Abdul Rehman
Abdul Rehman
Abdul Rehman
Digital Logic Design
Sir Shahrukh Hamayoun
Submitted by:
Abdul Rehman
Roll No: 30621
Semester : 2nd
BS Software Engineering
Question no:1
Draw the circuit diagrams of mux (4:1) and de-mux (4:1) and also write about their
Circuit Diagram:
3. Memory Addressing: In memory systems, MUX can be used for selecting a specific
memory block based on address lines.
4. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): In processors, MUX can be used to select different inputs
to the ALU for arithmetic or logic operations.
Question no: 2
What do you know about S-R latches also draw its truth table?
Truth Table:
S R Q(n+1)
0 0 Invalid
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 Hold
• Set (S = 0, R = 1): When the Set input is low and the Reset input is high, the latch sets,
and the Q output goes to logic high (1). This means that the latch is in the "set" state.
• Reset (S = 1, R = 0): When the Reset input is low and the Set input is high, the latch
resets, and the Q output goes to logic low (0). This means that the latch is in the "reset"
• Hold (S = 0, R = 0): When both Set and Reset inputs are low, the latch maintains its
previous state. This is sometimes called the "hold" state.
• Forbidden State (S = 1, R = 1): Similar to the NOR gate latch, this condition should be
avoided as it leads to unpredictable behavior.
Question no:3
What is half and full adder also draw their circuit diagram and truth table?
A half adder and a full adder are basic digital circuits used in binary addition.
Half Adder:
A half adder adds two single-digit binary numbers (bits) and produces the sum (S)
and the carry (C) as outputs. It does not consider any carry from previous addition.
Circuit Diagram:
Truth Table:
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 1
Full Adder:
A full adder adds two single-digit binary numbers (bits) along with a carry input
(Cin) from a previous stage and produces the sum (S) and the carry (Cout) as
Circuit Diagram:
Truth Table:
A B C S C’
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
Question no: 4
What do you know about flip flops? Also explain its implementation
with nand gate?
Flip-flops are fundamental building blocks in digital electronics and are widely
used for storing binary information. They are used in digital circuits for memory
elements, data storage, and synchronization purposes. There are various types of
flip-flops, such as SR flip-flop, D flip-flop, JK flip-flop, and T flip-flop, each with
its own unique characteristics and applications.
1. SR Flip-Flop: The SR flip-flop has two inputs, S (Set) and R (Reset), and
two outputs, Q and Q'. It can store one bit of information, typically denoted
as Q and its complement Q'.
Truth Table:
Clock S R Q(n+1)
Not trig X X Qn presenty
Trig 0 0 hold
Trig 0 1 0-reset
Trig 1 0 1-set
Trig 1 1 invalid
Circuit Diagram: