g6 q2w6 DLL English (Melcs)

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DAILY LESSON LOG FOR School: Grade and Section: VI-


Teaching Dates: DECEMBER 04 – 08, 2023 (WEEK 6) Quarter: 2nd QUARTER


a. Content The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various text types materials to
Standards serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
b. Performance
c. Most Recognize evaluative word choices to detect biases and propaganda devices used by speakers (EN6LC-IIIb3.1.12)
d. Learning a. define propaganda and the different propaganda techniques;
Objectives b. distinguish types of propaganda techniques; and
c. recognize evaluative word choices to detect biases and propaganda devices used by speakers

a. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
b. Learner’s
Material Pages
c. Textbook
d. LRMDS Esperida-Velano, A. & Braza- Esperida-Velano, A. & Braza- Esperida-Velano, A. & Braza- Esperida-Velano, A. &
Materials Segovia, G. (2020) English Segovia, G. (2020) English Segovia, G. (2020) English Braza-Segovia, G. (2020)
(SLMs/LASs) Quarter 2 – Module 2: Quarter 2 – Module 2: Quarter 2 – Module 2: English Quarter 2 – Module
Recognizing Propaganda Recognizing Propaganda Recognizing Propaganda 2: Recognizing Propaganda
Devices [Self Learning Devices [Self Learning Devices [Self Learning Devices [Self Learning
Modules]. Moodle. Modules]. Moodle. Modules]. Moodle. Modules]. Moodle.
Department of Education. Department of Education. Department of Education. Department of Education.
Quarter 2 Module 3, Lesson 2 Quarter 2 Module 3, Lesson Quarter 2 Module 3, Lesson Quarter 2 Module 3, Lesson
Identifying Propaganda 2 Identifying Propaganda 2 Identifying Propaganda 2 Identifying Propaganda
Techniques Techniques Techniques Techniques
e. Other PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning Activity laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning
Resources Sheets, pens, notebook, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens,
cartolina, marker notebook, cartolina, marker notebook, cartolina, marker notebook, cartolina, marker
B. Review the Directions: Match the Directions: Fill in the Directions: Recognize Directions: Recognize
previous correct type of missing word. bias statement. Put a / the propaganda device
lesson/Drill propaganda device with before the number if the used in each of the
its definition. Write the statement is bias and given situations.
letter of the correct an X if not.
answer. _______ 1. I hate
classical music; it is too
complex. _______________1. A
_____1. It links a person,
_______ 2. Study billboard, advertising a
product, or idea to a
shows citrus fruits are rice brand, shows an
negative symbol.
good sources of vitamin ordinary family sitting
_____2. It directs an
C. around the table eating
appeal to groups held
_______ 3. People who breakfast.
together by common ties.
are good in Math are _______________2. A
_____3. It uses a famous
brainy. young lady promotes
person to endorse an idea
_______ 4. Maria and her food supplement
or a product.
Pedro are the best products by describing
_____4. It identifies a
persons for the job. them in glowing terms
product or an idea within
_______ 5. Research telling how effective
a locality or country.
shows eating they are.
_____5. It manipulates
vegetables will boost _______________3.
information so that one
one’s immune system In a YouTube video,
product looks better than
Mr. De Pedro tells that
the other.
many people are doing
_____6. It is a word of
his latest exercise
praise for a product or
person. routine to become fit
_____7. It is a technique and healthy.
that projects the positive _______________4. In
or negative qualities of a radio interview, the
an individual to beauty advocates talk
something to make it about negative things
seem more or less on a particular brand of
acceptable. soap and convince
people not to use it
_______________5. A
TV commercial shows
a famous host talking
about his positive
experience on using
the latest model of a
touchscreen phone.
C. Establishing Have you tried to Read the following Directions: Analyze
a purpose for convince someone to try questions carefully. each advertisement and
the lesson/ a new product? How did answer the following
Motivation you do it? questions in a

1. What type of
propaganda technique
is used in the

2. What made you

decide for your answers
in number 2? Cite your

3. Is there an evidence
of bias shown or
implied in the
advertisement? Why or
why not.

4.Which of the given

advertisements do you
like most? Why?

D. Presenting Identifying biases Identifying biases Identifying biases Identifying biases

examples/insta involves recognizing involves recognizing involves recognizing involves recognizing
nces of the new one-sided perspectives one-sided perspectives one-sided perspectives one-sided perspectives
lesson 1 or unfair judgments, or unfair judgments, or unfair judgments, or unfair judgments,
while recognizing while recognizing while recognizing while recognizing
propaganda devices propaganda devices propaganda devices propaganda devices
entails discerning entails discerning entails discerning entails discerning
misleading information misleading information misleading information misleading information
used to influence used to influence used to influence used to influence
opinions or emotions. opinions or emotions. opinions or emotions. opinions or emotions.
E. Discussing Recognizing Bias and Recognizing Bias and Recognizing Bias and Recognizing Bias
new concepts Propaganda Devices Propaganda Devices Propaganda Devices and Propaganda
and practicing Bias is a judgment Bias is a judgment Bias is a judgment Devices
new skills No. 1 based on a personal based on a personal based on a personal Bias is a judgment
point of view or prejudice point of view or point of view or based on a personal
in favor of or against one prejudice in favor of or prejudice in favor of or point of view or
thing usually in an unfair against one thing against one thing prejudice in favor of or
manner. It means that a usually in an unfair usually in an unfair against one thing
person prefers an idea manner. It means that a manner. It means that a usually in an unfair
and possibly does not person prefers an idea person prefers an idea manner. It means that
give equal chance to a and possibly does not and possibly does not a person prefers an
different idea. Bias is give equal chance to a give equal chance to a idea and possibly does
generally seen as a different idea. Bias is different idea. Bias is not give equal chance
“one-sided” perspective. generally seen as a generally seen as a to a different idea. Bias
It is usually found in “one-sided” “one-sided” is generally seen as a
essay writing. Bias can perspective. It is usually perspective. It is usually “one-sided”
be influenced by several found in essay writing. found in essay writing. perspective. It is
factors, such as Bias can be influenced Bias can be influenced usually found in essay
popularity. The following by several factors, such by several factors, such writing. Bias can be
are characteristics of as popularity. The as popularity. The influenced by several
bias that you should be following are following are factors, such as
able to recognize either characteristics of bias characteristics of bias popularity. The
in print or in digital that you should be able that you should be able following are
materials: to recognize either in to recognize either in characteristics of bias
1. Heavily opinionated or print or in digital print or in digital that you should be able
one-sided materials: materials: to recognize either in
2. Relies on 1. Heavily opinionated 1. Heavily opinionated print or in digital
unsupported claims or one-sided or one-sided materials:
3. Presents highly 2. Relies on 2. Relies on 1. Heavily opinionated
selected facts but offers unsupported claims unsupported claims or one-sided
only opinion 3. Presents highly 3. Presents highly 2. Relies on
4. Tries to sell selected facts but offers selected facts but offers unsupported claims
something in disguise only opinion only opinion 3. Presents highly
5. Uses extreme or 4. Tries to sell 4. Tries to sell selected facts but
inappropriate language something in disguise something in disguise offers only opinion
6. Tries to persuade you 5. Uses extreme or 5. Uses extreme or 4. Tries to sell
to think in a certain way inappropriate language inappropriate language something in disguise
with no regard for factual 6. Tries to persuade 6. Tries to persuade 5. Uses extreme or
evidence you to think in a certain you to think in a certain inappropriate language
Propaganda refers to way with no regard for way with no regard for 6. Tries to persuade
the spreading of factual evidence factual evidence you to think in a certain
information, ideas, or Propaganda refers to Propaganda refers to way with no regard for
rumor with the intention the spreading of the spreading of factual evidence
of influencing people’s information, ideas, or information, ideas, or Propaganda refers to
opinions or emotions. In rumor with the intention rumor with the intention the spreading of
propaganda, there are of influencing people’s of influencing people’s information, ideas, or
misleading ideas that opinions or emotions. In opinions or emotions. In rumor with the
are used to promote or propaganda, there are propaganda, there are intention of influencing
publicize a particular misleading ideas that misleading ideas that people’s opinions or
cause or point of view. are used to promote or are used to promote or emotions. In
The different materials publicize a particular publicize a particular propaganda, there are
and media used for cause or point of view. cause or point of view. misleading ideas that
conveying propaganda The different materials The different materials are used to promote or
messages include and media used for and media used for publicize a particular
paintings, cartoons, conveying propaganda conveying propaganda cause or point of view.
posters, pamphlets, messages include messages include The different materials
films, radio and TV paintings, cartoons, paintings, cartoons, and media used for
shows, and websites. posters, pamphlets, posters, pamphlets, conveying propaganda
Different companies use films, radio and TV films, radio and TV messages include
propaganda devices shows, and websites. shows, and websites. paintings, cartoons,
when they advertise Different companies Different companies posters, pamphlets,
their products to use propaganda use propaganda films, radio and TV
convince people to buy devices when they devices when they shows, and websites.
them rather than those advertise their products advertise their products Different companies
of others. Advertisement to convince people to to convince people to use propaganda
presents different points buy them rather than buy them rather than devices when they
of ideas to the viewers those of others. those of others. advertise their
such as to: Advertisement presents Advertisement presents products to convince
1. inform - giving different points of ideas different points of ideas people to buy them
information about to the viewers such as to the viewers such as rather than those of
different topics; to: to: others. Advertisement
2. entertain - making 1. inform - giving 1. inform - giving presents different
people laugh and information about information about points of ideas to the
making life a little lighter; different topics; different topics; viewers such as to:
3. persuade - giving 2. entertain - making 2. entertain - making 1. inform - giving
public opinion; and people laugh and people laugh and information about
4. criticize - giving making life a little making life a little different topics;
opinion on certain topics. lighter; lighter; 2. entertain - making
3. persuade - giving 3. persuade - giving people laugh and
public opinion; and public opinion; and making life a little
4. criticize - giving 4. criticize - giving lighter;
opinion on certain opinion on certain 3. persuade - giving
topics. topics. public opinion; and
4. criticize - giving
opinion on certain
F. Discussing The following are the The following are the The following are the The following are the
new concepts different types of different types of different types of different types of
and practicing propaganda: propaganda: propaganda: propaganda:
new skills No. 2

G. Developing Directions: Fill in the Directions:. Look at the Directions: Write TRUE if Directions: Analyze
Mastery (Leads box with the correct given advertisement the statement is correct, each advertisement
to Formative propaganda devices. and write on the blank FALSE if not. and answer the
Assessment) before the number if it is following questions in a
bandwagon, plain folks, 1. Bias is a sentence.
testimonial, name judgment based on a
calling, loaded words, personal point of view and is
glittering generality or generally seen as a "one-
transfer. sided" perspective.
1. What type of
2. Bias in writing
can be influenced by factors propaganda technique
such as popularity, and it is is used in the
commonly found in essay advertisement?
2. What made you
3. Propaganda decide for your
refers to the spreading of answers in number 1?
information, ideas, or rumor Cite your reason.
with the intention of providing
unbiased and objective
perspectives. 3. Is there an evidence
of bias shown or
implied in the
4. A characteristic advertisement? Why or
of bias is presenting highly why not.
selected facts but offering
only opinions.

5. Propaganda
devices are commonly used
in advertising to inform,
entertain, persuade, and
criticize, presenting different
points of view to viewers.

H. Finding How does recognizing bias Why is it important to How can understanding bias How does recognizing bias
Practical contribute to making informed recognize bias and and propaganda enhance and propaganda contribute
Application of decisions in everyday propaganda when problem-solving skills in to fostering a more critical
Concepts and situations? consuming news and personal and professional and engaged citizenry in
Skills in Daily information in your daily life? life? society?
I. Making In what ways can being aware Why is recognizing In what situations, such as In what situations, such as
Generalization of bias and propaganda propaganda devices crucial discussions or debates, is discussions or debates, is
and Abstraction enhance interpersonal for consumers when making the ability to identify bias and the ability to identify bias
communication and purchasing decisions? propaganda beneficial in and propaganda beneficial
relationships? everyday life? in everyday life?
J. Evaluating Directions: Read the Directions: Recognize Directions: Endorse a GROUP ACTIVITY:
Learning advertisement. Answer propaganda devices. product by making an
the questions that follow. Read the given advertisement using Make an advertisement
propaganda and any of the propaganda about DEPED MATATAG:
identify what device devices. Present your Batang Makabansa,
was used. advertisement in a way Bansang Makabata
that it will attract with two or more
__________________1 customers’ attention. types of
. “Join the Olympics propaganda.
2021 in Japan. Buy 3
tickets and get 1 free.
1. What is the Join the thousands of
advertisement all about? sports enthusiasts and
___________________ enjoy this once in a
___________________ lifetime experience!”
____ 2. When will the __________________2
event happen? . “Fly SKYLINE. Feel at
___________________ home in the skies.”
___________________ __________________3
____ . “TV host and actor Vic
3. Where will the event Soho says that when it
take place? comes to flying, he
___________________ always chooses
___________________ SKYLINE, his favorite
____ 4. How many airline.”
participants will be __________________4
accommodated? . “If you don’t fly
___________________ SKYLINE, you are
___________________ simply not in.”
____ __________________5
5. Can pupils from other . “Feeling safe and
schools join the comfortable is the
KABALAKA Camp? greatest experience
Why? one should have while
___________________ flying up in the sky. Fly
____ high with SKYLINE and
have the great feeling
of comfort!”
. “SKYLINE is the best
airline ever in this
decade. Powered with
advance technology, it
offers exquisite comfort
and satisfaction for
frequent flyers.”
7. “Fly with SKYLINE
and feel that you are in
a cloud nine, skimming
over a summer
K. Additional
activities for
application or
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction and The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction
expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the
purpose and objectives of the purpose and objectives of the purpose and objectives of the purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of
lesson because the learners lesson because the learners lesson because the learners the lesson because the the lesson because the
learners learners

VI. Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the Learners are engaged in the
REFLECTIONS teaching-learning process teaching-learning process teaching-learning process teaching-learning process teaching-learning process
when incorporating when incorporating when incorporating when incorporating when incorporating

A. No. of learner
who earned 80%
B .No. of learner
who scored
below 80%
( needs
C. No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No of learner
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies work
well? Why?
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal
/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share w/other

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