Exercise Answers 12 Asal Physics WB
Exercise Answers 12 Asal Physics WB
Exercise Answers 12 Asal Physics WB
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Workbook answers
Chapter 12
Exercise 12.1 Basic terms 4 a 2.4 cm
and 1/frequency), part b (label B), part
c (label C) and part d (label D).
0 1 2 3 4 5Distance / cm
A wavelength B
amplitude 5 a 2.5 s
D Distance b 0.40 Hz
C c 40 cm
2 a missing words: parallel and perpendicular Exercise 12.2 More about phase
b Type of wave Longitudinal or
transverse 1 a A and E
radio waves transverse
b A and D; B and E
ultrasound waves longitudinal
c i A moves up
microwaves transverse
ultra-violet waves transverse ii B moves down
waves on a rope transverse 2 a One whole wave is 360° = 4 × 90°.
v = fλ = 64 cm s−1
1 Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang & Jones © Cambridge University Press 2020
3 How far through a wave cycle one Exercise 12.4 The Doppler effect
oscillation leads or lags another, expressed
as an angle, so that if two points are 1 a he waves are squashed together because
one wavelength apart they have a phase the source is moving towards him.
difference of 360°.
b he source of sound always emits the
4 a same amplitude same frequency. In one second, the same
number of wavelengths are emitted but
b same frequency they fit in a smaller distance because the
c A is 90° ahead of B. source is moving towards the observer. So,
the wavelength of these waves is reduced
Exercise 12.3 Wave intensity, and – since the speed of the sound is the
same – more complete wavelengths arrive
measuring time and the at the observer per second.
electromagnetic spectrum
2 a 453 Hz
1 1 : 4, 25% or 0.25
b 358 Hz
2 Amplitude Intensity
3 2740 Hz
initial wave A0 I0
4 319 Hz and 283 Hz
1 1
wave A A I 5 a 57 m s−1
2 0 4 0
A0 1 b 214 Hz
wave B I
2 2 0 6 a 31 m s−1 towards the observer
wave C 3A0 9I0
b lower frequency but still larger than
wave D 4A0 16I0 600 Hz because the component of the
velocity of the train towards the observer
is less.
3 a 500 W or J s−1
b The area facing the wave is reduced. Exercise 12.5 Polarisation
c 0.1 m2 1 a he oscillation of E (and B) is at right
angles to the direction of travel.
4 Frequency / Wavelength / Region
b I n a polarised wave, the oscillation of the
Hz m of the
electric field is in only one plane. In a non-
polarised wave, the plane of oscillation
1.0 × 1010 3.0 × 10−2 microwaves varies in direction, although still at 90° to
6.0 × 1014 5.0 × 10−7 visible the direction of travel.
2 Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang & Jones © Cambridge University Press 2020