Transmission of Data, Audio Signal and Text Using Li-Fi
Transmission of Data, Audio Signal and Text Using Li-Fi
Transmission of Data, Audio Signal and Text Using Li-Fi
A.Vinnarasi, 2S.T.Aarthy
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University, Chennai, India
Assistant Professor (O.G.), Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University
Abstract: With the onset of modern communication, and These LED’s have high switching speeds that enable
the increase in the bandwidth usage that led to its them to modulate according to the stream of bits that are
congestion, it is paramount that we find an alternative or sent. This transmission takes place in a parallel stream
a faster means of communication. Light Fidelity – more such that more data is being transmitted simultaneously.
commonly referred to as Li-Fi- is one such concept that is The switching speed is too fast to be visible to the naked
gaining momentum to become the possible alternative. In eye and thus this transmission is not noticeable. This
Li-Fi, the data is transmitted in several bit-streams technology was proposed by German physicist Harald
through high-speed flickering of the LED bulb and Haas in University of Edinburgh.
decoded on the receiver side which consists of a photo- Li-Fi, at its core is light-based Wi-Fi with the main
detector. This happens in the form of a binary difference is that it uses light instead of radio waves to
transmission of data, where ‘0’ is the LED in its ‘off- transmit data. The Li-Fi system would consist of regular,
state’ and ‘1’ is the LED in its ‘on-state’. In this paper, off-the-shelf, LED bulbs that provide internet or data
we use this concept to transmit data to demonstrate the transmission as well as illumination. It utilizes the visible
use-cases and the possible impact it can have in the ever- light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (380 nm to
growing field of communication. In this paper, we 780 nm). Thus, it has 10,000 times more space available
transmit two types of data using Li-Fi: Audio and Text. thus more available bandwidth is present. Theoretically,
We study the various topologies to understand the it can reach the speeds up to 224 Gbps. [4]
characteristics a Li-Fi based system can have.
2. Related Works
Keywords: Visible Light Communication; Data
transmission; Li-Fi This section discusses the various advantages of VLC
and elucidates on the differences between Li-Fi and Wi-
1. Introduction Fi. By the year 2020, 10 billion devices will be
subscribed in the LTE, which would result in an
The demand for data usage has increased exponentially in exponential growth of wireless traffic demand and result
the last decade, people want to be connected to the in a congested, scarce, and expensive RF-spectrum. The
Internet all the time, on multiple devices, update the last few generations like 2G, 3G, etc., there have been
latest happenings etc. With the advent of IoT more many conventional methods employed to improve the
devices will connect to the LTE which will result in capacity of the spectrum like spatial re-use and inter-cell
congestion and decrease in speed. interference coordination. Li-Fi can play a major role in
To solve this crisis, multiple options were considered relieving the heavy loads which the current wireless
and one was to utilize the unused visible light spectrum systems face since it adds a new and unutilized
which gave rise to the new concept called Li-Fi. bandwidth of visible light to the currently available radio
waves for data transfer. [7]
Li-Fi: Visible Light Communication may also be used to
complement current RF systems as Li-Fi will guarantee
Li-Fi stands for Light-Fidelity which provides safer networks and higher speeds. In offices and schools
transmission of data through illumination by sending data the maximum data is exchange happens within the same
through an LED light bulb. Li-Fi uses Light Emitting building. Usage of Li-Fi system along with the 5G Wi-Fi,
Diodes (LED) which have high modulation bandwidth would help solve this issue. Due to Li-Fi, the
and energy efficient illumination. transmission of video etc., will become faster, since it is
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
2. Water 50cm
3. Glass 90cm
4. Air 200cm
b) Graphs
a) Observations Based on the tables shown above, graphs were designed
to give a clearer description of the variation in the Trials with various components characteristics. The transmitted data is passed through
Setup Observation different mediums to observe the characteristics b)
1. Use of rechargeable No change
Reduced clarity
4. Using 10mm LEDs but increased
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
B. Text Transmission
a) Micro-controller to itself
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
b) One-way communication using IR measuring the various flickers of the LED bulb when
each character, alphabets (capital letters and the lower-
One-way PC-to-PC transmission using an IR transmitter case letters), numbers etc. The photodiode decodes the
and Receiver is achieved using two Arduino Uno boards. flickers by mapping it to the corresponding ASCII code.
Each Arduino board is connected a PC using the COM [4]
ports of the PC. At the transmitter side, once the program
is compiled and uploaded to the board the text is entered
on a serial monitor of Arduino. This data is processed in
the Atmega 328, microprocessor, present in an Arduino
Uno board. The processed data converts ASCII
characters into binary bits, which flickers the IR LED
that is interfaced with the Arduino board.
This flickering is captured in the receiving side IR
receiver, which is interfaced with another Arduino board
connected on a COM port of another PC. The receiver
accepts the binary values from the transmitter and its
processor converts these binary bits into ASCII
characters. The receiver side has a dictionary in the code,
which prints the alphanumeric character with respect to
the received ASCII code. This alphanumeric character
can be viewed in the serial monitor of the receiver
Arduino Uno. This works only in LOS condition as the Error Free transmission was achieved in both One-
IR transmitter and receiver cannot communicate beyond Way and Two-Way transmission. With off the shelf LED
2cms. is a communication distance of 22cms was observed.
Using better grade LED’s and Photodiodes can enable
two-way communication to much greater distances.
This research paper presents a novel approach to
combat the Phishing attacks. An approach is proposed
where user will retrieve the one-time password by Li-Fi
Device LCD screen. After receiving the one-time
password, the application software will create an
encrypted token for the user’s computer/device for
authentication. The encrypted token will be used for
identification, any time user wishes to access the website
he/she must request the new password. The one-time
password as name implies will expire after single use.
The one-time password and encrypted token is a smart
way to tackle this problem. [9]
c) One- way communication using VLC
d) Text to Speech
In the previous case, text message was from one PC to
another via IR sensors. This segment uses VLC for the There are various reasons why text to speech is used a lot
same one-way communication. Two Arduino boards especially in e learning courses; it is easier to understand
were taken on the transmitter side and receiver side when words are converted into speech thus
respectively, with a setup like that of the above case. The accommodating learning difficulties. It also develops
transmitter side, however, was interfaced with an LED. literacy and speech skills.
The receiver, with a silicon photodiode 2CU10A. Text to speech also increases the number of
The designed algorithm was run through the Arduino opportunities for blind people. This can be used in
on both the sides (transmitter and the receiver), the LED normal educational institutions thus keeping the blind in
flickers based on the message being sent. The photodiode pace with the normal people.
acts optical sensor picks up these variations and the Various software converts text to speech. Now this
Arduino board of the receiver side translates these speech must be transmitted to multiple users, sending an
captured flickers to the message that was being sent. The audio file over Wi-Fi can take some time, and this is
algorithm of the receiver side was designed after where Li-Fi comes in handy.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Li-Fi based Audio transmission is the live transmission of TWO WAY TRANSMISSION:
Audio signals without any signal loss. The sound clarity
is clear and loud and using a focusing lens further VLC is a promising method of secured communication
enhances the output received. indoors. It applies to areas where sensitive information
The 4G audio streaming shows that Li-Fi can work as need to be transferred without the risk of leaks. Current
a complementary network with 4G or 5G. Most communication techniques have vulnerabilities as
corporates and schools use internet to access video or discussed earlier in this paper which can be overcome
text. By completing the 4G audio we can indicate that using VLC. We have used this VLC technology in this
video streaming too can be done using Li-Fi. This would paper to create an Arduino chat which can be made
mean that educational institutions and organizations can secure and independent of Wi-Fi vulnerabilities.
utilize their illumination systems for data. This would There are multiple options by which we can protect
give them the ability to access Videos and Audio files data in VLC. The VLC has two innate qualities which
without use of cellular data and Wi-Fi. ensures security, the first being the fact that artificial
The study of topology shows that multiple users can lights cannot penetrate opaque materials and the second
access the same luminary without data loss. This is an is that communication happens only when receiver and
important aspect of Li-Fi, where each light in a room can transmitter are in line of sight condition. This ensures that
cater to many users. only those who are in the specific room and very close to
the light source only receive the data. This protects the
TEXT TO SPEECH: data from external threats or online hacking which can be
The text to speech using Li-Fi can be directly There are ways to make the transmission more secure.
implemented in Blind Indoor Navigation Systems. This can be done by adding a predefined password on the
Indoor navigation is convenient for everyone, and it is transmitter and receiver terminals. So, when the system is
especially indispensable for the visually impaired. Such a accessed the system prompts the user to enter the
navigation system for the visually impaired as shown in password. Only then can the data be transmitted or
the below Figure. LED lights emit visible light with received.
location data and by using embedded systems or
smartphone instead of Arduino with a visible light 6. Conclusion and Future Scope
receiver for receiving the data the Li-Fi enabled text to
speech can be employed as an alternative for the blind. In this paper, a real-time audio broadcast prototype off
The embedded system or smartphone would calculate the the shelf LED’s are used, it is envisaged that using
optimal path to a designation and would speak to the commercial LED lamps would result in higher distances
visually impaired through a headphone. In a VLC-based of transmission. It is shown that transmission of high
system, a receiver in the headset would detect the signal quality audio with the distance of 1 m can be achieved
from the nearest LED and play the relevant commentary.
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