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Research articles
Keywords: HP steels are commonly used in steam reforming tubes, which are exposed to harsh operational conditions
Heat-resistant alloys causing microstructural changes. These microstructural changes cause variations in the magnetic properties,
Aging states which can be measured by different techniques. This work aims at the measurement of the magnetic and electric
Magnetic force microscopy variations in HP-Nb modified alloys with different chemical composition using scanning probe microscopy
Kelvin probe force microscopy
(SPM) techniques. The results show that, despite the microstructural change due to variation of chemical
Contact potential difference
composition, samples with aging state I exhibit a magnetic response at the carbides boundary, while for ad-
vanced aging states, the magnetic response is not evidenced.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: cjpacheco@metalmat.ufrj.br (C.J. Pacheco).
Received 21 March 2019; Received in revised form 15 July 2019; Accepted 15 July 2019
Available online 22 July 2019
0304-8853/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.P. Arenas, et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 491 (2019) 165578
Table 1
Chemical composition (wt%) of HP-Nb modified austenitic stainless steel samples compared with the standard ASTM A608 [11].
Tube Ni Cr C Nb Ti Si Zr
sulfur analyzer, X-ray fluorescence and plasma atomic emission spec- Table 3
trometers. Imaging parameters used in MFM and KPFM modes.
Each tube was operated for different time of operation; the tube Image size 40 µm × 40 µm
length was exposed to different temperatures causing different aging Scan rate 3 s/line
states along its length. In order to analyze the magnetic response as a Resolution 256 points/line
function of the service temperature or aging state, three samples were Lift height (MFM) 100–150 nm
AC bias frequency (KPFM) 17 kHz
extracted from different positions along each steam reforming tube,
AC bias amplitude (KPFM) 4V
being characterized with different aging states according to the criteria
stated by Le May et al. [3]. Metallographic samples, extracted from the
cross-sectional tube, with dimension of 10 mm × 12.5 mm × 5 mm, electric potential map were thus acquired simultaneously. The main
were metallographic sanded and polished. At the center of each sample, parameters used for the MFM and KPFM analyses are given in Table 3.
two small marks (made with a wet ink pen) allowed to easily identify
the same region by SEM and MFM/KPFM. Sample description is given
in Table 2. 3. Results and discussion
The microstructural characterization of the samples was performed
using a scanning electron microscope FEI FEG Versa 3D Dual Beam, 3.1. SEM and EDS
coupled to an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer. The morphological
characteristics of the samples were analyzed in the backscattered SEM images obtained on all the samples in the back-scattered
electron mode and a semi-quantitative chemical analysis was measured electron mode are presented in Fig. 1. Phase identification was per-
using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). formed for all samples using semi-analytical EDS. Results obtained on
tube A are shown in Fig. 2 due to the presence of all the microstructural
phases (as described below). In addition, the observed phases for tubes
2.2. Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)
A, B and C are summarized in Table 4.
In the as-cast conditions and aging state I, HP-Nb modified alloys
The SPM characterization was performed using a Nanosurf Flex
present chromium carbides (dark, spot 2 in Fig. 2.a) and fragmented
AFM microscope. The magnetic and electric measurements were per-
MC carbides (where M = metal, mostly Nb, bright, spot 3 in Fig. 2.a),
formed by using the MFM and KPFM modes. A conductive silicon tip
also known as Chinese-script morphology [5,15–17]. Sample A is an
coated with cobalt (Si-Co) was used for the magnetic and the electrical
alloy with low niobium addition; the Chinese-script morphology is not
characterizations [7,12]. Before the analysis, the samples were placed
observed due to the presence of zirconium which inhibits the formation
on a permanent magnet in order to permanently magnetize the ferro-
of this morphology [5,15,18], Fig. 1.a. The chemical composition of
magnetic phases [7,13,14]. Afterward, the samples were placed in the
sample B presents a high niobium content with micro-addition of tita-
AFM and, based on the SEM micrographs previously obtained, the
nium. Small concentrations of titanium change the MC morphology
scanning was performed on the regions of interest. The MFM data were
from lamellar to blocky, since this element inhibits the formation of the
acquired in two steps (double pass). Initially, the topography of the
Chinese-script morphology [17], Fig. 1.d. On the other hand, sample C
sample was measured in the intermittent contact mode. Then, the probe
is an alloy with high niobium content and no micro-addition of titanium
was lifted to a constant distance between 100 and 150 nm above the
presenting the Chinese-script morphology in niobium carbides (white),
surface of the sample (lift mode). The KPFM measurements were ac-
Fig. 1.g.
quired in the amplitude modulation mode in single pass with the me-
For aging state III, primary chromium carbides (dark) become
chanical excitation of the cantilever at its resonance frequency and an
blocky and a secondary chromium carbide precipitation (small phases
AC electrical bias applied off-resonance. The topographic image and the
precipitated inside the γ-matrix) is observed. This secondary pre-
cipitation is more evident in Sample C, Fig. 1.h. It should also be noted
Table 2
that samples A-III and B-III present a partial phase transformation of
Description for each sample removed from tubes A, B and C showing time of
operation, wall thickness, approximated operating temperatures, and aging
NbC (white) into G-phase (gray, spot 4 in Fig. 2.b), Fig. 1.b. and
state. Fig. 1.e. As reported in literature [19–21], Nb carbides are not stable at
temperatures above 700 °C, being transformed into Nb-Ni-silicide,
Tube Time of Wall Sample Operating Aging state
known as G-phase. In addition, the transformation of G-phase also de-
operation (h) thickness name Temperature (°C)
(mm) pends on the concentration of Si and Ni. The formation of G-phase is
more likely to occur for higher concentrations of Si and Ni [22]. Thus,
A 107,000 11.0 A–I 550 I the NbC of sample C-III presents almost a full phase transformation into
G-phase due to the high Si content, Fig. 1.h.
A–VI 1000 VI
For samples with aging state V and VI, a morphological modification
B 90,000 13.0 B–I 550 I is observed in the primary carbides, which lose their lamellar structure
B–VI 1000 VI
and form coarser and more compact blocks. The secondary precipita-
tion coalesced, which makes the austenitic matrix cleaner. Sample A-VI
C 135,000 16.5 C–I 550 I
presents Cr-Ni-Nb-Si phase, identified as η-phase by different authors
C–V 950 V (spot 5 in Fig. 2.c) [23–25], Fig. 1.c. For sample B-VI, the NbC were
fully transformed into G-phase (gray) and the sample presents
M.P. Arenas, et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 491 (2019) 165578
Fig. 1. SEM micrographs in the back-scattered electron mode, revealing NbC, Cr23C6, G-phase, η-phase. Sample A: (a) A-I, (b) A-III and (c) A-VI. Sample B: (d) B-I, (e)
B-III and (f) B-VI. Sample C: (g) C-I, (h) C-III and (i) C-V.
exclusively chromium carbides and G-phase, as depicted in Fig. 1.f. step variation between the carbide and the γ-matrix without huge dip or
Finally, sample C-V presents chromium carbides and G-phase, Fig. 1.i. peak at the carbide boundary, Fig. 4.b. These results prove that the
MFM signal at the chromium carbide boundary is a real magnetic sig-
nature [7]. Moreover, the magnetic signal around the carbides detected
3.2. SPM
by MFM may be explained by the phase transformation or by the var-
iation of the chemical composition around this region.
3.2.1. Sample A
Sample A-III presents Cr carbides, Nb carbides, and G-phase, as
SEM image (Fig. 3.a) shows the presence of Cr-carbides and Nb-
shown in Fig. 3.d. The MFM image shows a weak contrast between the
carbides in age state I on tube A. The MFM image shows that the aus-
γ-matrix and the carbides or G-phase, Fig. 3.e. In contrast, the KPFM
tenitic matrix and the interior of the carbides presents a homogeneous
image presents various contrasts associated to each phase, as shown in
contrast, as shown in Fig. 3.b. However, a dark contrast is observed at
Fig. 3.f. The contact potential difference between the Cr-carbide/γ-
the chromium carbide boundary. In the KPFM measurement the contact
matrix is −36.3 ± 3.1 mV, that difference is higher between Nb-car-
potential difference (VCPD) detected between the Cr-carbide/γ-matrix
bide/γ-matrix (-52.5 ± 11.0 mV). The VCPD between G-phase/γ-matrix
and Nb-carbide/γ-matrix is −29.7 ± 11.0 mV and −56.7 ± 5.0 mV,
is 41.0 ± 4.5 mV. In the case of this sample, the weak contrast between
respectively. This variation of the VCPD resulting from the difference of
the γ-matrix and carbides or G-phase on the MFM image is most
work function between the austenitic matrix and the chromium or
probably not due to a magnetic signal but rather due to the difference of
niobium carbides is observed at the KPFM image, Fig. 3.c.
electrostatic force as suggested by the KPFM potential image.
In order to support if the signature around the carbide is due to real
The SEM micrograph of the sample A-VI presents Cr carbides and η-
magnetic signals, three profile lines were outlined from the interior of
phase, as depicted in Fig. 3.g. The MFM image presents a very homo-
the Cr-carbide to the γ-matrix in both MFM (red lines), Fig. 4.a, and
genous response where is not possible to distinguish any phase, Fig. 3.h.
KPFM (yellow lines), Fig. 4.b. The MFM profile lines present almost the
The KPFM potential image reveals again contact potential differences
same phase-shift inside the non-magnetic carbide and γ-matrix. The Cr-
between the different phases, Fig. 3.i. The contact potential differences
carbide boundary presents a huge variation of the MFM signal, as
between Cr-carbide/γ-matrix and η-phase/γ-matrix are
shown in Fig. 4.a. On the other hand, the KPFM line profiles present a
M.P. Arenas, et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 491 (2019) 165578
Fig. 2. SEM micrograph obtained in the backscattered electron mode on tube A. Samples: (a) A-I, (b) A-III and (c) A-VI. The EDS spectra of each spot marked on the
images are presented in the right column.
M.P. Arenas, et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 491 (2019) 165578
Fig. 3. SEM micrographs (a,d,g), MFM phase-shift images (b,e,h) and KPFM potential images (c,f,i) of samples A-I (a-c), A-III (d-f), and A-VI (g-i).
M.P. Arenas, et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 491 (2019) 165578
Fig. 4. Sample A-I profile lines dashed from the interior of the Cr-carbide to the γ-matrix in (a) MFM image (red lines) and (b) KPFM image (yellow lines). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 5. SEM micrographs (a,d,g), MFM phase-shift images (b,e,h) and KPFM images (c,f,i) obtained on samples B-I (a-c), B-III (d-f) and B-VI (g-i).
The MFM image presents a very weak contrast between the micro- between the Cr carbide/γ-matrix and η-phase/γ-matrix is
structural phases and the γ-matrix (Fig. 6.e). This weak contrast may −52.7 ± 4.9 mV and −16.1 ± 5.1 mV, respectively. For the G-
not be due to magnetic interactions but rather to electrostatic interac- phase/γ-matrix the VCPD is 60.5 ± 9.6 mV and for the brighter region is
tions resulting from the differences in contact potential revealed in the 125.7 ± 42.0 mV. This variation of the VCPD is observed in the KPFM
KPFM potential image, Fig. 6.f. The contact potential difference image as an evident contrast between chromium carbide (dark), G-
M.P. Arenas, et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 491 (2019) 165578
Fig. 6. SEM micrographs (a,d,g), MFM phase-shift images (b,e,h) and KPFM potential images (c,f,i) for samples C-I (a-c), C-III (d-f) and C-V (g-i).
phase, η-phase, and γ-matrix. It is also observed that G-phase presents observed between carbides and γ-matrix was due to the difference of
two contrasts which may be attributed to different stoichiometry work function between them.
[15,26,27], resulting in a work function difference. Furthermore, as the
weak contrast observed in the MFM image is mainly constant, the sig- Acknowledgments
nificant difference of contact potential between the phases in the KPFM
analysis once again did not affect the signal detected by the MFM. The authors would like to thank the Brazilian research agencies
Finally, sample C-V presents Cr carbides and G-phase, as observed in CAPES, CNPq, and FAPERJ for the financial support and PETROBRAS
the SEM image, Fig. 6.g. The MFM image shows no contrast between for the samples supply. BN also thanks Wallonie Bruxelles International
the precipitates and the γ-matrix (Fig. 6.h). On the other hand, a clear (WBI) for the financial support.
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