Survey and Challenges of Li-Fi With Comparison of Wi-Fi: March 2016
Survey and Challenges of Li-Fi With Comparison of Wi-Fi: March 2016
Survey and Challenges of Li-Fi With Comparison of Wi-Fi: March 2016
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1 author:
Kuppusamy Pothanaicker
Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science
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All content following this page was uploaded by Kuppusamy Pothanaicker on 30 September 2016.
Abstract— The wireless internet service is offered to the people II. LITERATURE SURVEY
through Wi-Fi technology in commercial and industries. It is Harold Haas has been presented the novel approach Li-Fi
working based on radio waves in the spectrum. These waves are (Light Fidelity), to transmit the data through light illumination
very harmful to the diseased people, signal sensitive areas. Hence devices such as televisions, lamps, road signs, commercial ad
it could not be utilized in environments such as hospitals, scan
centers, air lines etc. To overcome these limitations, Li-Fi is the
boxes to smart phones [4]. This approach has utilized the
technology that is developed to work in such environments. This Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) and Light Emitting
paper is presented the study of Li-Fi technology, working Diode (LED) light bulbs as a medium for high speed data
principles, challenges and applications with comparison of Wi-Fi transmission and also that is not visible to human eye [9].
technology. The comparative study is also presented the features Micro LEDs make staggering in use of Li-Fi. The micro-
of both technologies. The observations show that Li-Fi performs LEDs have designed as tiny that are a thousand times smaller
harmless data transmission at high speed using light source. than the smallest typical LED in the market. The micro-LED or
micron-sized LEDs are newer models that are merely 1 μm2 in
Index Terms—Li-Fi, LED, receiver, transmitter, radio wave, size i.e. 1,000 more micro-LEDs could be fixed in the same
space as a typical LED. The micro-LEDs can also flicker 1,000
I. INTRODUCTION times quicker than typical LED. The LED contains Microchips
inside the shield that is processing the data. The light intensity
Recent emerging technology and size of smart phones, is used to transmit the data by small adjustment in amplitude.
laptop and other smart devices are leading to increase the Hence, an array of 1,000 micro-LEDs has been flashed 1,000
interest of common people in wired and wireless times quicker and transmits data a million times quicker than
communication. Most of the people are connecting through typical LED with special modulation technique [5]. Li-Fi is
network for data sharing, interaction, communication,
achieved data transmission at 3 Gb/s using a single-color 50
knowledge updates, education and social activities. Hence, micro mm diameter LED pixels [13].
people are interested to transmit the data swiftly, and efficiently
using low cost and bandwidth. III. WORKING PRINCIPLE
Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) is the most versatile, competent
Li-Fi is a promising technology that uses visible light for
and effective technology that compact with Radio Frequency
communication instead of existing Radio Frequency (RF)
(RF) / microwave frequencies for rapid wireless data
technology. It conserves a huge amount of electricity by
transmission. The high sensitivity receivers provide wide
transmitting data through LED bulbs and other such lighting
coverage at low frequencies and Line of Sight (LoS)
equipments. It can be used in aircrafts without causing any kind
communication at high frequencies. However, Wi-Fi is facing
of interference. Li-Fi cannot pierce the heavy objects such as
many challenges and issues in terms of capacity, efficiency,
walls, thick wooden pieces, steel, etc since it uses Visible Light
availability and security since hasty demand for wireless
Communication (VLC) as a data carrier [6], [14], [15], [16].
communications [1].
The transceiver is equipped with LED bulbs and varying
Numerous companies and industries motivate the research
the current through the LED bulbs at a very high speed [1]. The
groups to work on Li-Fi technology that is absolutely dissimilar
digital signal „1‟ and „0‟ is transmitted during the LED is ON
from electromagnetic spectrum. These researchers have been
and OFF respectively. The data is encoded for transmission
tested the experiments to support higher speed optical wireless
using LED flicker between 400 and 800 THz (780–375 nm) by
technology that should overcome the limitations and drawbacks
varying the current rate. The demonstration of this scheme has
of RF based wireless spectrum. The initial research has been
been proved that commercial normal fluorescent lamps, LEDs
carried out to provide the high speed communication and
transmit the data up to 10 kbit/s and 500 Mbit/s respectively. It
reduce the harmless, electromagnetic field free environment in
is also demonstrated for low rate data transmissions at 1 and 2
the wireless network [2], [6].
kilometers (0.6 and 1.2 mi) [7], [8].
IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, 23-25.03.2016, Chennai
The Fig.1 shows the data transmission using Li-Fi. Initially field to propagate via space. Wi-Fi is denoted by IEEE 802.11x
data is originated from the source for transmission over the standard. This technology utilizes the device AP for
network. The originated data is modulated using pulse position broadcasting a signal around the computer devices [18]. The
modulation then directed towards LED lamp. The LED lamp is comparision of Li-Fi and Wi-Fi technologies have been
illuminating the light to forward data using VLC technology. presented in Table 1.
The photo detector is capturing the light in that receives the Table. 1. Li-Fi and Wi-Fi characteristics
signal from LED lamp. The received data is send to the
demodulator for isolating the carrier and data signals. Finally Features Light Fidelity Wireless Fidelity
data is received at destination in sender‟s format. Hass has used IEEE
802.15.7 802.11b
the IKEA LED lamp for experimental use in the data standard
transmission [4], [10], [11]. Some of special electronic devices Lamp driver, LED Routers and subscriber device
usually contain a photodiode for receiving signals from light components
bulb and photo stations (laptops, PDAs,
sources such as a cell phone camera and digital camera. These detector desktops)
devices are used an image sensor especially that contain array WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ad
Technology IrDA based devices
standard devices
of photodiodes (pixels).
Topology Point to Point Point to Multi-point
(Sink) bits Radio waves
Low High
RF cannot be prevented by
(Source) Privacy
More secure data
brick walls and hence less
security data transmission.
Fig. 1. Block Diagram of Li-Fi data transmission High density working Less density environment due
Data density
environment to interference issues
These sensors offer either multi-channel (down to 1 pixel = Latency Microseconds Milliseconds
1 channel) communication or a spatial perception of numerous Cost Less Expensive
light sources. Li-Fi is an imperative feature of the Internet of Market
Things (IoT) that connects everything with the internet. LED Low High
lights are used as an Access Points (AP) in IoT devices
implementation [3]. Wi-Fi technology consist the benefits such as global
COMPARISION OF LI-FI AND WI-FI accessibility, cost effective, ease of communication use,
eliminate cellular usage charges, removes cabling and wiring
The Li-Fi creates the network using the desktop for computer devices. From the observation of above study,
photosensitive element that operates in tandem with Li-Fi provides more performance in terms of listed features.
unmodified light fixture. The desktop photosensitive element
contains infrared LEDs to connect with uplink channel. In this ADVANTAGES
model, Li-Fi operates with data rate 5Mbps in the uplink and The Li-Fi technology contains the following advantages
downlink channels and covers up to three meters range [3]. than Wi-Fi technology.
Wi-Fi is working on a radio waves to provide wireless
The Li-Fi achieves the high data rate transmission up
internet and network connections at high-speed. When an RF
to 10 Gbps.
current is passes to an antenna that creates an electromagnetic
IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, 23-25.03.2016, Chennai
VLC can be used effectively without affecting the b) Enabler the internet of things and everything
airline signals during the travel [15]. Li-Fi node is built with communication and networking
It can be used in all locations like infrared, Bluetooth, features of optical wireless physical layer and TCP/IP layers to
Wi-Fi and internet services interconnect the things at anytime, anywhere.
It provides more privacy and security to the c) Super-fast wireless internet
transmitted data since it covers just a small distance LED Lights in store/market windows, walls, vehicles and
and not pierces the walls. classrooms could be used to access the internet. Li-Fi provides
10000 times the frequency spectrum of radio. seven times faster internet access than Wi-Fi. It is very much
Prevents piggybacking. useful in large size content applications such as skype, you
Eliminates neighboring network interference. tubes for download, upload an audio, video etc.
Unimpeded by radio interference. d) Aircrafts
The passengers may utilize the dial up service in the
Does not create interference in sensitive electronics,
aircraft during the travel that leads to pay additional amount.
making it better for use in environments like hospitals
Li-Fi provides high-speed transmission data service at free of
and aircraft.
cost since interruption free environment with aircraft radio
e) Health technologies
The Fig. 2 shows the various challenges of Li-Fi in Wi-Fi emits very dangerous radio waves that lead to health
industries and business applications. Li-Fi technology is facing issues to the patients in operation theatres and the radio waves
some problems such as availability, capacity, efficiency, operated the medical devices. In this case, Li-Fi technology
coverage, interruption and security [17]. can be used for internet service in operation theatre rooms.
f) Underwater work
Underwater ROVs have been used very length cable to
provide the power supply to transmit the signal between pilot
and treasure seekers. The work is not able to complete
effectively during either tether is not sufficient length to
Interruption Availability monitor the area or tether gets stuck on some objects. In this
Challenges case, submerged, high powered bulb can be used to produce
the light effectively in exploring the area that replaces these
wires. The communication also could be established between
the ROVs and pilots.
Efficiency Capacity g) Traffic Control
Cars are established with LED based headlights and
Fig. 2. Challenges in Li-Fi
backlight indicators. These can be used to make
communication between the cars on the roadway. It leads to
prevent accidents in the roadway by exchanging information.
1) Li-Fi should need line of sight for effective data h) Education
transmission. Small difference leads to interruption in Li-fi is the leading technology that improves the internet
the transmission. accessibility speed with high bandwidth. Hence, educational
2) Receiving device should not be reallocated inside the institutions and organizations can use this technology for
hall. internet accessibility with high speed for video conference,
3) The receiving device does not aware to transmit data digital tutorial downloads and online learning.
back to transmitter. i) Disaster Management
4) Interference could be caused by external light sources Li-fi can be established the communication in natural
such as normal bulbs, sunlight and opaque objects disaster times such as earthquakes, cyclones, tsunami or
during data transmission. It leads to decreases hurricanes. Li-Fi bulbs could be fixed in the streets to provide
reliability. light and economical high speed internet access in every
5) VLC is not able to pierce via brick, thick walls like corner of the street.
radio waves and simply blocked by things, human etc. j) Applications in Sensitive Areas
Wi-Fi is very dangerous for sensitive places such as power
The LEDs usage is increasing all over world for lighting plants since radio waves. Li-Fi establishes better safety
and energy saving yields the opportunity to integrate Li-Fi wireless connectivity in such highly sensitive locations such as
technology in to a numerous LED environment. chemical or petroleum storage plants where other transmission
a) Smart cities medium causes hazardous.
Li-Fi technology can be used for street lights in the k) Defense
emerging smart cities since it uses LED light bulbs for data Reliable communication is not possible without installing
transmission at high speed. suitable RF instruments at anywhere. Li-Fi communication
IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, 23-25.03.2016, Chennai
support in such critical environments since light is available [16] P. Ravi, and A. Prachi, “The New Era of Transmission and
everywhere. In RF technology, jammer blocks the signals. Communication Technology: Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) LED & TED
But, Li-Fi communication does not have such barriers. Based Approach”, International Journal of Advanced Research
in Computer Engineering &Technology, vol 3, issue 2, 2014.
Zac Hall has stated that iPhone 7 is designed to tether the
[17] P. Susmit, and S. Sushmita, “Future of telecommunication
headphones using Li-Fi on 2016 onwards. It leads to remove technologies: WI-FI vs. WI-MAX vs. Li-Fi vs. GI-FI”, ISTP
the wired and wireless bluetooth technology headset jack in Journal of Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
favor of wireless audio. An iOS software is designed with pp. 128-136, 2014.
lightning adapter for wired headphones and speakers [12]. [18] M. Thanigavel, “Li-Fi Technology in Wireless
Communication”, International Journal of Engineering Research
CONCLUSION & Technology, vol. 2, issue. 10, pp. 301 – 307, October 2013.
This paper has presented the study of Li-Fi technology
fundamentals, working principles, challenges and applications Dr. P. Kuppusamy has received Bachelor‟s
degree in Computer Science and Engineering
comparing with Wi-Fi technology. The comparative study has
from Madras University, India on 2002, and
offered the features and limitations of both technologies. This Master‟s degree in Computer Science and
study has observed that Li-Fi is improved the data transmission Engineering from Anna University, Chennai,
efficiently than Wi-Fi technology. It is also observed that India, on 2007. He has completed Ph.D in
connecting the IoT devices for actuating devices with effective Information and Communication Engineering, in
communication. This observation will be extended with IoT Anna University, Chennai on 2014. At present, he is working as
devices for smart traffic control application in future. Research & Development Coordinator in IT Research Lab and
Professor in the Gnanamani College of Technology, Affiliated to
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