Network Analyst
Network Analyst
Network Analyst
knowled ge and experience. QUALIFICATIONS: Extensive knowledge of Enterprise networks and workstations, Windows 2000-Window s 7, Mac OS, Android, printers, PC hardware, Wifi networking, Microsoft Data Pro tection Manager, Symantec Backup Executive, Disaster Recovery IAG and UAG VPN Ap pliance, Microsoft AD and Microsoft Exchange account administration, Citrix, Kas persky Antivirus administration and Microsoft network environments. Thorough und erstanding of Network, server, LAN/WAN, administration, Office 97-2007, Windows server 2000-2008, Novell Netware Administrator, 3COM VOIP NBX Phone administrati on, and Citrix server account administration. Excellent communication, organizat ion, project management and interpersonal skills. Detail-Oriented. Dependable se lf-starter who exceeds expectations. EXPERIENCE: 12/07 to 2/11 COUNTY OF NEVADA, Nevada City, CA
Promoted to Network Systems Analyst. Administer various Backup Systems Microsof t Protection Manager 07, Symantec Backup Executive including Tape libraries and RAID storage devices. Administer AD environment including printers, accounts, sh ares, login scripts, and Exchange 2007. IAG UAG VPN appliances, Citrix admin, Sm artphone Admin, Android, iPhone and Windows Mobile. Effective project manager. W ork with vendors and contractors as needed 3/01 to 12/07 COUNTY OF NEVADA, Nevada City, CA
Computer Services Technician III. Maintain user accounts for Microsoft AD, Mic rosoft Exchange, Nemo, Citrix, Docushare, Flowport and 3Com VOIP NBX telephone s ystems. Liaison with Network Analysts and act as backup when needed. Lead depart mental projects as needed and act as technical lead in departmental projects. Pr ovide after hours support for workstations and Enterprise Network. Active Servic e Desk lead in charge of scheduling Service Desk coverage, assign and maintain w orkload for all other Computer Services technicians. Provide training, support a nd mentorship to other technicians. Work with vendors and contractors as needed . Provide 1st and 2nd level support for software applications, hardware, videoco nferencing software, printer and network connectivity. Manage Kaspersky Antiviru s Enterprise server. Maintain and install workstation operating systems, PC imag ing, software and hardware for 1,000 users in a local government environment. 7/99 to 3/01 FOUNDATION HEALTH SYSTEMS/HEALTH NET, Rancho Cordova, CA Information Security Specialist. Provide 2nd level support for 15,000 users in a fast paced team environment. Create, maintain and delete user accounts for Nov ell, NT, Lotus Notes. Act as 2nd level support for software applications, hardwa re, videoconferencing software, printer and network connectivity. Administer an d grant all user rights and share points. Maintain and install software and har dware such as network interface cards, memory, modems, video cards, SCSI adapter s, CD Rom drives, and hard drives as needed. EDUCATION: Dell Warranty Parts Direct Certification 2006 Certified Novell Network Administrator training, 2002 Mt.Sierra College, Communications/MCSE training, Au. 1992 to June 1998.