Why I Hate The European Fantasy
Why I Hate The European Fantasy
Why I Hate The European Fantasy
Scroll through TikTok for 5 minutes and you’ll probably find someone packing for their Spanish
vacay or raving about how they lost so much weight because “food in Italy isn’t processed.”
Even throughout Europe, the US is condemned. In a debate about education systems, a Swede
I met abroad asked me to “Name one good business school in the United States.” 7 of the 10
best business schools in the world happen to reside in the States.
So, why are we so obsessed with Europe? And is European veneration and US demonization
really a form of escaping our own reality?
Nearly “9 in 10 Black people in mainland France say they are victims of racist discrimination” on
a regular basis, according to Le Monde, a French newspaper. I witnessed this discrimination
first hand on a trip to France to see my friend Nell. As we sat on the beach, we heard two men
blasting music. One of her friends says, “They’re probably Algerian.” In his eyes, a foreigner
with no right to be in his country. After stereotyping, he says, “I have the right to be racist in their
country.” I was horrified.
The US has such a unique history and culture that it would be hard to emulate a Danish system
and get the same results. Despite the characterization that the US is failing on the social
equality front, “incomes for America’s poorest fifth have risen in real terms by 74% since 1990,
much more than in Britain” due to significant tax cuts. As we create new policies and programs
that help Americans, we have to stop measuring ourselves and recognize our own individuality.
I’m not saying don’t go to Europe, never gaze at the twinkling Tour Eiffel at midnight or eat
ensalada rusa in Madrid or swim in dazzling teal Mediterranean waters, but, like any place you
visit, stop to consider the veil that clouds our perception of the Occident. There’s a reason
utopia translates to “no place.”