Transfer Data Using Lif I Technique
Transfer Data Using Lif I Technique
Transfer Data Using Lif I Technique
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3 authors:
Zahraa Tareq
University of North Florida
All content following this page was uploaded by Zainab Salim Alwan on 27 May 2020.
Light fidelity (Li-Fi) technology is a wireless communication system that utilizes visible
light spectrum to transmit data with high speed and secure manner compared to the
traditional Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) architecture. In this paper a smartphone is used in
Li-Fi communication system. The aim of this proposed approach is to maximize the bit
rate with high accuracy by using the flashlight of built-in smartphone camera as a source
to send data and detect the effect of using a built-in smartphone ambient light sensor and
external light detector sensors that is connected to Arduino UNO circuit to receive data.
Four practical experiments were conducted to discover which light sensor accomplish
higher data bit rate and tested the system performance under changing the distance
between transmitter and receiver. The evaluation results demonstrated that the data bit
rate is better with the proposed research than the others, where it reached more than 100
bps with accuracy 100%.
1. Introduction
Li-Fi is a wireless communication technology that uses visible light to send data at
high speed between devices. In the most recent years, the studies on Visible Light
Communication (VLC) are conducted to overcome the radio spectrum congestion. The
process behind Li-Fi is to transfer data at high speed using light waves from any light
source even the ordinary light table. Li-Fi can be considered as an optical version of Wi-
Fi, so that instead of using radio waves to transfer the data it uses visible light [1].
Professor Harald Hass, the chair of Mobile Communications at the University of
Edinburgh, institute Li-Fi; demonstrated a Li-Fi prototype at the TED Global conference
in Edinburgh on 12th July 2011. He illustrated the ability of using Light Emitting Diodes
(LED’s) for data transmission [2]. In his experiment, a LED bulb of table lamp was used
to send a blooming flower video which was displayed on a screen. In the meanwhile, the
light of LED bulb was blocked from time to time with his hand to prove that the blub was
the source of the video data [3].
In real sense, a smartphone can be defined as a mobile phone with advanced features
and functionality beyond traditional functionalities like making phone calls and sending
text messages. The smartphone is equipped with advance hardware, such as sensors
(environment sensors, position sensors, and motion sensors), built-in camera, wireless
internet connection, and more powerful software that are used to play videos, display
photo, email, weather application, and much more [4].
In this research, data wireless communication based on Li-Fi technique is investigated,
where a transmitter is smartphone that send data using built-in flash of camera. Moreover,
at the receiver, it takes advantage of existence of smartphone built-in ambient light sensor,
which motivate us to examine a smartphone to smartphone communication system based
on Li-Fi. In addition, the effect of connecting external light detector sensor to Arduino
circuit instead of using built-in smartphone ambient light sensor on data rate.
2. Li-Fi Technology
In order to prove the truth of Li-Fi, a comparison must be made to know the
fundamental difference between Wi-Fi and Li-Fi technologies. Therefore, according to
the studies that made in [5]. Li-Fi has many great features such as it can achieve high data
rates as compared to Wi-Fi technology. In addition, the Li-Fi consume less power, more
efficient, and word world availability of light source, while Radio waves cannot be used
in all environments, particularly in airplanes, chemical and power plants, and in hospitals
since it causes malfunction or substantial problems to the human and this equipment. No
other infrastructure is required when Li-fi technology since light of sources are already
installed [5]. Moreover, Li-Fi could prove the future of secure wireless communication
since light definitely does not penetrate through walls and thus data transmission using Li-
Fi does not lead to hack the network [5].
By using the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, there will be an enormous number of
devices that will be connected to internet. This causes another issue for the current Wi-Fi
networks and might be completely saturated and incapable to accommodate that number
of users [5]. This features could solve the four essential problems namely, capacity, cost,
efficiency, and security, that a wireless communication is faced these days. Thus for a
green, clean and even a safe future many wireless data transmission systems will be
deployed utilizing Li-Fi instead of Wi-Fi technology. Table 2 shows a comparison of Li-
Fi with Wi-Fi [7].
Figure 1 illustrates how Li-Fi technology works. Li-Fi communication system consists
of two parts; a transmitter part and receiver part. The transmitter part, is represented by
LED lamp or flash, which is responsible for sending data. By turning LED on/off at very
high speeds, the LED can send out high bandwidth wireless data. The switch on/off
enables data transmission in binary format, turns LED on represents binary ‘1’ and turns
LED off represents binary ‘0’. Data is converted into pulses of light and directed to the
receiver part. The receiver part consists of photo detector sensor (or known as a light
sensor) that is used to senses the change in light intensity. This light signal is then
converted into data original format [8].
3. Related Work
In the past few years, there has been a large amount of research tried with Li-Fi
technology, and taking advantage of its many features to become an alternative
transmission medium for wireless data transmission. In this section, experiences with the
smartphone-based VLC communication system will be briefly discussed and analyzed. It
may support us enhance the limitations of previous research and problem solving.
In [9], the authors developed a system for sending data between two smartphones
based on VLC technique. This system consists of transmitter and receiver part. In the
transmitter part, the flashlight of built-in smartphone camera is used to send binary data,
by turning flash on/off, on if the binary data is 1 and off for 0, according to On-Off
Keying (OOK) modulation scheme. In the receiver part, there is an ambient light sensor,
which built-in smartphone sensor used to discover the flickering of flash (on/off). This
system achieved a low data bit rate about 9 bps and the maximum distance between the
transmitter and receiver was 15 cm.
In [10], the authors proposed a method to enable bidirectional VLC communication
between smartphone and tabletops. In smartphone to tabletop stage, they utilize a flash of
built-in smartphone camera to transmit data optically to the camera of tabletop. The
authors developed an android application, which is used to turn the flash on/off to
transmit data. The pulse width modulation (PWM) is utilized to encode binary data, 0 and
1, using different length of flash pulses. When the authors tested that system a
transmission data rate was reached to 20bps. Moreover, to transmit data from tabletop to
smartphone, the authors utilized a built-in camera in smartphone, and they implemented a
test program on the tabletop that transmits bit sequences at different frequencies. Based
on results they conclude that data is transmitted at rates of up to 33 bps.
In [11], the authors implemented a system which transmits the information of credit
card that are stored on the smartphone, over a secure visible light link to a simple
inexpensive receiver circuit module that is attached to the ATM machine. The authors
used an embedded flashlight of smartphone as a transmitter while a receiver part consists
of Arduino Mega kit and photodetector sensor, which is Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
that is used to detect light signal. Many experiments are conducted by replacing LDR with
photodiode sensor and using PWM scheme instead of OOK to get data bit rate from 4.2 to
15 bps.
In [12], the authors implemented the Li-Fi data transmission system that consists of
transmitter circuit and receiver circuit. The transmitter circuit comprised of Arduino UNO
and LED where the data is encoded and send via light of LED, while at receiver circuit
the photodiode is utilized to sense the incoming light of transmitter circuit and decode the
data back to original format. This prototype achieves a speed about 11,520 bps only that is
not of a high arrangement of Gbps.
Proposed system consists of two parts; transmitter part and receiver part. The
transmitter part contains a light source, which is LED flash of built-in smartphone camera
that is used to transmit data. While the receiver part composed of light detector sensor,
which is used to detect the light signal and convert it to original data.
Initially, the proposed model investigates how the smartphone built-in light sensor can
be utilized to implement smartphone to smartphone communication system based on
VLC, then figures out if the data rate achieved by this type of communication is approved
by the expected Li-Fi‘s throughput. Later, the external light sensor was examined to
demonstrate how to improve the data bit rate.
The next section illustrates the proposed system structure together with each module
that construct the overall system architecture as follows:
Transmitter part based on Li-Fi technique which consists of light source such as LED
to transmit data. In this system, flash of built-in smartphone camera is utilized to send
The data is converted to binary format and encoded according to one of modulation
scheme, which is OOK NRZ “non-return-to-zero”. Hence, when the bit is “0” the flash
will be turned off and when the bit is “1” the flash will be turned on. Thus, by turning
flash light on and off at a very high speeds enables data to be transferred through light as
a medium of communication. The following figure 2 displays the OOK NRZ mechanism.
The transmitter read a data that is received from the user and it converts data into
binary then transmits it after the flash light turn on by using OOK ‟ if the binary
code is „1‟ and „off‟ for „0‟.
3. Coherently the packets of data are sent, and there is a small time interval, which is
equal to half of delay sensor response time, between one packet and another.
4. After sending whole packets, stop bits will be sent, which are 32 bits of 0, to inform
the receiver part that the data transmission is completed.
The flowchart that describes the flow procedure of proposed transmission process is
shown in figure 4.
The receiver part comprises of light sensor to easily detect the light of smartphone’s
flash. In this proposed part, the following light detector sensors are experienced:
Case 1: In 1st case, using one of built-in smartphone sensor, which is called ambient
light sensor [14]. Many smartphones are equipped with this type of sensor, which is used
to sense the intensity of ambient light. Commonly, data acquires from this sensor does not
require any calibration, filtering or modification, besides it is returned in lux meter which
is used to measure the density of light in an area. Figure 5 shows the place of ambient
light sensor in smartphone.
Figure 5. Samsung Galaxy SIII with (1) Proximity and Ambient-Light Sensor.
(2) Front end Camera [14]
Case 2: In 2nd case, using an external light detector sensor, like Light Dependent
Resistor (LDR), BH1750, and phototransistor 3DU33 to sense the flashlight of the
transmitter part. In the proposed system, light detector sensor is connected to Arduino
UNO circuit, where this circuit is connected to computer via USB port. Arduino UNO is
an open source hardware that is equipped with ATmega328P microcontroller, 14
digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs , a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button [15].
It is an important to mention that a light detector sensor has a response time which
effects on the data bit rate, as will be explained in section 5.
5. Experimental Results
The transmitter part of the proposed system implemented as an android application,
called (Tx-application), running on Samsung Galaxy J7 prime with Android version 9.
Android framework allow us utilizing android camera API to access camera’s flash and
turn it on/off.
The proposed system is experienced to send actual data as a text, from transmitter part
to receiver part. To test the performance of the proposed system, the following
experiments are conducted. Thus, at each experiment, the execution of proposed
applications is repeated for 10 times to test an accuracy of transmission. In addition,
performance of the system has been tested under the effect of varying the distance
between transmitter part and receiver part.
Experiment 1:
In this experiment a smartphone to smartphone communication system is developed
based on VLC as shown in figure 5.
Figure 6 shows the user interface (UI) of the Tx-application and the Rx application. Tx-
application sends data to the Rx application which in turn senses the flicker of the
transmission part by using the ambient light sensor and decoding the received data
• The data bit rate achieved using J7 prime during this experiment is an approximately 6
bps, which is too slowly as compared to an expected Li-Fi transmission data rate.
Experiment 2:
In this experiment, an external light sensor is used, which is called LDR or photo
resistor sensor, where is connected to Arduino UNO circuit as illustrated in figure 8. LDR
is commonly used to measure the light intensity. Its resistor is decreased as the intensity
of light that LDR is exposed to increase and vice versa.
This experiment is concerned with sending text data using Tx-application to the
receiver part of the proposed system, which is represented by connected LDR sensor to
the Arduino UNO circuit. The Rx-application at the receiver part is successfully received
and display it on computer screen via serial port as shown in figure 9.
After repeating the execution of this experiment for 10 times, it is obtained the
following result:
• The bit data rate is reached up to 40 bps with an accuracy of 100%.
• LDR sensor has a slow response time [11] [16], which makes it unsuitable for VLC
data transmission application.
Experiment 3:
In this experiment, the transmitter part and receiver part are illustrated in the figure 10
as following:
In order to increase the data bit rate in experiment 2, the LDR sensor at the receiver
part will be replaced with faster light detector sensor, which is BH1750FVI connected to
Arduino UNO as shown in the figure 11.
BH1750FVI is a digital ambient light intensity sensor uses to sense the intensity of
light hitting on it. Its response time is 16ms, and it has a built-in 16-bit AD convertor that
can directly output a digital signal measured in lux, without needed to complex
calculations. This sensor uses an I2C protocol to communicate with microcontroller, and
it is possible to detect wide range at high resolution (1- 65535 lux) [17].
From the implementation of this experiment, it has been got data bit rate up to 50 bps,
with an accuracy of 100%.
Experiment 4:
For increasing the rate of data transmission than it was in experiment 3; a faster light
detector sensor is connected, which is phototransistor 3DU33 to Arduino UNO circuit as
is illustrated in the figure 13.
6. Discussion
In this paper, we deployed a communication system based on Li-Fi technology that
utilizes a flash of smartphone camera at transmitter part to send data, while using light
detector sensor to sense the intensity of flashlight at the receiver part. Through the survey
and development of the proposed system, number of facts are perceived and noticed:
• The analysis of OOK NRZ modulation scheme it shows that there is an absence of
synchronization between the transmitted signal and received signal, thus to solve this
issue, and as mentioned in section 4.1, we proposed to transmit the data informs of
packets, where there is a time interval between each packet. This period of time is used
to synch the transmitter part with a receiver part and for notifying the receiver to be
ready for the next packet.
• From Experiment1, it is realized that the response time of ambient light sensor is
varied between smartphones, which in turns causes a different data transmission rate.
• By replacing the LDR with much faster light sensor, which is BH1750 leads to
increase the data rate to 50 bps, but it still not sufficient, thus in experiment 4 we use
phototransistor which has faster response time than BH1750 and data transmission rate
we get is up to 100 bps.
It is worth mentioning that each experiment explained above is conducted for several
time to figure out the effect of increasing the distance between transmitter part and
receiver part on system performance. The result show that the effect of increasing
distance up to 30 cm does not effect on the data transmission rate. While the intensity of
flashlight begins to fade at distance higher than 30 cm, so that, the light sensor at the
receiver part can’t able to detect the sent data. Besides that, if the distance is increased, an
interference is occurred between light of smartphone’s flash and light of other sources in
the room, which leads to the data transmission with noise.
7. Conclusion
The main purpose of our proposed project is to deploy a communication system based
on Li-Fi technology that is capable of transferring data from transmitter part to receiver
part. It has been successfully enabled sending text data via using flash of built-in
smartphone camera as a media of communication, and receiving it correctly at the
receiver part. However, this proposed system achieves 100bps data bit rate even if used
the phototransistor, which is faster than LDR and BH1750.
Therefore, there are some enhancements can be taken into account in further research
to improve the data bit rate above 100 bps, these are given as follows:
• It will examine replacing OOK modulation scheme PWM.
• It can be experienced using simple circuit in the transmitter part, which consists of
Arduino UNO and array of high power LEDs instead of using flashlight of
• In order to increase the data bit rate, it can be suggested connecting fast photodiode
sensor, its response time in nanoseconds, to Arduino UNO at receiver part and check
the data bit rate under this situation.
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