 57,500
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Director 79,000 88,000 81,200 92,000 85,000 136,000
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager 57,200 73,000 62,300 80,000 79,700 112,000
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Specialist 24,000 33,000 27,000 36,780 34,000 57,000
Green Building and Infrastructure Specialist 22,000 28,000 27,000 36,000 32,500 58,000
Solar Energy Systems Designer 17,500 29,000 21,000 47,000 32,000 67,000
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) The highest-ranking executive in an organization. They are responsible for setting the overall direction
and strategy of the company. The CEO works closely with the board of directors, ensures that the company's
goals are met, and represents the organization to external stakeholders.
COO (Chief Operating Officer) Responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of a company. They implement the strategies
set by the CEO and ensure that business operations are efficient and aligned with organizational goals.
The COO often manages various departments to optimize productivity and performance.
In charge of the financial aspects of an organization. They manage financial planning, budgeting, and reporting,
CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
ensuring the company's financial health. The CFO works closely with other executives to make strategic
financial decisions and provides insights into the economic feasibility of business initiatives.
Responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies to promote a company's products or
CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)
services. They oversee market research, branding, advertising, and public relations efforts. The CMO
plays a crucial role in shaping the company's image and driving customer engagement.
The CTO, or Chief Technology Officer, leads the technology strategy of a company. They are responsible
CTO (Chief Technology Officer) for identifying and implementing technologies that align with business goals. The CTO often oversees
research and development, and innovation, and ensures that the company remains technologically
The CHRO, or Chief Human Resources Officer, is responsible for managing the human resources functions
CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) of an organization. This includes talent acquisition, employee relations, performance management, and
workforce development. The CHRO plays a crucial role in creating a positive and productive work environment.
CIO (Chief Information Officer) Oversees the organization's information technology strategy and operations, ensuring alignment with
business goals and effective use of technology resources.
CRO (Chief Risk Officer) The CRO, or Chief Risk Officer, is responsible for identifying and managing risks that could affect the
company. They develop risk management strategies to protect the organization from potential threats,
such as financial risks, regulatory compliance issues, and operational challenges.
Responsible for managing an organization's data assets, ensuring data quality, security, and compliance
CDO (Chief Data Officer)
while leveraging data for strategic decision-making.
Oversees all aspects of banking operations, including strategy development, customer relations, and
CBO (Chief Banking Officer)
revenue generation.
Leads medical staff and oversees medical operations, ensuring quality patient care, regulatory compliance,
Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and strategic direction.
Provide medical leadership and guidance, overseeing clinical operations, quality improvement initiatives,
Medical Directors and medical staff performance.
Directors of Nursing Lead nursing staff and operations, ensuring quality patient care, staff development, and compliance
with regulatory standards.
Audit Director The Audit Director is responsible for leading internal or external audit functions within an organization.
They ensure that financial records are accurate and comply with regulations. The Audit Director also
assesses internal controls and provides recommendations to improve financial and operational processes.
Leads the retail banking division, focusing on customer service, product development, and branch operations
Head of Retail Banking
to drive profitability and growth.
Manages commercial banking activities, including lending, credit risk assessment, and relationship
Head of Commercial Banking
management with corporate clients.
Leads the wealth management division, providing investment advice, financial planning, and asset
Head of Wealth Management management services to high-net-worth individuals.
Develops and implements strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate risks across the organization, ensuring
Director of Risk Management compliance with regulations and safeguarding assets.
Director of Compliance Ensures the organization adheres to relevant laws, regulations, and internal policies, conducting audits
and providing guidance to mitigate compliance risks.
Head of Security Responsible for implementing and maintaining security measures to protect the organization's physical
assets, personnel, and information systems from threats and vulnerabilities.
Manages data governance, analytics, and data-driven initiatives to support business objectives and improve
Head of Data
decision-making processes.
Drives the organization's digital strategy and transformation initiatives, leveraging technology to enhance
Head of Digital Transformation
customer experiences and operational efficiency.
Leads product development and management efforts, from conceptualization to launch, ensuring alignment
Head of Product with market needs and business goals.
Head of Project Management Manages the execution of projects, including planning, budgeting, resource allocation, and stakeholder
communication to achieve project objectives.
Head of Software Development Directs the development and maintenance of software applications, ensuring quality, scalability, and
alignment with business requirements.
Leads the design and optimization of user experiences and interfaces across digital platforms, focusing
Head of UX/UI
on usability, accessibility, and aesthetic appeal.
Oversees the testing and quality assurance processes for software and systems, ensuring products meet
Head of QA
performance and reliability standards.
Manages a portfolio of related projects, coordinating resources, timelines, and dependencies to achieve
Program Director strategic objectives and deliver business value.
Leads individual projects from initiation to completion, overseeing project teams, managing risks, and
Project Director ensuring deliverables meet stakeholder expectations.
Vice President Holds a senior leadership position with responsibilities varying based on the organization's structure and
industry, often involved in decision-making, strategy development, and stakeholder management.
Oversees all operations and business activities within a specific country, ensuring alignment with organizational
Country Manager
goals and objectives.
Manages multiple bank branches within a designated region, overseeing operations, customer service, and
Regional Bank Manager
sales targets.
Leads the operations of a single bank branch, including customer service, staff management, and meeting
Branch Manager
financial targets.
Supports the Branch Manager in overseeing daily operations, staff supervision, and customer service
Assistant Branch Manager
within a bank branch.
Manages the day-to-day operations of a business or department, ensuring efficiency, productivity, and
Operations Manager
compliance with regulations.
Commercial Banking Manager Leads a team responsible for serving commercial clients, managing lending activities, and developing
business relationships.
Plant/Manufacturing/Operations Director The Plant, Manufacturing, or Operations Director is in charge of overseeing the production or operational
processes of a company. They manage the day-to-day activities, optimize efficiency, and ensure that
production goals are met while maintaining quality standards.
Manages a team that provides personalized financial services and wealth management solutions to
Private Banking Manager high-net-worth individuals.
Finance Director Provides financial leadership and oversight, including financial planning, budgeting, and reporting, to
support organizational goals and objectives.
Financial Controller Financial Controllers oversee all financial activities, including financial reporting, internal controls, and
compliance. They play a key role in setting financial policies and ensuring the accuracy and integrity of
financial information.
Business Controllers oversee financial reporting, budgeting, and forecasting. They work closely with various
Business Controller
departments to analyze financial performance, identify trends, and provide insights to support strategic
Oversees the accounting department, including financial reporting, compliance, and strategic financial
Accounting Director
planning for the organization.
Manages the day-to-day accounting functions, such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, and
Accounting Manager financial reporting, ensuring accuracy and compliance.
Finance Managers oversee all financial activities within an organization. They are responsible for financial
Finance Manager planning, budgeting, and reporting. Finance Managers play a crucial role in strategic decision-making and
ensuring the company's financial health.
Taxation Manager Taxation Managers oversee all aspects of taxation within a company. They develop and implement tax
strategies, ensure compliance with tax laws, and manage relationships with tax authorities.
Tax Specialist/Consultant Tax Specialists or Consultants provide expertise in specific areas of taxation. They advise on tax planning,
compliance, and regulatory changes to ensure the organization meets its tax obligations efficiently.
An Assistant Financial Manager supports the financial manager in various tasks related to financial planning,
Assistant Financial Manager
reporting, and analysis. They may assist in budgeting, forecasting, and ensuring financial strategies align
with organizational goals.
Conducts financial analysis, forecasts, and strategic planning to support decision-making and business
Financial Planning and Analyst
growth initiatives.
Senior Accountants or Accounting Supervisors provide leadership and supervision to accounting teams.
Senior Accounting/Accounting Supervisor They ensure that accounting tasks are performed accurately, oversee financial reporting, and contribute to
strategic financial decision-making.
Accountants are responsible for maintaining financial records, preparing financial statements, and ensuring
Accountant compliance with relevant regulations. They handle tasks such as bookkeeping, reconciliations, and financial
reporting to provide an accurate overview of a company's financial health.
Accounts Payable/Receivable Specialist Accounts Payable Specialists manage the company's outgoing payments, ensuring that bills and invoices
are paid accurately and on time. Accounts Receivable Specialists focus on incoming payments, tracking
and managing customer invoices to ensure timely receipt of funds.
Finance Officer Finance Officers support financial management tasks such as budgeting, reporting, and analysis. They may
handle day-to-day financial transactions and contribute to financial decision-making processes.
Financial Accountants focus on preparing financial statements, maintaining general ledgers, and ensuring
Financial Accountant
compliance with accounting standards. They contribute to the accurate representation of a company's
financial position.
Financial Analysts analyze financial data, trends, and performance to provide insights that support decision-
Financial Analyst
making. They may be involved in budgeting, forecasting, and evaluating the financial impact of various
Auditors review and examine financial records, statements, and internal controls to ensure accuracy and
Auditor compliance with regulations. They provide independent assessments of a company's financial practices
and recommend improvements.
Costing Manager Manages cost accounting processes, analyzing expenses and cost structures to inform pricing strategies
and cost-saving initiatives.
Costing Specialist / Analyst Analyzes cost data and performs costing functions to support decision-making and financial planning
Debt Collectors specialize in recovering overdue payments from individuals or businesses. They
Debt Collector
communicate with debtors, negotiate repayment terms, and use various strategies to collect outstanding
Collection Officers focus on recovering outstanding debts from customers. They communicate with clients,
Collection/Collection Officer
negotiate payment plans, and implement collection strategies to minimize overdue accounts.
Credit Control Analysts assess the creditworthiness of customers, set credit limits, and monitor and
Credit Control and Analyst manage credit risk. They work to ensure that credit policies are followed and may implement strategies
to reduce credit-related losses.
Provides expert advice and assistance on tax matters to individuals or businesses, including tax planning,
Tax Specialist/ Consultant compliance, and strategy.
Treasury Analyst Treasury Analysts manage a company's financial liquidity, cash flow, and investments. They play a key role
in optimizing financial resources, managing risk, and ensuring the organization has adequate funds to meet
its obligations.
Leads human resources functions, including recruitment, training, performance management, and employee
HR Head / Director
relations, to support organizational objectives.
HR Managers oversee the entire HR function within an organization. They manage HR policies, employee
HR Manager
relations, recruitment, and other HR-related activities to support the overall goals of the company.
Manages employee relations activities, including conflict resolution, disciplinary actions, and policy
Employee Relations Manager
development, to maintain a positive work environment.
Assists with employee relations tasks, providing support for conflict resolution and policy interpretation
Employee Relations Specialist/Assistant Manager
to ensure compliance and employee satisfaction.
HR Business Partners align HR strategies with business objectives. They work closely with business leaders
HR Business Partner
to address HR needs, implement policies, and contribute to organizational success.
HRIS Manager HRIS Managers oversee the implementation and management of HR Information Systems. They ensure
that HR systems are efficient, accurate, and meet the organization's information management needs.
HRD Manager Oversees human resources development, including training, talent management, and organizational
development initiatives.
Manages employee compensation and benefits programs, ensuring competitiveness, compliance, and
Compensation and Benefits Manager
alignment with organizational goals.
Leads the recruitment process, including sourcing, screening, and hiring candidates to meet the organization's
Recruitment Manager
staffing needs.
Assistant HR Managers support the HR Manager in overseeing various HR functions. They may be involved
Assistant HR Manager in recruitment, employee relations, and HR strategy implementation.
Assistant HRD Managers assist in managing human resources development activities. They may be involved
Assistant HRD Manager in training programs, performance management, and employee development initiatives.
Compensation and Benefits Analyst Compensation and Benefits Analysts focus on designing and managing the organization's compensation
and benefits programs. They analyze market trends, benchmark salaries, and ensure the company's rewards
align with industry standards.
HR Officer/HR Executive HR Officers or HR Executives handle various day-to-day HR tasks, including recruitment, onboarding,
and employee records management. They play a key role in implementing HR policies and procedures.
HRD Officers focus on human resources development activities. They may be involved in training, performance
HRD Officer
management, and employee development programs to enhance the skills and capabilities of the workforce.
Payroll and Benefits Specialists manage payroll processing and administer employee benefit programs.
Payroll and Benefit
They ensure accurate and timely payment of salaries and manage employee benefits, such as insurance
and retirement plans.
Recruitment Specialists focus on the sourcing and acquisition of talent. They may specialize in specific
Recruitment Specialist industries or roles, using various recruitment strategies to attract qualified candidates.
Recruiters are responsible for sourcing, screening, and selecting candidates for job openings. They work
Recruiter closely with hiring managers to understand staffing needs and contribute to building a talented and diverse
Training and Development Training and Development professionals design and implement employee training programs. They assess
training needs, develop content, and facilitate learning opportunities to enhance employee skills and
Assists with employee relations tasks, providing support for conflict resolution and policy interpretation to
Marketing Director
ensure compliance and employee satisfaction.
Community Managers engage with online communities related to the brand or industry. They foster
Community Manager
relationships, answer queries, and manage brand reputation on social media and other online platforms.
Marketing Managers oversee the overall marketing strategy of a company. They plan and execute marketing
Marketing Manager
campaigns, manage marketing teams, and work to achieve the company's marketing goals.
Content Marketing Managers develop and implement content strategies to attract and retain customers.
Content Marketing Manager
They oversee the creation of content such as blog posts, articles, and videos that align with the brand and
resonate with the target audience.
Brand Managers are responsible for building and maintaining a strong brand identity. They develop brand
Brand Manager
strategies, oversee brand messaging, and ensure consistent branding across all marketing channels.
Product Manager Product Managers are responsible for the development and marketing of a specific product or product
line. They analyze market trends, collaborate with cross-functional teams, and contribute to product
positioning and messaging.
Public Relations (PR) Manager PR Managers develop and implement public relations strategies to maintain a positive public image for
the company. They manage relationships with media, handle crisis communications, and promote the
company's key messages.
Social Media Managers oversee the company's presence on social media platforms. They develop social
Social Media Manager
media strategies, create engaging content, and monitor social media trends to enhance brand visibility
and engagement.
Plans and executes events. Handles logistics, budgeting, and vendor management.
Event Manager
Event Coordinators or Managers plan and execute events to promote products, build brand awareness, or
Event Coordinator/Manager engage with customers. They handle logistics and coordination, and ensure events run smoothly.
Communications Specialists develop and implement communication strategies to convey key messages
Communications Specialist to internal and external audiences. They may create press releases, newsletters, and other communication
Media Relations Specialist Media Relations Specialists build and maintain relationships with media outlets. They pitch stories, arrange
interviews, and ensure positive media coverage for the company.
Event Coordinator/Planner Event Coordinators or Planners focus on organizing and executing events, conferences, or trade shows.
They handle logistics, coordinate vendors, and ensure events meet their objectives.
Digital Marketing Specialists focus on online marketing channels such as social media, email, and search
Digital Marketing Specialist
engine optimization. They design and implement digital campaigns to reach and engage target audiences.
Market Research Analysts collect and analyze data to provide insights into market trends, customer
Market Research Analyst preferences, and competitor activities. They play a crucial role in supporting marketing and business
Optimizes website content and manages search engine marketing campaigns to improve visibility and
SEO / SEM Specialist drive traffic to websites.
Marketing Develops and implements strategies to promote products or services, utilizing various channels to
reach target audiences and drive sales.
Copywriter Copywriters create compelling and persuasive written content for various marketing materials, including
advertisements, website copy, and promotional materials. They work to communicate the brand message
Leads sales teams and develops sales strategies to achieve revenue targets and expand market share.
Sales Director
Account Managers build and maintain relationships with key clients. They understand client needs,
Account Manager
coordinate with internal teams, and ensure customer satisfaction to drive repeat business.
Identifies and pursues new business opportunities, develops relationships with clients, and negotiates
Business Development Manager contracts to drive growth and revenue.
Manages product categories or segments, including assortment planning, pricing strategy, and supplier
Category Manager management, to drive sales and profitability.
Key Account Manager Key Account Managers focus on managing and growing relationships with high-value clients. They understand
client goals, propose solutions, and ensure the delivery of exceptional service.
Sales Operations Manager Sales Operations Managers oversee the processes and systems that support the sales team. They manage
sales data, analyze performance, and implement strategies to improve efficiency.
Retail Sales Managers lead sales teams in retail settings. They set sales targets, train staff, and ensure that
Retail Sales Manager
the retail environment is conducive to achieving sales goals.
Develops and implements marketing strategies for trade channels, such as retailers or distributors, to drive
Trade Marketing Manager
product visibility and sales.
Manages sales activities within a specific geographic region, overseeing sales teams, setting targets,
Regional Sales Manager and developing strategies to achieve revenue goals.
Oversees sales operations within a designated area or territory, including customer relationship management
Area Sales Manager and sales team performance.
After Sales Manager After Sales Managers focus on customer satisfaction and support post-purchase. They address customer
concerns, manage warranty or service processes, and work to build long-term customer relationships.
Channel Sales Manager Channel Sales Managers manage relationships with distribution channels or partners. They work to expand
market reach, negotiate agreements, and drive sales through various channels.
Provides technical expertise and support during the sales process, assisting with product demonstrations,
Presales Consultant / Executive
proposals, and customer presentations.
E-commerce Sales Specialists focus on selling products or services through online platforms. They optimize
E-commerce Sales Specialist
product listings, manage online sales channels, and drive e-commerce revenue.
Professionals in Sales and Marketing roles work to align sales strategies with marketing initiatives. They
Sales and Marketing collaborate to generate leads, create campaigns, and drive overall revenue growth.
Builds and maintains relationships with clients or key stakeholders to support business growth and achieve
Relationship Manager strategic objectives.
Sales Representative/Sales Executive Sales Representatives or Sales Executives are responsible for selling products or services to customers.
They generate leads, conduct sales presentations, and work to meet or exceed sales targets.
Telemarketing /Telesales (Thai) Telemarketing or Telesales professionals engage potential customers over the phone to promote products
or services. They make outbound calls, present offerings, and generate sales leads.
Sales Trainers develop and deliver training programs to sales teams. They focus on improving sales skills,
Sales Trainer
product knowledge, and overall performance.
Sales Analysts analyze sales data to provide insights into trends and performance. They may create reports,
Sales Analyst
forecast sales, and contribute to strategic decision-making.
Sales Coordinators provide administrative support to the sales team. They handle order processing,
Sales Coordinator coordinate logistics, and assist in maintaining customer relationships.
Inside Sales Representatives focus on selling products or services remotely, often through phone calls or
Inside Sales Representative online communication. They generate leads, qualify prospects, and close sales.
Technical Support Representative Customer Care Executives manage and oversee customer care operations. They ensure a high level of
service, handle escalations, and work to improve overall customer satisfaction.
Client Success Manager Client Success Managers focus on ensuring clients derive value from products or services. They build
relationships, address concerns, and work to retain and grow client accounts.
Inbound Sales Representatives handle incoming sales inquiries and convert leads into customers.
Inbound Sales Representative
They provide information on products or services.
International Sales professionals focus on selling products or services to customers in global markets.
International Sales
They navigate international business regulations, build global relationships, and adapt sales strategies
to different regions.
Sales Representatives are responsible for actively selling products or services. They identify prospects,
Sales Representative build relationships, and work towards meeting or exceeding sales targets.
Direct Sales professionals engage directly with customers to sell products or services. They may operate in a
Direct Sales variety of settings, including door-to-door sales or selling at events.
Personal Consultant (PC) Provides personalized advice and recommendations to clients or customers, assisting them with product
selection or service solutions.
Beauty Advisor (BA) Offers guidance and assistance to customers in the beauty industry, providing product information,
demonstrations, and personalized recommendations.
Responsible for generating sales leads, building relationships with clients, and closing deals to meet sales
Sales Executive
targets and revenue goals.
Sales Engineers combine technical expertise with sales skills. They help customers understand how
Sales Engineer
products or services meet their technical requirements and address specific needs.
Sales Support or Sales Administrators provide administrative support to the sales team. They assist with
Sales Support /Sales Administrator documentation, order processing, and communication with clients.
IT Manager IT Managers oversee the planning, implementation, and management of an organization's information
technology systems. They ensure the efficient operation of IT infrastructure and align technology strategies
with business goals.
Technical Lead Provides technical expertise and leadership for a team or project, guiding the development and
implementation of technical solutions.
Designs and oversees the architecture of an organization's IT systems and infrastructure to ensure alignment
Enterprise Architect
with business goals and technology standards.
Designs the architecture of software applications, defining the structure, components, and interactions
Software / Application Architect to ensure scalability, performance, and maintainability.
Systems Administrators manage and maintain an organization's computer systems. They handle tasks such
Systems Administrator as system configuration, troubleshooting, and ensuring the overall reliability of IT systems.
Software Developer Software Developers design, code, and test software applications. They work on creating custom software
solutions based on user requirements or business needs.
Network Engineer Network Engineers design, implement, and maintain an organization's computer networks. They ensure
network performance, troubleshoot issues, and implement security measures.
IT Support Specialists provide technical assistance to end-users and organizations. They troubleshoot
IT Support Specialist
hardware and software issues, install and configure IT systems, and provide technical support.
Data Analysts analyze and interpret complex data sets to provide insights and support decision-making.
Data Analyst
They may use statistical techniques and data visualization tools to present findings.
Software Development Leads or Managers oversee the software development process. They manage
Software Development Lead/Manager development teams, set project goals, and ensure the timely delivery of software solutions.
QA Leads or Managers oversee the quality assurance process in software development. They develop and
Quality Assurance Lead/Manager implement testing strategies to ensure software meets quality standards.
ERP Consultant ERP Consultants specialize in implementing and managing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.
They work with organizations to optimize business processes using ERP solutions.
SAP Consultant SAP Consultants specialize in implementing and managing SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products)
software solutions. They work to integrate SAP into an organization's business processes.
SAP Analysts focus on analyzing and optimizing SAP systems. They work to ensure the effective use of
SAP Analyst
SAP software within an organization.
Manages and maintains a website, ensuring functionality, performance, and user experience, while updating
Web Master
content and addressing technical issues.
Software Quality Assurance (QA) professionals focus on testing software to ensure it meets quality
Software QA standards. They identify and report bugs, conduct testing procedures, and contribute to software
Software Testers conduct testing procedures on software applications to identify and address issues.
Software Tester They play a key role in ensuring software quality before release.
Software Engineer Software Engineers design and develop software applications. They work on coding, testing, and
implementing software solutions based on project requirements.
iOS Developer iOS Developers specialize in creating applications for Apple's iOS platform. They design and develop
mobile applications for iPhones and iPads.
Android Developers specialize in creating applications for the Android operating system. They design
Android Developer
and develop mobile applications for a variety of Android devices.
Hybrid Mobile Developers create mobile applications that can run on multiple platforms (iOS and Android).
Hybrid Mobile Developer
They often use frameworks like React Native or Flutter.
Web Developers design and create websites. They work on both the front-end (user interface) and
Web Developer back-end (server-side) aspects of web development.
Programmer Analysts analyze user requirements and design and implement computer programs. They
Programmer Analyst bridge the gap between business needs and technical solutions.
JAVA Developer JAVA Developers specialize in programming using the Java programming language. They design and
develop software applications and systems.
.NET Developer .NET Developers specialize in programming using the Microsoft .NET framework. They design and develop
software applications for the Windows environment.
PHP Developers specialize in server-side scripting using PHP. They design and develop dynamic web
PHP Developer
applications and websites.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Developers design and implement automation solutions using RPA tools.
RPA Developer
They work to streamline business processes.
Programmers or Developers create and implement computer programs. They may specialize in various
Programmer/Developer programming languages and technologies.
ERP Specialists focus on the specialization and optimization of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems
ERP Specialist within an organization.
Front-End Developer Front-End Developers specialize in designing and implementing the user interface and user experience
of websites and applications.
Back-End Developer Back-End Developers specialize in designing and implementing the server-side logic and databases of web
Full Stack Developers have expertise in both front-end and back-end development. They can work on all
Full Stack Engineer/Developer
aspects of a web application.
UX/UI Designers focus on creating a positive user experience and user interface for websites and applications.
UX/UI Designer
They consider both the functionality and visual appeal of the design.
Technical Consultants provide expert advice on technology solutions. They work with clients to understand
Technical Consultant their needs and recommend appropriate technical strategies.
Data Engineers design and implement systems for collecting, processing, and storing data. They work on
Data Engineer creating data pipelines and infrastructure.
Data Scientist Analyzes complex data sets to extract insights and support decision-making processes using statistical
and machine learning techniques.
IT Infrastructure/Operations Manager IT Infrastructure/Operations Managers oversee the planning, implementation, and management of an
organization's IT infrastructure and operations.
Data Center Operation Managers are responsible for the efficient and reliable operation of an organization's
Data Center Operation Manager
data centers.
Cloud Engineer/Consultant /Architect Cloud Engineers, Consultants, or Architects specialize in designing, implementing, and managing
cloud-based solutions.
DevOps Engineers focus on streamlining the development and operations processes. They work to improve
DevOps Engineer collaboration between development and IT operations.
System Engineer System Engineers design and implement computer systems. They work on ensuring the stability and
performance of IT systems.
System Administrator System Administrators manage and maintain an organization's computer systems, including servers
and networks.
Network Administrators manage and maintain an organization's computer networks. They ensure network
Network Administrator
performance, troubleshoot issues, and implement security measures.
Oracle Database Administrators or Specialists manage and maintain Oracle database systems. They handle
Oracle DBA/Specialist
tasks such as installation.
IT/Cyber Security Officer IT/Cyber Security Officers focus on protecting an organization's information systems from cyber threats.
They implement security measures, monitor for potential risks, and respond to security incidents.
Helpdesk Engineers or Analysts provide technical support to end-users. They troubleshoot IT issues, resolve
Helpdesk Engineer/Analyst problems, and ensure smooth operation of computer systems.
IT Support IT Support professionals provide assistance to end-users and maintain the day-to-day functionality of IT
systems. They troubleshoot hardware and software issues, install software, and address technical inquiries.
IT Security Manager IT Security Managers lead and oversee the implementation of security measures to protect an organization's
IT infrastructure. They develop security policies, conduct risk assessments, and manage security teams.
Database Administrators manage and maintain databases that store and organize an organization's data.
Database Administrator
They handle tasks such as database design, optimization, and security.
IT Help Desk Analysts provide frontline support to end-users. They respond to IT issues, troubleshoot
IT Help Desk Analyst
problems, and escalate complex issues to higher-level support.
Leads or manages initiatives related to the Internet of Things (IoT), including strategy development,
IoT Lead / Manager
implementation, and integration of IoT solutions.
Specializes in the implementation and management of IoT technologies and solutions to optimize processes
IoT Specialist / Executive and drive innovation.
Cybersecurity Analyst Cybersecurity Analysts focus on monitoring and analyzing security threats. They implement security
measures, conduct risk assessments, and respond to incidents to protect an organization's information
Cloud Solutions Architect Cloud Solutions Architects design and implement cloud-based solutions. They work with cloud platforms to
optimize performance, security, and scalability.
BI Analysts focus on analyzing and interpreting business data to provide actionable insights. They use BI
Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst
tools to create reports and dashboards that support decision-making.
Analyzes business processes and systems requirements to identify opportunities for improvement and
Business / System Analyst
recommend solutions to meet business objectives.
Manages a portfolio of related IT projects, ensuring alignment with organizational goals, budget management,
IT Program Manager and stakeholder communication.
Leads individual IT projects from initiation to completion, managing scope, resources, timelines, and
IT Project Manager deliverables.
IT Consultant IT Consultants provide expert advice on IT strategies and solutions. They work with clients to understand
their business needs and recommend technology solutions to meet those needs.
QA/Test Analyst QA/Test Analysts focus on testing software and IT systems to ensure they meet quality standards.
They develop test plans, execute tests, and identify and report defects.
IT Trainers design and deliver training programs for IT users. They educate end-users on software
IT Trainer
applications, IT processes, and best practices.
Leads the development and management of a product or product line, from conception to launch, ensuring
Product Owner/Manager
alignment with market needs and business objectives.
IT Procurement Specialists manage the procurement of IT hardware, software, and services. They negotiate
IT Procurement Specialist contracts, select vendors, and ensure cost-effective procurement.
Legal and Compliance Manager Legal and Compliance Managers oversee both legal and compliance functions within an organization.
They ensure business operations adhere to laws, regulations, and internal policies.
Litigation Manager Litigation Managers coordinate and manage legal proceedings. They work with legal teams, handle
case management, and ensure effective representation in court.
Licensing and Permit Managers handle the acquisition and renewal of licenses and permits required for
Licensing and Permit Manager
business operations. They ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
Compliance Specialists ensure an organization complies with relevant laws and regulations. They assist
Compliance Specialist
in developing and implementing compliance programs and policies.
Compliance Officers monitor and enforce compliance with laws and regulations. They assess risks,
Compliance Officer develop compliance policies, and educate employees on compliance matters.
Legal Counsels provide legal advice to organizations. They handle legal matters, contracts, and ensure
Legal Counsel that business activities are conducted within the bounds of the law.
Corporate Lawyer Corporate Lawyers specialize in corporate law, handling legal matters related to business operations,
contracts, mergers and acquisitions, and other corporate transactions.
Contract Manager Contract Managers oversee the creation, negotiation, and management of contracts. They ensure that
contracts are legally sound and align with the organization's interests.
Employment Law Specialists focus on legal matters related to employment. They ensure compliance with
Employment Law Specialist
labor laws, handle employment contracts, and address workplace legal issues.
Legal Advisors offer legal guidance on various matters. They assist in decision-making, provide legal
Legal Advisor opinions, and ensure business practices align with legal requirements.
Data Privacy Officers oversee data protection and privacy initiatives. They ensure compliance with data
Data Privacy Officer privacy laws and regulations, develop policies, and handle data breach responses.
Corporate Lawyer Corporate Lawyers specialize in corporate law, handling legal matters related to business operations,
contracts, mergers and acquisitions, and other corporate transactions.
Contract Manager Contract Managers oversee the creation, negotiation, and management of contracts. They ensure that
contracts are legally sound and align with the organization's interests.
Employment Law Specialists focus on legal matters related to employment. They ensure compliance with
Employment Law Specialist
labor laws, handle employment contracts, and address workplace legal issues.
Legal Advisors offer legal guidance on various matters. They assist in decision-making, provide legal
Legal Advisor opinions, and ensure business practices align with legal requirements.
Data Privacy Officers oversee data protection and privacy initiatives. They ensure compliance with data
Data Privacy Officer privacy laws and regulations, develop policies, and handle data breach responses.
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Analyst AML Analysts investigate and analyze financial transactions to detect and prevent money laundering
activities. They ensure compliance with AML regulations.
Ethics and Compliance Officer Ethics and Compliance Officers develop and implement ethics programs. They ensure that business
practices align with ethical standards and legal requirements.
Risk and Compliance Analysts assess risks associated with business operations and implement measures
Risk and Compliance Analyst
to mitigate those risks while ensuring compliance with regulations.
Compliance Auditors assess internal processes to ensure compliance with regulations and company policies.
Compliance Auditor
They conduct audits and recommend improvements to compliance programs.
Legal Coordinators provide administrative support to legal departments. They manage calendars, assist
Legal Coordinator in document preparation, and coordinate legal activities.
Compliance Investigators conduct investigations into potential violations of laws or company policies.
Compliance Investigator They gather evidence, interview relevant parties, and prepare reports.
Privacy Compliance Officer Privacy Compliance Officers focus on ensuring compliance with privacy laws and regulations. They develop
and implement privacy policies and procedures.
Government Affairs Specialist Government Affairs Specialists engage with government agencies and officials on behalf of the organization.
They monitor and influence legislation and regulations.
Trade Compliance Managers ensure compliance with international trade regulations. They manage
Trade Compliance Manager
import/export activities and monitor changes in trade laws.
Export Control Specialists manage and ensure compliance with export regulations. They facilitate the legal
Export Control Specialist
and compliant export of goods and services.
Lead and manage a customer service team, ensuring top-notch service delivery, addressing escalated
Customer Service Manager issues, and maintaining high standards.
Customer Service Operations Managers oversee the operational aspects of customer service. They
Customer Service Operations Manager optimize processes, manage resources, and ensure efficient service delivery.
Client Relations Manager Client Relations Managers build and maintain relationships with clients. They address client needs, handle
concerns, and work to strengthen client satisfaction.
Customer Experience Manager Customer Experience Managers focus on enhancing the overall customer journey. They analyze customer
interactions, gather feedback, and implement improvements to optimize the customer experience.
Customer Service Team Leads direct small teams of customer service representatives. They provide
Customer Service Team Lead
guidance, handle escalations, and ensure team goals are achieved.
Customer Service Supervisors lead and manage customer service teams. They provide guidance, oversee
Customer Service Supervisor
daily operations, and ensure service standards are met.
Customer Service Executives oversee and manage customer service operations. They set strategic goals,
Customer Service Executive monitor performance, and ensure high levels of customer satisfaction.
Frontline support, resolves issues, ensures satisfaction. Proficient in communication and problem-solving.
Customer Service Representative Maintains positive customer relationships.
Customer Service Trainer Customer Service Trainers develop and deliver training programs for customer service teams. They ensure
staff is equipped with the skills and knowledge to provide excellent service.
Client Services Coordinator Customer Service Associates perform a variety of customer service tasks, including responding to inquiries,
processing orders, and ensuring customer satisfaction.
Customer Service Managers oversee the customer service team, ensuring smooth operations and high
Customer Support Specialist
levels of customer satisfaction. They set goals, manage staff, and develop strategies to improve customer
Legal Project Managers oversee legal projects from initiation to completion. They coordinate legal teams,
Customer Support Representative
manage budgets, and ensure projects are delivered on time and within scope.
Customer Support Specialists focus on providing specialized assistance to customers. They may have
Customer Care Executive expertise in specific products or services and handle more complex customer issues.
Contact Center Team Leaders lead and supervise contact center teams. They provide support, monitor
Contact Center Team Leader performance, and ensure team goals are met.
Live Chat Support Agent Live Chat Support Agents assist customers in real-time through online chat platforms. They address
inquiries, provide information, and offer support using written communication.
Complaints Specialist Complaints Specialists handle customer complaints. They investigate issues, address concerns, and work
to resolve problems to ensure customer satisfaction.
Social Media Customer Service Representatives engage with customers through social media channels.
Social Media Customer Service Representative
They address inquiries, provide support, and manage customer interactions on platforms like Facebook
and Twitter.
E-commerce Customer Support professionals assist customers in the online retail environment. They handle
E-commerce Customer Support
inquiries, process orders, and ensure a positive online shopping experience.
Customer Support Representatives assist customers with inquiries, product issues, and provide information.
Call Center Agent They may handle support through various channels, including phone, email, and chat.
Call Center Agents handle customer inquiries and provide assistance over the phone. They may follow scripts
Help Desk Support and utilize call center systems to address customer needs.
Call center TH - English speaking Call Center Agents proficient in English handle customer inquiries and provide support through phone calls.
They may assist English-speaking customers with various issues.
Call center TH - Thai speaking Call Center Agents proficient in Thai handle customer inquiries and provide support through phone calls.
They assist Thai-speaking customers with various issues.
Chemists study the properties and composition of substances. They conduct experiments, analyze
chemical reactions, and contribute to the development of new materials or products.
Research Analysts collect and analyze data to provide insights for decision-making. They may work in
Research Analyst various fields, contributing to market research, financial analysis, or industry studies.
R&D Managers lead and oversee research and development teams. They set research goals, manage projects,
R&D Manager and ensure the successful development of new products or technologies.
R&D Engineer R&D Engineers work on designing and developing new products or technologies. They apply engineering
principles to contribute to the research and development process.
Product Development Specialist Product Development Specialists focus on creating and improving products. They collaborate with R&D
teams, analyze market trends, and contribute to the design and development of new products.
Biotechnologists apply biological principles to develop new technologies and products. They work with
living organisms and biological systems to spur innovation in various fields.
Research Scientists conduct scientific research to expand knowledge in various fields. They design
Research Scientist
experiments, analyze data, and contribute to the development of new theories or applications.
Food Scientist Food Scientists focus on the study and improvement of food products. They conduct research to enhance
taste, safety, and nutritional value, contributing to the development of new food items.
Materials Scientists study the properties and applications of materials. They work on developing new
Materials Scientist materials with specific properties for various industries.
Clinical Research Associate (CRA) Clinical Research Associates oversee and monitor clinical trials. They ensure compliance with protocols,
collect data, and contribute to the development of new medical treatments.
Provides governance, methodologies, and support for project management activities across the organization
Project Management Office (PMO)
to ensure consistency and alignment with strategic objectives.
Provides strategic leadership and oversight for multiple projects or programs within an organization,
Project / Program Director
ensuring alignment with business goals and delivering value to stakeholders.
Manages the execution of individual projects or programs, overseeing planning, implementation, and
Project / Program Manager
completion within scope, schedule, and budget constraints.
Coordinates activities and resources to ensure the successful launch of products, services, or initiatives,
Launch / Readiness Manager
including readiness assessments, stakeholder alignment, and post-launch evaluations.
Project Coordinators play a vital role in supporting project managers and teams. They assist in planning,
Project Coordinator
organizing, and executing project activities, ensuring that tasks are completed on time and within budget.
Project Coordinators may also handle administrative tasks, facilitate communication among team members,
and contribute to project documentation.
Office Managers oversee the daily operations of an office. They coordinate administrative activities, manage
Office Manager
office resources, and ensure that the office functions smoothly.
Administrative Assistants provide support to offices by handling various clerical and administrative tasks.
Administrative Assistant
They may schedule appointments, manage correspondence, and assist in general office duties.
Office Coordinator Office Coordinators assist in coordinating various office activities. They may be responsible for scheduling,
communication, and supporting day-to-day office functions.
Document Control Officer Document Control Officers manage and organize company documents. They ensure documents are
accurately filed, version-controlled, and accessible to authorized personnel.
Data Entry Clerks input and update data into computer systems. They ensure the accuracy and integrity
Data Entry Clerk
of data and may assist in maintaining databases.
Assistant Banking Officers assist in various banking activities, including customer service, account
Assistant Banking Officer
management, and administrative tasks related to banking operations.
Receptionists are often the first point of contact for visitors and callers. They manage phone calls, greet
Receptionist guests, and handle basic administrative duties at the front desk.
Facilities Managers are responsible for overseeing the physical assets and infrastructure of an organization.
Facilities Manager
They manage the maintenance, security, and efficiency of facilities, ensuring a safe and functional working
environment. Facilities Managers coordinate services, such as cleaning, maintenance, and security, and may
be involved in space planning and workplace optimization.
Property Manager Property Managers are responsible for the management of real estate properties. They oversee residential
or commercial properties on behalf of property owners. Property Managers handle tasks such as tenant
relations, lease agreements, property maintenance, and financial management. They work to maximize
the property's value and ensure it operates smoothly.
Sustainability Managers oversee the development and implementation of sustainability strategies within
Sustainability Manager
organizations. They focus on environmental, social, and economic factors to promote responsible and
ethical practices.
Develops and oversees initiatives to promote social responsibility and sustainability within an organization,
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager
including community engagement and environmental stewardship.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Specialist CSR Specialists focus on designing and implementing corporate social responsibility initiatives.
They work to align business practices with ethical, social, and environmental values, contributing
to positive social impact.
Environmental Specialist/Coordinator Environmental Specialists or Coordinators focus on managing environmental initiatives within an organization.
They may be involved in environmental impact assessments, compliance, and sustainable resource
Green Building and Infrastructure Specialist Green Building and Infrastructure Specialists focus on sustainable building and infrastructure practices.
They may be involved in green building certifications, energy-efficient design, and environmentally friendly
Creative Directors oversee the creative vision and artistic direction of a project or organization. They lead
Creative Director
and guide creative teams, ensuring that the visual elements align with the overall goals and brand identity.
Graphic Designers create visual concepts using computer software or by hand to communicate ideas
Graphic Designer
that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and design for various
applications, including advertisements, brochures, websites, and more.
Web Graphic Designers specialize in creating graphics and visual elements specifically for websites.
Web Graphic Designer They focus on optimizing images for web display, creating banners, icons, and other web-related visuals.
Motion Graphics Designers create animated visual content, often using digital tools and software.
Motion Graphics Designer They combine graphic design elements with animation to convey information, enhance storytelling,
or create visually engaging experiences.
Editor Editors review and refine written content for clarity, coherence, and quality. They correct grammar, spelling,
and punctuation, and may also provide feedback on the overall structure and style of written materials.
Manages environmental, health, and safety programs to ensure compliance with regulations and promote a
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Manager
safe work environment.
Focuses on environmental issues, such as pollution control, conservation, and sustainability, implementing
Environmental Specialist
strategies to mitigate environmental impact.
Manages health and safety programs, including risk assessment, training, and accident prevention
Health and Safety Manager
measures, to protect employees and comply with regulations.
Addresses health concerns related to environmental factors, such as air quality, water pollution, and
Environmental Health Specialist
hazardous waste management, to safeguard public health.
Provides specialized support for EHS programs, including data analysis, training, and compliance
Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Specialist
monitoring, to ensure workplace safety and environmental protection.
Safety Manager Focuses specifically on safety initiatives in the workplace, identifying hazards, implementing safety
protocols, and conducting training to prevent accidents and injuries.
Industrial Hygienist Evaluates workplace environments for potential health hazards, such as chemical exposure or noise levels,
and recommends controls to protect workers' health.
Conducts inspections of workplaces to assess compliance with health and safety regulations, identifying
Health and Safety Inspector
hazards and recommending corrective actions.
Identifies, assesses, and manages risks to the organization, including financial, operational, and strategic
Risk Manager
risks, to minimize potential losses and liabilities.
Ensures safety compliance on construction sites, implementing safety procedures, conducting inspections,
Construction Safety Manager
and providing training to prevent accidents.
Focuses on preventing accidents and incidents involving hazardous processes, such as chemical reactions
Process Safety Engineer or equipment failures, through design, analysis, and risk mitigation measures.
Quality General Manager/Director Oversees all aspects of quality management within an organization, ensuring adherence to quality
standards and continuous improvement initiatives across departments and processes.
Quality Systems Manager Quality Systems Managers oversee and manage quality management systems within an organization.
They ensure that quality processes are integrated and effective.
Quality Assurance Managers ensure that products meet quality standards throughout the supply chain. They
Quality Assurance Manager
develop and implement quality control processes.
QA Technicians perform various tasks to support the quality assurance process. They may conduct tests,
QA Technician
gather data, and assist in quality control activities.
Quality Training Specialists develop and deliver training programs related to quality assurance and control.
Quality Training Specialist They ensure that staff is trained on quality processes and standards.
Quality Assurance Consultants provide expertise and guidance on quality assurance practices. They may
Quality Assurance Consultant be external consultants hired to assess and improve quality systems.
Quality Manager Quality Managers oversee and manage the overall quality assurance and quality control functions within
an organization. They develop and implement quality policies and procedures.
QA/QC Specialist QA/QC Specialists focus on both quality assurance and quality control activities. They ensure that products
or processes meet established quality standards.
Quality Assurance Managers or Directors lead and oversee the QA team. They set quality standards, develop
Quality Assurance Manager/Director
strategies, and ensure the overall quality of products or services.
Quality Control Inspectors examine products or processes to ensure they meet specified quality standards.
Quality Control Inspector
They may use various testing methods and tools.
Quality Engineers design and implement quality control processes. They work to improve product or
Quality Engineer process quality through analysis and problem-solving.
Quality Auditors assess and evaluate quality systems and processes to ensure compliance with standards.
Quality Auditor They conduct internal audits and may work with external auditors.
Regulatory Affairs Manager Regulatory Affairs Managers work on ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations. They navigate
regulatory requirements, submit regulatory documents, and liaise with regulatory authorities.
Regulatory Affairs Specialist Regulatory Affairs Specialists ensure that products comply with regulatory requirements. They liaise with
regulatory agencies and work to obtain approvals.
Validation Specialists ensure that processes, systems, and equipment are validated to meet quality standards.
Validation Specialist
They may be involved in qualification and validation activities.
Documentation Specialists manage and organize quality-related documents. They ensure that documentation
Documentation Specialist
meets regulatory requirements and internal standards.
Supplier Quality Engineers assess and monitor the quality of materials and components from suppliers.
Supplier Quality Engineer They work to ensure that suppliers meet quality standards.
Quality Assurance Analysts focus on software quality. They test and validate software applications to
Quality Assurance Analyst ensure they meet quality standards and user requirements.
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Coordinator GMP Coordinators ensure that manufacturing processes adhere to Good Manufacturing Practice standards.
They work to maintain compliance in the production of goods.
Leads and manages the engineering department, overseeing all engineering activities and providing strategic
Head of Engineering
Engineering: Holds a senior leadership position within the engineering department, providing strategic
Vice President - Engineering
guidance and overseeing engineering operations.
Acts as a liaison between the sales team and engineering department, providing technical expertise to
Technical Sales Engineer
support sales efforts and address customer inquiries.
Manages engineering projects from conception to completion, overseeing design, development, and
Project Engineer
implementation activities.
Oversees engineering activities at project sites, ensuring adherence to specifications, safety standards,
Site Engineer
and project timelines.
Piping Engineer Designs and oversees the installation of piping systems, ensuring they meet project specifications and
safety standards.
Plant Manager Plant Managers are responsible for the overall management of a manufacturing plant. They oversee
production, quality control, and ensure the plant's efficiency and profitability.
Biomedical Engineers apply engineering principles to the field of medicine. They may design medical
Biomedical Engineer
devices, develop healthcare technologies, or work on biological research.
Industrial / Process Engineering Manager Oversees industrial or process engineering activities to optimize production processes and improve
Manages maintenance activities within a facility to ensure equipment reliability and minimize downtime.
Maintenance Manager
Manages facility operations and utility systems to ensure smooth functioning of the infrastructure.
Faciltiy / Utility Manager
Implements lean manufacturing principles and continuous improvement initiatives to streamline processes
Lean / Continuous Improvement Manager
and reduce waste.
Provides technical leadership and guidance, overseeing the development and implementation of technical
Technical Director strategies and solutions.
Design Manager Leads design teams, overseeing the creation and development of products, systems, or solutions.
Construction Manager Manages construction projects, overseeing planning, coordination, and execution to ensure successful
Oversees the commissioning process for systems or facilities, ensuring they meet performance and
Commissioning Manager
quality standards.
Manages the installation of equipment, systems, or facilities, ensuring adherence to specifications and safety
Installation Manager
Manages control systems for machinery or processes, optimizing performance and efficiency.
Controls Manager
Manages energy usage and efficiency within an organization, implementing strategies to reduce consumption
Energy Manager and costs.
Utilities Manager Oversees utility systems, such as water, electricity, and gas, ensuring reliability and efficiency.
Controls Engineer Designs, develops, and implements control systems for machinery or processes to optimize performance
and efficiency.
Performs commissioning activities, ensuring systems or facilities meet design and performance
Commissioning Engineer
Designs and implements energy-efficient solutions, optimizing energy usage and reducing environmental
Energy Engineer
Utilities Engineer Designs and maintains utility systems, ensuring reliability, efficiency, and compliance with regulations.
Provides engineering support for projects, overseeing technical aspects and ensuring project objectives
Project Engineer are met.
Solar Energy Systems Designer Designs solar energy systems, including photovoltaic arrays and solar thermal systems, optimizing
performance and efficiency.
Solar Energy Engineer Engineers solar energy systems, ensuring they are designed, installed, and maintained to maximize energy
production and efficiency.
Civil Engineers design and oversee the construction of infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges,
Civil Engineer
buildings, and water supply systems.
Designs and develops electronic systems, circuits, and components for various applications.
Electronic Engineer
CAD/CAM Engineer Utilizes computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software to create and
optimize product designs and manufacturing processes.
Specializes in welding processes, techniques, and materials, ensuring the quality and integrity of welded
Welding Engineer components and structures.
Aerospace Engineer Aerospace Engineers design and develop aircraft, spacecraft, and related systems. They may work on
aerodynamics, propulsion, or avionics.
Structural Engineer Structural Engineers design and analyze structures to ensure they can withstand the forces they will
encounter. They work on projects like buildings, bridges, and towers.
Automotive Engineers design and develop vehicles and their components. They may work on aspects
Automotive Engineer
like vehicle performance, safety, or fuel efficiency.
Materials Engineers study the properties of materials and develop new materials for specific applications.
Materials Engineer
They may work in industries like electronics, aerospace, or manufacturing.
Petroleum Engineer Petroleum Engineers focus on the extraction and production of oil and gas. They design and implement
methods for drilling and reservoir management.
Mechatronics Engineers integrate mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering to design and create
Mechatronics Engineer intelligent systems and products.
Maintenance Engineer Manages and performs maintenance activities to ensure the reliability and functionality of equipment and
Logistic Engineer Optimizes logistics processes, including transportation, inventory management, and warehousing, to
improve efficiency and reduce costs.
Designs and develops packaging solutions for products, focusing on protection, cost-effectiveness,
Packaging Engineer
and sustainability.
Designs and optimizes the flow of materials within a manufacturing facility to maximize efficiency and
Material Flow Engineer
minimize waste.
Production Engineer Improves production processes and systems to enhance productivity, quality, and cost-effectiveness.
Implements and improves TPS principles, including just-in-time production, continuous improvement,
Toyota Production System (TPS) Engineer and waste reduction.
Cost Control Engineer Manages and controls costs within a manufacturing environment, identifying cost-saving opportunities
and optimizing spending.
Lean Six Sigma Engineer/Specialist Implements Lean Six Sigma methodologies to improve processes, reduce waste, and enhance efficiency
and quality.
Chemical Engineers design and optimize processes for the production of chemicals and related products.
Chemical Engineer
They may work in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food, or petrochemicals.
Electrical Engineers design, develop, and test electrical systems, components, and equipment. They may
Electrical Engineer
work on projects related to power generation, electronics, or telecommunications.
Environmental Engineer Environmental Engineers focus on developing solutions for environmental issues, such as pollution control,
waste management, and sustainable practices.
Facility Engineers manage and maintain the physical infrastructure of buildings or facilities. They ensure
Facility Engineer that facilities operate efficiently and meet safety standards.
Industrial Engineer Industrial Engineers optimize processes and systems in various industries to improve efficiency and
productivity. They may work on production planning, logistics, or quality control.
Manufacturing Engineer Manufacturing Engineers focus on improving manufacturing processes and systems. They work to enhance
efficiency, reduce costs, and improve product quality.
Mechanical Engineers design and analyze mechanical systems and devices. They contribute to the
Mechanical Engineer
development of new products, machinery, and technologies.
Production Supervisors oversee the day-to-day operations of production lines. They manage production
Production Supervisor
schedules, monitor quality, and ensure the efficient use of resources.
Process Engineers focus on optimizing and improving manufacturing processes. They work on enhancing
Process Engineer efficiency, quality, and safety in the production of goods.
Supply Chain Manager Supply Chain Managers oversee the entire supply chain process, from procurement to distribution.
They optimize operations for efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and timely delivery.
Supply Chain Strategy Manager Supply Chain Strategy Managers develop and implement strategic plans to optimize supply chain
operations, improve efficiency, and drive business goals.
Global Supply Chain Managers oversee supply chain operations on a global scale, managing international
Global Supply Chain Manager
logistics and optimizing global supply chain networks.
Logistics Managers oversee the entire logistics and distribution process. They plan and coordinate
Logistics Manager
transportation, manage inventory, and optimize logistics networks.
Transportation Managers coordinate the movement of goods and manage transportation networks. They
Transportation Manager ensure efficient and cost-effective transportation of goods.
Warehouse Managers oversee warehouse operations, including inventory management, order fulfillment,
Warehouse Manager and logistics coordination within the warehouse.
Inventory Manager Inventory Managers are responsible for managing and optimizing inventory levels to meet demand while
minimizing holding costs and stockouts.
Continuous Improvement Manager Evaluates workplace Continuous Improvement Managers focus on identifying and implementing
improvements in processes and workflows to enhance overall supply chain efficiency.for potential
health hazards, such as chemical exposure or noise levels, and recommends controls to protect
workers' health.
Distribution Managers oversee the distribution process, managing transportation, inventory, and logistics
Distribution Manager
to ensure timely and efficient delivery.
Materials Managers are responsible for managing raw materials, ensuring availability for production and
Materials Manager
maintaining optimal inventory levels.
Oversees the procurement process, including identifying suppliers, negotiating contracts, and managing
Sourcing Manager
supplier relationships to ensure the timely and cost-effective acquisition of goods and services.
Leads procurement activities, including sourcing, negotiating contracts, and supplier management, to
Procurement/Purchasing Manager acquire goods and services efficiently.
Procurement/Purchasing Specialist Supports procurement tasks, such as order placement, vendor communication, and contract administration,
to facilitate procurement processes.
Logistics Coordinator Logistics Coordinators manage the movement of goods, ensuring timely delivery and coordination of
transportation. They handle documentation, track shipments, and address logistics issues.
Freight Forwarding Coordinators manage the transportation of goods, coordinating with carriers and
Freight Forwarding Coordinator
ensuring smooth logistics operations.
Holds a senior leadership position overseeing IT and technology functions, including strategy development,
Vice President - IT and Technology
project management, and resource allocation.
Manages cost accounting processes, analyzing expenses and cost structures to inform pricing strategies
Costing Manager
and cost-saving initiatives.
Analyzes cost data and performs cost accounting functions to support decision-making and financial
Costing Specialist/Analyst planning processes.
Fulfillment Manager Manages order processing, inventory, and shipping to ensure timely delivery to customers.
Commodity Manager Manages the sourcing and procurement of specific commodities or groups of related products, optimizing
costs, quality, and supply chain efficiency for those items.
Supplier Relationship Managers build and manage relationships with suppliers to ensure a reliable and
Supplier Relationship Manager
efficient supply chain.
E-commerce Logistics Managers specialize in managing logistics operations for online retailers. They ensure
E-commerce Logistics Manager
timely and accurate delivery of e-commerce orders.
Import/Export Specialists handle the documentation, regulations, and logistics associated with importing
Import/Export Specialist
and exporting goods across borders.
Demand Planners forecast product demand, helping organizations optimize inventory levels and ensure
Demand Planner products are available to meet customer needs.
Inventory Control Specialist Inventory Control Specialists manage and optimize inventory levels to meet demand while minimizing
holding costs and stockouts.
Logistics Operations Supervisor Logistics Operations Supervisors oversee day-to-day logistics activities, including warehouse operations,
transportation coordination, and order fulfillment.
Logistics Analysts analyze data and trends to provide insights for improving supply chain processes,
Logistics Analyst
reducing costs, and enhancing efficiency.
Logistics Planners develop and implement plans for the movement of goods. They optimize routes, schedules,
Logistics Planner
and transportation methods to ensure efficient logistics operations.
Holds the highest executive position in a company, responsible for overall strategic direction, decision-making,
Managing Director
and performance.
Manages production planning and control activities, including scheduling, resource allocation, and inventory
Planning and Control Manager management, to ensure timely and efficient operations.
Purchasing Manager Oversees procurement and purchasing activities, including vendor selection, negotiation, and contract
management, to acquire goods and services at the best value.
Import/Export Manager Manages import and export operations, including compliance with customs regulations, documentation,
and logistics coordination, to facilitate international trade.
Manages activities related to the Board of Investment (BOI), including investment promotion, incentives,
BOI Manager
and compliance with BOI regulations.
Provides specialized support for BOI-related activities, including application processing, incentive evaluation,
BOI Specialist
and compliance monitoring.
Supply Chain Analysts study data and trends to provide insights for improving supply chain processes,
Supply Chain Analyst
reducing costs, and enhancing efficiency.
Plans production schedules and coordinates resources to meet demand while optimizing efficiency and
Production Planner minimizing costs.
Material Planner Plans and manages material requirements to ensure adequate inventory levels for production, minimizing
stockouts and excess inventory.
Electronics Engineer Electronics Engineers design and develop electronic systems and components. They contribute to the
creation of new electronic devices and technologies.
Manages warehouse operations, including receiving, storage, and shipping of goods, while supervising
Warehouse Supervisor/Assistant Manager
warehouse staff.
Oversees the movement, storage, and handling of materials within a facility, optimizing processes to improve
Material Handling Manager
efficiency and minimize costs.
Manages logistical operations, including transportation, inventory management, and supply chain
Logistic Specialist coordination, to ensure timely delivery of goods and efficient distribution.
Training Manager Training Managers are responsible for developing and implementing training programs within an organization.
They assess training needs, design curriculum, and deliver or oversee training sessions. Training Managers
aim to enhance employee skills, knowledge, and performance to align with organizational goals. They may
also evaluate training effectiveness and adjust programs accordingly.