Chemistry - Exam N Answers
Chemistry - Exam N Answers
Chemistry - Exam N Answers
Time 2.30 Hours August, 2024
1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of ten (10) questions.
2. Answer all questions.
3. Section A and C carry fifteen (15) marks each and section B carries seventy (70) marks.
4. All writings should be in blue or black ink except diagrams which must be in pencil.
5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the assessment room.
6. Write your Assessment Number at the top right corner of every page.
7. The following atomic masses may be used: O=16, S=32
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Student’s Assessment Number……………………………………………….
SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section
1. For each of the items (i)-(x), choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter in
the table provided below (x).
i. Chemistry subject is divided into different branches; which one among the following deals with
carbon and its compounds?
A. Biochemistry
B. Analytical chemistry
C. Inorganic chemistry
D. Organic chemistry
ii. Which of the following sets of substances are examples of flammable liquids?
A. Petrol, sulphuric acid and methylated spirit
B. Methylated spirit, petrol and kerosene
C. Kerosene, diesel and hot water
D. Petrol, pesticides and hydrogen
iii. Form three students were advised by their chemistry teacher to use powdered chemical during
chemical reaction experiments instead of using crystals. Which apparati they will use to get fine
powder from crystals?
A. Mortar and pestle
B. Mortar and Bunsen burner
C. Crucible and lid
D. Pestle and filter funnel
iv. During the laboratory preparation of oxygen, the volume of water in the water trough increases.
What is the reason behind this fact?
A. Oxygen is soluble in water
B. Oxygen is a colourless gas and have high density
C. Oxygen collected in the gas jar displaces water out of it
D. Oxygen relights a wooden glowing splint
v. You are provided with element Y having two isotopes; 23892Y and 23592Y. How will you
differentiate the two isotopes?
A. 23892Y has 3 more protons and 3 more electrons
B. 23892Y has 3 more protons but no more electrons
C. 23892Y has 3 more neutrons and 3 more electrons
D. 23892Y has 3 more neutrons and no more electrons
vi. When a burning fuel produces blue colour, this means that there is;
A. Adequate supply of oxygen with production of soot
B. Adequate supply of oxygen with production of less heat
C. Inadequate supply of oxygen with production of more heat
D. Adequate supply of oxygen with production of more heat
vii. During the bond formation, some of atoms lose, share or gain electrons in order to become
stable. Which of the following is the group of atoms which lose electron(s) during bond
A. C, Na, Ca and Mg
B. Ne, Na, Mg and K
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Student’s Assessment Number……………………………………………….
C. Na, K, Ca and Ag
D. O, N, Cl and F
viii. Why a mixture containing 200𝑐𝑚3 of alcohol and 150𝑐𝑚3 of water can be separated by using a
fractional distillation?
A. The two component differ in boiling points
B. The two components are liquids at room temperature
C. The two components differ in volume
D. The volume of water is less than the volume of alcohol
ix. Coke is obtained from destructive distillation of coal. What is the aim of the destructive
distillation process of a coal?
A. To add oxygen gas in the furnace
B. To remove the volatile matter
C. To add the volatile matter
D. To remove the oxygen gas from the furnace
x. What will be the formula formed when element W of group II Combines with element Z of
group VII?
B. 𝑊𝑍2
C. 𝑊2 𝑍7
D. 𝑊7 𝑍2
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x.
2. Match the material in LIST A with the correct method of preventing rusting in LIST B by writing the
letter of the correct answer below the item number in the table provided.
i. Iron sheets A. Oiling
ii. Tin cans B. Painting
iii. Bicycle chain C. Electroplating
iv. Handbag and camera D. Galvanization
v. Car bodies E. Alloying
F. Use of silica gel
G. Tin plating
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Student’s Assessment Number……………………………………………….
SECTION B (70 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section
3. (a) Suppose you have been appointed by a chemistry teacher to prepare a morning speech basing on
different definitions in “Laboratory techniques and safety”. Elaborate on how you would prepare your
presentation on the following concepts;
i. A laboratory
ii. A laboratory rule
iii. A laboratory measure
4. (a) You have been provided an isotope of carbon with mass number of 13 and atomic number of 6.
i. Write its nuclide notation
ii. How many electrons does it have?
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Student’s Assessment Number……………………………………………….
iii. How many protons does it have?
iv. How many neutrons does it possess?
5. (a) Assume you are conducting an experiment in a chemistry laboratory, name one apparatus that could
be used for each of the following functions;
i. Measuring a specific volume of a liquid ____________________________________________
ii. Measuring accurate volume of a liquid______________________________________________
iii. Measuring temperature of a body__________________________________________________
iv. Condensing hot vapour__________________________________________________________
v. Collecting a gas during its preparation______________________________________________
(b) A chemistry teacher asked form two students to propose a fuel to be used to the school kitchen.
As one among the form two students, what criteria would you consider in proposing a good fuel to
be used in a school kitchen? Provide five (5) points.
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Student’s Assessment Number……………………………………………….
6. (a) There has been a certain disease facing Mwendapole village for many years. As an expert, you have
been chosen to find out the solution of the problem, what steps would you follow? Give six (6) steps.
(b) For each of the following statements, give one reason to support it;
i. Coal and petroleum are non-renewable sources of energy.
ii. Helium is used in filling weather balloons than hydrogen.
iii. Group VIII do not form compounds
iv. Water acts as a universal solvent.
(b) Differentiate three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas) by basing on the following properties;
shape and movement of particles.
Property Solid state Liquid state Gas state
Movement of
8. (a) Sodium combines with chlorine to form sodium chloride while carbon combines with sulphur to
form carbon disulphide. Basing on the bond formation, give five (5) differences between the two
compounds formed.
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Student’s Assessment Number……………………………………………….
S/N Sodium chloride Carbon disulphide
i. ………………………………………………………………………………
ii. ………………………………………………………………………………
iii. ………………………………………………………………………………
iv. ………………………………………………………………………………
v. ………………………………………………………………………………
9. (a) Write the chemical formula for each of the following compounds;
Compound name Chemical formula
Sodium carbonate
Aluminium sulphate
(b) A compound of sulphur and oxygen is 40.1% sulphur by mass. If the compound has the
molecular mass of 80, calculate its molecular formula.
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Student’s Assessment Number……………………………………………….
SECTION C (15 Marks)
Answer question ten (10)
10. Gas B is prepared in the laboratory by the decomposition of potassium chlorate (V) in the presence of a
catalyst Q.
a) Give the name of;
i. Gas B ____________________________________________
ii. Catalyst Q__________________________________________
b) Write the formula of;
i. Potassium chlorate (V) ________________________________
ii. Catalyst Q __________________________________________
c) State three chemical properties of gas B.
d) Draw a well-labeled diagram representing the preparation of gas B by using the chemicals provided
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LIST A i ii iii iv v
1mark@=05 total marks
3. (a)
i. A laboratory is a special room or building designed and used for scientific experiments.
ii. A laboratory rule is a set of regulations governing practical activities in the laboratory.
iii. A laboratory measure is the condition in which measures of risk are avoided during laboratory
iv. A chemistry laboratory is a special room or building designed and used for chemistry experiments.
v. A chemistry apparatus is a special tool or equipment used in a chemistry laboratory.
i. It help to produce basic human needs like food, shelters and clothes.
ii. It enables a person to change natural resources into useful ones.
iii. It answers question about nature of things. Example; why iron undergoes rusting?
iv. It help to conserve our environment
v. It help in manufacturing of detergents which are used for cleaning.
vi. It leads the production of fertilizers used in agriculture.
vii. It help in manufacturing of medicines which are used to cure people.
Any five points 1mark@=05 total marks
4. (a) You have been provided an isotope of carbon with mass number of 13 and atomic number of 6.
i. ………………………01mark
ii. 6 electrons………………01 mark
iii. Atomic number=Protons number
Protons number=6………01 mark
iv. A=Z + N
Neutrons number =7……01 mark
v. 2:4……………………….01 mark
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(b) Give the modification of the following Dalton’s atomic theory
(c) are isotopes of Z because they have the same atomic number but different in mass
number………………………………01 mark
5. (a)
i. Pipette
ii. Burette or measuring cylinder
iii. Thermometer
iv. Liebig condenser
v. Gas jar
1mark@=05 total marks
i. They cannot be replaced or replenished within a short period of time.
ii. Helium is a non-combustible gas but hydrogen is highly flammable.
iii. They are stable because their outermost shells are full of electrons.
iv. Water dissolves many substances than any other liquid.
7. (a)
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Sub-atomic particle Location Charge Relative mass
Proton In the nucleus 1 1
Neutron In the nucleus 0 1
Electron Outside the nucleus (in -1
the shells)
1mark@=04total marks
1mark@=06total marks
8. (a) Differences between electrovalent compound (sodium chloride) and covalent compound (carbon
S/N Sodium chloride (Electrovalent compound) Carbon disulphide (Covalent compound)
i Have high melting and boiling points Have low melting and boiling points
ii Can conduct electricity when in solution or Cannot conduct electricity
molten state
iii It is a crystalline solid at room temperature It is a gas at room temperature
iv Soluble in water Insoluble in water
v Formed by transfer of electrons Formed by sharing of electrons
01mark@=05total marks
(b) .
i. Connect the Bunsen to the gas supply
ii. Close the air holes of a Bunsen burner
iii. Put on the gas tap
iv. Light on the match stick and use it to light the Bunsen burner
v. Adjust the metal ring (collar) to obtain non luminous flame.
(1 mark @ total 5 marks)
9. (a)
Compound name Chemical formula
Sodium carbonate
Aluminium sulphate
1mark@=03 total marks
40.1% + X=100%
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Second stage: To calculate empirical formula of a compound
Percentage of oxygen=59.9%
Percentage of sulphur=40.1%
RAM of Sulphur=32
RAM of Oxygen=40.1%
Whole number 1 3
The empirical formula of a compound is …………………..01mark
but ………………….0.5mark
M.F=1 ( )
10. (a)
i. Gas B is oxygen…………………………..01mark
ii. Catalyst Q is manganese (IV) oxide………01mark
i. ………………………………………01mark
ii. ……………………………………….01mark
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ii. Reacts with metals to form basic oxides.
iii. Reacts with non-metals to form acidic oxides.
iv. It is a strong oxidizing agent.
v. It reacts with iron in the presence of water to form rust.
Any three point; 1mark@=03 total marks
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