Earth Science Quarter 1 Week 1.2: Capslet
Earth Science Quarter 1 Week 1.2: Capslet
Earth Science Quarter 1 Week 1.2: Capslet
Week 1.2
Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment
Science QUARTER 1 WEEK 1 DAY ____________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy
TOPIC Earth’s Subsystems
LEARNING 2. Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose
COMPETENCY boundaries matter and energy flow. (S11ES-Ib-4)
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Learner’s
Activity and Assessment Sheets provided separately.
Earth’s subsystems
These spheres are so closely connected that a change in one sphere often results in a
change in one or more of the other spheres. Such changes that take place within an
ecosystem are referred to as events.
A. Write as much sphere interaction you can infer from the picture. Write your answer
in the space provided below the picture.
Possible interactions:
B. Beside each interaction, write the two spheres that are interacting.
1. A person gets caught in the rain- _Sample answer: Biosphere and Hydrosphere____
2. A bird flying __________________________________________________________
3. A volcano erupts and gases enter the air-____________________________________
4. Plants get nutrients from the soil for growth- _________________________________
5. Humans breathe oxygen to survive- ________________________________________
Key Points
Let’s see how much have you learned today!
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets.)
Test I- Items 1-5
Directions: Choose and encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
1. What Earth's sphere is composed of a mixture 5. How is water distributed through the
of gases? biosphere?
a. atmosphere a. condensation
a. b. biosphere a. b. hydrologic cycle
b. c. hydrosphere b. c. perspiration
c. d. geosphere d. flooding
2. A glacier is a large mass of ice that moves
over land. It changes the shape of the land as it
moves. One way a glacier changes the shape of Test II-Items 6-10
the land is in the process of plucking. The weight Directions: Write as much sphere
of the glacier can break apart the rocks interaction you can infer from the
picture. Write your answer in the space
underneath it. The rocks freeze to the bottom of
provided below the picture.
the glacier. The glacier, then carries the rocks
with it as it slowly moves.
"Human Population". 2020. Classzone.Com.
Religioso, Teresita. 2016. Earth And Life Science. Quezon City: Phoenix
Publishing, Inc.