English Adverb

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या वशेषण

Mishra English Study Centre

BY – M. K. Mishra

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 An Adverb Qualifies an Adjective, Verb & Other Adverbs.
Ex.:- Ram is very smart.
Adv. Adj.
 According to uses Adverb can be divided into Eight Parts.
1. Adverb of Manner - (How)
2. Adverb of Place - (Where)
3. Adverb of Time - (When)
4. Adverb of Degree - (How much)
5. Adverb of Frequency - (How often)
6. Adverb of Purpose - (For what)
7. Adverb of Reason - (Why)
8. Interrogative Adverb.
1. Adverb of Manner – An Adverb that shows the mode of an Action is called Adverb of
Ex.:- He speaks clearly.

 Facts

(a) If becomes the Answer of how.

(b) Generally it gets Structure “Adjective + ly.”
Ex.:- Bad + ly  Badly, Honest + ly  Honestly, Clear + ly  Clearly …etc.
(c) An Adverb of Manner (Adj. + ly) can be replaced by using with + Adj. made Noun.
Ex.:- He is speaking honestly. – ()
He is speaking with honestly. – ()
(d) यान रहे क First, Fast, Hard तथा Last अपने आप म ह Adjective और Adverb दोन
क भू मका नभाते है, इनको Manner बनाने हे तु ः ‘ly’ का योग नह ं होता ह।
Ex.:- This is a fast train. – ()
This train runs fastly. – ()
This train runs fast. – ()
(e) यान रहे क ‘Daily, Monthly, Yearly …etc. ‘ly’ से अंत होने के बावजू द Adjective तथा
Adverb दोन क ह भू मका म आ सकते ह।
Ex.:- (a) This is a daily train. (b) This train arrives daily.
Adj. N Adv.
2. Adverb of Place – An Adverb that shows the place for an Action is called Adverb of Place.
Ex.:- Here, There, Inside, Outside, in the room …etc.

 Facts

 It becomes the Answer of ‘where’.

Ex.:- He will go there.
Where will he go?  There.
3. Adverb of Time – An Adverb that shows the time for an action is called Adverb of Time.
Ex.:- Today, Tomorrow, Next day, Yesterday …etc.

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 Facts

 It becomes the Answer of ‘when’.

Ex.:- He will come tomorrow.
When will he come?  Tomorrow.
4. Adverb of Degree – An Adverb that shows the Degree of an Action is called Adverb of
Ex.:- Much, So much, Too much …etc.
 Facts
 It becomes the Answer of ‘How much’.
Ex.:- He speaks too much.
How much does he speak?  Too much.
5. Adverb of Frequency – An Adverb that shows the Frequency (Repetition) of an Action is
called Adverb of Frequency.
Ex.:- One, Twice, Thrice, Four time, Five time, Always, Never, Often, Seldom …etc.

 Facts

 It becomes the Answer of ‘How often’.

Ex.:- He came twice on the stage.
How often did he come on the stage?  Twice.
6. Adverb of Purpose – An Adverb that shows the Purpose / Target of an Action is called
‘Adverb of Purpose’.
Ex.:- To Play, To Sing, To Dance …etc.

 Facts

 It becomes the Answer of ‘For what’.

Ex.:- He is going to play cricket.
For what is he going?  To play cricket.
7. Adverb of Reason – An Adverb that shows the Reason for an Action is called Adverb of
Ex.:- Due to …. , Owing to …. , Since …. , Because …. , For + Gerund …etc.

 Facts

 It becomes the Answer of ‘why’.

Ex.:- He was chided for coming late.
Why was he chided?  For coming late.
8. Interrogative Adverb – An Adverb that arises Question for an Adjective, Verb and other
Adverb is called Interrogative Adverb.
Ex.:- Where, Why, When, How …etc.

 Uses of Adverb
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1. Still (तक) / Yet (अब तक) –
 Still – It comes in Affirmative sense.
Ex.:- He is yet dancing on the stage. – ()
He is still dancing on the stage. – ()
 Yet – It comes in Negative sense.
Ex.:- He has not still finished the task. – ()
He has not yet finished the task. – ()
2. Very / Much –
Very Much
 It comes before a Positive Degree.  It comes before a comparative form.
Ex.:- Ram is a very smart boy. Ex.:- Ram is much smarter than Shyam.
 It comes to stress a Present Participle.  It comes to stress a Past Participle.
Ex.:- This is a very Interesting Story. Ex.:- It was a much Interested Story.
 Very + very can be used.  Much + much can’t be used.
Ex.:- This is a very-very Important Question.
 Very + much can be used.  Much + very can’t be used.
Ex.:- I like it very much.
 Too / so + very + very can’t be used.  Too / so much can be used.
Ex.:- I like him so much.
 The very best. (शानदार)  Much the best.
Ex.:- Your performance was much the best.
Ex.:- Your performance was the very best.

3. Soon (ज द ह , शी ह ) / Shortly / Presently / Lately (ज द ह , शी ह)–

 Soon – It can be used with any kind of tenses.
Ex.:- (a) He is coming soon. – ()
(b) He came soon. – ()
(c) He will come soon. – ()
 Shortly / Presently / Lately – There are used to make the sense of Futurity.
Ex.:- (a) He is coming shortly. – ()
(b) He will come shortly. – ()
(c) He came shortly. – ()
4. Hard / Hardly –
Hard Hardly
 With full Energy.  बड़ी ह मु ि कल से / बहु त ह परे शानी से
Ex.:- He tried hard to do the work. Ex.:- He could hardly solved the Question in
5. Late / Lately –
Late – दे र से / वलंब से Lately – शी ह / तु रंत ह
Ex.:- The train is running late. Ex.:- He will come lately.

Note – यान रहे क lately का योग Past Structure म नह ं होता।

6. Altogether / All together –
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Altogether – पू ण तः All together – सब एक साथ / साथ-साथ
 It is used in the sense of completely. Ex.:- We went there and enjoyed the party
Ex.:- He has altogether done the work. all together.
7. Already / All ready –
Already – पहले ह All ready – यवि थत प म
Ex.:- I have already completed the work. Ex.:- I went there and found all ready.
8. Sometime / Some time / Sometimes –
 Sometime (Adj.) – भू त-पू व
Ex.:- Our sometime President was a Scientist.
 Some time – कु छ ण / कु छ समय
Ex.:- I will go there and stay for some time.
 Sometimes – कभी-कभी
Ex.:- Sometimes I forget your Name.
9. Everyday / Every day –
Every day – Simple Every day – Daily
 It is an Adj. that comes in the sense of  It is an Adverb that comes in the sense
simple. of daily.
Ex.:- This is a simple Question for me. Ex.:- He comes here every day.
This is an everyday Question for me.
10. Only / Even –
 Only – It comes just before the word, for which it is used.
Ex.:- Raju had only died ten days ago. – ()
Raju had died only ten days ago. – ()
Note – यान रहे क कसी रकम को दशाने हे तु ः Only रकम के पहले या रकम के बाद भी हो
सकता है ।
Ex.:- He has given me only five thousands rupees. – ()
He has given me five thousands rupees only. – ()
 Even – यहाँ तक क – It comes to show an Action that happens without expectation.
Ex.:- Even a beggar keeps a mobile in my area.
11. Ago / Before –
Ago Before
 वतमान के समय से लेकर भू तकाल म  क ह दो घटनाओं म पहले संपा दत कसी
घ टत कसी घटना के समय तक के कु ल घटना को दशाने हे तु ः ‘Before’ आता है ।
योग को दशाने हे तु ः ‘Ago’ आता है ।
Ex.:- I had visited Delhi six months ago. Ex.:- The train had started before I reached
the station.
Note – यान रहे क य द कसी Direct Narration के तहत Main Clause Past Tense म हो, तो
Subordinate Part म ‘Ago’ के बदले भी ‘Before’ ह आता है ।
Ex.:- Ram said that he had visited Delhi six months ago. – ()
Ram said that he had visited Delhi six months before. – ()
12. Too / Too –
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Too – हद से यादा Too – भी
 इतना अ धक, िजतना क नह ं होना  कसी समू ह म कसी अ य वशेष को
चा हए डालकर पेश करने हेतु ः
Ex.:- He is too lazy. Ex.:- Ram too can solve this Question.

 Remove Too & To

 In Removal ‘Too’ can be used in two forms.
(a) Single ‘Too’
(b) Double ‘Too & To’
 Removal of Single ‘Too’ – In removal single ‘Too’ can be used at two places in a Sentence.
(a) In the beginning of Sentence.
(b) Amid the Sentence.
 In the beginning of Sentence –
1. Too many / Too much is replaced by ‘More than’
2. Now it is compared to its requiring sense or proper.
(Required, Needed, Useful, Demanded, Proper …etc.)
3. Now the Sentence is given its Proper Structure.

Ex.:- (a) Too many friends make pocket empty.

 More than required friends make pocket empty.
(b) Too much money makes us proud.
 More than required money makes us proud.

 Amid the Sentence –

1. Too + Adjective is replaced by making Comparative form of the Adjective.
2. Now it is compared ‘to’ its requiring sense or proper.
3. The Sentence is given its Proper Structure.

Ex.:- The water is too hot.

 The water is hotter than proper / required.

 Removal of Double ‘Too & To’ – Double ‘Too’ can be used in four senses in a Sentence.
(a) In ability - (अ मता)
(b) Habit - (आदत)
(c) For Nonliving thing.
(d) For Natural thing affecting us.
 In ability –
1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now a Pronoun is added according to the Subject.
3. To + v1 is replaced by cannot, could not + v1.
4. Now the Sentence is given its Proper Structure.

Ex.:- (a) Ram is too poor to give you money.

 Ram is so poor that he cannot give you money.

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(b) Raju was too tired to take a single step.
 Raju was so tired that he could not take a single step.

 Habit –
1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now a Pronoun is added according to the Subject.
3. Too + v1 is replaced by will not / would not + v1.

Ex.:- (a) He is too lazy to go there.

 He is so lazy that he will not go there.
(b) Raju was too miser to give a single coin.
 Raju was so miser that he would not give a single coin.

 For Non living thing –

1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now ‘it / they’ is added as Pronoun.
3. Too + v1 is replaced by cannot / could not + be + v3.

Ex.:- (a) The stick is too hard to break.

 The stick is so hard that it cannot be broken.
(b) The distance was too long to cover.
 The distance was so long that it could not be covered.

 For Natural thing affecting us –

1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now ‘we / one’ is added as Pronoun.
3. Too + v1 is replaced by cannot / could not + v1.
4. Now the Sentence is given its Proper Structure.
Ex.:- (a) The Sun is too hot to go out.
 The Sun is so hot that we cannot go out.
(b) The Night was too dark to se.
 The Night was so dark that we could not see.

 Order of Adverb
 If an Adverb Qualifies an Adjective comes before the Adjective.
Ex.:- Ram is highly intelligent.
 If enough qualifies an Adjective comes after the Adjective.
Ex.:- Ram is enough intelligent to solve this Question. - ()
Ram is Intelligent enough to solve this Question. - ()
 If an Adverb qualifies an another Adverb comes before the another one.
Ex.:- Ram is very highly intelligent.
 If enough qualifies an another Adverb comes after the Adverb.
Ex.:- He is speaking enough loudly to be heard. - ()
He is speaking loudly enough to be heard. - ()

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 If Adverb of manner (Adj. + ly) qualifies a Transitive Verb can be used either before the
Verb or after the Object the Verb.
Ex.:- He clearly writes a letter. - ()
He writes a letter clearly. - ()
 If an Adverb of manner (Adj. + ly) qualifies an Intransitive Verb comes after the Verb.
Ex.:- He loudly laughed on the stage. - ()
He laughed loudly on the stage. - ()
 If an Adverb qualifies the entire Sentence comes in the beginning of the Sentence.
Ex.:- Unfortunately you missed the change.
 If an Adverb of Frequency (Always, Never, Seldom, Often, Rarely …etc.) qualifies an
Action Verb comes before the Verb.
Ex.:- I go never there. - ()
I never go there. - ()
 An Adverb of frequency (Always, Never, Seldom, Often, Rarely …etc.) comes after the
Auxiliary Verb made Main Verb.
Ex.:- He always is busy. - ()
He is always busy. - ()
 यान रहे क य द कसी वा य म Auxiliary Verb तथा Main Verb दोन मौजू द हो, तो
Adverb of Frequency दोन के बीच म आता ह।
Ex.:- I never have visited there. - ()
I have never visited there. - ()
 An Optative Sentence gets Adverb of Frequency in the beginning of the Sentence.
Ex.:- (a) Always remember of my advice. - ()
(b) Never touch this wire. - ()
 यान रहे क य द ‘Be-form + Infinitive’ योजना को दशाव तथा ‘Have-form + Infinitive’
फज या मजबू र का भाव दशाता हो, तो Adverb of Frequency Be of Have Verb के पहले हो
जाता ह।
Ex.:- I have never to go there. - ()
I never have to go there. - ()
 यान रहे क य द ‘Use to / Used to’ का योग आदत दशाने हे तु ः होता हो, तो ‘Adverb of
Frequency’ इनके पहले आता ह।
Ex.:- I used to never go there. - ()
I never used to go there. - ()
 य द एक ह कार के एक से यादा Adverb एक साथ आते हो, तो मह व से सबसे छोटा
सबसे पहले और सबसे बड़ा सबसे बाद म लखा जाता ह।
Ex.:- He will come tomorrow in the morning. - ()
He will come in the morning tomorrow. - ()
 Two Negative sense word cannot we used together for the same Sentence.
Ex.:- I shall not go nowhere. - ()

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I shall not go anywhere. - ()
I shall go nowhere. - ()
 A Verb of Perception is qualified by an Adjective not by an Adverb.
Ex.:- He fills badly. - ()
He fills bad. - ()
 Adverb of Place + Adverb of Time.
Ex.:- He will go tomorrow in the Party. - ()
He will go in the Party tomorrow. - ()
 If different kinds of Adverbs come together in Sentence are arranged into following order.
 Adverb of Manner + Adverb of Place + Adverb of Time + Adverb of Degree + Adverb of
Purpose + Adverb + Reason.
Ex.:- We celebrate Diwali happily all over India in the month of Kartik to a large extent to
worship Goddess Lakshmi because it is the custom of the Hindu.

Adverb Chapter is the End.

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व तु / लेख / नि चत या अ नि चत बनाने का साधन

Mishra English Study Centre

BY – M. K. Mishra

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 Article is an Adjective or determiner that makes a Noun definite or Indefinite.
 According to uses Article can be divided into two parts.
(i) Indefinite Article - (A / An)
(ii) Definite Article - (The)
 Indefinite Article - य द कसी श द के थम अ र का उ चारण कसी Consonant Sound (क,
ख, ग, … ) से होता हो, तो उसके पहले Indefinite Article “A” आता ह।
जब क य द कसी श द के थम अ र का उ चारण कसी Vowel Sound (अ, आ, … अः) से होता हो,
तो उसके पहले “An” का योग होता ह।
Ex.:- a car, a dog, an egg, an honest boy, an M.A …etc.
* Uses 
 Indefinite Article comes to denote an Indefinite or uncertain Singular Countable Noun.
Ex.:- A Boy is calling you outside the building.
 Indefinite Article comes to introduce a Singular Countable Noun in Indefinite way.
Ex.:- I have a car it runs very well.
 Many + a / an + S.C.N + S.V
Ex.:- Many a student is laborious in Patna.
 Indefinite Article comes to show a unit in the meaning of “Per”.
Ex.:- The banana is ten rupees per dozen. - ()
The banana is ten rupees a dozen. - ()
 Indefinite Article comes before “Kind of / Sort of / Type of” to take about an Indefinite
Ex.:- Rabies is a kind of disease with dogs.
 No. of gets Indefinite Article before itself to show a large No. of Countable Nouns in the
sense of ‘many’.
Ex.:- A no. of students are present in my class.
 Amount of gets Indefinite Article before itself to show a large quantity of an Uncountable
Noun / Something in the meaning of ‘much’.
Ex.:- An amount of rice is remaining in the kitchen. - ()
An amount of rice was boiled in the kitchen. - ()
 Great many / Good many gets Indefinite Article before itself to show a large no. of
Countable Nouns.
Ex.:- A great many students are present in the class.
 Indefinite Article comes before ‘Great deal of / Good deal of’ to show a large no. or
Quantity of something in the meaning of many / much.
Ex.:- A great deal of student are present in my class.
 Indefinite Article comes before ‘lot of’ to show a large no. of or Quantity of something in
the sense of many / much.
Ex.:- A lot of students are present in the class.
 Indefinite Article comes before ‘few / little’ to show a small no. / Quantity of something.
Ex.:- A few students are absent today.

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 Indefinite Article comes to introduce ones of occupation.
Ex.:- Ram is a singer and I am a dancer.
 Indefinite Article can be use before the name of a person also. If we don’t know anything
about him or her except the name.
Ex.:- I meet a Raju in train late he told me that he was a student of science.
Note - यान रहे क, य द कसी जाने माने यि त का नाम कसी अ य के साथ जोड़कर
उसे अ य पर यंग कया जाय, तो उस मशहू र यि त के नाम म ‘A’ अथवा ‘An’ का योग कया जाता
Ex.:- He thinks himself a Dhoni in long hair.
 “A / An + Adjective + S.C.N” comes to introduce the noun in Indefinite way.
Ex.:- This is a new car.
 “What / How / Such + A / An …!” is used to make an Exclamation / Surprise.
Ex.:- What a good pen! It is.
What an Idea! Sir Ji.
 “As / So / Too / This / That + adjective + a / an …!” Comes to so surprise.
Ex.:- Too bad a road! It is.
 Some Nouns get ‘a /an’ in their Idiomatic sense.
 A - Lie, Word, Bath, Rest, Noise, Bed, Journey, Headache, Hurry, Phone call …etc के
साथ Idiomatic sense म ‘a’ आता ह।
Ex.:- Don’t tell lie. - ()
Don’t tell a lie. - ()
 An - Attempt, Effort, Attention, Excuse …etc के साथ Idiomatic sense म ‘an’ आता ह।
Ex.:- He made a effort to solve the Question. - ()
He made an effort to solve the Question. - ()
He made a attempt to do the work. - ()
He made an attempt to do the work - ()

 Definite Article - The

 Definite Article comes before a definite or certain Noun.
Ex.:- This pen is running very well. - ()
The pen is running very well. - ()
 Definite Article comes to make a Noun definite.
Ex.:- I know the doctor you are referring to.
 Definite Article comes before “kind of / short of / type of” to show a definite kind.
Ex.:- I have never seen a kind of problem in my life. - ()
I have never seen the kind of problem in my life. - ()
 A Superlative form gets Definite Article before itself.
Ex.:- Ram is the smartest boy of my class.
 A Proper Adjective gets Definite Article before itself.
Ex.:- The American policy is not well.

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 An Ordinal Adjective of number gets Definite Article before itself.
Ex.:- The third Umpire is very honest.
 Definite Article comes before a Comparative form also to make a Comparison +
Selection in 1:2.
Ex.:- Ram is the taller of Mohan and Sohan.
 Definite Article comes before a Comparative form also to show a Reciprocal
Ex.:- The faster you run, the quicker a reach. - ()
The more he gets, the more he demands. - ()
 Former and latter get Definite Article before themselves.
Ex.:- The former chapter was very easy.
 If a study subject is possessed by any one gets Definite Article before itself.
Ex.:- The Physics of H.C Verma are very difficult.
 If a place name denotes a team gets Definite Article before itself.
Ex.:- The India are batting first in this match.
 Definite Article comes before few / little to make definite form of few / little number or
Ex.:- The few students sitting in my class are very laborious
The little rice in the kitchen is boiled.
 Truth gets Definite Article before itself.
Ex.:- He always speaks the truth.
 The + Adjective comes to show the entire community of the same Quality.
Ex.:- The poor are very laborious.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of a Post.
Ex.:- The Manager, The P.M, The C.M …etc.
 Number of gets Definite Article before itself to show a counting.
Ex.:- The number of students is increasing in my class.
 Amount of gets Definite Article before itself to show a Quality.
Ex.:- The amount of rice is very low in the kitchen.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of Sides.
Ex.:- The East, The West, The North, The South …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of the Parts of Universe.
Ex.:- The Sun, The Moon, The Sky …etc.
 The Name of Historical event gets Definite Article before itself.
Ex.:- The Cargill war, The green revolution …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the parts of government.
Ex.:- The Parliament, The Judiciary …etc.
 The Name of a Political party gets Definite Article before itself.
Ex.:- The BJP, The UPA, The Congress …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of all kingdom family.
Ex.:- The Mughal, The Maurya, The Aryan …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the Headline of a writing.
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Ex.:- Write a note on the poverty.
 Definite Article comes before the repetition of a Noun in Sentence.
Ex.:- I have a pen, when I saw the pen first time I knew that it would run well.
I have a car but now I want to sell the car.
 A Weather Name + Season get Definite Article before itself.
Ex.:- He will come in the winter season.
 Definite Article comes before the Proper Name of an armed forces.
Ex.:- The Air force, The BSF, The CRPF …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of a Musical Instruments.
Ex.:- The Tabla, The Harmonium, The Drum …etc.
 Definite Article comes the Name of a Religion, Caste or Sub-caste.
Ex.:- The Hindu, The Muslim, The Rajput …etc.
 Definite Article comes before a Title Name (without proper name).
Ex.:- The Tiwari is a good singer.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of a Person also if it comes with its Adjective.
Ex.:- The late Gandhi ji the honorable Manmohan Singh.
 य द कसी जाने माने यि त का नाम कसी अ य के नाम के साथ जोड़ कर शंसा का भाव दशाया जाए,
तो उस व यात यि त के नाम म Article “The” आता ह।
Ex.:- Kalidas was the Shakespeare of India.
 Definite Article comes before the Proper Name of a Water Containing Place (सागर,
महासागर, नद , नहर, झरना, तालाब …etc का Proper Name)
Ex.:- The Ganga, The Swez, The Chilka …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the proper name of a Travelling resource. ( े न, थलयान,

जलयान,वायु यान)
Ex.:- The Rajdhani Express, The Indian Airlines, The Vikrant …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the Proper Name of a Mountain Peak series.
Ex.:- The Himalaya, The Vindhyanchal …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of an Island series.
Ex.:- The Andaman-Nicobar, The Newzeland …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of Deserts.
Ex.:- The Sahara, The Thar …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of Epic / Book / Magazine …etc.
Ex.:- The Ramayana, The Mahabharata, The Arabian …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the Proper Name of a Printed Article. (समाचार-प , प का,
ंथ, पु तक …etc.)
Ex.:- The The Hindu, The India Today, The Times of India …etc.
 Definite Article comes before a Telecasting Program or Broadcasting Program.
Ex.:- The Dhoom, The Khani Ghar - Ghar Ki, The Nagraj, The Dhruv …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of an Organization.

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Ex.:- The Red-Cross Society, The Consumer Forum …etc.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of the Parts of Body.
Ex.:- The Nose, The Eye’s, The Hand …etc.
 य द कसी Abbreviation (सं ेप) के येक अ र को मलाकर एक श द क संरचना बनाई जाती हो, तो
वह कसी सं था को दशाता ह, और उसके साथ Article “The” आता ह।
Ex.:- The UNESCO, The SAARC, The UNICEF …etc.
Note - य द कसी Abbreviation के letter से Common Degree का पता चले, तो उसमे “A” अथवा
“An” आता ह।
Ex.:- I am an M.A, You are a B.A.
 Definite Article comes before the Name of the Unique of the world.
Ex.:- The Tajmahal, The China wall, The Efill Tower …etc.
 If a Place Name shows its Internal world famous quality by name gets Definite Article
before itself.
Ex.:- The Punjab, The USA, The UK, The Scott-land, The Nether-land …etc.
 Meal gets Definite Article before itself.
Ex.:- I have taken the meal.
 Beginning and End gets Definite Article before themselves.
Ex.:- The beginning was very artistic.
The End.
 य द कसी Noun को कसी Preposition के पहले रखते हु ए नि चतता का भाव दर य जाए, तो कसी भी
कार के Noun के पहले Article “The” आता ह।
Ex.:- Ram is honest. - ()
The Ram of the Ramayana was great. - ()
Water is colourless. - ()
The water is colourless. - ()
The water of this river is very dirty. - ()
Honesty is the best policy. - ()
The Honesty of Gandhi is great. - ()

* No Uses of Article 
 Generally a Proper Noun does not get Article before itself.
Ex.:- India is a secular country.
 Generally Article does not come before a Common Noun Plural Number.
Ex.:- Boys are honest.
 Generally Article does not come before a Material Noun.
Ex.:- Water is colourless.
 Generally an Abstract Noun does not get Article before itself.
Ex.:- Honesty is the best policy.
 Kind of, Sort of and Type of …etc stop taking Article if they come just after a “Wh-
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Ex.:- What kinds of problem have you?
 If more post than one comes together for the same Noun or Pronoun don’t get Article
except the first-one.
Ex.:- Ram is the Manager, the Director and the Financer of this company. - ()
Ram is the Manager, Director and Financer of this company. - ()
 If more Superlative form or Adjectives comes together for the same Noun or Pronoun
don’t gets Article except the first-one.
Ex.:- Ram is the tallest, the smartest and the handsome boy of my class. - ()
Ram is the tallest, smartest and handsome boy of my class. - ()
 Generally Article does not come before the name of a game.
Ex.:- Football is a nice game.
Note - यान रहे क य द कसी खेल के नाम से उस खेल को खेलने वाल व तु का बोध हो, तो खेल के
नाम के पहले Article “The” आता ह।
Ex.:- There is no air in the football.
 Generally Article does not come before the name of language.
Ex.:- Hindi is a difficult language.
Note - यान रहे क य द कसी भाषा के नाम से उस भाषा को बोलने वाले भा षय का बोध हो, तो उसके
पहले Article “The” आता ह।
Ex.:- We are the Hindu.
 A Title name stops taking Article if it comes with a Proper Name.
Ex.:- Manoj Tiwari is a good singer.
 A Title name stops taking Article if it comes after the word ‘Title’.
Ex.:- The tile of Tiwari is very famous.
 A Post name stops taking Article if it comes after the word Post / Rank.
Ex.:- The Post of Manager is very honorable.
 A Post name stops taking Article if it comes as the object of an appointing verb. (Select,
Elect, Make, Decide, Appoint …etc.)
Ex.:- He was elected Manager for this project. - ()
He was appointed Manager for this project. - ()
 Article does not come before any one’s fake caste.
Ex.:- He has become Pandit in red clothing / Dhoti-Kurta.
 Generally Society does not get Article before itself.
Ex.:- We are social animals and live in society.
 Generally Article does not come before Dinner, Supper, Lunch and Break-fast.
Ex.:- I have taken lunch.
 A Noun that comes just after a Possessive, Demonstrative Distributive Adjective stops
taking Article before itself.
Ex.:- My the car is running well. - ()
My car is running well. - ()
 Generally a Noun that comes after a Preposition stops taking Article before itself.
Ex.:- He has come by car.

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 A Common Noun Singular Number stops taking Article if it works as the Adjective of a
Proper Noun.
Ex.:- King Mahindra, Queen Elizabeth …etc.
 The Name of a Book stops taking Article if it comes just after the name of its writer.
Ex.:- Balmiki’s ‘Ramayana’, Premchand’s ‘Goddan’ …etc.
 Generally Article does not come before Heaven, Paradise and Hell …etc.
Ex.:- Everyone wants Heaven after death.
 Generally Article does not come before the name of Weather.
Ex.:- He will come in winter.
 School, College, Hospital, Jail, Market, Court, Church, Temple, Police-Station …etc
Public Place का योग य द उसके मू ल उपयो गता के तहत हो, तो इनमे Article नह ं आता है, परं तु
य द अपने मू ल उपयो गता से भ न उपयोग कए जाए, तो इनमे Article “The” आता ह।
Ex.:- He is going to school to study.
A Party was organized in the school.
The Procession will stay in the school.
 Morning, Evening, Day, Night, Sunrise and Sunset don’t get Article before themselves in
the come in broad-sense.
Ex.:- Evening brings darkness.
Note - यान रहे क य द उपरो त का योग Particular sense म कया जाए, तो इनके
पहले Article “The” आता ह।
Ex.:- The morning is very special for me.
He will come in the evening.
Note - Man, Women, Father, Mother, Humanely …etc का योग य द यापक Sense म हो,
तो इनमे Article नह ं आता, जब क Particular sense म इनमे Article “The” आता ह।
Ex.:- (a) Man is mortal.
(b) The man is mad.

Article Chapter is the End.

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या वशेषण

Mishra English Study Centre

BY – M. K. Mishra

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 An Adverb Qualifies an Adjective, Verb & Other Adverbs.
Ex.:- Ram is very smart.
Adv. Adj.
 According to uses Adverb can be divided into Eight Parts.
1. Adverb of Manner - (How)
2. Adverb of Place - (Where)
3. Adverb of Time - (When)
4. Adverb of Degree - (How much)
5. Adverb of Frequency - (How often)
6. Adverb of Purpose - (For what)
7. Adverb of Reason - (Why)
8. Interrogative Adverb.
1. Adverb of Manner – An Adverb that shows the mode of an Action is called Adverb of
Ex.:- He speaks clearly.

 Facts

(a) If becomes the Answer of how.

(b) Generally it gets Structure “Adjective + ly.”
Ex.:- Bad + ly  Badly, Honest + ly  Honestly, Clear + ly  Clearly …etc.
(c) An Adverb of Manner (Adj. + ly) can be replaced by using with + Adj. made Noun.
Ex.:- He is speaking honestly. – ()
He is speaking with honestly. – ()
(d) यान रहे क First, Fast, Hard तथा Last अपने आप म ह Adjective और Adverb दोन
क भू मका नभाते है, इनको Manner बनाने हे तु ः ‘ly’ का योग नह ं होता ह।
Ex.:- This is a fast train. – ()
This train runs fastly. – ()
This train runs fast. – ()
(e) यान रहे क ‘Daily, Monthly, Yearly …etc. ‘ly’ से अंत होने के बावजू द Adjective तथा
Adverb दोन क ह भू मका म आ सकते ह।
Ex.:- (a) This is a daily train. (b) This train arrives daily.
Adj. N Adv.
2. Adverb of Place – An Adverb that shows the place for an Action is called Adverb of Place.
Ex.:- Here, There, Inside, Outside, in the room …etc.

 Facts

 It becomes the Answer of ‘where’.

Ex.:- He will go there.
Where will he go?  There.
3. Adverb of Time – An Adverb that shows the time for an action is called Adverb of Time.
Ex.:- Today, Tomorrow, Next day, Yesterday …etc.

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 Facts

 It becomes the Answer of ‘when’.

Ex.:- He will come tomorrow.
When will he come?  Tomorrow.
4. Adverb of Degree – An Adverb that shows the Degree of an Action is called Adverb of
Ex.:- Much, So much, Too much …etc.
 Facts
 It becomes the Answer of ‘How much’.
Ex.:- He speaks too much.
How much does he speak?  Too much.
5. Adverb of Frequency – An Adverb that shows the Frequency (Repetition) of an Action is
called Adverb of Frequency.
Ex.:- One, Twice, Thrice, Four time, Five time, Always, Never, Often, Seldom …etc.

 Facts

 It becomes the Answer of ‘How often’.

Ex.:- He came twice on the stage.
How often did he come on the stage?  Twice.
6. Adverb of Purpose – An Adverb that shows the Purpose / Target of an Action is called
‘Adverb of Purpose’.
Ex.:- To Play, To Sing, To Dance …etc.

 Facts

 It becomes the Answer of ‘For what’.

Ex.:- He is going to play cricket.
For what is he going?  To play cricket.
7. Adverb of Reason – An Adverb that shows the Reason for an Action is called Adverb of
Ex.:- Due to …. , Owing to …. , Since …. , Because …. , For + Gerund …etc.

 Facts

 It becomes the Answer of ‘why’.

Ex.:- He was chided for coming late.
Why was he chided?  For coming late.
8. Interrogative Adverb – An Adverb that arises Question for an Adjective, Verb and other
Adverb is called Interrogative Adverb.
Ex.:- Where, Why, When, How …etc.

 Uses of Adverb
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1. Still (तक) / Yet (अब तक) –
 Still – It comes in Affirmative sense.
Ex.:- He is yet dancing on the stage. – ()
He is still dancing on the stage. – ()
 Yet – It comes in Negative sense.
Ex.:- He has not still finished the task. – ()
He has not yet finished the task. – ()
2. Very / Much –
Very Much
 It comes before a Positive Degree.  It comes before a comparative form.
Ex.:- Ram is a very smart boy. Ex.:- Ram is much smarter than Shyam.
 It comes to stress a Present Participle.  It comes to stress a Past Participle.
Ex.:- This is a very Interesting Story. Ex.:- It was a much Interested Story.
 Very + very can be used.  Much + much can’t be used.
Ex.:- This is a very-very Important Question.
 Very + much can be used.  Much + very can’t be used.
Ex.:- I like it very much.
 Too / so + very + very can’t be used.  Too / so much can be used.
Ex.:- I like him so much.
 The very best. (शानदार)  Much the best.
Ex.:- Your performance was much the best.
Ex.:- Your performance was the very best.

3. Soon (ज द ह , शी ह ) / Shortly / Presently / Lately (ज द ह , शी ह)–

 Soon – It can be used with any kind of tenses.
Ex.:- (a) He is coming soon. – ()
(b) He came soon. – ()
(c) He will come soon. – ()
 Shortly / Presently / Lately – There are used to make the sense of Futurity.
Ex.:- (a) He is coming shortly. – ()
(b) He will come shortly. – ()
(c) He came shortly. – ()
4. Hard / Hardly –
Hard Hardly
 With full Energy.  बड़ी ह मु ि कल से / बहु त ह परे शानी से
Ex.:- He tried hard to do the work. Ex.:- He could hardly solved the Question in
5. Late / Lately –
Late – दे र से / वलंब से Lately – शी ह / तु रंत ह
Ex.:- The train is running late. Ex.:- He will come lately.

Note – यान रहे क lately का योग Past Structure म नह ं होता।

6. Altogether / All together –
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Altogether – पू ण तः All together – सब एक साथ / साथ-साथ
 It is used in the sense of completely. Ex.:- We went there and enjoyed the party
Ex.:- He has altogether done the work. all together.
7. Already / All ready –
Already – पहले ह All ready – यवि थत प म
Ex.:- I have already completed the work. Ex.:- I went there and found all ready.
8. Sometime / Some time / Sometimes –
 Sometime (Adj.) – भू त-पू व
Ex.:- Our sometime President was a Scientist.
 Some time – कु छ ण / कु छ समय
Ex.:- I will go there and stay for some time.
 Sometimes – कभी-कभी
Ex.:- Sometimes I forget your Name.
9. Everyday / Every day –
Every day – Simple Every day – Daily
 It is an Adj. that comes in the sense of  It is an Adverb that comes in the sense
simple. of daily.
Ex.:- This is a simple Question for me. Ex.:- He comes here every day.
This is an everyday Question for me.
10. Only / Even –
 Only – It comes just before the word, for which it is used.
Ex.:- Raju had only died ten days ago. – ()
Raju had died only ten days ago. – ()
Note – यान रहे क कसी रकम को दशाने हे तु ः Only रकम के पहले या रकम के बाद भी हो
सकता है ।
Ex.:- He has given me only five thousands rupees. – ()
He has given me five thousands rupees only. – ()
 Even – यहाँ तक क – It comes to show an Action that happens without expectation.
Ex.:- Even a beggar keeps a mobile in my area.
11. Ago / Before –
Ago Before
 वतमान के समय से लेकर भू तकाल म  क ह दो घटनाओं म पहले संपा दत कसी
घ टत कसी घटना के समय तक के कु ल घटना को दशाने हे तु ः ‘Before’ आता है ।
योग को दशाने हे तु ः ‘Ago’ आता है ।
Ex.:- I had visited Delhi six months ago. Ex.:- The train had started before I reached
the station.
Note – यान रहे क य द कसी Direct Narration के तहत Main Clause Past Tense म हो, तो
Subordinate Part म ‘Ago’ के बदले भी ‘Before’ ह आता है ।
Ex.:- Ram said that he had visited Delhi six months ago. – ()
Ram said that he had visited Delhi six months before. – ()
12. Too / Too –
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Too – हद से यादा Too – भी
 इतना अ धक, िजतना क नह ं होना  कसी समू ह म कसी अ य वशेष को
चा हए डालकर पेश करने हेतु ः
Ex.:- He is too lazy. Ex.:- Ram too can solve this Question.

 Remove Too & To

 In Removal ‘Too’ can be used in two forms.
(a) Single ‘Too’
(b) Double ‘Too & To’
 Removal of Single ‘Too’ – In removal single ‘Too’ can be used at two places in a Sentence.
(a) In the beginning of Sentence.
(b) Amid the Sentence.
 In the beginning of Sentence –
1. Too many / Too much is replaced by ‘More than’
2. Now it is compared to its requiring sense or proper.
(Required, Needed, Useful, Demanded, Proper …etc.)
3. Now the Sentence is given its Proper Structure.

Ex.:- (a) Too many friends make pocket empty.

 More than required friends make pocket empty.
(b) Too much money makes us proud.
 More than required money makes us proud.

 Amid the Sentence –

1. Too + Adjective is replaced by making Comparative form of the Adjective.
2. Now it is compared ‘to’ its requiring sense or proper.
3. The Sentence is given its Proper Structure.

Ex.:- The water is too hot.

 The water is hotter than proper / required.

 Removal of Double ‘Too & To’ – Double ‘Too’ can be used in four senses in a Sentence.
(a) In ability - (अ मता)
(b) Habit - (आदत)
(c) For Nonliving thing.
(d) For Natural thing affecting us.
 In ability –
1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now a Pronoun is added according to the Subject.
3. To + v1 is replaced by cannot, could not + v1.
4. Now the Sentence is given its Proper Structure.

Ex.:- (a) Ram is too poor to give you money.

 Ram is so poor that he cannot give you money.

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(b) Raju was too tired to take a single step.
 Raju was so tired that he could not take a single step.

 Habit –
1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now a Pronoun is added according to the Subject.
3. Too + v1 is replaced by will not / would not + v1.

Ex.:- (a) He is too lazy to go there.

 He is so lazy that he will not go there.
(b) Raju was too miser to give a single coin.
 Raju was so miser that he would not give a single coin.

 For Non living thing –

1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now ‘it / they’ is added as Pronoun.
3. Too + v1 is replaced by cannot / could not + be + v3.

Ex.:- (a) The stick is too hard to break.

 The stick is so hard that it cannot be broken.
(b) The distance was too long to cover.
 The distance was so long that it could not be covered.

 For Natural thing affecting us –

1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now ‘we / one’ is added as Pronoun.
3. Too + v1 is replaced by cannot / could not + v1.
4. Now the Sentence is given its Proper Structure.
Ex.:- (a) The Sun is too hot to go out.
 The Sun is so hot that we cannot go out.
(b) The Night was too dark to se.
 The Night was so dark that we could not see.

 Order of Adverb
 If an Adverb Qualifies an Adjective comes before the Adjective.
Ex.:- Ram is highly intelligent.
 If enough qualifies an Adjective comes after the Adjective.
Ex.:- Ram is enough intelligent to solve this Question. - ()
Ram is Intelligent enough to solve this Question. - ()
 If an Adverb qualifies an another Adverb comes before the another one.
Ex.:- Ram is very highly intelligent.
 If enough qualifies an another Adverb comes after the Adverb.
Ex.:- He is speaking enough loudly to be heard. - ()
He is speaking loudly enough to be heard. - ()

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 If Adverb of manner (Adj. + ly) qualifies a Transitive Verb can be used either before the
Verb or after the Object the Verb.
Ex.:- He clearly writes a letter. - ()
He writes a letter clearly. - ()
 If an Adverb of manner (Adj. + ly) qualifies an Intransitive Verb comes after the Verb.
Ex.:- He loudly laughed on the stage. - ()
He laughed loudly on the stage. - ()
 If an Adverb qualifies the entire Sentence comes in the beginning of the Sentence.
Ex.:- Unfortunately you missed the change.
 If an Adverb of Frequency (Always, Never, Seldom, Often, Rarely …etc.) qualifies an
Action Verb comes before the Verb.
Ex.:- I go never there. - ()
I never go there. - ()
 An Adverb of frequency (Always, Never, Seldom, Often, Rarely …etc.) comes after the
Auxiliary Verb made Main Verb.
Ex.:- He always is busy. - ()
He is always busy. - ()
 यान रहे क य द कसी वा य म Auxiliary Verb तथा Main Verb दोन मौजू द हो, तो
Adverb of Frequency दोन के बीच म आता ह।
Ex.:- I never have visited there. - ()
I have never visited there. - ()
 An Optative Sentence gets Adverb of Frequency in the beginning of the Sentence.
Ex.:- (a) Always remember of my advice. - ()
(b) Never touch this wire. - ()
 यान रहे क य द ‘Be-form + Infinitive’ योजना को दशाव तथा ‘Have-form + Infinitive’
फज या मजबू र का भाव दशाता हो, तो Adverb of Frequency Be of Have Verb के पहले हो
जाता ह।
Ex.:- I have never to go there. - ()
I never have to go there. - ()
 यान रहे क य द ‘Use to / Used to’ का योग आदत दशाने हे तु ः होता हो, तो ‘Adverb of
Frequency’ इनके पहले आता ह।
Ex.:- I used to never go there. - ()
I never used to go there. - ()
 य द एक ह कार के एक से यादा Adverb एक साथ आते हो, तो मह व से सबसे छोटा
सबसे पहले और सबसे बड़ा सबसे बाद म लखा जाता ह।
Ex.:- He will come tomorrow in the morning. - ()
He will come in the morning tomorrow. - ()
 Two Negative sense word cannot we used together for the same Sentence.
Ex.:- I shall not go nowhere. - ()

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I shall not go anywhere. - ()
I shall go nowhere. - ()
 A Verb of Perception is qualified by an Adjective not by an Adverb.
Ex.:- He fills badly. - ()
He fills bad. - ()
 Adverb of Place + Adverb of Time.
Ex.:- He will go tomorrow in the Party. - ()
He will go in the Party tomorrow. - ()
 If different kinds of Adverbs come together in Sentence are arranged into following order.
 Adverb of Manner + Adverb of Place + Adverb of Time + Adverb of Degree + Adverb of
Purpose + Adverb + Reason.
Ex.:- We celebrate Diwali happily all over India in the month of Kartik to a large extent to
worship Goddess Lakshmi because it is the custom of the Hindu.

Adverb Chapter is the End.

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 A Noun is a Naming word.
 A Noun is a Name of anything.
Ex.:- Ram, Shyam, Pen, Dog ...etc.
 If Noun is divided on the basis of its caste found into five forms.

1. P - Proper Noun - खास नाम
2. C - Common Noun - सामा य नाम
3. C - Collective Noun - समू ह बनाने वाले नाम
4. M - Material Noun - य (माप / तौल वाले व तु)
5. A - Abstract Noun - अनु भू त / भाव के नाम
 Proper Noun - A Proper Noun is a particular name of something.
Ex.:- Ram, Shyam, Patna, Delhi ...etc.
* Fact 
 It is always written beginning with capital letter.
 Generally a Proper Noun is singular and gets singular verb.
 Generally Article doesn’t come before it.

Ex.:- india is a secular country. – ()

India are a secular country. – ()
The India is a secular country. – ()
India is a secular country. – ()

 If a place name (Proper Noun) denotes a team it becomes Plural and gets Plural Verb.
Note - यान रहे क इस अव था म Place Name के पहले Article ‘The’ आता है ।

Ex.:- India are batting first in this match. – ()

The India is batting first in this match. – ()
The India are batting first in this match. – ()

 Generally a study Subject (Proper Noun) is Singular and gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Physics are a difficult subject. – ()
Physics is a difficult subject. – ( )
 If a study Subject (Proper Noun) is possessed by anyone it becomes Plural and gets
Plural Verb.
Note – यान रहे क इस अव था मे भी Study Subject के पहले Article ‘The’ का योग हो सकता है ।
Ex.:- The physics of H.C Verma is very difficult. – ()
Physics of H.C Verma are very difficult. – ()
The physics of H.C Verma are very difficult. – ()

 Common Noun - A common Noun is a Name given commonly to a caste or community.

Ex.:- Boy, Pen, Dog, Car ...etc.
* Fact 

 A Common Noun is free to be Singular or Plural.

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 Generally Article is not avoided with it.

 Generally Article is not used with a Common Noun plural number.

Ex.:- Boy is honest. – ()

The boy is honest. – ( )
Boys are honest. – ( )

 Collective Noun - A Collective Noun is a name especially given to a group or

Ex.:- Cattle, Crowd, Committee, Furniture ...etc.
Note – Collective Noun is also a part of Noun is divided into three Parts.
1. Generalising Collective Noun - ( व वध कार के समू ह)
2. Group Collective Noun - (एक ह कार के समू ह)
3. Distributive Collective Noun - (प / वप – दोन कार के समू ह)
 Generalising Collective Noun - A Collection that is made of different kinds of members is
called “Generalising Collective Noun.”
Ex.:- Scenery ( ाकृ तक य), Machinery (यं ), Jewellery, Grocery ( शृ ंगार का दु कान),
Crockery (बतन का सं ह), Furniture, Luggage ...etc.
* Fact 
 It is Singular and gets Singular verb.
 ‘S or ‘es can’t be used with it.
Ex.:- The machinery are very old. – ()
The machineries are very old. – ()
The machinery is very old. – ()
 Group Collective Noun - A collection that is made of the same kinds of members is called
“Group Collective Noun.”
Ex.:- People, Public, Cattle Gentry (स य समाज), Peasantry (कृ षक समाज), Cavalry
(घु ड़सवार फौज) ...etc.
* Fact 
 It is Plural and gets Plural Verb.
 ‘S or ‘es can’t be used with it.

Ex.:-The peasantry of this village is very laborious. – ()

The peasantries of this village are very laborious. – ()
The peasantry of this village are very laborious. – ()

Note – यान रहे क People का योग Country के अथ मे भी होता है । अतः इस अथ मे इसे

Common Noun का व प मानते हु ए Peoples मे बदला जा सकता है ।

Ex.:- India is a People of Asia. – ()

India, China and Pakistan are People of Asia. – ()
India, China and Pakistan are Peoples of Asia. – ()

 Distributive Collective Noun - A collection that’s members are either unanimous or

different in opinion there is no certainty for it is called “Distributive Collective Noun.”
Ex.:- Jury, Committee, Parliament ...etc.
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* Fact 
 If the members of Distributive Collective Noun are unanimous it becomes Singular &
gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- The Committee have taken a bold step in this case. – ()
The Committee has taken a bold step in this case. – ()
 If its members are different in opinion it becomes plural and gets Plural Verb.
Ex.:- The Committee has not taken any bold step in this case. – ()
The Committee have not taken any bold step in this case. – ()
 ‘S or ‘es can’t be used with it.

 Material Noun - A Noun that can be either measured or weighed but can’t be counted is
called “Material Noun.”
Ex.:- Water, Sugar, Milk, Rice, Gold ...etc.
* Fact 
 Generally it is singular and gets singular verb.
 Generally Article doesn’t come before it.
Ex.:- Water are colourless. – ()
A water is colourless. – ()
Water is colourless. – ()
 Dreg is the only Material Noun that is plural and gets plural verb.
Ex.:- Dregs is laying aside the road in this area. – ()
Dreg are laying aside the road in this area. – ()
Dregs are laying aside the road in this area. – ()

 Abstract Noun - An Abstract Noun is the name of one’s feelings.

Ex.:- Honesty, Brotherhood, Childhood, Goodness ...etc is always singular and gets
Singular Verb.
* Fact 
 It Generally Article doesn’t come before it.
Ex.:- Brotherhood are a great quality. – ()
A Brotherhood is a great quality. – ()
Brotherhood is a great quality. – ()
 Gender 
 If Noun is defined on the basis of its Gender found into four forms.
1. Masculine Gender
2. Feminine Gender
3. Common Gender
4. Neuter Gender
 Masculine Gender - A Noun that denotes a male community is kept in Masculine
Muscle > Power > Male
Ex.:- Father, Brother, Uncle, Ram, Shyam ...etc.
 Feminine Gender - A Noun that denotes a female community is kept in Feminine
Feminine > Femina > Beauty > Female
Ex.:- Mother, Sister, Sita, Gita ...etc.

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 Common Gender - A Noun that is either masculine or feminine but can’t be recognised
by name is kept in Common Gender.
Ex.:- Doctor, Engineer, Minister, Student ...etc.
 Neuter Gender - A Noun that is either mentally or sexually undeveloped or undeveloped
with both the qualities is kept in Neuter Gender.
Ex.:- Pen, Car, Dog ...etc.
 Noun 
 A Noun is divided on the basis of its structure found into two parts.
1. Single Noun
2. Compound Noun
 Single Noun - A Noun that gets only-one words for its formation is called Single Noun.
Ex.:- Boy, Pen, Dog, Car ...etc.
 Compound Noun - A Noun that gets more than one words for its formation is called
Compound Noun.
Ex.:- Brother-in-law, Commander-in- chief, Note-book, Cupful, Spoonful ...etc.
Note – Compound Noun that is also a part of Noun is divided into two Parts –
1. Compound Noun with Hyphen (–)
2. Compound Noun without Hyphen (–)
 Compound Noun with Hyphen - A Compound Noun that gets Hyphen (-) amid its
Ex.:- Brother-in-law, Passer-by ...etc.
 Compound Noun without Hyphen - A Compound Noun that doesn’t get Hyphen amid
its words.
Ex.:- Cupful, Spoonful, Pocketful ...etc.
Note – यान रहे क इसका अंत ‘ful’ से होता है ।
 Noun 
 If Noun is divided on the basis of its Count-ability found into two forms.
1. Countable Noun
2. Uncountable Noun
 Countable Noun - A Noun that can be shown in number.
Ex.:- Boy, Pen, Dog ...etc.
 Uncountable Noun - A Noun that can’t be shown in number.
Ex.:- Water, Sugar, Honesty ...etc.
 Number 
 Number - If Noun is divided on the basis of its Number found into two forms.
1. Singular Number
2. Plural Number
 Singular Number - A Noun that is only-one in Number.
Ex.:- Pen, Dog, Car ...etc.
Note – यान रहे क कसी Uncountable Noun को भी Singular Number के ह ेणी मे रखा
जाता है, और Verb Singular दया जाता ह।
Ex.:- Water are colourless. – ()  Water is colourless. – ( )
 Plural Number - Noun that are more than one in counting.
Ex.:- Boys, Pens, Dogs ... etc.

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Note – कोई Noun ायः ज म से Singular होता है, उसे कुछ नयम के तहत Plural बनाया
जाता, जब क एक Verb ज म से ह Plural होता ह और उसे उ ह नयम के तहत
Singular बनाया जाता ह और वे नयम न न ल खत ह –

 Generally a Singular Countable Noun becomes Plural adding‘s’ after itself.

Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Dog - Dogs
Car - Cars
Student - Students
Teacher ...etc. - Teachers ...etc.
 A Singular Countable Noun ending with‘s, ss, ch, sh, x & z’ becomes Plural adding ‘es’
after itself.
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Class - Classes
Torch - Torches
Box - Boxes
Topaz ...etc. - Topazes ...etc.
 A Singular Countable Noun ending with ‘ch’ but the ‘ch’ is pronounced ‘Ka’ (क)
becomes Plural adding ‘s’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Monarch - Monarchs
Stomach - Stomachs
Arch ...etc. - Archs ...etc.
 A Singular Countable Noun ending with ‘o’ and a vowel comes before the ‘o’ becomes
Plural adding ‘es’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Studio - Studios
Radio - Radios
Video - Videos
Bamboo ...etc. - Bamboos ...etc.
 A Singular Countable Noun ending with ‘o’ and a consonant comes before the ‘o’
becomes Plural adding ‘es’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Hero - Heroes
Zero - Zeroes
Potato - Potatoes
Tomato ...etc. - Tomatoes ...etc.
 A Singular Countable Noun ending with ‘o’ and a consonant comes before the ‘o’ but
the Noun is related to technology becomes Plural adding ‘s’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Photo - Photos
Auto - Autos
Dynamo ...etc. - Dynamos ...etc.
 A Singular countable Noun ending with ‘y’ and a vowel comes before the ‘y’ becomes
Plural adding ‘s’.
Ex.:- Singular - Plural

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Boy - Boys
Toy - Toys
Day - Days
Ray ...etc. - Rays ...etc.
 A Singular Countable Noun ending with ‘y’ and a consonant comes before the ‘y’
becomes Plural replacing ‘y’ by ‘ies’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Baby - Babies
City - Cities
Story ...etc. - Stories ...etc.
 A Singular Countable Noun ending with ‘y’ and a consonant comes before the ‘y’ but
the Noun is in the form of Proper Noun becomes Plural adding ‘s’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
January - Januarys
February - Februarys
July - Julys
Canady ...etc. - Canady’s ...etc.
 A Singular Countable Noun ending with ‘f’ or ‘fe’ becomes Plural replacing ‘f’ or ‘fe’
by ‘ves’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Life - Lives
Wife - Wives
Knife - Knives
Leaf ...etc. - Leaves ...etc.
 A Singular Countable Noun ending with ‘f’ or ‘fe’ but it is the formation of other Parts
of Speech becomes Plural adding ‘s’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Proof - Proofs
Belief - Beliefs
Chief ...etc. - Chiefs ...etc.
 A Compound Noun without Hyphen becomes Plural by adding ‘s’ with the ‘ful’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Cupful - Cupfuls
Spoonful - Spoonfuls
Pocketful ...etc. - Pocketfuls ...etc.
 Some Nouns change their Plural form in different way.
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Child - Children
Man - Men
Woman - Women
Ox - Oxen
Mr. - Messer’s
Mrs ...etc. - Mesdames ...etc.
 A Greek Noun ending with ‘on’ becomes Plural replacing ‘ouse’ by ‘ice’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Phenomenon - Phenomena
Criterion ...etc. - Criteria ...etc.

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 A Greek Noun ending with ‘ouse’ becomes Plural replacing ‘ouse’ by ‘ice’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Mouse - Mice
Louse - Lice
De-mouse ...etc. - Demise ...etc.
 A Greek Noun that’s internal part is ‘oo’ becomes Plural replacing ‘oo’ by ‘ee’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Tooth - Teeth
Foot - Feet
Goose ...etc. - Geese ...etc.
 A Greek Noun ending with ‘is’ becomes Plural replacing ‘is’ by ‘es’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Thesis - Theses
Crisis - Crises
Hypothesis - Hypotheses
Oasis ...etc. - Oases ...etc.
 A Latin Noun ending with ‘a’ becomes Plural adding ‘e’ after the ‘a’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Formula - Formulae
Vertebra ...etc. - Vertebrae ...etc.
 A Latin Noun ending with ‘um’ becomes Plural replacing ‘um’ by ‘a’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Medium - Media
Forum - Fora
Bacterium - Bacteria
Datum - Data
Stratum ...etc. - Strata ...etc.
 A Latin Noun ending with ‘us’ becomes Plural replacing ‘us’ by ‘i’
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Syllabus - Syllabi
Locus - Loci
Cactus - Cacti
Fungus - Fungi
Radius ...etc. - Radii ...etc.
 A Singular Countable Noun ending with ‘man’ becomes Plural by changing ‘man’ into
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Washer man - Washer men
Businessman ...etc. - Businessmen ...etc.
 A Compound form of Noun that’s first Part is Man or Woman makes Plural of the both
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Man-Engineer - Men-Engineers
Woman-Worker ...etc. - Women-Workers ...etc.
 A Compound form of Noun that’s first Part is Man or Woman but the entire meaning
doesn’t show Man or Woman makes Plural of the other Part not of Man or Woman.
Ex.:- Singular - Plural

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Man-Hater - Man-Haters
Woman-Killer ...etc. - Woman-Killers ...etc.
 A Compound Form of Noun that’s anyone part is Preposition makes Plural of the Part
that is before the Preposition.
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Brother-in-law - Brothers-in-law
Commander-in-chief - Commanders-in-chief ...etc.
 Generally a Compound form of Noun makes Plural of its most important Part.
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Arm-Chair - Arm-Chairs
Class-Teacher - Class-Teachers
Step-Mother - Step-Mothers
Note-Book ...etc. - Note-Books ...etc.
 A Compound form of Noun that is made of two Post & both work together for someone
makes Plural of the both Parts.
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Lord-Governor - Lords-Governors
Lord-Justice ...etc. - Lords-Justices ...etc.
 A Compound form of Noun that is made of two Posts in which either works as Post &
other is its Adjective makes Plural of the real Post.
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
Assistant-Commandant - Assistant-Commandants
Vice-President - Vice-Presidents
Advocate-General ...etc. - Advocate-Generals ...etc.
 A Compound form of Noun that’s only-one Part is Noun and other works as any other
Parts of Speech makes Plural of the real Noun Part.
Ex.:- Singular - Plural
High-way - High-ways
Passer-by - Passers-by
Hanger-on ...etc. - Hangers-on ...etc.
 Facts of Noun 
 Two Similar Nouns connected with a Preposition are used in Singular form & Given
Singular Verb.
Ex.:- (a) Doors to doors. – ()  Door to door. – ()
(b) Villages after villages. – ()  Village after village. – ()
(c) Villages after villages were visited during the last election. – ()
Village after village was visited during the last election. – ()
 Two different Noun connected with a Preposition are free to be Singular or Plural but
get Verb with only the first-one.
Ex.:- The boy with his friends is going to Delhi. – ()
The boys with the teacher are going to Delhi. – ()
 Generally two Singular Nouns connected with ‘and’ become Plural & get Plural Verb.
Ex.:- The boy and the girl is absent today. – ()
The boy and the girl are absent today. – ()
 Two Singular Nouns that are used in pair as a unit and get connection with ‘and’ make a
Singular formation and use Singular Verb.
 Rice and Pulse, Bread and Butter, Horse and Cart …etc.

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Ex.:- Rice and Pulse are a heavy food. – ()
Rice and Pulse is a heavy food. – ()
 Two Material Nouns that are used in a solution and get connection with and make a
Singular formation and use Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Milk and Sugar are a tasty drink. – ()
Milk and Sugar is a tasty drink. – ()
 If more posts than one come together and only first-one gets Article make a Singular
formation and use Singular Verb.
Ex.:- The Manager, Director and Financer of this company are absent today. – ()
The Manager, Director and Financer of this company is absent today. – ()
 The + Adjective shows its entire community of the same quality that is Plural & gets
Plural Verb.
Note - यान रहे क इसके साथ ‘s / es’ People / Public का योग नह ं होता।
Ex.:- The Poor is very laborious. – ()
The Poor’s are very laborious. – ()
The Poor People are very laborious. – ()
The Poor are very laborious. – ()
 The + Adjective + Noun becomes Singular or Plural according to the Noun.
Ex.:- The Poor is very honest. – ()
The Poor are very honest. – ()
 Poem can be Singular or Plural according to its Number.
Ex.:- This is a nice Poem, written by J.L. Nehru. – ()
These are nice Poems, written by J.L. Nehru. – ()
 Poetry itself is Singular or Plural. It can’t be changed into Poetries.
Ex.:- This is a nice Poetry, written by J.L. Nehru. – ()
These are nice Poetries, written by J.L. Nehru. – ()
These are nice Poetry, written by J.L. Nehru. – ()
 Many + P.C.N + P.V
Ex.:- Many Student are laborious in Patna. – ()
Many Student is laborious in Patna. – ()
Many Students are laborious in Patna. – ()
 Many + a / an + S.C.N + S.V
Ex.:- Many a Student are laborious in Patna. – ()
Many a Students is laborious in Patna. – ()
Many a Student is laborious in Patna. – ()
 Bread being Uncountable it is Singular & gets Singular Verb.
Note - (a) It is made Countable adding ‘a Piece of/a loaf of’ before it.
(b) In Countable form it can be Singular or Plural according to its Number.
(c) Bread can’t be changed into Breads.
Ex.:- Bread is important for life. – ()
He is eating one bread. – ()
He is eating a piece of bread. – ()
He is eating five pieces of breads. – ()
 Advice being Uncountable it is Singular & gets Singular Verb.
Note - (a) It is made Countable adding ‘a piece of’ before it.
(b) In Countable form it can be Singular or Plural according to its Numbers.
(c) Advice can’t be changed into ‘Advices.’
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Ex.:- He has given me good advice. – ()
He has given me one good advice. – ()
He has given me a piece of good advice. – ()
He has give me five piece of good advices. – ()
He has give me five pieces of good advice. – ()
 Mischief being Uncountable it is Singular & gets Singular Verb.
Note - (a) It is made Countable adding ‘an act of’ before it.
(b) In Countable form it can be Singular or Plural according to its Number.
(c) Mischief can’t be changed into ‘Mischief’s.’
Ex.:- Your mischief was taken seriously. – ()
Your one mischief was taken seriously. – ()
An act of your mischief was taken seriously. – ()
Five acts of your mischiefs were taken seriously. – ()
Five acts of your mischief were taken seriously. – ()
 If Stone & Brick come in Construction work, they are used in Singular form & get
Singular Verb.
Ex.:- This house is built of stones and bricks. – ()
This house is built of stone and brick. – ()
Note - यान रहे क य द इसका योग Construction work के अलावे हो, तो ये अपनी गनती के
आधार पर Singular अथवा Plural हो सकते है ।
Ex.:- He gave me a stone to throw on the dog. – ()
He gave me five stones to throw on the dog. – ()
 Hair being Uncountable, It is Singular & get Singular Verb.
Ex.:- His hair are black. – ()
His hair is black. – ()
Note - यान रहे क य द Hair को गनती के तहत पेश कया जाय तो ये अपनी सं या के
आधार पर Singular अथवा Plural हो सकते ह।
Ex.:- I found his one hair white. – ()
I found his five hairs white. – ()
 Sheep, Offspring, Information, Deer, Fish, Staff …etc. themselves are Singular or Plural
they can’t get‘s’ or ‘es’ with them.
Ex.:- My brother has only-one offspring, named Golu. – ()
My uncle has three offsprings, two sons and a daughter. – ()
My uncle has three offspring, two sons and a daughter. – ()
 News, Ganges, Himalayas, Cross-Roads …etc. are Singular and get Singular Verb.
Ex.:- The News were very important for us. – ()
The News was very important for us. – ()
 Cattle, People, Public, Police, Electorate (मतदाता / मतदाता सू ची) …etc. are Plural & get
Plural Verb.
Ex.:- The Electorate of this area is not ready for the next election. – ()
The Electorate of this area are not ready for the next election. – ()
 ‘Police’ denotes its entire Police-department that is Plural & get Plural Verb.
Note - यान रहे क य द गनती के तहत दशाया जाय, तो एक सपाह के लए Police-Man तथा एक
से यादा के लए Police-Men का योग कया जाता है ।

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Ex.:- (a) The Police has arrested Raju in murder case. – ()
The Police have arrested Raju in murder case. – ()
(b) I saw a Police running after a thief. – ()
I saw a Police-man running after a thief. – ()
(c) I saw five Polices running after a thief. – ()
I saw five Police-men running after a thief. – ()
 Nouns that are made of two similar parts, in the absence of either part they lose their
Importance are Plural & get Plural Verb.
 Scissors, Shoes, Goggles, Gloves …etc.
Note - यान रहे क उपरो त Nouns के पहले य द “A pair of” जोड़ दया जाय, तो ये Singular हो
जाता ह, तथा Verb Singular लेते है ।
Ex.:- (a) My scissors are broken. – ()
My one scissor is broken. – ()
(b) A pair of my scissors are broken. – ()
A pair of my scissors is broken. – ()
 Alms (भीख), Eaves (दान), Riches (धन) are Plural & get Plural Verb.
Ex.:- Alms has been given to the beggar. – ()
Alms have been given to the beggar. – ()
 If a Person/Thing comes in uses is free to be Singular or Plural.
Ex.:- The Pen is red. – ()
The Pens are red. – ()
 If a Number (Digit) comes in uses is always use in Singular form & given Singular Verb.
Ex.:- 1 is a starting digit.
786 are a lucky number.
786 is a lucky number.
 The Part of body that is only-one in body is always used in Singular form and given
Singular Verb.
Ex.:- The tongues are very useful to taste. – ()
The tongue is very useful to taste. – ()
 Parts of body that are two in body, in the absence of either part man can be alive (जी वत)
become Singular or Plural according to their number.
Ex.:- The beggar has only-one hand, but I have two hands.
 Parts of body that are two in body & both are essential for life are always used in Plural
form & given Plural Verb.
Ex.:- Lungs (फेफड़े), Bowels (आंत) …etc.
 One/Any + Singular Countable Noun + Singular Verb.
Ex.:- One students is absent today. – ()
One student is absent today. – ()
 One/Any + of + P.C.N + S.V
Ex.:- One of the student is very laborious in my class. – ()
One of the students are very laborious in my class. – ()
One of the students is very laborious in my class. – ()
 Number + Noun (Person/Thing)
Note - In this condition Noun becomes Singular or Plural according to the Number.

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Ex.:- One boy is absent today. – ()
Ten boys are absent today. – ()
 Number + Measurement.
Note - In this condition measurement is free to be Singular or Plural but gets Verb only
in Singular form.
Ex.:- One mile is a long distance. – ()
Ten miles is a long distance. – ()
 Number + Measurement + Measured.
Note - In this condition measurement is always Singular but gets Verb according to the
Ex.:- Ten men committee. – ()  Ten man committee. – ()
Fifty rupees-note. – ()  Fifty rupee-note. – ()
Five years Plan. – ()  Five year Plan. – ()
 A ten rupees-note has been given to Ram. – ()
 A ten rupee-note has been given to Ram. – ()
 Ten rupee-notes have been given to Ram. – ()
 Number + Number + Measurement + Measured.
Note - In this condition measurement is always Singular but gets Verb according to the
Combination of first Number & Measured.
Ex.:- One, ten rupees-note has been given to Ram. – ()
One, ten rupee-note has been given to Ram. – ()
Ten, ten rupee-notes have been given to Ram. – ()

 Uses of Noun 
  Word 
(a) Group of letters – {S / P} (b) Promise – {Singular}
 To show group of letters word can be changed into ‘Words’ according to its
Ex.:- Boy is a word that has three letters. – ()
Boy and toy are two words in which each has three letters. – ()
 In the sense of Promise word can’t be changed into ‘Words’.
Ex.:- I give you a word to join your party. – ()
Kaikeyee had taken three pieces of words from Dashrath. – ()
Kaikeyee had taken three pieces of word from Dashrath. – ()
  Work 
(a) Action – (काय) – {Singular} (b) Writing – (रचना) – {S / P}
 In the sense of Action work can’t be changed into ‘Works’.
Ex.:- I have to finish a piece of work. – ()
I have to finish many piece of works. – ()
I have to finish many pieces of work. – ()
 To show writing ‘work’ can be changed into ‘works’.
Ex.:- The Goddan is a work of Premchand. – ()
The Goddan & the Gabban are works of Premchand. – ()
  Brother 
(a) Brothers – {Plural} (b) Brethren – {Plural}

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 Brothers come as the Plural form of Brother to show Brotherhood in Blood-
Ex.:- Mukesh Ambani and Anil Ambani are brothers.
 Brethren come as the Plural form of Brother to show Brotherhood in
Communities or Persons working in the same department.
Ex.:- Hindus and Muslims are brothers. – ()
Hindus and Muslims are brethren. – ()
  Cloth 
(a) Cloths – (पहनावे के अ त र त) – {Plural}
Ex.:- All the table clothes are dirty in my office. – ()
All the table cloths are dirty in my office. – ()
(b) Clothes – (पहनावे के लए) – (Plural)
Ex.:- The cloths you are wearing are very fantastic. – ()
The clothes you are wearing are very fantastic. – ()
  Wages 
(a) Remuneration – (पा र मक) – {Plural} (b) Punishment – (सजा) – {S}
 In the sense of Remuneration wages is Plural and get Plural Verb.
Ex.:- The wages of the workers has been paid in this company. – ()
The wages of the workers have been paid in this company. – ()
 In the sense of Punishment wages is Singular and gets Singular verb.
Ex.:- The wages of this crime are death. – ()
The wages of this crime is death. – ()
  Issue 
(a) Agenda – (मु दा) – {S / P} (b) Off Spring – (औलाद) – {S}
 In the sense of ‘Agenda’ Issue can be changed into ‘Issues’ according to its
Ex.:- Poverty is a big Issue for Bihar. – ()
Poverty and flood are big Issues for Bihar. – ()
 In the sense of Off Spring Issue can’t be changed into ‘Issues’.
Ex.:- My brother has only one Issue, named Golu. – ()
My uncle has three Issues, two sons and a daughter. – ()
My uncle has three Issue, two sons and a daughter. – ()
  Value 
(a) Price – ( व यमू य) – Selling Value (b) Cost – ( यमू य) – Purchasing Value
 Cost comes to show Purchasing value & Price comes for selling value, both
can’t be used together for the same Amount.
Ex.:- This is the Cost Price of this Car. – ()
This is the Cost/Price of this Car. – ()
  Genius 
(a) Geniuses – (कुशा बु धवाला) (b) Genii – (भू त - पशाच)
 Geniuses come as the Plural form of Genius not Genii, because it denotes

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Ex.:- M.K. Gandhi was a genius of our country. – ()
M.K. Gandhi and J.L. Nehru were genii of our country. – ()
M.K. Gandhi and J.L. Nehru were geniuses of our country. – ()
  Unmarried 
(a) Bachelor – {Male} (b) Maid – {Female}
 Bachelor comes to denote an unmarried male.
Ex.:- Rahul Gandhi is a maid. – ()
Rahul Gandhi is a bachelor. – ()
 Maid comes to denote an unmarried female.
Ex.:- Uma Bharti is a bachelor. – ()
Uma Bharti is a maid. – ()
  Currency 
(a) Rupee – {Countable} (b) Money – {Uncountable}
 Rupee comes as the Countable form of Currency.
Ex.:- He has given me five money. – ()
He has given me five rupees. – ()
 Money comes as the Uncountable form of Currency.
Ex.:- He has given me much rupees. – ()
He has given me much money. – ()
  Proof 
(a) Evidence – (व तु) (b) Witness – (मानव)
 Witness comes to denote a person if ‘He / She’ becomes the proof for
Ex.:- An old man was only one evidence of a murder. – ()
An old man was only one witness of the murder. – ()
 Evidence comes to denote something if it works as the proof for something.
Ex.:- A fired gun was found as the only one witness of the murder. – ()
A fired gun was found as the only one evidence of the murder. – ()
  Light 
(a) Brightness – ( काश) – {S} (b) Source of light – ( काश के ोत) – {S / P}
 In the sense of Brightness light can’t be changed into lights.
Ex.:- There is sufficient Sunlights to study in this room. – ()
There is sufficient Sunlight to study in this room. – ()
 To show sources light can be changed into lights.
Ex.:- There is only one light in my office that is a bulb. – ()
There are five lights in my class, all are bulbs. – ()
  Residence 
(a) House – ( कसी का भी घर) (b) Home – (अपना घर)
 यान रहे क ‘House’ को दशा नदशन हे तु ‘to’ दया जाता ह, जब क ‘Home’ के साथ इसका
योग नह ं होता।
Ex.:- I am going to house. – ()
I am going to home. – ()
I am going home. – ()

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  Index 
(a) Indexes – (सू चकांक) – {Plural} (b) Indices - (घातांक) – {Plural}
Ex.:- The Indices of Dalal Street are going higher and higher. – ()
The Indexes of Dalal Street are going higher and higher. – ()
I can’t solve the question related to Indexes. – ()
I can’t solve the question related to Indices. – ()
  Care 
(a) Care – (दे ख-रे ख) – {Singular} (b) Cares – ( चं ताए) – {S / P}
 In the sense of Nurture (पालन पोषण) ‘Care’ is used that is Singular and gets Singular
Ex.:- Your care on this baby is very good.
 In the sense of Anxiety ( चं ता) Cares is used that is Plural and gets Plural Verb.
Ex.:- My cares for the next result are increasing day by day.
  Cousin 
(a) Brother (b) Sister
 Cousin itself denotes Brother or Sister. It can’t be used as cousin brother or cousin
Ex.:- Mohan is my cousin brother. – ()
Mohan is my cousin. – ()
 No Room – It denotes No vacant space.
Ex.:- There is No Room in this room. - {इस कमरे मे जगह खाल नह ं है ।}
  Paper 
(a) Writing Element – (कागज) – {S} (b) Documents – (कागजात) – {S / P}
 To show a writing element Paper can’t be changed into ‘Papers’.
Ex.:- My brother is doing his job in Papers-work. – ()
My brother is doing his job in Paper-work. – ()
 In the sense of document Paper can be changed into Papers.
Ex.:- I have lost the Papers of my Matriculation.
 Good Morning, Good Evening, Hi, Hello, Hullo …etc are meeting Greetings, they can’t
be used for departure.
Ex.:- Good Night Sir, How are you? – ()
Good Morning Sir, How are you? – ()
 Good Night, Bye! Bye, See you, Have a nice day …etc are greetings for departure, they
can’t be use for meeting.
Ex.:- Good Evening Sir, See you tomorrow. – ()
Good Night Sir, See you tomorrow. – ()
 Both, Many, Several, Between, Among, A Number of, few …etc + P. C. Noun.
Ex.:- Several Students are laborious in Patna. - {पटना मे कई छा मेहनती है ।}
 Much, Little, A amount of …etc + Singular Uncountable Noun.
Ex.:- Much rice was remaining in the kitchen.
 All, Some, Most, A lot of, Lots of, A great deal of, A good deal of …etc. का योग तथा
Uncountable दोन ह तरह के Nouns के लए होता ह, अतः इनके बाद Countable Noun का व प
Plural होता ह, जब क Uncountable Singular Countable व प मे माना जाता ह।
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Ex.:- A lot of student are present in the class. – ( )
A lot of rice is remaining in the kitchen. – ( )
 यान रहे क Miser, Coward, Foul …etc. अपने आप मे ह Noun तथा Adjective दोन क
भू मका नभाते ह, अतः ये अकेले रहने पर भी Article हण करते ह।
Ex.:- Ram is miser. – ()  Ram is a miser. – ()

 Some Nouns gets ‘s’ to change their meaning not to be Plural.

Nouns – Changed meanings with ‘s’
Physic {दवा} – Physics {भौतक }
Air {हवा} – Airs {घमंड}
Powder {चू ण} – Powders {खु राक}
Copper {तांबा} – Coppers { स का}

Sand {बालू} – Sands {बालू का ढे र / रे ग तान}

Fruit {फल} – Fruits {प रणाम}
Iron {लोहा} – Irons {जंजीर / हथकड़ी}
Pain {दद} – Pains { यास}
Premise { तावना} – Premises {भवन/घेरा}
Quarter {चौथाई} – Quarters { नवास}
Custom { था} …etc – Customs {चु ंगी कर} …etc

 Common Errors of Noun 

 ‘English teacher’ is not used for an Indian, it should be ‘The teacher of English
 ‘Cent-Percent’ is not used, it should be ‘Hundred-Percent’
 ‘Word by word’ is not used, it should be ‘Word for word / Word to word’
 ‘Cooker’ is not used for a Person, It should be ‘Cook’
 ‘Speak a lie’ is not used, It should be ‘Tell a lie’
 ‘Tell the Truth’ is not used, It should be ‘Speak the Truth’
 ‘Strong Air’ is wrong, It should be ‘Strong Wind’
 ‘Mild Wind’ is wrong, It should be ‘Mild Air’
 ‘Look’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘looks’
 ‘Clothing’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Clothings’
 ‘Earning’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Earnings’
 ‘Arrear’ is not used, It should be ‘Arrears’
 ‘Greeting’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Greetings’
 ‘Regard’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Regards’
 ‘Inning’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Innings’
 ‘Billiard’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Billiards’

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 ‘Tiding’ is not used, It should be ‘Tidings’
 ‘Measle’ is wrong, It should be ‘Measles’
 ‘Ricket’ is wrong, It should be ‘Rickets’
 ‘Free Ship’ is not used, It should be ‘Free- Student Ship’
 ‘Lecturer ship’ is not used, It should be ‘Lecturer / Lecture ship’
 ‘Return back’ is not used, It should be ‘Return / Come back’
 ‘Return’ is not used as cash, It should be ‘Returns’
 ‘Foretell + Future event’ is not used, It should be ‘Foretell / Tell future event’
 ‘Ground’ is not used as a purchasing or selling thong, It should be ‘a Plot of
ground / a piece of ground’
 ‘Ground’ is not used as Proof, It should be ‘Grounds’
 ‘Congratulation’ is not used, It should be ‘Congratulations’
 ‘Thank’ is not used, It should be ‘Thanks’
 ‘Final Conclusion’ is not used, It should be ‘Conclusion / Final decision’
 ‘Annal’ is not used it should be ‘Annals’
 ‘Surrounding’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Surroundings’
 ‘Menkind’ is wrong, It should be ‘Mankind’
 ‘Out skirt’ is wrong, It should be ‘Out skirts’
 ‘Where about’ is wrong, It should be ‘Where abouts’
 ‘Good’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Goods’
 ‘Belonging’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Belongings’
 ‘Breakable’ is wrong as Noun, It should be ‘Breakables’
 ‘Valuable’ is wrong as Noun, It should be ‘Valuables’
 ‘Two-third’ is wrong, It should be ‘Two-thirds’
 ‘Sign’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Signature’
 ‘Copy’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Copy book / Note book’
 ‘Mark’ is not used as Result, It should be ‘Marks’
 ‘Family Member’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Member of the family’
 ‘Sale-Representative’ is wrong, It should be ‘Sales-Representative / Sales-Man’
 ‘At odd’ is wrong, It should be ‘At odds’
 ‘Vegetable’ is not used for uncooked things, It should be ‘Vegetables’
 ‘Curd’ is not used, It should be ‘Curds’
 ‘Half-Pant’ is not used, It should be ‘Shorts’
 ‘Doing’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Doings’
 ‘Study’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Studies’
 ‘Remaining’ is not used as Noun, It should be ‘Remainings / Remainder’
 ‘The haves not’ is wrong, It should be ‘The have nots’
 ‘Get by Memory’ is wrong, It should be ‘Get by heart’
 ‘Quote from heart’ is wrong, It should be ‘Quote from memory’

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 ‘Fooding and lodging’ is wrong, It should be ‘Food and lodging’
 ‘Board and lodging’ is wrong, It should be ‘Boarding and lodging’
 ‘At loggers-head’ is wrong, It should be ‘At logger-heads’
 ‘Talking-Term’ is wrong, It should be ‘Speaking-Term’
 ‘Meals’ is wrong, It should be ‘Meal’
 ‘End of the finger’ is wrong, It should be ‘End of the fingers’
 ‘Horse-Backs’ is wrong, It should be ‘Horse-Back’
 ‘Nuptial’ is not used, It should be ‘Nuptials’
 ‘Picture’ is not used as Cinema, It should be ‘Pictures’
 ‘Talky’ is not used as Cinema, It should be ‘Talkies’
 ‘Movie’ is not used as Cinema, It should be ‘Movies’
 ‘Mr.’& ‘Mrs.’ can’t be used alone a Noun must be used with it.
Ex.:- Hello Mr. How are you? – ()
Hello Mr. Ram, How are you? – ()

Noun Chapter is the End.

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Mishra English Study Centre

BY – M. K. Mishra

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 Pronoun is a word used at the place of Noun.
Ex.:- (a) Ram is a Dancer. (b) He is a Dancer.
 According to uses Pronoun can be classified into eight forms.
1. P - Personal Pronoun
2. R - Reflexive Pronoun
3. I - Indefinite Pronoun
4. D - Demonstrative Pronoun
5. E - Emphatic Pronoun
6. R - Relative Pronoun
7. I - Interrogative Pronoun
8. D - Distributive Pronoun
1. Personal Pronoun - Personal Pronoun stands for three Persons.
Person Subjective Case Possessive Case Objective Case
1st I / We My/Mine, Our/Ours Me/Us
2 You Your/Yours You
3 He, She, It, They His, Her / Hers, Its Him, Her, It
One Their/Theirs, One’s Them, One
* Facts 
 If different kinds of Persons come together are arranged into 231 Order.
Ex.:- Ram, I and You were going to Delhi. – ()
You, Ram and I were going to Delhi. – ()
Note –
23  Ram and You can solve the Question. – ()
You and Ram can solve the Question. – ()
31  I and Ram can solve the Question. – ()
Ram and I can solve the Question. – ()
21  I and You can solve the Question. – ()
You and I can solve the Question. – ()
 If different kinds of Persons come together and they do an Illegal work in sentence are
arranged into 123 Order.
Ex.:- You, I and Ram were going to kill Raju. – ()
I, You and Ram were going to kill Raju. – ()
 If different kinds of Persons come together and 1 Person is also Present in them get their
combined Possession by Our.
Ex.:- You Ram and I have completed your task. – ()
You Ram and I have completed our task. – ()
 If different kinds of Persons come together and 1 Person is not Present in them get their
combined Possession by Your.
Ex.:- You and Ram have completed his task. – ()
You and Ram have completed your task. – ()

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 ‘They + Who’ can’t be used, It should be “Those + Who” in uses.
Ex.:- They who are sitting here are mad. – ()
Those who are sitting here are mad. – ()
 One  Single (One + Verb) – His / Her / Its
 One  Everybody / Anybody (One + Verb) – One’s
Note - 1st – In the sense of Single One + of + …., is used that gets Possession by His \ Her \
Ex.:- One of you has left one’s pen in the class. – ()
One of you has left his pen in this class. – ()
Note - 2 – In the sense of Everybody\Anybody One + Verb is used that gets Possession
by One’s.
Ex.:- One must help his friends on trouble. – ()
One must help one’s friends on trouble. – ()
 Uses of It 
 Generally ‘It’ comes to denote a Singular Nonliving Thing.
Ex.:- I have a pen it runs very well.
 It comes to denote an Animal.
Ex.:- I have a dog it is red.
 It comes to denote a Little Baby.
Ex.:- I have a nephew it is very naughty.
 It comes to introduce a Natural rule or Event.
Ex.:- It is Sunday today.
 It comes as the Subject of an Emphatic Sentence.
 It + Auxiliary Verb + Subject
Ex.:- It is I who can solve this Question.
 It comes to make a Pre-Statement about something.
Ex.:- It is right that honesty is the best policy.
Note – Honesty is the best policy, this is right. – {Post Statement}

2. Reflexive Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun that reflects the work of Subject to
the subject is called Reflexive Pronoun.
Ex.:- Myself, Yourself, Himself …etc.
* Facts 
 Each and Every Personal Pronoun gets its Particular Reflexive form.
Ex.:- I - Myself
We - Ourselves
Your - Yourself \Yourselves
He - Himself
She - Herself
It - Itself
They - Themselves
One - Oneself
 It is always used at the place of Object, it can’t be used as the Subject of a Sentence.
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 It shows Hindi meaning “खु द को, वयं को, अपने आप को, वतः को …etc”
Ex.:- He cheats myself every time. – ()
He cheats himself every time. – ()
Ram and myself can do this work. – ()
Ram and I can do this work. – ()

3. Indefinite Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun, that shows the Noun in Indefinite
way, is called Indefinite Pronoun.
Ex.:- All, Some, Most, Many, Much, Few, Little …etc.
* Facts 
 If it comes for Countable Noun gets a Plural formation and uses Plural Verb.
Ex.:- Most of the students is laborious in my class. – ()
Most of the students are laborious in my class. – ()
 If it comes for an Uncountable Noun, It gets a Singular formation and uses Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Most of the rice are boiled in my kitchen. – ()
Most of the rice is boiled in my kitchen. – ()
 यान रहे क Pronoun िजसका अंत One/Body/Thing से होता है, उसे भी Indefinite Pronoun
के अंतगत रखा जाता है, और इसका Verb सदा – सदा Singular दया जाता है।
Ex.:- Someone are calling you outside the building. – ()
Someone is calling you outside the building. – ()

4. Demonstrative Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun that demonstrates the Noun is
called Demonstrative Pronoun.
Ex.:- This, That, These and Those.
 Uses 
 This -
 This comes to demonstrate a Singular Noun that is nearer to the speaker.
Ex.:- Look here, this is my new car.
 This comes to introduce someone or something.
Ex.:- Meat him, this is my old friend.
 This comes to make a Post-Statement about something.
Ex.:- Honesty is the best policy, this is right.
 That -
 That comes to demonstrate a Singular Noun that is far from the speaker.
Ex.:- Look there in the corner that is my old car.
 That comes to make one’s Recognition. - (पहचान)
Ex.:- Look there on the stage that is Kadar Khan in red T-Shirt.
 If we talk about two persons or things use this to denote Second-One and that for the First-
Ex.:- Sonia and Advani both are good leaders, this belongs to the BJP and that belong to the
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 These -
 It comes to demonstrate Plural Nouns that are nearer to the speaker.
Ex.:- Look here, these are my new cars.
 Those -
 Those, comes to demonstrate Plural Nouns that are far from the speaker.
Ex.:- Look there in the corner, those are my old cars.
 Those + who comes as the replacement of ‘They + who’.
Ex.:- They who are sitting in my class are mad. – ()
Those who are sitting in my class are mad. – ()

5. Emphatic Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun that Emphasis the Noun is called
Emphatic Pronoun.
Ex.:- Myself, Yourself, Himself …etc.
* Facts 
 Each and every Personal Pronoun gets its Particular Emphatic from.
Ex.:- I = Myself, We = Ourselves …etc.
 It comes just after the subject and before the Verb.
 It shows Hindi meaning – खु द ह / वयं ह / अपने आप ह / वतः ह
Ex.:- I himself can do this work. – ()
I myself can do this work. – ()

6. Interrogative Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun that arises Question for the Noun, is
called Interrogative Pronoun.
Ex.:- Who, Which, What, Whom …etc.

 Uses of Interrogative Pronoun 

 Who comes to arise Question for Human being that is the Subject of a Sentence.
Ex.:- Ram is a Dancer.
Who is a Dancer?  Ram
 Whose comes to arise Question for the Possession of Human being.
Ex.:- Ram’s brother is a Dancer.
Whose brother is a Dancer?  Ram’s brother
 Whom comes to arise Question for Human being that is the Object of a Sentence.
Ex.:- Ram killed Ravan.
Whom did Ram kill?  Ravan
 What comes to arise Question for Neuter Gender that is the Subject of a Sentence.
Ex.:- Plastic is burning in the room.
What is burning in the room?  Plastic
 What comes to arise Question for a Neuter Gender that is the Object of a Sentence also.
Ex.:- I have bought Plastic.
What have I bought?  Plastic
 Of which comes to arise Question for the Possession of Neuter Gender.

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Ex.:- The nib of the Red Pen is broken.
Of which nib is broken?  The nib of the Red Pen
 What comes to arise Question for Human being also to know one’s Name or Occupation?
Ex.:- What is your Name?  My Name is Pritam
What is your Father?  My father is a Press Reporter
 Which comes to arises Question for Human being and Neuter Gender both to make Question
+ Selection.
Ex.:- Who of you can solve the Question? – ()
Which of you can solve the Question? – ()
What of the Pens is running well? – ()
Which of the Pens is running well? – ()
* Facts 
 It comes in the beginning of a Sentence.
 It gets Question mark (?) to finish its Sentence.
 It shows Hindi meaning beginning with ‘Ka’ (क)

7. Relative Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun, that makes relation of the Noun is
called Relative Pronoun.
Ex.:- Who, Which, What, Whom, That …etc.
 Uses 
 Who, comes as Relative Pronoun for Human being that is the Subject of a Sentence.
Ex.:- Ram which is a Dancer is my friend. – ()
Ram who is a Dancer is my friend. – ()
 Whom, comes as Relative Pronoun for Human being that is the Object of a Sentence.
Ex.:- I know the boy about who you are talking. – ()
I know the boy about whom you are talking. – ()
 Note – यान रहे क इस अव था मे Whom के थान पर भी Who का योग तब संभव है, जब
इससे संबि धत Preposition वा य के अं तम भाग मे चला जाए।
Ex.:- I know the boy whom you are talking about. – ()
I know the boy who you are talking about. – ()
 Which, comes as Relative Pronoun for a Neuter gender that is the Subject of a Sentence?
Ex.:- The Pen, who is red, is running well. – ()
The Pen, which is red, is running well. – ()
 Which, comes as Relative Pronoun for a Neuter gender that is the Object of a Sentence also?
Ex.:- I like the Pen, whom you have bought. – ()
I like the Pen, which you have bought. – ()
 Of which, comes as Relative for the Possession of a Neuter gender.
Ex.:- The Pen, whose nib is red, is running well. – ()
The Pen of which nib is red is running well. – ()
 That comes as Relative Pronoun for a Neuter gender that is the Subject of a Sentence.
Ex.:- The Pen, which is red, is running well. – ()
The Pen, that is red, is running well. – ()
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 That comes as Relative Pronoun for a Neuter gender that is the Object of a Sentence also.
Ex.:- I like the Pen, which you have bought. – ()
I like the Pen that you have bought. – ()
 That’s, comes as Relative for the Possession of Neuter gender.
Ex.:- The Pen of which nib is red is running well. – ()
The Pen that’s nib is red is running well. – ()
 None / Only, gets Relative Pronoun that after itself.
Ex.:- Ram is the only student who can solve this Question. – ()
Ram is the only student that can solve this Question. – ()
 If Human being and none living thing both come together use Relative Pronoun that after
Ex.:- I saw Mohan and his car who were standing aside the road. – ()
I saw Mohan and his car that were standing aside the road. – ()
 An Indefinite Pronoun prefers Relative Pronoun that after itself.
Ex.:- All that glitters is not gold. – ()
Is there anyone that can solve this Question? – ()
 “Suppose + that” comes to make an Imagination.
Ex.:- Suppose which you have no money and you are hungry, how can you get food? – ()
Suppose that you have no money and you are hungry, how can you get food? – ()
Note – यान रहे क Supposing के साथ ‘That’ का योग नह ं होता।
Ex.:- Supposing that you have no money and you are hungry, how can you get food? – ()
Supposing you have no money and you are hungry how can you get food? – ()
Suppose that = Supposing
 One + of + P.C.N ….. +that / who.
Ex.:- Ram is one of the Players that are playing in this Match.
 “Same …….. As” comes to make Similarity between two Persons or things.
Ex.:- I have the same car as Raju has.
 “Same …….. That” comes to Re-Introduce a Persons or things.
Ex.:- He had given me the same car that was not running.
 “Such …….. As” comes to make Similarity between the actions of two Persons or things.
Ex.:- He is singing such sweetly as Sonu Nigam sings.
 “Such …….. That” comes to show the Quality of one’s action.
Ex.:- He is singing such sweetly which attracts everybody. – ()
He is singing such sweetly that attracts everybody. – ()
 “As …….. As” comes to make Similarity between the Qualities of two Person or things.
Ex.:- Ram is as smart as Shyam.
 “So …… As” comes to make Similarity between the Qualities of two Persons or things.
Note – यान रहे क यह केवल-केवल Negative Structure मे यु त होता ह।
Ex.:- Ram is not so smart as Shyam.
 “So + that” comes to show the target of an action.
Ex.:- I am going to Delhi so which I can get a good job. – ()
I am going to Delhi so that I can get a good job. – ()

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* Facts 
 A Relative Pronoun comes amid the Sentence.
Ex.:- Ram who is a Dancer is my friend.
Note – यान रहे क ‘What’ का योग Relative Pronoun के प मे वा य के शु आत मे भी हो सकता है ।
Ex.:- What you say is not right. – ()
I know what you say. – ()
 It shows full stop to finish its Sentence.
 It shows Hindi meaning beginning with ‘ज’
 ायः कोई Relative Pronoun उस श द के तु रंत बाद आता है , िजसके लए योग कया जाता हो।
Ex.:- I like Dhoni’s Performance, who is a great player. – ()
I like the Performance of Dhoni, who is a great player. – ()
I like Dhoni’s Performance, which is good. – ()
 A Relative Pronoun gets verbs according to the Noun and Pronoun for which it comes.
Ex.:- The Pen that is red is running well. – ()
The Pens that are red are running well. – ()
 It + is / was + they + who …
Note – यान रहे क एक मा इसी Condition मे ‘They + who’ का Structure आ सकता है , अ यथा बांक
जगह पर ‘Those + who’ का योग होता है ।
Ex.:- It is they who can do this work.

8. Distributive Pronoun - A word used at the Place of Noun that shows the Noun in Distributive
way is called Distributive Pronoun.
Ex.:- Each, Everyone, Either, Neither.
* Facts 
 It is Singular and gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Everyone are laborious in my class. – ()
Everyone is laborious in my class. – ()
 Two Distributive Pronouns connected with and also make a Singular formation and use
Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Each and Everyone are laborious in my class. – ()
Each and Everyone is laborious in my class. – ()
 Distributive Pronoun + of + Plural Noun / Pronoun + S.V
Ex.:- Each of the Students are laborious in my class. – ()
Each of the Students is laborious in my class. – ()
 Plural Noun / Pronoun + Distributive + Plural Verb.
Ex.:- We each is laborious in our class. – ()
We each are laborious in our class. – ()

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 Uses of Pronoun 
* Either / Any / Anyone
 Either - It is used to select one from given two options.
Ex.:- Any of Ram and Shyam can solve the Question. – ()
Either of Ram and Shyam can solve the Question. – ()
 Any / Anyone - It is used to select one from given more than two options.
Ex.:- Either of the ten Students can solve this Question. – ()
Any of the ten Students can solve this Question. – ()
* Neither / None
 Neither - It comes to neglect both of the given two options.
Ex.:- None of Ram and Shyam could solve the Question. – ()
Neither of Ram and Shyam could solve the Question. – ()
 None - It comes to neglect all of the given more than two options.
Ex.:- Neither of the ten Students could solve the Question. – ()
None of the ten Students could solve the Question. – ()
* Each / Everyone
 Each - It comes to show two or more than two options in Distributive way.
Ex.:- Everyone of Ram and Shyam is very laborious. – ()
Each of Ram and Shyam is very laborious. – ()
Each of the ten Students is very laborious. – ()
 Everyone - It comes to show more than two options in Distributive way.
Ex. :- Everyone of the ten Student is very laborious.
* Both / All
 Both - It comes to show two options together.
Ex.:- All of Ram and Shyam are very laborious. – ()
Both of Ram and Shyam are very laborious. – ()
 All - It comes to show more than two options together.
Ex.:- Both of the ten Students are very laborious. – ()
All of the ten Students are very laborious. – ()
* Each other / One another
 Each other - It comes to show a Reciprocal Relation between two Parties.
Ex.:- Mohan and Sohan help one another in trouble. – ()
Mohan and Sohan help each other in trouble. – ()
 One another - It comes to show a Reciprocal Relation among more than two Parties.
Ex.:- Ram, Shyam, Mohan and Sohan help each other in trouble. – ()
Ram, Shyam, Mohan and Sohan help one another in trouble. – ()
 Two Subjects connected with – as well as, along with, with, and not, rather than, except, like,
unlike, in addition to, accompanied by …etc. get Pronoun and Verb according to the first
Ex.:- I as well as you are able to your duty. – ()
I as well as you am able to my duty. – ()

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 Two Subjects connected with – or / nor / not only…. but also get Pronoun and Verb according
to the second Subject.
Ex.:- Not only Mohan but also Sita has completed his task. – ()
Not only Mohan but also Sita has completed her task. – ()
Note – यान रहे क य द उपरो त से एक Singular तथा एक Plural Subject जु ड़ा हो तो Singular पहले
तथा Plural बाद मे रखा जाता ह।
Ex.:- Not only have the Teacher but also the Students of this class performed their duty. – ()
Neither Mohan nor Sita has completed his task. – ()
Neither Mohan nor Sita has completed her task. – ()
 If more post then one come together and only first one gets Article make a Singular formation
and get Pronoun He / She group.
Ex.:- The Manager, Director and Financer of this company has performed their duty honestly. – ()
The Manager, Director and Financer of this company has performed his duty honestly. – ()
 If more post then one came together and all get Article make a Plural formation and use
Pronoun they group.
Ex.:- The Manager, the Director and the Financer of this company have performed his duty
honestly. – ()
The Manager, the Director and the Financer of this company have performed their duty
honestly. – ()
 The + Adjective shows the entire community of the same quality that is Plural and gets
Pronoun they group.
Ex.:- The Poor perform his duty very honestly. – ()
The Poor perform their duty very honestly. – ()
 The + Adjective + Noun gets Pronoun and Verb according to the Noun.
Ex.:- The tall boy is doing his duty. – ()
The tall girl is doing her duty. – ()
The red pen is lying on its place. – ()
The tall boys are doing their duty. – ()
 If the Members of a Distributive Collective Noun are Unanimous, they make a Singular
formation and use Pronoun its group.
Ex.:- The committee has taken their decision in this case. – ()
The committee has taken its decision in this case. – ()
 If the Members of a Distributive Collective Noun are different in opinion, they make a Plural
formation and use Pronoun they group.
Ex.:- The committees have not taken its decision in this case. – ()
The committees have not taken their decision in this case. – ()
 An Indefinite Pronoun ending with one / body get Personal form He / She group.
Ex.:- Someone has left their pen in the room. – ()
Someone has left his pen in the room. – ()
 An Indefinite Pronoun ending with thing gets Personal form it group.
Ex.:- Something is burning on their place. – ()
Something is burning on its place. – ()
 Both / Many / Several / A Number of / Few …etc. = They group.
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Ex.:- Both of the Students have completed his task. – ()
Both of the Students have completed their task. – ()
 Much / Little / An Amount of …etc. = It group.
Ex.:- Much of the Rice is remaining on their place. – ()
Much of the Rice is remaining on its place. – ()
 Most / All / Some / A Lot of / Lots of / A Great Deal of / A Good Deal of …etc. का योग
Countable तथा Uncountable दोन ह तरह के Noun के लए होता ह। अतः Countable व प के तहत
इ हे Plural दशाते हु ए, Pronoun ‘They’ - group आता है , जब क Uncountable व प के तहत

Singular प दशाते हु ए Pronoun ‘It’ - group आता ह।

Ex.:- Most of the Students have completed his task. – ()
Most of the Students have completed their task. – ()
Most of the Rice is remaining on their place. – ()
Most of the Rice is remaining on its place. – ()
 Each, Everyone, Either, Neither – (Distributive Pronoun) = He / She group.
Ex.:- Everyone has performed their duty honestly. – ()
Everyone has performed his duty honestly. – ()
 Distributive Pronoun + of us = We group.
Ex.:- Each of us has completed his task. – ()
Each of us has completed our task. – ()
 Distributive Pronoun + of you = You group.
Ex.:- Each of you has completed his task. – ()
Each of you has completed your task. – ()
 Distributive Pronoun + of them = He / She / It group.
Ex.:- Each of them has completed their task. – ()
Each of them has completed his task. – ()
 Distributive Pronoun + of + Plural (Male) = He group.
Ex.:- Each of the boys has completed their task. – ()
Each of the boys has completed his task. – ()
 Distributive Pronoun + of + Plural (Female) = She group.
Ex.:- Each of the girls has completed her task.
 Distributive Pronoun + of + Plural Neuter gender = It group.
Ex.:- Each of the pens is lying on their place. – ()
Each of the pens is lying on its place. – ()
 Same can’t be used as the Subject or Object of a Sentence, It should be Same one / Same body / Same
Ex.:- Ram made a mistake and the same was repeated by Shyam. – ()
Ram made a mistake and the same thing was repeated by Shyam. – ()
 The Repetition of Noun is avoided in Comparison, It is Replaced by using ‘That of / Those of’
Ex.:- The Culture of India is better than the Culture of America. – ()
The Culture of India is better than that of America. – ()
The Roads of Patna are better than the Roads of Washington. – ()
The Roads of Patna are better than those of Washington. – ()

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 Avail (लाभ उठाना), Evil (फायदा उठाना), Present (पेश करना), Absent (नाम वापस लेना), Enjoy
(आनंद उठाना), Disguise (भेष बदलना), Prostrate (दं डवत करना), Sacrifice (ब लदान करना) …etc.
Verbs get Reflexive Pronoun after themselves.
Note – यान रहे क य द उपरो त Verbs के तु रंत बाद Object मौजू द हो, तो इनमे Reflexive नह ं आता,
परं तु य द इनका Object अपने पहले Preposition हण करे , तो उस Preposition के पहले Reflexive
Pronoun आता ह।
Ex.:- He availed the opportunity, he got last year. – ()
He availed of the opportunity, he got last year. – ()
He availed himself of the opportunity, he got last year. – ()
 The Superfluous use of Pronoun should be provided, It makes the Sentence incorrect.
Ex.:- Ram who is a Dancer, who is my friend. – ()
Ram, who is a Dancer, is my friend. – ()
The People of India when they knew Nehru’s death they were rudely shocked. – ()
The People of India when they knew Nehru’s death were rudely shocked. – ()

Pronoun Chapter is the End.

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चरण / हद / दायरा

Mishra English Study Centre

BY – M. K. Mishra

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 Degree is the measurement of a quality.
 A quality can be measured into three Degrees.
1. Positive Degree
2. Comparative Degree
3. Superlative Degree
 Positive Degree – If a quality is shown in simple way is called in Positive Degree.
Ex.:- Ram is a smart boy.
 Comparative Degree – If a quality makes comparison is called in Comparative Degree.
Ex.:- Ram is smarter than Shyam.
 Superlative Degree – If a quality shows its highest or lowest quantity is called in Superlative
Ex.:- Ram is the smartest boy of my class.
* Rules & Uses 
 ायः कोई Quality ज म से Positive होती ह, िजसे कु छ नयम के तहत Comparative or Superlative
बनाया जाता है, और वे न न ह -
1. Generally a Positive form becomes Comparative, adding ‘er’ and Superlative adding ‘est’
after itself.
Note - Comparative बनाने के बाद ‘than’ जोड़ा जाता ह, जब क Superlative से पहले ‘the’ जोड़ा
जाता ह।
 Positive Comparative Superlative
Smart Smarter than the smartest
Young Younger than the youngest
Long Longer than the longest
2. A Positive form ending with ‘e’ becomes Comparative adding ‘r’ and Superlative adding
Note - Than तथा the पू व के ह भां त होते ह।
 Positive Comparative Superlative
Large Larger than the largest
Fine Finer than the finest
3. A Positive form ending with ‘y’ and a vowel comes before the ‘y’ becomes Comparative
adding ‘er’ and Superlative adding ‘est’ after itself.
Note - Than तथा the पू ववत रहते ह।
 Positive Comparative Superlative
Grey Greyer than the greyest
Gay Gayer than the gayest
4. A Positive form ending with ‘y’ and a consonant comes before the ‘y’ becomes
Comparative replacing ‘y’ by ‘ier’ and Superlative by ‘iest’
Note - Than तथा the पू व के ह भां त रहते ह।
 Positive Comparative Superlative
Dirty Dirtier than the dirtiest

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Heavy Heavier than the heaviest
Busy Busier than the busiest
5. A Positive form that is very small in shape and gets ending with a consonant letter, that is
stressed in pronunciation makes double of its last letter before changing Comparative and
Superlative form.
 Positive Comparative Superlative
Big Bigger than the biggest
Thin Thinner than the thinnest
Fat Fatter than the fattest
6. A Positive form having more than two syllables changes its Degree with the help of more
and most.
Note - (i) यान रहे क Comparative बनाने हे तु Positive के पहले More जोड़ते ह जब क
Superlative बनाने हेतु Most जोड़ा जाता ह।
(ii) Than तथा the पू व क भां त रहते ह।
 Positive Comparative Superlative
Beautiful more beautiful than the most beautiful
Handsome more handsome than the most handsome
Intelligent more intelligent than the most intelligent
Stupid more student than the most stupid
7. Right तथा Wrong एक Syllable वाले होने के वावजू द अपना Degree more तथा most के सहारे
बदलते ह।
 Positive Comparative Superlative
Right more right than the most right
Wrong more wrong than the most wrong
8. Some Adjective changes their Degree in different ways.
 Positive Comparative Superlative
Good better than the best
Bad worse than the worst
Well better than the best
Much more than the most
Many more than the most
Little less than the least
Far Farther than the farthest
9. A Compound form of Adjective changes Degree of its real Adjective part.
 Positive Comparative Superlative
Well-known better known than the best-known
Bad-minded worse minded than the worst-minded
Able-bodied abler bodied than the able-bodied
Cruel-minded more cruel-minded than the most cruel-minded
10. ‘Very’ comes before a Positive form to stress its quality.
Ex.:- Ram is a much smart boy. - ()
Ram is very smart boy. - ()
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11. Enough comes after a Positive form to stress its quality.
Ex.:- Ram is enough smart to do this work. - ()
Ram is smart enough to do this work. - ()
Note - (i) यान रहे क कसी Negative Structure के तहत अ मता का भाव दशाने हे तु ः enough का
योग Positive form के पहले भी हो सकता ह।
Ex.:- Ram is not enough smart to do this work.
(ii) यान रहे क कसी एक ह Adjective के लए very तथा enough दोन का योग एक साथ नह ं
12. Much / Far comes before a Comparative form to stress its quality.
Ex.:- Ram is very smarter than Shyam. - ()
Ram is much smarter than Shyam. - ()
13. ‘Among’ can be used after a Superlative form to show its criteria.
Ex.:- Ram is a smarter than Shyam.
14. Generally Preposition ‘than’ comes after a Comparative form to make comparison.
Ex.:- Senior to, Junior to, Superior to, Inferior to …etc
Ram is senior than Shyam. - ()
Ram is senior to Shyam. - ()
Note - यान रहे क Major तथा Minor के साथ ‘than’ का ह योग होता ह।
Ex.:- My problem is major to yours. - ()
My problem is major than yours. - ()
15. If we make ‘Comparison + Selection’ in “1:2” use Preposition ‘of’ after the Comparative
Note - यान रहे क इस अव था म Comparative form के पहले भी Article ‘the’ आता ह।
Ex.:- Ram is taller than Mohan and Sohan. - ()
Ram is taller of Mohan and Sohan. - ()
16. Prefer preferable and elder get Preposition ‘to’ in comparison.
Ex.:- I prefer Mumbai than Delhi for the next tour. - ()
I prefer Mumbai to Delhi for the next tour. - ()
17. Generally comparison is made in the same cases.
(a) A Subjective case is compared to a Subjective form.
Ex.:- He is taller than me. - ()
He is taller than I. - ()
(b) A Possessive case is compared to a Possessive form.
Ex.:- My car is better than you. - ()
My car is better than yours. - ()
(c) An Objective case is compared to an Objective form.
Ex.:- My mother loves him more than I. - ()
My mother loves him more than me. - ()
Note - (i) A Comparative form ending with ‘or’ makes comparison of Subjective case
with Objective form.
Ex.:- He is senior to I. - ()

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He is senior to me. - ()
(ii) य द कसी Subjective case क तु लना Subjective case से हो, और उसके तु य कोई Third
Person Pronoun रहे, तो उसे एक Extra Verb दे ते हु ए Sentence का समापन कया जाता ह।
Ex.:- I am taller than he. - ()
I am taller than he is. - ()
18. If more Positive forms than one come together for the same Noun get ‘a’ or ‘an’ with
only the first-one.
Ex.:- Ram is a tall a smart and a handsome boy. - ()
Ram is a tall, smart and handsome boy. - ()
19. If more Comparative forms than one come together for the same Noun / Pronoun use
‘than’ with only the last-one.
Ex.:- Ram is smarter than, younger than and more handsome than Shyam. - ()
Ram is smarter, younger and more handsome than Shyam. - ()
20. If more Superlative forms than one come together for the same Noun or Pronoun use
‘the’ with only the first-one.
Ex.:- Ram is the tallest, the smartest and the most handsome boy of my class. - ()
Ram is the tallest, smartest and most handsome boy of my class. - ()
21. If more Positive forms than one come together for the same Noun or Pronoun the
smallest in syllable (shape) is written first and the largest is at last.
Ex.:- Ram is a handsome and smart boy. - ()
Ram is a smart and handsome boy. - ()
22. If more Comparative form than one come together for the same Noun or Pronoun the ‘er’
group is written first and the more group is later.
Ex.:- Ram is more handsome and smarter than Shyam. - ()
Ram is smarter and more handsome than Shyam. - ()
23. If more Superlative forms than one come together for the same Noun or Pronoun ‘est’
group is written first and most group is later.
Ex.:- Ram is the most handsome and smartest boy of my class. - ()
Ram is the smartest and most handsome boy of my class. - ()
24. To show Important or diminishing in one’s condition Comparative form comes without
any Preposition.
Ex.:- You have become fatter these days.
25. To show a continued Improvement or diminishing in one’s condition Comparative form
comes in double structure without any Preposition.
Ex.:- The train is going faster and faster. - ()
The situation is going worse and worse. - ()
26. A Comparative form gets ‘the’ before itself if it comes in reciprocal comparison.
Ex.:- The faster you run, the quicker you reach. - ()
The more he gets the more he demands. - ()
27. Comparatively / Relatively + Positive Degree
Note - इस अव था म Positive Degree के बाद भी ‘than’ का योग हो सकता ह।
Ex.:- My problem is comparatively bigger than yours. - ()

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My problem is comparatively big than yours. - ()
28. Four time / five time / six time …etc
Note - यान रहे क इस अव था म भी Positive form के बाद ‘than’ का योग हो सकता ह।
Ex.:- My problem is four-time bigger than yours. - ()
My problem is four-time big than yours. - ()
29. As + Positive Degree + as.
Note - It comes in Affirmative Sentence.
Ex.:- Ram is as smarter as Shyam. - ()
Ram is as smarter as Shyam. - ()
30. As + Positive Degree + as + …. If not + Comparative Degree.
Ex.:- Ram is as smart as Shyam if not smartest. - ()
Ram is as smart as Shyam if not smarter. - ()
31. So + Positive Degree + as.
Note - It always comes in negative structure.
Ex.:- Ram is not so smarter as Shyam. - ()
Ram is not so smart as Shyam. - ()
32. One + of + Superlative Degree + P.C.N
Ex.:- Ram is one of the smarter students of my class. - ()
Ram is one of the smartest students of my class. - ()
33. One + of + Superlative Degree + P.C.N …+ if not + Superlative Degree.
Ex.:- Ram is one of the smartest students of my class if not smarter my class. - ()
Ram is one of the smartest students of my class if not smartest my class. - ()
34. One + of + Superlative Degree + P.C.N + that + P.V
Ex.:- Ram is one of the best players that is playing in this match. - ()
Ram is one of the best players that are playing in this match. - ()
35. The repetition of Noun is avoided in comparison it is replaced by using ‘that of / those of’
Ex.:- The Culture of India is better than the Culture of America. - ()
The Culture of India is better than that of America. - ()
36. ‘Any other, All other, Most other’ comes in Comparative structure to make a Superlative
Ex.:- Ram is smarter than any other student of my class. - ()
Ram is smarter than all other / most other students of my class. - ()
37. If we talk about one person or thing use Positive Degree to show the quality.
Ex.:- Ram is a smarter boy. - ()
Ram is a smart boy. - ()
38. If we talk about two persons or things use Comparative form to show the quality.
Ex.:- Ram and Shyam both are good runners but Ram runs fast. - ()
Ram and Shyam both are good runners but Ram runs faster. - ()
Of Mohan and Sohan I like Mohan most. - ()
Of Mohan and Sohan I like Mohan more. - ()
Note - यान रहे क इस अव था म Comparative form के साथ Preposition क बा यता समा त हो
जाती ह।

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39. If we talk about more than two persons or things use Superlative form to show the
Ex.:- Ram, Shyam, Mohan and Sohan all are good runners but Ram runs faster. - ()
Ram, Shyam, Mohan and Sohan all are good runners but Ram runs fastest. - ()
Of Ram, Shyam, Mohan and Sohan I like Mohan more. - ()
Of Ram, Shyam, Mohan and Sohan I like Mohan most. - ()
Note - यान रहे क इस अव था म Superlative form के साथ Article क बा यता समा त हो
जाती ह।
40. यान रहे क कसी एक ह Adjective के लए ‘er’ तथा ‘more-group’ अथवा ‘est’ तथा ‘most-group’
का योग एक साथ नह ं होता।
Ex.:- Ram is more tallest boy of my class. - ()
Ram is the tallest boy of my class. - ()
41. ायः Degree के तहत ‘er’ group के थान पर ‘more-group’ का योग नह ं होता, या न दोन एक -
दू सरे के थान पर नह ं आते, साथ ह यह नयम ‘est’ तथा ‘most-group’ म भी लागू होता ह।
Ex.:- Ram is more tall than Shyam. - ()
Ram is taller than Shyam. - ()
Note - यान रहे क य द कसी एक ह यि त अथवा व तु का दो गु ण अथवा दोष आपस म तु लना
दशाते हो, तो उनमे ‘er’ group के थान पर भी ‘more-group’ ह आता ह।
Ex.:- This room is wider than long. - ()
This room is more wide than long. - ()
You are looking fatter than tall. - ()
You are looking more fat than tall. - ()
42. Former and latter get ‘the’ before themselves.
Ex.:- The former chapter was very easy.
43. Some Adjective has their Superlative sense they can’t be changed into Positive or
Note - इनके साथ than, the, more, most का योग नह ं होता।
[Unique, Prime, Paramount, Chief, Supreme, Ideal, Impossible, Universal, Round, Read,
Perfect …etc.]
Ex.:- This is more unique. - ()
This is unique. - ()
Note - यान रहे क य द ये Noun के ठ क पहले हो, तो इनमे Article का योग हो सकता ह।
Ex.:- This is the unique Opportunity for me.

* Interchange of Degree 
 According to formation Degree can be divided into two forms.
(i) Direct form of Degree - (The best, The tallest, The smartest …etc.)
(ii) Indirect form of Degree - (One of the best, One of the tallest, One of the smartest)

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 Interchange of Direct form 
 Positive Degree - No other + Caste (Singular) + A.V + as + P.D + as + Subject.
 Comparative Degree - S + A.V + C.D + any other / all other + Caste (Singular / Plural)
 Superlative Degree - S + A.V + S.D + Caste (Singular)
Ex.:- P.D - No other boy is as smart as Ram.
C.D - Ram is smarter than any other boy.
S.D - Ram is the smartest boy.
 Interchange of Indirect form of Degree 
 Positive Degree - Very few + Caste (Plural) + A.V + as + P.D + as + Subject.
 Comparative Degree - S + A.V + C.D + Most other + Caste (Plural).
 Superlative Degree - S + A.V + one + of + S.D + Caste (Plural).
Ex.:- P.D - Very few boys are as smart as Ram.
C.D - Ram is smarter than most other boys.
S.D - Ram is one of the smartest boys.

Degree Chapter is the End.

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 A word used to qualify a Noun or Pronoun is called ‘Adjective’.
Ex.:- Ram is smart boy.
 According to uses Adjective is divided manually in Eight Parts.
1. P - Proper Adjective
2. I - Interrogative Adjective
3. N - Adjective of Number
4. Q - Adjective of Quantity
5. D - Demonstrative Adjective
6. P - Possessive Adjective
7. D - Distributive Adjective
8. Q - Adjective of Quality

 Proper Adjective – An Adjective that is made of a Proper Noun is called Proper

Ex.:- Noun - Adjective
India - Indian
America - American
Russia - Russian
* Facts 
 It always gets beginning with capital letter.
 Generally it comes before the Noun for which it is used.
 Proper Adjective + Noun must get Article before itself.
Ex.:- American policy is not good. – ()
american policy is not good. – ()
The American policy is not good. – ()
 यान रहे क Indian, Russian, American, …etc. का योग Common Noun व प मे भी होता है, अतः
इसके तहत ये Singular अथवा Plural हो सकते ह।
Ex.:- I am an Indian. – ()
We are Indians. – ()
 Interrogative Adjective – A word used with a Noun that arises Question for the Noun is
called Interrogative Adjective.
Ex.:- What, Which, Whose …etc.
* Facts 
 It comes before the Noun for which it is used.
 It gets Question Mark (?) to finish its Sentence.
Ex.:- Which pen is running well.
Note - यान रहे क who तथा whom कभी भी Adjective का प नह ं लेते, ये Pronoun व प मे आते
है , Adjective के प म इनके बदले ‘Which’ आते है ।
Ex.:- Who boy can solve this Question? – ()
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Which boy can solve this Question? – ()
 Adjective of Number – If a Number (Digit) comes to qualify a Noun is called Adjective
of Number.
Ex.:- One wicket, Two wicket, the third Umpire …etc.
 Adjective of Number that is also a part of Adjective can be divided into two parts.
1. Ordinal Adjective of Number
2. Co-ordinal Adjective of Number
 Ordinal Adjective of Number –
a. It shows the order of a Noun
b. It comes before the Noun for which it is used.
c. It gets a Singular Noun & Singular Verb.
d. Ordinal Adjective of Number + Noun gets Article ‘The’ before itself.
Ex.:- The third umpire is very laborious.
Note – First one, Second one, Third one, Fourth one …etc का ोयग भी Ordinal Adjective
of Number के प म होता ह, िजसका Verb Singular होता ह।
Ex.:- The third one was very easy.
 Co-ordinal Adjective of Number –
a. It shows the number of a Noun.
b. It gets Noun & Verb Singular with one and Plural with other number.
c. Generally Article does not come before it.
Ex.:- One student is absent today. – ()
Ten students are absent today. – ()
* Special Note 
 If Ordinal & Co-ordinal both kinds of Adjective of Number come together Ordinal is
written first and Co-ordinal is later.
Note – यान रहे क इस अव था म आने वाला Noun तथा Verb दोन Plural रहता ह।
Ex.:- The five first wicket has played well in this match. – ()
The first five wickets have played well in this match. – ()
 यान रहे क Both, Many, Several, Few, A Number of, …etc को भी Co-ordinal Adjective of
Number के तहत रखते हु ए इनका Noun तथा Verb दोन Plural माना जाता ह।
Ex.:- Both students are absent today.
 यान रहे क All, Some, Most, A lot of, Lots of, A great deal of, A good deal of, …etc का योग
Countable तथा Uncountable दोन Nouns के लए होता है, अतः Countable के लए रहने पर इ हे Co-
ordinal Adjective of Number के प मे दर य जाता है, और इनका Noun तथा Verb दोन Plural हो
जाते ह।
Ex.:- All students are absent today.
 Adjective of Quantity – A word used with a Noun that shows the Quantity of the Noun
is called Adjective of Quantity.
Ex.:- Much, Little, An amount of …etc.
1. Note – It comes before a Singular Uncountable Noun.
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Ex.:- Much rice is remaining in the kitchen.
2. Note – All, Some, A lot of, Most, Lots of, A great deal of, A good deal of …etc
का योग य द Uncountable Noun के साथ हो तो इ हे Adjective of Quantity क
ेणी म रखा जाता ह।
Ex.:- Most rice is boiled in the kitchen.
 Demonstrative Adjective – A word used with a Noun that Demonstrates the Noun is
called Demonstrative Adjective.
Ex.:- This, That, These, Those
* Facts 
 This / That + Singular Noun.
Ex.:- This pen is red. – ()
This rice is boiled. – ()
 These / Those + Plural Countable Noun.
Ex.:- These pens are running well.
 Possessive Adjective – A word used with a Noun that makes Possession over the Noun
is called Possessive Adjective.
Ex.:- My, Our, You, Their …etc
* Facts 
 It comes before the Noun for which it is used.
 यान रहे क ये Adjective के प म कसी वा य का अं तम Word नह ं हो सकते।
Ex.:- My car is red. – ()
This car is my. – ()
 Distributive Adjective – A word used with a Noun that shows the Noun in Distributive
way is called Distributive Adjective.
Ex.:- Each, Every, Either, Neither
* Facts 
 It comes before a Singular Noun.
Ex.:- Every student was present in the class.
 Two distributives connected with ‘and’ also make a Singular formation and gets
Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Every teacher and every student were present in the class. – ()
Every teacher and every student was present in the class. – ()
 Adjective of Quality – A word used for a Noun or Pronoun that how the Quality of the
Noun or Pronoun is called Adjective of Quality.
Ex.:- Good, Bad, Tall, Smart, Fat …etc.
* Facts 
 It can be used either before a Noun or as the compliment of a Sentence.
Ex.:- (a) This is a Smart boy. (b) This boy is Smart.
Adj. N N Adj.
* Uses of Adjective 
 Elder / Older –

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 Elder – It comes to show age seniority in blood relation between the members of the
same family.
Note – यान रहे क इसक तु लना के लए Preposition ‘To’ आता ह।
Ex.:- Mukesh Ambani is elder to Anil Ambani.
 Older – It comes to show age seniority between two persons or things that are not the
members of the same family.
Note – यान रहे क इसक तु लना के लए ‘Than’ का योग होता ह।
Ex.:- Lalu is elder to Nitish. – ()
Lalu is older than Nitish. – ()
Note – यान रहे क य द आयु व र ठता दशाने के लए समय का िज हो, तो हर जगह older
का ह योग कया जाता ह।
Ex.:- Mukesh Ambani is elder to Anil Ambani for five years. – ()
Mukesh Ambani is older than Anil Ambani for five years. – ()
 Further / Farther –
 Further – It comes to add something in got Knowledge or Information.
Ex.:- He has not given me any farther information about the project. – ()
He has not given me any further information about the project. – ()
 Farther – It comes as the Comparative form of far to show a place more distant than
Ex.:- Delhi is further than Ranchi from Patna. – ()
Delhi is farther than Ranchi from Patna. – ()
 Utmost / Outermost –
 Utmost – It comes to show the entire part of something.
Ex.:- I have studied the outermost Pronoun. – ()
I have studied the utmost Pronoun. – ()
 Outermost – It comes to show the last boundary of an area.
Ex.:- A guard was standing at the utmost gate of the building. – ()
A guard was standing at the outermost gate of the building. – ()
 First / Foremost –
 First – It comes to show the Initiator of something.
Ex.:- 16th August 1947 was the foremost day of free India. – ()
16th August 1947 was the first day of free India. – ()
 Foremost – It comes to show a leadership Quality in an Action.
Ex.:- M. K. Gandhi was the first politician of his time. – ()
M. K. Gandhi was the foremost politician of his time. – ()
 Last / Latest –
 Last – It comes to show a finishing point of something that has no sequel.
Ex.:- 14th August 1947 was the latest day of British rule in India. – ()
14th August 1947 was the last day of British rule in India. – ()
 Latest – It comes in the meaning of the newest to show a point containing its sequel.
Ex.:- Everyone wants to buy the last designs of mobile. – ()
Everyone wants to buy the latest designs of mobile. – ()
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 Some / Any –
 Some – To show a Small Number or Quantity it comes in Affirmative Sense.
Ex.:- He has given me any money. – ()
He has given me some money. – ()
 Any – To show a Small Number or Quantity it comes in Negative Sense.
Ex.:- He has not given me some money. – ()
He has not given me any money. – ()
 Very / the Very –
 Very – It is an Adverb that comes before an Adjective to stress its Quality.
Ex.:- Ram is very smart.
Adv. Adj.
 The Very – It is an Adjective that comes before a Noun in the sense of the same to Re-
Introduce a person or thing.
Ex.:- This is the same boy that has helped me in trouble. – ()
This is the very boy that has helped me in trouble. – ()
 No / Not –
 No – It is an Adjective that comes just before a Noun to make a Negative sense.
Ex.:- I have not car. – ()
I have no car. – ()
 Not – It is an Adverb that comes to qualify an Adjective, Verb & another Adverb in
Negative sense.
Ex.:- I have no a pen. – ()
I have not a pen. – ()
 Own (अपना) – As Adjective it comes just after a Possessive form to stress Possession.
Ex.:- This is own car. – ()
This is my car. – ()
This is my own car. – ()
 Both, All & Whole –
 Both – It comes to show two options together.
Ex.:- All the sides of the coin are shinning well. – ()
Both the sides of the coin are shinning well. – ()
 All – It comes to show more than two options together.
Ex.:- Both the ten students are very laborious. – ()
All the ten students are very laborious. – ()
 Whole – It comes to show the entire part of something.
Ex.:- The whole class is making a noise.
 Nearest / Next to –
 Nearest – It comes as the Superlative form of near in the meaning of the closest.
Ex.:- You should inform the next to Police station in the case of murder. – ()
You should inform the nearest Police station in the case of murder. – ()
 Next to – It comes to show something placing just beside another.
Ex.:- Mona Cinema Hall is next to Elifiston. – ()
May I sit next to you? – ()

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 Mutual / Common –
 Mutual – It comes to make a reciprocal relation between two parties.
Ex.:- Ram and Shyam are common partner in this business. – ()
Ram and Shyam are mutual partner in this business. – ()
 Common – It comes to make a reciprocal relation among more than two parties.
Ex.:- Ram, Shyam, Mohan & Sohan are common partner in this business.
 Few / A few / the few –
 Few – It comes to show a negligible number of something that has no importance in
Ex.:- Ram is a saint he has few enemies in this village.
 A Few – It comes to show a small number of Countable Nouns that has some
importance in uses.
Ex.:- Ram is a social person; he has a few good supporters in this village.
 The few – It comes to make definite form of few Countable Nouns.
Ex.:- The few students sitting in my class are very intelligent.
 Little / A little / the little –
 Little – It comes to show a negligible quantity of something.
Ex.:- Ram is very poor, he has little money in his account.
 A little – It comes to show a small quantity of an Uncountable Noun that has some
importance in uses.
Ex.:- He does s private job, he saves a little money for future.
 The little – It comes to show definite form of little quantity of an Uncountable Noun.
Ex.:- The little money in my account is very useful for my future.
 Few / Fewer than / the fewest –
 Above Adjectives are used as the Positive, Comparative and Superlative form of few.
Ex.:- I have little friends in my village. – ()
I have few friends in my village. – ()
I have less friends than Ram has. – ()
I have fewer friends than Ram has. – ()
I have the least friends in my village. – ()
I have the fewest friends in my village. – ()
 Little / little than / the least –
 Above Adjective are used as the Positive, Comparative and Superlative form of little.
Ex.:- I have few rice. – ()
I have little rice. – ()
I have fewer rice than Ram has. – ()
I have less rice than Ram has. – ()
I have the fewest rice in my village. – ()
I have the least rice in my village. – ()

 Much / Many / Several –

 Much – It comes to show a large quantity of an Uncountable Noun.
Ex.:- I have many rice. – ()

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I have much rice. – ()
 Many – It comes to show a large number of Countable Nouns that are known to the
Ex.:- I have many friends in my village.
 Several – It comes to show a large number of Countable Nouns that are not known to
the subject.
Ex.:- Several students are laborious in Patna.
 Former / Latter / Later –
 य द क ह दो यि त अथवा व तु को एक साथ दशाया जाय, तो पहले वाले को दशाने हे तु Former
आता है, जब क बाद वाले के लए Latter का योग करते ह।
Ex.:- Sonia and Advani both are good leaders, the former belongs to the Congress and
the latter belongs to the B.J.P.
 Later (Adj.) – बाद म
Ex.:- I will see you later. - (म बाद म आपसे मलू ंगा।)
 One / Other / Another –
 य द क ह दो यि त अथवा व तु क चचा हो तो उनम कसी को भी Indefinite form म पहले दशाने
के लए One जब क दू सरे के लए Other का योग करते ह, तथा साथ ह इन दो के अलावे कसी अ य
तीसरे क चचा करने हेतु Another आता ह।
Ex.:- I have two cars one is red and other is black but I want to buy another car.
Note – यान रहे क कसी अ य को दशाने हे तु अकेले योग म Another ह आता ह।
Ex.:- I have no another pen.
 Cool / Cold / Chill / Thunder –
 Cool – It comes to show a moisture that is favorable to man.
Ex.:- We get a cool morning in summer.
 Cold – It comes to show a moisture that is not favorable to man.
Ex.:- We get a cold morning in winter.
 Chill – Extremely Cold. (बेहद ठं डा)
Ex.:- We get a chill morning in frozen area.
 Thunder – Freezing Cold. (बफ ला ठं डा)
Ex.:- We get a thunder weather on the top of the Himalayas.
 Warm / Hot / Scorching –
 Warm (सु खद गम ) – It comes to show a heat that is favorable to man.
Ex.:- We wear warm clothes in winter.
 Hot (दु खद गम ) – It comes to show a heat that is not favorable to man.
Ex.:- We can’t put our hands in hot water.
 Scorching (झु लसाने वाल गम ) –
Ex.:- We get scorching sun in the months of May and June.
 Oral / Verbal / Written –

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 Oral – Related to mouth.
Ex.:- He is suffering from oral-cancer.
 Verbal – Related to words.
Ex.:- I can’t solve this verbal reasoning.
 Written – ( ल खत)
Ex.:- He has qualified the written exam.
 Generally ‘Adjective + ly’ makes the formation of Adverb so it can’t be used just
before a Noun.
Ex.:- Ram is a smartly boy. – ()
Adv. N.
Ram is a smart boy. – ()
 First / Fast / Hard तथा Last अपने आप म ह Adjective तथा Adverb दोन क भू मका
नभाते ह, अतः इनको Adverb संरचना दे ने हे तु इनमे ‘ly’ नह ं आता।
Ex.:- This is a fast train. – ()
This train runs fastly. – ()
This train runs fast. – ()
 Daily, Monthly, Weekly, Yearly, Hourly …etc ‘ly’ से अंत होने के साथ ह अपने-आप म ह
Adjective तथा Adverb दोन क ह भू मका नभाते ह, अतः इसका योग Noun के ठ क पहले
कया जा सकता ह।
Ex.:- This is a daily train. – ()
This train runs daily. – ()

 Dozen, Score, Hundred, Thousand …etc कसी Unit को दशाने हे तु य द कसी Noun के
ठ क पहले हो, तो इनमे ‘s’ या ‘es’ नह ं आता, जब क इनक असी मत दायरा दशाने हे तु इनमे
‘s’ जोड़ते हु ए इनके तु रंत बाद ‘of’ जोड़ा जाता ह।
Ex.:- I have a dozen pens. – ()
I have dozens of pens. – ()

* Order of Adjective 
 Article + Noun.
Ex.:- I have a pen.
 Article + Adjective + Noun.
Ex.:- (a) I have a red pen.
(b) Ram is a smart boy.
 Article + Adverb + Adjective + Noun.
Ex.:- Ram is a very smart boy.
 Article + Adverb + Adverb + Adjective + Noun.
Ex.:- This is a very-very Important Question for me.

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 Adjective of Quality / Adjective of Area / Adjective of Category / Adjective of
Shape / Adjective of Size / Adjective of Colour / Adjective of Purpose / Adjective of
Status / Adjective of Filling …etc.
 V-3 made Adjective + v4 made Adjective.
Ex.:- He has given me drinking boiled water. - ()
He has given me boiled drinking water. - ()
 If ordinal and co-ordinal both kinds of Adjective of number come together ordinal is
written first and co-ordinal is latter.
Ex.:- The five first wicket have played well in this match. - ()
The first five wicket have played well in this match. - ()
 Numerical Adjective + Possessive Adjective.
Ex.:- My both pens are running well. - ()
Both my pens are running well. - ()
 Numerical Adjective + Demonstrative Adjective.
Ex.:- These both pens are running well. - ()
Both these pens are running well. - ()
 Demonstrative Adjective + Possessive Adjective.
Ex.:- My this pen is running well. - ()
This my pen is running well. - ()
 Adjective of Size + Adjective of Colour.
Ex.:- I have a red big toy. - ()
I have a big red toy. - ()
 Adjective of Quality + Adjective of Age.
Ex.:- I have a new good car. - ()
I have a good new car. - ()
 Adjective of Quality + Verb made Adjective.
Ex.:- I have a broken smart chair. - ()
I have a smart broken chair. - ()
 Adjective of Quality + Material Noun made Adjective.
Ex.:- I have a plastic good chair. - ()
I have a good plastic chair. - ()
 Verb made Adjective + Material Noun made Adjective.
Ex.:- I have plastic broken chair. - ()
I have a broken plastic chair. - ()
 Adjective of Age + Adjective of Purpose.
Ex.:- I have a washing new machine. - ()
I have a new washing machine. - ()
 Material Noun made Adjective + Common Noun made Adjective.
Ex.:- I have a boy plastic doll. - ()
I have a plastic boy doll. - ()
 Adjective of Quality + Adjective of Age + Adjective of Purpose.
Ex.:- I have a new good washing machine. - ()
I have a good new washing machine. - ()

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 य द कसी एक ह Noun के लए एक से यादा Adjective मौजू द हो, तो उनमे आकार म छोटा
पहले तथा आकार म बड़ा बाद म लखा जाता ह।
Ex.:- Ram is a handsome and smart boy. - ()
Ram is a smart and handsome boy. - ()
 If different kinds of Adjective come together for the same Noun or Pronoun are
arranged into following order -
 Numerical Adj. (Both, All …etc.) + Possessive Adj. / Article + Adj. of Sense + Adj.
of Status + Adj. of Colour + Proper Adj. + Material Noun made Adj. + Adj. of Type +
Adj. of Purpose + Noun.
Ex.:- Both my artistic famous fish like small white Russian plastic unique playing dolls
are useful for my children.

Adjective Chapter is the End.

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What is Direct & Indirect Speech?

Direct speech - reporting the message of the speaker in exact words as spoken by him.
Direct speech example: Rama said ‘I am busy now’.
Indirect speech: reporting the message of the speaker in our own words
Indirect speech example: Rama said that he was very busy then.

Direct and Indirect Speech Rules

To change a sentence of direct speech into indirect speech there are various factors that are considered
such as reporting verbs, modals, time, place, pronoun, tense, etc. we will take up all the factors one by

Rule #1 - Direct to Indirect Speech Conversion - Reporting Verb

1. When the reporting verb of direct speech is in past tense then all the present tenses are changed
to corresponding past tense in indirect speech.
Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: she said, “I am happy.”
● Indirect: She said (that) she was happy.

2. In indirect speech tenses do not change if the words used within the quotes (“ ”) talk of a habitual
action or universal truth.
Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: He said, “we cannot live without air.”
● Indirect: He said that we cannot live without air.

3. The tenses of direct speech do not change if the reporting verb is in future tense or present tense.
Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: She says/will say, “she is going.”
● Indirect: She says/will say she is going.

Rule #2 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech conversion - Present Tense

1. Present Perfect Changes to Past Perfect.

Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: “I have been to Boston”, She told me.
● Indirect: She told me that she had been to Boston.


2. Present Continuous Changes to Past Continuous

Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: “I am playing the guitar”, she explained.
● Indirect: She explained that she was playing the guitar.

3. Present Perfect Changes to Past Perfect

Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: He said, “she has finished her homework”.
● Indirect: He said that she had finished her homework.

4. Simple Present Changes to Simple Past

Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: “I am unwell”, she said.
● Indirect: She said that she was unwell.

Rule #3 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech conversion - Past Tense & Future Tense

1. Simple Past Changes to Past Perfect

Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: She said, “Irvin arrived on Sunday.”
● Indirect: She said that Irvin had arrived on Sunday.

2. Past Continuous Changes to Past Perfect Continuous

Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: “We were playing basketball”, they told me.
● Indirect: They told me that they had been playing basketball.

3. Future Changes to Present Conditional

Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: She said, “I will be in Scotland tomorrow.”
● Indirect: She said that she would be in Scotland the next day.

4. Future Continuous Changes to Conditional Continuous

Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: He said, “I'll be disposing the old computer next Tuesday.”
● Indirect: He said that he would be disposing the old computer next Tuesday.

Rule #4 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion - Interrogative Sentences

1. No conjunction is used, if a sentence in direct speech begins with a question (what/where/when)

as the "question-word" itself acts as a joining clause.


Direct to indirect speech example:

● Direct: “Where do you live?” asked the boy.
● Indirect: The boy enquired where I lived.

2. If a direct speech sentence begins with auxiliary verb/helping verb, the joining clause should be if
or whether.
Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: She said, “will you come for the party?”
● Indirect: She asked whether we would come for the party.

3. Reporting verbs such as ‘said/ said to’ changes to enquired, asked, or demanded.
Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: He said to me, “what are you wearing?”
● Indirect: He asked me what I was wearing.

Rule #5 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion - Changes in Modals

1. While changing direct speech to indirect speech the modals used in the sentences changes like:
● Can becomes Could
● May becomes Might
● Must becomes had to /Would have to

● Direct: She said, “She can dance.”
● Indirect: She said that she could dance.
● Direct: She said, “I may buy a dress.”
● Indirect: She said that she might buy a dress.
● Direct: Rama said, “I must complete the assignment.”
● Indirect: Rama said that he had to complete the assignment.

2. There are Modals that do not change like - Could, Would, Should, Might, Ought to.
Direct speech to indirect speech examples:
● Direct: She said, “I should clean the house.”
● Indirect: She said that she should clean the house.

Rule #6 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion - Pronoun

1. The first person in the direct speech changes as per the subject of the speech.
Direct speech to indirect speech examples:
● Direct: He said, “I am in class Twelfth.”
● Indirect: He says that he was in class Twelfth.
2. The second person of direct speech changes as per the object of reporting speech.


Direct speech to indirect speech examples:

● Direct: She says to them, “You have done your work.”
● Indirect: She tells them that they have done their work.

3. The third person of direct speech doesn't change.

Direct speech to indirect speech examples:
● Direct: He says, “She dances well.”
● Indirect: He says that she dances well.

Rule #7 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion - Request, Command, Wish, Exclamation

1. Indirect Speech is supported by some verbs like requested, ordered, suggested and advised.
Forbid-forbade is used for the negative sentences. Therefore, the imperative mood in direct speech
changes into the Infinitive in indirect speech.
Direct speech to indirect speech examples:
● Direct: She said to her, “Please complete it.”
● Indirect: She requested her to complete it.
● Direct: Hamid said to Ramid, “Sit down.”
● Indirect: Hamid ordered Ramid to sit down.

2. In Exclamatory sentences that express (grief, sorrow, happiness, applaud) Interjections are
removed and the sentence is changed to an assertive sentence.
Direct speech to indirect speech examples
● Direct: She said, “Alas! I am undone.”
● Indirect: She exclaimed sadly that she was broke.

Rule #8 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion - Punctuations

1. In direct speech the words actually spoken should be in (“ ”) quotes and always begin with a
capital letter.
Example: She said, “I am the Best.”

2. Full stop, Comma, exclamation or question mark, are placed inside the closing inverted commas.
Example: They asked, “Can we sing with you?”

3. If direct speech comes after the information about who is speaking, comma is used to introduce
the speech, placed before the first inverted comma.
Direct speech example: He shouted, “Shut up!”
Direct speech example: “Thinking back,” he said, “she didn't expect to win.” (Comma is used to
separate the two direct speeches and no capital letter to begin the second sentence).


Rule #9 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion - Change of Time

1. In direct speeches, the words that express nearness in time or place are changed to words that
express distance in indirect speech. Such as:
● Now becomes then
● Here becomes there
● Ago becomes before
● Thus becomes so
● Today becomes that day
● Tomorrow becomes the next day
● This becomes that
● Yesterday becomes the day before
● These becomes those
● Hither becomes thither
● Come becomes go
● Hence becomes thence
● Next week Or month becomes following week/month

Direct speech to indirect speech examples:

● Direct: He said, “His girlfriend came yesterday.”
● Indirect: He said that his girlfriend had come the day before.

2. The time expression does not change if the reporting verb is in present tense or future tense.

Rules for converting Indirect Speech into Direct Speech

The following rules should be followed while converting an indirect speech to direct speech:
1. Use the reporting verb such as (say, said to) in its correct tense.
2. Put a comma before the statement and the first letter of the statement should be in capital letter.
3. Insert question mark, quotation marks, exclamation mark and full stop, based on the mood of the
4. Remove the conjunctions like (that, to, if or whether) wherever necessary.
5. Where the reporting verb is in past tense in indirect, change it to present tense in the direct speech.
6. Change the past perfect tense either into present perfect tense or past tense as necessary.

● Indirect: She asked whether she was coming to the prom night.
● Direct: She said to her, “Are you coming to the prom night?”
● Indirect: The girl said that she was happy with her result.
● Direct: The girl said. “I am happy with my result.”


Practice Questions:

Directions: Given below are questions sentences in Direct/Indirect Speech along with four options. You
are required to read the Direct and Indirect Speech questions carefully and select the option that
expresses the same sentence in the reverse speech i.e., Indirect/Direct Speech:

1. The designer said to her, “will you have the dress ready by tomorrow evening?”

1. The designer asked her if she would have the dress ready by next evening.
2. The designer asked her that she would have the dress ready by next evening.
3. The designer asked her that if she will like to have the dress by next evening.
4. The designer asked her that she will have the suit ready by next evening.

Answer: 1

2. They said, “Let us come in”.

1. They told that let them be allowed to come in.

2. They requested that they might be allowed to come in.
3. They said that if they are allowed to come in.
4. They requested me to let them come in.

Answer: 2

3. Reshma said to Priya, “Why are you sketching on the wall?”

1. Reshma asked Priya why was she sketching on the wall.

2. Reshma asked Priya why had she been sketching on the wall
3. Reshma asked Priya that why is she sketching on the wall.
4. Reshma asked Priya why she was sketching on the wall.

Answer: 4

4. ‘Jacob fell as he’d have wished’, the father said.

1. The father said that Jacob has fallen as he would have wished.
2. The father said that Jacob had fallen as he would have wished.
3. The father said that Jocob had fallen as he had wished.
4. The father said that Jacob had been fallen as he would have been wished.

Answer: 2


5. Arya said to Tara, “David will leave for his mother’s place tomorrow.”

1. Arya told Tara that David will leave for his mother’s place tomorrow.
2. Arya told Tara that David will leave for his mother’s place the next day.
3. Arya told Tara that David would leave for his mother’s place the next day.
4. Arya informed Tara that David would be leaving for his mother’s place the next day.

Answer: 3

6. The Professor said that nobody could solve the problem.

1. The Professor said, ‘Nobody can solve the problem’.

2. The Professor said, ’Nobody could solve the problem’
3. The Professor exclaimed, ‘Nobody could solve the problem’
4. The Professor exclaimed, ‘Nobody can solve the problem?’

Answer: 1

7. She said, “Why didn’t you send a friend request to me?”

1. She asked me why had i not sent a friend request to her

2. She enquired why I had not sent a friend request to her.
3. She enquired why I did not send a friend request to her.
4. She questioned why I had not sent a friend request to her.

Answer: 2

8. The judge commanded them to call the accused in the court.

1. The Judge said, ‘Call the accused in the court’.

2. The Judge ordered, ‘Call the accused in the court’
3. The Judge command, ‘Call the accused in the court’
4. The Judge said to them, ‘Call the accused in the court’.

Answer: 4

9. The instructor asked Ronny if he was ready for the race.

1. ‘Ronny, are you ready for the race?’, the instructor asked.
2. ‘Are you ready for the race Ronny?’, the instructor asked.
3. ‘Ronny, ready for race?’ the instructor said.
4. ‘Ronny, are you ready for the race?’, said the instructor.

Answer: 1

10. Manager said to Shekher, “Why didn't you attend the meeting yesterday?”

1. The manager enquired shekhar why did not he attend the meeting the day before.
2. The manager asked Shekhar why he did not attend the meeting the previous day.
3. The manager asked Shekhar why he had not attended the meeting the day before.
4. The manager enquired Shekhar that why didn’t he attended the meeting yesterday.

Answer: 3

Lecture Notes
Grammar: Voice and Narration



Identify active and passive voice constructions

Explain the functions of active and passive voice

Use voice correctly

What is voice?
 Voice is a grammatical category that applies to the verb in a sentence. It shows the
relationship between the doer of an action (subject) and the receiver of that action
 The action remains the same, but the focus changes depending upon the context.
For example: Do not cross the line. (direct, crisp and to the point)
You must not cross the line. (indirect & polite with firmness)
 There are two types of voices in English- active voice and passive voice.

Active Voice

 Focuses on the subject

 Direct
 Unambiguous
 Easy to understand
 Useful in delegating responsibilities, giving orders to an individual or to a small group

Using active voice makes meaning clear for the readers/listeners and keeps the sentence from being
complicated and wordy.

Passive Voice:

 Subject is unknown
 Indirect
 Ambiguous
 Unclear


 When the subject is unknown, unimportant and obvious

 To make polite statement and is used for general announcements. For example, in airports,
railway station etc.
 Risk of sounding boastful
 When the action is more important than the “Agent” [Agent = one who does the action]

We don’t mention the Agent in a passive voice when:

 1. if we don’t know who has done what we are talking about. Our car was stolen last
night. (We don’t know who stole it)

 2. if we are not interested in who has done what we are talking about or it is not
important to mention it. He has been taken to the hospital. (What we are interested in
is the fact that he has been taken to the hospital and not who has taken him.)

 3. if it is easy to understand who did something without it being mentioned. The

murderer was arrested last night. (It is not necessary to mention that he has been
arrested by the police because it is self-evident.)

 4. if the subject of the active voice sentence is something like somebody, people,
they, you, etc. Someone broke the window. → The window was broken.

Active Voice and Passive Voice in different Tenses:

Active Voice Different Verbs Passive Voice Structural Patterns when

and tenses changed into Passive
Present Simple The letters are written by him S+ am /is/are+ ptcp
He writes the letters
Past simple The letters were written by S+ was/were+ ptcp
He wrote the letters him.
Present Continuous The letters are being written S+ is/are being+ ptcp
He is writing the letters by him
Past Continuous The letters were being S+ were being+ Ptcp
He was writing the letters written by him.
Future Simple The letters will be written by S+ will be + ptcp
He will write the letters him.

He is going to write the Going to The letters are going to be S+V to be (am/is/are)going
letters written. to+ ptcp
Present Perfect The letters have been written S+ have/has +been+ ptcp
He has written the letters Tense by him.
He had written the letters Past Perfect Tense The letters had been written S+ had +been +ptcp
by him.
to-Infinitive The letters have to be written S + have + to+be +ptcp
He has to write the letters by him.
Modal The letters must be written by S+ must+ be +ptcp
He must write the letters him.


1. Only sentences containing transitive verbs [verbs that takes one or more than one object(s).
For example, paint, write, eat, clean, etc.] can be changed from active voice to passive voice.
A subject—that is, a ‘doer’ of the action—is required to change a sentence from the passive to
the active voice.

Active Voice Passive Voice

Agatha Christie wrote the book. The book was written by Agatha Christie.

2. For the Simple Present Tense use am, is or are with a Past Participle to form the Passive
Active voice Passive voice
Once a week, Tom cleans the house. Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom.
The waiter carries the trays. The trays are carried by the waiter.

3. For the Simple Past Tense, use was or were with a Past Participle to form the Passive Voice.

Active voice Passive voice

Dad drove us home. We were driven home by Dad.
He caught the ball. The ball was caught by him.

4. For the Present Continuous Tense, use am, is or are with being followed by a Past Participle,
to form the Passive Voice.

Active voice Passive voice

The waves are washing away the sandcastle. The Sandcastle is being washed away by the waves.
She is working on the computer. The computer is being worked upon by her.

5. For the Past Continuous Tense, use was or were with being, followed by a Past Participle, to
form the passive voice.

Active voice Passive voice

Jimmy was making our costumes. Our costumes were being made by Jimmy.
She was reading a book. The book was being read by her.

6. For the Future Tense, use shall or will with be, followed by a Past Participle, to form the
Passive Voice.

Active voice Passive voice

The choir will sing the next hymn. The next hymn will be sung by the choir.
We will celebrate her birthday. Her birthday will be celebrated by us.

7. For the Present Perfect Tense, use have or has with been, followed by a Past Participle, to
form the Passive Voice.

Active voice Passive voice

Ali has scored two goals. Two goals have been scored by Ali.
I have seen that movie. That movie has been seen by me.

8. For the Past Perfect Tense, use had with been, followed by a Part Participle, to form the
passive voice.
Active voice Passive voice
The hunter had caught a fox. A fox had been caught by the hunter.
Sheila had given a gift to Rina. A gift had been given to Rina by Sheila.

9. “Do” verbs:

The do-verb is used for interrogative and negative sentences. To change an interrogative
sentence with ‘do’ from active voice form into passive voice form, use –

Is/are/am +object of the active verb + past participle form of the verb + by + subject of the
passive verb

Active Voice Passive Voice

Do you speak French? Is French spoken by you?

Does she speak French? Is French spoken by her?

Does she do her duties? Are her duties done by her?

Did you speak in French with her? Was she spoken in French by you?

Did Alice invite you? Were you invited by Alice?

Don’t you speak French? Isn’t French spoken by you?

I don’t speak French. French is not spoken by me.


10. Wh- questions and how

In wh- questions and how, do not change their beginning position when the sentence is
changed from the active to the passive. Except for, who changes to by whom in the passive;
(by) whom changes to who in the passive.

Active Voice Passive Voice

Whom did you laugh at? Who was laughed at by you?

Who took the book? By whom was the book taken?

Why did he punish you? Why were you punished by him?

Why are they tearing down the old theatre hall? Why is the old theatre being torn down?

How was the experiment finished? How did you finish the experiment?

How do you write that word? How is that word written by you?

11. Can-
Active Voice Passive Voice

Can you play a violin? Can a violin be played by you?

Can anyone cure it? Can it be cured?

12. a) Imperatives: request, order, advice, suggestion, prohibition

The imperative sentence in the passive voice has the following structure:

Let + object + be + past participle

Active Voice Passive Voice

Pick up the box. Let the box be picked up.

Bring it home. Let it be brought home.

Do it at once. Let it be done once again.

b) When the emphasis is on the person addressed to, the sentence can begin with you.

Active Voice Passive Voice

Be patient, please! You are requested to be patient.

Be in the queue. You are requested to be in the queue.

c) When the active voice begins with do not, the passive voice has the following structure:

Let not + object + be + past participle

Active Voice Passive Voice

Don’t let the door open. Let not the door be opened.

Do not beat the dog. Let the dog not be beaten.

Let me do it. Let it be done by me.


Let me be allowed to do it.

Don’t touch it. Let it not be touched.

d) The passive form has to begin with you, when the object of the verb in the active voice is not

Active Passive

Work hard. (No object) You are advised to work hard

Please lend me some money. You are requested to lend me some money.

Kindly do this work. You are requested to do this work.

Get me a glass of water You are ordered to get me a glass of water.

You ought to respect your parents. Your parents ought to be respected by you.

You should learn your lessons. Your lessons should be learned by you.

e) In sentences where God is invoked the passive voice will be as follows:

Active: May God bless you!

Passive: May you be blessed by God!

f) By you or with you

In the passive voice, we use: by/ with with the agent to refer to by whom the action is being done.

 The door was opened by Mr Black. (Mr Black = agent)

with -is used to refer to the instrument, object or material that was used for something to be done.

 The door was opened with a key. (a key = the object that was used)
 The omelette was made with eggs, cheese and peppers. (eggs, cheese and peppers = the
material that was used)

13. If the indirect object of the active voice sentence is a personal pronoun it has to be changed
into a subject pronoun to be the subject of the passive voice sentence.

Subject Object
Subject Object
I Me
We Us
You You
You You
He/ she Him/her
They Them
It It

DOUBLE OBJECT VERBS- When we have verbs that take two objects like, for example, give
somebody, something, we can convert the active sentence into a passive one in two ways:

a. by making the indirect (animate) object the subject of the passive voice sentence, which is also the
way that we usually prefer.

b. By making the direct (inanimate) object the subject of the passive voice.

 Rick gave me (indirect object) this book (direct object).

- I was given this book by Rick.
- This book was given to me by Rick.

Some of the verbs that take two objects are: give, tell, send, show, bring, write, offer, pay, etc.


 Transitive verbs have two voices

 Voices: Active and Passive
 Active: projects the subject
 Direct
 Unambiguous
 Passive: hides the subject
 Used only when you can’t project the subject for pragmatic reasons
 In passive voice the receiver of the action is highlighted
 In active voice the doer of the action is highlighted


 Understand narration in English Grammar.
 Why is narration used?
 Rules.

NARRATION: in writing or speech, the process of giving an account of a sequence of events, real
or imagined; storytelling. The person who recounts the events is called a narrator. The account itself is
called a narrative.

In narration, when we use reported speech, we usually talk about the past (because obviously the
person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too.

There are two ways of narrating events or story telling- direct speech and indirect speech.

In Direct speech the exact remarks or the speech of the narrator is presented by using the exact words
or expression of the narrator.

In Indirect speech the exact meaning of the remark or the speech is presented without using the
narrator’s exact words.

For example- Ravi said, “I am having lunch with my family.” [Direct Speech]

Ravi said that he was having breakfast with his family. [Indirect speech]


1. Pronouns and Adjectives must change while transforming into a reported speech. First and
second person pronouns and possessive adjectives normally change to the third person except
when the speaker is reporting his own words. (I = he, she; me = him, her; my = his, her; mine
= his, hers; we = they...)

Abhishek said, “I am a teacher.” I becomes He

Abhishek said that he was a teacher. Am becomes was

She said, “Aditya is my son”. Is becomes was

She said that Aditya was her son. My becomes her


This used in time expressions becomes that.

For example- She said, “She’s coming this week”. This becomes that

She said that she was coming that week.

This and That used as adjectives usually change to The.

For example- He said, “I bought this pearl/these pearls for my mother”.

He said that he had bought the pearl/the pearls for his mother.

This and These used as pronouns can become it, they/them.

For example- He came back with two knives and said, “I found these beside the king’s bed”.

He came back with two knives and said he had found them beside the king’s bed.

He said, “We will discuss this tomorrow”.

He said that they would discuss it (the matter) the next day.


Simple present Simple past

Ravi said, “ I play the guitar” Ravi said that he plays the guitar.

Present Continuous Past continuous

S/he said, “I am writing a letter”. She said that s/he was writing a letter.

Present perfect simple Past perfect simple

Mukul said, “I have received an invitation Mukul said that he had received an invitation
letter to attend a seminar.” letter to attend a seminar.

Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous

Shruti confided, “I have been busy writing a Shruti confided that she had been busy writing
book on different food habits.” a book on different food habits.

Simple past Past perfect

Madhu said, “I went to the school yesterday” Madhu said that she had gone to the school the
previous day.

Past continuous Past perfect continuous

Rudra said, “ I was reading an article on the Rudra said that he had been reading an article
importance of life skills” on the importance of life skills.

Past perfect No Change in the verb. Only the pronoun
changes from I to he here.
Raktim said, “ the play had started when I
reached the theatre”

Future Time (Simple) Conditional

Rudra said, “ I shall/ will meet Suman on Rudra said that would meet Suman on tuesday
tuesday over dinner” over dinner.

Future Continuous Conditional Continuous

“I will/shall be using the car myself on the She said (that) she’d be using the car herself
24h”, she said. on the 24th.

NOTE: All those changes represent the distancing effect of the reported speech. Context as
well as the time aspect of the speaker(s)’s point of view must be taken into account while changing
the narration.


Will Would
He said, “Ravi will speak on time”. He said that Ravi would speak on the
importance of English.

Can Could
He said, “I can swim under water for two He said that he could swim under water for
minutes.” two minutes.

Must Had to
Smriti said, “ the books must be returned Smriti said that the books had to be returned
to the library co-ordinator” to the library co-ordinator.

Shall Should
He said, “We shall meet for lunch He said that we should meet for lunch
sometime soon.” sometime soon.

May Might
Rudra asked, “May I take the pictures?” Rudra asked if he might take the pictures.

NOTE: Past modal verbs (could, might, ought to, should, used to, etc. ) do not normally
change in reported speech.

He said, “I might come”.

He said that he might come.

He said, “I would help him if I could”.

He said that he would help him if he could.

He said, “You needn’t wait”.

He said that I needn’t wait.


Positive imperative Tell + infinitive

Shut up!
He told me to shut up.

Negative imperative Tell+ not +infinitive

Don’t do that again!
He told me not to do that

Imperatives as requests Ask + imperatives

Please give a glass of He asked me to give him a
water. glass of water.


Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Today That day

Yesterday The day before

The day before yesterday Two days before

Tomorrow The next day/the following day

The day after tomorrow In two day’s time

Next week/year The following week/ year

Last week/ year The previous week/ year

A year ago A year before/ the previous year

ago Previously/ before

2 weeks ago 2 weeks previously/2 weeks before

tonight that night

last Saturday the previous Saturday/ the Saturday before

next Saturday the following Saturday/ the Saturday after

that Saturday

“I went to the theatre last night.”
He said he had gone to the theatre the night before.
“I'm having a party next weekend.”
He said he was having a party the next weekend.
“I'm staying here until next week.”
He said he was staying there until the following week.
“I came over from London 3 years ago.”
He said he had come over from London 3 years before.


Direct question: He said, “Where is she going?”

Indirect question: He asked where she was going.


1. When we turn direct questions into indirect speech, the following changes are necessary:
a). Tenses, Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives, and Adverbs of time and place change as in
b). The interrogative form of the verb changes to the affirmative form.
c). The question mark is omitted in indirect questions.

2. If the introductory verb is say, it must be changed to a verb of inquiry, e.g. ask, wonder,
want to know etc.
He said, “Where is the station?”
He asked where the station was.

3. Ask can be followed by the person addressed (indirect object):

He asked, “What have you got in your bag?”
He asked (me) what I had got in my bag. (But wonder and want to know cannot take an
indirect object, so if we wish to report a question where the person addressed is mentioned,
we must use ask.)
He said, “Mary, when is the next train?”
He asked Mary when the next train was.

4. If the direct question begins with a question word (when, where, who, how, why etc.) the
question word is repeated in the indirect question:
He said, “Why didn’t you put on the brake?”
He asked (her) why she hadn’t put on the brake.
She said, “What do you want?”
She asked (them) what they wanted.

6. If there is no question word, if or whether must be used:

“Is anyone there?” he asked
He asked if/whether anyone was there.


Direct command: He said, “Lie down, Tom”.

Indirect command: He told Tom to lie down.

Indirect commands, requests, advice are usually expressed by a verb of

command/request/advice + object + infinitive.

A. The following verbs can be used: advise, ask, beg, command, order, remind, tell,
warn etc.

For example- He said, “take your medicines regularly, Tom.”

He advised Tom to take his medicines regularly.

B. Negative commands, requests etc. are usually reported by not + infinitive:

“Don’t swim out too far, boys”, I said

I warned/told the boys not to swim out too far.


i) Exclamations usually become statements in indirect speech. The exclamation mark

Exclamations beginning with What (a) ... or How ... can be reported by: - exclaim/say
He said, “What a dreadful idea!” or “How dreadful!”
He exclaimed that it was a dreadful idea/was dreadful.

To give an exclamation of delight/disgust/horror/relief/surprise etc. if the exclamation is

followed by an action we can use the construction with an exclamation of delight/disgust
+ he/she etc. + verb.

ii) Other types of exclamation such as Good! Marvellous! Splendid! Heavens! Oh! Ugh! etc.
can be reported as in (b) or (c) above:

“Good!” he exclaimed.

He gave an exclamation of pleasure/satisfaction.

“Ugh!” she exclaimed, and turned the programme off.

With an exclamation of disgust she turned the programme off.

Note also: He said, “Thank you!”

He thanked me.

He said, “Good luck!”

He wished me luck.

He said, “Happy Christmas!”

He wished me a happy Christmas.

He said, “Congratulations!”
He congratulated me.

He said, “Liar!”
He called me a liar.

He said, “Damn!”
He swore.

The notice said: WELCOME TO WALES!

The notice welcomed visitors to Wales.


“yes” and “ no” are expressed in indirect speech by subject + appropriate auxiliary verb.

He said, “Can you swim?” and I said “No”

He asked (me) if I could swim and I said I couldn’t.

He said, “Will you have time to do it?” and I said “Yes”

He asked if I would have time to do it and I said that I would.



“Shall I bring you some tea?” could be reported as

He offered to bring me some tea.

“Shall we meet at the theatre?” could be reported

He suggested meeting at the theatre.


Direct speech may consist of statement + question, question + command, command +

statement, or all three together.

Normally each requires its own introductory verb.

“I don’t know the way. Do you?” he asked.
He said he didn’t know the way and asked her if she did/if she knew it.

He said, “Someone is coming. Get behind the screen.”

He said that someone was coming and told me to get behind the screen.


a. say and tell with direct speech.

1. say can introduce a statement or follow it.

Tom said, “I’ve just heard the news”.

“I’ve just heard the news”, Tom said.

Inversion of say and noun subject is possible when say follows the statement.

“I’ve just heard the news”, said Tom.

say + to + person addressed is possible, but this phrase must follow the direct statement; it
cannot introduce it.
“I’m leaving at once”, Tom said to me. Inversion is not possible here.

2. Tell requires the person addressed. Tell me. He told us. I’ll tell Tom. Except with tell
lies/stories/the truth/the time, when the person addressed need not to be mentioned.
He told (me) lies.
I’ll tell (you) a story.

Tell used with direct speech must be placed after the direct statement:
“I’m leaving at once”, Tom told me.
Inversion is not possible with tell.

Say and Tell with indirect speech, Indirect statements are normally introduced by say, or tell
+ object. Say + to + object is possible but less usual than tell + object.

He said he’d just heard the news.

He told me that he’d just heard the news.

NOTE: tell ... how/about:

He told us how he had crossed the mountains.

He told us about crossing the mountains.

He told us about his journeys.


1. There two ways to convey a message of a person, or the words spoken by a person to other
2. There are two types of - Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.
3. In direct speech the original words of person are narrated (no change is made) and are
enclosed in quotation mark.
4. In indirect speech the statement of the person is not enclosed in quotation marks, the word
“that” may be used before the statement to show that it is indirect speech.

Change the Narration

1. These people are saying these things. Report them, using says that.

a. Paul: “Atlanta is a wonderful city.”


b. Ruth: “I go jogging every morning.”


2. People made these statements. Report them, using said.

a. “Mary works in a bank”, Jane said.


b. “I’m staying with some friends”, Jim said.


3. Report what the guests said at a wedding last Sunday.

a. Miss Moore: “They’ll make a lovely couple.”


b. Mr Smith: “They’re going to live in Brighton.”


4. Change the following statements into the reported speech.

a. “I must go to the dentist tomorrow”, he said.

b. “I found an old Roman coin in the garden yesterday and I am going to take it to the
museum this afternoon”, he said.

5. Write these sentences in indirect speech.

a. “I’m very tired”, she said.


b. “I’ll see them soon”, he said.


c. “I’m going to the cinema”, she said.


d. “I see the children quite often”, he said.


e. “I’m having a bath”, she said.



1. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present

a. English ____________________ (speak) in many countries.

b. The post ______________________ (deliver) at about 7 o’clock every morning.

c. ______________________________ (the building/use) any more?

d. How often ______________________________ (the Olympic Games(hold)?

e. How _______________________ (your name/spell)?

2. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past

a. My car ______________________ (repair) last week.

b. This song ________________________ (not write) by John Lennon.

c. ________________________________ (the phone/answer) by a young girl?

d. The film ________________________ (make) ten years ago.

e. When ______________________________ (tennis/invent)?

3. Change the following sentences into passive sentences using the words in brackets.

a. We sell tickets for all shows at the Box Office. (Tickets for all shows/sell/at the Box Office)

b. Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb. (The electric light bulb/invent/by Thomas Edison)

c. Someone painted the office last week. (The office/paint/last week)


d. Several people saw the accident. (The accident/see/by several people)


e. Where do they make these video recorders? (Where/these video recorders/make)



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