Google Code of Conduct
Google Code of Conduct
Google Code of Conduct
So please do read the Code and Google’s values, and follow both in
spirit and letter, always bearing in mind that each of us has a
personal responsibility to incorporate, and to encourage other
Googlers to incorporate, the principles of the Code and values into
our work. And if you have a question or ever think that one of your
fellow Googlers or the company as a whole may be falling short of
our commitment, don’t be silent. We want – and need – to hear from
Alphabet Inc.
Attn: Workplace Concern
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
No Retaliation
Google prohibits retaliation against any worker here at Google who
reports or participates in an investigation of a possible violation of
our Code, policies, or the law. If you believe you are being retaliated
against, please contact to Ethics & Business Integrity.
1. Integrity
Our reputation as a company that our users can trust is our most
valuable asset, and it is up to all of us to make sure that we
continually earn that trust. All of our communications and other
interactions with our users should increase their trust in us.
2. Usefulness
Our products, features, and services should make Google more
useful for all our users. We have many different types of users, from
individuals to large businesses, but one guiding principle: “Is what
we are offering useful?”
4. Responsiveness
Part of being useful and honest is being responsive: We recognize
relevant user feedback when we see it, and we do something about
it. We take pride in responding to communications from our users,
whether questions, problems, or compliments. If something is
broken, fix it.
5. Take Action
Any time you feel our users aren’t being well-served, don’t be
bashful - let someone in the company know about it. Continually
improving our products and services takes all of us, and we’re proud
that Googlers champion our users and take the initiative to step
forward when the interests of our users are at stake.
B. Our practice
Consistent with the Principles, Googlers are expected to do their
utmost to create a supportive work environment, where everyone
has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential, and be free from
harassment, intimidation, bias, and unlawful discrimination.
5. Dog Policy
Google’s affection for our canine friends is an integral facet of our
corporate culture. We like cats, but we’re a dog company, so as a
general rule we feel cats visiting our offices would be fairly stressed
out. However, before bringing your canine companion to the office,
please make sure you review our Dog Policy.
Personal investments
Outside employment, advisory roles, board seats, and starting
your own business
Business opportunities found through work
Friends and relatives; co-worker relationships
Accepting gifts, entertainment, and other business courtesies
Use of Google products and services
In each of these situations, the rule is the same – if you are
considering entering into a business situation that creates a conflict
of interest, don’t. If you are in a business situation that may create a
conflict of interest, or the appearance of a conflict of interest, review
the situation with your manager and Ethics & Business Integrity.
Finally, it’s important to understand that as circumstances change, a
situation that previously didn’t present a conflict of interest may
present one.
Personal Investments
Avoid making personal investments in companies that are Google
competitors or business partners when the investment might cause,
or appear to cause, you to act in a way that could harm Google.
Developing or helping to develop outside inventions that a) relate to
Google’s existing or reasonably anticipated products and services,
b) relate to your position at Google, or c) are developed using
Google corporate resources may create conflicts of interest and be
subject to the provisions of Google’s Confidential Information and
Invention Assignment Agreement and other employment
agreements. If you have any questions about potential conflicts or
intellectual property ownership involving an outside invention or
other intellectual property, consult Ethics & Business Integrity or
Contact Ethics & Business Integrity if you have any questions. See
the discussion of Anti-Bribery Laws in Section VII(d) for guidance on
when it is appropriate to give gifts and business courtesies in the
course of doing Google business.
Ethics & Business Integrity will periodically report to the Google
Compliance Steering Committee all matters involving Google
officers – VPs and above – approved under this section of the Code,
and will periodically report to the Google Nominating and Corporate
Governance Committee all matters involving Google executive
officers and Board members approved under this section.
1. Confidential Information
Make sure that information that is classified as “Need to Know” or
“Confidential” in Google’s Data Classification Guidelines is handled
in accordance with those Guidelines and Google’s Data Security
Policy. At times, a particular project or negotiation may require you
to disclose Need to Know or Confidential information to an outside
party: Disclosure of that information should be on an “only as
needed” basis and only under a non-disclosure agreement. In
addition, Google policy may require a prior security assessment of
the outside party that is to receive the confidential information. Be
sure to conduct the appropriate due diligence and have the
appropriate agreement in place before you disclose the information.
There are, of course, “gray areas” in which you will need to apply
your best judgment in making sure you don’t disclose any
confidential information. Suppose a friend who works at a non-profit
organization asks you informally how to improve the Google search
ranking of the group’s website: Giving your friend site-optimization
tips available in public articles and on websites isn’t likely to be a
problem, but giving tips that aren’t publicly known definitely would
be. If you’re in a gray area, be cautious in what advice or insight you
provide or, better yet, ask for guidance from Ethics & Business
And don’t forget about pictures you and your guests take at Google
– it is up to you to be sure that those pictures don’t disclose
confidential information.
2. Google Partners
Just as you are careful not to disclose confidential Google
information, it’s equally important not to disclose any confidential
information from our partners. Don’t accept confidential information
from other companies without first having all parties sign an
appropriate Non-disclosure Agreement approved by Legal. Even
after the agreement is signed, try only to accept as much
information as you need to accomplish your business objectives.
5. Outside Communications
You probably know that our policy is to be extremely careful about
disclosing confidential proprietary information. Consistent with that,
you should also ensure your outside communications (including
online and social media posts) do not disclose confidential
proprietary information or represent (or otherwise give the
impression) that you are speaking on behalf of Google unless you’re
authorized to do so by the company. The same applies to
communications with the press. Finally, check with your manager
and Corporate Communications before accepting any public
speaking engagement on behalf of the company. In general, before
making any external communication or disclosure, you should
consult our Employee Communications Policy and our
Communications and Disclosure Policy.
1. Intellectual Property
Google’s intellectual property rights (our trademarks, logos,
copyrights, trade secrets, “know- how”, and patents) are among our
most valuable assets. Unauthorized use can lead to their loss or
serious loss of value. You must respect all copyright and other
intellectual property laws, including laws governing the fair use of
copyrights, trademarks, and brands. You must never use Google’s
(or its affiliated entities’) logos, marks, or other protected
information or property for any business or commercial venture
without pre-clearance from the Marketing Team. We strongly
encourage you to report any suspected misuse of trademarks, logos,
or other Google intellectual property to Legal.
2. Company Equipment
Google gives us the tools and equipment we need to do our jobs
effectively, but counts on us to be responsible and not wasteful with
the Google stuff we are given. Nobody’s going to complain if you
snag an extra bagel on Friday morning, but company funds,
equipment, and other physical assets are not to be requisitioned for
purely personal use. Not sure if a certain use of company assets is
okay? Please ask your manager or Human Resources.
3. The Network
Google’s communication facilities (which include both our network
and the hardware that uses it, like computers and mobile devices)
are a critical aspect of our company’s property, both physical and
intellectual. Be sure to follow all security policies. If you have any
reason to believe that our network security has been violated – for
example, you lose your laptop or smart phone or think that your
network password may have been compromised – please promptly
report the incident to Information Security. For more information,
consult Google’s Security Policy.
4. Physical Security
If you’re not careful, people may steal your stuff. Always secure your
laptop, important equipment, and your personal belongings, even
while on Google’s premises. Always wear your badge visibly while
on site. Don’t tamper with or disable security and safety devices. If
you see someone in a secure space without a badge, report that,
and any other suspicious activity, to Google Security. For more
information, review Google’s Physical Security Policy.
5. Employee Data
We collect and store personal information from employees around
the world. Access this data only in line with local law and Google
internal policies, and be sure to handle employee data in a manner
that is consistent with Google’s Data Classification and Employment
Data Guidelines and other Google policies.
Signing a Contract
Each time you enter into a business transaction on Google’s behalf,
there should be documentation recording that agreement, approved
by the Legal Department. Signing a contract on behalf of Google is a
very big deal. Never sign any contract on behalf of Google unless all
of the following are met:
You are authorized to do so under our Signature Authority and
Approval Policy. If you are unsure whether you are authorized,
ask your manager
The contract has been approved by Legal. If you are using an
approved Google form contract, you don’t need further Legal
approval unless you have made changes to the form contract
or are using it for other than its intended purpose
You have studied the contract, understood its terms and
decided that entering into the contract is in Google’s interest
2. Recording Transactions
If your job involves the financial recording of our transactions, make
sure that you’re fully familiar with all of the Google policies that
apply, including our Revenue Recognition Policy and our Purchasing
4. Hiring Suppliers
As Google grows, we enter into more and more deals with suppliers
of equipment and services. We should always strive for the best
possible deal for Google. This almost always requires that you solicit
competing bids to make sure that you’re getting the best offer.
While price is very important, it isn’t the only factor worth
considering. Quality, service, reliability, and the terms and
conditions of the proposed deal may also affect the final decision.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Purchasing Team if you have
any questions regarding how to procure equipment or services.
5. Retaining Records
It’s important that we keep records for an appropriate length of
time. The Google Records Retention Policy suggests minimum
record retention periods for certain types of records. These are great
guidelines, but keep in mind that legal requirements, accounting
rules, and other external sources sometimes specify longer
retention periods for certain types of records, and those control
where applicable. In addition, if asked by Legal to retain records
relevant to a litigation, audit, or investigation, do so until Legal tells
you retention is no longer necessary. If you have any questions
regarding the correct length of time to retain a record, contact the
Records Retention Team.
1. Trade Controls
U.S. and international trade laws control where Google can send or
receive its products and/or services. These laws are complex, and
apply to:
The bottom line: If you are in any way involved in sending or making
available Google products, services, software, equipment, or any
form of technical data from one country to another, work with your
manager to be absolutely sure that the transaction stays well within
the bounds of applicable laws. If you or your manager are not sure,
please contact Global Trade Compliance.
2. Competition Laws
Most countries have laws – known as “antitrust,” “competition,” or
“unfair competition” laws – designed to promote free and fair
competition. Generally speaking, these laws prohibit 1)
arrangements with competitors that restrain trade in some way, 2)
abuse of intellectual property rights, and 3) use of market power to
unfairly disadvantage competitors.
4. Anti-bribery Laws
Like all businesses, Google is subject to lots of laws, both U.S. and
non-U.S., that prohibit bribery in virtually every kind of commercial
setting. The rule for us at Google is simple – don’t bribe anybody,
anytime, for any reason.
5. Non-government relationships
You should be careful when you give gifts and pay for meals,
entertainment, or other business courtesies on behalf of Google. We
want to avoid the possibility that the gift, entertainment, or other
business courtesy could be perceived as a bribe, so it’s always best
to provide such business courtesies infrequently and, when we do,
to keep their value moderate. Consult Google’s Non-Government
Related Gifts and Client Entertainment Policy before providing any
business courtesies and contact Ethics & Business Integrity if you
have any questions.
The U.S. also has strict rules that severely limit the ability of a
company or its employees to give gifts and business courtesies to a
U.S. government official and also limit the official’s ability to accept
such gifts. The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act
prohibits giving any gifts, including travel and other courtesies, to
Members, Officers, and employees of the U.S. Senate and House of
Representatives unless they fit within one of a number of specific
exceptions. Gifts to employees of the U.S. executive branch are also
regulated and subject to limits. Finally, state and local government
officials in the U.S. are also subject to additional legal restrictions.
Consult Google’s Anti-Bribery and Government Ethics Policy before
giving any such gifts or business courtesies and obtain all required
pre-approvals. In sum, before offering any gifts or business
courtesies to a U.S. or other government official, you should consult
Google’s Anti-Bribery and Government Ethics Policy. Carefully follow
the limits and prohibitions described there, and obtain any required
pre-approvals. If after consulting the Policy you aren’t sure what to
do, ask Ethics & Business Integrity.
VIII. Conclusion
Google aspires to be a different kind of company. It’s impossible to
spell out every possible ethical scenario we might face. Instead, we
rely on one another’s good judgment to uphold a high standard of
integrity for ourselves and our company. We expect all Googlers to
be guided by both the letter and the spirit of this Code. Sometimes,
identifying the right thing to do isn’t an easy call. If you aren’t sure,
don’t be afraid to ask questions of your manager, Legal or Ethics &
Business Integrity.