Star Punks With Powers
Star Punks With Powers
Star Punks With Powers
Brute: is your physical prowess this stat measures things that require
muscles and savagery, melee combat, tests of strength, and resisting
Dangerous Actions
Your Inventory Score is how many
items you can carry comfortably.
For each item that exceeds your
Inventory Score subtract 1 from any
Brute or Skulker Rolls.
When a character’s Health Points reach
zero, they die.
Level up every 2 game sessions. Each
level, raise a class score by 1 die (for example a D6 boosted from
leveling up would be a D8) and raise
either Health or Inventory Score by 1.
Regain lost Health Points by spending
the night in a safe spot
Character Creation Profession
Name your character. 1. wanderer (1S, Parasol)
Health Points start at 10. 2. keeper of faith (1E, Rose
Inventory Score starts at 8. Incense)
Roll a d6 on the Character Tables 3. cage fighter (1B, auto
to determine starting ability flail arm + D4 during melee
scores combat.)
and gear. 4. security guard (1S, key
Additionally, each character cards)
starts with 5. Library Guide (1E, book of
2 rations, clothes of their poetry)
choice 6. slaughter house slayer(1B,
and an item of their choice sludge hammer)
referee approval). During the last Street War
1. Joined the militia (Shield
Character Tables + d6 during melee combat when
(B=Brute, S=Skulker, E=Erudite) 2. Went underground
origin story 3. Joined the rebels (hand
1. sewer urchin (1S, Water skin) blaster pistol + a D4 when
2. grave digger (1E, Shovel) used)
3. mechanic (1B, Hammer) 4. Fled (a map)
4. jelly bean (1S, Rope) 5. Gathered intel (Mirror)
5. Book nerd (1E, Quill & Ink) 6. Profiteered (Item of
6. street punk (1B, Crowbar) choice)
● Esper Troopers
● In the belly of the wizard tusk, you can be awarded Madness Dice whenever the referee sees fit. This can be some
form of trauma from seeing something eldritch or surviving a fight that was nearly lost.
● If you have been awarded a madness dice, you can choose to roll it or not, but your character has it until they
die. You can roll it more than once (each roll takes your character's turn) and awaken up to all five psychic
powers. If it lands on a psychic power you previously unlocked, you lose that ability until you roll the same
number again.
● 1 telekinesis
● 2 pyrokinesis
● 3 psychometry
● 4 clairvoyant
● 5 invisibility
● 6 if you roll a six your character's head explodes.
● on a roll of a 1, you summon an elder darkness. which haunts and torments the player in any way the Referee sees
fit (please keep it PG 13 though).
● on a roll between 2 and 5, you have a critical failure and things go wrong (I am leaving it up to the discernment
of the referee and whatever their ruling is).
● if you roll a six your character becomes demonically possessed and your character must roll on percental dice above
70% to take control of his body for one turn. You must roll the percentile dice every turn making this test till
your character is dead and their soul is dragged to Gehenna.
● on a roll of twenty you learn how to laugh not at... but with the shadows. (again I leave it up to the ruling of
the referee when interpreting this statement).
The Difficulty test of esper powers.
● the PC - "I want to talk to the NPC that died in the fight with my clairvoyants how hard would that
● The referee - "Their spirit may have crossed over but they have not settled in. I would do a
difficulty test of one. you only need to roll to the d20 once.
● The PC "I want to use my telekinetic powers to stop the bullets from the machine guns being blasted
my way. before they rip me to shreds.
● The referee - "That will be pretty rough. roll the the d20 three times if you ever roll between 1 and
6 in those attempts the negative result sticks if on the third attempt you roll a success then the
result sticks."
● The psychic powers should be a combination of narrative insight and discernment to risk.
understanding that this game is about narrative more than arguing against the players. The referee is
not the opposition. they are making rulings that the players should take as a window to the fiction.
● The referee ruling should include everyones feeling when making a ruling. to create a satisfactory
ruling means that the story was satisfactory and you are all still friends afterward. if any of these
rules get in the way of your fun then cut them.
● Supernatural in RPG is about negotiating between dreams, not a mechanical measurement or lawyering of
the result you aspire to.