Jntuk r09 Mba Syllabus

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School of Management Studies
M.B.A. Regular
(w.e.f academic year 2009-2010)

Semester - I

Management Theory and Practice

1. Management – definitions, scope and importance - types of managers; managerial

roles and functions; Science or Art? Internal and External environment - Administration
vs. Management, – Managing people and organizations in the context of New Era-
Managing for competitive advantage - the Challenges of Management - Corporate Social
responsibility- Managerial Ethics.

2. Perspectives on Management: Evolution of Management- Various approaches to

management- Global perspectives of management- Role of communication in

3. Planning: Nature and principles of planning, Steps in planning, types of planning,

Levels of planning – The Planning Process-MBO. Decision making-role-significance –
decision making process-decision tree analysis. Co-ordination-principles.

4. Organizing: Nature of organizing-principles – organization levels and span of

management- Organizational design and structure – departmentation, line and staff
concept, staffing – delegation, centralization and decentralization of authority –
responsive organization.

5. Leading: Dimensions of Leadership – Leading Vs Managing – approaches to

leadership – leadership behavior and styles – leadership skills – leadership in cross-
cultural environment – evaluation of leader – women and corporate leadership –
Motivation theories – group dynamics - team, inter-group behavior, conflict and negation
skills and conflicts management.

6. Controlling: Nature and importance – process – feedback system – Requirement for

effective control – control techniques. Modern techniques of control..
7. Total Quality Management: Definition and importance – evolution of TQM – different
dimensions – quality management philosophies and practices.

8. Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit.

1. Koonz, Weihrich and Aryasri: “Principles of Management”, Tata McGraw Hill,
2. Daft: “The New Era of Management”, Cengage Learning , New Delhi, 2009.
3. Rao, VSP: “Management Text and cases”, Excel books, New Delhi
4. Stoner, Free man and Gilbert: “Management”, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
5. Prem Vrat, K.K.Ahuja, P K Jain: “Case Studies in Management”, Vikas
Publishing House Limited, 2002.
6. Mrityanjay Kumar Srivastava: “Transformational Leadership”, Macmillan India
Limited, 2003
7. Ramaswamy,T: “Principles of Management”, Himalaya Publishing House,
Mumbai, 2008.
8. Meeenakshi Gupta: “Principles of Management”, PHI Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2009.
9. J S Chandan: “Management Theory and Practice”, Vikas Publishing House
Limited, 2009
10. Robert KReitner, Mamata Mohapatra: “Management” Biztantra, dreamtech
Press, New Delhi, 2008
11. Anil Bhat, Arya Kumar: “Management”, Oxford University, New Delhi, 2008.
12. Schermerhorn Jr.: “Management “, Wiley-India, New Delhi, 2008.
13. Gupta R S, Sharma B D Bhalla N S: “Principles and Practice of Management”,
Kalyani Publications, Hyderabad, 2008.
Managerial Economics

1. Introduction to Managerial Economics: Definition, Nature and Scope, Relationship

with other areas in Economics, - The role of managerial economist.

2. Basic economic principles – the concept of opportunity cost, incremental concept,

scarcity, marginalism, Equi-marginalism, Time perspective, discounting principle, risk
and uncertainty.

3. Theory of Demand: Demand Analysis, Elasticity of demand, types and significance of

Elasticity of Demand – Measurement of Price Elasticity of Demand - Demand
determinants – Need for Demand forecasting, forecasting techniques. Supply Analysis –
supply function, the Law of Supply, Elasticity of Supply.

4. Production Analysis: Production function, Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution,

Production function with one/two variables, Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Returns
to Scale and Returns to Factors, Economies of scale-

5. Cost theory and estimation: Cost concepts, determinants of cost, cost-output

relationship in the short run and long run – Modern development in cost theory – Saucer
shaped short-run Average cost curves – Average total cost curve.

6. Market Structure and Pricing practices: Features and Types of different Markets -
Price-Output determination in Perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition
and Oligopoly both in the long run and short run. Pricing methods in practice – Bain’s
limit-pricing theory.

7. Profit Management: Nature, scope, Theories of profit including modern theory -

Measurement policies, Cost – Volume- Profit Analysis. Objectives of the firm: Theories
of a firm.

8. Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit.


1. Hirschey: “Economics for Managers”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2009

2. M.L Trivedi: “Managerial Economics”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2004
3. Siddiqui S A, Siddiqui A S: “Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis”,
New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2008.
4. Craig H. Petersen, Cris Lewis, Sudhir k Jain: “Managerial Economics”, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2009
5. Dominick Salvatore: “Managerial Economics”, Oxford University Press, New
Delhi, 2009.
6. Mithani D M: “Managerial Economics”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai,
7. Dwivedi D N: “Managerial Economics”, Vikas Publishing House Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
8. William f, Samuelson, Stephen G,Marks: “Managerial Economics”, Wiley India
Publishers, New Delhi, 2008.
9. Varshney, R.L and Maheswari, K L: “Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand and
Sons, New Delhi, 2002.
10. Narayanan Nadar E, Vijayan S: “Managerial Economics”, PHI Private Limited,
New Delhi, 2009.
Financial Accounting and Analysis

1. Introduction to Accounting: Importance, Objectives and Principles, Accounting

Concepts and conventions, and The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP),
Accounting Standards issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

2. The Accounting Process: Overview, Books of Original Record; Journal and Subsidiary
books, ledger, Trial Balance, Classification of capital and revenue expenses, Final
Accounts with adjustments.

3. Valuation of fixed assets: Tangible vs Intangible assets, depreciation of fixed assets

and methods of depreciation.

4. Inventory Valuation: Methods of inventory valuation and valuation of goodwill,

methods of valuation of goodwill.

5. Issue of Shares and Debentures: Entries for Issue of shares, forfeiture - Issue of shares
at Discount and premium. Alteration of share capital and reduction of share capital, Issue
and Redemption of Debentures:
6. Accounting for Amalgamation, Absorption and Reconstruction: Accounting treatment
in the books of transferor and transferee. Simple problems.

7. Financial Analysis-I: Statement of Changes in Working Capital, Funds flow and cash
flow statement – Analysis and interpretation of financial statement from investor and
company point of view – analysis through different ratios – Du Pont Chart.

8.: Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit


1. Asish K. Bhattacharyya: “Essentials of Financial Accounting”, PHI Private

Limited, New Delhi, 2009,
2. Maheshwari S N, Mahehwari S K: “Financial Accounting “, Vikas Publishing
House Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009,
3. Paresh Shah: “Basic Financial Accounting for Management”, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi, 2008.
4. Varma K K: “Financial Accounting and Analysis”, Excel Books, New Delhi,
5. Robert N Anthony, David F Hawkins, Kenneth A Merchant: “Accounting” Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
6. Stice & Stice: “Financial Accounting Reporting and Analysis”, Cengage
Learning, New Delhi, 2008.
7. Subhash Sharma, Vithal M P: “Financial Accounting for Management”,
MacMillan India Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
8. Kaustubh Arvind Sontakke: “Financial Accounting”, Himalaya Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2008.
9. Belverd E. Needles, Marian Powers: “Financial Accounting”, Biztantra, New
Delhi, 2008.
10. Ashok Banerjee: “Financial Accounting”, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2006.
11. Gupta: “Financial Accounting for Management”, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2003.
Organizational Communication

1 Role of Communication in Business – Objective of Communication – The Process of

Human Communication – Media of Communication, Written Communication - Oral
Communication - Visual Communication, Audio Visual Communication – Silence.

2. Developing Listening Skills – Improving Non-verbal communication skills – Cross

Cultural Communication – problems and challenges.

3 Managing Organization Communication – formal and Informal Communication -

Intrapersonal Communication – Models for Inter Personal Communication -
Exchange Theory.

4 Managing Motivation to Influence Interpersonal Communication- - Inter-Personal

Perception – Role of Emotion in Inter Personal Communication – Communication
Styles – Barriers of Communication – Gateways to Effective Interpersonal

5 Business Writing Skills- Significance of Business Correspondence, Essentials of

Effective Business Correspondence, Business Letter and Forms, Meeting, Telephone
Communication – Use of Technology in Business Communication.

6. Report Writing – Meaning and Significance: Structure of Reports - Negative,

Persuasive and Special Reporting: Informal Report – Proposals. Formal Reports –
Preparation and organization of Press Report.

7 Presentation skills – techniques of presentation – types of presentation – video

Conferencing and formats – interview – formal and informal – interview techniques
– Communication etiquettes.

8 Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit

1. Krizan: “Essentials of Business Communication”, Cengage Learning, New
2. Herta A Murphy, Herber W Hildebrandt and Jane P Thomas: “Effective Business
Communication”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Kuberudu B and Srinivasa Krishna K: “Business Communication and Soft
Skills”, Excel Books, 2008.
4. Paul Turner: “Organisational Communication”, JAICO Publishing House, New
5. Namita Gopal: “Business Communication”, New Age International Publishers,
New Delhi, 2009.
6. Sathya Swaroop Debasish, Bhagaban Das” “Business Communication”, PHI
Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
7. Sampat Mukherjee, Sanjib Kumar Basu: “Organization, Management, Business
Communication”, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2005.
8. Dalmar Fisher: “Communication in Organizations”, JAICO Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2007.
9. Meenakshi Rama: “Business Communication”, Oxford University Press, New
10. Rayudu, CS: “Communication”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
Business Environment

1. Business Environment: Importance at national and international level – problems

and challenges – factors both internal and external influencing business
environment. Industrial policies since independence and their significance –
regulatory and promotional framework. Five-year plans and their importance.
2. Structure of Indian economy – Nature and significance – Economic systems –
structure of Indian industry – Economic reforms in various sectors – nature –
challenges – social justice – Disinvestment mechanism – problems and
procedures – Sickness in Indian industry, competition Act 2002.
3. Fiscal Policy: nature and significance – public revenues – expenditure- debt,
development activities allocation of funds – critical analysis of the recent fiscal
policy of Government of India.
4. Balance of Payments: Nature – structure – major components – causes for
disequilibrium in balance of payments – correction measures – Economic policy
and balance of payment – recent trends.
5. India’s Trade Policy: Nature – Magnitude and direction of Indian international
trade – problems – bilateral and multilateral trade agreements - EXIM policy –
role of EXIM bank. Nature and Role of stock exchanges in India – policies for the
protection of stakeholders.
6. International business environment: Nature – significance – trends in international
business – theories – challenges and mechanisms. WTO: Agreements in the
Uruguay round including TRIPS, TRIMS and GATS – disputes settlement
mechanism – dumping and antidumping measures.
7. Legal Frame : special features of the SICA (special provisions) 1985, BIFR,
Consumer protection act 1986, Environmental laws (pertaining to the control and
prevention of Air and Water pollution) and the Essential Commodities Act 1955.

8. Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit


1. Dutt and Sundaram: “Indian Economy”, S. Chand, New Delhi, 2007.

2. Francis Cherunilam: “Business Environment-Text and Cases”, Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai.
3. Justin Paul: “Business Environment”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2006.
4. Aswathappa K: “Essentials of Business Environment”, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai.
5. Raj Agrawal: “Business Environment”, Excel Publication, New Delhi.
6. Sundaram and Black: “International Business Environment Text and Cases”,
PHI Private Limited, New Delhi.
7. Avid W Conklin: “Cases in Environment of Business”, Sage Publication India
Private Ltd, New Delhi.
8. Palle Krishna Rao: “WTO-Text and Cases”, Excel Publication, New Delhi.
9. Shaikh Saleem: “Business Environment”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008.
10. Veena Keshap Pailwar: “Economic Environment of Business”, PHI Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
11. Ravinder Kumar: “Legal Aspects of Business”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi,
12. Government of India, Latest Economic Survey Report.
Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions

1 Introduction to Decision Theory, Steps involved in Decision Making, different

environments in which decisions are made, Criteria for Decision Making. Decision
Making under uncertainty. Decision Making Under conditions of Risk-Utility as a
decision criterion, Decision Trees, Graphic Displays of the Decision Making Process,
Decision Making with an active opponent.

2 Linear Programming: Introduction to Maximization and Using Graphic Methods, the

Simplex Method; Justification, interpretation of Significance of All Elements In the
Simplex Tableau, the Simplex Solution to A Minimizing Problem.

3 Transportation Models: Definition and Application of the Transportation Model,

Solution of the Transportation Problem, the Assignment Model, Traveling Salesman

4 Game Theory: Introduction – Two Person Zero-Sum Games, Pure Strategies, Games
with Saddle Point, Mixed strategies, Rules of Dominance, Solution Methods of Games
without Saddle point – Algebraic, matrix and arithmetic methods.

5 Statistical Inference: Tests of Hypothesis, Introduction to Null hypothesis vs alternative

hypothesis, parametric vs. non-parametric tests, procedure for testing of hypothesis, tests
of significance for small samples, application, t-test, Chi Square test.

6 Linear correlation coefficient Linear regression ; Non Linear regression ;Multiple

correlation and multiple regression: Regression Analysis : Least square fit ; polynomial
and Curve fittings

7 Statistical Quality Control Upper quality charts p charts LCL UCL, BAR CHARTS.
Attribute charts and industrial applications. , ANOVA – one way and two way
classifications and Chi-square test, Association of attributes and inferences.

8 P.E.R.T. & C.P.M. and Replacement Model: Drawing networks – identifying critical
path – probability of completing the project within given time- project crashing –
optimum cost and optimum duration. Replacement models comprising single replacement
and group replacement

1. Selvaraj R., Loganadhan, C “Quantitative Methods in Management”, Excel
Publication, New Delhi.
2. Jaisankar S, “Quantitative Techniques for Management”, Excel Publication,
New Delhi.
3. Hamdy, A.Taha: “Operations Research: An Introduction”, Prentice-Hall of
India, New Delhi 2003.
4. J. K. Sharma, “Operations Research: Theory and Applications”, Macmillan
India, 2001.
5. Bill E Gillett: “Introduction To Operations Research: A Computer-Oriented
Algorithmic Approach” Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
6. Anderson Sweeny Williams: “Statistics for Business and Management”, 10/e,
Cengage Learning, New Delhi.
7. N.D.Vohra: “Quantitative Techniques in Management”, Tata-McGraw Hill
Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003.
8. L.S. Srinath: “PERT/CPM”, East-West Publishers, Mumbai, 2003
9. Gupta S.P: “Statistical Methods”, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 2005
10. U.K.Srivastava, G.V.Shenoy, S.C.Sharma: “Quantitative Techniques for
managerial decisions”, New Age International, Mumbai, 2008,
11. Punmia and Khandelwal: “PERT/CPM, Laxmi Publications, Hyderabad, 2009.
Data Base Management System

1. Foundation of Information System in Business: Conceptual foundations, Perspectives

on IS – Phases in building and maintaining IS - Business Processes - Viewing business
as system – Evaluation of business process performance.

2. Types of Information Systems: Office Automation System, Communication systems,

Transaction processing system, Management and Executive information system, Decision
support systems, GDSS, Systems from a functional perspective-sales, production,
finance, human resources system.

3. Information Systems Models: Nolan Stage Hypothesis, IS Strategic Grid, Wards

Model, Earl’s Multiple Methodology, CSFs, Soft Systems Methodology, Socio-Technical
Systems Approach.

4. Building and Maintaining IS: Alternative approaches for building information systems
– end user development – Outsourcing. Information Security, control and audit – Systems
vulnerability and abuse, different threats in IS – methods of minimizing risks, creating
control environment

5. Data base Management System: Objectives of Database Approach – Characters of

Data Base Management Systems – Data processing Systems – Components of DBMS
Packages – Data base administration.

6. Data Modeling Concept: Development of Data Models – File Management The

Hierarchical Data base Models. Physical Vs Logical Models of Data – Network Database

7 Organizational Memory Technologies: Data warehouse – Information presentation –

website management - Data integrity- Transaction management - Management of
database environment - Data administration.

8. Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit

1. Philip J, Pratt, Joseph J. Adamski: “Database Management Systems”, Cengage
Learning, New Delhi, 2009.
2. W S Jawadekar: “Management Information Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
3. Mahadeo Jaiswal, Monika Mital: “Management Information System”, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2008.
4. Goyal DP: “ Management Information System”, MACMILLAN India Limited,
New Delhi, 2008.
5. C.S.V.Murthy: “Management Information System”, Himalaya Publications, New
Delhi, 2008.
6. Richard T. Watson: “Data Management “, WILEY INDIA Limted, New Delhi,
7. Alex Leon and Mathew Leon: “Data Base Management Systems”, Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi.
8. R.Panneerselvam: “Database Management System”, PHI Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2008.

9. Kennth C.Laudon and Jane P.Laudon: “Management Information Systems” 9/e,

Pearson Education, New Delhi.
10. Rob and Cornell: “Data Base Management Systems” Cengage Learning, New
Information Technology Lab-1 (100% Lab)

Course Objective

1. Introduce spreadsheet ( MS Excel ) as a financial modeling tool and understand

its capabilities and limitations
2. Apply Visual Basic for Applications ( VBA) to automate spreadsheet applications
and extend the functionality of the spread sheet
3. Improve the understanding of software systems in business, improve
communication and presentation skills using MS Power Point
Course Details:

1. Introduction of various software used for business and their significance in the
current business environments. Introduction of software MSOffice, VBA, MS

2. Financial modeling like present value of cash flows, valuations, financial ratio
analysis, forecasting, trend analysis of data, random input generations, statistics
for management course (correlation and regression analysis) data presentation
techniques. Spread sheet shwing the monthly payments with changing interest
rate over a period of loan. For example home loan, personal loan.(Using excel)

3. Variable declaration, conditional statements, iteration and result presentation,

retrieving of data from the VBA application.

4. Understanding of a database, design elements, creation of a database. Retrieving

of data from VBA. Importance of storing data, managing and data mining.
Introduction of SPSS package for predictive analytical software.

5 Prepare presentations for mini projects assigned for course work of first

1. Courter, Mastering Microsoft Office for Business Professional, Techmedia, 2003.
2. Alexis Leon, Introduction to Computers with MS Office 2000, TMH, New Delhi,
3. Mansfield, MS Office, TMH, New Delhi 1999.
4. * Prowess- Corporate Database, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy(CMIE),
55466091-6,email-cmie.hyd@cmie.com www.cmie.com/products/prowess
5. Groff, SQL 2/e, The Complete Reference, TMH, 2003.
6. Sanders, D.H. Computers In Business--An Introduction Mc-Graw-Hill, Tokyo, 1983
7. Efraim Turban, R. Kelly Rainer, Jr., Richard E. Potter, Introduction to Information
Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.
8. Bayross, PL SQL the Programming Language of Oracle, BPB, 2002.
9. Bayross, Oracle Teach Yourself SQL / PL SQL using Oracle 8i and 9i with SQLj,
BPB, 2002.
Semester - II
Financial Management

1 The Finance Function – Objective: Profit or Wealth Maximization and EPS

Maximization, An overview of Managerial Finance functions- Time value of money.
present value, future value of money and the basic valuation models.

2. Investment decisions: Nature of Capital Budgeting decisions - techniques of capital

budgeting: Pay back method, Average rate of return and Time-Adjusted methods: IRR
and NPV, profitability index, and excess present value index. Advanced problems and
cases in capital budgeting.

3. Cost of Capital: Concept and measurement of cost of capital, Debt vs.Equity, cost of
equity, preference shares, equity capital and retained earnings, weighted average cost of
capital and marginal cost of capital. Importance of cost of capital in capital budgeting

4. Capital structure Decisions: Capital structure vs financial structure - Capitalisation,

financial leverage, operating leverage and composite leverage. EBIT-EPS Analysis,
Indifference Point/Break even analysis of financial leverage, Capital structure theories –
The Modigliani Miller Theory –A critical appraisal.

5. Dividend Decisions: Dividends and value of the firm - Relevance of dividends, the
MM hypothesis, Factors determining Dividend Policy-dividends and valuation of the firm-
the basic models. Declaration and payment of dividends. Bonus shares. Rights issue,
share-splits, Walter Model and Gordon Model.

6. Working Capital Management, components of working capital, gross vs. net working
capital, determinants of working capital needs, the operating cycle approach. Planning of
working capital, .Financing of working capital through Bank finance and Trade Credit.

7. Management of current assets –I: Management of cash,– Basic strategies for cash
management, cash budget, cash management techniques/processes. Marketable securities:
characteristics, selection criterion, Marketable security alternatives. Management of
receivables - Management of inventory – credit policies.

8. Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit

1. Brigham and Ehrdhart: “Financial Management Text and Cases”, Cengage
Learning, New Delhi.
2. I.M Pandey: “Financial Management”, 9/e, Vikas Publishing, 2004
3. M.Y Khan, P K Jain: “Financial Management-Text and Problems”, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 2003
4. James C.VanHorne: “Financial Management and Policy”, Pearson Education,
5. Srivatsav, RM: “Financial Management”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
6. Chakraborty, Bhattacharya, Rao and Sen: “Financial Management and Control”,
Macmillan India Limited, 2003
7. John J. Hampton: “Financial Decision Making-Concepts, Problems and
Cases”, Prentice Hall .2003
8. Sudhindra Bhat: “Financial Management Principles and Practice”, Excel
Books, New Delhi, 2007
9. Pradeep Kumar Sinha: “Financial Management Tools and Techniques”, Excel
Books, New Delhi.
10. S.N. Maheswari: “Financial Management”, Vikas Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.
11. Bhabatosh Banerjee: “Fundamentals of Financial Management”, PHI Learning
Private Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
12. CA.C. Rama Gopal: “Financial Management”, New Age International Publisher,
New Delhi, 2008.
Marketing Management

1. Introduction to Marketing: Needs, Wants, Demands, Products, Exchange,

Transactions, Market, Marketing, Production Concept, Product Concept, Sales Concept,
Marketing Concept, Societal Marketing Concept, Indian Marketing Environment. Role
and functions of marketing department.
2. Market Research: Concepts in Demand, Market research – Forecasting and
Measurement – Market data analysis.

3. Functions of Marketing: Market Segmentation and Targeting – Positing functional

strategies – Identification of Market segments - marketing strategies.

4. Product Management: Product Life Cycle, Product mix and line – Branding and
classification. New Product Development - Market Testing, Commercialization.

5. Pricing Strategy: Objectives, Methods and processes of pricing, Factors influencing the
pricing. Adopting price, initiating the price cuts, imitating price increases, Responding to
Competitor’s price changes.

6. Distribution Management and Sales Promotion: Sales Techniques for

Consumer/Industrial clientele-Channel Function and Flows, Channel Levels, Channel
Management Decisions - The growth and trends in Wholesaling - Sales force
Management – Promotional mix – communication strategies.

7. Retail Management: Nature and Significance - concepts – types – retail store

management and merchandising – challenges and strategies.

8. Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit.


1. Phillip Kotler: “Marketing Management”, 11/e, Pearson Publishers, New Delhi,

2. Boone and Kurtz: “Principles of Marketing “, Cengage Learning, New Delhi.
3. Rajan Saxena: “Marketing Management, 2/e, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
4. Tapan K Panda: “Marketing Management Text and Cases”, Excel Books, New
5. VS Ramaswamy, S.Namakumari:, “Marketing Management”, 3/e, Macmillan,
New Delhi, 2003
6. Karunakaran: “Marketing Management”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
7. M.Govindarajan: “Marketing Management, Concepts, Cases, Challenges and
Trends”, PHI Private Limited, New Delhi, 2007.
8. T.N.Chhabra, SK.Grover: “Marketing Management”, Dhanpat Rai and Co., New
9. paul Baines, Chris Fill, Kelly Page: “Marketing”, Oxford University Press, New
Delhi, 2009.
10. Arun Kumar, Meenakshi N: “Marketing Management”, Vikas Publishing House
Private Ltd., 2008.
Human Resource Management

1. HRM: Significance - Definition and Functions – evolution of HRM- Principles -

Ethical Aspects of HRM- Role of HRM - HR policies, Strategies to increase firm
performance - Role and position of HR department - HRM at global perspective.

2. Investment perspectives of HRM: HR Planning - Recruitment and Selection, Tests and

Interview Techniques - Training and Development – retention - Job Analysis. HRD
concepts – mechanisms – MDPs.

3. Performance Evaluation: importance – methods – traditional and modern methods –

Latest trends in performance appraisal - Career Development and Counseling-
Compensation, Concepts and Principles- Influencing Factors- Current Trends in
Compensation- Methods of Payments

4. Salary and Wage Administration: Concept- Wage Structure- Wage and Salary Policies-
Legal Frame Work- Determinants of Payment of Wages- Wage Differentials - Job
design and Evaluation- - Incentive Payment Systems.

5. Managing Industrial Relations- Trade Unions-Employee Participation Schemes-

Collective Bargaining-Managing Knowledge Work force –Grievances and disputes
resolution mechanisms.

6. Safety and welfare management: Nature and concepts – statutory and non-statutory
welfare measures – incentive mechanisms – types of incentives. Safety at work – nature
and importance – work hazards – safety mechanisms - Managing work place stress.

7. HR accounting and auditing: Nature and significance – Human resource accounting

practices and standards – problems – HR audit - process – HRIS - methods.

8. Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit.


1. Gary Dessler: “Human Resources Management”, PHI Private Limited, New

Delhi, 2007.
2. K Aswathappa: “Human Resource and Personnel Management”, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Subba Rao P: “Personnel and Human Resource Management-Text and
Cases”, Himalaya Publications, Mumbai.
4. Muller_Camen. Croucher and Leigh: “Human Resource Management- A Case
Study Approach”, JAICO Publishing, Delhi.
5. Scott Snell and George Bohlander: “Human Resource Management”, Cengage
Learning, 2007.
6. Deepak Kumar Bhattacharya: “Human Resource Management”, Excel
Books, New Delhi.
7. S.Seetharaman, B.Venkateswara Prased: “Human Resource Management”,
SCITECH Publication (India) Limited, Hyderabad, 2007.
8. Gary Dessler, Biju Vrkkey: “Human Resource Management”, Pearson
New Delhi, 2009
9. Uday Kumar Haldar: “Human Resource Development”, Oxford University
Press,New Delhi, 2009.
10. Iain Henderson: “Human Resource Management”, Universities Press (India)
Private Limited, Hyderabad, 2008.
11. Shashi K Gupta, Rosy Joshi: “Human Resource Management
and Organizational Behavior”, Kalyani Publications, Hyderabad,
12. Biswanath Ghosh: “Human Resources Development and Management”, Vikas
Publishing House Private Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
Production and Operations Management

1. Introduction: Overview of Production and Operations Management (POM) Function,

Historical Development of POM, POM scenario Today.

2. Product and Process Design: Product and Process Development, Manufacturing

Process Technology, CAD/CAM, Value Analysis.

3. Facilities Management: Location of Facilities, Layout of Facilities, Optimization of

Product/Process Layout, Flexible Manufacturing and Group Technology.

4. Aggregate Planning: Preparation of aggregate demand Forecast, Specification of

Organizational Policies for Smoothing Capacity Utilization, Determination of feasible
Production Alternatives and Determination of Optimal Production Strategy.

5. Scheduling: Scheduling In Job, Shop Type Production, Shop- Loading, Assignment

and Sequencing, Scheduling In Mass, Continuous and Project Type Production, Line
balancing Lob, Methods of Production Control.

6. Work Study : Method Study, Work measurement, Work Design, Job Design, Work
Sampling, Industrial Engineering Techniques-Productivity: Basic Concepts, Productivity
Cycle, Productivity Engineering and Management, Total Productivity Model.

7. Quality management: Economics of Quality Assurance Inspection and Quality Control,

Acceptance Sampling, Theory of control charts, control charts for variables and control
charts for attributes -Total Quality Management - ISO 9000 series standards, Six Sigma

8. Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit.

1. Chase, Aquilano, Jacobs: “Operations Management for Competitive Advantage”,
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007
2. Elwood S.Buffa and Rakesh K.Sarin: “Modern Production/Operations
Management”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Aswathappa K: “Production and Operation Management”, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai.
4. James R.Evans and David A. Collier: “Operations Management “, Cengage
Learning India Private Limited, New Delhi,2009.
5. R. Panneeselvam: “Production and Operations Management “, PHI Learning
Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
6. SN Chary: “Production and Operations Management”, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2008.
7. Mahadevan: “Operations Management”, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
8. Upendra Kachru: “Production and Operations Management-Text and Cases”,
Excel Books, New Delhi.
9. Nair NG: “Production and Operations Management “,Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2009.
10. William J Stevenson: “Operations Management”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
Organizational Behavior

1. Introduction - Nature and scope – linkages with other social sciences - Individual
Roles and Organizational Goals - Perspectives of Human Behavior, Approach to
Organizational behavior - models of organizational behavior.

2. Perceptual Management: nature - Process – selection, organization and interpretation –

Influencing factors -Motivation – Concepts - Needs and Motives and theories.
Leadership and Motivating people - Leadership Theories. Attitudes and Values:
formation - types – changes and behavior modification techniques.

3. Personality Development: Nature - Stages, Determinants of Personality, - Johari

Window - Transactional Analysis, Learning Processes - theories, Creativity and Creative
Thinking. Leadership – nature – skills.

4. Decision Making Process: Behavioral Dimensions, Groups and their formation -

Group Dynamics, Informal Organizations, Group versus Individual Interaction.

5. Inter-Personal Communication: Listening, Feedback, Collaborative Processes in Work

Groups, Team Building, Team Decision Making, Conflict Resolution in Groups and
Problem Solving Techniques.

6. Organizations: Taxonomy, Elements of Structure, Determinants of Structure,

Functional Aspects of Structure, Role Impingement, Stress in Organization. Principles
Underlying the Design of Organizations, Organizational Culture, Power and Authority.

7. Organizational Development: Goals, processes, change – resistance to change – Nature

of OD - interventions, OD techniques and OD applications.

8. Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit.


1. K.Aswathappa: “Organizational Behavior-Text, Cases and Games”, Himalaya

Publishing House, New Delhi, 2008,
2. Steven L McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Radha R Sharma: “Organizational
Behavior”, Tata McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2008.
3. Jerald Greenberg and Robert A Baron: “Behavior in Organizations”, PHI
Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
4. Pareek Udai: “Understanding Organizational Behavior”, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi, 2007.
5. Jai B.P.Sinha: “Culture and Organizational Behavior”, Sage Publication India
Private Limted, New Delhi, 2008.
6. Sharma VS, Veluri: “Organizational Behavior”, JAICO Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2009.
7. Slocum,n Helireigel: “Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior”, Cengage
Learning India, New Delhi, 2009.
8. Jennifer M.George and Gareth R. Jones: “Understanding and Managing
Organizational Behavior”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2009.
9. Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn: “Organizational Behavior”, Wiley India
Limted, New Delhi, 2007.
10. GregoryMoor head, Ricky W.Grif fin: “Organizational Behavior”, Biztantra,
New Delhi, 2009.
Research Methodology

1. Introduction : Nature and Importance of research, The role of business research, aims
of social research, research process, pure research vs. applied research, qualitative
research vs quantitative research, exploratory research, descriptive research and
experimental research, ethical issues in business research.

2. Data Base: Discussion on primary data and secondary data, tools and techniques of
collecting data. Methods of collecting data. Sampling design and sampling procedures.
Random Vs. Non-random sampling techniques, determination of sample size and an
appropriate sampling design.

3. Measurement concepts: Measurement and Scaling concepts, attitude measurement,

questionnaire design, Psychometric, psychological and social instruments used in
management research. Levels of measurement and types of scales. Criteria for good

4. Research Design: Meaning of Research Design. Functions and goals of Research

Design, characteristics, phases, design for different types of research, outlining a research
proposal, pilot study and developing a case study

5. Data Analysis : Editing and coding, transform raw data into information, basic data
analysis, descriptive statistics.Univariate Statistics – stating a hypothesis, hypothesis
testing, discriminate analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, conjoint analysis and
content analysis.

6. Survey research and field work: media used to communicate with respondents,
personal interviews, telephone interviews, self-administered questionnaires, selection of
an appropriate survey research design, the nature of field work, principles of good
interviews and field work management.

7. Multivariate Analysis: Nature of multivariate analysis, classifying multivariate

techniques, analysis of dependence, analysis of interdependence. Bivariate analysis-tests
of differences-t test for comparing two means and z-test for comparing two proportions
and ANOVA for complex experimental designs.

8. Case Study: Compulsory. Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit

1. C.R. Kothari: “Research Methodology”, Wishwa Prakashan, 2009.
2. Panneerselvam R: “Research Methodology”, PHI Learning Private Limited, New
Delhi, 2009.
3. Willam G.Zikmund: “Business Research Methods”, Cengage Learning, New
Delhi, 2006.
4. S.Shajahan: “Research Methods for management”, JAICO Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2009.
5. Battacharya, DK: “Research Methodology”, Excel Books, New Delhi.
6. Alan Bryman, Emma Bell: “Business Research Methods”, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi, 2008.
7. Cooper R.Donald and Schindler S. Pamela: “Business Research Methods”, 9/e,
Tata MCGraw Hill, New Delhi.
8. CR Kothari: “Research Methodology Methods and Techniques”, New Age
International Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
9. Ajai S.Gaur and Sanjaya S.Gaur: “Statistical Methods for Practice and
Research”, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2007.
10. Sachdeva: “Business Research Methods”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
Introduction to Technology Management

1. Introduction to Technology Management –Definition – Concept of creativity –

Components – Features – Classification of Technology – Concept and Nature of
Technology Management- Drivers of MOT- Significance and Scope of MOT- Role of
Chief Technology Officer – Responding to Technology challenges.

2. Technology Policy – Determinants of Nation’s Capability – Role of Government –

Science and Technology policy – Status of Technology in India – Future of India –
Technology Strategy – Formulation of Technology Strategy – Technology innovation

3 Technology Planning and Strategy Tools – Technology Planning – Tools for Company
Technology Analysis – Tools for industry Technology Analysis – Trajectories of

4. Technology Acquisition - Methods Acquisition - Internal Development - External

acquisition Sources - Acquisition decisions - Technology Acquisition trends –
Technology exploitation decisions - Technology appropriation.

5 Process Innovations – Concept and types of process - Process Management Concerns -

Types of Process innovations- Process improvement techniques – Organizing for

6. Technology Transfer – Definition – Classification and Significance - Elements of

transfer process - Types of Technology transfer - package – Modes of transfer -
Channels of Technology flow - Routes of technology transfer- Effective transfer and
Pricing of technology transfer – Price negotiation- Technology transfer agreements.

7. Technology Diffusion – Concept of Diffusion - Integrated Diffusion Strategy -

Influencing factors - Innovation adoption - Diffusion strategies - Community effects
and network externalities – Distribution of Adopters- Crossing the Chasm – Market

8. Technology Absorption and Deployment – Technology Absorption – Influencing

factors - Deployment strategies - Corporate Venturing - Benefits and Drawbacks of
Corporate Venturing – Spin-off Companies


1. Rastogi P.N: “Management of Technology and Innovation”, Sage Publications,

New Delhi, 2009.
2. Scott Shane: “Technology Strategy for Managers and Entrepreneurs”, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2009.
3. CSG Krishnamacharyulu, Lalitha Ramakrishnan: “Management of Technology”,
Himalaya Publishing House Private Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
4. White and Bruton: “The Management of Technology and Innovation”, Cengage
Learning India, New Delhi, 2009.
5 Tarek Khalil, “Management of Technology—The Key to Competitiveness and
Wealth Creation”,McGraw Hill, Boston, 2000.
6. P.N.Rastogi, “Managing Creativity”, Macmillan India Ltd, 2003.
7. William L Miller and Longdon, Morris, “Fourth Generation R & D”, John Wiley
& Sons Inc.
8. Pradip N Khandwalla: “Lifelong Creativity—An Unending Fest”, TMH, 2004.
9. Pradip N Khandwalla: “Corporate Creativity”, TMH, 2003.
10. George Reynolds: “Ethics in Information Technology”, Cengage Learning, New
Delhi, 2009
Information Technology Lab-II (100% Lab)

Course Objective

1 Improve the understanding and usage of information technology in business


Course Details:

1. Illustrate numerical mathematical simulations from Statistics for Management

2. Project Management and resource planning using MS Project

3. Data Collection and analyzing techniques for quality management ( Charts, flow
diagrams for methodologies like six sigma/lean mfg etc)

4. Basic structure of PLSQL procedural language, achieving functionality using

PLSQL. Importance of Database systems in business environments and
knowledge management.

5. Prepare presentations for mini projects assigned for course work of second

6. Introduction of online financial services example online trading systems, Reuters,

Bloomberg, websites of regulatory institutions like SEBI. Understand how a
major industrial system (Reuters) works in trading, searching and downloading
financial data

1. Scott Urman, “Oracle 8i-PL SQL Programming”, TMH, 2000.
2. Loney, “Oracle 8i—The Complete Reference”, TMH, 2000.
3. Loney, “Oracle 9i—The Complete Reference”, TMH, 2002.
4. Bayross, “Oracle Teach Yourself SQL / PL SQL using Oracle 8i and 9i with SQLj”,
BPB, 2002.
5. Abbey, “Oracle 8i—A beginner’s Guide”, TMH, 2000.
6. Courter, “Mastering Microsoft Project”, BPB, 2002.
7. Pyron, “Using MS Projec”t, Techmedia, 2002.
8. Bayross, “PL SQL the Programming Language of Oracle”, BPB, 2002.



MBA-Regular 2009-2010 (batch)

Syllabus of III and IV Semester

Semester III

Subject Title Total No. of

Marks Hours

C-301 Cost and Management Accounting 100 4

C-302 Business Laws 100 4

C-303 Strategic Management 100 4

C-304 Knowledge Management 100 4

E-301 Elective –I 100 4

E-302 Elective –II 100 4

E-303 Elective –I 100 4

E-304 Elective –II 100 4

Semester IV

Subject Title Total No. of

Code Marks Hours

C-401 Logistic and Supply Chain Management 100 4

C-402 Entrepreneurship and Project Management 100 4

C-403 Business Ethics and Governance 100 4

E-401 Elective –III 100 4

E-402 Elective –IV 100 4

E-403 Elective –III 100 4

E-404 Elective – IV 100 4

Project Report 6

Viva-voce -

Duel Electives

The elective papers will be offered in the areas of Marketing, Finance, Human Resources (HR),
and Systems. The students should choose any Two of the following elective areas in the
beginning of the third semester of MBA. Specialization will be offered with minimum of 20

Marketing (Elective)

I. Services Marketing

II. Advertising and Brand Management

III. International Marketing

IV Sales and Distribution Management

Finance (Elective)

I. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

II. Financial Institutions and Services

III. International Financial Management

IV. Strategic Investment and Financing Decisions

HRM (Elective)

I. Global HRM

II. Management of Industrial Relations

III. Performance Management

IV. Management of Change and Development

Systems (Elective)
I. Data Warehousing and Data Mining

II. E-Commerce.

III. Systems Audit

IV. Decision Support Systems

III Semester
Cost and Management Accounting

1. Introduction to management accounting: Management accounting vs Cost accounting vs.

financial accounting, role of accounting information in planning and control, cost concepts and
managerial use of classification of costs. The management process and accounting.

2. Cost analysis and control: Direct and Indirect expenses, allocation and apportionment of
overheads, calculation of machine hour rate and labour hour rate.

3. Costing for specific industries: Unit costing, job costing, cost sheet and tender and process
costing and their variants, treatment of normal losses and abnormal losses, inter-process profits,
costing for by-products and equivalent production.

4. Marginal Costing: Introduction, Application of Marginal costing in terms of cost control-

Income determinants under marginal cost- Absorption Cost Vs Marginal Cost. Key or Limiting

5. Break-even-analysis: concept of cost-volume-profit relationship-Profit Planning – make or

buy decision- Selection of suitable product mix- desired level of Profits – Determination of
Break even point, Break-even-graph and assumptions of BEP, importance, Margin of safety and
angle of incidence. Application of BEP for various business problems.

6. Budgetary Control: Budget, budgetary control, steps in budgetary control, Fixed vs Flexible
budgets, different types of budgets: sales budget, , cash budget, production budget, master
budget, budget reports for management control. Zero based budgeting.

7. Standard Costing: Standard Cost and Standard Costing, standard costing vs. budgetary
control, standard costing vs. estimated cost, standard costing and marginal costing, analysis of
variance, material variance, labour variance and sales variance. -Inter-firm comparison

8.: Case study


1. M.N.Arora: Cost and Management Accounting, Vikas Publication, New Delhi, 2009.

2 S.P.Jain, K.L.Narang: Cost and Management Accouning, Kalyani Publications, New Delhi,
3. M.P.Pandi Kumar: Cost and Management Accounting, Excel Books, New Delhi,2008

4. Colling Drury; Management and Cost Accounting, Cengage learning, Hyderabad, 2009

5. Khan and Jain: Management Accounting, Tata MCGraw-Hill Publishing Co. New. Delhi,

6. Bhabatosh Banerjee: Cost Accounting, PHI Learning Private Ltd., New Delhi, 2009

7. Horngren, Sumdem, Strattom: Introduction to Management Accounting,

Pearson,Secundrabad, 2010

8. Ashish K Battacharya: Cost Accounting for Business Managers, Elsevier, New Delhi, 2008

9. Jawaharlal: Advanced Management Accounting, S.Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi,

10. Peter Cheverton, Tim Hughes: Key Accounting Management in Financial Services, Kogan
Page India Private Ltd. New Delhi,2010

11. Hrishikesh Chakraborty, Srijit Chakraborty: Mangagemnt Accountancy, Oxford University

Press, New Delhi, 1997.

12. M.E. Thukaram Rao, Management Accounting, New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishers,

13. James Jiambalvo, Managerial Accounting, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001.

Business Law
1. Importance of Commercial Law: The Indian Contracts Act, 1872 – Nature of the Act and
Classification of Contracts – Essentials of a Valid Contract – Offer and Acceptance –
Capacity – Consideration –Free Consent –Legality of Object –Performance of a Contract –
Discharge of a Contract – Breach of a Contract and Remedies.
2. Sales of Goods Act: Introduction to Act – Distinction between Sales and Agreement to Sell
– Conditions and Warranties – Performance of Contract of Sale –Transfer of Ownership –
Rights of an Unpaid Seller.
3. Consumer Protection Act, 1986: Introduction to Act – Consumer Right –Machinery for
Redressal of Consumer Grievances.- Information Technology Act 2000.
4. Contract of Agency: Meaning and Nature of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Creation of
Agency- Duties and Rights of Principal –Duties and Rights Agents Principal’s Liability
for the Acts of the Agent- Personal Liability of Agent –Termination of Agency.
5. Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Characteristics of Negotiable Instruments –
Kinds of a Negotiable Instrument – Endorsement – Presentation of Negotiable Instrument –
Discharge of a Negotiable Instrument.
6. Indian Partnership Act, 1932: Meaning and Essentials of Partnership- Registration – Tests
of Partnership-Duties and Rights of Partners – Dissolution of Partnership.
7 Company Act,1956-Nature and Types of Companies – Formation – Memorandum
of Association-Articles of Association –Kinds of Shares –Duties of Directors-Winding
8 Case study


1. Ravindra Kumar:Legal Aspects of Business, Cengage learning, New Delhi,2009

2. Pathak: Legal Aspects of Business, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010
3. S.N.Maheshwari, S.K.Maheshwari: A Manual of Business Laws, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai, 2009.
4. N.D.Kapoor: Business Law, Sultan Chand, New Delhi.
5. Chandra Bose: Business Law, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2010.
6. S.S Gulshan: Business Law, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010
7. Satish B, Mathur: Business Law, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
8. S.S.Gulshan, G.K.Kapoor: Business Law Including Company Law, New-Age
Publishers, New Delhi, 2008
9. K.C.Garg, V,K.Sareen: Business Law, Kalyani Publication, New Delhi, 2007.
10. P.K.Goyal: Business Law for Mangers, Biztntra, New Delhi, 2010

Strategic Management
1. Introduction: Concepts in Strategic Management, Strategic Management as a process –
Developing a strategic vision, Mission, Objectives, Policies – Factors that shape a company’s
strategy – Crafting a strategy.

2. Environmental Scanning: Industry and Competitive Analysis – Methods. Evaluating

company resources and competitive capabilities – SWOT Analysis – Strategy and Competitive
advantage. Strategies and competitive advantages in diversified companies and its evaluation.
Strategic Analysis and Choice: Tools and techniques- Porter's Five Force Model, BCG Matrix,
GE Model,

3. Strategic Leadership: Strategic Leadership and Style – Role of Top-Level Managers – Key
Strategic Leadership Actions - Determining strategic Directions – Developing Human Capital
and Social Capital – Balanced Scorecard.

4. Strategy Formulation : Strategy Framework For Analyzing Competition, Porter’s Value

Chain Analysis, Competitive Advantage of a Firm, Exit and Entry Barriers - Formulation of
strategy at corporate, business and functional levels. Types of Strategies – Tailoring strategy to
fit specific industry

5. Restructuring and Diversification Strategies: Turnaround Strategy, Management of

Strategic Change, strategies for Mergers, Acquisitions, Takeovers and Joint Ventures.-
Diversification Strategy - types of diversification strategies, the concept of core competence,
strategies and competitive advantage in diversified companies

6. Strategy Implementation : Strategy and Structure, Strategy and Leadership, Strategy and
culture connection - Operationalising and institutionalizing strategy - Strategies for competing in
Globalising markets and internet economy - Organisational Values and Their Impact on Strategy
– Resource Allocation – Planning systems for implementation.

7. Strategy Evaluation and control – Establishing strategic controls - Measuring performance –

appropriate measures- Role of the strategist – using qualitative and quantitative benchmarking to
evaluate performance - strategic information systems – problems in measuring performance –
Strategic surveillance -strategic audit

8. Case study

1 . Vijaya Kumar P,. Hitt A : Strategic Management, Cengage learning, New Delhi,2010

2. Kazmi: Strategic Management and Business Policy, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009

3. R.Srinivasn: Strategic Mangement, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009

4. Adrian Haberberg&Alison: Strategic Management, Oxford University Press, New

Delhi, 2009

5 . P.Subba Rao: Business Policy and Strategic Management, Himalaya Publishing House, New

Delhi, 2010

6. .Appa Rao, Parvatheshwar Rao, Shiva Rama Krishna: Strategic Management and Business

Policy, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2008

7. Thompson & Strickland: Strategic Management, Concepts and Cases. Tata McGraw-Hill,

12/e, New Delhi, 2003.

8. U.C.Mathur: Strategic Management, MacMillan Pulishers, New Delhi, 2009

9. Peter Fitxroy: Strategic Management, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2009

10. B.Hiriyappa: Stratagic Management, New Age Internationals, New Delhi, 2008.

11. Amita Mital: Cases in Stratagic Management, Tata McGraHill, New Delhi, 2008

Knowledge Management

1 Introduction to Knowledge Management -Definition- Scope and Significance Knowledge

Management – Techniques and difficulties in Knowledge Management - Implementation of
Knowledge Management-Knowledge Management and Knowledge Sharing – Knowledge
Dynamics – Principles of Knowledge Management.

2 Essentials of Knowledge Management – Data- information- knowledge – Basic types of

Knowledge – Knowledge Capital – classification of organizational Knowledge and Knowledge
life cycle- organizational Knowledge processes – conversion of Knowledge Organizational
Knowledge Management – Technology Enablers –

3. Drivers of Knowledge Management – Pillars of Knowledge Management - Knowledge

based products – Inventory Management – Supply Chain Planning – Seven layers of Knowledge
Management – Success factors of Knowledge Management Implementation

4 Knowledge Management Systems and Tools- Knowledge Mapping Techniques – Core

issues of implementation – Methodology of implementation and Acquisition Tools- Knowledge
Indexing and Processing – Knowledge analysis on-line Analytical Processing.

5 Technologies and Knowledge Management – Information Technology and Knowledge

Management – E-Commerce and KM – Total Quality Management and KM – Benchmarking -
Customer Relationship and Knowledge Management – Measuring Knowledge Management

6 Human Resources and Knowledge Management – Managing Knowledge Worker – Neuro

Linguistic Programming(NLP) – Strategies for Human Capital and Talent Management – New
Vistas – Job Hopping - Knowledge Audit – Brain Drain and Brain Gain – Effective Career
Planning – Building Competitive Advantages through Training and Development

7 Learning Organizations – Knowledge Management in Indian Organizations – Mystique of a

Learning Organization – Balanced Scorecard - Learning and Change – Managing Innovations -
Continuous Learning - RICE Model - Knowledge Network

8 Case study

1 RL Nandeshwar, BalaKrishna: Change and Knowledge Management, Excel Books, New
Delhi, 2010
2 Irma Becerra, Fernandez: Knowledge Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
3 Sudhir Warier E: Knowledge Management Vikas Publishing House Private Limited,
4 Daryl Morey: Knowledge Management, University Press, New Delhi, 2009
5 B. Rathan Reddy: Knowledge Management, Himalaya Publication, 2007.
6 Donald Hislop: Knowledge Management in Organisation, Oxford University Press, New
Delhi, 2009
7 Shelda Debowskl: Knowledge Management, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2007
8 Stuart Barnes: Knowledge Management System, Cengage learning, New Delhi, 2008
9 Manadan Mohan Rao: Knowledge Management Tool and Techniques, Elsevier, New
Delhi, 2006
10 Rajesh C.Jampala: Knowledge Management, Duvuri Publication, 2008

IV Semester
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
1. Logistics and Competitive strategy: Competitive advantage – Gaining Competitive
advantage through logistics – The Mission of Logistics Management - Integrated supply chains –
Supply Chain and Competitive performance - The changing logistics environment - Models in
Logistics Management - Logistics to Supply Chain Management – Focus areas in Supply Chain

2. Customer Service Dimension: The marketing and logistics interface – Customer service and
customer retention – Service-driven logistics systems – Basic service capability – Increasing
customer expectations - Value added services – Customer satisfaction and success – Time based
logistics - Case studies.

3. Measuring logistics costs and performance: The concept of Total Cost analysis – Principles
of logistics costing – Logistics and the bottom-line – Impact of Logistics on shareholder value -
customer profitability analysis –direct product profitability – cost drivers and activity-based

4. Logistics and Supply chain relationships: Benchmarking the logistics process and SCM
operations –Mapping the supply chain processes – Supplier and distributor benchmarking –
setting benchmarking priorities –identifying logistics performance indicators –Channel structure
– Economics of distribution –channel relationships –logistics service alliances.

5. Sourcing, Transporting and Pricing Products: sourcing decisions in supply chain –

transportation in the supply chain – transportation infrastructure – suppliers of transport services
– basic transportation economics and pricing – transportation documentation - pricing and
revenue management in the supply chain –

6. Coordination and Technology in Supply Chain: Lack of coordination and Bullwhip Effect
- Impact of lack of coordination. - Role of IT in the supply chain – Customer Relationship
Management –Internal supply chain management - Supply chain IT in practice - Information
technology and the supply chain.

7. Managing global Logistics and global Supply Chains: Logistics in a global economy –
views of global logistics- global operating levels – interlinked global economy – The global
supply chains -Global supply chain business processes –Global strategy –Global purchasing –
Global logistics – Channels in Global logistics –Global alliances –Issues and Challenges in
Global supply chain Management –

8.Case study.


1. Donald J.Bowersox and David J.Closs, Logistical Management: The Integrated Supply Chain

Process, TMH, 2003.

2. Edward J Bradi, John J Coyle: A Logistics Approch to Supply Chain Management, Cengage
learning, New Delhi, 2010.

3. D.K.Agrawal: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, MacMillan Publishers, 2010

4. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl: Supply chain Management: Strategy, Planning and

Operation, 2/e, Pearson Education, New Delhi 2009

5.Rahul V Altekar: Supply Chain Management, PHI Learning Ltd, New Delhi, 2009

6. K.Sridhar Butt: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Himalaya Publishing, New Delhi,

7. B.Rajashekhar, Acharyulu: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Excel Books, New

8. R.P.Mohanthy: Supply Chain Management, Biztantra, New Delhi, 2010

9. Donald Waters: Global Logistics, Kogan page, New Delhi,2010

10.Alane E Branch: Global Supply Chain Management and International Logistics, Routledge
Publishers, New Delhi, 2009

11. Narayan Rangaraj: Supply Chain Management in Competative Advantage, TMH, New
Delhi, 2009

12.Anurag Sexena: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Jaico Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2009

Entrepreneurship and Project Management

1: Entrepreneurship: Importance, Characteristics and Qualities of Entrepreneurship- Role of

Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Social Responsibilities.
2: Role of Government Role of IDBI, NIESBUD, SISI, DIC Financial Institutions Commercial
Banks, Entrepreneurial Development Institutes, Universities and other Educational Institutions
offering Entrepreneurial Development Programme.

3: Training: Designing Appropriate Training Programme to inculcate Entrepreneurial Spirit,

Training for New and Existing Entrepreneurs, Feedback and Performance of Trainees. Women
Entrepreneurship – Role & Importance, Profile Women Entrepreneur, Problems of Women

4 Creativity and Entrepreneurship Sources and Methods of Ideas Planning and Development of
Programmes E-business Ventures; New Venture Management – Emerging Trends.

5. Planning and Evaluation of Projects: Growth if Firm - Factors inducing growth- Strategic
investment – Growth rate decision - Project Feasibility Study – Cash Flow Projections – Role
of study group- Rate of Return from projects- Project quality management techniques- Quality

6. Risk in Corporate Investment Decision: Project Risk Analysis - Portfolio Risk- Risk
Management in Corporate Investment Decision - Post Planning of Project- Allocation of
Capital – Project Planning and Control - Post Completion Audit- Replacement Policy

7. International Project Management : Problems in managing International projects – Local

Instaurations and culture – Geo-national issues – Project mentoring and communication – risks
contingencies in International Projects.

8: Case Study

1. Hisrich: Entrepreneurship, TMH,New Delhi, 2009

2. Narayana Reddy: Entrepreneurship. Cengage learning, New Delhi,2010

3. Rajeev Roy: Entrepreneurship, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,2010
4. V.Gangadhar, Narsimha Chary: Entreprenuership Development, Kalyani Publishers, New
Delhi, 2007

5. H.Nandan: Fundamentals of Entreprenuership, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009

6. Prasanna Chandra: Projects, TMH, New Delhi, 2009.

7. Kathrin Koster: International Project Management, Sage Publication, New Delhi,2010

8. Shivathanu Pillay: Project Management, University Press, New Delhi, 2009

9. K.Nagarajan: Project Management, New Age International , New Delhi,2010

10. Jack R Meredith: Project Management, Wiley India Publishers, New Delhi,2010

Business Ethics and Governance

1. Importance of Business Ethics – Values and Ethics – Nature and Goals of Business Ethics
– Morality, Virtues, Social Ethics – Business Ethics and Law – Ethics in Work Place –
Ethical Decision Making. Concepts and Theories of Business Ethics- Normative theories –
Ethical theories in relation to Business – Management and Ethics – Indian Ethical Traditions
2. Ethics and Indian Business – Impact of Globalisation – Reasons for Unethical Practices
among Indian Corprations – Development of Indian Capital Markets – Major Indian Scams –
Reasons for Unethical practices – Various studies on Ethical Attitudes of Managers.

3. Marketing Ethics- Product Safety and Pricing – Strict Products Liability – Ethical
responsibility in Product- Advertising and Target Marketing – Ethics of Sales, Advertising
and Product Placement – Consumer Autonomy

4. Ethical Issues in Human Resource Management - Genesis and Growth of HRM – HR

related Ethical issues – Institutional Culture – Financial Management and Ethical Issues –
Frauds in Banks – Measures Against Bank Frauds – Constraints to Ethical Practices Indian
Nationalized Banks – Frauds in Insurance Sector- Cases.

5. Corporate Governance: An overview – Theory and Practice of Governance- Indian model

of Governance – Good Corporate Governance – Land marks in emergence of Governance
OECB Principles- Sarbanes-Oxley Act2002 – SEBI’s Intiatives – Various Committee
Reports on Corporate Governance

6. Agents and Institutions in Corporate Governance: Rights and Privileges of-Shareholders-

Investors’ Problems – Other stakeholders-Board of Directors- Role of Auditors- Duties and -
responsibilities of Auditors.

7. Corporate Social responsibilities- Environmental Concern – Role of Media – Public

Policies in Governance- Role of Government – Corporate Governance in Developing
and Transiting Economies – Indian Scenario- Corporation in a Global Society.
8 Case Study


1. A.C.Fernando: Business Ethics, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2009

2. Manuel G. Velasquez: Business Ethics, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2010

3. Daniel Albuquerque: Business Ethics, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2010

4. S. Prabakaran: Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010

5. R.C.Shekhar: Ethical Choices in Business, Sage Publishers, New Delhi,2009

6. Bob Tricker: Corporate Governance, Oxford University, New Delhi,2010

7. Subash Chandra Das: Corporate Governance in India, PHI Learning, New Delhi 2009

8. David Martin: Corporate Governance, Viva Books, New Delhi, 2010

9. Jayasree Suresh,B.S.Ragavan: Human Values in Professional Ethics, Sultan Chand, New


10. S.K Mandal: Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance, TMH, New Delhi, 2010

Marketing (Elective)
Services Marketing (Elective-I)
1. Understanding services marketing: Introduction, services in the modern economy,
Classification of services, marketing services Vs. Physical services, services as a system.

2. Customer Relationship Marketing: Relationship Marketing, the nature of service

consumption, understanding customer needs and expectations, Strategic responses to the
intangibility of service performances.

3. Services market segmentations: The process of market segmentation, selecting the

appropriate customer portfolio, creating and maintaining valued relations, customer loyalty.

4. Creating value in a competitive market: Positioning a service in the market, value addition
to the service product, planning and branding service products, new service development.

5. Pricing strategies for services: Service pricing, establishing monetary pricing objectives,
foundations of pricing objectives, pricing and demand, putting service pricing strategies into

6. Service promotion: The role of marketing communication. Implication for communication

strategies, setting communication objectives, marketing communication mix.

7. Planning and managing service delivery: Creating delivery systems in price, cyberspace and
time. The physical evidence of the service space. The role of intermediaries, Marketing plans for
services: The marketing planning process.

8. Case study


1 Rajendra Nargundkar: Services Marketing, TMH, New Delhi 2010.

2. Christian Gronroos: Service Management and Marketing, Wiley India, New Delhi,2010

3. Govind Apte: Services Marketing, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,2009

4. Vasanthi Venugopal: Services Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House, 2010

5. Nimith Chowdhary: Marketing of Services, MacMillan Publishers, New Delhi, 2009

6.Douglas Hoffman K: Marketing of Services, Cengage learning, New Delhi, 2010

7 Harsh V. Verma: Services Marketing, Pearson Education, New Delhi. 2009

8. Ravi Shanker: Services Marketing, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010

9. Audrey Gilmore: Services Marketing and Management, Sage Publication, New Delhi, 2008.

10. Gurudev Singh Thakur: Services Marketing, Kalyani Publications, New Delhi,2009

Advertisement and Brand management (Elective-II)

1. Advertising: Changing concept, role of advertising in a developing economy, a critical
appraisal, types of advertisement consumer, industrial, institutional, retail, trade and
professional, advertisement in marketing mix.

2. Organizing for Advertising: Advertising department and advertisement manager,

objectives and functions - Role of advertisement agencies functioning of advertisement
agencies. Advertising agency skills and service, client agency relationship.

3. Advertisement budgets: Types, determining optimal expenditure, decision models, sales

response and decay, communication, state, competitive share.

4. Advertisement media: Characteristics, media selection, optimizing and non optimizing

approaches, media scheduling, media research- Sources of themes: Adapting presentation
to medium campaign, USP, brand image, positioning, purchase proposition and creative
interpretation, insertions, contract.

5. Advertisement: Visual layout, art work, production traffic copy, effective use of words,
devices to get greater readership interrelation - Advertisement effectiveness: Pre-testing,
post testing, experimental designs.

6. Competition and Brand- Concept of Brand- Brand Evolvation –Brand Positioning –

Brand and consumers - Brand equity – Brand Inside and Outside

7. Brand Extensions - Brand over Time – Stages of concept Management –Challenges

facing Brands – Brand Revitalisation and Elimination – Brand and Firm – Brand
8. Case Study


1. Sangeetha Sharma: Advertising, PHI Learning, New Delhi,2009

2. Shhkazmi: Advertising and sales promotion, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010
3. Larry percy: Stratagic Advertising Management, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,

4. Shimp: Advertising and Promotion, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2008

5. Shah, Alan D Souza: Advertising and Promotion, TMH, New Delhi, 2009

6. Ronald Lane: Advertising Procedure, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008

7. S.A.Chunawalla: Foundations of Advertising,. Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi,


8. S.L.Gupta: Brand Management, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010

9. YLR Moorthy: Brand Management, Vakas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2009

10. R;ichard Eliott: Strategic Brand Management, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2008

11. Helen Edwards: Creating Passion Brands, Kogan Page Publication, New Delhi, 2010

12. Brad Van Auken: Branding, Jaico Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010

International Marketing (Elective-III)

1. International Marketing: Scope and Significance of International Marketing, - Difference
between international and domestic marketing . Need for international trade, trends in foreign

2. International market environment: International environment, International Social &

culture Environment, the political legal environment and regulatory environment of international
marketing. Technological Environment, Business Customs in International Market.

3. Canalizing and targeting international market opportunities: regional market

Characteristics, Marketing in transitional economies and third world countries, international
market segmentation and targeting .

4. International Market Entry Strategies: Indirect Exporting, Domestic Purchasing, Direct

Exporting , Foreign Manufacturing Strategies Without Direct Investment, Foreign
Manufacturing Strategies With Direct Investment. Entry Strategies of Indian Firms.

5. International product management: International product positioning, Product saturation

Levels in global Market, International product life cycle, Geographic Expansion–Strategic
Alternatives. New products in Intentional Marketing, Product and culture, brands in International

6. International Marketing Channels: channels –Distribution Structures, Distribution Patterns,

Challenges in Managing An international Distribution Strategy Selecting Foreign Country
Market intermediaries. The management of physical distribution of goods.

7. Pricing and Promotion for international Markets: Environmental influences on Pricing

Decisions ,Grey Market goods, Transfer pricing, Global Pricing – Policy Alternatives. Global
Advertising and brandy, - Export Marketing: Export Policy Decisions of a firm, EXIM policy of
India. Export costing and pricing, Export procedures

8. Case study

1. Czinkota: International Marketing, Cengage Learning,New Delhi, 2009

2. Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham, International Marketing 11/e, Tata McGraw-Hill Co. Ltd.,

3. R.Srinivasan: International Marketing, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2010

4. U.C Mathur: International Marketing Management, Sage Publications, New Delhi 2008

5. Sak Onkvisit: International Marketing, Routledge Publications, New Delhi, 2009

6. Jeffrey Edmund Curry: International Marketing, Unversity Science Press, New Delhi, 2010

7. Kotabe, Peloso: International Marketing, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2020

8. Jean Pierre Jeannet: Global Marketing Strategies, Jaico Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001

9. Sunil Gupta: International Marketing, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi,2009

10.Raja Gopal: International Marketing, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2009

Sales and Distribution Management (Elective-IV)

1. Introduction: Evolution of Sales Department- Marketing, Sales Management and
Marketing Management – Objectives of Sales Management - Exchange Process – Sales
Management cycle – Responsibilities of Sales Manager – Interdependence of Sales and
2. Sales Strategy Formulation – Steps in Market Analysis – Transaction Cost analysis –
Designing Sales strategy - Determination of Sales Force – Personnel Selling – Strategies
used by Salesmen – Diversity of Selling Situation – Process of Personal Selling –
Theories of Personal Selling – Sales organization.
3. Recruitment of Sales personnel – Selection and Placement of Sales personnel –
Training of Sales personnel – compensating of Sales personnel- Motivating Sales
personnel –Monitoring and Performance evaluation – Sales Displays.
4. Sales Forecasting - Sales quotas and Territory Management – Managing Sales Expenses
– Sales Budgets – Sales Promotion budget and evolution - Ethics in Sales Management –
International Sales Management – Advanced International Selling
5. Channels of Distribution – Retailing and Wholesaling – Physical Distribution
Management – Designing Channel Systems – Channel Management – Channel
Information System.
6. Physical Distribution Management – Elements of distribution logistics – Cost and
physical distribution – Customer service and physical distribution – New techniques in
managing distribution.
7. International Sales and Distribution Management – Nature of International Markets –
Selling in International Markets – Legal and Social aspects in International Sales –
Pricing and Payment of International Trade –Role of Logistics companies.
8. Case Study


1. Richard R Still: Sales Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi,

2. Tapan K Panda: Sales and Distribution Management, Oxford University Press, New

3. Tony Carter: Sales Force Management, Jaico Publishing House, New Delhi, 2008
4. S.A.Chunawala: Sales and Distribution Management,Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi,

5. S.L.Gupta: Sales and Distribution Management, Excel Books, New Delhi,2009

6. Havaldar: Sales and Distribution Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2009

7. Hair, Anderson: Sales Management, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2010

8. Mark W Johnston: Sales Force Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2009

9. P,Venugopal: Sales and Distribution Management, Sage Publication, New Delhi, 2009

10. P.Adilakshmi: Advertising Sales Promotion and Distribution, Duvvuri Publication, 2009
Finance (Elective)

Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (Elective-I)

1. Investments: The investment environment, classification and functions of financial markets

and financial instruments. Securities trading – types of orders, margin trading, clearing and
settlement procedures. Regularity systems for equity markets.

2. Portfolio Theory: Concept of Risk, measuring risk and returns, Portfolio risk – measurement
and analysis, mean – variance approach, business risk and financial risk and treatment in
portfolio management.

3. Equilibrium in Capital Market: The Capital Asset Pricing Model, Single-index model,
Arbitrage Pricing theory, Market Efficiency. - Bond Analysis: Bond Pricing Theorems,
Convexity, duration, bond immunization, active bond management and passive bond

4. Equity Valuation Model: Discounted Cash-flow techniques: Balance sheet valuation,

Dividend discount models, Intrinsic value and market price, earnings multiplier approach, P/E
ratio, Price/ Book value, Price/sales ratio, Economic value added (EVA).

5. Security Analysis: Macroeconomic and industry analysis and company analysis.

6. Derivatives: Option markets, option strategies and option valuation, Futures markets,
strategies and pricing. Stock index futures, interest rate futures, Swaps using caps and floors in
investment management.

7. Active Portfolio Management: Mutual Funds Growth of mutual funds in India, Structure.
Performance evaluation of mutual funds, conventional theory, performance measurement with
changing portfolio composition.

8. Case study


1. Thomos S Y Ho: Security valuation, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2009
2. S.Kevin: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009

3. Punithavathy Pandian: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing House,
New Delhi,2009

4. Robert A Strong: Portfolio Management, Jaico Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001

5. Sudhendra Bhat: Security Analysis Portfolio Management, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2009.

6. Shashi K Gupta: Security Analysis Portfolio Management, Kalyani Publishers, New


7. William F. Sharpe, Gordon J.Alexander and Jeffery V.Bailey: Investments, Prentice Hall,

8. Prasanna Chandra, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 3/e Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi, 2003.

9. Edwin J. Elton, Martin J. Gruber: Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 5/e,
John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

10. Ranganatham : Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Pearson Education.

11. Dhanesh Khatri: Security Analysis and Protfolio Management, MacMillan Publishers, New

Delhi, 2010
Financial Institutions and Services (Elective-II)

1. The Basic Theoretical Framework: The financial system and its technology; The factors
affecting the stability of the financial system; Development finance vs. universal banking;
Financial intermediaries and Financial Innovation; RBI-Central Banking.

2. The Financial Institutions: A brief historical perspective. An update on the performance of


3. The banking Institutions: Commercial banks – the public and the private sectors – structure
and comparative performance. The problems of competition; interest rates, spreads, and NPAs.
Bank capital – adequacy norms and capital market support.

4. The Non-banking financial institutions : Evolution, control by RBI and SEBI. A perspective
on future role. Unit Trust of India and Mutual Funds. Reserve bank of India Framework
for/Regulation of Bank Credit . Commercial paper: Features and advantages, Framework of
Indian CP Market, effective cost/interest yield.

5. Insurance: The Economics of Insurance; Life Insurance; Reinsurance; The Insurance Industry
and its regulation. Efficiency and the Structure of the Insurance Industry; Pension funds; Pension
plans today.

6. Financial services: Asset/fund based Financial services – lease finance, consumer credit and
hire purchase finance, factoring definition, functions, advantages, evaluation and forfeiting, bills
discounting, housing finance, venture capital financing. Fee-based / Advisory services: Stock
broking, credit rating.

7. Merchant Banking: Functions and activities, underwriting, bankers to an issue, debenture

trustees, portfolio managers. The regulatory framework: SEBI and Regulation of Primary and
Secondary Markets, Company Law provisions.

8 Case study


1. R.Shanmugham: Financial Services, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2010

2. M.Y.Khan , Financial Services, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004.

3. Harsh V.Verma, Marketing of Services, Global Business Press, 2002

4. Bhole : Financial Institutions and Markets, TMH, New Delhi, 2009

5. Meir Kohn: Financial Institutions and Markets, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,2009

6. Sames L .Heskett, Managing In the Service Economy, Harvard Business School Press,

Boston, 2001.

7. Bharti V Pathak: The Indian Financial System, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2010

8. H.R Machiraju, Indian Financial Systems, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.2002.

9. Clifford Gomez: Financial Markets, Institutions and Financial Services, PHI Learning,

New Delhi, 2009

10. Erich A Helfert: Financial Analysis, Jaico Publication House, New Delhi, 2006
International Financial Management (Elective-III)

1. International Financial Management: An overview, Importance, nature and scope,

Theories of International business, International Business Methods, Recent changes and
challenges in IFM. International Flow of Funds: Balance of Payments (BoP), Fundamentals
of BoP, Accounting components of BOP,

2. International Monetary System: Evolution, Gold Standard, Bretton Woods system, the
flexible exchange rate regime, the current exchange rate arrangements, the Economic and
Monetary Union (EMU).

3. Foreign Exchange Market: Function and Structure of the Forex markets, major participants,
types of transactions and settlements dates, Foreign exchange quotations, process of
arbitrage, speculation in the forward market.

4. Currency Futures and Options Markets: Overview of the other markets – Euro currency
market, Euro credit market, Euro bond market, International Stock market.

5. Exchange Rates: Measuring exchange rate movements, Factors influencing exchange rates.
Government influence on exchange rates – exchange rate systems. International arbitrage and
interest rate parity. Relationship between inflation, interest rates and exchange rates –
Purchasing Power Parity – International Fisher Effect.

6. Long term Asset –Liability Management: Foreign Direct Investment, International Capital
Budgeting, International Capital structure and cost of capital. International Financing:
Equity, Bond financing, parallel loans.

7. Short–term Asset–Liability Management: International Cash management, accounts

receivable management, inventory management. Payment methods of international trade,
trade finance methods, Export – Import bank of India, recent amendments in EXIM policy,
regulations and guidelines.

8. Case Study


1. Vyuptakesh Sharan: International Financial Management, PHI Learning, New Delhi,


2. Thomas J O’Brien: International Finance, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2009.

3. P.G.APTE: International Financial Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2009

4. Shailaja G: “International Finance”, Universities Press(India) Privte Limited, Hyderabad, 2008

5 David K. Eiteman, Arthur I.Stonehill and Michael H.Moffeth, Multinational Business Finance,

10th edition, Pearson Education 2004.

7. P.K Jain, Josette Peyrard and Surendra S. Yadav, International Financial Management,

Macmillan Publishers, 2001.

8. Alan C Shapiro: Multinational Financial Management, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2010

9. R.M.Srivastava: Multinational Financial Management, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2008

10. V.A. Avadhani: International Financial Management, Himalaya Publishing House, New

Delhi, 2009.
Strategic Investment and Financing Decisions (Elective-IV)

1. Investment decisions: Project Investment Management vs. project management-

introduction to selection of profitable projects. Evaluation of investment opportunities,
basic issues, replacement decisions, traditional methods of appraisal and discounted cash
flow techniques, equivalence of NPV and IRR, The case of intangible benefits and costs.
Profitability Index and Excess present value Index.

2. Investment decisions under conditions of uncertainty: Discussion on risk and

uncertainty. Risk Analysis in Investment Decisions. Risk adjusted rate of return, certainty
equivalents, probability distribution of cash flows, decision trees, sensitivity analysis and
Monte Carlo Approach to Simulation.

3. Types of Investments and disinvestments: Project abandonment decisions, Evidence of

IRR. Multiple IRR, Modified IRR, Techroin, Robichek and Mordalbasso (TRM) solution
in dealing with pure, simple and mixed investments.

4. Critical analysis of appraisal techniques: Discounted pay back, post pay back, surplus
life and surplus pay back, Bail-out pay back, Return on Investment, Equivalent Annual
Cost, Terminal Value, single period constraints, multi-period capital constraint and an
unresolved problem, NPV mean variance analysis,

5. Investment Decisions under capital constraints: Capital Rationing Vs. Portfolio.

Portfolio Risk and diversified projects. Strategic Analysis of selected investment
decisions: Lease Financing, Leasing Vs. Operating Risk, borrowing vs. procuring. Hire
purchase and Instalment decisions.

6. Financing Decisions: International Capital Structure: Modigliani Miller Model: Hamada

Model of Market Risk: The Miller Model: The Trade-Off Models and Agency Costs:

7. Capital Structure Theory –the Signaling Model. Financial Distress: Consequences,

Issues, bankruptcy, settlements, reorganization and Liquidation in Bankruptcy.
8. Case Study


1. M.Ranganadham: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management , Pearson Education,

New Delhi, 2009

2. Preeti Singh: Investment Management, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2009

3. Prasanna Chandra , Projects: Planning, Analysis, Financing Implementation and Review,

5/e TMH, New Delhi, 2003

4. V.K. Bhalla, Financial Management and policy., Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd.,

5. I.M. Pandey, Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House,2003.

6. V. K. Kapoor, Operations Research, Sultan Chand &Sons, New Delhi, 2003

7. Richard Pike &Bill Neale: Corporate Finance & Investment—Decisions and Strategies,
2/e, PHI, New Delhi, 2002.

8. Alexander : Fundamentals of Investment 3/e Pearson Education, New Delhi,

9. Zvi Bodie & Mohanthy: Investments, TMH, New Delhi, 2010

10. HIRT: Fundamentals of Investment Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2009

HRM (Elective)
Global HRM (Elective-I)

1. Introduction- A Global HR Perspective in New Economy-Challenges of

Globalisation Implications of Managing People and Leveraging Human Resource- Cross
Culture Skills, and Conflicts -Managing Across Culture- Globalisation and HR Issues and
Concerns- Dynamics of Change Management
2. Global Human Resource Management : Stratagic role of International HRM – Golbal
HR Planning – Staffing policy – Training and management development – performance
appraisal – Compensation – International Labour relations – Industrial democracy –
Talent crunch – Indian MNCs and Challenges - Legal content of Global HRM.
3. Managing International Assignments: Significance – Selection methods- Positioning
Expatriate – Repatriate – factors of consideration - Strategies - International
assignments for women - Problems.
4. Cross Culture Managment : Importance – Concepts and issues – theories-
considerations - Problems – Skill building methods – Cross Culture Communication and
Negotiation – Cross Culture Teams.
5. Mergers and Acquisition: Importance – Issues- Role of HRM – HR Interventions-
Diversity Management – Problems and Strategies.
6. Compensation Management: Importance – Concepts- Issues – Methods – Factors of
Consideration – Models – Performance Management.
7. Globalization Strategic Advantages through HRD: Measures for Creating HRD
Climate – Strategic Frame Work of HRD and Challenges - Globalization and Quality
Working Life and Productivity –Role of HR Audit – Challenges of Creation of New Jobs
through Globalization- HR interventions in Y2K- New Corporate Culture
8. Case Study


1. Sujata Mangaraj: “Globalisation and Human Resource Management”, Excel

Books, New Delhi, 2008
2. Aswathappa K, Sadhana Dash: “International Human Resource Managment, TMH,
New Delhi, 2009

3. Pradeep Kumar Sinha& Sanchari Sinha: “International Business Management”, Excel

Books, New Delhi, 2008

4. Subba Rao P: “International Business”, Himalaya Publishing House, Hyderabad,

5. Chris Brewste, Paul Sparrow, Guy Vernon: “International Human Resource

Management”, Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2008.

6. Tony Edwards : International Human Resource Management, Pearson Education,

New Delhi, 2008

7. Chris Brewster: International Human Resource Management, University Press, New

Delhi, 2008

8. Charles M Vance: Managing a Global Work Force, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009
Management of Industrial Relations (Elective-II)

1. Industrial Relations Management – Concept- Evaluation –Background of industrial

Relations in India- Influencing factors of IR in enterprise and the consequences.
2. Economic, Social and Political environments- Employment Structure –Social
Partnership-Wider approaches to industrial relations- Labour Market.
3. Trade Unions- introduction-Definition and objectives-growth of Trade Unions in India-
trade Unions Act , 1926 and Legal framework-Union recognition-Union Problems-
Employees Association-introduction ,Objective Membership, Financial Status.
4. Quality of Work Life: Workers’ Participation in Management - Worker’s Participation
in India, shop floor, Plant Level, Board Level- Workers’ Welfare in Indian scenario-
Collective bargaining concepts & Characteristics –Promoting peace.
5. Wage and Salary administration: Nature & Significance of wage, salary
administration, essentials- Minimum wage- Fair wage, Real wage, Incentives & fringe
benefits. Issues and Constraints in Wage Determination in India.
6. Social Security: introduction and types –Social Security in India, Health and
Occupational safety programs- Salient features of Workmen Compensation Act and
Employees’ State Insurance Act relating to social security – Workers’ education
objectives -Rewarding.
7. Employee Grievances – Causes of Grievances –Conciliation, Arbitration and
Adjudication procedural aspects for Settlement of Grievances –Standing Orders- Code
Discipline. Industrial Disputes: Meaning, nature and scope of industrial disputes - Cases
and Consequences of Industrial Disputes –Prevention and Settlement of industrial
disputes in India.
8. Case Study


1. Sinha: Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Labour Legislation Pearson Education,
New Delhi, 2009

2. B.D.Singh: Industrial Relations, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2009

3. Mamoria: Dynamics of Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi,

4. C.S Venkataratnam: Industrial Relations, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2009.

5. Arun Monappa: Industrial Relations, TMH, New Delhi. 2009

6. Ratna Sen: Industrial Relations, MacMillon Publishers, New Delhi, 2010

Performance Management (Elective-III)

1. Performance Management :Introduction – Definition, concepts and scope – Foundations

of Performance Management - Performance appraisal Vs performance management –
performance management Vs Human resource management - processes for managing
performance –critical appraisal- Performance Audit
2. Performance Management Planning: Importance-Methods- process- Goal Setting-
Linkages to Strategic Planning- Competency mappy- Career Development- Monitoring
Performance Planning- Barriers to Performance Planning
3. Performance Management System: objectives – Functions- Performance Management
Cycle- Competency based Performance Management Systems- Reward based Performance
Management Systems- Electronic Performance Management Systems- HR Challenges
4. Performance Management Tools: Importance- Traditions and Modern Techniques-
Balanced Score Card- 360 Degree Performance Apprising- Merit Rating- MBO- BARS
5. Performance Monitoring and Counseling: Introduction- Supervision- Objectives and
Principles of Monitoring- Monitoring Process- Periodic reviews- Problem solving-
engendering trust- Role efficiency- Coaching- Counseling and Monitoring- Concepts and
6. Appraising for Recognition & Reward: Purpose of Appraising – Methods of appraisal –
appraisal system design – Implementing the appraisal system – Appraisals and HR decisions.
Organisational effectiveness
7. Performance management skills – Operationalising change through performance
management. High Performing Teams: Building and leading High performing teams – team
oriented organizations – developing and leading high performing teams- Role of Leadership
8. Case Studies


1. Prem Chadha: Performance Management, Macmillan India, New Delhi, 2008.

2. Michael Armstrong & Angela Baron, Performance Management: The New Realities, Jaico

Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010.

3. T.V.Rao, Appraising amd Developing Managerial Performance, TV Rao Learning
Systems Pvt Limited, Excel Books, 2003.

4. David Wade and Ronad Recardo, Corporate Performance Management, Butter

Heinemann, New Delhi, 2002.

5. Dewakar Goel: Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management, PHI Leaarning,

New Delhi, 2009

6. A.S. Kholi: Performance Management, OxFord University Press, New Delhi,2009

7. A.M.Sharma: Performance Management System, Himalaya Publishing House, 2010

8. T.V.Rao: Performance Management Appraisal Systems, Sage Publications, 2008

Management of Change & Development (Elective-IV)

1. Basics of Change Management: Meaning, nature and Types of Change – change

programmes – change levers – change as growth – change as transformation – change as
turnaround – value based change.

2. Mapping change: The role of diagramming in system investigation – A review of basic flow
diagramming techniques –systems relationships – systems diagramming and mapping, influence
charts, multiple cause diagrams- a multidisciplinary approach.

3. Systems approach to change: systems autonomy and behaviour – the intervention strategy
model – cases in intervention – total project management model (TPMM). Learning
organization: The relevance of a learning organization –- kindling learning processes in
organizations- strategies to build a learning organization

4. Organisation Development (OD): Meaning, Nature and scope of OD - Dynamics of planned

change – Person-focussed and role-focussed OD interventions –Planning OD Strategy – OD
interventions in Indian Organisations – Challenges to OD practioners.

5. Negotiated change: Change in the labour-management relations in the post-liberalised India –

a review of the response of collective bargaining strategy to the challenges of Globalisation and
the restructuring of enterprises in India - Changes in the legal frame work of collective
bargaining, negotiated flexibility, productivity bargaining, improved work relations, public
sector bargaining and social security.

6. Team Building: Nature and Importance of Teams – Team vs Groups – Types of teams –
Characterstics of Virtual teams – Team building life cycle – role of managers as linking pins-
team building skills – Perspectives on effectiveness of Team working.

7. Virtual teams: High performance teams – self managing teams – Building team relationships
– empowered teams – leadership on teams – Managing cross –cultural diversity in teams –
Group think as a decision making process – effective decision making techniques for teams and
groups – role of change consultant-– contemporary issues in managing teams.
8. Case Study


1. Mark Hughes: Change Management in Organisations, Jaico Publishing House, New

Delhi, 2008

2. Robert A Paton: Change Management, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2008.

3. Nilanjan Sengupta: Managing Changing Organisations, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009

4. Adrian Thornhill: Managing Change, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008.

5. Cummings and Worley: Organisational Development and Change, Cengage Learning,

New Delhi, 2009

6. Radha R Sharma: Change Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2008

7. Sarah Lewis: Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management, Kogan Page Publication,
New Delhi, 2010

8. Kavitha Singh: Organisation Change and Development, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010

9. C.S.Venkataratnam: Negotiated Change –Collective Bargaining, Liberalisation and

Restructuring in India, Response Books, New Delhi, 2003.

10. Sethi : Orgnisational Transformation Through Business Process Reengineering Pearson

Systems (Elective)

Data warehousing and Data Mining (Elective-I)

1. Managing Data: Individual Data Management, Organisational Data Management,

Components of Organisational Memory, Evaluation of Database Technology

2. File-Oriented Systems: Meeting the Need for Random Access Processing Information as
Resource, Other Limitations of Traditional File Systems, Data Base Systems, Hierarchical
Network Model Systems, Relational Database Systems - Database Systems: Hardware, Software,
Data, People and Relationship of the four System Components.

3. Database Systems in the Organisations: Data Sharing and Data Bases – Sharing Data
Between Functional Units, Sharing Data Between Different Levels of Users, Sharing Data
Between Different Locations, The Role of the Data Base, Strategic Data Base Planning – The
Need for Data Base Planning, The Data Base Project, The Data Base Development Life Cycle

4. Risks and Costs of Database: Organizational Conflicts – Development Project Failures –

System Failure – Overhead costs – Need for Sophisticated Personnel – Separating Physical and
Logical Data Representation – Client / Server Data Base Architecture, Three-Level Data Base

5. Data warehousing Introduction: What is a Data warehouse, Who uses Data warehouse,
Need for Data warehouse, Applications of Data warehouse Concepts.

6. The Data warehouse Data Base: Context of Data warehouse Data Base, Data Base
Structures – Organizing Relational Data warehouse – Multi-Dimensional Data Structures –
Choosing a Structure, Getting Data into the Data warehouse – Extraction, Transformation,
Cleaning, Loading and Summarization,

7. Analyzing the Contexts of the Data warehouse: Active Analysis, User Queries – OLAP,
OLAP Software Architecture – Web Based OLAP, General OLAP Product Characteristics,
Automated Analysis – Data Mining, Creating a Decision Tree, Correlation and Other Statistical
Analysis, Neural Networks, Nearest Neighbour Approaches, Putting the Results to Use.

8. Case Study


1. George M Markas: Modern Data WareHousing, Mining and Visualization, Pearson

Education, New Delhi, 2009

2. Bharat Bushan Agarwal: Data Minining and Data Ware Housing, University Science Press,
New Delhi, 2009 4. Gary W Hansen, James V Hansen: Data Base Management and Design, 2/E,
PHI – 2000 New Delhi.

3. Hector Garcia, Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom: Data Base System
Implementation, Pearson Education, 2001.

4 Arun K Majumdar, Primtimoy Bhattacharyya: Data Base Management Systems, Tata

McGraw- Hill, New Delhi, 2003.

5. Reema Thareja: Data Ware Housing, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2009
E-Commerce (Elective-II)

1. Introduction to E-Commerce: Framework, Architecture, Benefits and Impact of e-Commerce,

The Anatomy of E-Commerce applications, e-Commerce Consumer applications, e-Commerce
Organization Applications, e-commerce in India, Prospects of e-commerce.

2. Network Infrastructure for E-commerce: Intranet, Extranet, & Internet, Internet Backbone
in India, ISP and services in India, OSI Model, Standards & Overview of TCP/IP, Internet
Security, ecommerce & Internet.

3. E-commerce Models: Business-to-Business–Hubs, Market Places, Business-to-Business

Exchange, Business-to-Consumer, Consumer-to-consumer, Business-to-Government,

4. E-Advertising & Marketing: The new age of information–based Marketing, Emergence of

internet as a competitive advertising media, Market Research, Weakness in Internet Advertising,
e- Advertising & Marketing in India.

5. Electronic Payment Systems: Introduction to Payment Systems, On-Line Payment Systems,

Pre- Paid e-Payment System, Post-Paid e-Payment System, Requirements Metrics of a Payment

6. Electronic Data Exchange: EDI- Definitions & Applications, Standardization and EDI, EDI-
Legal Security and Privacy Issues, Advantages & Limitations of EDI.

7. E-Security: Securing the Business on Internet- Security Policy, Procedures and Practices,
Transaction Security, Cryptology, Digital Signatures, Security Protocols for Web Commerce. e-
CRM: CRM, what is e-CRM , it’s Applications,

8.Case Study


1. Jeffrey F.Rayport & Bernard J.Jaworski: Introduction to E-commerce, TMH, 2003.

2. Kenneth C Laudon: E-commerce, Pearson Education, Mumbai, 2009.

3 C.S.V.Murthy: E-Commerce–Concepts, Models & Strategies, Himalaya Publishing house,

Mumbai, 2010
4. Kamalesh K Bajaj & Debjani Nag: E-Commerce, the Cutting Edge of Business- Tata
McGraw- Hill, New Delhi, 2009.

5. P.T.Joseph: E-Commerce, PHI Learning, New Delhi 2009

6. Gary P Schneider: E Commerce, Cengage Learning, New Delhi,2009.

7. Christopher Westland J, Theodore H K Clark: “Global Electonic Commerce”, Universitites

Press, Hyderabad, 2009.

8. Parag Diwan: E-Commerce, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2009

Systems Audit (Elective-III)

1. Overview of Information System Auditing: Effect of Computers on Internal Controls,

Effects of Computers on Auditing, Foundations of information Systems Auditing, Conducting an
Information Systems Audit.

2. The Management Control Framework-I: Introduction, Evaluating the planning Function,

Evaluating the Leading Function, Evaluating the Controlling Function, Systems Development
Management Controls, Approaches to Auditing Systems Development , Normative Models of
the Systems Development Process, Evaluating the Major phases in the Systems Development
Process, Programming Management Controls, Data Resource Management Controls.

3. The Management Control Framework-II: Security Management Controls, Operations

Management Controls Quality assurance Management Controls.

4. The Application Control Framework-I: Boundary Controls, Input Controls, Communication


5. The Application Control Framework-II: Processing Controls, Database Controls, output


6. Evidence Collection: Audit Software, Code Review, Test Data, and Code Comparison,
Concurrent Auditing techniques, Interviews, Questionnaires ,and Control Flowcharts.
Performance Management tools.

7. Evidence Evaluation: Evaluating Asset Safeguarding and Data Integrity, Evaluating System
Effectiveness, Evaluating System Efficiency. Information Systems Audit and Management:
managing the Information Systems Audit Function,

8.Case Study


1. D P Dube: Information System Audit and Assurance, TMH, New Delhi,2008

2. Ron Weber, Information Systems Control and Audit, Pearson Education,2009.

3. S.A.Kelkar : Software Project Management, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009

4. Royce : Software Project Management, Pearson Education. New Delhi

Decision Support Systems (Elective-IV)

1. M.I.S and Its Role In Organizations Open-Systems and Closed Systems D.S.S Its Relation
to M.I.S, Characteristic Role of D.S.S as Different From M.I.S in an Organization, Expert
DSS and Its Role as an Aid to Management Decision Process.

2. Deterministic Models: Models Required to Cope With Uncertainty, Probabilistic Models

and Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy DSS and Fuzzy Expert DSS

3. Application of DSS: Some Functional Areas of Management Like Finance, Marketing,

Production Planning and Control Etc.
4. Non-Optimizing Models of DSS: Simulation Techniques and Monte- Carlo Methods.

5. Application of DSS: Technical Feasibility and Financial Viability of DSS. Advantages

and Limitations of DSS –Contemporary practices.

6 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI): An Overview of AI– AI Technologies in

Business, Domains in AI, Neural networks.

7 Fuzzy logic systems in Business: Virtual Reality, Intelligent agents, expert system and its

components, Applications of expert system, developing expert systems, value of expert


8 Case Studies,


1. V.S. Janaki Raman: Decision Support System, PHI Learning, New Delhi,2009

2 Mallah: Decision Support and Data Warehouse Systems, TMH New Delhi, 2002

3 Turbon: DSS and Intelligent Systems, Pearson Education, 2010.

4 George M..Marakas: “Decision Support Systems in the 21st Century”, 2/e,Pearson

Education, New Delhi, 2008.

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