West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board: Rupanna DB-118, Sector-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board: Rupanna DB-118, Sector-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board: Rupanna DB-118, Sector-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064
DB-118, Sector-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064
Website: www.wbjeeb.nic.in, www.wbjeeb.in
JEEB/Reg-165/24 Dated:26/10/2024
The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) is empowered to conduct
Common Entrance Examinations for selection of candidates for admission to undergraduate
and postgraduate Professional, Vocational and General Degree Courses in the State of West
Bengal and to conduct on-line counselling process or otherwise adopting a single-window
Accordingly, candidates must appear in the State Common Entrance Examination, or
ANM(R)&GNM-2024, and obtain a valid rank in order to be admitted to the ANM(R) & GNM
Courses in any of the various Government/ Self-financing Colleges/ Institutions in the State of
West Bengal. The results of the ANM & GNM-2024 examination, which was conducted on
August 4, 2024, are now available. The WBJEEB will now start the process of centralised online
counselling, or e-counselling.
The e-counselling process will guide students on how to choose their colleges and courses
based on their exam ranks. Students need to read this noti3ication carefully and stay updated
with any new notices, if any. By registering for e-counselling, students agree to follow all the
rules and guidelines provided by the Board. Students need to understand these rules to avoid
any confusion. The Board will not be responsible if students do not understand the rules
This noti3ication aims to ensure a fair and smooth admission process, giving all eligible students
an equal chance to get into their desired courses and colleges.
3. All candidates Class 10th admit card/ birth certificate for verification of
date of birth.
4. All candidates Class 12th mark sheet.
c) All candidates who have exited/withdrawn from the e-counselling system due to
various reasons during previous round (s) are not eligible for Mop-Up round.
Candidates may have automatic seat category up gradation in same institute and in
same course, if such vacancies arise.
e) Refund and withdrawal:
i.Once all the rounds of e-counselling are over, the candidates who have been admitted
will have their seat acceptance fee sent to the institution that admitted them. If a
candidate changes his or her mind about joining or continuing at the institute, he or she
must ask the institute to cancel the admission and give the candidate a refund. In this
case, WBJEEB is not responsible or accountable, and they will not respond to any
inquiries about it.
ii.Students who have paid the seat acceptance fee and currently hold a seat can withdraw
only during the seat acceptance period of Round 2. If they withdraw, they will get a full
refund through online banking within 60-90 days after all counseling rounds end.
Students don't need to contact WBJEEB for this refund. However, after withdrawing,
these students cannot get any seat in future rounds.
iii.A student could also get a refund if they pay the seat acceptance fee but do not complete
admission or withdrawal. The candidate has to follow by the refund Rules published in
the notice section of the Board's website. This reimbursement is made in accordance
with current regulations (as suggested by appropriate regulatory bodies).
9.0 Eligibility criteria: See section 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 of the Information Bulletin.
10.0 Reservation and domicile criteria: See section 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 10.1, 11.0, 12.0
the Information Bulletin.
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board
I, _____________________________________________________________________, a candidate of
WBJEEB ANM(R)&GNM examination 2024, Roll No. ___________________________ of
ANM(R)&GNM-2024, Rank No. _______________ solemnly undertake that the information provided during
enrolment process are true to the best of my knowledge and if it is found that I have deliberately provided any
misinformation or falsification or fabrication of documents or undertook any unfair means, any candidature
shall be cancelled at once and I shall not be allowed to participate further in any counselling process of
(Signature of the Candidate)
Date: Roll No. _______________