Session Plan Unit-1 1.7
Session Plan Unit-1 1.7
Session Plan Unit-1 1.7
Session Plan
Lesson Aim To punctuate direct speech, extend a conversation and do a dramatic reading.
Time Topic content and teacher activity Learner activity Formative assessment Learning materials and resources
How are you explaining and What are the learners doing to How do you plan to assess What resources will you use that
illustrating the topic? help them progress? learning as it is happening? will support the teaching,
learning and assessment
5mins Prior Knowledge Check: Asking Learners are working on to fill Walk around the classroom, Question Strips
students to complete the the punctuation marks. assessing student answers.
sentences with appropriate
punctuation marks.
5. "Let's go to the park___" she
Lesson Evaluation: Reflect and briefly identify what you think went well and what you would like to improve in future practice.