SCNN 2018 Icip
SCNN 2018 Icip
SCNN 2018 Icip
Fig. 1. Structure of the proposed 3-stage CNN scheme
(a) Ground Truth (b) AHD (35.12dB) (c) DLMMSE (38.52dB) (d) GBTF (39.62dB) (e) LDI-NAT (35.29dB) (f) RI (35.57dB)
(g) MLRI (36.80dB) (h) ARI (38.84dB) (i) RI new (36.33dB) (j) ARI new (38.84dB)(k) 2-Stage-R(40.62dB)(l) Proposed (41.93dB)
Fig. 3. Visual Quality Comparison on kodim19 of Kodak dataset (Best seen on a computer monitor).
Table 2. Average PSNR and CPSNR results (in dB) for three datasets, the best performance is marked in bold face
Dataset Kodak McMaster WED-NEW
AHD [3] 37.00 39.64 37.31 37.77 33.00 36.98 32.16 33.49 34.20 37.78 34.56 35.12
DLMMSE [6] 39.18 42.63 39.58 40.11 34.03 37.99 33.04 34.47 35.56 39.57 35.91 36.55
GBTF [7] 39.68 43.34 40.01 40.62 33.98 37.34 33.07 34.38 35.84 39.73 36.12 36.81
LDI-NAT [5] 37.14 39.48 37.01 37.71 36.19 39.52 34.37 36.12 35.62 38.69 35.71 36.37
RI [8] 37.94 41.00 37.82 38.61 36.10 39.99 35.38 36.50 36.00 39.52 36.41 36.93
MLRI [11] 38.87 41.83 38.86 39.58 36.35 39.90 35.36 36.62 36.53 39.93 36.82 37.42
ARI [13] 39.10 42.31 38.90 39.79 37.41 40.72 36.05 37.52 36.71 40.17 36.91 37.59
RI new [9] 38.62 41.18 38.49 39.21 36.72 40.23 35.59 36.91 36.49 39.64 36.76 37.32
ARI new [14] 39.27 42.43 39.10 39.95 37.45 40.68 36.21 37.60 36.73 40.20 36.93 37.58
2-Stage [16] 41.38 44.85 41.04 42.04 39.14 42.10 37.31 38.98 - - - -
2-Stage-R 41.36 44.31 40.31 41.64 38.85 42.04 37.05 38.74 38.52 42.30 38.54 39.39
Ours 42.07 45.18 41.09 42.39 39.60 42.60 37.68 39.39 39.32 43.04 39.37 40.19
Table 3. SSIM results for three datasets Table 4. Intermediate PSNR and CPSNR (in dB) results for
Dataset Kodak McMaster WED-NEW the proposed 3-stage approach on the WED-NEW dataset
AHD [3] 0.9798 0.9573 0.9705 PSNR R G B RGB
DLMMSE [6] 0.9866 0.9645 0.9777 Input (Bilinear) 28.82 33.16 29.07 29.90
GBTF [7] 0.9873 0.9637 0.9785 Stage1 - 36.52 - -
LDI-NAT [5] 0.9727 0.9690 0.9707 Stage1+2 34.61 38.61 37.09 36.35
RI [8] 0.9826 0.9735 0.9776 Stage1+2+3 39.32 43.04 39.37 40.19
MLRI [11] 0.9846 0.9729 0.9793
ARI [13] 0.9833 0.9760 0.9788
RI new [9] 0.9835 0.9744 0.9789
ARI new [14] 0.9840 0.9771 0.9793 structed G channel, R and B can be reconstructed and en-
2-Stage-R 0.9876 0.9793 0.9832 hanced separately. In the third stage, all intermediate R, G,
Ours 0.9941 0.9802 0.9851 B results are concatenated as the input, and a high-quality
color demosaicking image can be obtained. The experimental
results on different datasets show that the proposed scheme
4. CONCLUSION leads to better performance than the state-of-the-art CDM al-
gorithms. Also, the intermediate results of each stage show
This paper presents a 3-stage CNN-based color demosaicking that the quality of the images is enhanced stage by stage,
scheme. The first stage is used to reconstruct the G channel. which proves the rationality and effectiveness of the proposed
Then, in the second stage, with the guidance of the recon- network.
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