5626-Guidance Notes - Power Park Modules
5626-Guidance Notes - Power Park Modules
5626-Guidance Notes - Power Park Modules
Issue 3
September 2012
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
These Guidance Notes have been prepared by National Grid Electricity Transmission
(NGET) to describe to Generators how the Grid Code Compliance Processes should
These Guidance Notes are prepared, solely, for the assistance of prospective
Generators connecting directly to the National Electricity Transmission System or Large
Embedded Power Stations. In the event of dispute, the Grid Code and Bilateral
Agreement documents will take precedence over these notes.
Small and Medium Embedded Power Stations should contact the relevant Distribution
Network Operator (DNO) for guidance.
These Guidance Notes are based on the Grid Code, Issue 5, Revision 0, effective from
the 17 August 2012. They have been developed from Issue 11 of the Guidance Note of
September 2008 and reflect the major changes brought about by Grid Code revision
A/10 as approved by the regulator on 26 July 2012.
Definitions for the terminology used this document can be found in the Grid Code.
The Electricity Customer Manager (see contact details) will be happy to provide
clarification and assistance required in relation to these notes and on Grid Code
compliance issues.
National Grid welcomes comments including ideas to reduce the compliance effort while
maintaining the level of confidence. Feedback should be directed to the National Grid
Generator Compliance team at:
Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report ...............................................................1
Compliance Process .....................................................................................................2
Simulation Studies ........................................................................................................2
Validated Models ...........................................................................................................3
Compliance Tests ..........................................................................................................4
National Grid Data Recording Equipment.....................................................................4
The National Grid Register of Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Reports................6
Interim Operation ..........................................................................................................6
Test Notification to Control Room .................................................................................6
Compliance Testing with Limited Power Source Availability.........................................7
Compliance Testing of Power Stations Comprised of Identical Power Park Modules...7
Protection Requirements ..............................................................................................7
Islanding Protection ......................................................................................................8
Power Quality Requirements ........................................................................................8
Appendix A - Reactive Capability.................................................................................9
Summary of Requirements ...........................................................................................9
Contractual Opportunities Relating to Reactive Services .............................................9
Reactive Capability Compliance Tests .........................................................................9
Appendix B - Voltage Control and PSS Testing........................................................12
Summary of Requirements .........................................................................................12
Target Voltage and Slope ...........................................................................................12
Delivery of Reactive Capability Beyond ±5% Voltage.................................................13
Transient Response....................................................................................................13
Variations in Voltage Control Requirements ...............................................................14
Compliance Test Description ......................................................................................16
Suggested Power Park Module Voltage Control Test Procedure ...............................17
Demonstration of Slope Characteristic .......................................................................18
Additional Power System Stabiliser Testing ...............................................................18
Suggested Power Park Module PSS Test Procedure.................................................19
Appendix C - Frequency Control................................................................................21
Summary of Requirements .........................................................................................21
Modes of Frequency Control Operation......................................................................22
Target Frequency .......................................................................................................23
De-load Instructions....................................................................................................24
Frequency Response from an Intermittent Power Source ..........................................24
Summary of Steady State Load Accuracy Requirements ...........................................25
Compliance Testing Requirements.............................................................................25
Typical Frequency Control Test Injection....................................................................25
Power Level for Frequency Control Compliance Testing............................................26
Preliminary Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode Testing .............................................26
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Preliminary Frequency Response Testing ..................................................................27
National Grid Witnessed Frequency Response Testing Sequence ............................28
Generic Frequency Response Test Procedure...........................................................29
Control Requirements that may be witnessed ............................................................34
Appendix D - Power Park Unit Performance Registration .......................................35
Scope .........................................................................................................................35
Generic Power Park Unit Type Validation...................................................................35
Background to Generic Power Park Unit Type Validation...........................................35
Confidentiality Provisions............................................................................................36
Areas Suitable for Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report .................................37
Submitting Data into the Register of Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report .....38
Summary of Grid Code Fault Ride Through Requirements ........................................38
‘Mode A’ Requirements - first 140msec of a fault .......................................................39
‘Mode B’ Requirements - fault period beyond the first 140msec.................................39
Requirements for Induction Generators......................................................................40
Fault Ride Through Testing ........................................................................................40
Appendix E - Response to Frequency Changes and Intermittent Power Source
Variation .......................................................................................................................44
Scope .........................................................................................................................44
Frequency Sensitive Mode at Full Load......................................................................45
Set and Re-set Set-point ............................................................................................47
Frequency Sensitive Mode At De-Load ......................................................................48
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode.............................................................................49
Summary ....................................................................................................................51
Appendix F - Other Technical Information ................................................................52
Calculating Equivalent Impedance for Fault Ride Through Studies ............................52
Technical Information on the Connection Bus Bar......................................................54
Equivalent Sequence Impedances for Calculating Unbalanced Short-Circuit Current
Contribution ................................................................................................................55
Appendix G - Contacting National Grid .....................................................................56
Disclaimer: This document has been prepared for guidance only and does not contain all the information
needed to compile or submit Local Safety Instructions to National Grid. Please note that whilst these
guidance notes have been prepared with due care, National Grid does not make any representation,
warranty or undertaking, express or implied, in or in relation to the completeness and or accuracy of
information contained in these guidance notes, and accordingly the contents should not be relied on as
This section includes a list of the abbreviations that appear in this document.
Abbreviation Description
AVC Automatic Voltage Control (on transformers)
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
BA / BCA Bilateral Agreement / Bilateral Connection Agreement
BC Balancing Code
BM / BMU Balancing Mechanism / Balancing Mechanism Unit
CC / CC.A Connection Conditions / Connection Conditions Appendix
CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
CUSC Connection and Use of System Code
DCS Distributed Control System
DNO Distribution Network Operator
DMOL Design Minimum Operating Level
DPD Detailed Planning Data
DRC Data Registration Code
EDL/EDT Electronic Data Logging / Electronic Data Transfer
ELEXON Balancing and Settlement Code Company
FON Final Operational Notification
FRT Fault Ride Through
FSM Frequency Sensitive Mode
GB Great Britain
GCRP Grid Code Review Panel
GT Gas Turbine
ION Interim Operational Notification
LSFM Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode
LON Limited Operational Notification
MEL Maximum Export Limit
MLP Machine Load Point
NGET National Grid Electricity Transmission
OC Operating Code
OCGT Open Cycle Gas Turbine
OEL Over Excitation Limiter
OFGEM Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
PC Planning Code
PSS Power System Stabiliser
PSSE Power System Analysis Software
RISSP Record of Inter System Safety Precautions
SEL Stable Export limit
SO System Operator (National Grid)
SPT Scottish Power Transmission
SHETL Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Limited
STC System Operator Transmission Owner Code
TO Transmission Owner
TOGA Transmission Outages, Generation Availability
UDFS User Data File Structure
UEL Under Excitation Limiter
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
This document complements the Compliance Processes (CP) included in the Grid Code
providing additional description of the technical studies and testing set out within the
Grid Code.
To achieve Operational Notification, the Generator, the company owning and operating
a Power Park, must demonstrate compliance with the Grid Code and Bilateral
Agreement. The Grid Code is a generic document which specifies requirements
regardless of local conditions. The Bilateral Agreement is a site specific document
agreed by National Grid and the Generator, which for technical reasons, may specify
additional/alternative requirements or specific parameters within a range indicated in the
Grid Code. The total requirements placed on Generators are therefore the aggregation
of those specified in the Grid Code and Bilateral Agreement.
This particular edition of the guidance notes has been written for new distributed
generation technologies (such as wind farms) referred to in the Grid Code as Power
Parks. The guidance notes contents are based on experience gained from wind
turbines but similar arrangements are expected to apply to other renewable
technologies. A separate document exists for conventional synchronous plant.
Generators may, if they wish, suggest alternative tests or studies, which they believe
will demonstrate compliance in accordance with the requirements placed on themselves
and National Grid.
Generators should note that using registered manufacturer data does not guarantee
Grid Code compliance for a Power Park Module, but does indicate that the Power Park
Unit is capable of achieving Grid Code compliance in the appropriate area. Limited
tests may be required to confirm that the performance of the Power Park Module aligns
with the data held by National Grid in the Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report
Register. Any Generator wishing to use manufacturer data is advised to contact
National Grid early in the compliance process to determine if the information held in the
Register of Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report is appropriate and sufficient in
each case.
While Generators may not see the Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report
information, they must ensure that the correct reference is used as the same provisions
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
will apply to this data as a normal Data Registration Code or a User Data File Structure
submission. The Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report reference given by the
Power Park Unit manufacturer will contain the following:
• manufacturer name;
• Power Park Unit type;
• date; and
• the relevant report version number.
The user should then reference the document in the appropriate place in the User Data
File Structure. For example, in lieu of fault ride through studies, assuming suitable fault
ride through information is available in a Manufacturers Data and Performance report,
the user can enter the following sentence;
“This information has been submitted generically to National Grid and can be found in
the National Grid Register of Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report under
document reference “manufacturerX_10MWturbinetype1_22Aug08_reportver001”
Compliance Process
The process for Generators to demonstrate compliance with the Grid Code and Bilateral
Agreement is included in the Grid Code Compliance Processes (CP). In addition to the
process and details of the documentation that is exchanged to control the process an
appendix to the Compliance Processes includes the technical details of the simulation
studies that a Generator should carry out. The Compliance Processes cross reference
with other sections of the Grid Code, namely the Planning Code (PC), the Connection
Conditions (CC) and Operating Code 5 (OC5).
The PC sets out the data and information that a Generator is required to submit prior to
connection and then maintain during the lifetime of the power station. The format for
submission of the majority of this information is set out in the Data Registration Code
The CC set out the majority of the generic performance requirements that a Generator
is required to meet with site specific variations laid out in the Bilateral Agreement.
The OC5 sets out the technical details of the tests which National Grid recommends to
demonstrate compliance with the Grid Code.
Simulation Studies
The simulation studies described in the Compliance Processes (CP.A.2), and Power
Park Unit type and site tests described in sections, provide indicative evidence that the
requirements of the Grid Code have been met. However if the study requirements
specified in the Grid Code are inappropriate to the technologies employed on a
particular project the Generator should contact National Grid to discuss and agree an
alternative program and success criteria.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
In general, simulation studies are required where it is impractical to demonstrate
capability through testing as the effects on other system Users would be unacceptable.
The simulations must be based on the validated models supplied to National Grid in
accordance with Grid Code Planning Code Appendix section 5.4.2 (PC.A.5.4.2).
Validated Models
The Generator is required to provide National Grid and the Transmission Owner with a
model of their Power Park Module as detailed in PC.A.5.4.2 (a to h) of the Grid Code.
The model data is to be provided in a block diagram format, complete with Laplace
equations and all associated parameters for the site in question. Control systems with a
number of discrete states or logic elements may be provided in flow chart format if a
block diagram format does not provide a suitable representation. The electrical system
is to be provided as a single line diagram.
The model structure and complexity must be suitable for National Grid to integrate into
their power system analysis software (currently DigSilent). As a general rule, time
constants less than 10ms should be avoided. In cases where the model’s functionality
cannot be correctly or satisfactorily represented within National Grid’s power system
analysis software, the Generator may be required to liaise with National Grid to
determine appropriate interpretation.
All model parameters must be identified along with units and site-specific values. A
brief description of the model should ideally be provided as ultimately this will save time
and money for both parties.
The model also needs to be suitable for integration into the power system analysis
software used by the relevant Transmission Owner (if not National Grid). Support may
be required from the Generator to implement and, if necessary, modify the model
representation for use on the Transmission Owner’s power system analysis software
(ordinarily this will not be the case if the model has already been satisfactorily
implemented at National Grid).
National Grid encourages developers to work with manufacturers to develop the use of
standard models for each type of Power Park Unit. This information can be provided as
a Manufacturers Data & Compliance Report and this will minimise the work needed by
all parties to validate Power Park models at each new site.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Compliance Tests
Tests identified in OC5.A.3 of the Grid Code are designed to demonstrate, where
possible, that the relevant provisions of the Grid Code and Bilateral Agreement have
been met. However if the test requirements described in OC5.A.3 are at variance with
the Bilateral Agreement or the test requirements are not relevant to the plant type, the
Generator should contact National Grid to discuss and agree an alternative test
program and success criteria.
For each test to be carried out the description and purpose of the test to be carried out,
results required, the relevant Grid Code clause(s) and criteria of assessment are given
in OC5. The Generator is responsible for drafting test procedures for the power station
as part of the compliance process prior to the issue of the Interim Operational
Notification (ION). Grid Code OC5 and the appendices of these guidance notes provide
outline test schedules which may assist the Generator with this activity.
National Grid may require further compliance tests or evidence to confirm site-specific
technical requirements (in line with Bilateral Agreement) or to address compliance
issues that are of particular concern. Additional compliance tests, if required, will be
identified following National Grid’s review of submissions of User Data File Structure
The tests are carried out by the Generator, or by their agent, and not by National Grid.
However, National Grid will witness some of the tests as indicated in OC5. Tests should
be completed following the test procedures supplied in the UDFS prior to the issue of
the ION unless otherwise agreed by National Grid.
The Generator should also provide suitable digital monitoring equipment to record all
relevant test signals needed to verify the Power Park Module performance in parallel
with National Grid recording equipment.
The station is responsible for providing the listed signals to the User's and National
Grid's recording equipment. For National Grid purposes, the signals provided are
required to be in the form of dc voltages within the range -10V to +10V (see CC.6.2.2).
The input impedance of the National Grid equipment is in the region of 1MOhm and its
loading effect on the signal sources should be negligible.
The station should advise National Grid of the signals and scaling factors prior to the
test day. A form of a typical test signal schedule is shown below:
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
It may be appropriate for National Grid to set up the recording equipment on the day
prior to the test date. The station representatives are asked to ensure that a 230V AC
power supply is available and that the signals are brought to robust terminals at a single
sampling point. Examples of ideal connection points with BNC or 4mm banana plug
connections are shown below.
The Power Park developer must inform National Grid if the signal ground (0V) is not
solidly tied to earth or of any other potential problems.
With Power Park Modules, where sometimes real time analogue signals cannot be
outputted from the control scheme, the Grid Code OC5.A.1.3(a) allows for the basic
signals to be supplied directly from transducers connected to CTs/VTs on the interface
circuit. The transducer(s) should be permanently installed at the Users location to easily
allow safe testing at any point in the future, and to avoid a requirement for recalibration
of the CTs / VTs. All the signals should then be available from the Power Park control
systems as a download once the testing has been completed as described in OC5.A.1.
3(b) and (c).
For offshore Power Park Modules, the control and signals for the witnessing of all
testing should be available at the onshore connection point to avoid the risks associated
with offshore working. For offshore Power Park Modules the real time signals for
witnessing tests are measured at the onshore Interface Point as illustrated in the
following diagram and mentioned in OC5.A.1.3.2(iii).
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Even though different Power Park Modules may be comprised of the same Power Park
Unit type, differences in performance can result. Submitting a Register of
Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report reference can therefore not be a guarantee
of compliance, and the suitability of the reference should be discussed with National
Grid as part of the normal compliance process.
Interim Operation
As there may be a considerable period between commissioning the first and last power
Park Unit within a module, the Grid Code Compliance Processes (CP) provides two
capacity restrictions during commissioning. These restrictions are managed by items
included in the ION. The Generator is required to complete basic voltage control and
frequency response tests and have the results approved by National Grid in order to
have the capacity restrictions released.
The Generator should be aware that this interface with National Grid transmission
planning will normally be available in week-day working hours only. As best practice the
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Generator should advise the ‘National Grid Control Centre’ and in Scotland the relevant
Transmission Owner, or Distribution Network Operator (if embedded) of the times and
nature of the proposed tests at the earliest stage possible. If there is insufficient notice
or information provided by the Generator, then the proposed testing may not be allowed
to proceed.
Protection Requirements
Under section CC. of the Grid Code, the Generator must meet a set of minimum
protection requirements. As part of the User Data File Structure content, the Generator
should submit a Generator Protection Settings report together with an overall trip logic
The Generator should provide details of all the protection devices fitted to the Power
Park Module and Power Park Units together with settings and time delays, including:
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Islanding Protection
If anti-islanding protection is required, an inter-tripping scheme is recommended.
However, if ‘Rate of Change of Frequency’ (ROCOF) or ‘Vector Shift’ trip relays are to
be considered, there could be compliance implications which need to be discussed with
National Grid at the earliest opportunity. National Grid does not require or desire
Generators to fit ROCOF or ‘Vector Shift’ protection but needs to be consulted on the
settings of any such protections in service.
With respect to harmonics, the Grid Code CC.6.1.5(a) requires that the Electromagnetic
Compatibility Levels for harmonic distortion on the Transmission System from all non-
linear sources under both planned outage and fault outage conditions, (unless abnormal
conditions prevail) shall comply with the compatibility levels given in Appendix A of
Engineering Recommendation G5/4. The Grid Code further requires that the planning
criteria contained within Engineering Recommendation G5/4 be applied for the
connection of non-linear sources to the Transmission System, which result in harmonic
limits being specified for these sources in the relevant Bilateral Agreement.
With respect to voltage fluctuations, it is also a requirement of the Grid Code that
voltage fluctuations are kept within the levels given in Grid Code CC.6.1.7 and/or Table
1 of Engineering Recommendation P28 and therefore limits on voltage fluctuations are
also specified in the relevant Bilateral Agreement. The Power Park Developer will be
required to comply with the harmonic and voltage fluctuation limits specified in the
Bilateral Agreement. The Transmission System or Distribution Network Operator will
monitor compliance with these limits.
Specific information required for the assessment of harmonic voltage distortion and
voltage fluctuation is detailed in Grid Code DRC.6.1.1. Any component design
parameters for planned reactive compensation for the Power Park as detailed in Grid
Code PC.A.6.4.2 should also be included giving due attention to tuned components.
For Power Parks that are to be connected to Distribution Systems, Distribution Network
Operators may undertake similar assessments to comply with the requirements of the
Distribution Code in terms of harmonic distortion and voltage fluctuation.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
In summary, the first part of the requirement is for the Power Park Module to be capable
of operating with no reactive power transfer to the public power system (with a
tolerance) from zero power output to full output. The second part of the requirement is
for the Power Park Module to be capable of operating with a range of reactive power
outputs when producing more than 20% real power. This reactive power capability at
the connection point (or HV side of the connection transformer for a “Transmission”
connection site in Scotland) is illustrated in the Figure 1 in CC.6.3.2.
Below 20% real power output, the Power Park Module may continue to modulate
reactive power transfer under voltage control or switch to zero reactive power transfer. If
there is a switch to zero reactive power transfer, the Grid Code requires that there is a
smooth transition between Voltage Control at active power levels greater than 20% and
reactive power control at active power levels less than 20%.
Further clauses of Grid Code CC.6.3.2 include some variations to the Reactive
Capability requirements relating to older Power Park Modules completed before 1
January 2006.
Grid Code CC.6.3.4 states that the reactive power capability must be fully available at
all system voltages in the range ±5% of nominal. Generators connected at 33kV or
below, are only required to meet the relaxed voltage/reactive capability envelope shown
by CC.6.3.4 Figure 4. This relaxation recognises that the power park developer does
not have control of a transformer tapchanger to control voltages within his network. The
CC.6.3.4 capability is not normally tested but is demonstrated by simulation.
In the event that during system incidents (i.e. the voltage is <95% or >105%) plant
should deliver the maximum (lagging or leading respectively) reactive power possible,
whilst remaining within its design limits.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
corners of the envelope shown in Grid Code CC.6.3.2 Figure 1. Given the steady state
nature of the Reactive Capability requirements implying that reactive output can be
maintained indefinitely, the tests are carried out over a longer period than other
compliance tests.
In order that the Generator has maximum opportunity to take advantage of periods of
high wind and recognising the steady state nature of these tests, the Reactive
Capability test is not usually witnessed by a National Grid compliance engineer.
In order to demonstrate that a Power Park Module can satisfy the reactive capability
requirements it is necessary to perform reactive capability tests as set out in
OC5.A.3.4.5. An example of a corresponding test schedule is shown below.
1. If the Power Park Module does not provide voltage control below 20% active power
output then test 6 should be carried out to demonstrate smooth transition to within the
required reactive power envelope.
2. If the Power Park Module provides voltage control down to zero active power output
then tests 7 and 8 should be performed
Reactive Capability tests are not normally witnessed by National Grid so where a
Generator is recording the tests the following test record sheet is suggested.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Summary of Requirements
The generic requirements for voltage control are set out in the Grid Code Connection
Conditions with any site specific variations included in the Bilateral Agreement. This
section summarises the key requirements using the generic values included in the Grid
• CC.A. The voltage set point should be adjustable over a range of ±5% of
nominal with a resolution of better than 0.25%.
• CC.A. The voltage control system should have a reactive slope
characteristic which must be adjustable over a range of 2 to 7% with a resolution
of 0.5%. The initial setting should be 4%.
• CC.A. The speed of response to a step change should be sufficient to
deliver 90% of the reactive capability within 1 second with any oscillations
damped out to less than 5% peak to peak within a further 1 second.
• CC.A. The control system should deliver any reactive power output
correction due from the voltage operating point deviating from the slope
characteristic within 5 seconds.
• CC.A. The Power Park Module must continue to provide voltage control
through reactive power modulation within the designed capability limits over the
full connection point voltage range ±10% (CC.6.1.4) however the full reactive
capability (CC.6.3.2) is only required to be delivered for voltages within ±5% of
nominal in line with CC6.3.2 and CC.A.7.2.2 (b) or Figure 4 of CC.6.3.4 if
• Grid Code Figure CC.A.7.2.2(b) Illustrates the operational envelope required.
The Generator must provide National Grid with a transfer block diagram illustrating the
Power Park Module voltage control scheme and include all associated parameters.
This forms part of Schedule 1 of the Data Registration Code and should be included in
part 3 of the User Data File Structure (UDFS). The information will enable National Grid
to review the suitability of the proposed test programme to demonstrate compliance with
the Grid Code.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
at 4%. The procedures for Voltage Control instructions are included in Grid Code
Balancing Code (BC) 2.
Outside this range the Power Park Module must be capable of continuing to contribute
to voltage control by delivering Reactive Power. However, the level of reactive power
delivered may be limited by the design of the plant and apparatus. There is no low or
high limit on this obligation, plant must continue to provide maximum reactive power
within its design limits.
Transient Response
The Grid Code CC.A. sets out a number of criteria for acceptable transient
voltage response. The two Figures below illustrate responses from two different control
philosophies that would be considered as meeting the Grid Code.
Figure B.1 illustrates a control scheme which employs a constant speed of response.
Constant Rate of Response
After 2 seconds any oscillations should be less than 5% (peak to peak) of the change
in reactive power in this time.
90% of the required change in Reactive Capability should occur within 1 second.
pu Reactive
0.800 Power
0.2s Maximum Dead Time
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Time (Seconds)
Figure B.1
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Figure B.2 shows a control scheme which varies the rate of response proportional to the
size of the step change.
Variable Rate of Response
After 2 seconds any oscillations should be less than 5% (peak to peak) of the steady
state change in reactive power at that time.
90% of the required change in Reactive Capability should occur within 1 second.
pu Reactive
0.800 Power
0.2s Maximum Dead Time
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Time (Seconds)
Figure B.2
Both Figures B.1 and B.2 are examples of acceptable responses. Both graphs show
the response to two steps, one to initiate a 1pu and the other a 0.5pu change in reactive
capability. The graphs show how a variable and constant rate of change both can allow
the system to achieve the objective. In both cases the dead time is less than 200ms,
90% of the reactive capability (i.e. 90% of 0.95 power factor at full load or 32.9% MVAr
as measured as a proportion of rated power at any other load) is achieved in 1 second
and the system settles with a maximum oscillation of 5% peak to peak, in reactive
power within 2 seconds.
Note: The Grid Code states that the reactive response to a change should be “linearly
increasing”. For technologies where this may not be appropriate (e.g. capacitor
switching), provided the performance is equal to or faster than shown above it will be
As a result, Power Park Modules in Scotland with a completion date before the 1st of
January 2006 the point of Voltage Control may be at the Power Park Unit terminals and
appropriate intermediate bus bar or connection point as defined in the Bilateral
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
For “Transmission Connected” Power Park Modules in Scotland the Grid Code specifies
the Mvar requirement at the HV side of the 33/132 kV or 33/275 kV or 33/400 kV
transformer (CC.6.3.2 (c)) at the connection site. The requirement is 0.95 lead to 0.95
lag at this point. However since the Grid Transformer always consumes Mvars the
Mvar requirement is not symmetrical at the LV (33 kV) connection point where the
ownership boundary is. CC.A. refer to this as the modified values of Qmax and
Qmin. The Grid Code (CC.6.3.8) specifies that the voltage control is at the Point of
Reactive Voltage
Capability Control
CC.6.3.2 CC.6.3.8
The following example illustrates derivation of the reactive capability at the 33 kV point
for a 151MW Power Park Module with a maximum capability of 150 MW the 0.95 power
factor corresponds to 49.3 Mvars.
The maximum lagging capability requirement at the LV will be when the active power
generation is at 100% as reactive absorption in transformer is greatest.
The maximum leading capability will be at 50% generation due to the shape of the
requirement characteristic below 50% active power.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
-49.3 MW MW
49.3 75.3
It can be seen that the Qmax and Qmin at the 33kV busbar are not symmetrical so the
slope is set for the capacitive capability and is then continued for the inductive range.
This is the same philosophy for a typical Static Var Compensator. When the slope is
4%, for a voltage change of 0.04 pu, the Mvar at LV should change from 0 Mvar to 75.3
Mvar at the LV. This slope line should be then extended in the opposite direction only
as far as to provide -43.6 Mvar, i.e. the maximum leading capability. However the
voltage change needed to produce –43.6 Mvar would be a voltage increase less than
0.04 pu. It should be noted that when the reactive power at the LV is 0 Mvar, at rated
MW, there will be an intake from the transmission system of about 19 Mvars.
LV pu voltage
4% Slope
-43.6MVAr 0 75.3MVAr
Leading MVAr Lagging MVAr
(equiv. 0.95pf at HV) (equiv. 0.95pf at HV)
Where steps can be initiated using network tap changers, the Generator will need to
coordinate with the host Transmission or Distribution Network Operator. Consideration
should also be given to switching the associated tap changer Automatic Voltage Control
(AVC) from auto to manual for the duration of the test.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
5 • Tap down 1 position on external upstream tap changer
i.e. down 1 positions from starting position.
• Hold for at least 10 seconds
6 • Tap down 1 position on external upstream tap changer
i.e. down 2 positions from starting position.
• Hold for at least 10 seconds
7 • Tap up 1 position on external upstream tap changer
i.e. down 1 positions from starting position.
• Hold for at least 10 seconds
8 • Tap up 1 position on external upstream tap changer
i.e. return to starting position.
• Hold for at least 10 seconds
Where the voltage control system includes discretely switched shunt capacitors/reactors
to provide part of the reactive capability the test program should demonstrate the
performance when these are switched.
National Grid will not permit PSS commissioning until the tuning methodologies and
study results used in any PSS settings proposal have been provided to National Grid. A
report on the PSS tuning should be provided along with the proposed test procedure in
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
the User Data File Structure (Part 3). Based on the information submitted, National Grid
will meet with the Generator to discuss and agree the initial PSS settings for
The suitability of the tuning of any PSS is checked in both the time and frequency
domains. In the time domain testing is by small voltage step changes on a module
basis. Comparisons are made between performance with and without the power system
stabiliser in service.
The suitability of the PSS gain will also be assessed by increasing the gain in stages to
3x the proposed setting.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
and hold for at least 10 seconds
6 • Remove step returning Power Park Module Voltage
Reference to nominal and hold for at least 10 seconds
7 3 • Inject band limited (0.2-3Hz) random noise signal into
voltage reference and measure frequency spectrum of Real
8 • Remove noise injection.
9 • Switch On Power System Stabiliser
10 4 • Record steady state for 10 seconds
11 • Inject +1% step to Power Park Module Voltage Reference
and hold for at least 10 seconds
12 • Remove step returning Power Park Module Voltage
Reference to nominal and hold for at least 10 seconds
13 5 • Record steady state for 10 seconds
14 • Inject +2% step to Power Park Module Voltage Reference
and hold for at least 10 seconds
15 • Remove step returning Power Park Module Voltage
Reference to nominal and hold for at least 10 seconds
16 6 • Inject band limited (0.2-3Hz) random noise signal into
voltage reference and measure frequency spectrum of Real
17 • Remove noise injection.
18 7 • Increase PSS gain at 30second intervals. i.e.
x1 – x1.5 – x2 – x2.5 – x3
19 • Return PSS gain to initial setting
Repeat Module Voltage Control Tests with PSS in service.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
The Grid Code sets out Frequency Control requirements in a number of separate
places, notably the Glossary & Definitions (GD), the Connection Conditions (CC) and
Balancing Code (BC) 3. This section summarises the key requirements.
The GD of the Grid Code defines Primary, Secondary and High frequency response
including the requirement that the response is progressively delivered with increasing
CC.6.3.3 of the Grid Code specifies that the Power Park Module must be capable of
maintaining a minimum level of active power (see Figure 2 of CC.6.3.3 (b)) in the
frequency range 47Hz to 50.5Hz.
CC.6.3.7 of the Grid Code specifies the minimum frequency control capability, in
particular the frequency control must be:
Grid Code Figure CC.A.3.1 specifies a minimum requirement for frequency response of
10% of Registered Capacity achievable for Primary Secondary and High Frequency
response. This minimum value is designed to ensure that plant provides a suitable
contribution to maintain frequency correction when connected to the system and
selected to Frequency Sensitive Mode (FSM) and response capability in excess of 10%
is encouraged.
The speed of response is an important criterion and the Grid Code Figures CC.A.3.2
and CC.A.3.3 indicate typical responses from plant with no delay in response from the
start of the frequency deviation. Practically there is a permissible deadband and
National Grid accepts a delay of up to but not exceeding 2 seconds before measureable
response is seen from a generating unit in response to a frequency deviation.
BC3 of the Grid Code specifies how plant should be operated and instructed to provide
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
frequency response. The section also sets out the requirements on how all plant should
respond to the system frequency rising above 50.4/50.5Hz, by progressively reducing
output power.
Details of the tests required for the preliminary and main governor response tests are
provided in OC5.A.2.8 but additional guidance is provided in this Appendix including
outline test procedures.
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode is used when not instructed by National Grid to
provide Frequency Response Services. In this mode the Power Park Module is not
required to provide any increase in active power output if frequency reduces below
50Hz and is only required to maintain active power output in accordance with CC.6.3.3.
However, the Power Park Module is required to respond to high frequencies above
50.4Hz beyond which the Module must reduce the active power output by a minimum of
2% of output for every 0.1Hz rise above 50.4Hz (see figure C1). Should this cause
power output to be forced below Designed Minimum Operating Level (DMOL) then the
Power Park Module may disconnect after a time if operation is not sustainable. However
for Power Park Modules, it is acceptable for individual Power Park Units to be
disconnected, in order to achieve further power reductions without tripping the module.
Power/Frequency Characteristic for
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode
Power (MW)
95% of Output
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
duration. When system frequency exceeds 50.5Hz the requirements of Limited
Frequency Sensitive Mode apply so that the Power Park Module must further reduce
output by a minimum of 2% of output for every 0.1Hz rise above 50.5Hz (see figure C2).
Should this cause power the output to be forced below the Designed Minimum
Operating Level (DMOL) then the Power Park Module may disconnect from the system
after a time if operation is not sustainable. However for Power Park Modules, it is
acceptable for individual Power Park Units to be disconnected, in order to achieve
further power reductions without tripping the module.
Power/Frequency Characteristic for
Frequency Sensitive Mode
Power (MW)
Output Setpoint BC.3.7.1
Power Reduction
=2% Output for
See also Grid Code each 0.1Hz above
CC.6.3.6(a), 50.5Hz
CC.6.3.7, CC.A.3,
BC.3.5.1, BC.3.5.4 Droop 3-5%
47Hz 50.5Hz 52Hz
Target Frequency
CC.6.3.7(d), BC.3.4.2 Frequency (Hz)
Target Frequency
All Balancing Market Units (BMUs), irrespective of the plant type (conventional, wind,
thermal or CCGT, directly Grid Connected or Embedded), are required to have the
facility to set the levels of generator output power and frequency. These are generally
known as Target MW and Target Frequency settings.
The National Grid Control Centre instructs all Active Balancing Market Unit to operate
with the same Target Frequency, normally 50.00 Hz. In order to adjust electric clock
time the System Operator may instruct Target Frequency settings of 49.95Hz or
50.05Hz. However, under exceptional circumstances, the instructed settings could be
outside this range. The Grid Code requires a minimum setting range from 49.90Hz to
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
De-load Instructions
System balancing is a separate issue to that of frequency response. A de-load
instruction is to a fixed MW value rather than a delta MW value from available power.
This removes the majority of the uncertainty associated with the variability of the wind at
times when the amount of generation needs to be accurately controlled to allow the
system to be safely and securely balanced. This is of course at the expense of a
variable low frequency response volume.
90% 54
85% 53.5
80% 53
Frequency (Hz)
% of Rated MW
75% 52.5
70% 52
65% 51.5
60% 51
55% 50.5
Selected for Frequency Response
at CCL = 55% of Rated MW Frequency Response Deselected
50% 50
45% 49.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
MEL FPN Pavail MW 0.2 Hz dip MW 0.5 Hz dip Freq 0.2 Hz dip Freq 0.5 Hz dip
The Maximum Export Limit (MEL), is declared to National Grid as a Balancing
Mechanism parameter effectively equivalent to ‘Pavail’ which should be updated
whenever the ‘Pavail’ changes by more than 5% or 5MW. The Final Physical
Notification (FPN) is the generated power profile submitted to National Grid for a ½ hour
period before gate closure. Gate closure is one hour ahead of real time. The Capped
Committed Level (CCL) is the power level at which a Power Park Module operates
when selected for frequency response.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
More detailed guidance for manufacturers on how the control system should respond to
variations in power setpoint, system frequency and the intermittent power source is
included in Appendix E.
To demonstrate compliance, the Power Park Module should self dispatch for 30 minutes
at a load significantly below the Maximum Export Level (MEL). The active power output
and power available should be recorded with a sampling rate not less than once per
In order to verify the plant behaviour it is essential that the module is tested in normal
operating modes. A frequency disturbance can be simulated by injecting the required
frequency variation signals to the frequency reference/feedback summing junction. The
results obtained from reducing frequency ramps will be used to verify primary and
secondary frequency response. Similarly the results obtained from increasing ramps
will be used to verify the high frequency response. Robust and stable response to
islanding events can be demonstrated by injecting large and rapid frequency
disturbances and observing the response. The recommended tests are shown in Grid
Code OC5.A.3.6 Figures 1 and 2.
Ideally the signal will be software programmable with start/stop initiation via local or
remote software interfaces or local digital inputs. Alternatively the signals should be a
±10V analogue input where 1 volt represents 0.2 Hz frequency change.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
The above signals should be available at all control nodes within the Power Park
controller network, so that if appropriate and applicable, injection can take place on a
single Power Park Unit or the central controller.
In principle, the maximum capacity available for low frequency response is determined
by the ‘deload’ level from MEL. It is assumed that the low frequency response obtained
from the ‘deload’ points tested above will not be substantially different when the MEL is
at other values below RC provided the equivalent ‘deload’ from MEL is used (i.e. 70%
RC would be undertaken at a load point of MEL minus 30% of RC). If this is not the
case the Generator must inform National Grid and further tests may be required.
Similarly the high frequency response should be similar at all MEL levels unless the
response was to encroach upon the SEL.
OC5.A.3.6 sets out the minimum power output and Power Park Unit availability for
testing to be carried out. However, National Grid reserves the right to request a repeat
of the tests at up to 100% of RC if the response is shown to be non linear or monitoring
of frequency response delivery by National Grid shows deviations from the submitted
frequency response data table.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Typical injection locations at the frequency controller are shown in Figure C4. In order to
avoid the risk of re-testing, it is important that the injection method and the plant control
are proved well in advance of the main tests by the Power Park or site contractor. A
preliminary test is therefore required with details given in Grid Code OC5.A.3.6.4 and
illustrated below. For all tests, the target frequency selected on the generating plant is
that instructed by the National Grid Control Centre. This should normally be 50.00 Hz.
With the plant running at a level approximately half way between full maximum output
and Designed Minimum Operating Level, the following frequency injections should be
Frequency (Hz)
Response (MW)
The recorded results (e.g. Freq. injected, MW, Pavail, wind speed and control signals)
should be sampled at a minimum rate of 0.1 Hz to allow National Grid to assess the
plant performance from the initial transients (seconds) to the final steady state
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
conditions (which may typically take 2-3 minutes depending on the plant design). The
number of turbines in service should also be stated.
The preliminary frequency response test results should be sent to National Grid for
assessment at least two weeks prior to the final witnessed tests.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
6. Response Tests at Load Point MLP2 (DMOL+10%)
(a) Operate the plant at MG.
(b) Conduct tests 18 - 22 as shown in OC5.A.3.6 Figure 1 and record plant
Step Actions
1 Record plant MLP 6 condition including levels for module MW output, ambient wind
speed, and direction.
Change power park controller to manual and increase output power demand to
2 maximum.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
11 4 • Inject 0.50Hz frequency rise over 10 sec +0.50Hz
• Hold until conditions stabilise
12 • Remove the injection signal over 10 sec -0.50Hz
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 6
BC1 Plant in FSM
13 • Inject +2.0* Hz frequency rise over 1 sec +2.0 Hz * Part of
• Hold until conditions stabilise functionality test
14 • Remove the injection signal -2.0 Hz for islanding
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 6 CC.6.3.7 (c)(i)
BC2 Plant in FSM
15 • Inject +0.6 Hz frequency rise over 30 sec +0.6 Hz Part of
• Hold until conditions stabilise functionality test
16 • Remove the injection signal -0.6 Hz for BC.3.7.1
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 6
See L
Plant in FSM
• Record normal system variation in frequency No Check for live
and active power of the generating unit over at injection frequency
least 10 minutes. Load setpoint at maximum. measurement
Switch to Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode
BC3 Plant in LFSM
17 • Inject +2.0* Hz frequency rise over 1 sec +2.0 Hz Part of
• Hold until conditions stabilise functionality test
18 • Remove the injection signal -2.0 Hz for islanding
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 6 CC.6.3.7 (c)(i)
BC4 Plant in LFSM
19 • Inject +0.6 Hz frequency rise over 30 sec +0.6 Hz Part of
• Hold until conditions stabilise functionality test
20 • Remove the injection signal -0.6 Hz for BC.3.7.2
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 6
* This will generally be +2.0Hz unless an injection of this size causes a reduction in
plant output that takes the operating point below Designed Minimum Operating Level in
which case an appropriate injection should be calculated in accordance with the
For example 0.9Hz is needed to take an initial output 65% to a final output of 20%.
Calculation of the injected step should be as shown in the example given below
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
• Hold until conditions stabilise
44 • Remove the injection signal over 10 sec -0.50Hz
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 4
45 D • Inject -0.02Hz frequency fall as a step change -0.02Hz To assess the
• Hold until conditions stabilise governor
46 • Remove the injection signal +0.02Hz deadband
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 4
47 E • Inject 0.02Hz frequency rise as a step change +0.02Hz To assess the
• Hold until conditions stabilise governor
48 • Remove the injection signal -0.02Hz deadband
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 4
49 F • Inject -0.20Hz frequency fall as a step change -0.20Hz To assess step
• Hold until conditions stabilise response
50 • Remove the injection signal +0.20Hz characteristics
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 4 of plant
51 G • Inject 0.20Hz frequency rise as a step change +0.20Hz To assess step
• Hold until conditions stabilise response
52 • Remove the injection signal -0.20Hz characteristics
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 4 of plant
53 H • Inject -0.50Hz frequency fall as a step change -0.50Hz To assess step
• Hold until conditions stabilise response
54 • Remove the injection signal +0.50Hz characteristics
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 4 of plant
55 I • Inject 0.50Hz frequency rise as a step change +0.50Hz To assess step
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 4 response
56 • Remove the injection signal -0.50Hz characteristics
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 4 of plant
57 J • Inject 1.0Hz/sec frequency fall over 2 sec -2.0Hz To assess
• Hold for 30 sec plant
58 • Remove the injection signal +2.0Hz performance
• Hold until conditions stabilise at OLP under
islanding and
system split
M • Record normal system variation in frequency No
See and active power of the generating unit over at injection
Note least 10 minutes
See N Plant in LFSM No
Note • Record normal system variation in frequency injection
2 and active power of the generating unit over at
least 10 minutes
Switch plant to Frequency Sensitive Mode
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
63 • Remove the injection signal over 10 sec -0.50Hz
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 3
64 17 • Inject -0.80Hz frequency fall over 10 sec -0.80Hz
• Hold for 20 sec.
65 • Inject 0.30Hz frequency rise over 30 sec +0.30Hz
• Hold until conditions stabilise
66 • Remove the injection signal over 10 sec +0.50Hz
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 3
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
86 26 • Inject -0.80Hz frequency fall over 10 sec -0.80Hz
• Hold for 20 sec
87 • Inject 0.30Hz frequency rise over 30 sec +0.30Hz
• Hold until conditions stabilise
88 • Remove the injection signal over 10 sec +0.50Hz
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 1
89 K • Inject -0.5Hz frequency fall over 1 sec -0.5Hz To assess
• Hold for 30 sec plant
90 • Remove the injection signal over 10 sec +0.5Hz performance
• Hold until conditions stabilise at MLP 1 under
and system
split conditions
Test N in figure 2 should be conducted in all cases. All three tests should be conducted
for a period of at least 10 minutes.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
This Appendix is intended to provide guidance for Power Park Unit Manufacturers rather
than Generators on the direct submission of information and data to National Grid to
assist in the demonstration of compliance.
In addition, the Manufacturer’s Data and Performance Reports can provide a route for
detailed data that Power Park Unit manufacturers regard as commercially sensitive to
be sent directly to National Grid without publication to the User(s).
Figure D2 shows the one time process to fill the generator equipment ‘type’ register. It
may be that information only comes from the manufacturer although a developer may
be involved by providing site test opportunities. The data will comprise of a report on
one or more of the aspects outlined below.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
National Grid
Figure D3 illustrates the process for referencing and using ‘generic’ data. Each project
can, where appropriate, reference information held in the National Grid generator
equipment Register of Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report substituting
information that they are required to submit before connecting to the National Electricity
Transmission System and in lieu of some aspects of Grid Code testing. Developers will
not have access to this information from National Grid and the only requirement is to
obtain the correct reference from the manufacturer. If no relevant or insufficient data is
held in the Register of Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report then the data must
be provided in full by the developer.
National Grid
MD&P Register
Figure D3 – The generic data (red arrow) is referenced but cannot be seen by the developer.
There will still be some requirement for site specific data (yellow arrow).
Confidentiality Provisions
Data submitted by developers under the Data Registration Code (Grid Code) is
protected by the confidentiality agreement contained in the Connection and Use of
System Code (CUSC) and System Operator Transmission Owner Code (STC). This
does not explicitly cover generic data sent from manufacturers directly to National Grid
as it does not necessarily relate to a specific project. It is therefore recommended for
manufacturers to sign a confidentiality agreement with National Grid prior to any
exchange of information.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Please note that National Grid cannot sign individual manufacturer’s confidentiality
agreements as they may not cover the following aspects which are necessary to
participate in the generic compliance process.
1) This agreement has been written to reflect the confidentiality provisions in the
CUSC which deals with the confidentiality of data as between National Grid and
Developers generally. National Grid will NOT however be permitted to release
this ‘generic’ information back to developers (with the exception of the generic
information document reference as originally submitted) which is unlike data
submissions received through the normal project chain.
3) The ‘Purpose’ as defined in the Agreement reflects the purposes for which
National Grid do (and are permitted under the CUSC) to use information provided
to National Grid by developers through the normal project chain.
4) The agreement is subject to the laws of England & Wales because the entire
framework within which this data will be used is structured around English law
and if the data was directly provided by a Developer it would be subject to
English law.
5) Company Policy requires National Grid business areas to adopt information and
records management procedures that comply with all relevant legal requirements
and are consistent with best practice as applied to their business needs. The
records management procedure for this area provides that this data must be kept
for 7 years after the data is last used. This therefore requires that the data should
be kept for a period equating to the life of any plant it refers to plus a period of 7
years. This is in line with normal project data submissions direct from developers.
6) National Grid may pass back information (e.g. computer models) to the
manufacturer but does not accept any liability in respect of its accuracy.
If this agreement is not signed then the standard Grid Code data requirements apply
and all data will need to be provided through the project chain. Failure to supply
adequate data by either of these methods will result in non-compliance by the developer
with the GB Grid Code and possible disconnection or denial of permission to connect to
the GB transmission system.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
areas. In each case the manufacturer should submit a detailed report to National Grid
for approval and consequent submission into the Manufacturer’s Data & Performance
Report Register.
To achieve registration for the item Fault Ride Through capability a series of tests and
data submissions will be developed to demonstrate the performance characteristics of a
single Power Park Unit. Details of these tests and submissions are to be agreed
between the Power Park Unit manufacturer and National Grid. National Grid may wish
to witness some or all of these tests.
To achieve registration for a Power Park Module mathematical model National Grid and
the Power Park Unit manufacturer will need to agree a series of simulations and data
submissions in relation to a specific mathematical model of the Power Park Unit and
associated control systems in line with the requirements outlined in PC.A.5.4.2. In
addition the performance of this model should be validated against test results including
faults, voltage steps and frequency changes as is deemed to be appropriate by National
Submitting Data into the Register of Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report
Manufacturers considering registration should talk to National Grid early in their
planning stage.
In order to be considered for registration, the Power Park Unit manufacturer should
submit a report to National Grid outlining the details and results as appropriate for its
consideration. Each report should have an appropriate reference including manufacturer
name, type of report (e.g. Fault Ride Through etc.), Power Park Unit type, date and
report version number to permit referencing in future projects or for updates.
National Grid will, following submission of all required reports and data, confirm to the
Power Park Unit manufacturer in writing whether the Power Park Unit report has been
accepted. Once accepted the Manufacturer’s Data & Performance Report Register
status will be updated to indicate the acceptance in respect of the relevant Grid Code
The Grid Code ‘fault ride through’ requirements apply to all faults on the 275kV or
400kV National Electricity Transmission System. The requirements vary depending on
the type of fault and the Supergrid voltage profile (duration of fault or voltage dip).
These requirements can be conveniently referred to in the context of two separate fault
modes (A & B, which are respectively covered by CC. and CC. of
the Grid Code).
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Throughout this period the Power Park Module is required to remain transiently stable
and connected for all Supergrid phase voltages down to a minimum of 0%. It should
also generate the maximum possible reactive current without exceeding the transient
rating limit of the Power Park Module or any constituent element.
Within 0.5 seconds, following fault clearance and restoration of the Supergrid voltage to
at least 90% of nominal, the Power Park Module must restore the Active Power output
to at least 90% of the level available immediately before the fault.
It is anticipated that in achieving this response the control system may be under
damped. This will be considered acceptable provided any oscillations decay in a
suitably short period and that whilst the oscillations are present the average power
delivered corresponds with the levels required were the oscillations not present.
Although the voltage will begin to recover upon fault clearance (within 140msec) it may
not necessarily reach 90% voltage within the 140msec period as illustrated in the
Appendix of the Connection Conditions (CC.A.4.2). If the Supergrid Voltage has not
restored to at least 90% within 140msec then the remaining fault period can be
assumed to have a balanced retained voltage and that ‘Mode B’ requirements will then
apply for the remainder of the fault period.
Throughout this period the Power Park Module is required to remain transiently stable
and connected. It must maintain Active Power at least in proportion to the retained
balanced Supergrid Voltage and generate the maximum possible reactive current
without exceeding the transient rating limit of the Power Park Module or any constituent
Within 1 second, following fault clearance and restoration of the Supergrid voltage to at
least 90% of nominal, the Power Park Module must restore the Active Power output to
at least 90% of the level available immediately before the fault. Once again,
appropriately damped active power oscillations shall be acceptable provided the total
energy delivered during the period of the oscillation shall be 90% or more.
The worst case duration for which Mode B requirements apply can be calculated by
taking the lowest voltage occurring after the first 140msec and finding where it
intersects the profile illustrated in CC.A.4.3.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
National Grid expects the tests to replicate each fault type (3-phase, phase-phase, two-
phase to earth and single-phase to earth) with varying magnitudes. The tests should
illustrate any changes in characteristics or internal operating modes that depend upon
fault severity. For example DFIG wind turbines that utilise crowbar or similar devices
should implement tests that illustrate the crowbar inception operating level and any
consequential Power Park Unit characteristics, such as active and reactive power fault
contribution and power recovery characteristic.
Rated MW
70% MEL when MEL is greater than or equal to Rated MW
SEL when SEL is no greater than DMOL.
Fault Ride Through testing involves applying simulated fault conditions, by applying
short circuits, into known impedances to real systems. Compliance with fault ride
through may be demonstrated by test conditions which are different to those specified in
this sub section and different to the requirements specified in the grid code, provided:
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
The set of tests shown in the table below is recommended.
The purpose of the tests is to characterise the Power Park Unit such that its limit of
operation for retained voltage (at the terminals of the Power Park Unit) is known. At the
end of the test the results should indicate the level of voltage depression the unit can
with stand for the times specified. Whilst the volts are depressed the Power Park Unit
should deliver power in the same proportion as the volts and then recover once volts
are restored.
Ideally Power Park Units will achieve the voltage levels and durations listed in the table
above as this would indicate that the unit is fully compliant without the need for the
study evidence. However these levels are unlikely to occur at the Power Park Unit
terminals in practice because of the impedance between the fault location and the
Power Park Unit. Consequently, increased test voltage levels above those specified are
typically acceptable for most circumstances but require further study evidence (on a
case by case basis) to demonstrate that the levels which occur at the a particular Power
Park are greater than those which the Power Park Units are capable of riding through.
The results should demonstrate the Power Park Unit can survive at 0% retained volts
for 140ms or if the unit can not operate down to zero, minimum retained volts the unit
can operate at for 140ms. The unit must be capable of recovering once the fault is
removed. This should be determined for all fault modes: 3 phase, phase to phase and
single and two phases to earth faults.
In addition the results should characterise, at appropriate points, the fault contribution
for Mode B voltage depression after a three phase fault. To do this the voltage at the
Power Park Unit terminals should be reduced to the voltages specified below (in
separate tests):
At the end of each of these tests the voltage should be returned to 90% until conditions
have stabilised or for a minimum period of 180 seconds.
Power Park Unit designs which incorporate features such as crowbar thyristor
protection to enable them to meet the fault ride through requirements, should
additionally indicate for each test whether the crowbar or other protection modes were
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
The tests should be performed on a single Power Park Unit using the test circuit shown
Supply Protective Generator Park Unit
Connection Line Impedance Connection
Breaker Breaker Breaker
Line Impedance
(ph to ph or
ph to earth)
Short Circuit
Figure D5
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
5 12. • Operate the Power Park Unit (PPU) at nominal Mode A
volts and appropriate output.
• Apply a 2ph to earth short circuit reducing the volts
13. to 0%
• Hold the voltage at 0% for 140ms
14. • Allow the voltage to recover to nominal volts
15. • Hold until conditions stabilise
16. • If the unit passes this test proceed to test 7
otherwise proceed to test 6
6 17. • Repeat test 5 to determine the minimum retained Mode A
volts the unit can operate at for a period of 140ms
7 18. • Operate the Power Park Unit (PPU) at nominal Mode A
volts and appropriate output.
• Apply a phase to phase short circuit reducing the
19. volts to 0%
• Hold the voltage at 0% for 140ms
20. • Allow the voltage to recover to nominal volts
21. • Hold until conditions stabilise
22. • If the unit passes this test proceed to test 9
otherwise proceed to test 8
8 23. • Repeat test 7 to determine the minimum retained Mode A
volts the unit can operate at for a period of 140ms
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Several scenarios (high and low system frequency and various wind variations) are
covered for each of four different operating points, to help explain how the response
should be provided.
1) Frequency Sensitive Mode at full available MW / wind (high frequency response only)
2) Frequency Sensitive Mode at a de-load value below maximum available MW / wind
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Scenario 2 – End of a high frequency event followed by another high frequency event.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Scenario 3 – Instructed to Frequency Sensitive Mode (from Limited Frequency Sensitive
Mode) while system frequency is already high.
If the wind f arm is th en instructe d to Fre que ncy
Here the wind farm is
operating in Limit ed S ensitive Mo de (FSM) and th e f re que ncy is
Frequency Sensitive a lrea dy h ig h, it sho uld t ake the curren t o perating
Mode (LFSM) p oint as the set-po int an d re gulate a s q uickly as
p ossible to the requ ired valu e of re sp onse . Note
PAVAIL t hat the p lant sh ould b e cap able o f be in g in FSM
within 2minu tes of re ce ivin g the instruction.
S et-point se t at Cont ro l O nly a f raction (if any) of the e xp ected respo nse is
g re ater tha n system take s a chieved . It cou ld even be th e case tha t ne ga tive
maximu m time to wind resp onse is de livered b y the wind in crea sin g bef ore the
a chievab le value do wn to co ntrol sign al winds down past the o perating po in t. To
to extract curre nt a void th is th e set-po int shou ld be sm art eno ugh t o ta ke
maximu m en ergy op erating t he ope ra ting po in t whe n the e ve nt beg ins a s th e set-
po int p oint ref ere nce a s in the previous slides.
No response Time
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
The green dots indicate where the system frequency passes from below 50Hz to above
50Hz. At this point the wind farm control system should take and hold the corresponding
MW output value at that instant as the wind farm set-point. The wind farm should then
regulate in relation (wind conditions permitting) to that set-point until such times as the
frequency falls below 50Hz (red dots), the unit is instructed back into Limited Frequency
Sensitive Mode or the unit is instructed to a new de-loaded level
Frequency (Hz)
Set set-point
Reset set-point
0 30 60
Time (minutes)
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Scenario 2 – Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode from full load (frequency falling below
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Scenario 3 – Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode from de-load position
A s lon g as syste m P la nt is the n in st ru ct ed to de-load to xMW . Th e p la nt If syste m frequ ency rise s abo ve
f req uen cy re mains belo w sh ould be gin to ra mp with in 2 min ute s of receiving 50 .4Hz th en th e co ntrol syste m
5 0.4 Hz th e win d fa rm is t he instruction (in clu ding o perato r time ), and ra mp at sho uld take the curren t
f ree to tra ck a vaila ble t he value specified in the Data Registration Co de op erating po int as the set-po in t
wind d ata as sub mitted by the win d fa rm owner. (wh ich will be the sa me as th e
de -loa d value a ssu ming there is
suff icien t win d. If th is is no t th e
As long a s system f req uen cy rema ins b elow 50.4Hz case see n ext slide ). The plan t
th e wind farm shou ld ho ld th is MW valu e p ro vide d
MW sho uld redu ce outp ut b y a
th ere is sufficie nt wind min im um of 2% p er 0 .1Hz
de via tion. No te th at a norma l 3 –
5% d ro op is a lso accepta ble.
Scenario 4 – Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode from de-load position with a drop in
available wind / MW
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
When de-loaded in GB the wind farm is instructed to a set MW value rather than a delta
MW value from available MW (PAVAIL). While this may cause variability in the
headroom for frequency response it allows the system to be balanced in an effective
manner when large amounts of wind generation are connected (known as system
balancing rather than frequency response).
For Frequency Sensitive Mode at full load the wind farm should take and hold the
operating point (MW value) at the instance the system frequency crosses from below
50.015 to above 50.015Hz as the set-point.
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode at all times the wind farm should take and hold the
operating point (MW value) at the instance the system frequency crosses from below
50.4 to above 50.4Hz as the set-point.
For Frequency Sensitive Mode at a de-loaded value the wind farm should take the
instructed MW value as the set-point.
The guidance here applies to the behaviour of the complete wind farm. If frequency
controllers are implemented on individual turbines then variations to the suggestions
here may have to be made to achieve the desired aims at the point of connection.
The wind farm operator is still required to submit Final Physical Notification (FPN) and
Maximum Export Limit (MEL) data as normal. The MEL figure submitted to National
Grid should be updated each time it differs from the available power by the greater of
5MW or 5% to ensure that the volume of available response can be correctly calculated.
Not providing the expected response to a frequency deviation may cause premature
limits on the amount of wind turbine plant that the system can cope with without
detrimental effects on frequency stability. It is therefore essential that the response
provided should be repeatable (wind conditions permitting).
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
In some cases however, the maximum fault level may include contributions from other
generation embedded between the Point of Connection and the Supergrid.
Consequently the apparent impedance derived by the maximum fault level may be
lower than the actual impedance. This will provide a worst case scenario. The
maximum fault level data at the point of connection is readily available and is therefore
a reasonable place to start. If this conservative impedance estimate is too arduous
more detailed work will be needed to obtain a better impedance estimate.
For Power Parks with a point of connection to the Supergrid, the technique described
below is still appropriate however the equivalent impedance (described above) is
In this conservative and simplified case, the network beyond the point of connection is
represented by, a controlled Thevenin source and equivalent impedance. The
equivalent impedance is derived from the maximum fault level at the point of
The type validation tests were based on benchmarking the Power Park Unit at a node
selected by the manufacturer. The impedance between the point of connection and the
‘type validation node’ must reflect the equivalent aggregated impedance of the Power
Park between the point of connection and the same node.
The remaining impedance is the impedance between the ‘type validation node’ and the
point at which the model representation begins (model interface node). In some cases
the type validation node and the model interface node will be the same point and this
impedance will not be included.
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Point Of
This simplified network can be implemented in a power system analysis package of the
Developers choice using the voltage dips specified in Studies 3.1 & 3.2. The results at
node ‘A’ are then compared to the type validation results to confirm ride through
capability. The validity of the generator model’s contribution to the retained voltage also
needs to be confirmed by ensuring that the contribution at ‘B’ is comparable with the
results obtained during the type validation tests for the equivalent profile at ‘A’.
The negative sequence network is identical to the positive sequence network except
that the generator model and the impedance between the ‘type validation node’ and the
model interface node are replaced with an equivalent negative sequence estimate
obtained during the type validation tests.
Point Of
Negative Sequence
Voltage at Super Grid
Solving the load flow for the above network using a voltage source corresponding to the
negative sequence magnitude at the Supergrid results in a negative sequence voltage
estimate at the type validation node (‘A’). The results at node ‘A’ are then compared to
the type validation results to confirm ride through capability.
In the event that the type validation tests show that there is no single equivalent
negative sequence impedance then the type validation will record a family of
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
impedances equating to retained negative sequence voltages at the type validation
node. The negative sequence studies will then be run iteratively and the impedance
value updated until reasonable convergence is obtained.
Equivalent Circuit between Supergrid Busbar and Power Park Module Point of
(showing transformer vector groups):
[For CC6.3.15.1 (c) assume system ‘nps’ impedance pre-and post-fault such that
CC6.1.6 limits met]
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
Guidance Notes – Power Park Modules
There are a number of different departments in National Grid, each with key areas of
expertise and responsibilities relevant to connection of a Generator. The complete
process is controlled by a Commercial Contact who is assigned to each new connection
and should be the first point of contact in the event that the appropriate contact has not
been identified. The Commercial Contacts all report to the “Electricity Customer
Manager”, who is responsible for allocating the Commercial Contacts to specific
connections. The contact details for the Electricity Customer Manager can be found on
the National Grid website.
Contact Address:
National Grid, National Grid House, Warwick Technology Park, Gallows Hill, Warwick
CV34 6DA
National Grid
National Grid is an international energy delivery business whose principal activities are
in the regulated electricity and gas industries.
National Grid is the National Electricity System Operator and owns and develops the
high-voltage electricity transmission network in England & Wales.