Electrical Wire Pulling
Electrical Wire Pulling
Electrical Wire Pulling
No: 01
Use of Foreman/ 3x3 9 Work permit system should be followed. CM/ Site 3x1 3
Power Tools Workers Manufacturing instruction should be Engineer/
& Hot followed. Foreman/
Works Proper Inspection should be made for all Workers
power tools prior to use.
All rotating parts should be provided with
Revision 01 DD-SWD-SW-SWD-000-000-DGD-TEM-HS-000003 Date of Issue: Jan. 2021 Page No(s) 3 of 6
guard as per manufacturer’s requirements.
Check the tools before performing the task
All power tools should be periodically
inspected and to be color coded.
All portable tools that are damaged should be
removed from the site and tagged “Do Not
Loose apparels should not be worn.
All tools should be well maintained.
Suitable tools should be selected for the task.
Less vibrating tools need to be recommended.
Rest shall be taken in between 15-.20 min due
to continues exposure due to vibration
Electrical cables should be in good condition.
Cable should be laid overhead using cable
stand or ‘S’ hook.
Proper supervision required.
Trained and experienced person shall perform
the task.
Keep tools sharp and clean.
Fire prevention and protection measures
should be followed.
Fire extinguisher should be available.
Use adequate necessary PPEs
Likelihood (L)
Possible - 2 Minor - 2 High Risk 8 - 12 4 4 8 12 16 20
Likely - 3 Moderate - 3 Moderate Risk 4 - 6 3 3 6 9 12 15
Often - 4 Major - 4 Low Risk 1 - 3 2 2 4 6 8 10
Frequent/Almost certain - 5 Catastrophic - 5 1 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Consequence ( C )
Assessed by: Approved By:
Designation: Designation:
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:
(Before signing here, workers must understand and agree to follow this job hazard analysis before they start work)
(हस्ताक्षर करने और काम शूरु करने से पहले, वकक सक काम के खतरे के ववश्लेषण के अनुपालन के बारे में अवश्य
समझ लें और सहमत हो जाएँ ।)
Name (Print) Card №. / ID No. Organization Signature Date