English Adverb
English Adverb
English Adverb
या वशेषण
Uses of Adverb
BY – Pritam Kumar Raw Mob. - 9534411155 Page 3
Removal of Double ‘Too & To’ – Double ‘Too’ can be used in four senses in a Sentence.
(a) In ability - (अ मता)
(b) Habit - (आदत)
(c) For Nonliving thing.
(d) For Natural thing affecting us.
In ability –
1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now a Pronoun is added according to the Subject.
3. To + v1 is replaced by cannot, could not + v1.
4. Now the Sentence is given its Proper Structure.
Habit –
1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now a Pronoun is added according to the Subject.
3. Too + v1 is replaced by will not / would not + v1.
Order of Adverb
If an Adverb Qualifies an Adjective comes before the Adjective.
Ex.:- Ram is highly intelligent.
If enough qualifies an Adjective comes after the Adjective.
Ex.:- Ram is enough intelligent to solve this Question. - ()
Ram is Intelligent enough to solve this Question. - ()
If an Adverb qualifies an another Adverb comes before the another one.
Ex.:- Ram is very highly intelligent.
If enough qualifies an another Adverb comes after the Adverb.
Ex.:- He is speaking enough loudly to be heard. - ()
He is speaking loudly enough to be heard. - ()
जलयान,वायु यान)
Ex.:- The Rajdhani Express, The Indian Airlines, The Vikrant …etc.
Definite Article comes before the Proper Name of a Mountain Peak series.
Ex.:- The Himalaya, The Vindhyanchal …etc.
Definite Article comes before the Name of an Island series.
Ex.:- The Andaman-Nicobar, The Newzeland …etc.
Definite Article comes before the Name of Deserts.
Ex.:- The Sahara, The Thar …etc.
Definite Article comes before the Name of Epic / Book / Magazine …etc.
Ex.:- The Ramayana, The Mahabharata, The Arabian …etc.
Definite Article comes before the Proper Name of a Printed Article. (समाचार-प , प का,
ंथ, पु तक …etc.)
Ex.:- The The Hindu, The India Today, The Times of India …etc.
Definite Article comes before a Telecasting Program or Broadcasting Program.
Ex.:- The Dhoom, The Khani Ghar - Ghar Ki, The Nagraj, The Dhruv …etc.
Definite Article comes before the Name of an Organization.
* No Uses of Article
Generally a Proper Noun does not get Article before itself.
Ex.:- India is a secular country.
Generally Article does not come before a Common Noun Plural Number.
Ex.:- Boys are honest.
Generally Article does not come before a Material Noun.
Ex.:- Water is colourless.
Generally an Abstract Noun does not get Article before itself.
Ex.:- Honesty is the best policy.
Kind of, Sort of and Type of …etc stop taking Article if they come just after a “Wh-
BY – Pritam Kumar Raw Mob. - 9534411155 Page 6
Uses of Adverb
BY – Pritam Kumar Raw Mob. - 9534411155 Page 3
Removal of Double ‘Too & To’ – Double ‘Too’ can be used in four senses in a Sentence.
(a) In ability - (अ मता)
(b) Habit - (आदत)
(c) For Nonliving thing.
(d) For Natural thing affecting us.
In ability –
1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now a Pronoun is added according to the Subject.
3. To + v1 is replaced by cannot, could not + v1.
4. Now the Sentence is given its Proper Structure.
Habit –
1. Too + Adjective is replaced by ‘So + Adjective + that’.
2. Now a Pronoun is added according to the Subject.
3. Too + v1 is replaced by will not / would not + v1.
Order of Adverb
If an Adverb Qualifies an Adjective comes before the Adjective.
Ex.:- Ram is highly intelligent.
If enough qualifies an Adjective comes after the Adjective.
Ex.:- Ram is enough intelligent to solve this Question. - ()
Ram is Intelligent enough to solve this Question. - ()
If an Adverb qualifies an another Adverb comes before the another one.
Ex.:- Ram is very highly intelligent.
If enough qualifies an another Adverb comes after the Adverb.
Ex.:- He is speaking enough loudly to be heard. - ()
He is speaking loudly enough to be heard. - ()
1. P - Proper Noun - खास नाम
2. C - Common Noun - सामा य नाम
3. C - Collective Noun - समू ह बनाने वाले नाम
4. M - Material Noun - य (माप / तौल वाले व तु)
5. A - Abstract Noun - अनु भू त / भाव के नाम
Proper Noun - A Proper Noun is a particular name of something.
Ex.:- Ram, Shyam, Patna, Delhi ...etc.
* Fact
It is always written beginning with capital letter.
Generally a Proper Noun is singular and gets singular verb.
Generally Article doesn’t come before it.
If a place name (Proper Noun) denotes a team it becomes Plural and gets Plural Verb.
Note - यान रहे क इस अव था म Place Name के पहले Article ‘The’ आता है ।
Generally a study Subject (Proper Noun) is Singular and gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Physics are a difficult subject. – ()
Physics is a difficult subject. – ( )
If a study Subject (Proper Noun) is possessed by anyone it becomes Plural and gets
Plural Verb.
Note – यान रहे क इस अव था मे भी Study Subject के पहले Article ‘The’ का योग हो सकता है ।
Ex.:- The physics of H.C Verma is very difficult. – ()
Physics of H.C Verma are very difficult. – ()
The physics of H.C Verma are very difficult. – ()
Material Noun - A Noun that can be either measured or weighed but can’t be counted is
called “Material Noun.”
Ex.:- Water, Sugar, Milk, Rice, Gold ...etc.
* Fact
Generally it is singular and gets singular verb.
Generally Article doesn’t come before it.
Ex.:- Water are colourless. – ()
A water is colourless. – ()
Water is colourless. – ()
Dreg is the only Material Noun that is plural and gets plural verb.
Ex.:- Dregs is laying aside the road in this area. – ()
Dreg are laying aside the road in this area. – ()
Dregs are laying aside the road in this area. – ()
Uses of Noun
(a) Group of letters – {S / P} (b) Promise – {Singular}
To show group of letters word can be changed into ‘Words’ according to its
Ex.:- Boy is a word that has three letters. – ()
Boy and toy are two words in which each has three letters. – ()
In the sense of Promise word can’t be changed into ‘Words’.
Ex.:- I give you a word to join your party. – ()
Kaikeyee had taken three pieces of words from Dashrath. – ()
Kaikeyee had taken three pieces of word from Dashrath. – ()
(a) Action – (काय) – {Singular} (b) Writing – (रचना) – {S / P}
In the sense of Action work can’t be changed into ‘Works’.
Ex.:- I have to finish a piece of work. – ()
I have to finish many piece of works. – ()
I have to finish many pieces of work. – ()
To show writing ‘work’ can be changed into ‘works’.
Ex.:- The Goddan is a work of Premchand. – ()
The Goddan & the Gabban are works of Premchand. – ()
(a) Brothers – {Plural} (b) Brethren – {Plural}
2. Reflexive Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun that reflects the work of Subject to
the subject is called Reflexive Pronoun.
Ex.:- Myself, Yourself, Himself …etc.
* Facts
Each and Every Personal Pronoun gets its Particular Reflexive form.
Ex.:- I - Myself
We - Ourselves
Your - Yourself \Yourselves
He - Himself
She - Herself
It - Itself
They - Themselves
One - Oneself
It is always used at the place of Object, it can’t be used as the Subject of a Sentence.
BY – Pritam Kumar Raw Mob. - 9534411155 Page 3
3. Indefinite Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun, that shows the Noun in Indefinite
way, is called Indefinite Pronoun.
Ex.:- All, Some, Most, Many, Much, Few, Little …etc.
* Facts
If it comes for Countable Noun gets a Plural formation and uses Plural Verb.
Ex.:- Most of the students is laborious in my class. – ()
Most of the students are laborious in my class. – ()
If it comes for an Uncountable Noun, It gets a Singular formation and uses Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Most of the rice are boiled in my kitchen. – ()
Most of the rice is boiled in my kitchen. – ()
यान रहे क Pronoun िजसका अंत One/Body/Thing से होता है, उसे भी Indefinite Pronoun
के अंतगत रखा जाता है, और इसका Verb सदा – सदा Singular दया जाता है।
Ex.:- Someone are calling you outside the building. – ()
Someone is calling you outside the building. – ()
4. Demonstrative Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun that demonstrates the Noun is
called Demonstrative Pronoun.
Ex.:- This, That, These and Those.
This -
This comes to demonstrate a Singular Noun that is nearer to the speaker.
Ex.:- Look here, this is my new car.
This comes to introduce someone or something.
Ex.:- Meat him, this is my old friend.
This comes to make a Post-Statement about something.
Ex.:- Honesty is the best policy, this is right.
That -
That comes to demonstrate a Singular Noun that is far from the speaker.
Ex.:- Look there in the corner that is my old car.
That comes to make one’s Recognition. - (पहचान)
Ex.:- Look there on the stage that is Kadar Khan in red T-Shirt.
If we talk about two persons or things use this to denote Second-One and that for the First-
Ex.:- Sonia and Advani both are good leaders, this belongs to the BJP and that belong to the
BY – Pritam Kumar Raw Mob. - 9534411155 Page 4
5. Emphatic Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun that Emphasis the Noun is called
Emphatic Pronoun.
Ex.:- Myself, Yourself, Himself …etc.
* Facts
Each and every Personal Pronoun gets its Particular Emphatic from.
Ex.:- I = Myself, We = Ourselves …etc.
It comes just after the subject and before the Verb.
It shows Hindi meaning – खु द ह / वयं ह / अपने आप ह / वतः ह
Ex.:- I himself can do this work. – ()
I myself can do this work. – ()
6. Interrogative Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun that arises Question for the Noun, is
called Interrogative Pronoun.
Ex.:- Who, Which, What, Whom …etc.
7. Relative Pronoun - A word used at the place of Noun, that makes relation of the Noun is
called Relative Pronoun.
Ex.:- Who, Which, What, Whom, That …etc.
Who, comes as Relative Pronoun for Human being that is the Subject of a Sentence.
Ex.:- Ram which is a Dancer is my friend. – ()
Ram who is a Dancer is my friend. – ()
Whom, comes as Relative Pronoun for Human being that is the Object of a Sentence.
Ex.:- I know the boy about who you are talking. – ()
I know the boy about whom you are talking. – ()
Note – यान रहे क इस अव था मे Whom के थान पर भी Who का योग तब संभव है, जब
इससे संबि धत Preposition वा य के अं तम भाग मे चला जाए।
Ex.:- I know the boy whom you are talking about. – ()
I know the boy who you are talking about. – ()
Which, comes as Relative Pronoun for a Neuter gender that is the Subject of a Sentence?
Ex.:- The Pen, who is red, is running well. – ()
The Pen, which is red, is running well. – ()
Which, comes as Relative Pronoun for a Neuter gender that is the Object of a Sentence also?
Ex.:- I like the Pen, whom you have bought. – ()
I like the Pen, which you have bought. – ()
Of which, comes as Relative for the Possession of a Neuter gender.
Ex.:- The Pen, whose nib is red, is running well. – ()
The Pen of which nib is red is running well. – ()
That comes as Relative Pronoun for a Neuter gender that is the Subject of a Sentence.
Ex.:- The Pen, which is red, is running well. – ()
The Pen, that is red, is running well. – ()
BY – Pritam Kumar Raw Mob. - 9534411155 Page 6
8. Distributive Pronoun - A word used at the Place of Noun that shows the Noun in Distributive
way is called Distributive Pronoun.
Ex.:- Each, Everyone, Either, Neither.
* Facts
It is Singular and gets Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Everyone are laborious in my class. – ()
Everyone is laborious in my class. – ()
Two Distributive Pronouns connected with and also make a Singular formation and use
Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Each and Everyone are laborious in my class. – ()
Each and Everyone is laborious in my class. – ()
Distributive Pronoun + of + Plural Noun / Pronoun + S.V
Ex.:- Each of the Students are laborious in my class. – ()
Each of the Students is laborious in my class. – ()
Plural Noun / Pronoun + Distributive + Plural Verb.
Ex.:- We each is laborious in our class. – ()
We each are laborious in our class. – ()
* Interchange of Degree
According to formation Degree can be divided into two forms.
(i) Direct form of Degree - (The best, The tallest, The smartest …etc.)
(ii) Indirect form of Degree - (One of the best, One of the tallest, One of the smartest)
Dozen, Score, Hundred, Thousand …etc कसी Unit को दशाने हे तु य द कसी Noun के
ठ क पहले हो, तो इनमे ‘s’ या ‘es’ नह ं आता, जब क इनक असी मत दायरा दशाने हे तु इनमे
‘s’ जोड़ते हु ए इनके तु रंत बाद ‘of’ जोड़ा जाता ह।
Ex.:- I have a dozen pens. – ()
I have dozens of pens. – ()
* Order of Adjective
Article + Noun.
Ex.:- I have a pen.
Article + Adjective + Noun.
Ex.:- (a) I have a red pen.
(b) Ram is a smart boy.
Article + Adverb + Adjective + Noun.
Ex.:- Ram is a very smart boy.
Article + Adverb + Adverb + Adjective + Noun.
Ex.:- This is a very-very Important Question for me.
To change a sentence of direct speech into indirect speech there are various factors that are considered
such as reporting verbs, modals, time, place, pronoun, tense, etc. we will take up all the factors one by
1. When the reporting verb of direct speech is in past tense then all the present tenses are changed
to corresponding past tense in indirect speech.
Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: she said, “I am happy.”
● Indirect: She said (that) she was happy.
2. In indirect speech tenses do not change if the words used within the quotes (“ ”) talk of a habitual
action or universal truth.
Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: He said, “we cannot live without air.”
● Indirect: He said that we cannot live without air.
3. The tenses of direct speech do not change if the reporting verb is in future tense or present tense.
Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: She says/will say, “she is going.”
● Indirect: She says/will say she is going.
Rule #3 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech conversion - Past Tense & Future Tense
2. If a direct speech sentence begins with auxiliary verb/helping verb, the joining clause should be if
or whether.
Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: She said, “will you come for the party?”
● Indirect: She asked whether we would come for the party.
3. Reporting verbs such as ‘said/ said to’ changes to enquired, asked, or demanded.
Direct to indirect speech example:
● Direct: He said to me, “what are you wearing?”
● Indirect: He asked me what I was wearing.
1. While changing direct speech to indirect speech the modals used in the sentences changes like:
● Can becomes Could
● May becomes Might
● Must becomes had to /Would have to
● Direct: She said, “She can dance.”
● Indirect: She said that she could dance.
● Direct: She said, “I may buy a dress.”
● Indirect: She said that she might buy a dress.
● Direct: Rama said, “I must complete the assignment.”
● Indirect: Rama said that he had to complete the assignment.
2. There are Modals that do not change like - Could, Would, Should, Might, Ought to.
Direct speech to indirect speech examples:
● Direct: She said, “I should clean the house.”
● Indirect: She said that she should clean the house.
1. The first person in the direct speech changes as per the subject of the speech.
Direct speech to indirect speech examples:
● Direct: He said, “I am in class Twelfth.”
● Indirect: He says that he was in class Twelfth.
2. The second person of direct speech changes as per the object of reporting speech.
Rule #7 - Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion - Request, Command, Wish, Exclamation
1. Indirect Speech is supported by some verbs like requested, ordered, suggested and advised.
Forbid-forbade is used for the negative sentences. Therefore, the imperative mood in direct speech
changes into the Infinitive in indirect speech.
Direct speech to indirect speech examples:
● Direct: She said to her, “Please complete it.”
● Indirect: She requested her to complete it.
● Direct: Hamid said to Ramid, “Sit down.”
● Indirect: Hamid ordered Ramid to sit down.
2. In Exclamatory sentences that express (grief, sorrow, happiness, applaud) Interjections are
removed and the sentence is changed to an assertive sentence.
Direct speech to indirect speech examples
● Direct: She said, “Alas! I am undone.”
● Indirect: She exclaimed sadly that she was broke.
1. In direct speech the words actually spoken should be in (“ ”) quotes and always begin with a
capital letter.
Example: She said, “I am the Best.”
2. Full stop, Comma, exclamation or question mark, are placed inside the closing inverted commas.
Example: They asked, “Can we sing with you?”
3. If direct speech comes after the information about who is speaking, comma is used to introduce
the speech, placed before the first inverted comma.
Direct speech example: He shouted, “Shut up!”
Direct speech example: “Thinking back,” he said, “she didn't expect to win.” (Comma is used to
separate the two direct speeches and no capital letter to begin the second sentence).
1. In direct speeches, the words that express nearness in time or place are changed to words that
express distance in indirect speech. Such as:
● Now becomes then
● Here becomes there
● Ago becomes before
● Thus becomes so
● Today becomes that day
● Tomorrow becomes the next day
● This becomes that
● Yesterday becomes the day before
● These becomes those
● Hither becomes thither
● Come becomes go
● Hence becomes thence
● Next week Or month becomes following week/month
2. The time expression does not change if the reporting verb is in present tense or future tense.
The following rules should be followed while converting an indirect speech to direct speech:
1. Use the reporting verb such as (say, said to) in its correct tense.
2. Put a comma before the statement and the first letter of the statement should be in capital letter.
3. Insert question mark, quotation marks, exclamation mark and full stop, based on the mood of the
4. Remove the conjunctions like (that, to, if or whether) wherever necessary.
5. Where the reporting verb is in past tense in indirect, change it to present tense in the direct speech.
6. Change the past perfect tense either into present perfect tense or past tense as necessary.
● Indirect: She asked whether she was coming to the prom night.
● Direct: She said to her, “Are you coming to the prom night?”
● Indirect: The girl said that she was happy with her result.
● Direct: The girl said. “I am happy with my result.”
Practice Questions:
Directions: Given below are questions sentences in Direct/Indirect Speech along with four options. You
are required to read the Direct and Indirect Speech questions carefully and select the option that
expresses the same sentence in the reverse speech i.e., Indirect/Direct Speech:
1. The designer said to her, “will you have the dress ready by tomorrow evening?”
1. The designer asked her if she would have the dress ready by next evening.
2. The designer asked her that she would have the dress ready by next evening.
3. The designer asked her that if she will like to have the dress by next evening.
4. The designer asked her that she will have the suit ready by next evening.
Answer: 1
Answer: 2
Answer: 4
1. The father said that Jacob has fallen as he would have wished.
2. The father said that Jacob had fallen as he would have wished.
3. The father said that Jocob had fallen as he had wished.
4. The father said that Jacob had been fallen as he would have been wished.
Answer: 2
5. Arya said to Tara, “David will leave for his mother’s place tomorrow.”
1. Arya told Tara that David will leave for his mother’s place tomorrow.
2. Arya told Tara that David will leave for his mother’s place the next day.
3. Arya told Tara that David would leave for his mother’s place the next day.
4. Arya informed Tara that David would be leaving for his mother’s place the next day.
Answer: 3
Answer: 1
Answer: 2
Answer: 4
1. ‘Ronny, are you ready for the race?’, the instructor asked.
2. ‘Are you ready for the race Ronny?’, the instructor asked.
3. ‘Ronny, ready for race?’ the instructor said.
4. ‘Ronny, are you ready for the race?’, said the instructor.
Answer: 1
10. Manager said to Shekher, “Why didn't you attend the meeting yesterday?”
1. The manager enquired shekhar why did not he attend the meeting the day before.
2. The manager asked Shekhar why he did not attend the meeting the previous day.
3. The manager asked Shekhar why he had not attended the meeting the day before.
4. The manager enquired Shekhar that why didn’t he attended the meeting yesterday.
Answer: 3
Lecture Notes
Grammar: Voice and Narration
What is voice?
Voice is a grammatical category that applies to the verb in a sentence. It shows the
relationship between the doer of an action (subject) and the receiver of that action
The action remains the same, but the focus changes depending upon the context.
For example: Do not cross the line. (direct, crisp and to the point)
You must not cross the line. (indirect & polite with firmness)
There are two types of voices in English- active voice and passive voice.
Active Voice
Using active voice makes meaning clear for the readers/listeners and keeps the sentence from being
complicated and wordy.
Passive Voice:
Subject is unknown
We don’t mention the Agent in a passive voice when:
1. if we don’t know who has done what we are talking about. Our car was stolen last
night. (We don’t know who stole it)
2. if we are not interested in who has done what we are talking about or it is not
important to mention it. He has been taken to the hospital. (What we are interested in
is the fact that he has been taken to the hospital and not who has taken him.)
4. if the subject of the active voice sentence is something like somebody, people,
they, you, etc. Someone broke the window. → The window was broken.
He is going to write the Going to The letters are going to be S+V to be (am/is/are)going
letters written. to+ ptcp
Present Perfect The letters have been written S+ have/has +been+ ptcp
He has written the letters Tense by him.
He had written the letters Past Perfect Tense The letters had been written S+ had +been +ptcp
by him.
to-Infinitive The letters have to be written S + have + to+be +ptcp
He has to write the letters by him.
Modal The letters must be written by S+ must+ be +ptcp
He must write the letters him.
1. Only sentences containing transitive verbs [verbs that takes one or more than one object(s).
For example, paint, write, eat, clean, etc.] can be changed from active voice to passive voice.
A subject—that is, a ‘doer’ of the action—is required to change a sentence from the passive to
the active voice.
Agatha Christie wrote the book. The book was written by Agatha Christie.
2. For the Simple Present Tense use am, is or are with a Past Participle to form the Passive
Active voice Passive voice
Once a week, Tom cleans the house. Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom.
The waiter carries the trays. The trays are carried by the waiter.
3. For the Simple Past Tense, use was or were with a Past Participle to form the Passive Voice.
4. For the Present Continuous Tense, use am, is or are with being followed by a Past Participle,
to form the Passive Voice.
The waves are washing away the sandcastle. The Sandcastle is being washed away by the waves.
She is working on the computer. The computer is being worked upon by her.
5. For the Past Continuous Tense, use was or were with being, followed by a Past Participle, to
form the passive voice.
6. For the Future Tense, use shall or will with be, followed by a Past Participle, to form the
Passive Voice.
7. For the Present Perfect Tense, use have or has with been, followed by a Past Participle, to
form the Passive Voice.
8. For the Past Perfect Tense, use had with been, followed by a Part Participle, to form the
passive voice.
Active voice Passive voice
The hunter had caught a fox. A fox had been caught by the hunter.
Sheila had given a gift to Rina. A gift had been given to Rina by Sheila.
9. “Do” verbs:
The do-verb is used for interrogative and negative sentences. To change an interrogative
sentence with ‘do’ from active voice form into passive voice form, use –
Is/are/am +object of the active verb + past participle form of the verb + by + subject of the
passive verb
Did you speak in French with her? Was she spoken in French by you?
Active Voice Passive Voice
Why are they tearing down the old theatre hall? Why is the old theatre being torn down?
How was the experiment finished? How did you finish the experiment?
How do you write that word? How is that word written by you?
11. Can-
Active Voice Passive Voice
The imperative sentence in the passive voice has the following structure:
b) When the emphasis is on the person addressed to, the sentence can begin with you.
c) When the active voice begins with do not, the passive voice has the following structure:
Don’t let the door open. Let not the door be opened.
d) The passive form has to begin with you, when the object of the verb in the active voice is not
Active Passive
Please lend me some money. You are requested to lend me some money.
You ought to respect your parents. Your parents ought to be respected by you.
You should learn your lessons. Your lessons should be learned by you.
f) By you or with you
In the passive voice, we use: by/ with with the agent to refer to by whom the action is being done.
with -is used to refer to the instrument, object or material that was used for something to be done.
The door was opened with a key. (a key = the object that was used)
The omelette was made with eggs, cheese and peppers. (eggs, cheese and peppers = the
material that was used)
13. If the indirect object of the active voice sentence is a personal pronoun it has to be changed
into a subject pronoun to be the subject of the passive voice sentence.
Subject Object
Subject Object
I Me
We Us
You You
You You
He/ she Him/her
They Them
It It
DOUBLE OBJECT VERBS- When we have verbs that take two objects like, for example, give
somebody, something, we can convert the active sentence into a passive one in two ways:
a. by making the indirect (animate) object the subject of the passive voice sentence, which is also the
way that we usually prefer.
b. By making the direct (inanimate) object the subject of the passive voice.
Some of the verbs that take two objects are: give, tell, send, show, bring, write, offer, pay, etc.
Understand narration in English Grammar.
Why is narration used?
NARRATION: in writing or speech, the process of giving an account of a sequence of events, real
or imagined; storytelling. The person who recounts the events is called a narrator. The account itself is
called a narrative.
In narration, when we use reported speech, we usually talk about the past (because obviously the
person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too.
There are two ways of narrating events or story telling- direct speech and indirect speech.
In Direct speech the exact remarks or the speech of the narrator is presented by using the exact words
or expression of the narrator.
In Indirect speech the exact meaning of the remark or the speech is presented without using the
narrator’s exact words.
For example- Ravi said, “I am having lunch with my family.” [Direct Speech]
Ravi said that he was having breakfast with his family. [Indirect speech]
1. Pronouns and Adjectives must change while transforming into a reported speech. First and
second person pronouns and possessive adjectives normally change to the third person except
when the speaker is reporting his own words. (I = he, she; me = him, her; my = his, her; mine
= his, hers; we = they...)
For example- She said, “She’s coming this week”. This becomes that
This and That used as adjectives usually change to The.
He said that he had bought the pearl/the pearls for his mother.
For example- He came back with two knives and said, “I found these beside the king’s bed”.
He came back with two knives and said he had found them beside the king’s bed.
He said that they would discuss it (the matter) the next day.
Ravi said, “ I play the guitar” Ravi said that he plays the guitar.
S/he said, “I am writing a letter”. She said that s/he was writing a letter.
Mukul said, “I have received an invitation Mukul said that he had received an invitation
letter to attend a seminar.” letter to attend a seminar.
Shruti confided, “I have been busy writing a Shruti confided that she had been busy writing
book on different food habits.” a book on different food habits.
Madhu said, “I went to the school yesterday” Madhu said that she had gone to the school the
previous day.
Rudra said, “ I was reading an article on the Rudra said that he had been reading an article
importance of life skills” on the importance of life skills.
Past perfect No Change in the verb. Only the pronoun
changes from I to he here.
Raktim said, “ the play had started when I
reached the theatre”
Rudra said, “ I shall/ will meet Suman on Rudra said that would meet Suman on tuesday
tuesday over dinner” over dinner.
“I will/shall be using the car myself on the She said (that) she’d be using the car herself
24h”, she said. on the 24th.
NOTE: All those changes represent the distancing effect of the reported speech. Context as
well as the time aspect of the speaker(s)’s point of view must be taken into account while changing
the narration.
Will Would
He said, “Ravi will speak on time”. He said that Ravi would speak on the
importance of English.
Can Could
He said, “I can swim under water for two He said that he could swim under water for
minutes.” two minutes.
Must Had to
Smriti said, “ the books must be returned Smriti said that the books had to be returned
to the library co-ordinator” to the library co-ordinator.
Shall Should
He said, “We shall meet for lunch He said that we should meet for lunch
sometime soon.” sometime soon.
May Might
Rudra asked, “May I take the pictures?” Rudra asked if he might take the pictures.
NOTE: Past modal verbs (could, might, ought to, should, used to, etc. ) do not normally
change in reported speech.
ago Previously/ before
“I went to the theatre last night.”
He said he had gone to the theatre the night before.
“I'm having a party next weekend.”
He said he was having a party the next weekend.
“I'm staying here until next week.”
He said he was staying there until the following week.
“I came over from London 3 years ago.”
He said he had come over from London 3 years before.
1. When we turn direct questions into indirect speech, the following changes are necessary:
a). Tenses, Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives, and Adverbs of time and place change as in
b). The interrogative form of the verb changes to the affirmative form.
c). The question mark is omitted in indirect questions.
2. If the introductory verb is say, it must be changed to a verb of inquiry, e.g. ask, wonder,
want to know etc.
He said, “Where is the station?”
He asked where the station was.
4. If the direct question begins with a question word (when, where, who, how, why etc.) the
question word is repeated in the indirect question:
He said, “Why didn’t you put on the brake?”
He asked (her) why she hadn’t put on the brake.
She said, “What do you want?”
She asked (them) what they wanted.
A. The following verbs can be used: advise, ask, beg, command, order, remind, tell,
warn etc.
ii) Other types of exclamation such as Good! Marvellous! Splendid! Heavens! Oh! Ugh! etc.
can be reported as in (b) or (c) above:
“Good!” he exclaimed.
He said, “Congratulations!”
He congratulated me.
He said, “Liar!”
He called me a liar.
He said, “Damn!”
He swore.
“yes” and “ no” are expressed in indirect speech by subject + appropriate auxiliary verb.
Inversion of say and noun subject is possible when say follows the statement.
2. Tell requires the person addressed. Tell me. He told us. I’ll tell Tom. Except with tell
lies/stories/the truth/the time, when the person addressed need not to be mentioned.
He told (me) lies.
I’ll tell (you) a story.
Tell used with direct speech must be placed after the direct statement:
“I’m leaving at once”, Tom told me.
Inversion is not possible with tell.
Say and Tell with indirect speech, Indirect statements are normally introduced by say, or tell
+ object. Say + to + object is possible but less usual than tell + object.
1. There two ways to convey a message of a person, or the words spoken by a person to other
2. There are two types of - Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.
3. In direct speech the original words of person are narrated (no change is made) and are
enclosed in quotation mark.
4. In indirect speech the statement of the person is not enclosed in quotation marks, the word
“that” may be used before the statement to show that it is indirect speech.
Change the Narration
1. These people are saying these things. Report them, using says that.
2. People made these statements. Report them, using said.
b. “I found an old Roman coin in the garden yesterday and I am going to take it to the
museum this afternoon”, he said.
1. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present
2. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past
3. Change the following sentences into passive sentences using the words in brackets.
a. We sell tickets for all shows at the Box Office. (Tickets for all shows/sell/at the Box Office)
b. Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb. (The electric light bulb/invent/by Thomas Edison)