West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board: Rupanna DB-118, Sector-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064

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West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board

DB-118, Sector-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064
Website: www.wbjeeb.nic.in, www.wbjeeb.in

JEEB/Reg-165/24 Dated:26/10/2024

This notice is published for advance information to candidates

NOTIFICATION for E-Counselling, ANM(R)&GNM-2024

The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) is empowered to conduct
Common Entrance Examinations for selection of candidates for admission to undergraduate
and postgraduate Professional, Vocational and General Degree Courses in the State of West
Bengal and to conduct on-line counselling process or otherwise adopting a single-window
Accordingly, candidates must appear in the State Common Entrance Examination, or
ANM(R)&GNM-2024, and obtain a valid rank in order to be admitted to the ANM(R) & GNM
Courses in any of the various Government/ Self-financing Colleges/ Institutions in the State of
West Bengal. The results of the ANM & GNM-2024 examination, which was conducted on
August 4, 2024, are now available. The WBJEEB will now start the process of centralised online
counselling, or e-counselling.

The e-counselling process will guide students on how to choose their colleges and courses
based on their exam ranks. Students need to read this noti3ication carefully and stay updated
with any new notices, if any. By registering for e-counselling, students agree to follow all the
rules and guidelines provided by the Board. Students need to understand these rules to avoid
any confusion. The Board will not be responsible if students do not understand the rules

This noti3ication aims to ensure a fair and smooth admission process, giving all eligible students
an equal chance to get into their desired courses and colleges.

The following rules and guidelines will be followed for e-counselling.

Rules and guidelines

1.0 a) All aspects of the counselling (registration, choice filling, allotment, payment of seat
acceptance fee, provisional admission etc.) will be in centralized online process only.
b) The counselling will be for admission in the institutes and courses as mentioned in the
approved seat matrix received from the Dept. of H&FW, Govt. of WB and published at the
Board’s web site.
c) Any candidate meeting the eligibility criteria and securing a rank (GMR) in the common
entrance Examination ANM(R)&GNM-2024 held for the purpose can register for
d) There will be three rounds of counselling namely, Allotment, Upgradation and Mop-Up.

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e) Registration is mandatory for e-counselling and admission. A candidate not
registered within the pre-declared period of registration will not be considered for
allotment of any seat in any round under any circumstances.
f) Registration fee for e-counselling is ₹500 (Rupees five hundred only) except Mop-up
round, which is not refundable under any circumstances.
g) The Board will not convert/de-reserve any vacant seat in any reserved categories i.e., SC,
ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, EWS Civil Defence, Orphanages & Inmates of destitute Homes, PwD etc.
to general/unreserved category in any round of this counselling.
h) Only female candidates are eligible for admission in ANM course.
i) Male candidates are eligible for admission in only GNM course in Male institutes.
j) Female candidates are eligible for admission in GNM Courses except Male institutes.
2.0 Registration:
a) Candidates need to provide necessary personal details, academic details, bank account
details (for in case of any refund), address, etc.
b) Candidate must provide his/her application number/roll number for ANM(R)&GNM-
2024 and provide following information.
1. Passing status, full marks and obtained marks in class 12.
2. Passing status, full marks and obtained marks in English in class 12.
c) Candidates must be very cautious at the time of providing various information during
registration. There is no provision to make any correction/editing after final submission
of the registration by the candidate. Hence if no choice of college/course is available to
the candidate OR no seat is allotted due to wrong input given by the candidate, WBJEEB
will not be legally responsible for such wrong input given by a candidate and any of its
after effect.
3.0 Choice filling:
a) During registration, once academic scores are given and registration fee paid, the
candidate can view all choices of institutes and courses available to him/her according to
his/her eligibility criteria based on the inputs provided by him/her.
b) After selecting institutes/courses, the candidate will arrange his/her choices in order of
his/her priority.
c) If a candidate does not give any choice, obviously he/she will not be given any allotment.
d) Candidates must be very judicious and cautious while selecting the choices.
Candidates are advised to select maximum/all possible institutes/ branches. This ensures
that he/she always gets an allotment.
4.0 Choice locking:
a) Candidate must lock his/her choices within the pre-announced date. Candidate can also
take a printout of his/her locked choices.
b) If a candidate fails/forgets to lock his/her choices within the pre-announced deadline,
his/her last saved choices will be considered final and will be locked automatically
after the scheduled date and time.

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c) If a candidate fails/forgets to ‘save’ his/her choices within the pre- announced deadline,
his/her un-saved choices will be disappeared. In consequence of that he/she will
not get any allotment for admission.
5.0 Round-1: Allotment.
a) Allotment of 1st round will be declared on a pre-scheduled date.
b) Allotment is given based on the inputs provided by the candidate. If at any stage it is
found on scrutiny by any concerned authority that the applicant is not eligible for the
allotment, his/her allotment/ admission shall be treated as cancelled.
c) Candidates will login to check their allotment. The allotment status will show the institute
and course in which he/she has been allotted a seat.
d) The candidate must pay a seat acceptance fee of ₹1000/- (Rupees one thousand only),
download the allotment letter. If the candidate fails to pay the seat acceptance fee, the
current allotment will be cancelled, and he/she will not be considered for seat allotment
in any future round, i.e. EXIT.
e) After paying the seat acceptance fee, the candidate must note his/her Unique Allotment
ID (from Candidates LogIn), which he/she will need to disclose to the concerned
admission officer of the allotted Institute for confirming his/her admission. Candidates
are advised not to disclose the Unique Allotment ID to any other person except the
admission officer of the allotted Institute.
f) After downloading the allotment letter, the candidate must report to the allotted institute
with the allotment letter and all other documents for verification. If the candidate fails to
report for document verification, the current allotment will be cancelled and he/she will
not be considered for seat allotment in any future round i.e. EXIT.
5.1 Document verification:
a) Allotment is given based on the inputs provided by the candidate. Document
verification is the responsibility of the allotted Institute. WBJEEB will not be
responsible for any mistake in document verification and subsequent admission.
b) Candidates will personally report to the institute (where he/she has been allotted a
seat) within the days as notified, carrying printed copies of their allotment letters and
all academic and other documents for physical verification of documents by the
c) Candidates should contact the Institute in advance and visit their web site to
know their timings and detail requirements for admission.
d) All documents must be valid as on the date of verification.
e) Candidates must carry following documents in original and one self-attested copy
of each.
1. All candidates Provisional Seat Allotment Letter.

2. All candidates Rank card.

3. All candidates Class 10th admit card/ birth certificate for verification of
date of birth.
4. All candidates Class 12th mark sheet.

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5. All candidates Domicile certificate as per APPENDIX-1 or APPENDIX-2 of
Information Bulletin. Reserved category candidates can
produce their category certificate (issued by the
appropriate Authority of the Govt. of W.B) in lieu of required
domicile certificate (if they don’t have).
In such case, if the category certificate is rejected during
verification, then domicile status will also be converted to
non-West Bengal.
6. SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B Respective category certificate as per Sections 7.0 and
candidates 8.0 of Information Bulletin. Candidates having OBC
certificates (NCL) issued before 31.12.2009 should have
them revalidated from the issuing authority, with either
OBC-A(NCL) or OBC-B (NCL) category clearly mentioned.
NCL (Non-Creamy Layer) Certificate has to be issued on or
after 01.04.2024 by the competent authority.
7. EWS candidates EWS certificate as per section 9.0 of InformationBulletin.
8. PwD candidates PwD certificate as per Section 10.0. PwD status must be
verified by IPGMER-SSKM Hospital, Kolkata.
9. Female candidates Orphanage and inmate-ship certificate as per section 12.0
belonging to of Information Bulletin.
orphanages and
inmates of destitute
Homes recognized by
the Social Welfare
Department, Govt. of
West Bengal.
10. Civil Defence Civil Defence Certificate as per section 11.0 of
volunteers under Information Bulletin.
Home (Civil Defence)
Department, Govt. of
West Bengal
11. All candidates Candidates must note from the web site his/her Unique
Allotment ID which will be required by the concerned
admission officer of the Institute at the final stage of
12. All candidates Must carry mobile phone with the MOBILE number
registered during application at the final stage of
admission confirmation.
13. All candidates An Undertaking from the candidate as per Proforma :
Annexure-I of this Notification.
14. All candidates A Medical Fitness Certificate in the format given in
Appendix-3 of the Information Bulletin.
Document verification can have following outcomes:

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a) If the verification is successful, the candidate will give his/her upgradation choice as YES
or NO.
i) If the candidate has been allotted a seat of his/her first choice, then after successful
document verification, he/she must opt for NO upgradation and complete all admission
formalities (PI reporting) at the respective institute and collect signed Physical Reporting
Receipt. Of course, such candidates CAN NOT participate in any further round. On the other
hand, if the candidate does not complete admission formalities (PI reporting), he/she will
be debarred from any seat allotment in any future round including Mop-up (EXIT).
ii) If the candidate has been allotted a seat of his/her second or later choices, then after
successful document verification, h e/she can opt for NO upgradation, if he/she wishes
and complete admission procedures. Such candidates also cannot participate in the
Mop-Up round. But if the candidate opts for NO upgradation and then does not complete
admission procedure, he/she will be debarred from any seat allotment in any future round
including Mop-up (EXIT).
iii) If the candidate has been allotted a seat of his/her second or later choices, then
after successful document verification, he/she can also opt for YES upgradation and do not
take admission in the1st round, such candidates will be considered for possible up-gradation
in 2nd round.
b) After successful document verification, if the candidate neither opt for YES
upgradation nor NO upgradation, he/she will be considered not interested in admission and
will be debarred from any seat allotment in any future round including Mop-up (EXIT).
c) Present allotment may be cancelled, if it is found that the candidate is not eligible for
the present allotment due to his/her actual academic scores, category certificates, etc.
Such candidates will be automatically considered in next round with their revised
academic scores/category etc.

6.0 Round-2: Upgradation.

a) Following groups of candidates who have already successfully registered in Round-1 will
be considered in Round-2 namely,
i) Those who did not get any allotment in Round-1.
ii) Those who paid seat acceptance fee, completed document verification, and opted
for YES-upgradation in Round-1.
iii) Those who paid seat acceptance fee, completed document verification but
allotment in Round-1 was cancelled due to various valid reasons, other than
academic eligibility.

b) The allotment will be declared on the prescheduled date.

c) All candidate must note his/her Unique Allotment ID (from candidate’s login), which
he/she will need to disclose to the concerned admission officer of the allotted Institute for
confirming his/her admission. Candidates are advised not to disclose the Unique Allotment
ID to any other person except the admission officer of the allotted Institute.
d) It is essential to note that if the seat is upgraded, the earlier allotment will be cancelled
and the seat w i l l b e allotted to other deserving candidates as per merit. As such, the
candidate cannot reverse the upgradation i.e. he/she cannot claim his/her earlier allotment

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back. On the other hand, if the seat is not upgraded, the earlier seat would remain
6.1 reserved/retained.
Outcomes of Round-2 Allotment:
There can be following outcomes of round -2 allotment:
i) Allotment is up-graded to candidate’s 1st choice: The candidate need not pay seat
acceptance fee again, but he/she must download new allotment letter and report to the
newly allotted institute and complete all admission formalities (PI reporting). Such
candidates cannot participate in the Mop-Up round. On the other hand, if the candidate
does not complete admission formalities (PI Reporting), he/she will be debarred from
any seat allotment in Mop-up round (EXIT).
ii) Allotment is up-graded but to candidate’s 2nd or later choice: (a)Such candidates may
decide to join the institute of upgraded allotment and complete all admission formalities (PI
reporting) for which he/she must download new allotment letter and report to the newly
allotted institute. In such case the candidates cannot participate in the Mop-Up round.
(b)On the other hand, they may decide not to join the institute of upgraded allotment. In
such case, the candidates can participate in the Mop-up round, but earlier seat will be
iii) Allotment is not up-graded at all: (a) Such candidates may decide to join the institute
of earlier allotment and complete all admission formalities (PI reporting). In such case the
candidates cannot participate in the Mop-Up round. (b) On the other hand, they may decide
not to join the institute of earlier allotment. In such cases the candidates can participate in
the Mop-Up round but earlier seat will be forfeited.
iv) Candidate’s allotment in Round-1 was cancelled during document verification but
allotted again in Round -2
(a) Allotment in 1st choice: The candidate must report to the allotted institute with the
allotment letter and all other documents. If the verification is successful, he/she must
complete admission (PI Reporting) in the institute. They cannot participate in Mop-Up
round. Otherwise, if they do not complete admission (PI Reporting), it will be considered
that he/she is not interested in admission and will be debarred from any seat allotment in
Mop-up round (EXIT). Present allotment may be cancelled if the candidate is found ineligible
for it by his/her actual academic scores, category certificates, etc. Such candidates can
participate in Mop-up round.
(b) Allotment other than 1st choice: i ) The candidate must report to the allotted institute
with the allotment letter and all other documents for verification. If the verification
is successful, he/she may complete admission (PI Reporting) in the institute. He/she cannot
participate in Mop-Up round. If he/she did not take admission, in such case he/she will
be able to participate in Mop-up round, but his/her earlier seat will be forfeited. ii) If the
candidate does not report in the allotted institute for document verification in the
allotted institute, in such case the candidates will be debarred from Mop-Up round (EXIT).
v) Candidate did not get any allotment in Round-1 and get fresh allotment in Round-2
a) The candidate must pay a seat acceptance fee of ₹1000/- (Rupees one thousand only),
download the allotment letter. Otherwise, the allotment will be cancelled, and he/she will be
debarred from any seat allotment in any future round (EXIT).
b) After payment of seat acceptance fee and downloading the allotment letter, the candidate
must report to the allotted institute with the allotment letter and all other original documents

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for verification. Otherwise, the allotment will be cancelled, and he/she will be debarred from
any seat allotment in any future round (EXIT). (i) Present allotment may be cancelled if the
candidate is found not eligible for it by his/her actual academic scores, category certificates,
etc. Such candidates can participate in Mop-Up round. (ii) If the verification is successful, and
he/she has been allotted a seat in his/her first choice, he/she must take admission (PI
Reporting) in the allotted institute. They cannot participate in Mop-Up round. Otherwise, if
they do not take admission, it will be considered that he/she is not interested in admission
and will be debarred from any seat allotment in Mop-Up round (EXIT). (iii) If the verification
is successful, and he/she has been allotted a seat in his/her 2nd or later choices, he/she may
complete admission (PI Reporting) in the institute. In such case he/she is not entitled to
participate in Mop-up round. On the other hand, if the candidate does not complete admission
(PI Reporting), in such case, he/she can participate in Mop-Up round but earlier seat will be
7.0 Mop-up Round
a) Participation in Mop-Up round is optional.
b) Following groups of candidates are eligible for Mop-up Round:
i) Those who did not get any allotment in Round-1 and Round-2.
ii) Those who paid seat acceptance fee, completed document verification, and did not take
admission in Round-1 or Round-2.
iii) Those who paid seat acceptance fee, completed document verification but allotment
in Round-2 was cancelled due to various valid reasons, other than academic eligibility.
iv)Candidates not registered earlier (Fresh candidate).

c) All candidates who have exited/withdrawn from the e-counselling system due to
various reasons during previous round (s) are not eligible for Mop-Up round.

d) A previously registered candidate is required to pay a fee of ₹200 (Rupees two

hundred only) and confirm his/her willingness to participate in the mop-up round. Once
a candidate confirms his/her participation in Mop-Up round, the decision cannot be
e) A new candidate (previously not registered) is required to pay a fee of ₹700 (Rupees
seven hundred only) for registration.
f) All participants (previously registered and newly registered) in the Mop-Up round
will have to give their choices of institutes/branches afresh.
g) The candidate must cautiously note that if he/she wants to participate in the Mop-Up
round, his/her earlier allotment, if any, will automatically be cancelled and the vacant
seat w i l l b e allotted to another deserving candidate. The candidate can never claim
his/her earlier seat back.
h) If the candidate has paid the seat acceptance fee (₹1000) in earlier round(s) but did not
took admission and a new seat is allotted in the Mop-Up round, the seat acceptance fee
paid by him/her earlier will be considered for the new institute.
i) There will be only one Mop-Up round and it will be the last and final round of e-
counselling conducted by WBJEEB. Thereafter, WBJEEB will hand over the database of
e-counselling to the concerned Authority for appropriate action at their end.
7.1 Mop-Up round process:
There can be following different outcomes of the allotment of Mop-Up round.

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a) The candidate must note his/her Unique Allotment ID (from candidate’s login), which
he/she will need to disclose to the concerned admission officer of the allotted Institute
for confirming his/her admission. Candidates are advised not to disclose the Unique
Allotment ID to any other person except the admission officer of the allotted Institute.
b) Those who got 1st time allotment in Mop-Up Round must pay seat acceptance fee (₹1000)
and download the allotment letter. Thereafter the candidate will report to the institute
for physical verification of documents. If the documents are accepted, he/she must
complete the admission (PI Reporting) process.
c) Those who have paid seat acceptance fees and verified their documents earlier and get an
allotment in Mop-Up round must complete admission procedure (PI reporting) at the
allotted institute but need not pay seat acceptance fees again.
8.0 General Rules:
a) In case of first-time allotment (may be in any round) it is mandatory to pay seat
acceptance fee (Rs.1000) and report to the allotted institute for document verification
before any further activity.
b) Whenever and wherever a candidate produces documents like allotment letter, locked
choice, upgradation choice letter, provisional admission letter, physical reporting receipt
etc., he/she must produce the original document printed by the ‘print’ link. Screen shots
or photographs of the screen etc. are not acceptable as a valid document.
c) Help Desk:
Candidates can contact the Help Desk t o l l f re e n o . 1800 1234 782 (Extn-2) or mail
to: i n f o @ w b j e e b . i n
d) Automatic seat category up gradation:

Candidates may have automatic seat category up gradation in same institute and in
same course, if such vacancies arise.
e) Refund and withdrawal:
i.Once all the rounds of e-counselling are over, the candidates who have been admitted
will have their seat acceptance fee sent to the institution that admitted them. If a
candidate changes his or her mind about joining or continuing at the institute, he or she
must ask the institute to cancel the admission and give the candidate a refund. In this
case, WBJEEB is not responsible or accountable, and they will not respond to any
inquiries about it.
ii.Students who have paid the seat acceptance fee and currently hold a seat can withdraw
only during the seat acceptance period of Round 2. If they withdraw, they will get a full
refund through online banking within 60-90 days after all counseling rounds end.
Students don't need to contact WBJEEB for this refund. However, after withdrawing,
these students cannot get any seat in future rounds.
iii.A student could also get a refund if they pay the seat acceptance fee but do not complete
admission or withdrawal. The candidate has to follow by the refund Rules published in
the notice section of the Board's website. This reimbursement is made in accordance
with current regulations (as suggested by appropriate regulatory bodies).
9.0 Eligibility criteria: See section 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 of the Information Bulletin.
10.0 Reservation and domicile criteria: See section 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 10.1, 11.0, 12.0
the Information Bulletin.

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11.0 Seat Matrix: Information on availability of seats in various institutions/ courses/ categories
as provided by the Dept. of H&FW, Govt. of WB is given in the Seat-Matrix in Board’s web site.
12.0 Legal Jurisdiction:
a) WBJEEB is obliged to share with any candidate any information about his/her own status
in common entrance test and counselling, for which any candidate can contact WBJEEB
individually and personally. But WBJEEB is unable to share any information about any
other candidate.
All matters pertaining to conduct of ANM(R)&GNM–2024 e-counselling shall fall within the
jurisdiction of Calcutta only. The Board will not be a party pertaining to any dispute arising
in the process of admission to any course of study through ANM(R)&GNM–2024.

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board

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I, _____________________________________________________________________, a candidate of
WBJEEB ANM(R)&GNM examination 2024, Roll No. ___________________________ of
ANM(R)&GNM-2024, Rank No. _______________ solemnly undertake that the information provided during
enrolment process are true to the best of my knowledge and if it is found that I have deliberately provided any
misinformation or falsification or fabrication of documents or undertook any unfair means, any candidature
shall be cancelled at once and I shall not be allowed to participate further in any counselling process of

(Signature of the Candidate)
Date: Roll No. _______________

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