Sensation & Perception 6th Edition 5
Sensation & Perception 6th Edition 5
Sensation & Perception 6th Edition 5
f you were forced to give up one dimension of your visual experience, color vi-
sion would be a sad but sensible choice. Vision works quite well without color.
Television thrived in black and white, for example. You would be much more
impaired if you were forced to give up orientation perception or motion percep-
tion (see Chapter 8). That said, an ability to use color has evolved multiple times in
multiple ways in the animal kingdom, and it seems very central to your perceptual
life. You have probably been asked about your favorite color. When was the last
time anyone asked you to name your favorite orientation? The goal of this chapter
is to explain how we see color and to speculate about why.
S Rod M L
FIGURE 5.1 Photoreceptor types The retina contains
four types of photoreceptors. These differ in their sensitivity
to the wavelengths of light. Three cone types are maximally 0
sensitive at short (S), medium (M), and long (L) wavelengths.
The single type of rod photoreceptor has its peak sensitivity 400 500 600 700
between those of the S- and M-cones. Wavelength (nm)
The Perception of Color 133
Receptor response
tion differs from detection, let’s examine the response of a single photorecep-
tor to a single wavelength of light. FIGURE 5.2 shows how one kind of human
photoreceptor responds to light of a specific wavelength while the intensity of
the light is held constant. Because of the properties of the photopigment in the
photoreceptor cell, 400 nm light produces only a small response in each cell
of this type, 500 nm light produces a greater response, and 550 nm light even
more. However, 600 nm light produces less than the maximal response, and 650
nm light produces a minimal response. Light of 625 nm produces a response of 400 500 600 700
moderate strength. Wavelength (nm) 8.25.2020
134 Chapter 5
S-cone response
to 450 nm is big.
L-cone response to
L 625 nm is big.
S-cone response to
FIGURE 5.5 Solving univariance The two wave- S
625 nm is absent.
lengths that produce the same response from one type
of cone (M) produce different patterns of responses 400 500 600 700
across the three types of cones (S, M, and L). Wavelength (nm)
The Perception of Color 135
of human color vision. A specific light produces a specific set of three responses trichromacy or trichromatic theory
from the three cone types. Suppose that the light produces twice as much M re- of color vision The theory that the
color of any light is defined in our visual
sponse as S response and twice as much S response as L response. If we increase system by the relationships of three
the intensity of the light, the response sizes will change but the relationships will numbers—the outputs of three receptor
not. There will still be twice as much M response as S response and twice as much types now known to be the three cones.
S response as L response, and those relationships will define our response to the Also called the Young-Helmholtz theory.
light and, eventually, the color that we see. (Think what might happen if the lights
were really bright.) The idea that ability to discriminate one light from another
is defined in our visual system by the relationships among three numbers is the
heart of trichromacy, or more elaborately, the trichromatic theory of color vision.
The examples presented thus far involve the responses of the visual system to
single wavelengths. However, you may have noticed that we have been referring
to “wavelengths or mixtures of wavelengths.” That’s because we are not typically
exposed to single wavelengths. Almost every light and every surface that we see
is emitting or reflecting a wide range of wavelengths. A laser pointer would emit
a very narrow range of wavelengths, but a more normal situation is shown in FIG-
URE 5.6. It shows the relative amounts of light reflected from groups of Granny
Smith apples exposed to different amounts of sunlight during growth. How can
we discriminate the injured from the uninjured apples? When we’re studying color
vision, this real-world concern gets reduced to a different question: How do our
cones respond to combinations of wavelengths of light?
To answer this question, consider what happens if we mix just two wavelengths.
For the sake of this example, we will oversimplify by ignoring the S-cones and re-
drawing the M- and L-cones to make the numbers simpler. Imagine that we shine a
wavelength that looks red and a wavelength that looks green onto a white piece of
paper so that a mixture of both is reflected back to the eyes (FIGURE 5.7A). Suppose
that the light that looks green produces 80 units of activity in the M-cones and
40 in the L-cones (remember, we are ignoring the S-cones for now). In addition,
Class 4
Reflectance (%)
Class 3
Class 1
Class 2
FIGURE 5.6 Real world reflectance
Class 0 Class 0 functions Objects in the real world
10 Class 1 reflect light across the spectrum in different
Class 2 amounts. This graph plots the reflectances
0 Class 3 of sun injury development in Granny Smith
Class 4 apples. You can see how the appearance
changes as the amount of reflected
500 550 600 650 long-wavelength light changes. (After C. A.
Wavelength (nm) Torres et al. 2016. Sci Hortic 209: 165–172.)
136 Chapter 5
(A) What happens if you add this light suppose that the light that looks red produces 40 units of activity in the M-cones
that looks red to one that looks green? and 80 in the L-cones. If we assume that we can add the cone responses together,
then summing the “red” and “green” lights produces a response of 120 units in each
M-cone L-cone cone. The absolute value is not important, because it could change if the intensity
of the light changed. What is important is that these two lights, mixed together,
2. For a mixture of a red and green to look perfectly yellow, we would have to
have just the right red and just the right green. Other mixes might look a bit
reddish or a bit greenish.
This example generalizes to any mixture of lights. All the light reaching the retina
from one patch in the visual field will be converted into three numbers by the three
Y cone types. If those numbers are sufficiently different from the numbers in another
patch, you will be able to discriminate those patches. If not, those patches will be
FIGURE 5.7 Metamers In (A), the metamers: they will look identical, even if the wavelengths are physically different.
long-wavelength light that looks red and
the shorter-wavelength light that looks The History of Trichromatic Theory
green mix together to produce the same
response from the cones as does the From what you’ve read so far in this book, you would be forgiven for supposing that
medium-wavelength light that looks yel- clever anatomists and physiologists identified the three cone types and built the
Sensation two sets 6E
low in (B).&IfPerception of lights produce the trichromatic theory of color vision from there. Indeed, there have been beautiful
same responses, Associates
they are metamers and
experiments of this sort: For instance, Schnapf, Kraft, and Baylor (1987) managed
must look identical, so the red plus the
green will look yellow. 2.18.2020 to record the activity of single photoreceptors. Nathans, Thomas, and Hogness
(1986) found the genes that code for the different photopigments. David Williams
and his students even developed a method for photographing and identifying dif-
ferent cone types in the living human eye (see Figure 2.18).
Such research has cemented our understanding of the physical basis of trichro-
macy, but the basic theory was established by psychophysical experimentation. The
theorizing started with Isaac Newton’s great discovery that a prism would break up
sunlight into the spectrum of hues, and a second prism would put the spectrum
back together into light that looked white. In 1666, Newton understood that “the
rays to speak properly are not coloured” (from Opticks, published originally in
1704). Newton knew that color is a mental event.
The three-dimensional nature of the experience of color was worked out in
the nineteenth century by Thomas Young (1773–1829) and subsequently by Her-
mann von Helmholtz (1821–1894). In their honor, trichromatic theory is often
called the Young-Helmholtz theory. James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879) developed
a color-matching technique that was central to Helmholtz’s work on this topic.
metamers Different mixtures of (Somehow Maxwell missed having his name attached, or we would have the
wavelengths that look identical, or
more generally, any pair of stimuli
Young-Maxwell-Helmholtz theory.) Maxwell’s technique is illustrated in FIGURE
that are perceived as identical in 5.8. The observer in a modern version of Maxwell’s experiments would try to use
spite of physical differences. different amounts of “primary” colored lights (e.g., the lights looking red, green,
The Perception of Color 137
and blue on the right side of the figure) to exactly match another reference color additive color mixture A mixture of
(e.g., the light looking cyan, or bluish, on the left side). lights. If light A and light B are both
reflected from a surface to the eye, in
The central observation from these experiments was that only three mixing the perception of color the effects of
Wolfe are needed to match any reference light. Two primaries are not enough, and
those two lights add together.
Sensation & Perception 6E
four are more than are needed. Long before physiology could prove it, these results
OUP/Sinauer Associates subtractive color mixture A mixture
led Young and Helmholtz to deduce that three different color mechanisms must of pigments. If pigments A and B mix,
limit the human experience8.18.2020
of color. some of the light shining on the surface
will be subtracted by A, and some by
A Brief Digression into Lights, Filters, and B. Only the remainder will contribute to
the perception of color.
Finger Paints
The ubiquity of video screens in the twenty-first century
may make color mixing and metamers reasonably intui-
tive. If you’ve never done so, find a magnifying glass and 1. Take “white” light
that contains a broad “White” light
take a very close look at a yellow patch on your computer mixture of wavelengths.
screen. You’ll find that the patch is actually composed
of thousands of intermixed red and green dots; though,
with new monitors, it is getting harder and harder to
see the tiny pixels. The “red + green = yellow” formula
is an example of additive color mixture because we are 2. Pass it through a filter
taking one wavelength or set of wavelengths and adding that absorbs shorter
wavelengths. The result “Yellow” filter
it to another. will look yellowish.
For most of us, color mixture begins in kindergarten
or earlier, with paints. In that world, red plus green
doesn’t make yellow; that mixture typically looks brown.
A finger paint, or any other pigment, looks a particular
color because it absorbs some wavelengths, subtract- 3. Pass that through a
ing them from the broadband (“white”) light falling on bluish filter that absorbs
“Blue” filter
all but a middle range
a surface covered with the pigment. When a toddler of wavelengths.
smears together red and green, almost all wavelengths
are absorbed by one pigment or the other, so we perceive
the subtractive color mixture as a dark color like brown.
Actually, finger paint mixtures are rather complicated,
with some particles of different pigments sitting next to 4. The wavelengths that
each other and effectively adding their different reflected make it through both “Green” remainder
filters will be a mix
lights to the result that you see. Other particles occlude that looks greenish.
each other, and others are engaged in still other complex
interactions. Colored filters, like those you might put over FIGURE 5.9 Subtractive color mixture In this example, “white”—
stage lights, are a cleaner example of subtractive color broadband—light is passed through two filters. The first one absorbs
mixture. FIGURE 5.9 shows how a subtractive mixture (“subtracts”) shorter wavelengths, transmitting a mix of wavelengths that
looks yellow. The second absorbs longer wavelengths and the shortest
of yellow and blue filters would subtract wavelengths,
wavelengths, transmitting a mix that looks blue. The wavelengths that
leaving only wavelengths in a middle range, which appear can pass through both filters without being subtracted are a middle
green. An additive mixture of lights that look blue and range of wavelengths that appear green.
Sensation & Perception 6E
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138 Chapter 5
Blue White Yellow yellow will look white (if you have exactly the right blue and yellow) (FIGURE 5.10)
because that combination produces a mix of wavelengths that stimulate the three
cone types roughly equally. (See Activity 5.3: Color Mixing.)
Additive color mixture with paints is possible. Georges Seurat (1859–1891)
and other Postimpressionist artists of the late nineteenth century experimented
with Pointillism, a style of painting that involved creating many hues by placing
small spots of just a few colors in different textures (FIGURE 5.11). Viewing the
painting up close, as illustrated in the figure, we can see each individual dot of
color. Like the red, green, and blue phosphor dots on a computer monitor, the
FIGURE 5.10 Additive color mixture dots in the painting combine additively to produce a wide range of colors. Thus,
If we shine a light that looks blue and from a distance the domes look gray even if, up close, they are composed of spots
a light that looks yellow on the same of blue, green, and white.
patch of paper, the wavelengths will add,
producing an additive color mixture.
Remember that the light that looks yellow
From Retina to Brain: Repackaging the Information
is equivalent
Sensation to a mix6E
& Perception of a long wavelength The cones in the retina are the neural substrate for detection of lights. What is the
and a mediumAssociates
OUP/Sinauer wavelength, so blue plus neural basis for discriminating between lights with different wavelength composi-
yellow results in a mix of short, medium,
and long wavelengths. The mixture 2.18.2020
tion? To tell the difference between different lights, the nervous system will look at
white (or gray, if it is not the brightest differences in the activities of the three cone types. This work begins in the retina.
patch in view). We could send separate L, M, and S signals to the brain, but that approach would
be less useful than one might think. For example, the L- and M-cones have very
similar sensitivities (see Figure 5.1), so most of the time they are in close agree-
ment: L says, “Lots of light coming from location X.” “Yes, lots of light coming from
location X,” M agrees.
Computing differences between cone responses turns out to be a much more
useful way to transmit information to the brain. The nervous system computes two
differences: L – M and (L + M) – S. Why these two? Comparisons across species
suggest that the comparison between S-cones and an LM-cone happened first,
Paul Signac, Grand Canal Venice, 1905. Oil on canvas
perhaps 500 million years ago (Mollon, 1989). Then, about 40 million years ago, the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
LM-cone split into very similar L- and M-cones, and the difference between those A structure in the thalamus, part of the
midbrain, that receives input from the
cone types turned out to be useful. We don’t know exactly why the L-M comparison
retinal ganglion cells and has input and
became important in color vision, but there are theories. For example, blushing output connections to the visual cortex.
and turning pale are useful signals to observe, and our specific photopigments may cone-opponent cell A cell type—
have evolved to help us see those signals (Changizi, Zhang, and Shimojo, 2006) by found in the retina, lateral geniculate
making it possible to discriminate different amounts of blood in skin. That is not nucleus, and visual cortex—that, in
the only possibility. The L – M difference may also be very useful if you want to effect, subtracts one type of cone input
from another.
tell the difference between fruit and leaves, different shades of green in the foliage,
or the ripeness of a berry (Regan et al., 2001). koniocellular Referring to cells in the
koniocellular layer of the lateral genicu-
In addition to L – M, we could create L – S and M – S signals. However, because late nucleus of the thalamus. Konio
L and M are so similar, a single comparison between S and (L + M) can capture from the Greek for “dust” refers to the
almost the same information that would be found in (L – S) and (M – S) signals. appearance of the cells.
Finally, combining L and M signals is a pretty good measure of the intensity of the parvocellular Referring to cells in the
light (S-cones make a rather small contribution to our perception of brightness). parvocellular layers of the lateral genicu-
late nucleus of the thalamus. Parvo from
Thus, on theoretical grounds, it might be wise to convert the three cone signals into
the Greek for “small” refers to the size
three new signals—L – M, (L + M) – S, and L + M (Buchsbaum and Gottschalk, of the cells.
1983; Zaidi, 1997)—and the visual system does something reasonably close to this.
these “white” cones? Cones could be contributing to many circuits. For example,
an L-cone could be part of an L – M circuit that responds to color and an L + M
circuit that responds to brightness. Maybe the L + M brightness response is just
stronger, so the spot looks white even though that cone might also contribute to the
apparent color of a more normal patch of light. Alternatively, it could be that the
response looks white because some cones just don’t contribute to color sensation.
This might help explain why spatial resolution (acuity, contrast sensitivity; see
Chapters 2 and 3) is quite bad if you use equiluminant stimuli—stimuli that vary
in color but not in luminance (Mullen, 1985). It may be that many cones just don’t
contribute to perception of such stimuli.
67 %
s s 2.18.2020
142 Chapter 5
hues—hues that can arise only from mixtures of wavelengths. While we are on opponent color theory The theory
the topic, it is worth noting that there are other commonly perceived colors that perception of color is based on
the output of three mechanisms, each
that are not included in the spectrum’s “all the colors of the rainbow.” Brown of them resulting from an opponency
is one such color. There are no brown lights. Brown is seen when a mixture of between two colors: red-green,
wavelengths that would look yellow, greenish yellow, or orange is seen in the blue-yellow, and black-white.
company of other, brighter patches of color. You cannot see an isolated brown unique hue In the context of opponent
light in the dark (Buck, 2015). color theory, any of four colors that can
be described with only a single color
Opponent Colors term: red, yellow, green, blue. Other
colors (e.g., purple or orange) can also
In the nineteenth century, Ewald Hering (1834–1918) described a curious feature be described as compounds (reddish
of color vision: some combinations of colors seem to be perceptually “illegal.” We blue, reddish yellow).
can have a bluish green, a reddish yellow (which we would call “orange”), or a bluish
red (which we would call “purple”), but reddish green and bluish yellow don’t exist.
Red and green are, in some fashion, opposed to each other, as are blue and yellow
(Hering, 1878). Young and Helmholtz described a trichromatic theory with three
basic colors (red, green, and blue); Hering’s opponent color theory had four basic
colors in two opponent pairs: red versus green, and blue versus yellow. A black-
versus-white component formed a third opponent pair.
FIGURE 5.15 illustrates this idea. The center ring shows the hue dimension of
HSB space, wrapped into the color circle as in Figure 5.14B. The outer ring offers
a cartoon of four color mechanisms in two pairs. The inner patch on the center
left looks yellow, in opponent color theory, because it stimulates the yellow pole of
the yellow-blue opponency and does not stimulate either red or green. Move a bit
counterclockwise, and the orange patches add increasing red to the decreasing yellow.
Leo Hurvich and Dorothea Jameson (1957) revived Hering’s ideas and developed
one way to quantify this opponency. The method, called
hue cancellation, is shown in FIGURE 5.16. Let’s start with
the blue-yellow mechanism. For every wavelength, we Green
will find out how much blue or yellow we need to cancel
the yellow or blue in a light of that color. So, in Example
1, we start with a wavelength, say, 430nm, that looks
blue. Those yellow circles indicate that we are adding
increasing amounts of yellow and asking if the mixture
still looks at all blueish. It takes quite a lot of yellow to
cancel that blue, leaving a pale green. This tells us that
this wavelength strongly stimulates the blue part of the
blue-yellow mechanism. The blue in the bluish-green Yellow Blue
of Example 2 can be cancelled with less yellow. For the
orange color in Example 3, we would need to add blue
to cancel the yellow component in orange. A color that
is neither blue nor yellow occurs when the blue-yellow
function crosses zero (see graph in Figure 5.16A). The
color is “unique green”. No one wavelength is “unique
red”. Everything above ~650 nm will look red.
The orange spot in Example 4 has both yellow and
red in it. If we cancel the red with green we are plotting Red
the red-green mechanism (see Figure 5.16B). The spots FIGURE 5.15 Opponent colors Ewald Hering noted that all the
where the function crosses zero are the wavelengths that colors on the “color circle” (the center ring) could be represented by
are “unique blue” and “unique yellow”. We could think of two pairs of opposing colors: blue versus yellow, and red versus green
(shown in&the outer ring).
6E Thus, a color could be a reddish yellow or
gray as one more unique hue (or antihue). It is what you Sensation Perception
a bluish green,
OUP/Sinauer but not a reddish green or a bluish yellow. (From
get if you cancel both red-green and blue-yellow opponent A. Stockman and D. H. Brainard. 2010. In OSA Handbook of Optics,
processes (Webster, 2017). 2.18.2020
3rd ed., M. Bass [Ed.], pp. 11.11–11.104. McGraw-Hill: New York.)
144 Chapter 5
Example 1. Start with a Example 2. Start with a Example 3. Start with a
blue patch blue-green patch reddish-yellow (orange) patch
+ = Too little.
Looks blue
+ = Too little.
Still a bit blue
+ = Too little.
Still orange
+ = + = + =
Just right
Too little. Looks green OK, reddish
Still bluish No blue or yellow No blue or yellow
+ = + = + =
OK, it is a
Too much. Now it is a
grayish green
Looks yellowish bluish-red
+ = + = + =
No blue or yellow
Unique green
Example 4. Start with a Unique hues
reddish-yellow (orange) patch
+ =
Blue Yellow
Much too little.
Looks orange Values above the 4
+ =
line mean that you
are adding green
OK, here there is to cancel redness.
No red or green
+ =
Values below the
Now it is line mean that you
yellowish green are adding red to
+ =
cancel greenness.
Now it is
+ = And now it is
much too green
400 500 600 700
Wavelength (nm)
Point 4 on graph
FIGURE 5.16 Color cancellation method Using color cancellation to measure opponent
processes and unique hues in a blue-yellow (A) and a red-green (B) process. The locations
where the hue cancellations cross the neutral midpoint are the locations of the unique green
(A) and blue and yellow (B) hues—for example, the green hue with no hint of blue or yellow
in it. (Graphs after L. Hurvich and D. Jameson. 1957. Psychol Rev 64: 384–404.)
Relative sensitivity
to this wavelength
1.0 1.0
L–M (L + M) – S
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
–0.5 –0.5
M–L S – (L + M)
–1.0 –1.0
549 nm 486 nm
–1.5 –1.5
G Y in the cones. (B) Discrimination: differences
0.5 1
are taken between cone types, creating
R R B cone-opponent mechanisms, important for
0.0 0
wavelength discriminations. (C) Appear-
–0.5 –1 ance: further recombination of the signals
creates color-opponent processes that
477 nm 580 nm –2 504 nm 510 nm support the color-opponent nature of color
–1.5 appearance. (From A. Stockman and
D. H. Brainard. 2010. In OSA Handbook
400 500 600 700 400 500 600 700 of Optics, 3rd ed., M. Bass [Ed.],
Wavelength (nm) pp. 11.11–11.104. McGraw-Hill: New York.)
146 Chapter 5
Modern imaging studies show some areas of the human visual cortex that
seem particularly interested in color (Grill-Spector and Malach, 2004), but we can’t
record from single cells in humans under most circumstances. Perhaps the best
evidence for specialized brain areas for color in humans comes from certain cases
of achromatopsia, a loss of color vision after brain damage (Zeki, 1990). People
with achromatopsia may be able to find the boundaries between regions of different
colors, but they cannot report what those colors might be. In these individuals,
vision is largely intact, while the experience of color seems specifically impaired.
the clerk and ask, “Do you have this in blue?” You simply assume that you and that basic color terms Color words that
clerk agree about the meaning of blue. You can discriminate on the order of millions are single words (like blue, not sky blue),
are used with high frequency, and have
of different colors, but you don’t have a separate word for each of these. There is a meanings that are agreed upon by
vast range of color words, but in looking for that shirt, you would not typically ask speakers of a language.
for “azuline” or “cerulean” (both, varieties of blue). You would use a word like blue cultural relativism In sensation and
that almost every speaker of your language would use quickly and consistently in perception, the idea that basic percep-
naming colors. These color names are the basic color terms of the language. What tual experiences (e.g., color perception)
makes a color term basic? Berlin and Kay (1969) asserted that it must be common may be determined in part by the cul-
tural environment.
(like red and not like beige), not an object or substance name (excluding bronze and
olive), and not a compound word (no blue green or light purple). This classification
is a little subjective (is beige that uncommon?), but Berlin and Kay argued that, in
English, these rules yield a list of 11 terms: red, green, blue, yellow, black, white,
gray, orange, purple, brown, and pink.
Interestingly, the numbers of “basic” color terms differ dramatically across
cultures, down to as few as 2 or 3. At one time it was thought that the differing
numbers of basic color terms in different languages meant that color categorization
was arbitrary. This notion was called cultural relativism, meaning that each group
was free to create its own linguistic map of color space. Berlin and Kay’s important
discovery was that the various maps used in different cultures are actually rather Black
similar (Lindsey and Brown, 2006). After surveying many languages, they found White
that the 11 basic color terms in English are about as many as any group possesses.
11 Basic colors
Of course, the words themselves differ. Red becomes rouge in French or adom in Green
Hebrew. Moreover, languages do not select randomly among the possible color Blue
terms. If a language has only two basic color terms, speakers of the language divide Brown
colors into “light” and “dark.” If a language has three color terms (one chromatic Orange
term beyond light and dark), what do you think the third usually is? If you guessed Purple
red, you are correct. Typically, the fourth color term would be yellow, then green Gray
and blue. This ordering is not absolute, but you won’t find a language with, for
example, just purple, green, and gray as its basic color terms. Lavender
How do new basic color terms emerge? Berlin and Kay argued that a big color Maroon
term is partitioned into two smaller terms. Levinson (2000) suggested that new Tan
basic terms tend to emerge at the boundary between two existing color terms, in Turquoise
the area where neither existing term works well. In fact, both processes may be Burgundy
at work. Lindsey and Brown (2014) looked at the use of color words in American Aqua
English by asking 51 Americans to name the color of each of 330 color patches (like Salmon
paint chips). These observers were told to use a single word. That word had to be Magenta
a word that could be used for anything of that color (you can’t have a “blond” car, Olive
can you?). Lindsey and Brown were looking for the sort of word you might use in Fuchsia
everyday speech to name the color of a car or a shirt. Those 51 Americans used Periwinkle
122 terms for 330 colors. Everyone used the basic 11, but there was evidence that Lilac
American English might be moving beyond the 11 basics. The color term teal may Mustard
become basic. It emerges in the no man’s land of colors that are neither blue nor
green. A term like purple may eventually be partitioned, with a term like lavender Flesh
or lilac taking over some of the purple real estate in color space (FIGURE 5.18). Forest
If our set of basic color terms increased, would that change the way we see color? Chartreuse
If a language has only two or three basic color terms, do its speakers see colors Rust
FIGURE 5.18 Basic color names When Lindsey and Brown (2014) asked Americans to Navy
name color patches, everyone used the 11 “basic” color names. The other color terms were Chocolate
used by fewer and fewer people, going toward the bottom of the graph. A few of these Wine
other terms, like peach and teal, may be considered basic color names over time. (From Sky
D. T. Lindsey and A. M. Brown. 2014. J Vis 14: 17, 1–25. DOI: Goldenrod
Sensation & Perception 6E
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148 Chapter 5
? ? ? ?
differently than we do with our 11 basic terms? Eleanor Rosch (Heider, 1972) studied
this question among the Dani of New Guinea, a tribe whose language has only two
basic color terms: mola for light-warm colors and mili for dark-cool colors. Now, it
is hard enough
Sensationto&ask your neighbor
Perception 6E to define the experience of “blue” and then to
ask if that is the same as your experience of “blue.” It is much more difficult to ask
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these questions across a great cultural divide. But there are tricks, as the experiment 2.18.2020
illustrated in FIGURE 5.19 demonstrates. Suppose you are shown a bluish color
chip and asked to remember it. Then you are shown two test chips and asked to
pick the color you saw before. Obviously, the less similar the two test colors are,
the easier this task is. But more important, you will do better if the wrong choice
is on the other side of a color categorical boundary. Color boundaries are sharper
than you might think. If you show people a collection of colors and ask, “Which
are blue and which are green?” people do the task without much difficulty. If you
have to remember a color, as in the task shown in Figure 5.19, you are likely to give
it a label like “green” or “blue.” If the next color has the same label, you are more
likely to be confused than if it has a different label.
Rosch found that the Dani’s performance on such tasks reflected the same color
boundaries, even when their language did not recognize the distinction between
the two colors (a Dani might use the term mili for all the colors in Figure 5.19 but
would still do better with the task in Figure 5.19B). This finding leads to the con-
clusion that color perception is not especially influenced by culture and language;
blue and green are seen as categorically different, even if one’s language does not
employ color terms to express this difference. If you want some quite convincing
evidence that color categorization isn’t just a function of language, consider a study
by Caves et al. (2018). They did a version of the experiment illustrated in Figure
5.19 with songbirds as the observers and obtained evidence that they, too, seem
to group colors into categories.
On the other hand, there is some evidence that language and color naming can
influence color discrimination. In the late 1990s, Debi Roberson went up the Sepik
River in New Guinea to study the Berinmo, whose language, like the Dani’s, has a
limited set of basic color terms. Unlike previously studied groups, the Berinmo have
terms that form novel boundaries in color space that we do not have. For example,
their nol/wor distinction lies in the middle of colors we categorize as green. Nol
and wor may roughly distinguish live from dead or dying foliage. When Roberson
asked the Berinmo to do the color memory task, they performed better across their
nol-wor boundary than across the blue-green boundary. English speakers showed
the opposite result (Davidoff, Davies, and Roberson, 1999).
The Perception of Color 149
You might think that this was just about the role of language in memory. Sup-
pose you call a spot “green” when you see it first. Then, when you see one spot that
looks green and another that looks blue, you know which one you have seen. If you
see two different green spots, the word green won’t help. Of course, that would not
Wolfe what the Caves et al. (2018) birds were doing. Moreover, color boundaries
Sensation & Perception 6E
have an influence,
OUP/Sinauer even if the task doesn’t have a memory component. As you can
see in FIGURE 5.20, Witzel and Gegenfurtner (2016) measured how long it took to
say which one of four patches 2.19.2020
was of a different color. They used four different pairs
of colors selected from red and brown patches. Each patch was separated from the
next patch by two just noticeable differences. (If you don’t remember just noticeable
differences, revisit Section 1.2). They found that people were faster to identify the
different one and more accurate when the patches were separated by the border
between red and brown than when all patches were within the “red” or “brown”
category. So the color names matter, even when you compare two colors side by side.
tetrachromatic Referring to the rare two copies and can have normal color vision even if one copy is abnormal. In fact,
situation (in humans, at least) where the some women can end up with four different cone pigments, and in very rare cases,
color of any light is defined by the rela-
tionships of four numbers—the outputs
that produces tetrachromatic color vision—color vision based on four numbers
of those four receptor types. per patch of light (Jordan et al., 2010). Such individuals may actually see colors that
deuteranope An individual who suf- trichromats cannot see. The S-cone photopigment is coded elsewhere, so everyone
fers from color blindness that is due to has two copies, and therefore S-cone color deficiencies are rare (Alpern, Kitahara,
the absence of M-cones. and Krantz, 1983). (See Essay 5.3: Experiencing Color Blindness.)
protanope An individual who suffers There are several different types of color blindness. One determining factor is the
from color blindness that is due to the type of cone affected. A second factor is the type of defect; either the photopigment
absence of L-cones.
for that cone type is anomalous (different from the norm) or the cone type is missing
tritanope An individual who suffers altogether. Although we call people who are missing one cone type “color-blind,” it is
from color blindness that is due to the
absence of S-cones. a mistake to think that this means they cannot see colors at all. As you will recall, if
you have all three cones with their standard photopigments, you need three primary
color-anomalous A better term for the
commonly used term color-blind. Most colors to make a metameric match with an arbitrary patch of color. If you have two
“color-blind” individuals can still make cone types rather than three, the normally three-dimensional color space becomes
discriminations based on wavelength. a two-dimensional space. The world will still be seen in color, but you will have a
Those discriminations are different from
“flatter” color experience, different from that of people with normal color vision.
the norm—that is, anomalous.
Because M- and L-cone defects are the most common, most color-blind individ-
cone monochromat An individual with
only one cone type. Cone monochro-
uals have difficulty discriminating lights in the middle-to-long-wavelength range.
mats are truly color-blind. For example, consider the wavelengths 560 and 610 nm. Neither of these lights
rod monochromat An individual with activates S-cones very much, and the L-cones fire at about the same rate for both.
no cones of any type. In addition to But most of us can distinguish the lights on the basis of the M-cone outputs they
being truly color-blind, rod monochro- elicit, which will be higher for the 560 nm light than for the 610 nm light (you can
mats are badly visually impaired confirm these assertions by consulting Figure 5.5). English-speaking trichromats
in bright light.
would label the colors of these two lights as “green” and “reddish orange,” respectively.
Now consider a deuteranope, someone who has no M-cones. His photorecep-
tor output to these two lights will be identical. Following our maxim that the rest
of the visual system knows only what the photoreceptors tell it, 560 and 610 nm
lights must and will be classified as the same color by our deuteranopic individual.
A protanope—someone who has no L-cones—will have a different set of color
matches based on the outputs of his two cone types (M and S). And a tritanope—with
no S-cones—will be different again. Genetic factors can also make people color-
anomalous. Color-anomalous individuals typically have three cone photopigments,
but two of them are so similar that these individuals experience the world in much
the same way as individuals with only two cone types.
We actually have some notion of exactly what the world looks like to color-de-
ficient individuals, because there are a few, very rare cases of individuals who are
color-blind in only one eye. They can compare what they see through the color-blind
eye with what they see through the normal eye, enabling us to reconstruct the
appearance of the color-blind world (MacLeod and Lennie, 1976).
True color blindness does occur, but it is very unusual. It is possible to be a cone
monochromat, with only one type of cone in the retina. Cone monochromats (who
also have rods) live in a one-dimensional color space, seeing the world only in shades
of gray. Even more visually impaired are rod monochromats, who are missing cones
altogether. Because the rods work well only in dim light and are generally absent
in the fovea, these individuals not only fail to discriminate colors, but also have
very poor acuity and serious difficulties seeing under normal daylight conditions.
There have been various clever efforts to improve the color vision of individ-
uals with abnormal color vision. For example, if you have L and M cones that are
anomalously similar to each other, the right filter, placed in front of the eyes, can
more effectively separate the two cone types. This will change what you would see
and, to judge by testimonials, some “color-blind” individuals experience a richer
The Perception of Color 151
world of color. Unfortunately, these glasses do not give people normal color vision agnosia A failure to recognize
(Gómez-Robledo et al., 2018; Martínez-Domingo et al., 2019). objects in spite of the ability to see
them. Agnosia is typically due to brain
We already mentioned one other very interesting class of color blindness, coming damage.
not from photoreceptor problems but from damage to the visual cortex. Lesions of
anomia An inability to name objects in
specific parts of the visual cortex beyond primary visual cortex can cause achroma- spite of the ability to see and recognize
topsia. An achromatopsic individual sees the world as drained of color, even while them (as shown by usage). Anomia is
showing evidence that wavelength information is processed at earlier stages in the typically due to brain damage.
visual pathway. Brain lesions can also produce various forms of color agnosia or anomia synesthesia The perceptual experi-
(Oxbury, Oxbury, and Humphrey, 1969). In agnosia, the patient can see something ence (e.g., a color) elicited by a stimulus
(e.g., a letter) that does not typically
but fails to know what it is. Anomia is an inability to name—in this case, an inability produce that experience, while the stim-
to name colors. A patient with anomia might be able to pick the banana that “looks ulus (e.g., wavelength information) that
right” but unable to report that the banana is or should be yellow. does normally produce the experience
is absent.
Does Everyone See the Same Colors?
The Special Case of Synesthesia
In 1885, the artist Van Gogh was taking piano lessons. He would tell his music
teacher that, for him, the sounds made by different keys on the piano were asso-
ciated with different colors. The music teacher found this strange enough that he
decided that Van Gogh was insane, and that ended the lessons (Voskuil, 2013).
Now, Van Gogh might not have been the most emotionally stable of men. (There
is that time where he cut off an ear.) However, in associating specific colors with
specific sounds or even in seeing colors in response to sounds, he was not insane
or even particularly unusual. He was experiencing synesthesia. Synesthesia is a
phenomenon where one stimulus evokes the experience of a different stimulus. The
prevalence of synesthesia in the general population is estimated at around 4–5%
(Safran and Sanda, 2015). It is hard to know exactly, because experiences like Van
Gogh’s, even today, discourage people from reporting the phenomenon (Safran
and Sanda, 2015). The most common form is so-called grapheme-color synesthe-
sia, experienced by about two-thirds of synesthetes. For these individuals letters,
numbers, or sometimes words have specific and idiosyncratic colors. So, the letter
A might always look red. Next comes colored time units (e.g., Blue Monday) and
then colored music. We are talking about this phenomenon in this chapter, which
is about color, but many other types of synesthesia have been described (sounds
with specific smells, for instance; Zellner, 2013).
We are all synesthetes to some extent. If you were asked about the color of a
slow, sad piece of music, you would probably have an answer that would be dif-
ferent than if we asked you about a fast, happy dance tune. These colors might be
associations that you have between emotions and colors (Curwen, 2018). (“I feel
blue” is a nice multisensory statement.) Most of us would not say that we actually
see those colors. They simply come to mind. A “projective” synesthete would see
those colors out in the world.
How do we know this is a real phenomenon, not just a story that a would-be
synesthete is telling us? Of course, we can’t directly interrogate someone else’s
conscious experience (qualia again), but there are methods. For example, a graph-
eme-color synesthete will give a specific color name to each of the 26 letters of the
alphabet. OK, anyone can do that, but the synesthete will give the same answer
next week—something a nonsynesthete could do only with practice by memorizing
the pairs. Synesthetes can do this because they just need to look at the letter and
report what they always see (Rich, Bradshaw, and Mattingley, 2005).
What is going on here? We don’t really know. One hypothesis is that syn-
esthetes have different, more extensive connections between sensory areas of the
brain (Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001), but neural evidence for this is rather
152 Chapter 5
color contrast A color perception thin. Others would argue that there is a continuum between those who project
effect in which the color of one synesthetic colors into the world and those who internally associate one stimulus
region induces the opponent color
in a neighboring region.
with another, but mapping a specific color to every letter seems qualitatively different
from associating sadness with blue. We do know that synesthesia is acquired, not
entirely innate, because people have to learn letters (for example) before they can
develop color-letter associations. Perhaps the most important point to be made is
that, whatever Van Gogh’s piano teacher thought, synesthesia is an interesting and
normal multisensory experience. �
© Karel Miragaya/123RF
induces the opponent color in a neighboring region. Thus, the yellow surround color assimilation A color perception
weakens the yellow of a central square and strengthens the blue. FIGURE 5.23 effect in which two colors bleed into
each other, each taking on some of the
shows a vivid version of a color assimilation effect. Those spheres are all the same
chromatic quality of the other.
color underneath the red, green, or blue stripes. In color assimilation effects, two
unrelated color A color that can be
colors bleed into each other, each taking on some of the chromatic quality of the experienced in isolation.
other (Shevell
Sensation and6E
& Perception Kingdom, 2008).
related color A color, such as brown or
Not onlyAssociates
OUP/Sinauer can other colors in the scene alter the color of a target region, but gray, that is seen only in relation to other
scenes can contain colors that cannot be experienced in isolation. Though it may colors. For example, a “gray” patch in 2.18.2020 complete darkness appears white.
be hard to believe unless you try it, you cannot sit in complete darkness and see a
gray light, all by itself. That light will look white if seen as an isolated or unrelated
color. To be seen as gray, it must be seen in relation to other patches of color.
Thus, it is a related color. Brown is another related color. We can distinguish a few
thousand unrelated colors. Allowing for context effects is what boosts the number
of distinguishable colors to the millions (Shevell, 2003).
FIGURE 5.23 Color assimilation Here, colors blend together locally. The apparent
color of each sphere comes from stripes that lie on top of it in the group on the left.
Remove the stripes, as on the right, and the spheres are all the same color.
154 Chapter 5
negative afterimage An afterimage adaptation in Chapter 2. Adapting to a bright light makes a moderate light look
whose polarity is the opposite of the darker. Adapting to darkness would make that same moderate light appear brighter.
original stimulus. Light stimuli produce
dark negative afterimages. Colors are
complementary; for example, red pro- FURTHER DISCUSSION of the time course of dark adaptation can be found
duces green afterimages, and yellow in Section 2.3.
produces blue.
adapting stimulus A stimulus whose Now let’s extend that principle to color. Adaptation can be color-specific, as we
removal produces a change in visual see in the phenomenon of negative afterimages. If you look at one color for a few
perception or sensitivity.
seconds, a subsequently viewed achromatic region will appear to take on a color
opposite to the original color. We can call the first colored stimulus the adapting
stimulus. The illusory color that is seen afterward is the negative afterimage. (See
Activity 5.4: Afterimages.)
The principle is illustrated in FIGURE 5.24. Figure 5.24A consists of a circle of
gray spots. Now, stare at the black dot at the center of Figure 5.24B and consider
(A) (B)
FIGURE 5.24 Negative afterimages Study the image in (A) and convince yourself that
the ring of circles is gray. Now stare at the black dot in (B). After 10 seconds or so, shift your
fixation to the black dot in (A). The circles should now look colored. This is a negative after-
image. Why does it happen? (If it didn’t happen, try fixating more rigorously. Really look at
the black dot.) Now try with a real scene. Fixate the star in (E), and then flick your eyes to
the same spot in (D). Looking back and forth helps. You should see a washed-out version of
the colors in (C).
Sensation & Perception 6E
OUP/Sinauer Associates
The Perception of Color 155
what happens as you expose one bit of your retina and visual system to the red dot neutral point The point at which an
at the top of Figure 5.24B. The L-cones will be more stimulated than the M- or opponent color mechanism is gen-
erating no signal. If red-green and
S-cones. L+/M– opponent processes will be stimulated. You will see “red.” When blue-yellow mechanisms are at their
you move your eyes back to fixate on the black dot at the center of Figure 5.24A, neutral points, a stimulus will appear
the red is withdrawn from that area of the visual field. The L-cones will be more achromatic. (The black-white process
adapted than M- or S-cones, as will the later processes in the retina and brain that has no neutral point.)
were more stimulated by the red spot. Adapted processes behave as though they color constancy The tendency of
are somewhat tired. They respond less vigorously than unadapted processes. The a surface to appear the same color
under a fairly wide range of illuminants.
result is a bit like what would happen if you held a pendulum up and released it.
illuminant The light that illuminates
The red-green opponent color mechanism swings back toward the neutral point, a surface.
overshoots this point, and slides over to the green side. As a consequence, the gray
spectral reflectance function The per-
spot appears greenish until the opponent mechanism settles back to the neutral point. centage of a particular wavelength that
If you look at the green dot at the bottom of Figure 5.24B and then look back is reflected from a surface.
at the gray image (Figure 5.24A), you will see the result of pushing the red-green spectral power distribution The phys-
mechanism in the other direction. Other colors will produce other results, which ical energy in a light as a function of
you should now be able to predict. In Figures 5.24C–E, you can try this with a real wavelength.
scene. If you stare at the star in Figure 5.24E and then quickly move your eyes to the
same spot in Figure 5.24D, you will see a pale, tinted version of the real photograph
(Figure 5.24C), though this effect will be more dramatic if you look at the version in
Activity 5.4: Afterimages. Notice that we are not attributing negative afterimages
to just the cones or just one set of cone- or color-opponent processes. Adaptation
occurs at multiple sites in the nervous system, though the primary generators are
in the retina (Zaidi et al., 2012).
Color Constancy
Let us return to the zebra. The fact that the picture looks black, white, and green
whether viewed inside or outside is an illustration of color constancy, the tenden-
cy for the colors of objects to appear relatively unchanged in spite of substantial
changes in the lighting conditions. All the color figures in this book will seem to
have more or less the same colors wherever you read the book (though there is an
entire research area hidden in what we might mean by “more or less”; Foster, 2011).
FIGURE 5.25 illustrates why color constancy is yet another difficult problem for
the visual system to solve. In fact, we don’t fully understand the apparent lightness
of a surface (Soranzo and Gilchrist, 2019). For instance, why does this paper look
white inside the library or outside in the sunlight? The heart of the problem is that
the illuminant, the light that illuminates a surface, is not constant. Lighting changes
as we go from indoors to outdoors or as the sun moves from the horizon to high in
the sky. Figure 5.25A shows the spectral reflectance function for a surface—the
percentage of each wavelength that is reflected from a particular surface. With its
preponderance of long and short wavelengths and that dip in the middle wave-
lengths, this surface probably looks purplish. Let’s call it “lilac.” Figure 5.25B shows
the spectral power distribution—the relative amount of light at different visible
wavelengths—of two different types of “daylight”: sunlight and skylight. Sunlight
is a yellowish light, richer in middle and long wavelengths; skylight is more bluish,
with more short-wavelength energy. Figure 5.25C shows that the light reflected to
our eyes is the product of the surface and the illumination. For example, a surface
might reflect 90% of 650 nm light, but no 650 nm light would reach the eye unless
there was some in the original illumination. Figure 5.25D and E show that those
two different products of surface and illumination are converted into two different
sets of three numbers by the L-, M-, and S-cones. (See Essay 5.4: Color Constancy
in the Lab and Activity 5.5: Color Constancy.)
156 Chapter 5
Yellowish sunlight
Energy and bluish skylight
of light are composed of
different mixtures
Sunlight Skylight of wavelengths.
× ×
Here’s the problem: Even though the three numbers from the three cones are
different in the two conditions, that lilac-colored surface will look lilac under both
Sensation White6Epaper will look white. A banana will look yellow. This color
& Perception
constancy isAssociates
OUP/Sinauer beneficial because we want to know the color of the object. Under
normal circumstances, we don’t care about the spectral composition of the lights. 08.11.2020
The Problem with the Illuminant
Let’s think about color constancy as a math problem. In simple terms, we have an
illuminant (call it I) and a surface (S). As shown in Figure 5.25C, what we can sense is
a result—the product of I × S—but what we want to know is S. We say that we want
to “recover” the surface, S, from the mixture, I × S. It is as if we were given a number
The Perception of Color 157
(say, 48), told that it is the product of two other numbers, and asked to guess what
those two numbers might be. The answer could be 12 and 4. Or it could be 16 and 3.
Or 6 and 8. Given just the number 48, we cannot solve the problem. Nevertheless,
given the result of I × S, the visual system does a pretty good job of figuring out S.
We sometimes talk about “discounting” the illuminant as if our whole goal were
to throw away the I term and just see the surface color. However, this is not quite
right. For instance, you can get different answers if you point to two patches under
two different illuminants and ask if the patches were “cut from the same cloth” or
if they are the “same color” (Arend and Reeves, 1986). If you just discarded the
illuminant information, these answers would be the same—but they are not. Simi-
larly, you can tell the difference between a scene lit by the morning sun and a scene
illuminated by the sun at high noon. Thus, not only can you recover the color of the
surface, but you also know something about the illuminant. How do you do this?
(A) FIGURE 5.26 What color is this dress? (A) The color of this dress may not look the
same to different people because each observer is making different assumptions about
the nature of the light shining on the dress. (B) Maybe the light is just broadband white
light. Then the dress appears to be blue and black. (C) Maybe there are a couple of light
sources: one bluish and the other more yellow. Then the dress could appear to be white
and gold. (B, C after S. L. Macknik et al. 2015. Sci Am Mind 26: 19–21.)
(A) (B)
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© Joerg Huettenhoelscher/123RF
FIGURE 5.27 Do humans need color vision? (A) A black-and-white lion is still a lion,
and (B) you could still find a path in the woods without color vision.
could still find our way through the forest (FIGURE 5.27B). Although color vision
might make the lion stand out a bit better from the background, we would be much
more impairedNOTE: if we lacked
Okay “orientation
to stack vision”
photos to save space,or “motion vision.” Across the an-
if needed
imal kingdom, however, there seem to be at least two realms of behavior where
color vision is especially useful: eating and sex. More generally, color vision seems
Sensation & Perception 6E
to be particularly
OUP/Sinauer helpful in visual search tasks (see Chapter 7).
Having color vision does seem to make it easier to find candidate foods and
to discriminate good food2.18.2020
from bad food. Comparing the two versions of FIGURE
5.28 shows that finding berries is easier with color vision (Bompas, Kendall, and
Sumner, 2013). Notice also that it makes it easier to decide which of these berries
is ripe. You may recall that we mentioned this as a possible usefulness of the L- and
M-cone difference earlier in the chapter. Most diurnal animals (animals who are active
in daytime) have two photopigments: roughly an S-cone and an LM-cone. Some
primates have evolved separate L and M photopigments and the neural circuitry to
exploit the rather small differences between the responses of those cone types. There
has been considerable debate regarding whether this really conveys an advantage in
telling ripe from unripe fruit or distinguishing subtle differences among green leaves
FIGURE 5.28 Using color vision Finding a raspberry is easier if you have color vision,
as is deciding if that berry is ripe.
160 Chapter 5
FIGURE 5.29 Color and flavor The color of a food can change
its reported flavor. Here white wine is reported to taste like rosé
when it is colored pink. (After Q. J. Wang and C. Spence. 2019.
Food Res Int 126: 108678.)
35 Red fruit 35 35 capuchin color vision in human observers and had those
observers search for capuchin food in photographs of
30 30 30 those fruits as they would appear in the Costa Rican
forests where the monkeys live. The result was a clear
25 25 25
advantage for trichromatic vision.
20 20 20 Not only does color help you find something to
eat, it can have a significant impact on your ex-
15 15 15 perience of the flavor of a food. One nice example comes
from the world of wine tasting. Wang and Spence (2019)
10 10 10
had participants taste a white wine, a rosé wine, and
5 5 5 some more of that white wine that had been colored
to look like the rosé. For each wine, participants picked
0 0 0
Taste Taste Taste terms referring to smells and flavors that they detected
in each wine. As you can see in FIGURE 5.29, white
wine was judged to have “notes” of white fruits (like
pears), while rosé produced reports of red fruit (strawberries, raspberries, etc.).
Interestingly, the fake rosé was reported to have a flavor profile like the real rosé
even though it was the white wine in disguise.
Did the color change the flavor of the wine, or did it change the answers in a
difficult, subjective taste test? It would be interesting to know what the participants
would have reported if they had not seen the wine. Does the real rosé still taste of red
fruit if you can’t see the red? That condition was not part of this experiment. We do
know that there are limits on the effects of color on flavor. Shankar et al. (2010) did
an experiment where participants tasted a purple drink designed to inspire thoughts
of grape juice. If the real flavor was cranberry, they got grape reports. However, if
the real flavor was vanilla, mere color was not enough to move the reported flavor. �
In addition to searching for and assessing food, animals spend significant time and
effort searching for and assessing potential mates. Here, too, color plays a central role.
Colorful displays—from the dramatic patterns on tropical fish (FIGURE 5.30A) to the
tail of a peacock (FIGURE 5.30B) to the face of the mandrill (FIGURE 5.30C)—are all
sexual signals. Why is the male peacock with the most colorful tail the most desirable
mate for a female peacock? We can’t ask the female, of course, but a colorful tail might
somehow indicate that this male’s genes are better than his competitors’. A peahen
who could only see the world in black and white wouldn’t be able to perceive this
information and would be at an evolutionary disadvantage. In another example that
we mentioned earlier, the development of separate L- and M-cones may have made
primate color vision particularly well suited to detecting the amount of blood in a
blushing or blanched cheek (Changizi, Zhang, and Shimojo, 2006).
Wolfe Sensation and Perception 6e:
Dragonfly Media Group
The Perception of Color 161
FIGURE 5.30 Color and sex The colors of animals—from (A) tropical fish to
(B) peacocks to (C) mandrills—are often advertisements to potential mates.
Normalized absorbance
Courtesy of Zuzana Musilova
FIGURE 5.32 Two ways to make (A) Different photopigments can tune photoreceptors
photoreceptors with different to different wavelengths.
spectral sensitivities (A) Our S-,
M-, and L-cones are different because
they contain different photopigments.
(B) Some animals have only one type of
+ =
photopigment. These animals can have S
color vision because colored oil droplets
sitting on top of photoreceptors create
groups of photoreceptors with different L
sensitivities to wavelength.
+ + =
Our S-, M-, and L-cones are different because they contain different photopig-
ments (FIGURE 5.32A). It is also possible to use a single photopigment to create
more than one functional type of cone. The trick is to put a different filter in front
Sensation & Perception 6E
of each type of cone so that some wavelengths are subtracted before light reaches
OUP/Sinauer Associates
the photoreceptor (FIGURE 5.32B). A cone with a reddish oil droplet in front of 8.11.2020
it will respond more vigorously to long-wavelength light than will a cone covered
by a greenish droplet. Chicks and other birds have these droplets, as do a variety
of reptiles (Govardovskii, 1983).
Even fireflies get into this act in a limited way. Fireflies signal each other with
bioluminescence: they make their own light. Different species have different lights,
and each species’ visual system appears to be tuned to its particular wavelength
signature. A combination of a photopigment and a colored filter makes signals
from conspecifics (members of the same species) appear brighter than the flashes
of from other fireflies in the vicinity (Cronin et al., 2000). With this sort of visual
system, the firefly will never appreciate the palette of colors in a sunset. But it will
be able to locate an appropriate mate, and that, after all, was the pressure shaping
the development of this limited sensitivity to wavelength.
The Perception of Color 163
● Scientists at Work
Filtering Colors
Question How well can you direct your attention to have no effect on ability to judge the centroid of one
one color? target color.
Hypothesis A “feature-based attention” mechanism Results When the different dots varied in hue (see
should This goes within “Scientists
an observer to selectat Work”
all thebox at end
items of of
onechapter Section 2.1), this task was quite easy. The researchers
color and treat them as a group, effectively ignoring could calculate the impact of each color dot on the
the other items. centroid, and in the hue condition, observers could
Test The researchers showed their observers images create an attentional filter that effectively removed
like those in the first column of FIGURE 5.33 (Sun et al., every dot except those of the correct hue (here green).
2016). (The colors were much more carefully chosen If the dots varied along a saturation axis as they do in
than we can print here.) Observers were asked to mark the second row, observers couldn’t easily select just
the centroid of the three dots of a particular color. If the dots of one saturation. (The actual experiment
you imagine the triangle formed by the three dots, the was a bit different from what is shown.)
centroid is that triangle’s center of mass. People can Conclusion We can use our attention to select a
do this easily enough with three dots (as in the three group of items on the basis of hue. Other dimensions
dots in the upper right panel of the figure). If filtering of color cannot be filtered as effectively. The authors
by color worked, the dots of different colors would speculate that “hue is a more reliable cue to material
identity than either lightness or saturation” (p. E6717),
so it might not be as useful to filter along
Find the “centroid” We must use It works for hue, those dimensions.
of the three disks attention to filter but not so well Future work Are there other features of
of exactly this color. the image. for saturation.
the visual world for which it might be useful
Hue to have this kind of filtering ability? Suppose
Attention filter
Sensation & Perception 6E
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164 Chapter 5
1. Probably the most important fact to know about color vision is that lights
The Sensation & Perception and surfaces look colored because a particular distribution of wavelengths
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of light is being analyzed by a particular visual system. Color is a mental
chapter overviews, activities,
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phenomenon, not a physical phenomenon. Many animal species have some
other study tools. form of color vision. It seems to be important for identifying possible mates,
possible rivals, and good things to eat. Color vision has evolved several times
in several different ways in the animal kingdom.
2. Rod photoreceptors are sensitive to low (scotopic) light levels. Humans have
only one type of rod photoreceptor; it yields one “number” for each location in
the visual field. Our rods can support only a one-dimensional representation of
color, from dark to light. Thus, human scotopic vision is achromatic vision.
3. Humans have three types of cone photoreceptors, each having a different sen-
sitivity to the wavelengths of light. Cones operate at brighter light levels than
rods, producing three numbers at each location; the pattern of activity over the
different cone types defines the color. Some animals have many more types of
photoreceptors, but we know rather little about their color experience.
4. If two regions of an image produce the same response in the three cone
types, they will look identical; that is, they will be metamers. And they will
look identical even if the physical wavelengths coming from the two regions
are different.
5. In additive color mixture, two or more lights are mixed. Adding a light that
looks blue to a light that looks yellow will produce a light that looks white (if
we pick the right blue and yellow). In subtractive color mixture, the filters,
paints, or other pigments that absorb some wavelengths and reflect others
are mixed. Mixing a typical blue paint and a typical yellow paint will subtract
most long and short wavelengths from the light reflected by the mixture, and
the result will look green.
6. Color blindness is typically caused by the congenital absence or abnormality
of one cone type—usually the L- or M-cone, usually in males. Most color-
blind individuals are not completely blind to differences in wavelength.
Rather, their color perception is based on the outputs of two cone types
instead of the normal three.
7. A single type of cone cannot be used, by itself, to discriminate between
wavelengths of light. To enable discrimination, information from the three
cones is combined to form three cone-opponent processes. In the first,
cones sensitive to long wavelengths (L-cones) are pitted against medi-
um-wavelength (M) cones to create an L – M process that is roughly sensitive
to the redness or greenness of a region. In the second cone-opponent pro-
cess, L- and M-cones are pitted against short-wavelength (S) cones to create
an (L + M) – S process roughly sensitive to the blueness or yellowness of a
region. The third process is sensitive to the overall brightness of a region.
The Perception of Color 165
8. Color appearance is arranged around opponent colors: red versus green, and
blue versus yellow. This color opponency involves further reprocessing of the
cone signals from cone-opponent processes into color-opponent processes.
9. The visual system tries to disentangle the properties of surfaces in the world
(e.g., the “red” color of a strawberry) from the properties of the illuminants
(e.g., the “golden” light of evening), even though surface and illuminant
information are combined in the input to the eyes. Mechanisms of color con-
stancy use implicit knowledge about the world to correct for the influence of
different illuminants and to keep that strawberry looking red under a wide
range of conditions.