Chemical Reaction 2 - 04.06.23
Chemical Reaction 2 - 04.06.23
Chemical Reaction 2 - 04.06.23
Class 10
Chemical Reactions and Equations
MM:25 Time: 1Hr.
1. Some crystals of copper sulphate were 12. What do you mean by a precipitation
dissolved in water. The colour of the solution reaction? Explain by giving examples. (2)
obtained would be (1) 13. White the balanced reactions for the
(a) green following (3)
(b) red (i) Potassium Bromide (aq) + Barium iodide
(c) blue
(aq) Potassium iodide (aq) + Barium
(d) brown.
2. When dilute HCl is added to zinc pieces taken Bromide(aq)
in a test tube (1) (ii) Zinc carbonate (s) Zinc oxide (s) + carbon
(a) No change takes place dioxide (g)
(b) the colour of the solution becomes yellow. (iii) Hydrogen (g) + chlorine (g) Hydrogen
(c) A pungent smelling gas gets liberated. chloride
(d) small bubbles of H2 gas appear on the 14. A student dropped few pieces of marble in
surface of zinc pieces dilute hydrochloric acid contained in a test
3. PbS reacts with ozone (O3) and forms pbso4. tube. The evolved gas was then passed through
As per the balanced equation, molecules of lime water. What change would be observed in
ozone required for every one molecule of PbS lime water? Write balanced chemical equation
is / are (1) for both the change observed? (3)
(a) 4
15. Give one example each of (3)
(b) 3
(a) Thermal decomposition
(c) 2
(d) 1 (b) Electrolytic decomposition
4. Chemically rust is (1) (c) Photo decomposition
(a) Hydrated ferrous oxide 16. Observe the following activity & answer the
(b) hydrated ferric oxide questions (3)
(c) only ferric oxide
(d) none of these
5. Which of the following reactions is not
correct (1)
6. Copper displaces which of the following a. Do you observe anything happening around
metals from its salt solution: (1) the zinc granules?
(a) ZnSO4 b. Is there any change in its temperature?
(b) FeSO4
c. Why is glass tube not dipped in dil ?
(c) AgNO3
(d) NiSO4 d. How is gas collected by downward
7. What happens chemically when quick lime is displacement or upward displacement of
added to water? (1) water?
8. Why are food particle preferably packed in
aluminium foil? (1) e. Is gas soluble or insoluble in water?
9. Why is a Combustion reaction an oxidation f. Is gas heavier or lighter than air?
reaction? (1)
10. Identify the substance oxidized and reduced
in the reaction. (1)