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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of

Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics and Communication

Sriram Tammineedu (39130464)
Yaramati Naga Venkata Nikhil (39130520)



Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC
CHENNAI – 600 119

APRIL - 2023


This is to certify that this Project Report is the bonafide work o Yaramati Naga
Venkata Nikhil (Reg. No. 39130520) and Sriram Tammineedu (Reg. No.
39130464) who carried out the project entitled “IOT Based Green House
Controlling And Monitoring System” under our supervision from October
2022to March 2023

Internal Guide

Dr. Balamurugan V, M. Tech., Ph.D.

Head of the Department

Dr. T. Ravi, M.Tech., Ph.D.

Submitted for Viva Voce Examination held on

Internal Examiner External Examiner


We, Yaramati Naga Venkata Nikhil (Reg No. 39130520) and SRIRAM TAMMINEEDU
(Reg No. 39130464) hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “IOT Based Green
House Controling And Monitoring System” done by us under the guidance of Dr.
Balamurugan V, M.E., Ph.D. is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Date: 12/10/2022 1.

Place: Chennai 2.



We are pleased to acknowledge our sincere thanks to the Board of Management of

SATHYABAMA for their kind encouragement in doing this project and for completing it
successfully. We are grateful to them.

We convey our thanks to Dr. N. M. Nandhitha, M.E., Ph.D., Dean, School of Electronics
and Communication Engineering and Dr. T. Ravi,M.Tech.,Ph.D., Head of the
Department, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering for
providing me necessary support and details at the right time during the progressive

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our respectful panel members
Dr.VijayaKumar ,Dr.Vedanarayanan and who have given their valuable suggestions and
details at the right time during the progressive reviews.

We would like to express our sincere and deep sense of gratitude to our project guide
Dr. Balamurugan V,M.Tech.,Ph,D.,for her valuable guidance, suggestions, and constant
encouragement paved way for the successful completion of our project work.

We wish to express our thanks to all teaching and non-teaching staff members of the
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering who were helpful in many
ways for the completion of the project.

We would like to thank our beloved parents for their constant love and support, without
whom this would not be possible and finally we would like to thank the Almighty for His
wonderful blessing.



1.1 General introduction 1
1.2 Objectives 2
1.3 Overview 3
1.3.1 Aurdino Uno 4
1.3.2 Temperature Sensor 9
1.3.3 Light Sensor 11
1.3.4 Humidity Sensor 14
1.3.5 Soil Moisture Sensor 16
1.3.6 LCD 19
1.3.7 Relay 22
1.3.8 DC Motor 24
1.3.9 IOT 28
1.3.10 Node MCU 32
3.1 Existing System 47
3.2 Proposed System 48
4 Result & Discussion 49
5 Conclusion 51
Future Scope 52
References 53

1 Block Diagram 3

2 Aurdino Uno 5

3 Aurdino Uno 6

4 Temperature Sensor 10
5 DHT11 Sensor 11

6 Light Sensor 11
7 Light Sensor 13

8 DHT11 Sensor 15
9 4 pins of Soil moisture 17

10 Soil Moisture 18

11 LCD 19

12 Relay Working 22
13 Relay 23

14 DC Motor 25

15 DC Motor 25

16 Working Of Motor 27
17 IOT 29
18 Layers in IOT 31
Node MCU 32
19 Node MCU Unit 33
20 MCU Specifications 35
21 Whole Unit 50
22 Measuring Parameters 50

The use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in agriculture has revolutionized
the way farmers monitor and manage their fields. By collecting environmental
data and sending it to smartphones through online mode, farmers can now
remotely oversee their fields regardless of their location. One area of focus in
agriculture is the development of smart greenhouses, where the climate inside
the greenhouse is controlled for optimal plant growth. This is achieved using a
low-cost and efficient programmable module such as the ESP8266 Node MCU
module and Arduino UNO board. The parameters that require optimization in a
smart greenhouse are soil moisture, light intensity, temperature, and humidity.
These parameters are monitored using soil moisture sensors, LDR sensors for
light intensity, and DHT22 sensors for temperature and humidity. The collected
data is then used to control various systems such as water pumps, motors,
exhaust systems, and light systems to maintain the ideal conditions for crop
production. The Node MCU module is connected to the wireless internet through
HTTP protocol or an IoT platform, allowing farmers to access and manage the
data using their smartphones or other devices. The rapid advancement of IoT
technology has paved the way for optimizing and achieving maximum plant
growth in agriculture. An accurate and efficient system would undoubtedly bring
positive changes to the world of agriculture, facilitated by the use of Android/IOS
smartphone applications.

1.1 General Introduction
crop growth while mitigating potential disasters.
Agriculture is the largest economic sector in India, with a majority of the population
dependent on it for their livelihoods. The combination of technology and agriculture
can yield better results. The traditional methods of cultivation often fall short in
meeting the growing demand for food, leading to the use of chemicals in farming
practices. Additionally, unpredictable weather conditions and crop diseases pose
challenges to conventional agriculture. To address these issues, there is a need to
adopt sustainable agriculture practices aided by technology, as seen in other

With advancing technology, modern methods of agriculture, such as greenhouse

farming, are becoming popular. Monitoring and controlling greenhouse
environments can provide valuable insights for crop management. This can be
achieved through low-cost and low-power consumption systems, utilizing
technologies like Arduino, which can connect to WiFi networks and even operate
on the global internet system. The objective is to optimize climatic conditions
based on crop data. Sensors can collect information on parameters such as air
pressure, temperature, light intensity, soil moisture, water content in the air, gases,
and irrigation systems like sprinklers and drip irrigation. This data can then be
viewed on a user-friendly interface for effective management of the greenhouse
and maximizing.


The greenhouse environment monitoring and controlling project, based on IoT and
Arduino, utilizes four sensors to detect temperature, light, humidity, and soil
moisture levels inside the greenhouse. A temperature sensor is used to measure
the temperature inside the greenhouse, with the readings sent to the
microcontroller. The microcontroller is connected to relays, with one relay
connected to a blower. If the temperature exceeds or falls below the threshold
value, the microcontroller sends signals to turn on the fan. A light sensor is used to
measure the amount of sunlight inside the greenhouse, with the readings sent to
the microcontroller. If the sunlight exceeds the threshold value, the microcontroller
sends signals to turn on a relay, which in real-time acts as a 'shade' to reduce the
amount of sunlight. For demonstration purposes, a DC motor is connected to
replicate a shade.
Similarly, a humidity sensor is used to measure the humidity value, and a soil
moisture sensor with two probes dug in the soil is used to measure the soil
moisture. If the humidity value exceeds the threshold value or if the soil moisture
reduces, the microcontroller turns on a blower to decrease humidity and opens a
water outlet to increase moisture in the soil. For demonstration purposes, a DC
motor is connected in place of the blower and water outlet.

1.1 Overview

Fig- 1 Block Diagram

1.2.1 Hardware Components:

• Temperature Sensor
• Light Sensor
• Humidity Sensor
• Soil Moisture Sensor
• Microcontroller – Arduino Uno
• Relays
• DC Motor
• ESP8268

1.2.2 Software Components:

•Arduino IDE & Embedded C


1.3.1 Arduino UNO

Arduino is a powerful tool that enables the creation of computers capable of
sensing and controlling the physical world beyond the capabilities of a typical
desktop computer. It is an open-source platform for physical computing that
utilizes a simple microcontroller board and a development environment for coding
software for the board. With Arduino, one can develop interactive objects by
integrating inputs from various switches or sensors and controlling lights, motors,
and other physical outputs. Arduino projects can either be standalone or
communicate with software on a computer. The boards can be assembled
manually or purchased preassembled, and the open-source IDE is available for
free download. The programming language used in Arduino is based on Wiring,
which is a physical computing platform similar to Processing, a multimedia
programming environment. Overview of Aurdino

The Arduino microcontroller is a user-friendly yet powerful single-board computer
that has gained significant popularity in both the hobbyist and professional
markets. Being open-source, the hardware is affordable and the development
software is free, making it accessible to a wide range of users. This guide is
specifically aimed at students in ME 2011 or anyone who is new to Arduino. For
more advanced users, there are ample resources available online to explore.

4 Arduino Uno:


The focus of this guide is on the Arduino Uno board (SparkFun DEV-09950,
$29.95), which is a recommended choice for students and educators. With the
Arduino board, you can easily write programs and create interface circuits to read
inputs from switches and sensors, as well as control motors and lights. Many of
the visuals in this guide are taken from the official documentation of the Arduino
Uno board, providing a clear understanding of its appearance and features.

Fig- 3 Aurdino UNO

The Duemilanove board is equipped with an Atmel ATmega328 microcontroller

that operates at 5V and has 2KB of RAM, 32KB of flash memory for program
storage, and 1KB of EEPROM for parameter storage. It has a clock speed of
16MHz, which allows it to execute approximately 300,000 lines of C source code
per second. The board is equipped with 14 digital I/O pins and 6 analog input pins.
It also includes a USB connector for communication with a host computer and a
DC power jack for connecting an external 6-20V power source, such as a 9V
battery, for standalone program execution. Additionally, headers are provided for
easy interfacing with the I/O pins using either 22-gauge solid wire or header

The programming language used in Arduino is a simplified version of C/C++,
making it familiar for those who are already familiar with C. Even if you are
not familiar with C, you don't have to worry as only a few commands are
needed to perform useful functions. One of the notable features of Arduino
is that you can develop a control program on your host PC, download it to
the Arduino, and it will automatically run. Even if you disconnect the Arduino
from the PC by removing the USB cable, the program will still run from the
beginning every time you push the reset button. Additionally, if you store a
program in the Arduino and then disconnect the battery, you can reconnect
the battery after months and the last stored program will run. This means
that you only need to connect the Arduino to the host PC for development
and debugging, but once that is done, you no longer need the PC to run the

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328

microcontroller. It features 14 digital input/output pins, with 6 of them
capable of being used as PWM outputs, 6 analog inputs, a 16MHz ceramic
resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset
button. It comes with everything needed to support the microcontroller, and
can be easily connected to a computer with a USB cable or powered with an
AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.

What sets the Uno apart from previous Arduino boards is that it does not use
the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features the Atmega16U2
(Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed as a USB-to-serial converter.

7 Technical Specifications

 IC: Microchip ATmega328P[9]

 Clock Speed: 16 MHz on Uno board, though IC is capable of 20MHz maximum at 5
 Flash Memory: 32 KB, of which 0.5 KB used by the boot loader
 SRAM: 2 KB
 UART peripherals: 1
 I2C peripherals: 1
 SPI peripherals: 1
 Operating Voltage: 5 Volts

 Digital I/O Pins: 14

 PWM Pins: 6 (Pin # 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11)[11]
 Analog Input Pins: 6
 DC Current per I/O Pin: 20 mA
 DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
 Length: 68.6 mm
 Width: 53.4 mm
 Weight: 25 g
 ICSP Header: Yes
 Power Sources:


Temperature is a crucial environmental parameter that is frequently measured due

to its impact on various physical, electronic, chemical, mechanical, and biological
systems. Many chemical reactions, biological processes, and electronic circuits
perform optimally within specific temperature ranges. As a result, temperature
sensing is a common practice in many fields.

There are numerous methods for temperature sensing, including both direct and
remote approaches. Direct contact with the heating source is one way to measure
temperature, while remote sensing involves measuring radiated energy without
direct contact with the source. Today, there are a wide range of temperature
sensors available in the market, such as Thermocouples, Resistance Temperature
Detectors (RTDs), Thermistors, Infrared sensors, and Semiconductor Sensors. THERMOCOUPLE
A thermocouple is a type of temperature sensor that consists of two
dissimilar metals joined together at one end, known as the hot junction. The other
end of the metals is called the cold end or cold junction, which is typically the last
point of the thermocouple material. When there is a temperature difference
between the hot junction and cold junction, a small voltage known as an electro-
motive force (EMF) is generated. This voltage can be measured and used to
indicate the temperature.

The accompanying figure is shown below:

Fig- 4 Thermocouple

The RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) is a type of temperature sensing

device that changes its resistance with temperature. Typically made of platinum,
although nickel or copper variants are also used, RTDs can come in various
shapes such as wire wound or thin film. To measure the resistance of an RTD, a
constant current is applied and the resulting voltage is measured to determine the
RTD resistance. RTDs typically exhibit linear resistance-to-temperature curves
within their operating range, with any nonlinearity being highly predictable and
repeatable. The PT100 RTD evaluation board utilizes a surface mount RTD for
temperature measurement, while an external 2, 3, or 4-wire PT100 can also be
used for remote temperature sensing. The RTDs are biased using a constant
current source with a low current magnitude to minimize self-heating due to power
dissipation. The circuit, as shown in the figure, uses a reference voltage, an
amplifier, and a PNP transistor as the constant current source. The DHT11
Temperature & Humidity Sensor is equipped with a temperature and humidity
sensor complex that provides calibrated digital signal output. It utilizes an
exclusive digital signal acquisition technique and temperature/humidity sensing
technology, ensuring high reliability and excellent long-term stability. The sensor
includes a resistive-type humidity measurement component and an NTC
temperature measurement component, and connects to a high-performance 8-bit
microcontroller, offering superior quality and fast response.

Good for 20-80% humidity readings with 5% accuracy. Good for 0-50 °C
temperature readings +-2 °C accuracy. No more than 1 Hz sampling rate (once
every second) Body size 15.5mm x 12mm x 5.5mm.

Fig- 5 DHT11 Sensor

1.3.3 Light sensor

Fig- 6 Light Sensor

A light sensor is a photoelectric device that converts detected light energy
(photons) into electrical energy (electrons). However, there is more to light sensors
than just their definition. They come in different types and are used in various
applications. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the different types of
light sensors, their applications, and provide a list of light sensors available at
Seed. Additionally, we will cover how to use a light sensor with Arduino for those
interested in practical implementation. Before diving into the details of light
sensors, it's important to understand some commonly associated terms related to
light, which are simplified for easier understanding:

Originating from the term "candles," candela refers to luminous intensity, which
indicates how strong a light appears to the naked eye.
A higher luminous intensity indicates higher sensitivity to our eyes.

Lumen measures the total amount of visible light emitted in all directions from a
light source.
It quantifies the total amount of light emitted through the relationship between
luminous intensity and the angle at which a light beam fills.

Lux measures the total amount of light that falls on a particular surface, also
known as illuminance.
It is used to measure the area where the luminous flux is spread, similar to
lumen, but it takes into account the surface area.

12 Principle of Light Sensor
The operation principle of a light sensor is based on the internal photoelectric
effect, which states that when light energy or photons strike a metal surface, it can
excite and release free electrons from the metal, resulting in the flow of electric
current. The amount of current generated is determined by the energy of the
photons, which is correlated with the wavelength of light. The emission of
electrons from the metal surface only occurs when the light reaches a specific
threshold frequency that corresponds to the minimum energy required by the
electrons to break the metal bonds.

The light sensor typically comprises a highly precise photoelectric tube that
contains a small flat metal plate with two needle-type tubes. When light impacts
the ends of the photoelectric tube and a reverse fixed pressure is applied, it results
in the release of electrons or electric current. The generation of electric current or
changes in electric current indicate the presence of light energy, thus allowing the
light sensor to detect light.

Fig – 7 Light Sensor

1.3.4 Humidity sensor
Temperature and relative humidity measurement and control are utilized in various
applications across different fields. Nowadays, there are devices available that integrate
temperature and humidity sensors with signal conditioning, ADC, calibration, and
communication interface all built-in, making the design process simpler and more cost-
effective. Previously, we discussed the use of Sensirion's SHT1x/SHT7x sensors for
humidity and temperature measurements, which are highly accurate but relatively
expensive for hobbyist use. In this article, we will explore the DHT11 sensor, which also
provides calibrated digital outputs for temperature and humidity but at a lower cost
compared to Sensirion sensors. The DHT11 sensor utilizes a proprietary 1-wire protocol,
which we will implement with the PIC16F628A microcontroller to receive temperature and
humidity values from the sensor.

Humidity sensors operate by detecting changes that affect electrical currents or

temperature in the surrounding air. There are three main types of humidity sensors:
capacitive, resistive, and thermal. All three types monitor minute changes in the
atmosphere to calculate the humidity in the air.

The DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor is equipped with a temperature and
humidity sensor complex that provides calibrated digital signal output. It utilizes an
exclusive digital signal acquisition technique and temperature and humidity sensing
technology to ensure high reliability and excellent long-term stability. This sensor includes
a resistive-type humidity measurement component and an NTC temperature
measurement component, and can be connected to a high-performance 8-bit
microcontroller, offering excellent quality, fast response, anti-interference ability, and cost-

14 About DHT11 sensor
The DHT11 sensor is packaged in a single-row 4-pin package and operates on a
power supply ranging from 3.5 to 5.5V. It is capable of measuring temperature in
the range of 0-50 °C with an accuracy of ±2°C, and relative humidity in the range
of 20-95% with an accuracy of ±5%. The sensor provides fully calibrated digital
outputs for both temperature and humidity measurements. However, due to its
proprietary 1-wire protocol, direct communication between the sensor and a
microcontroller through its peripherals is not possible. The protocol needs to be
implemented in the firmware of the microcontroller with precise timing
requirements specified by the sensor. The data transfer protocol between the
microcontroller and the DHT11 sensor is initiated by the MCU issuing a "Start"
signal. To do this, the MCU pin must be configured as an output. The MCU first
pulls the data line low for at least 18 ms, then pulls it high for 20-40 μs before
releasing it, as depicted in the following timing diagrams.

Fig 8 DHT11 Sensor

Upon receiving the "Start" signal from the MCU, the DHT11 sensor
responds by pulling the data line low for a duration of 80 μs, followed by a logic
high signal that also lasts for 80 μs. It's important to configure the MCU pin as an
input after completing the "Start" signal. Once the response signal from the
sensor is detected, the MCU should be prepared to receive data from the sensor.
The sensor then continuously sends 40 bits (5 bytes) of data over the data line.
It's worth noting that the sensor transmits the most significant bit first while
sending the bytes of data.

1.3.5 Soil Moisture Sensor

Moisture in soil plays a crucial role in irrigation and plant growth in both fields and
gardens. It provides essential nutrients for plant growth, and watering is necessary
to regulate plant temperature through processes like transpiration. Adequate soil
moisture also promotes better root development. However, excessive soil
moisture can create anaerobic conditions that can benefit both plant growth and
soil pathogens. This article provides an overview of soil moisture sensors, their
working principles, and applications.
Soil moisture sensors are used to measure the water content in soil and estimate
the amount of stored water in the soil horizon. These sensors do not directly
measure water in the soil, but instead measure changes in other soil properties
related to water content. Capacitance is a common method used in soil moisture
sensors to gauge the water content of the soil based on its dielectric permittivity.
The sensor is inserted into the soil, and the status of water content is reported as
a percentage. This makes soil moisture sensors ideal for conducting experiments
in various science courses such as environmental science, agricultural science,
biology, soil science, botany, and horticulture.

What is a Soil Moisture Sensor?

Soil moisture sensors are a type of sensor used to measure the volumetric content
of water in soil. Unlike the direct gravimetric measurement of soil moisture, which
requires drying and weighing of samples, these sensors indirectly measure the
volumetric water content using other properties of soil such as dielectric constant,
electrical resistance, neutron interaction, or moisture replacement. The
relationship between the measured property and soil moisture needs to be
adjusted and can vary depending on environmental factors such as temperature,
soil type, and electrical conductivity. Microwave emission and reflection, which are
influenced by soil moisture, are commonly used in agriculture and remote sensing
for hydrology applications.

Fig- 9 Soil-moisture-sensor-device
Soil moisture sensors are typically used to measure volumetric water content, while
another type of sensors measures a related property called water potential in soils.
These sensors are commonly known as soil water potential sensors and include
devices such as gypsum blocks and tensiometers.

Soil Moisture Sensor Pin Configuration

The FC-28 soil moisture sensor includes 4-pins

Fig- 10 Soil Moisture


 VCC pin is used for power

 A0 pin is an analog output
 D0 pin is a digital output
 GND pin is a Ground
This module also includes a potentiometer that sets the threshold value, which
can be evaluated by the LM393 comparator. The LED will turn on or off based on
the threshold value.
 Working Principle
The soil moisture sensor primarily utilizes capacitance to measure the water
content of the soil through dielectric permittivity. The sensor is inserted into the
soil, and the moisture status is reported as a percentage. This makes it ideal for
conducting experiments in various science courses such as environmental
science, agricultural science, biology, soil science, botany, and horticulture.

The specifications of this sensor are as follows:
• Operating voltage: 5V
• Operating current: <20mA
• Interface type: Analog
• Working temperature: 10°C~30°C

Applications of the soil moisture sensor include:

• Agriculture
• Landscape irrigation
• Research
• Simple sensors for gardeners

1.3.6 LCD (Liquid crystal displays)

Fig 11

Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are composed of materials that exhibit
characteristics of both liquids and crystals. They possess a temperature range in
which the molecules are highly mobile like a liquid, but also form an ordered
structure similar to a crystal.

An LCD typically consists of two glass panels with a layer of liquid crystal material
sandwiched between them. Transparent electrodes are coated on the inner
surfaces of the glass plates to define the characters, symbols, or patterns to be
displayed. Polymeric layers are present between the electrodes and the liquid
crystal, helping to maintain a defined orientation angle of the liquid crystal

Polarizers are applied on the outer surfaces of the glass panels, which rotate the
light rays passing through them to a specific angle in a particular direction. When
the LCD is in the off state, the light rays pass through the LCD without any
orientation, making it appear transparent.

When a sufficient voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystal molecules
align in a specific direction, causing the light rays passing through the LCD to be
rotated by the polarizers and thereby activating or highlighting the desired

LCDs are known for their lightweight and slim design, with thickness typically only
a few millimeters. They consume less power, making them compatible with low-
power electronic circuits and suitable for long-duration usage. Backlighting can be
used to enable reading in the dark, as LCDs do not generate light themselves.
Additionally, LCDs have a long lifespan and can operate over a wide temperature

LCDs are highly customer-friendly due to their ease of changing display size or
layout. They are commonly used in watches, calculators, and measuring
instruments as simple seven-segment displays for limited numeric data. However,
advancements in technology have led to improved legibility, increased information
display capability, and wider temperature range, making LCDs extensively used in
telecommunications and entertainment electronics. They are even replacing CRTs
for text and graphics display, as well as finding applications in small TVs.

Crystalonics dot-matrix (alphanumeric) LCD displays are available in TN and STN

types, with or without backlight. These displays can be easily interfaced with 4-bit
or 8-bit microprocessors/microcontrollers, utilizing C-MOS LCD controller and
driver ICs that result in low power consumption. The built-in controller IC of these
LCDs features a high-speed MPU interface (2MHz),

80 x 8 bit display RAM (allowing for up to 80 characters), and a character

generator ROM with 9,920 bits for a total of 240 character fonts,
including 208 character fonts (5 x 8 dots) and 32 character fonts (5 x 10 dots).

there is a 64 x 8 bit character generator RAM with 8 character fonts (5 x 8 dots)

and 4 character fonts (5 x 10 dots). Programmable duty cycles,
such as 1/8 for one line of 5 x 8 dots with cursor or 1/11 for one line of 5 x 10 dots
with cursor, are also available
The LCDs offer a wide range of instruction functions such as display clear, cursor
home, and display on/off.cursor on/off, display character blink, cursor shift, display

1.3.7 Relay

Fig- 12 Relay working

A relay is a type of switch that is operated by an electric current. It consists

of a coil that, when current flows through it, generates a magnetic field that
attracts a lever, causing the switch contacts to change position. Relays typically
have two switch positions, making them double throw (changeover) switches. One
circuit can use a relay to switch another circuit that is completely separate from
the first, without any electrical connection between them.

This connection is purely magnetic and mechanical in nature, relying on

the principle of electromagnetic attraction. When the circuit connected to the relay
detects a fault current, it activates the electromagnetic field, creating a temporary
magnetic field that causes the relay to switch.

. The coil of a relay typically requires a relatively high current, such as
30mA for a 12V relay, or even up to 100mA for relays designed for lower
voltages. However, many ICs (chips) are not capable of providing such high
currents, and thus a transistor is often used to amplify the small current from the
IC to the higher value required for driving the relay coil. For instance, the widely
used 555 timer IC has a maximum output current of 200mA, which means it can
directly supply relay coils without the need for additional amplification.

Fig- 13 Relay

Relays are commonly available in SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) or DPDT
(Double Pole Double Throw) configurations, but there are also relays with multiple
sets of switch contacts, such as those with 4 sets of changeover contacts. Most
relays are designed for mounting on printed circuit boards (PCBs), but it is also
possible to solder wires directly to the pins of the relay, taking care to avoid melting
the plastic case. In the animated picture, you can observe a working relay with its
coil and switch contacts. The lever on the left is attracted by the magnetic field
when the coil is energized, causing it to move the switch contacts. There is one set
of contacts (SPDT) in the foreground, and another set behind them, making the
relay capable of switching multiple circuits, DPDT.

1. NC = Normally Closed, COM is connected to this when the The switch connections
on a relay are typically labeled as COM (Common), NC (Normally Closed), and NO
(Normally Open). The COM terminal is always connected to the moving part of the
switch, and it serves as the common connection for the relay's switch contacts.
relay coil is OFF.
2. NO = Normally Open, COM is connected to this when the relay coil is ON.

1.3.8 DC MOTORS:

A. General Information
A DC motor is employed in this laboratory experiment to drive a mechanical load,
which is provided by a separately excited DC generator. The load on the motor
can be adjusted by varying the field current of the DC generator. By increasing the
field current, the load on the DC motor also increases. Typically, DC motors are
characterized by their torque-speed curves, as depicted in Figure 9.1. However,
since the lab lacks the necessary equipment for measuring shaft torque,
alternative means must be employed to characterize the DC motor. One
alternative approach is to plot shaft speed against armature current, as torque is
directly proportional to armature current (T = Ka * Φd * Ia) when a constant field
current is supplied to the motor. Additionally, shaft speed is also influenced by the
field current in a DC motor, while maintaining a constant armature voltage (Ea =
Ka * Φd * ω), as the field current is directly proportional to the direct axis flux
produced in the machine.

Fig- 14 DC MOTOR

The stator of a DC motor is equipped with poles that are excited by a DC current
to generate magnetic fields. In order to reduce sparking of the commutator,
commutating poles are positioned in the neutral zone, which lies between the main
poles. These commutating poles are supplied with DC current. Compensating
windings and other components are also mounted on the main poles to optimize
motor performance.These
short-circuited windings damp rotor oscillations. The poles are mounted on an iron
core that provides a closed magnetic circuit. The motor housing supports the iron
core, the brushes andthe bearings. The rotor has a ring-shaped laminated iron
core with slots. Coilswith several turns are placed in the slots. The distance
between the two legsof the coil is about 180 electric degrees. The coils are
connected in series through the commutator segments. The ends of each coil are
connected to a commutator segment. The commutator consists of insulated
copper segments mounted on an insulated tube. Two brushes are pressed to the
commutator to permit current flow. The brushes are placed in the neutral zone,
where the magnetic field is close to zero, to reduce arcing.

The rotor of a DC motor is comprised of a laminated iron core in a ring shape with
slots, and the commutator consists of insulated copper segments mounted on an
insulated tube. Two brushes are in contact with the commutator to allow for current
flow. These brushes are positioned in the neutral zone where the magnetic field is
close to zero in order to minimize arcing. The commutator is responsible for switching
the current from one rotor coil to the adjacent coil, which requires interrupting the coil
current. This sudden interruption of an inductive current generates high voltages,
resulting in flashover and arcing between the commutator segment and the brush.

In a DC motor, the stator poles are supplied with DC excitation current, which
creates a DC magnetic field. The rotor, on the other hand, is supplied with DC
current through the brushes, commutator, and coils. The interaction between the
magnetic field and the rotor current generates a force that drives the motor. The
magnetic field lines enter the rotor from the north pole (N) and exit towards the
south pole (S), generating a magnetic field that is perpendicular to the current-
carrying conductors. This interaction produces a Lorentz force, which is
perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the conductor. This generated force
causes the rotor to rotate until the coil reaches the neutral point between the poles,
where the magnetic field becomes nearly zero and the force diminishes. However,
due to inertia, the motor continues to rotate beyond the neutral zone, causing the
direction of the magnetic field to reverse. To prevent this reversal of force direction,
the commutator changes the current direction, maintaining the counterclockwise
rotation. Prior to reaching the neutral zone, the current enters segment 1 and exits
from segment 2, with the current entering the coil end at slot a and exiting from slot
b during this stage.

After passing the neutral zone, the current enters segment 2 and exits from
segment 1, and the motor continues its operation accordingly.

This Reverses the current Direction through the roror coi, When the coil passes
the neutral zone. The result of this current reversal is the maintenance of the

30 Vdc
v 30 v


Fig 16 Working Of motor

When kept in a magnetic field, a current-carrying conductor gains torque and

develops a tendency to move. In short, when electric fields and magnetic fields
interact, a mechanical force arises. This is the principle on which the DC motors
DC motors have a wide range of applications ranging from electric shavers to
automobiles. To cater to this wide range of applications, they are classified into
different types based on the field winding connections to the armature as:

Self Excited DC Motor.

Separately Excited DC Motor

Current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field experiences a force given

by equation F = B I L sinϴ, the direction of rotation which is given by Fleming's
Left Hand rule.

1.3.9 IOT (Internet of Things)
The ultimate goal of the future internet is to establish an infrastructure that enables
immediate access to information about the physical world and its objects. These
physical objects can have various applications across different domains. Each
individual device may have its own unique specifications that need to be
considered when interacting with it. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a visionary
concept that aims to seamlessly integrate the virtual world of information with the
physical world of devices through a layered architecture.

The term "Internet of Things" comprises of two components: "Internet" and

"Things". The Internet refers to the global network infrastructure that possesses
scalable and configurable capabilities based on interoperable and standard
communication protocols. "Things" refer to physical objects, devices, or virtual
objects, devices, or information that possess identities, physical attributes, virtual
personalities, and utilize intelligent interfaces [1]. For example, a virtual object may
represent an abstract unit of sensor nodes that contains metadata to identify and
discover its corresponding sensor nodes. Hence, IoT pertains to the
interconnectedness of objects that provide information from the physical
environment through the Internet.

Middleware serves as an interface between the hardware layer and the application
layer, responsible for interacting with devices and managing information [2]. The
role of middleware is to present a unified programming model for interacting with
devices, while also addressing issues related to heterogeneity and distribution that
arise during device interactions [3]. Motivation
IoT-based system is in charge of providing knowledge from an environment to an
non-expert user. IoT-based system can be used in different environments, so it
needs to be able to address many heterogeneous devices.

A significant challenge in developing an IoT-based system is how to manage the
interaction with diverse devices in a user-friendly manner, particularly for non-
expert users. This concern can be effectively addressed by implementing a
middleware layer that acts as an interface between the devices and non-expert
users. IOT Definition:
In this section, we will provide an overview of IoT and its definitions, as well as
discuss the layered architecture for IoT systems. The concept of Internet of Things
(IoT) has gained significant attention in various industries due to its ability to
interact with diverse types of devices. IoT has the potential to impact both private
and business sectors by integrating physical devices into information networks [8].
Private users can benefit from IoT in areas such as smart homes, offices, e-health,
and assisted living, while business users can experience impacts in automation,
industrial manufacturing, logistics, business process management, and intelligent
transportation of people and goods [9].
According to the definition provided by the International Telecommunication Union
(ITU)1, IoT is described as "a global infrastructure for the Information Society that
enables advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things using
existing and evolving interoperable information and communication technologies"

IoT is the integration of physical objects into information networks, encompassing
software, hardware, and services that support these networks. These integrated
objects are capable of exchanging data about their physical properties and
environment. Identification technologies such as RFID can be used to uniquely
identify devices [11].

The architecture of IoT is designed with multiple layers to meet the requirements of
different industries, enterprises, and society. A generic layered architecture for IoT
consists of five layers, as shown in Figure 2.1, which are described below [12]:

Edge Technology Layer: This is the hardware layer that includes embedded
systems, RFID tags, sensor networks, and other types of sensors. It can collect
information from systems or environments, process data, and support

Access Gateway Layer: This layer handles data management, including publishing
and subscribing to services provided by the devices, message routing, and
communication between platforms.

Middleware Layer: This layer plays a crucial role in aggregating and filtering data
received from hardware devices, performing information discovery, and providing
access control to devices for applications.Application Layer

The middleware layer is tasked with delivering diverse application services in IoT-
based systems. These services are provided through the middleware layer to
different applications and users in various industries, such as logistics, retail,
healthcare, and more. The application services offered by the middleware layer cater
to the specific needs of different industries and sectors in IoT-based systems.

Figure 2-1 Layered architecture of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Fig - 18 Layers in

1.3.10 NODE MCU

NodeMCU is a free and open-source platform that utilizes the ESP8266 chipset to
facilitate seamless connectivity of objects and enable data transfer via the Wi-Fi
protocol. Furthermore, NodeMCU offers crucial functionalities commonly found in
microcontrollers, including GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output), PWM (Pulse
Width Modulation), and ADC (Analog-to-Digital Conversion), making it a versatile
and feature-rich platform for IoT applications. Rewrite this passage with same

Fig- 19 Node MCU

NodeMCU is a microcontroller platform based on the ESP8266, which is a low-cost
Wi-Fi chip developed by Espressif Systems in China.

The ESP8266 features a 32-bit RISC microprocessor core, running at either 80 or
160 MHz, and comes with built-in TCP/IP networking software.

It also includes ample memory options, with support for up to 16 MiB of external
QSPI flash.
Additionally, the ESP8266 supports IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi,

Offers 17 GPIO pins for general-purpose input/output, and includes a Serial

Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus for communication.

Being an open-source platform, NodeMCU allows for customization and

modification of its hardware design. Rewrite this passage with the same meaning.
The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi chip Dev Kit/board information
The ESP8266 WiFi Module, also known as NodeMCU, has a Version 2 (V2)
available, specifically the NodeMCU Development Board v1.0 (Version 2), which
typically comes in a black-colored PCB. There are also other NodeMCU
Development Boards available in the market.
The NodeMCU Dev Kit features Arduino-like Analog (A0) and Digital (D0-D8) pins
on its board, and supports various serial communication protocols such as UART,
SPI, I2C, etc. This allows for connectivity with serial devices like I2C enabled LCD
displays, Magnetometer HMC5883, MPU-6050 Gyro meter + Accelerometer, RTC
chips, GPS modules, touch screen displays, SD cards, and more. For further
information on NodeMCU boards available in the market, please refer to NodeMCU
Development Boards. Rewrite this passage with the same meaning. How to start with NodeMCU?

The NodeMCU Development board is equipped with built-in Wi-Fi capability, analog
pins, digital pins, and supports various serial communication protocols. To begin
using NodeMCU for IoT applications, it is important to understand how to write or
download NodeMCU firmware onto NodeMCU Development Boards. Prior to that, it
is necessary to obtain the appropriate NodeMCU firmware based on our specific
requirements. Fortunately, there are online resources available that offer custom
NodeMCU builds, making it convenient to obtain a tailored firmware that meets our
specific needs.

Fig- 20 Node MCU

33 Invention of NodeMCU
The NodeMCU project was initiated by Hong on October 13, 2014, just a few
months after Espressif Systems began producing the ESP8266 on December 30,
2013. Hong committed the first file of nodemcu-firmware to GitHub, and shortly
after, developer Huang R contributed the gerber file of an ESP8266 board called
devkit v0.9, which expanded the project to include an open-hardware platform.

In the following months, the NodeMCU project saw significant updates. Tuan PM
ported the MQTT client library from Contiki to the ESP8266 SoC platform, enabling
NodeMCU to support the MQTT IoT protocol and access MQTT brokers using Lua.
Another important update was made on January 30, 2015, when Devsaurus ported
the u8glib to the NodeMCU project, allowing NodeMCU to easily drive various
displays such as LCDs, screens, OLEDs, and even VGA displays. In the summer of
2015, the original creators of NodeMCU abandoned the firmware project, but a
group of independent contributors took over. By the summer of 2016, the NodeMCU
project had grown to include more than 40 different modules, further enhancing its
capabilities as a popular development platform for the ESP8266. NodeMCU Specifications

The NodeMCU is available in various package styles, all of which are based on the
ESP8266 core. These designs typically adhere to the standard 30-pin layout, but
may differ in their footprint width. Some NodeMCU designs use the more common
narrow (0.9") footprint, while others utilize a wider (1.1") footprint, which is an
important consideration when selecting a NodeMCU board.

The Amica and LoLin are among the most common models of NodeMCU boards.
The Amica follows the standard narrow pin-spacing, while the LoLin has a wider pin
spacing and a larger board size. Additionally, due to the open-source nature of the
ESP8266, the market constantly sees the emergence of new variants of the
NodeMCU as designers continue to innovate and create new designs based on the
ESP8266 architecture.

Microcontroller: Tensilica 32-bit RISC CPU Xtensa LX106

 Operating Voltage: 3.3V

 Input Voltage: 7-12V
 Digital I/O Pins (DIO): 16
 Analog Input Pins (ADC): 1
 UARTs: 1
 SPIs: 1
 I2Cs: 1
 Flash Memory: 4 MB
 SRAM: 64 KB
 Clock Speed: 80 MHz
 USB-TTL based on CP2102 is included onboard, Enabling Plug n Play
 PCB Antenna
 Small Sized module to fit smartly inside your IoT projects

13.10.4 NodeMCU Pin out And Functions

Fig- 21 MCU Specifications

The NodeMCU/ESP8266 has various pins with different functionalities:

1) Power pins: There are four power pins, including the VIN pin and three 3.3V
pins. The VIN pin can be used to directly supply power to the
NodeMCU/ESP8266 and its peripherals. Power delivered to the VIN pin is
regulated through the onboard regulator on the NodeMCU module, and it can
also accept 5V regulated input. The three 3.3V pins are the output of the
onboard voltage regulator and can be used to supply power to external

2) GND pins: These are the ground pins of the NodeMCU/ESP8266, which
provide the common reference point for electrical signals.

3) I2C pins: The I2C pins are used to connect I2C sensors and peripherals. Both
I2C Master and I2C Slave modes are supported. The I2C interface functionality
can be programmed, and the maximum clock frequency is 100 kHz. It's
important to note that the I2C clock frequency should be higher than the slowest
clock frequency of the slave device.

4) GPIO pins: The NodeMCU/ESP8266 has 17 GPIO pins that can be assigned to
various functions such as I2C, I2S, UART, PWM, IR Remote Control, LED
Light, and Button programmatically. Each digital enabled GPIO pin can be
configured as an input or output, and can also be configured with internal pull-
up or pull-down resistors, or set to high impedance. Additionally, input pins can
be configured as edge-trigger or level-trigger to generate CPU interrupts.

5) ADC Channel: The NodeMCU/ESP8266 has a 10-bit precision SAR ADC

(Analog-to-Digital Converter). The ADC can be used for two functions: testing
the power supply voltage of the VDD3P3 pin and testing the input voltage of the
TOUT pin. However, it's important to note that these functions cannot be
implemented simultaneously.

6) UART Pins: The NodeMCU/ESP8266 has two UART interfaces (UART0 and
UART1) that provide asynchronous communication (RS232 and RS485) at
speeds of up to 4.5 Mbps. UART0 (TXD0, RXD0, RST0, and CTS0 pins) can be
used for communication, while UART1 (TXD1 pin) only features data transmit
signal and is typically used for printing logs.

7) SPI Pins: The NodeMCU/ESP8266 features two SPI interfaces (SPI and HSPI)
that can be used in slave and master modes for communication with SPI devices.
8) The NodeMCU/ESP8266 has several pins with specific functionalities:

9) SDIO Pins - These pins are used to interface SD cards through the Secure
Digital Input/Output Interface (SDIO). The NodeMCU/ESP8266 supports 4-bit 25
MHz SDIO v1.1 and 4-bit 50 MHz SDIO v2.0.

10) PWM Pins - These pins are also used for Secure Digital Input/Output Interface
(SDIO) to interface SD cards. The NodeMCU/ESP8266 supports 4-bit 25 MHz
SDIO v1.1 and 4-bit 50 MHz SDIO v2.0.

11) Control Pins - These pins are used to control the NodeMCU/ESP8266 and
include the Chip Enable pin (EN), Reset pin (RST), and Wake pin.
EN: When the EN pin is pulled HIGH, it enables the ESP8266 chip. When pulled
LOW, the chip works at minimum power.
RST: The RST pin is used to reset the ESP8266 chip.
WAKE: The Wake pin is used to wake the chip from deep-sleep.
The Control Pins on the NodeMCU/ESP8266, including the Chip Enable (EN),
Reset (RST), and Wake (WAKE) pins, are used to control the operation of the
EN: When the EN pin is pulled HIGH, it enables the ESP8266 chip, and when
pulled LOW, it puts the chip into minimum power mode.
RST: The RST pin is utilized to reset the ESP8266 chip, allowing for a fresh
WAKE: The Wake pin is used to wake the chip from deep-sleep mode, allowing
it to resume normal operation.

Chapter 2
Literature Survey

Title: Green House Environment Monitor Technology Implementation Based

on Android Mobile Platform

Author: Wei Ai, Cifa Chen The advancements in greenhouse environment

monitoring technology have resulted in improved crop quality, shortened growth
cycles, and increased production, making it a topic of significant theoretical
significance and value for research. In this paper, we propose the use of a mobile
phone as a monitoring terminal for greenhouse environment monitoring. By
leveraging the capabilities of a mobile phone, we aim to monitor and analyze the
greenhouse environment in real-time, enabling efficient management and
optimization of greenhouse conditions for enhanced crop growth and productivity.

.Title: Smart Green House for Controlling & Monitoring Temperature, Soil&
Humidity Using IOT
Author: Akash Saha,Prinyaka Sarkar Das, Bipasha Chakrabarti Banik

Agricultural economics plays a pivotal role in the overall economic development of a

country, as a significant portion of the population depends on the agriculture sector
for their livelihood. Higher agricultural productivity not only boosts rural incomes but
also stimulates demand for industrial goods and services. In countries like India,
where nearly 70 percent of the population relies on agriculture, agricultural
development is crucial for overall economic growth. Agricultural development has a
significant impact on farmers' incomes, leading to increased demand for farm
inputs, services, and non-farm goods. Additionally, increased agricultural production
creates a higher demand for processing facilities. Despite various challenges that
may hinder agricultural development, smart farming has emerged as a management
concept that utilizes modern technology to enhance the quantity and quality of
agricultural products. Today, agriculture is increasingly leveraging sophisticated
technologies such as robots, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and
GPS technology. These advanced devices, along with precision agriculture and

robotic systems, enable businesses to operate more profitably and efficiently in the
agriculture sector. Smart farming practices have the potential to revolutionize
traditional farming methods, optimize resource utilization, minimize environmental
impact, and improve overall agricultural productivity, leading to sustainable
agricultural development and economic growth. The advancement in greenhouse
environment monitoring technology has brought about safer and more
environmentally friendly agricultural practices. The main objective of this paper is to
design a smartphone-controlled greenhouse with an advanced monitoring system
that can effectively control various parameters such as temperature, soil moisture,
and humidity in agricultural processes. The prototype presented in this paper
utilizes sensors, IoT (Internet of Things), and ISP (Internet Service Provider) to
monitor and control temperature, soil moisture, and humidity levels. This innovative
approach to greenhouse management enables farmers to have real-time access to
critical environmental data and make informed decisions to optimize agricultural
processes for improved productivity, resource utilization, and environmental

Title: Green House Monitoring and Controlling Using Android Mobile


Author: Aji Hanggoro, Mahesa Adhitya Putra, Rizki Reynaldo, Riri Fitri Sari

The current system has the capability to monitor but lacks the ability to control
indoor humidity levels in a greenhouse. To address this limitation, a comprehensive
Greenhouse Monitoring and Controlling system has been designed to effectively
monitor and control humidity levels inside a greenhouse. This system utilizes an
Android mobile phone connected via WiFi to a central server, which in turn
communicates with a microcontroller and humidity sensor through serial
communication. The results obtained from testing show that the system performs
according to the specifications provided in the sensor's datasheet, demonstrating its
appropriateness in real-world conditions. The successful test results confirm the
proper functioning of the system, indicating its effectiveness in monitoring and
controlling greenhouse humidity levels.
Title: Wireless sensing and control for precision Green housemanagement

Author: Akshay C.1 ,Nitin Karnwal2 , Abhfeeth K.A.3 , Rohan Khandelwal4

,Tapas Govindraju5 , Ezhilarasi D.6 , Sujan Y.7

Precision greenhouse management in agriculture involves integrating information

and production-based farming systems to optimize farm production in specific
environments. This approach relies on intensive sensing of ground-level climate
conditions and rapid communication of data to a central repository. Wireless sensor
networks have emerged as a promising technology for monitoring and controlling
agricultural parameters, enabling intelligent and automated systems inside
greenhouses. The proposed system in this paper consists of a CPU for data
monitoring using the LABVIEW platform, along with a Zigbee module and PIC
microcontroller for establishing wireless communication between remote locations.
The main objective of this work is to sense, monitor, and control temperature,
humidity, and irrigation in a greenhouse from a remote location using Zigbee
technology at a low cost. The wireless transceiver is configured using TMFT 2.6
software from Melange Systems, and the PIC microcontroller is programmed using
Microchip's IDE version 8.2. This technology is intended to be simpler and more
cost-effective compared to other WPANs (Wireless Personal Area Networks) such
as Bluetooth or wireless internet nodes. In the current work, the data from the
sensing node is amplified and fed to an ADC, which is then connected to the
microcontroller. The microcontroller communicates with the Zigbee module to
transmit the data to the receiving Zigbee module at the other end. The data is then
displayed on the host computer through LABVIEW, and control sequences are
generated to wirelessly control the greenhouse parameters from a control room.

Title: Low Cost and IoT Based Greenhouse with Climate Monitoring and
Controlling System for Tropical Countries

Author: YP Jayasuriya, CS Elvitigala, K Wamakulasooriya and BH Sudantha

Greenhouses in tropical countries often face challenges in controlling temperature

and humidity, despite being equipped with state-of-the-art control systems. This

research aimed to identify solutions for effectively controlling these parameters in
tropical greenhouses. Weather parameters were measured using an IoT-enabled
weather station, and the data was stored in a remote server. The control algorithms
were developed based on the real-time and historical data available in the server,
allowing for more precise and effective control of temperature and humidity inside
the greenhouse.

Title: IOT Based environment change monitoring & controlling in greenhouse

using WSN

Author: D Shinde and N Siddiqui

Monitoring and controlling greenhouse parameters are crucial for ensuring high-
quality crop production. The objective of this system is to design a simple circuit
based on Raspberry Pi 3 to continuously monitor and read values of soil moisture,
humidity, temperature, and light in the environment, which are critical for optimal
plant growth. In this paper, we propose a system that utilizes wireless sensor nodes
to monitor soil quality. Data from each sensor is acquired and analyzed in real-time.
In the past, farmers had to rely solely on human efforts to protect their fields from
various disasters caused by nature or human factors, which often required
significant manpower and expenses. However, in this system, we utilize sensors
such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and light intensity sensors to monitor
the field conditions. This system helps to maintain optimal soil quality for specific
crop growth. The system is validated using two crops, tomatoes, and brinjals, in a
greenhouse environment. Furthermore, the total power consumption and
expenditures incurred for controlling devices are estimated on a yearly basis. This
enables farmers to predict the total cost of controlling actions for the next year,
which can lead to increased product quality and quantity compared to crops grown
without proper monitoring and controlling.

Title: IOT Based Green house monitoring system

Author: S Rupali, G Hemant, K Shoaib, I Aaditya and Deep D

A smart greenhouse-controlled environment area for optimized plant growth is

being designed using an affordable and efficient programmable module, the
ESP8266 NodeMCU module. The module will detect and control various climatic
parameters inside the greenhouse, including soil moisture, light intensity,
temperature, and humidity, based on the specific crop production requirements.
The system will utilize sensors such as soil moisture sensor, LDR sensor, and
DHT22 sensor for temperature and humidity data collection. The NodeMCU
module will process the collected data and control parameters such as water
pump, motors, exhaust system, and light system accordingly. The module will also
be connected to wireless internet or IoT platforms such as telegram bot using
HTTP protocol for remote monitoring and control.

Title: An IoT-based greenhouse monitoring system with Micaz motes.

Author: MA Akkas and R Sokullu

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have emerged as a pivotal technology in the

21st century, offering an ideal solution for distributed data collection and
monitoring in challenging environments such as greenhouses. Another rapidly
evolving technology of the 21st century is the Internet of Things (IoT), which has
found widespread applications in diverse fields including civil, health, military, and
agriculture. In modern greenhouse operations, multiple measurement points are
necessary to monitor local climate parameters across various areas of a large-
scale greenhouse, ensuring effective automation system operation. Traditional
cabling methods can be costly, vulnerable, and challenging to relocate once
installed. This paper introduces a prototype WSN system utilizing MicaZ nodes to
measure temperature, light, pressure, and humidity within greenhouses. The
measurement data is then shared using IoT technologies. This innovative system
enables farmers to remotely control their greenhouses from their mobile phones or
computers with internet connectivity, providing convenient and efficient

greenhouse management capabilities.

Title: entranceway style of Agricultural Greenhouse IoT entranceway

Sensors and Sensors

Author: Li Guohong, Zhang Wenjing and Zhang Yi

Smart agriculture, also known as precision agriculture, is a modern management

concept in industrial agriculture that utilizes advanced technologies such as big
data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to monitor, automate, and
evaluate agricultural operations. Software and sensors play a crucial role in smart
agriculture, enabling precise management of agricultural processes. This paper
suggests the development of an affordable device for monitoring environmental
parameters and electrical quantities. Through IoT devices, this system can digitize
relevant data, providing farmers with valuable information to make informed
decisions and optimize their agricultural practices.

Title: Greenhouse Protection Against Frost Conditions in Smart Farming

using IoT Enabled Artificial Neural Networks.

Author: Chen, Joy Iong-Zong and Lu-Tsou Yeh.

In this innovative work, a frost forecasting system is proposed that integrates

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Within a greenhouse,
objects such as actuators, sensors, and assisting aids are interconnected through
IoT devices. A smart system, utilizing Fuzzy Associative Memory and Artificial
Neural Networks (ANN), is designed, developed, and implemented to effectively
manage potential irrigation issues arising from frost conditions. Continuous
monitoring of the temperature inside the greenhouse is carried out to ensure
timely and efficient frost forecasting and mitigation measures.

TITLE: IOT based greenhouse environment monitoring and controlling

system using Arduino platform

Author: P. V. Vimal and K. S. Shivaprakasha

The optimal growth of plants in a greenhouse requires continuous monitoring and
control of environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture,
light intensity, and soil pH. The goal of this project is to develop a simple and cost-
effective system using Arduino to monitor and update these parameters in order to
achieve optimal plant growth and yield. The main sensors used in this project are
DHT11 sensor, Soil Moisture sensor, LDR sensor, and pH sensor, which provide
accurate values for temperature, humidity, water content, light intensity, and soil
pH, respectively. The system sends the environmental parameter data to an
Android mobile phone both offline and online. A GSM modem is used to send
SMS alerts to the user when the sensor values exceed a predefined threshold.
This allows farmers to remotely monitor the status of their greenhouse parameters
and control actuators such as cooling fans, exhaust fans, water pumps, artificial
lights, and motor pumps by sending SMS commands. Alternatively, Ethernet is
used to send the data parameters to the mobile phone, eliminating SMS charges.
The data is also sent to a server through Ethernet and stored in a database,
allowing users to monitor and control the parameters through an Android mobile
application. This system provides farmers with convenient and efficient control
over their greenhouse environment, enabling optimal plant growth and yield.

Title: Intelligent agriculture greenhouse environment monitoring system

based on IOT technology.

Author: L. Dan, C. Xin, H. Chongwei and J. Liangliang.

In recent years, the field of greenhouse technology in agriculture has been rapidly
evolving towards automation and information technology, particularly with the
widespread application of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. In this paper, the
design and implementation of an agriculture greenhouse environment monitoring
system based on ZigBee technology is presented, with the CC2530 chip serving
as the core component. The wireless sensor and control nodes utilize the
CC2530F256 chip to control the collection of environmental data.

The system is composed of front-end data acquisition, data processing, data
transmission, and data reception modules. The data terminal node's temperature
sensor continuously captures and processes ambient temperature data in real-
time. The processed data is then wirelessly transmitted to an intermediate node,
which aggregates all the data and sends it to a PC through a serial port. The PC
allows staff to view, analyze, and store the data, providing real-time information for
temperature control equipment such as fans in the agricultural greenhouse. This
enables automatic temperature control based on the received data, ensuring
optimal environmental conditions for plant growth.

Title: IOT Based environment change monitoring & controlling in

greenhouse using WSN

Author: Dattatraya Shinde and Naseem Siddiqui

As we are aware, monitoring and controlling greenhouse parameters are crucial

for ensuring high-quality crop production. The objective of this system is to design
a simple circuit based on Raspberry Pi 3 that can continuously monitor and read
values of soil moisture, humidity, temperature, and light in the environment, and
make necessary adjustments to optimize plant growth. In this paper, we propose a
system that utilizes wireless sensor nodes to monitor soil quality. Data is collected
from each sensor used in this system to assess the environmental conditions. In
the past, farmers had to rely on manual efforts to protect their fields from various
disasters caused by human or natural factors, which often required significant
manpower and resources. In this system, we employ temperature, humidity, soil
moisture, and light sensors to continuously monitor the field conditions. This
allows for effective maintenance of soil quality, which is essential for proper crop
growth. The system is designed to predict and analyze greenhouse parameters,
specifically for tomatoes and brinjals as the selected crops. Two sets of crop
samples were taken and the system was verified in a greenhouse environment.
Additionally, the total power consumption and expenditures associated with
controlling devices were estimated for one year. This information enables farmers
to predict the total costs of controlling crop growth for the next year. Through the

use of this system, it was observed that controlled action resulted in increased
product quality and quantity compared to crops grown without such action, thus
demonstrating the positive impact of monitoring and controlling greenhouse
parameters on crop growth.

Title: Greenhouse Monitoring and Control System Based on Zigbee Wireless

Senor Network

Author: Jian Song

To overcome the limitations of wired systems, such as complex wiring and low
anti-interference capacity, a wireless measurement and control system for
greenhouse is developed using Zigbee technology. The system consists of an
upper monitor control PC, wireless gateway CC2430, sensor node CC2430, and
sensor modules. Based on the characteristics of greenhouse control systems, a
star network topology is adopted. The wireless sensor network is structured in a
tree topology, comprising of a center controller and six wireless sensor nodes. The
hardware circuit for the sensor nodes is designed to include temperature sensors,
humidity sensors, and illuminance sensors. The software for the wireless modules
is programmed in C language using IAR Embedded Workbench for MCS-51
Evaluation. Additionally, a user interface software is developed using Visual C++
6.0 for Windows. The system is tested in a 70m x 10m greenhouse with six
wireless sensor nodes evenly distributed. The results show that the measurement
error for temperature, humidity, and illuminance is within 3%, indicating the
accuracy and reliability of the system.



The existing system for greenhouse automation comprises of three main

components: the HSM 20G humidity sensor module with signal conditioning
circuit, the PIC18F452 microcontroller, and the ZigBee transceiver present at
both the transmitting and receiving ends. At the receiving end, the ZigBee
module is connected to a host computer for continuous monitoring and
database maintenance. Wireless communication with simple hardware and
user-friendly software, such as Labview, has been demonstrated as an efficient
solution for automated greenhouse management in agriculture. The approach
allows for monitoring and control of climate and irrigation systems, making it a
valuable tool in high-tech agriculture. Although the experimental results have
been shown for two parameters, the system is scalable and can be extended to
monitor and control additional parameters. The proposed approach has the
potential for remote crop monitoring and control using Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN) technology for large-scale greenhouses. The system is user-
friendly, low-cost, and easily implementable, making it a promising solution for
modern greenhouse automation.


 Can be expensive to build.

 Can be expensive to heat.
 Requires constant monitoring, maintenance and care.
 Could increase electrical and water bills.
 May detract from aesthetic appeal of a garden.

3.2 Proposed System
This project is designed to monitor and control the greenhouse environment using
IoT and Arduino. Four sensors are used to detect the temperature, light, humidity,
and soil moisture inside the greenhouse. The temperature sensor detects the
temperature, and if it goes above or below the threshold value, a signal is sent to
the microcontroller. The microcontroller is connected to relays, and one of them is
connected to a blower to turn on the fan if necessary. The light sensor detects the
amount of sunlight, and if it is above the threshold value, a signal is sent to the
microcontroller to turn on the relay that would reduce the amount of sunlight.
Similarly, the humidity sensor and soil moisture sensor are used to detect the
humidity level and soil moisture, respectively. If the humidity value or soil moisture
decreases, the microcontroller would turn on a DC motor in place of a blower and
water outlet to decrease the humidity or increase the soil moisture.

Data from these sensors are sent to the IoT module (ESP8266) at regular intervals,
and the ESP8266 chip is used to connect the microcontroller to the Wi-Fi network
and send data. It also allows TCP/IP connections to be made. The project requires
a Wi-Fi module to be connected to a Wi-Fi zone or hotspot. In the absence of the
IoT module, a GSM module can be used to trigger an SMS. This project is user-
friendly, low-cost, and can be easily implemented, making it ideal for greenhouse
monitoring and control using IoT and Arduino technology.


 This system helps in monitoring and controlling the climatic conditionsthat

are favorable for the cultivation of a particular plant.

 By using this system, crop growth can be improved along with

maximized yield, irrespective of the weather conditions.

 This project can be further enhanced to monitor and control the

pesticide level



Greenhouse monitoring and controlling system is about knowing the climatic

conditions of environment in a greenhouse.Greenhouse monitoring and controlling
system- the project works through NodeMCU using IOT. The sensors in the unit are
connected and processed through NodeMCU using Blynk IoT application.

According to the recommended conditions of plants, the following temperature and

water flow is set by the programming of the system.The particular climate conditions
make plant to grow in its perfect growth and with protection.

With the green house system, Temperature is measured, Amount of sunlight is

measured, Humidity is measured and soil moisture is measured.By the use “Blynk
IoT” Application, the following readings of temperature, sunlight, soil moisture,
humidity is specified and controlled.

While process of the system is begin, the first reading is specified about
temperature. When temperature increases the above programmed temperature in
Green house, then automatically DC motor get starts to control the temperature of
green house.The sunlight measurements also displayed in Blynk application in
according to light sensor. Another main measurement – Soil Moisture is displayed in
application and LCD.

When the moisture of the soil decreases the DC motor starts automatically and
pumps the water to soil up to its essential. And the soil moisture works in according
to Soil sensor. DC motor turns off when the soil moisture in soil gets up to the limit.
The Soil moisture system can be allocated according to timing system too.

So according to specified climatic conditions- Temperature, Humidity, Soil moisture,

Sunlight the plant maintained perfect to obtain good production.
The Following result diagram

Fig 22 Whole unit

Fig 23 Measuring Parameters.



The implementation of an IoT-based smart greenhouse monitoring system has

proved to be a game-changer for the agriculture sector, which previously relied on
labor-intensive and time-consuming traditional monitoring methods. The proposed
system has not only saved time, money, and human effort but has also provided a
controlled environment for the plants, resulting in an overall increase in yield. The
smart greenhouse automatically optimizes various parameters for plant growth and
sends real-time data to a customized webpage for continuous and effective
monitoring. This project can be used not only in greenhouses, botanical gardens,
and agriculture farms but also in mechanical companies and mills to measure
various parameters of operating machines such as temperature and others with
minimal modifications.


In the future, we can expand the capabilities of plant monitoring systems by

incorporating image processing techniques to assess the health condition of
plants. This would allow us to identify any areas with dead cells or unhealthy plant
parts. Additionally, we could use various technologies to detect the amount of
chemicals required for optimal plant growth. By monitoring the specified climatic
conditions, such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and sunlight, we can
ensure that plants are maintained in a perfect environment, resulting in good
production and healthier plants and surroundings. By deploying wireless sensors
throughout a greenhouse, we can measure temperature, humidity, CO2, and light
levels, and adjust the environment in real-time with a grow room controller. The
sensors send crop-level data to an operating system, which controls motors that
open or close based on specific triggers.

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