Anwar Ict 56
Anwar Ict 56
Anwar Ict 56
Registration FA24-BEN-036
Class/section BEN-01
Date 25-OCT-2024
2. Created a new blank presentation and selected a theme for the slides to ensure a consistent
design throughout the presentation.
3. Inserted new slides with different layouts (e.g., title slide, content slide) to structure the
4. Added titles and text to each slide, learning how to use text boxes to adjust the placement
and alignment of text.
2. Added animations to text I applied entrance and exit animations (e.g., fade-in, fly-out) to
text boxes on the slides to make the presentation more engaging.
3. Applied animations to images and shapes I selected images and shapes on the slides and
added animations to make them appear or move on the screen during the presentation.
4. Customized animation effects I adjusted the duration and timing of the animations to control
how quickly or slowly they played.
5. Inserted audio I added background music to one of the slides by using the Insert Audio
feature and setting it to play automatically during the slide show.
6. Inserted a video I embedded a video from my computer onto a slide and set it to play
automatically when the slide is displayed.
7. Explored transition effect I experimented with different transition styles between slides,
such as dissolve and push, and adjusted the duration for each.
8. Used the Slide Show view to preview the entire presentation with all the animations,
transitions, and multimedia elements in place.
9. Customized the slide layout I adjusted the arrangement of text, images, and multimedia to
ensure the slides were visually balanced and easy to follow.
10. Saved the presentation with all the new animations and multimedia, and exported it as a
video file to see how it would look when shared with others.
Results: By the end of this lab, I had enhanced my presentation with animations, multimedia
elements (audio and video), and transitions. The presentation became more interactive and engaging,
with a smoother flow between slides. Conclusion: This lab helped me understand how to use advanced
PowerPoint features to create dynamic and interactive presentations. I now feel confident in adding
animations, multimedia, and customizing slide transitions to make presentations more compelling and