Software Design Document
Software Design Document
Software Design Document
Revision History
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................................1
2. Overall Description...................................................................................................................................2
3. System Features and Requirements..........................................................................................................3
4. System Architecture and Design...............................................................................................................4
5. Data Design..............................................................................................................................................6
6. User Interface Design...............................................................................................................................7
7. Security Design.........................................................................................................................................7
8. Implementation Considerations................................................................................................................7
9. Quality Assurance.....................................................................................................................................8
10. Appendices...........................................................................................................................................8
This SDD provides a blueprint for the development, deployment, and maintenance of the .NET-
based PACS integrated with an OHIF viewer. It must be reviewed, refined, and approved by all
project stakeholders before implementation begins.
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed overview of our
on-premises .NET-based Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) software, along
with a React-based off the shelf viewer Open Health Imaging Foundation (OHIF) after modifying
UI to match our own. The PACS will handle storage, retrieval, management, and display of
medical images acquired from various modalities using DICOM protocol.
1.2 Scope
The PACS will operate on the customer's Windows server, receiving studies from on-site
modalities, storing images on the server's file system, and referencing these studies via file
paths in a Microsoft SQL Server database. A Web Access to DICOM Objects (WADO) server will
communicate these paths to the OHIF viewer's worklist, enabling physicians to access and
view the studies.
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
- PACS: Picture Archiving and Communication System
- OHIF: Open Health Imaging Foundation
- DICOM: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
- WADO: Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects
- SDD: Software Design Document
- AE Title: Application Entity Title
- IP: Internet Protocol
- MSSQL: Microsoft SQL Server
1.4 References
- DICOM Standard Specifications
- OHIF Viewer Documentation
- .NET Framework Documentation
- Microsoft SQL Server Documentation
2. Overall Description
2.1 System Architecture
The PACS is structured as a multi-tier application comprising the following layers:
- Presentation Layer: React-based OHIF viewer for displaying medical images.
- Application Layer: .NET-based backend for business logic and DICOM
- Data Layer: File system for image storage and MSSQL for metadata management.
- Network Layer: DICOM, WADO, and HTTP/HTTPS protocols for system
2.2 System Features
- DICOM modality worklist management.
- Secure communication using DICOM TLS.
- Persistent storage of medical images.
- Efficient retrieval of images via the WADO server.
- High-resolution image viewing through the OHIF viewer.
3.2.3 Reliability
- NFR5: The system shall have an uptime of 99.9%, not including scheduled
3.2.4 Scalability
- NFR6: The system shall be scalable to accommodate an increasing number of images
and modalities.
3.2.5 Maintainability
- NFR7: The system shall support easy updates and maintenance without
significant downtime.
5. Data Design
5.1 Database Design
7. Security Design
7.1 Security Measures
- Authentication and authorization mechanisms.
- Encryption for data at rest and in transit.
- Regular security audits and updates.
8. Implementation Considerations
8.1 Platform Dependencies
- Windows Server for hosting the PACS and database.
- .NET runtime for the PACS backend.
- Web browser for the OHIF viewer.
10. Appendices
10.1 Appendix A: Glossary
- See section 1.3.
10.2 Appendix B: References
- See section 1.4.
10.3 Appendix C: To-Be-Determined List
- Final deployment configuration details.
- Specific security protocols and cipher suites to be used.
- Detailed backup and disaster recovery procedures.