Minolta SR-T 303
Minolta SR-T 303
Minolta SR-T 303
Film rewind crank and
back cover release k
Distance scale
Self-timer lever
Focusing ring
Rokkor lens
D iaphragm stopdown button
Mike Butkus
Digitally signed by Mike Butkus
DN: cn=Mike Butkus, o=Butkus camera manuals, ou=butkus.org,
email=mike@butkus.org, c=US
Date: 2023.02.21 22:03:44 -05'00'
Rewind shaft
Film cartridge chamber
Finder eyepiece
Battery svvitch
Focal plane shutter
Tripod socket
Battery chamber cover
F ilm-advance release button
Film take-up spool
Film pressure plate
-35 mm sin gle-lens-reflex ca mera with through-t he-lens exposure meteri ng-
standard lens MC Rokkor 50mm F 1.4 (F 1 .7 or 58mm F 1 .2) equipped with meter coupler
Composition: 7 elements in 5 groups
Coating: Achromatic coating
Angle of iver: 47o with Somm lens (41o with S8mm lens)
Diaphragm: Fully automatic
Diaphragmscale: {.1.2l-,1.4,1'1.7l-,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16withequa|-spaceandintermediateclick F-stops
Filter/shade mount: @SSmm,screw-in
Lens mount: Minolta bayonet mount
Shutter Focal-plane type
Speeds: 8,1,112,114,118,1115,113O,1|ffi,11125,11250,U500,and1/1000sec.
Selector dial: Single, non-spinning, equal-space, click stop dial
Sync. terminal: Single terminal with X/FP selector switch
Self-timer: Time adjustable, 10 sec. maximum delay
Film advance Lever type, quick advance winding with shutter cocking and double exposure prevention
Winding method: Single-or multi ple*troke, with 2Oo lree clearance
Winding angle: 150"
Frame counter: Automatic resetti ng counter showi ng number of exposed f rames
Film rewinding: Rapid rewinding with crank
Frame size: 36 x 24mm
Fif m: Standard 35mm film,12,2Q, or 36 exposures
Viewfinder Real-image type through fi xed, eye-level pentaprism; exposure-control needles (follower system),
battery check mark, shutter speed scale, and F-number visible in finder
Focusing screen: Mat Fresnel with a Q2.smm central horizontally oriented split-image spot surrounded
by a microprism band 1.Smm wide
Exposure meter Through-the-lens metering system
Exposure meter: Contrast light compensator (CLC) with two CdS cells on the pentaprism
Measurement: Measuring at full aperture coupled to shutter speed, aperture and f ilm speed setting
Control: Follower-needle system viewed in the f inder
Working range: EV 3 to EV 17 with ASA 100 film
Diaphragm button: Depth-of-f ield preview button for MC Rokkor Lenses;measuring (stopdownl button for
other than MC Rokkor lenses
Film speed range: ASA 6 - 6400, DIN I - 39
ASA setting: On sh u tter speed dial; bu ilt-in ASA/D I N conversion scale on camera back
Battery: 1.35v mercury battery, Mallory PX-625 or equivalent
Switch: ON , O F F, and battery check switch on base of camera
Focusing Bright-screen with micro-split and fi ne ground glass
Focusing distance: 50cm (1.75 ft.) to inf inity
Focusing method: Direct helicoid focusing with infrared index
Mirror Oversize quick-return mirror
Others Built-in accessory hot shoe
Size and weight Body only
Width 145mm 15-314"1; Depth 47.Smm{.1-718"1;Height95mm (3-314"1;71O9(25oz.l
(Rtt illustrations in this manual are with the F1.4 standard lens. There is, however, no
fundamental difference in use between this and the other interchangeable MC Rokkor Lenses.)
1. The Minolta SR-T 303 uses a 1.35 , button- 2. To install, remove the battery chamber cover
shape mercury battery for photographic with your thumb by turning it
applications (Mallory PX-625, PX-13, Eve- counterclockwise. Place the battery in the
ready EXP-625, EPX-13 or equ ivalent). chamber with its plus side out and replace the
Loading f ilm
o The frame counter indicates the number of
pictures taken from 1 to 36.
o The f ilm advance lever has a total "throw" of
17Oo; ol this distance, the first 209 have no
effect on the f ilm but are intended to provide
a "free play" range through which the lever
may be "offset" from the body for rapid
o When the camera back is opened, the counter
automatically resets itself to the start (S)
14 Setting ASA number (f ilm speed)
The lens aperture ring is engraved with passed increases. The theoretical relation be-
F-numbers from maximum aperture through tween aperture and light volume is shown in the
16. The lens opening is set by rotating this until diagram. In practice, this varies somewhat at
the desired number is aligned with the index (o large or maximum apertures, but your 19
or I l or appears above the frame in the SR-T 303 and MC Rokkor lenses have built-in
viewf inder. compensation for this to give you most satis-
When other conditions remain constant, light factory exposure.
passing through a lens generally decreases 50
percent for every full-stop increase in F-number NOTE:
(for example, when the aperture number of a fast o "Click" stops are provided for half-stop
lens is increased from F5,6 to F8. the light aperture settings. I ntermediate shutter speeds
film decreases by 5O percent).
passing to the cannot be set.
As the aperture figure decreases, the light o The figure "B" on the shutter speed dial is
used when an exposure duration of over 1
second is required. The shutter will remain
r.to.Ir.z rr @ open while the shutter release is depressed.
o The red figure "60" on the shutter speed dial
vofume indicates the maximum shutter speed to be
g 2 | t2 t{ t/8 tt6 t/32 t6a
used in conjunction with electronic flash.
. Since light striking the film is affected by a
combination of aperture and shutter speed,
exposure can be adjusted by changing either
or both of these settings.
. The shutter speed at which the camera is set
can be seen from the scale visible below the
frame in the viewfinder, With most lenses,
the F-number set is displayed above the
viewfield in the f inder.
Focusing the camera To focus using the split-image spot, look
through the viewfinder and turn the focusing ring I
The focusing screen of the M inolta on the lens until the upper and lower images in
SR-T 303 has a central horizontally oriented the split-image spot are exactly aligned with no I
split-image spot surrounded by a circular micro- broken lines between them.
prism band. You can choose either of these For microprism focusing, turn the ring until
focusing aids according to the subject and your the image is no longer broken up but appears
preference. clear in the microprism band.
Flashbulbs and electronic flash units are When using an electronic flash unit, set the
22 recommended for indoor and night photography shutter speed at 1/60th sec. (red figure on dial),
and for shooting in shaded areas. and turn the sync. selector switch to "X."
Your Minolta SR-T 303 is wired for X or FP When using FP-class bulbs, turn the sync.
flash synchronization and has a single sync' sefector nruitch to "FP," and you can use any
terminal wih a sync. selector sl ritch. By turning strutter speed from 1 to 1/1OOfth sec.
the sync, selector switch to align its index with Speeds usable with other bulb classes are
the appropriate indication, either direct contact indicated below,
cordless flashguns or units having cords can be
used on it.
o When using M-class flash bulbs, a shutter
speed of 1/15th sec. or slower is recom-
. Use "blue" flash bulbs generally for color
Depth of field
Depth of Field
www.butkus.us s Distance
Depth-of-field table of MG Rokkor 5omm Fl.7 and Ft.4 Lenses (in feet)
--t--\.-.-. F No.
Dist. (ft.|-------- L.4 L.7 2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16
@ oo co oo oo co oo oo
189'too t55t 3il 95', 66' 6'l 47' 7',| 33', 4' 24', 3'l t6, gtl
,a__{ 1.2
oo oo
4 5.6
6 1i
282', t7 r' 12!, 85' 6I' 43' 30' 22', 29
30 33', 6'I 36', 3t/ 39', 9' 45',r1, 59', 98', oo oo
27', 2l 25', 7tl 24' Lil 22', 4', 20' 2'|1 17' gtl 15, 2x 12' gn
15'10, 16' s',l 17'Il 18'IU 19' 9il 22' gil 29' 47', 7a
r4' 3il 13'TO' 13, 5a 12'10x 12' TI ll,3l 10'2r 9',
11.3 t2.2 13.5 15.8 20.8 37.7 oo oo
9.0 8.5 8.0 7.3 6.6 5.8 4.9 4.1
5.3 5.5 5.7 6.1 6.7 7.8 ro.2 18.1
5 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.O 3.7 3.3 2.9
3.10 3.17 3.24 3.36 3.53 3.81 4.29 5.22
3 2.90 2.85 2.79 2.7r 2.6L 2.48 2.3L 2.TT
2.O4 2.O7 2.LO 2.r5 2.22 2.32 2.48 2.79
2 r.a7 L.82 |.76 1.68 t.57
1.96 1.93 1.91
r.52 1.54 1.56 1 .58 1.61 t.67 r.75 1.88
1.5 1.48 r.46 1.45 t.43 1.40 r.37 r.32 L.25
1.22 L.22 t.23 r.25 L27 130 1.35 t.42
L.2 1.19 1.18 t.t7 1.16 L,L4 1.11 1.08 1.04
1.O1 r.o2 r.o2 1.03 1.O5 r.o7 1.10 T.I4
0.99 0.99 o.98 o.97 0.96 o.94 o.92 0.89
0.91 0.91 o.92 o.93 o.94 0.95 0.98 1.O1
0.9 o.89 o.89 0.88 o.88 o.a7 0.85 o.84 0.81
o.81 0.81 o.81 o.82 o.83 0.84 0.86 0.89
0.8 o.79 o.79 o.79 o.78 o.77 o.76 o.75 o.73
o.7 t o.7 r o.7r o.7 L o.72 o.73 o.74 o.76
o.7 o.70 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.68 o.67 0.66 0.65
o.60 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 o.62 o.63 o.64
0.6 o.60 0.60 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.58 o.57 0.56
. lf the film has not been advanced, the
self -timer lever will stop af ter returning
about 45o and the shutter will not be
re leased. ,,
. You can override the self-timer mechanism
by pushing the shutter release button either
before or after the self-timer has been
lnfrared index
irj {il- [-
Exposure counter will advance as usual each
time the film-advance lever is operated. www.butkus.us
2. Lift the rewind crank and turn it clockwise. 3. Now, pull the back cover release knob out
This will rewind the film into the magazine. to open the camera back and remove the
When you feel a slight resistance, you have film cartridge.
rewound nearly all the film and it has
disengaged from the take-up spool. After NOTE:
one or two more turns you can assume all r The film-advance release button will auto-
the f ilm has been rewound into the maoa- matically return to its original position as
zine. the film advance lever is activated.
Lenses can be changed even when the film To mount a lens, insert it into the bayonet
has been advanced and the shutter cocked. To socket by lining up the red dot on the lens
remove the mounted lens, push the lens release barrel with the red dot on the camera body.
button down and rotate the lens counterclock- Now, turn the lens clockwise until it spots with
wise until it stoos. lt can now be lifted out. a "click."
. Touch nothing inside the bayonet mount
while lens is removed.
. lf the lens is left removed, replace it with a
body cap to prevent dust from collecting on
the mirror and shutter mechanisms.
When using Rokkor Lenses designed for the r The diaphragm stopdown button will not
38 Minolta SR-1, SR-3 or SR-7, which do not have ooerate if the film advance lever has not
a meter coupling pin, you must use the "stop- been advanced completely.
down measurement system" to set exposure. . When the diaphragm stopdown button is
With this system the indicator needle moves pressed the second time, the diaphragm
when the lens diaphragm is opened or closed reopens to maximum aperture.
and the follower (circle-tipped) needle is acti- . When the shutter is released, the diaphragm
vated by the shutter-speed dial. automatically closes down to the preset
aperture ancl reopens.
Auto Rokkor Lenses
Manual preset Rokkor Lenses . lt is not necessary to use the diaphragm 5:'
stopdown button, with manual preset
1) Set the shutter speed. I enses.
2) Set the maxim aperture of the lens, then . Compose and focus your picture before
close down until the two needles are making your exposure setting.
alig ned. o lf you focus or compose your picture after
3) Release the shutter. making your exposure setting, and you do
this by opening the lens to maximum
aperture, be sure to close it down again to
the proper point before you shoot.
. The indicator needle moves when the aper-
ture is adjusted.
. The tollower needle moves when the shutter
speed is adiusted.
Minolta Camera Co., Ltd., 30, 2-Chome, Azuchi-Machi, Higashi-Ku, Osaka 541, Japan
Minof ta Corporation, 101 Williams Drive, Ramsey, New Jersey 07446, U.S.A.
Minolta Camera Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H., 2 Hamburg 1, Spaldingstrasse 1, West Germany
Minolta Hong Kong Limited,49 Chatham Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Minolta Singapore (Pte) Ltd., Tong Fong Bldg.,52-E, Chin Swee Road, Singapore 3