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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 19 (2017) pp.

© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

Design and Study the Characteristics of E-shaped Micro Strip Patch

Antenna with Different Dielectric Substrates

M. Lakshmi Raviteja 1, K. Nehru 2, T.S. Arulananth 3, V.Damodhar Rao 4 and G N S Bhagya Sri 5
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Dundigal, Hyderabad, India.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, India.
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-5673-0593
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MLR Institute of Technology, India.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Hyderabad, India.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Hyderabad, India.

Abstract substrate has the dielectric constant in the range of

E shaped micro strip patch antenna is being designed using can be used. The merits of microstrip patch
FR4-Epoxy, RT Duroid, Rogers_RO_3006, Rogers_RO_3010 antenna are low profile, light weight, low volume, low cost
materials. The dielectric constant of FR4-epoxy, epoxy- and can easily be integrated with the microwave integrated
kevlar, Rogers_ro_3006, Rogers_ro_3010 are 4.4, 3.6, 6.15 circuits [5-8].
and 10.2 respectively. The return loss, radiation pattern & As the communication technology improves higher frequency
gain of the proposed antenna show that it has promising range available for the longer bandwidth. Analysis of
characteristics for various wireless communication transmission line is done by microwave and milli meter wave
applications. In this design the effects of changing the frequencies. Thus micro strip patch antenna structures
dielectric constant of the substrate is also studied. It is characterization is very important. It depends on geometrical
analysed that how antenna performance varies while changing shape of the micro strip patch antenna and property of the
the value of dielectric constant. The proposed antenna is medium [9-11].
coaxially fed. The design is being simulated using HFSS
(High Frequency Structural Simulator) software. The HFSS is a software package analysis modeling and
analysis of 3-dimensional structures. HFSS utilizes a 3D full
Keywords: E shaped micro strip patch antenna, FR4-Epoxy, wave finite element method to compute the electrical
RTDuroid, Roggers_RO_3006, Roggers_RO_3010, HFSS. behaviors of high frequency and high speed components. The
HFSS is more accurately characterizes the electrical
performance of components and effectively evaluates various
INTRODUCTION parameters. It helps the user to observe and analyze various
The study of microstrip patch antennas has made great performance of electromagnetic properties of structures such
progress in recent years. Compared with conventional as propagation constant, characteristic port impedance,
antennas, microstrip patch antennas have more advantages generalized S-parameters and Y-parameters etc., are
and better prospects. Different researchers have used different normalized to specific port impedances. The HFSS software is
dielectric substrates to fabricate microstrip patch antenna. So a designed for extracting modal parameters by simulating
question arises that which dielectric substrate among the passive devices. It is necessary for designing high frequency
common substrates available gives better performance and and high speed components used in modern electronic
what are the properties of the dielectric substrates which devices. The HFSS simulated results are more accurate and
affects antenna performance. So a comparative study has been helpful before design and fabricating of real world
performed to know the dielectric properties of four different components [12-14].
substrates which affect antenna performance. The aim of the
study to design E-shaped microstrip patch antenna on four The effective dielectric constant can be calculated from
different substrates and analyze their radiation characteristics the formula
A microstrip patch antenna consists of a radiating patch on
one side of dielectric substrate, while has a ground plane on
the other side. The radiating patch may be of any shape i.e.,
rectangular, square, circular, elliptical, triangular etc. The

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 19 (2017) pp. 8838-8843
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

The subsection heading should also use The procedure for
designing a rectangular micro strip patch antenna is explained.
In this procedure there are three essential parameters for the
design: the frequency of operation , the dielectric constant of
the substrate and the height of the dielectric substrate .

For a given and , we design a rectangular micro strip

antenna for the resonant frequency (finding the width and
length of the patch).The E-Shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna
is as shown in figure 1. Calculating the dimensions of Ground plane.


Length of ground plane (6)

Width of ground plane (7)

The design of E-shaped patch antenna is shown in figure 2.

The dimensions of the substrate is taken as
The thickness(H) of the substrate is
taken as 1.5 mm. The patch is being formed by cutting the
slots so that required design and its characteristics can be
Figure 1: E-Shaped MicroStrip Patch Antenna obtained. The two arms of the of patch are of the size
. The middle arm is of the size of
. The antenna proposed is of co-
B .Antenna Dimensions axially fed. The dimensions of antenna are
The width of the micro strip antenna is given by: (A:31mm),(B:21mm),(C:7.5mm) (D:7.5mm) and (E::3.5mm).


The microstrip patch antenna looks longer than its physical

dimensions because of the effect of fringing. The effective
length therefore is differing from the physical length by ΔL .
A very popular approximation to calculate the extension of the
length of the patch is given by:


We want to match antenna to ; .The

mutual effects of the parallel equivalent admittance is given as
Figure 2: E shaped Patch antenna Geometry

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 19 (2017) pp. 8838-8843
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

FABRICATION constant . The above given dimensions are used to

Proposed design of E-slot microstrip patch antenna fabricated simulate the structure. The operating frequency is 9.2 GHz
using the photolithographic technique. In this method and obtained return loss is -20.6985 dB. The gain obtained at
unwanted metal areas of the metallic layer are removed this frequency is 3.04 dB which is better than conventional
through chemical etching process by which desired design is antennas. The simulation results are shown with the help of
obtained. Before this process, select a proper substrate figure 5 and figure6. The proposed antenna is radiating very
material for the proposed antenna design. A female SMA efficiently as can be seen in the figure7.
connector (brass metal) is connected in antenna to join feed
and ground. SMA abbreviated as sub miniature version A,
which provides electrical performance to antenna. This
connector offers low reflections and constant 50 ohm
impedance. After fabrication process, all the parameters of
proposed antenna are measured using Spectrum Analyzer. The
fabrication of E-shaped micro strip patch antenna of
FR4_Epoxy subsrate is shown in figure 3 and the fabrication
of E-shaped Micro strip Patch antenna of RT Duroid Substrate
is shown in figure 4. Figure 5: Return loss Vs Frequency graph of Microstrip Patch
antenna using FR4_Epoxy as Dielectric Substrate

Figure 3: E-shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna of FR4_Epoxy Figure 6: Radiation Pattern for FR4 Epoxy Substrate

Figure 7: Simulation of Radiation pattern for FR4 Epoxy

Figure 4: E-shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna of RT Duroid Substrate

B.Simulation Results Using Rogers_3006 as substrate

The substrate used is Rogers_3006 having dielectric constant
A.Simulation Results Using FR4_Epoxy as substrate . The above given dimensions are used to simulate the
The simulation of the design is being done using HFSS structure. The operating frequency is and
software. The substrate used is FR4_Epoxy having dielectric obtained return loss is . The gain obtained at

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 19 (2017) pp. 8838-8843
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

this frequency is which is better than constant . The above given dimensions are used to
conventional antennas. The simulation results are shown with simulate the structure. The operating frequency is
the help of figure 8 and figure 9. The proposed antenna is and obtained return loss is .
radiating very efficiently as can be seen in the figure 10.
The gain obtained at this frequency is which is
better than conventional antennas. The simulation results are
shown with the help of figure 11 and figure 12. The proposed
antenna is radiating very efficiently as can be seen in the
figure 13

Figure 8: Return loss Vs Frequency graph of Microstrip Patch

antenna using Rogers_3006 as Dielectric Substrate

Figure 11: Return loss Vs Frequency graph of Microstrip
Patch antenna using Rogers_3006 as Dielectric Substrate

Figure 9: Radiation Pattern for Roggers_3006Substrate

Figure 12: Radiation Pattern for Roggers_3010 Substrate

Figure 10: Simulation of Radiation Pattern for


C.Simulation Results Using Rogers_3010 as substrate

The simulation of the design is being done using HFSS Figure 13: Simulation of Radiation Pattern for Roggers_3010
software. The substrate used is FR4_Epoxy having dielectric Substrate

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 19 (2017) pp. 8838-8843
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

D. Simulation Results Using RT Duroid as Substrate In simulation when FR4_Epoxy is being used as substrate the
The simulation of the design is being done using HFSS return loss & gain is obtained as &
software. The substrate used is RT Duroid having dielectric at operating frequency of is shown in Network
constant . The above given dimensions are used to Analyser while testing. When RT Duroid is used with
simulate the structure. The operating frequency is dielectric constant return loss and gain are
and obtained return loss is dB. The gain obtained -12.5762 at operating frequency
at this frequency is dB which is better than is the result in testing. Similarly in simulation the
conventional antennas. The simulation results are shown with return loss and gain are given as follows in table 1.
the help of figure 14 and figure 15. The proposed antenna is
radiating very efficiently as can be seen in the figure 16
Table 1: Comparison of different substrates for Dielectric
constant, Return Loss, Gain and Operating Frequency

Figure 14: Return loss Vs Frequency graph of Microstrip

Patch antenna using RT Duroid as Dielectric Substrate

E shaped microstrip antenna is being proposed & design is
being simulated, fabricated and tested with Vector Network
Analyzer using four different substrates i.e. FR4_Epoxy, RT
Duroid, Rogers_3006, Rogers_3010 of dielectric constant 4.4,
10.2, 6.15, 10.2 respectively. The dielectric constant should be
Figure 15: Radiation Pattern for RT Duroid Substrate low for designing an antenna. FR4_Epoxy is low when
compared to different substrates. Return loss should be low
for designing the antenna. When compared to different
substrates, when the dielectric constant is increasing the return
loss is increasing of the various substrates .The return loss can
be decreased by 34 % by using the FR4_Epoxy substrate
when compared to Rogers_3010.We can conclude that when
dielectric constant increases ,gain decreases .Roggers_3006
which is having high gain when compared to different
substrates .The gain is increased by 18.022% by using the
Rogers_3006 when compared to FR4_Epoxy substrate .The
Dielectric Constant is increasing ,the operating frequency
increases .Rogers_3010 operating frequency is high when
compared to different substrates. When compared to RT_
Duroid with Rogers_3010,it is increased by 1.81%.frequency .

Figure 16: Simulation of Radiation Pattern for

RT Duroid Substrate

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 12, Number 19 (2017) pp. 8838-8843
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

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