Vocab Set 16

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Core dSAT Vocabulary_Set 17

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1. Aversion a strong feeling of not liking somebody/something

a strong aversion
aversion to somebody/something He had an aversion to
getting up early.
Ác c£m, sñ thù ghét

2. barter to exchange goods, property, services, etc. for other

goods, etc. without using money
barter (with somebody) (for something) The prisoners tried
to barter with the guards for items like writing paper and
barter something (for something) The local people
bartered wheat for tools.
sñ Õi chác

3. benefactor a person who gives money or other help to a person or an

organization such as a school or charity
a generous benefactor
friends and benefactors of the hospital
The equipment was funded by friends and benefactors of
the hospital.
Làm viÇc të thiÇn

4. cataclysmic (of a natural event) causing sudden and violent change

a cataclysmic earthquake/flood/eruption
extreme and very bad
cataclysmic changes in society
¡i hÓng thçy

5. catastrophic (of a natural event) causing many people to suffer

SYNONYM disastrous
a catastrophic earthquake/flood/wildfire
causing a lot of problems for people
SYNONYM disastrous
a catastrophic failure/collapse/defeat
(US English) a catastrophic illness (= one that costs a very
large amount to treat)
th£m khÑc

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6. complacent too satisfied with yourself or with a situation, so that you do
not feel that any change is necessary; showing or feeling
a dangerously complacent attitude to the increase in un-
complacent about somebody/something We must not be-
come complacent about progress.
Don't go getting too complacent before the exams.
Tñ mãn

7. compose compose (something) to write music or a latter

Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.
music specially composed for the occasion
(not used in the progressive tenses)compose some-
thing(formal)to combine together to form a

8. Counterfeit (of money and goods for sale) made to look exactly like
something in order to trick people into thinking that they
are getting the real thingSYNONYM fake
counterfeit watches
Are you aware these notes are counterfeit?
Làm gi£

9. critique to write or give your opinion of, or reaction to, a set of ideas,
a work of art, etc.
Her job involves critiquing designs by fashion students.
phê bình

10. crystallize [intransitive, transitive] (of thoughts, plans, beliefs, etc.) to

become clear and fixed; to make thoughts, beliefs, etc.
clear and fixed
Our ideas began to crystallize into a definite plan.
crystallize something The final chapter crystallizes all the
main issues.
[intransitive, transitive] crystallize (something) (specialist)
to form or make something form into crystals
· The salt crystallizes as the water evaporates.
K¿t tinh

11. Demolition
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[uncountable, countable] the act of pulling or knocking
down a building
The whole row of houses is scheduled for demolition.
[uncountable] the act of showing that an idea or theory is
completely wrong
· His speech did a very effective demolition job on the
government's proposals.
[uncountable] the act of defeating somebody easily and
· Ferguson completed the demolition with a fifth goal 13
minutes from time.

12. disconcerting making you feel worried, confused or embarrassed

She had the disconcerting habit of saying exactly what she
BÑi rÑi, lúng túng

13. disparage disparage somebody/something to suggest that some-

body/something is not important or valuable
I don't mean to disparage your achievements.
Chê bai, làm gi£m giá trË

14. dispassionate not influenced by emotionSYNONYM impartial

taking a calm, dispassionate view of the situation
a dispassionate observer
Không t° vË, công bình

15. distort distort something to change the shape, appearance or

sound of something so that it is strange or not clear
a fairground mirror that distorts your shape
The loudspeaker seemed to distort his voice.
istort something to change facts, ideas, etc. so that they
are no longer correct or true
Newspapers are often guilty of distorting the truth.
Xuyen t¡c, làm sai hình dáng

16. distraction countable, uncountable] a thing that takes your attention

away from what you are doing or thinking about
I find it hard to work at home because there are too many
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distraction from something The TV provided a distraction
from his work.

17. eccentric considered by other people to be strange or unusual

eccentric behaviour/clothes
an eccentric aunt
Kó qu·c, khác th°Ýng

18. edifying likely to improve your mind or your character

edifying literature
They had been raised on edifying tales of murder in an-
cient Greece.
n the 18th century art was seen, along with music and
poetry, as something edifying.

19. elite belonging to a group of people in society that is small in

number but powerful and with a lot of influence, because
they are rich, intelligent, etc.
an elite group of senior officials
an elite military academy
especially in sport) having or showing the greatest ability
at the highest level of competition
an elite athlete/swimmer/runner
the world of elite sports

20. embrace [countable] an act of putting your arms around somebody

as a sign of love or friendship
They embraced and promised to keep in touch.
embrace somebody She embraced her son warmly.
He rose from his chair and embraced her warmly.
[uncountable] the act of accepting an idea, a proposal, a
set of beliefs, etc, especially when it is done with enthusi-
to embrace democracy/feminism/Islam
[transitive] embrace something to include something
The talks embraced a wide range of issues.
The word 'mankind' embraces men, women and children

21. Enthral if something enthrals you, it is so interesting, beautiful, etc.

that you give it all your attention
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(be) enthralled (by something) The child watched, en-
thralled by the bright moving images.
The children listened enthralled as the storyteller unfolded
her tale.
enthral (somebody) This book will enthral readers of all
The story never fails to enthral.

22. equivocal (of words or statements) not having one clear or definite
meaning or intention; able to be understood in more than
one waySYNONYM ambiguous
She gave an equivocal answer, typical of a politician.
Women were less equivocal than men on the subject of
fidelity in marriage.
(of actions or behaviour) difficult to understand or explain
clearly or easily
The experiments produced equivocal results.
có hai nghiã, không phân minh

23. euphemism euphemism (for something) an indirect word or phrase that

people often use to refer to something embarrassing or
unpleasant, sometimes to make it seem more acceptable
than it really is
'Pass away' is a euphemism for 'die'.
'User fees' is just a politician's euphemism for taxes.
uyÃn ngï

24. explicit (of a statement or piece of writing) clear and easy to

understand, so that you have no doubt what is meant
He gave me very explicit directions on how to get there.
The reasons for the decision should be made explicit.
She made some very explicit references to my personal

25. extravagant spending a lot more money or using a lot more of some-
thing than you can afford or than is necessary
I felt very extravagant spending £200 on a dress.
She's got very extravagant tastes.
extravagant with something Residents were warned not to

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be extravagant with water, in view of the low rainfall this

26. fanatical holding, expressing or connected with extreme or danger-

ous opinionsSYNONYM extremist
fanatical ideologues
a fanatical cult
fanatical views
informal) extremely enthusiastic
a fanatical supporter of the team
their fanatical devotion to the show

27. Fervent having or showing very strong and sincere feelings about
somethingSYNONYM ardent
a fervent admirer/believer/supporter
a fervent belief/hope/desire
NhiÇt thành

28. foresight the ability to predict what is likely to happen and to use this
to prepare for the future
She had had the foresight to prepare herself financially in
case of an accident.
The government's policies show a remarkable lack of fore-
Sñ oán tr°Ûc

29. foretell to know or say what will happen in the future, especially
by using magic powers
foretell something to foretell the future
foretell that... The witch foretold that she would marry a
foretell what, when, etc... None of us can foretell what lies
Tiên tri

30. forfeit to lose something or have something taken away from you
because you have done something wrong
He has forfeited his right to be taken seriously.
to lose or give something up as a necessary consequence
of something that you have done
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· If you cancel your flight, you will forfeit your deposit.
tËch thu

31. frivolous (of people or their behaviour) silly or funny, especially

when such behaviour is not suitable
frivolous comments/suggestions
Sorry, I was being frivolous.
Her words seemed utterly frivolous
having no useful or serious purpose
· frivolous pastimes/pleasures
phù phi¿m

32. generosity generosity (to/towards somebody) the fact of being gener-

ous (= willing to do kind things or give somebody money,
gifts or time freely)

He treated them with generosity and thoughtfulness.

How can I repay your generosity?
She showed an unusual generosity of spirit to those who
had opposed her.

33. grapple to take a strong hold of somebody/something and struggle

with them
grapple (with somebody/something) Passers-by grappled
with the man after the attack.
grapple somebody/something (+ adv./prep.) They man-
aged to grapple him to the ground.
[intransitive] to try hard to find a solution to a problem
· grapple with something The new government has yet to
grapple with the problem of air pollution.
· a government trying to grapple with inflation
· an attempt to grapple with this very difficult issue
· grapple to do something I was grappling to find an answer
to his question.

34. harangue to speak loudly and angrily in a way that criticizes some-
body/something or tries to persuade people to do some-

He walked to the front of the stage and began to harangue

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the audience.
sñ huyên náo

35. illicit not allowed by the law

SYNONYM illegal
illicit drugs
. not approved of by the normal rules of society
· an illicit love affair
B¥t hãp pháp

36. imminent (especially of something unpleasant) likely to happen very

the imminent threat of invasion
The system is in imminent danger of collapse.
An announcement about his resignation is imminent.
An attack seems imminent.
s¯p x£y ra, kh©n c¥p

37. incongruous strange, and not suitable in a particular situation

SYNONYM inappropriate
Such traditional methods seem incongruous in our techni-
cal age.
The two of them made an incongruous couple.
a collage of seemingly incongruous images
phi lý

38. indiscernible that cannot be seen, heard or understood

The differences are almost indiscernible
không thà phân biÇt °ãc

39. inexplicable that cannot be understood or explained

SYNONYM incomprehensible
inexplicable behaviour
For some inexplicable reason he gave up a fantastic job.
không thà gi£i thích °ãc

40. insolent extremely rude and showing a lack of respect

an insolent child/smile
Her tone grew insolent.
láo x°ãc
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41. lugubrious sad and serious

SYNONYM doleful
a lugubrious expression
S§u th£m

42. luxurious very comfortable; containing expensive things that give

SYNONYM sumptuous
a luxurious hotel
luxurious surroundings
The car felt luxurious.

LÙng l«y, sang trÍng

43. marginal small and not important

SYNONYM slight

a marginal improvement in weather conditions

The story will only be of marginal interest to our readers.
The difference between the two estimates is marginal.

44. mercenary payment

foreign mercenaries
mercenary soldiers
Six years ago, he became a mercenary for a private mili-
tary corporation.
Lính ánh thuê, ham lãi

45. moderate that is neither very good, large, hot, etc. nor very bad,
small, cold, etc.
students of moderate ability
Even moderate amounts of the drug can be fatal.
The team enjoyed only moderate success last season.
Cook over a moderate heat.

having or showing opinions, especially about politics, that

are not extreme

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moderate views/policies
a moderate socialist

46. mollify mollify somebody to make somebody feel less angry or

SYNONYM placate
His explanation failed to mollify her.
Xoa dËu

47. nebulous not clear

a nebulous concept
Âm u

48. nuance a very slight difference in meaning, sound, colour or some-

body's feelings that is not usually very obvious
He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of
Her singing has both warmth of sound and delicacy of

49. opt to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action

opt for/against something After graduating she opted for a
career in music.
After a lot of thought, I opted against buying a motorbike.
opt to do something Many workers opted to leave their jobs
rather than take a pay cut.
Kén chÍn

50. overshadow

overshadow somebody/something to make some-

body/something seem less important, or successful
He had always been overshadowed by his elder sister.
Domestic policy was soon overshadowed by political un-
rest abroad.
to make an event less pleasant than it should be

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News of the accident overshadowed the day's events.
to throw a shadow over something
· The garden is overshadowed by tall trees.
Lu mÝ, che l¥p

51. overweening showing that you are too confident or proud

Your modesty is a cover for your overweening conceit,' she
Tñ phå

52. perfidious that cannot be trusted

Không ngay th-t, ph£n bÙi

53. poignant having a strong effect on your feelings, especially in a way

that makes you feel sad

SYNONYM moving

a poignant image/moment/memory, etc.

Her face was a poignant reminder of the passing of time.
Th¥m thía

54. polemical involving strong arguments for or against something, often

in opposition to the opinion of others
a polemical attack

55. pretentious trying to appear important, intelligent, etc. in order to im-

press other people; trying to be something that you are
not, in order to impress
That's a pretentious name for a dog!
It was just an ordinary house—nothing pretentious.
He's so pretentious!
Khoe khoang

56. proclaim to publicly and officially tell people about something impor-

SYNONYM declare

57. prodigious
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very large or powerful and causing surprise; impressive

SYNONYM colossal, enormous

58. profusion a very large quantity of somethingSYNONYM abundance

a profusion of colours
in profusion Roses grew in profusion against the old wall.
DÓi dào

59. prominence the state of being important, well known or easy to notice
a young actor who has recently risen to prominence
The newspapers have given undue prominence to the
She has achieved a prominence she hardly deserves.
prominence as something The study of local history has
gained prominence as an academic discipline.
NÕi b-t

60. quiescent formal) quiet; not active

...a society which was politically quiescent and above all
...a quiescent Southern seaside town.

(medical) (of a disease, etc.) not developing, especially

when this is probably only a temporary state
Yên l·ng

61. ratify to make an agreement officially or legally valid by voting

for or signing it
The treaty was ratified by all the member states.
Phê chu©n

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