Beni-Suef University.
Faculty of Sciences.
Level Fourth
Semester 2
epartment Chemistry Geology
Course Name Phanerozoic of Egypt
Code G401
National ID 29611242200053
course Summer course
List of Content.
page number Content
Key words.
1- Ring complex 4- Mishbeh
2- Abu Khruq 5- Mansouri
3- Gezira 6- Tarbtie
The ring complex is rocks consisting of Basalt ,Andisite,Rhyolite,and
Nepheline syanite and their volcanic equivalents. This rocks are rich with
Al . They are circular to elliptical in plane, a few kilometers in diameter.
They’re all arranged in concentric fashion . Their age is Jurassic to upper
cretaceous related to the early stage of Syrian arc system. The Ring
complex in Egypt is intrude a dominantly proterozoic basement of
gneisses ,meta sediments , island arc volcanics and older granitoides.
They’re associated with the east African rift system (ElRamly et al 1971).
The first Ring complex in Egypt is Abu Khruq (found as mass of
nepheline syenite).(Akaad and El Ramly 1962).
The first to identify Abu Khruq is Barthoux (1922).
Group one (Abu Khruq type)
Is well defined ring nature with wide range of rock types with Ne.
1- Abu Khruq
2- El Naga
3- Nigrub
Group two ( Gezira type).
Is well defined ring nature with wide range of rock types with out Ne .
El Gezira
This complex measures some 3.5 km across, and is built up of an outer ring of cone
gabbro occurs between the two rings, probably as a lopolith. A finer grained variety
of this essexite gabbro occurs as a body of essexite diabase taking part in the
formation of the volcanic cone. The central mass is of alkaline syenite intruded into
the volcanics. A small stock of pegmatoidal alkaline syenite occupies the north-
eastern part of the complex. Several microsyenite dykes intrude the complex with
Is poorly defined ring nature with limited range of rock types with Ne .
1- Mishbeh
2- Wadi Dib
Mishbeh ring complex .
thick ring-dyke of alkaline syenite, enclosing four smaller ring masses within.
The ring nature is only indicated by ring fractures, and the whole of Mishbeh is
preserved only in the north-western part of the complex and are represented by
a core of country rocks enclosed within the syenite dyke. Nepheline syenites
occur as a small stock of umptekite and ditroite cut by litchfieldite veins that
Is poorly defined ring nature with limited range of rock types with out Ne.
1- Mansouri
2- Hadayib
3- Umm Risha
The cone volcanics are represented by vent agglomerates of trachytic
country are known. They form a broken ring to its north, an arcuate body, 3 km
long and 300 m wide, to its south-east and many stocks to its west and south-west. A
number of carbonatite dykes occur in the wadi to the north-west of the ring complex.
These do not extend through the syenite mass and therefore it is reasonable to
assume that the carbonatites are older than the ring complex.
The carbonatites are mainly s6vites, but some magnesite-forsterite varieties occur
, and these are usually yellow to green in colour, due to the serpentinization of the
olivine. In the carbonatite mass west of Mansouri a banded variety is present where
calcite bands alternate with black bands of titanomagnetite rich in Nb. In a recent
study, niocalite, CagNb (Co, F)3 (SIO4)2 was identified in some of these carbonates
(Hashad 1980).
Is Ring dyke with limited range of rock types with out Ne.
1- Tarbtie south
2- Tarbtie North
Tarbtie South ring complex
The ring complexes in Egypt were earlier believed to be of Late Mesozoic to early
Tertiary age (El Ramly et al. 1971) . with K-Ar whole-rock ages ranging from 41 to
87 Ma (El Ramly 1963). It was assumed that all the ring complex of Egypt were of
the same age.
The K-At ages on mineral separates (biotite and hornblende) yielded ages that range
from 554 Ma (for Wadi Dib) to 89 Ma (for AbuKhruq), i.e. from the Cambrian to
Rb-Sr ages were obtained for some of the complexes (Fig. 2) and are in good
agreement with the K-Ar ages. It is interesting to note that samples obtained from
the different rock units in any one complex yielded very close ages (within 2 Ma).
This indicates that all the units of a given complex were emplaced within a relatively
short span of time.
The episode of alkaline magmatism in Egypt lasted for a considerable span of time
(from 554 to 89 Ma). In this respect, the Egyptian province is similar to that of
Garder in Greenland (200 Ma), the St. Lawrence (600 Ma) and the East African rift
system (250 Ma) (Currie 1970). During this time span, magmatism was episodic.
Lutz (1979) was the first to suggest, on the basis of simple statistical tests, that a
period of 52 Ma separates each episode from the next. So, if we start with the 38 Ma
(age of the most recent complex in the Uweinat area) and go back in time to 554 Ma
(age of Wadi Dib complex), 11 intrusive cycles are obtained. These are tabulated
with the ages of the complexes believed to have formed during the culmination of
each cycle in table 1.From table 1 it is clear that some of these cycles are not
represented by intrusives. Nevertheless, it is quite possible that such intrusives were
formed but do not crop out on the present day surface of erosion.
Predicted age Observed age Complexes
38 89 Abu Khruq
90 91 Al Kahfa
141 139 Nigrub
191 142 Mishbeh
245 145 EL Naga
296 229 El Gezira
348 351 Tarbtie
399 404 Zagrat
451 503 Niam
510 554 Wadi Dib
Table 1.Comparison of K-At ages and ages predicted from a 51.6 Ma period.
Fig 2. Distribution of tectonic zones in eastern desert of Egypt (after Garson and Krs1976).
This cyclic nature of alkaline magmatism is not unique to the ring complexes of
Egypt, analogues were observed in the White Mountains and the Monteregian Hills
of New England and Canada (Foland and Faul 1977). No simple and clear
geographic pattern of distribution of the ages is readily available .
Never less The ring complexes of Nigrub E1 Fogani (139 Ma), Mishbeh (142 Ma),
El Naga (145 Ma) and E1 Gezira (229 Ma), which lie along a N 60°E lineament,
display an increasing age sequence as one moves away from the present day Red
Sea rift.
El Ramly et al. (1971) stated that the distribution of the ring complexes in Egypt
follows certain trends.
For example,the Abu Khruq, El Kahfa, Zargat, Niam, Nigrub, El Tahtani and Nigrub
E1Fogani complexes lie along a NW-trending line, and those of Mansouri, E1 Naga,
Mishbeh and Nigrub El Fogani lie on a NE-trend. The largest ring complexes are
those found where the two trends intersect. It was also stressed that ring complexes
are "restricted to crests of anticlines due to the high degree of fracturing along these
crests" (El Ramly et al. 1970, 1971).
Garson and Krs (1976) subsequently suggested that the distribution of the ring
complexes in Egypt is controlled by N60°E crustal block faults and shear
zones, and N30°W deep-seated tectonic zones related to the opening of
the Red Sea (Fig. 2). The best example for these features is the N60°E
trend along which lie the ring complexes mentioned in the previous
On a global scale, most of the continental provinces of alkaline rocks are
located in cratons, i.e. tectonically stable regions of the crust (Sorensen
1974). Moreover, the association of most of these alkaline provinces with
zones of rift is well established, e.g. East Africa, asia, the Rhine and the
Monteregian Provinces. These zones of rift are the fractured crests of
crustal arches. Hence, the Egyptian ring complexes can be related to
swells or arches in the crust essentially distributed at random, but
with some alignment along lines of weakness which probably existed
since Precambrian times and which suffered frequent rejuvenation. In this
connection, it is interesting to note that El Sharkawi and El Rabfia (1976)
related the alkaline rocks of the Nuba Mountains in the Sudan to a NE-
trending fault, along which earthquakes took place as recently as 1966.
The cause of the swells and updomings of the crust is thought to be an
intraplate mantle hot spot (Wright 1973) where parts of the plate
overlying positive thermal anomalies are heated by the rising convection
columns in the mantle (Briden and Gass 1974).
From a petrogenetic point of view, it may be suggested that in the crustal
swells referred to above, magmas were produced in a manner similar to
that proposed by Bailey (1970, 1972) These magmas differentiated deep
in the crust and it was the individual differentiates that moved
to their sites of emplacement. This is indicated by textural features such as
flow structure, the short time span of emplacement of the different rock
units in each complex. (El Ramly etal. 1971).
1- Bailey, D. K. 1972. Uplift, rifting and magmatism in continental plates. Leeds
Univ. J. Earth Sci.
2- Barthoux, J. C. 1922. Chronologie et description des roches ign6es du Des6rt
Arabique. Mere. Inst. D'Egypte, le Caire 5.
3- Currie, K. L. 1970. A hypothesis on the origin of alkaline rocks suggested by the
tectonic setting of the Monteregian Hills. Can. Miner. 10, 411420.
4 - E1 Rarely, M. F. 1963. The absolute ages of some basement rocks from Egypt.
Geol. Surv. Egypt Pap. 15, 13 pp.
5 - E1 Ramly, M. F. and Hussein, A. A. A. 1982. The alkaline ring complexes of
Egypt. Geol. Surv. Egypt Pap. 63, 16 pp.
6 - El Ramly, M. F., Budanov, V. 1., Hussein, A. A. A. and Dereniuk, N.
E. 1970. Ring complexes in the south Eastern Desert. In: Studies on some Mineral
Deposits of Egypt (Edited by Moharram, O. et al. ), pp. 181-191. Geol. Surv. Egypt.
7 - Garson, M. S. and Krs, M. 1976. Geophysical ~nd geological evidence of the
relationship of Red Sea tranverse tectonics to ancient features. Bull. geol. Sac. Am.
8- Hashad, M. H. 1980. Contribution to the mineralogy and geochemistry of some
carbonate rocks in the basement complex of Egypt. Ph.D. Thesis, Fac. Sci., AI
Azhar Univ., Cairo.
9 - Lutz, T. M. 1979. Strontium and oxygen isotope relations and geochemistry of
Abu Khruq complex, Egypt. Implications for the Petrogenesis of the alkaline rocks
of the Eastern Desert, Egypt. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Philadelphia, U.S.A.
10 - Serencsits, C. M., E1 Ramly, M. F., Faul, H., Foland, K. A. and Hussein, A. A.
A. 1979. Alkaline ring complexes in Egypt: their
ages and relationship to tectonic development of the Red Sea. Ann. geol. Surv.
Egypt9, 102-116.
11 - Sorensen, H. 1974. The Alkaline Rocks. John Wiley, London.
Wright, J. B. 1973. Continental drift, magmatic provinces and mantle
plumes. Nature, Lond. 244,565-567.