11 Solved Paper CGL, CHSL Mains (Hindi) Sample PDF

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S. No. Paper Name Exam Date Page No.

1. SSC CGL TIER-II 2023 26/10/2023 01 – 15

2. SSC CGL TIER-II 2022 02/03/2023 16 – 32

3. SSC CGL TIER-II 2022 03/03/2023 33 – 49

4. SSC CGL TIER-II 2022 06/03/2023 50 – 66

5. SSC CGL TIER-II 2022 07/03/2023 67 – 84

6. SSC CHSL TIER-II 2023 10/01/2024 85 – 98

7. SSC CHSL TIER-II 2023 02/11/2023 99 – 112

8. SSC CHSL TIER-II 2022 26/06/2023 113 – 127


-1 128 – 141


-2 142 – 156


-3 157 – 171
SSC CGL TIER-II 2023 Practice Set-03 26/10/2023


01 HELD ON 26 /10/2023
Max. Marks : 390 Duration : 2 Hrs.
,d Bksl ?kukHk
dh yackbZ] pkSM+kbZ vkSj14. ÅapkbZ
fdlh ikdZ esa ,d fuf'pr le; ij canjksa
ifjek.kkRed vfHk#fp 7.
dk vuqikr 6 % 3 % 2 fn;k x;k gSA bl vkSj ekuo vkxarqdksa osQ fljksa dh la[;
5 13 ?kukHk dk laiw.kZ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy
lseh dh la[;k dh fxurh dh xbZ vkSj ;g
1. ;fn P A  B  9 , P A  B  27 ,
  fn;k x;k gSA bl ?kukHk dk vk;ru3 (lseh ik;k x;k fd 54 flj vkSj 148 iSj FksA
P(A) =
gS] rks ?kVuk
B osQ çfrowQy
esa) Kkr dhft,A ikdZ esa canjksa dh la[;k Kkr dhft,A
18 (a) 4650 (b) 4500 (a) 20 (b) 14
la;ksxkuqikr Kkr dhft,A (c) 4200 (d) 4800 (c) 16 (d) 18
7 8. ,d leckgq f=kHkqt
582 – 252 262 – 152
7 57 osQ Åij fLFkr 
EAB + 3AEB dk 15. ;fn A = 2 2 , B =
46 – 37 562 – 152
29 eku fdruk gksxk\ 1 20
17 25 (a) 80° (b) 240° gS] rks 
dk eku D;k gksxk\
2. fdlh VkWoj osQ 'kh"kZ ls] 10 eh Å¡ph fcfYMax
(c) 280° (d) 60° (a) 2 (b) 1
osQ 'kh"kZ dk voueu 60° dks.kgSA ;fn 9. fofiu fdlh ;k=kk dh ,d frgkbZ nwjh (c) 0 (d) – 1
Vkoj vkSj fcfYMax osQ chp50 dh 3nwjh 30 fdeh@?kaVk dh pky ls vkSj 'ks"k nwjh
16. pkSng O;fÙkQ;ksa esa ls igys rsjg O;fÙ
eh gS] rks ml VkWoj dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr dhft,A 40 fdeh@?kaVk dh pky ls r; djrk gSA ;fn vkSlr otu 78 fdxzk gSA 14osa O;fÙkQ
(a) 140 eh (b) 100 eh mls ;k=kk iwjh djus esa oqQy 12 ?kaVs yxs] rks
otu lHkh pkSng O;fÙkQ;ksa osQ vkSlr o
;k=kk dh oqQy nwjh (fdeh- esa) fdruh Fkh\
(c) 150 eh (d) 160 eh 39 fdxzk vf/d gSA 14osa O;fÙkQ dk ot
(a) 445 (b) 450
3. ,d ijh{kk esa iw.kkZad 25 esa ls 15 fo|kfFkZ;ksa
(c) 412 (d) 432 Kkr dhft,A
}kjk çkIr vad 13] 11] 16] 15] 18] 12] 10. ;fn P : Q = 3 : 4 vkSjQ : R = 4 : 7 (a) 110 fdxzk (b) 118 fdxzk
13] 14] 10] 22] 15] 21] 20] 17 vkSj 24 gS] rks P + Q) : (Q + R) : (R + P) dk (c) 98 fdxzk (d) 120 fdxzk
gSA vk¡dM+ksa osQ bl leqPp; osQ cgqydksa eku Kkrdk dhft,A
17. B us ,d Fkksd fooszQrk ls 180 #i;s çfr
xq.kuiQy Kkr dhft,A
(a) 182 (b) 192
(a) 10 : 3 : 11 (b) 11 : 4 : 7 fdxzk dh nj ls 15 fdxzk lsc •jhns] tks
(c) 3 : 4 : 7 (d) 7 : 11 : 10
(c) 195 (d) 210 ,d fdxzk otu osQ fy, 950 xzke osQ otu
11. 25] 46 vkSj ‘y’ dk vkSlr 11 gSA ‘y’ dk
4. A vkSjB feydj ,d dk;Z dks 12-5 fnuksa dk mi;ksx djrk gSA B bu lHkh lscksa dks
eku D;k gS\
esa iwjk dj ldrs gSa_
B vkSjC feydj 180 #i;s çfr fdxzk dh nj ls cspk] ysfdu
(a) – 36 (b) – 37
mlh dk;Z dks 18-75 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrs(c) –34 (d) –38 ,d fdxzk otu osQ fy, 750 xzke osQ otu
gSa] tcfdC vkSjA feydj mlh dk;Z dks 12. rk'k dh ,d xîóh ls çfrLFkkiu osQ lkFk dk mi;ksx fd;kA bl ysu&nsu B esa
15 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrs
A, gSA
B vkSj ,d osQ ckn ,d rhu iÙks fudkys tkrs gSaA vftZr ykHk çfr'kr (nks n'keyo LFkkuksa r
C feydj D dks lkFk ysrs gq,]Ctks dh igyk iÙkk xqyke] nwljk iÙkk dkyk iÙkk 'kq¼) Kkr dhft,A
rqyuk esa osQoy 40» oqQ'ky gS] mlh dk;Z (CySd dkMZ) vkSj rhljk iÙkk le la[;k (a) 25.75% (b) 26.67%
dks fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk dj ik,axs\ okyk iÙkk gksus dh çkf;drk D;k gksxh\ (c) 22.55% (d) 33.33%
1 17 5 5 18. ,d Bksl ?ku] ftlosQ çR;sd dksj dh yackbZ
(a) 9 (b) 9
3 27 (a)
338 48 lseh gS] dks fi?kyk;k tkrk gSA bl fi?k
2 7 gq, ?ku ls fcuk fdlh viO;; osQ ,d leku
25 20
(c) 9
(d) 9
27 (c)
Bksl ?ku] ftuesa ls çR;sd dk vk;ru
A, B vkSjC dh vkSlr vk;q 20 o"kZ gSA 64 lseh3 gS] cuk, tkrs gSaA ,sls fdrus Nks
5. 13. ,d daVsujA esa fLifjV vkSj ikuh dk 80
nks o"kZ igys
A vkSjB dh vk;q dk ;ksx yhVj feJ.k] 7 % 9 osQ vuqikr esa gSA bl?ku çkIr gksaxs\
C dh vk;q ls 6 vf/d FkkAC dh orZeku B esa LFkkukarfjr (a) 1738
feJ.k dk 20 yhVj] nwljs daVsuj (b) 1728
vk;q Kkr dhft,A dj fn;k tkrk gSA fiQj daVsuj
A esa 20 yhVj (c) 1718 (d) 1748
(a) 28 o"kZ (b) 29 o"kZ ikuh Hkjk tkrk gSA fiQj bl feJ.k dk 19. 2 isafly vkSj 3 isu dh dher`55 gS
(c) 26 o"kZ (d) 25 o"kZ B esa LFkkukarfjr dj rFkk 7 isafly vkSj 2 isu dh dher
32 yhVj] nksckjk daVsuj `65
6. 20» 35» vkSj 10» dh rhu Øekxr NwVksa fn;k tkrk gSA daVsuj
B osQ feJ.k esa] ikuh gSA ,d isu vkSj ,d isafly dh oqQy dher
osQ cjkcj ,dy NwV fdruh gksxh\ vkSj fLifjV dk vuqikr Kkr,A dhft ( ` esa) fdruh gS\
(a) 53.2% (b) 48.7% (a) 87 : 41 (b) 131 : 77 (a) 25 (b) 20
(c) 65.4% (d) 42.3% (c) 77 : 131 (d) 41 : 87 (c) 15 (d) 12

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs 1
26/10/2023 Practice Set-03 SSC CGL TIER-II 2023
20. 150 eh pkSM+h ,d lM+d osQ nksuksa vksj(a)leku
11 (b) 10 34. ,d fuf'pr la[;k esa yksx mÙkj fn'kk dh vksj
Å¡pkbZ okys nks •aHks yxs gq, gSaA bu(c) •aHkksa
12 (d) 10.5 eq• djosQ ,d iafÙkQ esa N,cSBs
P osQ
osQ chp] lM+d osQ ,d fcanq ls •aHkksa
27. 8osQ
1  1  36 24  12 14 24  27 
    – 
     

ls rhljs LFkku ij cSBk M,gSA
N osQ ck;sa ls
mUu;u dks.k
x° vkSjy° bl çdkj gSa fd   36 
 6  45 25   21 15 45  

rhljs LFkku ij cSBk O,gSA
M osQ rhljs ck;sa
2 3
dk eku D;k gS\ LFkku ij gSAM, O vkSjN osQ chp esa cSBk
tan x° = ,tan y  , rks çR;sd •aHks 1 1 gSAN, M vkSjP osQ chp esa cSBk gSA ;fn vkSj
5 5 (a) (b)
dh Å¡pkbZ gksxh% 27 108 dksbZ O;fDr iafDr esa ugha cSBk] rks iafD
(a) 39 eh (b) 42 eh 1 1 oqQy fdrus O;fDr cSBs gS\
(c) (d)
72 36
(c) 36 eh (d) 33 eh (a) 10 (b) 9
28. `10,000 ij 20» okf"kZd nj ls pØo`f¼ (c) 11 (d) 8
21. ;fn Ng vadksa dh la[;k 11p9q4,
C;kt `4,641 gSA ;fn pØo`f¼ v/Zokf"kZd
35. la[;k 7148356 esa çR;sd vad ck,a ls nk,a
24 ls foHkkT; gS]pqrksdk vfèkdre
vkjksgh Øe esa O;ofLFkr gSA ewy la[;k dh rqyu
:i ls dh xbZ gks] rks ewyèku fdrus o"kks±
laHkkfor eku Kkr dhft,A
osQ fy, fuos'k fd;k x;k\ esa fdrus vadksa dh fLFkfr vifjofrZr jgsxh\
(a) 42 (b) 32
(a) 2 (b) 3 (a) rhu (b) nks
(c) 56 (d) 68
22. gfj] dey vkSj yfyr us ,d pquko yM+k
(c) 4 (d) 6 (c) ,d (d) dksbZ ugha
29. ,d O;kikjh vius eky dk ewY;] Ø; ewY;36. fuEufyf•r ik¡p vkÑfr;ksa esa ls pkj ,d
ftlesa 6050 oksV iM+s vkSj dksbZ Hkh oksV
ls 42» vf/d vafdr djrk gSA og viuk fuf'pr rjhds ls leku gSa vkSj bl çdkj ,d
voS/ ugha FkkA dey dks gfj vkSj yfyr
eky vafdr ewY; ij 15» NwV nsdj csprk lewg cukrh gSaA og dkSu&lk gS tks ml lew
}kjk çkIr oqQy oksVksa ls 42» vf/d oksV
gSA mldk ykHk çfr'kr (fudVre fudVre ls lacaf/r ugha gS\
çkIr gq,A ;fn yfyr dks Mkys x, dqy
iw.kkZad rd iw.kkZkafdr) fdruk gS\
oksVksa esa ls dsoy 8» oksV çkIr gq,] rks
(a) 21% (b) 35%
gfj dks çkIr oksVksa dh la[;k Kkr dhft,A
(c) 27% (d) 42% (A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
(a) 2016 (b) 1556
30. ;fn ` 2,800 ij 10» dh okf"kZd nj (a) B (b) A
(c) 1912 (d) 1668
ls 3 o"kks± esa çkIr lk/kj.k` xC;kt
gS (c) C (d) D

1.24  2.79
dk eku Kkr dhft,A vkSj` 6,200 ij 14» dh nj ls y 37. fodYiksa esa nh xbZ vkÑfr dks igpkusa ftl
2.64  5.94
o"kks± esa çkIr lk/kj.k `C;kt
1,736 (\) osQ LFkku ij j•us ij Ük`a•yk rkfdZd
x :i ls iwjh gks tk,xhA
44 64 gS] rksy dk eku D;k gksxk\
31 33 PT SR RP T RPS S RT ?
(c) (d) (a) 550 (b) 380 S T P
66 31 (c) 420 (d) 140
24. nks fe=kksa
A vkSjB us Øe'k%
vkSj`2,50,000dk fuos'k djosQ ,d lkekU; cqf¼eÙkk vkSj roZQ'kfDr (a)
TS P (b) T S R P
O;olk; 'kq: fd;kA os viuh vk; dks31. lkr O;fÙkQ] A, B, C, D, E, F vkSjG mÙkj R
vius fuos'k osQ leku vuqikr esa forfjr fn'kk dh vksj eq• djosQ ,d lh/h js•k esa cSBs
djus osQ fy, lger gq,A ,d o"kZ osQ gSaA D osQ ck;ha vksj osQoy rhu O;fÙkQ cSBs gSaA
ckn] vftZr ykHk `6,00,000 FkkA muesa D vkSjA osQ chp osQoy nks O;fÙkQ cSBs
(c)gSaA R P
(d) T S P
ls çR;sd us vius lacaf/r ykHk esa
`50,000 B, C osQ nk;sa ls ikaposa LFkkuG, ij cSBk gSaA

tksM+dj ,d vyx ifj;kstuk esa fuos'k fd;kA E osQ Bhd nk;sa cSBk gS 38. v{kjksa osQ ml la;kstu dk p;u djsa ftUgsa nh
A osQ
dgh ck;ha
;fn bl ifj;kstuk ls `4,20,000 dh xbZ Ük`a•yk osQ fjDr LFkkuksa esa Øfed :
vksj gSA js[kk osQ nk;sa dksus ij dkSu cSBk gS\
vk; gqbZ Fkh] rks vftZr ykHk A dk esa j•us ij Ük`a•yk iwjh gks tk,xhA
(a) G (b) A
fgLlk fdruk gksxk\ (c) E (d) B
(a) 1,97,000 (b) 2,35,000 32. ml lgh fodYi dk p;u djsa tks fn, x,
(c) 1,65,000 (d) 1,84,000 (c) CJRSB (d) BJQRB
'kCnksa dh O;oLFkk dks rkfdZd vkSj lkFkZd
25. ;fn o`Ùk dh ,d thok 20-5 lseh- nh xbZ 39. fuEufyf•r pkj la[;k&tksfM+;ksa esa ls rhu ,d
Øe esa n'kkZrk gSA fuf'pr rjhosQ ls leku gSa vkSj bl çdkj ,d
gS] rks o`Ùk dh (r)
_____ gksuh pkfg,A
1. deht dk VqdM+k 2. /kxk lewg cukrs gSaA og dkSu&lk tksM+k gS tk
(a) r > 10.25 (b) r  10.25
3. diM+k 4. deht lewg ls lacaf/r ugha gS\
(c) r < 10.25 (d) r = 10cm
26. oxZ varjky vkSj mudh lacaf/r ckjackjrkvksa5. dikl (uksV% la[;kvksa dks mlds ?kVd vadksa esa
okys ckjackjrk caVu lkj.kh osQ :i esa çLrqr 3, 1, 2, 4, 5 fcuk] iw.kZ la[;kvksa ij lafØ;k,a dh tkuh
vk¡dM+ksa osQ ,d leqPp; dk cgqyd 48-5(b) 5, 2, 3, 1, 4 pkfg,A mnkgj.k osQ fy, 13&13 ij lafØ;k,a
A cgqyd oxZ dh fupyh lhek 46-5 (c) 3, 5, 1, 2, 4 tSls fd 13 esa tksM+uk@?kVkuk@xq.kk dju
(d) 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
Fkh_ cgqyd oxZ dh ckjackjrk 34 Fkh_ cgqyd fd;k tk ldrk gSA 13 dks 1 vkSj 3 esa rksM+uk
oxZ ls Bhd igys okys oxZ varjky 33. dh Q, R dh ek¡ gSA P, Q dk ifr gSAS, R dk vkSj fiQj 1 vkSj 3 ij xf.krh; lafØ;k,¡ djus
ckjackjrk 32 Fkh vkSj cgqyd oxZ osQ Bhd HkkbZP,gSA S ls fdl çdkj lacaf/r gS\ dh vuqefr ugha gSA)
ckn okys oxZ varjky dh ckjackjrk 25 FkhA (a) firk (b) iq=k (a) 11-89 (b) 18-162
cgqyd oxZ dh pkSM+kbZ
(Width) D;k Fkh\ (c) iRuh dk HkkbZ(d) HkkbZ (c) 15-135 (d) 13-117

2 Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL TIER-II 2023 Practice Set-03 26/10/2023
40. fuEufyf•r lehdj.k esa ç'u&fpÉ (\) osQ fn, x, dFkuksa vkSj fu"d"kks± dks 48.
45. ml lsV dk p;u djsa ftlesa la[;k,¡ mlh çdkj
LFkku ij D;k vk,xk ;fn ‘+’ vkSj‘–’ dks lacaf/r gSa tSls fuEufyf•r lsV dh la[;k,¡ gSaA
i<+saA vkidks fn, x, dFkuksa dks lR; ekuuk
vkil esa cny fn;k tk, vkSj‘×’ vkSj‘÷’ dksgS] Hkys gh os lkekU;r% Kkr rF;ksa ls fHkUu
(uksV% la[;kvksa dks mlds ?kVd vadksa
vkil esa cny fn;k tk,\ çrhr gksrs gksaA vkidks ;g r; djuk gS fd fcuk] iw.kZ la[;kvksa ij lafØ;k,a dh tku
161 ÷ 4 + 75 × 5 – 4 = ? dkSu&ls fu"d"kZ fn, x, dFkuksa dk rkfdZd pkfg,A mnkgj.k osQ fy,] 13 & 13 ij lafØ;k,a
(a) 533 (b) 643 :i ls vuqlj.k djrs gSaA tSls fd 13 esa tksM+uk@?kVkuk@xq.kk
(c) 633 (d) 543 dFku% dh tk ldrh gSaA 13 dks 1 esa rksM+uk vk
41. ml fodYi vkÑfr dk p;u djsa tks iSVuZ dks oqQN isu fdrkcsa gSaA vkSj fiQj 1 vkSj 3 ij xf.krh; lafØ;k,¡ djus
iwjk djus osQ fy, uhps fn, x, fp=k esa ç'u lHkh fdrkc dkj gSaA dh vuqefr ugha gSA)
fpÉ (\) dks çfrLFkkfir djsxkA oqQN dkjsa pEep gSaA
(5, 5, 25)
(2, 5, 10)
? fu"d"kZ% (a) (4, 4, 20) (b) (7, 3, 14)
I. oqQN pEep isu gSaA (c) (3, 3, 9) (d) (9, 3, 26)
II. oqQN fdrkcsa isu gSaA 49. fuEufyf•r lehdj.k esa ç'u fpÉ (\) osQ
(a) osQoy fu"d"kZ (II) vuqlj.k djrk gSA LFkku ij D;k vk,xk ;fn ‘+’ vkSj‘–’ dks
(b) u rks fu"d"kZ(I) vkSj u gh(II) vuqlj.k vkil esa cny fn;k tk, vkSj‘×’ vkSj‘÷’ dks
(a) (b)
djrk gSA vkil esa cny fn;k tk,\
113 ÷ 4 – 217 × 7 + 4 = ?
(c) osQoy fu"d"kZ (I) vuqlj.k djrk gSA
(a) 467 (b) 459
(d) nksuksa fu"d"kZ
(I) vkSj(II) vuqlj.k djrs gSaA (c) 477 (d) 479
(c) (d) 46. ,d ç'u fn;k x;k gS] ftlosQ ckn I vkSjII 50. fuEufyf•r esa ls rhu 'kCn ;qXe oqQN ek;uk
yscy okys nks dFku fn, x, gSaA igpkusa fd ,d tSls gSa vkSj blfy, ,d lewg cukrs gSaA
42. HOCKEY 'kCn osQ nwljs] pkSFks] ikaposa dkSu&lk
vkSj dFku ç'u dk mÙkj nsus osQ fy, dkSu&lk 'kCn ;qXe ml lewg ls lacaf/r ugha
NBs v{kj (ck,a ls nk,a fxuus ij) çR;sd 'kCn i;kZIr gS@gSaA ('kCnksa dks lkFkZd vaxzsth 'kCnksa o
esa çR;sd v{kj dk osQoy ,d ckj mi;ksx A, B, C, D, E vkSjF ,d xksykdkj est osQ pkjksa ekuk tkuk pkfg, vkSj 'kCn esa v{kjksa
djosQ fdrus vFkZiw.kZ vaxzsth 'kCn cuk, vksj
tkcSBs gSaA muesa ls çR;sd rksest
dk eq•
osQ;k la[;k@O;atu@Lojksa dh la[;k osQ vk/k
ldrs gSa\ dsaæ dh vksj gS ;k ckgj dh vksj ]
dsaæ osQ lewghÑr ugha fd;k tkuk pkfg,A)
(a) One (b) Zero foijhr)AD dk eq• fdl fn'kk esa gS\ (a) liQj djuk : ;k=kk djuk
(c) Two (d) Three dFku% (b) ikl : nwj
43. bl ç'u esa] ,d ç'u osQ ckn nks dFku (I) I. B, F osQ nk;sa ls nwljs LFkku ij cSBk(c)gSns[kuk : fugkjuk
vkSj(II) vafdr gSaA vkidks ;g r; djuk vkSj nksuksa dsaæ dh vksj eq• fd;s gq,(d) gSaA
: mBkuk
gksxk fd dFkuksa esa fn;k x;k MsVk ç'u dk nksuksa vksj A vkSjls E osQ chp osQoy nks
51. ,d dFku fn;k x;k gS] vkSj mlosQ I vkSj
mÙkj nsus osQ fy, i;kZIr gS ;k ughaA nksuksa O;fÙkQ cSBs A vkSj
gSaA E nksuksa ,d gh
II Øekafdr nks vuqeku fn, x, gSaA dFku d
dFkuksa dks i<+sa vkSj mfpr mÙkj r; djsaA fn'kk osQ lEeq•A, gSaA
B dk fudVre
i<+sa vkSj fu.kZ; ysa fd fn, x, dFku osQ f
ç'u% fd'kksj dk lqtkrk ls D;k laca/ gS\ iM+kslh ugha gSA
dkSu&lk@ls vuqeku lR; gS@gSaA
(I) uO;k] fd'kksj dh csVh gSA fouhrk] fd'kksj II. C dk eq• B dh foijhr fn'kk esa D, gSA
dh iRuh gSA C osQ ck;ha vksj nwljs LFkku ij cSBk gSA
Hkkjr esa bZa/u dh dhersa fnu&c&fnu c<+
(II) veu] uO;k dk HkkbZ gSA lqtkrk] veu dh (a) dFkuI vkSjII feydj ç'u dk mÙkj nsus
jgh gSa vkSj bldh dher o`f¼ dh dksbZ Åij
bdykSrh csVh gSA osQ fy, i;kZIr gSaA
lhek ugha gSA
(b) osQoy dFku I gh ç'u dk mÙkj nsus osQ
(a) (II) vosQyk i;kZIr gS tcfd (I) vosQyk vuqeku%
fy, i;kZIr gS tcfd dFkuII ugha gSA
i;kZIr ugha gSA I. osaQæ vkSj jkT; ljdkjksa us bZa/u ij
(c) dFkuI vkSjII feydj ç'u dk mÙkj
(b) ;k rks(I) vosQys ;k (II) vosQys i;kZIr gSA lacaf/r djksa esa dVkSrh ugha dh gSA
nsus osQ fy, i;kZIr ugha gSaA
(c) nksuksa
(I) vkSj(II) ,d lkFk vko';d gSaA II. varZjk"Vªh; cktkj esa egaxkbZ dk vlj b
(d) vosQys dFku II ç'u dk mÙkj nsus osQ
(d) (I) vosQyk i;kZIr gS tcfd (II) vosQyk dh c<+rh dherksa ij iM+ jgk gSA
fy, i;kZIr gS tcfd dFkuI ugha gSA
i;kZIr ugha gSA (a) nksuksa vuqeku
I vkSjII lR; gSaA
47. fuEufyf•r lehdj.k esa ç'u fpÉ (\) osQ
44. ,d fuf'pr dksM Hkk"kk‘CARD’ esa] dks (b) u rks vuqeku I vkSj u ghII lR; gSA
LFkku ij D;k vk,xk ;fn ‘+’ vkSj‘–’ dks
‘7359’ osQ :i esa dksfMr fd;k tkrk gS] vkil esa cny fn;k tk, vkSj ‘×’ vkSj‘÷’ dks (c) osQoy vuqeku II lR; gSA
‘SERV’ dks‘1256’ osQ :i esa dksfMr fd;k vkil esa cny fn;k tk,\ (d) osQoy vuqeku
I lR; gSA
tkrk gS vkSj ‘PACK’ dks‘8497’ osQ :i esa 163 ÷ 3 + 147 × 7 – 1 = ? 52. nh xbZ Ük`a•yk esa ç'u fpÉ (\) osQ LFkk
dksfMr fd;k tkrk gSA nh xbZ owQV ‘D’ Hkk"kk
(a) esa
489 D;k vkuk pkfg,\
osQ fy, owQV D;k gS\ (b) 459 18, 74, 298, 1194, 4778, ?
(a) 7 (b) 9 (c) 479 (a) 19114 (b) 19112
(c) 3 (d) 5 (d) 469 (c) 19116 (d) 19110

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs 3
26/10/2023 Practice Set-03 SSC CGL TIER-II 2023
53. tc uhps fn, x, vkjs• dks ?ku osQ vkdkj esa59.
,d dFku osQ ckn pkj fu"d"kZ vkrs gSaA
63. fn,
Select the option that expresses
tkrk gS rks dkSu&lk‘^’ çrhd
osQ foijhr gksxk\ x, dFku osQ vk/kj ij dkSu&lk@ls fu"d"kZ the given sentence in indirect
lR; gS@gSa\
He said, “Two and two make four.”
dFku% (a) He said that two and two made
I<M<F=D=S=J four.
fu"d"kZ% (b) He said that two and two make
I. S < M II. F = S four.
III. I > J IV. M < D (c) He says that two and two make
(a) (b) (a) fu"d"kZ I vkSjIII lR; gSaA
(d) He says that two and two made
(b) osQoy fu"d"kZ IV lR; gSA four.
(c) (d) (c) fu"d"kZ IV vkSjII lR; gSaA 64. Select the most appropriate
(d) osQoy fu"d"kZ II lR; gSA phrasal verb to fill in the blank. .
54. ml fodYi dk p;u djsa tks rhljs 'kCn ls60. uhps ,d dFku fn;k x;k gS ftlosQIckn vkSj _________ that thought. It will be a
mlh çdkj lacaf/r gS tSls nwljk 'kCn igys II Øekafdr nks laHkkfor dkj.k fn, x, gSaA great idea someday.
(a) Hold against (b) Hold on
'kCn ls lacaf/r gSA dFku dks è;kuiwoZd i<+sa vkSj fu.kZ; ysa fd nksuksa
(c) Hold onto (d) Hold to
('kCnksa dks lkFkZd vaxzsth 'kCnksa osQ esa :ilsesa
dkSu dFku esa nh xbZ ?kVuk@voyksdu@
65. Select the sentence which gives
ekuk tkuk pkfg, vkSj 'kCn esa v{kjksa tkudkjh dh dh O;k[;k djrk gSA the most appropriate meaning of
la[;k@O;atuksa@Lojksa dh la[;k osQ vk/kj dFku% ij the given idiom.
,d&nwljs ls lacaf/r ugha gksuk pkfg,A) Hkkjr esa] cM+s 'kgjksa us ns'k osQ xzkeh.k BitefgLlksa ls
the bullet
HkhM+: ?kuk
: : <+yku
:? çoklh vkcknh dks vkdf"kZr fd;k gSA 2011 dh (a) The chef prepared a delicious
(a) rhoz (b) etcwrh tux.kuk osQ vuqlkj] Hkkjr osQ Ng lcls cM+smeal for the guests.
(b) Jack and Jill went up the hill
(c) lery (d) Hkjuk egkuxjksa (fnYyh] eqacbZ] psUubZ] csaxyq#] dksydkrk
to fetch a pail of water.
55. fuEufyf•r lehdj.k esa ç'u fpÉ (\) osQ vkSj gSnjkckn) esa yxHkx 48» fuoklh çoklh FksA
(c) The children played in the park
LFkku ij dkSu&lk vuqekfur eku vk,xk\ dkj.k% on a sunny day.
49.85 – 5.31 + 9.97 = ? I. 'kgjksa esa csgrj dfj;j vkSj vkfFkZd laHkkoukvksa
(d) Despite the pain, Sarah
(a) 19 (b) 55 dh miyC/rk osQ dkj.k çokl gksrk gSA decided to go ahead with the
(c) 6 (d) 37 II. çokl blfy, gksrk gS D;ksafd yksx ;k=kk surgery.
56. ,d fuf'pr owQV Hkk"kk esa] dks
‘BUTTER’ djuk vkSj u, 'kgjksa dh •kst djuk 66. Select the option that expresses the
‘CWWSCO’ osQ :i esa owQVc¼ fd;k tkrk ilan djrs gSaA
given sentence in passive voice.
gS vkSj‘THEORY’ dks‘UJHNPV’ osQ :i
(a) osQoy II ,d laHkkfor dkj.k gSA
Access denied.
esa owQVc¼ fd;k tkrk gSA ml Hkk"kk esa (a) Access has been denied.
(b) osQoy I ,d laHkkfor dkj.k gSA (b) Let the access be denied.
‘LATENT’ dks oSQls dksfMr fd;k tk,xk\
(c) u rksI vkSj u ghII laHkkfor dkj.k gSA (c) Let it be known that access will
(c) MCWDMP (d) MDXCLQ (d) I vkSj II nksuksa laHkkfor dkj.k gSaA be denied.
(d) Access is being denied.
57. v{kjksa osQ ml la;kstu dk p;u djsa ftls nh ENGLISH 67. The following sentence has been
xbZ Ük`a•yk osQ fjDr LFkkuksa esa Øfed :i ls
j•us ij ;g rkfdZd :i ls iw.kZ gks tk,xkA
COMPREHENSION divided into four parts. One of
them contains an error. Select the
61. Select the most appropriate option
PR_Y__RA_ZP_A_Z part that contains the error from
in the superlative degree that can
(a) AZPYRY (b) AZYZRY the given options.
substitute the underlined segment
(c) APYZRY (d) APYZZY They were/married happily/ before
in the given sentence.
she/quit her job.
58. fp=kA ,d fuf'pr iSVuZ esa B ls lacaf/r gSA This is the challenge task I have
mlh iSVuZ dk vuqlj.k djrs gq,] vkÑfr C, ever encountered.
(a) C (b) A
D ls lacaf/r gSA iSVuZ dk vè;;u djsa vkSj much challenging
(c) D (d) B
ml vkÑfr dk p;u djsa ftlsD osQ LFkku (b) most challenging 68. Select the most appropriate option
ij j•k tkuk pkfg,A (c) more challenging
in direct speech.
(d) challenging
(a) The principal said me, “You are
62. Parts of the following sentence have in-charge of the admission cell.”
been given as options. Select the
(b) The principal said to me, “You are
option that contains an error.
in-charge of the admission cell.”
Everyone should respect those
(a) (b) (c) The principal say me, “You are
parents, teachers, and elders.
in-charge of the admission
(a) Everyone should cell.”
(b) parents, teachers, (d) The principal said to I, “You are
(c) (d) (c) and elders. in-charge of the admission
(d) respect those cell.”

4 Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL TIER-II 2023 Practice Set-03 26/10/2023
69. Select the option that expresses (a) more wise 82. The given sentence has an error
the following sentence in active (b) wisest which has been underlined. The
voice. (c) No correction required underlined word is given as
By whom were you taught English options with some changes. Select
(d) wise
grammar and composition? the option that rectifies the error.
75. Select the most appropriate option
(a) Who has taught you English She vaccillates a lot while making
to fill in the blank.
grammar and composition? any decision.
The girl was ________ as she was
(b) Who taught you English (a) vacillates (b) vasillates
drenched in the rain.
grammar and composition? (c) vacillattes (d) vacilates
(a) gold (b) cold
(c) Whom taught you English 83. Select the option that rectifies the
(c) tight (d) bolt underlined part of the given
grammar and composition?
(d) Who had taught you English 76. Parts of the following sentence sentence. In case no correction is
grammar and composition? have been given as options. Select needed, select ‘No correction
the option that contains an error. required’.
70. Select the option that can be used
as a one-word substitute for the This is the book whom I wanted Cinema provides the most universal
underlined phrase in the following to buy. entertainment.
sentence. (a) the book (b) This is (a) No correction required
She was known for her ability to (c) wanted to buy(d) whom I (b) a universal
communicate effectively and 77. Select the most appropriate option (c) an universal
express herself clearly in writing to fill in the blank. (d) more universal
and speaking. You use an________ to steer a boat. 84. Select the option that expresses
(a) mumbling (b) articulation (a) or (b) ore the given sentence in indirect
(c) incoherence (d) rambling (c) are (d) oar speech.
71. Select the option that expresses 78. Select the option that arranges the He said, “I bought this book for my
the given sentence in active voice. given words to form a grammatically brother.”
The award was presented to her by correct and meaningful sentence. (a) He said that he buy this book
the director. The students eagerly their awaited for his brother.
(a) She presented the award to the results. (b) He said that he has bought this
director. book for his brother.
(a) The awaited eagerly results
(b) The award presented to her by their students. (c) He said that he had bought
the director. that book for his brother.
(b) The students eagerly awaited
(c) The director presented the their results. (d) He said that he bought this
award to her. book for his brother.
(c) The students their eagerly
(d) She was presenting the award 85. Select the most appropriate option
awaited results.
to the director. to fill in the blank.
(d) Eagerly awaited the students
72. The given sentence has an error. Robin watched as the smoke
their results.
Choose the option that corrects ______ steadily from the chimney.
79. Select the option that will improve
the error. (a) went (b) rose
the underlined part of the following
Throw a rounder stone to create (c) hung (d) left
ripples in the water. 86. Parts of the following sentence
He is taller and most hand some
(a) Throw a more rounder stone to have been given as options. Select
than his friend.
create ripples in the water. the option that contains an error.
(a) the more (b) very more
(b) Throw the roundest stone to The speaker’s emphasiss is on the
(c) more (d) the most present-day problems that are
create ripples in the water.
80. Read the given sentence carefully being faced by ordinary men of
(c) Throw a more round stone to
create ripples in the water. and fill in the blank by selecting India.
the correct synonym of the word (a) on the present-day problems
(d) Throw a round stone to create
given in the brackets. (b) The speaker’s emphasiss is
ripples in the water.
The authority refused to pay any (c) by ordinary men of India
73. Select the most appropriate option
heed to the _________ demands
to fill in the blank. (d) that are being faced
made by the workers. (Trivial)
By this time tomorrow, I _______ 87. The following sentence has been
(a) majestic (b) idiotic divided into parts. One of them
the work assigned to me.
(a) will do (c) insignificant (d) conceited may contain an error. Select the
(b) will be done 81. Select the most appropriate idiom part that contains the error from
to fill in the blank. the given options. If you don’t find
(c) will have did
Despite their differences, the two any error, mark ‘No error’ as your
(d) will have done
politicians decided to ________ and answer.
74. Select the option that rectifies the work to get her for the greater They want to live in first floor of
underlined part of the given
good. this building.
sentence. In case no correction is
(a) bury the hatchet (a) No error
needed, select ‘No correction
required’. (b) burn the midnight oil (b) live in first floor
Ashoka was not only a great (c) blow off steam (c) of this building
warrior but also a very wiser ruler. (d) bark up the wrong tree (d) They want to

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs 5
26/10/2023 Practice Set-03 SSC CGL TIER-II 2023
88. Select the option that can be used Georgia, South Africa and California, all 98. Why is steel often called the
as a one-word substitute for the of which have warm summers and backbone of modern industry?
underlined part of the given moderate winters. Table grapes are (a) Steel is tough.
sentence. larger and sweeter grapes that are (b) It is easy to make steel alloys.
There is a place for grains in the intended for fresh consumption. To
(c) Steel is used in almost every tool
backyard of this house. create wine, 80%of the grapes are
crushed. The fermentation process turns and machinery.
(a) dormitory (b) archive
grapes into wine. To make raisins, (d) Steel can be added with any
(c) apiary (d) granary
grapes must also be dried. Grapes ripen material.
89. The following sentence has been
in the area of California in August. They 99. What is the tone of the passage?
split into four segments. Identify
are cut from the vines and left on trays (a) Critical
the segment that contains a
to dry for two to three weeks. So, to (b) Judgemental
grammatical error.
transform them into raisins, they are
We/has seen/that movie/before. (c) Ironical
further cooked and steeped in particular
(a) We (b) that movie treatments. According to studies, one (d) Informative
(c) before (d) has seen acre of grapes can make roughly 15,000 100. Identify the structure of the passage.
Comprehension: glasses of wine on average. Grapes of the (a) Classification
Direction (90-93): In the following passage, Thompson, Flame, Ruby, Perlette and (b) Descriptive
some words have been deleted. Read the Tokay varieties are popular. (c) Sequential
passage carefully and select the most 94. What does the fermentation (d) Cause and effect
appropriate option to fill in each blank. process do?
101. Select an appropriate title for the
The ongoing fight for social justice and (a) Makes grapes larger
passage from the given options.
equality continues to be a significant (b) Turns grapes into wine
(a) Resources of Steel
global __1__. Movements advocating for (c) Crushes the grapes
racial, gender and LGBTQ+ equality, as (b) Manufacturing
(d) Turns grapes into raisins
well as addressing systemic (c) Steel Industry
95. Based on your reading of the
discrimination and injustice, have __2__ (d) Mineral ores
passage, select the most appropriate
momentum in recent years. People are Comprehension:
word which best describes
increasingly recognising the importance ‘luscious’. Direction (102-105): Read the given
of dismantling structures that __3__ passage carefully and answer the
(a) Large (b) Soft
inequality and fostering inclusivity in all question that follows.
aspects of society. Calls for justice, (c) Juicy (d) Smooth
96. In which region do grapes ripen in The discovery of a new bird species has
representation and equal opportunities
August? sparked excitement among ornithologists
have sparked conversations and
(a) Australia (b) Chile and bird enthusiasts worldwide. The bird,
initiatives aimed at creating a more
named the Sapphire-winged Warbler,
equitable world. It is crucial to __4__ in (c) California (d) France
discovered in a remote tropical island's
meaningful dialogue, challenge biases 97. Select the most appropriate title
rainforests, is a unique bird with vibrant
and actively promote diversity and to for the passage.
blue feathers and a distinctive melodic
build a society where everyone has (a) Grapes and its uses song. Birdwatchers and nature
equal rights and opportunities. (b) Varieties of grapes enthusiasts have been flocking to the
90. Select the most appropriate option (c) Wine making island in hopes of catching a glimpse of
to fill in blank no. 1.
(d) Grapes and world this elusive and captivating creature. The
(a) drift (b) divergence discovery of the Sapphire-winged Warbler
(c) dispersion (d) focus highlights the importance of preserving
Direction (98-101): Read the given passage
91. Select the most appropriate option and answer the question that follows. and protecting habitats. Amidst the
to fill in blank no. 2. excitement surrounding the discovery of
Steel is tough, and it can easily be
(a) gained (b) invoked shaped, cut or made into wire. Special the Sapphire-winged Warbler,
(c) scattered (d) provided alloys of steel can be made by adding researchers have embarked on a mission
92. Select the most appropriate option small amounts of other metals such as to uncover the bird's migratory patterns.
to fill in blank no. 3. Aluminium, nickel and copper. Alloys Equipped with satellite tracking devices,
(a) cease (b) terminate give steel unusual hardness, toughness they aim to trace the remarkable
or ability to resist rust. Steel is often journey of this species across vast
(c) perpetuate (d) refract
called the backbone of modern distances. By unravelling its migratory
93. Select the most appropriate option
industry. Almost everything we use is routes and stopover locations, scientists
to fill in blank no. 4.
either made of iron or steel or has been hope to gain insight into the challenges
(a) coincide (b) engage the Sapphire-winged Warbler faces
made with tools and machinery of these
(c) manifest (d) evolve metals. Ships, trains, trucks and autos during its arduous travels. The local
Comprehension: are made largely of steel. Even the community on the tropical island has
Direction (94-97): Read the given passage safety pins and the needles you use are embraced the newfound avian resident
and answer the question that follows. made from steel. Oil wells are drilled with great enthusiasm. Efforts are
On woody plants known as vines, with steel machinery. Steel pipelines underway to raise awareness about the
luscious, smooth-skinned berries called transport oil. Minerals are mined with importance of conservation and to
grapes grow in dense clusters. In steel equipment. Farm machines are create protected areas that ensure the
particular, grapes are grown in France, mostly steel. Large buildings have steel continued existence of this exquisite
Italy, Spain, Australia, Chile, Romania, frame work. species.

6 Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL TIER-II 2023 Practice Set-03 26/10/2023
102. Based on the given passage, which 107. lwph
-I vkSjlwph
-II dk feyku dhft,A 113. lwphc¼ fodYiksa esa ls dkSu&lk oSaQ
of the following inferences can be ,d :i ugha gS\
lwph-I lwph-I I
(a) The scientific community has (jklk;fud ;kSfxd) (elkys) (a) Xywdksek (b) fyEiQksek
lost interest in studying avian A. dD;ZwfeukWbM~l 1. byk;ph (c) dkflZuksek (d) lkjdksek
species. 114. lwph-I vkSj lwph -II dk feyku dhft,A
B. 1] 8&flusvksy2. dkyh fepZ
(b) The discovery of the Sapphire-
winged Warbler has sparked C. ;wftukWy 3. gYnh lwph -I lwph -II
global interest in birdwatching. D. fiisjhu 4. ykSax (vEy) (•k| lzksr)
(c) The Sapphire-winged Warbler (a) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4 A. dkcksZfud vEy 1. ljlksa dk rsy
is an aggressive and territorial (b) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
bird species. B. ykWfjd vEy 2. eD•u
(c) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
(d) Conservation efforts are solely C. C;wfVfjd vEy3. lksMk okVj
(d) A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2
focused on protecting the D. b#fld vEy 4. dksdksuV feYd
Sapphire-winged Warbler. 108. orZeku oSKkfud Kku osQ vk/kj ij] orZeku
(a) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1
103. Identify the most appropriate esa ;g vfHk/kj.kk dh xbZ gS fd i`Foh dh
(b) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1
ANTONYM of the word ‘stare’ from vuqekfur vk;q gSA (c) A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3
the passage.
(a) yxHkx 65]00]000 o"kZ (d) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4
(a) Glimpse (b) Vibrancy
(b) yxHkx 95]00]00] 00 o"kZ
(c) Arduousness (d) Excitement 115. fo'o osQ fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl {ks=k osQ
104. Which statement best reflects a fact (c) yxHkx 4]50]00]00]000 o"kZ oqQN Hkkx vius le`¼ •êðs(citrus iQyksa
mentioned in the given passage? (d) yxHkx 45]00]000 o"kZ fruit) osQ mRiknu osQ fy, tkus tkrs gSa\
(a) Schools on the island organise 109. fxjrs gq, ukfj;y] rst jÝrkj dkjksa] yq<+drs
annual bird-watching competitions. (a) Hkweè;js•h; {ks=k (b) dSfjfc;kbZ
iRFkjksa vkSj mM+rs foekuksa ls fdl çdkj (c) dh
vÚhdk (d) Hkweè;lkxjh; {ks=k
(b) Researchers are using satellite
ÅtkZ lacaf/r gS\
tracking devices to study the 116. fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl fons'kh ;k=kh osQ vuqlk
bird's migratory patterns. (a) fLFkfrt ÅtkZ (b) fofdj.k ÅtkZ /zqolsu f}rh;] ç;kx (bykgkckn) esa g"kZ
(c) The Sapphire-winged Warbler (c) xfrt ÅtkZ (d) çR;kLFk ÅtkZ lHkk esa 'kkfey gq, Fks\
is the largest bird species in the
avian kingdom. 110.25°C osQ rkieku ij ,d vkn'kZ xSl osQ (a) iQkáku (b) bfRlax
(d) The Sapphire-winged Warbler fy, ,lvkbZ (SI) bdkbZ esa çfr v.kq vkSlr (c) ekdkZs iksyks(d) àsulkax
is the only bird species on the xfrt ÅtkZ D;k gksxh\
tropical island. 117. flracj 2022 esa _____ljdkj us efgyk lqj{kk
(a) 7.17×10–21J (b) 6.17×10–21J
105. Select the most appropriate title (c) 9.17×10–21J (d) 8.17×10–21J
osQ mís'; ls ^gej csVh gej eku* (gekjh
for the given passage.
111. 36osa jk"Vªh; •sy 2022 ls lacaf/rI lwph&
csVh] gekjk lEeku) uked ,d vfHk;ku 'kq:
(a) The Migratory Journey of the
esa ind rkfydk esa çkIr LFkkuksaII dk lwph& djus dk fu.kZ; fy;kA bldk iQksdl Ldwy
Sapphire-winged Warbler vkSj
(b) Conservation Efforts in Tropical esa jkT;ksa osQ lkFk feyku djsa vkSj uhps fn, dkWyst tkus okyh yM+fd;ksa osQ
Rainforests x, dksM ls lgh mÙkj pqusaA lqj{kk mik;ksa osQ ckjs esa tkx:drk iSnk
vkSj efgyk laca/h vijk/ksa osQ iathdj.k vk
(c) The Unique Features of the lwphI (LFkku)
Sapphire-winged Warbler tkap dks çkFkfedrk nsuk gksxkA
A. ind rkfydk easI LFkku
(d) The Curious Behaviour of Birds (a) NÙkhlx<+ (b) fcgkj
in Remote Islands B. ind rkfydk esaII LFkku
(c) >kj•aM (d) eè; çns'k
C. ind rkfydk esaIII LFkku
lkekU; tkudkjh 118. fuEufyf•r dks lqesfyr dhft,
D. ind rkfydk esaIV LFkku
106. fuEufyf•r fo"k;&oLrqvksa dks muosQ lacaf/r fo'ks"krk,¡@vU; uke unh dk uke
lwphII (jkT;)
vuqPNsnksa osQ lkFk lqesfyr dhft,A A. cSMySaM LFkykÑfr 1. xksnkojhdk {ks=k
(i) egkjk"Vª
(ii) gfj;k.kk B. o`¼ xaxk 2. czãiq=k
1. pqukoksa dk v/h{k.k] funZs'ku vkSj fu;a=k.k
C. lkaxiks 3. dkslh
,d pquko vk;ksx osQ varxZr fufgr fd;k (iii) dukZVd
tk,xk (iv) lfoZlst LiksV~lZ d.Vªksy cksMZ D. fcgkj dk 'kksd 4. pacy
2. fo/kueaMy osQ pquko osQ laca/ esa çkoèkku
(a) A-ii, B-i, C-iii, D-iv (a) A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3
(b) A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3
djus dh lalnh; 'kfDr (b) A-iv, B-i, C-ii, D-iii
(c) A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv (c) A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2
3. pqukoh ekeyksa esa U;k;ky;ksa }kjk fd, tkus
(d) A-i, B-iii, C-ii, D-iv (d) A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3
okys gLr{ksi ij jksd
B 112. ^ckn'kkg ukek* dh jpuk fuEufyf•r esa lsfuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lk fodYi] oS;fDrd
A. vuqPNsn 329 fdlosQ }kjk dh xbZ gS\ vk;djksa dh dVkSrh ls igys lHkh lzksrk
B. vuqPNsn 324 (a) vcqy iQty O;fDr;ksa }kjk vftZr oqQy vk; dks fu:fi
C. vuqPNsn 327 (b) vCnqy gehn ykgkSjh djrk gS\
(a) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C (b) 1-A, 2-C, 3-B (c) ckcj (a) oS;fDrd vk; (b) ldy vk;
(c) 1-C, 2-B, 3-A (d) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A (d) buk;r •ku (c) jk"Vªh; vk; (d) ç;ksT; vk;

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs 7
26/10/2023 Practice Set-03 SSC CGL TIER-II 2023
120. Hkkjr osQ fczfV'k xouZj tujyksa vkSj (a)
A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3 127. lafo/ku (vuqlwfpr tutkfr) vkns'k (pkSFkk
lacafèkr ?kVukvksa osQ feyku osQ xyr(b)
A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4 la'kks/u) fo/s;d] 2022] fnlacj 2022 esa
dk p;u dhft,A (c) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 jkT;lHkk esa ikfjr fd;k x;k FkkA ____;g
(d) A-4, B-2, C-3, D-1 jkT; ij ykxw gksus osQ laca/ esa lafo/ku
(i) ykWMZ MygkSth & 1857 dk foæksg
123. fuEufyf•r chekfj;ksa esa ls dkSu&lh chekjh
(vuqlwfpr tutkfr) vkns'k] 1950 esa la'kksèku
(ii) ykWMZ vkWdySaM & çFke viQxku ;q¼ djus osQ fy, gSA
oa'kkuqxr ugha gksrh\
(iii) ykWMZ oSQfuax & oqM~l fMLiSp 1854 (a) xksok (b) ef.kiqj
(a) flfLVd iQkbczksfll
(a) osQoy (ii) vkSj(iii) (c) dukZVd (d) jktLFkku
(b) Mkmu flaMªkse
(b) osQoy (i) vkSj(iii) 128. flracj 2022 esa _____fo/kulHkk us efgyk
(c) eLoqQyj fMLVªkWiQh fo/k;dksa osQ fy, lqj{kk] LokLF;] LoPNrk
(c) osQoy (ii)
(d) eysfj;k vkSj f'k{kk tSls efgyk eqíksa ij cksyus os
(d) osQoy (i)
124. Hkkjr dh tux.kuk 2011osQ
vuqlkj] fuEufyf•r fy, ,d vfrfjDr fnu dh O;oLFkk dhA
121. futhdj.k dh fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lh
esa ls fdl jkT; esa iq#"kksa vkSj efgykvksa dh
(a) eè; çns'k (b) jktLFkku
vkykspuk laHko gS\ (c) mÙkj çns'k (d) iatkc
lk{kjrk nj esa varj lokZf/d Fkk\
(a) futh O;olk;ksa esa vR;fèkd ljdkjh 129. Hkkjr osQ nwljs mijk"Vªifr dkSu Fks\
(a) jktLFkku
gLr{ksi (a) ohoh fxfj
(b) osQjy
(b) cktkj esa çfrLi/kZ vkSj uokpkj esa deh (b) MkW- tkfdj gqlSu
(c) fetksje
(c) gkf'k, ij iM+h vkcknh osQ fy, vko';d (c) MkW- ,l jk/kÑ".ku
(d) es?kky;
lsokvksa rd lhfer igq¡p (d) Ñ".kdkar
125. fdl lfefr us ekSfyd drZO;ksa dk ikyu130. u fuEufyf•r Hkkjrh; ç/kueaf=k;ksa dks muosQ }
(d) lkoZtfud m|eksa esa ukSdj'kkgh vkSj n{krk
dk foLrkj djus ij tqekZuk ;k ltk dk çLrko j•k Fkk\ 'kq: dh xbZ iapo"khZ; ;kstukvksa osQ lk
122. Hkkjrekyk ifj;kstuk osQI osQ pj.k&laca/ esa (a) Lo.kZ flag lfefr lqesfyr dhft,A
fuEufyf•r fooj.kksa dk feyku djsaA (b) bafnjk xka/h lfefr lwph -I (ç/ku ea=kh)
(c) eksjkjth nslkbZ lfefr i: tokgjyky usg:
(d) oekZ lfefr ii: eueksgu flag
A. vkfFkZd xfy;kjs
iii: vVy fcgkjh oktis;h
B. lhek vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; laidZ lM+dsa 126. lewg(group) 'kwU; osQ rRoksa dks lkekU;r%
D;k dgk tkrk gS\ lwph -II (iap&o"khZ; ;kstuk,¡)
C. ,Dlçsl&os a) f}rh; iapo"khZ; ;kstuk
(a) vfLFkj
D. varj&xfy;kjs vkSj iQhMj lM+dsa b) nloha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk
(b) vfØ; xSlsa
yf{kr yackbZ(in km) c) X;kjgoha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk
1. 9000 2. 2000 (c) jsfM;ks/ehZ (a) i-b, ii-a, iii-c (b) i-a, ii-c, iii-b
3. 800 4. 6000 (d) vfHkfØ;k'khy (c) i-c, ii-b, iii-a (d) i-b, ii-c, iii-a

1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (d)

11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (c)

21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (a) 30. (c)

31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (c) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (c)

41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (a) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (c) 49. (d) 50. (b)

51. (b) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (a) 55. (b) 56. (a) 57. (a) 58. (a) 59. (c) 60. (b)

61. (b) 62. (d) 63. (b) 64. (c) 65. (d) 66. (b) 67. (b) 68. (b) 69. (b) 70. (b)

71. (c) 72. (d) 73. (d) 74. (d) 75. (b) 76. (d) 77. (d) 78. (b) 79. (c) 80. (c)

81. (a) 82. (a) 83. (b) 84. (c) 85. (b) 86. (b) 87. (b) 88. (d) 89. (d) 90. (d)

91. (a) 92. (c) 93. (b) 94. (b) 95. (c) 96. (c) 97. (a) 98. (c) 99. (d) 100. (b)

101. (c) 102. (b) 103. (a) 104. (b) 105. (a) 106. (d) 107. (b) 108. (c) 109. (c) 110. (b)

111. (b) 112. (b) 113. (a) 114. (a) 115. (d) 116. (b) 117. (a) 118. (d) 119. (a) 120. (b)

121. (c) 122. (c) 123. (d) 124. (a) 125. (a) 126. (b) 127. (c) 128. (c) 129. (b) 130. (b)

8 Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL TIER-II 2023 Practice Set-03 26/10/2023
11 D = 40% dk 1.5 = 0.6 10x
1. (d) fn;k x;k gS fdP(A) = 18  (A + B + C + D) }kjk dk;Z dks iwjk   12  x = 144
11 7 djus esa fy;k x;k le; ;k=kk dk dqy nwjh= 3 × 144 = 432 fdeh
 P (A) = 1– 
18 18 75 7 10. (d) fn;k x;k gS fd,
5 =
fnu= 9 27 fnu P : Q = 3 : (4)
 P  A  B 
9 5. (c) fn;k x;k gS fd Q : R = (4) : 7
 (P + Q) : (Q + R) : (R + P)

P A B 1–  5 4 A + B + C = 20 × 3 = 60 o"kZ ____(i) = 7 : 11 : 10
9 9 iz'ukuqlkj
, 11. (d) iz'ukuqlkj
ge tkurs gS fd , (A – 2) + (B – 2) = (C – 2) + 6

 A + B – C = 8 o"kZ 25  46  y
 
P A  B  P(A)  P(B)  P A  B   ____ (ii)
 11
13 7 4 lehdj.k (i) vkSj(ii) dks gy djus ij ges
 =
27 18
+P B 
  izkIr gksrk gS  71 + y = 33
 y = – 38
29  C = 26 o"kZ 12. (b)
P B   
54 6. (a) ge tkurs gS]
Total Cards = 52

29 25 1 7 1
 P(B)  1 –  20% = , 35%  , 10%  Red Black
54 54 5 20 10
26 26

P B    29 5 : 4
P(B) 25 20 : 13 Heart Diamond Spades Clubs
2. (d) 10 : 9 13 13 13 13
250 : 117 13  bDdk , jktk, jkuh
, xqyke
, (2 – 10) la[;k
 dqy xqyke =4
50 3
E 133 dqy dkyk = 26
133 dqy le = 5 × 4 = 20
vko';d % = 250  100 = 53.2%
[le : 2, 4, 6, 8,10]
7. (b) ekuk] ?kukHk dk yackbZ] pkSM+kbZ  vkSj mQ¡pkbZ
vHkh"V izkf;drk
BD 50 3 6x, 3x & 2x .
4 26 20 5
CE CE ?kukHk dk laiw.kZ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy =   =
CEA esa
, tan 60° =  = 2(LW + WH + HL) 52 52 52 338
AE 50 3
iz'ukuqlkj ² 13. (b) 60 yhVj= 16 bdkbZ
, 2(LW + WH + HL) = 1800 lseh
 3 CE = 150 eh  2(18x + 6x + 12x ) = 1800 lseh2
2 2 2
20 yhVj=
50 3 2 3
72x = 1800
 AB = ED = 10 eh  x = 5 lseh
In container A
 VkWoj dh mQ¡pkbZ
= 150 + 10
bl izdkj, L = 30 lseh, W = 15 lseh,
= 160 eh
H = 10 lseh S : W
oSdfYid fof/%  V = yackbZ × pkSM+kbZ
× mQ¡pkbZ 60L 7 : 9
= 30 × 15 × 10 = 4500 lseh3 16
30° 3
2 3 V = 6x × 3 x × 2x = 36 x ³ 7 : 9+
So, Ans. should be multiple of 9 3
Only option (b) satisfies. 21 : 43
A 1 E
8. (d) A In container B
50 3
CE =  3 = 150eh x
VkWoj dh mQ¡pkbZ
= 150 + 10 = 160 eh B
60° 60°
20L  7 : 9 = 16 ×4 × 5
3. (c) cgqyd ¾ og eku tks MsVk lsVesa lcls 32L  21 : 43 = 64 ×1 × 8
vf/d ckj fn•kbZ nsrk gSA cgqyd gSa &13 x
77 : 131
vkSj 15 oSdfYid fof/%
 mudk xq.kuiQy= 13 × 15 = 195 E D S : W
4. (d) ABE esa, AB = BE gy  7 : 9
blfy, ,
A + B  25 fnu BAE = BEA
 7 (80 – 20)
2 6 
x + (60° + 90°) + x = 180° dy
q 16 80
75 4
fnu 75  x = 15° 7 3 21
EAB + 3AEB = 4x = 60° =  =
16 4 64
5 9. (d) ekuk] dqy nwjh
= 3x
C + A  15 fnu S : W
x 2x
(A + B + C) dk {kerk
= 7.5  iz'ukuqlkj
,   12 20L  7 : 9 = 16 × 4 × 5
30 40
C dk {kerk
= 1.5 32L  21 : 43 = 64 × 1 × 8

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs 9
26/10/2023 Practice Set-03 SSC CGL TIER-II 2023
18. (b) NksVs ?ku dk vk;ru
= 64 1.24  2.79
S : W
a3 = 64 a = 4 23. (c)
140 : 180 2.64  5.94
ekuk]x NksVs ?ku çkIr gksrs gSaA n'keyo dks ljy djus osQ ckn
168 : 344
308 : 524 48 × 48 × 48 = 4 × 4 × 4 × x 124  279
77 : 131  x = 123 = 1728 264  594
19. (b) ekuk] ,d isafly vkSj ,d isu dh dher
14. (a) ekuk] canjksa dh=la[;k
x 
2  31  3 31
 ekuo vkxarqdksa dh=la[;k(54 – x)
Øe'k%x vkSjy gSA 2 66  3 66
 2x + 3y = 55 _____ (i)
, 4 × x + 2 (54 – x) = 148 7x + 2y = 65 _____ (ii) 
6  31 31

2x = 40 6  66 66
lehdj.k (i) vkSj(ii) gy djus ij ges
 x = 20 24. (c) A B
oSdfYid fof/% izkIr gksrk gS
Investment  3 : 5
x = ` 5 vkSj
y = ` 15
Human : Monkey ,d isafly vkSj ,d isu dk ewY; = Rs.20 Profit  4.5 : 7.5
Legs 108 216 20. (c) eku yhft, çR;sd •aHks dh ÅapkbZ
h gS [50]000 dks 1 bdkbZ ]ekuuk
vkSj lM+d osQ chp dkPfcanq gS
148 A C  60,0000 
 50,000  12
 
68 40 rc ls 50,000 = 1 bdkbZ
17 10 h h A : B
(17 + 10) bdkbZ= 54 u;k YkkHk
 5.5 : 8.5
10 bdkbZ= 20 x° y° 5.5
A dk fgLlk=  420000
canj dh la[;k= 20 B P Q 14
h 23 6 = 165000 :i;s
582 – 252 83  33 11 tan x =  
15. (b) A =   BP 5  3 15 uksV% iwjh x.kuk fd, fcuk vki tk¡p ldrs
462 – 372 83  9 3 h


6 gSa fd dkSu lk fodYi ^11* dk xq.kt gSA
tan y =
262 – 152 41  11 11 PQ 5  2 10 dsoy fodYi (c) larq"V gSA
B=  
562 – 152 71  41 71  BP  PQ  150eh 25. (b)
1 20 71 20  3 25 bdkbZ  150 eh
 –  – 1 A
B A 11 11  6 bdkbZ  6 × 6 = 36 eh
16. (d) ekuk] dqy 14 O;fÙkQ;ksa = dkx.vkSlr vr% çR;sd LrEHk dh ÅapkbZ 36 ehVj gSA r

13  78   x  39  21. (c) fn;k gS la[;k  11p9q4 B C

b P
,  x ,d la[;k 24 ls foHkkT; gSA bldk vFkZ gS fd
13 × 78 + 39 = 13x ;g fuf'pr :i ls 3 vkSj 8 ls foHkkT; gksxhA r > b
 x = 81 9q 4 thok ,d O;kl Hkh gks ldrk gS
8 }kjk foHkkT;
 gSA
 14 O;fÙkQ;ksa dk Hkkj
= 81 + 39 8 r  b
= 120 fdxzk  q = 0, 4, 8 20.5
oSdfYid fof/% vc 3 dh foHkkT;rk tk¡psa r 
ekuk lHkh 14 O;fÙkQ;ksaAdkgSA vkSlr 15  p  q

pq r  10.25
(A+39) 78
3 3 26. (a) fn;k x;k gS
pw¡fd pq vf/dre gksuk pkfg, blfy, p cgqyd = 48.5, L = 46.5, fm = 34,
A + q Hkh vf/dre gksuk pkfg,A f1 = 32, f2 = 25
p  q  fm – f 1 
3 39   cgqyd = L + 
 2 fm  f 1  f 2 
×3 ×3 7 8  15  3 R  0 
1 13 34 – 32
pqmax = 8 × 7 = 56  48.5 = 46.5 + ×h
2  34 – 32 – 25
A = 78 + 3 = 81 fdxzk 22. (a)
14 O;fÙkQ;ksa dk Hkkj 21 2
= A + 39 = 81 + 39 = 120 fdxzk 42% =
50  gjh+ yfyr 68 – 57
 h = 11
17. (b) iz'ukuqlkj,
Take Give gjh yfyr dey 1 1  36 24   12 14 24  27 
27. (c)  8   6   45  25  –  21  15  45   36 
 
Purchese 950 gm : 1000 gm 8% (21+50)
 1  1 36 25 12 14 45  27 
Sell 1000 gm : 750 gm =  8   6  45  24 – 21  15  24   36 
   
50 : 71
19 : 15 1 5  27  1 5 27 
×50 =  8   36 – 1  36    8  36  36 – 1
121 6050      
2500 ×50
1 8  1
4 yfyr = 6050 × 8% = 484 =   – 1 =
%  100  26.67% 8 9  72
15 gjh= 2500 – 484 = 2016

10 Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL TIER-II 2023 Practice Set-03 26/10/2023
28. (a) v¼Zokf"kZd nj
= 10% 39. (a) 11-89 55. (b) 50 – 5 + 10 = 55
jkf'k= 10,000 + 4641 = 14641 18 × 9 = 162 56. (a) MCWDLQ
P : A 15 × 9 = 135 B U T T E R
13 × 9 = 117
10,000 : 14641 +1 +2 +3 -1 -2 -3
11 × 9 = 99  89
4th root 40. (c) 161 × 4 – 75 ÷ 5 + 4 C W W S C O
10 11  644 – 15 + 4 = 648 – 15 = 633 L A T E N T
vko';d o"kZ= 2  2 o"kZ 41. (b) +1 +2 +3 -1 -2 -3

20% P R A Y Z /P R A Y Z/ P R A Y Z
nj =  10%
2 42. (a) OKEY  YOKE (gy okyh ydM+h
) tks 58. (a)
P A cSyksa osQ ck¡/h tkrh gSA
10000 : 14641 43. (c) nksuksa
(I) vkSj(II) ,d lkFk vko';d gSaA P

  59. (c) fu"d"kZIV vkSjII lR; gSaA

10 4 : 114 60. (b) dsoy I ,d laHkkfor dkj.k gSA
4 61. (b) Most challenging
 vko' ; d o"kZ=  2 Ok"kZ
2 Task - noun gS vkSj challenge HkhA
CP MP SP task dks qualify djus osQ fy, gesa
29. (a) +42% –15%
adjective pkfg,A
100 142 120.7
44. (c) 3 Challenging - adjective gSA
20.7 The osQaccording gesasuperlative
C A R D  7 3 5 9 degree of adjective pkfg,A
120.7 –100
%= ×100 S E R V  1 2 5 6 tks fliZQoption (b) esagiven gSA
100 vr% option (b) correct answer gSA
= 20.7% ~ 21% P A C K  8 4 9 7
62. (d) Respect those
30. (c) iz'ukuqlkj
,  D dk dksM 3 gksxkA Everyone osQ lkFk "his/her" vkrk gSA
2800  10  3 45. (a) dsoy fu"d"kZ (II) vuqlj.k djrk gSA 63. (b) He said that two and two make
 840 46. (c) dFkuI vkSjII nksuksa feydj ç'u dk four.
, mÙkj nsus osQ fy, i;kZIr ugha gSaA "Two and two make four" - ;g fact
6200  14  y
gS vkSj fact dk tense change ugha gksrk
1736 = (indirect speech esa Hkh) pkgsreporting
100 A B
y=2 verb fdlh Hkh tense esa gksA
fliZQoption (b) dk tense 'as it is" gSA
x 840
   420 D E vr% (b) lgh answer gSA
y 2
64. (c) Hold onto
31. (b) C E G D F B A F Hold onto something/somebody -
47. (d) 163 × 3 – 147 ÷ 7 + 1
phrasal verb gS & to keep something
32. (b) 5, 2, 3, 1, 4  489 – 21 + 1 = 489 – 20 = 469 or someone that is important or
33. (a) Q— = P+ 48. (c) 5 × 5 = 25 useful.
2 × 5 = 10 65. (d) Despite the pain, Sarah decided
R—S 3×3=9 to go ahead with the surgery.
34. (a) O _ _ M _ _ N _ _ P 49. (d) 113 × 4 + 217 ÷ 7 – 4 Bite the bullet - to force yourself
35. (c) 7 1 4 8 3 5 6  452 + 31 – 4 = 452 + 27 = 479 to perform an unpleasant or
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 50. (b) ikl : nwj
(foijhr) difficult action or to be brave in a
difficult situation.
51. (b) u rks vuqekuI vkSj u ghII lR; gSA
36. (a) fliZQoption (d) same meaning convey
52. (a) 18 × 4 + 2 = 74
74 × 4 + 2 = 298 dj jgk gSA
298 × 4 + 2 = 1194 66. (b) Let the access be denied.
1194 × 4 + 2 = 4778 Context esaimperative sentence gSA
37. (a) 4778 × 4 + 2 = 19114 Imperative sentence dk passive
90° C/W 180° C/W 90° C/W 180° C/W
form "let rFkkbe + V3" ls cukrs gSA
53. (c)
;g structure fliZQoption (b) esagiven
S T P R gSA vr% option (b) correct answer gSA
38. (c) 67. (b) Married - tc as a verb treat
fd;k tkrk gS rks adverb of manner
+2 +1 +2 +2 +1 +2 +2 +1 +2 mlds ckn vkrk gSA
Married - tc as an adjective treat
fd;k tkrk gS rksadverb of manner
+2 +1 +2 +2 +1 +2 54. (a) <+yku & rhoz mlls igys vkrk gSA
Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs11
26/10/2023 Practice Set-03 SSC CGL TIER-II 2023
Context esa'married' dks vxj verb 77. (d) oar 86. (b) the speaker's emphasiss is
consider djs rks ogpassive meaning An osQ ckn gesanoun pkfg,A emphasiss ughacorrect spelling
nsxk(were + V3). Option (a) & (c) xyr gSA emphasis gSA
'kknh ;s yksx [kqn fd,] (b) × ore - boat osQ fy,unfit gSA 87. (b) Live in first floor
ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
Active sense gSA vFkkZr context esa vr% option (d) lgh answer gSA ls igys 'the' vkrk gSA
'married' dksadjective consider fd;k 78. (b) The students eagerly awaited
88. (d) Granary
x;k gSA their results.
Place for grains - granary.
vFkkZr "happily married" correct Sub (noun/pronoun) + adverb of
Dormitory - a building at a college
manner + Verb + phrase
answer gksxkA or university where students live.
[tc 'phrase' verb ls closely related gks
] Archive - a place where historical
68. (b) The principal said to me, "you
are in-charge of the admission ;g structure fliZQoption (b) esa gSA records are kept.
cell." 79. (c) More Apiary - a place where bees are
(a) × say/said does not take an vkxs'than' gS blfy, comparative kept.
indirect object mlds fy, gesa"say/ degree of adjective vk,xkA 89. (d) Has seen
said + to" phrase dk use djuk gksxkA 'and' same rank structure follow djrk We - plural subject osQ lkFk plural
Option (c) xyr gSA gSA 'and' ls igys taller (comparative verb vk,xkA
(d) × said to osQ ckn objective case degree esa ) gSA vr% 'and' osQ ckn Hkh 90. (d) Focus
(a) × drift - a slow movement
vkrk gSA 'I' subjective case gSA comparative degree gh j[kuk gksxkA towards something - contextually
69. (b) Who taught you English
grammar and composition?
i.e., more handsome. unfit gSA
The + adjective rc vkrk gS tc noun × fight global divergence ugha gks
(a) × voice esatense change ugha gksrkA (b)
dh t:jr gksA ldrhA
(c) × passive voice dksactive form esa
80. (c) Insignificant Option (c) xyr gSA
change djrs time ge objective case Trivial - egRoghu
dkssubject case esachange djrs gSA Option (d) lgh gSfight global focus
Options esa ls fliZQ option (c)
Option (d) xyr gSA gksxhA
insignificant dk same meaning gS tks 91. (a) Gained
Option (b) lgh answer gSA
trivial dk gSA (b) × invoked - to mention or use
70. (b) Articulation
(a) × mumbling - to speak quietly insignificant - egRoghu a law, rule etc. as a reason for
without opening your mouth 81. (a) Bury the hatchet doing something - invoke d k
properly, so that people cannot difference - disagreement momentum ls dksbZ relation ugha gSA
hear the words (iqQliqQlkuk)A difference osQ ckn Hkh nksuksa lkFk dke fd, (c) × scattered - spread over -
(b) lgh gS articulate - good at that means difference [kRe gks x;kA momentum osQ lkFk unfit gSA
expressing your ideas clearly. mls idiomatic way esa"Bury the (d) × provided momentum ugha gksrkA
(c) × incoherence - the fact of hatchet" ;kfu to end a quarrel or 92. (c) Perpetuate
expressing yourself in a way that
conflict and become friendly dgrs gSA (d) × refract inequality ugha gksrkA
is not clear.
(d) × rambling - very long and 82. (a) Vacillates (a) & (b) × context osQaccording
Correct spelling is - Vacillates - to cease & terminate inequality osQ fy,
71. (c) The director presented the be uncertain what to do. unfit gSA
83. (b) A universal
award to her. Option (c) lgh gS perpetuate - to
By + the director (subject) (a) × selection ugh a gS blf y, cause something to continue for a
Subject - object cu tk,xkA superlative degree ugha vk,xkA long time.
(a) & (d) × (c) × universal dk consonant sound 93. (b) Engage
(b) × as it is gSA gS blfy, 'an' ugha vk,xkA (c) × manifest something in
Option (c) lgh answer gSA (d) × comparison Hkh ugha gSA vr% something.
72. (d) Throw a round stone to create comparative degree Hkh ugha vk,xkA (a) × coincide osQ lkFk which vkrk gSA
ripples in the water.
Option (b) lgh answer gSA (d) × evolve into/from gksrk gSA
Round ,d non-gradable adjective (b) engage in something lgh gS
84. (c) He said that he had bought
gSA vr% mldk comparative ;k super- that book for his brother. 94. (b) Turnes grapes into wine
lative possible ugha gSA Reported speech esa vxjV2 gks vkSj 13th row esagiven gSA
73. (d) Will have done
reporting verb Hkh past tense esa gks 95. (c) Juicy
"By this time" clause is followed by "Juicy" is the synonym of luscious.
perfect tense. rksreported speech dk 'V " had + 96. (c) California

(c) × have + V3 gksrk gSA V3 esachange gks tkrk gSA 15th row esagiven gSA
74. (d) Wise fliZQoption (c) esahad + V3 gSA vr%97. (a) Grapes and its uses.
Very + positive degree of adjective option (c) correct answer gSA On wood plants known as vines ls
vkrk gSA 85. (b) Rose irk py jgk gS fd grapes osQ ckjs esa
75. (b) Cold (a) × smoke went from the chimney passage gSA
Drench - to make somebody/ xyr gSA To make raisins wine ls irk py jgk
something completely wet.
(c) × smoke hung ugha djrkA gS fd grapes osQuses dks crk;k x;k
Wet gS rks 'cold' gksxkA
76. (d) Whom I (d) × left something gksrk gSAleft from gSA option (a) suitable title gSA
Whom - person osQ fy,use fd;k tkrk gSA something ugha gksrkA (b) xyr gS D;ksafd grapes osQ varieties
book - thing gS blfy, which vk,xkA Option (b) lgh answer gSA osQ ckjs esa fliZQ ,d ckjeas ckr gqbZ gSA

12 Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL TIER-II 2023 Practice Set-03 26/10/2023
(c) xyr gS D;ksafd wine fliZQgrapes ls mission to uncover the bird's 109. (c) fxjrs gq, ukfj;y] rst jÝrkj dkjsa] yq<+dr
ugha curkA wine making esa vkSj Hkh migratory patterns. iRFkj vkSj mM+rs foeku lHkh esa xfrt
Option (b) osQ fn, x, statement ls
ingredients included gksrs gSApassage (Kinetic Energy) gksrh gSA
exactly match gSA vr% option (b) lgh
esa fliZQ
grapes fd ckr gqbZ gSA • xfrt ÅtkZ og ÅtkZ gS tks fdlh oLrq osQ
98. (c) Steel is used in almost every option gSA
105. (a) The migratory Journey of the xfreku gksus osQ dkj.k mlesa ?kfVr gksrh
tool and machinery.
9 row esamention gS "Almost
th sapphire - winged warbler. • fLFkfrt ÅtkZfdlh oLrq }kjk vU; oLrqvksa
everything we use is either made Passage osQ maximum part esa osQ lkis{k mldh fLFkfr] mlosQ Hkhrj r
of iron or steel or has been made. sapphire - winged warbler osQ ;k vU; dkj.kksa lsUumRi
ÅtkZ gksrh gSA
with tools and machinery of these migratory journey os Q ck js e sa • fofdj.k ÅtkZ,d izdkj dh xfrt ÅtkZ
metals. mentioned gSA vFkkZr (b) & (d) xyr gSA gS] tks iQksVkWu uked izkFkfed d.kksa
99. (d) Informative
(c) × fliZQ mlds unique features osQ
(a) × critical - tc ys[kd fdlh esa deh ls izsf"kr gksrh gS] tc fo|qr pqEcdh; rjax
ckjs esa
mention ugha fd;k x;k gSA
fdlh oLrq ls Vdjkrh gSA
;k nks"k fudkyus dk bjknk j[krk gS] rks og Unique features dh ckr fliZQ ,d ckj
bl tone dk use djrk gSA • izR;kLFk ÅtkZ
og fLFkfrt ;kaf=kd ÅtkZ gS]
mentioned gSA
(b) × judgemental - ;fn ys[kd yksxks tks bl inkFkZ osQ vk;ru osQ vkdkj dks foÑ
106. (d) lgh mÙkj1-b , 2-c, 3-a gSA
dksjudge djrk gS ;kcriticise djrk gS] djus dh
osQ dkj.k ml inkFkZ osQ vanj lax`
• pqukoksa ds v/h{k.k] funZs'ku vkSj fu;a=k.k
rks og bl tone dk use djrk gSA gks tkrh gSA
'kfDr pquko vk;ksx esa fufgr gksxh] bldk
(c) × ironical - bl tone dk use ,sls 110.(b) lgh mÙkj 6.17×10-21 J gSA
mYys• lafoèkku osQ vuqPNsn 324 esa fd;k
o.kZu osQ fy, fd;k tkrk gS] tks fd vk'kk 3
x;k gSA blosQ varxZr pqukoh çfØ;k] ernkrk (K.E.)avg (vkSlr xfrt ÅtkZ
;k vuqeku osQ fcYdqy foijhr gksA )= kT
lwph dk çca/u] pqukoh fu;eksa dk çorZu 2
Option (d) lgh gSinformative - –23
k = 1.38 × 10 Joule k –1
vkSj pqukoh fooknksa dk fuiVkjk 'kkfey gSA
passage esasteel osQ ckjs
information T = 25 + 273) = 298k
• vuqPNsn 327 esa çkoèkku gS fd fo/kueaMy (K.E.)avg (vkSlr xfrt ÅtkZ
fn;k x;k gSA )
osQ pqukoksa osQ fy, vko';d çko/kuksa dks
vr% option (d) suitable option gSA 3
cukus dh 'kfÙkQ laln esa fufgr gksxhA = 2 × 1.38 × 10–23 Jk–1 × 298k
100. (b) Descriptive
Passage esa "steel" os Q ck js e sa
• vuqPNsn 329 Hkkjrh; lafo/ku dk og çkoèkku = 6.17 × 10–21J
description fn;k x;k gSA
gS tks pqukoh ekeyksa esa U;k;ky;ksa }kjk gLr{ksi A-iv, B-i, C-ii, D-iii gSA
111. (b) lgh mÙkj
vr%option (b) suitable answer gksxkA ij jksd yxkrk gSA lwph&1 (LFkku)
107.(b) lgh mÙkj A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 gSA
101. (c) Steel industry A. ind rkfydk esaI LFkku
(a) × steel osQuses dks crk;k x;k gS
lwph&1 lwph&2
B. ind rkfydk esaII LFkku
but mlds resources dk dksbZ Hkh mYys[k
(jklk;fud ;kSfxd) (elkys)
C. ind rkfydk esaIII LFkku
(A) dD;ZwfeukWbM~l 3- gYnh
ugha gqvk gSA D. ind rkfydk esaIV LFkku
(B) 1] 8&flusvksy1- byk;ph
(b) & (d) xyr gSA lwph&2 (jkT;)
Option (c) lgh gSsteel dSlk gS] dSls (C) ;wftukWy 4- ykSax
(iv) lfoZlst LiksV~lZ daVªksy cksMZ
cuk;k tkrk gS] os lHkh
mentioned gSA (D) fiisjhu 2- dkyh fepZ
(i) egkjk"Vª
"Alloy gives steel unusual hard- • dD;ZwfeukWbM~l (Curcuminoids) gYnh
(ii) gfj;k.kk
ness" ls Hkh irk pyrk gS fd steel esa ik, tkus okys çeq• lfØ; ;kSfxdksa dk (iii) dukZVd
industry dh ckr gqbZ gS rFkk ships, ,d lewg gSA ;s ;kSfxd çkÑfrd fixesaV osQ
• 37osa jk"Vªh; [ksy 26 vDVwcj ls 9 uoa
trains, trucks gesaclear cut "steel :i esa dk;Z djrs gSa vkSj bUgsa gYnh dks
2023 rd xksok esa vk;ksftr fd;s x;s FksA
industry" dh vksjindicate dj jgk gSA mldk fof'k"V ihyk jax nsus osQ fy, tkuk
LFkku Vhe(jkT;) Lo.kZjtr dkaL; OkqQy ind
vr% option (c) suitable option gSA tkrk gSA
izFke Ekgkjk"Vª 80 69 79 228
102. (b) The discovery of the sapphire - • fiisjhu (Piperine) ,d çkÑfrd ;kSfxd f}rh; lfoZlsl 66 27 33 126
winged warbler has sparked global gS tks dkyh fepZ esa ik;k tkrk gSA ;g dkyhRk`rh; gfj;k.kk 62 55 75 192
interest in birdwatching.
Passage dks i<+dj ge vklkuh infer
ls fepZ ds rh[ksiu ds fy, mÙkjnk;h gksrk•gSA 38osa jk"Vªh; •syksa dk vk;kstu mÙkjk
dj ldrs gaS fd sapphire - winged • ;wftukWy (Eugenol) ,d lqxaf/r ;kSfxd çLrkfor gSa] budk vk;kstu nsgjknwu] gY
warbler dk blue feathers and gS tks eq[; :i ls ykSax esa ik;k tkrk gSAgfj}kj vkSj #æiqj osQ lkFk gh vU; ioZr
melodic song osQ dkj.k birdwatching ;g ;kSfxd ykSax osQ rsy dk eq[; ?kVdftyksa esa fd;k tk,xkA
esaglobal interest c<+ jgsa gSA gksrk gS vkSj bls bldh fof'k"V rh•h xa/
• 38osa jk"Vªh; •syksa esa 34 •syksa osQ
vr% option (a) lgh gSA vkSj Lokn nsus osQ fy, tkuk tkrk gSA
;ksx] djkVs] ey•ac ,oa vU; ijEijkxr •syksa
103. (a) Glimpse • 1] 8&flusvksy Lokn c<+kus okyk ,tsaV gS]
dks Hkh 'kkfey fd;k tk,xkA
Stare - a long look at something ;g byk;ph rFkk uhyfxfj osQ rsy esa ik;k
Glimpse - a very quick view of 112. (b) ^ckn'kkg ukek* dh jpuk vCnqy gehn
tkrk gSA
something. ykgkSjh }kjk dh xbZ gS] ;g ,sfrgkfld xzaFk
dk ,d nwljs lsopposite 108. (c) orZeku oSKkfud vuqla/ku vkSj lk{;ksaeqxy osQ
lezkV 'kkgtgk¡ osQ 'kkludky dk ,d
gSA vr% option (a) lgh choice gSA
vkèkkj ij] i`Foh dh vuqekfur vk;q yxHkx 4-5
vjc o"kZ (4-5 fcfy;u o"kZ) ekuh tkrh gSA foLr`r vkSj egRoiw.kZ nLrkost gSA
104. (b) Passage esa"Amidst the excite-
ment surrounding the discovery of • ;g vuqeku i`Foh dh lcls iqjkuh pêðkuksa] • ^ckn'kkg ukek* esa 'kkgtgk¡ osQ jkT; dh ?kVu
the sapphire - winged warbler paæek vkSj mYdkfiaMksa osQ jsfM;ks/ehZ ;q¼ksa] ç'kklfud uhfr;ksa vkSj mlosQ njc
researchers have embarked on a ij vkèkkfjr gSA xfrfof/;ksa dk o.kZu fd;k ;k gSA
Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs13
26/10/2023 Practice Set-03 SSC CGL TIER-II 2023
• vcqy iQty ,d çeq• Hkkjrh; fo}ku vkSj• ekdkZs iksyks % osful ;k=kh Fkk120. (b) mi;ZqDr feyku(i)esa
,d çfl¼ vkSj(iii) xyr gSa
ys•d Fks] tks 16oha 'krkCnh osQ eqxy lkezkT; tks 13oha 'krkCnh esa Hkkjr vk;kA tcfd feyku (ii) lgh gSA vr% fodYi
osQ nkSjku lfØ; FksA vcqy iQty• usiQkáku ,d % phuh ckS¼ fHk{kq Fkk] ;g panz ( b) lgh gSA
^vkbu&,&vdcjh* vkSj ^vdcjukek* dh xqIr f}rh; (foØekfnR;) osQ 'kkludky esa • 1857 dk foæksg ykWMZ dSfuax osQ dk;Z
jpuk dhA Hkkjr vk;kA mlus ckS¼ LFkyksa vkSj /kfeZd osQ nkSjku gqvk FkkA
• ckcj us vius lkezkT; dh uhao 1526 esathou dk fooj.k fn;kA • çFke viQxku ;q¼ ykWMZ vkWdySaM osQ d
ikuhir dh igyh yM+kbZ esa fnYyh YrkuosQ• lq àsulkax ,d % çeq• phuh ;k=kh Fkk] ftlus esa 1839&1842 esa gqvk FkkA
bczkfge yksnh dks gjkdj j•h Fkh A 7oha 'krkCnh esa Hkkjr dk nkSjk fd;kA oqM~l fMLiSp 1854 ykWMZ MygkSth
• àsulkax
113. (a) XywdksekoSaQlj dk ,d :i ugha gSA dk;Zdky osQ nkSjku ykxw gqvk FkkA
us lh&;w&dh uked iqLrd esas viuh Hkkjr
• Xywdksek ,d us=k jksx gS ftlesa vka• osQ ;k=kk rFkk ml le; osQ Hkkjr (g"kZo/Zu 121. (c) gkf'k, ij iM+h vkcknh osQ fy, vko';d
Hkhrj ncko c<+ tkrk gS] ftlls n`f"V ij dk fooj.k fn;k gSA lsokvksa rd lhfer igq¡pA
udkjkRed çHkko iM+ ldrk gS vkSj117. vxj (a) NÙkhlx<+ ljdkj us ^gej csVh&gej eku* • gkf'k, ij iM+h vkcknh osQ fy, vko';d
le; ij bykt u fd;k tk, rks ;g va/siu lsokvksa rd lhfer igq¡p% ;g futhdj.k
vfHk;ku dh 'kq#vkr 23 flracj] 2022 dks
dk dkj.k cu ldrk gSA dh ,d egRoiw.kZ vkykspuk gSA futhdj.k
dh FkhA
• fyEiQksek] ylhdk ra=k(lymphatic system) osQ ckn] futh daifu;k¡ vDlj equkiQk dekus
• bl vfHk;ku dk mís'; efgyk laca/h osQ fy, lsok,¡ çnku djrh gSa] ftlosQ dkj.k
dk oSaQlj gS] ftlesa ylhdk xzafFk;ksa vkSj Årdksa
vijk/ksa osQ iathdj.k vkSj tkap dks çkFkfedrk gkf'k, ij iM+h vkcknh osQ fy, vko';d
esa vfu;fer dksf'kdk o`f¼ gksrh gSA
nsus ij Hkh dsafær FkkA lsokvksa rd igq¡p lhfer gks ldrh gSA blls
• dkflZuksek] dSalj dk ,d çdkj gS tks 'kjhj
• bl vfHk;ku osQ varxZr xYlZ Ldwy&dkWystksa xjhc vkSj oafpr leqnk;ksa dks mu lsokvksa
dh ckgjh ijrksa tSls Ropk ;k vkarfjd vaxksa
dh yrkfJr ijrksa ls mRiUu gksrk gSA rFkk efgykvksa] ;qofr;ksa dh mifLFkfr okyh
oafpr fd;k tk ldrk gS tks igys lkoZtfud
• lkjdksek]dSalj dk ,d :i gS tks 'kjhj çeq• txgksa ij iqfyl dh Lis'ky efgyk {ks=k esa vklkuh ls miyC/ gksrh FkhaA
osQ la;ksth Årdksa tSls&gfîó;ksa] ekalisf'k;ksa vkSj Vhe yxk;k tkuk Hkh 'kkfey FkkA
• futh O;olk;ksa esa vR;f/d ljdkjh
118. (d) lgh mÙkj A-4, B-1, C-2, D-3 gSA gLr{ksi% ;g fcanq vkerkSj ij futhdj.k dh
olk esa fodflr gksrk gSA
114. (a) lgh mÙkj A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1 gSA fo'ks"krk,¡@ unh dk uke vkykspuk esa 'kkfey ugha gksrkA okLro e
• dkckZsfud vEy] lksMk okVj esa ik;k tkrk vU; uke futhdj.k dk mís'; ljdkjh gLr{ksi dks de
gSA ;s vEy vDlj çkÑfrd lzksrksa esa ik,A. cSMySaM LFkykÑfr 4- pacy djuk gksrk gS] ftlls O;olk; vf/d Lora=k
tkrs gSa vkSj fofHkUu tSfod çfØ;kvksa esa dk {ks=k :i ls dk;Z dj ldsaA
o`¼ xaxk 1- xksnkojh 122. (c) lgh mÙkj A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 gSA
egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkrs gSaA B.
C. lkaxiks 2- czãiq=k ;kstuk
• ykWfjd vEyeq[; :i ls ukfj;y osQ nw/]
A. vkfFkZd xfy;kjs
çkÑfrd olk vkSj rsyksa esa ik;k tkrk gSA D. fcgkj dk 'kksd 3- dkslh
B. lhek vkSj varjkZ"Vªh; laidZ lM+dsa
• C;wfVfjd vEy] eD•u ( Butter) esa ekStwn• cSMySaM LFkykÑfr dk {ks=k og Hkw&Hkkx gksrk
gksrk gSA C;wfVfjd vEy pkj dkcZu ;qDr lar`Ir gS] tgk¡ vR;f/d vijnu osQ dkj.k Hkwfe C. ,Dlçsl&os
iQSVh ,flM gS] ;g LokLF; osQ fy, ykHkdkjh mcM+&•kcM+ vkSj vleku gks tkrh gSAD.;gvarj&xfy;kjs vkSj iQhMj lM+dsa
{ks=k •M+h <ykuksa] xgjh ?kkfV;ksa vkSj yf{krladjs
yackbZ (fdeh esa)
ekuk tkrk gSA 1) 9000 fdeh
• b:fld vEy] ljlksa osQ rsyMustard ( rst cgko okys tyekxks± ls ;qDr gksrk gSA
2) 2000 fdeh
Oil) esa ik;k tkrk gSA • dkslh unh viuh ckj&ckj fn'kk cnyus vkSj3) 800 fdeh
115. (d) Hkweè;lkxjh; {ks=k fo'o osQ mu {ks=kksa gj lky esack<+ ykus osQ dkj.k fcgkj osQ cM+s 4) 6000 fdeh
ls ,d gS tks vius le`¼ •êðs iQyksa
(citrus fgLls esa rckgh epkrh gS] ftlls gtkjksa yksx
123. (d) ç'ukuqlkj eysfj;k ,slh chekjh gS tks
fruits) osQ mRiknu osQ fy, çfl¼ gSA cs?kj gks tkrs gSa vkSj iQlysa u"V gks tkrh gSaA ugha gksrhA
• Hkweè;lkxjh; {ks=k dh çeq• iQlysa% bl blfy, bls ^fcgkj dk 'kksd* dgk tkrk gSA
• eysfj;k] ,d laØe.ktfur chekjh gS tks
{ks=k esa ukjaxh] uhacw] larjk vkSj (a) O;fDrxr
119.vaxwj tSls vk; ls rkRi;Z fdlh O;fDr dh IykTeksfM;e ijthoh }kjk gksrh gS] tks laØfer
•êðs iQyksa dh dbZ fdLesa cM+s iSekus ijfof HkUu L=kksrksa tSls fd etnwjh] fuos'k] midj.k
mxkbZ ePNj osQ dkVus ls iQSyrk gSA ;g chekjh
tkrh gSaA vkSj vk; osQ vU; L=kksrksa ls gksus okyh oqQy
ckgjh laØe.k osQ dkj.k gksrh gSA
• Hkweè;js•h; {ks=k dh tyok;q •êðs iQyksavk;osQ ls gSA blesa fdlh O;fDr }kjk izkIr lHkh• flfLVd iQkbczksfll] ,d oa'kkuqxr chekjh
fy, mi;qDr ugha gS vkSj bldk vkerkSj ij mRikn vkSj /u 'kkfey gksrs gSaA gS tks thu osQ nks"k osQ dkj.k gksrh gS v
Hkweè;lkxjh; {ks=k ls dksbZ lh/k laca/ •ugha gSA
fdlh O;fDr dh ldy vk; & djkas ;k 'olu vkSj ikpu ra=k dks çHkkfor djrh gSA
• dSfjfc;u vkSj vÚhdk esa Hkh •êðs iQyksavU; dh dVkSfr;ksa ls igys O;fDr dh oqQy•vk;Mkmu flaMªkse] ,d oa'kkuqxr chekjh gS tks
•srh gksrh gSA gSA buesa lHkh L=kksrksa ls vk; 'kkfey gksrh gSA
xq.klw=kksa esa vlkekU;rk osQ dkj.k gksrh
116. (b) bfRlax osQ vuqlkj] èkqzolsu f}rh;• ç;kx jk"Vªh; vk;& fdlh ns'k esa ,d lky esa • eLdqyj fMLVªkWiQh] ,d oa'kkuqxr chekjh gS
(bykgkckn) esa g"kZ dh lHkk esa 'kkfey gq,mRikfnr
FksA lHkh oLrqvksa vkSj lsokvksa dk tksoqQy
ekalisf'k;ksa dks detksj djrh gS vkSj
• bfRlax % 7oha 'krkCnh osQ phuh ;k=kh FksA ewY; gksrk gSA blesa lkoZtfud vkSj futh èkhjs&èkhjs fodykaxrk dk dkj.k cu ldrh
Hkkjr dh ;k=kk osQ nkSjku g"kZo/Zu osQ njckj {ks=k 'kkfey gksrs gSaA
nksuksa gSA ;g chekjh ekrk&firk ls larku esa thu
vkSj mldh lHkk dk fooj.k çLrqr fd;kA• iz;ksT; vk;& og vk; gS] tks fdlh O;fDr osQ ekè;e ls LFkkukarfjr gksrh gSA
• mUgksaus èkzqolsu f}rh; dk mYys• fd;k] tks ;k ml
ifjokj osQ ikl djksa dk Hkqxrku djus (a) mi;qZDr fodYiksa esa ls jktLFkku dh efgy
le; ,d egRoiw.kZ jktuhfrd O;fDrRo FksA ckn cprh gSA lk{kjrk nj lcls de gSA blosQ vykok]
14 Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL TIER-II 2023 Practice Set-03 26/10/2023
jktLFkku esa iq#"kksa vkSj efgykvksa osQ chp
• vfØ; xSlsa jklk;fud :i ls cgqr fLFkj 129. (b) MkW- tkfdj gqlSu us 13 ebZ 1962 ls
lk{kjrk nj dk varj lcls vf/d gSA gksrh gSa vkSj lkekU; ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa vU; 12rRoksa
ebZ 1967 rd Hkkjr osQ nwljs mijk"V
• tux.kuk 2011 osQ vuqlkj] jktLFkku esa osQ lkFk jklk;fud çfrfØ;k esa ugha vkrhaA osQ :i esa dk;Z fd;kA
iq#"k&efgyk lk{kjrk nj dk varj 28» gS] • buesa ghfy;e] fu;kWu] vkxZu] fØIVu] • vkSj
MkW- tkfdj gqlSu ,d çfrf"Br f'k{kkfon~ vkSj
tks jk"Vªh; vkSlr 16-7» ls dkiQh vf/d tsukWu tSls rRo 'kkfey gSaA budh jklk;fud Lora=krk lsukuh FksA mijk"Vªifr osQ d
fuf"Ø;rk muds iw.kZ bysDVªkWfud vkarfjd
gSA ;g varj n'kkZrk gS fd jktLFkku esa iq#"kksa osQ ckn] os Hkkjr osQ rhljs jk"Vªifr cus
vkSj efgykvksa osQ chp f'k{kk osQ voljksa lajpuk
esaosQ dkj.k gksrh gSA bl in ij jgrs gq, mudk fu/u gks x;kA
vlekurk gSA • budh fo'ks"krk,¡ mUgsa vR;f/d fLFkj• vkSj MkW- ,l- jk/kÑ".ku Hkkjr osQ igys mijk"Vªifr
• 2011 dh tux.kuk osQ vuqlkj] osQjy esa dqy fuf"Ø; cukrh gSa] ;gh dkj.k gS fd bUgsaFksA mUgksaus 1952 ls 1962 rd bl in i
lk{kjrk nj vkSj efgyk lk{kjrk nj lcls ^vfØ; xSlsa* dgk tkrk gSA jgsA blosQ ckn] os Hkkjr osQ nwljs jk"V
vf/d gSA osQjy dh lk{kjrk nj] mPp 127.Lrj (c) lafo/ku (vuqlwfpr tutkfr) vkns'k vkSj 1962 ls 1967 rd bl in ij jgsA
dh f'k{kk uhfr vkSj lkekftd fodkl dh (pkSFkk la'kks/u) fcy] 2022 dks 9 fnlacj]
• oh- oh- fxfj(ojkgfxjh osadV fxfj) Hkkjr
etcwr uhao dks n'kkZrk gSA 2022 dks yksdlHkk esa is'k fd;k x;kA
osQ rhljs mijk"Vªifr FksA mUgksaus 13
;g fcy lafo/ku (vuqlwfpr tutkfr) vkns'k]
• fcgkj esa oqQy lk{kjrk nj vkSj iq#"k lk{kjrk1950 esa dukZVd ls lacaf/r çko/kuksa ls esa3 ebZ 1969 rd bl in ij dk;Z fd;kA
nj lcls de gSaA ;g jkT; f'k{kk osQ {ks=k la'kksèku
esa djrk gSA os 24 vxLr 1969 ls 24 vxLr 1974
fodkl dh fn'kk esa la?k"kZjr gSA • bl vkns'k esa jkT;ksa vkSj dsaæ 'kkflr çns'kksa osQ pkSFks jk"Vªifr Hkh jgsA
rd Hkkjr
125. (a) Hkkjr esa ekSfyd drZO;ksa osQ ikyu u djus 130. (b) lgh mÙkj (b) i-a, ii-c, iii-b gSA
esa vuqlwfpr tutkfr ekus tkus okys vkfnoklh
ij tqekZuk ;k ltk dk çLrko Lo.kZ flag leqnk;ksa dh lwph gSA lwph&1 (ç/ku ea=kh)
lfefr us j•k FkkA • dukZVd esa vuqlwfpr tutkfr;k¡% ;g fcy i. tokgjyky usg:
• Lo.kZ flag lfefr] ftls 1976 esa xfBr fd;k dukZVd dh vuqlwfpr tutkfr;ksa dh lwphii. eueksgu flag
x;k Fkk] us Hkkjrh; lafo/ku esa ekSfyd dÙkZO;ksa
esa dkMw dq#ck osQ lekukFkhZ osQ :i esa iii. vVy
csêðkfcgkjh oktis;h
dks 'kkfey djus dk lq>ko fn;k FkkA dq#ck dks 'kkfey djrk gSA lwph&2 (iap&o"khZ; ;kstuk,a)
• bl lfefr us çLrkfor fd;k fd ekSfyd 128. (c) flracj] 2022 esa mÙkj çns'k dh foèkkulHkk a) f}rh; iapo"khZ; ;kstuk (1956&1961)
drZO;ksa osQ mYya?ku ij tqekZuk ;k ltkesa ykxwosQoy efgyk fo/k;d eqís mBk,axh vkSj b) X;kjgoha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk (2007&20
dh tkuh pkfg,] rkfd ukxfjdksa dks muosQ viuh ckr j•saxh blosQ fy, vfrfjDr fnu c) nloha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk (2002&2007)
drZO;ksa osQ çfr tkx:d vkSj mÙkjnk;h cuk;kdh O;oLFkk dh xbZA iapo"khZ; ;kstukvksa ls lacaf/r rF;&
tk losQA • ,d efgyk fo/k;d U;wure rhu feuV osQ• izFke iapo"khZ; ;kstuk (1951&56) esa H
• ekSfyd drZO;ksa dh vo/kj.kk USSR fy, cksy ldsaxhA osQ vkfFkZd fodkl ij tksj fn;k x;k FkkA
(lksfo;r lektoknh x.kjkT; la?k) ls yh • ;wih fo/kulHkk esa dqy 47 efgyk fo/k;d • r`rh; iapo"khZ; ;kstuk (1956&61) Ñf"k vk
xbZ FkhA gSa ,oa jkT; osQ eaf=keaMy esa ikap efgyk,a xsgw¡ osQ mRiknu esa lq/kj ij dsafnzr Fk
126. (b) lewg 'kwU; osQ rRoksa dks vfØ;
lkekU;r% 'kkfey gSa A • ik¡poha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk (1974&78) esa jk
xSlsadgk tkrk gSA • ;wih fo/kulHkk esa dqy 403 lhVsa gSa A c<+kus vkSj xjhch mUewyu ij tksj fn;k x;k


Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs15
ekWd VsLV&


09 ekWd VsLV
– 01
Max. Marks : 390 Duration : 2 Hrs.
;fn A = 2 cot48° cot22° vkSj B = 5 13. nks o`Ùkksa dh f=kT;k,¡ Øe'k%
ifjek.kkRed vfHk#fp 8. 9 cm
A cm gSa rFkk muds dsaæksa ds chp
10 dh nwjh
tan68° tan42° gS] rks dk eku gSA
a  3c 8b2 c2 a2 B cm gSA muds chp mHk;fu"B vuqLi'kZ js•k
1. ;fn b =2 gS]rks – –
27ac ab 27bc 2 4
( direct common tangent) dh yackbZ
dk eku Kkr dhft,% (a)
fdruh gS\
2 3 4
(a) (b) (c) (d) 2 (a) 5 2 cm (b) 5 3 cm
3 2 3
3 4 9. O;kl 4lseh vkSj ÅapkbZ
4 lseh okys ,d (c) 5 5 cm (d) 2 5 cm
(c) (d)
4 3 csyukdkj di dk mi;ksx6 lsehf=kT;k
(tan – tan2)2
2. ,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k ij 4 o"kks± ds fy, okys v/Zxksyh; dVksjs dks Hkjus14. ds fy, 1  ?
(tan – 1)2
12» C;kt nj ls lk/kj.k C;kt] mlh èkujkf'k fd;k tkrk gSA v/Zxksykdkj dVksjs dks Hkjus
ds nksxqus ij 6 o"kks± ds fy, fdl C;kt ds fy, fdrus diksa dh vko';drk gksxh\ (a) cos2 (b) sin2
nj ij lk/kj.k C;kt ds cjkcj gksxk\ (a) 12 (b) 10 (c) cosec  2
(d) sec2
(a) 2% (b) 4% (c) 7 (d) 9 15. O;fÙkQ A us 20000 #i;s dk fuos'k djds
(c) 6% (d) 12% 10. ,d lsfeukj esa] iq#"kksa dh dqy la[;k 450,d O;olk; 'kq: fd;kA 14 eghus ds
3. 1700 vkSj 1900 ds chp dh ,d la[;k gSA iq#"kksa dh la[;k dk 52» efgykvksa ckn]B] 18000 #i;s dk fuos'k djds A
ftls 18] 20 vkSj 25 ls foHkkftr djus
dh la[;k ds 5 Hkkx ds cjkcj gSA ;fn ds lkFk 'kkfey gks x;kA B ls 4 eghus
ij çR;sd fLFkfr esa 'ks"kiQy 13 çkIr gksrk
gS] rks og la[;k gS% ckn] C] 30000 #i;s dk fuos'k djds
40» efgyk,¡ LukrdksÙkj gSa] rks LukrdksÙkj
muds lkFk tqM+ x;kA 2 o"kZ ds var esa
(a) 1753 (b) 1813 efgykvksa dh la[;k Kkr dhft;sA
(c) 1843 (d) 1791 (a) 136 (b) 176
dqy ykHk 43400 #i;s B gSA vkSjC dk
4. 10 O;fÙkQ;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 56 o"kZ(c) gSA156 (d) 186 dqy ykHkka'k gS%
;fn çFke pkj O;fDr;ksa dh vkSlr vk;q 11. fuEufyf•r vkjs• ,d daiuh ds deZpkfj;ksa (a) `19200 (b) `18000
52 o"kZ gS vkSj vafre pkj O;fDr;ksa dh dh la[;k dks muds dk;Z vuqHko ds vuqlkj (c) ` 18600 (d) `21600
vkSlr vk;q 58 o"kZ gS] rks 'ks"k O;fDr;ksa o"kks± esa n'kkZrk gSA U;wure 3 o"kks± ds vuqHko
16. ;fn 
(0.010.080.03)  1 
dh vkSlr vk;q Kkr dhft;sA okys deZpkfj;ksa dks A deZpkjh
xzsM dgk a
= 
(0.4)  (0.3)  (b) 
(a) 50 o"kZ (b) 48 o"kZ tkrk gSA 1
gS] rks dk eku Kkr djsaA
(c) 62 o"kZ (d) 60 o"kZ fdrus çfr'kr (n'keyo ds nks LFkkuksa rd ab
5. ;fn 200 #i;s vkSj 300 #i;s çfr fdyksxzke lgh) deZpkfj;ksa dksAxzsM deZpkjh dgk
(a) 300 (b) 400
dher okyh ewax nky vkSj rwj nky dkstkrk gS\ (c) 500 (d) 600
Øe'k% 7 % 20 ds vuqikr esa feyk;k tkrk 17. f=kHkqt PQR esaS, QR ij ,d fcanq bl
gS] rks bl feJ.k dh dher (#i;s esa) 12
10 çdkj gS fdQS = SR gSA ;fn PS = 18
p kfj; ksad h l a[ ; k

(fudVre #i;s ds cjkcj) fdruh gS\ 8
cm gS] rks
TS dh yackbZ Kkr dhft,A fn;k
6 7
(a) 264 (b) 284 6 5 x;k gS fdT] f=kHkqt PQR dk dsUæd gSA
(c) 294 (d) 274 4
4 3 (a) 36 cm (b) 9 cm
6. ,d lkFk nks ikbiP vkSjQ ,d Vadh 2
d eZ

(c) 6 cm (d) 12 cm
dks 19-2 feuV esa Hkj ldrs gSaA ;fn ikbi 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6
18. ,d leyac dh lekarj Hkqtkvksa ds chp
P Vadh dks Hkjus esa 32 feuV ysrk gS] rks
dk varj 7 cm gS vkSj bldh ÅapkbZ
ikbi Q }kjk Vadh dks Hkjus esa fy;k x;k(a) 42.65% (b) 41.86%
cm gSA ;fn leyEc prqHkZqt dk {ks=kiQy
le; Kkr dhft;sA (c) 42.86% (d) 41.65%
292.5 cm² gS] rks yach lekukarj Hkqtk
(a) 20 feuV (b) 48 feuV 12. `9800 dh ,d /ujkf'k dksJ, K, vkSj
L ds chp bl çdkj foHkkftr fd;k tkrk
dh yackbZ D;k gS\
(c) 30 feuV (d) 56 feuV
gS fd ;fn muds 'ks;j esa Øe'k% `800]
(a) 20 cm (b) 22 cm
7.  vkSj nks U;wu dks.k
 vkSj
 rFkk
(c) 24 cm (d) 26 cm
dk ;ksxiQy Hkh ,d U;wu dks.k gSA ;fn `500 vkSj` 100 dh deh gksrh gS] rks muds
'ks;j Øe'k% 3 % 4 % 5 ds vuqikr esa 19.gksnh xbZ vkÑfr ij fopkj dhft, tgk¡O
tan(2 + 40°) – cot(2 – 20°) = 0
gS] rks
( + ) dk eku fdruk gksxk\ tkrsgSaA
L dk ewy 'ks;j `( esa) fdruk gS\ o`Ùk dk dsaæ gSA ;fn
QPR = 60° vkSj
(a) 45° (b) 35° (a) 2900 (b) 3500 POR = 100° gS] rks QOR dk eki
(c) 25° (d) 55° (c) 3000 (d) 3600 Kkr dhft,A

128 Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL/CHSL TIER-II Practice Set-03 ekWd VsLV&
R ;fn uhps fn, x, vk¡dM+s dh ekfè;dk (a) LOK
26. (b) ZFH
37.5 gS] rks
a dk eku fdruk gS\ (c) MFH (d) ZDH
19, 22, 28, 32, a, a + 5, 41, 55, 33. jkr osQ 9 cts ?kaVs dk dkaVk mÙkj dh
60, 72
gksrk gSA lqcg osQ 6%30 cts feuV dk d
(a) 34 (b) 33
(c) 35 (d) 37
fdl fn'kk dh vksj gksxk\
Q 27. ,d cksry dks feujy okVj ls Hkjus dh (a) mÙkj (b) iwoZ

(a) 120° (b) 110° ykxr `0.2 izfr ml gSA izR;sd150 ml (c) if'pe (d) nf{k.k
(c) 130° (d) 100° /kfjrk okyh
22 cksryksa dks Hkjus dh ykxr
34. tc niZ.k dks nkb± vksj j•k tkrk gS rks dkS
20. 200 m yach ,d Vªsu leku fn'kk 5esa Kkr dhft,A lh mÙkj vkÑfr nh xbZ leL;k vkÑfr dh
km/h dh pky ls nkSM+ jgs ,d yM+ds (a) `330 (b) `300
lVhd niZ.k Nfo gksrh gS\
dks20 lsdaM esa ikj dj tkrh gSA Vªsu (c) `660 (d) `555
dh pky Kkr dhft,A 28. 37 dks nks Hkkx esa ds foHkkftr djsa] rkfd
(a) 45 km/h (b) 50 km/h mlds igys Hkkx dk 5 xquk vkSj nwljs Hkkx
(c) 26 km/h (d) 41 km/h ds 6 xquk dk dqy ;ksx
210 gksxk\
21. (721 + 3) dks 6 ls foHkkftr djus ij (a) 13 vkSj
24 (b) 25 vkSj
izkIr 'ks"kiQy Kkr dhft,A (c) 21 vkSj
16 (d) 12 vkSj
(a) 4 (b) 3 29. ;fn A = 4 – 2 vkSjB = 4 + 2
(a) (b)
(c) 5 (d) 1 A B
gS] rks
22. ,d o`Ùkkdkj 'kadq dk ik'oZ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy

dk eku fdruk gS]
168 cm gSA ;fn blds vk/kj dh f=kT;k
32 20
(a) (b)
0.84 m gS] rks 'kadq dh fr;Zd Å¡pkbZ 9 3 (c) (d)
Kkr dhft;sA 15 18
(c) (d)
7 7 4 7
cm cm
22 30. XYZ esaY = 90°, XY = 18 cm, 35. ml fodYi dk p;u dhft, tks la[;k&lewg
2 2 YZ = 24 cm vkSjZX = 30 cm gSA ls mlh izdkj lacafèkr gS ftl izdkjhnwlj
cm cm
7 XYZ dh vUr% o`Ùk f=kT;k dh yackbZ vkSj
la[;k&lewgigys la[;k&lewg ls lacaf/r
23. ,d dk;Z dks iwjk djus ds fy, 5 iq#"kksaifjf=kT;k dh yackbZ dk vuqikr Kkr dhft,AgSA blh izdkj vxyh la[;k,¡ Hkh vkil esa
vkSj 5 efgykvksa dks fu;qÙkQ fd;k tkrk (a)gSA 2:3 (b) 3 : 5 lacafèkr gSA
4 iq#"k dk;Z dks 50 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrs
(c) 2 : 5 (d) 5 : 2 2 : 8 :: 10 : ? :: 5 : 50
gSa tcfd 3 efgyk,¡ leku dk;Z dks 100 (a) 200 (b) 1000
fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrh gSaA lkekU; cqf¼eÙkk vkSj roZQ'kfDr (c) 100 (d) 40
os fuEufyf•r rjhds ls dk;Z djrs gSa 31.
% fn, x, dFkuksa vkSj fu"d"kks± dks 36. fn;s x;s 'kCnksa dks 'kCndks'k osQ Øe
fnu 1% lHkh iq#"k dk;Z djrs gSaA if<+,A dFkuksa esa nh xbZ lwpuk dks lR;O;ofLFkr ekurs djsaA
fnu 2% lHkh iq#"k vkSj lHkh efgyk,¡ dk;Z gq,] pkgs ;g lkekU;r;k Kkr rF;ksa ls vlaxr 1. Irreparable
djrh gSaA çrhr gksrh gks] ;g fu/kZfjr djsa fd fn, 2. Irreplaceable
fnu 3% lHkh efgyk,¡ dk;Z djrh gSaA x, fu"d"kks± esa ls dkSu&lk@ dFkuksa 3. Irrigated
ls fu"d"kZ]
4. Irritable
fnu 4% lHkh iq#"k dk;Z djrs gSaA vkSjdk blhrkfdZd :i ls vuqlj.k djrk gS@djrs gSaA 5. Irradiation
çdkj vkxs Hkh dk;Z fd;k tkrk gSA dFku (a) 5,1,2,3,4 (b) 5,1,2,4,3
dk;Z fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk gksxk\ oqQN pEep dkaVs gSaA (c) 5,2,1,4,3 (d) 5,2,1,3,4
(a) 30 (b) 42 oqQN fpeVs djNqy gSaA 37. ,d owQV Hkk"kk esa]
(c) 36 (d) 24 lHkh djNqy pEep gSaA ‘GICOWNR’ fy[kk tkrk gS vkSj 'CRUSH'
24. ,d oLrq ds vafdr ewY; ijd% vkSj fu"d"kZ dks'JUWTE' fy[kk tkrk gSA mlh Hkk"kk
35» dh Øekxr nks NwV nsus ds ckn] f'k•kI. oqQN fpeVs pEep gSaA 'TRIBAL' dks oSQls fy[kk tk,xk\
us bls`266-5 ij csp fn;kA ;fn oLrq II. oqQN dkaVk djNqy gSaA (a) NCDKTV (b) NCBJTV
dk vafdr ewY;`500 gS] rks
'd' dk eku
III. lHkh djNqy dkaVk gSaA (c) NCDJTV (d) NCBKTV
fdruk gS\
(a) nksuksa fu"d"kZ
I vkSjIII vuqlj.k djrs gSaA
38. uhps ,d gh ikls dh rhu vyx&vyx
(a) 12 (b) 24
(c) 16 (d) 18 (b) nksuksa fu"d"kZ
I vkSj II vuqlj.k djrs gSaA fLFkfr;ksa dks n'kkZ;k x;k gSA f=kHkqt
25. dey us ,d fuf'pr /u jkf'k ij ,d (c) dsoy fu"d"kZ I vuqlj.k djrk gSA iQyd ij tks vkÑfr gS mls Kkr dhft,\
iqjkuk Vhoh •jhnk vkSj mldh ejEer ij (d) nksuksa fu"d"kZII vkSjIII vuqlj.k djrs gSaA
`2500 •pZ fd,A Vhoh dks ` 25200 esa32. ml fodYi dk p;u dhft, tks v{kj&lewg ls
cspus ij mls 5» dk ykHk çkIr gksrk gS]mlh izdkj lacafèkr gS ftl izdkjv{kjnwljk
rks Vh-oh- dk Ø; ewY; Kkr dhft,A igys v{kj&lewg ls lacaf/r gSA blh izdkj vxys
(a) `24000 (b) `21500 v{kj Hkh vkil esa lacafèkr gSA (a) oxZ (b) js[kk
(c) `18000 (d) `19500 IMQ : KOS :: XBF : ? (c) o`Ùk (d) "kV~Hkqt

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs
ekWd VsLV&
39. ,d fuf'pr owQV Hkk"kk esa] dks 47.
‘MADRAS’ ,d fuf'pr la[;k esa yksx mÙkj fn'kk dh
‘112’ fy[kk tkrk gS vkSj
‘JAMMU’ dks vksj eq• djosQ ,d iafÙkQ esa N, cSBs
P gSaA
‘82’ fy[kk tkrk gSA mlh Hkk"kk osQ ck;sa ls rhljs LFkku ij cSBk
esa M, N osQ
‘PUNJAB’ dks oSQls fy[kk tk,xk\ ck;sa ls rhljs LFkku ij cSBk gSA
O, M osQ
(a) 109 (b) 115 rhljs ck;sa LFkku ij
O vkSjN osQ
(c) 112 (d) 104 chp esa cSBkN,gSA M vkSjP osQ chp esa
40. fuEufyf[kr iz'u esa] fn, x, fodYiksa esa lscSBk gSA ;fn vkSj dksbZ O;fDr iafDr esa ugha
vyx la[;k@la[;kvksa dks pqfu,A cSBk] rks iafDr esa oqQy fdrus O;fDr cSBs
(a) 14 – 2762 (b) 16 – 4098 (a) 10 (b) 9
(c) 11 – 1333 (d) 13 – 2199 (c) 11 (d) 8
41. fn, x, fodYiksa esa ls ml la[;k dk p;u48. vaxzsth o.kZekyk Øe esa fLFkfr osQ vk/kj
djsa tks fuEufyf•rÜk`a•yk esa ç'u fpÉ ij] fuEufyf•r esa ls rhu v{kj&lewg fdlh
(\) dks çfrLFkkfir dj ldsA rjg leku gSa vkSj ,d vyx gSA fo"ke (d)
16, 32, 64, 128, ?, 512
v{kj&lewg dk p;u djsaA
(a) TRNH (b) OMIC 54. Ng ?kj A, B, C, D, E vkSj F, ,d
(a) 320 (b) 128
(c) RPLF (d) WTPK dkWyksuh esa fLFkr
D, E osQ
60 m nf{k.k
(c) 192 (d) 256
49. dkxt osQ ,d VqdM+s dks eksM+us dk esa Øe vkSj
F, B osQ40 m nf{k.k eas A,
42. ;fn 'kCnBITTERNESS osQ ck,a fljs ls
vkSj eqM+s gq, dkxt dks dkVus osQ rjhdsE dks osQ30 m mÙkj eas F, gSA
A osQ50
'kq: djrs gq, gj nwljs v{kj dks NksVs v{kjksa iwoZ easC,gSAB osQ50 m if'pe esa gSA
fuEufyf•r vkadM+ksa esa fn•k;k x;k gSA •ksyus
esa fy•k tkrk gS vkSj ckdh lHkh v{kjksa dks osQ lanHkZC dk
esaLFkku Kkr djasA
ij ;g dkxt dSlk fn•sxk\ A
cM+s v{kjksa esa fy•k tkrk gS vkSj fiQj cus (a) 40 eh mÙkj (b) 30 ehiwoZ
gq, u, 'kCn dks O;qRØfer fd;k tkrk gS]
(c) 50 ehmÙkj (d) 40 ehnf{k.k
rks ckbZa vksj ls rhljs v{kj dh nkb± vksj
55. ,d ckWDl esa ,d #i,] ikap #i, vkSj nl
pkSFkk v{kj dkSu&lk gksxk\
#i, ewY; oxZ osQ flDds gSa ftudh oqQy
(a) e (b) R
(c) n (d) t
jkf'k`1360 gSA lHkh ewY; oxks± osQ flDd
cjkcj la[;k esa gSaA ckWDl esa ikap :i, osQ
43. fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu
&lk in nh xbZÜk`a•yk (a) (b)
flDdksa dh oqQy la[;k Kkr dhft,A
esa ç'u fpÉ (\) dk LFkku ysxk\
(a) 84 (b) 82
(c) 85 (d) 81
(a) GPDK (b) GPDJ
(c) GQDJ (d) HPDK
(c) (d) 56. ;fn 01 ekpZ] 2012 dks c`gLifrokj Fkk] rks 01
iQjojh] 2016 dks lIrkg dk dkSu&lk fnu Fkk\
44. fn, x, fodYiksa esa ls ml vkÑfr dk p;u
50. ml fodYi dk p;u djsa tks mu v{kjksa dk (a) jfookj (b) lkseokj
djsa tks fuEufyf•r Ük`aa•yk esa ç'u fpÉ
n'kkZrk gS] ftUgsa fuEufyf[kr fjDr LFkkuksa(c)esa'kfuokj
ck,a ls (d) 'kqØokj
(\) dks çfrLFkkfir dj ldsA
nk,a j[ks tkus ij v{kj& Ük`a[kyk iwjh gks tk,xhA
57. 4 lseh × 4 lseh × 4 lseh osQ ,d ?ku osQ
? SCR_WS_R_W_C_GWS_RH_ oká i`"B dks iwjh rjg yky jax ls jaxk x;k
(a) GDFSRCW (b) HDFSRCW gSA rRi'pkr~ bls iQydksa osQ lekarj 1 lseh
× 1 lseh × 1 lseh osQ 64 NksVs ?kuksa es
51. ml osu vkjs[k dk p;u djas tks fuEufyf[kr
(a) (b) dkVk x;k gSA fdrus NksVs ?kuksa dh iQ
oxks± osQ chp lacaèk dks loksZÙke :i ls n'kkZrk
jaxh gSAgqbZ ugha gksxh\
ySiVkWi (a) 8 (b) 16
(c) (d) (c) 24 (d) 36
(a) (b) 58. ml fodYi vkÑfr dk p;u djsa ftlesa nh xbZ
45. ;fn M dk vFkZ ^&*NgS] dk vFkZ‘÷’ gS] vkÑfr varfuZfgr gS (?kqekus dh vuqefr ugha gS
O dk vFkZ ‘×’ gS] vkSj
P dk vFkZ ^$* gS]
rks fuEufyf•r lehdj.k esa ^\* osQ LFkku(c) (d)
ij D;k vk,xk\
52. ,d iafDr esa lHkh O;fDr mÙkj dh vksj
324 P 35 M 184 M 17 O 3 P 39 = ?
vfHkeq[k gSaA ¯çl nk,a Nksj ls ik¡posa LFkku
(a) 159 (b) 153
(c) 171 (d) 163
ij gSA vfer nk,a Nksj ls 15osa LFkku ij gSA
vfer] ¯çl vkSj vkfnR; osQ Bhd chp esa gSA
46. ,d yM+osQ dh rLohj dh vksj b'kkjk djrs
;fn vkfnR; ck,a Nksj ls iafDr esa NBs LFkku
gq, Js;k us dgk] ¶og ml vkneh dk
ij gS rks iafDr esa oqQy fdrus O;fDr gSa\ (a) (b)
bdykSrk csVk gS tks esjs firk osQ bdykSrs csVs
(a) 29 (b) 31
osQ csVs dk firk gSA¸ og yM+dk Js;k (c) ls 30 (d) 32
oSQls lacaf/r gS\ 53. ç'u vkÑfr cukus osQ fy, fuEufyf•r esa
(a) firk (b) Hkrhtk ls fdl mÙkj vkÑfr iSVuZ dks tksM+k (c) tk (d)
(c) thtk (d) HkkbZ ldrk gS\
130 Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL/CHSL TIER-II Practice Set-03 ekWd VsLV&
59. dFku esa fofHkUu rRoksa osQ chp laca/ (c) n'kkZ;k
The colonel said, “It gives me (a) The research findings will have
x;k gSA bl dFku osQ ckn nks fu"d"kZ fn, great pleasure to be here this been published in a scientific
evening.” journal by them next month.
x, gSa% (d) The colonel says, “It gives me (b) The research findings will be
dFku% great pleasure to be there that published in a scientific
S<AN<D=W>IC>H evening.” journal by them.
fu"d"kZ% 63. Select the option that expresses (c) The research findings will be
the given sentence in active voice. being published in a scientific
(i) S < N (ii) D  A journal by them next month.
The Namesake was written by
fuEufyf[kr fodYiksa esa ls mi;qDr fodYi pqusa% Jhumpa Lahiri. (d) The research findings will be
(A) osQoy fu"d"kZ (i) vuqlj.k djrk gSA (a) Jhumpa Lahiri wrote The published in a scientific
journal by them next month.
(B) osQoy fu"d"kZ (ii) vuqlj.k djrk gSA Namesake.
(b) Jhumpa Lahiri has written 70. Select the most appropriate
(C) ;k rks fu"d"kZ
(i) ;k fu"d"kZ (ii) vuqlj.k ANTONYM of the given word.
The Nameske.
djrk gSA (c) Jhumpa Lahiri was writing Provoke
(D) u rks fu"d"kZ (i) vkSj u gh fu"d"kZ (ii) The Namesake. (a) Pacify (b) Agitate
vuqlj.k djrs gSaA (d) Jhumpa Lahiri Written The (c) Aggravate (d) Incite
Namesake. 71. Select the most appropriate idiom
(E) nksuksa fu"d"kZ
(i) vkSj (ii) vuqlj.k djrs gSaA
64. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined
(a) B (b) A that can replace the underlined segment in the given sentence.
(c) D (d) C word in the following sentence His old car has become a financial
60. ml fodYi dk p;u djsa tks rhljs 'kCn ls with its synonyms. burden on him now.
(a) An eyesore
mlh çdkj lacaf/r gS tSls nwljk 'kCn igys Those who desert their families do
not always become anchorites. (b) A rare bird
'kCn ls lacaf/r gSA ('kCnksa dks lkFkZd vaxzsth (a) Pirates (b) Sailors (c) An apple of one’s eye
'kCnksa osQ :i esa ekuk tkuk pkfg, vkSj 'kCn (c) esa
Wanderers (d) Hermits (d) A white elephant
v{kjksa dh la[;k@O;atuksa@Lojksa èkkjdh65.
osQ vk the correct option to 72. A word in the following sentence
ij ,d&nwljs ls lacafèkr ugha gksuk pkfg,A) substitute the underlined segment is INCORRECTLY spelt. Select the
,Dl&js: jsfM;ksykWftLV :: Ropk: ? in the given sentence. word from the given options.
This secret will ramain between Space X is an American aerospace
(a) MesZVksykWftLV (b) jsfM;ksykWftLV you and I.
manufacturer, space transportation
(c) fiQft;ksFksjsfiLV (d) vkWiFksyseksykWftLV (a) Between I and you services and communications
(b) Among you and I corporation headquartared in
ENGLISH (c) Between you Hawthorne, California.
COMPREHENSION (d) Between you and me (a) Manufacturer
61. Select the option that expresses 66. Select the most appropriate (b) Transportation
the following sentence in direct ANTONYM of the underlined word (c) Headquartared
speech. in the following sentence. (d) Aerospace
His angry mother jeered and The presence of vagrant children 73. A word in the following sentence
asked whether he supposed that is a common sight in urban cities. is INCORRECTLY spelt. Select
he knew better than his own (a) Nomad (b) Settled that word from the given options.
father. (c) Vegabond (d) Gallivanting Mesing up your laundry or being
(a) Her mother supposed, “‘He 67. Identify the INCORRECT section late for work is not every
knew better than his own of the given sentence. important when you consider your
father.” entire life.
Four people/were/witnesses of/
(b) Her mother jeeringly expressed that event. (a) Important (b) Laundry
, “He doesn’t know better than (c) Entire (d) Mesing
(a) Witnesses of
his own father.” 74. The following sentence may have
(b) Four people
(c) “Do you know better than your an error of article. Choose the
father I suppose” jeered his (c) Were
correct sentence from the given
angry mother. (d) that event options. Choose ‘No error’ if the
(d) “Do you suppose you know 68. Select the most appropriate option sentence has no error.
better than your own father?” to fill in the blank. The festivals are celebrated
jeered his angry mother The smoke coming out of the everywhere to rejuvenate the
62. Select the option that expresses factory chimneys was polluting minds of people.
the given sentence in direct speech the air, which was becoming a (a) An festivals are celebrated
The colonel said that it gave him major ____ for the local residents. everywhere to rejuvenate the
great pleasure to be there that (a) Concern (b) Law minds of people.
evening. (c) Idea (d) Area (b) The festivals are celebrated
(a) The colonel said, “It gave me 69. Select the option that expresses everywhere to rejuvenate
great pleasure to be there that the following sentence in passive minds of people.
evening.” voice. (c) Festivals are celebrated
(b) The colonel said, “It gave him They will publish the research everywhere to rejuvenate the
great pleasure to be there that findings in a scientific journal minds of people.
evening.” next month. (d) No error

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs
ekWd VsLV&
75. Parts of a sentence are given Helping others physically, by 88. Select the option that can be used
below in jumbled order. Arrange removing their physical needs, is as a one-word substitute for the
the parts in the correct order to indeed a good thing, but spiritual help given group of words.
form a meaningful sentence. is more substantial, as it is more far To move into or through something
(A) her suburbs, she was enthralled reaching because the need is greater (a) Cross
to see It is only with the knowledge of the (b) Perpetuate
spirit that the faculty of want is (c) Penetrate
(B) one cold evening, when she
annihilated forever, so helping man (d) Transparent
spiritually is the best help that can be
(C) autumn still attached to 89. Select the sentence that uses the
extended to him. He who gives spiritual
(D) the last golden leaf left from given idiom correctly.
knowledge is the greatest benefactor of
Eat like a bird
(E) out for a walk on the snowy mankind. A spiritually strong man can
paths of (a) The colonial powers colonised
be powerful in every other respect, if he
small countries by exploiting
(F) an otherwise leafless tree so wishes. Until there is spiritual
them and stealing their resources.
(a) BEADCF (b) CAFEDB strength in man, even physical needs
cannot be well satisfied. Next to (b) Pinky is on a diet so she is too
(c) CABEDF (d) BADECF picky about the food she eats.
spiritual comes intellectual help. The
Direction (76-80): In the following (c) Overeating is the most obvious
gift of knowledge is far higher than that
passage, some words have been reason for gaining weight quickly.
of food and clothes, it is even higher
deleted. Read the passage carefully and than giving life to a man, because real (d) Nobody can eat with Jerry at
select the most appropriate option to fill life of a man consists of knowledge. the same table as he is so
in each blank. Ignorance is death, knowledge is life. messy.
Santosh Bisen, science teacher 81. What does the word ‘annihilated’ 90. Select the option that expresses the
and cartoonist at Jawahar Navodaya following sentence in passive voice.
mean in the context of the above
Vidyalaya in Durg, Chhattisgarh __(1)__ passage? The insect bit the little baby.
his drawing __(2)__ to convert chapters (a) Omitted (b) Obstructed (a) The little baby had bitten by
into comic strips. “Convincing the insect.
(c) Obliterated (d) Occluded
authorities to turn textbooks into (b) The little baby is bitten by the
82. According to the author,
comics was difficult. I spent my own insect.
ignorance is _____ and knowledge
money to __(3)__ textbooks. I also used (c) The little baby has bitten by
is _______.
cartoons in question papers,” he says. the insect.
(a) bliss, painful
“Students were __(4)__ with how simple (d) The little baby was bitten by
(b) death, life the insect.
science became and their performance
__(5)__ ,” he adds. (c) painful, bliss 91. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
76. Select the most appropriate option (d) life, avoidable (a) Haphaazard (b) Appropriate
to fill in blank number 1. 83. How can the faculty of want be (c) Connoisseur (d) Diffusion
destroyed forever? 92. Select the most appropriate
(a) reformed (b) used
(a) With the knowledge of the spirit synonym of the given word.
(c) maintained (d) depicted
(b) With physical assistance Frisky
77. Select the most appropriate option
(c) With a charitable spirit (a) Transient (b) Memorable
to fill in blank number 2.
(d) With knowledge provided in books (c) Playful (d) Loose
(a) terms (b) tricks
84. According to the author, which of 93. Select the option that can be used
(c) art (d) skills
the following is a far higher gift than as a one-word substitute for the
78. Select the most appropriate option food and clothes, or even of life? given group of words.
to fill in blank number 3.
(a) Jobs (b) Knowledge The reasons or intentions that cause
(a) design (b) restore a particular set of beliefs or actions
(c) Books (d) Food
(c) allocate (d) mend 85. What according to the author is (a) Rationale (b) Practical
79. Select the most appropriate option the highest good that one can do? (c) Motive (d) Thinkable
to fill in blank number 4. (a) Doing intellectual good to people 94. Select the most appropriate
(a) disgusted (b) Extending spiritual help to others synonym of the given word.
(b) disappointed (c) Monitory help Seclusion
(c) shocked (d) Helping others physically (a) Solitude
(d) thrilled 86. Select the most appropriate (b) Tactics
80. Select the most appropriate option ANTONYM of the given word. (c) Involvement
to fill in blank number 5. Troublesome (d) Readiness
(a) reframed (a) Obedient (b) Soulful 95. Select the most appropriate option
to fill in the blank.
(b) regained (c) Planless (d) Curious
Renewable energy is energy that
(c) regretted 87. Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
is environment-friendly because it
(d) improved (a) Unreasonable is ___ from renewable resources,
Direction (81-85): Read the above (b) Complimentery that are naturally replenished.
paragraph and choose the correct (c) Despondent (a) deduced (b) construed
answers for the questions given below. (d) Impertinent (c) found (d) derived

132 Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL/CHSL TIER-II Practice Set-03 ekWd VsLV&
Direction (96-100):In the following The UN finds 75% of Earth’s land is 110.Hkkjr dk çk;}hih; iBkj igys fdl egk}hi
passage, some words have been degraded while its oceans are 30% dk Hkkx Fkk\
deleted. Read the passage carefully and more acidic now, choked by plastic and
select the most appropriate option to chemical waste. Neither is the air (a) nf{k.k vesfjdk (b) mÙkj vesfjdk
fill in each blank. pristine – as pollutants coat the skies, (c) ;wjksi (d) vÚhdk
The internet has __(1)__ reshaped the World Economic Forum finds global 111. tksgkUl fudksyl czkWLVsM(Johannes
the way information is accessed and CO2 emissions rose in 2022 to a record
Nicolaus Bronsted) vkSj FkkWel ekfVZ
shared. With a vast array of websites high. Such CO 2 covers Earth in a
and social media platforms, individuals sheath which doesn’t let it release heat yksjh(Thomas Martin Lowry) us vEy
can __(2)__ connect with others into space, trapping this in the vkSj {kkj dh ewy vo/kj.kk dk çLrko fdl
globally. However, this digital age also atmosphere instead, making Earth o"kZ esa fn;k Fkk\
brings __(3)__ challenges. The spread 1.11 degrees warmer.
(a) 1925 (b) 1921
of misinformation has become a 101. Select the most appropriate title
(c) 1923 (d) 1928
__(4)__ issue, as false content can for the given passage.
quickly gain traction. It is essential for (a) Nature and Animals 112. lkosQok(Sakewa) ____ osQ fdjkr •acw jk;
users to ___(5)__ assess the credibility (b) Earth and its Dangers (Kirat Khambu Rai) leqnk; }kjk ,d
of sources before believing and sharing (c) Earth and Nature euk;k tkus okyk ,d /kfeZd R;ksgkj gSA
information. In this era of rapid data
dissemination, cultivating media
(d) Animals and Birds (a) xksok (b) fgekpy çns'k
102. Select the most appropriate
literacy is of utmost importance. (c) flfDde (d) v#.kkpy çns'k
ANTONYM of the word ‘decline’.
96. Select the most appropriate option
(a) Increase (b) Push 113.uhps Hkkjr dh iapo"khZ; ;kstuk,a mudh vo
to fill in blank number 1.
(c) Decrease (d) Drag osQ lkFk nh xbZ gSaA fuEufyf•r esa ls dk
(a) occasionally
103. Select the tone of the passage. lgh ls lqesfyr gS\
(b) significantly
(c) discreetly
(a) Persuasive A. f}rh; iapo"khZ; 1956&57 ls
(d) gradually
(b) Entertaining ;kstuk 1960&61 rd
(c) Narrative
97. Select the most appropriate option B. r`rh; iapo"khZZ; 1961&62 ls
(d) Cautionary
to fill in blank number 2. ;kstuk 1965&66 rd
(a) periodically (b) seamlessly 104. Who are the engineers NOT
mentioned in the passage? C. prqFkZ iapo"khZ;1966& 67 ls
(c) scarcely (d) hesitantly
98. Select the most appropriate option
(a) Birds (b) Fungi ;kstuk 1970&71 rd
to fill in blank number 3. (c) Eggs (d) Insects
105. Who caused the loss of forests? vkSjC nksuksa(b) A vkSjB nksuksa
(a) A
(a) irrelevant (b) intriguing
(c) abstract (d) numerous (a) Animals (b) Nature (c) B vkSjC nksuksa (d) osQoyC
99. Select the most appropriate option (c) People (d) Realtors 114. fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu ^c`gr dFkk dks
^(Brihat Katha Kosh)* osQ ys•d Fks\
lkekU; tkudkjh
to fill in blank number 4.
(a) negligible (b) dormant (a) {ksesaæ (b) gfj"ks.k
(c) soothing (d) pressing 106.fdlh ns'k dk O;kikj&larqyu D;k gksrk gS\
(c) n.Mh (d) HkoHkwfr
100. Select the most appropriate option (a) vk;krksa dh la[;k
to fill in blank number 5. 115. nysj esganh eq[; :i ls fdl Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk
(b) fu;kZrksa dh la[;k
(a) hesitantly osQ ikWi xhrksa osQ ,d çfl¼ xk;d gSa\
(c) varjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj dk vuqikr
(b) reluctantly (a) iatkch (b) fganh
(d) vk;kr vkSj fu;kZr ds chp varj
(c) meticulously (c) caxkyh (d) vaxzsth
(d) impulsively 107. HkfV;kyh yksd&laxhr (Bhatiali folk
116. vki Rofjr lans'k lsok okrkZyki foaMks
Direction (101-105): Read the given music)] tks vf/drj eNqvkjksa }kjk xk;k
beksfVdkWUl dgka ik ldrs gSa\
passage and answer the question that tkrk gS] fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl jkT; ls
follows. (a) pSV foaMks osQ eè; esa
lacaf/r gS\
Earth Day is an apt moment to
(a) osQjy (b) vka/z çns'k (b) pSV foaMks esa dgha Hkh
consider how our planet, a majestic
(c) if'pe caxky (d) vksfM'kk (c) pSV foaMks osQ 'kh"kZ ij
4.54 billion years old, is faring. The
statistics are not pleasing. Once 108.Hkkjr dh tula[;k o`f¼ nj lu~ ____ ls (d) pSV foaMks osQ uhps
covered in verdant green, FAO finds
?kV jgh gSA 117. DNA osQ lanHkZ esa] fuEufyf•r esa ls dkS
Earth has now lost one-third of its
(a) 1991 (b) 1981 fl¼kar vuqys•u(transcription) dh
forests through human activity. WWF
estimates such land-use changes have (c) 1951 (d) 1971 çfØ;k dks fu;af=kr djrk gS\
caused wildlife to decline by 69% in the 109.Hkkjr esa ukxfjdrk osQ vf/dkj dks fofu;fer(a) iwjdrk dk fl¼kar
last 50 years. The loss of natural eco-
djus dh 'kfÙkQ fdlosQ ikl gS\ (b) :ikarj.k fl¼akr
systems and their engineers, which
includes birds, animals, insects and (a) lokZsPp U;k;ky;(b) jkT;iky (c) DNA dh v/Zlaj{kh çÑfr
fungi, is literally drying up the world. (c) jk"Vªifr (d) laln (d) oa'kkxfr dk fl¼kar

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs
ekWd VsLV&
122. tqykbZ 2024Gesa
118. jk"Vªh; ioZrkjksg.k vkSj lkgfld •sy laLFkku &7 lEesyu dk vk;kstu126. lafo/ku osQ fdl Hkkx esa vki ekSfyd
(National Institute of Adventure gqvk ftldh estckuh bVyh us dh] vfèkdkjksa dh N% O;kid Jsf.k;ksa dks ik,¡xs
Sports - NIMAS) ____ esa fLFkr gSA fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lkGns'k
&7 lewg (a) Hkkx
(a) fetksje dk iw.kZdkfyd lnL; ugha gS\
(b) Hkkx
(b) fgekpy çns'k (a) vesfjdk (b) bVyh
(c) Hkkx
(c) v#.kkpy çns'k (c) Hkkjr (d) izQkal
(d) Hkkx
(d) uxkySaM 123. fdls la?k yksd lsok vk;ksx
(UPSC) dk
119. Hkkjr us igyh ckj ,f'k;kbZ (Asian
•syksa vè;{k fu;qDr fd;k x;k gS\ 127. Hkkjr esa foÙkh; o"kZ 1 vçSy ls 'kq: gksrk
Games) dh estckuh fdl o"kZ esa dh gS\ (a) çhfr lwnu vkSj
________dks lekIr gksrk gSA
(a) 1951 (b) 1949 (b) uhuk flag (a) 31 tqykbZ (b) 30 twu
(c) 1948 (d) 1950 (c) misaæ f}osnh (c) 31 ebZ (d) 31 ekpZ
120. gky gh esa fuEu esa ls fdls yxkrkj rhljh (d) fueZyk lhrkje.k 128. Hkw&vkHk(Geoid) i`Foh_____ dk@dh gSA
ckj jk"Vªh; lqj{kk lykgdkj
(NSA) fu;qÙkQ124. Hkkjr dh 2011 dh tux.kuk osQ vuqlkj] (a) d{kk (b) vkdkj
fd;k x;k gS\ Hkkjr esa vf/dka'k _____
yksx ls vU; jkT;ksa (c) jax (d) èkqzo
(a) vfer •js esa çokl fd,(out-migrated) FksA
129. 'krjat dh fclkr ij fdrus oxZ gksrs gSa\
(b) r#.k diwj (a) mÙkj çns'k vkSj fcgkj
(a) 64 (b) 67
(c) vthr MksHkky (b) jktLFkku vkSj xqtjkr
(c) 68 (d) 69
(d) Jh gkfnZd lrh'kpaæ 'kkg (c) egkjk"Vª vkSj xqtjkr
130. ,ojst (Average) iQaD'ku buesa ls fdl Vwy
121. yaxohj u`R;(Langvir Nritya)_____ jkT; (d) mÙkj çns'k vkSj eè; çns'k
dk ,d yksd u`R; gSA osQ MªkWi&Mkmu esuw esa lwphc¼ gksrk
125. vk;Z lekt osQ laLFkkid dkSu Fks\
(a) mÙkjk•aM (a) johUæukFk VSxksj (a) ewo iQaD'ku

(b) gfj;k.kk (b) Lokeh foosdkuan (b) vkWVks le iQaD'ku

(c) mÙkj çns'k (c) ds'ko paæ lsu (c) iQkbusaf'k;y iQaD'ku
(d) xqtjkr (d) n;kuan ljLorh (d) balVZ iQaD'ku

1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (c)

11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20. (d)

21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (d) 30. (c)

31. (c) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (d) 40. (a)

41. (d) 42. (d) 43. (b) 44. (c) 45. (d) 46. (d) 47. (a) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (c)

51. (d) 52. (c) 53. (d) 54. (a) 55. (c) 56. (b) 57. (a) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (a)

61. (c) 62. (c) 63. (a) 64. (d) 65. (d) 66. (b) 67. (a) 68. (a) 69. (d) 70. (a)

71. (d) 72. (c) 73. (d) 74. (c) 75. (a) 76. (b) 77. (d) 78. (a) 79. (d) 80. (d)

81. (c) 82. (b) 83. (a) 84. (b) 85. (b) 86. (a) 87. (b) 88. (c) 89. (b) 90. (d)

91. (a) 92. (c) 93. (a) 94. (a) 95. (d) 96. (b) 97. (b) 98. (d) 99. (d) 100. (c)

101. (b) 102. (a) 103. (d) 104. (c) 105. (c) 106. (d) 107. (c) 108. (b) 109. (d) 110. (d)

111. (c) 112. (c) 113. (b) 114. (b) 115. (a) 116. (d) 117. (a) 118. (c) 119. (a) 120. (c)

121. (a) 122. (c) 123. (a) 124. (a) 125. (d) 126. (b) 127. (d) 128. (b) 129. (a) 130. (b)

134 Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL/CHSL TIER-II Practice Set-03 ekWd VsLV&
a  3c 5. (d) ekuk] feJ.k dk ewY;
X #i;s çfr 11. (c) U;wure 3 o"kZ dk dk;Z vuqHko j•us ok
1. (a) 2
b fdyksxzke gksxkA deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k
Þ a – 2b + 3c = 0 ,yhxs'ku fof/
, = 15
ge tkurs gS fd , deZpkfj;ksa dh dqy la[;k
= 6 + 10 + 4 +
300 – X 7
;fn (x + y + z) = 0, rksx3 + y3 + z3 =  7 + 5 + 3 = 35
3xyz X – 200 20
15 300
blfy, , a3 – 8b3 + 27c3 = 3 × a × (– Þ 6000 – 20X = 7X – 1400 vHkh"V izfr'kr
100% =
Þ 27X = 7400
2b) × 3c = 42.86%
Þ a3 – 8b3 + 27c3 = –18abc 7400
vc , 27 12. (d) 9800
Þ X = 274.07  Rs.274
 8b2 c2 a2 

 – – 
 oSdfYid fof/:
 27ac ab 27bc  J K L
3 3 3 200×7+300  20 J – 800 K – 500 L – 100
8b – 27c – a feJ.k dk ewY;
27abc 7+20
3 : 4 : 5
a 3 – 8b3  27c 3 1400+6000 7400
= –

= 274.07 ~ 274 vc ,
Þ 3x + 4x + 5x = 9800 – 1400
–18abc 6. (b) P+Q ® 19.2 feuV 10
= – 192
Þ 12x = 8400
P ® 32 feuV 6 Þ x = 700
= Q dh {kerk= 10 – 6 = 4 L dk fgLlk= 5x + 100
= 3500 + 100
oSdfYid fof/: 192
Q ikbi }kjk fy;k x;k le;=  48 feuV = 3600
a  3c 4
2 13. (b) mHk;fu"B Li'kZjs•k dh(D.C.T)
b 7. (b) tan (2 + 40°) – cot (2 – 20°) = 0
a = –1, b = 1, c = 1 j[kus ij] Þ tan(2 + 40°) = cot(2 – 20°) = ( dsanzks
 ds chp dh
)2 –nwjh
(r1 – r2 )2 
L.H.S = R.H.S Þ tan(2 + 40°) = tan (90° – 2 + 20°)
vc , Þ 2 + 40° = 110° – 2 =  2 2
(10) – (14 – 9)  = (100 – 25)
Þ 2 + 2 = 110° – 40°
8b2 c2 a2
  110 – 40 = 75 le
s h
27ac ab 27bc Þ+= = 35°
8 1 2 = 5 3 le
s h
=  1   8. (a) fn;k gS
27 27 3
fodYi (a) larq"V djrk gSA A = 2 cot48° cot 22° vkSj B = 5 tan (tan– tan2) 2
68° tan42°, 14. (d)   1
2. (b) ekuk C;kt dh nj çfr o"kZ r% gSA  (tan– 1) 
A 2cot 48º cot 22º
prt 
lk/kj.k C;kt= 100 B 5 tan68tan 42  (1 – tan) 

A 2cot(90  42)cot(90  68) =   tan  1

, Þ  
 (1 – tan) 
B 5 tan 68 tan 42
p 12  4 2p  r  6 2
= tan  + 1
= A 2 tan 68tan 42
100 100 Þ  = sec2
B 5 tan68tan 42
Þ r = 4% 15. (c)
A 2
3. (b) 18, 20, vkSj 25 dk y-l-i- = 900 Þ  A : B : C
B 5
vHkh"V la[;k = 900 × 2 + 13 = 1813
9. (d) ,d di dk vk;ru = r2H
® 20000 : 18000 : 30000
oSdfYid fof/: 2 le;kof/ ®
= 10
ftl fodYi dk fMthV le 13 gksxk] ogh 4
=  ×   × 4 = 16 lseh3 = 12 : 5 : 3
fodYi mÙkj gksxkA 2
® 120 : 45 : 45
4. (d) 'ks"k iq#"kksa dh vk;q= dk
iq:"kksa 2 3 2 Þ 8 : 3 : 3 = 14 bdkbZ
dVksjs dk vk;ru
= r   6 ;skx
dh vk;q dk ;ksx– izFke 4 iq:"kksa dh vk;q 3 3 ×3100
= 144 lseh3
dk ;ksx– vafre 4 iq#"kksa dh vk;q dk ;ksx 43400
= 10 × 56 – 4 × 52 – 4 × 58 dVksjk Hkjus ds fy, vko';d diksa dh la[;k 18600
16. (d)
= 560 – 4 × 110 = 120 144
120 = =9 (0.01 0.08  0.03)   1
16    (0.4) × (0.3) × (b)2 
'ks"k O;fDr;ksa dh vkSlr
= vk;q= 60 o"kZ 
 a   
2 10. (c) iq#"kksa dh dqy =la[;k
450 nksuksa i{kks dk oxZ
, djus ij
oSdfYid fof/: iz'ukuqlkj
(0.01 0.08  0.03)   1 2

56 o"kZ 450 3

 a
  (0.4) × (0.3) × (b)2 
  
52 × = × efgykvksa dh dqy la[;k
100 5 (0.01 0.08  0.03) 
la[;k 4 2 4
  (0.4) × (0.4) × (0.3) × (0.3) × (b)

Þ efgykvksa dh la[;k

 
= 390
vkSlr 52 x 58 1 (0.4) × (0.4) × (0.3) × (0.3) 
 LukrdksÙkj efgykvksa dh la[;k   
–4 +4 +2 ab   (0.01) × (0.08) × (0.03) 
–16 +8 +8 40 1
x = 56 + 4 = 60 = 390 × = 156   600
100 ab

Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs
ekWd VsLV&
17. (c) P vknfe;ksa dh dqy la[;k
= efgykvksa dh dqy 27. (c) iz'ukuqlkj
la[;k = 5 çfr feyhyhVj Hkjus dh ykxr = 0.2 #i;s
5 1 150 feyhyhVj dh cksrysa Hkjus dh
= ykxr
2 igys fnu fd;k x;k dke= 200  40
dsanzd 150 × 0.2 = 30 #i;s
T• nwljs fnu fd;k x;k dke
5 5 5
= 200  300  120 22 cksry Hkjus dh ykxr = 22 × 30
5 1 = 660 #i;s
Q S R rhljs fnu fd;k x;k dke= 300  60 28. (d) ekuk]igyk Hkkx x vkSj nwljk Hkkx
y gksxkA
dasnzd ekfè;dk dks
2 : 1 ds vuqikr esa igys rhu fnu esa fd;k x;k dke x + y = 37.....(i)
foHkkftr djrk gS 1 5 1 1 5x + 6y = 210 .....(ii)
Þ PT : TS = 2 : 1 =   
40 120 60 12
lehdj.k (i) vkSj(ii) dks gy djus ij
3 bdkbZ = 18 1 x = 12 y = 25
1 bdkbZ =6 36 fnu esa fd;k x;k dke= 12 ×
= 1 29. (d) A + B = 8
A × B = 14
blfy, , TS = 6 lseh bldk eryc ;g gS fd ;g dke 36 fnuksa esa vc , (A + B)2 = (8)2
18. (d) D
C iwjk gks tk,xkA Þ A2 + B2 + 2AB = 64
oSdfYid fof/: ÞA2 + B2 = 64 – 28  36
13 lseh 4M × 50 = 3W × 100 nksuks vksj
AB ls foHkkftr djus ij
M : W = 3 : 2 ({kerk ) A2  B2 36
a dqy dke= 4 × 3 × 50 = 600 Þ

leyEc dk {ks=kiQy I fnu
II fnu
III fnu
A B 18
1 5 iq:"k 5 iq:"k+ 5 efgyk 5 efgyk Þ  
=  ( lekarj Hkqtkvksa dk
)  h;kx
s B A 7
2 ×3 (5 × 3 + 5 × 2) ×2 fodfYid fof/%
Þ 292.5 = × (a + a –7) × 13 15 25 10
4 2 4 2
2 
4 2 4 2
Þa = 26 lseh 600
 
 pØh;
  12

19. (a)
 
2 16  2 18
R fnu dke 14
3 fnu×12 ® 50bdkbZ
30. (c) X
36 fnu ® 600 bdkbZ
60º O 24. (d) 35% = 30
P Q 20 18
fn;k gS]QPR = 60º (100 – d) 13
rc QOR = 2QPR (dsaæ ij cuk dks.k 500 ×

= 266.5
Y 24 Z
ifjf/ ij cus dks.k dk nks xquk gksrk
) gS Þ100 – d = 82 Þd = 18%
= 2 × 60º 25. (b) ekuk]dey us Vh-oh-
m #i;s esa •jhnkA ledks.k f=kHkqt dh vUr%f=kT;k dh yack
QOR = 120º Vh-oh dh Ø;ewY; = m + 2500 (yEc + vk/kj– d.kZ
20. (d) ekuk] Vªsu dh = pky'a' fdeh/?kaVk =
Vh-oh dh foØ;ewY; = 25200 #i;s 2
lkisf{kd pky = (a – 5) fdeh/?kaVk iz'ukuqlkj
, 18  24 – 30 12
=  =6 lseh
, 100 2 2
200 18 m + 2500 = 25200 ×
100  5
ifjf=kT;k dh yEckbZ
d.kZ 30
a–5= 
20 5 Þm + 2500 = 24000
= = = 15 lseh
Þa – 5 = 36 Þm = 21500 #i;s 2 2
Þa = 41 fdeh/?kaVk oSdfYid fof/: vHkh"V vuqikr
= 6 : 15 = 2 : 5
721  3 21
6  1  3 1 P 31. (c) dFku:
21. (a) =  5%  50 50
6 6 20  CP
21 21
4 SP = CP + P = 21 bdkbZ (i) oqQN pEep dkaVs gSaA
6  1  3 = 21 bdkbZ  Rs.25200 50 50
6 6 (ii) oqQN fpeVs djNqy gSaA
 'ks"kiQy =4 25200
20 bdkbZ =  20  24000 100 50
22. (a) 'kadq dk ik'oZ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy
=×r×L 21 lHkh djNqy pEep gSaA
22 Vh-oh dk Ø;ewY; = 24000 – 2500 fu"d"kZ
Þ168 = × 84 × L
7 = 21500 #i;s 50 50
[0.84 eh-= 84 lseh
] 26. (c) n = 10 tks fd ,d le la[;k gS I. oqQN fpeVs pEep gSaA ()
7 blfy, , dFku(ii) vkSj(iii) ls]
ÞL = lseh  n th
 n th  dFku vkSj fu"d"kZ nksuksa esa Li'kZ dk
11 
   +   + 1   in
23. (c) ,d vkneh }kjk ,d fnu esa fd;k x;k  2 
 2   (50&50) gSA dFku vkSj fu"d"kZ nksuksa esa
ekfè;dk= 
1 1 2 dk eku (50&50) gS] blfy, 50 dks 50 esa
dke = 4  50  200
a+a+5 cny fn;k x;k gSA
,d efgyk }kjk ,d fnu esa fd;k x;k dke Þ 37.5 =
Þ 75 = 2a + 5 vr% fu"d"kZI vuqlj.k djrk gSA
1 1 70 50 50
= 
3 100 300 Þa=
Þ a = 35 II. oqQN dkaVs djNqy gSaA

136 Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL/CHSL TIER-II Practice Set-03 ekWd VsLV&
dFku(i) vkSj(iii) ls] 35. (a) 200 42. (d) T
pEep dk eku vfuf'pr gS D;ksafd ;g dFku roZQ: gS
(N1)2 × 2 = N2 4R 3L
esa (50 & 50) gS vkSj vfuf'pr fLFkfr esa 2 : 8  22 × 2 = 8
5 : 50 52 × 2 = 50
lkekU; 'kCn dks NksM+dj lHkh 'kCn vlR; gSa] 7L
blfy, dkaVs vkSj djNqy ls fudkyk x;k 10 : ? 102 × 2 = 200
fu"d"kZ vlR; gS] blfy, fu"d"kZ
II vuqlj.k 36. (a) 5, 1, 2, 3, 4 ck;ha vksj ls 'kq: djrs gq, gj nwljs v{kj dks
ugha djrk gSA 5. Irradiation 1. Irreparable NksVs v{kj esa rFkk vU; v{kj dks cM+s v
100 50 2. Irreplaceable 3. Irrigated fy•sa rFkk mlosQ ckn u;k 'kCn myV nsaA
III. lHkh djNqy dkaVs gSaA (×) 4. Irritable 7L
dFku(i) vkSj(iii) ls] 37. (a)
dFku esa (50 & 50) osQ dkj.k pEep dk eku +2 43. (b) ;gk¡ roZQ
: gS
vfuf'pr gS vkSj vfuf'pr fLFkfr esa lkekU; +2
–2 –2 –2 –2
'kCn dks NksM+dj lHkh 'kCn vlR; gSa] blfy, +2 O M K I G
djNqy vkSj dkaVk ls fudkyk x;k fu"d"kZ +2
T –1
S –1
R –1
Q –1
vlR; gS] blfy, fu"d"kZ III vuqlj.k ugha +2 L –2 J –2 H –2 F –2 D
djrk gSA vkSj
, N –1
M –1
L –1
K –1
osQoy fu"d"kZI vuqlj.k djrk gSA C R U S H J U W T E
bl ç'u esa çR;sd in Ük
`a•yk (&2] &1] &2]
fodfYid fof/% +2
n'kkZ jgk gSA blfy,
+2 ‘GPDJ’ lgh mÙkj gSA
osu vkjs• fof/% +2
44. (c)
I. oqQN fpeVs pEep gSaA () +2
II.oqQN dkaVs djNqy gSaA (×)
45. (d) 324 P 35 M 184 M 17 O 3 P 39
lHkh djNqy dkaVs gSaA
III. (×) =?
osQoy fu"d"kZ
I vuqlj.k djrk gSA lHkh fpÉksa dks cnyus osQ cknA
32. (d) ZDH 38. (d)
 324 + 35 – 184 – 17 × 3 + 39
I M Q : K O S I II III = 324 + 35 – 184 – 51 + 39
ikls IInd vkSjIIIrd esa] lkekU; gSA = 324 + 35 + 39 – 235
= 398 – 235 = 163
46. (d) +
mlhizdkj O
X B F : Z D H ? Js;k +
O (HkkbZ
+2  osQ foijhr gSA
39. (d) (foijhr v{kjksa dk ;ksx) $ v{kjksa dh la[;k
+2 O
33. (c) if'pe
MADRAS (14 + 26 + 23 + 9 + 26 + og yM+dk Js;k dk HkkbZ gSA
8) + 6 = 112 47. (a) 10
jkf=k 9 cts ?k.Vs dh lqbZ ¾ mÙkj JAMMU (17 + 26 + 14 + 14 + 6) + 5 = 82 O__M__N__P
mlhizdkj, iafDr esa oqQy 10 O;fDr cSBs gSaA
PUNJAB (11 + 6 + 13 + 17 + 26 + 25) 48. (d) W T P K
6 12 W E + 6 = 104
–3 –4 –5
40. (a) 14 – 2762
S (a) T R N H
3 roZQ:gS 3
(N1) + 2 = N2
lqcg 6%30 cts] (a) 14 – 2762  (14)3 + 2  2744 + –2 –4 –6
2 = 2746 (b) O M I C
9  2746  2762
N –2 –4 –6
(b) 16 – 4098  (16)3 + 2  4096 +
W E (c) R P L F
6 12 2 = 4098
S (c) 11 – 1333  (11) + 2  1331 + –2 –4 –6
2 = 1333
3 (d) 13 – 2199  (13)2 + 2  2197 +
lqcg 6%30 cts feuV dh lqbZ if'pe fn'kk esa 2 = 2199
49. (c)
gksxhA fodYi (a) dks NksM+dj vU; lHkh leku
Lo:i dk vuqlj.k dj jgs gSaA
50. (c) ECFSRCW
41. (d) 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 , 512
34. (c) S C R E W/S C R F W/S C R G W/
×2 ×2 ×2 ×2 ×2 SCRHW
bl ç'u esa × 2 dh ,d Ük`a•yk nh xbZ gSA bl Ük`a•yk osQ pkSFks v{kj esa $1 dh o`f
Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs
ekWd VsLV&
51. (d) 60. (a) jsfM;ksykWftLV fpfdRlk MkWDVj 68. gksrs gSa tks (fpark) ;g 'kCn crkrk gS
(a) ‘Concern’
X&js tSlh fpfdRlk besftax dk mi;ksx djosQfd Local residents iznw"k.k ls fpafrr ;k
y{k.kksa vkSj jksxksa dk funku djus vkSjijs'kku
bykt djus esa fo'ks"kK gksrs gSaA 69. (d) fn;k x;ksentence future indefinite
Ropk fo'ks"k
 ,d MkWDVj tks Ropk jksxksatense
dk dk gSA bldks passive voice esa
52. (c) 30 vè;;u vkSj mipkj djrk gSA change djrs le; will/shall + be + V3
61. (c) “Do you suppose you know dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA bl izdkj
option (a)
better than your own father?” and (c) eliminate gks tk,¡xsA option (b)
15 5th th
• Indirect speech ds ‘supposed’ incomplete gSA vr% ;g Hkh eliminate gks
direct speech d s ‘suppose’ e s a tk,xkA var esa lgh answer gksxkA
vfer] fçal vkSj vkfnR; osQ chp esa gSA change gksxkA blh izdkj option (d)
following 70. (a) Provoke - to cause a particular
bldk eryc gS fd vkfnR; dk nk,¡ ls LFkku
changes gksaxsA feeling (mdlkuk)
¾ 15 $ 10 ¾ 25ok¡
He - you
rFkk vkfnR; dk LFkku ck;sa ls ¾ 6ok¡ (a) Pacify - to make somebody
rks] oqQy O;fDr;ksa dh la[;k knew - know calm or quiet ('kkar djuk) []
his - Your
= 25 + 6 – 1 = 31–1 = 30 (b) Agitate - convulse (mÙksftr djuk)
vr% option (c) lgh answer gksxkA
53. (d) 62. (c) The colonel said, “It gives me (c) Aggravate - to make something
great pleasure to be here this worse (fcxkM+ nsuk)
54. (a) 40m North evening”. [] (d) Incite - abet, instigate (mdlkuk)
50 • Indirect speech ls direct speech esa 71. (d) ‘A white elephant’ ml pht dks
change djrs le; following changes refer djrk gS ftlsmaintain djuk egaxk
40 40
50 djus gksaxs& gksrk gS vkSj ftls j[kukBurdensome
A F him - me (cksf>y) gSA
30 there - here 72. (c) Headquartered []
E that - this (a) Manufacturer - fuekZrk
60 ;s lHkhchanges fliZQoption (c) esa gS] (b) Transportation - ifjogu
D vr% option (c) lgh answer gksxkA (c) Headquartered - eq[;ky;
 A osQ lUnHkZ C dhesa
fLFkfr 40 ehVj mÙkj 63. (a) fn;k x;k sentence simple past (d) Aerospace - ok;q;ku
fn'kk esa gSA tense dk gSA bldks active voice esa 73. (d) Messing []
55 . (c) 85 change djus ds fy, V2 dk iz;ksx gksxkA (a) Important - t:jh
ewY;: Rs.1 Rs.5 Rs.10 vr% option (a) lgh answer gSA (b) Laundary - /ksus yk;d diM+s
flDdksadh la[;k: x x x 64. (d) ‘Anchorite’ ,slk O;fDr tks /kfeZd (c) Entire - laiw.kZ
#i;s 1x 5x 10x dkj.kksa ls ,dkar esa jgrk gS]solitary
(1 + 5 + 10)x = 1360 (d) Messing - fcxkM+uk
ik¡p #i;s osQ flDdksa dh oqQyx la[;k vkSj ascetic (riLoh) lifestyle follow 74. (c) bl okD; esa‘festivals’ ds igys
djrk gSA definite article ‘the’ dk iz;ksx ugha gksxk
= = 85 ‘Hermit’ dk Hkh similar meaning gSA D;ksafd ;ggeneral festivals dksrefer
56. (b) lkseokj vr% option (d) lgh answer gSA dj jgk gS] u fd specific dksA blds
1 ekpZ 2012 ¾ xq#okj • Pirates - a criminal who attacks vfrfjDr ‘the minds of people’ lgh gS
ships (leqnzh Mkdw)
01 12 12 D;ksafd ;gspecifies djrk gS fd fdlds
fnu+ ekg dksM +
yhi o"kZ • Sailors - a person who sails a boat mind dksrejuvenate fd;k tk jgk gSA
13 (ukfod) 75. (a) BEADCF
6  5  xq#okj • Wanderers - a person who travels
1+4+5+3= = • B esa cr;k x;k gS fd og x;h Fkh rFkkE
blfy, , 01 iQjojh , 2016 aimlessly (?kqeDdM+) esa crk;k x;k gS fd dgk¡ x;h FkhA vr%
01 16 16 65. (d) ‘Between’ ,d preposition gS] vkSj
‘BE’ dk mandatory pair cusxkA bl
fnu + ekg dksM + o"kZ
+ yhi o"kZ preposition ds cknobject pronouns vkrs
7 7 4 izdkjoption (b) rFkk(d) eliminate gks
10 gSA ‘I’ subject pronoun gSA blfy,‘I’ ds
1+3+2+4= 3 –1 2  lkseokj
= LFkku ‘me’ij (object pronoun) vk,xkA
7 A esa mlus ns[kk DrFkk
• esa crk;k fd D;k
57. (a) 8 66. (b) Vagrant - drifter, floater (vkokjk)
ns[kkA vr%
‘AD’ dk mandatory pair cusxkA
fcuk jaxs gq, psgjksa okys ?kuksa dh la[;k (a) Nomad - people who moves
bl izdkj option (a) lgh answer gSA
= (n – 2)3 = (4 – 2)3 = (2)3 = 8 from place to place (catkjk) (b) ‘Used’ (iz;qDr)accurately describe
(b) Settled - not changing (fLFkj)[]
djrk gS fd mlusmentioned purpose ds
(c) Vagabond - a person without a
home who keeps travelling.
fy, viuh drawing skills dks dSls
58. (c)
(?kqeDdM+) fd;kA
(d) ‘Skills’ (dkS'ky) mudrawing
(d) Gallivanting - to go from place
to place enjoying yourself abilities dksdescribe djrk gS ftudk
59. (b) dFku:
(vkokjkxnhZ djuk) mi;ksx mUgkasus
chapters dkscomic stripe
67. (a) ‘Witnesses of’ d s LF k k u i j esaconvert djus ds fy, fd;k FkkA
I. S < N [<, ] () ‘witnesses to’ vk,xkA‘witness to’ 78. (a) ‘Design’ textbooks dksvisual rFkk
II. D  A [>, ] (×) indicate djrk gS fd fdlh us dqN structure aspect dks cukus dh
vr% fu"d"kZ
I vuqlj.k djrk gSA directly ns[kk ;k vuqHko fd;k gSA dks correctly describe djrk gSA

138 Selected gaS

Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL/CHSL TIER-II Practice Set-03 ekWd VsLV&
79. (d) ‘Thrilled’ (jksekafpr)
students ds 91. (a) Haphazard 101. (b) ;g passage human activities ds
positive reaction dks O;Dr djrk gS (a) Haphazard - vO;ofLFkr dkj.kplanet ds lkeus vkus okysdangers
tksfd bl context ds vuqlkj comic (b) Appropriate - mfpr vkSjchallenges ij tksj nsrk gSA vr%
strip ds ekè;e ls simplified science (c) Connoisseur - ikj[kh option (b) ‘earth and its danger’ lgh
dks vPNh rjg lsreceive fd;k x;kA (d) Diffusion - iSQyko answer gSA
80. (d) ‘Improved’ (csgrj) logically 92. (c) Frisky - full of life (ftankfny) 102. (a) Decline - to gradually become
students ds }kjkscience dkssimple (a) Transient - temporary ({kf.kd) less (de gksuk)
le>us vkSj bldk vf/d vkuan ysus ds (b) Memorable- Worth remembering (a) Increase - to become something
positive outcome dksfollow djrk gSA (Lej.kh;) larger in number (o`f¼)
81. (c) Annihilated - to destroy (c) Playful - not serious (fouksnfiz;) (b) Push - to move something (èkdsyuk)
something (iwjh rjg ls u"V djuk) (d) Loose - free ([kqyk) (c) Decrease- to become something
(a) Omitted - to leave something 93. (a) Rationale less or smaller (?kVuk)
out ('kkfey u djuk) • Rationale - The reason of
(d) Drag - to pull something with
intentions that cause a particular
(b) Obstructed - to stop something
set of beliefs or actions (vkSfpR;) difficulty (?klhVuk)
from happening (:dkoV Mkyuk) 103. (d) bl passage dk mís ' ; readers dks
• Practical - Concerned with actually
(c) Obliterated - to remove from doing something rather than with environmental degradation vkSj blds
existence (iw.kZr;k u"V djuk)[] ideas or thought. (O;kogkfjd) serious izHkkoksa ds ckjs esa lko/ku d
(d) Occluded - obstruct (jksd nsuk) • Motive - A reason for doing gSA vr% option (d) lgh aanswer gSA
82. (b) Line 22 esamention fd;k x;k gS something (iz;kstu) 104. (c) lgh answer gSoption (c) ‘eggs’ vU;
fd ‘ignorance death’ g S r Fk k • Thinkable - able to be thought of lHkhoption line 12-13 esamention gS
knowledge ‘life’ gSA (eqefdu) fd birds, fungi insects engineers gSA
83. (a) Line 7-8 esamention fd;k x;k gS 94. (a) Seclusion - Isolation (,dkarrk) 105. (c) Line 7 esamention fd;k x;k gS fd
fd ‘faculty of want’ dks ‘spirit’ dh (a) Solitude - the state of being human actitivies ds through forest
knowledge ls destory djk tk ldrk gSA alone (vdsykiu) [kRe gksrs tk jgs gSAoptionvr% (c) lgh
84. (b) Line 11-12 esamention fd;k x;k (b) Tactics - Plan of action (dk;Zuhfr) answer gSA
gS fd ‘knowledge’ diM+s] [kkuk even (c) Involvement - Participation 106. (d) fdlh ns'k dk O;kikj&larqyu (Balance
life ls Hkhfor higher gift gSA (lafyIrrk) of Trade) ml ns'k osQ
vk;kr vkSj fu;kZr
85. (b) Line 9-10 esamention fd;k x;k gS (d) Readiness - The state of being osQ chp osQ varjdks n'kkZrk gSA
fd fdlh O;fDr dksspiritually help djuk ready (rRijrk)
• ;fn fu;kZr dk ewY; vk;kr osQ ewY; l
lcls vPNh enn gS tks mls nh tk ldrh gSA
95. (d) Derived dk vFkZ fdlhspecified
vfèkd gksrk gS] rks bls O;kikj vf/'ks
86. (a) Troublesome - causing trouble, source ls dqN izkIr djuk gSA blfy, ;g
pain etc. (d"Vdj) (Trade Surplus) dgk tkrk gSA
dguk fd renewable energy renewable
(a) Obedient - doing what you are • ;fn vk;kr dk ewY; fu;kZr osQ ewY; l
sources ls derived gksrh gS word dks
told to (vkKkdkjh) vfèkd gksrk gS] rks bls O;kikj ?kkVk
accurately describe dj jgk gSA
(b) Soulful - having deep feeling Deficit) dgk tkrk gSA ;g ns'k dh vkfFkZd
96. (b) Significantly (egRoiw.kZ :i ls) ;g
(thoar) fLFkfr dk ,d egÙoiw.kZ lwpd gS] tks ;g
word information rd igqpus vkSj
(c) Planless - aimlessly drifting crkrk gS fd ns'k fdruk O;kikfjd ykHk ;k
share djus ds rjhds ij internet ds
(y{;ghu) gkfu dj jgk gSA
major impact dksdescribe dj jgk gSA
(d) Curious - Wanting to know 107. (c) HkfV;kyh yksd&laxhr
(Bhatiali folk
97. (b) Seamlessly dk vFkZ smoothly
something (mRlqd) music) if'pe caxky dk ,d ikjaifjd
;k fcuk fdlh :dkoV ds] tks internet
87. (b) Complementary laxhr gSA ckmy] HkokbZ;k] >qeqj] xaHk
(a) Unreasonable - vuqfpr
ds through globally nwljksa ds lkFk
vkfn if'pe caxky osQ yksd laxhr gSaA
connect djus dsidea dks n'kkZrk gSA
(b) Complementary - laxr vU; jkT; ds yksd laxhr bl çdkj gSa&
98. (d) ;g okD; Digital age ds }kjk ykbZ
(c) Despondent - fujk'k dsjy & dFkdyh laxhr] efIiyk iêðw] dUuk;k
(d) Impertinent - ?k`"V
xbZ fofHkUu pqukSfr;ksa ij ppkZ dj• jgk gS]
blfy, numerous (meaning many) yksdxhr] iqYyqou iêðw
88. (c) Penetrate
cM+h la[;k esa ekStwn challenges dks • vka/z çns'k
& taxe dFkk] cqjkZ dFkk] oh/h
(a) Cross - to go from one side of ukVde] gfjdFkk
something to the other (ikj djuk) accurately describe dj jgk gSA
• vksfM'kk& ?kqeqjk xhr] MaMk ukpk xhr]
(b) Perpetuate - to cause something 99. (d) False content ds tksj idM+us ds lkFk
problem dh seriousness dks crkus ds ck|k] nydkgh xhr
to continue for a long time (yacs
fy, ‘pressing’ correct option gSA 108. (b) Hkkjr dh tula[;k dh okf"kZd o`f¼ nj
le; rd dk;e j[kuk)
1981ls /hjs&/hjs de gksus yxhA
89. (b) Eat like a bird - bldk vFkZ gS ^cgqr ‘Pressing issue’ ,d ,slh problem dks
de [kkuk* refer djrk gSA tks
‘urgent’ gS vkSj ftl ij • 'kkjnk vf/fu;e] 1978 ds rgr fookg ds
vr% option (b) lgh answer gSA immediate action ysus dh vko';drk gSA fy, yM+fd;kas dh vk;q 18 o"kZ vkSj yM
90. (d) fn;k x;ksentence past indefinite 100.(c) Sources dh credibility (fo'oluh;rk) dh vk;q 21 o"kZ dj nh xbZ gSA bl vfèkfu;
tense dk gSA bldks passive voice esa dksassess djus ds lanHkZ esa
‘meticulously’ us efgykvksa dh f'k{kk esa lq/kj vkSj m
change djus ds fy, was/were + V3 (lko/kuhiwoZd)correct option gSA thou dh xq.koÙkk dks mUur fd;k gSA
dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA option
vr% (d) Meticulously - lko/kuhiwoZd vkSj foLrkj ç;klksa osQ ifj.kkeLo:i 1981 osQ ckn l
lgh answer gSA ij è;ku nsukA tUe nj esa deh ns•h xbZ gSA
Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs
ekWd VsLV&
• tula[;k esa fxjkoV osQ ckotwn] Hkkjr• dh
lkosQok R;ksgkj cSlk• eghus dh iwf.kZek nysj esganh eq[; :i lsiatkch Hkk"kk
115. (a) osQ
fodkl nj vHkh Hkh dkiQh rst gSA 1951fnu ls 'kq: gksrk gS] tks vkerkSj ij vçSy osQ ikWi xhrksa osQ ,d çfl¼ xk;d gSaA
vkSj 1981 osQ chp] Hkkjr dh tula[;k esa;k ebZ esa gksrk gSA ;g ioZ fo'ks"k •:i ls nysj esganh dk tUe iVuk] fcgkj esa ,d
mYys•uh; o`f¼ gqbZA vPNh iQly vkSj le`f¼ osQ fy, vk'khokZnfl• ifjokj esa gqvk FkkA
• 1921 ls 1951 rd osQ o"kks± dks Hkkjr çkIr esa djus osQ mís'; ls euk;k tkrk gSA • mUgksaus vius igys ,Yce ^cksyks rk jk jk* l
fLFkj tula[;k o`f¼ dh vof/ osQ :i esa • flfDde esa euk;s tkus okys vU; R;kSgkj iq"i /ekosQnkj 'kq#vkr dh] ftldh 20 fefy;u
tkuk tkrk gSA ;g fLFkjrk ?kVrh e`R;q egksRlo] nj lkxk nkok] iax YgkClksy] æqDiklsR'ksph vf/d çfr;ka fcdhaA
vkSj csgrj LoPNrk vkSj LokLF; ns•Hkky vkfn osQ gSaA
• o"kZ 1998 esa] mUgksaus i;kZoj.k laj{k.k os
dkj.k laHko gqbZA vU; jkT;ksa ls lEcaf/r R;kSgkj &
109. (d) Hkkjr esa ukxfjdrk osQ vfèkdkj dks fofu;fer
^nysj esganh xzhu Mªkbo* dh 'kq#vkr dh
• xksok& f'kXeks egksRlo] lkvks tksvkvks ftls fnYyh ljdkj osQ fo'ks"k dk;Z cy dk
djus dh 'kfDr laln osQ ikl gksrh gSA egksRlo] lsaV Úkafll tsfo;j dk ioZ
• Hkkjrh; lafo/ku osQ Hkkx 2] vuqPNsn• 5&11 fgLlk cuk;k x;kA bl vfHk;ku osQ rgr
fgekpy çns'k & gYnk egksRlo] dqYyw fnYyh vkSj mlosQ vklikl 1-2 fefy;u ls
osQ rgr] laln dks ukxfjdrk ls lacaf/r fu;e
n'kgjk] ykslj egksRlo vf/d ikS/s yxk, x,A
vkSj dkuwu cukus dk vf/dkj fn;k x;k gSA
• v#.kkpy çns'k & rksX;kZ] E;ksdks] eksfiu] • 26 vçSy] 2019 dks nysj esganh us Hkkjrh;
• laln us bl 'kfDr dk mi;ksx djrs gq,
U;ksdqe turk ikVhZ esa 'kkfey gksdj jktuhfr esa dne
ukxfjdrk vf/fu;e] 1955 lfgr fofHkUu
113. (b) f}rh; vkSj r`rh; iapo"khZ; ;kstukvksa dh j•kA
dkuwu cuk, gSa] tks ukxfjdrk çkIr djus]
mls •ksus vkSj mlls tqM+s vU; ekeyksa dks vof/ lgh gS] tcfd prqFkZ iapo"khZ; ;kstuk
116. (d) Rofjr lans'k lsok okrkZyki foaMks e
fu;af=kr djrs gSaA dh vof/ xyr gS] pkSFkh iapo"khZ; ;kstuk
beksfVdkWUl pSV foaMksds uhps ik ldrs gSaA
• ;g vf/fu;e mu 'krks± vkSj çfØ;kvksa dksdh lgh vof/ 1969 ls 1974 FkhA blfy, • blds mi;ksxdrkZ dks lans'k fy•rs le;
fu/kZfjr djrk gS ftuosQ rgr fdlh O;fDr fodYi (b) lgh gSA vklkuh ls beksfVdkWUl dk p;u djus vkSj
dks Hkkjrh; ukxfjdrk nh tk ldrh gS ;k• Lora=krk osQ ckn] Hkkjr us vkfFkZd fodkl mUgsa vius lans'k esa 'kkfey djus dh lqfo/k
muls okil yh tk ldrh gSA osQ fy, lksfo;r la?k ls çsfjr gksdj o"kZ
nsrk gSA
• jkT;iky] jk"Vªifr vkSj lokZsPp U;k;ky; dk1951 esa iapo"khZ; ;kstukvksa dh 'kq#vkr dhA
• ;g LFkkfud O;oLFkk mi;ksxdrkZvksa osQ
ukxfjdrk osQ eqís ij dksbZ lh/k vf/dkj • 1951 ls 2017 rd Hkkjr dk fodkl ekWMy
lgt vkSj lqfo/ktud gksrh gS] ftlls pSfVax
ugha gS] D;ksafd ;g fo'ks"k :i ls laln osQbUgha ;kstukvksa ij vk/kfjr jgkA osQ nkSjku beksfVdkWUl dk Rofjr mi;ksx
vfèkdkj {ks=k esa vkrk gSA • f}rh; iapo"khZ; ;kstuk (1956&61) bldk
tk ldrk gSA
110. (d) Hkkjr dk çk;}hih; iBkj igys vÚhdk izk:i ih-lh egkyuksfcl ds usr`Ro esa cuk;k
117. (a) DNA osQ lanHkZ esa]vuqys•udh çfØ;k
egk}hidk Hkkx FkkA x;k FkkA bl ;kstuk esa rhoz vkS|ksfxdhdj.k
dksiwjdrk dk fl¼kar(The principle
• HkwoSKkfud n`f"Vdks.k ls] Hkkjrh; çk;}hih; vkSj lkoZtfud {ks=kiQy ij tksj fn;k x;k FkkA
of complementarity) fu;af=kr dj rk gSA
iBkj ,d le; xksaMokuk uked fo'kky• r`rh; iapo"khZ; ;kstuk (1961&66) bl
egk}hi dk fgLlk FkkA ;kstuk dk mn~ns'; Ñf"k esa lq/kj djuk FkkA
• vuqys•u(transcription) dh çfØ;k esa
• xksaMokuk egk}hi esa orZeku le; osQ nf{k.kh DNA dh ,d LVªSaMRNA ls dk fuekZ.k
Hkkjr&phu vkSj Hkkjr&ikd ;q¼ ds dkj.k
xksyk/Z osQ dbZ fgLls tSls fd nf{k.k vesfjdk] ljdkj dks ;kstuk vodk'k ?kksf"kr djuk iM+k gksrk gSA bl çfØ;k dks iwjdrk dk fl¼kar
vÚhdk] vkWLVªsfy;k] vaVkdZfVdk •vkSj Hkkjr iapo"khZ; ;kstuk (1969&1974) (The principle of complementarity)
'kkfey FksA ljdkj }kjk 14 izeq[k Hkkjrh; cSadksa dk fu;af=kr djrk gS] tks ;g crkrk gS DNAfd
• yxHkx 200 fefy;u o"kZ iwoZ] ;g egk}hijk"Vªh;dj.k fd;k x;k] bl ;kstuk ds rgr dh nks LVªSaM~l esa csl is;fjax dh fof'k"V
VsDVksfud IysVksa dh xfr osQ dkj.k VwVdj gfjr Økafrdks Hkh c<+ok feykA gksrh gSA
foHkkftr gks x;k vkSj Hkkjr dk çk;}hih; • bUgsa ;kstuk vk;ksx }kjk rS;kj vkSj ykxw fd;k• oa'kkxfr dk fl¼kar(The principle of
Hkkx /hjs&/hjs mÙkj dh vksj f•lddj orZekux;k] o"kZ 2015 esa uhfr vk;ksx us bldkinheritance) xzsxj tkWu easMy ls lacaf/r gSA
fLFkfr esa vk x;kA LFkku ys fy;kA • #ikarj.k fl¼kar (The transforming
111. (c) tksgkUl fudksyl czksaLVsM
(Johannes osQ xq.klw=kksa osQ ifjorZ
114. (b) ^c`gr dFkk dks"k* osQ ys•d gfj"ks.k principle) DNA
Nicolaus Bronsted) vkSj FkkWel ekfVZu
FksA ;g xzaFk ewy :i ls ^^xq.kk<Ô** ls}kjk lacaf/r gSA
ykSjh(Thomas Martin Lowry) us vEy
• DNA izfrÑfr dh vFkZlaj{kh çÑfr dks
jfpr ^c`grdFkk* ij vk/kfjr gSA
vkSj {kkj dh ewy voèkkj.kk dk çLrko o"kZ
• gfj"ks.k leqæxqIr osQ jktdfo Fks] mUgksaus eslYlu vkSj LVkgy us cSDVhfj;k ds lkFk
1923esa fn;k FkkA
^ç;kx&ç'kfLr* dh jpuk dh FkhA os leqæxqIr vius Dykfld iz;ksx esa LFkkfir fd;k FkkA
• czksaLVsM&yksjh fl¼kar osQ vuqlkj] vEy og
dh jktlHkk esa ,d çeq• lHkkln FksA 118. (c) jk"Vªh; ioZrkjksg.k vkSj lkgfld •sy
inkFkZ gksrk gS tks HçksVkWu
vk;u) nku(
djrk gS vkSj {kkj og inkFkZ gksrk gS tks • {ksesUæ ,d d'ehjh egkdfo Fks] tks laLÑr laLFkku (NIMAS) v#.kkpy çns'k esa fLFkr
çksVkWu dks xzg.k djrk gSA osQ fo}ku vkSj çfrHkk'kkyh dfo osQ :i esa gSA
• ;g vo/kj.kk ikjaifjd vEy&{kkj fl¼karksa tkus tkrs FksA mudh çeq• jpukvksa • esa
NIMAS dh LFkkiuk v#.kkpy izns'k ljdkj
dh rqyuk esa vf/d O;kid vkSj oSKkfud ^jkek;.keatjh*] ^dykfoykl* vkSj ^ns'kksins'k*
}kjk j{kk ea=kky; ds rgr ,d Lok;Ùk laLFkku
n`f"Vdks.k ls lVhd gS vkSj blus jlk;u foKku 'kkfey gSaA ds :i esa dh xbZ FkhA
osQ {ks=k esa egÙoiw.kZ ;ksxnku fn;kA • n.Mh dh çeq• Ñfr;k¡ ^dkO;kn'kZ* vkSj • bl laLFkku dk izeq[k mís'; fofHkUu {ks=
112. (c) lkdsok(Sakewa) ,d èkkfeZd R;ksgkj gS] ^n'kdqekjpfjr* gSaA (ty] ok;q vkSj Hkwfe) esa ioZrkjksgh vk
tks flfDde esa fdjkr •acw jk; (Kirat • HkoHkwfr osQ çfl¼ ukVd ^egkohjpfjrEk~*]
lkgfld [ksyksa esa fo'o Lrjh; izf'k{k.k iznku
Khambu Rai) leqnk; }kjk euk;k tkrk gSA ^mÙkjjkepfjrEk~* vkSj ^ekyrhek/o* gSaA djuk gSA
140 Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector)
SSC CGL/CHSL TIER-II Practice Set-03 ekWd VsLV&01
119. (a) Hkkjr us igyh ckj ,f'k;kbZ(Asian
•syksa 127. (d) Hkkjr esa foÙkh; o"kZ] ftls ^vkfFkZd
• 1991 ls yxrkj :l Hkh lEesyu esa Hkkx
Games) dh estckuho"kZ 1951 esa dh ysrk jgk ysfdu Øhfe;k ij dCts ds dkj.k Hkh dgk tkrk gS] 1 vçSy ls 'kq: gksrk gS
FkhA bldk vk;kstu fnYyh esa gqvk FkkA2014 ls :l dks bl lewg ls ckgj dj vkSj31 ekpZdks lekIr gksrk gSA
• 19osa ,f'k;kbZ •sy (2022)] 2023 esa phu fn;k x;kA • ftl vof/ esa vk; vftZr dh tkrh gS]
ds gkax>w 'kgj esa vk;ksftr fd, x,A123. bl (a) fnukad 31 tqykbZ] 2024 dks iwoZ Hkkjrh; mls foÙkh; o"kZ ;k foÙk o"kZ ds :i esa
[ksy esa gkWdh f•ykM+h ih-vkj- Jhts'kç'kklfud us vf/dkjh (IAS) çhfr lwnu dks tkrk gSA
,FkyhVksa dh ijsM esa Hkkjr dk èotokgu la?k yksd lsok vk;ksx
(UPSC) dk vè;{k • bl vof/ dk mís'; vkfFkZd xfrfof/;ksa dh
fd;kA fu;qDr fd;k x;k gSA çhfr lwnu 1983 cSpfuxjkuh vkSj fo'ys"k.k osQ fy, ,d ekud
• Hkkjr us bu •syksa esa 'kkunkj çn'kZu dh djrsdukZVd dh Hkkjrh; ç'kklfud vf/dkjh le; lhek çnku djuk gSA
gq, 107 ind (28 Lo.kZ] 38 jtr vkSj 41 (IAS) jgh gSa ;g gfj;k.kk jkT; dh jgus
128. (b) Hkw&vkHk(Geoid) i`Foh osQ
vkdkj dks
dkaL;) çkIr fd, vkSj ,d u;k ekunaM okyh gSaA
n'kkZrk gSA
LFkkfir fd;kA • çhfr lwnu] eukst lksuh ds LFkku ij fu;qDr
• i`Foh /zqoksa ij FkksM+h piVh gS] blf
• 2023 osQ ,f'k;kbZ •syksa esa bZ&LiksV~lZ gqbZ vkSj
gSa ftUgksaus vius dk;Zdky ds iwjk gksus
ls iwoZ gh in ls bLrhiQk ns fn;k FkkA Hkw&vkHk dgk tkrk gSA
czsdMkaflax dks nks u, •syksa osQ :i esa 'kkfey
fd;k x;kA • fueZyk lhrkje.k 18oha yksdlHkk es yxkrkj • Hkw&vkHk dk mi;ksx oSKkfud Hkwdai
• 20osa ,f'k;kbZ •syksa
dh estckuh tkiku }kjk nwljh ckj dsaæh; foÙkea=kh cuh gSaA ds fy,] i`Foh dh lrg ds uhps fdlh xgjh
o"kZ 2027 esa dh tk,xhA • ysfÝVusaV tujy misaæ f}osnh u, Fky lsuk oLrq dh okLrfod x.kuk djus ds fy, djrs
120. (c) 10 twu] 2024 dks vthr MksHkky dksvè;{k fu;qÙkQ gq, gSaA gSA
yxkrkj rhljh ckj jk"Vªh; lqj{kk lykgdkj 129. (a) 'krjat dh fclkr dks pslcksMZ Hkh dg
• dsaæh; vkS|ksfxd lqj{kk CISFcydh igyh
fu;qÙkQ fd;k x;k gSA efgyk çeq• uhuk flag dks fu;qDr fd;k tkrk gSA blesa8×8 osQ fxzM osQ :i esa
• jk"Vªh; lqj{kk lykgdkj (,u,l,)] Hkkjr ds x;k gSA 64 oxZ gksrs gSaA
vkarfjd vkSj ckgjh •rjksa ls lacaf/r 124.lHkh(a) o"kZ 2011 dh tux.kuk osQ vuqlkj] Hkkjr • 'krjat nks f•ykfM+;ksa osQ chp •syk tkus
ekeyksa ij Hkkjr ds ç/kuea=kh dks fu;fer mÙkjusçns'k vkSj fcgkj ,d j.kuhfrd •sy gS] ftldh 'kq#vkr 7oha
esa vf/dka'k yksxksa
:i ls lykg nsus dk dke djrk gS vkSj ls vU; jkT;ksa esa çokl fd;k FkkA 'krkCnh esa Hkkjr esa prqjax uked •sy ls
çèkkuea=kh dh vksj ls j.kuhfrd vkSj laosnu'khy izokl djus ds izeq[k dkj.kks vkfFkZd
esa& FkhA
eqíksa dh fuxjkuh djrk gSA voljksa dh deh] csgrj jkstxkj vkSj ;g •sy vjch O;kikfj;ksa osQ ekè;e ls ;wjks

• vfer •js vkSj r#.k diwj ç/kuea=kh ds eq[; thou'kSyh dh •kst] f'k{kk LoLF; ns[kHkky igq¡pk vkSj 15oha 'krkCnh osQ var esa v
lykgdkj gSaA tSls cqfu;knh <kapkxr lqfo/kvksa dk vHkkoA :i xzg.k fd;kA
• Jh gkfnZd lrh'kpaæ 'kkg ç/kuea=kh ds 125.futh
(d) vk;Z lekt dh LFkkiuk o"kZ 1875 esa • 19oha 'krkCnh esa 'krjat dh laxfBr çfr;ksfx
lfpo fu;qÙkQ gq, gSaA n;kuan ljLorhus dh FkhA vk;Z lekt dk 'kq: gqbZa vkSj orZeku esa varjkZ"Vªh
121. (a) yaxohj u`R;(Langvir Nritya) vkn'kZ okD; Fkk] ^osnksa dh vksj ykSVks*A egkla?k (FIDE) }kjk lapkfyr gksrh gSaA
mÙkjk•aM jkT; dk ,d yksd u`R; gSA ;g • ds'ko paæ lsu,d fganw nk'kZfud vkSj lekt• igys fo'o 'krjat pSafi;u foYgse LVhfuV~
eq[; :i ls mÙkjk•aM osQ fVgjh x<+oky {ks=k lq/kjd Fks] ftUgksaus o"kZ 1866 esa ^Hkkjro"khZ;
Fks] ftUgksaus 1886 esa f•rkc thrkA orZ
esa fd;k tkrk gSA czã lekt* dh LFkkiuk dhA os /kfeZd lqèkkjfMax fyjsu fo'o pSafi;u gSaA
• Nksfy;k] pkapjh] gqM+dk vkSj NisyhvkSj Hkhlkekftd ifjorZu osQ i{k/j FksA
130. (b) ,ojst iQaD'ku vkWVks le iQaD'ku
mÙkjk•aM ds yksd u`R; gSaA • johaæukFk VSxksj ] ,d çfl¼ dfo vkSj MªkWi&Mkmu esuw esa lwphc¼ gksrk
• NBh u`R;] •ksfj;k u`R;] MSiQ u`R;] xqXxk u`R; FksA og Hkkjrh; lkfgR;
lkfgR;dkj ukscsy
esa ds vkWVksle iQaD'ku dk mi;ksx dj
vkSj iQkx u`R; gfj;k.kk osQ yksd u`R; gSaA iqjLdkjthrus okys igys O;fDr FksA Lopkfyr :i ls lcVksVy x.kuk ntZ dj
• pjdqyk] jklyhyk] dFkd] iQksje] ukSVadh] • nknjk
Lokeh foosdkuan] osnkUr osQ çHkko'kkyh xq#] ldrs gSaA
vkSj dtjh mÙkj çns'k osQ yksd u`R; gSaA us o"kZ 1893 esa f'kdkxks esa gq, fo'o /eZ egklHkk
• iQkbusaf'k;y iQaD'ku os vH;kl vkSj xfrfof
• xjck] MkafM;k] ryokj jkl] fVIik.kh] Mkaxhesa u`R;]
Hkkjr dk çfrfuf/Ro fd;k vkSj o"kZ 1897
gqMks vkSj eVqdMh xqtjkr osQ yksd u`R;esa gSaA gSa] tks ykHk mRiUu djus ds fy, O;olk
jkeÑ".k fe'kudh LFkkiuk dhA
122. (c) mi;ZqDr esa ls Hkkjr G&7
lewg dk 126. (b) Hkkjrh; lafo/ku Hkkx ds foÙkh; lalk/uksa ds çca/u ij dsafær g
osQ III (vuqPNsn
iw.kZdkfyd lnL; ugha gSA 12 ls 35 rd) esa 6 ekSfyd vfèkdkjksa dk ;g foÙkh; lalk/uksa dks çkIr djus vkSj çcaf
• orZeku esaG &7 lewg ds lnL; gSa & dukMk] o.kZu fd;k x;k gSA
djus vkSj vU; O;kolkf;d dk;ks±] fu;kstu
izQkal] la;qÙkQ jk"Vª vesfjdk] fczVsu]6 teZuh] ekSfyd vf/dkj& vkSj fu.kZ; ysus okyh xfrfof/;ksa d
bVyh vkSj tkikuA 1- lerk dk vf/dkj (vuqPNsn 14&18) mRikndrk esa ;ksxnku nsus esa egÙoiw.
• tqykbZ 2024Gesa &7 lEesyu dk vk;kstu gqvk2- Lora=krk dk vf/dkj (vuqPNsn 19&22) bUlVZ iQaD'ku Mk;ykWx ckWDl fn•kr

ftldh estckuh bVyh us dh] bl o"kZ bl lEesyu3- 'kks"k.k osQ fo#¼ vf/dkj (vuqPNsn 23&24) D;k dk;Z miyC/ gSA
dks 50 o"kZ iw.kZ gks x, o"kZ gSaA
G&7vxys 4- /kfeZd Lora=krk dk vf/dkj (vuqPNsn • ewo iQaD'ku dks pykus ls igys vkidks ;
lEesyu] 2025 dh estckuh dukMk djsxkA 25&28) lqfuf'pr djuk gksxk fd y{; iFk ekStwn
• ;g lEesyu] rsy rFkk vU; vkfFkZd ladVksa 5- laLÑfr ,oa f'k{kk ls lacaf/r vf/dkj gSA ;fn y{; iFk dk vafre ?kVd ekStwn
ij ppkZ gsrq loZçFke lu 1975 esa gqvk Fkk (vuqPNsn 29&30) ugha gS] rks ;g iQaD'ku lzksr iFk esa v
rc bl lewg esa 6 ns'k Fks] 1976 esa bl 6- laoS/kfud mipkjksa dk vf/dkj (vuqPNsn 32)}kjk fufnZ"V iQkby ;k iQksYMj dk
lewg esa dukMk dks 'kkfey fd;k x;kA • Hkkx I%la?k vkSj mldk jkT; {ks=k cnydj bl ?kVd ds uke ij j• nsrk gS
• G&7 lEesyu dks igyh ckj izQkal esa vk;ksftr • HkkxII%ukxfjdrk vkSj iQkby ;k iQksYMj dks y{; LFkku
fd;k x;k FkkA • HkkxIV%jkT; osQ uhfr funs'kd fl¼kar ys tkrk gSA
Aditya Ranjan (Excise Inspector) Selected gaS
Selection fnyk,axs

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