Invitation To Football Training Sessions: Monday 10 September
Invitation To Football Training Sessions: Monday 10 September
Invitation To Football Training Sessions: Monday 10 September
Thanks for your support with the trials. The standard of Football during the trial was of a high standard and all children
should be congratulated for taking part and their positive attitude. We would like to invite the children listed below to
join the Orleans Primary Football squad. The starting date for training will be Monday 10th September.
Throughout the year we will organise friendly matches for the children listed below. These are separate to the Y5/6
League Matches. Details of friendly and League matches will be communicated with you via a letter closer to the time.
Although there is no guarantee that a child will be selected for all or even the majority of matches, children attending
training sessions regularly will stand a significantly better chance of being selected. Children who do not regularly attend
sessions will not be selected for matches.
We will need one parent helper on a Monday afternoon to walk the children from school to Marble Hill Park at
3:30pm. Please fill your number and email address below to facilitate a schedule system, and to provide emergency
contact information. We will send out an additional letter with the walking rota as soon as possible.
If you have any questions then please feel free to come and see us.
Kind regards,
Rachel Verge and Emma Reynolds Conor Molyneaux
PE & Sport Leaders Football Coach
Football Squad Invitation Acceptance
This acceptance slip must be handed to the School Office by Thursday 19th July.
Your child will not be able to attend training without a returned slip.
I accept the invitation for to join the Orleans Primary School Football
Training Squad:
Email address:
Contact number:
I am able to help walk the Y5/6 football team to Marble Hill Park on a Monday afternoon.
Relation to child: