Book of Templates
Book of Templates
Book of Templates
Deluxe Edition
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This product requires the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast®
Introduction (4)
Templates in the Game World (7)
Templates (13-233)
Aberrant (13) Dragon-Blooded (72) Half-Troll (131) Relentless (182)
Abyssal (19) Dreadnaught (77) Heightened (133) Savage (185)
Amorphous (21) Drider (80) Hiveling (135) Scryling (187)
Angel, Fallen (24) Ebon Servitor (84) Hypermitotic (137) Shadowborne (189)
Angel, War (27) Elemental (88) Immortal (140) Siphon Beast (191)
Apocalyptic (28) Elemental, Thermic (91) Lekassi (142) Skeleton, Greater (193)
Arcane Servitor (31) Enchanted (92) Lycanthrope, Wereworg (144) Skinhusk (196)
Argent Servitor (32) Ethereal (93) Mephit Lord (146) Spirit (198)
Beast, Elder (35) Exoskeleton (95) Metallivore (149) Two-Headed Mutant (202)
Beast Lord (38) Fey-Kissed (96) Miniature (151) Vampire, Corpse (204)
Bladed Horror (41) Fiend, Redeemed (98) Mohrg (153) Vampire, Dread (208)
Blighted Thrall (44) Ghoul (100) Moon Wildling (155) Vampire, Fleshbound (213)
Blind Oracle (46) Gigantic (102) Mummy, True (157) Vampire, Half- (216)
Construct, Ablative (48) Half-Drow (104) Necrovore (160) Vampiric (219)
Construct, Kith (52) Half-Genie (106) Nettlecloud Spider (162) Vampiric Thrall (221)
Construct, Necromantic (57) Half-Gnome (108) Non-Euclidean (163) Voidspawn (223)
Construct, Skinrug Guardian (59) Half-Humanoid (111) Paleoskeleton (166) Wight (226)
Construct, Verminshell (61) Half-Kobold (122) Phantasmal (168) Wretched (228)
Construct, Woundmender (63) Half-Medusa (123) Plantform (171) Zombie, Greater (230)
Demi-Gorgon (64) Half-Nymph (125) Puppeteer Ooze (175)
Denizen of the Deep (66) Half-Orc (127) Puppeteer Ooze Host (177)
Desiccated (68) Half-Sidhe (129) Quickened (180)
damage by size, and ability scores. Table 1-2: Creature Changes by Size Weapon damage can be increased as well. Want your Colossal
in that section shows the bonuses and penalties a creature gets for giant to use a greataxe fit for his size? See the Quick and
going from one size to the next. These factors stack if the creature Dirty Weapon Size and Damage sidebar in Appendix I: Creature
increases more than one size. To shrink a creature, just make Construction Charts for details.
bonuses penalties, and vice versa. Face/Reach: An increase or decrease in size always
When a creature increases in size, determine the multiplier affects face and reach. See Table 1-1: Creature Size Factors in
by which size increases. A troglodyte that goes from 5 ft. to 10 ft. Appendix I.
has doubled in height. To determine the creature’s new weight, Special Attacks and Special Qualities: The save DCs (if
multiply its current weight by the factor by which the height any) for special attacks or qualities are always adjusted for any
increased (or decreased) cubed. (When height increases, volume, increase or decrease in HD and ability scores. The formulas
and thus weight increase by the same factor cubed if the size for those DCs are usually: (10 + one-half of the creature’s
increase is proportional.) Thus, the troglodyte weighs in at 150 x HD + its Constitution modifier) for most attacks that
2 x 2 x 2, or 1,200 lbs. The same troglodyte decreases to 2 ft. 6 in, require a Fortitude save (poison, stench, and so on), while
weighs just 19 lbs. (150 x .5 x .5 x .5). You may want to fudge this Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength might be used for abilities
factor to get what you want. requiring a Reflex save, depending on the type of attack (for
The MM uses this math quite effectively for the values of example, Trample uses Strength). For supernatural attacks
most creatures. Others are presumably fudged for effect, like the 12 (gaze, fear, and so on) the usual formula is (10 + one-half of
ft., 7,000 lb. fire giant, which results in a hefty 290 lbs. if reduced to the creature’s HD + its Charisma modifier), and the formula
4 ft. 2 in. (the average for a dwarf male). That a human at 12 ft. (of is usually (10 + spell level + a creature’s Charisma modifier)
average build) should weigh in around 1,500 pounds and an average for spell-like abilities. Undead that maintain some attack that
dwarf weighs 165 lbs. at 4 ft. 2 in. gives some perspective on how requires Constitution as part of the save formula normally
burly those giants are. replace that ability with Charisma.
Speed: Speed increases and decreases with size. In general, You may want to increase damage for special attacks
it’s safe to increase a creature’s speed in all modes by 10 ft. per size with an increase in HD, but do so only when the damage
category increase, and to subtract 10 ft. from a creature’s speed due to size seems to make no sense (that is, it’s too little). In
in all modes per size category decrease. In the former case, large general, each time HD doubles, double the current damage
creatures may be slower than indicated by this increase (if you of the special attack. For example, an apocalyptic hell hound
wish), but smaller creatures are often surprisingly fast (minimum (Huge, 1d8 breath weapon) doubles HD once to 8 HD and
speed of 20 ft., or that of the original creature –5 ft. if the original thereby gains a 2d8 breath weapon, doubles again to 16 HD
speed was 20 ft. or lower). So, as with other modifications, adjust (4d8), and doubles again to 32 HD (8d8). In the case of the
the creature’s speed until you have what you want, or believe to be sample hell hound, it went to 40 HD, so the damage was
right for your new monster. increased by that fractional amount as well (8 is one-quarter
Attacks: Changes, bonuses, or penalties to the creature’s of 32, one-quarter of 8d8 is 2d8, so the final damage is
attack are listed. Always adjust the creature’s attack bonuses and 10d8).
iterative attacks based on an increase or decrease in HD or size. As simple rules, the range of special attacks and
Adjust attack bonuses based on any change in Strength and qualities increases by 33% of the current range per increase
Dexterity. in size category, rounding up to the nearest multiple of 5 (ft.).
Damage: Damage from new attacks is suggested, often Thus, an ability that starts at 30 ft. rises to 40 ft. (30 x 1.33
referring to the creature’s type and size. Use Appendix I: Creature = 39.9) with one size category increase. On the other hand,
Construction Charts for reference in these cases. If the creature’s size range decreases by 33% of the current range per decrease in
category changes, damage from its natural and special attacks goes size category, round down to the nearest multiple of 5 (ft.)—
up according to its type using those charts. A change in Strength a 30 ft. range becomes 20 ft. (30 x .67 = 20.1, rounded down
means a change in the damage modifier, so be sure to add that. to 20 ft.) at one size category lower. Abilities with ranges
If the damage is already higher than normal for a creature of that of less than 5 ft. are unable to leave the creature’s space or
size, like with a chuul’s claw attack, it’s usually safe to increase are only effective against a single opponent. Use the power
that damage to the next level. (In fact, the chuul’s claw damage itself as a guide to whether or not range should increase
corresponds to a normal Large aberration’s bite damage—if the dramatically, modestly, or at all—always considering what you
chuul grows to Huge, claw damage goes to 2d8 from 2d6.) want from your new creature.
Damage usually includes a creature’s full Strength modifier, Abilities: Ability modifiers for templates usually
but only half that if it’s a secondary attack. A creature’s natural simply add or subtract factors from a base creature’s abilities.
attack adds 1.5 x the Strength bonus (but the only normal Strength The minimum score for any ability is that noted for its size in
penalty) if it is the creature’s only mode of attack, as do attacks with Appendix I for physical ability scores. The minimum mental
two-handed weapons. Some special attacks and circumstances allow ability score for a creature is usually 3, or the base creature’s
a creature to apply more Strength as well. score, whichever is lower. Deviations from this norm are
Secondary attacks in a string of attacks add only one-half noted in this section.
of the creature’s Strength bonus to the damage. In a (rare) situation Saves: Any bonuses or penalties to saving throws are
in which the creature uses a secondary attack as a single attack noted here. Always adjust a creature’s saving throws if it gains
(instead of making a full-attack action to use all of its attacks), the (or loses) HD. See Appendix I: Creature Construction Charts for
Strength bonus is not halved. saving throws according to the differing creature types.
Skills: Any significant alteration to the way a creature uses treasure to particular creatures. Logically, the food storage of a
or gains skills is noted here. Skill points are based on a group of metallivores is likely to include a stack of metal objects.
monster’s HD, and thus a monster always gains some skills Some of these could be valuable.
and/or skill ranks as HD increase. Remember, also, that any Alignment: When a template changes an alignment, it’s due
change in ability scores may affect skill point totals as well to some fundamental change in a creature’s outlook or spiritual
as skill bonuses. Often, the creature’s initial skill points are affiliation. Once again, alignment is a guide, not a hard rule.
determined by type, while later advancement is by character Effective Character Level (ECL): The templates, and some of
class (like giants). Skill points from a character class take the races, in this volume tend to be more (or less) powerful than a
precedent over any skill points a monster might gain by normal player race. As such, they are given an Effective Character
instead advancing by its monster type. This serves to make the Level (ECL) adjustment to denote this fact. This factor may be
templated and classed creature a bit different from its normal added to any such similar factor the base creature possesses to get
cousins. the creature’s total ECL. Racial ECLs include a creature’s base HD.
Skill bonuses for a creature are sometimes Sample: Each template includes at least one example of
physiological (a grimlock’s skin gives it a Hide bonus), while how the template can be applied to a creature, along with specific
others are cultural (the Move Silently bonus of a goblin). notes on organization, terrain, disposition, language(s) spoken,
When creating a templated creature, the new creature’s and other data relevant to the specific creature at hand. Template
background culture becomes important. You are free to creature write-ups are in monster stat-block format as found in the
omit or reduce certain skill bonuses based on a change in a MM.
creature’s physiology or culture. A half-elf raised among elves New Material: The sample of the creature is often followed
should be different from one raised among humans. by suggestions on how a templated creature is created within the
Feats: Bonuses or losses to feats are noted here. game world or other relevant tidbits, such as new spells or feats.
Feats also increase in number as a creature advances in HD,
and often when a creature changes type. Try to accentuate Character Classes
the monster’s positive attributes when choosing new feats, If a creature acquires a character class in addition to multiple
and feel free to change them for your new creation (such as monster HD, it follows the rules for multiclassing. A creature’s
how the strong giant troglodyte focuses on melee (Weapon character level equals the number of character levels it has, plus
Focus (longspear)) rather than ranged attacks (Weapon Focus the total Hit Dice for its monster “class”. The creature’s monster
(javelin)) like a normal troglodyte). class is always its favored class, and the creature never suffers XP
Climate/Terrain and Organization: Templated creatures penalties for having it. Additional Hit Dice from a character class
are often found in the same areas and same groups as normal never affect a creature’s size.
creatures of their kind. Other times, such creatures are raised It’s often easier to create a templated creature by starting
by another race, culture, or even in a laboratory or the lair of with a creature without classes. When applying a template to a
another monster. Templated creatures may even have their creature that has a character class, the creature doesn’t lose any
own preferences for these things. Don’t feel constrained by abilities from the character class unless the template specifically
this information; use it as a guide. says it does. Nor do any of the changes affect character class
Challenge Rating (CR): Virtually all the templates in abilities unless expressly stated to do so or the effect comes from a
this book contain a challenge rating adjustment to reflect secondary influence, like an increase in Strength affecting the melee
the change in power granted through the application of the attack bonus. Changes that affect how a base creature’s attacks
template. However, some creatures benefit far more or less are calculated, or something similar, only affect the creature’s base
than others with any given template based on their particular form, not its classes.
attributes, which is why some CRs have a percentage factor The Plantform template is an example of this point—its
instead of a solid number. The percentage is multiplied times base form has an attack progression as if it were always a Plant type
the base creature’s CR to determine how much of a change creature. Another example is the Gigantic template, which doubles
the creature gets. This factor is always rounded to the nearest the base creature’s HD—a gigantic creature’s class-based HD
whole number (up or down as you prefer) after it’s added to are not doubled and remain at their normal type. Undead are an
the creature’s base CR if the CR is above 1. If the resulting exception to this rule, because all of their HD are always d12s, no
CR is less than one (fractional), round it to the closest matter what their character class.
quarter—round anything greater than 1/2 to 1. Conversely, some template attributes do improve based
Calculating and judging a challenge rating is more of on a creature’s HD gained result of increased character levels. A
an art than a science. The lack of exactness in CRs should be half-efreeti/half-human with 13 character levels gets all of the spell
kept in mind when creating new and variant creatures with the abilities of a 13 HD half-efreeti, just like a half-fiend from the MM.
templates. You should make any further adjustments to the It makes sense for many saving throw DCs to improve as well, due
CR as necessary to facilitate the balance and fun of the game. to increased HD from character levels. The Argent Servitor and
New creatures should be playtested to make sure they aren’t Dreadnaught are good examples of templates where attributes
party killers. It’s always better to have a creature that’s a little improve as a character gains levels.
too weak, than one that’s way too strong. You’ll have to decide whether some qualities increase
Treasure: Treasure is quite variable, like climate and based on your own preferences. The possibilities are too great to
organizational tendencies above. Just be astute when assigning cover every exception or consideration. Does giving an ettercap
levels of fighter increase the potency of its poison via an increase “Simplates” are even smaller than microplates—especially
in save DC due to the extra HD? Perhaps, but it is more likely that’s designed for when the DM needs a quick boost to a creature’s
a racial constant that can only be increased via advancement in CR with little or no time to prepare (perhaps even on the fly
monster HD. during a gaming session). Expect no drastic changes here, just
a simple power boost or other alteration to make the PCs’
Native Outsiders road a little rougher.
When you create a creature that’s an outsider, it’s important to
note two things. First, the creature’s alignment is important for its It’s Alive! Now, What Shall We Call It?
subtypes (Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful), since that’ll be relevant Those wishing to instill a greater sense of wonder should
as to which spells affect the creature. It’s also important to note on refrain from informing their players that a creature is, in fact,
which plane the creature is a native. If the creature is an outsider a hypermitotic metallivore half-janni lizardman. While this
(type) that is native to the Material Plane, then certain spells (like may be the technical descriptor of the creature, try to select a
banishment or dismissal) are less effective, if not ineffective. Banishment more unique name that encapsulates the essence of what the
and dismissal can’t send an outsider on its native plane anywhere. new creature has become. Some samples in this book work
toward that end and can be used for inspiration.
My Better Half With several templates attached, the name of even
To avoid pointless logical gymnastics and long periods of the most simplistic monster can quickly reach laundry-list
protracted confusion, there are a few things that should be proportions and become quite tedious to say. In our multi-
mentioned here about using “half-” templates, such as half-orc, templated lizardman example, above, names such as “iron-
half-nymph, and so on. First and foremost, only one of these scourge hordeling” would be more appropriate. Whatever the
templates should be applied to any single creature. There are only final moniker, a simple recitation of the creature’s templates
two halves to a creature, so this guideline should be adhered to is an inferior choice to a new name tailor-made for your
regularly if any templates of this nature are employed. creation.
Second, unless stated specifically otherwise, the base
creature is the original genetic type for the new, templated half-
creature. This circumvents a great deal of conjecture as to whether
a human with the Half-nymph template is a nymph that is half- TEMPLATES IN THE
human or a human that is half-nymph. If the base creature was a GAME WORLD
nymph, the new creation is half-human. If the base creature was
human, the new creature is half-nymph. There are many possible explanations for how templated
Third and finally, there should be a good reason for creatures come to be. This book provides a simple set of
such a hybrid creature to exist. Is it even physically, magically, or rules for one of the many possible justifications in the form
conceptually possible to obtain a giant halfling or a half-genie balor of a magical means by which some of the templates are
within the context of the game world’s cosmology? If so, what created within a fantasy world—ritual magic. This system
might a good justification be for such a creature’s existence? Are provides a better alternative than saying something is due
such hybrids numerous or extremely rare? You should consider to “long-lost magic now beyond mortal ken”, which can be
these questions and see if making such creatures fits your purposes frustrating to players and DMs. Where more than one idea is
and the flavor of the campaign world. presented, such as a disease and a ritual, you may take your
pick or use as many options as you like.
Realism and “Half-” Templates Further, a set of comprehensive and easy construct-
There’s a problem with the half-and-half templates out there. Most building rules is included. These mechanics simplify the
aren’t half-and-half, they’re half-and-whole—that is, the “half-” process for building most of the constructs found in this
template is applied to a base creature with no dilution of the base work. Rules specific to each template appear in the templates
creature’s statistics or abilities. Yet, when we look at the abilities of themselves.
a half-elf or half-orc in the PHB, we certainly see dilution of orcish
and elven blood. Ritual Magic
So, which is it? Well, it’s whatever you prefer. You can use Mystics of literature and myth performed rituals toward great
the Half-humanoid template in this book to “halve” any creature ends. Certainly, changing a creature into one like some of the
for preparation for crossbreeding with other “half-” templates. templates in this book is such an act.
While each ritual is presented as a spell, it is really a process.
Variants: Microplates and Simplates Anyone who knows the process and meets the class and
Certain templates within this book have smaller, variant mini- caster level requirements of the ritual can use it. This means
templates associated with them. These smaller templates are too that any cleric (of an appropriate god) that can cast 7th-
similar to other templates in this volume or do not alter the base level spells can use the Dreadnaught Ritual. This rule allows
creature enough to warrant a full-fledged, stand-alone template sorcerers, and other spellcasters who don’t prepare spells, to
of their own. Thus, they are called “microplates”—quick and easy use the rituals. The parameters of the ritual spell still apply
optional templates that provide even more alternatives for the when taking into account things like a specialist mage’s school
creative DM. restrictions. A mage who is prohibited from Transmutation
magic can’t use a Transmutation ritual. Other possibilities creature. The only exception to this rule is that a willing subject of
appear later in the Ritual Variants section. the spell may choose to pay part of the experience cost, up to 50%
An arcane ritual requires a special workspace that of the total, excepting the 10% requirement of the ritual leader.
costs 500 gp to set up. The laboratory can be reused for other For example, there is a ritual with a single subject, a leader, and
purposes, including golem-building and future rituals (the 5 spellcasting assistants. If each of the assistants shoulders 10%
material costs of each individual ritual are, in part, the costs of the burden, the subject cannot take on the remaining 50%. He
for “setting up” the room for a specific purpose). For 1,250 could only give 40%, as the ritual leader would have to provide 10%
gp, the workspace includes an alchemist’s lab and masterwork of the cost.
tools, garnering the workshop’s user a +2 circumstance bonus The proper performance of rituals requires a new use of
to pertinent skill checks, but not the ritual DC. the Spellcraft skill. Each ritual has a Ritual DC. No matter what the
Ritualists performing a rite that is divine in casting time of the ritual, this number must be equaled or surpassed
nature require a similar workspace, but the exact tools and with a Spellcraft check by the ritual’s leader. Failure on this one
requirements vary by religion. Divine versions of the ritual roll ruins the whole ritual, sometimes with dire consequences. On
may only be cast in a sacred place. This may be accomplished a roll of a natural 1 on the Spellcraft check, the check must be
through use of the consecrate or desecrate spells (the spells rolled again—if that roll fails as well, refer to the “Botch” section
being renewed any time they lapse), or through use of hallow, of the ritual in question and apply those penalties. Due to the
unhallow, or like spells. Some places may be sacred by nature, as powerful energies involved, a roll of 1 on a ritual Spellcraft check is
dictated by the campaign world. considered an automatic failure (unlike normal skill checks).
Each ritual requires a certain number of levels of Failure consumes all of the materials required by the
spellcasters or assistants, presupposing the ritual’s leader ritual and requires the same amount of time. The materials must
doesn’t meet the requirements. Pure spellcaster assistants be reacquired in order for the ritual to be attempted again. Further,
(clerics, druids, sorcerers, or wizards) count their full level failure still requires 25% of the total experience point cost, which
in a spellcasting class, while partial spellcasters (bards, may be distributed normally among the participants as indicated
rangers, paladins) count half of their spellcasting levels, and earlier in this section. Failure also means other penalties, as
non-spellcasting assistants only count one-tenth of their indicated in each ritual. Temporary ability damage inflicted by failing
level. (Multiclass characters count each spellcasting class to or botching a ritual may only be healed with time (per normal rules)
determine the total level benefit to the ritual.) Since these or a greater restoration or more powerful spell. Permanent damage
other creatures are required to succeed at the ceremony, they may only be healed by heal, miracle, or a wish spell.
can offer no other benefit other than providing some of the Fortunately, there are ways to improve (and hurt) one’s
necessary spells. Extra participants, beyond those required, can chances in succeeding at a ritual, as shown on the chart below.
offer some help on the ritual’s Spellcraft check (see below). Assistants only grant bonuses if the ritual doesn’t require them.
The casting time for rituals is usually a number Such a thing only gives a bonus if deemed appropriate to the
of hours or days. If days, it is assumed the casters and ritual and not required by it. Bonuses below all stack together for a
participants work for 8 hours each day and nothing else maximum total bonus from all categories (not each category) of +5.
besides eat, prepare for the
next day’s tasks, and rest.
Rituals cannot be rushed. Ritual Spellcraft Check Modifiers
A ritual usually Condition Modifier
requires some other spells to Spellcasting ritual assistants (pure spellcaster) +1 per 5 levels
be cast during the process. Spellcasting ritual assistants (partial spellcaster) +1 per 7 levels
These magicks are used to Non-spellcasting assistants +1 per 10 levels
build to the intended end of The ritual leader can cast all of the requisite spells in the ritual +1
the ritual, not have additional Expenditure of extra XP (per 25% additional) +1
effects. Spells cast to fulfill the Requisite spells for the ritual must come from scrolls or magic items –2
ritual do not have their usual Per 3 HD the target creature(s) exceeds the spellcaster level of the ritual leader –1
effects on the target of the
ceremony, or otherwise.
Rituals entail material components. For simplicity, a
It is possible to augment a ritual by sacrificing something valuable
cost in gold pieces is listed with each ritual for the materials.
to the ritualists during or before the rite. Often, such an offering
You are encouraged to make these components hard to come
is not particularly valuable to the performer of the sacrifice (evil
by, eschewing the listed cost of the supplies, and instead
persons rarely value life), but is valuable to another entity. That
requiring adventures to get them.
other being takes the sacrifice as payment for a small measure of
Finally, ritual magic consistently has an experience
power in return.
point cost. This total may be distributed among all of the
The actual metaphysics of such a situation vary from
rite’s participants who willingly take some part of the burden,
campaign to campaign—perhaps an evil deity can take possession
excepting that the ritual leader must pay at least 10% of
of the soul of a good creature that is sacrificed in the proper
the total no matter how many helpers he or she has. Non-
manner (and possibly that soul can be rescued by heroes later).
spellcasting assistants or worshippers never take more than
Maybe a sacrificed creature is, by nature, simply appropriate to the
25% of the experience cost, and never more than 1% per
ritual in question. The energy siphoned from such a creature’s ritual ends immediately. If the slaying of the ceremony’s target
killing aids the ritual by virtue of similarity. The important factor is causes the latter situation, the ritual leader must immediately
perceived value of a sacrifice. Without getting into a long treatise make the ritual Spellcraft check at +5 to the DC with normal
on religion and magic, many traditions include sacrifice—even those consequences for a failure or botch. When a ritual’s leader
widely accepted as “good”. dies, the ritual automatically fails—roll a Spellcraft check for
In this vein, sacrifices often have a religious connotation the leader anyway, to test for a possible botch.
and are performed in the name of some deity or powerful
extraplanar creature. Arcane spellcasters are at somewhat of a Buying Rituals
disadvantage here, unless they can bargain with such a potent entity Although it is extremely unusual, NPCs can be employed
for aid. Of course, this offers a variety of roleplaying opportunities. to cast a ritual for the usual fees of mercenary spellcasting
As a rule, the sacrifice of a being (usually living and sentient, but (see DMG, Chapter 5, Handling NPCs, NPC Spellcasting).
always appropriate to the religion or magic involved) is performed The fee for the ritual casting does not include the casting of
via delivering a coup de grace attack to a helpless target. The energy requisite spells, which must be paid in addition and for each
generated by this act (no matter what the metaphysical source) casting. The employer in this situation must also pay for any
can provide 150 XP, or +1/2 to the leader’s caster level, or a +1 extras such as additional required spellcasters (half of their
circumstance bonus to the ritual Spellcraft check per point of CR normal cost, since they’re not casting spells), and lay assistants
the slain creature possesses. A willing creature (unaffected by mind- (2 gp per day).
affecting magic and with full knowledge of its fate) gives a bonus
of +100 XP per CR and +1 to the ritual Spellcraft check. The extra Rituals, Wishes, and Miracles
XP may be exchanged for +1/2 caster level per CR. The maximum The limited wish, wish, and miracle spells have special effects in
Spellcraft circumstance bonus one can acquire from any amount ritual castings, but are still bound by the rules delineating the
of sacrifices is +5, but the benefits of sacrifices stack with other use of those spells. Even though rituals are lower in level than
bonuses (maximum total bonus +10; +5 from conditions, +5 from a similar spell that could be pulled off by a single caster, this
sacrifices). does not mean that a single wish or miracle can reproduce their
In some situations, material items may be sacrificed instead effects.
of life—usually in the form of treasure or magic items. The value Limited wish or small miracle (see below) can replace a
of the items offered must be at least 20 gp per XP, or 3,000 gp per required spell (per the rules of those spells), insure the ritual’s
1/2 caster level or +1 circumstance bonus to the ritual Spellcraft success, or eliminate half of the casting time. Wish and miracle
check. Items used in such a manner are lost, destroyed, or in some can do all three, if the replaced spell is 4th-level or lower.
way rendered inaccessible to those sacrificing the materials. Imagine Otherwise, all of these spells function within the parameters
treasure sacrificed to a great dragon for his or her aid in a ritual dictated in their spell descriptions. None of them can replace
(maybe that’s where the dragon gets all of its treasure). the XP or material components of a ritual (although one
Whatever the source of the sacrifice, when one is used to might be used to conjure a needed component), and the
provide XP, the ritual participants must pay any shortfall within the XP cost of a ceremony does not include the XP cost of a
normal ritual rules. Failing to do so renders the ritual a failure and required wish or similar spell. If the ritual actually does require
wastes the sacrifices. one of these spells, that specific casting can have no other
Feel free to allow sacrifices to affect other creation effect in the ceremony.
rituals, like those for magic items and constructs. If the sacrifice Here is a limited wish spell for clerics and druids:
is an evil act, the item created is tainted with evil in a way that’s
commensurate to the wickedness of the sacrifice. It’s important Small Miracle
to note that sacrifices always add time to any ritual (at least a few Evocation
minutes) and cannot be used to shorten the time requirements. Level: Clr 7, Drd 7
Components: V, S, XP
Interrupting Rituals Casting Time: 1 action
A ritual can be a great part of an adventure, especially if the Range: See text
heroes get to barge in and save the day from some heinous act Target, Effect, or Area: See text
of transformation. To this end, if a ritual is interrupted by some Duration: See text
significant distraction and at a significant time (DM discretion), Saving Throw: None
the ritual leader must make a Concentration check (DC equal Spell Resistance: Yes
to the ritual Spellcraft DC – 5, modified by all of that check’s A small miracle lets you create nearly any type of
modifiers). If the Concentration check fails, the ritual fails, and the effect. It can do any of the following:
consequences are suffered immediately. The Concentration check • Duplicate any cleric (or druid) spell of 6th level or
can botch as well (by the leader rolling a natural 1 and then failing lower.
a subsequent check), causing the normal consequences of a botch. • Duplicate any wizard/sorcerer spell of 5th level or
A success on the check means the ritual is still ongoing and may lower
continue if the interruption is dealt with in a timely fashion. • Undo the harmful effects of many other spells, like
If participants in the ritual are killed, or otherwise limited wish.
disabled, any benefit they were providing goes with them. Should • Have any other effect whose power level is in line
the ritual leader, or the subject of the ritual, be killed, the ritual with the above effects.
A duplicated spell allows saving throws and spell resistance as Manufacturing Constructs
normal (but the save DC is for a 7th-level spell). When a small There are specific factors pertinent to each construct that are
miracle duplicates a spell that has an XP cost, the character explained in each template. These items include the caster level
must pay that cost or 300 XP, whichever is more. When a small required, spells and skill checks required, and cost in gold pieces
miracle spell duplicates a spell with a material component that and experience points (XP). Yet, there are basic rules that can be
costs more than 1,000 gp, the character must provide that used for all construct templates found herein, any deviation from
component. which will be indicated and explained in the specific template to
XP Cost: 300 XP or more (see above). which the exception applies.
Making a construct requires a laboratory space in which
Ritual Variants to work, like rituals. The cost and limitations are the same as for
If preferred, the rituals needn’t be treated like processes, but rituals. Divine creators have equally variable requirements—though
can instead be treated like spells that must be prepared by a workshop to build a construct’s body is usual.
the caster. This means that innate spellcasters can’t use rituals The process of building and enchanting the construct
without some special conditions. This variant actually serves always requires the Craft Wondrous Item feat and usually takes
to draw clearer distinction between those classes that prepare ten days plus four days per HD the creature will possess. Further,
spells and those that provide “natural” spell ability. Consider the construct’s creator must have a caster level that is at least 66%
this feat as a way for a specific character to get around this rule: (round up) of the construct’s final HD, or constructing such a
creature is beyond him or her. The construct’s enchanter, or an
Spell Preparation [General] assisting artisan (who must be present during the whole time),
You can prepare spells like a member of a class that normally builds the body, and the ensorcelling of the new creature goes on
does so. as the project proceeds. Magical rituals and special methods are
Prerequisite: The character must have a spellcasting performed, requiring the construct’s creator to work for eight hours
class that does not normally prepare spells, such as bard. each day. When not working, the creator may rest, eat and sleep, but
Benefit: You can prepare spells ahead of time, like can perform no other activities.
any character that normally prepares spells. Additionally, you If the creator (and/or assistant) misses a day of rituals,
can apply metamagic feats to prepared spells and cast them the process fails and must be started again. Money spent is lost, but
as normal, instead of as a full-round action. Prepared spells XP are not. The construct’s body can be reused, taking 20% of the
function according to rules governing such things (use of spell cost and ten days off of the next attempt. Completing the ritual
slots, metamagic, loss of spells due to being raised fro the dead, successfully drains the appropriate XP from the creator and requires
and so on). casting any spells on the final day. The creator must cast the spells
personally, but they can come from outside sources, such as scrolls.
Your game may be such that ritual magic is just too
freewheeling and powerful. It’s easy to see why this might be Imbuing a Construct with Base Creature Abilities
the case, because rituals allow characters to accomplish things Some constructs can have the element subtype and special abilities
that normally only higher-level characters can do. If you feel of a non-construct base creature, but sometimes this requires extra
this way, consider either of these feats for your game (your effort on the part of the construct’s creator. To imbue a construct
game might even employ both of the feats in this section, with the special attributes of a base creature that don’t automatically
making ritual magic a costly and rare practice): come with the template, the caster must have materials from
that base creature as foci and consumables, along with additional
Ritual Magician [General] reagents. These materials usually cost 250 gp per HD of the
You can learn and use ritual magic. construct-to-be, and the process adds half of a day per HD to the
Prerequisite: The ability to cast spells. ritual (round up) and 5 XP per HD of the base creature—per ability
Benefit: You can use rituals. duplicated.
The creator of the construct must cast a spell that
The Ritual Magician feat might be a way for classes normally approximates the desired capability or cast limited wish for each
excluded from rituals to actually perform them. For example, attribute replicated. Attacks and qualities that have more than one
a ranger that has enough spellcasting power to cast 4th-level ability (such as damage and a secondary effect) count as two (or
spells, along with the Ritual Magician feat, might be allowed to more) abilities. For example, regeneration is required to replicate fast
cast a ritual that’s restricted to 4th-level druids. healing or regeneration, protection from elements or a similar spell might
If you find sacrifices too generous, perhaps this feat restore an elemental subtype, while bestial aspect other (see New Spells
makes them more balanced: for Construct Building below) works to give a construct extraordinary
Sacrificial Spellcasting [General] attacks like poison or the improved grab ability. The construct gains
You can use sacrifices with spells. the ability as if it were the base creature (for purposes such as
Prerequisite: The ability to cast spells. save DC), regardless of its own attributes. Further, normally
Benefit: You can use the Sacrifice rules to augment extraordinary abilities that produce substances (like poison) or
your spellcasting. healing (like fast healing) are supernatural for the construct—simple
attacks, like improved grab or rend, stay extraordinary.
Some abilities, like a breath weapon, function as a separate magic Bestial Aspect Other
item built into the construct. For an example, see the iron kith Transmutation
behir in the Kith Construct template. Use this format whenever the Level: Animal 3, Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 4
ability makes sense as a magic item function rather than an innate Components: V, S, M
power. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
New Spells for Construct Building Target: Creature touched
Here are some new spells, one of which is used in the building of Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
constructs in this book. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (harmless)
Bestial Aspect This spell functions like bestial aspect, except the caster
Transmutation may bestow an ability on another creature. Creatures of greater
Level: Animal 2, Drd 2, Rgr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 than Huge size only gain the bite or claw attacks of a Huge
Components: V, S, M creature. The subject always retains its own ability if the ability
Casting Time: 1 action is better than that granted by the spell. The subject of this spell
Range: Personal may choose to revert to its normal form at will.
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Greater Bestial Aspect
Saving Throw: None Transmutation
Spell resistance: No Level: Animal 3, Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 4
You take on an aspect of an animal or vermin, gaining This spell functions like bestial aspect, except you may
one of that creature’s abilities for the duration of the spell. grant yourself two abilities from the animal in question. You
Extraordinary abilities that are not a function of a much different might be able to take on some abilities normally forbidden
body type (like a snake’s or octopus’ constrict ability) may be gained. by bestial aspect, like granting yourself a poisonous bite after
You can choose to climb or swim like the animal in question, at granting yourself fangs, using a spider aspect. If you do grant
its speed or your own, whichever is less. You may grant yourself yourself poison, the save DC and damage are determined by
a natural armor bonus up to 1 plus an additional 1 per 3 levels, your size and ability scores, though the potency of the poison
but the bonus cannot be greater than the selected animal’s natural is based on the animal type. You can also grant yourself
armor. Bite or claw attacks can be chosen, but these attacks (and proficiency with the natural attacks as one option.
any other natural attack) use your normal attack bonuses, and Limited alteration of the body is possible, such as
do damage according to your own size and type (per Appendix I: using one option to make your body flexible, and the other to
Creature Construction Charts), using your Strength bonus to damage. grant yourself a constrictor snake’s constrict ability, or making
Unfortunately, unless you have Exotic Weapon Proficiency with the your arms tentacle-like and then gaining the octopus’ constrict
natural weapons you acquire, all attack rolls are at –4 due to your ability. Extra arms may be added (two per ability granted), but
lack of familiarity. Despite this, you are considered armed when these limbs do not grant extra attacks. You
using the attack gained. Finally, you can acquire an animal’s ranks in could grow wings with this spell, and then the ability to fly with
any one of its skills, modifying those ranks with your own attribute speed limitations as those listed in bestial aspect, and average
to come up with the total bonus. Any ability falling under a category maneuverability. Burrowing becomes possible at one-quarter
not listed above cannot be gained, and once an ability is chosen your normal speed, as you can grant yourself claws, and then
it may not be changed. (See MM, Appendix I, Animals for the burrowing.
possibilities). Unnatural changes are not possible. For example, to
During the duration of the spell, you take on very subtle gain a scorpion’s sting, you may not transform your hand into
animalistic features like those of the selected creature. Aspecting the stinger; you must grow the scorpion’s tail, and then add
yourself to a lion might give you cat-like eyes. An aspect of a spider poison. Some attack modes are inconvenient or impossible to
might darken the skin and bloat the belly. gain or use due to this limitation.
Material component: A part of the animal you wish to During the duration of the spell, you take on obvious
imitate. The part used must have some significance to the ability animal features like those of the selected creature. The lion
gained, such as a claw for claw attacks. aspect might give you short, yellow fur, a bestial appearance,
a shaggy head of hair, and cat-like eyes. An aspect of a spider
might plate your skin with brittle chitin, bloat your belly, and
grow useless, extra eyes on your face and head.
(positive only) by 1.5 if the aberrant is Medium-size or larger. If Material: The aberrant chooses wood,
the base creature does not possess a natural attack that would make stone, metal, or glass. All objects made of
constriction possible, the DM may re-roll this result or add the that material within the cone must succeed
necessary appendages to the base creature so it can use this ability at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the
(1d4 tentacles, 1d2 pincers, over-sized hands or claws, a prehensile aberrant’s total HD + its Charisma modifier)
tail, or the like). 10% of the time, the aberrant can constrict up to or shatter. Objects (or portions of objects) that
one size larger than itself; 5% of the time, two sizes larger. have up to half of the aberrant’s full hit points
Corrosive Slime (Ex): The aberrant’s body produces a are potentially affected by this attack.
mucus-like slime that contains a highly corrosive substance. The
slime is particularly effective against stone. Disease (Ex): The natural attack of the aberrant carries a
The aberrant’s mere touch deals damage (according to disease of the DM’s choice (filth fever, mummy rot, slimy
the aberrant’s size, see chart below) to organic creatures or objects. doom, etc). A Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the
Against metallic or stone creatures or objects, the aberrant’s slime aberrant’s HD + its Constitution modifier) resists the effects
deals more damage according to the chart below. A natural attack of the disease.
by the aberrant leaves a patch of slime that deals normal damage on Engulf (Ex): The aberrant’s body (or some part
contact and the same in each of the next 2 rounds. A large quantity thereof) is flat and pliable enabling it to wrap a creature one
(at least a quart) of water or weak acid, such as vinegar, washes off size smaller than itself (or less) in its body as a standard
the slime. action. The aberrant attempts a grapple that does not
An opponent’s armor and clothing dissolve and become provoke an attack of opportunity. If it gets a hold, it can
useless immediately unless the wearer succeeds at a Reflex save (DC attack the engulfed victim with a +4 attack bonus. It can still
10 + one-half of the aberrant’s HD + its Constitution modifier). use its other armed or natural attacks to strike at other targets.
Weapons that strike the aberrant also dissolve immediately unless Attacks that hit an engulfing aberrant deal half their damage
the wielder succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half of the to the monster and half to the trapped victim.
aberrant’s HD + its Constitution modifier). The actual damage any Enslave (Su): Three times per day, an aberrant can
item takes should be logically based on the aberrant’s size. attempt to enslave any one living creature within 25 ft. (+ 5
Creatures attacking the aberrant with natural weapons ft. per HD the aberrant possesses). The target must succeed
take damage from the slime each time their attacks hit unless they at a Will save (DC 10 + one-half of the aberrant’s HD +
succeed at Reflex saves (DC 10 + one-half of the aberrant’s HD + its Charisma bonus) or be affected as though by a dominate
its Constitution modifier). person spell cast by a sorcerer of a level equal to the aberrant’s
HD. An enslaved creature obeys the aberrant’s telepathic
Damage commands unless freed by remove curse or dispel magic, and can
Size Acid Metal Stone attempt a new Will save every 24 hours to break free. The
Fine 1 1d3+1 1d4+2 enslaved creature gets a new saving throw at +2 if forced
Diminutive 1d2 1d4+1 2d4+1 to do something contrary to its nature. The control is also
Tiny 1d3 2d4 3d6 broken if the aberrant dies or travels more than one mile
Small 1d4 2d6 4d8 from its slave.
Medium-size 1d6 2d8 4d10 Ground Manipulation (Su): As a standard action,
Large 1d8 2d10 4d12 the aberrant can cause stone and earth within 5 ft. of it
Huge 2d6 4d8 8d10 to become a morass akin to quicksand. Softening earth,
Gargantuan 2d8 4d10 8d12 sand, or the like takes 1 round, while stone takes 2 rounds.
Colossal 4d6 6d10 12d12 Anyone other than the aberrant in that area must take a move
equivalent action to avoid becoming mired (treat as being
Destructive Harmonics (Su): The aberrant can product high frequency pinned). This ability can be used 1 + one-half of aberrant’s
sounds that blast sonic energy in a cone up to 10 ft. long, + 5ft. per HD times per day.
size category the aberrant is above Fine (a Medium-size aberrant Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the aberrant
has a 30 ft. cone, while a Fine one has a 10 ft. cone). It can tune must hit an opponent of up to two size categories smaller
the harmonics of this destructive power to affect different types than itself with a natural attack.
of targets. (Feel free to limit the aberrant’s powers to fewer than all Mind Blast (Sp): This attack is a cone 20 ft. long, plus
three abilities, or to roll 1d3 to see how many the creature gets.) 10 ft. per size category the aberrant is above Fine. Anyone
Flesh: Disrupting tissue and rending bone, this caught in this cone must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 +
horrible attack deals 1d6 points of damage per 2 HD one-half the aberrant’s Hit Dice + its Charisma modifier) or
the aberrant possesses (minimum 1d6) to all within be stunned for 3d4 rounds.
the cone (DC 10 + one-half of the aberrant’s total Moan (Ex): The aberrant can emit a dangerous
HD + its Charisma modifier). subsonic moan. An aberrant with this power gains 1d4 of the
Nerves: The aberrant can focus its harmonics to below effects, chosen by the DM. By changing the frequency,
subdue rather than slay. This attack plays havoc with the aberrant may cause differing effects, if it possesses more
nerves and sensory systems, dealing 1d6 (plus 1d6 than one (the aberrant is immune to these sonic, mind-
per 2 HD) points of subdual damage to all within the affecting attacks). Unless noted otherwise, creatures that
cone (DC 10 + one-half of the aberrant’s total HD +
its Charisma modifier).
successfully save against these effects cannot be affected by Handbook for details). Roll 1d6 to determine the number of psionic
the same moan effect from the same aberrant for one day. powers and 1d10 to determine the power level of each (with 0
Unnerve: All within a spread 40 ft. wide, representing talents). Manifester level is equal to a psion of the
plus 10 ft. per size category the aberrant is aberrant’s Hit Dice. The aberrant may not possess any ability of a
above Fine, automatically suffer a –2 morale level that exceeds the value of one-half of the creature’s HD, nor
penalty to attack and damage rolls. Those forced may it possess any ability for which it does not qualify.
to hear the moan for more than 6 consecutive Shadow Shift (Su): Aberrants with this ability can manipulate
rounds must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + shadows, gaining 1d3 of the abilities below. This ability is effective
one-half of the aberrant’s HD + its Charisma only in shadowy areas. Possible effects include:
modifier) or enter a trance, unable to attack Obscure Vision: The aberrant gains one-quarter
or defend themselves until the moaning stops. concealment (10% miss chance) for
Even on a success, they must repeat the save in 1d4 rounds.
each round the moaning continues. Dancing Images: This duplicates a mirror
Fear: All within a spread 10 ft. wide, plus image spell. Caster level is equal to a sorcerer of the
5 ft. per size category the aberrant is above Fine, aberrant’s Hit Dice.
must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + one-half Silent Image: This duplicates a silent image spell.
of the aberrant’s HD + its Charisma modifier) Caster level is equal to a sorcerer of the aberrant’s HD.
or flee in terror for 2 rounds. Spell-like Abilities: The aberrant possesses
Nausea: Everyone in a cone 10 ft. long, spell-like abilities. These abilities are best if hand-
plus 5 ft. per size category the aberrant is above selected by the DM (see the PHB for details). Roll
Fine, must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 1d6 to determine the number of spell-like abilities
+ one-half of the aberrant’s HD + its Charisma and 1d10 to determine the power level of each (with
modifier) or be overcome by nausea and 0 representing cantrips). Caster level is equal to a
weakness. Affected characters fall to the ground sorcerer of the aberrant’s Hit Dice. The aberrant may
and are unable to take any actions, including not possess any ability of a level that exceeds the value
defending themselves, for 1d4+1 rounds. of one-half of the creature’s HD, nor may it possess
Stupor: A single creature within 10 ft., plus any ability for which it does not have a Charisma equal
5 ft. per size category the aberrant is above Fine, to 10 + spell level. Alternatively, another ability score
of the aberrant must succeed at a Fortitude save (usually Wisdom) may be used, if appropriate.
(DC 10 + one-half of the aberrant’s HD + its
Constitution modifier) or be affected as though Spittle (Ex): Every other round, the aberrant can attack by loosing a
by a hold person spell for 5 rounds. Even after a stream of spittle. This spittle ignites on contact with the air, creating
successful save, an opponent must repeat the a blinding flash of light. All sighted creatures within 60 ft. must
save if the aberrant uses this effect again. succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the aberrant’s
HD + its Constitution modifier) or be blinded for 1d3 rounds.
Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by the aberrant’s natural attack Squeeze (Ex): The aberrant is capable of crushing an
must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the opponent with great force. In a grapple, if the aberrant gets a hold,
aberrant’s HD + its Constitution modifier) or be paralyzed it automatically deals grapple (or natural weapon) damage, with
for 1d6 minutes. additional bludgeoning damage from the crushing force, each round
Poison (Ex): A natural attack of the aberrant carries the hold is maintained equal to the creature’s Slam damage by the
with it a virulent poison, Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half Aberration type and the creature’s size (see Appendix I: Creature
of the aberrant’s HD + its Constitution modifier), damage Construction Charts).
according to this chart: Transformation (Ex): The natural attack of an aberrant
causes a terrible transformation. Affected opponents must succeed
Initial and at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the aberrant’s HD + its
Size Secondary Damage Constitution modifier) or begin to transform over the next 1d4+1
Fine 1 Str minutes into a creature similar to the aberrant. A transformed
Diminutive 1d2 Str creature comes under the control of the aberrant that created it,
Tiny 1d3 Str but the aberrant can only control twice its HD of such creatures,
Small 1d4 Str although it can create as many uncontrolled creatures as it desires
Medium-size 1d6 Str in this manner. A remove disease spell cast before the transformation
Large 1d8 Str is complete will restore an afflicted creature to normal. Afterward,
Huge 2d6 Str however, only a heal, limited wish, mass heal, miracle, or wish spell can
Gargantuan 2d8 Str reverse the change.
Colossal 2d10 Str Web (Ex): The aberrant can cast a web eight times per day.
This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range
Psionics (Sp): The aberrant possesses psionic abilities. These of 10 ft. plus 10 ft. per size category above Fine, with a range
abilities are best if hand-selected by the DM (see the Psionics increment of 5 ft. plus 5 ft. per two size categories above Fine, and
is effective against targets of up to the aberrant’s size (see the PHB,
Chapter 7, Equipment for details on net attacks). The web anchors Aberrant Special Qualities
the target in place, allowing no movement. An entangled creature d% Special Quality
can escape with a successful Escape Artist check (DC 15 + one- 01-05 Amorphous/Indiscernible Anatomy
half of the aberrant’s HD + its Constitution modifier) or burst the 06-10 Blindsight
web with a successful Strength check (DC 20 + one-half of the 11-15 Damage Reduction
aberrant’s HD + its Constitution modifier). The web has 1 hit point 16-20 Darkvision
per size level of the aberrant and takes double damage from fire. 21-25 Detect Thoughts
The aberrant can also create sheets of sticky webbing up 26-30 Energy Resistance
to 5 square ft. per size category up to Small, +10 square ft. per size 31-35 Fast Healing
category Medium-size and above. It usually positions these to snare 36-40 Flight
flying creatures, but can also use them to trap prey on the ground. 41-45 Guarded Thoughts
Approaching creatures must succeed at a Spot check (DC 20) to 46-50 Haste
notice a web or stumble into it and become trapped as though by 51-55 Mimic Shape
a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing 56-60 Protection from Sonics
receive a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk 61-65 Regeneration
on or grab while pulling free. Each section (equal to the creature’s 66-73 Sense of Detection
size) has hit points as indicated above. The aberrant can move 74-79 Spell Immunity
across its sheet web at normal speed and can determine the exact 80-84 Spell Resistance
location of any creature touching the web. 85-89 Telepathy
Special Qualities: Aberrants retain the special qualities 90-94 Tremorsense
of the base creature and gain 1d4 additional special qualities as a 94-97 DM Choice 1
result of the experiment that spawned the aberrant version.These 98-00 +1 Special Quality 2
can be selected or rolled for randomly (roll d% on the Aberrant Note: Results may be duplicated, giving the creature extra potency.
Special Qualities chart on this page). 1 Choose any ability on the list or an appropriate ability from another source.
Amorphous/Indiscernible Anatomy (Ex): The aberrant’s 2 This result may only occur once.
physiology is so bizarre that it is not subject to critical hits. It has no
clear front or back, so it cannot be flanked. Guarded Thoughts (Ex): The aberrant is immune to any form
Blindsight (Ex): The aberrant can ascertain all foes within of mind reading. If the base creature only has animal-level
100 ft., as a sighted creature would, using another sense or an intelligence (2 or less), re-roll.
extrasensory awareness. Haste (Su): The aberrant is supernaturally quick. It
Damage Reduction (Ex): The aberrant gains damage can take an extra partial action each round.
reduction equal to its Hit Dice/special material (such as iron, silver, Mimic Shape (Ex): The aberrant can assume the
and so on). If this result is rolled again, increase the power of the general shape of any object of its own volume (it can’t
magical enhancement bonus needed to affect the aberrant by +1. drastically alter its size). The aberrant’s body still has its
Darkvision (Ex): The aberrant has darkvision with a range original texture (scales, fur, skin, rough calluses, etc.), no
of 60 ft. If the base creature already has darkvision, the range matter what appearance it might present. Anyone who
improves by 20 ft. examines the aberrant can detect the ruse with a successful
Detect Thoughts (Su): The aberrant can continuously detect Spot check opposed by the aberrant’s Disguise check.
thoughts as the spell (DC 10 + the aberrant’s Charisma bonus). (Disguise becomes a class skill for the creature.)
Caster level is equal to a sorcerer of the aberrant’s Hit Dice. The Protection from Sonics (Ex): While it can be affected by
aberrant is able to suppress this ability, if desired. loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence),
Energy Resistance (Ex): The aberrant gains resistance 5 to the aberrant is less vulnerable to sound-based attacks (+4
one form of energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic, and circumstance bonus on all saves) because it can protect its
so on). If this result is rolled twice, the aberrant can gain resistance ears in some fashion.
to another type of energy or add another 5 points to its current Regeneration (Ex): The aberrant regenerates at a rate
resistance. equal to 1 plus one-third of its HD. The aberrant suffers
Fast Healing (Ex): The aberrant is able to heal itself at an actual (rather than subdual) damage from two types of attacks
accelerated rate. Roll 1d4+1 to determine the number of points of (fire and acid, cold and sonic, silver weapons and holy energy,
real damage the aberrant can heal per round. or some other combination). If the creature loses a limb or
Flight (Ex): The aberrant’s body possesses wings (75%) body part, the lost portion regrows in (15/regeneration rate
or is naturally buoyant (25%). Wings allow the creature to fly at a in hit points, round down) d6 minutes (minimum 1d6). The
speed of 1d6 x 10 ft. per round with average maneuverability. If creature can reattach the severed member instantly by holding
buoyant, the aberrant instead has perfect maneuverability, but only it to the stump.
flies at a speed of 1d2+1 x 10 ft. per round. If the base creature Sense of Detection (Su): The aberrant can detect one
could already fly, or this ability is rolled more than once, increase of the following continuously (roll 1d8): 1) evil, 2) good,
the flying speed by 50% or improve the maneuverability class by 3) chaos, 4) law, 5) undead, 6) psionics, 7) magic, 8) other.
one. This ability functions like detect magic, excepting it detects the
item indicated by the d8 roll, it functions as if in the third
round of that spell, and it never requires concentration. The
aberrant can suppress or restart the ability once per round as Sample Aberrant Creature
a free action. This example uses a cockatrice as the base creature.
Spell Immunity (Ex): Only certain spells (as
determined by the DM) affect the aberrant. A good basis is Aberrant Cockatrice
immunity to any spell of a level equal to or less than one- Small Aberration
third of the aberrant’s HD (round as desired). Hit Dice: 5d8 (22 hp)
Spell Resistance (Ex): The aberrant gains spell Initiative: +3 (Dex)
resistance equal to five plus its Hit Dice. If this result is rolled Speed: 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor)
again, add 5 to the SR each time. AC: 14 (+1 size, +3 Dex); 11 flat-footed, 14 touch
Telepathy (Su): An aberrant with an Intelligence Attacks: Bite +4 melee
score of 3 or better can communicate telepathically with any Damage: Bite 1d4-2
creature within 100 ft. This telepathy transcends language, but Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
doesn’t allow complex communication with unintelligent or Special Attacks: Petrification, moan
non-sentient creatures. Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., petrification immunity, spell
Tremorsense (Ex): The aberrant can automatically immunity
sense the location of anything within 60 ft. that is in contact Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +2
with the ground. Abilities: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 9
CR: Same as base creature +1 per two additional Skills: Listen +7, Spot +7
special attacks and/or special qualities. Feats: Alertness, Dodge
Alignment: If the base creature has an Intelligence Climate/Terrain: Any temperate and warm land and underground
score of 3 or above, move its alignment one step toward Organization: Solitary, flight (2-4), or flock (6-13)
evil and one step toward chaotic. If not, alignment remains CR: 5
the same. For example, a lawful good creature becomes Treasure: None
neutral. Any abilities based on alignment are altered or lost Alignment: Always neutral
appropriately. Advancement: 6-8 HD (Small); 9-15 HD (Medium-size)
ECL: Varies by special abilities added (+1 per two
special attacks or qualities). Then, DMs should adjust for Combat
balance (e.g., darkvision and energy resistance 5 is not worth This aberrant cockatrice fiercely attacks anything that it deems a
+1, but flight 60 ft. is +1 threat to itself or its dark, subterranean lair. It attacks first with its
all by itself.). moan ability to nauseate its foes or put them in a stupor before
closing to use its petrification attack.
Petrification (Su): An aberrant cockatrice can turn
beings to stone with a touch. Creatures hit by a cockatrice must
succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or instantly turn to stone.
Moan (Ex): The aberrant cockatrice can emit a dangerous
subsonic moan. By changing the frequency, the creature may cause
one of four effects (the aberrant cockatrice is immune to these
sonic, mind-affecting attacks). Unless noted otherwise, creatures
that successfully save against these effects cannot be affected by the
same moan effect from the aberrant cockatrice for one day.
• Fear: All those within a 25-ft. spread must succeed at a
Will save (DC 12) or flee in terror for 2 rounds.
• Nausea: Everyone in a 25-ft. cone must succeed at a
Fortitude save (DC 12) or be overcome by nausea and
weakness. Affected characters fall to the ground and
are unable to take any actions, including defending
themselves, for 1d4+1 rounds.
• Unnerve: All within an 70-ft. spread automatically suffer
a –2 morale penalty to attack and damage rolls. Those
forced to hear the moan for more than 6 consecutive
rounds must succeed at a Will save (DC 12) or enter a
trance, unable to attack or defend themselves until the
moaning stops. Even on a success, they must repeat the
save in each round the moaning continues.
• Stupor: A single creature within 25 ft. of the aberrant
must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 12) or be affected
as though by a hold person spell for 5 rounds. Even after
a successful save, an opponent must repeat the save if
the aberrant uses this effect again.
Petrification Immunity (Ex): Aberrant cockatrices are immune to the Failure: Failure in the ritual roll means the creatures upon
petrifying ability of other cockatrices, but other petrifying attacks which the spell is cast must make a similar Fortitude save as
affect them normally. if the ritual succeeded (DC 14 + the number by which the
Spell Immunity (Ex): This aberrant cockatrice is immune to caster failed the ritual Spellcraft check), or become Wretched
all spells of 2nd level or lower. (failure) or die (failure by 6 or more). Those involved in
the performance of the ritual suffer 1 point of temporary
Becoming an Aberrant Creature Wisdom damage, while the ritual leader takes 1d6.
Natural mutation can lead to aberrance, but experimentation is Botch: A botched ritual results in the same
more likely. Here’s a possible ritual: consequences to targeted creatures as a failure (save DC 35).
The ritual’s leader takes 2d6 temporary Wisdom damage and
Grafting Ritual loses 1 point of Wisdom permanently. Everyone else involved
Transmutation (Ritual) in the ritual takes 1d6 temporary Wisdom damage.
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M, F/DF, XP New Treasure
Casting Time: 2 days Aberrant Adhesive: This adhesive bonds to anything
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) touching it with a break DC equal to 10 + the originating
Target: Creature or creatures within range creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier (average 10-12).
Duration: Instantaneous That score must be overcome to pull free of the adhesive or
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text) split something glued with it where the adhesive joins two
Spell Resistance: Yes parts. Pulling bare skin from any adhesive of this type causes
Ritual DC: 14 + 1 per HD of target creature(s) 1 point of damage (less or more, at the DM’s discretion). The
Wizards, caught up in mad hubris, can’t resist making adhesive dissolves in an amount of alcohol at least 10 times
some creature “better”. With this one ritual process, the ability the amount of adhesive (quadruple that if the adhesive is
of one creature can be added to another, resulting in an aberrant. dry).
Including the leader, the ritual group must have two levels of When packaged, a small amount of the adhesive,
spellcaster per equal to one eighth of the container’s capacity, is wasted by
HD of the altered creature or creatures. The group must its sticking to the inside of the container. One ounce of oils
cast polymorph other during the rite, as well as a spell or spells that of slipperiness coating a container prevents such adhesion. The
closely resemble the gained ability (acid arrow for acid, fear for a fear container may only be cleaned with alcohol.
moan, and so on). This substance may be a material component for
Creatures upon which the ritual is cast must be willing creating the wondrous item sovereign glue. Further, the DM may
or they can make a Fortitude saving throw to resist the spell. decide that an aberrant’s adhesive does not break down after
Unwilling creatures must also be bound and unable to resist for the 5 rounds, instead providing this item as possible treasure (and
duration of the ritual. Any creature that fails its save to resist, or new difficulties for PCs stuck to the dead aberration).
that willingly undergoes the ceremony, must make a final Fortitude Market Price: 10 gp (+ 5 gp per point of break DC
saving throw (DC 14 – the number by which the leader exceeded above 10) per ounce.
the ritual DC). A successful save grants the Aberrant template and
one special ability, so long as the creature is of an appropriate type.
Those who fail the save gain the Wretched template instead, and
failure by 6 or more results in gruesome death, as the creature is
turned inside out, or suffers some similar fate. The ritual does not
grant any control over newly formed creatures—those transformed
into wretched bodies usually attack their creators.
The ritual must be repeated for each new ability the targets
are given, but may be cast once for a suite of similar abilities (like
all of the moans—with cause fear, fear, stinking cloud, and hold person
required by the ritual). This adds +1 to the DC of the ritual for
each sub-ability in the suite (+4 for the complete moan suite).
Each additional casting on a single target makes it more likely the
transmuted creature is killed or made wretched. The base DC for
the final Fortitude save and the ritual Spellcraft check increases by
+1 for each extra attempt.
Material Components: The ritual requires relatively fresh
samples of the creature from which the desired ability comes along
with a large number of reagents and other mundane materials.
The spell gentle repose may be used to preserve creature parts. The
components cost 350 gp per HD of creature(s) to be affected.
XP Cost: 30 XP per HD of creature affected.
T here are a wider variety of creatures dwelling in the
Abyss than demons—wicked versions of Prime
Material analogues, forever tainted with the infernal
energies of their home plane. Demonologists have debated
the origins and nature of such creatures for centuries,
magical darkness up to a range of 90 ft., or the base creature’s
range, whichever is better.
Spell-like Abilities: At will—detect good and detect law. The
abyssal casts these spells as a sorcerer of a level equal to the
creature’s HD.
believing them to be degraded or corrupted examples of Negative Energy Conversion (Ex): If the base creature has any
normal creatures. Perhaps such things have always been native attributes based on positive energy, they are converted to negative
to the infinite Abyss, or perhaps they are spawn of demon energy instead, reversing the affect of the special attack or quality.
lords who tried to create life where none existed before. Resistance (Ex): Abyssal creatures have fire resistance equal
Whatever the case may be, the results are horrific and vile, to 2 plus their Hit Dice. If the base creature has fire resistance (or
seething with hatred and infernal powers. immunity), the better of the two values is used.
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Cha +4.
Appearance Changes Skills: Abyssal creatures that have a language always speak
Abyssal creatures look somewhat like their Prime Material Abyssal as their primary tongue.
counterparts, although they are obviously demonic in CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +3).
origin—their features are perverted and dark, exuding a Alignment: Always chaotic evil.
terrifying aspect that betrays an utterly evil nature. Usually, ECL: +2.
such nefarious beings reek of death, decay, and the foul
stench of a soul beyond redemption. Sample Abyssal Creature
This example uses a ravid for the base creature.
Creating an Abyssal Creature
“Abyssal” is a template that can be added to any living, Abyssal Ravid
corporeal, non-celestial creature (referred to hereafter as Medium-size Outsider (Chaotic, Evil)
the “base creature”). After assuming the template, the base Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
creature’s type changes to “Outsider”, and “Chaotic” and Initiative: +0
“Evil” are added to the creature’s subtype information. If Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect)
the creature has one or more contradictory subtypes (like AC: 25 (+15 natural); 25 flat-footed, 10 touch
“Lawful” or “Good”), these are replaced by the new subtypes. Attacks: Tail slap +4 melee, claw +2 melee
An abyssal creature uses the base creature’s statistics and Damage: Tail slap 1d6+1 and negative energy, claw 1d4+1 and
inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. negative energy
Special Attacks: An abyssal retains the special Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
attacks of the base creature and gains the following: Special Attacks: Smite good, negative energy lash, animate objects
Chaos Burst (Su): Once per day, an abyssal creature Special Qualities: Fire immunity, flight, aura of chaos, detect good,
of 5 HD or greater can release a blast of chaotic energy detect law, darkvision 90 ft.
centered on itself, inflicting 1d6 points of chaotic damage Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4
per Hit Die above 5 (maximum 10d6) to all lawful creatures Abilities: Str 13, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 18
within a radius equal to 5 ft., plus 5 ft. per size category Skills: Listen +7, Move Silently +6, Spot +7
above Fine. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half of Feats: Multiattack*
abyssal creature’s HD + its Dexterity modifier) results in Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
half damage. Opponents without a lawful or chaotic aspect Organization: Solitary (1 plus at least 1 animated object)
to their alignments take half damage from this burst and no CR: 7
damage on a successful saving throw. Treasure: None
Smite Good (Su): Once per day plus once per 3 HD, Alignment: Chaotic evil
an abyssal creature can smite good, adding its Charisma Advancement: 4 HD (Medium-size); 5-9 HD (Large)
bonus to its attack roll and dealing 1 extra point of damage
per Hit Die. If the abyssal creature accidentally smites a Combat
creature that is not good, the smite has no effect but it is still Abyssal ravids are hostile and aggressive, intent on destroying all
used up for that day. creatures they encounter, yet are always accompanied by at least
Special Qualities: An abyssal creature has all the one animated object. They use their negative energy attack to open
special qualities of the base creature, plus the following: ghastly wounds on their opponents and delight in fomenting chaos
Aura of Chaos (Ex): Abyssal creatures radiate an aura and destruction. More intelligent denizens of the Abyss sometimes
of chaotic energy. Lawful creatures within a 10-ft. radius must organize abyssal ravids into fractious packs.
make a Will save (DC 10 + one-half of the abyssal creature’s Negative Energy Lash (Su): An abyssal ravid can make a
HD + its Charisma modifier) or suffer a –2 morale penalty touch attack or hit with a claw or tail slap attack to infuse a target
to all attack, damage, and saving throw rolls while within the with negative energy. The energy produces an unpleasant tingle in
aura and for 1d4+1 rounds after leaving the radius of effect. undead creatures, and against living foes (even incorporeal ones) it
Darkvision (Ex): Abyssal creatures can see in non- deals 2d10 points of damage.
Smite Good (Su): 2/day an abyssal ravid can smite good, adding +4
to its attack roll and dealing 3 extra points of damage. If the abyssal
ravid accidentally smites a creature that is not good, the smite has
no effect but it is still used up for that day.
Spell-like Abilities: At will—detect good and detect law. The
abyssal ravid casts these spells as a 3rd-level sorcerer.
Aura of Chaos (Ex): Abyssal ravids radiate an aura of
chaotic energy. Lawful creatures within a 10-ft. radius must make
a Will save (DC 13) or suffer a –2 morale penalty to all saves, as
well as attack and damage rolls while within the aura and for 1d4+1
rounds after leaving the radius of effect.
Animate Objects (Su): Once per round, a random object
(including a corpse) within 20 ft. of the abyssal ravid animates
as though by the spell animate objects cast by a 20th-level cleric.
These objects defend the abyssal ravid to the best of their ability,
but the abyssal ravid isn’t intelligent enough to give them specific
Flight (Su): An abyssal ravid can fly as the spell cast by an
11th-level sorcerer, as a free action. An abyssal that loses this ability
falls and can perform only partial actions.
Feats: *Abyssal ravids have the Multiattack feat even
through they do not have the requisite three natural weapons.
T here are very few who know the method by which
amorphous creatures are created. Most scholars
believe them to be the product of an elaborate ritual.
Other academics deem them random or insidious acts of
nature or blessings (or curses) bestowed by the gods.
action is required to regain the base creature’s original shape.
Shapeless form may only be maintained for a number of
minutes equal to 1 + the amorphous creature’s Constitution
bonus (minimum 1). An equal amount of time must then be
spent in normal form.
Stretch (Ex): An amorphous creature can double
Appearance Changes its natural reach by stretching its arms, legs, tail, or other
An amorphous creature looks exactly like the base creature. appendages in combat. This increase of reach can be initiated
They are highly resistant to physical damage and can assume as a move-equivalent action and maintained for a number of
a formless state to “flow” through seemingly impassible rounds equal to 1 + the amorphous creature’s Constitution
places. None of these traits are evident upon first glance, but bonus (minimum of 1 round). After the end of one stretch,
amorphous creatures always reveal their true nature when in another use of the ability may be made 1d4+1 rounds later.
combat or forced to flee. Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows:
Constitution +2, Intelligence –2. An amorphous creature’s
minimum Intelligence is 2, or the base creature’s, whichever is
Creating an Amorphous Creature lower.
“Amorphous” is a template that can be added to any living
Skills: Amorphous creatures have a +4 racial bonus
creature or construct (referred to hereafter as the “base
to all Hide checks when shapeless.
creature”). After assuming the template, the base creature’s
Organization: Same as base creature, though
type and subtypes do not change. An amorphous creature
amorphous creatures are rarely found with their original kind.
uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special
CR: Base creature’s CR 1 + 20% (maximum +4).
abilities except as noted below.
ECL: +3.
Special Attacks: An amorphous creature has all the
special attacks of the base creature, plus the following:
Constrict (Ex): (Optional) When stretching (see the Sample Amorphous Creatures
special quality below), an amorphous creature that gets a hold These examples use a hill giant and a doppelganger for the
in a grapple inflicts additional bludgeoning damage equal to base creatures. The doppelganger’s CR was nudged upwards
the creature’s unarmed damage with each successful grapple because these abilities mesh so well with its natural qualities.
check. The creature may only constrict opponents one size-
category smaller than itself. Slip-shape Giant (Amorphous Hill Giant)
Improved Grab (Ex): When stretching, an amorphous Large Giant
creature can use the improved grab ability whenever it hits Hit Dice: 12d10+67 (133 hp)
with a natural or unarmed attack. Initiative: -1
Special Qualities: An amorphous creature has all Speed: 40 ft. (20 ft. while shapeless)
the special qualities of the base creature, plus the following: AC: 20 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +9 natural, +3 hide); 20 flat-footed,
Damage Reduction (Ex): Amorphous creatures have 8 touch
damage reduction 2/—. Due to their unique physiologies, Attacks: Huge greatclub +15/+10 melee, or rock +7/+2
they take less damage from weapons of all types. ranged
Immunities (Ex): Since an amorphous creature does Damage: Huge greatclub 2d6+10, rock 2d6+7
not have a well-defined internal anatomy, it ignores critical hits Face/Reach: 5ft by 5 ft./10 ft.
and sneak attacks 50% of the time. An amorphous creature Special Attacks: Constrict (stretching only), improved grab
takes no damage from any fall of 100 ft. or less. For falls in (stretching only), rock throwing
excess of 100 ft., treat the fall as if it were 100 ft. shorter Special Qualities: DR 2/—, rock catching, shapelessness,
to determine damage. Further, it is immune to paralysis, stretch, immunities
polymorphing, and stunning. Saves: Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +4
More Hit Points: Oozoids are naturally tougher due to Abilities: Str 25, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 17
their strange, flowing anatomies. An amorphous creature gains Skills: Climb +9, Hide –5*, Jump +9, Spot +3
bonus hit points according to its size equal to half those an Feats: Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greatclub)
ooze of the same size would gain (see Appendix I, Table 1-13: Climate/Terrain: Any hill, mountains and underground
Oozes). Organization: Solitary or gang (2-5)
Shapelessness (Ex): By spending one full-round action CR: 9
to become shapeless, an amorphous creatures can squeeze Treasure: Standard
through openings of incredibly small size (as little as 1 inch Alignment: Often chaotic evil
in diameter). They can move along small fissures, ooze under Advancement: By character class
doors, pour themselves into containers of their size or larger,
and perform other similar feats. Movement in this formless
state is reduced by half, and the being retains many vague,
distorted features of the base creature. Another full-round
These giants are indistinguishable from hill giants until they reveal the fall as if it were 100 ft. shorter to determine damage.
their amorphous natures. Slip-shape giants speak Giant. Those with Further, it is immune to paralysis, polymorphing, and
Intelligence scores of at least 10 also speak Common. stunning.
Shapelessness (Ex): A slip-shape giant can expend one
Combat full-round action to become shapeless, allowing it to squeeze
Slip-shape giants are dim and brutal fighters. They aren’t any more through openings of incredibly small size (as little as 1 inch in
strategic than their unchanged brethren, charging into combat when diameter). It can move along small fissures, ooze under doors,
it looks like an enemy is sufficiently pummeled by rock attacks. pour itself into a Large or larger container, and perform
Amorphous anatomy is more an escape tool than a combat one. other similar feats. Movement in this formless state is reduced
Constrict (Ex): When stretching (see the special quality by half, and the giant retains many vague, distorted features
below), a slip-shape gaint that gets a hold in a grapple against a of its giant shape. Another full-round action is required to
Medium-size or smaller opponent inflicts 1d4+7 points of damage regain original shape. Shapeless form may only be maintained
with each successful grapple check. for 6 minutes. An equal amount of time must then be spent
Improved Grab (Ex): When stretching, a slip-shape giant in normal form.
can use the improved grab ability whenever it hits with an unarmed Stretch (Ex): A slip-shape giant can double its
attack. natural reach by stretching its arms and legs in combat. This
Rock Throwing (Ex): An adult slip-shape giant is an increase of reach can be initiated as a move-equivalent action
accomplished rock thrower and receives a +1 racial bonus to and maintained for 6 rounds. After the end of one stretch,
attack rolls when throwing rocks. A slip-shape giant can hurl rocks another use of the ability may be made 1d4+1 rounds later.
weighing 40 to 50 pounds each (Small objects) up to 5 hill giant-size Skills (Ex): *Slip-shape giants have a racial bonus of
range increments. +4 to all Hide checks when shapeless.
Rock Catching (Ex): A slip-shape giant can catch Small,
Medium-size, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once Ultramorph (Amorphous Doppelganger)
per round, a slip-shape giant that would normally be hit by a rock Medium-size Shapechanger
can make a Reflex save to catch it as a free action. The DC is 15 for Hit Dice: 4d8+13 (31 hp)
a Small rock, 20 for a Medium-size one, and 25 for a Large one. (If Initiative: +1 (Dex)
the projectile has a magical bonus to attack, the DC increases by Speed: 30 ft. (15 ft. while shapeless)
that amount.) The slip-shape giant must be ready for and aware of AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural); 14 flat-footed, 11 touch
the attack. Attacks: 2 slams +4 melee
Immunities (Ex): A slip-shape giant ignores critical hits and Damage: Slam 1d6+1
sneak attacks 50% of the time. For falls in excess of 100 ft., treat Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Constrict (stretching only), detect thoughts, Skills: An ultramorph receives a +4 racial bonus to Bluff
improved grab (stretching only) and Disguise checks. *When using alter self, a ultramorph
Special Qualities: Alter self, DR 2/—, immunities, receives an additional +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise
shapelessness, stretch checks. If it can read an opponent’s mind, it gets a further
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +6 +4 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Disguise checks.
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 13 Ultramorphs have a racial bonus of +4 to all Hide checks
Skills: Bluff +10*, Disguise +12*, Hide +1*, Listen +10, when shapeless.
Sense Motive +5, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Dodge Becoming an Amorphous Creature
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Natural shapechangers, such as the doppelganger, might
Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (3-6) simply have these abilities as a mutation or as a variant
CR: 5 race. Here are some other options for how a creature might
Treasure: Double standard become amorphous in your campaign:
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: By character class Ooze Spore Plague: A horrible infection caused by contact
with a supernatural and microscopic ooze-like organism, ooze
Ultramorphs are indistinguishable from doppelgangers until spore plague is actually a parasitic infestation that becomes
they reveal their amorphous natures. a symbiotic relationship. Such spores are very rare and must
be ingested, by eating an infected or amorphous creature, or
Combat injected. The victim must succeed at an initial Fortitude save
Ultramorphs use their shapelessness to more effectively (DC 20) or be infected. During the course of the infection,
approach their victims. These mutants make even better spies the victim suffers intense fever, chills, delirium, and oozing
and assassins than their normal relatives—they are perfect sores and orifices. After the initial incubation period of 1d6
infiltrators. days, the victim must make daily Fortitude saves, or suffer the
Constrict (Ex): When stretching (see the special quality temporary loss of 1d4 points of Strength and Intelligence.
below), an ultramoprh that gets a hold in a grapple against a If both Strength and Intelligence reach 0, the creature begins
Small or smaller opponent inflicts 1d3+1 points of damage the transformation into an amorphous creature. Ability
with each successful grapple check. points lost now return at the normal rate (1 per day, or 2 per
Detect Thoughts (Su): An ultramorph can continuously day with complete bed rest), but Intelligence ability points
detect thoughts as the spell cast by an 18th-level sorcerer (save only return to the old score –4. Further, the victim suffers
DC 13). It can suppress or resume this ability as a free action. total memory loss of everything that happened before the
Improved Grab (Ex): When stretching, an ultramorph plague took hold, excepting skills. Once all ability scores
can use the improved grab ability whenever it hits with a slam. have returned to their original values (Intelligence –4), the
Alter Self (Su): An ultramorph can assume the shape transformation is complete.
of any Small or Medium-size humanoid. This works like alter If, after contracting the infection, the victim
self as cast by an 18th-level sorcerer, but the ultramorph can succeeds at two consecutive Fortitude saves, he fights off the
remain in the chosen form indefinitely. It can assume a new disease and begins to recover. However, another Fortitude
form or return to its own as a standard action. save is required or one point of lost Intelligence (if any)
Immunities (Ex): A ultramorph ignores critical hits is permanent. Before the transformation begins, the ooze
and sneak attacks 50% of the time. For falls in excess of spore plague may be cured by a remove disease spell. After the
100 ft., treat the fall as if it were 100 ft. shorter to determine transformation begins, only a miracle or wish spell can return
damage. Further, it is immune to paralysis, polymorphing, and the victim to normal.
stunning. Infection: Injury/Ingestion (see text)
Shapelessness (Ex): An ultramorph can expend one DC: 20
full-round action to become shapeless, allowing it to squeeze Incubation: 1d6 days
through openings of incredibly small size (as little as 1 inch Damage: 1d4 Str and 1d4 Int, 1 permanent
in diameter). It can move along small fissures, ooze under Intelligence (see text)
doors, pour itself into a Medium-size or larger container, and
perform other similar feats. Movement in this formless state
is reduced by half, and the ultramorph retains many vague,
distorted features of its shape. Another full-round action is
required to regain original shape. Shapeless form may only be
maintained for 3 minutes. An equal amount of time must then
be spent in normal form.
Stretch (Ex): An ultramorph can increase its natural
reach by 5 ft. by stretching its arms and legs in combat. This
increase of reach can be initiated as a move-equivalent action
and be maintained for 2 rounds. After the end of one stretch,
another use of the ability may be made 1d4+1 rounds later.
Rite of the Shapeless Form Failure: Failure in the ritual roll means the creatures upon
Transmutation (Ritual) which the spell is cast must make a similar Fortitude save as
Level: Clr 5, Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 5 if the ritual succeeded (DC 14 + the number by which the
Components: V, S, M, F/DF, XP caster failed the ritual Spellcraft check), or become Wretched
Casting Time: 1 day per 2 HD of the target(s) (failure) or die (failure by 5 or more). Those involved in
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) the performance of the ritual suffer 1 point of temporary
Target: Creature or creatures within range Wisdom damage, while the ritual leader takes 1d6.
Duration: Instantaneous Botch: A botched ritual results in the same
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text) consequences to targeted creatures as a failure (save DC 35).
Spell Resistance: Yes The ritual leader and all participants must make a Fortitude
Ritual DC: 12 (14 for clerics and arcane casters) + 1 per HD of saving throw (DC 10) or also gain the Wretched template—
target creature(s) the uncontrolled magic favoring such a change. Regardless,
Priests of divine (and usually malefic) forces of slime and the ritual’s leader takes 2d6 temporary Wisdom damage
ooze are reputed to have access to a ritual that allows the “blessing” and loses 1 point of Wisdom permanently. Everyone else
of a creature with ooze-like qualities. A few twisted arcane involved in the ritual takes 1d6 temporary Wisdom damage.
magicians have acquired a similar rite. Including the leader, the ritual
group must have two levels of spellcaster per HD of the altered
creature or creatures. The group must cast the spells contagion, bestow
curse, and reincarnate or polymorph other during the rite.
The creatures upon which the ritual is cast must be willing
or they can all make a Fortitude saving throw to resist the spell.
Unwilling creatures must also be bound and unable to resist for the
duration of the ritual. Any creature that fails its save to resist the
ritual, or that willingly undergoes the ceremony, must make a final
Fortitude saving throw (DC 14 – the number by which the leader
exceeded the ritual DC). A successful save grants the Amorphous
template, so long as the creature is of an appropriate type. Creatures
who fail the save gain the Wretched template instead, and failure by
5 or more results in gruesome death as the creature is liquefied. The
ritual does not grant any control over newly formed creatures—
those transformed into wretched bodies usually attack their creators.
If the ritual fails (and the target is not killed or made
wretched), the ritual may be performed again. Each additional
casting on a single target makes it more likely the transmuted
creature suffers some terrible fate. The base DC for the final
Fortitude save and the ritual Spellcraft check increases by +1 for
each extra attempt.
Material Components: Divine rituals require foul and bitter
incense prepared of putrescent materials, herbs, and a small amount
of ooze acid. The dust of the remains of creatures fed to oozes
is sprinkled over those to be transformed (1 HD of dust per 1
HD of transformed creature). Arcane rites may alternatively use
the dust of the corpses of 2 HD worth of dead oozes per HD of
creature(s) affected by the ritual. For both versions of the ritual, the
components cost 600 gp per HD of creature(s) to be affected.
XP Cost: 60 XP per HD of creature affected.
I t has been shown that nothing is eternal, even those –2 to all rolls. The fallen’s touch delivers heart-wrenching
things which seem to be. Goodness can be corrupted despair causing the victim to do nothing but weep (treat as
and the stalwart can be tempted. Even members of the cowering) for the normal duration indicated above.
celestial host stray from their paths, falling into pride, hate, Fear: The fallen experiences fear and loathing
unrighteous wrath, lust, and a host of other sins. These (good and neutral) or projects malice (evil) so strong that it
beings, if not cast out of the heavens for their crimes, can unnerves any who encounter the creature. Anyone within a
no longer stand the light of the celestial realms, and gravitate 20-ft. radius of the fallen must make a Will save or become
to darker places. While not all of the fallen are evil, all have shaken. If the fallen touches an opponent and the save
willingly turned from good. is failed, the fear is too great and the victim flees for the
duration indicated above, at least until out of sight of the
Appearance Changes Lust: The fallen experiences a metaphysical yearning
Many of the fallen look just as they did when they resided
that seeps into the minds of other beings. Anyone within a
in the divine realms of goodness. Some have begun to wear
20-ft. radius of the fallen must make a Will save or experience
their corruption outwardly, whether they want to or not,
a desire suitable to the character or being (perhaps even a
taking on more fiendish shapes. In general, the more wicked
desire for the fallen, if appropriate), suffering –1 to all rolls
a fallen celestial is, the more likely it is to show corruption in
due to the distraction. With a touch, the fallen drives the
its true form.
victim to immediately seek the object of his or her desire.
The fallen may alternatively use its lust touch like a charm
Creating a Fallen Angel person or animal spell or a charm monster spell (if 7HD or above).
“Fallen Angel” is a template that can be Rage: The fallen’s anger at
applied to any good outsider (hereafter Make your Fallen Unique its loss is infectious. Anyone within a
referred to as the “base creature”). The Feel free to add unique abilities to 20-ft. radius of the fallen must make
creature’s type does not change, but its your fallen. One of the best ways a Will save or seethe with anger. All
relevant subtypes may shift, based on to do this is to grant a few abilities creatures within the aura are treated
the creature’s new alignment. A fallen from the half-fiend template in the as unfriendly, refusing to cooperate or
angel uses all of the base creature’s MM according to the fallen’s HD. help one another. With a touch, the
statistics and special abilities except as You might also give the creature a rage overcomes all reason and forces
noted here. character class or unique prestige the victim to fight as if raging like a
Special Attacks: The fallen class for which it qualifies. Gain barbarian against the nearest creature.
retains all of the base creature’s special of significant fiend abilities should This ability does not stack with
attacks and gains the ability changes increase the creature’s CR by 1 or 2. barbarian rage or itself.
and additions indicated below: Special Qualities: The fallen
Ability Changes: If the fallen retains all of the base creature’s special qualities (with changes
celestial has turned to evil, any ability it had that affected evil as noted in Ability Changes above) and gains the following:
is reversed (protection from evil becomes protection from good). Vulnerability to Evil (Ex): In a strange, metaphysical
Good and neutral fallen turn these abilities against law or paradox, all fallen are treated as neutral for the purposes
chaos (usually the opposite of the creature’s law or chaos of spells that affect good creatures. Thus, an evil fallen is
determiner) instead, their connection with goodness broken. vulnerable to unholy blight as if it were neutral.
Any ability that cannot be changed thus is lost. Vulnerability to Good (Ex): Even if good, fallen
Aura of Emotion (Su): If you like, the fallen outsiders are treated as if neutral (if good or neutral) or
continually generates an aura of emotion, which it cannot evil (if evil) for the purposes of determining the effects of
suppress. Saving throws for the aura abilities are always (DC spells that damage evil creatures, or are of benefit to good
10 + one-half of the fallen’s HD + its Charisma modifier). creatures. A fallen, for example, always takes damage from
A number of times per day equal to 1 plus once per 5 HD, it holy smite (how much depending on the creature’s actual
can generate a special effect by touching a specific opponent, alignment).
which forces the opponent to make a similar saving throw. Forbiddance (Ex): A fallen outsider, whether through
Any of these mind-affecting, compulsion enchantments personal belief or actual divine decree, can never again enter
effects allow a save each round (at +1 for each previous its home plane. If the creature is actually evil, it is barred
round) to overcome them, but otherwise end in a number of from all good planes.
rounds equal to the fallen’s HD. Anyone who saves against or Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows:
recovers from a fallen’s aura cannot be affected by that fallen’s Wisdom –2, Charisma +2. Fallen are often unique creatures
aura for 24 hours. deserving of individual generation as characters.
Despair: The fallen despairs its loss of heaven and Organization: Often solitary, though some fallen
this misery is palpable to all of those around the creature. form groups with like-minded creatures.
Anyone within a 20-ft. radius of the fallen must make a Will CR: Same as base creature, though loss of
save or suffer sadness so overwhelming that he or she suffers significant abilities can lower this.
Alignment: Sometimes good, often neutral, sometimes evil. Vulnerability to Evil (Ex): In a strange, metaphysical paradox,
ECL: +0 (+1 with an emotion aura). the Blight Pack are treated as neutral for the purposes of
spells that affect good creatures.
Forbiddance (Ex): None of the Blight Pack can ever
Sample Fallen again enter its home plane or any other good plane.
This example uses a hound archon as the base creature. 1
While in canine form, a member of the Blight
Pack gains the higher of the two listed speeds and a +4
The Blight Pack, fallen hound archons circumstance bonus to Hide and Wilderness Lore checks.
Medium-size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) 2
The Blight Pack have claws that do damage as if
Hit Dice: 6d8+6 (33 hp) they were Large outsiders—a fiendish trait.
Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative)
Speed: 40 ft. or 60 ft.1
AC: 19 (+9 natural); 19 flat-footed, 10 touch
Attacks: Bite +8 melee, 2 claws2 +3 melee; or greatsword +8/+3
melee, bite +3 melee
Damage: Bite 1d8+2, claw 1d6+1; greatsword 2d6+2/crit 19-20,
bite 1d8+1
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: DR 10/+1, SR 16, celestial qualities, scent,
alternate form
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14
Skills: Concentration +8, Hide +7 1, Jump +9, Listen +7, Move
Silently +7, Sense Motive +7, Spot +6, Wilderness Lore +0 1
Feats: Improved Initiative, Track
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3-5)
CR: 4
Treasure: No coins; double goods; standard items
Alignment: Lawful evil
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Medium-size); 10-18 HD (Large)
It was the heavenly solar general Asulphael, now fallen, who led
the Blight Pack astray. Now they all resemble humanoid hellhounds
more than the noble creatures they once were. They still serve
Asulphael in his netherworld fortress and abroad.
Blight Pack members use hit and run tactics, usually trying to drive
prey to exhaustion before moving in for the kill.
Aura of Despair: 5% of the Blight Pack have this aura
(CR +1). Anyone within a 20-ft. radius of the fallen must make a
Will save (DC 15) or suffer sadness so overwhelming that he or
she suffers –2 to all rolls. 2/day the fallen’s touch bestows heart-
wrenching despair causing the victim to do nothing but weep
(treat as cowering). Any of these mind-affecting, compulsion
enchantments effects allow a save each round (at +1 for each
previous round) to overcome them, but otherwise end in 6 rounds.
The same Blight Pack member cannot affect someone who has
saved or recovered from either effect again for 24 hours.
Spell-like Abilities: At will—aid, continual flame, detect good, and
message. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 6th-level sorcerer.
Celestial Qualities: Aura of menace (save DC 16), magic circle
against good, electricity and petrification immunity, teleport, tongues, +4
save against poison.
Alternate Form (Su): Members of the Blight Pack can
assume any canine form (except that of a werewolf or other
lycanthrope) as a standard action. This ability is similar to the
polymorph self spell but allows only canines.
D eities rely on their minions to perform various tasks.
One of the many responsibilities is to engage in
warfare with the armies of other deities. Although
infrequent, the need does arise from time to time to battle
for supremacy of the planes. When these great conflagrations
diseases (even magical ones) as a cure disease spell cast by a
cleric of the war angel’s HD. Using the remove disease aspect
of the touch consumes 10 hit points from the healing ability
and cannot be used when there are no points left in the
healing pool.
occur, deities turn to their most trusted lieutenants, the war Spell Resistance (Ex): A war angel has SR equal to 5 +
angels. These beings are considerably more powerful than the its HD or the base creature’s SR, whichever is greater.
standard hosts of the heavens and are entrusted with tactical Voice of Command (Su): Three times per day, a war
command of the loyal divine legions. angel can use its powerful voice to inspire courage in its allies.
All friendly creatures within (10 ft. per HD the war angel
Appearance Changes possesses) of the war angel gain a +3 morale bonus to attack
A war angel is usually wreathed in luminous brilliance and and damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. In addition, all allies
visible celestial power, inspiring awe in all that view it. Their hearing the voice of command become immune to fear and
countenances are stern, and their voices powerful and fear effects. This effect lasts for 5 rounds plus the war angel’s
commanding. Charisma bonus.
Abilities: War angels gain a +6 divine bonus to
Creating a War Angel Organization: Usually solitary, though sometimes
“War Angel” is a template that can be added to any celestial
with a host of other celestials.
or half-celestial (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”).
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 plus 20%
The base creature should be advanced to at least 50% of
ECL: +4.
maximum or have several character levels. After assuming the
template, the base creature’s type and subtype do not change.
A war angel uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent Sample War Angel
racial special abilities except as noted below. This example uses an astral deva for the base creature.
Speed: If base creature can fly, its maneuverability
class improves by one. Vushwiyael (War Angel Astral Deva)
AC: War angels have a +8 divine bonus to Armor Medium-size Outsider (Chaotic, Good, War)
Class. Hit Dice: 18d8+64 (145 hp)
Special Attacks: The following special attacks are Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
added to the base creature’s natural or armed attacks. Speed: 50 ft., fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Brilliant Strike (Su): Once per day, a war angel AC: 37 (+4 Dex, +15 natural, +8 divine); 33 flat-footed, 22
can channel its divine powers through its melee or ranged touch
weapon, creating a holy brilliant energy weapon for a number of Attacks: +4 heavy mace of disruption +28/+23/+18 melee
rounds equal to its Charisma bonus. While so charged, the Damage: +4 heavy mace of disruption 1d8+13 and stun
weapon gives off light in a 20-ft. radius. A brilliant energy Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
weapon ignores nonliving matter, and thus armor and Special Attacks: Brilliant strike, wrath of the heavens, stun,
enhancement AC bonuses do not count against it. spell-like abilities
In addition, evil creatures struck by the war angel’s Special Qualities: Greater healing touch, voice of
weapon must make a Fortitude save (DC 11 + half the war command, DR 10/+2, SR 30, celestial qualities, uncanny
angel’s HD + the war angel’s Charisma bonus) or suffer an dodge
additional 6d6 points of holy damage. Evil undead struck in Saves: Fort +16, Ref +15, Will +15
this manner automatically take the damage. Abilities: Str 23, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 26
Wrath of the Heavens (Su): Once per day, a war angel Skills: Concentration +25, Escape Artist +22, Hide +22,
can call down a column of divine energy to strike its foes. The Knowledge (war) +25, Knowledge (planes) +23, Craft
effect is as a flame strike spell cast by a cleric of a level equal to (weaponsmithing) +20, Listen +29, Move Silently +19, Sense
the war angel’s HD, excepting all of the damage is divine (not Motive +19, Spot +29
fire) and the radius of the effect is 20 ft. Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative,
Special Qualities: The following special qualities Power Attack
are added to the base creature’s special qualities: CR: 18
Damage Reduction (Ex): A war angel has DR 10/+2 or Alignment: Lawful good
the base creature’s DR, whichever is greater. Advancement: 19-36 HD (Large)
Greater Healing Touch (Su): A war angel can heal a
number of hit points of damage per day equal to triple the
sum of its Charisma bonus plus its HD. These points of
healing may be used all at once or divided among multiple
recipients. In addition, the greater healing touch cures all
Vushwiyael is a 6 ft. 7 in. tall and athletically proportioned angel Spell-Like Abilities: At will: aid, continual flame, detect
with silvery wings. Her hair is also silver and her eyes are like evil, discern lies, dispel evil, dispel magic, holy aura, holy smite, holy
ice, flashing with blue flame when the deva is angry or in battle. word, invisibility sphere (self only), polymorph self, remove curse,
Always swathed in a glittering robe of blue samite, the deva is cold, remove disease, and remove fear; 7/day: see invisibility and cure light
calculating and loyal to a fault while leading angelic armies against wounds; 1/day: heal and blade barrier. These abilities are as the
the forces of evil whenever she is called. spells cast by a 18th-level sorcerer (save DC 18 + spell level).
Celestial Qualities: Protective aura; fire resistance 20,
Combat tongues; electricity, cold, acid, and petrification immunity, +4
Vushwiyael is fearless in combat. She leads from the front, and save against poison.
confronts the mightiest foes to protect her troops. Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Vushwiyael is never caught flat-
Stun (Su): If Vushwiyael strikes an opponent twice in one footed and cannot be flanked.
round with its mace, that creature must succeed at a Fortitude save Skills: Extremely alert, Vushwiyael receives a +4
(DC 15) or be stunned for 1d6 rounds. racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks.
Brilliant Strike (Su): Once per day, Vushwiyael can channel
divine powers through her melee or ranged weapon, creating a holy
brilliant energy weapon for 8 rounds. The weapon gives off light in
a 20-ft. radius. A brilliant energy weapon ignores nonliving matter,
and thus armor and enhancement AC bonuses do not count
against it.
Evil creatures struck by the weapon must make
a Fortitude save (DC 27) or suffer an additional 6d6
points of holy damage. Evil undead struck in this
manner automatically take the damage.
Wrath of the Heavens (Su): Once per day,
Vushwiyael can call down a column of divine
energy to strike her foes. The effect is as a
flame strike spell cast by an 18th-level cleric
(280-ft. range, 15d6 damage, Reflex DC 19,
40-ft. high, 20 ft. wide, all divine energy).
Greater Healing Touch (Ex):
Vushwiyael can heal 78 hit points per
day. These points of healing may be
used all at once or divided among
multiple recipients. In addition,
the greater healing touch cures all
diseases (even magical ones) as a
remove disease spell cast by an 18th-
level cleric. Using the remove
disease aspect of the touch
consumes 10 hit points from the
healing ability and cannot be used
when there are no points left in
the healing pool.
Voice of Command (Su):
Three times per day, Vushwiyael
can use its powerful voice to
inspire courage in its allies. All
friendly creatures within 180 ft. of
Vushwiyael gain a +3 morale bonus
to attack and damage rolls, saves,
and skill checks. In addition, all allies
hearing the voice of command become
immune to fear and fear effects. This
effect lasts for 13 rounds.
range still suffer (the apocalyptic’s HD x 10%) in d8s as hit points
egends and prophecies foretell the coming of
of sonic damage (no maximum). Those normally immune to death
creatures imbued with sufficient destructive power
effects do not have to save against dying, but are subject to the
to change the course of recorded history. Indeed,
sonic damage.
some are powerful enough to end time itself. These beings
Special Qualities: An apocalyptic creature has all the
come in many forms—the embodiment of a righteous deity’s
special qualities of the base creature, plus the following:
judgment, the unintended creation of cataclysmic misuse
Damage Reduction (Ex): An apocalyptic creature has damage
of magic, a primal force of nature wreaking havoc on mere
reduction equal to one-third of its HD, which cannot be overcome.
mortals, and many others.
Spell Resistance (Ex): Apocalyptic creatures have SR equal to
Apocalyptic creatures are beings of such terrible
10 + one-third of their (newly increased) Hit Dice.
power that only the mad dream of unleashing them upon
Immunities: Apocalyptic creatures are immune to mind-
the world. The wise among mortals and immortals alike
affecting spells, stunning, paralysis, disease, death by massive
dare not even speak the names of these monsters for fear
damage, ability drain, acid, cold, electricity, and fire damage.
of summoning them to exact their harsh judgment upon the
Divine Rejuvenation (Su): Three times per day, an apocalyptic
creature can restore all lost hit points as a standard action that does
not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Appearance Changes Saves: Apocalyptic creatures receive a divine bonus to all
Apocalyptic creatures are enormous, power-filled versions saving throws equal to 5% of their newly increased HD.
of the base creature. Their very countenances strikes fear Abilities: Apocalyptic creatures receive a divine bonus to
into the hearts of even the bravest warriors, and their aspect all saving throws equal to 10% of their newly increased HD.
crackles with divine power. Feats: An apocalyptic creature may select any feat,
even those normally restricted to a class. It must still meet all
Creating an Apocalyptic qualifications for the feat, besides class affiliation.
“Apocalyptic” is a template that can be added to any creature CR: Base creature’s CR +15 + 10% of the apocalyptic
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”), but works best creature’s newly adjusted Hit Dice.
on mid- to high-HD creatures. After assuming the template, Treasure: Triple the base creature’s (minimum Standard).
the base creature’s type and subtypes do not change (except Advancement: None.
a Humanoid becomes a Giant at Large size). An apocalyptic
creature uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial Sample Apocalyptic Creature
special abilities except as noted below. These examples use a titan and a hell hound for the base creatures.
Hit Dice: Die type changes to d12. The creature Kurnus has had his breath weapon damage increased via the
has the minimum HD for its new size multiplied by 10 and suggestion in Special Attacks above.
receives maximum hit points per die.
Size: An apocalyptic is a size category larger than Charzol, World Killer
the base creature, or larger (maximum Colossal). Colossal Outsider
Speed: Speed increases by 30 ft. in all modes. Hit Dice: 200d12+4,000 (6,400 hp)
AC: Natural armor improves by +10. Apocalyptics Initiative: +11 (Dex)
have a deflection bonus to AC equal to 5% of their HD, and a Speed: 120 ft.
divine bonus equal to 10% of their HD. AC: 56 (–8 size, +11 Dex, +23 natural, +10 deflection, +20 divine);
Attacks: Base creature gains two slam attacks if it 45 flat-footed, 33 touch
does not already posses better natural attacks. Attacks: +5 Gargantuan lawful holy warhammer +229/+224/+219/
Damage: Damage for the slam attacks is according +214 melee; or slam +224/+219/+214/+209; or Gargantuan
to the creature’s size and type, but calculated as if the creature javelin +209/+204/+199/+194 ranged
were one size category larger. Colossal apocalyptic creatures Damage: +5 Gargantuan lawful holy warhammer 4d6+38/critx3; or
have a 4d8 slam. slam 4d10+31; or Gargantuan javelin 4d6+33
Special Attacks: Increase damage for special attacks Face/Reach: 15 ft. by 15 ft./20 ft.
as shown in How to Use This Book (Special Attacks and Qualities) Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, spells
when the damage from certain attacks seems too low. An Special Qualities: DR 66/—, SR 76, divine rejuvenation,
apocalyptic creature has all the special attacks of the base immunities
creature, plus the following: Saves: Fort +137, Ref +128, Will +132
Word of the Apocalypse (Su): Once per day, an Abilities: Str 73, Dex 32, Con 51, Int 41, Wis 40, Cha 38
apocalyptic creature can utter a word, unleashing tremendous Skills: Bluff +228, Climb +235, Concentration +219, Craft
destructive power. The word slays all selected living creatures (weaponsmithing) +219, Craft (armorsmithing) +96, Diplomacy
(maximum 1 creature per HD) within a 400 ft. + 400 ft. per +125, Jump +235, Knowledge (arcana) +219, Knowledge (religion)
HD radius, centered on the apocalyptic creature. A successful +219, Knowledge (planes) +117, Listen +226, Perform (any) +223,
Will save (DC 10 + one-half of the apocalyptic’s HD + its Sense Motive +224, Spot +226, Swim +235
Charisma modifier) resists the death effect, but targets within Feats: Alertness, Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat
Casting, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Enlarge Spell, whispering wind; 2/day—astral projection and etherealness. These
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword, chain, urgrosh, waraxe, abilities are as the spells cast by a 20th-level sorcerer (save
whip, net), Expertise, Extend Spell, Far Shot, Great Cleave, DC 24 + spell level). Once every other round, a Charzol can
Heighten Spell, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Improved use holy smite as a 20th-level cleric.
Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Unarmed Strike, Divine Rejuvenation (Su): Three times per day, Charzol
Leadership, Maximize Spell, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Power can restore all lost hit points as a standard action that does
Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quicken Spell, Rapid Shot, Run, not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Shot on the Run, Silent Spell, Spring Attack, Still Spell, Stunning Immunities: Charzol is immune to mind-affecting
Fist, Sunder, Track, Superior Unarmed Strike, Two-Weapon spells, stunning, paralysis, disease, death by massive damage,
Fighting, Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus (warhammer), Weapon ability drain, acid, cold, electricity, and fire damage.
Focus (javelin), Weapon Focus (unarmed) Weapon Specialization
(warhammer), Weapon Specialization (javelin). Kurnus, Hound of the End Time
CR: 56 Huge Outsider (Evil, Fire, Lawful)
Treasure: Nine times standard Hit Dice: 40d12+520 (780 hp)
Alignment: Lawful good Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Advancement: — Speed: 70 ft.
AC: 29 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +14 natural, +2 deflection, +4
Little known to the worlds that celebrate the god of justice, divine); 28 flat-footed, 15 touch
Racheneewan, he has an avatar of might that he sends to right Attacks: Bite +53/+48/+43/+38 melee
heinous wrongs. While the god and his avatar, Charzol, are just and Damage: Bite 2d6+15
good, when Charzol appears there is little hope for the wicked. He Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.
is a messenger of destruction for an iniquitous world. Special Attacks: Breath weapon, howl of doom
Charzol is a massive humanoid with elegant clothing Special Qualities: DR 13/—, scent, SR 28, immunities,
and silvery jewelry; his hair is long and black and he has eyes divine rejuvenation
that shine like miniature stars. The titan is incredibly beautiful, a Saves: Fort +31, Ref +25, Will +28
paragon of his kind, but appears as the appropriate race of those Abilities: Str 33, Dex 13, Con 25, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
who summoned him—at Colossal size. Charzol speaks Celestial, Skills: Hide +58, Listen +66, Move Silently +70, Spot +66,
Common, Draconic, Giant, and Sylvan. Wilderness Lore +66*
Feats: Cleave, Endurance, Expertise, Great Cleave, Improved
Combat Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power
Charzol does the bidding of his creator, Racheneewan. He Attack, Run, Sunder
unleashes havoc upon the evildoers and the unjust of the world, CR: 22
sending them to oblivion with his warhammer and use of his Treasure: Standard
word of the apocalypse ability when needed. The massive titan is a Alignment: Lawful evil
spellcaster beyond compare as well, capable of nearly any mortal Advancement: —
feat of magic.
Charzol can only be manifested by Racheneewan or “The end is upon us my disciples, for the gates of Hell have opened wide
summoned by a gathering of one thousand high priests of the and the Hound has been loosed upon the world! There is nowhere to hide
justice god’s faith. This group must meditate and pray for three from the beast’s maw or unholy howl. May the Stone protect you in the
years and then participate in a simultaneous group casting ritual afterlife if I fail!”
(1,000 summon monster IX spells must be activated simultaneously) to —Favin Mihl, Knight of the Stone God
bring Charzol to their plane. Even then, the Racheneewan must see
them all as pure of heart and the dispatching of Charzol must be in Whispered of in fear by all, Kurnus is the harbinger of the
accordance with the deity’s plans for the plane in question. If these end of the world—a messenger of doom, but not doom
two conditions are not met, the ritual casting fails. itself. A unique creature, he is a huge hell hound chained in
Word of the Apocalypse (Su): Once per day, Charzol can a deep, abysmal cave in the lowest domain of Hell. None
utter a word, unleashing tremendous destructive power. The word dare approach him, not even fiends, for most fear death from
slays instantly all selected creatures within 15.25 miles of Charzol. Kurnus’s supernatural howl. Kurnus does not speak, but
A successful Will save (DC 124) resists the death effect, but targets understands all languages.
within range still suffer 20d8 points of sonic damage. Those
normally immune to death effects do not have to save against dying, Combat
but are subject to the sonic damage. Kurnus is a devastating opponent in melee, using powerful
Spells: Charzol can cast spells as if he were a 20th-level bite against one foe, or flaming breath to kill many foes at
wizard and cleric, including spells from the Law and Good domains. once. Faced with many determined opponents, Kurnus uses
Spell-like Abilities: At will—alter self, bless, charm person or his incredible ability to sneak and ambush. He reserves his
animal, commune with nature, cure light wounds, eyebite, fire storm, halt howl for large forces or those who anger him.
undead, hold monster, invisibility, levitate, light, magic circle against evil, mirror
image, pass without trace, persistent image, produce flame, summon nature’s ally
II, remove curse, remove fear, shield, speak with plants, summon swarm, and
Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of fire, 70 ft., every 2d4 rounds; Variant Apocalyptic
damage 10d8+7, Reflex half (DC 37). The fiery breath also The following microplate can be used to make a less universe-
ignites any flammable materials within the cone. Kurnus can shaking, apocalyptic creature:
use his breath weapon while biting.
Fire Subtype: While the Hound still retains the fire Lesser Apocalyptic
subtype, like a hell hound, he is immune to both fire and cold While this may seem an oxymoron, it’s also evident that any serious
damage as per its immunities (see below). apocalyptic creature (sic a base creature with significant HD) is more
Howl of Doom (Su): Once per day, Kurnus can utter powerful than the gods of many worlds (besides actual divine status
an apocalyptic howl, which unleashes tremendous destructive and abilities that may come with such position). Other reasons to
power. This supernatural howl slays all selected living have a lesser apocalyptic creature are so the PC heroes can actually
creatures (maximum 40) within a 3-mile radius, centered on defeat the thing in combat and so making up a creature is less work.
the Hound. A successful Will save (DC 30) resists the death (Kurnus is a good example of a lesser apocalyptic that powerful
effect, but targets within range still suffer 4d8 points of sonic heroes can defeat—made from a less-powerful base creature instead
damage. Undead creatures and constructs are no affected by of a slightly different template.) To make a lesser apocalyptic, start
the death effect, but they are subject to the sonic damage. with a creature having at least 15 HD and double or triple those
Immunities: Kurnus is immune to mind-affecting dice, as you like. Everything else stays the same, except the bonuses
spells, stunning, paralysis, disease, death by massive damage, to saves and ability scores for the template are halved, and CR
ability drain, acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage. increases by +5 + 20% of the creature’s newly adjusted HD.
Divine Rejuvenation (Su): Three times per day, Kurnus
can restore all lost hit points as a standard action that does
not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Skills: Kurnus receives a +5 racial bonus to Hide and
Move Silently checks. *He also receives a +8 racial bonus to
Spot checks and +8 to Wilderness Lore checks when tracking
by scent, due to its keen sense of smell.
Apocalyptic Campaigning
Whatever the origin of these frightful beings, their use in a
campaign world should be limited, as their introduction is a
world transforming one. In all cases, apocalyptic creatures are
monumental obstacles for any party of heroes to overcome—the
defeat of such a legendary power is a crowning achievement to a
long career.
Although the monster types for the template are quite
inclusive, you are encouraged to go all out when designing an
apocalyptic creature. An apocalyptic cat, for example, while
possible, won’t hold the sort of gravity that an apocalyptic
Colossal great wyrm does. However, if that cat had the Beast
Lord template....
Create mythologies or histories including such creatures, as a
type of foreshadowing, and limit yourself to a select handful of
apocalyptic creature possibilities for your world. From where did
the creature come? Why has it come? What will it do? What can
it do? Is it a god? (The template can certainly make those—with
the addition of appropriate divine abilities.)
Another consideration is how a being of such ferocious
destructive power can be stopped (if at all). Apocalyptic
creatures are nigh invulnerable to conventional and magical
attack forms, so it may be necessary to find a roleplaying angle
for the party to defeat one. Perhaps a particular powerful magical
item or artifact that exploits a hidden weakness, the creature can
be skillfully tricked, or an ancient banishment ritual exists to send
the creature to a distant prison. The possibilities are as rich as
your imagination.
A rcane servitors are powerful magical creatures that Sample Arcane Servitor
have tapped into their inherent supernatural abilities to This example uses a lillend for the base creature.
such an extent that they have become utterly suffused
with paranormal power. These creatures become a conduit for Arcane Servitor Lillend
raw, eldritch energies, often exchanging the pursuit of other Large Outsider (Chaotic, Good)
goals for this status. Outsiders of this type usually serve deific Hit Dice: 7d8+14 (45 hp)
forces of magic. Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft., fly 70 ft. (average)
AC: 17 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural); 14 flat-footed, 12 touch
Appearance Changes Attacks: Longsword +11/+6 melee, tail slap +6 melee
There is always a distinguishing aura (visible, at least, to detect
Damage: Longsword 1d8+5/crit 19-20, tail slap 2d6+2
magic) surrounding arcane servitors. While the aura conveys no
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
real effect, it serves to differentiate those creatures that have
Special Attacks: Improved grab, constrict 2d6+5, spells,
given their beings over to the potent arcane energies of the
spell-like abilities
world. Typically, other features are changed slightly—perhaps
Special Qualities: Poison immunity, fire resistance 20, SR
hair or eye coloration or some other subtle indicator of the
17, spell immunity
magic indwelling the creature concerned.
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Creating an Arcane Servitor Skills: Appraise +13, Concentration +12, Knowledge
“Arcane Servitor” is a template that can be added to any (arcana) +13, Knowledge (planes) +10, Listen +13, Perform
creature capable of using magic (referred to hereafter as (any ten) +15, Spellcraft +13, Wilderness Lore +17
the “base creature”). After assuming the template, the base Feats: Combat Casting, Extend Spell, Silent Spell
creature’s type and subtype do not change. Unless otherwise Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
noted, in this template HD stands for Hit Dice plus any Organization: Solitary or covey (2-4)
character levels the creature possesses. An arcane servitor uses CR: 9
the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities Treasure: Standard
except as noted below. Alignment: Always chaotic good
Special Qualities: An arcane servitor has all the Advancement: 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)
special qualities of the base creature, plus the following:
Spell-like Abilities: At will—detect magic, mage armor, Indistinguishable in physical appreance from a normal lillend,
read magic. These spells function as if cast by a sorcerer of the arcane servitor lillends speak Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal,
arcane servitor’s HD. Common, and three additional languages.
Extra Spell-like Abilities (Sp): The arcane servitor gains
one extra use of each spell-like ability it commands, plus one Combat
use for every 4 HD the arcane servitor possesses. Arcane servitor lillends rely on their spells and ability to fly to
Extra Supernatural Abilities (Su): The arcane servitor avoid melee. Unfortunately for their opponents, they are still
gains one extra use of each supernatural ability it commands, potent fighters.
plus one use for every 4 HD. Spells: An arcane servitor lillend casts arcane spells as a
Spell Immunity (Ex): Arcane servitors are immune to 6th level bard and a 3rd-level sorcerer. Save DC 15 + spell level.
all arcane spells that a spellcaster of the arcane servitor’s HD Spell-Like Abilities: At will—detect magic, mage armor, read
could cast. Thus, a 9 HD arcane servitor is immune to arcane magic; 4/day—darkness, hallucinatory terrain, knock, and light; 2/
spells from 1st through 5th levels. day—charm person, speak with animals, and speak with plants. These
Spell Resistance (Ex): Arcane servitors have SR equal to abilities are as the spells cast by a 10th-level bard (save DC 15 +
10 + their HD. spell level).
Spells: Arcane servitors gain the ability to cast arcane Spell Immunity (Ex): Arcane servitor lillends are immune
spells as a sorcerer of a level equal to half their HD (not to all arcane spells below 5th level.
including character level). Bardic Music (Su): An arcane servitor lillend also has the
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows: bardic music ability as a 6th-level bard.
Intelligence +2, Charisma +2. Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the arcane
servitor lillend must hit an opponent of up to Medium-size with
Skills: Same as base creature except all Knowledge
its tail slap attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict.
skills are considered class skills for an arcane servitor.
Constrict (Ex): An arcane servitor lillend deals 2d6+5
Feats: The arcane servitor gains one bonus points of damage with a successful grapple check against
Metamagic or Item Creation feat per 4 HD (not including opponents of up to Medium-size. This uses the entire lower
character level). portion of its body, so it cannot take any move actions when
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +5). constricting, though it can still attack with its sword.
Alignment: Arcane servitors are often aligned Skills: Arcane servitor lillends receive a +4 racial bonus
towards neutral, though they can be of any alignment. to Wilderness Lore checks.
ECL: +4.
A rgent servitors are the defenders of good in the
world. Imbued with holy might to combat evil, the
souls of the argent servitors are filled with positive
energy which emanates through every pore, covering them
in a brilliant, silvery radiance of holy light. Argent servitors
hit, evil-aligned opponents must immediately make a Fortitude
save (DC 10 + one-half of the argent servitor’s HD + the argent
servitor’s Charisma modifier) or die. Those not subject to Fortitude
saving throws (like undead) must make a Will saving throw instead.
Vanquishing blow cannot affect opponents with more Hit Dice
are not celestials, but chosen defenders of truth and good than the argent servitor.
throughout the world. They are sworn to uphold the values Special Qualities: An argent servitor has all the special
of their patron deity without question or deviation. Whole qualities of the base creature, plus the following:
groups or bloodlines of creatures can be augmented thus, Damage Reduction (Su): An argent servitor has damage
creating what amounts to a new race. reduction equal to 1 + one-half of its HD (minimum 1) versus
everything but unholy weapons.
Appearance Changes Detect Evil (Su): An argent servitor can detect evil at will, per
An argent servitor looks very much like the base creature with the spell, excepting that the effect goes straight to that of the third
a striking countenance often augmented by a silvery glow. The round as shown in the spell description. Caster level is as a cleric of
creature’s outward appearance takes on a near-angelic radiance a level equal to the creature’s HD.
that heralds its true nature. Divine Health (Ex): An argent servitor is immune to all
diseases, including those of a magical nature.
Resistances (Su): An argent servitor gains fire, cold, and
Creating an Argent Servitor electrical resistances equal to 5 + one-half of its HD (maximum
“Argent Servitor” is a template that can be added to 30).
any animal, beast, dragon, fey, humanoid, magical beast, Sacrificial Healing (Su): An argent servitor may sacrifice
monstrous humanoid, or sentient plant (referred to hereafter some of its own life-essence (positive energy) to heal another. For
as the “base creature”). Argent servitors are created by each hit point sacrificed by the servitor, the recipient heals 2 hit
direct intervention by a deity of good or its avatar(s). After points (up to the creature’s normal maximum). An argent servitor
assuming the template, the base creature’s type and subtype may sacrifice all but 10 of its own hit points to heal one or more
do not change. Unless otherwise noted, in this template HD other creatures.
stands for Hit Dice plus any character levels the creature The argent servitor can only regain hit points lost in this
possesses. An argent servitor uses the base creature’s statistics manner through normal healing. Healing of sacrificed hit points
and inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. is doubled if the creature meditates for one hour, morning and
Hit Dice: Increase by one die type to a maximum evening. No activities of any kind may be undertaken while in this
of d12, including dice from character classes. trance and it has no effect on actual wounds.
Speed: Base creature’s speed in all movement Saves: Argent servitors can add their Charisma bonus
categories increases by 10 ft. If the base creature can fly, its (positive only) to any saving throw versus fear.
maneuverability rating improves by one category. Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Strength
AC: Argent servitors have a +4 divine bonus to +2, Constitution +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +2.
Armor Class versus evil creatures. Skills: All argent servitors can speak Celestial, in addition
Damage: In addition to normal damage, the to any other languages of the base creature.
servitor gains additional holy damage versus evil opponents Organization: Same as base creature, though argent
according to its HD as indicated in the chart below. This holy servitors are often unique individuals among normal members of
damage is doubled against evil undead. the base creature type.
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +3).
Bonus Alignment: Any good. If an argent servitor deviates
Hit Dice Holy Damage from good, it loses its powers—possibly regaining the power (if
1-4 1d3 the infraction was minor or against the creature’s will) through
5-8 1d4 returning to good and undergoing atonement.
9-11 1d6 ECL: +3.
12-14 1d8
15+ 1d10
Sample Argent Servitors undead) may make a Will saving throw instead. Vanquishing
These examples use a unicorn and a giant owl as the base creatures. blow cannot affect opponents with more than 4 HD.
Detect Evil (Ex): An argentate alicorn can detect evil at
Argentate Alicorn (Argent Servitor Unicorn) will as a 4th-level cleric, per the spell, excepting that the effect
Large Magical Beast goes straight to that of the third round as shown in the spell
Hit Dice: 4d12+24 (50 hp) description.
Initiative: +3 Divine Energy Feedback (Ex): Any evil creature that
Speed: 70 ft. strikes an argentate alicorn with a melee weapon suffers one-
AC: 18/22 vs. evil (–1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural/+4 divine); 15/19 half of the physical damage that it inflicts with the blow, up
flat-footed, 12/16 touch to a maximum of 4 points. The argentate alicorn takes the
Attacks: Horn +12 melee, 2 hooves +4 melee damage from such melee hits normally.
Damage: Horn 1d8+9, hoof 1d4+3 (plus 1d3 holy damage vs. evil Divine Health (Ex): An argentate alicorn is immune
creatures) 1 to all diseases, including those of a magical nature.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with horn) Immunities (Ex): Argentate alicorns are immune to all
Special Attacks: Divine energy feedback, vanquishing blow poisons and to charm and hold spells or abilities.
Special Qualities: Detect evil, magic circle against evil, divine health, Sacrificial Healing (Ex): An argentate alicorn may
DR 2/unholy, immunities, resistances (fire, cold, and electrical 7), sacrifice some of its own life-essence (positive energy) to
sacrificial healing, spell-like abilities heal another. For each hit point sacrificed, the recipient of
Saves: Fort +10, Reflex +7, Will +7 (+15 vs. fear) the healing gains 2 hit points (up to the creature’s normal
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 17, Con 23, Int 10, Wis 23, Cha 26 maximum). An argentate alicorn may sacrifice all but 10 of
Skills: Animal Empathy +12, Listen +12, Move Silently +9, Spot its hit points to heal one or more other creatures.
+12, Wilderness Lore +10 2 The argentate alicorn can only regain hit points lost
Feats: Alertness in this manner through normal healing. Healing of sacrificed
Climate/Terrain: Temperate forest hit points is doubled if the creature meditates for one hour,
Organization: Solitary, pair or grace (3-6) morning and evening. No activities of any kind may be
CR: 5 undertaken while in this trance and it has no effect on actual
Treasure: None wounds.
Alignment: Always chaotic good Skills: 2 Argentate alicorns receive a +3 competence
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large) bonus to Wilderness Lore checks within the boundaries of
Holy damage doubles versus evil undead. their forests.
This magnificent and beneficent beast looks like a regal unicorn Resplendent Nightwing (Argent Servitor Giant
with a large horn and silvery hair. Argentate alicorns serve as Owl [Advanced])
guardians to other unicorns, whom evil and unscrupulous beings Huge Magical Beast
hunt for their horns, which can fetch up to 6,000 gp for use in Hit Dice: 8d12+32 (80 hp)
various healing potions and devices. Argentate alicorn s speak Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Celestial, Sylvan, and Common. Speed: 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (good)
AC: 16/20 vs. evil (–2 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural/+4 divine);
Combat 14/18 flat-footed, 10/14 touch
They either charge, impaling foes with their horns like lances, or Attacks: 2 claws +15 melee, bite +10 melee
strike with their hooves. The horn is a +3 magic weapon, though its Damage: Claw 1d6+9, bite 1d8+4 (plus 1d4 holy damage vs.
power fades if removed from the beast. evil) *
Magic Circle against Evil (Su): This ability continuously Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.
duplicates the effects of the spell. The argentate alicorn cannot Special Attacks: Divine energy feedback, vanquishing blow
suppress this ability. Special Qualities: Detect evil, superior low-light vision,
Spell-Like Abilities: Once per day an argentate alicorn can DR 4/unholy, divine health, resistances 9 (fire, cold, and
use teleport without error to move anywhere within its home forest. electrical), sacrificial healing
It cannot teleport neither beyond the forest boundaries nor back Saves: Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +5 (+1 additional vs. fear)
from outside. A argentate alicorn can use cure light wounds three times Abilities: Str 28, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12
per day and cure moderate wounds once per day, as cast by a 5th-level Skills: Knowledge (nature) +9, Listen +16, Move Silently
druid, by touching a wounded creature with its horn. Once per day +10 (+18 in flight), Spot +10 (+14 in dusk/dark)
it can use neutralize poison, as cast by an 8th-level druid, with a touch Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack
of its horn. Climate/Terrain: Any forest, hill, mountains and plains
Vanquishing Blow (Su): When dealt a successful critical hit, Organization: Solitary, pair, or company (2-5)
evil-aligned opponents must immediately make a Fortitude save CR: 7
(DC 22) or die. Those not subject to Fortitude saving throws (like Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 9-12 HD (Gargantuan)
* Holy damage doubles versus evil undead.
A resplendent nightwing attacks by gliding silently just a
few feet above its prey and plunging to strike when directly
Detect Evil (Su): A resplendent nightwing can detect
evil at will as an 8th-level cleric, per the spell, excepting that
the effect goes straight to that of the third round as shown in
the spell description.
Divine Energy Feedback (Ex): Any evil creature that
strikes a resplendent nightwing with a melee weapon suffers
one-half of the physical damage that it inflicts with the blow,
up to a maximum of 8 points. The resplendent nightwing
takes the damage from such melee hits normally.
Vanquishing Blow (Su): When dealt a successful
critical hit, evil-aligned opponents must immediately make a
Fortitude save (DC 15) or die. Those not subject to Fortitude
saving throws (like undead) may make a Will saving throw
instead. Vanquishing blow cannot affect opponents with
more than 8 HD.
Divine Health (Ex): A resplendent nightwing is
immune to all diseases, including those of a magical nature.
Sacrificial Healing (Su): A resplendent nightwing
may sacrifice some of its own life-essence to heal another.
For each hit point sacrificed by the servitor, the recipient of
the healing gains 2 hit points (up to the creature’s normal
maximum). A resplendent nightwing may sacrifice all but 10
of its own hit points to heal one or more other creatures.
The resplendent nightwing can only regain hit
points lost in this manner through normal healing. Healing
of sacrificed hit points is doubled if the creature meditates
for one hour, morning and evening. No activities of any kind
may be undertaken while in this trance and it has no effect on
actual wounds.
Superior Low-Light Vision (Ex): A resplendent
nightwing can see five times as far as a human can in dim
Skills: Resplendent nightwings receive a +8 racial
bonus to Listen checks. They also receive a +4 racial bonus to
Spot checks in dusk and darkness; when in flight, they gain a
+8 bonus to Move Silently checks (neither included above).
W hen the world was young, and spirits shared the land
with mortals, the animals and beasts were sentient and
greater than they now are. A few of these creatures
still exist in the great eagles and the unicorns. Fewer still live as
examples of a bygone age. In other worlds, these creatures are
CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
Treasure: Usually none, but sometimes 50% coins,
standard goods, standard items.
Alignment: Usually neutral. As intelligent creatures,
elder beasts sometimes follow other alignments.
possessed of special spirits that grant sentience. Such beings may be Advancement: As a magical beast with the same
blessed of the gods as divine or infernal heralds. Beware the clever HD range as the base creature. Elder beasts can also have
beast. character classes.
ECL: +1 per base HD. +1 for abnormally good
Appearance Changes ability score bonuses (many bonuses, few or no penalties). +1
Elder beasts rarely look different from their normal counterparts, for dominate animal. Creatures with no fine manipulators (and
posing a particular danger to the unwary. A glint of understanding inconvenient size or shape—see below) get –1 ECL.
in the eye or unusual tactics may signal the wise that the creature is
more than it seems. Elder Beast Characters
Elder beasts can join a character class. Druid, shaman (or
adept), and ranger are most common, while a few become
Creating an Elder Beast bards, sorcerers, rogues, or fighters. Monks, paladins, and
“Elder Beast” is a template that can be applied to any animal, beast, wizard elder beasts are so rare as to be unheard of. Elder
magical beast, or vermin with an Intelligence score of 6 or less beast bards, druids, rangers, and sorcerers do not require
(hereafter referred to as the “base creature”). The creature’s type material components for their spells. They have special
changes to “Magical Beast” and it retains all of its subtypes. It uses somatic components compatible with their animal form.
all of the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here. Most elder beasts have great difficulty using normal
Hit Dice: Increase die type to d10. weapons and armor and have no appendages capable of
AC: Natural armor improves by +4. fine manipulation—significant disadvantages. A lot of
Attacks: Elder beasts have a base attack progression like a equipment is thus useless to an elder beast, or costs more.
magical beast (+1 per HD). You are also free to rule that specific types of elder beasts
Special Attacks: The elder beast retains all of the base are incompatible with certain items, like potions, that are
creature’s special attacks and may gain the following: designed for humanoid consumption. Further, skills requiring
Dominate Kin (Su): (Optional) Some elder beasts can fine manipulation may be impossible for an elder beast, or
dominate normal creatures of their own species. This ability works see a significant DC increase (+5 or more).
like the dominate animal spell, allowing the creature to control a
number of other animals equal to twice its own HD. This ability
affects creatures normally immune to mind-influencing effects. Sample Elder Beasts
Special Qualities: The elder beast retains all of the base These examples use a Large monstrous scorpion and a deer
creature’s special qualities and gains the following: as the base creature.
Speech (Ex): The elder beast can speak like a human (though
its voice may be unique). It can learn to speak any language, but Barasnusana, the Jade Master
usually only speaks Sylvan. The creature retains the ability to speak Large Magical Beast
with animals of its species. Hit Dice: 10d10+20 (75 hp)
Saves: All of an elder beast’s saves are recalculated as if it Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
was always a magical beast (good Fortitude and Will). Speed: 50 ft.
Abilities: Roll 4d6 and discard the lowest die for each of AC: 19 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural); 18 flat-footed, 10 touch
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Elder beasts get +2 to Wisdom Attacks: 2 claws +14 melee, sting +12 melee
in addition to the rolls. Damage: Claw 1d6+4, sting 1d6+2 and poison
Skills: Recalculate the creature’s skill points as if it was Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
always a magical beast. Class skills for the base creature are class Special Attacks: Improved grab, squeeze, poison, dominate
skills for the elder beast. All elder beasts have Animal Empathy kin
as a class skill, and get a +4 racial bonus when using the skill with Special Qualities: Speech
creatures of their same species. Retain all of the skill bonuses of Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +4
the base creature. Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 11
Feats: Recalculate the creature’s number of feats as if it Skills: Climb +10, Hide +10, Knowledge (local) +10, Spot
was always a magical beast. Reassign feats as you desire, favoring +12, Wilderness Lore +7
those from the base creature. Feats: Combat Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Sunder,
Organization: Depending on the rarity of such creatures Track
in the game world, the creatures can be organized like a normal Climate/Terrain: Barasnusana’s Cave
creature of their kind, or just solitary and paired. In situations Organization: Solitary plus 2d4 monstrous scorpions
where elder beasts are rare, they often lead a number of normal (various sizes)
creatures. Treasure: 50% coins, standard goods, standard items
CR: 5 AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +6 natural); 16 flat-footed, 11 touch
Alignment: Neutral Attacks: Gore (male only) +3 melee; or 2 hooves +3 melee
Advancement: — Damage: Gore 1d6 or hoof 1d3
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Barasnusana is a 12-ft.-long, green scorpion that “owns” a Special Qualities: Scent, low-light vision
stretch of desert along a major caravan route. He demands Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
tribute from passers by, but keeps the area free of dangerous Abilities: Str 11, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 11
pests and raiders. It is thought that the creature has intelligent Skills: Hide +10, Listen +10, Spot +10, Wilderness Lore +4
kin or offspring in nearby regions. Feats: Alertness
Climate/Terrain: Any land
Combat Organization: Solitary, pair, group (3-5), herd (6-25)
Barasnusana attacks from ambush whenever possible. He is CR: 1
remorseless if enraged, but may show mercy to those who Treasure: None
show the proper respect. If after food, the jade scorpion Alignment: Usually neutral
grabs, stings, and retreats with his prey. Advancement: 3 HD (Medium-size) and/or by character class
Dominate Kin (Su): Barasnusana can dominate normal
scorpions. This ability works like the dominate animal spell, Elder harts look like sleek and noble deer, and some of them are
allowing the great scorpion to control 20 HD worth of white. Only the largest among them have 3 HD.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, Barasnusana Combat
must hit with a claw attacks. If he does, he hangs on and Elder harts, like deer, rarely stand to fight, but flee instead.
stings. Speech (Ex): Elder harts can speak like a human, with
Squeeze (Ex): If Barasnusana gets a hold on a voices to match.
creature of his size or smaller, he may deal damage with both Skills: Elder Harts get a +2 racial bonus to Hide, Listen,
claws automatically, and sting at his full attack bonus. and Spot checks.
Poison (Ex): Fortitude DC 21, 1d6 initial and
secondary Strength. Elder Hart Traits
Speech (Ex): Barasnusana speaks Common like a As a PC race, elder harts have the following characteristics:
rasping whisper, interspersed with clicks. • Higher HD: Elder harts start with 2d10 HD before adding
Skills: Barasnusana gets a +4 racial bonus to Climb, a character class—PCs get maximum hit points from the
Hide, and Spot checks. (Large size gives –4 to Hide.) first die. Use the Magical Beast type to determine their
initial feats, skill points, saves, and attack progression. PC
elder harts can choose to progress to 3 HD before adding
Shamans a character class, but it is actually disadvantageous to do
While not a core class in the core rulebooks, shamans are so.
mentioned several times in this work, including this template. • +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom.
There are a number of resources for shamans in the d20 arena, • Medium size.
official and otherwise (such as Green Ronin’s The Shaman’s • Elder harts have a base speed of 60 feet.
Handbook). If you have access to none of these, perhaps druids • Low-light Vision: Elder harts can see twice as far as
and/or some adepts or clerics fill this role in your campaign— humans in poor lighting conditions.
with the ability to turn spirits much like a cleric turns undead • Natural Armor: Elder harts have a +6 natural armor
replacing another class ability or costing a feat. Maybe shamans bonus.
are a unique form of cleric with only the ability to turn spirits, • Scent: This ability allows an elder hart to detect
their domains provided by affiliation with powerful spirit approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track
guides (or even a beast lord, like Kaavaak). Shamans could be a by sense of smell. Elder harts with the scent ability can
distinctive form of sorcerer, with divine instead of arcane spells, identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights.
and the ability to turn spirits instead of a familiar. For even more Elder harts can detect opponents within 30 ft. by sense
information on spirits, see the Spirit template. of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to
60 ft.; if downwind, it drops to 15 ft. Strong scents can be
detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering
scents can be detected at triple normal range.
When an elder hart detects a scent, the exact location is
Elder Hart (Deer) not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range.
Medium-size Animal The elder hart can take a move or attack action to note
Hit Dice: 2d10 (11 hp) the direction of the scent. If it moves within 5 ft. of the
Initiative: +1 (Dex) source, the elder hart can pinpoint that source.
Speed: 60 ft. Elder harts can follow tracks by smell, making a
Wisdom check to find or follow a track. The typical DC
for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds
the scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on • +2 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks.
the strength of the quarry’s odor, the number of creatures • No Fine Manipulators: Elder harts do not have hands
being tracked, and the age of the trail. For each hour and have a difficult time with skills that require
that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability fine motor skills. The DM is free to rule that any
otherwise follows the rules for the Track feat. Elder harts particular task is impossible for a hart character
tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and the hart sees an increase of the DC of any skill
and poor visibility. requiring fine motor skills by at least +5.
• Natural Weapons: Elder harts can attack twice each round • No Weapons: Elder harts cannot use any
with their hooves for 1d3 points of damage. Male harts conventional weapon, though it is conceivable some
also have sharp antlers with which they can gore for 1d6 weapon could be devised for one.
points of damage. • Inconvenient Shape: Elder harts must wear barding
instead of armor. Anything else the creature wears
has to be specially crafted and costs at least 25%
• Automatic Languages: Sylvan
• Bonus Languages: Common, Elven, and
• Favored Class: Ranger.
• ECL: +2 (counting starting HD).
Eyes of the Beast (Su): At will, the beast lord can scry on any
n the world of spirits there exist paragons of animals and
animal or beast of its specific species as a 20th-level sorcerer.
beasts—the guiding spirits of whole species or animal
Fast Healing (Ex): Beast lords heal hit point damage
groups. These manifestations are accorded semi-divine
at a rate equal to one-third of their HD per round. Unlike
status, like celestials and elemental lords. Some beast lords
normal fast healing, the beast lord can regrow lost limbs in
dwell on specific planes, while others have their own courts
3d6 minutes, but not reattach them.
in the world of spirit. There is usually only one beast lord for
Spell Resistance (Ex): Beast lords have an SR equal to
each animal type, but sometimes there are multiple examples
10 plus one-half of their HD.
with disparate alignments and abilities. Some beast lords are
Saves: All of the beast lords saves are recalculated
worshipped by humanoids of various types and for a variety
as if each category was always a “good” save (like an
of reasons, propelling the beast lord into divine status.
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows:
Appearance Changes Intelligence +6, Wisdom +6, Charisma +6.
A beast lord is a tremendously large manifestation of its kind. Organization: Usually solitary, though it may be
Its eyes sparkle with intelligence and metaphysical power, and encountered with normal or dire animals.
it may wear jewelry, or have other accoutrements, according to CR: Base creature’s CR +10 + 20%.
its preferences. Treasure: Double standard.
Alignment: Usually neutral. Beast lords are rarely
Creating a Beast Lord lawful, but if there is an evil one, there is usually a good one
“Beast Lord” is a template that can be applied to any creature as well.
that already has the Elder Beast and Spirit template applied Advancement: As an outsider, but with HD limited
to it (hereafter referred to as the “base creature”). The base to those of a dire animal of the creature’s type. Beast lords
creature must be of at least Large size and 20 HD (increase may also acquire character classes.
to this level if it’s not) and always has the materialization and ECL: N/A. Beast lords are demi-gods and almost
rejuvenation special attributes as a spirit. The creature’s type universally unsuitable for PC use.
changes to “Outsider” and it retains all of its subtypes,
gaining subtypes appropriate to its alignment. It uses all of Sample Beast Lord
the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as This example uses a 40 HD Gargantuan dire tiger (Strength
noted here. 30 at Huge size, Wisdom 13, Charisma 12) as the base
Hit Dice: Increase die type to d12. creature.
AC: Natural armor improves by +8.
Special Attacks: The beast lord retains all of the Kaavaak, Lord of Noble Tigers
base creature’s special attacks and gains the following: Gargantuan Outsider (Spirit, Incorporeal, Good)
Beast Loyalty (Ex): At will, the beast lord may Hit Dice: 40d12+200 (460 hp)
command animals or beasts of its specific species as if Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
using the dominate animal spell cast by a sorcerer of the beast Speed: 50 ft.
lord’s HD. There is no limit to the number of creatures so AC: 30 (–4 size, +2 Dex, +4 deflection, +18 natural)
controlled. This ability supercedes the dominate kin ability from materialized, 20 (–4 size, +2 Dex, +6 deflection, +6 Cha)
the elder beast template. manifested
Spells (Sp): Beast lords cast spells as a 20th-level Flat-footed: 28 materialized, 18 manifested
spellcaster of any one class (your choice) besides one that Touch: 12 materialized, 20 manifested
must be devoted to a deity. Most common are druid and Attacks: 2 claws +54 melee, bite +52 melee
sorcerer (or shaman). The beast lord requires no material Damage: Claw 2d6+14/crit 19-20, bite 2d8+14/crit 19-20
components for its spells. Face/Reach: 20 ft. by 50 ft./15 ft.
Special Qualities: The beast lord retains all of the Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake (2d6+14),
base creature’s special qualities and gains the following: beast loyalty, spells, manifestation, materialization, spirit
Alternate Forms (Su): At will, the beast lord can touch
assume the form of a Medium-sized or smaller humanoid or Special Qualities: Scent, alternate form, detect spirits, DR
of an animal of its own species (any size desired, up to the 20/+3 or dire bear claws, eyes of the beast, fast healing 13,
greatest dire example). This works as a shapechange spell cast speech, SR 30, turn resistance +10 (not against shamans)
by a 20th-level druid, but the beast lord can remain in one of Saves: Fort +27, Ref +24, Will +27
its alternate forms as long as desired and change back into its Abilities: Str 38, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 22
normal form as a standard action. Skills: Hide +4*, Jump +15, Knowledge (arcana) +14,
Damage Reduction (Ex): All beast lords have DR 20/ Knowledge (nature) +16, Listen +12, Move Silently +16,
+3. Some specific beast lords are vulnerable to some other Spot +12, Swim +17
material as well. Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Expertise, Great
Cleave, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Critical (bite),
Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack shapechange spell cast by a 20th-level druid, but the beast lord
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground can remain in one of its alternate forms as long as desired
Organization: Solitary and change back into its normal form as a standard action.
CR: 25 Beast Loyalty (Ex): At will, Kaavaak may command
Alignment: Neutral good any tiger as if using the dominate animal spell cast by a 40th-
Advancement: To 48 HD as an outsider, or by character class. level sorcerer. There is no limit to the number of tigers so
Kaavaak is a tremendous, striped cat of regal and haughty bearing. Detect Spirits (Su): At will, as a move-equivalent
He resides in the Ethereal of a remote, southern jungle on the action, Kaavaak can choose to see other spirits in an area
side of an ancient volcano. Propitiated to garner his protection (including incorporeal or ethereal undead, despite invisibility).
from wicked creatures (especially rakshasas, which the The Lord Kaavaak cannot see other creatures under invisibility spells or
of Noble Tigers hates), Kaavaak is held as an icon of bravery and similar effects, only spirits.
nobility by local warriors. He is often depicted crowned with a ruby Eyes of the Beast (Su): At will, Kaavaak can scry on
the size of a human head (or larger). any tiger as a 20th-level sorcerer.
Possessions: Kaavaak’s Crown Ruby Incorporeal (Ex): When in this state, Kaavaak can
only be harmed by other incorporeal creatures, by +1 or
Combat better weapons, or by spells, spell-like effects, or supernatural
Kaavaak is circumspect in battle. He measures his opponents effects. He is immune to all non-magical attack forms. In
carefully, and judiciously uses all of his abilities to take out the addition, he is not burned by normal fires, affected by natural
strongest among them first. The Lord of Noble Tigers shows cold, or harmed by mundane acids. Even when struck by
mercy and pity when his foes deserve it. magic or magic weapons, Kaavaak has a 50% chance to
Pounce (Ex): If Kaavaak leaps upon a foe during the first ignore any damage from a corporeal source—except for a
round of combat, he can make a full attack even if he has force effect. Kaavaak’s physical attacks ignore
already taken a move action. material armor when he is incorporeal, even magic
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, armor, unless it is made of force or has
Kaavaak must hit with his bite attack. If he gets the ghost touch ability. Kaavaak can move
a hold, he can rake. in any direction (including up or down)
Rake (Ex): Kaavaak can make two rake at will—he does not need to walk on the
attacks with his hind legs at his full attack ground and can pass through solid objects
bonus against a held creature for 2d6+14 at will, although he cannot see when his
damage each. If Kaavaak pounces on an eyes are within solid matter. Kaavaak is
opponent, he can also rake. able to pass through and operate in water
Alternate Forms (Su): At will, Kaavaak can as easily as he can in air, he cannot fall or
assume the form of a Medium-sized or smaller
humanoid or of a tiger (any size desired, up to
the greatest dire example). Kaavaak has also
perfected the technique of appearing as a calico
or orange-striped cat or kitten. This works as a
suffer falling damage, and has no weight in a material sense. New Minor Artifact
Kaavaak does not leave footprints, has no scent, and makes Kaavaak’s Crown Ruby: The ruby Kaavaak wears was
no noise unless he manifests, and even then they only if he granted to him by the Lord of the Heavens, and functions
makes noise intentionally. Corporeal creatures cannot trip or as a gem of seeing (divine) and a crystal ball with all possible
grapple Kaavaak. powers. The artifact grants the Lord of the Noble Tigers
Manifestation (Su): As an ethereal creature, Kaavaak a +6 deflection bonus to AC in all forms that stacks with
cannot affect or be affected by anything in the material world. his Charisma bonus. It changes size from Medium size
When he manifests, Kaavaak becomes visible, but remains (6 ft. in diameter) to Fine (3 in. in diameter) at Kaavaak’s
incorporeal. However, Kaavaak can strike with any touch whim. Further, the artifact can create up to 3 gems of seeing at
attack or a ghost touch weapon he possesses. When manifested, Kaavaak’s command—the created gems can be recalled at
Kaavaak remains on the Ethereal Plane but can be attacked by any time to the crown ruby.
opponents on both the Material and Ethereal planes (though
he remains incorporeal). When Kaavaak is on the Ethereal
Plane, his spells cannot affect targets on the Material Plane,
but they work normally against ethereal targets. When he
manifests, his spells continue to affect ethereal targets and can
affect targets on the Material Plane normally.
Materialization (Su): By taking a full round action,
Kaavaak can become fully corporeal (losing the benefits
of incorporeality) like a normal creature on the Material
Plane. When he materializes, he has all of its normal
physical attributes and interacts with the Material Plane and
its contents like a normal denizen of that plane. He also
interacts with the Ethereal Plane as if he were a material
being. Kaavaak can dematerialize, going back to manifested or
ethereal, as a standard action.
Rejuvenation (Su): Kaavaak cannot be killed as long
as neutral or good tigers exist in the world. So long as these
animals do exist, Kaavaak restores himself in 2d4 days after
being “destroyed”. Even the most powerful spells are only
temporary solutions.
Spells (Sp): Kaavaak casts spells as a 20th-level druid.
He may cast without material components.
Spirit Touch (Su): Kaavaak can attack material beings
while incorporeal (not ethereal), and may attack incorporeal
beings while materialized, adding his Dexterity bonus to the
attack roll, and rolling normal damage, replacing his Strength
modifier with his Charisma modifier. He may also use its
touch spells against material beings while incorporeal.
Skills: Kaavaak receives a +4 racial bonus to Hide
and Move Silently checks. *In areas of tall grass or heavy
undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +8. (Gargantuan
size grants –12 to Hide.)
ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the bladed
laded horrors are hideous creatures that were magically
horror’s Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round).
altered to have two or more of their natural appendages
Wounding (Ex): A creature struck by a bladed
removed (usually the arm from the elbow down or, more
horror’s appendage bleeds for 1 point of damage per round
rarely, the leg from the knee down) and replaced by long, sharp,
thereafter. Multiple wounds from the weapon(s) result in
steel blades. Often created by unscrupulous wizards or clerics as a
cumulative bleeding (two wounds for 2 points of damage per
mad experiment, bladed horrors become embittered abominations
round, and so on). The bleeding can only be stopped by a
that prowl the earth, looking to inflict as much suffering on others
successful Heal check (DC 15) or the application of any spell
as they have endured themselves.
that cures wounds (like cure light wounds).
Sneak Attack (Ex): Any time the bladed horror’s
Appearance Changes target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether
Bladed horrors are distorted forms of the creatures they used to the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the
be, with two or more of their appendages removed and replaced bladed horror flanks the target, the bladed horror’s attack
by long, sharp metallic blades. The types of blades vary depending deals extra damage. The extra damage is +1d6 plus 1d6 per
on the design of the bladed horror or whatever sharp weaponry 2 HD the bladed horror possesses. Should the bladed horror
was available at the time of the grafting. Bladed horrors also have score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not
slightly twisted countenances—a poignant reminder of the anguish multiplied.
involved in their creation. A bladed horror can only sneak attack a living
creature with a discernible anatomy. Any creature that is
Creating a Bladed Horror immune to critical hits is also not vulnerable to sneak attacks.
“Bladed Horror” is a template that can be added to any corporeal The bladed horror must be able to see the target well enough
creature, which possess at least two limbs, except dragons (referred to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach a vital
to hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming the template, spot. The bladed horror cannot sneak attack while striking a
the base creature’s type and subtype do not change. A bladed horror creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature
uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities whose vitals are beyond reach.
except as noted below. Special Qualities: A bladed horror has all the
Hit Dice: Hit Die type increases by one type (up to a special qualities of the base creature, plus the following:
maximum of d12). Damage Reduction (Ex): A bladed horror has damage
Speed: Climb, swim, and burrowing speeds are reduced by reduction 5/+3.
half. Darkvision (Ex): All bladed horrors can see in non-
AC: A bladed horror gains a +2 deflection bonus to magical darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s
Armor Class. range, whichever is better.
Attacks: A bladed horror has two or more blade attacks in Spell Resistance (Ex): Bladed horrors have SR 5 +
place of all of the creature’s regular armed, unarmed and/or natural their Hit Dice.
attacks, except biting attacks. See Special Attacks below for details. Immunities (Ex): Bladed horrors are immune to fear
Damage: The bladed horror’s blades inflict claw damage and insanity spells and effects.
as if the creature were two sizes larger for its type. Optionally, the Saves: Bladed horrors gain a permanent +4
blades do claw damage as if the creature were one size category inherent bonus to their Fortitude and Will saves, having
larger, and the creature may gain the Weapon Finesse (appendages) survived the intense physical and psychological trauma of
feat. being altered from their original form.
Special Attacks: A bladed horror retains the special Feats: Bladed horrors gain the Multiattack,
attacks of the base creature and gains the following: Two-weapon Fighting or Multiweapon Fighting, and
Bladed Appendages (Ex): The bladed horror’s altered Ambidexterity or Multidexterity feats, whether or not the
physiology replaces natural (or unarmed) attacks from one or more creature qualifies.
limbs with a corresponding number of blade attacks. Creatures Alignment: The trauma of the bladed horror’s
altered in such a manner suffer a permanent –6 circumstance captivity and torture moves the creature’s alignment one step
penalty to all Climb checks (–10 if climbing ropes) and lose the towards chaotic and one step towards evil. For example, a
ability to cast any spells requiring somatic components if the base neutral good creature becomes chaotic neutral. Any abilities
creature had spellcasting ability. The base creature suffers a –5 that depend on alignment are lost, if the base creature’s
circumstance penalty to all skills and endeavors requiring manual alignment changes to one not allowed by the ability.
dexterity. CR: Base creature’s CR +2 + 10% (maximum +4).
Augmented Criticals (Ex): A bladed horror’s appendages are ECL: +4.
treated as keen weapons, scoring a critical threat on a roll of 19-20.
A successful critical hit deals triple damage.
Magic Blades (Su): Once per day, a bladed horror can
magically enchant its bladed appendages as if by a greater magic
weapon spell cast by a sorcerer of the bladed horror’s HD. This
Sample Bladed Horror Augmented Criticals (Ex): A bladed horror ettercap’s appendages are
This example uses an ettercap for the base creature. treated as keen weapons, scoring a critical threat on a roll of 19-20.
A successful critical hit deals triple damage.
Bladed Horror Ettercap Magic Blades (Su): Once per day, a bladed horror ettercap
Medium-sized Aberration can magically enchant its bladed appendages as if by a greater magic
Hit Dice: 5d10+5 (32 hp) weapon spell cast by a 5th-level sorcerer. This ability grant’s the
Initiative: +3 (Dex) bladed horror ettercap’s weapons a +1 enhancement bonus to
Speed: 30 ft., climb 15 ft. attack and damage rolls for 5 hours.
AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +2 deflection); 13 flat-footed, 15 Wounding (Ex): A creature struck by the appendages of a
touch bladed horror ettercap will bleed for 1 point of damage per round
Attacks: Bite +3 melee, 2 blades +4 melee; or 2 blades +6 thereafter. Multiple wounds from the weapon(s) result in cumulative
melee, bite +1 melee bleeding (two wounds for 2 points of damage per round, and so
Damage: Bite 1d8 and poison, blades 1d6/crit 19-20/x3 on). The bleeding can only be stopped by a successful Heal check
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. (DC 15) or the application of any spell that cures wounds (like cure
Special Attacks: Web, poison, bladed appendages, light wounds).
augmented criticals, magic blade, wounding, sneak attack Sneak Attack (Ex): Any time the
+3d6 bladed horror ettercap’s target
Special Qualities: DR 5/+3, SR 10, immunities, would be denied a Dexterity bonus
darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision to AC (whether the target actually has
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +10 a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, bladed horror ettercap flanks the target,
Int 6, Wis 15, Cha 8 the bladed horror ettercap’s attack
Skills: Climb +2, Craft (any deals an extra +2d6 in sneak
one) +2, Hide +3*, Listen attack damage. Should the
+10, Spot +10* bladed horror ettercap score a
Feats: Multiattack, critical hit with a sneak attack,
Ambidexterity, Two- this extra damage is not
Weapon Fighting, multiplied.
Weapon Finesse The bladed
(blades) horror ettercap can
Climate/Terrain: only sneak attack a
Temperate and living creature with a
warm forests discernible anatomy. Any
Organization: creature that is immune to critical
Solitary, pair, or troupe hits is also not vulnerable to sneak
(1-2 plus 2-4 Medium-size attacks. The bladed horror ettercap
monstrous spiders) must be able to see the target well enough
CR: 5 to pick out a vital spot and must be able
Treasure: Standard to reach a vital spot. The bladed horror
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil ettercap cannot sneak attack while striking
Advancement: 6-7 HD a creature with concealment or striking
(Medium-size); 8-15 HD (Large) the limbs of a creature whose vitals are
beyond reach.
Combat Web (Ex): A bladed horror
Bladed horror ettercaps ettercap can cast a web eight times
are not brave creatures, but per day. This is similar to an attack with
their cunning traps often ensure that the enemy a net but has a maximum range of 50 ft.,
never draws a weapon. When a bladed horror ettercap does with a range increment of 10 ft., and is effective against targets of
engage its enemies, it attacks with its keen-edged blades and up to Medium-size (see the PHB, Chapter 7, Equipment for details
venomous bite. It prefers to entangle its opponents with it on net attacks). The web anchors the target in place, allowing no
web ability and then move in closer to attack with its blades, movement. An entangled creature can escape with a successful
getting sneak attack damage whenever possible. Escape Artist check (DC 20) or burst the web with a successful
Bladed Appendages (Ex): The bladed horror ettercap’s Strength check (DC 26). The web has 6 hit points and takes double
altered physiology replaces its claw attacks with two blade damage from fire. Bladed horror ettercaps can also create sheets of
attacks. Bladed horror ettercaps suffer a permanent –6 penalty sticky webbing from 5 to 60 ft. square. They usually position these
to all Climb checks (–10 if climbing ropes) and a –5 penalty to snare flying creatures but can also try to trap prey on the ground.
to all other skills and endeavors requiring manual dexterity. Approaching creatures must succeed at a Spot check (DC 20) to
notice a web or stumble into it and become trapped as though by
a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing
receive a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk Sharp Bones (Ex): When struck by unarmed or natural attacks,
on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot-square section has 6 hit the sharp bones of the razorbone horror do slashing damage
points and takes double damage from fire. A bladed horror ettercap to the attacker as per a claw attack of a creature on size
can move across its own sheet web at its climb speed and can smaller than the razorbone horror. If the razorbone horror
determine the exact location of any creature touching the web. successfully grapples an opponent, it inflicts this damage each
Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 13); initial damage round in addition to normal grappling damage.
1d6 temporary Dexterity, secondary damage 2d6 temporary Special Qualities: Instead of the damage reduction
Dexterity. and immunities qualities of the bladed horror, a razorbone
Skills: *Bladed horror ettercaps in shadow receive a +4 horror gains the following:
racial bonus to Hide and Spot checks. Immunities: The razorbone horror is immune to all
mind-affecting spells and abilities.
Variant Horrors Damage Reduction: A non-undead razorbone horror’s
Two microplates appear below for adding morbid twists to the basic tortured mind and madness allow it to ignore small wounds.
bladed horror. It gains DR 3/—, which stacks with any other DR that
cannot be overcome (such as that from the barbarian class).
Bludgeoning Horror Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows:
Some creatures are fitted with blunt, club-like appendages, creating Charisma –6.
the variant known as the bludgeoning horror. Modify the bladed Alignment: A razorbone horror is always chaotic
horror as follows: neutral or chaotic evil, unless the base creature has no
Damage: The mace-like appendages of a bludgeoning Intelligence score. In that case, the creature is neutral or its
horror do slam damage as if the bludgeoning horror were its normal alignment (whichever is worse).
normal type, but two sizes larger than it really is. Alternatively, the
slam can do damage as if the horror were one size category larger
than it really is, allowing the creature to gain the Weapon Finesse
(appendages) feat.
Special Attacks: Instead of the bladed appendages, wounding,
and augmented critical abilities of the bladed horror, a bludgeoning
horror gains the following:
Bludgeoning Appendages (Ex): The bludgeoning horror’s
altered physiology replaces one or more natural (or unarmed)
attacks from a base creature’s limbs with a corresponding number
of bludgeoning attacks. Creatures altered in such a manner suffer a
permanent –6 penalty to all Climb checks (–10 if climbing ropes)
and lose the ability to cast any spells requiring somatic components
if the base creature had spell-casting ability. The base creature
suffers a –5 circumstance penalty to all skills and endeavors
requiring manual dexterity.
Concussive Blow (Ex): On a successful critical hit, a
bludgeoning horror deals four times normal damage.
Razorbone Horror
A truly depraved creation is the razorbone horror. The victim’s
skin is flayed and peeled away from the bone on the limbs and
other strategic places. The exposed bones are then sharpened in a
grueling and excruciatingly painful ordeal known as “the honing”.
Living creatures subjected to this torture go utterly mad with the
agony and can no longer be dealt with in any rational way. Skeletons
and other skeletal undead make excellent razorbone horrors and do
not suffer the effects of insanity. This microplate may be added to
any creature with a definite skeletal structure and differs from the
bladed horror in the following ways:
Special Attacks: Instead of the wounding attack of the
bladed horror, a razorbone horror gains the following:
Honed Edges (Ex): Razorbone horror’s supernaturally
sharpened bones are able to overcome DR as if they were
B lighted thralls, or “failed ones”, are the remnants Special Qualities: A blighted thrall has all the special qualities of
of individuals who have undergone the grueling the base creature, plus the following:
trials of a specific deity and failed. Their minds and Damage Reduction (Ex): A blighted thrall has DR 5/+5.
bodies now fractured beyond repair, blighted thralls live on Detect Faithful (Su): A blighted thrall can automatically
as minions of the faith, serving any cleric that accepts them. detect the presence of a cleric or other religious authority of the
The spirits of these failed ones have been utterly broken by same faith as itself within 1 mile per point of Wisdom the thrall
the tremendous physical, mental, and emotional strain that still possesses. Upon detecting such an individual, if the blighted
accompanies such deific trials, but the body and tie to the thrall has no master, the creature seeks out the detected cleric and
religion has been strengthened. offers service—continuing to attend that individual until one or
The failed ones are driven only to serve their deity in the other is slain, or the blighted thrall’s assistance is rejected. If no
whatever manner they can, which generally involves physical clerics can be found within the range, or its services are refused, the
labor, temple defense, combat in an army, and similar chores blighted thrall moves on, seeking a new master.
that do not require a great deal of intelligence or original Immunities: Blighted thralls are immune to all mind-
thought. They are only capable of rudimentary tasks on their affecting spells and effects, as well as stunning and nauseating
own, such as eating, sleeping, and so forth, until they can effects (such as a ghast’s stench).
locate a master to serve. Blighted thralls obey all commands Implacable Warrior (Ex): A blighted thrall can continue to
given by their master without question or hesitation. fight and function normally until it reaches –10 hit points, at which
point the creature dies.
Magic Loss (Ex): If the base creature had spell-like abilities
Appearance Changes
and/or levels in an arcane or divine spell-casting class, it loses those
Blighted thralls have a defeated countenance and dull, almost
abilities. However, it retains all other features of the spellcasting
soulless eyes. Their posture is generally hunched and their
class besides a familiar.
bodies are often covered with horrific scars or other apparent
Halted Level Advancement: Blighted thralls lose much of
signs of the trials that they have endured.
their personal will and ability for independent thought. If a blighted
thrall possesses character levels at the time it is created, it retains the
Creating a Blighted Thrall abilities gained from those levels (if any), but can no longer advance
“Blighted Thrall” is a template that can be added to any by character class.
creature that might serve a god, usually excluding non- Saves: Blighted thralls gain a +4 racial bonus to their
sentient creatures, constructs, and oozes (referred to hereafter Fortitude saves.
as the “base creature”). After assuming the template, the base Abilities: Modify from base creature as follows: Strength
creature’s type and subtype do not change. A blighted thrall +2, Constitution +6, Intelligence –4 (minimum 3), Wisdom –4
uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special (minimum 3), Charisma –6 (minimum 3).
abilities except as noted below. Organization: Often solitary, but sometimes in gangs (2-
AC: Natural armor improves by +2. 12) or small groups usual to the base creature.
Special Attacks: A blighted thrall has all the special CR: Base creatures that lose significant spell abilities have
attacks of the base creature, plus the following: their CR reduced by 20-40%. Minimum CR is 1.
Inner Strength (Ex): A blighted thrall with at least 6 hit ECL: +2. Note that blighted thralls cannot gain any
points can temporarily increase its Strength score by 1 point additional character levels and would be better suited for NPCs,
for a number of rounds equal to 3 + its Constitution bonus such as cohorts or followers, in a typical adventuring party.
(minimum 3) by sacrificing 5 hit points. Hit points sacrificed
in this manner are treated as subdual damage (healing at a
rate equal to the blighted thrall’s HD per hour). The blighted Sample Blighted Thrall
thrall may sacrifice more than 5 hit points to gain additional This example uses an azer for the base creature.
points of Strength (that is, 10 hp for +2 Str, 15 hp for +3 Str,
and so on), so long as the creature has at least one hit point Unkindled (Blighted Thrall Azer)
remaining after expending the others. Medium-size Outsider (Fire, Lawful)
Strike of Retribution (Su): Three times per day, the Hit Dice: 2d8+8 (17 hp)
blighted thrall can inflict extra damage with a melee attack Initiative: +1 (Dex)
on an opponent of another faith. A successful attack inflicts Speed: 30 ft.
double damage, as if it were a critical strike (but is not a AC: 21 (+1 Dex, +8 natural, +2 large steel shield); 20 flat-footed,
critical strike for all other purposes). If the attack is actually a 11 touch
critical strike, the damage multiplier of the attack is increased Attacks: Warhammer +4 melee; or halfspear +3 ranged
by one. The strike of retribution must be declared prior to Damage: Warhammer 1d8+2/crit x3 and 1 fire; or halfspear
making the attack roll. If the attack misses, or accidentally 1d6+2/crit x3 and 1 fire
strikes a creature of the same faith as the thrall, that attempt Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
is wasted for the day. In the latter case, the attack deals normal Special Attacks: Heat, inner strength, strike of retribution
damage only.
Special Qualities: Detect faithful, DR 5/+5, SR 13, immunities, Immunities: The Unkindled are immune to all mind-affecting
implacable warrior, halted level advancement, fire subtype spells and effects, as well as stunning and nauseating effects
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +3 (such as a ghast’s stench).
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 3 Implacable Warrior (Ex): An Unkindled can continue
Skills: Climb +3, Craft (any one) +5, Hide –1, Listen +3, Search to fight and function normally until it reaches –10 hit points,
+3, Spot +4 at which point it dies.
Feats: Power Attack Halted Level Advancement: If an Unkindled possesses
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground character levels at the time it is created, it retains the abilities
Organization: Solitary, pair, or team (2-4) gained from those levels (if any), but can no longer advance
CR: 2 by character class.
Treasure: Standard coins; double goods (nonflammables only);
standard items (nonflammables only)
Alignment: Always lawful neutral
Advancement: —
The Unkindled use broad-headed spears or well-crafted hammers
in combat. When unarmed, they attempt to grapple foes. They wear
no armor, for their tough skin provides ample protection.
Heat (Ex): The bodies of the Unkindled are intensely hot,
so their unarmed attacks deal additional fire damage. Their metallic
weapons also conduct this heat.
Inner Strength (Ex): An Unkindled with at least 6 hit points
can temporarily increase its Strength score by 1 point for 7 rounds
by sacrificing 5 hit points. Hit points sacrificed in this manner are
treated as subdual damage. The Unkindled may sacrifice more than
5 hit points to gain additional points of Strength (that is, 10 hp for
+2 Str, 15 hp for +3 Str, and so on), so long as the creature has at
least one hit point remaining after expending the others.
Strike of Retribution (Su): Three times per day, an Unkindled
can inflict extra damage with a melee attack on an opponent
of another faith. A successful attack inflicts double damage, as
if it were a critical strike (but is not a critical strike for all other
purposes). If the attack is actually a critical strike, the damage
multiplier of the attack is increased by one. The strike of retribution
must be declared prior to making the attack roll. If the attack
misses, or accidentally strikes a creature that worships Yauzhed,
that attempt is wasted for the day. In the latter case, the attack deals
normal damage only.
Detect Faithful (Su): An Unkindled can automatically detect
the presence of a cleric of Yauzhed within 8 miles. Upon detecting
such an individual, if the Unkindled has no master, the creature
seeks out the detected cleric and offers service—continuing
to attend that individual until one or the other is slain, or the
Unkindled’s assistance is rejected. If no clerics can be found within
the range, or its services are refused, the Unkindled moves on,
seeking a new master.
O racles, great seers of the future and the supernatural, Sample Blind Oracle
exist among virtually every race in the world. Their This example uses a centaur as the base creature. Libran’s ability
communities consider them paragons of wisdom scores were (Strength 11, Dexterity 9, Constitution 11, Intelligence
and conduits for divine guidance. In order to tune out the 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 14). Centaurs have Strength +8, Dexterity
distractions of the world around them, and show their +4, Constitution +4, Intelligence –2, and Wisdom +2 as racial
dedication to their deity or powerful extraplanar entity, oracles ability modifiers. Libran used both ability increases due to level
are either struck blind by the divine beings they serve, or they to add to Charisma and has a further penalty of –1 to Strength,
blind themselves through elaborate and painful rituals. Constitution, and Dexterity and bonus of +1 to Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma due to age.
Appearance Changes
Blind oracles look exactly like a typical member of their Libran the Centaur Seer (Blind Oracle)
race, except their eyes are often milky white in color with Female centaur Drd 10
no discernible retina or iris. In rare cases, an aspiring oracle Large Monstrous Humanoid
plucks out his or her eyes in order to receive the knowledge Hit Dice: 14d8+28 (91 hp)
from beyond the physical world. Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 50 ft.
AC: 20 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +2 natural, +4 hartskin shirt, +4 insight);
Creating a Blind Oracle
19 flat-footed, 14 touch
“Blind Oracle” is a template that can be added to any fey,
Attacks: Heavy lance +16/+11 melee, 2 hooves +10 melee
humanoid, or monstrous humanoid (referred to hereafter as
Damage: Heavy lance 1d8+7/crit x3, hoof 1d6+2
the “base creature”). Most are advanced and wise spellcasters,
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
though this ability is occasionally bestowed on a lesser
Special Attacks: Spells
creature. After assuming the template, the base creature’s type
Special Qualities: Blindsight 140 ft., SR 13 (from armor), animal
and subtype do not change. Unless otherwise noted, in this
companions, immunities, nature sense, powers of precognition,
template HD stands for Hit Dice plus any character levels
resist nature’s lure, trackless step, wildshape (4/day), woodland
the creature possesses. A blind oracle creature uses the base
creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities except
Saves: Fort +10, Reflex +8, Will +16
as noted below.
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 23, Cha 17
AC: A blind oracle gains a +4 insight bonus to AC,
Skills: Concentration +12, Diplomacy +6, Heal +13, Hide +4,
sensing danger before it comes.
Knowledge (nature) +11, Knowledge (planes) +3, Knowledge
Special Qualities: A blind oracle has all the special
(religion) +6, Listen +13, Move Silently +6, Profession (herbalist)
qualities of the base creature, plus the following:
+11, Spellcraft +6, Spot +9, Swim +3, Wilderness Lore +11
Blindsight (Ex): A blind oracle has blindsight with a
Feats: Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, Power Attack, Weapon
range of 10 ft. per HD the creature possesses.
Focus (hoof)
Immunities (Ex): A blind oracle is immune to all gaze
CR: 14
attacks, as well as spells that rely on visual effects.
Alignment: Neutral
Powers of Precognition (Sp): Relying on a “mystical
sense” about things that would ordinarily be hidden and to
Libran is a centaur with long hair beginning to grey with age—her
see things with the mind’s eye, a blind oracle has the following
eyes are usually closed, but show white when open. She dresses
spell-like abilities: at will—augury, sanctuary, shield of faith; 5/
simply, in cured skins and worked leather, and maintains a humble
day—speak with dead, speak with plants, divination; 1/day—true
home in a cave deep in a forest inhabited mostly by fey and rare
seeing, scrying; 1/month—commune, commune with nature, find the
animals, which all love the aging centaur. Beautiful of form and
path, lesser planar ally. Caster level is as a cleric of a level equal
noble in bearing, Libran’s looks are legendary among nearby centaur
to the creature’s HD.
tribes, but few are brave enough to seek her for just a peek.
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows:
Despite her apparent allure, the centaur seer is celibate,
Intelligence +2, Wisdom +6.
conserving such energies for spiritual growth. She is arcane in her
Skills: All Knowledge skills are treated as class skills.
speech and favors no particular creature or person with her insights.
Organization: Blind oracles are often solitary, or they are
Service is usually required of those who seek her counsel, and
unique individuals among normal members of the base
Libran has been known to aid all sorts of beings who complete
creature type.
assigned tasks. Truth be told, though, the wise oracle is not above
CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
stacking the odds against wicked petitioners. Libran speaks Celestial,
ECL: +2.
Druidic, Elven, and Sylvan (and would not speak the Common
tongue if she knew it).
Possessions: hartskin armor (+2 leather armor of spell resistance—SR 13), Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Libran has a +4 bonus to saving
+2 heavy lance, +2 sling of goblinoid bane, herb bag (medicinal herbs, throws against the spell-like abilities of fey.
potion of cure moderate wounds (5), potion of lesser restoration, potion of Trackless Step (Su): Libran leaves no trail in natural
delay poison (2), potion of neutralize poison, potion of swimming), dust of surroundings and cannot be tracked.
illusion, horn of fog, jewelry (1,000 gp), bags (Included in skills: 33 Wild Shape (Sp): Libran has the ability to polymorph
lbs./–6 to Swim). self into a Small or Medium-size animal (but not a dire
animal) and back 4/day. Unlike the standard use of the spell,
Combat however, she may only adopt one form. The centaur seer
Libran retreats when threatened, using spells to cover her passing. regains 10 hit points when changing form. Libran does not
She dispatches determined foes with the aid of her own formidable risk the standard penalty for being disoriented while in the
battle prowess and magic, along with the summoning of woodland wild shape.
allies. Woodland Stride (Su): Libran may move through
Druid Spells Prepared (6/6/6/4/4/3; base save DC 16 + natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain
spell level): 0—create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic, detect poison, at normal speed and without suffering damage or other
purify food and drink, resistance; 1st—entangle (x2), goodberry, obscuring mist impairment. Magically manipulated plants still affect her.
(x2), summon nature’s ally I; 2nd—animal messenger, barkskin, heat metal, Skills: Libran has –4 to Hide due to her size.
lesser restoration, speak with animals, tree shape; 3rd—call lightning, cure
moderate wounds, speak with plants, summon nature’s ally III; 4th—dispel
magic, freedom of movement, sleet storm, spike stones; 5th—ice storm, insect
plague, tree stride.
Animal Companions: Libran may have an animal or animals
of up to 20 HD with her when in her home, or 10 HD when
traveling. These companions are befriended with the animal friendship
Immunities (Ex): Libran is immune to all
gaze attacks, as well as spells that rely on visual
effects. She is also immune to all organic
poisons, including monster poisons, but not
mineral poisons or poison gas.
Nature Sense (Ex): Libran can identify
plants and animals (their species and special
traits) with perfect accuracy and determine
whether water is safe to drink or
Powers of Precognition (Sp):
Relying on a “mystical sense” about
things that would ordinarily be hidden
and to see things with the mind’s eye, Libran has
the following spell-like abilities: at will—augury,
sanctuary, shield of faith; 5/day—speak with dead, speak
with plants, divination; 1/day—true seeing, scrying; 1/
month—commune, commune with nature, find the path,
lesser planar ally. She casts these
spells as a 14th-level cleric.
I n fantasy realms, as in any mundane reality, there are
things that are made well and things that are not. The
craft of constructing golems and other artificial forms
of life has the same degree of variability in quality that
woodworking, weaponsmithing, or any other craft does. It is
Decreased Damage Resistance (Ex): Ablative constructs have only half
their normal damage threshold for DR and –1 to the enhancement
bonus required to bypass that DR. (minimum +1).
Decreased Magic Immunity (Ex): Ablative constructs of a
stock normally immune to spells are only immune to spells of a
far easier and less expensive to produce flawed products than level equal or lower than one-third of the construct’s total HD
properly made ones. This template simulates one possible (round to the closest whole number). All other spells affect them
type of poorly made construct. normally, limited only by the creature’s type and material.
Decreased Spell Resistance (Ex): Ablative constructs from a
Appearance Changes base creature with SR lose 20% (round up) of that SR.
An ablative construct does not differ in appearance from a Fast Healing/Regeneration Loss (Ex): If the base creature
normal construct. has fast healing, the value is halved (round down, minimum
0—meaning loss of the ability). If the creature had regeneration, it
loses that ability and instead gains fast healing at a rate equal to the
Creating an Ablative Construct regeneration.
“Ablative” is a template that can be added to any construct Abilities: Reduce the base creature’s physical abilities by
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). Ablative 10% (round to the closest whole number).
constructs are made by taking a number of short cuts to CR: Reduce base creature’s CR by 20%. Round up or
reduce the time, cost, and requisite skill level during the down as preferred.
creation process. After assuming the template, the base Advancement: Start at the construct’s new HD +1, and
creature’s type and subtypes do not change. An ablative reduce the range of the highest step by 20% of the total possible
construct uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial advancement. For example, the shield guardian has a total of 30
special abilities except as noted below. dice in its advancement, so the highest possible HD of the ablative
Hit Dice: The base creature’s Hit Dice are reduced version is that of a normal shield guardian –6.
by 20%. ECL: –1.
AC: The base creature’s natural armor bonus is
reduced by 20%.
Special Attacks: An ablative construct loses one of Sample Ablative Constructs
the base creature’s special attack forms, allowing its creator to These examples use a shield guardian and a homunculus for the
eschew related spells such as cloudkill for an iron golem or slow base creatures.
for a stone golem.
Berserk (Ex): When an ablative construct enters Ablative Shield Guardian
combat, there is a cumulative 1% (2% for constructs already Large Construct
possessing the berserk special attack) chance each round Hit Dice: 12d10 (66 hp)
that its elemental spirit breaks free and goes berserk. The Initiative: +0
uncontrolled construct goes on a rampage, attacking the Speed: 30 ft.
nearest living creature or smashing some object smaller than AC: 20 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +12 natural); 20 flat-footed, 8 touch
itself if no creature is within reach, then moving on to spread Attacks: Slam +13/+8/+3 melee
more destruction. Once the construct goes berserk, only Damage: Slam 1d8+7
the spell reign construct (see below) can reestablish control. It Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
takes a minute of total inactivity to reset the golem’s berserk Special Qualities: Construct, shield other, fast healing 2, guard,
chance to 0%. find master
Special Qualities: An ablative construct has all the Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
special qualities of the base creature, plus the following: Abilities: Str 20, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1
Ablative Armor (Ex): For each multiple of five that Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
an attack roll exceeds the ablative construct’s Armor Class, Organization: Solitary
its natural armor bonus is reduced by one permanently. For CR: 6
example, an attack roll of 21 strikes an ablative flesh golem Treasure: None
with an AC of 16 (natural armor +8), reducing its AC to 15 Alignment: Always neutral
(natural armor +7). If the same construct is struck again on Advancement: 13-24 HD (Large); 25-39 HD (Huge)
a roll of 20, the AC is reduced to 14. If an attack roll of 24
is then made against the construct, its AC decreases by 2 to An ablative shield guardian, when fashioned, is keyed to a particular
12 (natural armor bonus of +4 remaining), and so on. An amulet. Henceforth, it regards the wearer of that amulet to be its
ablative construct’s natural armor bonus cannot be reduced master, protecting and following that person everywhere (unless
below +1. specifically commanded not to do so).
Combat Money spent is lost, but XP spent are not. The ablative shield
Ablative shield guardians obey their master’s commands in combat, guardian’s body can be reused, as can the chamber.
but otherwise act pragmatically. They usually attack by slamming Completing the ritual drains 1,400 XP from the
with their heavy fists creator and requires limited wish, locate object, make whole, shield,
Berserk (Ex): When an ablative shield guardian enters and shield other, which must be cast on the final day of the
combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance each round that its ritual. The creator must cast the spells personally, but they
elemental spirit breaks free and goes berserk. The uncontrolled can come from outside sources, such as scrolls.
construct goes on a rampage, attacking the nearest living creature
or smashing some object smaller than itself if no creature is within Ablative Homunculus
reach, then moving on to spread more destruction. Once the Tiny Construct
construct goes berserk, only the spell reign construct can reestablish Hit Dice: 2d10 (11 hp)
control. It takes a minute of total inactivity to reset the golem’s Initiative: +2 (Dex)
berserk chance to 0%. Speed: 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (good)
Shield Other (Sp): The wearer of the keyed amulet can AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 size); 12 flat-footed, 14 touch
activate this defensive ability if within 100 ft. of the ablative shield Attacks: Bite +1 melee
guardian. Just as the spell of the same name, this transfers to the Damage: Bite 1d4-2
guardian half the damage that would be dealt to the amulet wearer Face/Reach: 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./”0_ft.
(this ability does not provide the spell’s AC or save bonuses, but see Special Qualities: Construct
below). Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +0
Guard (Ex): The ablative shield guardian moves swiftly to Abilities: Str 7, Dex 14, Con —, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 6
defend the amulet wearer by its side, blocking blows and disrupting Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
foes. All attacks against the amulet wearer suffer a –2 deflection Organization: Solitary
penalty. CR: 1
Find Master (Su): No matter the distance, as long as they Treasure: None
are on the same plane, the ablative shield guardian can find the Alignment: Any (same as creator)
amulet wearer (or just the amulet, if it is removed after the guardian Advancement: 3-5 HD (Tiny)
is called).
Ablative Armor (Ex): For each multiple of five that an Combat
attack roll exceeds the ablative shield guardian’s Armor Class, its Ablative homunculi land on their victims and bite with their
natural armor bonus is reduced by one permanently (minimum small fangs.
natural armor bonus is +1). Berserk (Ex): When an ablative homunculus enters
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance each round that
disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, subdual its elemental spirit breaks free and goes berserk. The
damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive uncontrolled homunculus goes on a rampage, attacking the
damage. nearest living creature or smashing some object smaller than
itself if no creature is within reach, then moving on to spread
Construction more destruction. Once the homunculus goes berserk, only
An ablative shield guardian costs 70,000 gp to create. This cost the spell reign construct (see below) can reestablish control. It
includes the construct’s physical body, the keyed amulet, and all takes 1 minute of total inactivity to reset the homunculus’s
the materials and spell components that are consumed or become berserk chance to 0%.
a permanent part of them. This cost includes 700 gp for the body Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects,
and 350 gp for the amulet. poison, disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical
Creating the body requires a successful Profession hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death
(engineering) or Craft (sculpture) check (DC 14). from massive damage.
The second requirement is creating the keyed amulet from bronze,
which requires a successful Craft (metalworking) check (DC 10). Construction
After the body and amulet are fashioned, the creature A homunculus costs 70 gp to create, including 14 gp for
must be animated through an extended magical ritual that requires the body. This cost includes all the materials and spell
four days to complete. Understanding the ritual requires a 12th-level components that are consumed by or become a permanent
character with the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The creator must part of the creation. Creating the body requires a Craft
labor for at least 5 hours each day in a specially prepared laboratory (sculpture or masonry) check (DC of 10). After the body is
or workroom. The chamber is similar to both an alchemist’s sculpted, it is animated through an extended magical ritual
laboratory and a smithy and costs 700 gp to establish. that requires a 7th-level character with the Craft Wondrous
When not working on the ritual, the character must rest Item feat. This ritual requires a week to complete: The
and can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or creator must labor for at least 8 hours each day in a specially
talking. If personally constructing the creature’s body, the creator prepared laboratory or workroom, similar to an alchemist’s
can perform the building and ritual together. If the creator misses laboratory and costing 500 gp to establish. If the creator is
a day of the ritual, the process fails and must be started again. personally constructing the creature’s body, the building and
ritual can be performed together.
A character not actively working on the ritual must rest and master, whichever is higher. Should the Will save fail (and you
can perform no other activities except eating, sleeping, or overcome the construct’s spell resistance), the construct obeys you
talking. If he or she misses a day, the process fails, and the as if you were its master, overriding any other form of influence.
ritual must be started anew; any gp spent on the failed ritual is If some focus (such as a shield guardian’s amulet) is required to
lost (but not XP). The previously crafted body can be reused, use some of the construct’s abilities (like the shield guardian’s shield
as can the laboratory. other ability), you must posses the focus to access those abilities.
Completing the ritual requires casting arcane eye, The construct otherwise obeys your commands and treats you as its
mirror image, and mending on the final day of the ritual and master.
drains 18 XP from the creator. He or she must cast the spells Material Component: The caster needs one pound of the
personally, but they can come from outside sources, such as material from which the construct is constructed and a diamond
scrolls. worth 100 gp per HD of the construct to be appropriated. Both are
consumed by the spell.
Manufacturing an Ablative Construct XP Cost: The caster must pay one-quarter of the
When creating an ablative construct, the same requirements experience cost for creating the construct upon the spell’s
apply as for the base creature. However, all monetary, time, completion or any time within 24-hours of casting the spell. Until
and XP costs are reduced by 30% (round fractions down). In the experience is expended, the construct stands dormant and
addition, any requisite skill DCs are reduced by 2. unresponsive. An attack sends such a construct into a berserk state,
like that of an ablative construct or clay golem. If the experience is
not expended, the original master or set of orders regains control
New Spells after the 24 hours are up.
These spells are presented to expand the possibilities in
dealing with constructs. You may want to make all constructs
Bind Construct
vulnerable to these spells, as one of the few exceptions to
magic immunity.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Anti-Construct Ward Casting Time: 1 action
Abjuration Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Level: Brd 3, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Target: One construct
Components: V, S, DF Duration: Concentration + 1 round/level (D)
Casting Time: 1 action Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Range: Touch Spell Resistance: Yes
Target: One creature touched per level The targeted construct freezes in place, making a saving
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) throw each round to break the binding. Additionally, a construct
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text) may use its master’s Will save bonus if the master is within 60 ft. A
Spell Resistance: Yes bound construct is still aware and may activate any ability that does
Constructs cannot perceive the warded creatures not require motion, but cannot take any physical actions.
and act as if they are not there. Unintelligent constructs Material Component: A small amount of the material from
get no saving throw, unless their master is within 60 ft. and which the target construct is made. This component is pinched
can see the warded creatures—then the constructs use their between the fingers (or similar appendage) as the spell is cast.
master’s Will save bonus. Intelligent constructs get a saving
throw, using their own Will or that of their master (if the
Block Commands
master meets the distance/sight limitation above), whichever
is better. Any offensive action against the fooled construct
Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
ends the spell. This magic circumvents a construct’s magic
Components: V, S
immunity, because the spell is not cast on the construct itself.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Appropriate Construct Target: One creature
Transmutation Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Level: Sor/Wiz 9 Saving Throw: Will negates
Components: V, S, M, XP Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 action The target of this spell is cut off from any construct of
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) which it is the master. Victims so affected cannot give commands,
Target: One construct mental or otherwise, to controlled constructs. Further, a construct’s
Duration: Instantaneous special abilities that work through a link to its controller (such as a
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text) shield guardian’s shield other and guard qualities) cannot be utilized.
Spell Resistance: Yes The constructs react normally to their master other than this
You take permanent control of a construct from its communication problem.
rightful master (if any). To resist the spell the construct uses
its own Will save bonus, or that of its creator or legitimate
Exchange Minds Divine Material Components: A vial of sacred water and a
Transmutation diamond or crystal worth 5,000 gp.
Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7 Arcane Material Component: A 1-lb. piece of the
Components: V, S, DF, M material from which the construct is made and a diamond or
Casting Time: Two full rounds crystal worth 5,000 gp.
Range: Touch
Target: Creature controlling a construct Reign Construct
Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Abjuration
Saving Throw: Will negates Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Spell Resistance: Yes Components: V, S
The master of a construct has his sentience placed into Casting Time: 1 action
the target construct and can control that construct’s actions. His Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
body crumples to the floor, inert and helpless. The construct gains Target: One berserk construct
the master’s mental ability scores, skills, feats, Will save, and all other Duration: Instantaneous
mental abilities (such as spellcasting). The construct maintains all Saving Throw: Will negates
of its physical abilities and special powers, except that it becomes Spell Resistance: Yes
susceptible to mind-affecting spells for the duration of the master’s You cause the targeted construct to cease berserk
occupation (if the master is susceptible). activities and reset its berserk chance to 0%. This spell is only
When the spell expires, the consciousness of the master effective against berserk constructs, because the elemental
switches back into his body, and the construct’s back into its. If spirit animating them has broken free. It works against any
the caster’s body has been destroyed, he dies. If the construct is golem, including those whose Berserk ability reads “no known
destroyed while the master inhabits it, he also dies. Spells that raise method can reestablish control”. This is one such method.
the dead still affect the dead master and his body, according to their
rules. The construct is subject to the rules for that creature type. Usurp Construct
(The DM may allow this spell to be made permanent.) Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Mend Construct Components: V, S
Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action
Level: Brd 6, Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 7 Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Components: V, S Target: One construct
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Range: Touch Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Target: Construct touched Spell Resistance: Yes
Duration: Instantaneous You summon a superior elemental force that
Saving Throw: None temporarily dominates the one animating the targeted
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) construct. Any attempt to control a construct with HD
You completely repair the hit point damage to the totaling more than twice your level automatically fails. To
construct touched, so long as it has not been destroyed. It looks as resist the spell the construct uses its own Will save bonus, or
good as new. Construct magic immunity does not affect this spell. that of its creator or legitimate master, whichever is higher.
Should the Will save fail (and you overcome the construct’s
Rebuild spell resistance), the construct obeys you as if you were its
Conjuration (Healing) master, overriding any other form of influence. If some
Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 8 focus (such as the shield guardian’s amulet) is required to use
Components: V, S, M, DF, XP some of the construct’s abilities (like the shield guardian’s
Casting Time: 10 minutes shield other ability), you must posses the focus to access those
Range: Touch abilities. The construct otherwise obeys your commands.
Target: Destroyed construct touched An unfortunate side effect of this method of
Duration: Instantaneous control is that the construct is treated as a summoned
Saving Throw: None (see text) creature for the duration of the spell. Thus, protection from evil
Spell Resistance: No and similar spells are effective against the usurped construct.
You restore the body of a destroyed construct, and it sees Further, spells like dismissal and banishment act as a targeted
you as its master. Three-quarters of the construct must be intact for dispel magic against this effect, the latter spell providing +4 to
the spell to work, and it cannot have lain destroyed for more than the caster’s level check.
1 month per caster level. The construct returns with the Ablative
template, but is otherwise whole. A limited wish cast before this spell
can obviate the time limit, but only a wish can make the construct
more than ablative.
XP: You must pay 5% of the original XP cost to create
the construct.
K ith constructs are automatons created to resemble
living beings. They exceed their golem counterparts
in the realm of ability diversity, but fall short in
some other areas. Some kith constructs are easier to make,
because they are considerably smaller and less powerful than
Special Qualities: A kith construct can be made to have many of
the qualities of the base creature, with the same limitations as per
Special Attacks above, but always has the following:
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and to
poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects,
their large, humanoid-shaped cousins. The research and skill and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also
required to make such a creature is only slightly harder than works on objects or is harmless. Not subject to critical hits, subdual
that for the creation of other golems, with the size, type of damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, or the effects of
creature, and abilities the creator desires to add to the design massive damage.
the only real variables. Darkvision (Ex): Kith constructs can see in non-magical
darkness up to a range of 60 ft.
Appearance Changes Extra Hit Points (Ex): Kith constructs are magically
The appearance of a kith construct varies from breathtakingly augmented and get extra hit points based on their size according to
life-like to crude and ponderous, all depending on the skill of the chart below:
the creature’s creator.
Extra Hit
Size Points
Creating a Kith Construct Colossal 120
“Kith Construct” is a template that can be added to any Gargantuan 80
living, corporeal creature besides an ooze (referred to Huge 40
hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming the template, Large 20
the base creature’s type changes to “Construct”, and subtype Medium-size 10
information is eliminated. A kith construct uses the base Small 5
creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities except ≤ Tiny —
as noted below.
Hit Dice: Die type changes to d10. The HD total In addition, all kith construct constructs have the following special
of iron and stone kith constructs increases by two dice. All qualities based on their type:
dice due to character classes are lost.
Speed: Subtract 10 ft. from all modes of movement Clay
(minimum 10 ft.), besides flying. If the base creature can Damage Reduction (Ex): Clay kith have DR 10/+1.
fly, subtract 20 ft. from its flying speed (minimum 0 ft.) and Immunities: Clay kith are immune to cold and electricity
reduce the maneuverability class by two categories. Even then, damage.
the creation of the construct requires the addition of the fly Spell Resistance (Ex): Clay kith have SR 12 +1 per 2 HD.
spell (with normal cost for adding an ability to a construct Weapon Immunity (Ex): Clay kith are immune to damage
as indicated in Manufacturing a Construct in the Templates in the caused by slashing weapons, regardless of enchantment.
Game World chapter). Flight becomes a supernatural ability. If
the base creature can swim, it loses the ability entirely (unless Glass
it is wood kith), although it can still walk or fly through the Damage Reduction (Ex): Glass kith have DR 5/bludgeoning and +1.
water. Immunities: Glass kith are immune to cold and fire damage
AC: Change natural armor bonus to the factor listed separately. If cold and fire are applied immediately following one
on this chart: another (within 1 round), the glass kith takes damage from both
attacks (but is still allowed a saving throw against both).
Clay: +11 Spell Resistance (Ex): Glass kith have SR 12 + 1 per 2 HD.
Glass: +6 Translucency (Ex): A glass kith creature is naturally
Iron: +19 translucent, granting it a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks
Stone: +15 when standing motionless. In addition, this natural translucency
Wood: +9 makes them difficult to see during combat where vision is already
obscured. When the glass kith has a concealment miss chance due
Attacks: The kith construct’s base attack bonus is to some other factor (fog, darkness, and so on) all opponents of the
recalculated as if the creature was always of the Construct glass kith suffer an additional 10% miss chance.
type. Brittle (Ex): Glass kith are constructed of brittle material
Special Attacks: A kith construct has none of and take double damage from sonic-based attacks on a failed save.
the special attacks of the base creature, besides those that
simply make sense for the construct’s form. Other attacks Iron
may be added during the construction process for extra cost Damage Reduction (Ex): Iron kith have DR 15/+2.
(see Manufacturing a Construct in the Templates in the Game World
chapter). It never retains attacks from a character class.
Immunities: Iron kith are immune to cold, fire, and electricity damage. Alignment: Kith constructs are always neutral.
Spell Resistance (Ex): Iron kith have SR 15 + 1 per 2 HD. Advancement: Same range of possible
Rust Vulnerability (Ex): An iron kith is affected normally by construction as the base creature. Constructs do not actually
rust attacks (despite SR), like a rusting grasp spell or a rust monster’s advance, but can be constructed within any range the base
attack. creature possesses (or larger or smaller, utilizing the Gigantic
and Miniature templates).
Stone ECL: Varies by type:
Damage Reduction (Ex): Stone kith have DR 10/+2.
Immunities: Stone kith are immune to acid, cold, fire, and Clay: +7
electricity damage. Glass: +6
Spell Resistance (Ex): Stone kith have SR 15 +1 per 2 HD. Iron: +9
Weapon Immunity (Ex): A stone kith is immune to damage Stone: +8
caused by slashing weapons, regardless of enchantment. Wood: +5
Transmutation Vulnerability (Ex): A transmute rock to mud spell
inflicts 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to a Sample Kith Constructs
stone kith creature (despite SR). A successful Fortitude save halves Below are examples of the alternate kith construct creatures,
this damage. A transmute mud to rock spell has the opposite effect, each bearing the same name as its base creature.
repairing 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to
the stone kith. A stone to flesh spell, that overcomes SR, negates the Clay Kith Achaierai
stone kith’s special qualities for one round, making it vulnerable to Large Construct
normal attacks. Hit Dice: 6d10+20 (53 hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Wood Speed: 40 ft.
Damage Reduction (Ex): Wood kith have DR 5/+1. AC: 21 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +11 natural); 20 flat-footed, 10
Immunities: Wood kith are immune to cold damage. touch
Spell Resistance (Ex): Wood kith have SR 10 + 1 per 2 HD. Attacks: 2 claws +9 melee, bite +4 melee
Fire Susceptibility (Ex): A wood kith takes double damage Damage: Claw 2d6+7, bite 4d6+3
from fire except on a successful save. Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Wood Vulnerability (Ex): A wood kith is affected normally Special Attacks: Black cloud
by spells that affect wood (despite SR). Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., SR 15, DR 10/+1,
immunities, weapon immunity, construct
Saves: Recalculate saves as if the creature was always a Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
construct (no good saves). Abilities: Str 25, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Abilities: As constructs, the creatures have no Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Constitution or Intelligence score, their Wisdom is 11, and their Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)
Charisma is 1. Modify from the base creature as follows based on CR: 7
the kith type: Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Clay: Strength +6. Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large); 13-18 HD (Huge)
Glass: Dexterity +4.
Iron: Strength +12, Dexterity –2. Combat
Stone: Strength +10, Dexterity –2. Black Cloud (Su): 3/day a clay kith achaierai can release a
Wood: Strength +4, Dexterity –2. choking, toxic black cloud. Those, other than clay kith
achaierai (or normal achaierai), within 10 ft. instantly take 2d6
Skills: None. The construct loses any racial bonus to skill points of damage. If the clay kith achaierai was created by an
checks from the base creature. arcane caster of 16th-level or greater, affected creatures must
Feats: None. also succeed at a Fortitude save or be affected for 3 hours as
Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground. though by an insanity spell as cast by that caster.
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4). Immunities: Clay kith achaierai are immune to cold
CR: Challenge rating adjustment is based on the type of and electricity damage.
kith construct created: Weapon Immunity (Ex): A clay kith achaierai is
immune to damage caused by slashing weapons, regardless of
Clay: Base creature’s CR +2. enchantment.
Glass: Base creature’s CR +1. Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and
Iron: Base creature’s CR +3. to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy
Stone: Base creature’s CR +3. effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless
Wood: Base creature’s CR +1. the effect also works on objects or is harmless. Not subject
to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain,
Treasure: Usually none. energy drain, or the effects of massive damage.
Creating a Clay Kith Achaierai Creating a Glass Kith Gargoyle
Creating a clay kith achaierai like the one above takes many Creating a glass kith gargoyle like the one above takes many months
months of research, followed by a 37-day ritual (with of research, followed by a 28–day ritual (with requisite skill check
requisite skill check and spells), costing 18,000 gp in clay and and spells), costing 13,000 gp in glass and other materials, and
other materials, and drains 630 XP from the caster. To imbue drains 380 XP from the caster. The freeze ability requires materials
the black cloud ability with the insanity spell requires that spell from a real gargoyle, the blur spell, and reagents totaling 1000 gp,
or limited wish and adds 3 days, 1,500 gp, and 30 XP to the and an additional 2 days and 20 XP, all included the above figures.
Iron Kith Behir
Glass Kith Gargoyle Huge Construct
Medium-size Construct Hit Dice: 11d10+40 (100 hp)
Hit Dice: 4d10+10 (32 hp) Initiative: +0
Initiative: +4 (Dex) Speed: 30 ft., climb 5 ft.
Speed: 35 ft., fly 55 ft. (clumsy) AC: 27 (–2 size, +19 natural); 27 flat-footed, 8 touch
AC: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural); 16 flat-footed, 14 touch Attacks: Bite +20 melee, 6 claws +15 melee
Attacks: 2 claws +3 melee, bite –2 melee, gore –2 melee Damage: Bite 2d4+14, claw 1d4+7
Damage: Claw 1d4, bite 1d6, gore 1d6 Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 30 ft./10 ft.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Breath weapon, improved grab, constrict 2d8+14
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/bludgeoning and Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 15/+2, SR 20,
+1, SR 14, freeze, immunities, translucency, brittle immunities, scent, can’t be tripped, construct
Saves: Fort +1 Ref +5, Will +1 Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 18, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 Abilities: Str 38, Dex 11, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4) Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)
CR: 5 CR: 11
Treasure: None. Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 5-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-12 HD (Large) Advancement: 10-13 HD (Huge); 14-27 HD (Gargantuan)
Combat Combat
Freeze (Ex): A glass kith gargoyle can hold itself so still it Breatsh Weapon (Su): Line of lightning 5 ft. wide, 5 ft. high, and 20 ft.
becomes practically invisible. An observer must succeed long, once a minute; damage 7d6, Reflex half, DC 16.
at a Spot check (DC 20) to notice the gargoyle is really a Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the iron kith behir
creature. If actively hiding, this DC becomes 30 due to the must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can attempt to
translucency of the glass. constrict the opponent.
Immunities: Glass kith gargoyles are immune to Constrict (Ex): An iron-kith behir deals 2d8+14 damage
cold and fire damage separately. If cold and fire are applied with a successful grapple check against Gargantuan or smaller
immediately following one another (within 1 round), the glass creatures. It can use its claws against the grappled foe as well.
kith gargoyle takes damage from both attacks (but is still Immunities: Iron-kith behirs are immune to cold, fire, and
allowed a saving throw against both). electricity damage.
Translucency (Ex): In addition to the freeze effect Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and to
above, natural translucency makes glass kith gargoyles difficult poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects,
to see during combat where vision is already obscured. When and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also
the glass kith gargoyle has a concealment miss chance due to works on objects or is harmless. Not subject to critical hits, subdual
some other factor (fog, darkness, and so on) all opponents of damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, or the effects of
the glass kith suffer an additional 10% miss chance. massive damage.
Brittle (Ex): Glass kith gargoyles are constructed of Rust Vulnerability (Ex): An iron-kith behir is affected
brittle material and take double damage from sonic-based normally by rust attacks (despite SR), like a rusting grasp spell or a
attacks on a failed save. rust monster’s attack.
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and
to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy Creating a Iron Kith Behir
effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless Creating a iron kith behir like the one above takes many months
the effect also works on objects or is harmless. Not subject of research, followed by a 109-day ritual (with requisite skill check
to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, and spells), costing 118,750 gp in iron and other materials, and
energy drain, or the effects of massive damage. drains 3,045 XP from the caster. Improved grab, constrict, and scent are
all acquired via the bestial aspect other spell and extra components (all
included in the above figures). The breath weapon is acquired via
a use-activated wondrous item containing lightning bolt cast at 7th
level (also included above, modified slightly lower for the once-per-
minute use restriction). This item that creates lightning once per Creating a Stone Kith Owlbear
minute might be considered a valuable treasure, if it continues to Creating a stone kith owlbear like the one above takes
function after the behir is destroyed. many months of research, followed by a 42-day ritual (with
requisite skill check and spells), costing 40,250 gp in stone
Stone Kith Owlbear and other materials, and drains 805 XP from the caster.
Large Construct Adding improved grab required the bestial aspect other spell, but is
Hit Dice: 7d10+20 (58 hp) included in the above figures.
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. Wood Kith Girallon
AC: 24 (–1 size, +15 natural); 24 flat-footed, 9 touch Large Construct
Attacks: 2 claws +13 melee, bite +8 melee Hit Dice: 7d10 (38 hp)
Damage: Claw 1d6+10, bite 1d8+5 Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. Speed: 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab AC: 20 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural); 18 flat-footed, 11 touch
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., scent, DR 10/+2, immunities, Attacks: 4 claws +14 melee, bite +9 melee
SR 18, weapon immunity, transmutation vulnerability Damage: Claw 1d4+10,
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2 bite 1d8+5
Abilities: Str 31, Dex 10, Con —, Int —, Wis Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5
11, Cha 1 ft./10 ft.
Climate/Terrain: Any land and Special Attacks: Rend 2d4+15
underground Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., DR
Organization: Solitary or gang 5/+1, SR 13, scent, fire susceptibility,
(2-4) wood vulnerability, immunities
CR: 8 Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2
Treasure: None Abilities: Str 30, Dex 15, Con —,
Alignment: Always neutral Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); Climate/Terrain: Any land
9-15 HD (Huge) and underground
Organization: Solitary or
Combat gang (2-4)
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, CR: 6
the stone kith owlbear must hit with Treasure: None
a claw attack. Alignment: Always
Immunities: Stone kith neutral
owlbears are immune to acid, cold, Advancement: 8-10 HD
electricity, and fire damage. (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)
Weapon Immunity
(Ex): A stone kith owlbear is Combat
immune to damage caused by Rend (Ex): A wood kith girallon
slashing weapons, regardless of that hits with both claw attacks
enchantment. latches onto the opponent’s
Transmutation Vulnerability body and tears the flesh. This
(Ex): A transmute rock to mud spell inflicts 1d6 points of damage per attack automatically deals an additional 2d4+15 points of
caster level (maximum 10d6) to a stone kith owlbear (despite SR). damage.
A successful Fortitude save halves this damage. A transmute mud to Immunities: Wood kith girallons are immune to cold
rock spell has the opposite effect, repairing 1d6 points of damage damage.
per caster level (maximum 10d6) to the stone kith owlbear. A stone Fire Susceptibility (Ex): A wood kith girallon takes
to flesh spell, that overcomes SR, negates the stone kith owlbear’s double damage from fire, except on a successful save.
special qualities for one round, making it vulnerable to normal Wood Vulnerability (Ex): A wood kith girallon is
attacks. affected normally by spells that affect wood (despite SR).
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and to Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and
poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects, to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy
and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless
works on objects or is harmless. Not subject to critical hits, subdual the effect also works on objects or is harmless. Not subject
damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, or the effects of to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain,
massive damage. energy drain, or the effects of massive damage.
Creating a Wood Kith Girallon
Creating a wood kith girallon like the one above takes many
months of research, followed by a 45–day ritual (with
requisite skill check and spells), costing 17,500 gp in wood
and other materials, and drains 665 XP from the caster. Rend
and scent are acquired via the bestial aspect other spell and extra
components (all included in the above figures).
Extra Hit Points (Ex): Necromantic constructs are magically
arefully crafted as guardians, servants, and mock life forms,
augmented and get extra hit points based on their size according
necromantic constructs are the creation of those necromancers
to the chart below:
with an eye for golem building. These magical artisans have
crafted bones and dead flesh into mad entropic sculptures of dragons,
chimera, and even whales and sharks. Extra Hit
Size Points
Colossal 120
Appearance Changes Gargantuan 80
A necromantic construct looks like a zombie or skeleton, though the
Huge 40
arrangement of bones and flesh may be unusual. Flesh necromantic
Large 20
constructs often show signs of their construction and may be mistaken
Medium-size 10
for flesh golems as well. If mistaken for either, it’s unfortunate for the
viewer if he or she chooses to attempt turning, which has no effect, or Small 5
eschew magic, which certainly does have an effect. ≤ Tiny —
Alignment: Always neutral CR: 3
Advancement: 8-10 HD (Huge); 11-21 HD (Gargantuan) Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Combat Advancement: 4-6 HD (Large); 7-9 HD (Huge)
A bone wyvern construct is still a formidable opponent, even
though it cannot fly and loses associated special attacks (claw Combat
attacks, Improved Grab, and Snatch). Flesh hippogriff constructs fly, and they fight by diving and slashing
Poison (Su): Sting delivers automatically, Fortitude with their claws and beaks.
save (DC 17); initial and secondary damage 2d6 temporary Rotting Touch (Su): Any living target damaged by an attack
Constitution. from a flesh hippogriff construct is exposed to filth fever (1d3 days
Immunities (Ex): All piercing and slashing weapons only incubation, Fortitude DC 12, 1d3 Dex and Con).
deal one-half damage to a bone wyvern. Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and to poison,
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and to sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects, and any effect
poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects, that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects or
and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect is harmless. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage,
also works on objects or is harmless. Not subject to critical hits, ability drain, energy drain, or the effects of massive damage.
subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, or the
effects of massive damage. Construction
A flesh hippogriff construct like the one above costs 9,750 gp for body
Construction parts and reagents, and the rituals to animate the creature take 23
A bone wyvern construct like the one above costs 22,750 gp for days. The creator must expend 300 XP to complete the process.
body parts and reagents, and the ritual to animate the construct
takes 41 days. A casting of poison is also required (or an additional
limited wish). The creator must expend 735 XP to complete the
Manufacturing a Necromantic Construct
The cost of building a necromantic construct includes that of the physical
body and all the materials and spell components that are consumed or
become a part of the final work, including some brain matter and flesh
Flesh Hippogriff from the base creature. If the creator of the construct has access to a
Large Beast
complete skeleton of the base creature, the time to perform the ritual is
Hit Dice: 3d10+20 (36 hp)
cut by 6 days and the cost lowers by 500 gp per HD. Creation parameters
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
depend on the type of construct:
Speed: 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (poor)
Flesh—3,250 gp worth of flesh and other materials per HD.
AC: 20 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +10 natural); 19 flat-footed, 10 touch
Caster Level: 13th. Spells Required: limited wish or small miracle, geas/quest,
Attacks: 2 claws +7 melee, bite +2 melee
contagion, and polymorph any object. The spells animate dead and commune
Damage: Claw 1d4+6, bite 1d8+3
together can replace polymorph any object. Skill Check: Craft (embalming)
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
(DC 15). XP Cost: 100 per HD.
Special Attacks: Rotting touch
Bone—3,000 gp worth of bones and other materials per HD.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft.
Caster Level: 13th. Spells Required: limited wish or small miracle, geas/quest,
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1
and polymorph any object. The spells animate dead and commune together can
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
replace polymorph any object. Skill Check: Craft (taxidermy) or Heal (DC
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
15). XP Cost: 95 per HD.
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)
Craft (Embalming) in place for proper range of motion of the animated bones. It also
The craft of embalming a body to prepare it for use in a magical hardens foot and hand bones for greater durability. Exceeding the
ritual is a difficult job, given the perishable materials involved. This DC by 5 or more doubles the expected duration period of a skeleton
craft includes all forms of preparation, from basic embalming to (normally 6d6 months).
mummification, and preparation for reanimation as sentient undead. Preparing a corpse for animation as a zombie preserves the
corpse from quick decay, keeping the flesh intact by draining the most
Desired Result DC easily corrupted fluids and removing unnecessary organs (such as the
Ready for burial 10 lungs and intestines) that are often the first site of rot. Exceeding the
Prepare for magical process 15 DC by 5 or more doubles the expected duration period of a zombie
Prepare a mummy (for burial) 15 (normally 3d6 months).
Prepare for animation as a greater undead 20 Mummy embalming is an extremely long and involved
process that requires desiccation of the body, soaking in natron
Success with a “ready for burial” check halts decay for a time, salts, removal of the brain and organs, varnishing with resin and
prepares skin and hair for a brief viewing, and clothes the deceased preservatives, and wrapping with long bands of linen interspersed
in proper garments, all while preventing odor or decay from with protective symbols. Exceeding the DC by 5 or more doubles the
distracting mourners at the funeral. The body ceases decay up to 1 expected duration of a mummy (normally 1d100 years).
week in temperate conditions, half that in tropical conditions, and Greater undead prepared for animation with this skill last
up to a month in arctic conditions. until they are slain.
Preparing a skeleton for animation involves removing
all skin and flesh by boiling but preserving cartilage and ligaments
Sample Skinrug Guardian (success on the save meaning the skinrug guardian grizzly is not
This example uses a brown bear as the base creature. wrapped properly to force suffocation). An opponent forced to hold
its breath for a number of rounds equal to twice its Constitution score
Skinrug Guardian Grizzly must make a Constitution check (DC 10) every round in order to
Large Construct continue holding its breath. Each round, the DC increases by 1. When
Hit Dice: 6d10 (33 hp) the opponent finally fails its Constitution check, it begins to suffocate.
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex) In the first round, it falls unconscious (0 hp). In the following round, it
Speed: 40 ft. drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, it dies.
AC: 17 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural); 14 flat-footed, 12 touch Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the skinrug grizzly must
Attacks: 2 claws +9 melee, bite +4 melee; 2 slams +9 melee, bite hit with any natural attack.
+4 melee Subdual Damage Option (Ex): A skinrug guardian can be
Damage: Claw 1d8+6, bite 2d8+3, slam 1d4+6 ordered to only inflict subdual damage when it grapples a target.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. The skinrug grizzly might also suffocate an opponent only until that
Special Attacks: Improved grab, subdual damage option opponent passes out.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., camouflage, construct, DR Camouflage (Ex): A skinrug guardian grizzly that doesn’t move
5/slashing, evasion, flatness, immunities, scent looks exactly like an inert, bearskin rug.
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +2 Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and to poison,
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 17, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects,
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground and any effect that requires a Fortitude save
Organization: Solitary unless the effect also works on objects or is
CR: 4 harmless. Not subject to critical hits, subdual
Alignment: Neutral damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy
Advancement: 7-10 HD (Large) drain, or the effects of massive damage.
Evasion (Ex): Because it is agile and
Combat can flatten itself completely to avoid attacks, a
Skinrug guardian grizzlies fight in a skinrug guardian grizzly takes no damage on a
manner prescribed by their creators. successful save against an attack that allows a
They have no autonomous will and Reflex save for half damage. As with a Reflex
cannot make decisions on their own. save, the creature must have room to move in
Constrict (Ex): A skinrug order to evade.
guardian grizzly does automatic Flatness (Ex): Because its body is
slam damage with a successful flexible and compact, despite its Face, a skinrug
grapple check against creatures up guardian grizzly can fit through openings as
to one size larger than itself. The small as its head.
rug can make constrict attacks Immunities (Ex): A skinrug guardian
against multiple creatures at once, grizzly is immune to cold attacks and attacks
if they all are at least Small size from blunt weapons.
and fit under it the construct.
Head Wrap (Ex): A Construction
grizzly skinrug guardian can A skinrug guardian grizzly like the one above
grapple an opponent up to costs 10,500 gp and 330 XP to produce.
Colossal size, making a normal Bestial aspect other is required for the guardian
grapple check. If it gets a to maintain the bear’s scent ability, and is
hold, it wraps itself around included in these figures. The process
the opponent’s head, blinding takes 21 days.
that creature until removed. The
blinded creature cannot make Spot, Search, or Track checks Manufacturing a Skinrug Guardian
and suffers a -6 circumstance penalty to other checks related to Skinrug guardians only require 3 days per HD to manufacture—not 10
perception, such as Listen. Successful attacks against a skinrug days plus 4 days per HD—due to the requirement of an intact animal
guardian grizzly wrapped around another creature’s head do half hide and head making the process a bit easier than building a complete
of their damage to the grappled creature. body. Constructing a normal skinrug guardian requires the following:
Worse, the skinrug can smother an opponent in Skinrug—1,500 gp worth of materials per HD, including the
addition to blinding. The attempt forces the wrapped creature animal skin. Caster Level: 11th (9th for a druid). Spells Required: charm
to make a Reflex save (DC 16) or be forced to hold its breath monster, geas/quest, and bestial aspect. Clerics and druids can use speak with
animals, bestial aspect, and either awaken or geas/quest. Skill Check: Craft
(taxidermy) or Craft (furrier) (DC 15). XP Cost: 50 per HD.
Craft (Taxidermy)
Taxidermy prepares the skin, fur, hair and feathers of a dead
creature for long-term display as a memorial or trophy with
a check at DC 10. It is also sufficient for preparing a dead
creature for a magical process with a successful check at DC 15.
A verminshell is a construct creature made from the cast-
off husk of a monstrous vermin. Animated with strange
magic, they are used as guardians and steeds. They obey
their creator, or any other creature that learns the proper command
words defined during the construction process.
Extra Hit
Large 20
Appearance Changes Medium-size 10
Vermin shed their exoskeletons as they grow, and the cast-off husks Small 5
often are nearly intact and resemble the original creature. An active ≤ Tiny —
verminshell creature looks much like the creature that originally
wore it as an exoskeleton. Saves: Recalculate saves as if the creature was
always a construct (no good saves).
Abilities: Modify from base creature as follows:
Creating a Verminshell Strength +2, Dexterity –2. As a construct creature, a
“Verminshell Construct” is a template that can be applied to any verminshell has no Constitution or Intelligence score.
completely arthropodal creature (one with an exoskeleton covering Wisdom is the lower of 11 or the base creature’s score and
its entire body and no internal skeleton, like an ankheg), which Charisma becomes 1.
is hereafter referred to as the “base creature”. Normally, they are Skills: None. The construct loses any racial bonus
made from the discarded husks of these creatures, but in some to skill checks from the base creature, besides those that
cases live vermin have been slain in a way that won’t harm the come from a movement type.
exoskeleton (such as drowning or certain spells) and used to create Feats: None.
this sort of monster. The creature’s type changes to “Construct”, Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground.
and it only retains elemental subtypes (inherent to the base Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4). Smaller
creature’s body). It uses all of the base creature’s statistics and verminshells may be more numerous, up to the organization
special abilities except as noted here. of the base creature.
Hit Dice: Increase total by 1 die, or to 1 die if the base Alignment: Always neutral.
creature has less than 1 HD. HD type changes to d10. HD due to Advancement: These constructs can be built from
character class are lost. any size of vermin, but do not advance once constructed.
Speed: If the base creature can fly, the verminshell retains ECL: +2 (assuming the creature somehow has an
that ability, but loses one level of maneuverability. Intelligence score).
Attacks: Recalculate the base attack bonus as if the
creature was always a construct.
Special Attacks: A verminshell construct retains all Sample Verminshells
extraordinary attacks of the base creature, besides those granted by These examples use a giant soldier ant and an advanced giant
character class or active metabolism. Attacks that require an active stag beetle as the base creatures.
metabolism may be added during the construction process for extra
cost (see Manufacturing a Construct in the Templates in the Game World Verminshell Giant Soldier Ant
chapter). Medium-size Construct
Special Qualities: A verminshell construct retains HD: 2d10+10 (19 hp)
extraordinary qualities of the base creature with the same Initiative: –1 (Dex)
limitations as per Special Attacks above, and also gains the following: Speed: 50 ft., climb 20 ft.
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and to AC: 16 (–1 Dex, +7 natural); 16 flat-footed, 9 touch
poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects, and Attacks: Bite +4 melee
any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works Damage: Bite 2d4+4
on objects or is harmless. A construct is not subject to critical hits, Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, or the Special Attacks: Improved grab, acid sting
effects of massive damage. Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., construct
Darkvision (Ex): Verminshell constructs can see in non- Saves: Fort +0, Ref –1, Will +0
magical darkness up to a range of 60 ft. Abilities: Str 16, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Extra Hit Points (Ex): Verminshells are solid, magically- Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
hardened chitin, and get extra hit points based on their size Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)
according to the following chart: CR: 2
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD, (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large)
Combat Construction
Verminshell giant soldier ants make excellent laborers, but To construct a verminshell giant stag beetle like the one above
their attacks are awkward and slow compared to their living requires a 15th-level caster, and it costs 44,000 gp and 1,100 XP.
relatives. The ritual takes 98 days.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the
verminshell giant soldier ant must hit with its bite attack. If Manufacturing a Verminshell Construct
the verminshell giant soldier ant can sting if it gets a hold. Creating a verminshell construct requires the complete exoskeleton
Acid Sting (Su): The verminshell giant soldier ant has of the dead vermin, and thus takes only 4 days per HD of the base
a stinger and an acid-producing gland and in its abdomen. If creature. Other factors are as follows:
it successfully grabs an opponent, it can attempt to sting each Verminshell—2,000 gp worth of reagents and other
round using its full attack bonus. A hit with the sting attack materials, including the exoskeleton, per HD. Minimum Caster Level:
deals 1d4+1 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of 11th (9th for a cleric or druid). Spells Required: bestial aspect, make
acid damage. whole or major creation, and giant vermin or geas/quest. Skill Check: Craft
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and (leatherworking) or Craft (taxidermy) (DC 15). XP Cost: 50 per HD.
to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy
effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the
effect also works on objects or is harmless. A construct is not
subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability
drain, energy drain, or the effects of massive damage.
To construct a verminshell giant soldier ant costs 4,500 gp
and 120 XP. The ritual takes 9 days. Adding the acid sting
requires bestial aspect other and is included in these costs.
Verminshell giant stag beetles rush into close combat when so
ordered, trampling foes and then biting for terrible damage.
Trample (Ex): A verminshell giant stag beetle can
trample Large or smaller creatures for 4d6+3 points of
damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity
against the giant stag beetle can attempt a Reflex save (DC 28)
to halve the damage.
Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and
to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy
effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the
effect also works on objects or is harmless. A construct is not
subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability
drain, energy drain, or the effects of massive damage.
I n certain areas of the world, mages specializing in making Alignment: Always neutral
constructs have honed their skills to such a high level that their Advancement: 15-21 HD (Large); 22-42 (Huge)
creations are seemingly alive. They have a more organic look
and feel than ordinary constructs, and they even have the ability Combat
to self-repair damage done to them in much the same manner that Woundmender stone golems attack in the same manner as
living creatures can heal themselves with rest, medical treatment, or their less-resilient kin.
magical healing. Slow (Su): A woundmender stone golem can use slow
as a free action once every 2 rounds. The effect has a range
Appearance Changes of 10 ft. and a duration of 7 rounds, requiring a successful
Woundmenders do not look any different than ordinary constructs Will save (DC 13) to negate. The ability is otherwise the same
of the same type—at least at first glance. Careful observation (Spot, as the spell.
DC 25) within 15 ft. reveals that the construct appears to breathe Magic Immunity (Ex): A woundmender stone golem
and has a slightly organic look to it. is immune to all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural
effects, except as follows. A transmute rock to mud spell slows it
(as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, with no saving throw, while
Creating a Woundmender transmute mud to rock heals all of its lost hit points. A stone to
“Woundmender” is a template that can be added to any construct flesh spell does not actually change the golem’s structure but
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). Woundmenders are makes it vulnerable to any normal attack for the following
the result of painstaking arcane research and superb craftsmanship round (this does not include spells, except those that cause
on the part of their creators. All woundmenders are advanced damage).
at least 2 HD beyond their normal counterparts. After assuming Minor Regeneration (Ex): Woundmender stone golems
the template, the base creature’s type and subtype do not change. regrow lost limbs over the course of a few days. They cannot
Woundmenders use the base creature’s statistics and inherent special reattach severed limbs.
abilities except as noted below.
Special Qualities: A woundmender has the special
qualities of the base creature and gains the following additional Construction
abilities: The woundmender stone golem costs 100,000 gp to create,
Fast Healing (Su): Woundmenders have fast healing equal to which includes 1,250 gp for the body. Assembling the body
one-half of their HD. If the base creature already has fast healing, requires a successful Craft (sculpting or masonry) check
it is increased by this amount. (DC 19). The creator must be 18th level and able to cast
Minor Regeneration (Ex): Woundmenders regrow lost limbs arcane spells. Completing the ritual drains 2,000 XP from the
over the course of a few days. They cannot reattach severed limbs. creator and requires geas/quest, limited wish, polymorph any object,
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +3). regenerate, and slow.
Advancement: +2 HD to the maximum advancement
range. Manufacturing a Woundmender
ECL: +2. The costs for constructing a woundmender construct are
125% of normal monetary and XP costs. In addition, the
Sample Woundmender creator must cast mend construct or regeneration during the
This example uses a stone golem as the base creature. construction ritual. Skill checks (if required) increase in DC
by 2, as does the required caster level.
Woundmender Stone Golem
Large Construct
Hit Dice: 16d10 (88 hp)
Initiative: –1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft. (can’t run)
AC: 26 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +18 natural); 26 flat-footed, 8 touch
Attacks: 2 slams +18 melee
Damage: Slam 2d10+9
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.Special Attacks: Slow
Special Qualities: Construct, magic immunity, DR 30/+2, minor
regeneration, fast healing 8
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
Climate/Terrain: Any land
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)
CR: 14
Treasure: None
Breath Weapon (Su): Turn to stone permanently, cone, 35 ft., every Becoming a Demi-gorgon
1d6+1 rounds, 4/day. A successful Fortitude save (DC 17) negates The only known way to become a demi-gorgon is through
petrification. a magical crossbreeding of gorgon and another creature.
Charge (Ex): An ironback bullman typically begins a battle Though this might be accomplished somehow through a
by charging at an opponent, lowering its head to bring its mighty shapechange or polymorph other spell and actual breeding, it’s
horns into play. In addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a more likely the ritual below is used.
charge, this allows the beast to make a single gore attack that deals
4d6+11 points of damage. Infuse Demi-gorgon
Natural Cunning (Ex): Although ironback bullmen are far Transmutation (Ritual)
from intelligent, they possess innate cunning and logical ability. Level: Sor/Wiz 5
This makes them immune to maze spells, prevents them from ever Components: V, S, M, XP
becoming lost, and enables them to track enemies. Further, they are Casting Time: 1 day per HD of the target(s)
never caught flat-footed. Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Skills: Ironback bullmen receive a +4 racial bonus to Target: Creature or creatures within range
Search, Spot, and Listen checks. Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Horned Fiddler (Demi-gorgon Grig) Spell Resistance: Yes
Small Fey Ritual DC: 14 + 1 per HD of the target creature
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp) A creature can be made into a demi-gorgon with
Initiative: +4 (Dex) this ritual. Including the leader, the ritual group must have
Speed: 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (poor) two levels of spellcaster per HD of the target creature. Each
AC: 19 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural); 16 flat-footed, 14 touch day of the ritual, the group must cast bestial aspect other, animal
Attacks: Gore +4 melee; or composite shortbow +4 ranged growth, flesh to stone, and polymorph other.
Damage: Gore 1d4; or composite shortbow 1d6 The creatures upon which the ritual is cast must
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. be willing or they can all make a Fortitude saving throw to
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, fiddle, breath weapon resist the spell. Unwilling creatures must also be bound or
Special Qualities: SR 17, scent caged and unable to resist for the duration of the ritual.
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3 Any creature that fails its save or willingly undergoes the
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 12 ritual must make a final Fortitude saving throw (DC 14
Skills: Craft (any one) +3, Escape Artist +7, Hide +11, Jump +10, – the number by which the leader exceeded the ritual DC).
Move Silently +7*, Perform (dance, fiddle, melody, plus any other A successful save grants the Demi-gorgon template, so long
one) +5, Search +3, Spot +3 as the creature is of an appropriate type. Those who fail the
Feats: Dodge, Weapon Finesse (gore) save are permanently turned to stone, gaining no gorgon
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm forest traits. The ritual does not grant any control over newly
Organization: Solitary formed creatures.
CR: 2 If the ritual fails and the target is still flesh (or
Treasure: No coins; 50% goods, 50% items returned to flesh form), the ritual may be performed again.
Alignment: Always neutral Each additional casting on a single target makes it more likely
Advancement: 2-4 HD (Small) the transmuted creature suffers some terrible fate. The base
DC for the final Fortitude save and the ritual Spellcraft check
Combat increases by +1 for each extra attempt.
Horned fiddlers are more vitriolic than their merrier grig cousins, Material Components: This ceremony requires the
but not openly malicious. They reserve their breath for those who armor and lungs of 1 gorgon plus 1 per 6 HD of the target
deserve it. Fey courts set aside these menacing creatures as special creature(s). If it is even possible for this material to be
forces, every one armed with its fiddle. purchased, it costs at least 1500 gp per set of gorgon organs.
Breath Weapon (Su): Turn to stone permanently, cone, 25 The ritual requires various herbal or chemical reagents that
ft., every 1d6+1 rounds, 3/day. A successful Fortitude save negates amount to 50 gp per HD of the target creature.
this effect (DC 12). XP Cost: 75 XP per HD of the target creature(s).
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—change self, entangle, invisibility Failure: The targets are unaffected. The participants
(self only), pyrotechnics, and ventriloquism. These abilities are as the in the ritual suffer 1 point of temporary Constitution
spells cast by a 9th-level sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell level). damage, while the leader suffers 1d4 and 1 point of
Fiddle (Su): All horned fiddlers carry a fiddle. When the temporary Wisdom damage.
horned fiddler plays, any non-sprite within 30 ft. of the instrument Botch: All participants in the ritual take 1d4 points
must succeed at a Will save (DC 14) or be affected as though by of temporary Constitution damage. The leader takes that
irresistible dance as long as the playing continues. and 1d4 temporary Wisdom damage in addition to making
Skills: Horned fiddlers receive +4 to Hide due to size, a a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15) versus being permanently
+2 racial bonus to Search, Spot, and Listen checks, and a +8 racial turned to stone.
bonus to Jump checks. *They also receive a +5 racial bonus to
Move Silently checks in a forest setting.
F oul beasts of the underwater world, the denizens of
the deep are horrific, aquatic versions of the creatures
they once were. Cursed for their evil deeds upon the
land, these exiles are condemned to a life in the briny depths
of the world’s oceans, consumed by a ravenous hunger for
Perpetual Hunger (Ex): No matter how much life energy a denizen
of the deep drains from its victims, it is always hungry for
more. Denizens of the deep never achieve satiation from their
all-consuming hunger for blood. It must drain a number of
Constitution points per day equal to its HD or lose 1 point of
blood and a hopeless desire to return to their former state as Constitution permanently.
dwellers upon the land. Indeed, the depths are the only place Sunlight Vulnerability: Exposing a denizen to direct
such a creature can survive, for the light of day is deadly to it. sunlight disorients it. It can take only partial actions, suffers a –1
Its newfound blood thirst dooms it to eventual death. circumstance penalty to all rolls, and loses 1 temporary Constitution
point each round until it dies or escapes the sunlight. Water-filtered
Appearance Changes sunlight counts as direct only within 10 ft. of the surface. In other
A denizen of the deep looks like an aquatic version of the bright light, including that within 20 ft. of the water’s surface during
creature it once was, sporting luminous, over-sized eyes, gills, the day, the denizen suffers –1 to all rolls and checks.
gnarled and webbed hands and feet, and dull-gray, scale-like Underwater Vision (Ex): Base creature can see underwater as
skin, among other, more horrible features. The cursed nature well as air-breathing creatures can see on land up to 120 ft.
of these beings is evident at a glance and the horror of their Water Breathing (Ex): Denizens of the deep can breathe
existence is made manifest through the denizen’s tormented, naturally underwater. If the base creature was able to breathe air, it
twisted visage. loses that ability and will suffocate if removed from the water for
prolonged periods of time (see DMG for rules on suffocation and
Creating a Denizen of the Deep Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Strength
“Denizen of the Deep” is a template that can be added to
+4, Dexterity +4, Constitution +4, Charisma –4.
any non-aquatic aberration, animal, beast, giant, humanoid,
Climate/Terrain: Any deep or dark aquatic region
magical beast, monstrous humanoid, or vermin (referred to
Organization: Usually solitary, though sometimes in
hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming the template,
gangs (2-5)
the base creature’s type does not change. The base creature
CR: Base creature’s CR +2 + 20% (maximum +4).
gains the “Aquatic” subtype. A denizen of the deep uses the
Alignment: Always evil
base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities
ECL: +2 (+4 in a water-based campaign).
except as noted below.
Hit Dice: Increase by one die type to a maximum
of d12. Sample Denizen of the Deep
Speed: A denizen has the ability to swim at 20 This example uses an ettin as the base creature.
ft. per round plus 10 ft. per size category above Small, or
the base creature’s swim speed, whichever is greater. Base Foul-fin Ettin (Denizen of the Deep Ettin)
creature’s land speed (if applicable) drops to 10 ft. Large Giant (Aquatic)
Attacks: A denizen retains the attacks of the base Hit Dice: 10d10+40 (95 hp)
creature. In addition it gains two claw attacks. Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Damage: Claws do damage according to the Speed: Swim 60 ft, land 5 ft.
creature’s size and original type. AC: 20 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural, +3 hide); 19 flat-footed, 10
Special Attacks: In addition to the base creature’s touch
special attacks, a denizen gains the following: Attacks: 2 longspears +14/+14/+9 melee, or 2 claws +14/+14/
Improved Grab (Ex): Denizens of the deep can use +9 melee
the improved grab ability on creatures that are one or more Damage: Longspear 1d8+8/crit x3; claws 1d6+8;
size categories smaller than themselves by hitting with a claw. Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. (15 ft. with longspear)
Life Drain (Ex): A denizen of the deep with 4 HD Special Attacks: Life drain (2d6 hp and 2 Con/round), superior
or less has the ability to drain a number of hit points equal two-weapon fighting
to the bite damage for its original size and type and 1 point Special Qualities: Darkvision 90 ft., perpetual hunger, sunlight
of Constitution per round from victims that it has grappled vulnerability, underwater vision 120 ft., water breathing
and pinned. This ability increases in potency, adding one Saves: Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +3
additional die of damage and +1 Constitution point for every Abilities: Str 27, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7
4 HD the base creature has beyond the first four. Denizens Skills: Listen +10, Search +0, Spot +10
drink life through their mouths or claws. Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Special Qualities: A denizen has all the special Climate/Terrain: Any aquatic
qualities of the base creature, plus the special abilities listed Organization: Solitary
below: CR: 8
Darkvision (Ex): Denizens of the deep can see in Treasure: Standard
non-magical darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base Alignment: Always chaotic evil
creature’s range, whichever is better. Advancement: Character class
Foul-fin ettins speak a pidgin of Orc, Goblin, and Giant. Creatures Perpetual Hunger (Ex): No matter how much life
that speak any of these languages must succeed at an Intelligence energy a foul-fin ettin drains from its victims, it is always
check (DC 20) to communicate with a foul-fin ettin. Check once for hungry for more. They never achieve satiation from their all-
each bit of information: If the other creature speaks two of these consuming hunger for blood. It must drain a number of 10
languages, the DC is 15, for someone who speaks three, the DC is Constitution points per day or lose 1 point of Constitution
10, and for someone who speaks all four, the DC is 5. permanently.
Sunlight Vulnerability: Exposing a foul-fin ettin to
Combat direct sunlight disorients it. It can take only partial actions,
Hunger drives the foul-fin ettin to reckless attacks, and it uses the suffers a –1 circumstance penalty to all rolls, and loses
advantage of two heads to feed on helpless foes while still fighting. 1 temporary Constitution point each round until it dies
Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): A foul-fin ettin fights or escapes the sunlight. Water-filtered sunlight counts as
with a spear in each hand. Because each of its two heads controls direct only within 10 ft. of the surface. In other bright light,
an arm, the foul-fin ettin does not suffer an attack or damage including that within 20 ft. of the water’s surface during the
penalty for attacking with two weapons. day, the foul-fin ettin suffers –1 to all rolls and checks.
Improved Grab (Ex): Foul-fin ettins can use this ability when Water Breathing (Ex): A foul-fin ettin can breathe
they hit with a claw attack. naturally underwater, but can no longer breathe air. It will
Life Drain (Ex): Foul-fin ettins drain the blood from their suffocate if removed from the water for prolonged periods
grappled and pinned victims, inflicting 2d6 hit points and 2 points of time and forced to breathe air.
of Constitution per round. Underwater Vision (Ex): Foul-fin ettins can see
underwater as well as air-breathing creatures can see on land
up to 120 ft.
Skills: A foul-fin ettin’s two heads give it a +2 racial
bonus to Listen, Spot, and Search checks.
damage equal to what the creature would do as claw damage for
ptly called the “horrors of the sands” or the “dried
its original type and size. A Fortitude save negates this damage
ones”, desiccated are a special type of undead
(DC 10 + one-half of the desiccated creature’s HD + its Charisma
created from the dried remains of creatures that have
modifier). A creature reduced to 0 Strength by a desiccated creature
perished in the brutal environments of the world’s deserts. A
must make a similar saving throw or die. Any creature that is
special ritual is performed to create a desiccated undead, and
immune to dehydration is also immune to this ability.
they are often used as guardians of ancient tombs, forgotten
Special Qualities: A desiccated creature has all the special
libraries of arcane knowledge, oases, or other locations
qualities of the base creature, besides ones like those prohibited in
deemed important by their creator. Dried ones are often
Special Attacks above, plus the following:
found under the command of a mummy or other, similar
Immunities: Desiccated are immune to fire and cold damage
greater undead being.
and take half damage from piercing and slashing weapons.
Turn Resistance (Ex): Desiccated have turn resistance +2.
Appearance Changes Blindsight (Ex): Desiccated no longer possess visual organs
Desiccated are the dried, shriveled remains of the base but can ascertain all foes within 60 ft. via a mystical awareness.
creature and look only vaguely similar to their previous Beyond this range, the creature is considered blind.
incarnation. Hollow eye-sockets, missing patches of skin or Desert Walker (Ex): Desiccated do not suffer any
fur, and a withered musculature, clinging to the sun-bleached movement penalties in deserts or other arid terrain.
and intermittently exposed bones, are all characteristics of a Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep,
dried one. Specimens exist that have far more frightening and paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual
appalling features. damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive
Creating a Desiccated Creature Saves: Desiccated recalculate their saves based on the
“Desiccated” is a template that can be added to any corporeal, Undead type.
living creature of Tiny size or larger, except dragons and Abilities: As undead, desiccated have no Constitution
outsiders (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After score.
assuming the template, the base creature’s type changes to Skills: All desiccated gain a +10 inherent bonus to
“Undead”. A desiccated creature uses the base creature’s Hide and Move Silently checks when in arid, sandy, or desert
statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted environments. Desiccated have a +8 racial bonus to Listen checks.
below. Reallocate any skill ranks that are in skills requiring visual acuity, like
Hit Dice: Remove all HD due to character class and Spot, to Hide and Move Silently.
add 2 dice to the new total. Die type increases to d12. Feats: Desiccated lose all feats besides those related to
Speed: The base creature loses 10 ft. of movement weapon use, armor proficiency, and combat prowess.
(to a minimum of 10 ft. per round). Climate/Terrain: Any arid land or underground.
AC: The skin of the desiccated creature is hardened, Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4). Some desiccated hunt
improving natural armor by +2. in packs (7-12).
Attacks: Desiccated recalculate their base attack CR: Base creature’s CR (minus class levels) +1 + 20%.
bonuses based on the Undead type. The base creature gains a Treasure: Always Standard.
slam attack if it does not already posses a natural attack. Alignment: Any evil, favoring neutral evil.
Damage: Damage for the slam attacks is Advancement: Simply increase the numbers in all ranges
determined by size and the creature’s original type. by two dice.
Special Attacks: A desiccated creature has all ECL: +6 (including two base HD).
the special attacks of the base creature, except those that
come from a character class and those requiring an active Sample Desiccated Creature
metabolism (meaning Constitution). Supernatural and spell- This example uses an athach for the base creature.
like attacks are almost always maintained, using Charisma in
place of Constitution to calculate save DCs. Desiccated also Desiccated Athach
have the following: Huge Undead
Create Spawn (Su): Any living creature that dies from Hit Dice: 16d12 (104 hp)
the Strength drain of a desiccated creature rises as a zombie Initiative: +1 (Dex)
within 1d4 rounds. A desiccated creature can only create Speed: 40 ft.
zombies from creatures that have less HD than itself and AC: 22 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +3 hide, +10 natural); 21 flat-footed, 9
can control up to twice its Hit Dice in animated spawn. Any touch
created zombies that exceed this limit cause older zombies to Attacks: Huge club +12/+7 melee, 2 Huge clubs +12 melee, bite
become uncontrolled. +10 melee; or slam +12/+7 melee, 2 slams +12 melee, bite +10
Strength Damage (Su): In addition to any physical melee; or rock +5/+0 ranged, 2 rocks +5 ranged
damage dealt, the natural attack of a desiccated creature deals Damage: Huge club 2d6+8, 2 Huge clubs 2d6+4, bite 2d8+4, or
dehydration in the form of points of temporary Strength slam 2d6+8; or rock 2d6+8, 2 rocks 2d6
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft./15 ft. Becoming a Desiccated Creature
Special Attacks: Strength damage, create spawn Desiccated can be created with the spell create undead.
Special Qualities: Immunities, blindsight, +2 turn resistance, Unfortunately, that spell and its greater version breaks down
desert walker, undead seriously when undead of a single type can have multiple
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +11 HD. Rituals might allow more powerful creations as well.
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 12, Con —, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 6 Consider the following alternate versions of these spells for
Skills: Climb +16, Hide –5*, Jump +16, Listen +15, Move Silently the undead:
Feats: Multiattack, Multidexterity, Multiweapon Fighting Create Undead
Climate/Terrain: Any desert or arid Necromancy [Evil]
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4) Level: Clr 5, Death 5, Evil 5, Sor/Wiz 7
CR: 9 Components: V, S, M
Treasure: Standard Casting Time: 1 hour
Alignment: Always neutral evil Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Advancement: 16-30 HD (Huge) Target: One corpse
Duration: Instantaneous
Combat Saving Throw: None
Desiccated athachs charge into melee combat unless their Spell Resistance: No
opponents are out of reach, in which case they throw rocks. They This spell must be cast at night. You can create
sometimes try to overrun armored opponents to reach unarmored powerful kinds of undead: corpse vampires, desiccated,
opponents in back ranks. With their first few melee attacks, ghasts, ghouls, shadows, skinhusks, wights, and wraiths. You
desiccated athachs tend to flail about indiscriminately. After a few can raise 3 HD of these types of undead +1 HD per level
rounds, they concentrate on foes that have been hitting them most you are above 9th. Thus, a 12th-level character could raise
often and use their bites on whoever has dealt them the most any of these undead that have 6 HD or less.
damage. Create undead may also be used to raise animated
Create Spawn (Su): Any living creature that dies from the dead more powerful than those created via animate dead. You
Strength drain of a desiccated athach rises as a zombie within 1d4 may create twice your caster level in HD of animated dead
rounds. A desiccated athach can animate any creature with up to this way. Dead animated in this way are under your control
16 HD and can control up to 32 HD in such animated spawn. Any (if possible). The limit on controlled animated undead
created zombies that exceed this limit cause the oldest spawn to go created this spell is 4 HD per caster level (not including
uncontrolled. undead commanded via the turn undead ability). This total
Strength Damage (Su): The bite or slam attack of a does not stack with the total from animate dead; it only
desiccated athach deals dehydration in the form of 2d4 points increases it. Controlled undead granted by clerical turning do
of temporary Strength damage to a living foe in addition to any stack with this spell.
physical damage dealt. A Fortitude save negates this damage (DC Other created undead are not automatically under
16). A creature reduced to 0 Strength by a desiccated athach must your control, but you may attempt to command the undead
make a similar saving throw or die. Any creature that is immune to as it forms with a turning check. A limited wish or small miracle
dehydration is also immune to this ability. spell puts the creature under control automatically.
Immunities: Desiccated athachs are immune to fire and Material Components: The spell must be cast on a dead
cold damage and only take half damage from piercing or slashing body prepared with Craft (embalming) (DC 15) and uses a jet
weapons due to their lack of internal organs and hardened skin. gem worth 50 gp per HD of the raised creature.
Blindsight (Ex): Desiccated athachs no longer possess
visual organs but can ascertain all foes within 60 ft. via a mystical Create Greater Undead
awareness. Necromancy [Evil]
Desert Walker (Ex): Desiccated athachs do not suffer any Level: Clr 7, Death 7, Sor/Wiz 9
movement penalties in deserts or other arid terrain. Components: V, S, M
Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, Casting Time: 1 hour
paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive Target: One corpse
damage. Duration: Instantaneous
Skills: *Desiccated athachs gain a +10 inherent bonus Saving Throw: None
to Hide and Move Silently checks when in arid, sandy, or desert Spell Resistance: No
environments (not included above). The desiccated athach has –8 to This spell must be cast at night. You create even
Hide checks due to size. It gets a +8 racial bonus to Listen checks. more potent undead than those created with create undead,
limited to dread vampires, fleshbound vampires, ghosts,
greater desiccated, greater ghouls, greater skeletons, greater
zombies, mohrgs, mummies, spectres, and vampires. You can
raise 4 HD of these types of undead +2 HD per level you
are over 13th. You may also use this spell to create undead Ritual of Dark Calling
listed in the create undead spell, starting at 7 HD and gaining +2 Necromancy (Ritual) [Evil]
HD per level over 13th. Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 6
Created undead are not automatically under your Components: V, S, M, DF, XP
control. You may attempt to command the undead as it forms Casting Time: 1 day per 2 HD of the final creature(s)
with a turning check. A wish or miracle spell puts a creature of Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
the types listed in this spell under your control. Target: Prepared corpses within range
Material Components: The spell must be cast on a dead Duration: Instantaneous
body prepared with Craft (embalming) (DC 20) and uses a jet Saving Throw: None
gem worth 50 gp per HD of the raised creature. Spell Resistance: No
Ritual DC: 12 (15 for arcane casters) + 1 per final HD of
Corpse Legion creature(s) from create undead; +2 per HD if the creature comes
Necromancy (Ritual) [Evil] from the create greater undead list.
Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 5 This ritual allows the creation of any sort of undead
Components: V, S, M, DF, XP allowed by the create undead, and create greater undead spells, besides
Casting Time: 1 day animated dead. There is no limit to the number of HD of undead
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) raised in this way. The ritual must be performed at night.
Target: Prepared corpses within range Including the leader, the ritual group must have two levels
Duration: Instantaneous of spellcaster per HD of the final undead creature or creatures
Saving Throw: None (remembering that some undead have more HD than the base
Spell Resistance: No creature). The divine group must cast the spell create undead each
Ritual DC: 10 (13 for arcane casters) + 1 per 3 HD of the night during the rite. The arcane group must cast planar binding
final animated undead and enervation each night to build the needed connection to death
This ritual allows the creation of skeletons and energies.
zombies. There is no limit to the number of HD of undead At the end of the rite, the undead creature or creatures
raised in this way. The ritual must be performed at night. are created if the ritual check is successful. The ritual does not
Including the leader, the ritual group must have one grant any control over newly formed creatures, though a limited wish
level of spellcaster per HD of the final undead creature or or small miracle spell grants control HD equal to the caster’s level,
creatures (remembering zombies have double the HD of the while wish or miracle control three times the caster’s level in HD. A
base creature). The group must cast animate dead three times successful turning check to command undead grants control of a
during the rite, while the divine group must cast prayer and the number of HD according to that ability.
arcane group must cast enervation. Material Components: The ritual requires the target corpses
At the end of the ceremony, the animated undead (prepared with Craft (embalming) according to the type of
arise, ready to do as they are ordered, if the ritual check is undead—DC 15 for those found in create undead, 20 for those found
successful. The ritual allows the leader to control 4 HD per in create greater undead), foul incense, jet gems, and mundane material
caster level, which does not stack with that granted by animate components worth 250 gp per final HD of creature(s) to raised—
dead, but it does stack with undead allowed by clerical turning. 500 gp if from the create greater undead list.
A limited wish or small miracle spell grants control HD equal to Divine Focus: Sacred (holy or unholy) symbols, sacred water,
twice caster’s level, while wish or miracle control five times the and an altar.
caster’s level in HD. A successful turning check to command XP Cost: 60 XP per HD of creature raised from the create
undead grants control of a number of HD according to that undead list. 95 per HD from the create greater undead list.
ability. Failure: If the ritual fails it may not be performed on the
Material Components: The ritual requires the target same corpse or corpses again. Further, the ritual participants are
corpses (prepared with Craft (embalming) DC 15), foul all affected as if by the spell enervation. In addition to this, the ritual
incense, jet gems, and mundane material components worth leader takes 1d6 points of temporary Wisdom and Constitution
50 gp per final HD of creature(s) to raised. damage, while everyone else takes 1 point of temporary damage to
Divine Focus: Sacred (holy or unholy) symbols, sacred each of these abilities.
water, and an altar. Botch: The corpses in the ritual animate as zombies (or
XP Cost: 30 XP per HD of the final creatures. skeletons) and attack the ritual participants, only to be destroyed
Failure: If the ritual fails it may not be performed 1d4 hours later as the death energies dissipate. Participants take 1d6
on the same corpse or corpses again. In addition to this, the points of temporary damage to Constitution and Wisdom. The ritual
ritual leader takes 1d4 points of temporary Wisdom and leader takes 2d6 points of temporary Constitution and Wisdom
Constitution damage, while everyone else takes 1 point of damage and must also make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or
temporary damage to each of these abilities. suffer one point of permanent damage to each of those attributes.
Botch: Ritual participants take 1d4 points of
temporary Wisdom and Constitution damage. The ritual
leader takes 2d4.
Variant Desiccated XP Cost: 90 XP per HD of creature raised.
While it’s unfathomable why someone would willingly become Failure: If the ritual fails, a willing target must make
desiccated, it is possible. More often, a wicked spellcaster seeks a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + the number by which the
a desiccated creature with more special abilities. The following ritual check failed) or die. Further, the ritual participants are
microplate allows for this idea. all affected as if by the spell enervation. In addition to this,
the ritual leader takes 1d6 points of temporary Wisdom,
Greater Desiccated Strength, and Constitution damage, while everyone else takes
Desiccated that retain character abilities of the base creature can 1 point of temporary damage to each of these abilities.
be created via create greater undead (or the ritual of dark calling). Such Botch: The original target dies and turns to dust
a creature retains the memories, class levels, base attack bonuses, and all participants take 1d8 points damage per HD of
saves, skills, and feats of the base creature, while gaining the special the original subject, due to dehydration. All of the ritual
attacks and abilities of the Desiccated template, including the ECL. participants also suffer 1d4 points of temporary Wisdom,
The greater desiccated’s CR, of course, includes its character levels. Strength, and Constitution damage, while the ritual leader
The ECL for a greater desiccated is equal to +6 (see above) in suffers 2d4 and must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC
addition to its character levels. Another, more specialized ritual also 25) to avoid 1d3 of the lost Strength points becoming
allows this transformation, as follows: permanent.
I f dragons can mate with other creatures and breed true,
so too can their progeny. Mercurial in nature, draconic
blood is diluted quickly by mingling with “lesser” races.
Yet, those close in generation to a half-dragon ancestor gain
some the benefits of that glorious heritage. As the bloodline
Vanhloda, female truagekin Ftr1/Sor 3
Medium-size Humanoid (Dwarf)
Hit Dice: 1d10+3 plus 3d4+9 (25 hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
passes through the ages, the last thing to go is a natural talent AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +4 mithral shirt); 16 flat-footed, 11
for thaumaturgy. touch
Attacks: Masterwork greataxe +5 melee; or masterwork throwing
Appearance Changes axe +4 ranged
A creature with the dragon-blooded template often has Damage: Masterwork greataxe 1d12+3/crit x3, masterwork
features that are reptilian, especially the eyes. The hide and throwing axe 1d6+2
hair of the creature is always tougher and bears a slight hue Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
shift toward that of the dragon in the bloodline. Special Attacks: Dragon-blooded dwarven traits
Special Qualities: Dragon-blooded dwarven traits, fire resistance
Creating an Dragon-blooded Creature Saves: Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +5
“Dragon-blooded” is a template that can be added to
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16
any living, corporeal creature (referred to hereafter as the
Skills: Concentration +5, Craft (armorsmithing) +6, Knowledge
“base creature”). Such creatures are the offspring or the
(arcana) +4, Spellcraft +4
near descendants of a half-dragon. The creature’s type and
Feats: Dragon Breath*, Dragon Hide*, Iron Will
subtypes remain unchanged. A dragon-blooded creature uses
CR: 4
the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities
Alignment: Lawful good
except as noted below.
* See New Feats below. Vanhloda gave up her familiar for the
AC: Natural armor improves by +1.
Dragon Hide feat.
Special Attacks: The dragon-blooded have all of
the special attacks of the base creature, but get no additional
Vanhloda is a broad-shouldered dwarf woman with striking golden eyes and
special attacks. They may gain feats that allow them to access
sparkling hair to match. Her skin is smooth, but harder than normal, and it
a breath weapon, natural armor, and natural weapons
has a yellowish tint. As a youngster, Vanhloda only dreamed only of hearth
Special Qualities: A dragon-blooded creature has
and home, but her strength and magical talent soon brought her to the attention
all the special qualities of the base creature, plus those below:
of her clan’s wardens. Mistrustful of her potential if unguided, the girl was
Dragon Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and effects,
raised as a disciplined warrior with an eye towards developing her sorcery.
a creature with the dragon-blooded template is considered to
The wardens were right to teach her, for Vanhloda is fiery, impulsive, and
be a dragon. It is also considered to be of the base creature’s
capricious, even though her heart is true and she is very kind to the weak and
disadvantaged. Vanhloda speaks Dwarven and Common.
Resistances (Ex): A dragon-blooded creature has
Possessions: mithral shirt (10% arcane spell failure), greataxe
resistance 10 to one type of energy (any type appropriate to
(masterwork), throwing axes (2, masterwork), scrolls (arcane, 3rd
dragons in the campaign).
caster level: acid arrow, hideous laughter; arcane, 3rd caster level: web),
Vision (Ex): Dragon-blooded creatures have
potions (cure light wounds (x2), endurance, enlarge 4th caster level), wand
darkvision at 60 ft. and low-light vision. If the base creature
of detect secret doors (32 charges), jewelry (450 gp), 53 gp (43 lbs/-8 to
already has better vision, use that instead.
Saves: Same as base creature with a +4 racial bonus
versus sleep and paralysis spells and effects.
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows:
Vanhloda uses her might as a fighter, keeping her magic in reserve
Strength +2, Charisma +2.
as an unknown edge against enemies of her clan.
Alignment: Same as base creature, tending toward
Sorcerer Spells Known (6/6, base save DC 13 + spell level):
that of the creature’s draconic heritage.
0—detect magic, ghost sound, light, mage hand, prestidigitation; 1st—cause
Advancement: A dragon-blooded character’s
fear, mage armor, magic missile.
favored class is always sorcerer, replacing the favored class of
Truagekin Traits (Ex): See below.
the base creature.
Dragon Breath (Su): 2/day, fire, 15 ft. cone, 1d6, Reflex DC
ECL: +1.
15 for half. When used, Vanhloda is fatigued for the rest of the
battle, until she can rest for 30 minutes. She may use your breath
Sample Dragon-blooded weapon once every 3d6 (average 10) rounds, but suffers exhaustion
This example uses a 4th-level dwarf fighter/sorcerer (with if she uses it while fatigued.
base Strength 12, Dexterity 12, Constitution 14, Wisdom 8,
and Charisma 16) as the base creature.
Truagekin (Dragon-blooded Dwarf) Racial Traits Variant Half-dragons
As a PC race, truagekin (also called alsgaard) have the following It seems logical that a half-dragon can (and should) do
characteristics: breath weapon damage based on its size and HD. This new
• +2 Strength, +2 Constitution. Truagekin are strong material offers that option to DMs who want more variable
and stout, with their draconic heritage elevating the half-dragons. These rules, if used, replace those in the Half-
normally dour dwarven personality. dragon entry in the MM.
• Medium size. (Use dwarf height and weight, +1d4 to Assume a half dragon can use its breath weapon a
each modifier.) number of times per day equal to two plus its Constitution
• Truagekin base speed is 20 feet. modifier (minimum 1). The weapon may be used once every
• Darkvision: Truagekin can see in the dark up to 60 ft. 2d4 rounds (average 5). Breath weapons usually require a
This vision is black and white. Reflex save to take half damage (DC 10 + one-half of the
• Low-light Vision: Truagekin can see twice as far as half-dragon’s HD + its Constitution modifier). Each dragon
humans in poor lighting conditions. has a type of weapon based on its color:
• Natural Armor: Truagekin have a +1 natural armor
bonus. Dragon Breath
• Resistances (Ex): Truagekin have fire resistance 10. Black, Copper Acid (line)
• +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against orcs and Blue, Bronze Lightning (line)
goblinoids, through special combat training. Green Gas (cone)
• +4 dodge bonus to AC against giants, through special Red, Brass, Gold Fire (cone)
defensive training. White, Silver Cold (cone)
• +1 racial bonus to saves against spells and spell-like
abilities. The damage and range of the half-dragon’s breath weapon is
• +1 racial bonus to saves against poisons. variable as shown on table DB-1 below.
• +2 racial bonus to Appraise checks and Craft or Line: A line is always as wide as the smallest factor
Profession checks that are related to stone or metal. in a creature’s Face—a Tiny creature has a 2.5 ft x 2.5 ft
• Stonecunning: Truagekin, like the dwarves amongst line, while a Fine creature has a 6 in. x 6 in. line, with a
whom they are raised, receive a +2 racial bonus to maximum of 5 ft. x 5 ft., no matter what the creature’s size.
checks to notice unusual stonework. Something that Tiny creatures can hit multiple targets, but each has a +4
isn’t stone but is disguised as stone also counts as circumstance bonus to the associated Reflex save. Fine and
unusual stonework. A truagekin who merely comes Diminutive creatures may only strike a single target, but do so
within 10 ft. of unusual stonework can make a check as with a ranged touch attack, which offers no Reflex save if the
though actively searching and can use the Search skill creature hits.
to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A truagekin Cone: A cone is as high and wide (at its farthest
can also intuit depth, sensing the approximate distance range) as it is long. A fine creature can hit an adjacent
underground as naturally as a human can sense which creature with its cone of breath weapon, but that creature
way is up. gets +4 to the associated Reflex save.
• Dragon Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and effects, Damage: Damage varies by the color of the
truagekin are considered dwarves and dragons. dragon parent, as shown on the table. For every 4 HD or
• Automatic Languages: Dwarven and Undercommon or character levels a half-dragon has, this damage goes up by
Common. 1 die. Increase multiple 1s, d2s and d3s to the next size that
• Bonus Languages: Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Gnome, Orc, provides nearly the same range (2 = 1d2, 2d2=1d4, 2d3=1d6,
and Terran. 3d3 = 1d6 + 1d3, and so on), if you prefer.
• Favored Class: Sorcerer.
• ECL: +1.
Half-dragons and Age roll. The gas breath has the normal limitations of the half-dragon’s
Optionally, half dragons gain potency as they age. For most breath (including save DC). The gas weapons do the following:
races, being a half-dragon doubles the creature’s lifespan. Brass Dragon: A cone of sleep gas. Creatures within the
A half-dragon gains +1 to all of its save DCs and +1 die cone must succeed at a Will save or fall asleep, regardless of HD,
of damage to its breath weapon at middle age, old, and for a number of rounds equal to a result on one of the half-
venerable. For PC races, age for these categories is doubled dragon’s breath weapon dice (for example, a Large half-dragon
from that found in PHB, Chapter 6, Description, Age. The causes the opponent to fall asleep for 1d6 rounds).
DM must determine aging rates for other creatures, though Bronze Dragon: A cone of repulsion gas. Creatures within
outsider half-dragons age like dragons (see MM, Dragon, the cone must succeed at a Will save or be compelled to do nothing
Dragon Age Categories), gaining the increases at mature but move away from the dragon for a number of rounds equal to a
adult, very old, and great wyrm ages. result on one of the half-dragon’s breath weapon dice. For example,
if the half-dragon does 2d6 damage with the brass dragon’s
Alternate Breath Weapons normal breath weapon, the repulsion effect of this breath weapon
Metallic half-dragons can have some opportunity to have the works for 1d6 rounds. This is a mind-influencing, compulsion
secondary breath weapon of their parent species. Assume enchantment.
that a metallic half-dragon has a 33% chance to have both Copper Dragon: A cone of slow gas. Creatures within the
weapons. If not, it has the dragon’s primary energy breath cone must succeed at a Fortitude save or be slowed (as the spell
weapon (fire, acid, cold, lightning) on a d% roll of 01-75, slow) for a number of rounds equal to a result on one of the half-
and the secondary gas weapon only on 76-00 on the same dragon’s breath weapon dice.
Gold Dragon: Cone of weakening gas. Creatures within the
cone must succeed at a Fortitude save or take a number points of
Breath Weapons for Everyone temporary Strength damage equal to a result on one of the half-
You can use the rules for dragons, half-dragons, and the dragon- dragon’s breath weapon dice.
blooded to give other creatures a breath weapon. Use the base Silver Dragon: A cone of paralyzing gas. Creatures within
creature’s size to determine the base damage and range, using the cone must succeed at a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for a
Table DB-1: Breath Weapon Damage and Range. How strong you number of rounds equal to a result on one of the half-dragon’s
want the breath to be, rather than the dragon or energy type, breath weapon dice.
determines the dragon type column you use:
Weak: Such breath weapons work like those from a dragon- More Special Abilities
blooded creature with the Dragon Breath feat (damage and range Half dragons can gain a few more special abilities according to
as if one size category smaller, uses per day, fatigue, and so on). their type, if you like. To utilize the spell-like abilities listed below,
The weapon does damage according to the black or brass column the creature must have a Charisma equal to 10 plus the spell’s level.
on Table DB-1. Creatures with such breath weapons start at 1 die Half-dragons accumulate powerful spell-like abilities as they go up
of damage and gain 1 die of damage per 6 HD they possess. CR in HD (and/or character levels), each ability indicated useable once
+10% (maximum +2). per day. The caster level of those abilities is as a sorcerer of a level
Moderate: These breath weapons work exactly like the breath equal to the half-dragon’s HD (plus character levels).
weapon of a half-dragon (damage and range, uses per day, use
limits, and so on). The weapon does damage per the brass or blue Black
column on Table DB-1. Creatures with moderate breath weapons Natural Swimmer (Ex): The black half-dragon can hold its breath 5
start at 1 die of damage and gain 1 die of damage per 4 HD they times as long as a normal creature and suffers only half the normal
possess. CR +20% (maximum +3). penalties for operating underwater. It gets a +4 racial bonus to Swim
Potent: Strong breath weapons do damage according to the checks.
blue or gold dragon column on Table DB-1, with no limits on Charm Reptiles (Sp): 1/day the black half-dragon can cast
usage, and are usable every 1d4+1 rounds. Range is double that charm person or animal. The spell can only be cast on a reptile, and the
indicated on Table DB-1. Creatures with potent breath weapons black half-dragon can speak with the charmed creature as if under
start at 2 dice of damage and gain 1 die of damage per 2 HD they the effect of the speak with animals spell.
possess. CR +1 + 20% (maximum +5). Corrupt Water (Sp): 1/day the black half-dragon can activate
You can also mix and match the power of the breath an ability that works like the create water spell, except that the ability
weapon. You may want a creature with a long range and more stagnates and fouls water instead of creating it, which automatically
uses per day, but less damage—go for it. An example is the hell spoils unattended liquids containing water and makes water unable to
hound, which does 1d4+1 damage (less than a half-dragon of its support life. Magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature’s
size and HD), can use its weapon every 2d4 rounds (like a half- possession must succeed at a Will save (DC 11 + the half-dragon’s
dragon), but can use the weapon unlimited times per day (like a Charisma modifier) or be fouled.
dragon). Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—darkness. A 5 HD black half-
Further, consider the variant breath weapons presented dragon can cast plant growth, while a 9 HD black half-dragon gains
here (or that of the Demi-gorgon template) as alternative to insect plague.
energy breath weapons. Don’t forget about sonic energy. See
destructive harmonics in the Aberrant template as well.
Blue Gold
Create/Destroy Water (Sp): 1/day the blue half-dragon can activate an Natural Swimmer (Ex): The gold half-dragon can hold its breath
ability that works like the create water spell, except that the creature can 5 times as long as a normal creature and suffers only half the
decide to destroy water instead of creating it, which automatically normal penalties for operating underwater. It gets a +4 racial
spoils unattended liquids containing water. Magic items (such as bonus to Swim checks.
potions) and items in a creature’s possession must succeed at a Will Detect Gems (Sp): 1/day the gold half-dragon can
save (DC 11 + the half-dragon’s Charisma modifier) or be ruined. enact a divination effect similar to a detect magic spell, except
Sound Imitation (Ex): The blue half-dragon can mimic any that it finds only gems. The creature can scan a 60-degree arc
voice or sound it has heard, anytime it likes by making a Charisma or each round: By concentrating for 1 round it knows if there
Perform check. Listeners must succeed at a Will save (DC equal to are any gems within the arc; 2 rounds of concentration reveal
the check result) to detect the ruse. the exact number of gems; and 3 rounds reveal their exact
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—ventriloquism. A 7 HD blue half- location, type, and value.
dragon can cast hallucinatory terrain, a 9HD specimen can cast mirage Spell-Like Abilities: 2/day—bless. A 9 HD gold half-
arcana, and an 11 HD blue half-dragon can cast veil. dragon can cast polymorph self, an 11 HD specimen can cast
geas/quest, a 15 HD gold half-dragon can cast sunburst, and a 17
Green HD specimen can use foresight.
Natural Swimmer (Ex): The green half-dragon can hold its breath 5 Skills: +4 racial bonus to Jump checks.
times as long as a normal creature and suffers only half the normal
penalties for operating underwater. It gets a +4 racial bonus to Swim Silver
checks. Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—feather fall and fog cloud; 1/day-
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—suggestion. A 5HD green half- control weather and reverse gravity. A 7 HD silver half-dragon
dragon can cast plant growth, a 9HD specimen can cast dominate person, can cast air walk 1/day, going to 3/day at 8HD, a 9 HD silver
while a 15 HD green half-dragon gains command plants. half-dragon can cast polymorph self, a 10 HD one control winds,
a 13 HD specimen can cast control weather, and a 14 HD silver
Red half-dragon can cast reverse gravity.
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—locate object and suggestion. An 11 HD red Skills: +4 racial bonus to Jump checks.
half-dragon can cast find the path and a 15 HD specimen can cast
discern location, each 1/day.
Skills: +4 racial bonus to Jump checks.
Ice-walking (Ex): +4 racial bonus to Climb checks on icy surfaces.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—obscuring mist; 1/day—fog cloud. A
6 HD white half-dragon can cast wall of ice and gust of wind, while a 13
HD white half-dragon can cast control weather.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—speak with animals; 1/day—endure elements.
A 3HD brass half-dragon can cast suggestion, a 9 HD one control winds,
a 13 HD specimen can control weather and a 14 HD brass half-dragon
can use summon monster VII (djinni only).
Natural Swimmer (Ex): The bronze half-dragon can hold its breath 5
times as long as a normal creature and suffers only half the normal
penalties for operating underwater. It gets a +4 racial bonus to Swim
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—speak with animals; 1/day—create
food and water, detect thoughts, and fog cloud. A 9 HD bronze half-dragon
can cast polymorph self, and a 13 HD specimen can cast control weather.
Natural Athletics (Ex): The copper half-dragon gets a +4 racial bonus
to Climb checks on stone surfaces and a +4 racial bonus to Jump
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—stone shape. A 9 HD copper half-
dragon can cast transmute rock to mud or transmute mud to rock, a 10 HD
specimen can cast wall of stone, an 11 HD copper half-dragon can cast
move earth.
New Feats Dragon Hide [Racial: Dragon-blooded, Half-dragon]
Dragon-blooded may show their wyrm heritage in many ways. You have the tough hide of a dragon.
Here are a few feats to spice up those of draconic heritage. Requirements: Dragon-blooded (or half-dragon). The
These feats must be taken at 1st level by the dragon-blooded, feat must be taken initially at 1st level, but subsequent feats can be
but a DM might allow some ritual or spell to grant a character taken at later levels.
access to such abilities at a later time. Dragon-blooded Benefit: Your natural armor improves by +1 (+2 if you’re
characters with the sorcerer class might be allowed to take a half-dragon).
these feats at any time—changes in the blood mean changes Special: This feat may be taken up to three times.
in ability.
Dragon Weapons [Racial: Dragon-blooded, Half-dragon]
Dragon’s Breath [Dragon-blooded, Half-dragon] You have natural weapons like a dragon.
You have the supernatural ability to use a breath weapon Requirements: Dragon-blooded (or half-dragon, see
somewhat like the dragon in your bloodline. below). The feat must be taken initially at 1st level, but subsequent
Requirements: Dragon-blooded (or half-dragon, feats can be taken at later levels at the DM’s discretion.
see Special below). For the dragon-blooded, this feat must be Benefit: You have teeth and claws (but no bonus attacks),
taken initially at 1st level, but subsequent feats can be taken at which may be used as natural weapons. The damage these attacks
later levels. do is the same as that of a dragon two size categories smaller than
Benefit: You breathe a short burst of a breath yourself (per Appendix 1: Creature Construction Charts). A half dragon
weapon, doing 1 die of damage as if you were a half-dragon that takes this feat has the claw and bite damage of a dragon its
one size category smaller than you are according to Table DB- own size (instead of one size category smaller, as normal for half-
1 in Half-dragon Variants. Anyone caught in the breath may dragons).
make a Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half of your HD + your Special: This feat may be taken twice. For a dragon-
Constitution modifier) to take half damage. The weapon may blooded character, the natural weapons grow to match the damage
be used a number of times per day equal to one plus half of of a dragon one size category smaller than the character. A half-
your Constitution bonus (minimum 1). Your damage increases dragon can gain the same attacks of a dragon one size category
by 1 die for every 6 HD or character levels you possess. larger than itself. Note this feat is of no particular advantage to a
You may use your breath weapon once every 3d6 half-dragon with better claw damage than a normal half-dragon.
rounds, but each time you use the weapon after your first use
for the day, you are fatigued until you can rest for one hour
(–10 minutes per point of Constitution bonus; + 10 minutes
per point of Constitution penalty, minimum 10 minutes). You
suffer exhaustion if you use the breath while fatigued.
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. Each
time you choose the feat, choose one of these effects: the
breath is treated as if you are a half-dragon of your normal
size and you gain one use per day (may be taken only once),
you gain an additional die of damage (may be taken twice),
or you gain two uses per day (limited only by your number of
feats). You are vulnerable to half of any damage your breath
does that exceeds your energy resistance. (That is, if your fire
breath does 12 points of damage, you take 1 point.)
A half dragon may take this feat, but may only
choose a damage increase or additional uses per day. Half
–dragons never suffer fatigue for using their breath weapons.
Example: Fergal is a dragon-blooded (red) human
with a Constitution of 14, and he takes this feat at 1st level.
He breathes fire 2/day in a 15 ft. cone that does 1d6 points
of damage (Reflex half, DC 12). At 3rd level, he takes the feat
again for a “size improvement”, increasing his damage to 1d8,
the cone’s range to 20 ft., and uses per day to 3. Finally, at 6th
level, Fergal takes the feat again for damage, gaining a 20 ft.
cone that does 3d8 points (1d8, plus 1d8 from the new feat,
plus 1d8 for 6 HD) of damage (Reflex half, DC 15).
D readnaughts are truly fearsome foes dedicated to war and
slaughter, able to deal and withstand enormous amounts
of damage in combat. Elite warriors of the world fear
fighting dreadnaughts and some secretly desire to undergo the
painful and arduous ritual necessary to become one. In fact, only
cannot be used more often than once every 1d4+1 rounds.
Rapid Strike (Su): Once per day plus an additional
time per 5 HD, a dreadnaught may grant itself the effects
of a haste spell (self only) as if cast by a sorcerer with a level
equal to the dreadnaught’s HD.
those deemed worthy can even survive this rite. Special Qualities: A dreadnaught has all the special
qualities of the base creature, plus the special abilities listed
Appearance Changes below:
Dreadnaughts are much larger, hardier, and more muscular than Damage Reduction (Ex): A dreadnaught has damage
their normal counterparts. They are generally covered with bulging, reduction equal to its HD (maximum 15) against +3
sinewy muscles and have a hardened look to their skin or weapons.
natural armor. In short, their aspect is transformed into Energy Resistance (Ex):
that of raw power. Dreadnaughts have energy
resistance 10 versus one
type of energy (acid, cold,
Creating a Dreadnaught electricity, fire, or sonic) for
“Dreadnaught” is a template that can
every 4 HD it has (minimum 1
be added to any aberration, beast,
type). This resistance can be
giant, humanoid, magical beast,
applied to the same energy
monstrous humanoid, outsider, or
type more than once,
plant (referred to hereafter as the
adding +10 to the overall
“base creature”). The creature
amount of resistance
should be among the toughest
each time. For example,
of its kind in order to
an 8 HD dreadnaught
survive the transformation
could have both fire
into a dreadnaught. After
resistance 10 and cold
assuming the template, the
resistance 10, or just
base creature’s type and
fire resistance 20.
subtype do not change.
Unless otherwise noted,
(Ex): Dreadnaughts
in this template HD
are immune to disease,
stands for Hit Dice
poison, paralysis, stunning,
plus any character levels
and all mind-influencing
the creature possesses. A
spells and effects.
dreadnaught uses the base creature’s
Spell Resistance (Ex):
statistics and inherent racial special
A dreadnaught has SR equal to
abilities except as noted below.
5 + its HD.
Hit Dice: Dreadnaughts have
Abilities: Modify the
maximum hit points per HD,
base creature as follows:
including those from character
Strength +4, Dexterity
+4, Constitution +6,
AC: Natural armor
Charisma +2.
improves by +4.
Feats: A
Special Attacks: The
dreadnaught gains
following special attacks are added
Endurance as a bonus feat.
to the base creature’s natural or armed attacks:
Organization: Dreadnaughts are often solitary, or
Felling Strike (Ex): Once per day plus an additional time per
they are unique individuals among normal members of the
10 HD, when a dreadnaught scores a successful critical hit, it can
base creature type. Sometimes dreadnaughts can be found in
elect to make a felling strike by rolling again. If the result of this
gangs (2-5).
third roll would hit the target, the target takes the full damage from
CR: Base creature’s CR +2 + 20% (maximum +5).
the critical hit as normal, but must also make a saving throw (DC 10
ECL: +5.
+ damage dealt) or die.
Punishing Strike (Ex): Once per day plus an additional time
per 10 HD, a dreadnaught may make a mighty attack against any Sample Dreadnaught
one opponent, adding its Charisma bonus (if any) to the attack This example uses a 10th-level hobgoblin fighter (Strength
roll and its HD and character level total to the damage. Use of this 16, Dexterity 14 (+2 hobgoblin racial), Constitution 18 (+2
ability must be declared prior to making the attack. If the attack hobgoblin racial), and Charisma 13) as the base creature.
misses, that punishing strike attempt is used for the day. This ability
Smrtak, male hobgoblin Ftr 10 the target, the target takes the full damage from the critical hit as
Medium-size Humanoid (Goblinoid) normal, but must make a saving throw (DC 10 + damage dealt) or
Hit Dice: 10d10+70 (170) die.
Initiative: +4 (Dex) Punishing Strike (Ex): 3/day, Smrtak may make a mighty
Speed: 30 ft. attack against any one opponent, adding +2 to the attack roll and
AC: 23 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +5 studded leather, +3 shield); +10 to the damage. Use of this ability must be declared prior to
21 flat-footed, 11 touch making the attack. If the attack misses, that punishing strike attempt
Attacks: +1 heavy flail of elf bane +17/+12 melee; or is used for the day. This ability cannot be used more often than
masterwork mighty composite longbow +16/+11 ranged once every 1d4+1 rounds.
(masterwork arrow) Rapid Strike (Su): 3/day Smrtak can grant himself the
Damage: +1 heavy flail of elf bane 1d10+13/crit 17-20; effects of a haste spell for 10 rounds (as a 10th-level sorcerer).
masterwork mighty composite longbow 1d8+4/crit x3 Immunities (Ex): Smrtak is immune to disease, poison,
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. paralysis, stunning, and all mind-influencing spells and effects.
Special Attacks: Felling strike, punishing strike, rapid strike Skills: Smrtak receives a +4 racial bonus to Move Silently
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/+3, immunities, checks.
fire resistance 10, electricity resistance 10, SR 15
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +6 Becoming a Dreadnaught
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 18, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 15 A dreadnaught can only be created via an arduous rite.
Skills: Climb +11, Jump +11, Knowledge (war) +10, Move
Silently +8, Profession (soldier) +10, Ride +10, Swim +11 Dreadnaught Ritual
Feats: Cleave, Cleave Asunder, Cross-class Learning Transmutation (Ritual)
(Knowledge (war), Profession (soldier)), Endurance, Level: Clr 7
Improved Critical (heavy flail), Improved Unarmed Strike, Components: V, S, M, DF, XP
Iron Will, Power Attack, Sunder, Weapon Focus (heavy flail), Casting Time: 1 month
Weapon Specialization (heavy flail) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
CR: 14 Target: One living, corporeal creature (see text)
Alignment: Lawful evil Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Smrtak is a hobgoblin battle leader of great renown among Spell Resistance: No
his people. He has brilliantly led warbands against elvish Ritual DC: 20 + 1 per HD of target creature
settlements up and down the frontier of his mountain home, The gods of war and slaughter can be petitioned to grant
carefully collecting the requirements for his dedications to favor to those who serve them well. The price for such a blessing
the hobgoblin god of war. He underwent the rite of the is high, and such aid is not granted lightly. Including the leader
dreadnaught and survived—now he’s a walking nightmare, (who must be a cleric), the ritual group must have three levels of
feared by all. The priests see his destiny as that of a new spellcaster among them per HD of the creature to be altered.
hobgoblin emperor. Smrtak speaks Goblin, Common, and The subject of the spell must have proven itself to the
Elvish. clergy and the deity, or be decreed a candidate by a powerful cleric
Dusky-skinned and black-eyed, Smrtak is imposing who uses a commune spell to find out that fact. Usually, the creature
in every way, standing 7 ft. tall and muscled like a giant. He desiring the performance of the ritual acquires some form of
shaves his head, excepting a long, raven-colored lock braided material component. Then the clergy that will perform the rite test
at the back, and wears a small, forked beard. The hobgoblin the subject as well.
warlord is always bathed and well kempt. The hobgoblin version of the rite requires the hopeful to
Possessions: +2 studded leather, +1 animated large provide the heads of thirteen worthy adversaries, slain personally
steel shield, +1 heavy flail of elf bane, composite longbow and properly preserved for the ritual by clerics. Worthy in this
(masterwork, mighty +4), quiver (20 masterwork arrows), +1 case means any individual of equal or greater level or HD than
cloak of resistance, razorback amulet, potion of cure moderate wounds the would-be dreadnaught. The clergy then test the resolve of the
(2), dust of tracelessness, jewelry (350 gp), backpack (60 lbs./-12 candidate with combat, fire, ice, and a month of lone survival,
Swim checks). during which the last head must be acquired. The heads are made to
speak the deeds of the would-be dreadnaught each morning of the
Combat ritual through speak with dead, so the involvement of the aspirant in
Smrtak is a cunning fighter, despite his physical prowess. He the creature’s slaying is evident.
always assesses his assets and disadvantages in a given combat Each day, the subject must have protection from elements, spell
beforehand, even fighting defensively for a few rounds to immunity, spell resistance, and stoneskin, cast upon it, as well as three
judge other warriors and to make his foes underestimate him. castings each of bull’s strength, cat’s grace, endurance, haste, neutralize
The warlord doesn’t favor elvish targets, seeing such blind poison, remove disease, remove paralysis, and true strike. The final day
hatred as folly, but he shows elves no mercy. requires the casting of a small miracle spell.
Felling Strike (Ex): 2/day, when Smrtak scores a
successful critical hit, he can elect to make a felling strike
by rolling again. If the result of this third roll would hit
The magical energies woven in the ritual are taxing on the target New Feats
creature’s body and mind. Each day the subject must make a Cleave Asunder [General, Fighter]
Fortitude saving throw (DC 1 + 1 per day) or take 1d2 points of Your powerful blows plow through flesh and steel.
temporary Constitution damage. A similar Will save is required Prerequisites: Cleave, Sunder
each day, or the subject takes 1d2 points of temporary Wisdom Benefit: If you deal an object enough damage to
damage. No magical means can restore this damage until the ritual destroy or break it, you may follow through with an attack
is over, but it does heal normally each day as if the subject were allowed as if you dropped a foe using the Cleave feat. The
resting. A target reduced to 0 Constitution dies and the ritual fails, subsequent attack may be used against an opponent or object
but once the creature reaches 1 Wisdom it goes berserk (+2 Str and within range, not just an opponent. If you have Great Cleave,
Con, +2 morale bonus to Will saves, –2 AC) and attempts to kill you may make additional attacks for each opponent dropped
anything present until Wisdom returns to 2 or higher. In the case of or object destroyed.
a berserk subject, the ritual is not a failure, but the ravening creature
must be contained. If Wisdom is reduced to 0, the subject loses 1d6 Cross-class Learning [General]
points of permanent Wisdom and goes permanently insane (curable You can learn cross-class skills as if they were class skills.
as normal). Benefit: You may choose two skills. These skills
Rarely is this ritual attempted more than once upon an are now class skills for all of your classes. (Note that each
individual. individual Craft, Knowledge, or Profession counts as a
Material Components: Each day, the ritual requires divine separate skill.)
material components of adamantine dust (costing 50 gp per HD Special: This feat may be taken multiple times,
of the subject creature) and incense and herbal oils (an additional
choosing new skills each time.
10 gp per HD of the subject). Material components for the spells
cast during the ritual are additional, most prominently 250 gp worth
of diamond dust per day for stoneskin. A character aspiring to the New Item
Dreadnaught template must usually provide the components. Other Razorback Amulet: Crafted of the tusks of a great boar
materials and costs might be incurred, such as the heads and cost of and a piece of its skull carved to resemble a boar face, the
preserving them for the hobgoblin version of this ritual (100 gp per razorback amulet allows its wearer to continue to fight
head). without penalty even while disabled or dying. The wearer
XP Cost: 300 XP per HD of creature affected. still dies at –10 hit points. The amulet must be bathed in the
Failure: The subject of the spell takes 2d4 points of heart’s blood of a freshly killed, 5-HD boar once per month,
temporary Constitution and Strength damage immediately. If it or it ceases to function. If left non-functional for more than
survives, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 25) or one point of the a month, the amulet requires the heart’s blood of a 14-HD
damage to each of the abilities is permanent. If the subject dies, dire boar to regain its magic. (These disadvantages reduce the
it cannot be resurrected except by a wish or miracle spell, but is a market value of the item.)
Blighted Thrall (per that template) thereafter. The ritual participants Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Items,
take 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage, while the leader takes bestial aspect other; Market Price: 17,500 gp; Weight: —.
1d4 points of temporary Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom
Botch: The participants in and leader of the rite take
damage as per failure above. There are further effects based on the
alignment of the casters or religion. Optionally, the subject of the
spell gains the Blighted Thrall template instead of either of the
options below.
If evil casters perform the ritual, or it is performed under
the auspices of an evil religion, the subject of the spell immediately
gains the Dreadnaught template and turns on all of the participants
of the ceremony. It slays them all, or tracks them unerringly and
relentlessly until it does. Once the participants are all slain, the
afflicted creature also dies. None of the slain creatures can be
resurrected except by a wish or miracle.
Otherwise, some flaw in the subject has made it unworthy
of the transformation. That flaw is magnified via an effect like that
of the spell bestow curse. Only a wish or miracle can undo this curse.
The participants in the ritual must make a Will save (DC 18) or be
similarly cursed, though the malady may be removed by a normal
remove curse spell on all except the ritual leader.
H ideous half-spiders, driders are the creation of Creating a Drider
depraved spellcasters, some mad deity, or drow. “Drider” is a template that can be added to any humanoid,
When drow see a drider, they see a mockery of monstrous humanoid, giant, or any living creature with an upper
the weakness they harbor in themselves. It proves that they body of humanlike form (referred to hereafter as the “base
are little better than the creatures they kill and enslave, that creature”). The base creature’s type changes to “Aberration”, unless
they are merely playing at being true dark elves unless they it is an outsider, in which case it retains that designation. A drider
can defeat and destroy their weaknesses. Thus, drow hate uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as
driders—and the feeling is mutual. Bloodshed is the inevitable noted here.
result from any meeting between the two. Hit dice: Changes to d8.
Speed: The base creature’s legs and lower body are
Appearance Changes replaced with the body of a monstrous spider. The base creature
The lower body takes the form of a hideous spider, with the gains a climb speed equal to half its land speed, or the climb speed
torso of a humanoid creature where the head of the spider the creature already possessed, whichever is better.
would be. AC: Natural armor improves by +3.
Attacks: A drider retains all the attacks of the base
creature and also gains a poisonous bite as a secondary attack. If
Wait! Aren’t Driders Large? the creature has attacks that rely on its lower body, such as a tail
If you look in the MM, yes they are, and you can make the slap, these attacks are lost.
template presented here increase size by one step if you like. Damage: A drider does bite damage as according to its
The thought behind leaving that step out was so you can have all original type and size.
sorts of nasty little spiderlings of various sizes. The same notion Special Attacks: If the creature has special attacks that
went into making the spell-like abilities optional. If you add the rely on its lower body, such as a tail constrict, these attacks are lost.
size increase, which is barely true even for the regular drider, A drider gains the special attacks listed below:
eliminate the template’s racial Strength bonus. You might halve Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (10 + one-half of the
the Strength bonus for increasing size, since the drider in the drider’s HD + the drider’s Constitution modifier), initial and
MM has such a low Strength for a Large creature created from a secondary temporary Strength damage. The amount of damage
Medium-size creature with average Strength (a drow). equals the number of dice of claw damage an aberration of the
same size would do (see Appendix I, Table 1-3: Aberrations), with
Driders and Webs a minimum of 1. If the base creature has better poison, use that
Driders don’t spin webs, despite spider bodies—you can change instead.
that if you like, adding +10% to the CR of a drider and +1 to Spell-Like Abilities: (Optional) At will—detect chaos, detect evil,
its ECL. The web-spinning drider can cast a web eight times per detect good, detect law, and detect magic as a sorcerer of a level equal to
day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum the drider’s HD. Driders are adept at seeing auras.
range of 10 ft. plus 10 ft. per size category above Fine, with a Special Qualities: If the creature has special qualities that
range increment of 5 ft. plus 5 ft. per two size categories above rely on the physiology of its lower body, these are lost. A drider
Fine, and is effective against targets of up to the drider’s size gains the special qualities listed below:
(see the PHB, Chapter 7, Equipment for details on net attacks). Multiple Legs (Ex): Driders are more stable because of their
The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. An multiple legs, gaining applicable stability bonuses against certain
entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist forms of attack (such as +4 against trip attacks).
check (DC 15 + one-half of the drider’s HD + its Constitution Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Strength +4,
modifier) or burst the web with a successful Strength check (DC Dexterity +2, Constitution +4, and Charisma +2.
20 + one-half of the drider’s HD + its Constitution modifier). Skills: Driders receive a +4 racial bonus on Hide and
The web has 1 hit point per size level of the drider and takes Move Silently checks and a +8 bonus on Climb checks for having a
double damage from fire. climb speed.
The drider can also create sheets of sticky webbing up Climate/Terrain: Same as the base creature and
to 5 square ft. per size category up to Small, +10 square ft. per underground.
size category Medium-size and above. Approaching creatures Organization: Solitary or pair. Often accompanied by
must succeed at a Spot check (DC 20) to notice a web or monstrous spiders.
stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing receive a Alignment: If the base creature has an Intelligence score
+5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or of 3 or above, move its alignment one step toward evil and one step
grab while pulling free. Each section (equal to the creature’s size) toward chaotic. If not, alignment remains the same. For example,
has hit points as indicated above. The drider can move across its a lawful good creature becomes neutral. Any abilities based on
sheet web at normal speed and can determine and can determine alignment are altered or lost appropriately.
the exact location of any creature touching the web. ECL: +2.
Sample Driders Resistances (Ex): Drider miriliths have cold, fire, and acid
This example uses a marilith as a base creature. Another example resistance 20.
follows, with detailed explanation of its creation. Telepathy (Su): Drider mariliths can communicate
telepathically with any creature within 100 ft. that has a
Drider Marilith language.
Large Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) Skills: Drider mariliths receive a +8 racial bonus
Hit Dice: 9d8+63 (103 hp) on Listen and Spot checks and a +4 bonus on Move Silently
Initiative: +3 (Dex) and Hide checks. These bonuses are included in the statistics
Speed: 40ft, climb 20ft. above.
AC: 33 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +21 natural); 30 flat-footed, 12 touch Feats: A drider marilith receives the Multidexterity
Attacks: +2 scimitar +17/+12 melee, 5 scimitars +15 melee, bite and Multiweapon Fighting feats as bonus feats. In
+13 melee combination with its natural abilities, these feats allow the
Damage: +2 scimitar 1d6+10/crit 18-20, 5 scimitars 1d6+3/crit 18- drider marilith to attack with all its arms at no penalty.
20, bite 1d6+3 and poison
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/10 ft. The Goblin Spider
Special Attacks: Poison, spell-like abilities, summon demon This sample uses a basic goblin (spinner) and hobgoblin
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/+2, immunities, multiple (hunter), but the Strength and Constitution modifiers due
legs, resistances, SR 25, telepathy to the drider template are halved. The race is divided into
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +10 types, including a special royalty bloodline. The monarch
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 17, Con 25, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 18 goblin spider is a bugbear (+2 instead of –2 to Charisma,
Skills: Bluff +16, Climb +15, Concentration +17, Hide +15, Listen +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence), using none of the Strength
+24 Move Silently +17, Scry +14, Search +14, Sense Motive +15, modifier and half of the Constitution modifier of the drider
Spellcraft +14, Spot +24 template. Goblin spiders use the Humanoid type for their
Feats: Cleave, Multiattack, Multidexterity, Multiweapon Fighting, skill point, BAB, saving throws (good Fortitude), and feats.
Power Attack Monarchs use the Monstrous Humanoid type, with good
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground Fortitude instead of Reflex saves. Monarch and hunter goblin
Organization: Solitary or pair spiders also gain the Vermin poison DC modifier (+2), while
CR: 18 monarchs have their poison damage increased by one die
Alignment: Always chaotic evil type from a hunter.
Treasures: Standard coins, double goods, standard items plus +2
scimitar Goblin Spider (Spinner)
Advancement: 10-13 HD (Large); 14-27 HD (Huge) Small Aberration (Goblinoid)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp)
These demonic fiends look like their normal counterparts, with a Initiative: +2 (Dex)
spider as their lower half. Speed: 30 ft., Climb 15 ft.
AC: 16 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural); 14 flat-footed, 13
Combat touch
Drider mariliths are no less brilliant in combat than normal Attacks: Halfspear +0 melee, bite –5 melee; or bite +0
members of their kind. melee; or dart +2 ranged
Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 21); initial and secondary Damage: Halfspear 1d6/crit x3, bite 1d3 plus poison; dart
damage 1d6 temporary Strength. 1d4
Spell-like Abilities: At will—animate dead, bestow curse, chaos Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
hammer, cloudkill, comprehend languages, darkness, desecrate, detect good, Special Attacks: Poison, web
detect law, detect magic, inflict serous wounds, magic circle against good (self Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., multiple legs, speak
only), magic weapon, project image, polymorph self, pyrotechnics, see invisibility, with spiders
shatter, telekinesis, teleport, without error (self plus 50 pounds of objects Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0
only), unholy aura, and unholy blight. These abilities are the spells cast Abilities: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
by a 13th-level sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level). At will—detect Skills: Climb +8, Hide +12, Listen +3, Move Silently +12,
chaos and detect evil. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9th-level Spot +3
sorcerer (save DC 14 + spell level). Feats: Alertness
Summon Demon (Sp): Once per day a drider marilith can Goblin Spider (Hunter)
attempt to summon 4d10 dretches, 1d4 hezrou, or one nalfeshnee Medium-size Aberration (Goblinoid)
with 50% chance of success, or one glabrezu or marilith with a 20% Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
chance of success. Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Immunities (Ex): Drider mariliths are immune to poison and Speed: 30 ft., Climb 15 ft.
electricity. AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural); 13 flat-footed, 12 touch
Multiple Legs (Ex): Drider mariliths are more stable because Attacks: Shortspear +1 melee, bite –2 melee; or bite +3
of their multiple legs, gaining applicable stability bonuses against melee; or javelin +2 ranged
certain forms of attack (such as +4 against bull rushes).
Damage: Shortspear 1d8+1/crit x3, bite 1d4+1 plus poison; Goblin spiders speak Goblin. Those with Intelligence scores of 12
javelin 1d6+1 or above also speak Common.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison Combat
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., multiple legs, speak with Goblin spiders are very organized, and approach problems with
spiders strategic minds. They readily lay traps and lead foes into dangerous
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0 areas and ambushes.
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10 Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude (Spinner DC 11, 1d3 initial and
Skills: Climb +9, Hide +6, Listen +3, Move Silently +12, secondary Strength damage; Hunter DC 14, 1d4; Monarch DC 16,
Spot +3 1d6).
Feats: Alertness Spinner Web (Ex): 8/day as a Small net, 40 ft. maximum
range, 10 ft. range increment, Escape DC 16, Break DC 21, 4 hp. 20
Goblin Spider (Monarch) sq. ft. sheets, 4 hp/5 ft. section.
Medium-size Aberration (Goblinoid) Monarch Web (Ex): 8/day as a Medium-size net, 50 ft.
Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (22 hp) maximum range, 10 ft. range increment, Escape DC 19, Break DC
Initiative: +3 (Dex) 24, 6 hp. 30 sq. ft. sheets, 6 hp/5 ft. section.
Speed: 30 ft., Climb 15 ft. Spell-like Abilities: All goblin spiders can use an ability like
AC: 19 (+3 Dex, +6 natural); 16 flat-footed, 13 touch speak with animals at will to communicate with any spider, as if the
Attacks: Shortspear +5 melee, bite +4 melee; or bite +6 spell were cast by a 1st-level druid. Monarch goblin spiders can cast
melee; or dart +6 ranged detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law, and detect magic at will as a
Damage: Shortspear 1d8+2/crit x3, bite 1d4+1 plus poison; 3rd-level sorcerer.
dart 1d4+2 Multiple Legs (Ex): Goblin spiders are more stable because
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. of their multiple legs, gaining applicable stability bonuses against
Special Attacks: Poison, web, spell-like abilities certain forms of attack (such as +4 against trip attacks).
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., multiple legs Skills: Spinner goblin spiders have a +8 racial bonus to
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +4 Move Silently checks and a +4 racial bonus to Hide and +4 to Hide
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14 due to size. Hunters and monarchs have the same, excepting no
Skills: Bluff +7, Climb +10, Diplomacy +6, Hide +10, bonus to Hide due to size. All Goblin spiders have +8 to climb due
Listen +5, Move Silently +12, Sense Motive +6, Spot +5 to their climb speed.
Feats: Multiattack, Weapon Finesse (bite)
Goblin Spider Society
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm forests and Goblin spider society is tribal, but strictly regimented. Social
underground hierarchy is determined as much by physiology as merit, with each
Organization: Pair, gang (4-9 plus 2-4 Small monstrous type of goblin spider occupying a higher rank. While it is possible
spiders), warband (10-24, plus 50% Small monstrous spiders), for a spinner goblin spider to rise above a lowly servant, a trade
tribe (10-100 plus 100% noncombatants, plus 50% small is all it can really hope for. Spinners build, clean, and craft, while
monstrous spiders, plus 1 3rd-level hunter or monarch per 10 hunters hunt, make military goods, and protect the homes of their
adults, and a 4th- to 6th-level monarch) fellows. Monarchs are idle, sometimes devoting time to the creation
CR: 1 for the hunter and spinner, 3 for monarchs of magical baubles or learning strategy and leadership from the
Treasure: Standard only free classes in goblin spider society—the priests, sages, and
Alignment: Often lawful neutral or lawful evil, rarely lawful magicians.
good The social order of goblin spider communities is also one
Advancement: By character class of perceived value. Spiders are kept like pets in all communities,
and used like hounds in a hunt. It is expected that spinners sacrifice
Goblin spiders are black, hairy monsters with the torso of themselves for the good of the community, but only if need be,
a goblinoid and the abdomen and legs of a spider for their just as it is expected for hunters to fight bravely, dying in battle to
lower bodies. While they come in differing sizes, they all share defend any end the monarchs set. The monarchs themselves are
features, such as eight eyes, fanged mouths, and long, pointed defended to the last.
ears. These creatures live in beautiful, clean web villages,
These creatures are rare, but legends speak of constructed of sturdy, waterproof silk and much of their clothing
their tenacity, ability to work together, and sorcery. Ruled is manufactured from this material as well (like web armor that
by physically and magically powerful monarchs, goblin functions as leather). A town with a powerful monarch may be a
spiders work quickly to control the area in which they reside, magical place, but is always well defended with fortifications, traps,
subjugating all weaker races for food and workers. Individual and ready troops. Yet, the goblin spider settlement is always a
goblin spiders are noted for cruelty, but these examples tend temporary place, for the creatures readily move to safer and more
to be outcasts or criminals from actual goblin spider society. resource-rich land when they need to.
While they resemble goblinoids, and apparently share many It is, perhaps, this nomadic lifestyle coupled with social
of the same traits, goblin spiders have no love for their two- order that keeps their numbers low. However, goblin spiders,
legged kin. especially those of disparate alignments, war among one another.
They also fight other goblinoids, clash with fey, and despise orcs, A goblin spider hunter differs from a spinner in its
though evil goblin spider tribes can and do form alliances with characteristics as follows (all other characteristics are the
hobgoblins. same):
Goblin spiders worship and revere nature and the great • +2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution.
Spider Mother, Pailunwoyha, weaver of all life. She is said to have • Medium-size. (Use human height and weight,
once been related to the chief goblin deity, but that tie is long +1d6 to weight modifier.)
broken. Some goblin spider sages say the goblin god is but one of • Bite: The bite attack of a hunter does 1d4 points
Pailunwoyha’s upstart children, taken to two legs in his rebellion. of damage.
• Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude (DC 12 + the hunter’s
Goblin Spider Characters Constitution modifier), 1d4 initial and secondary
A goblin spider’s favored class depends on its type. Spinners favor Strength damage.
rogue, hunters favor fighter, and monarchs favor sorcerer. Goblin • No Web.
spider clerics can choose two of the following domains: Law, • Favored Class: Fighter.
Protection, and Trickery. Good clerics have access to that domain, • ECL: +2.
and the life-giving aspect of the Spider Mother (Healing), while evil
clerics can choose from Death and Evil as well. Most goblin spider Goblin spider monarchs are rarely found away from a tribe,
spellcasters are adepts. but all have the following racial characteristics:
• High HD: Monarchs start with 3d8 HD, the
Goblin Spider Racial Traits first of which is maximized for a PC. Use
As a PC race, goblin spiders have various characteristics, according the Monstrous Humanoid type to determine
to type. A goblin spider spinner, the most common type of goblin their initial feats, skill points, saves, and attack
spider found away from its community, has the following racial progression.
traits: • +4 Strength, +6 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +2
• +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution. Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +4 Charisma.
• Small. Spinners gain a +1 size bonus to AC and attack • Medium-size.
rolls and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but they • Monarch base speed is 30 feet.
must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their • Darkvision: Monarchs can see 60 ft. in darkness.
lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of This vision is black and white.
Medium-size creatures. (Use gnome height, weight x 2 • Natural Armor: Monarchs have a +6 natural
lbs.) armor bonus.
• Spinner base speed is 30 feet. • Bite: Monarchs have a bite attack, which can be
• Darkvision: Spinners can see 60 ft. in darkness. This added to any full-attack action as a secondary
vision is black and white. attack, for 1d4 points of damage plus poison.
• Natural Armor: Spinners have a +3 natural armor bonus. • Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude (DC 12 + the
• Bite: Spinners have a bite attack, which can be added monarch’s Constitution modifier), 1d6 initial and
to any full-attack action as a secondary attack, for 1d3 secondary Strength damage.
points of damage plus poison. • Monarch Web (Ex): 8/day as a Medium-size net,
• Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude (DC 10 + the spinner’s 50 ft. maximum range, 10 ft. range increment,
Constitution modifier), 1d3 initial and secondary Escape DC 19, Break DC 24, 6 hp. 30 sq. ft.
Strength damage. sheets, 6 hp/5 ft. section.
• Spinner Web (Ex): 8/day as a Small net, 40 ft. maximum • Multiple Legs (Ex): Monarchs are more stable
range, 8 ft. range increment, Escape DC 16, Break DC because of their multiple legs, gaining applicable
21, 4 hp. 20 sq. ft. sheets, 4 hp/5 ft. section. stability bonuses against certain forms of attack
• Multiple Legs (Ex): Spinners are more stable because of (such as +4 against trip attacks).
their multiple legs, gaining applicable stability bonuses • Spell-like Abilities: Like all goblin spiders, a
against certain forms of attack (such as +4 against trip monarch can use an ability like speak with animals
attacks). at will to communicate with any spider, as if the
• Spell-like Abilities: Spinners can use an ability like speak spell were cast by a 1st-level druid. Monarch
with animals at will to communicate with any spider, as if goblin spiders can cast detect chaos, detect evil, detect
the spell were cast by a 1st-level druid. good, detect law, and detect magic at will as a sorcerer
• Skills: Spinners have a +8 racial bonus to Move Silently of a level equal to their HD.
checks and a +4 racial bonus to Hide. • Skills: Monarchs have a +8 racial bonus to Move
• Automatic Languages: Goblin. Silently checks and a +4 racial bonus to Hide.
• Bonus Languages: Common, Giant, Sylvan. • Automatic Languages: Goblin.
• Favored Class: Rogue. • Bonus Languages: Common, Giant, and Sylvan.
• ECL: +2. • Favored Class: Sorcerer.
• ECL: +6 (including 3d8 base HD).
E bon servitors are those sentient beings who have
willingly entered into a dark pact with an evil god or
another powerful, evil outsider. These creatures have
literally sold their souls to the forces of evil in order to gain
power, money, fame, notoriety, or just for the thrill of being
essence of evil that dwells within an ebon servitor, any creature
that strikes one with a melee attack suffers points of damage equal
to the servitor’s HD, with a maximum of one-half of the physical
damage that was inflicted with the original blow. The argent servitor
takes the damage from such strikes normally.
able to inflict untold pain and suffering. Ebon servitors revel Smite Good (Su): Once per day plus once per 5 HD
in their newly acquired abilities and are more than willing to (minimum once), an ebon servitor may attempt to smite good with
use them to advance the cause of the evil they serve. a single melee attack. When smiting, it adds its Charisma bonus
Ebon Servitors are sometimes referred to as “black” (if any) to the attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage
or simply “ebon” creatures. An ebon servitor orc is known per character level and/or Hit Die it has. If an ebon servitor
primarily as a “black orc”, and an ebon servitor minotaur is accidentally smites a creature that is not of good alignment, the
commonly called an “ebon minotaur”. Among wicked races, smite has no effect and the ability is used up for that day.
or via some twisted miracle, entire clans or groups have Special Qualities: An ebon servitor has the special
become ebon servitors—a stable race of true wickedness. qualities of the base creature and gains the following additional
Appearance Changes Damage Reduction (Ex): An ebon servitor has damage
An ebon servitor is similar in many respects to the base reduction equal to 1 + one-half of its HD versus everything but
creature in its appearance. However, many of the being’s holy weapons.
outward features become twisted, gnarled, or distorted in Improved Darkvision (Ex): An ebon servitor always has
some way—a telling sign of the pure evil that dwells in its darkvision at 60 ft. or double the darkvision of the base creature,
heart. The skin, feathers, fur, or scales of the base creature whichever is better. In the area of deeper darkness or a similar spell,
turn the deepest jet-black and its eyes sometimes glow with the ebon servitor may make a Will saving throw against the normal
the sickening green or red of the evil power that seethes spell DC to see in the darkness at half of its normal darkvision
within. range.
Detect Good (Su): An ebon servitor can detect good at will, per
the spell, excepting that the effect goes straight to that of the third
Creating an Ebon Servitor round as shown in the spell description. Caster level is as a cleric of
“Ebon Servitor” is a template that can be added to any a level equal to the creature’s HD.
aberration, sentient animal, beast, dragon, fey, humanoid, Resistances (Ex): An ebon servitor gains fire, cold, and
magical beast, monstrous humanoid, outsider, or sentient electrical resistances equal to 5 + one-half the total of its HD
plant (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After (maximum 30).
assuming the template, the base creature’s type and subtype Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Strength
do not change. Unless otherwise noted, in this template HD +4, Dexterity +2, Constitution +4, Wisdom –2.
stands for Hit Dice plus any character levels the creature Skills: All ebon servitors can speak Infernal or Abyssal, in
possesses. An ebon servitor uses the base creature’s statistics addition to any other languages of the base creature.
and inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. Organization: Ebon servitors are often unique
Hit Dice: Increase by one die type to a maximum individuals among normal members of the base creature type.
of d12, including dice from character classes. CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +3).
Speed: If the base creature can fly, its Alignment: Always evil.
maneuverability rating improves by one class. ECL: +3.
AC: Natural armor improves by +2. In addition,
the ebon servsitor gains a +2 profane bonus to its AC versus
creatures of good alignment. Sample Ebon Servitor
Damage: In addition to normal damage, the This example uses an orc as the base creature.
servitor gains additional unholy damage versus good
opponents according to its HD as indicated in the chart Kava’at-zahal (Ebon Servitor Orcs)
below. Medium-size Humanoid (Orc) War 1
Hit Dice: 1d10+2 (7 hp)
Bonus Initiative: +1
Hit Dice Unholy Damage Speed: 20 ft. (scale mail); base 30 ft.
1-4 1d2 AC: 17/19 vs. good (+1 Dex, +4 scale mail, +2 natural/+2
4-8 1d3 profane); 16/18 flat-footed, 11/13 touch
8-10 1d4 Attacks: Greataxe +5 melee; or javelin +2 ranged
11-12 1d6 Damage: Greataxe 1d12+6/crit x3; or javelin 1d6+4 (plus 1d2
13+ 1d8 unholy vs. good creatures)
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: The following special attacks are Special Attacks: Damage feedback, smite good 1/day
added to the base creature’s natural or armed attacks: Special Qualities: Darkvision 120 ft., detect good, DR 1/holy,
Damage Feedback (Ex): As a result of the pure resistances (fire, cold and electricity 5), light sensitivity
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will -1 spell, excepting that the effect goes straight to that of the
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 8 third round as shown in the spell description.
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +2 Light Sensitivity (Ex): Black orcs suffer a -1 penalty to
Feats: Alertness attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground spell.
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2-4), or squad (11-20 plus 2 3rd-
level sergeants and 1 leader of 3rd-6th level) Kava’at-zahal (Black Orc) Characters
CR: 1 The orcs of this tribe favor the barbarian class. Kava’at-zahal
Treasure: Standard clerics can choose two of the following domains: Chaos,
Alignment: Always chaotic evil Destruction, Evil, Strength, and War.
Advancement: By character class
Black Half-Orc Racial Traits
Kava’at is a fiendish supporter of death and destruction. Long ago, Kava’at-zahal orcs do produce half-orcs with diluted
an orcish “hero” called Zahal, dedicated to the demon, slaughtered corruption. Such black half-orcs have dark grey to black skin,
settlement after settlement of humans and dwarves in a bloody
war known as Zahal’s Culling. The good folk of the region were
brought under sway of Zahal’s tribe, and the orc warlord offered
hundreds to his wicked deity. In blessing, Zahal’s tribe was given evil
power forged in the netherworld. Sadly (for folk of good heart),
these abilities bred true and the Kava’at-zahal have remained
dominant in all areas near their original homeland.
Kava’at-zahal orcs have jet-black skin, with bright
red soft tissues (like gums). Their eyes and hair are also black,
the hair greying and balding with age. They speak Orc and
occasionally Goblin, Giant, and Abyssal (all priests speak this
latter language).
The Kava’at-zahal tribe is a ruthless, cannibalistic, and vile lot of
orcs that rely on their enhanced strength and damage feedback
abilities to overrun their opponents in hand-to-hand combat. They
are aware of their vulnerability to ranged weapons and thus use
ambushes to minimize the threat of such armaments.
Improved Darkvision (Ex): In the area of deeper
darkness or a similar spell, a black orc may make a Will
saving throw against the normal spell DC to see 60 ft.
in the darkness.
Smite Good (Su): Once per day, a black
orc may attempt to smite good with a single melee
attack. When smiting, it deals 1 extra point of
damage per character level and/or Hit Die it
has. If a black orc accidentally smites a
creature that is not of good alignment,
the smite has no effect and the ability is
used up for that day.
Damage Feedback (Ex): As a
result of the pure essence of evil that
dwells within it, all successful melee
attacks made with against a black orc
inflict 1 point of damage back
on the attacker. This ability
does not increase with
character level.
Detect Good
(Su): A black orc can
detect good at will as a
1st-level cleric, per the
dark hair, and dark eyes. Very rarely, such an abomination is Ragahd (Ebon Servitor Efreeti)
raised amongst humans and even denies its own nature by Large Outsider (Evil, Fire, Lawful)
having a good alignment. As a PC race, black half-orcs have Hit Dice: 10d10+40 (95 hp)
the following characteristics: Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
• +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Intelligence, –2 Speed: 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Wisdom, –2 Charisma. AC: 21/23 vs. good (–1 size, +4 Dex, +8 natural/+2 profane); 17/
• Medium-size. (Use half-orc height and weight, 19 flat-footed, 13/15 touch
+1d4 to each modifier.) Attacks: Slam +17/+12 melee
• Black half-orc base speed is 30 feet. Damage: Slam 1d8+11 and 1d6 fire and 1d4 unholy vs. good
• Improved Darkvision: Black half-orcs can see 60 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
ft. in darkness. The black half-orc may make a Special Attacks: Damage feedback, smite good, spell-like abilities,
Will saving throw against the normal spell DC to heat
see 30 ft. in deeper darkness or a similar spell. This Special Qualities: Bonus feat, detect good, plane shift, telepathy,
vision is black and white. darkvision 120 ft., DR 6/holy, cold and electrical resistance 15
• Natural Armor: Black half-orcs have a +1 natural Saves: Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10
armor bonus. Abilities: Str 27, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15
• Detect Good (Sp): 3/day, a black half-orc can Skills: Bluff +12, Concentration +18, Escape Artist +14,
detect good, per the spell, as a cleric of his or her Intimidate +11, Listen +11, Move Silently +14, Sense Motive +10,
character level. Spellcraft +11, Spot +11
• Smite Good (Su): Once per day, the black half-orc Feats: Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved
may attempt to smite good with a single melee Initiative, Iron Will
attack. When smiting, it adds its Charisma bonus Climate/Terrain: Any land
(if any) to the attack roll and deals 1 extra point Organization: Solitary, company (2-4) or band (6-15)
of damage per character level and/or Hit Die CR: 10
it has. If a black half-orc accidentally smites a Treasure: Standard coins; double goods; standard items
creature that is not of good alignment, the smite Alignment: Always lawful evil
has no effect and the ability is used up for that Advancement: 11-15 HD (Large); 16-30 HD (Huge)
• Light Sensitivity (Ex): Black half-orcs suffer a –1 “With the greatest age in our history over, there was nothing to stop Sinjani, the
penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or within efreeti sultan, from claiming our homeland. Thus, the Age of Fire was born.
the radius of a daylight spell. For thousands of years the efreet ruled the land, but did not preserve it. The
• +4 to save against any cold, electricity, or fire forests burned, and the lakes and rivers dried up. The efreet built a great city
attack. The black half-orc takes half the normal that they named the City of Fire. Volcanic lands formed around the city, and
damage from environmental heat and cold. the whole continent trembled at the might of the efreet.
• Fear and Loathing: Black half-orcs suffer severe However, discontent soon stole into the minds of the five generals that
prejudice in the lands where black half-orcs are the sultan sent to conquer the Material Plane. Each of them wished to become
known. Any Charisma, Diplomacy, or Bluff lord over the lands, but the sultan refused. The generals fomented rebellion
check is met with a –4 circumstance penalty. amongst the efreet of the Material Plane. They began warring amongst each
Further, NPCs are always treated as two steps other, as well as the sultan’s loyal forces. The efreet sultan, unable to stop the
more unfriendly than they are to other characters warring factions, cut them off from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
(see DMG, Chapter 5, Handling NPCs, NPC Isolated from their traditional home, the outcast efreet turned towards
Attitudes), except in very specific circumstances the outer planes, making a dark pact with the devil lords of Hell. They sold
determined by the DM. their souls and service to the fiendish monarchs for dark power and a fuel for
• Good Black Half-Orcs: Good black half-orcs can revenge against their elemental kin. Then the efreet on the Material Plane chose
exist, but such creatures are extremely rare. a new name, the ragahd, and began to plan the conquest of the entire world
Despite the apparent paradox, such orcs do for their new masters. Sinjani looked upon his fallen people with both rage and
not lose their abilities against good. Black half- shame.”
orcs cannot become paladins or clerics of good —The Master of the People
deities without losing the smite good ability and the
ability to save versus deeper darkness. The evil is The ragahd are an offshoot race of efreet. Rejected by their sultan
suppressed by such affiliation with good. as betrayers of the efreeti race, the ragahd turned to worshipping
• Automatic Languages: Orc (or Common if raised powerful fiends. In return for this dark pact, the ragahd have
human). become dangerous, fanatical soldiers and assassins in the service of
• Bonus Languages: Common, Goblin, Giant, the Devil Lords.
Abyssal. Human-raised black half-orcs speak Eventually banished from the Material Plane by the
additional languages according to their culture. Master’s people, with the aid of an army of genies, the ragahd now
• Favored Class: Barbarian. live in the lower planes. Their bodies are twisted mockeries of the
• ECL: +1.
efreet with jet-black skin that burns to the touch and a sickening
green glow emanating from their eyes.
Ragahd speak Ignan, Common, Auran, and Infernal.
The ragahd are rarely encountered en masse in melee. More often,
their devil masters use them as shock troops and assassins. Ragahd
are cunning, malevolent opponents that enjoy torturing lesser races,
especially genies. When forced into melee they fight to the death, in
fanatical fervor for their dark masters. The devils send ragahd to the
Material Plane to tempt mortals, using their powerful wish granting
abilities. Unwitting fools are tricked into servitude to the ragahd’s
vile lords. Ragahd attack efreet on sight, giving no mercy to their
hated, ancestral foes.
Bonus Feat (Ex): Ragahd receive the feat Iron Will as a
bonus feat.
Damage Feedback (Ex): As a result of the pure essence
of evil that dwells within them, all successful attacks made with a
melee weapon against a ragahd inflict half the total physical damage
back upon the attacker, to a maximum of 10 points per successful
strike. Attacks from ranged weapons do not suffer feedback damage
from this ability.
Detect Good (Su): A ragahd can detect good at will as a 10th-
level cleric, per the spell, excepting that the effect goes straight to
that of the third round as shown in the spell description.
Smite Good (Ex): Once per day, a ragahd may attempt to
smite good with a single melee attack. It adds +2 to the attack roll
and deals 10 extra hit points of damage. If a ragahd accidentally
smites a creature that is not of good alignment, the smite has no
effect and the ability is used up for the day. Thus, a ragahd cannot
smite efreet foes.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will: produce flame and pyrotechnics; 1/
day-grant up to three wishes (to non-genies only), detect magic, enlarge,
gaseous form, invisibility, permanent image, polymorph self, and wall of fire.
These abilities are as the spells cast by an 18th-level sorcerer (save
DC 12 + spell level).
Heat (Ex): An ragahd’s red-hot body deals 1d6 points of
additional fire damage whenever it hits in melee, or when grappling,
including each round it maintains a hold.
Improved Darkvision (Ex): A ragahd has darkvision with
a 120 ft. range. In the area of deeper darkness or a similar spell, the
ragahd may make a Will saving throw against the normal spell DC
to see in the darkness up to 60 ft.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold
except on a successful save.
Plane Shift (Sp): A ragahd can enter any of the Outer
Planes, the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane. This ability
transports the ragahd and up to six other creatures, provided they
all link hands with the ragahd. It is otherwise similar to the spell
of the same name. Ragahd cannot enter the Elemental Planes
using this ability, due to a magical barrier that prevents them from
accessing it. The genies of the Elemental Planes have worked very
hard to ensure this restriction continues. Note that a ragahd can
enter the Elemental Planes by other, mundane means.
Telepathy (Su): A ragahd can communicate telepathically
with any creature within 100 ft. that has a language.
Darkvision (Ex): Elemental creatures can see in non-magical
any creatures of the Material Plane have a
darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range,
corresponding form on one or more of the
whichever is better.
elemental planes, as dwarves have a corresponding
Damage Reduction (Ex): Elemental creatures of greater than
manifestation on the Plane of Fire in azers. Others have
8 HD gain DR equal to one-half of their HD in points of damage
been transformed by powerful and mysterious magicks into
(maximum 10), which a +1 or better weapon ignores. Thus, a 10
an elemental form. Still rarer forms occur naturally on the
HD elemental creature gains DR 5/+1.
Material Plane, cropping up in diverse locations as mutations
Additional Special Abilities: An elemental creature
or aberrations of a standard creature type.
retains the special qualities of the base creature and gains additional
These elementals may bear completely different
qualities according to elemental type:
and alien names from their material counterparts. In general,
they are simply called by their material name, preceded with
the adjective “elemental” or the specific, applicable elemental
Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures suffer a –1 penalty to attack
subtype (“Fire”, “Water”, “Air” or “Earth”).
and damage rolls against an air elemental creature.
Fly (Ex): Air elemental creatures can fly at a speed of 60
Appearance Changes ft. with perfect maneuverability. If the base creature can already
Elemental creatures are shaped like their material fly then use the better of the speeds, but maneuverability is always
counterparts, but are obviously infused by the power of perfect.
whatever element they embody. Air elemental creatures have Immunities: Air elemental creatures are immune to cold.
lighter frames, wild hair, and skin the color of sky, clouds, Resistances: Air elemental creatures gain electricity resistance
or smoke with occasional intrusions of some other misty 20 and acid resistance 10. They also receive a +6 racial bonus to
color. Earth creatures have earthy or metallic tones to their saving throws against any gas attack.
coloration and tend to be heavy and solid. Fire element
creatures have black, red, or metallic skin sometimes sheathed Earth
in fire, and wherever there would be significant hair that fire is Burrow (Ex): An earth elemental creature can glide through stone,
larger. Water elemental creatures have slick skin the color of dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal at its full move.
any type of water, less hair, webbed digits, and large eyes. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create
any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on
Creating an Elemental Creature an area containing a burrowing earth elemental creature flings the
“Elemental” is a template that can be added to any living, creature back 30 ft., stunning it for 1 round unless it succeeds at a
corporeal being (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). Fortitude save.
A creature cannot be given an elemental type opposite of one Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental creature gains a
it already possesses. After assuming the template, the base +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls, as well as Strength checks, if
creature’s type changes to Outsider, and it gains one of the both it and its target touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne
four, specific, major elemental subtypes—Fire, Water, Air, or waterborne, the elemental suffers a -4 penalty to attack. (These
or Earth. It also gains subtype information of its relevant modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)
alignment values (Lawful, Chaotic, Good, Evil). An elemental Immunities: Earth elemental creatures are immune to cold.
being uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial Ponderous: Earth element creatures move 10 ft. per round
special abilities except as noted below. slower than the base creature.
Hit Dice: Increases to d8, or remains the same as Resistances: Earth elemental creatures gain electricity
the base creature’s, whichever is greater. resistance 10 and fire resistance 20.
AC: Natural armor improves by the value shown on
the chart below: Fire
Fire elementals deliver extra fire damage with natural attacks or
Size Air, Fire Earth, Water melee attacks with metal weapons according to their size. This
Fine — +1 damage cannot exceed the primary attack’s base damage die (or
Diminutive — +1 dice). Check the creature’s size on the chart below:
Tiny — +1
Small +1 +2 Size Damage
Medium-size +2 +3 Fine 1
Large +3 +4 Diminutive 1
Huge +4 +4 Tiny 1d2
Gargantuan+ +4 +5 Small 1d3
Medium-size 1d4
Special Attacks: Usually the same as the base Large 1d6
creature, although relevant spell-like or supernatural abilities Huge 1d8
might be added to make the creature more unique. Gargantuan 2d6
Special Qualities: The base creature gains the Colossal 2d8
following special qualities.
Burn (Ex): Those hit by a fire elemental creature’s natural attack Maelstrom Render (Air Gray Render)
must succeed at a Reflex save or catch fire. The flame burns for 1d4 Large Outsider (Air)
rounds. The Reflex save DC equals 10 + the elemental’s HD + its Hit Dice: 10d10+70 (125 hp)
Constitution bonus. A burning creature can take a move-equivalent Initiative: +0
action to put out the flame. Speed: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Creatures hitting a fire elemental creature with natural AC: 25 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +13 natural); 22 flat-footed, 12
weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by touch
the elemental creature’s slam attack, and also catch fire unless they Attacks: Bite +12 melee, 2 claws +7 melee
succeed at a Reflex save. Damage: Bite 2d6+6, claw 1d6+3
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
except on a successful saving throw. Special Attacks: Improved grab, rend 3d6+9, spin
Special Qualities: Air mastery, darkvision 60 ft., DR 5/
Water +1, scent, immune to cold, acid resistance 10, electricity
Immunities: Water elemental creatures are immune to acid and cold. resistance 20
Swim: A water elemental; creature can swim with a base Saves: Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +4 (+6 to save vs. gas attacks)
speed of 60 ft. If the base creature already has a better swim speed, Abilities: Str 23, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 8
use the greater value. Skills: Hide +7, Spot +8
Water Mastery (Ex): A water elemental creature gains a Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground
+1 attack bonus if both it and its opponent touch water. If the Organization: Solitary
opponent or elemental is land-bound, the elemental suffers a -4 CR: 10
penalty to attack. Treasure: None
Abilities: Air: Dex +4; Earth: Str +4, Dex –2, Con +2; Alignment: Usually neutral
Fire: Dex +2; Water: Str +2, Con +2. Advancement: 11-15 HD (Large); 16-30 HD (Huge)
Skills: Those creatures able to speak a language lose their
normal base tongue and gain the appropriate elemental language A maelstrom render is a dusky-skinned predator with short
in its place. Creatures with more than one base language speak the legs, powerful arms that drag the ground and end in claws,
elemental tongue in lieu of the language most closely associated with and a huge head with a massive maw and six eyes that
their race. (A fire elemental elf would speak Ignan and Common.) occasionally spark with electricity. Normally found on the
Climate/Terrain: Any area appropriate to the elemental Elemental Plane of Air, these creatures can be the bane
creature’s preferred environment. Such creatures might be of any terrestrial wilderness area they invade. Where they
summoned elsewhere. are known, maelstrom renders are regularly blamed for the
CR: Tiny or smaller creatures use the base creature’s CR., disappearance of travelers.
Small to Large creatures get CR +1, while larger creatures get CR +2.
Significant DR or spell-like abilities may raise the creature’s CR one Combat
more point. A maelstrom render lands when it senses prey is nearby and
Alignment: Often the same as the base creature, though begins spinning, awaiting an opponent’s approach. Many a
elemental creatures tend toward neutral alignments. foe is struck dead by the creature’s powerful claws and bite
ECL: +3. Optionally, an additional ECL of +1 can be while still looking for the source of the strange, overhead
added for significant DR. sound.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the maelstrom
Sample Elemental Creatures render must hit with its bite attack.
These examples use a gray render (with an added supernatural Rend (Ex): A maelstrom render that gets a hold
ability, +1 CR) and pegasus as the base creatures. latches onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This
attack automatically deals 3d6+9 points of damage.
Spin (Su): The maelstrom render can cause itself
to spin, creating an obvious droning sound that seems to
come from a distance above the creature’s actual location
equal to its height (typically 12 ft.). While spinning, the
maelstrom render is under the effect of improved invisibility and
the creature gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC. A spinning
maelstrom render may make all of its normal attacks as a
standard action or double its normal attacks, at –2 to all
attack rolls, as a full attack action.
Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures suffer a –1
penalty to attack and damage rolls against a maelstrom
Skills: Maelstrom renders receive a +4 racial bonus
to Spot checks due to their six keen eyes.
Flamewing Equine (Fire Pegasus)
Large Outsider (Fire, Good)
Hit Dice: 4d10+12 (34 hp)
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 60 ft., fly 120 ft. (average)
AC: 18 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +6 natural); 15 flat-footed, 12 touch
Attacks: 2 hooves +7 melee, bite +2 melee
Damage: Hoof 1d6+4 plus 1d6 fire, bite 1d3+2 plus 1d3 fire
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Burn
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft., scent, spell-like abilities
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +4
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 13
Skills: Listen +12, Sense Motive +7, Spot +12, Wilderness
Lore +3
Feats: Iron Will
Climate/Terrain: Plane of Fire
Organization: Solitary, pair, or herd (6-10)
CR: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large)
Flamewing equines attack with their flaming hooves and
powerful bite, burning and igniting vulnerable foes. Mated
pairs and herds attack as a team, fighting to the death to
defend their young.
Burn (Ex): Those hit by a flamewing equine’s natural
attack must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 15) or catch fire.
The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. A burning creature can take
a move-equivalent action to put out the flame.
Creatures hitting a flamewing equines with natural weapons
or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the
elemental creature’s natural attack, and also catch fire unless
they succeed at a Reflex save.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage
from cold except on a successful saving throw.
Spell-Like Abilities: Flamewing equines can detect good
and detect evil at will within a 60-yard radius, as the spells cast
by a 5th-level sorcerer.
Skills: Flamewing equines receive a +4 racial bonus
to Listen and Spot checks.
T he Plane of Elemental Earth is a big place, and sometimes Sample Thermic Elemental
pockets of other elements cross weak planar boundaries This example uses a Large earth elemental as the base
and suffuse the earth with their substance. Thus there are creature.
portions of the Earth plane that are extremely hot, wet, cold, and so
on. Sometimes a summon monster spell used to call an earth elemental Thermic Earth Elemental
creature draws an elemental from a place suffused with fire energy, Large Elemental (Earth)
and the result is a thermic elemental. Thermic elementals removed Hit Dice: 8d8+32 (68 hp)
from the source of their fire energy (such as by being summoned Initiative: –1 (Dex)
to the Material Plane) lose this template in 1d4 hours. Larger Speed: 30 ft.
elementals are more likely to have this template than smaller ones. AC: 18 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +10 natural); 18 flat-footed, 8 touch
Attacks: Slam +12/+7 melee
Damage: Slam 2d8+10 plus 1d8 fire
Appearance Changes Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5ft./10 ft.
Thermic elemental creatures look like normal elementals of their
Special Attacks: Earth mastery, heat aura, push
type but are often blackened as if from fire or glow from heat in the
Special Qualities: Elemental, DR 10/+1, fire resistance 20
recessed portions of their body.
Saves: Fort +10, Reflex +1, Will +2.
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11.
Creating a Thermic Elemental Skills: Listen +10, Spot +10
“Thermic Elemental” is a template that can be added to any earth Feats: Cleave, Power Attack
elemental that does not have the cold or fire subtype (referred to Climate/Terrain: Any
hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming the template, land or underground Heat Aura and Fire Elementals
the base creature’s type and subtype do not change. A thermic Organization: Solitary It may seem logical that a thermic
elemental uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial CR: 6 elemental shouldn’t have a heat aura
special abilities except as noted below. Treasure: None if a fire elemental doesn’t. If that’s
Speed: The thermic elemental adds 10 ft. to all Alignment: Neutral your take, then it’s fine to play it that
movement types Advancement: 9-15 way. Alternatively, you could give a fire
Damage: The thermic elemental’s natural weapons deal HD (Large) elemental a heat aura too.
extra fire damage (in the form of an additional die, or additional
dice) equal to half of the weapon’s normal damage, with no added Combat
Strength bonus. Halving the damage for this purpose may result in a Thermic earth elementals are melee combatants, relying on
lower die type. Minimum additional damage is 1 point. For example, their powerful slam attacks and associated fire damage to
a Large thermic earth elemental deals 2d8+10 damage plus 1d8 fire batter their opponents into oblivion.
damage with a slam (2d8 halves to 1d8). A Small earth elemental Earth Mastery (Ex): A thermic earth elemental gains
does 1d6+4 with its slam, but only 1d3 additional fire damage (1d6 a +1 attack and damage bonus if both it and its foe touch
halves to 1d3). the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the
Special Attacks: A thermic elemental retains all of the elemental suffers a –4 penalty to attack and damage. (These
special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following: modifiers are not included in the statistics block.)
Heat Aura (Ex): Anyone within a distance of a thermic Heat Aura (Ex): Anyone within 5 ft. of a Large
elemental equal to its smallest dimension of Face must succeed thermic earth elemental must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC
at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the elemental’s HD + 18) or suffer 1d4 points of fire damage from the intense heat.
elemental’s Constitution modifier) each round or suffer half of Creatures make saving throws on their turn every round.
the thermic elemental’s fire damage from melee attacks in points Push (Ex): A thermic earth elemental can start a bull
of fire damage from the intense heat. Lower the die type again, rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity.
if necessary. The Small thermic earth elemental in the example in The combat modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also
Damage above does 1d2 damage with its heat aura, while the Large apply to the elemental’s opposed Strength checks.
one does 1d4.
Special Qualities: A thermic retains all of the special
qualities of the base creature and also gains:
Variant Thermic Elementals
Theoretically, it is possible that air and water elementals could
Fire Resistance (Ex): A thermic elemental has fire resistance
have this template. If so, their appearance is different than
that of earth elementals with this template, but not much
CR: Base creature’s CR +1
different than a normal elemental—water elementals bubble
ECL: +1.
and steam. Anyone caught in such an elemental’s whirlwind
or vortex automatically takes the fire damage associated with
the creature’s natural attacks each round. Water elementals
don’t get hot enough to have a heat aura or resistance to fire,
and thus have no CR adjustment.
F rom time to time, various plants, animals, and other, Sample Enchanted Creature
sentient creatures come into contact with a manifestation This example uses a remorhaz as the base creature.
of magical energy so intense and pervasive that it alters
their basic abilities, changing them into a different kind of Enchanted Remorhaz
creature altogether. Enchanted have been spawned by such Huge Magical Beast
diverse means as drinking from enchanted pools, being too near a Hit Dice: 7d10+35 (73 hp)
battle between powerful mages, being blessed by certain types of Initiative: +1 (Dex)
fey, or coming into direct contact with mythical beings imbued Speed: 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.
with potent transformational energies. Whatever the cause, one AC: 20 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +11 natural); 19 flat-footed, 9 touch
thing is certain—those that become enchanted become magical Attacks: Bite +13 melee
in their very nature. Damage: Bite 2d8+12
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, swallow whole
Appearance Changes Special Qualities: Heat, spell-like abilities, SR 13, low-light vision,
Enchanted creatures have a noticeable aura about them that sets
them apart from others of their kind: a slight sheen to the skin,
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +3
feathers, fur, or leaves, a bit more sparkle in the eyes, a silver
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 13, Con 21, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 12
streak in the hair, and so forth. Whatever the physical evidence
Skills: Listen +10, Spot +9
of their nature might be, it is obvious that the being in question
Feats: Power Attack
has come into contact with life-changing magical power in some
Climate/Terrain: Any cold land
Organization: Solitary
CR: 9
Creating an Enchanted Creature Treasure: None
“Enchanted” is a template that can be added to any creature Alignment: Usually neutral
that is not immune to magic (referred to hereafter as the Advancement: 8-10 HD (Huge); 11-21 HD (Gargantuan)
“base creature”). Un-awakened animals, non-sentient plants,
and vermin can all become enchanted, although they might Combat
not be able to make full use of some of their newly-gained Enchanted remorhazes hide under the snow and ice until they hear
special qualities, listed below. After assuming the template, the movement above them, then attack from below and surprise prey. They
base creature’s type and subtype do not change. For example, are especially attracted to creatures that carry magical items, using the
an enchanted human is still a humanoid. All other subtype detect magic ability to locate prey and then using their invisibility to further
information for the base creature remains unchanged. Unless cloak their attacks.
otherwise noted, in this template HD stands for Hit Dice plus Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the enchanted
any character levels the creature possesses. An enchanted being remorhaz must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically
uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special deals bite damage and can attempt to swallow the opponent.
abilities except as noted below. Swallow Whole (Ex): An enchanted remorhaz can try to
Special Qualities: An enchanted creature retains all of swallow a grabbed opponent of Large or smaller size by making a
the special qualities of the base creature and gains the following: successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+12
Spell-like Abilities: At will—detect magic, read magic, and light; 1/day points of crushing damage plus 10d10 points of fire damage per round
plus once per 3 HD—invisibility and mage armor. The detect magic from the creature’s blazing gut. A swallowed creature can cut its way
spell goes straight to the third round effect of that spell upon out by using claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 25 points
casting, and illiterate creatures cannot use read magic. The creature of damage to the enchanted remorhaz’s gut (AC 20). Once the creature
casts as a sorcerer of a level equal to its HD. exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent
Immunities: Enchanted are immune to sleep, paralysis, must cut its own way out. The enchanted remorhaz’s interior can hold
and charm spells and effects. two Large, four Small, eight Tiny, sixteen Diminutive, or thirty-two Fine
Low-light vision: Enchanted gain low-light vision if they or smaller opponents.
does not already possess it. Heat (Ex): An enraged enchanted remorhaz generates heat
Spell Resistance: Enchanted have SR equal to 10 + one- so intense that anything touching its body takes 10d10 points of fire
half of their HD (plus char levels). If the base creature already damage. This is usually enough to melt non-magical weapons, but
has SR, use whichever value is higher. magic weapons get a Fortitude save (DC 18).
Second Favored Class (Sorcerer): If the base creature has Spell-like Abilities: At will—detect magic and light; 3/day—
levels in one or more character classes, they gain sorcerer as a invisibility and mage armor. The detect magic spell goes straight to the third
second favored class in addition to the favored class of their race round effect of that spell upon casting. The enchanted remorhaz casts
or creature type. as a 7th-level sorcerer.
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Immunities: Enchanted remorhazes are immune to sleep,
Charisma +2. paralysis, and charms.
Organization: Enchanted are often unique individuals Tremorsense (Ex): An enchanted remorhaz can automatically
among normal members of the base creature type. sense the location of anything within 60 ft. that is in contact with the
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 10% (maximum +2). ground.
ECL: +2. Skills: Enchanted remorhazes receive a +4 racial bonus to
Listen checks.
L ike ghosts, ethereal creatures can travel back and forth from
the Material to the Ethereal Plane with relative ease. Using
their plane-shifting abilities to their full advantage, they can
be either fearsome foes or valuable allies to a party of adventurers.
Ethereal Bugbear
Medium-size Humanoid (Goblinoid)
Hit Dice: 3d8+3 (16 hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
Appearance Changes AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +2 leather, +1 small shield); 16
An ethereal being looks exactly like its counterpart on the Material flat-footed, 11 touch
Plane. Attacks: Morningstar +4 melee; or javelin +3 ranged
Damage: Morningstar 1d8+2; or javelin 1d6+2
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Creating an Ethereal Creature Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., ethereal jaunt,
“Ethereal” is a template that can be added to any creature type
except constructs and undead (referred to hereafter as the “base
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
creature”). Ethereal creatures are native to the ethereal plane of
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
existence. After assuming the template, the base creature’s type and
Skills: Climb +2, Hide +3, Listen +3, Move Silently +6, Spot
subtype do not change. An ethereal being uses the base creature’s
statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted below.
Feats: Alertness
Special Qualities: Base creature gains the following
Climate/Terrain: Any underground
special qualities in addition to its own:
Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4), or band (11-20 plus 150%
Ethereal Jaunt (Su): An ethereal creature can shift from the
noncombatants plus 2 2nd-level sergeants and 1 leader of
Ethereal to the Material Plane as part of any move-equivalent action
2nd-5th level)
and shift back again as a free action. The creature may stay on either
CR: 4
plane as long as it wishes.
Treasure: Standard
Etherealness (Ex): The base creature gains the properties
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
of etherealness while on the Ethereal Plane. An ethereal creature is
Advancement: By character class
invisible, inaudible, insubstantial, and scentless to creatures on the
Material Plane (the normal world) while traveling on the Ethereal
Ethereal bugbears speak Goblin and Common.
Plane. Even most magical attacks have no effect on it. See invisibility
and true seeing can reveal an ethereal creature. An ethereal creature
can pass through and operate in water as easily as air and it does
Ethereal bugbears are the perfection of their race. Scouting
not fall or suffer falling damage. Ethereal creatures can see and hear
and sneaking become easy, and the ethereal bugbear can
into the Material Plane in a 60-ft. radius, though material objects
choose the most opportune time to appear on the Material
still block sight and sound. (An ethereal creature can’t see through
Plane to attack. Otherwise, their tactics are much like those
a material wall, for instance.) Things on the Material Plane look
of their terrestrial counterparts.
gray, indistinct, and ghostly. An ethereal creature can’t affect the
Ethereal Jaunt (Su): An ethereal bugbear can shift
Material Plane, not even magically. An ethereal creature, however,
from the Ethereal to the Material Plane as part of any move-
interacts with other ethereal creatures and objects the way a material
equivalent action and shift back again as a free action. The
creature interacts with other material creatures and objects. Ethereal
creature may stay on either plane as long as it wishes.
creatures can move in any direction (including up or down) at will.
Etherealness (Ex): An ethereal bugbear gains the
It does not need to walk on the ground, and material objects don’t
properties of etherealness while on the Ethereal Plane. An
block it (though it can’t see while its eyes are within solid material).
ethereal bugbear is invisible, inaudible, insubstantial, and
Force effects, gaze effects, and abjurations affect ethereal creatures
scentless to creatures on the Material Plane (the normal
normally, since these all extend onto the Ethereal Plane. However,
world) while traveling on the Ethereal Plane. Even most
none of these effects extend from the Ethereal Plane to the
magical attacks have no effect on it. See invisibility and true
Material Plane.
seeing can reveal an ethereal bugbear. An ethereal bugbear can
Darkvision (Ex): Ethereal creatures can see in non-magical
pass through and operate in water as easily as air and it does
darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range,
not fall or suffer falling damage. Ethereal bugbears can see
whichever is better.
and hear into the Material Plane in a 60-ft. radius, though
Climate/Terrain: Same as base creature, but on the
material objects still block sight and sound. (An ethereal
Ethereal Plane.
bugbear can’t see through a material wall, for instance.)
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +3).
Things on the Material Plane look gray, indistinct, and
ECL: +3.
ghostly. An ethereal bugbear can’t affect the Material Plane,
not even magically. An ethereal bugbear, however, interacts
Sample Ethereal Creatures with other ethereal creatures and objects the way a material
These examples use a bugbear and a kobold as the base creature. creature interacts with other material creatures and objects.
The CR for the bugbear example was fudged upwards due to its Ethereal bugbear can move in any direction (including up
powerful nature compared to monsters like the ethereal filcher (CR or down) at will. It does not need to walk on the ground,
3) and ethereal marauder (CR 3). and material objects don’t block it (though it can’t see while
its eyes are within solid material). Force effects, gaze effects, Combat
and abjurations affect ethereal bugbear normally, since these Whenever possible, bands of ethereal kobolds stalk their victims
all extend onto the Ethereal Plane. However, none of these invisibly from the Ethereal Plane. When an opportune time presents
effects extend from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane. itself, they shift to the Material Plane, attack, and shift back to the
Skills: Ethereal bugbears receive a +4 racial bonus to Ethereal, whittling down their prey with ranged weapons.
Move Silently checks. Ethereal Jaunt (Su): An ethereal kobold can shift from the
Ethereal to the Material Plane, and vice versa, as part of any move-
Ethereal Bugbear Characters equivalent action. The ethereal kobold may stay on either plane as
An ethereal bugbear favored class is rogue. Most ethereal long as it wishes.
bugbear leaders are fighters or fighter/rogues. Ethereal Etherealness (Ex): An ethereal kobold is invisible, inaudible,
bugbear clerics (favored weapon: morningstar) can choose any insubstantial, and scentless to creatures on the Material Plane (the
two of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, Trickery, and War. normal world) while traveling on the Ethereal Plane. Even most
magical attacks have no effect on it. See invisibility and true seeing
Ethereal Kobold can reveal an ethereal kobold. An ethereal kobold can
Small Outsider pass through and operate in water as easily as air
(Reptilian) and it does not fall or suffer falling damage.
Hit Dice: 1/2 d8 Ethereal kobolds can see and hear
(2 hp) into the Material Plane in a 60-ft.
Initiative: +1 radius, though material objects
(Dex) still block sight and sound. (An
Speed: 30 ft. ethereal kobold can’t see through
AC: 15 (+1 size, a material wall, for
+1 Dex, +1 natural, instance.) Things on the
+2 leather); 14 flat- Material Plane look gray,
footed, 12 touch indistinct, and ghostly.
Attacks: Halfspear An ethereal kobold
–1 melee; or light can’t affect the Material
crossbow +2 ranged Plane, not even magically.
Damage: Halfspear An ethereal kobold,
1d6-2/crit x3; or light however, interacts
crossbow 1d8/crit 19-20 with other ethereal
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 creatures and objects
ft./5 ft. the way a material
Special Qualities: creature interacts
Darkvision 60 ft., light with other material
sensitivity creatures and objects.
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 Ethereal kobolds can move in
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 13, Con 11, Int any direction (including up or down)
10, Wis 10, Cha 10 at will. It does not need to walk on the
Skills: Craft (trapmaking) +2, ground, and material objects don’t block it
Hide +8, Listen +2, Move (though it can’t see while its eyes are within
Silently +4, Search +2, Spot solid material). Force effects, gaze effects,
+2 and abjurations affect ethereal kobolds
Feats: Alertness normally, since these all extend onto the
Climate/Terrain: Any forest and Ethereal Plane. However, none of these effects extend from
underground or Ethereal Plane the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane.
Organization: Gang (4-9), band (10-100 plus 100% Light Sensitivity (Ex): Ethereal kobolds suffer a –1 penalty
noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults and 1 to attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight
leader of 4th-6th level), warband (10-24 plus 2-4 ethereal dire spell.
weasels), tribe (40-400 plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 20 adults, Skills: Ethereal kobolds receive a +2 racial bonus to Craft
1 or 2 lieutenants of 4th or 5th level, 1 leader of 6th-8th level, (trapmaking), Profession (mining), and Search checks.
and 5-8 ethereal dire weasels)
CR: 1 Ethereal Kobold Characters
Treasure: Standard An ethereal kobold’s favored class is sorcerer. Ethereal kobold
Alignment: Usually lawful evil clerics can choose any two of the following domains: Evil, Law,
Advancement: By character class Luck, and Trickery.
xoskeletons are the animated husks of long-dead giant Sample Exoskeleton
insects and other invertebrates with a chitinous exoskeleton. This example uses a giant wasp as the base creature.
The exoskeleton is treated as a skeleton, and strengthened
by the magic. Giant Wasp Exoskeleton
Large Undead
HD: 5d12 (32 hp)
Appearance Changes Initiative: +5 (Dex, Improved Initiative)
Appearing much as they did in life, although often lacking in obvious Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (average)
sensory organs, exoskeletons are frighteningly agile and often climb AC: 15 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural); 13 flat-footed, 11 touch
to higher ground (including the ceiling) to achieve a good vantage on Attacks: Sting +6 melee
their enemies. Mindless automatons all, they obey the orders of their Damage: Sting 1d3+6 and poison
controllers. Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Deadly poison
Creating an Exoskeleton Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., immunities, undead
“Exoskeleton” is a template that can be added to any living arthropod Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4
(hereafter referred to as the “base creature”). The base creature’s Abilities: Str 18, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10
type changes to “Undead”, but its subtypes remain the same. An Feats: Improved Initiative
exoskeleton uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm land and underground
except as noted here. Organization: Solitary, swarm (2-5), or cluster (11-20)
Hit Dice: Increase die type to d12. CR: 3
Speed: If the base creature could fly, speed is halved and Treasure: None
maneuverability decreases by one rating. Some exoskeletons may lose Alignment: Usually neutral evil
this ability altogether. Exoskeletons gain climb movement equal to their Advancement: May be found in ranges of: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15
base ground speed, if the base creature does not already possess better. HD (Huge)
Special Attacks: The exoskeleton loses all supernatural
and spell-like abilities of the base creature, as well as any abilities that This pale shell looks like a milky-skinned wasp.
require an active metabolism (requiring Constitution). However, if the
base creature had a poisonous attack, the exoskeleton gains the ability Combat
below: The giant wasp exoskeleton attacks whatever enters its lair, besides
Deadly Poison (Ex): The exoskeleton’s poisonous attack has its master.
become deadlier with the infusion of negative energy and the aging Deadly Poison (Ex): Fortitude (DC 16), 1d6 Constitution
of the toxins within it. The DC of the poison is 10 + one-half of the initial and secondary.
exoskeleton’s HD + vermin modifier (if appropriate), but the primary Immunities (Ex): Giant wasp exoskeletons have cold
and secondary damage is converted to Constitution damage. immunity. Because they lack flesh and internal organs, they take
Special Qualities: The exoskeleton loses all supernatural only half damage from piercing weapons.
abilities, spell-like abilities, abilities that require an active metabolism, Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
and the vermin quality from the base creature, but gains the following: sleep, paralysis, stunning and disease. Not subject to critical hits,
Darkvision (Ex): The exoskeleton can see in non-magical subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from
darkness up to a range of 60 ft. massive damage.
Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep,
paralysis, stunning and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual Becoming an Exoskeleton
damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. Exoskeletons are animated through a specialized version of
Immunities (Ex): Exoskeletons have cold immunity. Because animate dead called exoskeleton animation, which is of the same
they lack flesh and internal organs, they take only half damage from level and uses the same rules as animate dead. More powerful
piercing weapons. exoskeletons might be created through the use of the spells for
Abilities: Modify from base creature as follows: Dexterity undead found in the Desiccated template. A ritual like corpse legion
+2, Wisdom and Charisma drop to 10 (or remains the same as the could be used for small armies of animated exoskeletons.
base creature, if lower). As an undead creature, an exoskeleton has
no Constitution score and as a mindless undead it has no Intelligence
score. Variant Exoskeleton
Skills: None. The exoskeleton loses all racial skill modifiers An exoskeleton that retains the supernatural and spell-like abilities
from the base creature. of the base creature can be created using the create undead spell.
Feats: An exoskeleton gets Improved Initiative as a bonus One that retains character levels, supernatural abilities, and even
feat, but has no other feats. some extraordinary abilities can be created using the form of eternal
Alignment: Usually neutral evil. bone ritual found in the Greater Skeleton template.
Advancement: Exoskeletons do not advance, but may be
found in the same range of HD as possible for the base creature.
ECL: +2 (assuming the creature somehow has an Intelligence
Skills: Fey-kissed get a +1 racial bonus Perform, and Bluff checks.
ey-kissed characters or creatures are usually taken
Fey-kissed also get a +2 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently
away as lovers by fey creatures such as dryads or
checks in terrain similar to the one wherein they dwelled among the
nymphs, although this template could be applied to
fey (most often, forest). Fey-kissed speak Sylvan.
any mortal creature stolen in infancy by fairies or a creature
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 for a fey-kissed creature with 4
(or race) that dwells in the fey realms, but is not itself fey.
or more HD.
Blessed by the lavish attentions of the fey, the fey-kissed have
Alignment: Always good (any).
emerged from the “Otherworld” a bit more windswept, with
ECL: +1.
some nature-related powers and abilities.
Special Qualities: A fey-kissed creature retains all Faewasse are a race of merfolk who dwell in the watery areas of
the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the the fey world. They are beautiful, but aloof, and seldom take an
following: interest in the world of mortals. When they do, it’s to have fun at
Low-light Vision (Ex): Fey-kissed can see twice as far the expense of mortals—though this play is seldom malicious. The
in poor lighting conditions as humans. If the base creature statistics here are for a 1st-level faewasse warrior. Faewasse speak
has better low-light vision, it is retained. Common, Aquan, and Sylvan.
Slow Aging (Ex): A fey-kissed is forever touched
by the agelessness of the fey realms. In mortal realms, the Combat
creature ages half as fast as a normal counterpart, and does Faewasse favor streamlined javelins and shortspears, made of
not age at all when in the fey realms. bone and driftwood, for battle. They use their spell-like abilities to
Melancholy (Ex): A fey-kissed that has left the fey confuse foes, often resorting to the use of change self to take the
realm is occasionally prone to fits of melancholy. Every shape of other aquatic creatures.
week, it must make a Will save (DC 25 minus its own HD, Spell-like Abilities: 3/day—mage hand, dancing lights, and ghost
minimum DC 5) or be struck by ennui for 1d4 days, during sound; 1/day—alter self and animal friendship.
which time the creature is at –1 to Wisdom-related rolls.
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
Charisma +2.
Melancholy (Ex): A faewasse that has left the fey realm is occasionally
prone to fits of melancholy. Every week, it must make a Will save
(DC 25 minus its own character level, minimum DC 5) or be struck
by ennui for 1d4 days, during which time the he or she is at –1 to
Wisdom-related rolls.
Skills: Faewasse get a +1 racial bonus to Bluff and
Perform checks. * They get +2 to Hide and Move Silently in water.
Faewasse Society
Faewasse are nomadic, moving their homes to follow warm weather
and food. They are ruled by a loose organization of the wisest
among them, associate with whales and other aquatic animals,
and give warriors a special status. Skilled warriors are referred
to as knights. Only in the fey realms do they set up permanent
settlements in the twilit seas of the Otherworld.
Faewasse Characters
A faewasse’s favored class is bard. Faewasse clerics can choose two
of the following domains: Animal, Protection, and Water.
A s celestial hosts can fall to lust and worse, so to can
the base and depraved beings of the netherworlds
rise above their natures and bring light to the
universe instead of darkness (or at least, do less harm). This
occurrence, unfortunately, is extremely rare. Worse, the
Friendship: The redeemed’s desire to do good spills into the
atmosphere around it, creating a field of emotional warmth.
Anyone within a 20-ft. radius of the redeemed must make a Will
save or feel friendliness wash over them, making them more likely
to cooperate and tolerate one another. The redeemed’s touch
redeemed are oft hunted by their once brethren—the path of bestows friendship such that the affected creature reacts as if
goodness then being doubly dire to tread. More commonly, charmed by everyone he or she sees for the duration of the effect.
fiends that turn from a slavish life of evil to pursue their own Happiness: The redeemed’s happiness is felt everywhere
philosophies and desires, without the burden of extremism. near it. Anyone within a 20-ft. radius of the redeemed feels cheerful
These latter monsters are just as frequently slain by their kin and upbeat. This feeling grants a +1 morale bonus to all rolls by
as some misguided celestial or group of heroes. Fiends that good or neutral characters for the duration of the effect, but makes
maintain an evil alignment, yet go against their station, are not evil creatures uneasy, granting them a –1 morale penalty instead, if
redeemed, only rebellious. they fail the save. The redeemed’s touch causes a fit of giggling that
prevents anything but move-equivalent actions for the duration of
Appearance Changes the effect.
Unlike the fallen, redeemed fiends always take on a more Hope: The redeemed projects its hope for all things good.
pleasant aspect. They may still be monstrous, but some Anyone within a 20-ft. radius of the redeemed gets +4 to save
change comes over them showing their new link to goodness versus fear for the duration of the effect, but evil creatures are
(if any). Neutral fiends look much as they did in the abyss that made uneasy by the feeling and also suffer a –1 morale penalty to all
spawned them, but take a more prudent view of the world. rolls (net +3 vs. fear) if they fail the save. If the redeemed touches
another creature and the save is failed, that creature is shaken if
it is evil—the nature of its crimes becomes evident temporarily.
Creating a Redeemed Fiend Otherwise, there is no additional effect.
“Redeemed Fiend” is a template that
Special Qualities: The redeemed
can be applied to any evil outsider Unique Redeemed retains all of the base creature’s special
(hereafter referred to as the “base Feel free to add unique abilities to qualities (with changes as noted in Ability
creature”). The creature’s type does not your redeemed. One of the best Changes above) and gains the following:
change, but its relevant subtypes may, ways to do this is to grant a few Vulnerability to Good (Ex): Redeemed
based on its alignment shift. It uses abilities from the half-celestial fiends are treated as if neutral for the
all of the base creature’s statistics and template in the MM according to purposes of determining the effects of spells
special abilities except as noted here. the redeemed’s HD. You might also that damage evil creatures. A redeemed, for
Special Attacks: The give the creature a character class example, always takes damage from holy smite
redeemed loses any ability to summon or unique prestige class for which as if it were neutral. Some redeemed fiends
other fiends. It retains all of the base it qualifies. Gain of significant lose this disadvantage after spending many
creature’s other special attacks and celestial abilities should increase the years in celestial realms.
gains the ability changes and additions creature’s CR by 1 or 2. Abilities: Modify from the base
indicated below:
creature as follows: Wisdom +2. Redeemed
Ability Changes: If the
are often unique creatures deserving of
redeemed has turned to good, any ability it had that affected
individual generation as characters.
good is reversed (protection from good becomes protection from
Organization: Often solitary, though some redeemed
evil). Neutral redeemed turn these abilities against law or
form groups with like-minded creatures.
chaos (usually the opposite of the creature’s law or chaos
CR: Same as base creature, though loss of a significant
determiner) instead. Any ability that cannot be changed thus
ability might change that.
is lost (or kept at your discretion).
Alignment: Sometimes good, often neutral, never evil.
Aura of Emotion (Su): If you like, a good redeemed
continually generates an aura of emotion, which it cannot
suppress. Saving throws for the aura abilities are always
(DC 10 + one-half of the redeemed’s HD + its Charisma
modifier). A number of times per day equal to one plus
once per 5 HD, it can generate a special effect by touching
a specific opponent, which forces the opponent to make a
similar saving throw. Any of these mind-affecting, compulsion
enchantments effects allow a save each round (at +1 for each
previous round) to overcome them, but otherwise end in a
number of rounds equal to the redeemed’s HD. Anyone who
saves against or recovers from a redeemed’s aura cannot be
affected by that specific aura for 24 hours.
Sample Redeemed Telepathy (Su): Rausalyn can communicate telepathically with
This example uses a succubus as the base creature. any creature within 100 ft. that has a language.
Alternate Form (Su): Rausalyn can assume any
Rausalyn, redeemed succubus humanoid form of Small to Large size as a standard action.
Medium-size Outsider (Chaotic, Good) This ability is similar to the polymorph self spell but allows only
Hit Dice: 6d8+6 (33 hp) humanoid forms. While using this ability, Rausalyn gains a
Initiative: +1 (Dex) +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks.
Speed: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average) Tongues (Su): Rausalyn has a permanent tongues ability
AC: 20 (+1 Dex, +9 natural); 19 flat-footed, 11 touch as the spell cast by a 12th-level sorcerer.
Attacks: 2 claws +7 melee Vulnerability to Good (Ex): Rausalyn is treated as if
Damage: Claw 1d3+1 neutral for the purposes of determining the effects of spells
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. that damage evil creatures. She, for example, always takes
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, aura of happiness damage from holy smite as if she were neutral.
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/+2, SR 12, poison and Skills: Rausalyn receives a +8 racial bonus to Listen
electricity immunity, cold, fire, and acid resistance 20, telepathy, and Spot checks. *When using alternate form, Rausalyn
alternate form, tongues, vulnerability to good receives an additional +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 checks.
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 13,Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 20
Skills: Bluff +11, Concentration +7, Disguise +11*, Escape Artist
+7,Hide +7, Knowledge (planes) +9, Listen +17, Move Silently +7,
Ride +7, Search +9, Spot +17
Feats: Dodge, Mobility
CR: 9
Alignment: Chaotic good
Rausalyn was redeemed long ago by a selfless act taken out of actual
love for a mortal. A great priest who witnessed the act interceded
on the succubus’s behalf, and she was miraculously transformed.
In her natural shape she has striking blue eyes and silver hair. Her
wings are still leathery like a demon’s, but have a pearlescent quality.
The former succubus had to willingly give up her energy drain
ability to be redeemed. She wanders the Material Plane now in the
guise of a human maiden, immortal and without a home—she is
too uncomfortable in the celestial realms to spend much time there.
Possessions: clothing, jewelry (1,000gp).
Rausalyn avoids combat when she can, using her considerable
magical abilities instead.
Aura of Happiness (Su): Rausalyn’s happiness causes anyone
within a 20-ft. radius feels cheerful and upbeat. This feeling grants
a +1 morale bonus to all rolls by good or neutral characters, but
makes evil creatures uneasy, granting them a –1 morale penalty
instead if they fail a Will save (DC 18). 2/day Rausalyn’s touch
causes a fit of giggling that prevents anything but move-equivalent
actions. Either of these mind-affecting, compulsion enchantments
effects allow a save each round (at +1 for each previous round) to
overcome them, but otherwise last 6 rounds. Someone who has
saved or recovered from either effect cannot be affected again for
24 hours.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will—aid, charm monster, clairaudience/
clairvoyance, consecrate, darkness, detect evil, detect thoughts, ethereal jaunt
(self plus 50 pounds of objects only), suggestion, and teleport without
error (self plus 50 pounds of objects only); 1/day—holy smite. These
abilities are as the spells cast by a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC 15 +
spell level).
G houls haunt graveyards, battlefields, and plague
cities and other places rich with the carrion for
which they hunger. They lurk where the stench of
death hangs heavy, waiting to devour their prey. Ghouls are
sometimes created upon the death of a cannibal. Others claim
Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by a ghoul’s natural attacks must succeed
at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the ghoul’s HD + the
ghoul’s Charisma modifier) or be paralyzed for 1d6+2 minutes.
Elves are immune to this paralysis.
Create Spawn (Su): In most cases ghouls devour those they
that anyone of exceptional debauchery and wickedness runs kill. From time to time, however, the bodies of the victims lie where
the risk of becoming a ghoul upon his death. they fell, to rise as ghouls themselves in 1d4 days.
Special Qualities: The ghoul retains special qualities
Appearance Changes according to the same restriction in Special Attacks above and gains
Although ghouls appear more or less as they did in life, their the following:
mottled, decaying flesh is drawn tight across their clearly Darkvision (Ex): A ghoul can see in non-magical darkness
visible skeletal structure. The transformation from living up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range, whichever is
beings into fell carrion feeders has turned them into cunning better.
and animal-like monsters. Their eyes burn like hot coals in Turn Resistance (Ex): Ghouls have +2 turn resistance.
their sunken sockets. Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep,
paralysis, stunning and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual
damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive
Creating a Ghoul damage.
“Ghoul” is a template that can be added to any animal,
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
beast, magical beast, humanoid, monstrous humanoid, or
Strength +2, Dexterity +4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma
giant (hereafter referred to as the “base creature”). The base
+6. The maximum Intelligence score for a creature with and
creature’s type changes to “Undead”, but its subtypes remain
Intelligence of 2 or less is 2. As an undead creature, a ghoul has no
the same. A ghoul uses all the base creature’s statistics and
Constitution score.
special abilities except as noted here.
Saves: Recalculate the creature’s saving throws as if it was
Hit Dice: Remove all HD (and abilities) due to a
always of the Undead type.
character class, and then increase the base creature’s HD by 1
Skills: Recalculate skills as if the creature was always
and the die type to d12.
undead, using the base creature’s skills, and any skill to which a
AC: The creature’s natural armor bonus stays ghoul gets a racial bonus, as class skills. Ghouls get a +2 racial
the same or increases to the number listed below (if bonus to Hide, Escape Artist, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot
that number is higher): checks. Ghouls can speak the same languages they knew in life, but
seldom do.
Natural Feats: Recalculate feats as if the creature was always of
Size Armor Bonus the Undead type. Favor Weapon Finesse (bite), for creatures with
Tiny +0 a higher Dexterity than Strength, as well as those feats on the base
Small +1 creature’s list.
Medium-size +2 Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground
Large +3 Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4), or pack (7-12)
Huge +4 CR: Base creature’s CR (minus class levels) +1.
Gargantuan +7 Treasure: Often none.
Colossal +11 Alignment: Any evil, favoring chaotic evil.
Advancement: Simply increase the numbers in all ranges
Attacks: A ghoul has a primary bite attack and two by one die. Ghouls of creatures that could gain character levels may
secondary claw attacks if it has the proper appendages. It still do so at your option.
retains the attacks of the base creature if those are better (or ECL: +3 (counting 1 bonus HD).
too different). The creature’s base attack bonus is calculated as
if it were always of the Undead type.
Damage: The ghoul’s bite and claws do damage
per the Undead type, or stay the same as the base creature’s if
those are better.
Special Attacks: A ghoul has all the special attacks
of the base creature, except those that come from a character
class and those requiring an active metabolism. Supernatural
and spell-like attacks are almost always maintained, using
Charisma in place of Constitution to calculate save DCs.
Ghouls also have the following:
Sample Ghoul (including character levels). The creature’s saves, skill, and feat
This example uses a heavy warhorse as the base creature. calculations remain the same as the base creature. CR is that
of the base creature +1. Its ECL is +4.
Heavy Warhorse Ghoul An evil spellcaster might turn himself (or another)
Large Undead into a greater ghoul via the following ritual:
Hit Dice: 5d12 (32 hp)
Initiative: +3 (+3 De x) Form of the Flesh Eater
Speed: 50 ft. Necromancy (Ritual) [Evil]
AC: 16 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +4 natural); 13 flat-footed, 12 touch Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6
Attacks: Bite +7 melee, 2 Hooves +5 melee, This gruesome and wicked ritual allows a spellcaster
Damage: Bite 1d8+5 plus paralysis, Hoof 1d6+2 plus paralysis to transform any still-living target (usually himself) into a
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. greater ghoul. It functions like the form of the withering sands
Special Attacks: Paralysis, create spawn ritual, except as follows:
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., undead, +2 turn resistance The ritual must be performed at night. A divine
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +6 group must cast the spell create undead (twice) and raise dead
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 17, Con —, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10 each day during the rite. The arcane group must cast animate
Skills: Hide +3, Listen +8, Move Silently +7, Spot +8 dead, planar binding, ghoul touch, and enervation instead.
Feats: Multiattack Material Components: The ritual requires a burial
Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground shroud of the skin of two or more corpses of sentient
Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4), or pack (7-12) creatures, incense, jet gems, ghoul claws and teeth, and black
CR: 3 diamond dust, and mundane material components worth 500
Treasure: None gp per final HD of the creature transformed. The target must
Alignment: Chaotic evil consume only the fresh flesh and blood of its own race as
Advancement: 6 HD (Large) nourishment for three days before the ritual, and during it as
A heavily muscled, white charger, this ghoul still remembers its Failure: If the ritual fails, a willing target must make
combat training and can be ridden by any brave enough to tame it a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + the number by which the
or command it with negative energy. ritual check failed) or die. Everyone must make a Will saving
throw (DC 15 + the number by which the ritual was failed)
Combat or be paralyzed for 1d6+2 minutes. In addition to this, the
A vicious equine turned worse predator, the warhorse ghoul is a ritual leader takes 1d6 points of temporary Wisdom and
bold hunter. Constitution damage, while everyone else takes 1 point of
Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by a ghoul warhorse’s natural temporary damage to each of these abilities.
attacks must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 12) or be paralyzed for Botch: A botched ritual results in a normal ghoul,
1d6+2 minutes. Elves are immune to this paralysis. who attacks the ritualists—the original target dies. All of the
Create Spawn (Su): In most cases ghoul warhorses devour ritual participants suffer 1d4 points of temporary Wisdom
those they kill. From time to time, however, the bodies of the and Constitution damage, while the ritual leader suffers 2d6.
victims lie where they fell, to rise as ghouls themselves in 1d4 days. Everyone (besides the new ghoul) must make a Will saving
Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, throw (DC 15 + the number by which the ritual was failed) or
paralysis, stunning and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual be paralyzed for 1d6+2 hours.
damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive
Becoming a Ghoul
Ghouls can be created using the variant create undead spells found in
the Desiccated template.
Variant Ghoul
The following microplate can be used to create a ghoul that retains
the class abilities and supernatural powers from the base creature:
Greater Ghoul
This template can be altered in simple ways to allow the creation of
a ghoul that retains the base creature’s memories, character levels,
and class abilities. Instead of losing all character levels, the base
creature keeps them, gains 1 HD, and all dice become d12s. Greater
ghouls get turn resistance equal to 2 plus one-fourth of their HD
Reach (or a close approximation) in Appendix I on Table 1-1: Creature
igantic creatures are just that—massive examples of
Size Factors. Increase its face and reach to match the creature’s new
an originally smaller creature. This template is really
just a way to play around with the size rules and
Special Attacks and Qualities: The creature loses any
have fun, but your giant creature could be from the mating of
ability that is due to small size.
some other creature and a giant, magic gone wrong, or some
Increase the saving throw DCs based on the giant
other natural anomaly. A certain massive, radioactive, fire-
creature’s new HD. Damage for special attacks increases according
breathing lizard springs to mind. New types of giants are easy
to size as well. Locate the damage on the creature’s size chart for
to create with this template as well.
the most similar attack type, and increase one step from there for
each size category the creature increased.
Appearance Changes For example, a howler’s quill does 1d6 (when removed) at
A gigantic creature looks like a larger (sometimes much larger) Large size. If we associate this attack with a claw and look up 1d6
version of the base creature. on the Outsider chart, we see that 2d4 is the next increase. If the
howler increases to Huge size, its quills do 2d4, while a Gargantuan
Creating a Gigantic Creature howler’s quill does 2d6. You may want to increase damage for
“Gigantic” is a template that can be added to any creature special attacks as shown in How to Use This Book (Special Attacks and
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”), though it doesn’t Qualities) when the damage from certain attacks seems too low.
work very well for dragons or within a base creature’s normal Caster levels for the creature’s spell-like abilities may be
size ranges. After assuming the template, the base creature’s increased by the same factors by which size was. This rule can be
type only changes if it is a humanoid and it goes to Large fudged to get the effect you want. Only on very rare occasions
size or larger. Such creatures have the type “Giant”. The base should caster level exceed HD, and the creature should hardly ever
creature’s subtypes remain unchanged. A gigantic creature have access to spells that a spellcaster of the same level as its HD
uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special could not cast. Consider adding more powerful spells to a creature,
abilities except as noted below. using its current list as a guide to possible additions.
Size: Increase the base creatures size to whatever size As a simple rule, the range of special attacks and qualities
you want the final creature to be. The creature’s final height increases by 33% of the current range per increase in size category,
or dimensions are doubled for each size category it grows. rounding up to the nearest multiple of 5 (ft.). Thus, an ability
Thus, a 3 ft. 1 in. halfling increased to Colossal size is about that starts at 30 ft. rises to 40 ft. (30 x 1.33 = 39.9) with one size
99 ft. tall. (37 in. x 2 (Medium-size) x 2 (Large) x2 (Huge) x 2 category increase, rising to 55 ft. with another increase.
(Gargantuan) x 2 (Colossal)—halflings are on the upper end For example, a troglodyte has a stench that has a range of
of Small). A 5 ft. 9 in. human increased to Colossal is smaller 30 ft. at Medium-size. At Large, the affected area might increase to
than that halfling (92 ft.). 40 ft. (higher or lower, as you like). Use the power itself as a guide
Hit Dice: Multiply the creature’s current HD by to whether or not range should increase dramatically, modestly, or
2 for each size category it grows. Thus, a gnoll increased to at all.
Huge size has 8 HD (2 x 2 (Large) x 2 (Huge)). So long as Saves: Increase according to new HD and type.
the final number is above the minimum for the creature’s new Abilities: Modify the base creature’s ability scores
size, you can fudge it however you like. A Huge gnoll with 8 according to Appendix I, Table 1-2: Creature Changes by Size.
HD may be too much, because it has a great advantage over Skills: The creature gains skill points according to its new
1 HD humanoids increased to Huge size (average 4 HD), but HD and its type. The base creature’s skills are class skills for the
neither begins to compare to a Huge giant (18 HD)—play new creature.
around with the figures, and avoid escalating HD too high. Feats: The creature gains feats based on its new HD and
For example, a storm giant’s HD double to 38, enough for type.
Colossal size. If you add a few HD and a character class to Organization: Usually solitary, sometimes in gangs (2-5).
that giant, it’ll be a suitable challenge for almost any party of Large creatures don’t usually congregate in great numbers—too few
sufficient level to handle the CR. resources.
Speed: Add 10 ft. to the base creature’s speed in CR: For each doubling of HD, increase the current CR
all modes per size category increase (or less, if you want the by a percentage equal to [(25 – the current CR) x 5] (round up or
creature to be slow for its size). If the base creature can fly, down as you deem appropriate)—minimum +10%. Thus, a CR 1/2
and its maneuverability is not perfect, its maneuverability creature with double HD increases to CR 1, then CR 2, then CR 4,
rating drops by one for every two size levels it gains. then CR 8, then CR 13, and so on. A CR 3 creature (like the howler)
Perfect maneuverability stays the same and the minimum has CR 6 (or 7) with the first doubling, then CR 12 (or 13-14), and
maneuverability is clumsy. then CR 19 (or 20). CRs below 1 round to the nearest quarter, until
AC: Natural armor improves according to size. they exceed 1/2, then round to 1. So 1/6 or 1/4 becomes 1/2, and
Attacks: Recalculate attacks for the creature’s new so on as CR 1/2 above. Once CRs get above 20, it’s hard to tell
amount of HD according to its type. what’s accurate, but this system works for smaller creatures. You can
Damage: Damage from natural attacks increases manipulate the final CR to get what you think is right, in any case.
based on size and type. Advancement: If you want your gigantic creature to
Face/Reach: Find the base creature’s original Face/ be able to advance, take the same range as the base creature and
multiply the highest figure by the same factors as the HD. Fill in the Those affected by a troger’s stench cannot be affected again
ranges and tinker until you have what you want. by any troglodyte’s stench until the current effect expires.
For example, a howler has 6 HD, and an advancement of Once a character has succumbed to a particular troger’s
7-9 (Large); 11-18 (Huge). If the howler is increased to Gargantuan stench ability, or made a successful saving throw against it,
size it has 24 HD (6 x 2 (Huge) x 2 (Gargantuan)). 9 from the first the character cannot be affected by the same individual’s
advancement increment comes out to 36 (9 x 2 x 2) and the 18 stench ability for 24 hours.
comes out to 72. So the howler’s literal range from this rule is 25-36 Skills: The skin of a troger changes color somewhat,
(Gargantuan); 37-72 (Colossal). allowing it to blend in with surroundings like a chameleon
Creature’s with “by character class” advancement retain and conferring a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks. *In rocky or
that designation. subterranean settings, this bonus improves to +8. Neither of
ECL: Varies by size and potency of abilities. these bonuses is included in the troger’s statistics above.
Dexterity +2, Constitution –2, Intelligence +2.
alf-drow are the spawn of sexual and magical unions
Skills: A half-drow gains a +1 racial bonus on Listen,
between dark elves and other creatures. When such
Search, and Spot checks.
a coupling occurs, the blood of the drow fuses with
Climate/Terrain: Same as the base creature and
that of the other creature, strengthening both. Extremely
hedonistic drow polymorph into other creatures to have such
Organization: Solitary
encounters, and spellcasters splice drow with other creatures
CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
in hopes of creating better slaves, but the most common
Alignment: Tends towards evil. Half-drow raised among
origin of half-drow is an act of sexual violence. The birth of
drow are usually neutral evil.
the half-drow is rarely a happy occasion.
ECL: +1.
Appearance Changes
The skin of a half-drow is always darker than that of the base
Sample Half-drow
This example uses a 1st-level lizardfolk barbarian as the base
creature, and the hair always lighter. Otherwise, try to imagine
creature (Strength 14 (+2 from lizardfolk), Dexterity 10,
what an amalgamation of the base creature and a drow would
Constitution 16, Intelligence 8). One level of barbarian adds 1 CR,
appear like.
+1 CR from the template. The sample gets maximum hit points for
his first monster HD (d8).
Creating Half-drow
“Half-drow” is a template that can be added to any living, Mine, male tsaavyn Bbn 1
corporeal, non-drow creature besides a non-sentient plant, Medium-size Humanoid (Aquatic, Elf, Reptilian)
ooze, or vermin (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). Hit Dice: 2d8+4 plus 1d12+2 (25 hp)
The base creature’s type does not change, but “Elf ” is added Initiative: +0
to its subtypes. A half-drow uses all the base creature’s abilities Speed: 40 ft.
and statistics in addition to those noted here. AC: 15 (+5 natural); 15 flat-footed, 10 touch
Special Attacks: A half-drow retains all the special Attacks: 2 claws +3 melee (or stalagmite greatclub +3 melee), bite
attacks of the base creature and also gains the following +1 melee
abilities: Damage: Claw 1d4+3, stalagmite greatclub 1d10+4, bite 1d4+1
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): A half-drow with a Charisma Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
equal to 10 + the spell’s level can cast dancing lights, darkness, Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, rage, fast movement (+10 ft.)
and faerie fire each once per day as a sorcerer of a level equal Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., mixed blood, light sensitivity,
to one-half of the creature’s HD. SR 8, sleep immunity
Special Qualities: A half-drow retains all the Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0 (+1 vs. spells and spell-like
special qualities of the base creature and also gains those abilities)
listed below: Abilities: Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 11
Darkvision (Ex): Half-drow can see in non-magical Skills: Climb +5, Balance +5, Jump +9, Swim +11, Wilderness
darkness up to a range of 60 ft. If the base creature already Lore +2
has darkvision, its range is increased by 20 ft., up to a Feats: Multiattack, Track
maximum of 120 ft. CR: 3
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Half drow suffer a –1 Alignment: Chaotic neutral
circumstance penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or
within the radius of a daylight spell. If the base creature This mighty lizardman was birthed in the underground, but he
already had light sensitivity, this problem becomes light doesn’t remember where. He’s been alone since he can recall (a few
blindness, from which the creature suffers blindness for 1 years), scraping out an existence in the jungle. The strange creature
round from any exposure to sudden bright light (like a lightning hunts at night and refers to himself in the third person as “Mine”.
bolt in a dark room) in addition to the normal effects of light Despite his appearance, Mine is not socially inept. Mine speaks
sensitivity. broken Undercommon.
Mixed Blood (Ex): Half-drow are considered to be Mine is revolting, with a flat maw, beady, black eyes, and
the base creature’s race, drow, and elves for the purposes of tiny ears. His skin is scaly and dark and there’s no hair anywhere
racially specific abilities and effects. on his body, except a white tuft on the back of his head. He rarely
Resistant to Magic (Ex): Half-drow receive a +1 racial wears any clothing.
bonus on Will saves against spells and spell-like abilities. Possessions: stalagmite greatclub (9 lbs./–1 Swim).
Sleep Immunity (Ex): Half-drow are immune to sleep
spells and effects.
Spell Resistance (Ex): A half-drow gains spell
resistance equal to 5 + the base creature’s HD. If the base
creature already has spell resistance, the half-drow uses that
value if it is greater.
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
Combat • Light Sensitivity (Ex): Tsaavyn suffer a –1 penalty to
Mine is a straightforward fighter, avoiding anything or anybody he attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius
suspects he can’t beat. of a daylight spell.
Tsaavyn Traits: See below. • Mixed Blood (Ex): Tsaavyn are considered to be
Rage (Ex): 1/day for 5 rounds (see the Barbarian class in lizardfolk, drow, and elves for the purposes of
the PHB). racially specific abilities and effects.
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day—dancing lights and faerie fire as a • +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot
3rd-level sorcerer. checks. Due to tails, tsaavyn get a +4 racial bonus
to Jump, Swim, and Balance checks.
Tsaavyn Racial Traits • Automatic Languages: Undercommon (and possibly
As a PC race, tsaavyn (half-drow/half-lizardfolk) have the following Drow).
characteristics: • Bonus Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven,
• +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, –2 Constitution. Gnome.
• High HD: Tsaavyn start with 2d8 HD (the first • Favored Class: Barbarian.
maximized for a PC). Initial base attack bonus, saves, • ECL: +3 (including 2 HD).
feats, and skills for these HD are calculated via the
Humanoid type. Tsaavyn have good Fortitude and
Reflex saves.
• Medium size. (Use human height with +1d4 to the
weight modifier.)
• Tsaavyn base speed is 30 ft.
• Darkvision: Tsaavyn can see in the dark up to 60
ft. This vision is black and white.
• Natural Armor: Tsaavyn have a +5 natural
armor bonus.
• Multiple Attacks: Tsaavyn know how to use
their natural weapons and may make two
claw attacks and a secondary bite
attack as a full-attack action. A
bite may be used as a secondary
attack as part of any full-attack
action, except one with a reach
weapon. Their claws and bite
do 1d4 points of damage.
A tsaavyn may choose the
Multiattack feat.
• Spell-Like Abilities:
A tsaavyn with a
Charisma equal to
10 + the spell’s level
can cast dancing lights,
darkness, and faerie fire
each once per day as a
sorcerer of a level equal to
one-half of the creature’s HD.
• Resistant to Magic (Ex): Tsaavyn
receive a +1 racial bonus on
Will saves against spells and
spell-like abilities.
• Sleep Immunity (Ex): Tsaavyn
are immune to sleep spells
and effects.
• Spell Resistance (Ex): A tsaavyn
gains spell resistance equal to 7 +
class levels.
H alf-genies are the progeny of genies who have
reproduced with other creatures or magical
amalgamations created by mysterious means.
Generally, these offspring live their lives on either the genie’s
home plane or the home plane of their other parent (usually
Possible half-djinni spell-like abilities include:
Hit Dice
create food and water, create wine (as
the Material Plane), but not both. create water but wine instead)
3-4 minor creation, invisibility (self only)
Appearance Changes 5-6 fly, gaseous form
Half-genies are generally more handsome and imposing 7-8 invisibility (self only) 3/day
versions of a given type of creature, with piercing eyes 9-10 major creation, persistent image
and a commanding presence. This charismatic aura is an 11-12 wind walk
unmistakable earmark of their otherworldly heritage, along 13-14 plane shift
with their diverse magical abilities. 15-16 plane shift 2/day, transform self into
whirlwind, per the spell
17-18 plane shift 3/day
Creating a Half-genie 19+ 1% chance to be able to cast wish
“Half-genie” is a template that can be added to any living,
corporeal, non-genie creature besides a with an Intelligence Half-efreeti
score of 3 or more that is not a plant (referred to hereafter Possible half-efreeti spell-like abilities include:
as the “base creature”). After assuming the template, the
base creature’s type changes to “Outsider”, and its subtype Hit Dice Abilities
information includes relevant alignment indicators. A half- 1-2 detect magic, produce flame
genie uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial 3-4 enlarge, pyrotechnics
special abilities except as noted below. 5-6 fly, gaseous form, invisibility
Hit Dice: Increases to d8, or remains the same, 7-8 wall of fire, produce flame 3/day
whichever is better. 9-10 polymorph self, pyrotechnics 3/day
Speed: If the base creature can fly, its 11-12 permanent image
maneuverability rating improves by one class. 13-14 plane shift
AC: Natural armor improves by +1. 15-16 plane shift 2/day
Special Attacks: A half-genie retains the special 17-18 plane shift 3/day
attacks of the base creature and gains the following: 19+ wish
Spell-like Abilities: Half-genies with a Wisdom or
Charisma score of 10 or higher possess the spell-like abilities Special Qualities: The following special qualities are added to
according to their type as specified in the table below. The those of the base creature:
creature uses its total Hit Dice (including character levels) as Darkvision (Ex): All half-genies can see in non-magical
the value for “Hit Dice” on the table, as well as caster level. darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range,
whichever is better.
Half-janni Mixed-blood (Ex): Half-genies are considered to be the base
Possible half-janni spell-like abilities include: creature’s race, outsiders, and their genie type (janni, djinni, and so
on) for the purposes of racially specific abilities and effects.
Hit Dice Abilities Telepathy (Su): A half-genie can communicate telepathically
1-2 speak with animals 2/day, create food with any creature within 60 ft. that has a language.
and water Additional Special Abilities: In addition to the special
3-4 enlarge, reduce qualities above, the base creature gains the following, depending on
5-6 fly, invisibility the type of genie:
7-8 enlarge or reduce 2/day
9-10 invisibility 2/day Half-janni
11-12 ethereal jaunt Fire Resistance (Ex): Half-jann have fire resistance 15.
13-14 plane shift
15-16 plane shift 2/day Half-djinni
17+ plane shift 3/day Resistance (Ex): Half-djinn have acid resistance 30.
Heat (Ex): A half-efreeti’s body deals additional fire damage
whenever it hits in melee with a natural attack and each round it
maintains a hold while grappling. This extra damage is equal to half
of the attack’s normal damage (minimum 0), without a Strength
modifier—with a maximum of +1d3.
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold except Combat
on a successful save. Fire giant overlords are merciless and brutal combatants that
take every advantage of their fire immunity. Their preferred
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Strength +2, method of attack is to enlarge themselves fly above enemies
Dexterity +4, Constitution +2, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2. while hurling heated boulders. On the ground, they cast wall
Charisma +2. of fire, encircling themselves and their opponents with the hot
Skills: A half-genie has 8 skill points, plus its Intelligence side of the wall facing in to do maximum fire damage to their
modifier, per Hit Die. Treat skills from the base creature’s list as foes. Another favorite tactic is to grab their opponents and
class skills and other skills as cross-class. If the creature has a class, jump into a fire or lava flow. In all cases, if they are losing a
it gains skills for class levels normally. given fight badly, fire giant overlords use their plane shift ability
Feats: Half-genies have one feat for every four HD or the or gaseous form to escape.
base creature’s total of feats, whichever is greater. Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—produce flame, pyrotechnics;
Organization: Half-genies are often solitary, or they are 2/day—plane shift, 1/day—detect magic, enlarge, fly, gaseous form,
unique individuals among normal members of the base creature invisibility, permanent image, polymorph self, wall of fire.
type. Heat (Ex): A fire giant overlord’s body deals 1d3
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +3), or points of additional fire damage whenever it hits in melee, or,
+30% efreeti (maximum +4). when grappling, each round it maintains a hold.
Alignment: Half-djinn tend toward good, and half-efreet Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage
tend toward evil. from cold except on a successful save.
ECL: +2.
Sample Half-genie
This example uses a fire giant as the base creature.
Mixed Blood (Ex): Half-gnomes are always considered gnomes and
lthough it is a rare and wondrous occurrence,
a member of the base creature’s race for purposes of all special
gnomes have been known to crossbreed with other
abilities and effects.
races throughout the annals of recorded history. The
Speak with Animals (Ex): There is a 50% chance that a half-
types of creatures that interbreed with gnomes are generally
gnome retains the gnomish ability to speak with animals (burrowing
dwarves, other “civilized” humanoids (such as humans,
mammals only) once per day. The ability has duration of 1 minute
elves, and halflings), and fey, although some subraces of
(the half-gnome is considered a 1st-level caster when he uses this
gnome, such as the savage variety,
ability, regardless of its actual level).
Ability Modifier Mystery have been known to breed with
Spells: Half-gnomes with Intelligence scores of 10 or
The racial ability modifiers in this more unsavory sorts, such as
higher may cast dancing lights, ghost sound, and prestidigitation, each once
template don’t match the racial orcs, gnolls, and worse. Granted,
per day as a 1st-level wizard (spell failure penalties for armor apply).
modifiers a gnome gets, and you gnomish blood does not mix well
Half-gnomes with forest gnome ancestry may be allowed to cast
may wonder why. The reason with certain types of creatures,
pass without trace 3/day.
is that to determine the racial but the prankish nature of these
Saves: All half-gnomes get +1 to saving throws versus
modifiers to ability scores for gentle folk has led a few of
each race in this book the base them to experiment beyond the
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
race was increased to Medium- bounds of normal reproduction.
Dexterity –2, Constitution +2.
size, thus eliminating alteration Sometimes, magical mixing
Skills: Half-gnomes gain a +1 racial bonus to Listen and
for size and showing the race’s occurs, creating half-gnomes from
Alchemy checks. Half-gnomes raised by gnomes speak Gnome and
real strengths. Then, each animals and beasts.
have bonus languages as if they were a gnome. Those raised by
template dedicated to a Small forest gnomes get a +2 racial bonus to Hide, +4 in forested areas.
race was tweaked with an eye for Appearance Changes Alignment: If raised by gnomes, the base creature’s
keeping it balanced as a PC race Half-gnomes look much like the alignment moves one step toward good.
(+0 ECL). base creature, only with gentler, Advancement: By character class.
A Medium-sized more gnome-like features.
gnome has Str 12, Dexterity 8,
and Constitution 15 (Small to
Sample Half-gnomes
Creating a Half-gnome These examples use a satyr and a dwarf as the base creature. (The
Medium-size gives +4 to Str, –2 “Half-gnome” is a template satyr has the following base ability scores Strength 10, Dexterity
Dex, and +2 Con. This indicates that can be added to any living, 14, Constitution 10, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 13, and Charisma 16.
that the Small gnome is actually corporeal, non-gnome creature Satyrs get +2 to every ability score, besides Strength, which is also
less nimble than it should be for besides a non-sentient plant, ooze, included below.)
its size, but definitely stronger and or vermin (referred to hereafter
heartier. The Strength bonus was as the “base creature”). The base
eliminated in favor of balanced Shazia, female half-gnome satyr
creature’s type does not change, Medium-size Fey (Gnome)
bonuses and penalties—and +4 but “Gnome” is added to its
to Con halves to +2 (it is a half- Hit Dice: 5d6+10 (27 hp)
subtypes. A half-gnome uses all Initiative: +2 (Dex)
gnome). Other templates in this the base creature’s abilities and
book follow the same ideas. Speed: 30 ft.
statistics in addition to those AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural); 14 flat-footed, 12 touch
noted here. Attacks: Gore +2 melee, +1 dagger –2 melee; or masterwork
Special Attacks: The shortbow +5 ranged
half-gnome retains all of the special attacks of the base Damage: Gore 1d6, +1 dagger 1d4+1/crit 19-20; or masterwork
creature, and gains the following: shortbow 1d6/crit x3
Combat Bonus (Ex): If raised by the gnomish parent Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
in a gnomish community, half-gnomes gain a +1 racial bonus Special Attacks: Pipes, combat bonus, spells
to attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids (goblins, Special Abilities: Low-light vision, mixed blood, speak with
hobgoblins, and bugbears) and a +4 dodge bonus to AC animals
against giants, since gnomes battle these creatures frequently Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6
and practice special techniques for fighting them. Forest Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 18
gnome descendants get the +1 to attack orcs and reptilian Skills: Alchemy +2, Bluff +12, Hide +14, Listen +17, Move
humanoids as well. If raised elsewhere or by the non- Silently +14, Perform (dance, lute, pan pipes, singing) +12, Spot
gnomish parent, half-gnomes do not gain this bonus. +16, Swim –1
Special Qualities: A half-gnome creature has all Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Mobility
the special qualities of the base creature, plus the following: CR: 4
Low-light Vision (Ex): Half-gnomes see twice as well Alignment: Chaotic good
as humans in conditions of poor lighting. If the base creature
has better low-light vision, it is retained.
Shazia is a small for a satyr, with gentle, gnome-like facial features, Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0
freckles, and a button nose. Elegant horns protrude from her Abilities: Str 10, Dex 9, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 11
forehead, gracefully curling away from her face toward the back of Skills: Appraise +3, Craft (any one) +4, Listen +4, Spot +4
her head, and she wears a simple tunic made of leaves and natural Feats: Alertness
materials. The gnome-blooded satyr carries a pouch that contains Climate/Terrain: Any hill, mountain, and underground
her provisions and other personal effects, as well as a small dagger Organization: Team (2-4), squad (11-20 plus 2 3rd-level
and shortbow. sergeants and 1 leader of 3rd-6th level), or clan (30-100 plus
Possessions: +1 dagger, shortbow (masterwork), quiver (13 30% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10 adults, 5
arrows), pipes, jewelry (550 gp) (Included in skills: 7 lbs./–1 Swim). 5th-level lieutenants, and 3 7th-level captains)
CR: 1/2
Combat Treasure: Standard coins; double goods; standard items
Whenever she is forced into combat, Shazia attempts to use her Alignment: Usually neutral good
pipes to affect as many opponents as she can, followed by volleys Advancement: By character class
of ranged fire from her shortbow. When pressed into melee, Shazia
prefers to attack with her horns, battering her enemies until she is Daergrim are a stout people with fair skin and light hair.
either victorious or able to flee. They are smaller than dwarves, but much larger than the
Pipes (Su): Shazia can play a variety of magical tunes on her typical gnome, with finer features than any dwarf, but a
panpipes. When she plays, all creatures within a 60-foot spread slighter build. Hair color ranges from light blond to red to
(except other satyrs) must succeed at a Will save (DC 16) or be dark brown. At once, daergrim eyes sparkle with mischief
affected by charm person, sleep, or fear, as the spells cast by a 10th- and shine with a resolute determination, always light colored
level sorcerer (Shazia chooses the tune and its effect). In the hands or grey.
of other beings, these pipes have no special powers. A creature
that successfully saves against any of the pipe’s effects cannot be Combat
affected by the same set of pipes again for one day. Shazia often Daergrim are excellent strategists, unafraid to break
uses her pipes to charm and seduce especially difficult people she formation or the “rules” of an engagement in favor of
encounters or to put a raiding band of kobolds to sleep. advantageous developments. They always work with great
Mixed Blood (Ex): Shazia is considered a gnome, fey, and a synergy against a common foe.
satyr for the purposes of determining all game effects. Daergrim Traits: See below.
Combat Bonus (Ex): Shazia has a +1 racial bonus to attack
rolls against kobolds, orcs, reptilian humanoids, and goblinoids Daergrim Society
(goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears) and a +4 dodge bonus against The daergrim are a race apparently descended from both
giants, since her gnomish community battles these creatures rock gnome and mountain dwarf bloodlines (via some
frequently and practices special techniques for fighting them. miracle or deific act, no doubt). Daergrim gain the incredible
Speak with Animals (Ex): Once per day, Shazia may speak resilience and a larger stature of the dwarf and the magical
with burrowing animals as though using a speak with animals spell. nature and more pleasant disposition of the gnome. They
The ability has duration of 1 minute (Shazia is considered a 1st- live in the deep wilderness, in villages on the surface or
level caster when she uses this ability, regardless of her actual level occasionally in shallow caves, but often act as a bridge
or Hit Dice). between their insular cousins and the outside world. As such,
Spells: 3/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, and prestidigitation, the clannish nature of the daergrim has evolved into a culture
each once per day as a 1st-level wizard (spell failure penalties for of mercantilism and craft.
armor apply). The daergrim eschewed the haughtiness and
Skills: Shazia was fostered by satyrs and forest gnomes, isolationism of the mountain dwarves and built social bridges
and receives a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, between themselves and surrounding communities. They are
Perform, and Spot checks due to her satyr heritage. As a half-gnome one of the few races trusted by the mountain dwarves, and
(forest), she also gains an additional +1 racial bonus to Listen and thus the products of the deep folk see the light of day in
Alchemy checks and +4 to Hide in forested areas. markets—brought there by the daergrim.
Medium-size humanoid (Daergrim)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp)
Initiative: –1 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 14 (–1 Dex, +4 chain shirt, +1 small shield); 14 flat-footed, 9
Attacks: Longsword, +1 melee; or shortbow, +0 ranged
Damage: Longsword 1d8/crit 19-20; short bow 1d6/crit x3
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Daergrim traits
Special Qualities: Daergrim traits
Determination, hard work, honesty, and loyalty are hallmarks Daergrim Traits
of daergrim society, but so are the values of personal As a PC race, daergrim have the following characteristics:
expression, individual justice, and the application of wisdom • –2 to Dexterity, +2 to Constitution.
and mercy in law. Now, the race has developed its own unique • Medium size. (Use dwarf height and weight, but halve
identity and place in the world, quite distinct from dwarves the modifiers. Daergrim age like dwarves.)
and gnomes. Yet, the daergrim seem to possess the best • Daergrim base speed is 20 feet.
qualities of both races with a can-do attitude and a great sense • Darkvision: Daergrim can see in the dark up to 60 ft.
of fun. This vision is black and white.
Daergrim speak Dwarven, Gnome, and Common. • Low-light Vision: Daergrim can see twice as far as
humans in poor lighting conditions.
Daergrim Characters • +1 racial attack bonus against kobolds, goblinoids,
Daergrim favor the bard class, though most of them are and orcs. The daergrim are proficient against ancient
experts. Magic traditions and innate talents are widely enemies and noted raiders.
accepted among the daergrim, unlike the typical dwarven • +4 dodge bonus to AC against giants. The daergrim are
community, with illusion still occupying a special place in good at avoiding the big folk, ancestral enemies of the
their hearts. The priests of the daergrim tend toward gods of daergrim and their kin. Any time the daergrim loses his
travel, mirth, and craft. bonus to AC from Dexterity, this bonus is also lost.
• +1 racial bonus to saves against spells, spell-like effects,
and poison. +1 racial bonus to save against illusions
Daergrim Design Notes (which stacks with the bonus versus spells).
The daergrim race is an illustration of how things can be • +1 racial bonus Listen and a +2 racial bonus to
tweaked to suit personal taste, and is not a literal overlay of the Alchemy, Appraise, and Craft checks.
Half-gnome template onto a dwarf. To get the daergrim, the • Automatic Languages: Dwarf, Gnome, Common.
following things were considered: • Bonus Languages: Common, Sylvan, Elven, Gnome.
• Half-gnome template –2 Dex, +2 Con • Favored Class: Bard.
• Dwarf (Medium) +2 Con, –2 Cha
• Daergrim moves the gnome from Small to Medium
(+2 Str, –2 Dex, +2 Con). New Feat
• So, with all considerations, the ability modifiers are is A player might decide that his or her daergrim is smaller than
+2 Str, +6 Con, –4 Dex, –2 Cha. average, showing a tendency toward the gnomish side of the
• Nudge Constitution and Strength back down to character’s heritage. This feat provides a means to that end:
make balanced ability modifiers; Constitution is
reduced to +2. Short Stature [Racial: Dwarf, Daergrim]
• Due to the loss of Constitution in the last step You are short and slight by the standards of your race. (Figure
and our picture of the daergrim as merchants, height as a gnome with +3d4 to height and +1d8 to weight.)
craftspeople, and rogues, the Charisma penalty is Benefit: You are Small (but your ability scores do not
eliminated and the Dexterity penalty equalized. Final change). You get a +1 size bonus to AC and attack rolls, along with
racial ability modifiers –2 Dex, +2 Con. a +4 size bonus to Hide checks. Unfortunately, you do unarmed
• Bonuses to saving throws from both ancestors are damage as a Small humanoid, must use smaller weapons, and can
halved. carry only three-quarters of what a Medium-size creature with your
• Skill bonuses come from heritage (halved for Listen) Strength could.
and our vision for the daergrim. Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level.
• The mix with dwarvish blood removes the daergrim
too far from their gnomish heritage, thus all spell-like
abilities are lost. They no longer live underground,
and thus have no stonecunning.
• Ignore the mixed blood rule—daergrim are a
unique race.
• Even though the daergrim do not excel at acts of
agility, they make great con artists and have a magical
heritage. Thus, the bard is a perfect favored class.
that becomes a humanoid is no longer and ooze and looses
he “Half-” templates in this book assume that the intent
abilities associated with the Ooze type. However, some minor
is merely to add the traits of one race to another creature,
carryovers may occur. See the Half-humanoid Variants below
strengthening the resultant hybrid, but creating little other
for more details.
change. However, if you want to change the base creature into a
Speed: Multi-legged creatures that are reduced
humanoid shape from another, these templates offer little help.
to two legs lose 10 ft. of speed (minimum 20 ft.). Flying
Enter the half-humanoid.
maneuverability always goes down by one rating. If this drops
This template is designed to allow any creature to be made
the creature off the scale, it optionally loses the ability to fly,
into a humanoid shape, ready for mixing with other humanoid races
because its wings have
(that is, stacking with other templates). Thus, the Half-humanoid
become vestigial and When Size Matters
template is one that may also be used to weaken creatures that
can no longer support A realistic amalgam of two
already have humanoid shape, or to prepare such creatures for a
it in flight. (It could creatures of disparate sizes results
“realistic” crossbreeding with another racial template as indicated in
optionally gain the in something near the average of
the My Better Half section of the Introduction.
Glider simplate.) the two. Therefore, if you’re going
AC: Halve to mix a half-humanoid with one
Appearance Changes the base creature’s
Half-humanoids are humanoid with features betraying the base of the other racial “half-” templates
natural armor bonus. in this book, the size of the half-
creature’s stock. Attacks: humanoid moves one step toward
The new creature that of the new template’s base race.
Creating a Half-humanoid has all of the attacks As an exception, creatures stay the
“Half-humanoid” is a template used to combine any living, of the base creature, same size if they are only one size
corporeal creature (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”) with but uses the attack category larger than the base race.
any humanoid. Unlike normal templates, the factors for the base progression of For example, a Large half-humanoid
humanoid are left out. Type for a half-humanoid is determined on its new type for becomes Medium-size when made
a case-by-case basis (see below). A half-humanoids uses the base remaining monster into a half-gnome (because gnomes
creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as HD. (Otherwise, are Small), but the same half-
noted below. base attack bonus humanoid mixed with a nymph stays
Type and Subtype: The creature’s type becomes progresses according Large (because nymphs are Medium-
“Humanoid” if upon its transformation it is Medium-size or to character class.) size). When changing size, be sure to
smaller, has a basically humanoid shape, 4 or fewer HD, and few Wormlike creatures, add or subtract factors as indicated
significant special powers and attacks. If it has exceeds any of these or those without on Table 1-2: Creature Changes by Size
limitations, in your assessment, it’s a “Monstrous Humanoid”. appendages, gain two in Appendix I.
Giants become “Humanoid” if they are reduced to Medium-size or legs and two arms. If size category increases,
smaller, or “Monstrous Humanoid” if they have significant powers. All humanoids from a the base creature gains 10 ft. of
Humanoids become “Giant” if they grow to Large or larger. This base creature with six speed to all movement types,
type helps determine some factors below. or more limbs have but optionally loses one level of
Humanoids have a subtype relevant to the sort of creature at least four arms— maneuverability rating for flight. A
they are. This is important for rangers with favored enemies and those that originally loss of a size category results in a
certain types of magical weapons (like bane weapons) and effects. By had eight or more loss of 10 ft. instead (minimum 20
this identifier, a ranger with grimlocks as a favored enemy gets that limbs gain the rest ft.), and an optional gain of one level
bonus against talocks (see Sample Half-humanoids below). as legs. Multi-legged of maneuverability rating for flight.
Hit Dice: If the base creature has more than 1 HD that vermin (or similar Perfect maneuverability usually stays
didn’t come from a character class, halve the total. That total is the creatures) count as perfect, while falling off the scale
new creature’s base HD. Creatures with 1 or fewer HD increase in creatures with eight can optionally result in loss of flight
HD to the minimum for their new size and type (see the Appendix I: or more legs, not (or the Glider simplate). You may
Creature Construction Charts). Die type changes to the die appropriate worm-like creatures. manipulate this to get what you
to the creature’s new type (1d10 for monstrous humanoids, 1d8 for If the arms of the want—a half-ogre with a 20 ft. base
all others). new creature sport speed may not be desirable.
A 1 HD humanoid usually replaces its humanoid HD a natural attack that
with that of its first character class. Monstrous humanoids with requires a specialized
1 HD may do so as well, though keeping the first die may be appendage (like a scorpion’s pincers), that specialized
advantageous. Creatures with 2 or more HD always use those appendage is maintained. Otherwise, the arm gains a hand.
to determine their initial attributes. Creatures that replace their These hands can be used to wield weaponry or do any other
only HD with a class use that class to determine their base attack things humanoid hands can do. Appendages, such as a tail,
progression, saving throws, initial skills, and feats (parenthetical do not change—wormlike creatures may have tails at your
reminders appear below). option. Multiple limbs do not grant additional attacks, unless
Keep in mind, that when type changes any ability the base creature has multiple attacks or the new creature
associated with the old type disappears. For example, an ooze acquires applicable feats (see below).
For example, a scorpion has eight limbs. So, a scorpion half- favorable saving throw bonus versus the substance in question
humanoid has four arms and four legs. The upper pair of (+4 to +6 suffices). The Half-orc template sample (Pluggung) for
arms has the scorpion’s pincers, while the lower pair (having a good example—as a half duergar he gets a +6 to save against
no natural attack from the base creature) gains hands. The phantasms and paralysis, whereas full-blooded duergar are immune
scorpion verminoid retains its tail and sting. to these things. Some half-humanoids may gain the following:
Damage: Damage from the base creature’s natural Stability (Ex): Half-humanoids with more than two legs
attacks is determined according to the creature’s new type, are more stable because of their multiple legs, gaining applicable
but as if the creature were one size category smaller. This stability bonuses against certain forms of attack (such as +4 against
technique usually results in damage roughly half that of the trip attacks). A multitude of extra legs may increase this bonus.
base creature. The resultant damage may be manipulated if it Saves: A half-humanoid gets base saves according to its
seems too low or too high. new type (or class). You may choose to use the good save categories
Face/ Reach: Humanoid-shaped creatures have the of the base creature or those of the new type.
Face and Reach of tall creatures, as opposed to long ones. If Abilities: Calculate the abilities for the base creature
the base creature was long, it becomes tall. as if it was Medium-size (see Table 1-2: Creature Changes by Size in
Special Attacks: Same as base creature, except Appendix I). Treat non-scores and 1s as 2s. Subtract 10 from those
weaker. In general, halve each ability’s range, duration, ability scores if they are even, 11 if they are odd, and then halve
damage, uses the remaining number (round down to the nearest factor of 2). The
per day, and so only exceptions to this rounding rule are +1s and –1s; round +1s
Animal Mind, Humanoid Body on. Save DCs to +2s and –1s to –2s. (You may ignore this latter rule, rounding
Modifying ability scores exactly as this are calculated as +1s and –1s to 0, if it suits your purposes, or fudging the results as
template suggests results in humanoids normal (see Special you like. You may also feel that a specific creature with an actual +3
constructed from animals, oozes, and Attacks under How racial ability modifier deserves a +4 instead of +2. Go for it.) The
vermin with some low mental attributes. to Use this Book), remaining numbers are the half-humanoid’s racial ability bonuses
What if you want a creature of humanoid but altered by the or penalties. Add any size adjustments due to the half-humanoid’s
Intelligence or Charisma, just with an creature’s new actual size to these results.
animal-like aspect? Well, you have a few level of HD and For example, a Medium-size kobold has Str 10 (6 at Small +
options with mental ability scores. The new ability scores. 4 from size change), Dex 11 (13 – 2), Con 13 (11 + 2), Int 10, Wis 10,
easiest way to give your animal-humanoid Reduce “at will” Cha 10. Following the rules here, it gets Con +2 initially, then halved
hybrid race reasonable mental ability usable abilities to a to Con +1 and pushed back up to +2. So a half-kobold’s ability
scores is to just make those scores human number of uses per modifier, strictly by this rule, is just Con +2.
average. You could also roll 3d6 (or 4d6, day based on HD How about a half-humanoid hill-giant as an example?
drop the lowest) and take the result as the or another number Treating the Large hill giant as a Medium-size creature, we subtract
average for the creature. If you choose to that suits you. 8 from its Strength (for a 17, rounded to 16), add 2 to its Dexterity
use the system in the template, means that (The Half-genie (10), and subtract 4 from its Constitution (15, rounded to 14)—all
all such creatures get –4 racial modifiers to template’s spell-like due to the size change. It has a 6 Int, 10 Wis, and a 7 Cha (rounded
abilities in which they have no score, a 1, abilities by HD are to 6). Thus, we come up with Str +2 (16 rounded to the nearest
or a 2 as a base creature. a good example multiple of 2, 16 – 10 = 6; 6 ÷ 2 = 3; 3 rounded down is +2), Con
When a creature that’s not of the HD-based +2, Int –2, and Cha –2. Of course, the half-giant, half-humanoid
normally a humanoid becomes one, it system, while is still Large in size, so the size factors must be added as well
should favor skills and feats that befit a the Half-medusa (Medium-size to Large grants +8 Str, –2 Dex, +4 Con) for total
humanoid with the natural abilities of the template’s reduced ability modifiers of Str +10, Dex –2, Con +6, Int –2, Cha –2.
new creature. The skills and feats of the gaze is another Keep in mind when a normally Medium-size creature only
base creature are a useful guide. The half- excellent and has +2 or –2 racial modifiers to all attributes, the above system
gnome/half-dire-badger could still favor differing example.) doesn’t change the resultant factors. Of course, you could ignore
Weapon Finesse (bite), since its Dexterity If an ability the rule about rounding 1s and –1s to the closest factor of 2, and
is likely to be higher than its Strength—or would logically round them to 0 instead.
it could favor Weapon Focus, like a gnome be lost, remove it Skills: A half-humanoid gains base skill points according
warrior, or some other feat, like Alertness. or reserve it for to its new type for remaining monster HD. Otherwise, skills are
Assigning feats and skills requires your special individuals. acquired according to character class. Halve any racial bonuses from
judgment and is more of an art than a Similarly, keep the base creature that are due to physiological (rather than cultural)
science. all abilities that factors, at your discretion. For example, a Talock’s ability to Hide is
make sense at full diluted by the half-humanoid process (see below). Cultural factors
strength. are determined by the race by which the new creature was raised—
Special Qualities: A half-humanoid has the special as suggested in the How to Use This Book section under Skills.
qualities of the base creature, with changes as noted in Special Feats: A half-humanoids gains base feats according to its
Attacks above. Immunities, for example, can be reduced to a new type for remaining monster HD. Otherwise, feats are acquired
suitable factor of resistance. The half-djinni’s acid resistance is according to character class. Favor the feats of the base creature.
a good example of this. If the immunity is against something Half-humanoids with multiple natural weapons can get the feat
normally requiring a saving throw, it can be reduced to a Multiattack, while those with four or more arms can acquire the
feats Multidexterity and Multi-Weapon Fighting for additional Talock Traits (Ex): See racial characteristics below. *
attacks. Talocks get a Hide bonus in certain circumstances.
CR: Base creatures that see their abilities diluted have a
CR equal to 50% of normal (round up). Those that see an increase Talock Characters
in ability raise their CR by 50% (round to the nearest quarter). In Talocks favor the barbarian or ranger class.
the latter case, character class usually determines the creature’s CR
anyway. Significant special attributes can increase this factor. Talock Traits
Climate/Terrain: Often the same as the base creature. As a PC race, talocks have the following characteristics:
Organization: Humanoid creatures often congregate • +2 Strength, –2 Charisma.
in large groups with leaders. Use existing humanoids in the MM • Medium size. (Use half-orc height and weight.)
as guides to humanoid organization. Larger creatures often have • Talock base speed is 30 feet.
smaller groups, much like giants in the MM. • Natural Armor: Talocks have a +2 natural armor
Treasure: Many half-humans have standard treasure, bonus.
despite bestial origins. • Scent: This ability allows a talock to detect
Alignment: Often the same as the base creature. approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and
Advancement: By character class. Creatures created as a track by sense of smell. Creatures with the scent
PC race should have a favored class chosen for them based on the ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do
race’s abilities and tendencies. The base creature’s favored class may familiar sights.
work fine. Talocks can detect opponents within 30 ft. by
ECL: +0. sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range
increases to 60 ft.; if downwind, it drops to 15 ft.
Sample Half-humanoids Strong scents can be detected at twice the ranges
These examples use a grimlock, a krenshar, and a kobold as the noted above. Overpowering scents can be detected
base creatures. Some of the creature’s abilities show how one might at triple normal range.
manipulate statistics with the half-humanoid template to get a When a talock detects a scent, the exact location
unique product or a variant race. is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within
range. The talock can take a move or attack action to
Talock note the direction of the scent. If it moves within 5
(half-humanoid grimlock) ft. of the source, the talock can pinpoint that source.
Medium-size Humanoid (Grimlock) Talocks can follow tracks by smell, making a
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp) Wisdom check to find or follow a track. The typical
Initiative: +0 DC for a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind
Speed: 30 ft. of surface holds the scent). This DC increases or
AC: 12 (+2 natural); 12 flat-footed, 10 touch decreases depending on the strength of the quarry’s
Attacks: Battleaxe +1 melee odor, the number of creatures being tracked, and the
Damage: Battleaxe 1d8+1/crit x3 age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold,
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows
Special Qualities: Talock Traits the rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2 scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8 poor visibility.
Skills: Climb +2, Hide +1*, Listen +4, Search +1, Spot +3 • Blindsight (Ex): Blind talocks can ascertain all foes
Feats: Alertness within 40 ft. as a sighted creature would. Beyond
Climate/Terrain: Any mountains and underground that range, they treat all targets as totally concealed.
Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4), or pack (10-20) Talocks are susceptible to sound and scent based
CR: 1/2 attacks, however, and are affected normally by loud
Treasure: Standard coins; standard goods (gems only); noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence)
standard items and overpowering odors (such as stinking cloud or
Alignment: Usually neutral evil incense-heavy air). Negating a talock’s sense of smell
Advancement: By character class or hearing reduces this ability to normal Blind-Fight
(as the feat). If both are negated, the creature is
Talocks are pallid gray with large ears and dark hair. They have effectively blinded.
grayish skin, are blind, and tend to be fairer and slighter than • Immunities: Talocks are immune to gaze attacks, visual
grimlocks. While weaker, talocks have more potential in a variety effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on
of vocations. sight.
• A talock’s light gray skin helps it hide in its native
Combat terrain, conferring a +5 racial bonus to Hide checks
Talocks are brave and can smell their prey. They enter melee quickly when in mountains or underground.
and fiercely. • Automatic Languages: Undercommon.
• Bonus Languages: Common, Drow, Dwarf, Gnome,
• Favored Class: Barbarian or ranger. Combat
• ECL: +1. Ansikvols always use guerilla tactics and traps, even against inferior
• Special Option: Occasionally, a talock that is created foes. They are fierce in protecting their territory, but not above
from another race (like a human) is born sighted parley, trade, or compromise.
(33%). If among grimlocks, such a creature is usually Ansikvol Traits: See racial characteristics below.
blinded and develops normal talock abilities. If the
creature remains sighted, it has darkvision at 120 Ansikvol Society
ft., scent, and light sensitivity (–1 to attack rolls in Ansikvols are tribal and clannish, led by the oldest and wisest
bright light or the radius of a daylight spell). Further, among them, with occasional aid from those younger ansikvols of
a sighted talock loses its immunities, retaining only proven merit. They are intensely loyal to one another, and work
a +4 racial bonus to saving throws against visual well in groups, but also value individual expression and freedom
effects. of choice. Extended families usually share one dwelling with little
conception for the need for privacy. Ansikvols just aren’t offended
Applying other “half-” templates or the Half-human by or concerned with the intimate activities in which others are
microplate to this monster can create talocks that are actually engaged.
half-breeds with another race. There’s no telling what These cat-like people survive by hunting and gathering,
creatures might be forced to breed with grimlocks to satisfy with an omnivorous diet that favors meat. With a strong sense
the needs of their overlords. of right and wrong, ansikvols rarely mistreat others. They are
suspicious of outsiders, however, and highly territorial, even
Ansikvol fighting other tribes in feuds over resources. More often, tribes that
(half-humanoid krenshar) share lands trade crafted goods and young adults for marriage. Such
Medium-size Humanoid (Feline) unions create lasting ties between two clans, like a huge family. All
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp) ansikvols also have a special affinity for krenshars.
Initiative: +1 (Dex) Animistic, ansikvols do not worship any god. Everything
Speed: 40 ft. has a spiritual value and nature is revered as a cycle and conscious
AC: 14 (+1 Dex, +2 leather, +1 natural); 13 flat-footed, 11 entity. Thus, ansikvols rarely produce clerics, unless influenced by
touch outside forces (like missionaries).
Attacks: Shortspear +0 melee, bite –2 melee; or 2 claws +0
melee, bite –2 melee; or shortbow +1 ranged Ansikvol Characters
Damage: Shortspear 1d8/crit x3, claw 1d3, bite 1d4, Ansikvols favor the ranger class, though most of them are warriors
shortbow 1d6/crit x3 or experts. Their priests are adepts, shamans, or druids.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Face fold Ansikvol Traits
Special Qualities: Scent As a PC race, ansikvols have the following characteristics:
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +0 • +2 Dexterity, –2 Intelligence. Ansikvols are light on their
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 11 feet, but not given to protracted reasoning.
Skills: Hide +3, Jump +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +3 • Medium size. (Use human height and weight.)
Feats: Multiattack • Ansikvol base speed is 30 feet.
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm forest and plains • Darkvision: Ansikvols can see in the dark up to 60 ft. This
Organization: Solitary, pair, party (2-4 plus 1d3-1 krenshars), vision is black and white.
band (11-20 plus 2 3rd-level elders and 1 leader of 3rd- • Low-light Vision: Ansikvols can see four times as far as
6th level + 1d6 krenshars), or tribe (30-100 plus 80% humans in poor lighting conditions.
noncombatants plus 30% krenshars plus 1 3rd-level elder per • Natural Armor: Ansikvols have a +1 natural armor bonus.
10 adults, 1 5th-level elder per 20 adults, and 1 7th-level elder • Face Fold (Ex): As a standard action, an ansikvol can
per 30 adults) pull the skin back from it mouth and jaw, revealing the
CR: 1 musculature and bony structures. It couples this gruesome
Treasure: No coins, standard goods, 50% items act with an unsettling screech that sounds like a squalling
Alignment: Usually neutral good cat. This alone is usually sufficient to scare foes in a
Advancement: By character class direction of the ansikvol’s choosing (treat as a Bluff or
Intimidate check with a +3 bonus). This ability does not
Ansikvols are humanoid creatures (about the size of humans) affect other ansikvols (or krenshars).
with a slim feline mien, such as ears atop their heads, short • Scent: This ability allows an ansikvol to detect approaching
fur, and cat-like countenances. Their hair is dappled grey enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of
and dark grey, like that of a forest cat. Ansikvols speak their smell. Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar
own unique tongue that includes words from Sylvan. An odors just as humans do familiar sights.
Intelligence check (DC 20) allows a speaker of Sylvan to get Ansikvols can detect opponents within 30 ft. by sense
the gist of what an ansikvol is saying. of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to
60 ft.; if downwind, it drops to 15 ft. Strong scents can be
detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering Half-human
scents can be detected at triple normal range. In worlds where humanity is not the norm and another race
When an ansikvol detects a scent, the exact location is or species is considered the measure from which all expected
not revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. standards derive, the half-human is worthy of note. This
The ansikvol can take a move or attack action to note microplate is designed for use in worlds where humans, rather
the direction of the scent. If it moves within 5 ft. of the than other creatures, are considered exotic, strange, or out-
source, the ansikvol can pinpoint that source. and-out bizarre. It is also a useful tool for crafting unique
Ansikvols can follow tracks by smell, making a Wisdom races.
check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for a fresh Half-humans are created by the intermingling
trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the scent). of humans with other races, whether by means of natural
This DC increases or decreases depending on the strength reproduction, magical experimentation, or technological
of the quarry’s odor, the number of creatures being dabbling. In many cases, races that are less powerful than
tracked, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the humans attempt such crossbreeding to provide their heirs
trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise with a genetic edge.
follows the rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by To create a half human, simply use the Half-
scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor humanoid template as is, without adding anything at the end.
visibility. Keep The Human Principle in mind, and add the following to
• Multiple Attacks: Ansikvols know how to use their natural the half-human:
weapons and may make two claw attacks and a secondary Mixed Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and effects,
bite attack as a full-attack action. A bite may be used as a half-humans are considered human and the base creature.
secondary attack as part of any full-attack action, except
one with a reach weapon. Their small claws do 1d3 points Humanoid
of damage, while their larger teeth do 1d4. An ansikvol What if you just want to create a humanoid from a base
may choose the Multiattack feat. creature, without weakening it by halving certain statistics?
• +2 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Move Silently checks. The Half-humanoid template can be used to create creatures
• Automatic Languages: Ansikvol (pidgin Sylvan) that have all of the statistics of the base creature in their
• Bonus Languages: Common, Sylvan, Elven, Gnome. undiluted form, with a few changes provided by this
• Favored Class: Ranger. Even ansikvol warriors revere nature, microplate.
and many are rewarded for it. To make a humanoid with all of the base creature’s
• ECL: +1. abilities, just ignore anything in the Half-humanoid template
about halving or weakening statistics and abilities, or
Variant Half-humanoids treating the creature as one size category smaller. Use the
There are so many possibilities with the Half-humanoid template. base creature as it is. For example, a humanoid winter wolf
The microplates and simplate below are guides to help you along in would have all 6d10 HD, all of its statistics and abilities, and
designing your own humanoid races. Samples are provided to give still be Large. It just gets an upright stature (and thus tall
you an idea how some of these microplates work. Face/Reach and –10 ft. of ground speed), two arms, two
legs, and possibly better Intelligence out of the deal. Instead
The Human Principle of a magical beast, it is a monstrous humanoid—ready for
When the creature created using the Half-humanoid template has whatever culture and armaments you wish to give it.
very few special abilities, consider the human as a model if the new The CR of a humanoid creature is the same as the
creature might be used as a PC race. Give the new creature some base creature. Consider +1 to the CR if the humanoid shape
concession to balance its weaknesses, such as: is particularly beneficial (combining weapon use with potent
Eased Class Restriction: Half-humanoids with few special natural abilities).
abilities might treat their highest-level character class as their
favored class for the purposes of multiclassing (as a half-elf does). Verminoid
Those half-humans descended from a base creature with a favored Somewhere between human and arthropod, verminoids
class usually favor that class as well. are the abominable result of druidic magic and sorcerous
Bonus Feat or Extra Skill Points: According to taste, a half- experimentation. Thus, verminoids are creatures of insect or
human that is significantly weaker than a non-human core PC race arachnid (and possibly crustacean) heritage with humanoid
gains one feat for free when it becomes a half-human (or at its first bodies and intellects. Such creatures can also be stable races.
character level). Instead, you may grant it one extra skill point per They can be made from any size of vermin found in the MM.
character level or Hit Die. Only races weaker than or equivalent to Use the ideas Humanoid microplate above to make a full-
humans should get both advantages. fledged verminoid, or use the Half-humanoid template
Instead you might grant the new race a special ability that to adulterate the base vermin a bit. A vermin made into a
is in line with a feat or a suite of reasonable skill bonuses based on humanoid (assuming the new creature is given humanoid
the culture you dream up. Use the non-human races in the PHB as mental ability scores according to the Half-humanoid
guides for reasonable abilities and bonuses. template or the Animal Mind, Humanoid Body sidebar) has the
following special considerations:
Type: Due to multiple legs, inhuman appearance, size smaller. If made according to the Half-humanoid template, all
potent natural abilities and so on, all verminoids are of the oozoids do acid damage as if one size smaller than indicated—a
Monstrous Humanoid type. Recalculate all information black pudding half-humanoid doing acid damage as if its own size,
relevant to type (base attack bonus, skill points, number of and an ochre jelly as if two sizes smaller than it really is. Other
feats, and so on). They lose all benefits of the Vermin type. special effects of the acids are found with the base oozes in the
Special Attacks: Verminoids retain all of the special MM. If this ability is left off of the oozoid, then the creature is just
attacks of the base vermin, with this change: a protoplasmic entity that doesn’t secrete acid, which can be more
Darkvision (Ex): All verminoids can see in non- viable for a PC race.
magical darkness up to a range of 60 ft. Constrict (Ex): When stretching (see the special quality
Poison (Ex): If the base creature had poison, the below), an oozoid that gets a hold in a grapple inflicts additional
verminoid retains that ability, but loses the vermin bonus bludgeoning damage equal to the creature’s unarmed damage with
to poison save DC. (You can keep that bonus, if you wish.) each successful grapple check. The creature may only constrict
The new saving throw DC for the Fortitude save to resist the opponents one size-category smaller than itself.
creature’s poison is 10 + one-half of the verminoid’s HD + Improved Grab (Ex): When stretching, an oozoid can use
its Constitution modifier. This DC does not increase due to the improved grab ability whenever it hits with a natural or unarmed
character level. attack.
Special Qualities: Verminoids retain all of the Special Qualities: Oozoids retain all of the special
special qualities of the base vermin, and gain the following: qualities of the base ooze, besides engulf, and gain the following:
Stability (Ex): Per the Half-humanoid template. Blindsight (Ex): (Optional) Oozoids may be blind or not, as
Immunities (Ex): All verminoids are immune to sleep you wish, but their surface is usually a very sensitive sensing organ.
attacks and abilities. Thus, and oozoid is aware of anything that creates even minor
Saves: Verminoids get a +4 racial bonus to save vibrations within 60 ft. of its location.
against any mind-affecting ability. Unlike normal monstrous Camouflage/Transparency (Ex): Oozes with either of these
humanoids, verminoids have “good” Reflex and Fortitude abilities (or similar ones) get a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks
saves (instead of Reflex and Will). instead of the ability.
Abilities: For extremely low scores and non-scores, Damage Reduction (Ex): Oozoids have damage reduction
consider using the same principles found in the Animal Mind, 2/—. Due to their unique physiologies, they take less damage
Humanoid Body sidebar. from weapons of all types. Halve this ability if the oozoid is made
according to the Half-humanoid template.
Oozoid Darkvision (Ex): (Optional) Oozoids that can see can also
Oozoids are bizarre, amorphous beings composed of see in non-magical darkness up to a range of 60 ft.
protoplasm and simple cellular structures, possessing Immunities (Ex): Oozoids are immune to paralysis,
cytoskeletons that allow them to maintain humanoid form. polymorphing, and stun, gaining +4 against these attacks instead if
Vile servants of gods of ooze and decay usually create such made according to the Half-humanoid template. Since an oozoid
weird creatures. Perhaps a strange world has an entire race of does not have a well-defined internal anatomy, it ignores critical
such beings. Any ooze can be given the humanoid form using hits 50% of the time, or 25% of the time if made according to the
the Half-humanoid template or the Humanoid microplate. Half-humanoid template.
Oozoids (assumed to have Intelligence scores) as full-fledged More Hit Points: (Optional) Oozoids are naturally tougher
humanoids have the following considerations: due to their strange, flowing anatomies. An oozoid gains bonus hit
Type: Due to their natures, oozoids are always points according to its size equal to half those an ooze of the same
considered to be the Monstrous Humanoid type. Recalculate size would gain (see Appendix I, Table 1-13: Oozes). If the oozoid
all information relevant to type (base attack bonus, skill is made according to the Half-humanoid template and is Small or
points, number of feats, and so on). They lose all benefits of Larger, grant it the Toughness feat as a bonus feat instead.
the Ooze type. Pseudopods (Ex): (Optional) An oozoid has two arms
Size: The Miniature template provides a means to and two legs, but it can extrude additional limbs from its body
shrink oozes to manageable oozoid sizes for a PC race. equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum 0). Growing and
Speed: Oozoid’s have a base speed of 20 ft., manipulating new arms is taxing and can only be maintained for a
increasing by 10 ft. per size category above Medium-size, to a number of minutes equal to the oozoid’s Constitution bonus +3
maximum of 40 ft. (minimum 3 minutes), after which the oozoid cannot reestablish
Special Attacks: Oozoids retain all of the special the pseudopod for the same amount of time it existed. The DM
attacks of the base ooze, this change: may allow a regular limb to be reabsorbed instead of the fatigued
Acid (Ex): (Optional) Oozoids secrete the acid of the base pseudopod. Additional limbs do not grant additional attacks
ooze. This acid does additional damage when the oozoid without the Multidexterity and Multiweapon Fighting (or similar)
strikes or is struck with an unarmed (or natural) attack. feats, but addition legs provide stability (see below).
Damage is equal to the claw damage for an ooze of the Shapelessness (Ex): By spending one full-round action
oozoid’s size, but with no added Strength modifier. Black to become shapeless, oozoids can squeeze through openings of
pudding oozoids do acid damage as if one size larger than incredibly small size (as little as 1 inch in diameter). They can
they really are, while ochre jelly oozoids do damage as if one
move along small fissures, ooze under doors, pour themselves into and it is clumsy for larger creatures. Gliding can be used to
containers of their size or larger, and perform other similar feats. prevent falling damage completely, so long as the creature has
Movement in this formless state is reduced by half, and the being enough room and time to use the ability.
retains many vague, distorted humanoid features. Another full-
round action is required to regain the oozoid’s humanoid shape. Sample Half-humanoid Variants
Shapeless form may only be maintained for a number of minutes The examples below use a kobold (half-human), giant praying
equal to 1 + the oozoid’s Constitution bonus (minimum 1). An mantis (verminoid), small monstrous centipede (verminoid),
equal amount of time must then be spent in humanoid form. and a gray ooze (oozoid). Kolmun were tweaked to be an
Split (Ex): Oozoids may maintain the splitting property ECL +0 race, eliminating the Constitution bonus such a
of their parent ooze, but this can be inconvenient for a race (and a creature would really have in unadulterated form. For the
PC). Oozoids reproduce by sexual unions with other oozoids of the verminoids, the mantis’s claw damage was maintained and
same species, both oozoids producing an infant as an external bud its Intelligence was rolled as a 7 (on 3d6). The centipede’s
that eventually splits from the parent organism. Alternatively, an Strength was increased by 2 to make it more viable as a PC
oozoid race may gestate their young within, like normal humanoids race, and it rolled a higher than average Wisdom. The oozoid
or simply split asexually. is a special case and has its own design notes.
Stability (Ex): Per the Half-humanoid template—oozoids
can extrude extra legs to gain stability with the pseudopods special Kolmun (Half-human/half-kobold)
quality. Medium-size Humanoid (Kobold, Reptilian)
Stretch (Ex): An oozoid can double its natural reach by Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
stretching its arms, legs, tail, or other appendages in combat. This Initiative: +0
increase of reach can be initiated as a move-equivalent action Speed: 40 ft.
and maintained for a number of rounds equal to 3 + oozoid’s AC: 12 (+2 leather); 12 flat-footed, 10 touch
Constitution bonus (minimum Attacks: Halfspear +0 melee; or light
of 3 rounds). After the end of crossbow +0 ranged
one stretch, another use of the Damage: Halfspear 1d6/crit x3; or light
ability may be made 1d4+1 rounds later. crossbow 1d8/crit 19-20
Saves: Oozoids get a +4 racial Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
bonus to save against any mind- Special Qualities: Kolmun traits
affecting ability. Unlike normal Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2
monstrous humanoids, oozoids only Abilities: Str 10, Dex 11, Con 11, Int
have “good” Fortitude saves (instead 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
of Reflex and Will). Skills: Craft (trapmaking) +1, Hide +2,
Abilities: For extremely low Listen +1, Move Silently +1, Profession
scores and non-scores, consider using (mining) +1, Search +3, Spot +3
the same principles found in the Feats: Alertness, Iron Will
Animal Mind, Humanoid Body sidebar. Climate/Terrain: Any land and
Skills: All oozoids get a +4 underground
racial bonus to Climb checks, due to their Organization: Team (2-4), squad (11-
amorphous nature it’s easier to maintain a 20 plus 2 3rd-level elite and 1 leader of
hold on the surface. Those with climbing 3rd-6th level), or clan (30-100 plus 75%
movement get the +8 from that movement noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level elite per 10
form instead. They get +4 to Hide checks adults, 1 5th-level elite per 20 adults, 1 7th-
when shapeless. level leaders per 30 adults). Kolmun without a
draconic leader usually have a monarch (7th to
Glider 11th level).
Creatures that have wings that no CR: 1/2
longer function for flight may Treasure: Standard
be allowed to use their vestigial Alignment: Usually lawful evil
wings to glide. This simplate Advancement: By character class.
provides the following benefit: Kolmun, magically created by chromatic dragons
Glide (Ex): The creature uses in ages past, are a race with both human and
its small wings, skin flaps, or similar kobold blood. They represent the chromatic dragons’
physiological devices, to move at a speed equal to 3 times its longest desire to have a subservient race that is stronger and more
dimension in Face per round, with a minimum speed of 20 ft. and intelligent than kobolds but less willful and independent than
a maximum velocity of 60 ft. per round. For each 10 ft. so moved humans. The result is a race of malign, reptilian humanoids
the creature automatically falls 5 ft., so starting from a high point that are less likely to bolt in fear when confronted.
is necessary. The creature falls 10ft. per round no matter what, Kolmun are around 5 ft. in height and average
but updrafts and air currents may slow or suspend the fall at DM around 110 lbs., standing more erect than a kobold with a
discretion. Maneuverability is poor for Small or smaller creatures,
gain in physical power, but a loss of nimbleness. Their skin dragon ruler are usually no less aggressive and tyrannical. Other
ranges from light brown to dark bronze or black in color—a communities become strangely insular and passive, hiding from old
kolmun’s scales are less prominent than a kobold’s. Small enemies and living quietly.
horns or ridges appear on their heads, the aspect of which Kolmun worship the same god as their dragon master—or
is flatter. A kolmun’s eyes have red pupils with black irises. the dragon itself. An orphaned kolmun community may worship
Kolmun do not have tails. any number of gods depending on the community’s alignment and
The creatures wear simple clothing, favoring either behavior. A kolmun community never worships the kobold god,
a wide range of colors or the hue of their dragon master. however.
They have an artistic aesthetic that is both sophisticated
and macabre by human standards. Such works are always Kolmun Characters
iconographic and draconic, even if meant as jewelry or other A kolmun’s favored class is sorcerer. They are incredibly versatile,
personal objects. and can become fighters, rouges, clerics, sorcerers, and even
A kolmun’s voice is deeper than a kobold’s, and they wizards. Kolmun often multiclass as fighter/clerics, fighter/
sound like barking dogs. Kolmun speak Draconic, but those sorcerers, fighter/rogues, or cleric/rogues. A kolmun community’s
with an Intelligence of 12 also speak Common. Their diets leaders are always sorcerers, sorcerer/clerics, or sorcerer/fighters.
and behavior are similar to kobolds’. The key difference is Many kolmun leaders are dragon-blooded as well.
that they obey the commands of their dragon masters without Kolmun clerics can choose any one of the following
question. domains: Chaos, Evil, Law, Luck, and Trickery. Clerics with a
Kolmun have a tendency towards evil, and they hate dragon master may choose Chaos or Law depending on the master’s
all other humanoids and fey, even kobolds. Kolmun especially alignment and their own. (Kolmun are usually lawful, even if
hate dwarves, gnomes, and elves. serving a chaotic or neutral master.) Thus, a cleric with a red dragon
master may choose Chaos and one other domain from the list, but
Combat not Law.
Kolmun begin a fight by first firing light crossbows, then
closing in with halfspears only after opponents have been Kolmun Traits
weakened. Like kobolds, kolmun often set up ambushes As a PC race, kolmun have the following characteristics:
near trapped areas. They aim to drive enemies into the traps. • Medium size. (Use elf height and weight.)
However, if a group of kolmun has a dragon master nearby, • Kolmun base speed is 40 feet. Their legs and loping
they try to lure or drive enemies into the range of its breath gate provide ample speed.
weapon. • Darkvision: Kolmun can see in the dark up to 60 ft. This
Kolmun Traits (Ex): See racial characteristics below. vision is black and white.
• Mixed Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and effects,
Kolmun Society kolmun are considered human and kobold.
A kolmun’s life revolves around the life of a dragon master • +1 racial bonus to Search and Spot checks. A kolmun
or mistress. The community is responsible for their master’s raised in a kolmun community gains a +1 bonus to
security including its lair, treasure, and any eggs or hatchlings. Craft (trapmaking) and Profession (mining). A kolmun
Kolmun are natural miners, and a kolmun community’s master raised amongst humans or other races does not gain
usually has them dig extensive mines into order to add more these bonuses.
gems or mineral wealth to its treasure horde. • Bonus Feat: Adaptable, a kolmun gains one feat for free
A kolmun community is allowed to keep part of at its first character level
this wealth, to prevent discontent. A dragon-commanded • Automatic Languages: Draconic.
kolmun settlement is actively encouraged to raid for slaves • Bonus Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome,
and food. Many times, the dragon is master of an area, and Goblin, Halfling.
the kolmun are its representatives to the cowed humanoid • Favored Class: Sorcerer
populace. Kolmun realize if they perform poorly they become
expendable, and as a result, kolmun are never more vicious In addition to normal kolmun traits, dragon-blooded kolmun have
than when raiding their enemies. the following traits:
Kolmun do not live in their master’s lair but are • +2 Strength, +2 Charisma.
usually nearby in adjacent caves or villages. Without the • Medium size. (Use elf height and weight, +1d4 to each
weakness of light blindness, kolmun are more likely to live modifier.)
above ground so they may spot approaching enemies and • Low-light Vision: Dragon-blooded kolmun can see twice
other dangers. A flip side to the dragon representative theory, as far as humans in poor lighting conditions.
a kolmun community’s enemies might not even be aware that • Natural Armor: Dragon-blooded kolmun have a +1
the humanoids have a dragon master. natural armor bonus.
Sometimes a kolmun community loses its draconic • Resistances (Ex): Dragon-blooded kolmun have fire
overlord. Without direction, the settlement evolves socially resistance 10.
into a new way of life. Of course, vengeful neighbors • Dragon Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and effects,
may make genocidal war on their once oppressors. dragon-blooded kolmun are considered humans,
Those communities that do manage to survive without a kobolds, and dragons.
• No Bonus Feat: Dragon-blooded kolmun have it easier Skills: *Because of its coloration, a reaper giant surrounded
than most kolmun, and have no reason to adapt in this by foliage receives an additional +8 racial bonus to Hide
manner. checks.
• ECL: +1.
Reaper Giant (Verminoid Giant Praying Mantis) (Verminoid Small Monstrous Centipede)
Large Monstrous Humanoid Small Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp) Hit Dice: 1/2d8 (2 hp)
Initiative: –1 (Dex) Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (poor) Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 14 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +6 natural); 14 flat-footed, 8 touch AC: 13 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +1 natural); 12 flat-footed, 12
Attacks: Claws +10 melee, bite +8 melee touch
Damage: Claws 1d8+4, bite 1d6+2 Attacks: Shortspear –1 melee, bite –2 melee; or bite +2
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. melee; or shortbow +2 ranged
Special Attacks: Improved grab, squeeze Damage: Shortspear 1d8-2/crit x3, bite 1d4-2 plus
Special Qualities: Stability, poison, shortbow 1d6–2/crit x3
immunities, +4 vs. mind- Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
affecting attacks Special Attacks: Poison
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Special Qualities: Stability, immunities,
Will +2 +4 vs. mind-affecting attacks
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 8, Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +1
Con 15, Int 7, Wis 14, Abilities: Str 7, Dex 13, Con 10, Int
Cha 11 10, Wis 13, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +2*, Listen Skills: Climb +6, Hide +11, Move
+6, Spot +7, Wilderness Silently +5, Listen +4, Spot +8
Lore +3 Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite)
Feats: Multiattack Climate/Terrain: Temperate and
Climate/Terrain: Any warm land and underground
land and underground Organization: Solitary, pair, hunting
Organization: Solitary party (3-6), or clan (7-12)
CR: 2 CR: 1/2
Treasure: Standard Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral Alignment: Often chaotic neutral
evil Advancement: By character class
Advancement: By
character class Kyampasas are small, brownish, centipede-
like humanoids with four arms, antennae,
This gigantic humanoid and bulbous, compound eyes. Their flat,
has as a green, chitinous segmented bodies are supported at the lower half
body with four arms by a dozen or more tiny legs. All kyampasas have
and two legs. The reaper large mandibles, under which lies a very complex
giant’s upper two limbs mouth. Young kyampasas are born from eggs,
end in huge, hooked tiny and very able.
claws, while its other Primitive and tribal, kyampasas are
pair of arms has territorial and eat anything they can catch
hands. These creatures (including members of other tribes). They
are killers and sometimes carry large weapons. like moist, dark areas, but can tolerate a wide variety of
climates—claiming a wide area for hunting and gathering.
Combat Clans are insular, superstitious, and wary of any strangers,
Brutal and animalistic, the reaper giant attacks from ambush to get only coming together occasionally to trade and exchange
prey quickly. The droning of their wings keeps the beast from sneak young for mating. Such gatherings include games of skill,
attacking from the air, but brazen reaper giants do so anyway. gambling, and the all-too-common bloody argument.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the reaper giant Kyampasas are not above banding together to face a
must hit an opponent of Medium-size or smaller with its claws troublesome enemy, but such alliances quickly disintegrate
attack. If it gets a hold, it squeezes. after the threat is gone.
Squeeze (Ex): A reaper giant that gets a hold on a Medium- The “centipede folk” are animistic, worshipping
size or smaller opponent automatically deals 1d8+4 points of claw no specific deity and having adepts, druids, and shamans
damage and bites at its full attack value of +6 each round the hold as spellcasters. Occasionally, a sorcerer is born, but the
is maintained. credulous kyampasas often drive such a strange clan member
out of the circle. Yet, other sorcerous kyampasas have risen
to leadership positions in their meritocratic society, starting Damage: Scimitar 1d6+1/crit 18-20; javelin 1d6+1
whole traditions of witchery in certain clans. Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Kyampasas speak their own language of clicks and Special Attacks: Improved grab (stretching only), constrict
hisses, but some speak Sylvan in alien voices. (stretching only)
Special Qualities: DR 1/—, cold and fire resistance 5,
Combat pseudopods, stability
Kyampasas rely on ambush tactics, hiding their flat bodies in Saves: Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0
underbrush and springing to attack. Abilities: Str 12, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 7
Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude (DC 10), 1d2 initial and Skills: Climb +9, Hide +4*, Move Silently +4, Listen +6, Spot +6
secondary Dex. Feats: Alertness, Toughness
Stability (Ex): Kyampasas are more stable because of Climate/Terrain: Any marsh and underground
their multiple legs, gaining applicable stability bonuses against Organization: Solitary, pair, team (2-4), squad (11-20 plus 2 3rd-
certain forms of attack (such as +4 against trip attacks). level officers and 1 leader of 3rd-6th level), or clan (30-100 plus
Immunities (Ex): Kyampasas are immune to sleep 30% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level officer per 10 adults, 5 5th-
attacks and abilities. level elite, 2 7th-level elite, and a warlord of 9th or greater level). All
Skills: Kyampasas get a +4 racial bonus to Climb, clans and squads contain at least 5%of their numbers as priests.
Hide, and Spot checks. They get +4 to Hide checks due to CR: 1
size. Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually lawful neutral
Kyampasa Traits Advancement: By character class
As a PC race, kyampasas (kee-ahm-pah-sahs) have the
following characteristics: Glomas are grey-skinned humanoids with a pebbly texture and no
• –4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom. facial features, besides tiny eyes. They have a wide stature and their
• Small. Kyampasas gain a +1 size bonus to AC and humanoid form is vague at best, with two upper limbs used for
attack rolls and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but manipulation and two lower limbs used for motility. The head of a
they must use smaller weapons than humans use, gloma is a rough lump. Glomas have no other apparent orifices or
and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters bodily structures, reproducing by a complex, hermaphroditic sexual
of those of Medium-size creatures. (Use halfling union that impregnates both partners.
male height and weight.) The creatures can eat and breathe through any portion
• Kyampasa base speed is 30 feet. of their surface, excreting in the same manner. Glomas can shape
• Darkvision: Kyampasas can see 60 ft. in darkness. their bodies into rough “puddles” and grow extra limbs for limited
This vision is black and white. amounts of time. They do not speak by conventional means, in
• Natural Armor: Kyampasas have a +1 natural armor fact being incapable of vocalization without special preparation.
bonus. Speaking a vocal language requires a gloma to manufacture a mouth
• Bite: Kyampasas have a bite attack, which can be and air pocket, with which it can speak conventional language
added to any full-attack action as a secondary attack, in a burping voice. Instead of this tiresome process, glomas use
for 1d4 (plus Strength modifier) points of damage a specialized form of speech through touch and signs amongst
plus poison. themselves.
• Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude (DC 10 + the kyampasa’s
Constitution modifier), 1d2 initial and secondary Combat
Dex. Glomas are tough, honorable, and courageous given to complex
• Multiple Legs (Ex): Kyampasas are more stable strategies and tactics. They are formidable unarmed, but
because of their multiple legs, gaining applicable traditionally carry piercing and slashing weapons.
stability bonuses against certain forms of attack Gloma Traits: See racial characteristics below. * Skill
(such as +4 against trip attacks). bonuses with special circumstances appear below.
• Skills: Kyampasas get a +4 racial bonus to Climb,
Hide, and Spot checks. Gloma Society
• Automatic Languages: Kyampasa. Glomas live in extensive, feudal clans led by warlord monks, who
• Bonus Languages: Common, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, are beholden to more powerful lords, all serving an emperor. Their
Sylvan. society is bound by a strict caste system in which priests are the
• Favored Class: Barbarian. highest, giving the wisdom of the heavens to the gloma people.
The warrior monk occupies a special place in gloma society, with all
Gloma other social strata underneath that celebrated level of prowess. Only
(Half-humanoid Gray Ooze) nobility (who are expected to be great fighters themselves), priests,
Medium-size Monstrous Humanoid or a higher-ranking soldier, can command a warrior.
Hit Dice: 1d10+3 (8 hp) The middle caste is one of artisans, merchants, and well-
Initiative: +0 to-do farmers, while the low caste is made up of typical farmers and
Speed: 20 ft. servants. The lowliest of the gloma peoples are criminals, forever
AC: 13 (+2 leather, +1 small shield) marked with shame and without honor. Lesser glomas are expected
Attacks: Scimitar +2 melee; javelin +1 ranged to serve those higher in the caste system without question.
Glomas are proud, to the point of haughtiness, but their lack of Constitution bonus +3 (minimum 3 minutes), after
facial features and vocal expression makes this hard to discern which the gloma cannot reestablish the pseudopod
among other races. They take insult quickly and go to war, even for the same amount of time it existed. The DM
with one another, over such things—even forming and complex may allow a regular limb to be reabsorbed instead
schemes for power and vengeance. Since glomas are all the of the fatigued pseudopod. Additional limbs do not
same sex, the game of gender relations is alien to them. Gloma grant additional attacks without the Multidexterity
communication is largely guileless, with deception accomplished and Multiweapon Fighting (or similar) feats, but
through omissions and diversion. addition legs provide stability (see below).
Gloma priests revere nature spirits and gods of warfare
and knowledge. The priesthood is suspicious of magic outside the Gloma Design Notes
bounds of religion, so much so that arcane magic is even outlawed The gloma takes the tack of preferring playable PC race abilities
in some gloma fiefdoms. Still, wizards and sorcerers (collectively (and showing a half-humanoid oozoid example) over potent ooze
called witches) do exist and even occupy places of power. Rare abilities, thus the creature was created as a half-humanoid (1 HD
gloma bards specialize in percussion instruments, which the gloma instead of 3). Its low scores were raised to a human norm, with
consider romantic due to the visceral reverberations created by Charisma left out in the cold. Glomas have no acid, so they can
drums and the like. wear armor and use weapons. The more hit points special ability
was traded for Toughness as a bonus feat. The cold and fire
Gloma Characters immunity of the gray ooze was changed to resistance and then
Glomas favor the monk class, and may freely multi-class as fighters lowered to a manageable level for a PC race. Glomas do not have
with the monk class. Most glomas are commoners, warriors, or better vision than humans
experts. Their priests are clerics typically within the domains of
Animal, Plant, Protection, Knowledge, and War. Gloma spellcasters • Shapelessness (Ex): By spending one full-round action
replace vocal components with small instruments that make noise to become shapeless, glomas can squeeze through
and ritual humming and burping through taking air into their bodies openings of incredibly small size (as little as 1 inch
in gulps. The Silent Spell feat allows a spellcaster to eschew these in diameter). They can move along small fissures,
things as normal. ooze under doors, pour themselves into containers
of their size or larger, and perform other similar
Gloma Traits feats. Movement in this formless state is reduced
As a PC race, glomas (glow-mahs) have the following characteristics: by half (to 10 ft.), and the being retains many vague,
• HD: Glomas can start play with a 1d10 monster HD distorted humanoid features. Another full-round
which provides the base attack bonus of a fighter (+1), a action is required to regain the gloma’s humanoid
good Fortitude saving throw (+2), a single feat, and skill shape. Shapeless form may only be maintained
points equal to 2x Intelligence. This HD is maximized for for a number of minutes equal to 1 + the gloma’s
PCs (10 hp). A player can opt to give up this HD for the Constitution bonus (minimum 1). An equal amount
1st level of a character class. As monstrous humanoids, of time must then be spent in humanoid form.
glomas do actual damage with unarmed attacks and are • Stability (Ex): Glomas with three or more legs count
always considered armed. as stable when checking versus certain situations
• +2 Strength, –4 Charisma. (garnering, for example, a +4 circumstance bonus
• Medium size. (Use dwarf height and weight.) versus Trip attacks).
• Gloma base speed is 20 feet. • Stretch (Ex): A gloma can extend its reach to 10 ft.
• Damage Reduction (Ex): Glomas have damage reduction 1/ This increase can be initiated as a move-equivalent
—. Due to their unique physiologies, they take less damage action and maintained for a number of rounds
from weapons of all types. equal to 3 + gloma’s Constitution bonus (minimum
• Resistances (Ex): Glomas have cold and fire resistance 5. of 3 rounds). After the end of one stretch, another
• Constrict (Ex): When stretching (see the special quality use of the ability may be made 1d4+1 rounds later.
below), a gloma that gets a hold on a Small or smaller • +2 racial bonus to save against any mind-affecting
opponent in a grapple inflicts additional bludgeoning ability; +4 versus paralysis and polymorphing.
damage equal to the creature’s unarmed damage (usually • +4 racial bonus to Climb. +4 racial bonus to
1d3+1) with each successful grapple check. Hide checks when in a stony or grey-colored area.
• Improved Grab (Ex): When stretching, a gloma can use the Glomas get an additional +4 to Hide checks in
improved grab ability whenever it hits with an unarmed shapeless form.
attack. • Glomas get Toughness as a bonus feat.
• Immunities (Ex): Since a gloma does not have a well-defined • Automatic Languages: Gloma
internal anatomy, it ignores critical hits 25% of the time. • Bonus Languages: Common—glomas must use 2 skill
• Pseudopods (Ex): A gloma has two arms and two legs, but ranks to learn additional languages as skills.
it can extrude additional limbs from its body equal to • Favored Class: Monk. Glomas may freely multiclass
1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum 0). Growing fighter with monk.
and manipulating new arms is taxing and can only be • ECL: +3 including initial 1 HD, +2 for those who
maintained for a number of minutes equal to the gloma’s give up that HD for a character class.
T ired of being one of the weakest creatures in
existence, the kobold race has for years attempted
to improve its lot in life and gain additional power
by crossbreeding with numerous other (preferably reptilian)
races. While many of these attempts were abject failures, a
Male half-kobold/half-drow Ftr 1
Medium-size Humanoid (Elf, Reptilian)
Hit Dice: 1d10+1 (11 hp)
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
few stable kobold half-breeds did result from the experiments. Speed: 40 ft.
After many decades of magical tampering by powerful kobold AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +4 chain shirt); 15 flat-footed, 13
sorcerers and clerics, a number of true-breeding, half-kobold touch
races have been created—the next evolution in the kobold Attacks: Longsword, +2 melee; or shortbow, +4 ranged
race and the next step to dominance in the world! Damage: Longsword 1d8+2/crit 19-20; or shortbow 1d6/crit x3
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Appearance Changes Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Half-kobolds look somewhat like the base creature, possessing Special Qualities: Darkvision 80 ft., light blindness, SR 10,
heavily reptilian features including scales, an elongated snout immune to sleep
and dark, glassy eyes. Many possess a small tail. Their voices Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +0 (+1 to Will saves vs. spells/spell-
sound like a high-pitched version of the non-kobold parent. like abilities)
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 12
Skills: Climb +4, Craft (trapmaking) +5, Hide +2, Jump +4, Move
Creating a Half-kobold Silently +2, Swim –5
“Half-kobold” is a template that can be added to any living,
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Far Shot
corporeal, non-kobold creature besides a non-sentient plant,
CR: 2
ooze, or vermin (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”).
Alignment: Lawful evil
The base creature’s type does not change, but “Reptilian”
is added to its subtypes. A half-kobold uses all the base
Kierjet is dusky-skinned and dark-eyed—he’s not attractive, with
creature’s abilities and statistics in addition to those noted
upward slanting eyes and a flattened muzzle full of small, sharp
teeth. He has a shock of white hair in the middle of his head,
Speed: Increase the base creature’s ground
dangling in a braided lock down to the small of his back. The braid
movement by 10 ft.—kobolds are built for speed.
is wrapped with bronze cord and tipped with a bronze spike so it
AC: Natural armor improves by +1.
looks like a tail—vanity demands fine clothing and items.
Special Qualities: A half-kobold has all the special
Loyal to his causes and a follower of orders and rules,
qualities of the base creature, plus the following:
Kierjet is vain, self-centered, callous, and the type of person that
Darkvision (Ex): Half-kobolds can see in non-magical
looks for loopholes he can exploit in any agreement. He enjoys
darkness up to a range of 60 ft. If the base creature has
power and wants to gain as much as he can for his own glory. The
darkvision, it improves by 20 ft. (maximum 120 ft.).
half-kobold will rise to lead his lesser brethren, some say.
Light Sensitivity (Ex): If the base creature has light
Kierjet speaks Draconic and Common.
sensitivity, then the half-kobold does as well, suffering a –1
Possessions: chain shirt (masterwork), longsword, shortbow,
penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius
quiver (20 arrows), pot (5 doses of Medium-size spider venom),
of a daylight spell. If the base creature has worse sensitivity to
potion of cure light wounds, jewelry (200 gp), backpack (Included in
light than this ability, it retains the worse of the two values.
skills: –1 armor check penalty; 31 lbs./–6 to Swim).
Otherwise, the half-kobold lacks this flaw.
Mixed Blood (Ex): Half-kobolds are considered to
be the base creature’s race, kobolds, and reptilian for the
Kierjet is a sadistic and elusive opponent. Superior darkvision
purposes of racially specific abilities and effects.
allows him to snipe at opponents from long distances, and he uses
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
his spell-like abilities to mislead his foes.
Strength –2, Constitution +2.
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, darkness, and faerie
Skills: Sentient half-kobolds that are raised by
fire, as cast by a 1st-level sorcerer. (Improves at 1 level per 2/levels
kobolds gain a +1 racial bonus to Craft (trapmaking),
Kierjet gains.)
Profession (mining), and Search checks. Such creatures also
Light Blindness (Ex): Abrupt exposure to bright light (such
speak Draconic.
as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds Kierjet for 1 round. In addition,
ECL: +0.
he suffers a –1 circumstance penalty to all attack rolls, saves, and
checks while operating in bright light.
Sample Half-kobold Mixed Blood (Ex): For the purposes of all abilities and
This example uses a drow elf for the base creature (originally special attacks, Kierjet is considered a kobold, elf, reptilian, and
Strength 15, Dexterity 14, Constitution 13, Intelligence 10, drow.
Wisdom 11, Charisma 12; drow racial ability bonuses Dex +2,
Con –2, +2 Int). In essence, this character is a mix of the
Half-drow and Half-kobold templates.
Mixed Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and effects, a half-
lthough they normally only breed among their own kind,
medusa is considered a medusa and the base creature. Half-
because their gaze petrifies all others, sometimes a medusa
medusas, for example, are immune to the gaze attacks of
finds a mate that is unaffected by its stony stare. These
medusas, and vice versa.
offspring from these unions are known as half-medusas. Magical
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows:
experimentation by medusas themselves, or other s that would
Dexterity +2, Charisma +2.
meddle with such things, can also produce such creatures.
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
CR: Base creature’s CR +2.
Appearance Changes Treasure: Same as base creature.
A half-medusa resembles its non-medusa parent, save that its rough Alignment: Any. A creature raised by medusas
skin tends to be an earthy color and it has 1d4+2 snakes growing tends to be lawful evil.
from its head mixed in with any hair there. Some individuals have ECL: +2.
red-rimmed eyes, and others have eyes that only show red when
using their petrifying gaze. Many conceal their hair under a hooded
cloak or a large hat when traveling in disguise.
Sample Half-medusa
This example uses a 4th-level human rogue as the base
Creating a Half-medusa
“Half-medusa” is a template that can be added to any living, Vuncrozi the Skulking Sculptor
corporeal, non-medusa creature besides a non-sentient plant, Female padrafyte Rog 4
ooze, or vermin (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). If Medium-size Monstrous Humanoid
the base creature is humanoid or giant, it becomes a “Monstrous Hit Dice: 4d6+4 (18 hp)
Humanoid”—animals and beasts become “Magical Beasts”. Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex)
Otherwise, the base creature’s type does not change, but “Medusa” Speed: 30 ft.
is added to its subtypes. A half-medusa uses all the base creature’s AC: 19 (+4 Dex, +4 armor, +1 natural); 15 flat-footed, 14
abilities and statistics in addition to those noted here. touch
AC: Natural armor improves by +1. Attacks: Masterwork short sword +8 melee, snakes +2
Attacks: A half-medusa gains the ability to attack with all melee; or snakes +7 melee; or masterwork dagger +4 melee,
of its snakes at once as a unit. This attack may also be used with a snakes +2 melee; or masterwork shortbow and masterwork
full-attack action as part of a series of normal iterative attacks or as arrow +9 ranged
an extra secondary attack at the half medusa’s highest base attack Damage: Masterwork short sword 1d6-1/crit 19-20; or
bonus –5. snakes 1d3-1 and poison; or masterwork dagger 1d4-1/crit
Damage: Snakes bite for damage as a creature two 19-20; or masterwork shortbow and masterwork arrow 1d6/
sizes smaller than the base creature, according to the Animal type crit x3
(minimum damage 1). They also inject poison. Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: A half-medusa retains all of the special Special Attacks: Petrifying attack, poison, sneak attack +2d6
attacks of the base creature and also gains the following attacks: Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., evasion, medusa blood,
Petrifying Gaze (Su): A half-medusa’s gaze is less potent than search for traps, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC).
its full-blooded parent; creatures are not turned to stone simply by Saves: Fort +3, Reflex +9, Will +2.
looking at it. However, it can focus its power upon a single creature Abilities: Str 8, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16.
within 30 ft. just like a medusa actively using its gaze as an attack Skills: Bluff +8, Climb +6, Decipher Script +5, Diplomacy
action. The targeted opponent can avoid the gaze as normal (see +10, Disguise +7, Hide +11, Innuendo +3, Intimidate +6,
DMG, Chapter 8, Special Abilities, Gaze Attacks) and, if it fails to Jump +6, Listen +7, Move Silently +11, Open Lock +11,
avoid the half-medusa’s gaze, it must succeed at a Fortitude save Search +7, Sense Motive +5, Spot +8, Swim –10, Use Rope
(DC 10 + one-half of the half-medusa’s HD and/or character +9.
levels + the half-medusa’s Charisma modifier) or be permanently Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse (short sword), Weapon
turned to stone. The half-medusa can use this ability a number of Finesse (snakes).
times per day equal to 1 plus its Charisma bonus (minimum 1). CR: 6
Poison (Ex): Snakes, Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of Alignment: Lawful evil
the half-medusa’s HD (not character levels) + the half-medusa’s
Constitution modifier); initial Strength damage equal to the snakes’ Vuncrozi is dashing, with wavy, dark hair and black eyes,
bite damage and secondary damage in equal to bit damage the though she goes hooded most of the time. Her skin has a tan
snakes would do as an creature of the half medusa’s size with the hue with a rough feel. Aspiring to be an infamous assassin,
Animal type. No Strength modifier applies to this damage. she is currently an expert top-floor burglar and extortionist.
Special Qualities: A half-medusa retains all of the special She habitually petrifies the house pets of the homes she
qualities of the base creature and also gains the following: burgles, earning himself the nickname “the Skulking
Darkvision (Ex): Half-medusas can see in non-magical Sculptor”.
darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range,
whichever is better.
Possessions: +1 studded leather, short sword (masterwork), save (DC 10 + the padrafyte’s Constitution modifier);
dagger (masterwork), shortbow (masterwork), quiver (10 initial damage 1d3 temporary Strength, secondary damage
masterwork arrows, 10 +1 arrows), +1 cloak of resistance, hat 1d6 temporary Strength.
of disguise, potions (alter self, charisma, cure moderate wounds, • Petrifying Gaze (Su): A padrafyte’s can focus its gaze upon
invisibility), 50 ft. silk rope, grappling hook, climber’s kit, a single creature within 30 ft. as an attack action. The
thieves’ tools (masterwork), backpack, 200 gp (Included in targeted opponent can avoid the gaze as normal (see
skills: 45 lbs./–9 Swim checks). DMG, Chapter 8, Special Abilities, Gaze Attacks) and if
it fails to do so it must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC
Combat 10 + one-half of the padrafyte’s character levels + its
Vuncrozi likes to use her petrifying gaze at the beginning Charisma modifier) or be permanently turned to stone.
of combat to get rid of one opponent. Next, she prefers to The padrafyte can use this ability a number of times per
fire at his enemies from range (usually partially concealed day equal 1 plus its Charisma bonus (minimum 1).
and covered). If forced to do so (or if her enemies look • Mixed Blood (Ex): Padrafytes are considered to be medusa
sufficiently weakened), Vuncrozi moves into melee, striking and human for the purposes of racially specific abilities
with her short sword and snakes. and effects. They are immune to the gaze of a full-blooded
Petrifying Gaze (Su): 4/day, Fortitude save DC 15 or medusa, and vice versa.
be permanently turned to stone. • Automatic Languages: Common.
Poison (Ex): Fortitude save DC 11, initial damage • Bonus Languages: Any the DM allows.
1d3 temporary Strength, secondary damage 1d6 temporary • Favored Class: Rogue.
Strength. • ECL: +2.
Mixed Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and effects,
Vuncrozi is considered a medusa. Thus, Vuncrozi is immune
to the gaze attacks of medusas, and vice versa.
Padrafyte Traits
As a PC race, padrafytes (half-human/half-medusa) have the
following characteristics:
• +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma.
• Medium size. (Use human height and
• Padrafyte base speed is 30 ft.
• Darkvision: Padrafyte can see in the dark
up to 60 ft. This vision is black and white.
• Natural Armor: Padrafyte have a +1 natural
armor bonus.
• Snakes: A padrafyte has snakes in its
hair and the ability to attack with these
tiny vipers. This attack may also be used
with a full-attack action as part of a series
of normal iterative attacks or as an extra
secondary attack at the half medusa’s
highest base attack bonus –5.
The snakes may only
attack if the half-medusa is a
distance from the target 5 ft.
less than its normal reach.
For most creatures, this
means in the opponents
square (such as when
involved in a grapple).
Unless the half-medusa has
other natural attacks, it is not
considered armed in melee combat
without a weapon or additional feat.
Snakes do 1d3 damage, and they
inject a poison. The poison forces a Fortitude
Organization: Often solitary.
alf-nymphs are the wondrous offspring of the rare and
CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
capricious love affairs that some nymphs have with folk
Treasure: Same as base creature.
who strike their fancy. Due to the nymph’s profound
Alignment: If the creature is not good (unusual for
respect for all things living, any resultant pregnancies are carried to
a half-nymph), its alignment moves at least one step in that
term and a half-nymph is born. Magical unions of nymph and other
creatures also occur, resulting in extraordinarily beautiful individuals
ECL: +2.
of incredibly diverse racial stocks.
Natural children of the fey are given the choice at an early
Half-nymph Characters
age of whether to accept the fey way of life. Those who choose to
A half-nymph’s favored class is druid.
leave their homes often travel the world in search of experiences or
a place to fit in. A life of serenity outside the fey courts is rarely a
possibility, as the stunning appearance of a half-nymph draws much Sample Half-nymph
attention. These examples use a pseudodragon and a 2nd-level goblin
(Strength 10 (–2 from goblin), Dex 9 (+2 from goblin),
Constitution 11, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 13, Charisma 16 (–2
Appearance Changes
from goblin)) as the base creatures.
A half-nymph appears as a stunningly attractive member of the
base creature’s race (usually humanoid). Half-nymph hair is usually
shimmering flax, white, or silver in color, and the skin develops an Puc (half-nymph/half-pseudodragon)
exquisitely healthy glow and supple texture. Half-nymphs can be Tiny Dragon (Fey)
male or female and tend to be perfectly proportioned regardless of Hit Dice: 2d12+2 (15 hp)
their sex. Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
AC: 19 (+1 Dex, +2 size, +6 natural)
Creating a Half-nymph Attacks: Sting +4 melee, bite -1 melee
“Half-nymph” is a template that can be added to any living, Damage: Sting 1d3 and poison, bite 1
corporeal, non-nymph creature besides a non-sentient plant, ooze, Face/Reach: 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. (5 ft. with tail)
or vermin (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). Animals Special Attacks: Poison
and beasts gain the “Magical Beast” type. Otherwise, the base Special Qualities: Charming presence, effusive charm,
creature’s type does not change, but “Fey” is added to its subtypes. mixed blood, see invisibility, telepathy, immunities, SR 19
A half-nymph uses all the base creature’s abilities and statistics in Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5
addition to those noted here. Abilities: Str 11, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
Special Attacks: A half-nymph has the special qualities Skills: Hide +17*, Intuit Direction +4, Listen +6, Search +3,
of the base creature, those listed below: Spot +6
Charming Presence (Su): Half-nymphs with a Charisma of Feats: Alertness
11 or greater can enact an ability that functions like charm person or Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm forest
animal a number of times per day equal to 1 plus the half-nymph’s Organization: Solitary or pair
Charisma bonus (minimum 1). Effective caster level is equivalent to CR: 3
a sorcerer of twice the half-nymph’s level or Hit Dice, save DC 11 Treasure: None
+ the half-nymph’s Charisma bonus + the bonus from effusive charm Alignment: Always neutral good
below. Advancement: 3-4 HD (Tiny)
Special Qualities: A half-nymph has the special qualities
of the base creature, those listed below: Pucs (pucks) are dragons of the faerie court. They have
Effusive Charm (Ex): The save DC of all spells from the beautiful scales that shine with iridescence, translucent wings,
Enchantment school of magic increase by +4 when cast by a half- and a penchant for trickery. These little drakes guard fey
nymph. royalty.
Low-light Vision (Ex): Half-nymphs can see twice as far as
humans in poor lighting conditions. If the base creature has better Combat
low-light vision, it is retained. Highly prized for the ability to see invisibility and speak
Mixed Blood (Ex): Half-nymphs are considered to be the in silence, pucs are built more for subterfuge than
base creature’s race, nymphs, and fey for the purposes of racially combat. The tiny drakes sting opponents into slumber
specific abilities and effects. As such, half-nymphs are immune and then retreat.
to the blinding beauty and unearthly beauty attacks of full-blooded Charming Presence (Su): Pucs can cast charm person or
nymphs. animal 4/day as a 4th-level sorcerer (DC 18).
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Dexterity Effusive Charm (Ex): The save DC of all spells from
+2, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +6. the Enchantment school of magic increase by +4 when cast
Skills: Half-nymphs raised by nymphs speak Sylvan and by a puc.
Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 12); initial damage sleep Charming Presence (Su): Jeseba can enact an ability that functions like
for 1 minute, secondary damage sleep for 1d3 days. charm person or animal 6/day. Her effective caster level for this ability
See Invisibility (Ex): Pucs continuously see invisibility as is 4th (Will Save DC 17).
the spell, with a range of 60 ft. Druid Spells Prepared (3/2; base save DC 12 + spell level):
Telepathy (Su): Pucs can communicate telepathically 0—detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink; 1st—entangle, obscuring
with creatures that speak Common or Sylvan, provided they mist.
are within 60 ft. Sorcerer Spells Known (5/5 per day; base save DC 15 (19
Mixed Blood (Ex): Pucs are considered to be dragons, for Enchantments) + spell level): 0—ghost sound, mage hand, mending,
nymphs, and fey for the purposes of racially specific abilities prestidigitation; 1st—hypnotism, sleep.
and effects. They are immune to the blinding beauty and Skjoniss Traits: See below.
unearthly beauty attacks of full-blooded nymphs, as well as to Animal Companions: Jeseba may have an animal or
sleep and paralysis effects. animals of up to 2 HD with her—she prefers small birds. These
Skills: Pucs have a chameleon-like ability that companions are befriended with the animal friendship spell.
grants them a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks. *In forests or Nature Sense (Ex): Jeseba can identify plants and animals
overgrown areas, this bonus improves to +8. (their species and special traits) with perfect accuracy. She can
determine whether water is safe to drink or dangerous.
Jeseba, female skjoniss Drd 1/Sor 1
Small Humanoid (Fey, Goblinoid) Skjoniss Traits
Hit Dice: 1d8 plus 1d4 (7 hp) As a PC race, skjonisses (half-goblin/half-nymph) have the
Initiative: +1 (Dex) following characteristics:
Speed: 30 ft. • –2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom,
AC: 15 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +3 bark); 14 flat-footed, 12 touch +4 Charisma.
Attacks: Masterwork dagger +2 melee; or masterwork dart • Small. Skjonisses gain a +1 size bonus to AC and attack
+3 ranged rolls and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but they
Damage: Masterwork dagger 1d4-1/crit 19-20; or must use smaller weapons than humans use, and their
masterwork dart 1d4-1 lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Medium-size creatures. (Use gnome height and weight.)
Special Attacks: Charming presence, spells • Skjoniss base speed is 30 ft.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., animal companions, • Darkvision: Skjonisses can see in the dark up to 60 ft.
effusive charm, mixed blood, low-light vision, nature sense This vision is black and white.
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +6 • Low-light Vision: Skjonisses can see twice as far as
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 20 humans in poor lighting conditions.
Skills: Bluff +6, Animal Empathy +6, Concentration +3, • Charming Presence (Su): Skjonisses with a Charisma of 11
Heal +5, Hide +6, Knowledge (nature) +5, Move Silently +6, or greater can enact an ability that functions like charm
Swim –5, Wilderness Lore +5 person or animal a number of times per day equal to 1 +
Feats: Scribe Scroll the its Charisma bonus (minimum 1). Effective caster
CR: 3 level is equivalent to a sorcerer of twice the skjoniss’s
Alignment: Neutral good character level (Will save, DC 12 + the skjoniss’s
Charisma bonus + the bonus from Effusive Charm
Jeseba is a striking creature, with soft, brown skin and wide, below).
receptive eyes of the same color. Her hair is the shade of • Effusive Charm (Ex): The DC of all spells from the
raven’s feathers, with an almost unnatural sheen, and is always Enchantment school of magic increase by +4 when
worn braided and weighted with crystals. Her features are cast by a skjoniss.
attractive and her pointed ears might give one the impression • Mixed Blood (Ex): Skjonisses are considered goblin,
she’s a strange gnome or an unknown form of fey. However, nymph, and fey for the purposes of racially specific
she has slightly sharper teeth (than a nymph) and a sharper abilities and effects. They are immune to the blinding
wit. beauty and unearthly beauty attacks of full-blooded
Possessions: bark armor (masterwork), dagger nymphs.
(masterwork), 3 darts (masterwork), scrolls (divine, caster level • Skills: Skjonisses get a +4 racial bonus to Move Silently
1st: cure light wounds x2, endure elements, pass without trace), silver checks.
torc (50 gp) (Included in skills: 20 lbs./–4 Swim checks). • Automatic Languages: Sylvan and Common.
• Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnome, Goblin.
Combat • Favored Class: Druid.
Jeseba favors subterfuge over direct conflict, utilizing her • ECL: +1.
spells and missile weapons against foes first. Charming
presence is useful for turning an enemy group against one
another so Jeseba can escape.
H alf-orcs are the result of the interbreeding (magical Sample Half-Orc
or otherwise) of orcs with other creatures. The most This example uses a duergar as the base creature.
common hybrid is orc and human, but there exists a
much wider range of crossbreeds. The savage tendencies of orcs Pluggung, male orgar Rgr 2/Rog 1
to rape and pillage folk throughout the world has led to all manner Medium-size Humanoid (Dwarf, Orc)
of natural combinations with others races, such as elves, gnolls, Hit Dice: 2d10+6 plus 1d6+3 (23 hp)
hobgoblins, drow, ogres, dwarves, gnomes, and fey of various types. Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Further experimentation with transmutation magic on the part of Speed: 20 ft.
unscrupulous practitioners of the arcane arts has led to many other AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 chain shirt); 14 flat-footed, 11 touch
orc hybrids with centaurs, minotaurs, giants and far more bizarre Attacks: Masterwork handaxe +5 melee; or handaxe in each
combinations. hand +3/+3 melee; or throwing axe +2 ranged
Damage: Masterwork handaxe 1d6+2/crit x3; throwing axe
Appearance Changes Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
A creature that is half-orc takes on a more heavy-framed, feral
Special Attacks: Orgar traits, favored enemy (dwarves),
look due to its orcish parentage. Although each half-orc is
sneak attack +1d6, spell-like abilities
noticeably different and unique in appearance, all bear pronounced
Special Qualities: Orgar traits, darkvision 120 ft.
characteristics that make them unmistakable hybrids of orcs with
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +1
another race—beady eyes; small, tusk-like teeth protruding from the
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 4
lower jaw; a heavy, sloping brow line; and other telltale features of
Skills: Climb +6, Hide +6, Jump +5, Move Silently +9, Swim
orcish aspect.
–6, Wilderness Lore +5
Feats: [Ambidexterity], Combat Reflexes, Endurance, [Track],
Creating a Half-orc [Two-weapon Fighting]
“Half-orc” is a template that can be added to any living, corporeal, CR: 3
non-orc creature besides a non-sentient plant, ooze, or vermin Alignment: Lawful evil
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). The base creature’s
type does not change, but “Orc” is added to its subtypes. A half-orc Often mistaken for a hideous goblin, Pluggung is gray-
uses all the base creature’s abilities and statistics in addition to those skinned and stout, standing 5 ft. tall and weighing 203 lbs. He
noted here. has beady, black eyes and a pug face with an upturned nose
Special Qualities: A half-orc has the special qualities of and jutting jaw full of crooked teeth and a pair of small tusks.
the base creature as well as those listed below: Pluggung’s misshapen mouth oozes drool constantly, giving
Darkvision (Ex): Half-orcs can see in non-magical darkness a wet lisp to his speech. His hair and beard, thicker than a
up to a range of 60 ft. If the base creature already has darkvision, normal duergar’s, are a matted twist of mud-caked dreadlocks.
its range is increased by 20 ft., up to a maximum of 120 ft. Raised in the duergar community that bred him,
Light Sensitivity (Ex): If the base creature has light Pluggung (“piglet” in dwarvish) is a scout and a slayer. He
sensitivity, then the half-orc does as well, suffering a –1 penalty to takes anything he does very seriously and follows the letter of
attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. any agreement, if not the spirit. Pluggung speaks Dwarven,
If the base creature has worse sensitivity to light than this ability, it Goblin, and Undercommon.
retains the worse of the two values. Otherwise, the half-orc lacks Possessions: Chain shirt (masterwork), 2 handaxes
this flaw. (masterwork), 3 throwing axes, potions (hiding, jump, vision),
Mixed Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and effects, a half- alchemist’s fire (3), smokestick, 50 ft. silk rope, grappling
orc is considered an orc and the base creature. hook, climber’s kit, jewelry (250 gp), backpack (Included in
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Strength skills: armor check –1; 60 lbs./–12 Swim checks).
+2, Intelligence –2, Charisma –2.
Skills: Half-orcs raised by orcs speak only Orc (plus Combat
bonus languages), while other hybrids speak languages according to Pluggung prefers to use his superior sneaking ability to get the
their fostering race. drop on his foes. A quick hatchet in the ribs of a passing fool
Alignment: Half-orcs raised by orcs tend to be chaotic is easier than a stand-up fight.
evil. Otherwise, any. Orgar Traits (Ex): See below.
ECL: +0. Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—enlarge and invisibility as
a 2nd-level wizard, effecting only Pluggung and whatever he
Half-Orc Characters carries.
A half-orc’s favored class is barbarian. Those raised among other
races may favor other classes.
Orgar Racial Traits
As a PC race, orgars (half-duergar/half-orc) have the
following characteristics:
• +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Intelligence, –4
• Medium-size. (Use dwarf height and weight, with
+1d4 to the weight modifier.)
• Orgar base speed is 20 ft.
• Darkvision: Orgars can see in the dark up to 120
ft. This vision is black and white.
• +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against orcs and
• +1 racial bonus to saves against spells and spell-
like abilities.
• +1 racial bonus to saves against poisons (+5 vs.
magical and alchemical poison) and a +6 racial
bonus to save vs. paralysis and phantasms.
• +4 dodge bonus to AC against giants.
• Stonecunning: Orgars receive a +2 racial bonus to
checks to notice unusual stonework. Something
that isn’t stone but is disguised as stone also
counts as unusual stonework. If he comes within
10 ft. of unusual stonework, he can make a check
as though actively searching and can use the
Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue
can. An orgar can also intuit depth, sensing the
approximate distance underground as naturally as
a human can sense which way is up.•
Spell-Like Abilities: Once per day a orgar, with a
Wisdom of 10 + the spell level or higher, can cast
enlarge and invisibility as a wizard of his character
level, but can only affect himself and whatever he
• Light Sensitivity (Ex): Orgars suffer a –2
circumstance penalty to attack rolls, saves, and
checks in bright sunlight or within the radius of a
daylight spell.
• Mixed Blood (Ex): For all special abilities and
effects, orgars are considered both orc and dwarf.
• +4 racial bonus to Move Silently. +1 racial bonus
to Listen and Spot. +2 racial bonus to Appraise
checks and Craft or Profession checks that are
related to stone or metal.
• Automatic Languages: Undercommon and
• Bonus Languages: Common, Drow, Giant, Goblin,
and Orc.
• Favored Class: Rogue.
• ECL: +1.
H alf-sidhe are the descendants of the capricious and ever-
young sidhe. The sidhe are fickle, powerful, charming, and
vary in alignment and taste, so the gamut of possible half-
sidhe is wide indeed. Add to this the extreme magical potency many
sidhe possess, and possibilities become virtually limitless. Most of these
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: +2 to any two
abilities of your choice besides Charisma, which gets +4.
Skills: Half-sidhe receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen,
Search, and Spot checks.
CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
half-breeds reside on the plane native to their maternal parent. (For Advancement: By character class.
more information on the sidhe, their monster and racial statistics, see ECL: +2.
Appendix II: Stacking Templates.)
Half-sidhe Characters
Appearance Changes Half-sidhe always favor the sorcerer class, regardless of the
A half-sidhe is always more beautiful or imposing than its normal favored class of the base creature, for the magic is their blood.
counterpart. Otherwise, half-sidhe choose their class based on the traditions
of the culture in which they are raised.
Creating a Half-sidhe
“Half-sidhe” is a template that can be added to any living, corporeal, Sample Half-sidhe
non-sidhe creature besides a non-sentient plant, ooze, or vermin The following example uses a human (Strength 16, Dexterity
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming the 12, Constitution 13, Charisma 12; Dachnan gets +2 Dex, +2
template, the base creature’s type and subtype do not change. Unless Int, and +4 Cha) as the base creature. Dachnan’s hit points were
otherwise noted, in this template HD stands for Hit Dice plus any figured as if he were a player character.
character levels the creature possesses. Half-sidhe use the base
creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities, except as noted Dachnan ap Cuilach, male adan-sidhe Sor 4, Bar 3
below. Medium-size Humanoid (Human)
Special Attacks: A half-sidhe retains all the special attacks of Hit Dice: 4d4+12 plus 3d12+9 (56 hp)
the base creature and those listed below: Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Spell-like Abilities: A half-sidhe with a Charisma score of 10 or Speed: 40 ft.
better can cast a number of arcane spells depending on its HD. Each AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 mithral shirt)
is usable once per day, unless otherwise indicated, and has a saving Attacks: +1 broadsword +9 melee; or +1 mighty composite shortbow
throw DC of 10 + spell level + the half-sidhe’s Charisma modifier. +8 ranged (+9 w/ mw arrows)
Caster level is equal to a sorcerer of a level equal to the half-sidhe’s HD. Damage: +1 broadsword 1d8+4/crit 19-20; +1 mighty composite
Choose abilities based on the chart that follows: shortbow 1d6+3/crit x3
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Hit Dice Abilities Special Attacks: Rage 1/day, spells, spell-like abilities
1-2 detect magic at will; detect spirits, read magic, light Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, ageless
3-4 detect spirits at will, one of bull’s strength, expeditious retreat, heritage, cold resistance 5, immunities, mixed blood, SR 13,
mage armor, or true strike uncanny dodge
5-6 invisibility, see invisibility Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +5
7-8 read magic, light 2/day Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 16
9-10 invisibility 2/day Skills: Climb +8, Concentration +8, Intimidate +7, Jump +8,
11-12 ethereal jaunt Listen +4 (+6 within arms reach of familiar), Ride +4, Spellcraft
13-14 one of bull’s strength, expeditious retreat, mage armor or true +6, Swim +3, Wilderness Lore +5
strike, or same spell selected at 3 HD 2/day Feats: Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack
15+ etherealness CR: 8
Alignment: Chaotic good
Special Qualities: A half-sidhe retains all the special qualities
of the base creature and those listed below: Dachnan is a broad-shouldered man with powerful arms. His
Ageless Heritage (Ex): Half-sidhe live three times as long as hair is red-brown and lengthy enough to support several braids
normal for their racial stock. in the back, with a few smaller in front of each of Dachnan’s
Cold Resistance (Ex): Half-sidhe have cold resistance 5. ears. Below his ruddy cheeks, his face is covered with a curved
Darkvision: Half-sidhe can see 60 ft. in darkness. This vision is beard that leaves only his chin and neck bare. The warrior-mage’s
black and white. eyes are bright and colored the hue of the calm sea. He wears a
Immunities: Half-sidhe are immune to sleep, paralysis, and fur cloak, great kilt, and a woolen tunic and breeches.
charm spells and effects. Like the sidhe, Dachnan is fiery and unpredictable—
Low-light Vision: Half-sidhe see twice as far in poor lighting quick to mirth and quick to anger, never staying overlong in
conditions as do humans. either emotion. Yet, Dachnan is kind to those who deserve it,
Mixed Blood (Ex): Half-sidhe are considered to be the base especially the weak and innocent. He won’t stand for injustice
creature and sidhe for the purposes of racially specific abilities and and is honorable in battle, and Dachnan lies only to protect
effects. others. A wanderer, Dachnan rarely keeps more wealth than
Spell Resistance (Ex): A half-sidhe’s spell resistance starts at 10 he requires, giving the excess to those in need or spending it
and improves by +1 every 2 HD. frivolously on friends.
Possessions: +1 mithral shirt, +1 broadsword, +1 composite shortbow • Skills: Adan-sidhe receive a +2 racial bonus to Listen, Search,
(mighty, Str 15), broad knife (masterwork), quiver (13 masterwork and Spot.
arrows), bag (potions: jump, cat’s grace, cure moderate wounds (2), • Automatic Languages: Common.
glibness), scroll case (arcane scrolls, caster level 4: invisibility, • Bonus Languages: Any common to the adan-sidhe’s human
protection from arrows, ray of enfeeblement), gold torch (250 gp), fur culture.
cloak, jewelry (400 gp), 36 gp (included in skills: 21 lbs./–4 to • Favored Class: Sorcerer
Swim checks). • ECL: +2.
Regeneration (Ex): A half-troll regenerates 2 hit points per
reated by a long-forbidden and wicked magical ritual
round. Only fire and acid inflict real damage to a half-troll.
known as “blending”, half-troll creatures are the product of
If a half-troll loses a limb or body part, the lost portion re-
greatly misguided magical experimentation. Some scholars
grows in 3d6 minutes. The creature can reattach the severed
have posited that some half-trolls occur naturally, but the horrible
member instantly by holding it to the stump.
visualizations associated with the concept are enough to make it a
Scent (Ex): All half-trolls have the scent special
minority view.
Half-trolls are beings of terrible aspect that are rejected
Saves: Adjust for increased HD according to size
and reviled from the moment of creation. Full-blooded trolls
and type.
despise them as half-breeds, while they are feared and hunted as
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
trolls by other creatures. As such, they tend to lurk underground
Strength +2, Dexterity +4, Constitution +4, Intelligence –2,
or in remote wilderness areas, feeding on whatever creatures are
Wisdom –2, Charisma –4.
unfortunate enough to cross their paths.
Skills: The half-troll gains skill points from extra
HD according to its own type, favoring Listen and Spot and
Appearance Changes the skills of the base creature.
Half-trolls look like the base creature, but with exaggerated, Feats: Half-trolls gain new feats for increased HD
troll-like features. They are monstrous in appearance, with large, according to type.
sinewy muscles, pronounced noses, and a heavy under bite. A half- Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground.
troll’s hair (if any) is mottled and patchy with a wire-like texture. Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (2-5)
Humanoid-shaped half-trolls have long arms and shorter legs, with CR: Base creature’s CR +3.
a disproportionate, but mighty, torso. Alignment: Half-trolls raised by trolls are usually
chaotic evil. Otherwise the creature moves at least two steps
Creating a Half-troll towards this alignment, due to the maddening nature of troll
“Half-troll” is a template that can be added to any living, corporeal, blood. A lawful good creature could, for example, become
non-troll creature besides a non-sentient plant, ooze, or vermin neutral or chaotic good.
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). Humanoids that ECL: +3. This ECL does not include any increased
become Large due to this template gain the “Giant” type. HD.
Otherwise, the base creature’s type does not change, but “Troll” is
added to its subtypes. A half-troll uses all the base creature’s abilities Sample Half-troll
and statistics in addition to those noted here. This example uses a gnoll for the base creature.
Size: The half-troll’s size increases by one category to a
maximum of Large. If the base creature is Large, or larger, there is Gnarlfang Giant (half-troll/half-gnoll)
no change. Large Giant (Troll)
Hit Dice: Die type increases by one die type (up to a Hit Dice: 4d8+20 (42 hp)
maximum of d8). A creature with less than 6 HD gains a new HD Initiative: +2 (Dex)
total equal to the average of the base creature’s number of HD and Speed: 30 ft.
a troll’s (6). AC: 16 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural); 14 flat-footed, 11 touch
AC: Natural armor improves by +2. Attacks: 2 claws +9 melee, bite +4 melee; or longbow +4
Attacks: If the base creature didn’t already have them, ranged
it gains two claw attacks and a bite based on its type and one size Damage: 2 claws 1d6+7, bite 1d4+3; or longbow 1d8/crit
category smaller. x3
Damage: Natural attacks inflict damage based on the Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
half-troll’s type and size. Special Attacks: Rend 2d6+10
Special Attacks: A half-troll has all the same special Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., regeneration 2, scent
attacks as the base creature, plus the following: Saves: Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +0
Rend (Ex): When a half-troll hits with both claw attacks Abilities: Str 25, Dex 14, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 4
against a single opponent in one round, it automatically tears the Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4
flesh, inflicting additional damage equal to the damage from both Feats: Alertness, Power Attack
claws plus 1.5 x the creature’s Strength bonus (positive only). Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Special Qualities: A half-troll creature has all the special Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (2-5)
qualities of the base creature, plus the following: CR: 4
Darkvision (Ex): Half-trolls can see in non-magical Treasure: Standard
darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range, Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
whichever is better. Advancement: By character class
Mixed Blood (Ex): For all special effects and abilities, the
half-troll is considered to be a troll and the base creature. If the Created in bygone times, gnarlfang giants are a breeding
creature is a humanoid that becomes Large, it is also considered a bloodline of gnoll mixed with troll. These hideous creatures
are gaunt and wiry, weighing only 500 lbs. at over 8 ft. tall. Foul troll witches of great prowess and evil sorcerers seeking
They have huge, crooked fangs in mouths that cannot close, monstrous minions use blending to make troll-like creatures.
heads like a bulldog with upright ears, and wiry, black fur. Including the leader, the ritual group must have two levels of
They are utterly iniquitous and avaricious, murdering for spellcaster per HD of the altered creature or creatures. The group
sport and food. Only a generous bribe (over which a gang or must cast polymorph other during the rite.
pair will assuredly squabble) has any hope of distracting the Creatures upon which the ritual is cast must be willing
brutes. Many monster slayers consider gnarlfang giants worse or they can make a Fortitude saving throw to resist the spell.
than true trolls. Gnarlfang giants speak Giant. Unwilling creatures must also be bound and unable to resist for the
duration of the ritual. Any creature that fails its save to resist, or
Combat that willingly undergoes the ceremony, must make a final Fortitude
Gnarlfang giants wade stupidly into melee, attempting saving throw (DC 14 – the number by which the leader
(without strategy or tactics) to slay exceeded the ritual DC). A successful save
all that lives before feasting grants the Half-troll template. Those who
on the gory remnants. fail the save gain the Wretched template
Rend (Ex): instead, and failure by 6 or more results
When a gnarlfang giant hits in horrific death. The ritual does not
with both claw attacks against a grant any control over newly formed
single opponent in one round, creatures—those transformed into
it automatically tears the wretched bodies usually attack
flesh, inflicting the indicated their creators.
damage. Each additional casting
Mixed Blood (Ex): on a single target makes it more
For all special effects and likely the transmuted creature
abilities, the gnarlfang is killed or made wretched.
giant is considered The base DC for the final
to be a troll, a giant, Fortitude save and the ritual
and a gnoll. Spellcraft check increases by
Regeneration +1 for each extra attempt.
(Ex): Fire and acid Material Components:
deal normal damage The ritual requires
to a gnarlfang giant. If relatively fresh samples
a gnarlfang giant loses of troll flesh and brain
a limb or body part, the matter. The spell gentle
lost portion re-grows in 3d6 repose may be used to
minutes. The creature preserve creature parts. The
can reattach the severed components cost 350 gp per
member instantly by HD of creature(s) to be affected.
holding it to the stump. XP Cost: 60 XP per HD of the
final creature(s)
Gnarlfang Giant Characters Failure: Failure in the
A gnarlfang giant’s favored class ritual roll means the creatures
is barbarian. Rare clerics and upon which the spell is
adepts worship demons or gods of cast must make a similar
madness and destruction. Fortitude save as if the ritual succeeded (DC 14 + the number
by which the caster failed the ritual Spellcraft check), or become
Becoming a Half-troll Wretched (failure) or die (failure by 6 or more). Those involved in
A half-troll can be made with the following ritual. the performance of the ritual suffer 1 point of temporary Wisdom
damage, while the ritual leader takes 1d6.
Blending Botch: A botched ritual results in the same consequences
Transmutation (Ritual) to targeted creatures as a failure (save DC 35). The ritual’s leader
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 takes 2d6 temporary Wisdom damage and loses 1 point of Wisdom
Components: V, S, M, F/DF, XP permanently. Everyone else involved in the ritual takes 1d6
Casting Time: 1 day per 4 HD of the final creature(s) temporary Wisdom damage.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: Creature or creatures within range
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Ritual DC: 14 + 1 per HD of target creature(s)
H eightened creatures are especially powerful versions of a
particular animal or plant species or advanced members
of a monstrous or humanoid race. Whether they are
especially blessed by the divine or were just fortunate enough
to receive the best genetics is a matter of debate. What is not
Fast Healing (Ex): The heightened gains fast healing 1.
This may be taken multiple times and the bonuses stack
(all creature’s allowed 1, maximum is one-quarter of the
creature’s HD). CR +0 to +1 for maximum healing.
Immunity: The heightened gains immunity to one of
debatable, however, is that heightened beings are formidable and the following: poison, paralysis, sleep, or charm. This ability
should not be mistaken for an average member of their kind. may be taken more than once, with a different immunity
selected each time. CR +0.
Appearance Changes Low-light Vision (Ex): The heightened develops low-
A heightened creature looks exactly like a normal member of its light vision. CR +0.
species, except it is slightly enhanced in its physical appearance. Resistances (Ex): The heightened gains a resistance
Its movements are quicker and more decisive, its attacks are more of 10 to one type of energy damage acid, cold, electricity,
brutal, and its thought processes are much keener than normal. fire, or sonic. This ability may be taken more than once, but
Heightened creatures may or may not be larger or have better a different type of energy must be selected each time. CR +1
muscle definition than other members of their kind. per 20 points.
Scent (Ex): The heightened gains the Scent ability.
CR +0.
Creating a Heightened Creature Slow Fall (Ex): The heightened gains the slow fall
“Heightened” is a template that can be added to any creature except
ability and treats falls of any distance as a fall 10 ft. shorter.
constructs, oozes, and undead (referred to hereafter as the “base
This is identical to the monk ability of the same name. This
creature”). After assuming the template, the base creature’s type and
may be taken up to three times, each time adding 10 ft. to the
subtype do not change. Unless otherwise noted, in this template
distance. CR +0.
HD stands for Hit Dice plus any character levels the creature
Spell Resistance (Ex): The heightened gains SR
possesses. A heightened creature uses the base creature’s statistics
equal to half its current HD + 5. If taken multiple times,
and inherent racial special abilities except as noted below.
subsequent selections add one-half of the creature’s HD
Hit Dice: Increase by one die type to a maximum of d12,
value (round down) to the total (maximum 25). CR +1 per
including dice from character classes.
Speed: If the base creature can fly, its maneuverability
Tremorsense (Ex): The heightened can detect any
rating improves by one category.
object or creature that is in contact with the ground in a 30
AC: Natural armor improves by +4.
foot radius. CR +0.
Special Qualities: A heightened creature has the special
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows:
qualities of the base creature, plus one of the following qualities
Strength +2, Dexterity +2, Constitution +2, Intelligence +2,
for every 3 HD it possesses. If the base creature is not allowed to
Wisdom +2, Charisma +2.
have feats, then it cannot select that special quality as a heightened
CR: Base creature’s CR +1. Add to CR based on
special abilities—3 CR 0 abilities equal +1.
Blindsight (Ex): The heightened gains a highly attuned
ECL: +2.
sense, such as echolocation. The range of this ability is 30 ft. per
time this ability is selected. CR +0.
Bonus Feat: Creature may select one bonus feat from the Sample Heightened Creature
general list of feats. This may be taken up to five times. CR +1 per This example uses a tendriculos as the base creature.
2 feats.
Bonus Spell (Su): Heightened with one or more levels in Heightened Tendriculos
an arcane spell-casting class gain one additional spell known at the Huge Plant
highest spell level they can cast. The heightened creature may always Hit Dice: 12d10+72 (138 hp)
elect to learn an extra lower-level spell instead. This bonus does not Initiative: +0
provide any extra spells cast per day. CR +0. Speed: 20 ft.
Damage Reduction (Ex): The heightened gains damage AC: 21 (–2 size, +13 natural); 21 flat-footed, 8 touch
reduction of 5/+1. This ability may be taken more than once, Attacks: Bite +19 melee, 2 tendrils +14 melee
adding 5 to the damage threshold or +1 to the level of enchantment Damage: Bite 2d8+10, tendril 1d6+5
needed to affect the creature. For example, a heightened kobold that Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 40 ft./15 ft.
takes this ability for the second time may have damage reduction Special Attacks: Improved grab, swallow whole, paralysis
10/+1 or 5/+2. The third time the kobold takes this ability, it could Special Qualities: Plant, regeneration 10, SR 17, resistance
have damage reduction 15/+1, 10/+2, or 5/+3, and so on. CR +1 10 (acid), DR 5/+1
per level. Saves: Fort +14, Ref +4, Will +4
Darkvision (Ex): Then heightened can see in non-magical Abilities: Str 30, Dex 11, Con 24, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 5
darkness up to a range of 60 ft. CR +0. Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm forest, hill, and
Evasion (Ex): The heightened gains the evasion ability. This marsh
is identical to the rogue ability of the same name. CR +0. Organization: Solitary
CR: 9
Treasure: 1/10th coins; 50% goods; 50% items
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 10-16 HD (Huge); 17-27 HD (Gargantuan)
The heightened tendriculos attacks in the same manner as its
normal ilk.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the heightened
tendriculos must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold,
it automatically deals bite damage and can try to swallow
the opponent. A heightened tendriculos that hits with a
tendril attack grabs as above. If it gets a hold, it picks up the
opponent and transfers it to the mouth as a partial action,
automatically dealing bite damage as above.
Swallow Whole/Paralysis (Ex): A heightened
tendriculos can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of
Large or smaller size by making a successful grapple check.
Once inside the plant’s mass, the opponent must succeed
at a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds
by the heightened tendriculos’s digestive juices, taking 2d6
points of acid damage per round. A new save is required
each round inside the plant. A swallowed creature that avoids
paralysis can climb out of the mass with a successful grapple
check. This returns it to the plant’s maw, where another
successful grapple check is needed to get free. A swallowed
creature can also cut its way out by using claws or a Small
or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the
heightened tendriculos’s interior (AC 15). Once the creature
exits, the plant’s amazing regenerative capacity closes the hole;
another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. The
heightened tendriculos’s interior can hold two Large, four
Small, eight Tiny, sixteen Diminutive, or thirty-two Fine or
smaller opponents.
Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to
critical hits.
Regeneration (Ex): Bludgeoning weapons and acid deal
normal damage to a heightened tendriculos. A heightened
tendriculos that loses part of its body mass can regrow it in
1d6 minutes. Holding the severed portion against the mass
enables it to reattach instantly.
E very so often, an isolated tribe or pack of creatures Sample Hiveling
becomes so unified in their thoughts and minds that they This example uses a darkmantle for the base creature.
begin to more closely resemble a single organism than a
number of individual members in a larger group. Some groups Hiveling Darkmantle
are so advanced in this trait they can share each other’s senses, Small Magical Beast
communicate mentally over vast distances, and attack their enemies Hit Dice: 1d10+1 (6 hp)
in well-coordinated swarms. Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative)
Speed: 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor)
AC: 17/19 (+1 size, +6 natural/+2 within 20 ft. of another
Appearance Changes hiveling darkmantle)
Hivelings can only be distinguished from their normal counterparts
Flat-footed: 17/19
only by their behavior patterns and abilities.
Touch: 11/13
Attacks: Slam +5 melee
Creating a Hiveling Damage: Slam 1d4+4
“Hiveling” is a template that can be added to any creature (referred Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft./5 ft.
to hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming the template, Special Attacks: Darkness, improved grab, constrict 1d4+4,
the base creature’s type and subtype do not change. A hiveling swarm attack
uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities Special Qualities: Blindsight, limited telepathy, shared
except as noted below. senses, uncanny dodge
AC: Hivelings gain a +2 insight bonus to their AC, but Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2 (+4 within 20 ft. of another hiveling
only when within 20 ft. of one or more other hiveling creatures of darkmantle), Will +0
the same hive. Abilities: Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10
Special Attacks: A hiveling has all the special attacks of Skills: Hide +12, Listen +10*, Search –2, Spot +8*
the base creature, plus the following: Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative
Swarm Attack (Ex): If there are two or more hivelings Climate/Terrain: Any underground
in the combat and each of those creatures is within 20 ft. of and Organization: Pair, clutch (3-9), or swarm (6-15)
able to sense a single intended target, each creature gains a +1 CR: 1
circumstance bonus to attack rolls for every two hivelings making Treasure: None
the attack. For example, six hiveling girallons decide to attack a Alignment: Always neutral
paladin that is 10 ft. away from them, each gaining a +3 bonus to Advancement: 2-3 HD (Small)
hit and damage (+1 for every two girallons in the area) versus the
paladin. Combat
Special Qualities: A hiveling has all the special qualities Hiveling darkmantles attack by dropping onto a single
of the base creature, plus the following: opponent with their swarm attack bonus. One attacks the
Limited Telepathy (Su): A hiveling can mentally communicate target’s head, while the others aid that creature in grappling
with any other hiveling creature of its hive within a number of and subduing the foe. Once attached to the head, a hiveling
miles equal to the hiveling’s Wisdom score. darkmantle squeezes and tries to suffocate the victim. Not
Shared Senses (Su): At will, a hiveling can use another particularly intelligent, a group of hiveling darkmantles uses
hiveling creature’s senses (sight, smell, or hearing) rather than its the same tactics, suffocating a single opponent before moving
own. This ability works at a range of 100 ft. plus 10 ft. per point on to the next.
of Wisdom the hiveling possesses and can be maintained as a free Darkness (Su): Once per day a hiveling darkmantle
action for a number of minutes equal to 1 + the hiveling’s Wisdom can cause darkness as the spell cast by a 5th-level sorcerer. It
bonus (minimum 1 minute), but must then be re-established. most often uses this ability just before attacking.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A hiveling retains its Dexterity bonus Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the hiveling
to AC (if any) even if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible darkmantle must hit with its slam attack. If it gets a hold, it
attacker so long as another hiveling of the same hive is within 20 ft. can constrict.
of and can sense the attacked hiveling and its attacker. Constrict (Ex): A hiveling darkmantle deals 1d4+4
Saves: Hivelings gain a +2 insight bonus to Reflex saving damage with a successful grapple check.
throws when within 20 ft. of another hiveling from the same hive. Swarm Attack (Ex): If there are two or more hiveling
Skills: Hivelings gain a +2 racial bonus to Search checks. darkmantles in the combat and each of those creatures is
Feats: Hivelings gain Alertness as a bonus feat. within 20 ft. of and able to sense a single intended target,
Organization: Hivelings always come in pairs or greater each creature gains a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls
numbers. for every two hivelings making an attack.
CR: Base creature’s CR +10% (round up, maximum +2).
The Encounter Level (EL) for a group of hivelings increases by
+20%, thus increasing experience point rewards.
ECL: +0 (+1 if in a group of hivelings).
Blindsight: A hiveling darkmantle can “see” by emitting high-
frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, which
allow it to ascertain objects and creatures within 90 ft. A silence
spell negates this and effectively blinds the darkmantle.
Limited Telepathy (Su): A darkmantle hiveling can
mentally communicate with any other hiveling creature of its
hive within 10 miles.
Shared Senses (Su): At will, a darkmantle hiveling
can use another darkmantle hiveling’s senses (sight, smell,
or hearing) rather than its own, so long as the other hiveling
darkmantle is within 200 ft. The ability can be maintained as a
free action for 1 minute, but must then be re-established.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A darkmantle hiveling retains its
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if caught flat-footed or
struck by an invisible attacker so long as another hiveling of
the same hive is within 20 ft. of and can sense the attacked
hiveling and its attacker.
Skills: A hiveling darkmantle receives a +4 racial
bonus to Listen and Spot checks and +2 to Search checks.
*This bonus is lost if its blindsight is negated. The creature’s
variable coloration gives it a +4 racial bonus to Hide checks.
H ypermitotic creatures are singular, magical monstrosities the template, the base creature’s type and subtype do not
of dubious origins, and a bane to all existence. These change. A hypermitotic creature uses the base creature’s
dreaded beings have incredibly fast metabolisms, which statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted
enable them to reproduce at an alarming rate—by dividing in below.
two. Their accelerated biological functions also allow them to Special Qualities: A hypermitotic creature
heal wounds at an incredible pace. In the right situation, even the has all the special qualities of the base creature and gains
lowliest of hypermitotic creatures can quickly outnumber and hypermitotic abilities. These special abilities are marked
overwhelm much more powerful beings if they are not dispatched supernatural on purpose, so an antimagic field may suppress
in short order. them. If the hypermitosis is suppressed, the creature
Fortunately, such abominations have trouble surviving functions as a normal member of its kind. Hypermitotic
outside of artificially maintained environments. It’s physically abilities include:
impossible for many hypermitotic creatures to sustain themselves, Cold Resistance (Su): Hypermitotic creatures produce
even if they eat constantly. Most often, these terrible monsters are lots of heat and, therefore, have cold resistance 5.
encountered (in suspended animation) in the lair of some mad Fast Healing (Su): Hypermitotic creatures have fast
magician, awaiting some meddling interloper. healing at a rate equal to one-third of their HD (round up,
minimum 1).
Appearance Changes Hypermitosis (Su): Hypermitotic creatures reproduce
A hypermitotic creature looks exactly like the base creature. The once per period of days equal to 6 plus the creatures longest
only way to differentiate a hypermitotic creature from its ordinary dimension in feet (minimum7), literally dividing into two
version is to wait a certain period of time for it to divide into two identical beings This slow division takes only moments (2d6
such creatures or to attack it with a slashing weapon of some sort, rounds), but both creatures are helpless during it. Then, in a
which stimulates the mitotic activity of the being. similar period, those two creatures divide in two, and so on
and so forth.
When struck with any sort of slashing weapon,
Creating a Hypermitotic Creature however, the cell-division process is accelerated to an
“Hypermitotic” is a template that can be any creature with a incredible rate. Whenever a hypermitotic creature sustains
metabolism, meaning a Constitution score. (The templated creature one-half of its original hit points in damage from slashing
is referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). Hypermitosis almost weapons, even if the damage is enough to kill the original
always involves supernatural meddling, and thus is more prevalent creature, whether from multiple blows or a single hit, it
among aberrations, magical beasts, oozes, and subdivides immediately, creating a mass of
shapechangers. After assuming undulating matter that forms an exact
duplicate that is combat-ready in 1d4+1 rounds. The Cold Resistance (Su): Hypermitotic manticores produce lots of heat
duplicate is considered helpless during these formative and, therefore, have cold resistance 5.
rounds and cannot further subdivide, it doesn’t possess any Fast Healing (Su): Hypermitotic manticores have fast
of the weapons or equipment of the original, and must fight healing at a rate equal to one-third of their HD (round up,
unarmed or with natural abilities (barring availability of extra minimum 1). Typical specimens have fast healing 2.
weapons lying about). The original creature is stunned for one Hypermitosis (Su): Hypermitotic manticores reproduce once
round by this subdivision, and it takes 1 point of temporary 25-30 days, literally dividing into two identical manticores. This slow
Constitution damage. (If that damage reduces the creature’s division takes only moments (2d6 rounds), but both creatures are
Constitution to 0, it dies.) Once a hypermitotic creature is helpless during it. Then, in a similar period, those two manticores
dead it cannot further divide. divide in two, and so on and so forth.
Sustenance Requirements (Su): Hypermitotic creatures When struck with any sort of slashing weapon, however,
require 10 times the amount of food and water a normal the cell-division process is accelerated to an incredible rate.
member of their species requires every day (producing Whenever a hypermitotic manticore sustains one-half of its original
commensurate amounts of waste). This means most creatures hit points in damage from slashing weapons (even if the damage
must eat constantly or begin to starve and dehydrate. The is enough to kill the original creature), it subdivides immediately,
amount of time that such a creature can hold its breath is creating a mass of undulating matter that forms an exact duplicate
quartered. that is combat-ready in 1d4+1 rounds. The duplicate is considered
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: helpless during these formative rounds and cannot further
Constitution +2. subdivide, it doesn’t possess any of the weapons or equipment
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 10% (maximum +3). of the original, and must fight unarmed or with natural abilities
This CR does not include the CR of duplicates produced via (barring availability of extra weapons lying about). The hypermitotic
slashing weapons. Thus the Encounter Level of a situation manticore is stunned for one round by this subdivision, and it
with a hypermitotic creature can escalate rapidly if the use of takes 1 point of temporary Constitution damage. (If that damage
slashing weapons is indiscriminate. somehow reduces the creature’s Constitution to 0, it dies.) Once a
ECL: +1. hypermitotic manticore is dead, it cannot further divide.
Spikes (Ex): With a snap of its tail, a hypermitotic
Sample Hypermitotic Creature manticore can loose a volley of six spikes as a standard action.
The example below uses a manticore as the base creature. This attack has a range of 180 ft. with no range increment. A spike
threatens a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 19 or 20. The
Hypermitotic Manticore creature can launch only twenty-four spikes in any one day.
Huge Magical Beast (Hypermitotic) Sustenance Requirements (Su): Hypermitotic manticores
Hit Dice: 6d10+30 (63 hp) require 10 times the amount of food and water a normal member
Initiative: +2 (Dex) of their species requires every day (producing commensurate
Speed: 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (clumsy) amounts of waste). Without such sustenance the creature begins to
AC: 16 (–2 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural); 14 flat-footed, 10 starve and dehydrate. The amount of time that such a creature can
touch hold its breath is quartered.
Attacks: 2 claws +9 melee, bite +7 melee; or 6 spikes +6 Skills: * Hypermitotic manticores receive a +4 racial bonus
ranged to Spot checks in daylight.
Damage: Claw 2d4+5, bite 1d8+2; or spike 1d8+2
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Spikes The Trouble with Hypermitosis
Special Qualities: Hypermitosis, scent, fast healing 3, cold If one hypermitotic creature, subdividing once per week, went
resistance 5 unchecked for half of a year, you’d have 67,108,864 creatures.
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +3 After a year you’d have 4,503,599,627,370,496 individuals.
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 9 If that number were made up of 2-ounce field mice, you’d
Skills: Listen +9, Spot +9* have 281,474,976,711 tons of mice. If every person currently
Feats: Multiattack inhabiting the earth (approximately 6 billion) weighed 175
Climate/Terrain: Warm and temperate land and pounds, that would be 1,050,000,000,000 tons of people.
underground That’s only 4 times as much as the mice (approximately). A year
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pride (3-6) later, you’d have 20,282,409,603,651,670,423,947,251,286,016
CR: 6 mice (1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205 tons of mice),
Treasure: Standard which would outweigh the planet (Earth, approximately
Alignment: Usually lawful evil 651,200,0000,000,000,000,000 tons) by 194,664 times. This
Advancement: 7-16 HD (Huge); 17-18 HD (Gargantuan) doesn’t even consider mice being attacked by clawed (slashing)
predators. Hopefully, you get the point—a character with
any sort of intelligence has to be really crazy to make a
Combat hypermitotic creature of any sort.
A hypermitotic manticore begins most attacks with a volley
of spikes, and then closes. In the outdoors, it often uses its
powerful wings to stay aloft during battle.
Becoming a Hypermitotic Creature Variant Hypermitotic
Arcane magicians and demented druids fiddle with life, occasionally For a hideous twist, make the special abilities of a
giving rise to hypermitotic creatures using the ritual presented here. hypermitotic extraordinary (Ex) instead of supernatural
(Su). In this case, you may want to remove the sustenance
Hypermitosis Ritual requirement, or you’ll end up with a lot of corpses. Tinkering
Transmutation (Ritual) with the timing of hypermitotic division is also possible,
Level: Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 5 making the creatures split in a matter of days (instead of
Components: V, S, M, XP weeks), hours, or even minutes. Of course, this compounds
Casting Time: 1 day per HD of the target(s) the trouble with hypermitosis, but then again this is a fantasy
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) game. You might devise some way to contain the resultant
Target: Creature or creatures within range horde, while still giving a group of heroes a memorable
Duration: Instantaneous experience.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Ritual DC: 12 (14 for an arcane caster) + 1 per HD of the target
Crazed wizards and druids create hypermitotic beings
with this process. It must be cast in the spellcasters sanctum (for
a wizard) or a sacred site (the area of a hallow, or unhallow spell for
druids). Including the leader, the ritual group must have one level of
spellcaster per HD of the potential hypermitotic. Each day of the
ritual, the group must cast endure elements and reincarnate or polymorph
The creatures upon which the ritual is cast must be willing
or they can all make a Fortitude saving throw to resist the spell.
Unwilling creatures must also be bound or caged and unable to resist
for the duration of the ritual. Any creature that fails its save to resist
the ritual, or that willingly undergoes the ceremony, must make a final
Fortitude saving throw (DC 13 – the number by which the leader
exceeded the ritual DC). A successful save grants the Hypermitotic
template, so long as the creature is of an appropriate type. Those
who fail the save gain the Wretched template instead, and failure by
6 or more results in death. The ritual does not grant any control over
newly formed creatures—those transformed into wretched bodies
usually attack their creators.
If the ritual fails and the target is not killed or made
wretched, the ritual may be performed again. Each additional casting
on a single target makes it more likely the transmuted creature suffers
some terrible fate. The base DC for the final Fortitude save and the
ritual Spellcraft check increases by +1 for each additional attempt.
Material Components: The ritual requires various herbal or
chemical reagents that amount to 100 gp per HD of the target
XP Cost: 25 XP per HD of the target creature(s).
Failure: Failure in the ritual roll means the creatures upon
which the spell is cast must make a similar Fortitude save as if the
ritual succeeded (DC 13 + the number by which the caster failed
the ritual Spellcraft check), or become Wretched (failure) or die
(failure by 6 or more). The participants in the ritual suffer 1 point
of temporary Constitution damage, while the leader suffers 1d4
points of temporary Constitution and 1 point of temporary Wisdom
Botch: A botched ritual results in the same consequences to
targeted creatures as a failure (save DC 25). All participants in the
ritual take 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage. The leader
takes that and 1d4 temporary Wisdom damage.
G reat deities reward unparalleled service with the Special Qualities: An immortal has all the special qualities of the
gift of immortality. Before such a paragon of piety base creature and gains the following additional abilities:
dies, it is bestowed with an undying quality and Commune (Sp): Once per week, an immortal may commune
protected from harm. Far from being undead, immortals are with its deity per the spell.
chosen to live in perpetuity in order to continue their service Energy Resistances (Su): Immortals have acid, cold,
to their divine patron. It is important to note immortals, electricity, and fire resistance of 10.
while timeless, can still be slain by conventional means. To Fast Healing (Su): Immortals have fast healing 3.
do so is to court divine wrath, however. Further, many gods Immunities (Su): Immortals are immune to disease, poison,
can simply restore their shining examples to life via (un)holy sleep, paralysis, stunning, energy drain, and death from massive
power. damage.
Timeless Body (Ex): An immortal’s body does not age or
Appearance Changes fatigue, nor can it die from age, starvation, or thirst. Immortals do
An immortal looks exactly like the base creature’s mortal not need to sleep.
form, but the base creature’s physical attributes often change Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Strength +2,
in minor ways (hair color is altered, skin looks different, and Constitution +2, Charisma +4.
so on). The immortal is surrounded by a protective aura, the CR: Base creature’s CR +2.
appearance of which is dictated by the nature of the deity Alignment: Almost always that of the patron deity, or
the creature serves. This aura may optionally be invisible, but within one step.
should be visible to detect magic or true seeing. Immortals cease ECL: +3.
aging when blessed with this template.
Sample Immortal Creature
Creating an Immortal This example uses a gibbering mouther blessed by a chaotic neutral
“Immortal” is a template that can be added to any living divinity for the base creature.
creature besides animals, beasts, non-sentient plants, outsiders,
and vermin (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). Mouth of Madness (Immortal Gibbering Mouther)
After assuming the template, the base creature’s type and Large Aberration
subtype do not change. Unless otherwise noted, in this Hit Dice: 12d12+48 (112 hp)
template HD stands for Hit Dice plus any character levels Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative)
the creature possesses. An immortal uses the base creature’s Speed: 10 ft., swim 20 ft.
statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted AC: 23 (–1 size, +10 natural, +4 deflection); 24 flat-footed, 14
below. touch
Hit Dice: Increase by one die type to a maximum Attacks: 6 bites +15 melee
of d12, including dice from character classes. Damage: Bite 1
Speed: If the base creature can fly, its Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
maneuverability rating improves by one class. Special Attacks: Smite law (4/day), gibbering, spittle, improved
AC: Base creature gains a shimmering, supernatural grab, blood drain, engulf, ground manipulation
aura that grants it a permanent, continuous deflection bonus Special Qualities: Amorphous, energy resistance 10 (acid, cold,
of +4 to its Armor Class. This protective aura is identical in electricity, and fire), immunities, fast healing 3
all other respects to the mage armor spell. For the purpose of Saves: Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +9
dispelling and all other effects, the caster level of this aura is Abilities: Str 20, Dex 11, Con 18, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 17
as a 20th-level sorcerer. If it is dispelled or suppressed, the Skills: Bluff +5, Listen +14, Spot +17
immortal can reestablish the aura as a free action on its next Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)
turn. Climate/Terrain: Any land, aquatic, and underground
Special Attacks: The following special attack is Organization: Solitary
added to the base creature’s natural or armed attacks. CR: 11
Smite Alignment (Su): An immortal may attempt to Treasure: None
smite chaos, evil, good, or law with a normal melee attack. Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Each immortal picks one of these alignment factors upon Advancement: 5-12 HD (Large)
becoming immortal (or is granted one by the divine patron),
and the smite ability is forever tied to that one alignment—it Combat
cannot be changed. An immortal adds its Charisma bonus The mouth of madness attacks by shooting out strings of
(if positive) to the attack roll and deals one extra point protoplasmic flesh, each ending in one or more eyes and a mouth
of damage per character level or Hit Die. If an immortal that bites at the enemy. It can send out a total of six such members
accidentally smites a creature that is not of the appropriate in any round. Occasionally, this crafty mouther feints against
alignment, the smite has no effect and one attempt is used up tougher opponents.
for that day. An immortal may attempt to smite a number of
times per day equal to once plus once per 4 HD.
Commune (Sp): Once per week, the mouth of madness may commune
with its deity per the spell.
Smite Law (Su): 4/day the mouth of madness may attempt
to smite good with a normal melee attack. It adds +3 to the attack
roll and deals 12 extra points of damage to creatures of lawful
alignment. If the mouth of madness accidentally smites a creature
that is not of lawful alignment, the smite has no effect and one
attempt is used up anyway.
Gibbering (Su): As soon as the mouth of madness spots
something edible, it begins a constant gibbering as a free action.
All creatures (other than gibbering mouthers) within a 60-ft. spread
must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) or be affected as though by
a confusion spell for 1d2 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting
compulsion effect. Opponents who successfully save cannot be
affected by the mouth’s gibbering for one day.
Spittle (Ex): At the start of every combat, and every 2
rounds thereafter, the mouth of madness looses a stream of spittle.
This ignites on contact with the air, creating a blinding flash of
light. All sighted creatures within 60 ft. must succeed at a Fortitude
save (DC 20) or be blinded for 1d3 rounds.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the mouth of
madness must hit with a bite attack.
Blood Drain (Ex): On a second successful grapple
check after grabbing, that mouth attaches to the opponent. It
automatically deals bite damage and drains blood, dealing 1 point
of temporary Constitution damage each round. A mouth can be
ripped off (dealing 1 point of damage) with a successful Strength
check (DC 21) or severed by a normal attack that deals at least 2
points of damage (AC 22). A severed mouth continues to bite and
drain blood for 1d4 rounds after such an attack. A creature whose
Constitution is reduced to 0 is killed and absorbed by the mouth of
madness, which gains 1 hit point and adds another mouth and pair
of eyes to its body.
Engulf (Ex): The mouth of madness can try to engulf
a Large or smaller opponent grabbed by three or more mouths.
The opponent must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 20) or fall and
be engulfed. On the next round, the mouth of madness makes
twelve bite attacks instead of six (each with a +4 attack bonus). An
engulfed creature cannot attack the mouth of madness from within.
The previously attached mouths are now free to attack others.
Ground Manipulation (Su): At will, as a standard action, the
mouth of madness can cause stone and earth within 5 ft. of it to
become a morass akin to quicksand. Softening earth, sand, or the
like takes 1 round, while stone takes 2 rounds. Anyone other than
the mouth of madness in that area must take a move equivalent
action to avoid becoming mired (treat as being pinned).
Amorphous (Ex): A mouth of madness is not subject to
critical hits. It has no clear front or back, so it cannot be flanked.
Immunities (Su): Mouths of madness are immune to disease,
poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, energy drain, and death from
massive damage.
Timeless Body (Ex): The mouth of madness does not age
or fatigue, nor can it die from age, starvation, or thirst. It does not
need to sleep.
Skills: Thanks to its multiple eyes, the mouth of madness
receives a +4 racial bonus to Spot checks.
O ccasionally a male sentient undead under the
effects of the veil of life spell uses his mortal time to
engage in acts other than sabotage and espionage.
A female of the same base species as the undead in question,
if impregnated and brought to term, invariably gives birth to
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: +2 Wisdom. Lekassi
seem almost unnaturally alert and sensitive and wise beyond their
Skills: A lekassi’s stare is unnerving and cold, seeming
to inspect a person’s very soul, and grants it a +2 racial bonus on
twins—one stillborn and one seemingly alive and normal. The Intimidate checks.
living twin bears the mark of his conception as one of the ECL: +1.
A female undead impregnated under the effects of Sample Lekassi
the veil of life miscarries when the spell expires. If the spell is The following example uses a 4th-level halfling (Strength 14,
extended for the full duration of her species’ gestation period, Dexterity 11, Constitution 14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 12,
she gives birth to a single lekassi, without the stillborn twin. Charisma 15, increased to 16 at 4th level) and as the base creature.
Lekassi souls are marred by the taint of their necromantic
origins, and some become powerful necromancers in their Sven Varian, Knight of the Bitter Chalice
own right. More often their sensitivity to necromancy results Male halfling lekassi Ftr1/Pal 3
in a powerful and natural revulsion, leading to their existence Small Humanoid (Halfling)
as hunters of the risen dead. Hit Dice: 4d10+8 (30 hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Appearance Changes Speed: 20 ft.
Lekassi are pale and have a touch of otherworldly AC: 16/17 with Dodge (+1 size, +1 Dex, +4 chain shirt); 15 flat-
unpleasantness about them. Many have unusual features, such footed, 12/13 touch
as albinism or white hair. Attacks: +1 longsword +7 melee; or heavy crossbow +5 ranged/+6
at 30 ft. (+6/+7 masterwork bolt)
Creating a Lekassi Damage: +1 longsword 1d8+2/crit19-20; or heavy crossbow 1d10/
“Lekassi” is a template that can be added to any living crit 19-20
creature that reproduces sexually and is not an elemental or Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
outsider (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After Special Attacks: Halfling lekassi traits, paladin abilities
assuming the template, the base creature’s type and subtypes Special Qualities: Halfling lekassi traits, paladin abilities, light
do not change. A lekassi uses the base creature’s statistics and sensitivity
inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. Saves: Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +7
Special Attacks: The lekassi retains all the base Abilities: Str 12, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
creature’s special attacks, and gains this: Skills: Climb +6, Diplomacy +6, Hide +4, Intimidate +5, Jump
Smite Undead (Su): Once per day, a lekassi can +6, Knowledge (religion) +4, Listen +4, Move Silently +2, Ride +6,
attempt to smite undead with one normal melee attack. The Swim –3
lekassi adds his Charisma bonus (if positive) to his attack Feats: Weapon focus (longsword), Dodge, Point Blank Shot
roll and deals 1 extra pint of damage per character level. The CR: 4
smite has no effect, but is still used up for that day, if the Alignment: Lawful good
lekassi uses it on a creature that is not undead.
Special Qualities: The lekassi retains all the base Sven Varian is an albino, whose mother died birthing him and his
creature’s special qualities, and gains those below: stillborn sister. The halfling lekassi’s long hair is stark white and his
Darkvision (Ex): Lekassi can see in non-magical skin is only slightly ruddier, with a bluish tint from the underlying
darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range, veins. Unlike normal albinos, Sven’s eyes are grey and cutting. The
whichever is better. halfling lekassi is quiet and watchful, respectful and humble, but
Detect Undead (Sp): 3/day a lekassi can cast detect righteous to the core. He puts the needs of others before his own
undead as a cleric of his character level. wordlessly and the heads of the villainous to the ground with equal
Light Sensitivity (Ex): 33% of all lekassi suffer a –1 drama. Simple clothing of grey hues adorns Sven’s wiry frame, and
circumstance penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or he wears a wide-brimmed hat to protect himself from the bright
within the radius of a daylight spell. light of the sun. Sven speaks Halfling, Infernal, and Common.
Necromantic Resistance (Ex): The lekassi’s necromantic Possessions: Chain shirt (masterwork), +1 longsword, silver
origin grants it a +4 racial bonus on all saves against dagger (masterwork), heavy crossbow, quiver (10 masterwork bolts,
necromantic spells and effects such as level drain, any special 5 silver bolts, 1 blessed bolt), holy water (3), potion of cure light wounds
attacks of an undead creature, and negative energy effects. (3), 40 gp (Included in skills: armor check penalty –1; 30 lbs./–6
Spell Affinity (Ex): Lekassi get +1 effective caster Swim).
level when casting any spell from the Necromancy school.
Necromancy spells cast by a Lekassi also have a +1 racial Combat
modifier to the save DC. Sven is a judicious fighter and a brave leader. Honor never
outweighs the safety of his comrades.
Aura of Courage (Su): Sven is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). • +1 racial attack bonus with a thrown weapon.
Allies within 10 ft. gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against • Detect Undead (Sp): 3/day a lekassi halfling can cast
fear effects. detect undead as a cleric of his character level.
Detect Evil (Sp): At will, Sven can detect evil . • Smite Undead (Su): Once per day, a lekassi can attempt
Detect Undead (Sp): 3/day Sven can cast detect undead as a to smite undead with one normal melee attack. The
4th-level cleric. lekassi adds his Charisma bonus (if positive) to his
Divine Grace (Ex): Seven adds his Charisma bonus to all attack roll and deals 1 extra pint of damage per
saving throws. character level. The smite has no effect, but is still used
Divine Health (Ex): As a paladin, Sven is immune to all up for that day, if the lekassi uses it on a creature that
is not undead.
diseases, including magical diseases.
• Spell Affinity (Ex): halfling lekassi get +1 effective caster
Lay on Hands (Sp): Each day Sven can cure a 12 hit
level when casting any spell from the Necromancy
points on himself and others. He may choose divide his curing school and a +1 racial modifier to the save DC of such
among multiple recipients, and he doesn’t have to use it all at once. spells.
Alternatively, Sven can use any or all of these points to deal damage • Automatic Languages: Halfling and Common.
to undead creatures. Treat this attack just like a touch spell. Sven • Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin,
decides how many cure points to use as damage after successfully Orc.
touching the undead creature. • Favored Class: Rogue.
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Sven suffers a -1 penalty to attack • ECL: +1.
rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
Necromantic Resistance (Ex): Sven has a +4 racial bonus on New Spells
all saves against necromantic spells and effects such as level drain, These new spells add hideous twists to willful undead.
any special attacks of an undead creature, and negative energy
effects. Veil of Life
Remove Disease (Sp): Sven can remove disease, as per the spell, Transmutation
once per week. Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, Sven can attempt to smite Components: V, S, M
an evil creature with one normal melee attack. He adds +3 to the Casting Time: 1 action
attack roll and 4 to the damage. The smite has no effect, but is still Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels)
used up for that day, if used it on a creature that is not evil. Target: One corporeal undead creature
Smite Undead (Su): Once per day, Sven can attempt to smite Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
undead with one normal melee attack. He adds +3 to the attack roll Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
and 4 to the damage. The smite has no effect, but is still used up for Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
that day, if used it on a creature that is not undead. This spell gives a seeming of life to a corporeal undead
Spell Affinity (Ex): Sven gets +1 effective caster level when creature, making it look like a living member of the race it was
casting any spell from the Necromancy school and a +1 racial before death and undeath. The target regrows flesh, blood, and
organs, gaining the ability eat, drink, breathe, and perform all other
modifier to the save DC of such spells.
bodily functions. A transmuted undead creature can reassume its
Turn Undead (Su): Sven can turn undead 6/day as a 1st-
own form at will, as a move-equivalent action, even if it did not
level cleric. cast this spell. This spell does not confer sentience, and merely
Halfling Lekassi Traits (Ex): Sven benefits from halfling animated undead are quickly revealed under close scrutiny.
lekassi traits (see below). Material Component: One ounce of blood from the
target’s native species, drawn less than one day before casting (or
Halfling Lekassi Traits preserved via gentle repose).
As a PC race, halfling lekassi have the following characteristics:
• 2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom. Form of Life
• Small: Halfling lekassi gain a +1 size bonus to AC and attack Transmutation
rolls and a +4 size bonus to Hide checks, but they must Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5
use smaller weapons than humans use, and their lifting and Components: V, S, M
carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size Casting Time: 1 action
creatures. Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft / 2 levels)
• Halfling lekassi base speed is 20 feet. Target: One undead creature
• Darkvision: Halfling lekassi can see in the dark up to 60 ft. Duration: Permanent (D) or 10 minutes/level(D) (see text)
This vision is black and white. Saving Throw: Will negates
• +1 racial bonus to all saving throws. Spell Resistance: Yes
• +2 morale bonus to saving throws against fear (stacks with This spell functions as veil of life, but gives a targeted
the +1 above). corporeal undead the seeming until the creature wishes to assume
• +4 racial bonus on all saves against necromantic spells and its normal form. This spell works on incorporeal undead, but
effects such as level drain, any special attacks of an undead functions fully as a veil of life spell.
creature, and negative energy effects (stacks with the +1 Material Component: One ounce of blood and an ounce
above). of flesh from the target’s native species, taken less than one day
• +2 racial bonus to Climb, Jump, Listen, and Move Silently before casting (or preserved via gentle repose).
W ereworgs are powerful and exotic lycanthropes,
created through an exotic strain of the lycanthropy
disease. A few wild worgs are also natural
lycanthropes and this is thought to be where the species
originated. It is common for this type of lycanthropy to
action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of
opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip
the wereworg.
Special Qualities: The wereworg retains all the base
creature’s special qualities, and gains those below:
afflict goblinoids of all types. Whether this tendency is due to Alternate Form (Su): A wereworg can shift into worg form
something unique regarding goblinoid physiology is difficult as though using the polymorph self spell (though their gear does not
to say. Some have even speculated that their close affinity to change). It can also assume a bipedal hybrid form with prehensile
worgs has led to hybridization in some individuals. Whatever hands and animalistic features. Changing to or from animal or
the case, wereworgs are powerful and dangerous monsters. hybrid form is a standard action. Upon assuming either form, the
wereworg regains hit points as if having rested for a day (1 hp per
Appearance Changes HD). A slain lycanthrope reverts to its humanoid form, remaining
Wereworgs in humanoid form look like any other member dead, while any separated body parts retain their animal form. This
of their race, except for small, telltale signs of the animal shapeshifting ability can be difficult to control (see MM, Appendix
beneath the surface in those that have accepted, or who were 3, Templates, Lycanthropes, Lycanthropy as an Affliction).
born with, the curse. Such indications include excessive hair, Darkvision (Ex): All wereworgs can see in non-magical
wild eyes and habits, and worg-like behavior (like scratching darkness at a range of 60 ft. in hybrid and worg form. If the base
an itch with one’s teeth). creature has better darkvision, use that instead.
Hybrid form is a terrifying mixture of worg and Damage Reduction (Ex): A wereworg in worg or hybrid form
the base creature. The beast has the head of a worg, fur, and gains DR 15/silver.
a tail. Otherwise, the body is that of a mighty humanoid. In Low-light Vision (Ex): Wereworgs in hybrid and worg form
worg form, the creature looks like a powerful worg with the can see twice as far as humans in poor lighting conditions. If the
gleam of superior intelligence in its eyes. base creature has better low-light vision, it is retained.
Scent (Ex): In animal or hybrid form a wereworg has the
Scent ability.
Creating a Wereworg Worg Empathy (Ex): Wereworgs can communicate and
“Wereworg” is a template that can be added to any humanoid empathize with worgs. This gives them a +4 racial bonus to checks
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”), although when influencing a worg’s attitude. Wereworgs instinctively speak
goblinoids are most common. After assuming the template, the worg language.
the base creature’s type changes to “Shapechanger”, but Saves: In hybrid form add +3 to the wereworg’s Fortitude
subtypes do not change. A wereworg uses the base creature’s and Reflex saving throws—in worg form add +1 additional to each
statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted of these and +1 to Will. These bonuses come from the HD the
below. base creature gains in each form.
Hit Dice: The base creature’s HD total increases by Abilities: The wereworg gains +4 Strength, +2 Dexterity,
2d10 in hybrid form and by 4d10 in worg form. and +2 Constitution in hybrid form. Add +2 to each of these
Speed: Speed is as the base creature in normal bonuses for worg form (a total of +6 Strength, +4 Dexterity, and
form, +10 ft. ground speed in hybrid form, +10 ft. additional +4 Constitution).
ground speed in worg form (stacking with the 10 ft. from Skills: In animal and hybrid form, a wereworg gets a
hybrid). Any benefits due to feats or character class abilities +1 racial bonus to Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks, along
affect all forms. with a +2 racial bonus to Hide checks. It gets a +4 racial bonus to
AC: Natural armor improves by +2 in worg and Wilderness Lore when tracking by scent. An afflicted wereworg may
hybrid forms. learn Control Shape as a class skill. No other skill points are gained
Attacks: In worg or hybrid form, a wereworg has due to HD increase in alternate forms.
a primary bite attack. The base attack bonus for these forms Feats: Wereworgs gain Alertness as a bonus feat. A
is the attack bonuses from the base creature’s classes +2 in natural wereworg has the Improved Control Shape feat as a bonus
hybrid form, +2 additional (for a total of +4) in worg form feat. Wereworgs in hybrid or animal form gain the benefits of Blind
(both due to HD increase). In worg form, the wereworg Fight, Improved Initiative, and Power Attack or Weapon Finesse
cannot use normal weapons and armor. (bite), whichever is most useful to the wereworg.
Damage: The wereworg’s bite does damage Climate/Terrain: Same as either the character or a worg
according to the Magical Beast type and the base creature’s (any forest, hills, plains, and mountains).
size. Organization: Solitary or pair, sometimes family (2-4),
Special Attacks: The wereworg retains all the base pack (6-10), or troupe (family plus a pack of worgs). Wereworgs
creature’s special attacks (but may not be able to use some of may be found as members of a goblinoid tribe.
them in certain forms), and gains these: CR: Base creature’s CR +3.
Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid hit by the Alignment: Always evil, but can vary in reference to law
bite attack of a wereworg in hybrid or animal form must and chaos based on the base creature.
succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or contract lycanthropy. Advancement: By character class.
The afflicted creature becomes a wereworg. ECL: +3.
Trip (Ex): A wereworg in animal form that hits
with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free
Sample Wereworg Trip (Ex): A hobgoblin wereworg in animal form that hits
The following example uses a hobgoblin as the base creature and is with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free
intended as the “pure” form of a natural wereworg. The bracketed action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack
notations in the statistics block are for hybrid form/worg form. of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot
Where there is no “/”, the indicated abilities apply to both forms, react to trip the wereworg.
while the “/” in DR is merely normal for defining that ability—the Worg Empathy (Ex): Hobgoblin wereworgs can
DR applies to hybrid and worg form. communicate and empathize with worgs. This gives them a
+4 racial bonus to checks when influencing a worg’s attitude.
Hobgoblin Wereworg Skills: A hobgoblin wereworg gets a +1 racial bonus
Medium-size Shapechanger (Goblinoid) to Listen and Spot checks, along with a +2 racial bonus to
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) [1d8+2 plus 2d10+4 (21 hp)/1d8+3 plus Hide checks. * It gets a +4 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore
4d10+12 (41 hp)] when tracking by scent. Hobgoblin wereworgs receive a +5
Initiative: +1 [+6/+7] (Dex, [Improved Initiative]) racial bonus to Move Silently checks.
Speed: 30 ft. [40 ft./50 ft.]
AC: 12 [14/15] (+1 Dex, +1 small shield, [+2 Dex, +2 natural/+3 Variant Wereworgs
Dex, +2 natural]) Unlike typical lycanthropes in the MM, the wereworg
Attacks: Longsword +2 [+6] melee; or javelin +2 [5] ranged; [or template allows for lycanthropy to affect an individual
bite +5 melee/bite (only) +7 melee] without modifying the humanoid form. If you prefer the
Damage: Longsword 1d8/crit 19-20; or javelin 1d6; [bite 1d6+3/ type of lycanthropy appearing in the MM, simply eliminate
bite 1d6+4] the graduated HD change and add 4 HD (and the effects
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. of those dice according to the template) to all forms of the
Special Attacks: [Curse of lycanthropy/Curse of lycanthropy, trip] new shapechanger. This type of wereworg also enjoys the full
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., alternate form, worg empathy, ability bonuses from the worg (+6 Str, +4 Dex, and +4 Con)
[low-light vision, scent, DR 15/silver] in hybrid and animal form, instead of a graduated change. It
Saves: Fort +3 [+7/+9], Ref +1 [+5/+7], Will +0 [+0/+1] also gets skill bonuses in all forms.
Abilities: Str 11[15/17], Dex 13 [15/17], Con 13 [15/17], Int 10, The template works well for afflicted wereworgs,
Wis 10, Cha 10 who shouldn’t suddenly be harder to kill and tougher to fight
Skills: Hide +1 [+4/+5], Listen +3 [+4], Move Silently +5 [+7/ in humanoid form just because they’ve contracted a magical
+8], Spot +3 [+4], Wilderness Lore +0 [*] disease. So, you might want to keep the template version for
Feats: Alertness, [Blind Fight], Improved Control Shape, afflicted wereworgs who are unaware of their condition, even
[Improved Initiative, Power Attack], Weapon Focus (longsword) if you use the +4 HD to all forms for all other wereworgs.
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm land and underground Until the afflicted lycanthrope becomes aware, he can’t
Organization: Solitary or pair, sometimes family (2-4), pack (6- change into hybrid form (involuntary changes result in animal
10), or troupe (family plus a pack of worgs). The wereworgs can be form). When the afflicted wereworg becomes aware of and
found among hobgoblin tribes, with a special place of honor. accepts the curse (willingly changing form and gaining an evil
CR: 3 alignment), he gains all benefits of the 4 HD in all forms and
Treasure: Standard can change to hybrid form using Control Shape. The beast
Alignment: Usually lawful evil and humanoid have merged.
Advancement: By character class Another alternative is for afflicted wereworgs to
always have a disadvantageous humanoid form (like the
When found in a family or pack on their own, these lycanthropes template), while natural wereworgs always have +4 HD in
are wild worgs that can shift to hobgoblin form. They carry no all forms. This draws a clear distinction between natural and
weapons and spend almost all of their time in worg form. Those afflicted wereworgs. You might even use these options for
found among hobgoblins may be the same, or a bloodline of all lycanthropes in your campaign. Just remember that this
hobgoblins infected with the lycanthropy. Hobgoblin wereworgs makes a lycanthrope easier to kill when caught in humanoid
are revered among their brethren and spend much of their time in form.
hybrid or animal form. They wear little or no clothing, except that
demanded by weather along with a traditional wrap or loincloth,
but carry weaponry and occasionally shields. Hobgoblin wereworgs
speak Common, Goblin, and Worg.
Wereworgs fight in hybrid or animal form, usually as elite troopers
in a hobgoblin force.
Curse of Lycanthropy (Su): Any humanoid hit by the bite
attack of a hobgoblin wereworg in hybrid or animal form must
succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 15) or contract lycanthropy. The
afflicted creature becomes a wereworg.
minute later are dealt another 1d6 points of temporary Constitution
he mephit lords are the rulers of the mephits, who
damage. Those who succeed on either saving throw are,
preside from castles or towers located on the border
nonetheless, disabled by choking (treat as stunned) for 5d4 rounds.
between their elemental plane and the Material Plane.
Earth Mephit Lord: The clutch of the earth mephit lord
Through their gates, mephits and other elemental creatures
forces an opponent to make a Fortitude save (DC 16 + the lord’s
can find easy passage to and fro. Although much larger
Charisma modifier) or be turned to stone permanently as per the
and more powerful than the small elemental beings they
flesh to stone spell. This ability can also affect objects and creatures
command, mephit lords are actually mephits themselves.
not made of flesh. Magic items get a Fortitude save.
There is only one mephit lord for each type of
Fire Mephit Lord: The clutch of the fire mephit lord deals
mephit. It is the duty of the mephit lord to watch over its
8d6 points of fire damage and ignites victims (see DMG, Chapter
elemental servants as a king watches over his kingdom. If the
3, The Environment, Catching on Fire). Any object so touched is
mephit lord is destroyed, a powerful mephit of the right type
also lit ablaze, burning until extinguished. Magic items are allowed
is magically and automatically promoted to the rank.
a Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half of the mephit lord’s HD + its
Constitution modifier) to resist this effect.
Appearance Changes Ice Mephit Lord: The clutch of the ice mephit lord deals
Mephit lords look like exceptionally large mephits. Everything 12d8 points of cold subdual damage (rolling over into normal
about them, however, is imposing damage against any who fall unconscious). Directed against an
object, the lord’s grasp instantly freezes and shatters any non-living,
Creating a Mephit Lord non-magical matter of Medium-size or smaller. Magic items are
“Mephit Lord” is a template that can be applied to any allowed a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the mephit lord’s
mephit of at least 9 HD (hereafter referred to as the “base HD + its Constitution modifier) to resist this effect.
mephit”). A mephit lord retains all of the special abilities and Magma Mephit Lord: The clutch of the magma mephit
ability scores of the base mephit, except as noted here. lord deals 6d6 points of fire damage to living opponents, and
Hit Dice: Increase to 12 HD. instantly melts or incinerates any non-living, non-magical matter of
Size: Increase to Large. Medium-size or smaller. The melted matter may further ignite other
Speed: +10 ft. to all movement forms. materials. Magic items are allowed a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-
AC: Natural armor improves by +4. half of the mephit lord’s HD + its Constitution modifier) to resist
Damage: If the base mephit has bonus damage for this effect.
any of its natural weapons (such as the bonus fire damage for Ooze Mephit Lord: The clutch of the ooze mephit lord
a fire mephit), that damage is doubled. forces the victim to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half
Special Attacks: A mephit lord retains all the of the mephit lord’s HD + its Constitution modifier) or suffer
special attacks of the base mephit. Add 2 to the number the effects of green slime. This deals 1d6 points of temporary
of times a special attack can be used within the stated time. Constitution damage per round while it devours flesh. On the first
The caster level of any spell-like ability possessed by the round of contact, the slime can be scraped off a creature (most
mephit lord is double that of the base mephit and the save likely destroying the scraping device), but after that it must be
DC changes according to any change in the lord’s Charisma. frozen, burned, or cut away (applying damage to the victim as well).
Increase the breath weapon of a mephit lord to 4 dice of the Extreme cold or heat, sunlight, or a remove disease spell destroys
given type, allow it to be used every other round, and double green slime. Against wood or metal, green slime deals 2d6 points of
its range. Mephit lords have a 75% chance to successfully damage per round, ignoring metal’s hardness, but not that of wood.
summon mephits. In addition to these abilities, a mephit lord It does not harm stone. Magic items are entitled to a Fortitude
has a unique touch attack. saving throw to avoid the effects of the green slime.
Clutch (Su): A mephit lord has a special attack based Salt Mephit Lord: The clutch of the salt mephit lord forces
on its type. The clutch of a mephit lord is a supernatural opponents to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the
ability that the mephit lord can use at will after it has acquired mephit lord’s HD + its Constitution modifier) or suffer severe
a hold in a grapple. desiccation for 12d8 points of subdual damage. Victims of the
Air Mephit Lord: The clutch of the air mephit lord attack are also fatigued until they get ample water. Those rendered
forces an opponent to make a Strength check (DC 10 + one- unconscious by the attack suffer any remaining damage as real
half of the mephit lord’s HD + its Constitution modifier) or damage. This ability is especially devastating to water elementals and
be blown backwards as if by powerful winds. The victim flies plant creatures, which receive a circumstance penalty of –4 to their
backwards in a straight line 20 ft. plus 20 ft. per size category saving throws.
less than Huge and takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 ft. Steam Mephit Lord: The clutch of the Steam mephit lord
thrown if it impacts any object in the course of its flight. deals 8d6 points of fire damage to opponents. Those affected by
Dust Mephit Lord: The clutch of the dust mephit the damage must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the
lord causes those failing a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half mephit lord’s HD + its Constitution modifier) or be blinded for 1d6
of the mephit lord’s HD + its Constitution modifier) to take rounds as well.
1d6 points of temporary Constitution damage immediately Water Mephit Lord: The clutch of the water mephit lord
due to choking of the air passages with dust and debris. In forces a victim to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the
addition, those failing a second Fortitude save (same DC) 1 mephit lord’s HD + its Constitution modifier) or suffer 1d4 points
of temporary Constitution damage as water fills its lungs. Three edge of a volcano in the Elemental Plane of Fire—within
rounds later, the victim must make another Fortitude save or fall the fortress, called Caldera Castle, is a portal to the Material
unconscious. A round later the character must make a similar save Plane.
or fall to –1 hit points and begin dying. If any of these latter saves Possessions: +1 black flaming large steel shield, +1 bastard
are made, the water is purged from the victim’s lungs. sword of frost.
Special Qualities: A Mephit Lord retains all the special
qualities of the base mephit. Its DR increases to 10/+1, and its fast Combat
healing increases to 5. Xakazz does not shrink from direct confrontation with any
Abilities: Each mephit lord should be rolled or created as who defy him. He wades directly into melee after using his
a unique, heroic individual using guidelines in DMG, Chapter 2, New breath weapon and a volley of magic missiles.
Races, Monsters as Races. Breath Weapon (Su): Once every other round, Xakazz
Feats: As base mephit, plus two feats of your choice. can breathe a cone of fire that is 30 ft. long and does 4d8
Alternatively, replace all three feats with new ones. points of fire damage (Reflex save DC 20 for half).
Organization: Mephit lord plus 11-30 mephits and 4-7 9 Clutch (Su): If Xakazz gets a hold in a grapple, he
HD mephits of the same type. deals 8d6 points of fire damage and ignites his victim (see
CR: 9 DMG, Chapter 3, The Environment: Catching on Fire). Any
Treasure: Standard coins, triple goods, standard items. object so grasped is also lit ablaze, burning until extinguished.
Alignment: Usually neutral. Magic items are allowed a Reflex save (DC 20) to resist this
Advancement: By character class. effect.
ECL: +12 (including base HD). Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage
from cold except on a successful save.
Sample Mephit Lords Fast Healing (Ex): Xakazz heals only when he is
The mephit lord examples below use a fire mephit and ice mephit touching a flame at least as large as a torch. (Normally, his +1
respectively. black flaming large steel shield provides this flame.)
Spell-like Abilities: 3/hour—magic missile as a 6th-level
Xakazz, Lord of the Fire Mephits sorcerer, 3/day—heat metal as a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC
Large Outsider (Fire) 16)
Hit Dice: 12d8+48 (102 hp) Summon Mephits (Sp): Once per day, Xakazz can
Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative) summon 1d4+1 fire mephits with a 75% chance of success.
Speed: 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
AC: 22 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +11 natural, +3 shield); 22 flat-footed, 8 Krykuswyn, Lady of the Ice Mephits
touch Large Outsider (Air, Cold) Enchanter 2
Attacks: 2 claws +17 melee or grapple +21 melee Hit Dice: 12d8+36 plus 2d4+6 (101 hp)
Damage: Claw 1d6+6 plus 4 fire Initiative: +5 (Dex, Improved Initiative)
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Speed: 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, clutch, spell-like abilities, AC: 21 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +11 natural); 20 flat-footed, 10
summon mephits touch
Special Qualities: Fire subtype, fast healing 5, DR 10/+1 Attacks: 2 claws +14 melee and or grapple +18 melee
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +9 Damage: Claw 1d6+3 and 4 cold
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 18 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Skills: Bluff +16, Diplomacy +8, Hide +11, Intimidate +10, Special Attacks: Breath weapon, clutch, spell-like abilities
Knowledge (the planes) +7, Listen +16, Move Silently +15, Sense Special Qualities: Cold subtype, fast healing 5, DR 10/+1
Motive +7, Spot +16 Saves: Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +12
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Improved Abilities: Str 17, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 21
Initiative, Power Attack Skills: Bluff +20, Concentration +10, Diplomacy +16, Hide
CR: 9 +16, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (the planes) +9,
Alignment: Lawful neutral Listen +17, Move Silently +16, Search +5, Sense Motive +9,
Speak Language 6 (Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Ignan,
Xakazz looks like a 9 ft. tall fiend, his head crowned in four, curling Infernal, Terran), Spellcraft +9, Spot +17
horns and lit with an aura of flame where long hair and a beard Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Spell
might lie on a mortal form. His eyes are also licked with flame, Focus (Enchantment)*, Scribe Scroll
while the rest of his body is black, except for coruscating patterns CR: 11
of red on the mephit lord’s wings. Newly formed as a mephit Alignment: Neutral
lord, Xakazz takes his position very seriously and aims to bring * Krykuswyn traded her familiar for Spell Focus. She cannot
order to the ranks of the fire mephits. He arrogates all authority to have a familiar.
himself to this end. His servants fear his blade, a prize won by the
fire mephits when the old lord of the ice mephits killed their past Newly formed as a mephit lord, Krykuswyn is pale and
lord, dying himself in the process. Xakazz dwells in a castle on the beautiful, but her manner is as distant as the stars—yet
she can feign emotion easily. The wings on her back are
translucent, like living crystal, and so long is her quicksilver-
colored hair that she uses it as a makeshift garment. The
Lady of Ice cares little for rulership of the ice mephits or her
demesne, amusing herself with the comings and goings of
other creatures and a slight interest in arcane power. She is a
popular queen.
Possessions: staff of frost, spellbook.
Krykuswyn is aloof and avoids battle when she can, allowing
her guile and her minions to protect her. When forced
into confrontation, she uses every means of evading melee
possible and is content with driving her foes away.
Breath Weapon (Su): Once every other round,
Krykuswyn can breathe a cone of ice shards that is 20 ft. long
and does 4d4 points of cold damage (Reflex save DC 19 for
half). Living creatures that fail their saves are tormented by
frostbitten skin and frozen eyes unless they are immune to or
protected from cold. This imposes a –4 morale penalty to AC
and a –2 morale penalty to attack rolls for 3 rounds.
Cold Subtype (Ex): Cold immunity; double damage
from fire except on a successful save.
Clutch (Su): If Krykuswyn gets a hold in a grapple,
she deals 12d8 points of cold subdual damage (rolling over
into normal damage against any who fall unconscious).
Directed against an object, the lady’s grasp instantly freezes
and shatters any non-living, non-magical matter of Medium-
size or smaller. Magic items are allowed a Fortitude save (DC
19) to resist this effect.
Fast Healing (Ex): Krykuswyn heals only when she is
touching a piece of ice of at least Tiny size or if the ambient
temperature is freezing or below. (The ambient temperature
of the Lady’s castle, the Ice Spire, is enough.)
Spell-like Abilities: 3/hour—magic missile as a 6th-level
sorcerer, 3/day—chill metal as a 12th-level sorcerer (save DC
Summon Mephits (Sp): Once per day, Krykuswyn can
summon 1d4+1 ice mephits with a 75% chance of success.
Wizard Spells Prepared (4+1/3+1, base save DC
13 (15 for Enchantment) + spell level, prohibited school:
Illusion): 0—daze x2, detect magic, prestidigitation, ray of frost;
1st—cause fear, charm person, hypnotism, sleep.
members of their kind, but only when the others see the
etallivores are among the most feared beings among
metallivore’s special traits as some
warriors of the world. Their powers of corrosion and
hunger for all things metallic make even the weakest
sort of asset. Alternate Corrosion
CR: Base creature’s CR Say you don’t like the fact that
types of metallivores a monumental challenge—especially where
+1 + 30% (maximum +4). a metallivore’s abilities don’t
melee combat is concerned. Metallivores enjoy consuming rusted
Treasure: Intelligent affect certain metals—change
metal and can eat a surprising quantity of the stuff, as many
metallivores store metal for food. them. You can make metallivores
warriors have discovered to their chagrin.
ECL: +2. like rust monsters in that their
Metallivores result from contamination of a creature’s
blood by the spores of a rare type of fungus that corrodes metal abilities affect all metals. This
on contact. In some cultures, these fungi are mistakenly harvested Sample Metallivore means that the metallivore
and eaten. Those who survive the intense pain and excruciating This example uses a bulette as the doesn’t carry any sort of all-
transformation process go on to live lives as metallivores—usually base creature. metal weapon, because the
in exile and seclusion from their kind. weapon would corrode (unless
Vein-seeker Behemoth properly protected). Metallivores
(Metallivore Bulette) of this type might still have
Appearance Changes metallic treasure, but treat it all
A metallivore looks like the base creature except for a faint rust- Huge Beast
Hit Dice: 9d10+45 (94 hp) like food. Maybe specific metals
colored tinge to its outward appearance. Its eyes also reflect this have differing nutritional value
same ruddy taint, giving a small visual clue of its true nature. Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 40 ft., burrow 10 ft. for the metallivore. A metallivore
AC: 22 (–2 size, +2 Dex, +12 that affects all metals really isn’t
Creating a Metallivore natural); 20 flat-footed, 10 touch much more of a threat—the
“Metallivore” is a template that can be added to any animal, beast, usual unaffected metals are too
Attacks: Bite +12 melee, 2 claws
humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, plant, or vermin rare (adamantine and mithral)
+7 melee
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming the or useless as weapons (gold and
Damage: Bite 2d8+8, claw 2d6+4
template, the base creature’s type and subtype do not change. A platinum).
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by
metallivore uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial Then again, you could
20 ft./10 ft.
special abilities except as noted below. also vary metallivores by making
Special Attacks: Leap, breath
Special Attacks: The following special attack is added to different types harm different
the base creature’s natural or armed attacks: metals. This type of metallivore
Special Qualities: Smell metal,
Breath Weapon (Su): Corrodes most metallic objects, cone, harms one kind of metal, all
corrosive skin, scent, tremorsense
5 ft. plus 5 ft. per size category above Fine, every 1d4+1 rounds. but one kind, or just a different
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +8,
The metallivore may use its breath only once per day plus once per set than those described in the
Will +4
point of Constitution bonus (minimum once). Any metallic object template. You might rename
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 15, Con 20,
(besides gold, mithral, platinum, and adamantine—see below) that the metallivore according to the
Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
comes into contact with the breath weapon corrodes and becomes metal it destroys. An iron-eater
Skills: Jump +12, Listen +6
useless immediately. The size of the object in question does not might be called a ferrovore, while
Climate/Terrain: Temperate land
alter the speed of this effect. Unattended metal items that are non- a gold consuming metallivore
and underground
magical receive no save. Held or carried items as well as enchanted might be called an aurovore,
Organization: Solitary or pair
items made of metal get a Reflex save (at the carrier’s bonus or the one that consumes copper
CR: 10
item’s, whichever is higher) to negate the effect (DC 10 + one-half an aesivore, and so on. A
Treasure: None
of the metallivore’s HD + its Constitution bonus). Metals that metallivore with more specific
Alignment: Always neutral
do not readily corrode (gold, mithral, platinum) are immune and corrosion abilities is less of a
Advancement: 10-16 HD (Huge);
adamantine saves as if it had an enhancement bonus one point threat, so keep that in mind when
17-27 HD (Gargantuan)
higher than actual. generating the CR.
Special Qualities: The base creature gains the following special Another consideration
abilities in addition to its own. when you make the change is
A vein-seeker behemoth uses
Corrosive Body (Ex): Any metallic object that comes into the vein rot fungus (see Becoming
its smell metal and tremorsense
contact with a metallivore or any metal weapon that does damage a Metallivore below). Perhaps
abilities to locate its meals,
to a metallivore is instantly corroded and destroyed. Magical items it simply comes in differing
burrowing underground until it
receive a Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half of the metallivore’s HD strains in your world. Some
is close enough to attack its prey.
+ its Constitution bonus +5 due to extreme fungus contact (see of these varieties, because
When burrowing underground,
below)) to avoid being completely ruined. Metals are immune or of their ruination of very
the behemoth relies on vibrations
resistant as indicated in breath weapon above. valuable minerals, would be
to detect prey. When it senses
Smell Metal (Ex): A metallivore can smell the presence of well recognized by experienced
something edible, it breaks to the
any metal object within 90 ft. This distance doubles if the creature miners and prospectors.
surface, crest first, and uses its
is downwind from a metallic object.
breath weapon before closing,
Organization: Often solitary, but sometimes the same as
attacking with its claws. Vein-seeker behemoths are the bane
base creature. Metallivores can occasionally be found among normal
of miners, because they kill workers and destroy veins of ore.
Breath Weapon (Su): Corrodes most metallic objects, cone, When eaten, however, the organism reacts to its introduction to
35 ft., every 1d4+1 rounds, 6/day. Any metallic object not a metabolism by invading the cellular structure and corroding
of gold or mithral that comes into contact with the breath vulnerable minerals in the body. The result is a painful disease,
weapon corrodes and becomes useless immediately. The size called verdigris spasms or rust shakes, that incubates for 1d2 days
of the object in question does not alter the speed of this and then begins doing 1d6 temporary Strength and Constitution
effect. Unattended metal items that are non-magical receive damage per day unless a successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 20)
no save. Held or carried items as well as enchanted items is made. The victim suffers red and green tinges to the skin, has
made of metal get a Reflex save (at the carrier’s bonus or pustules and sores, severe and painful spasms (ultimately resulting in
the item’s, whichever is higher) to negate the effect (DC 19). constant shaking), softening of bone, and delirium. Two successful
Metals that do not readily corrode (gold, mithral, platinum) saving throws in a row stabilizes the disease at 1 point of Strength
are immune and adamantine saves as if it had an and Constitution damage per day. The victim always craves oxidized
enhancement bonus one point higher than actual. metals or mineral rich food to eat.
Corrosive Skin (Ex): Any metallic 3d4 days later two more saving throws
object that comes into contact with a vein-seeker are required (DC 22). Success at both allows
behemoth or any metal weapon that does damage the creature to recover fully, but
to it is instantly corroded and destroyed. Magical success at only one allows recovery
items receive a Reflex save (DC 24) to avoid being with 1d4 permanent Strength and
completely ruined. Metals are immune or Constitution damage. Failure at both
resistant as indicated in breath weapon indicates the disease starts anew and
above. must be fought off again, but this time
Smell Metal (Ex): success on two saving throws causes the
A vein-seeker behemoth disease to stabilize permanently.
can smell the presence Over the next 3d4 days
of any metal object (with continuing damage) the
within 90 ft. This fungus organism bonds with
distance doubles the metabolism of the victim,
if the creature is producing a metallivore who
downwind from is no longer “diseased” and
a metallic object. may heal any ability damage.
Leap The breath weapon of the
(Ex): A vein- new creature doesn’t develop
seeker behemoth until 2d6 days after the new
can jump into the metallivore is back to full
air during combat. Constitution and Strength.
This allows it to A remove disease spell
make four claw cures this disease at any stage
attacks instead of besides the bonding one—
two, but it cannot bite only a heal spell can cure it
or use its breath weapon. The then. Once the bonding is
attack bonus is +12. done, the host and disease
Tremorsense (Ex): Vein- have become one and only a limited
seeker behemoths can automatically sense wish or similar magic can undo the
the location of anything within 60 ft. that is in contact with symbiosis.
the ground. Infection: Ingestion (see text)
DC: 20
Becoming a Metallivore Incubation: 1d2 days
Metallivores are created via a fungal infection by this Damage: 1d6 Str and 1d6 Con, mutation (see text)
Metallivores Breed True
Vein Rot Fungus: A growth of this exceptionally rare, It’s possible that the symbiotic relationship of the fungus and
symbiotic fungal and bacterial organism resembles its host is always passed to the offspring of a host without
mushroom-like “shelves” on rocks and mineral formations. It the accompanying disease. This variant allows stable races of
is deep violet-red in color when mature, but young specimens metallivores in your world, which your players will recognize
look like a dull-grey fungus that is commonly eaten in (perhaps) and fear. Alternatively, the disease may be passed to any
underground communities (Wilderness Lore, Knowledge sexual partners a metallivore has. If a male and female metallivore
(nature), or Profession (herbalist) check (DC 20) to tell the of the same base creature type mate, then their offspring are also
difference by checking the spore folds for red color). It is metallivores. This latter variant slows the spread of metallivores
commonly found near old veins of ores that are vulnerable to (many die before becoming potential progenitors of a race), but
oxidation and any such metal corrodes a hundred times faster tends toward the same result of a stable race.
when this voracious organism is present.
M iniature creatures are shrunk from their normal size to
any size smaller. Once again, this is fun with the size
rules. Whether the creature was shrunk via insidious
magic or it’s an exotic race, the miniature template can help. This
is a great way to make young monsters and unusual sights for the
Attacks and Qualities) when the damage from certain attacks
seems too high. In general, halve the damage of the weapon
for each halving of the creature’s HD.
Caster levels for the creature’s spell-like abilities may
be lowered by the same factors by which size was reduced.
heroes, with monsters normally beyond their capability to handle. This rule can be fudged to get the effect you want. Only
on very rare occasions should caster level exceed HD, and
Appearance Changes the creature should hardly ever have access to spells that a
A miniature looks like a smaller version of the base creature. spellcaster of the same level as its HD could not cast.
Range decreases by 33% of the current range
per decrease in size category, round down to the nearest
Creating a Miniature multiple of 5 (ft.)—a 30 ft. range becomes 20 ft. (30 x .67
“Miniature” is a template that can be added to any creature (referred
= 20.1, rounded down to 20 ft.) at one size category lower.
to hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming the template,
Ranges of less than 5 ft. may be treated as unable to leave the
the base creature’s type only changes if it is a giant and it goes to
creature’s space or only effective against a single opponent.
Medium size or smaller. Such creatures have the type “Humanoid”.
For example, a gorgon has a breath weapon that has
The base creature’s subtypes remain unchanged. A giant uses the
a range of 60 ft. At Medium-size, this cone is 40 ft., 25 ft. at
base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as
Small, 15 ft. at Tiny, 10 ft. at Diminutive, and 5 ft. at Fine—
noted below.
the Fine gorgon can only really aim at one opponent.
Size: Decrease the base creature’s size to whatever size
Saves: Decrease according to new HD and type.
you want the final creature to be. For each size category it shrinks,
Abilities: Modify the base creature’s ability scores
divide the base creature’s height or dimensions by 2. Thus, an 18-ft.
according to Appendix I, Table 1-2: Creature Changes by Size,
cloud giant shrunk to Medium size is 4 ft. 3 in. (18 ÷ 2 (Large) ÷ 2
except going in reverse.
(Medium-size) = 4.25)
Skills: Recalculate the creature’s skill points
Hit Dice: Divide the creature’s HD by 2 for each size
according to its new size and type. The base creature’s skills
category it shrinks. Thus, a cloud giant decreased to Medium-size
are class skills for the new creature.
size has 4 HD (17 ÷ 2 (Large) ÷ 2 (Medium-size)=4.5, round down).
Feats: The creature loses feats based on its new
So long as the final number is above the minimum for the creature’s
HD and type. Remove feats with the most prerequisites and
new size, you can fudge it however you like. A Medium-size cloud
ones for which the creature no longer qualifies first.
giant with 4 HD may be too much, because it has a great advantage
Organization: If the new creature is a stable race,
over 1 HD humanoids, but its CR should reflect this too.
compare it to similar creatures of the same size and use those
Speed: Subtract 10 ft. to the base creature’s speed in
organizations as guides, along with the creature’s original
all modes per size category decrease (minimum 20 ft., or that
organization. For example, the cloud giant is obviously a
of the original creature –5 ft. if the original speed was 20 ft. or
social creature and will probably have a social structure not
lower). Keep in mind that many small creatures are quite fast. If
unlike other humanoids when reduced to that stature.
the base creature can fly, and its maneuverability is not perfect, its
CR: The first halving of HD halves CR (round up).
maneuverability rating increases by one for every three size levels
CR decreases by 33% of the current step’s CR at each step
the creature loses. Perfect maneuverability stays the same and the
after the first (round up or down as you see fit). Minimum
maximum maneuverability is one better than what it was at the
CR is 1/6. So, A CR 11 cloud giant becomes CR 6 at Large,
creature’s original size.
CR 4 at Medium-size, CR 2 at Small, CR 1 at Tiny, and CR
AC: Natural armor decreases according to size.
1/2 at Fine.
Attacks: Recalculate attacks for the creature’s new amount
Advancement: If you want your miniature to be
of HD according to its type.
able to advance, take the same range as the base creature and
Damage: Damage from natural attacks decreases based
divide the highest figure by the same factors as the HD. Fill
on size and type.
in the ranges and tinker until you have what you want.
Face/Reach: Find the base creature’s original Face/Reach
For example, a shambling mound has 8 HD, and an
(or a close approximation) in Appendix I on Table 1-1: Creature Size
advancement of 9-12 HD (Large); 13-24 HD (Huge). If the
Factors. Reduce its face and reach to match the creature’s new size.
base shambling mound (Large) is decreased to Small size it
Special Attacks and Qualities: The creature loses any
has 2 HD (8 ÷ 2 (Medium-size) ÷ 2 (Small) = 2). 12 from the
ability that is due to Large size. For example, a giant does not retain
first advancement increment comes out to 3 (12 ÷ 2 ÷ 2) and
rock throwing (except for, perhaps, a +1 racial bonus to throw).
the 24 comes out to 6. So the shambling mound’s literal range
Decrease the saving throw DCs based on the miniature
from this rule is 3 HD (Small); 4-6 HD (Medium-size).
creature’s new HD. Damage for special attacks decreases according
Creature’s with “by character class” advancement
to size as well. Locate the damage on the creature’s size chart for
retain that designation.
the most similar attack type, and lower one step from there for each
ECL: Varies with size changes.
size category the creature shrunk.
You may want to decrease damage for special attacks in
a reverse of the method shown in How to Use This Book (Special
Sample Miniature Creatures Thunderhead Dwarf Traits
These examples use a cloud giant and a gorgon as the base As a PC race, thunderhead dwarves have the following
creatures. The gorgon calf had its Strength nudged back up to characteristics:
10 from 9 and the advancement range manipulated to match • High HD: Thunderhead dwarves start play with 4d8
the adult gorgon. HD (the first is maximized for a PC). The character’s
initial base attack bonus, saves, skill points, and feats are
Thunderhead Dwarves (Miniature Cloud Giant) based on the humanoid type and the base 4 HD.
Medium-size Humanoid (Air) • +8 Strength, +6 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (27 hp) Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
Initiative: +2 (Dex) • Medium-size. (Use dwarf height and weight, with +1d6
Speed: 40 ft. to the weight modifier.)
AC: 20 (+3 Dex, +7 natural); 17 flat-footed, 13 touch • Thunderhead dwarf base speed is 40 ft.
Attacks: Large Morningstar +7 melee, javelin +6 ranged • Natural Armor: Thunderhead dwarves have a natural
Damage: Large Morningstar 2d6+6, javelin 1d6+4 armor bonus of +7.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. • Low-light Vision: Thunderhead dwarves can see twice as
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities far as humans in poor lighting conditions.
Special Qualities: Scent • Spell-Like Abilities: Thunderhead dwarves who dwell
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 in the clouds can use the following as spells cast by
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 13 a sorcerer of a level equal to 4 + any character levels
Skills: Climb +6, Jump +6, Listen +6, Spot +6 the thunderhead dwarf possesses: 3/day—levitate and
Feats: Alertness obscuring mist; 1/day—fog cloud.
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm mountains and • Automatic Languages: Celestial
aquatic • Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarf, Giant.
Organization: Solitary, pair, team (2-4), squad (11-20 plus 2 • Favored Class: Sorcerer or Evoker (player chooses).
3rd-level sergeants and 1 leader of 3rd-6th level), or clan (30- • ECL: +7 (including 4d8 base HD)
100 plus 30% noncombatants plus 1 3rd-level sergeant per 10
adults, 5 5th-level lieutenants, and 3 7th-level captains) Gorgon Calf
CR: 4 Small Magical Beast
Treasure: Standard coins; double goods; standard items Hit Dice: 2d10 (11 hp)
Alignment: Usually neutral good or neutral evil Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative)
Advancement: By character class Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural); 15 flat-footed, 13 touch
Thunderhead dwarves, renowned for their electricity-wielding Attacks: Gore +4 melee
sorcerers, are a rare and mystic breed. Thought by many Damage: Gore 1d4
to be celestial in origin, these humanoids are reclusive and Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
capricious. Such stout folk dwell in high mountains and are Special Attacks: Breath weapon
said to have cities and fortresses built on clouds, where they Special Qualities: Scent
live in clans. Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Silver-skinned, thunderhead dwarves have hair of Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 9
purest white, silver, and grey hues—their eyes are blue, silver, Skills: Listen +6, Spot +6
or grey. They dress in finery and jewels, recalled in legend as Feats: Weapon Finesse (gore)
master artisans and musicians. Unlike their earthbound kin, Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm land and underground
thunderhead dwarf males rarely have beards. Organization: Solitary, pair, pack (2-4), or herd (5-13)
CR: 2
Combat Treasure: None
Thunderhead dwarves use their spell-like abilities to confound Alignment: Always neutral
and confuse foes. They seldom fight except out of a desire Advancement: 3 HD (Small), 4-7 HD (Medium-size); 8-15 HD
for vengeance or to defend their secret homes. (Large), 16-24 HD (Huge)
Spell-Like Abilities: Thunderhead dwarves who dwell
in the clouds can use the following as the spells cast by a 4th- Combat
level sorcerer: 3/day—levitate and obscuring mist; 1/day—fog Gorgon calves are shy, but can be able combatants if cornered.
cloud. Breath Weapon (Su): Turn to stone permanently, cone,
15 ft., every 1d4 rounds (but no more than three times per day);
Thunderhead Dwarf Characters Fortitude save (DC 11).
Good clerics have access to any two of the following
domains: Good, Healing, Strength, and Sun. Evil clerics have
access to any two of the following domains: Death, Evil, and
damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive
ohrgs are damned souls of the vilest of creatures,
doomed to stalk the earth as hungry corpses for all time,
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
until justice is finally meted out and the wicked spirit is
Strength +10, Dexterity +2. As an undead creature, a mohrg
forced out of its accursed form. Becoming a mohrg is part penalty
has no Constitution score.
and part reward. A creature that transforms into a mohrg upon its
Saves: Recalculate the mohrg’s saving throws as if it
death was so iniquitous in life that the forces of evil spared it the
was always of the Undead type.
punishment of torment in the lower planes, instead allowing the
Skills: Recalculate skills as if the creature was always
thing to sow more evil by infusing it with power in undeath. The
undead, using the base creature’s skills as class skills. Hide,
mohrg is a living epitome of murder and fear.
Listen, Move Silently, and Spot are always class skills for a
Appearance Changes Feats: Recalculate feats as if the creature was always
Mohrgs look like gaunt, obviously unliving examples of the base of the Undead type, favoring the base creature’s feats and
creature. Only the monster’s tongue is different. Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Mobility.
CR: Base creature’s CR +2 +20% (maximum +4).
Creating a Mohrg Those creatures that lose class abilities have their CR reduced
“Mohrg” is a template that can be added to any sentient by 40% (a 10th-level character is reduced to CR 6).
(Intelligence 3+), corporeal, living creature with 5 or more HD, Alignment: Any evil, favoring chaotic evil.
besides oozes, outsiders, and plants (hereafter referred to as the Advancement: Equal to the base creature’s +4 to
“base creature”). Such creatures are, without fail, the vilest example the low end of the initial range and +7 dice to the extreme
of evil and wanton death among their kind. The base creature’s type end of the first range. Any further ranges start one HD
changes to “Undead”, but its subtypes remain the same. A mohrg higher than the maximum of the previous range, adding 8
uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as to that new minimum for the new maximum of that range.
noted here. For example, a gargoyle has and advancement of 5-6 HD
Hit Dice: Increase the base creature’s HD by 4 and (Medium-size); 7-12 HD (Large) normally, but one of 9-14
change the die type to d12. The mohrg keeps HD due to character HD (Medium-size); 15-23 HD (Large) as a mohrg.
class, but loses all class-related abilities. If the base creature doesn’t advance by monster
AC: Natural armor improves by +4. HD, the mohrg does. The initial advancement range starts 1
Attacks: A base creature without better natural attacks HD higher than the mohrg’s initial HD, allowing the creature
acquires two primary slams as a mohrg. All mohrgs have a to gain a number of additional monster HD up to double its
secondary touch attack with their tongues. initial HD. If the base creature could acquire a character class,
Damage: Mohrgs do slam damage according to size and so can the mohrg.
the Undead type. If the base creature has other natural attacks, the ECL: +8 (including base 4 HD).
damage from those attacks is according to the Undead type or the
type of the base creature, whichever is better. Sample Mohrg
Special Attacks: A mohrg has all the special attacks of This example uses an advanced (12 HD) gargoyle as the base
the base creature, except those that come from a character class and creature.
those requiring an active metabolism. Supernatural and spell-like
attacks are almost always maintained, using Charisma in place of Gargoyle Mohrg
Constitution to calculate save DCs. Mohrgs also have the following: Large Undead (Earth)
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the mohrg must hit Hit Dice: 16d12 (104 hp)
with its primary attack (usually a slam). Initiative: +7 (De x, Improved Initiative)
Paralyzing Touch (Su): A mohrg lashes about with its tongue Speed: 45 ft., fly 75 ft. (average)
during combat. Any creature touched by the tongue must make AC: 20 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +8 natural); 17 flat-footed, 12 touch
a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the mohrg’s HD + its Charisma Attacks: 2 claws +18 melee, bite +16 melee, gore +16 melee,
modifier) or be paralyzed for 1d4 minutes. tongue +16 touch melee
Create Spawn (Su): Creatures slain by a mohrg rise as Damage: Claw 1d8+10, bite 1d8+5, gore 1d8+5, tongue
zombies under the mohrg’s control. See the Lesser Zombie paralysis
microplate in the Greater Zombie template for help in defining the Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
abilities of such creatures. Special Attacks: Improved grab, paralyzing touch, create
Special Qualities: The mohrg retains special qualities spawn
according to the same restriction in Special Attacks above and gains Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., undead
the following: Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +8
Darkvision (Ex): Mohrgs can see in non-magical darkness Abilities: Str 21, Dex 16, Con —, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 7
up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range, whichever is Skills: Hide +8*, Listen +11, Spot +11, Move Silently +12
better. Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, Multiattack
paralysis, stunning and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual CR: 10
Treasure: Standard Becoming a Mohrg
Liberties with the Mohrg Alignment: Chaotic evil A mohrg is created via create greater undead and the ritual of dark calling
This template takes a few liberties Advancement: 9-14 HD (see the Desiccated template). A created mohrg must comply with
with the idea of the mohrg to make (Medium-size); 15-23 HD
it a template. It assumes that the
the rules of this template. Creating a mohrg is an act of extreme
(Large) depravity and wickedness.
typical mohrg found in the MM was
created from a 10 HD human. This
This gaunt gargoyle is only
is typical, because the evil that creates
slightly paler than its living
Variant Mohrg
the mohrg is not developed enough The following microplate can be used to create a mohrg that retains
in low-level or low-HD beings. brethren.
class abilities:
Advancement for
the mohrg assumed that a base Combat
Gargoyle mohrgs remain
A Greater Mohrg
creature doesn’t really change size The mohrg template can be altered in simple ways to allow the
if it couldn’t as a living being. It is still, and then suddenly
creation of a mohrg that retains the base creature’s memories,
assumed that the figures in the MM attack, or dive onto their
character levels, and class abilities. The base creature keeps all
were intended to allow for Large prey. It occasionally
character levels, gains 4 HD, and all dice become d12s. Greater
creatures as mohrgs (much like freezes with its tongue
mummies). Base creatures that can mohrgs get turn resistance equal to one-third of their HD
out, allowing it to attempt
change size are assumed to be able (including character levels, minimum +1). The creature’s saves,
to touch an unaware
to do so as a mohrg as well. If you skill, and feat calculations remain the same as the base creature,
opponent and attempt
prefer this not be the case, all mohrgs according to class. CR is that of the base creature +2. A greater
to freeze again with an
may simply double their initial HD mohrg, with the animate dead spell, the ability to command undead as
opposed Hide check.
by advancing as a monster, and they a cleric, or both, adds the number of controlled undead granted by
Freeze (Ex): A
never change size. these abilities to its zombie limit (from the sidebar in the template).
gargoyle mohrg can hold
A greater mohrg has an ECL of +10.
itself so still it appears to
Mohrg Memories An extremely evil spellcaster might turn himself into a
be a statue. An observer
Perhaps mohrgs (and other undead greater mohrg via this ritual:
must succeed at a Spot
like them, such as ghouls and check (DC 20) to notice the
wights) retain some memory of Form of the Remorseless
gargoyle is a creature and
their past lives. This feature can be Necromancy (Ritual) [Evil]
not a statue.
especially haunting if the mohrg is Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6
Improved Grab
a creature the heroes knew when it Casting Time: 1 day per HD of the target
(Ex): To use this ability, the
was alive. Perhaps the mohrg even Ritual DC: 17 (19 for an arcane caster) + 1 per HD affected
has flashback problems, like those mohrg gargoyle must hit
This utterly depraved ceremony allows a spellcaster to
of a corpse vampire (see the Corpse with its claw.
transform any still-living target (usually himself) into a greater mohrg.
Vampire template). Paralyzing Touch
It functions like the form of the withering sands ritual, except as follows:
(Su): A mohrg gargoyle
The ritual must be performed at night. A divine group must
lashes about with its
Mohrgs and Zombies cast the spell animate dead, create undead, raise dead, and unhallow each
The spawn of a mohrg can quickly tongue during combat.
night during the rite. The arcane group must cast animate dead, planar
become legion. It may be best that Any creature touched by
binding, ghoul touch, true seeing, and enervation instead.
the zombies created by a mohrg the tongue must make a
Material Components: The ritual requires a burial shroud of
follow rules similar to those found Fortitude save (DC 16)
the skin of an evil outsider, incense, jet gems, the fresh hearts of
in the animate dead spell. First, the or be paralyzed for 1d4
good humanoids (slain by the target of the ritual, if he’s willing, for
mohrg can only animate a creature minutes.
no other reason than this ritual) whose HD total twice the target’s,
that has the same number HD Create Spawn (Su):
and black diamond dust, and mundane material components worth
(including the victim’s character Creatures slain by a mohrg
500 gp per final HD of the creature transformed.
levels) as it has, or less. Further, the gargoyle rise as zombies
mohrg can only control a number XP Cost: 100 XP per HD of creature raised.
under the mohrg’s control.
of zombies equal to three times its Failure: If the ritual fails, a willing target must make a
Undead: Immune
own HD (slightly more powerful Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + the number by which the ritual
to mind-influencing effects,
than animate dead). On both counts, check failed) or die. Everyone must make a Will saving throw (DC
poison, sleep, paralysis,
the mohrg’s character levels (if any) 15 + the number by which the ritual was failed) or be paralyzed for
stunning and disease. Not
are combined with its HD. The 1d4 minutes. In addition to this, the ritual leader takes 1d6 points of
subject to critical hits,
ability (along with a mohrg’s callous temporary Wisdom and Constitution damage, while everyone else
subdual damage, ability
nature) favors the controlling of new takes 1 point of temporary damage to each of these abilities.
damage, energy drain,
zombies, releasing the oldest from Botch: A botched ritual results in a normal mohrg,
or death from massive
control first. which attacks the ritualists—the original target dies. All of the
ritual participants suffer 1d4 points of temporary Wisdom and
Skills: *Gargoyle
Constitution damage, while the ritual leader suffers 2d6. Everyone
mohrgs receive a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks when
(besides the new mohrg) must make a Will saving throw (DC 15 +
concealed against a background of worked stone.
the number by which the ritual was failed) or be paralyzed for 1d4
M oon wildlings are nature’s answer to evil and wanton
lycanthropes. Created by whatever goodness would seek
to counter such wickedness, moon wildlings are the
hunted turned hunter. On some worlds, these creatures are servants
of the light or the sun, using the light reflected from the moon to
Scent (Ex): Moon wildlings have the scent ability.
Damage Reduction (Ex): Moon wildlings have damage
reduction of 5/silver or unholy. Weapons of a superior
nature (such as magic weapons) do not counter this DR, only
silver or unholy weapons offset it.
gain some abilities to counter their enemies with similar power. Fast Healing (Ex): Moon wildlings have fast healing
Other moon wildlings serve a good divinity of the moon, if such based on their size. If the size does not appear on the chart,
exists. Perhaps the proper religions even have a ritual that can shape use the next lower size.
a willing subject into a killer of malevolent shapechangers.
Size Fast Healing
Appearance Changes Fine 1
Moon wildlings look like the base creature, except that they take on Tiny 2
some animalistic features when changed into their alternate form. Medium-size 3
Hair becomes thicker and gains a silvery sheen, the eyes grow wider, Huge 4
and the creature gains some bulk. The most noticeable features are Colossal 5
the creature’s claws and teeth, supposing it had none before the
transformation. Saves: A moon wildling has good saves (HD/2 +2)
in Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves like a shapechanger.
Abilities: In alternate form, modify the base
Creating a Moon Wildling creature as follows: Strength +2, Constitution +2.
“Moon Wildling” is a template that can be added to any animal, Skills: All moon wildlings have access to Control
beast, dragon, fey, humanoid, magical beast, or monstrous Shape as a class skill.
humanoid (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After CR: Base creature’s CR +2.
assuming the template, the base creature’s type becomes Alignment: Creatures of animal intelligence (2
“Shapechanger”. A moon wildling uses the base creature’s statistics or lower) that are neutral stay neutral. Other creatures shift
and inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. alignment at least one step toward good.
Hit Dice: Increase to d8, or as the base creature, ECL: +2.
whichever is better.
Speed: Moon wildlings in alternate form move 10 ft.
faster than their normal counterparts. Sample Moon Wildling
AC: In its alternate form, a moon wildling’s natural armor This example uses a satyr as the base creature. Bracketed
improves by +2. references are statistics of the wildling’s alternate form.
Attacks: In all forms, like a shapechanger, a moon
wildling uses the attack progression of a cleric (HD x 3/4) or that Moon Faun (Satyr Moon Wildling)
of the base creature, if the latter is better. In its alternate form, a Medium-size Fey (Shapechanger)
moon wildling gains additional claw and bite attacks, if it does not Hit Dice: 5d8+5 (27 hp) [5d8+10 (32 hp)]
already have them. The bite attack is secondary if used as part of a Initiative: +1 (Dex)
full attack action in addition to normal iterative attacks. Speed: 40 ft. [50 ft.]
Damage: Damage for claw and bite attacks is determined AC: 15 [17] (+1 Dex, +4 [+6] natural); 14 [16] flat-footed, 11
by size and original type. Natural attack damage improves as if touch
the creature had gained one size category for those creatures that Attacks: Gore +3 melee; or shortbow +4 ranged [Gore +4
already had such attacks. melee, claw +4 melee, bite –1 melee]
Special Attacks: A moon wildling has the following Damage: Gore 1d6; or shortbow 1d6/crit x3 [Gore 1d6+1,
special attacks in addition to those of the base creature: claw 1d6+1, bite 1d4+1]
Alternate Form (Su): Moon wildlings can willfully change Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
into a more bestial form to better combat depraved lycanthropes. Special Attacks: Alternate form, pipes
All of the moon wildling’s abilities (besides detect lycanthrope) are Special Qualities: [DR 5/silver or unholy, fast healing 3,
dependant on this form. When the moon is dark, or absent from scent]
the sky, moon wildlings can use Control Shape to attempt to change Saves: Fort +5 [+6], Ref +5, Will +5
form if they must. Abilities: Str 10 [12], Dex 13, Con 12 [14], Int 12, Wis 13,
Detect Lycanthrope (Su): At will, a moon wildling can detect Cha 13
lycanthropes. This power works like the detect undead spell, but it Skills: Bluff +9, Control Shape +9, Hide +13, Listen +11,
detects lycanthropes instead and immediately acts as if in the third Move Silently +13, Perform (dance, pan pipes, plus any two
round of effect. It is cast as if by a sorcerer of a level equal to the others) +9, Spot +11
moon wildling’s HD. Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Mobility
Special Qualities: In its alternate form, a moon wildling Climate/Terrain: Temperate forest
has the following special abilities in addition to those of the base Organization: Solitary, band (2-5), or troop (6-11)
CR: 6 New Skill Use
Treasure: Standard The moon wilding uses the Control Shape skill in the following ways:
Alignment: Usually chaotic good
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Medium-size) Control Shape (Wis)
Moon wildlings can control whether or not they change forms. In
Combat fact, the change is only involuntary on occasions when the wildling
Moon fauns usually change form before fighting. Once is injured or on the night of the full moon. Then the wilding can
engaged in battle, they bring all of their natural fury to bear. use Control Shape to resist the change, though few do.
These wildlings like to ambush and snipe with their bows. Check: Moon wildings make checks to resist involuntary
Alternate Form (Su): Moon fauns can willfully changes and to change form when they want to. An injured wildling
change into a more bestial form to better combat depraved must also check for an involuntary change after accumulating
lycanthropes. All of the moon faun’s abilities are dependant enough damage to reduce his or her hit points by one-quarter and
on this form. When the moon is dark, or absent from the sky, again after each additional quarter lost (save DC same as for full
moon fauns can use Change Control to attempt to change moon). The closer the moon is to full, the easier it is for a wildling
form if they must. to change form.
Detect Lycanthrope (Su): At will, a moon faun can
detect lycanthropes. This power works like the detect undead Task DC
spell, but it detects lycanthropes instead and immediately acts Resist involuntary change (full moon, injury) 15
as if in the third round of effect. The moon faun uses this Voluntary change (full moon) 15
ability as if a 5th-level sorcerer. Voluntary change (half moon) 20
Pipes (Su): A moon faun can play a variety of magical Voluntary change (no moon) 25
tunes on its panpipes. When it plays, all creatures within a
60-foot spread (except satyrs and moon fauns) must succeed Retry: Check
at a Will save (DC 14) or be affected by charm person, sleep, or for an involuntary
fear, as the spells cast by a 10th-level sorcerer (the moon faun change each time a
chooses the tune and its effect). In the hands of other beings, triggering event
these pipes have no special powers. A creature that occurs. On a failed
successfully saves against any of the pipe’s effects check to make a
cannot be affected by the same set of pipes voluntary return
again for one day. Moon fauns are every to normal form,
bit as amorous and mischievous as the creature must
their neutral counterparts, but remain in wildling
less likely to rob or harm form until the next
others. dawn, when he or she
Skills: Moon automatically returns to
fauns receive a +4 normal form.
racial bonus to
Hide, Listen,
and Spot
T he true mummy is the pinnacle of the embalmer’s Fast Healing (Ex): As long as the true mummy is in possession
art—sentient undead as powerful as many a lich. The true of its sacred vessels (see below), it regains hit points at an
problem with becoming one is that almost all the vital exceptionally fast rate, even when reduced below zero hit
work for the creation of the true mummy occurs after the death points. Each round the true mummy heals 5 + one-half of
of the person to be preserved, and there are no guarantees that the its HD in hit points. The mummy recovers even from the
the embalmer will do the job correctly, or that he will not steal the utter destruction of its body.
immortal power of the true mummy as his own, leaving the true Immunities (Ex): The true mummy is immune to
mummy as a nearly mindless automaton of the gods of death. cold, electricity, and polymorphing.
Generally, someone who becomes a true mummy had Resistant To Blows (Ex): Physical attacks deal only
an overwhelming goal motivating him towards eternal life in this half damage to the true mummy. Apply this effect before
blessed form. This goal propels the new mummy through his unlife. applying damage reduction.
True mummies are, thus, less scheming and secretive than a lich in Turn Resistance (Ex): A true mummy has turn
how they perceive and interact with the world of the living. resistance equal to one + one-third of its HD.
Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects,
poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning and disease. Not subject to
Appearance Changes
critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or
A true mummy is a preserved corpse animated by divine
death from massive damage.
necromancies. Unlike traditional mummies (unless their sacred
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
vessels are stolen or destroyed, see below), the true mummy remains
Strength +6, Wisdom +4, Charisma +4. As an undead
in good physical condition, avoiding the fate of the dull-minded
creature, the true mummy has no Constitution score.
corpses that are lesser mummies. The process of embalming usually
Feats: A true mummy gains Toughness as a bonus
makes a true mummy appear as a body wrapped in fine linen, which
is covered with ritual writings, from head to toe. Some traditions do
CR: Base creature’s CR +2.
not cover the mummy’s head, or unwrap the mummy completely
Treasure: Standard coins; double goods; double
after a successful ritual. Such mummies may even look almost alive.
True mummies may wear and use any accoutrement that a living
Alignment: Usually evil.
creature of their base type can.
Advancement: By character class.
ECL: +5.
Creating a True Mummy
“True Mummy” is a template that can be added to any sentient
(Intelligence 3+), living, corporeal creature that is not an outsider
Sample True Mummy
The following example uses a 10th-level human transmuter
or plant (hereafter referred to as the “base creature”). The base
(Strength 9, Wisdom 15, Charisma 14) as the base creature.
creature’s type changes to “Undead”. Unless otherwise noted, in
this template HD stands for Hit Dice plus any character levels the
creature possesses. A true mummy uses all of the base creature’s Kaminheni the Traveler
statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Female human true mummy Tra 10
Hit Dice: Increase die type to d12. Medium-size Undead
AC: Natural armor improves by +4. Hit Dice: 10d12 (65 hp)
Attacks: The mummy has a slam attack that may be used Initiative: +2 (Dex)
in place of other attacks. Speed: 30 ft.
Damage: Mummies do slam damage as an undead AC: 21/22 with Dodge (+2 Dex, +4 natural, +2 armor, +3
creature of their size. If the slam is the mummy’s only natural deflection); 19/20 flat-footed, 15/16 touch
attack, it gets 1.5 time the mummy’s Strength bonus (positive only) Attacks: +2 quarterstaff +9 melee; or slam +7 melee; or
as bonus damage, instead of the normal x1. masterwork light crossbow +9 ranged (w/mw bolt)
Special Attacks: The true mummy retains all the base Damage: +2 quarterstaff 1d6+5 (two handed); slam 1d6+3;
creature’s special attacks, besides those that require an active or light crossbow 1d8/crit 19-20
metabolism (like poison), and gains: Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Gaze of Despair (Su): Under the withering gaze of the long- Special Attacks: Gaze of despair, spells
dead mummy, living victims must succeed at a Will save (DC equal Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 10/+2, fast healing
to 10 + one-half of the true mummy’s HD + its Charisma bonus) 10, immunities, resistant to blows, +4 turn resistance, undead
or cower in fear for 1d6+1 rounds, remaining shaken for the next Saves: Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +13
3d6 rounds. Abilities: Str 15, Dex 14, Con —, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 18
Special Qualities: The true mummy retains all the base Skills: Alchemy +11, Climb +12, Concentration +17, Craft
creature’s special qualities according to the same restriction in Special (carving) +10, Craft (jeweler) +10, Knowledge (arcana) +17,
Attacks above and gains the following: Knowledge (geography) +12, Knowledge (history) +10,
Damage Reduction (Ex): True mummies have DR 10/+2. Knowledge (religion) +10, Scry +17, Spellcraft +17
Darkvision (Ex): True mummies can see in non-magical
darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range,
whichever is better.
Feats: Combat Casting, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, globe of invulnerability, polymorph other, scry; 5th—passwall, secret chest,
Dodge, Mobility, Scribe Scroll, Silent Spell, Spell Penetration, shadow evocation, teleport.
Still Spell Fast Healing (Ex): As long as the Kaminheni is in
CR: 12 possession of her sacred vessels (currently in a secret chest), she
Alignment: Lawful neutral regains hit points at an exceptionally fast rate, even when reduced
below zero hit points. Kaminheni recovers even from the utter
Kaminheni is striking in aspect, with pale, sculpturesque destruction of her body.
features, red lips, and dark, plaited hair adorned with ancient Immunities (Ex): Kaminheni is immune to cold, electricity,
jewelry. She looks like a living statue more than a human and polymorphing.
being, especially with her utterly black eyes, and under her Resistant To Blows (Ex): Physical attacks deal only half
clothes she is still wrapped in her funerary linens. Her voice is damage to Kaminheni. Apply this effect before applying damage
low and resonant. reduction.
The Traveler is interested only in knowledge, having Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep,
given up the pleasures of the body while still in the flowering paralysis, stunning and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual
of youth. She is cold and distant, her mind always occupied damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive
with some mystery. Yet she it is told in stories of her passing damage.
that her personality is not without humor.
Though her true name is known only to her, it is Becoming a True Mummy
rumored the Traveler was once a princess—one gifted with A true mummy is always created via a long ritual that is planned
the final power of eternal life. She now wanders the land in before the aspiring mummy’s death.
search of lost lore and magical power, immortal and alone.
Kaminheni speaks Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Abyssal, and Raise True Mummy
Common. Necromancy (Ritual)
Possessions: +2 quarterstaff, light crossbow Level: Clr 7
(masterwork), quiver (20 masterwork bolts), +3 robes of Components: V, S, M, DF, XP
deflection, +2 bracers of armor, +1 cloak of resistance, ring of Casting Time: 39 days
climbing, wand of flame arrow (5th-level, 17 charges), wand of Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
magic weapon (7 charges, +1 for 10 minutes), scroll baldric and Target: An appropriate creature within range
cases (10th-level arcane: animate rope, comprehend languages (x2), Duration: Instantaneous
erase (x2), knock, gaseous form, scry, teleport), potion case (inflict Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)
serious wounds, inflict moderate wounds (x2), invisibility, truth), handy Spell Resistance: Yes
haversack, travel spellbook, journal, ink, pen, tiny gold chest, Ritual DC: 20 + 1 per HD of target creature
jewelry (2,500 gp), 30 pp (19 lbs./–3 Swim). An answer to sorcerous lichcraft, priests (usually evil and
associated with death) use this ritual to grant themselves and others
Combat a form of immortality. The process requires special treatment of the
Kaminheni avoids direct combat unless it serves her purposes. body. This ritual may only be attempted once with any one corpse.
Then she uses her gaze and magic to prevent close-quarters Most of the ritual is the embalming process, which takes 33
fighting for as long as possible. If the fight is not one in days and requires special wrappings and sacred vessels (see material
which she wishes to participate, she flees. However, she components below). Within 24 hours of the death of the one to
is well aware of her form’s attributes, and is not afraid of become a true mummy, the corpse must have gentle repose, death ward,
confrontation. and dimensional anchor cast upon it. Preparing the corpse properly
Gaze of Despair (Su): Will save (DC 19) or cower in requires a Craft (embalming) check (DC 25) under the supervision
fear for 1d6+1 rounds, remaining shaken for the next 3d6 of the ritual’s leader, who must have at least 10 ranks of Knowledge
rounds. (religion). A master embalmer (who may also be the ritual leader)
Wizard Spells Prepared (4+1/5+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/ and two assistants may work on a single corpse, with each helper
2+1, base save DC 14 + spell level,): 0—detect magic (x2), mage giving a +2 bonus to the master embalmer’s skill check by making a
hand (x2), read magic; 1st—change self, expeditious retreat, feather successful DC 10 Craft (embalming) check. All organs are removed
fall, shield (x2), shocking grasp (x2); 2nd—blur, levitate, knock, resist and discarded or placed in the sacred vessels (according to the
elements, scare, summon swarm; 3rd—dispel magic, flame arrow (x2), vessel’s type). The heart is embalmed and left within the mummy as
fly, haste; 4th—arcane eye, blink (still), dimension door, minor globe of a focus for its life force. A failure on the embalming check (which
invulnerability, polymorph other, scry; 5th—passwall, shadow evocation, should be made in secret) ruins the process and creates a desecrated
teleport. mummy.
Spell Book: 0—all in PHB besides restricted school: Including the leader, the ritual group must have three levels
Evocation; 1st—animate rope, change self, comprehend languages, of spellcaster per HD of the raised true mummy. The ritual must
endure elements, erase, expeditious retreat, feather fall, magic weapon, take place in a sacred place appropriate to the religion (and under a
message, shocking grasp, reduce, shield; 2nd—alter self, blur, knock, hallow or unhallow effect) Each day, for 3 days, the mummy must have
levitate, resist elements, scare, summon swarm; 3rd—dispel magic, flame find the path, greater restoration, and either raise dead or create undead cast
arrow, fly, gaseous form, haste; 4th—arcane eye, dimension door, minor upon it. Only a wish or miracle spell can insure the ritual’s success.
The creature upon which the ritual is cast must be willing, or it For creatures other than the mummy, these essential aspects of
can make a Will saving throw (as if it were alive) to resist the spell. the true mummy can be put to great use. Owning one of the
(Casting on an unwilling creature is usually an evil act, unless the vessels grants a +1 sacred bonus to the ability score to which the
creation of the mummy is some form of righteous punishment.) jar is linked. Further, one jar may be used as a focus for evil or
An unwilling creature also increases the ritual check DC by 5 and necromantic spells, granting +1 to the user’s caster level for such
requires the casting of greater command each day. The final day requires spells (or +2 if the spell is both evil and necromantic). Using a jar
limited wish or small miracle along with geas/quest, putting the created for the level bonus depletes its spiritual energies, and can only be
mummy under the control of designated members of the clergy used to provide the bonus once per HD of the true mummy. Once
(recommended, since the unwilling creature is hostile to its creators). the soul is depleted, the jar is considered destroyed, reverting to
This final step allows those designated (with the turning ability) to a non-magical vessel (except for hardness and hit points). Using
rebuke or command (as preferred) the mummy without a turning check. a sacred vessel in either way is an evil act, no matter what the
Material Components: The ritual requires the sacred vessels (see alignment of the mummy.
below), along with additional embalming supplies worth 1,000 gp more. A true mummy can track its sacred vessels unerringly (and
The overseer must prepare the mummy’s wrappings with special charms cannot be destroyed until they are). It can use the jars as foci for scry
and spells written upon them. This process takes 1 day per 3 HD and or clairvoyance/clairaudience (if it possesses either ability), as if the area
costs 100 gp per HD of the raised mummy. in which they lie is known. Further, the mummy may treat any area
Divine Focus: Sacred (holy or unholy) symbols, sacred vessels, containing its sacred vessels as very familiar for the purposes of
sacred water, and an altar teleport or similar magic.
XP Cost: The ritual costs 100 XP per HD of the true mummy, Caster Level: 13th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, gentle
plus 3000 XP for the sacred vessels. repose, dimensional anchor, small miracle, spell resistance, death ward; Market
Failure: Failure in the ritual roll means the mummy animates, Price: 30,000 gp per jar (half that to make).
but is desecrated. Such a creature is almost always hostile to its creators,
unless it was brought under their control as an unwilling slave. Good Variant Mummy
clerics usually destroy such abominations. All of the ritual participants The following microplate is what a true mummy becomes if its
suffer 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage, while the ritual leader sacred vessels are destroyed. This microplate also allows the true
suffers 1d6. mummy template to be used to create a mummy like that in the MM.
Botch: A botched ritual results in a true mummy with the
wrong soul and destroyed sacred vessels. A randomly generated soul Desecrated Mummy
of the same type of creature enters the mummy, with its class and If the true mummy’s sacred vessels are destroyed, the mummy
supernatural abilities. This should always be dangerous or detrimental becomes a normal mummy. The mummy loses all HD besides
to the priests involved in the casting—like a very weak soul or one double the minimum for the base creature by size (and actual
hostile to its creators. The mummy, if it survives, becomes a desecrated advancement by monster HD). If the creature had character levels,
mummy in 8 days. All of the ritual participants suffer 1d4 points of the desecrated mummy has 1 additional HD for every 2 character
temporary Wisdom damage, while the ritual leader suffers 2d6 and must levels lost. Base attack, saves, skills, and feats are recalculated for
make a Will saving throw (DC 25) or suffer 1d4 negative levels (Will the creature based on the Undead type and HD—mummies favor
save DC 20 to recover them). the Alertness feat and then any feat for which the creature still
qualifies from the base creature. Its speed is reduced by 10 ft, the
Sacred Vessels natural armor bonus to AC doubles, and all of the base creature’s
The core element of becoming a true mummy is the removal of the supernatural and spell-like abilities are lost, as are its class features.
organs during the embalming process and placing them into specially The mummy loses fast healing and immunities not granted by
prepared sacred vessels, which in turn store the true mummy’s essential the Undead type, its DR becomes 5/+1, and its turn resistance
soul and persona. Unless the true mummy is separated from these is reduced to +2, no matter what its HD. The new creature has
sacred vessels, no mere physical attacks can ever slay it due to its fast its abilities modified as follows: Dexterity –2, Intelligence –4
healing. (minimum 3). The desecrated mummy also gains the mummy rot
Each would-be true mummy must make (or have made) five special attack and fire vulnerability special quality:
sacred vessels, which require the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The sacred Mummy Rot (Su): Supernatural disease, transmitted by
vessels are usually small stone or clay jars (sometimes metal) just large the desecrated mummy’s slam attack. Fortitude save (DC 20),
enough to contain the fresh organs to be placed within. Many also have incubation period of 1 day; damage 1d6 temporary Constitution.
rings mounted upon their top so they may be hung from a rope or This disease continues until the victim reaches Constitution of
cord. A sacred vessel has a hardness of 12 and 30 hit points, with a spell 0 or receives a remove disease spell. An afflicted creature that dies
resistance of 12 + the creator’s level. shrivels away into sand and dust that blows away into nothing at the
The sacred vessels contain some of the essential energies first wind unless both a remove disease and raise dead are cast on the
of the embalmed true mummy. Each jar contains one organ, and each remains within 6 rounds.
organ is linked to a specific ability. The liver is linked to Intelligence, Fire Vulnerability (Ex): A desecrated mummy’s form
stomach, small, and large intestines with Wisdom, and spleen and lungs shrivels and dries, making it vulnerable to fire. The mummy takes
to Charisma. If any are destroyed, the true mummy can be killed, and double damage from fire attacks unless a save is allowed for half
only a wish or miracle can restore the creature. Destruction of one or damage. A successful save halves the damage and a failure doubles it.
more of the jars also causes the mummy to lose its former self over the Desecrated mummies can advance as a monster to
course of 39 days divided by the number of jars destroyed. It begins to double their initial HD (with no size change) and may advance in
forget things, lose class abilities, and act erratic and aggressive. Once this a character class if the base creature could do so. The desecrated
process is complete, the mummy is a desecrated mummy and the sacred mummy has a CR equal to one-third of its new HD total +1.
vessels become non-magical (except for their hardness and hit points).
A mong the vilest of all monsters, and a strange mix of
positive and negative energies, necrovores are hunters
and eaters of undead. Necrovores were originally
imbued with positive energy, possibly even by some benevolent
force, to track down and destroy the undead of the world. While
a terrible disease known as necrotic rot (see New Disease below).]
Ghost Strike (Su): As a move-equivalent action, a necrovore
can charge a single melee attack with energy that allows the strike to
harm incorporeal or ethereal beings.
Negative Energy Burst (Su): At will, when a necrovore has extra
so doing, they slowly changed into the hideous and foul creatures temporary hit points due to the foul consumption ability (see below),
they are now, utterly corrupted by their ability to absorb negative it may give up some or all of those hit points in a burst of negative
energy and ever driven to feed on creatures connected to it. Now, energy. If they fail a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half of
these horrid creatures search necropolises and burial sites for the necrovore’s HD + its Constitution modifier), all living opponents
any sign of the harrowed souls who live without dying. Not even within a 15-ft radius take damage equal to half the amount of hit
incorporeal undead are safe from the voracious appetite of these points the necrovore gives up. Undead in the area are, ironically, healed
horrors, and any mortals that dare oppose a necrovore in its hunt for the same amount.
are quickly dispatched. Negative Energy Siphon (Su): The positive energies infusing the
necrovore’s natural weapons deal extra positive energy damage (in the
Appearance Changes form of an additional die, or additional dice) to undead equal to half of
Necrovores possess a terrible aspect, usually darker than their the weapon’s normal damage, with no added Strength bonus. Halving
normal kith, with oversized natural weapons. Some are beautiful the damage for this purpose may result in a lower die type. Minimum
in a macabre way, like a sleek predator, while others are unkempt, damage is 1 point.
with mottled patches of hair, numerous scars, scraggly teeth, Once per day per Hit Die, a necrovore can use a ranged touch
long and dirt-encrusted claws or fingernails. A necrovore’s eyes attack to siphon negative energy, inflicting 1d6 (plus 1d6 per 3 HD the
burn with the paradoxical fires of life, death, higher purpose, and necrovore possesses) points of damage to undead. The range of this
madness. attack is 25 ft. plus 5 ft. per 2 HD the necrovore possesses.
Special Qualities: A necrovore has all the special qualities of
the base creature, plus the following:
Creating a Necrovore Detect Undead (Su): A necrovore can detect undead, as the spell,
“Necrovore” is a template that can be added to any animal, beast, continuously, cast as a sorcerer of a level equal to the necrovore’s HD.
giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, plant, This ability cannot be dispelled, but it can be suppressed. However, a
or vermin (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After necrovore can re-establish this ability as a free action on its next round.
assuming the template, the base creature’s type and subtype do Damage Reduction (Ex): All necrovores have DR 2 + one-
not change, unless it is an animal, beast, or humanoid. Animals quarter of their HD (round down, minimum +0) against anything
and beasts with the template become magical beasts, while besides magic weapons (+1 or better). This also allows the necrovore to
humanoids become monstrous humanoids (retaining their circumvent the DR of more powerful undead.
humanoid subtype). Unless otherwise noted, in this template Ethersight (Su): At will, as a full-round action, a necrovore can
HD stands for Hit Dice plus any character levels the creature see creatures, locations, and features of the Ethereal Plane to a range
possesses. A necrovore uses the base creature’s statistics and of 60 ft., lasting a number of rounds equal to the necrovore’s Wisdom
inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. score. This ability can be dispelled or suppressed as if it were a spell
AC: Due to its infusion of positive energy, a necrovore cast by a spellcaster of a level equal to the necrovore’s HD, but the
has a +1 circumstance bonus to AC versus undead. necrovore can resume use as a full-round action.
Attacks: The necrovore gains a +1 racial bonus to Fast Healing (Su): Necrovores heal quickly due to their
attack rolls versus undead opponents. Creatures without natural association with positive energy. They heal at a rate of 1 point per
attacks gain a single claw attack and a bite attack, which can be round plus 1 point per 3 HD.
used together—usually with the bite as a secondary attack. Foul Consumption (Su): By killing an undead creature (and
Damage: Bite and claw damage is determined by consuming its corporeal remains), a necrovore absorbs part of the
the base creature’s original type and size. One of a necrovore’s negative energy released in the slaying. The necrovore gains 1d4+1
natural attacks does damage as if the creature were one size temporary hit points per 2 HD of undead slain and consumed—
category larger than it actually is. actually healing as a result of this gain, if it needs to. Temporary hit
Special Attacks: A necrovore has all the special points in excess of the necrovore’s normal maximum fade at a rate of
qualities of the base creature, plus the following: 4 per hour. The creature may only absorb the energy of a number of
Festering Wounds (Su): The foul energies infusing the undead HD equal to four times its own HD in one day.
necrovore’s natural weapons deal extra negative energy damage Immunities: Necrovores are immune to poison, paralysis, and
(in the form of an additional die, or additional dice) to living disease. They are not subject to energy drain, ability drain, negative
targets equal to half of the weapon’s normal damage, with no levels, or necromantic death effects.
added Strength bonus. Halving the damage for this purpose Climate/Terrain: Add underground to the climate/terrain
may result in a lower die type. Minimum damage is 1 point. For of the base creature.
example, a necrovore ankheg deals 2d8+7 damage plus 1d8 CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +4).
negative energy damage with its mandibles (2d8 halves to 1d8). A ECL: +2.
Small humanoid with only its fists deals 1d2 subdual damage and
1 point of negative energy damage with a successful attack.
Second, and worse, the living victim of a necrovore’s
attack must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-
half of the necrovore’s HD + its Constitution modifier) or suffer
Sample Necrovore Detect Undead (Su): A necrovore ankheg can detect undead, as the
This example uses an ankheg for the base creature. spell, continuously, as if a 3rd-level sorcerer cast the spell. This
ability cannot be dispelled, but it can be suppressed. However, a
Necrovore Ankheg necrovore can re-establish this ability as a free action on its next
Large Magical Beast round.
Hit Dice: 3d10+9 (25 hp) Ethersight (Su): At will, as a full-round action, a
Initiative: +0 necrovore ankheg can see creatures, locations, and features of
Speed: 30 ft., burrow 20 ft. the Ethereal Plane to a range of 60 ft. for 13 rounds. This ability
AC: 18/19 (–1 size, +9 natural/+1 vs. undead); 18/19 flat-footed, 9/10 can be dispelled or suppressed as a spell cast by a 3rd-level
touch spellcaster, but the necrovore ankheg can resume use as a full-
Attacks: Bite +6 melee (+7 vs. undead); or negative energy siphon (3/ round action.
day) +2 ranged Foul Consumption (Su): By killing an undead creature
Damage: Bite 2d8+7 (plus 1d8 to living or undead targets); negative (and consuming its corporeal remains), a necrovore ankheg
energy siphon 2d6 absorbs part of the negative energy released in the slaying. The
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft. necrovore ankheg gains 1d4+1 temporary hit points per 2 HD
Special Attacks: Acid, festering wounds, ghost strike, improved grab, of undead slain and consumed—actually healing as a result of
negative energy burst, negative energy siphon (3/day), spit acid this gain, if it needs to. Temporary hit points in excess of the
Special Qualities: Tremorsense, DR 2/+1, fast healing 2, detect necrovore ankheg’s normal maximum fade at a rate of 4 per
undead, immunities, ethersight 60 ft. hour. The creature may only absorb the energy of 12 HD worth
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2 of undead in a day.
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 6 Tremorsense (Ex): Necrovore ankhegs can automatically
Skills: Listen +4 sense the location of anything within 60 ft. that is in contact with
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm plains, forest, and the ground.
underground Immunities: Immune to poison, paralysis, and disease.
Organization: Solitary Not subject to energy drain, ability drain, negative levels, or
CR: 5 necromantic death effects.
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral New Disease
Advancement: 4 HD (Large); 5-9 HD (Huge) Necrotic rot, caused by injury from a necrovore’s natural attacks,
is clarified below:
A necrovore ankheg burrows into graveyards, tombs, and other Necrotic Rot: An injury from a necrovore can result in a
locations in search of undead to slay and devour. It is a relentless horrible affliction caused by the mixing of positive and negative
hunter that seldom pauses for rest. energies in a necrovore’s body. The negative energies destroy
Acid (Ex): Acidic enzymes drip from a necrovore ankheg’s tissue and life, while the positive energies sustain the disease. The
mouth each round it maintains a hold. It automatically deals 1d4 points incubation period is 1 day and the disease does 1d4 temporary
of acid damage each round in addition to bite damage. Wisdom and Constitution per day, causing feverish delirium and
Festering Wounds (Su): The living victim of a necrovore roiling sores that rise and recede, some oozing infected liquids
ankheg’s bite must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 14) or suffer and others disappearing after little discomfort. The disease
necrotic rot. The incubation period is 1 day and the disease does may be fought off with two successful saving throws (against
1d4 temporary Wisdom and Constitution per day. The disease may the same DC required to avoid contracting the disease—10 +
be fought off with two successful saving throws, and responds one-half of the necrovore’s HD + its Constitution bonus), and
immediately to remove disease or similar magic. responds immediately to remove disease or similar magic. When the
Ghost Strike (Su): As a move-equivalent action, a necrovore disease is cured without magic, the victim must make a final Will
ankheg can charge a single melee attack with energy that allows the saving throw (same DC) or on point of Wisdom damage taken
strike to harm incorporeal or ethereal beings. (if any) is permanent.
Negative Energy Burst (Su): At will, when a necrovore ankheg Infection: Injury
has extra temporary hit points due to the foul consumption ability (see DC: 20
below), it may give up some or all of those hit points in a burst of Incubation: 1 day
negative energy. If they fail a Fortitude saving throw (DC 14), all living Damage: 1d4 Wis and Con
opponents within a 15-ft radius take damage equal to half the amount
of hit points the necrovore ankheg gives up. Undead in the area are,
ironically, healed for the same amount.
Negative Energy Siphon (Su): This ability can be used as a
powerful ranged attack (see above statistics) 3/day at a 30-ft. range.
Spit Acid (Ex): Stream of acid 5 ft. high, 5 ft. wide, and 30
ft. long, once every 6 hours; damage 4d4, Reflex half DC 14. One
such attack depletes the necrovore ankheg’s acid supply for 6 hours.
It cannot spit acid or deal acid damage during this time. Necrovore
ankhegs do not use this ability unless they are desperate or frustrated.
They most often spit acid when reduced to fewer than half their hit
points or when they have not successfully grabbed an opponent.
N ettlecloud spiders are hunting spiders with an
unusual form of defense. This template is based on
the goliath birdeater tarantula (Theraphosa blondi)—
an actual variety of tarantula that can grow to have a legspan
of twelve inches.
Sample Nettlecloud Spider
This example uses a Large monstrous hunting spider as the base
to grasp the impossible angles of the creature and is driven
eality is composed of certain constants. Even magic, which
insane, acting as if under the effects of a confusion spell. This
seems to defy natural laws, acts in accordance to principles
condition can be reversed with the spell heal or other insanity-
that can be studied and quantified by wizards or exploited
curing magic. Every 24 hours, the insane being is allowed
instinctively by sorcerers. However, there is a type of creature that
another saving throw at the same DC to recover. Those that
exists outside these laws. Its very being is a defiance of the natural
recuperate from this insanity without outside aid may be left
order, like an optical illusion come to life. The sum of its angles
with permanent psychological damage or personality quirks.
does not add up to a constant figure; its limbs merge impossibly
This is a mind-affecting ability.
with its body. Merely examining one can drive a person insane, and
Improved Evasion: Due to the space/time bending
the creatures act according to their own bizarre thought processes,
nature of a non-Euclidean, if it is exposed to any effect that
which are unfathomable to anyone grounded in our reality. These
normally allows a creature to attempt a Reflex saving throw
are the non-Euclideans.
for half damage, it takes no damage with a successful saving
It is theorized that these strange beings were created by
throw. Further, the creature takes only half damage on a failed
long-dead deities, or by totally alien powers. Whether they act in
accordance to some strange agenda, or their goals are truly random,
Space/Time Bending (Ex): The non-Euclidean creature
can never be determined by the sane mind. What is certain is that
exists at right angles to our own existence. Because of this, the
their very existence is a danger to the fabric of reality.
creature has a 20% chance to simply ignore any attack, spell,
or other action targeting it. The non-Euclidean creature may
Appearance Changes not voluntarily fail this percentage check to allow a beneficial
Non-Euclideans are inexplicably shaped to the point of defying action to affect it.
description, with their body parts merging in unfathomable ways. Unnatural Aura (Su): All natural, non-sentient
Even characters that see one clearly are hard pressed to remember creatures (vermin, animals, and most beasts) can sense a non-
the mind-bending experience. Such creatures are best described as Euclidean creature when it is within 100 ft. of them, and they
vaguely shaped like their normal counterparts, but the observer’s will not willingly approach it.
very senses and bodily processes rebel against the perception of it. Immunities (Ex): Non-Euclideans are immune to
mind-affecting effects.
Creating a Non-Euclidean Creature Aberrant Behavior (Ex): Sentient non-Euclideans
“Non-Euclidean” is a template that can be added to any creature (that is, those with Intelligence scores of 3 or more) do not
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming the reason as we understand it. Instead, whenever confronted by
template, the base creature’s type changes to “Outsider”. Subtype a problem or situation that requires logical thought processes
information remains the same as the base creature. Unless otherwise to handle, a non-Euclidean must make a Will save (DC 15).
noted, in this template HD stands for Hit Dice plus any character If the creature succeeds, it has no further problem, but if it
levels the creature possesses. A non-Euclidean uses the base fails it cannot fathom the answer and begins to act as if under
creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted a confusion spell. Non-Euclidean’s with Intelligence scores of
below. 2 or less are forced to make this check at the beginning of
Hit Dice: Die type changes to d10. any confrontation. After 24 hours, and each 24 hour period
Special Qualities: A non-Euclidean creature retains all the thereafter, the creature may make a new saving throw.
special qualities of the base creature, gaining the following: Abilities: Modify from the base creature as
Impossible Geometry (Ex): Due to the indescribable follows: Intelligence –2 (minimum 3 or that of base creature,
geometries the non-Euclidean creature demonstrates, those who whichever is lower), Wisdom +2, Charisma +2.
see one must make a Will save (DC 10 + one-half creature’s Hit Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground.
Dice + creature’s Charisma modifier). Those who make the save are CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +4).
subconsciously aware that something is completely wrong with the Alignment: Always chaotic, never good.
thing and may avoid looking directly at it, but doing so grants the ECL: N/A. A non-euclidean PC or NPC would be
non-Euclidean creature a 20% concealment bonus for as long as the unplayable around characters.
victim averts its eyes. Opponents choosing to look directly at the
creature anyway are treated as having automatically failed this save. Sample Non-Euclidean Creatures
Note that this concealment miss chance is rolled separately from the These examples use a nine-headed Lernaean pyrohydra and an
miss chance the non-Euclidean creature receives from its space/time iron golem as the base creatures.
bending ability (see below).
Those that fail the initial Will save are required to make Wyrm of Teeth and Fire
another Will save (DC 15 + one-half the non-Euclidean creature’s (Non-Euclidean Nine-Headed Lernaean Pyrohydra)
HD + the non-Euclidean creature’s Charisma modifier + the victim’s Huge Outsider (Fire)
Intelligence modifier—yes, more intelligent beings are more likely Hit Dice: 9d10+45 (94 hp)
to fail this saving throw). Those that succeed at the save are shaken Initiative: +1 (Dex)
for 2d6 rounds, but suffer no other adverse effects and don’t have to Speed: 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
save versus the same non-Euclidean’s impossible geometry again for AC: 15 (–2 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural); 14 flat-footed, 9 touch
24 hours. However, if the save fails, the victim’s mind has attempted Attacks: 9 bites +9 melee
Damage: Bite 1d10+5 Breath Weapon (Su): Jet of fire from each head 10 ft. high, 10 ft. wide,
Face/Reach: 20 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. and 20 ft. long. All heads breathe once every 1d4 rounds. Each
Special Attacks: Breath weapon jet deals 3d6 damage. A successful Reflex save (DC 19) halves the
Special Qualities: Scent, Lernaean, impossible geometry, damage.
space/time bending, unnatural aura, immunities, aberrant Impossible Geometry (Ex): Due to the indescribable
behavior geometries the wyrm of teeth and fire demonstrates, those who
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +4 see one must make a Will save (DC 14). Those who make the save
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 11 are subconsciously aware that something is completely wrong with
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +9 the thing and may avoid looking directly at it, but doing so grants
Feats: Combat Reflexes the wyrm of teeth and fire 20% concealment bonus for as long as
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground the victim averts its eyes. Opponents choosing to look directly at
Organization: Solitary it anyway are treated as having automatically failed this save. Note
CR: 15 that this concealment miss chance is rolled separately from the miss
Treasure: 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items chance the non-Euclidean hydra receives from its
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral or space/time bending ability (see below).
chaotic evil Those that fail the initial Will
Advancement: — save are required to make another
Will save (DC 19 + the victim’s
Wyrms of teeth and fire Intelligence modifier). Those that
are terrible, reddish beasts succeed at the save are shaken for
capped with a twisted 2d6 rounds, but suffer no other
forest of necks, whose adverse effects and don’t have
intertwining challenges the to save versus the same wyrm
minds of all who view the of teeth and fire’s impossible
creature. It is unknown geometry again for 24 hours.
whether these beings However, if the save fails, the
evolved on some distant victim’s mind has attempted to grasp
plane from hydra stock that the impossible angles of the creature
migrated there eons past, or and is driven insane, acting as if
whether they are the result of under the effects of a confusion spell.
fell experiments or magical This condition can be reversed
side effects from powerful with the spell heal or other insanity-
sorcerers. Whatever their curing magic. Every 24 hours, the
origin, they are thankfully insane being is allowed another
rare, traveling or lairing alone saving throw at the same DC to
and controlled by none. recover. Those that recuperate
from this insanity without outside
Combat aid may be left with permanent
Wyrms of teeth and fire can psychological damage or
attack with all their heads at personality quirks. This is a mind-
no penalty, even if they move affecting ability.
or charge during the round. Improved Evasion: Due to the space/time
Lernaean (Su): The only way to slay a wyrm of teeth bending nature of a wyrm of teeth and fire, if it is exposed to any
and fire normally is to sever all of its heads. To sever a head, effect that normally allows a creature to attempt a Reflex saving
an opponent must hit the monster’s neck (looking directly at throw for half damage, it takes no damage with a successful saving
the creature to aim) with a slashing weapon and deal 10 points throw. Further, the wyrm of teeth and fire takes only half damage
of damage in one blow. Any excess damage is lost. However, on a failed save.
each time a head is severed, two new heads spring from the Space/Time Bending (Ex): The wyrm of teeth and fire exists
stump in 1d4 rounds. To prevent a severed head from growing at right angles to our own existence. Because of this, the creature
back into two, at least 5 points of fire or acid damage must has a 20% chance to simply ignore any attack, spell, or other action
be dealt to the stump (AC 19) before the new heads appear. targeting it. The wyrm of teeth and fire may not voluntarily fail this
A wyrm of teeth and fire can never have more than twice its percentage check to allow a beneficial action to affect it.
original number of heads at any one time, and any extra heads Unnatural Aura (Su): All natural, non-sentient creatures
it gains beyond its original number wither and die within a day. (vermin, animals, and most beasts) can sense a wyrm of teeth and
Spells such as disintegrate, finger of death, and slay living kill a fire when it is within 100 ft. of them, and they will not willingly
wyrm of teeth and fire outright if they succeed (and succeed approach it.
in targeting the non-Euclidean). If the spell deals damage on Immunities (Ex): Wyrms of teeth and fire are immune to
a successful save, that damage is directed against one of the mind-affecting effects.
wyrm of teeth and fire’s heads.
Aberrant Behavior (Ex): Wyrms of teeth and fire do not reason as mindbender and cures 1 point of damage for each 3 points of
we understand it. Instead, whenever confronted by a problem or damage it would otherwise deal. The iron mindbender rolls no
situation that requires logical thought processes to handle, the wyrm saving throw against fire effects.
of teeth and fire must make a Will save (DC 15). If the wyrm of Rust Vulnerability (Ex): An iron mindbender is
teeth and fire succeeds, it has no further problem, but if it fails it affected normally by rust attacks, such as that of a rust
cannot fathom the answer and begins to act as if under a confusion monster or a rusting grasp spell.
spell. After 24 hours, and each 24 hour period thereafter, wyrm of Impossible Geometry (Ex): Due to the
teeth and fire may make a new saving throw. indescribable geometries the iron mindbender demonstrates,
Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity; double damage from cold those who see one must make a Will save (DC 15). Those
except on a successful save. who make the save are subconsciously aware that something
Skills: Wyrms of teeth and fire receive a +2 racial bonus to is completely wrong with the thing and may avoid looking
Listen and Spot checks, thanks to their multiple heads. directly at it, but doing so grants the iron mindbender 20%
Feats: A wyrm of teeth and fire’s Combat Reflexes feat concealment bonus for as long as the victim avoids looking
allows it to use its entire set of heads for attacks of opportunity each at it. Opponents choosing to look directly at it anyway are
round. treated as having automatically failed this save. Note that this
concealment miss chance is rolled separately from the miss
Iron Mindbender (Non-Euclidean Iron Golem) chance the iron mindbender receives from its space/time
Large Outsider (Construct) bending ability (see below).
Hit Dice: 18d10 (99 hp) Those that fail the initial Will save are required to
Initiative: –1 (Dex) make another Will save (DC 20 + the victim’s Intelligence
Speed: 20 ft. (can’t run) modifier). Those that succeed at the save are shaken for 2d6
AC: 30 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +22 natural); 30 flat-footed, 8 touch rounds, but suffer no other adverse effects and don’t have to
Attacks: 2 slams +23 melee save versus the same iron mindbender’s impossible geometry
Damage: Slam 2d10+11 again for 24 hours. However, if the save fails, the victim’s
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 10 ft. mind has attempted to grasp the impossible angles of the
Special Attacks: Breath Weapon creature and is driven insane, acting as if under the effects
Special Qualities: Construct, magic immunity, DR 50/+3, rust of a confusion spell. This condition can be reversed with the
vulnerability, impossible geometry, space/time bending, unnatural spell heal or other insanity-curing magic. Every 24 hours, the
aura insane being is allowed another saving throw at the same DC
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +7 to recover. Those that recuperate from this insanity without
Abilities: Str 33, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 13, Cha 3 outside aid may be left with permanent psychological damage
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground or personality quirks. This is a mind-affecting ability.
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4) Improved Evasion: Due to the space/time bending
CR: 17 nature of an iron mindbender, if it is exposed to any effect
Treasure: None that normally allows a creature to attempt a Reflex saving
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral throw for half damage, it takes no damage with a successful
Advancement: 19-24 HD (Large), 25-54 HD (Huge) saving throw. Further, the creature takes only half damage on
a failed save.
An iron mindbender stands twice the height of a normal human and Space/Time Bending (Ex): The iron mindbender
weighs around 5,000 pounds. The iron plates that make up its body exists at right angles to our own existence. Because of this,
are strangely skewed and angled, and seem to vanish and reappear the creature has a 20% chance to simply ignore any attack,
depending on which way one looks at it. The actions of the iron spell, or other action targeting it. The iron mindbender may
mindbender are unpredictable; it may or may not obey orders it is not voluntarily fail this percentage check to allow a beneficial
given, according to some unfathomable internal stricture. action to affect it.
Unnatural Aura (Su): All natural, non-sentient
Combat creatures (vermin, animals, and most beasts) can sense an iron
The iron mindbender is a terrible foe in battle, because its actions mindbender when it is within 100 ft. of them, and they will
are often erratic. It must make an aberrant behavior check before not willingly approach it.
it enters any battle, to see how it reacts to potential combatants. Aberrant Behavior (Ex): Iron mindbenders must make
However, once in battle, it uses its breath weapon and physical a Will saving throw (DC 15) at the beginning of any battle or
strength to mangle its foes. act as if under a confusion spell. The creature may repeat the
Breath Weapon (Ex): First or second round of combat— save every 24 hours after failing.
cloud of poisonous gas, 10-foot cube directly in front of the iron Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects and to
mindbender lasting 1 round, free action every 1d4+1 rounds; poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects,
Fortitude save (DC 17), initial damage 1d4 temporary Constitution, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect
secondary damage death. also works on objects or is harmless. Not subject to critical
Magic Immunity (Ex): An iron mindbender is immune to all hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy
spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects, except as follows. drain, or the effects of massive damage.
An electricity effect slows it (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with
no saving throw. A fire effect breaks any slow effect on the iron
P aleoskeletons are the fossilized remains of long-dead
creatures animated by special rituals associated with spirits
of the earth. Shamans or druids who know the proper
rites summon these undead dinosaurs as guardians. Evil clerics
have necromantic arts that allow them to raise similar creations,
Damage Reduction (Ex): Paleoskeletons are comprised of fossilized bone.
Therefore, they have DR 8/bludgeoning.
Darkvision (Ex): The paleoskeleton can see in non-magical
darkness up to a range of 60 ft.
Immunities (Ex): Paleoskeletons have cold immunity. Because
though fossil skeletons associated with mere negative energy are they lack flesh or internal organs, they take only half damage from
much weaker. piercing or slashing weapons.
Turn Resistance (Ex): Paleoskeletons get turn resistance equal
Appearance Changes to 1 plus one-third of their HD (maximum +10).
A paleoskeleton simply looks like the skeleton of the beast from Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
which it came. Close examination or touch reveals the fossilized sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits,
nature of the bones. subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive
Saves: Calculate saves based on the new type (Undead).
Creating a Paleoskeleton Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows: Dexterity
“Paleoskeleton” is a template that can be applied to any dinosaur, +2, Charisma +2. Paleoskeletons, as undead, have no Constitution
prehistoric animal, or any other living, corporeal creature score. The mental attributes of the base creature are maintained.
appropriate for fossil remains (hereafter referred to as the “base Feats: Paleoskeletons gain Improved Initiative.
creature”). Its type is changed to “Undead” and it gains the Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground.
“Earth” subtype. CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +3).
Hit Dice: Remove all HD due to a character class, and Alignment: Always neutral.
increase the remaining dice to d12s. Advancement: Paleoskeletons do not advance, though they
Speed: Winged paleoskeletons fly via magic, with a can be created from an advanced creature’s fossils.
speed of 60 ft. and average maneuverability, or that of the base ECL: +3 (assuming the creature somehow has an Intelligence
creature, whichever is worse. score).
AC: Natural armor changes to a number based on the
paleoskeleton’s size:
Sample Paleoskeleton
Size Natural Armor The following example uses a triceratops as the base creature.
≤ Tiny +1
Small +2 Triceratops Paleoskeleton
Medium-size +4 Huge Undead (Earth)
Large +6 Hit Dice: 16d12 (104 hp)
Huge +8 Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative)
≥ Gargantuan +10 Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 16 (–2 size, +8 natural); 16 flat-footed, 8 touch
Attacks: Same as base creature, except those that Attacks: Gore +11 melee
require flesh to work. Calculate the creature’s melee bonus based Damage: Gore 2d8+7
on its HD and new type (Undead). Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: A paleoskeleton retains all the special Special Attacks: Charge for double damage, trample 2d12+5 (Reflex
attacks of the base creature except those that rely on the creature half, DC 23), primal roar, fossilize
having flesh or an active metabolism (such as swallow whole or Special Qualities: Darkvision, 60 ft., DR 8/bludgeoning, undead,
poison), and gains those listed below. immunities, turn resistance +6
Primal Roar (Su): A paleoskeleton can unleash an eerie Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +10
roar once every two rounds. Creatures within 100 ft. of the Abilities: Str 20, Dex 11, Con —, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 9
paleoskeleton must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 10 + Feats: Improved Initiative
one-half of the paleoskeleton’s HD + its Charisma modifier) or Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground
become shaken for 2d6 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting, Organization: Solitary
fear effect to which any creature with more HD than the roaring CR: 9
paleoskeleton is immune. A roar from the same paleoskeleton Treasure: None
cannot affect any creature that makes the Will saving throw again Alignment: Always neutral
for a day
Fossilize (Su): Once per day plus once per 8 HD, a Combat
paleoskeleton can make a touch attack as a standard action, The triceratops paleoskeleton fights according to the orders of its
without provoking an attack of opportunity. Any opponent creator. If no orders have been given, it defends its territory with
struck by this attack must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw animal instinct.
(DC 10 + one-half of the paleoskeleton’s HD + its Charisma Primal Roar (Su): A triceratops paleoskeleton can unleash
modifier) or be affected as if by a flesh to stone spell cast by a an eerie roar once every two rounds. Creatures within 100 ft. of
sorcerer of a level equal to the paleoskeleton’s HD. the paleoskeleton must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 17) or
Special Qualities: A paleoskeleton has all the special become shaken for 2d6 rounds. This is a sonic, mind-affecting,
qualities of the base creature, besides ones like those prohibited fear effect to which any creature with more HD than the roaring
in Special Attacks above, plus the following: triceratops paleoskeleton is immune. A roar from the same triceratops
paleoskeleton cannot affect any creature that makes the Will saving Including the leader, the ritual group must have two levels of
throw for a day spellcaster per HD of the raised creature. The group must cast
Fossilize (Su): 3/day a triceratops paleoskeleton can make the spells dominate animal, reincarnate, and stone shape during the
a touch attack as a standard action, without provoking an attack of rite. Unlike normal rituals, if the casting includes a flesh to stone
opportunity. Any opponent struck by this attack must succeed at a spell from any source (including a magic item), the leader is at +1
Fortitude saving throw (DC 17) or be affected as if by a flesh to stone to his or her ritual Spellcraft check.
spell cast by a 16th-level sorcerer. The major advantage of the ritual is that the animated
Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paleoskeleton is automatically under the control of the ritual’s
paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual leader. It is also friendly to all of the ritual participants and will
damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. not attack them unless directly ordered to do so. However, the
Immunities: Triceratops paleoskeletons have cold immunity. creature only takes its orders from the ritual leader.
Because they lack flesh or internal organs, they take only half damage Material Component: Volcanic ash, obsidian, and amber
from piercing or slashing weapons. worth at least 100 gp per HD of the creature raised.
XP Cost: 40 XP per HD of creature raised.
Becoming a Paleoskeleton Failure: Other than the waste of time, experience, and
Creating a paleoskeleton requires a specialized ritual or a special spell or materials, the leader of the ritual suffers 1d4 points of temporary
a variant use of an existing spell. These creatures are usually created by Wisdom damage.
neutral (or even good) spellcasters through the manipulation of spirits, Botch: The casting is corrupted so that the spirit
rather than the summoning of negative energy. summoned does inhabit the paleoskeleton, but the creature
is uncontrolled, belligerent towards its creators, and evil in
alignment. The participants suffer 1 point of temporary
Animate Paleoskeleton Wisdom damage and the ritual leader suffers
1d4 points of temporary Wisdom
Level: Animal 8, Drd 7, Sha 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 hour
Animate Dead and Create
Range: Close (25
Greater Undead
ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
The spell animate dead
Target: One set of
may be used to create
a creature similar to
Duration: Instantaneous
the paleoskeleton.
Saving Throw: None
This creature must
Spell Resistance: No
be created from a
You summon a primal spirit
complete corpse,
to occupy the fossils of a deceased
skeleton, or set of
prehistoric beast. The fossils include
fossils. A caster
most of the upper portion of the
of this version
creature’s skull and 20% of the
of animate dead
creature’s other bone mass, but the
must be two
power of the spell creates the missing
levels higher
parts of the skeleton out of the local
than would
rock. The raised skeleton must have no
be required
more HD than your level, or the spell
for a normal
automatically fails.
skeleton of the
The created skeleton is not
base creature’s HD. The resultant
under your control, but you can attempt to
undead creature retains only the
command it and secure its loyalty with a Charisma or Animal Empathy
paleoskeleton’s natural armor bonus,
check (DC 15 + one-half of the creature’s HD). If the check fails, the
DR, bonus to Dexterity, Improved Initiative,
creature reacts as a creature of its base type, though another Animal
and immunities—it has no Intelligence score and none of
Empathy check may allow you to prevent disaster. A check may be
the other special attacks or qualities of the base creature or a
made again after a week, but only one extra try is permissible.
paleoskeleton. The spell requires the same material components
Material Component: Volcanic ash, obsidian, and amber worth
as raise paleoskeleton, but only 10 gp per HD of the animated
at least 50 gp per HD of the creature raised.
creature, and the creature is controlled per the rules of animate
dead. Fossilized skeletons animated in this manner are usually
Raise Paleoskeleton neutral evil.
Necromancy (Ritual) Create greater undead can be used to duplicate the raise
Level: Animal 5, Drd 4, Sha 4 paleoskeleton spell exactly. Alternatively, an evil ritual like the
Components: V, S, M, DF, XP raise paleoskeleton ritual may also be known. If so, it’s Clr 5 (and
Ritual DC: 12 (14 for a cleric) + 1 per HD of creature raised possibly Death 5). Such a paleoskeleton is usually neutral evil and
This ritual functions exactly like animate paleoskeleton excepting only has turn resistance +2, due to its ties to negative energy.
the following:
that requires it to interact with an opponent’s or object’s full mass,
llusionists have reasoned through the centuries that even
such as carrying or swallowing. Spell or spell-like abilities still
the mightiest fighters or magic users could be defeated
function for the creature, but all do subdual damage (in an area if
if their own minds were somehow turned against them.
appropriate). Attacks that normally do ability damage still do, but
What better way to do so than to create illusory opponents
the damage heals at the rate of 1 point per hour instead of the
that cannot be defeated by physical or magical means? Further,
normal rate of 1 point per day. Any creature completely drained of
if these adversaries are believed to be real, then the damage
an ability score succumbs to the normal condition associated with
they inflict is also real—at least in the minds of the hapless
the loss of that ability score. Phantasmals can inflict negative levels,
victims. Thus, some set about creating monstrous illusory
but those levels are automatically removed after 1 hour or as soon
creatures of striking semblance to actual monsters to protect
as the character disbelieves the creature. An opponent cannot be
their treasure, laboratories, and other locations of importance.
slain by Constitution loss, negative levels, or a death attack or ability.
Phantasmals are amazing amalgamations of magical energy,
Instead, an opponent is knocked unconscious if it suffers an attack
some physicality, and illusion—the perfect ruse.
that would normally kill it.
Psychic Coup de Grace (Su): A phantasmal creature that so
Appearance Changes desires can take a full-round action to deliver a deathblow on the
A phantasmal creature appears and behaves in every way like psychic level to any unconscious foe. Victims of a psychic coup de
its real counterpart. As illusory beings, they must be as similar grace take damage as if they had suffered a normal coup de grace.
as possible to be convincing. This coup de grace is a mind-affecting, death effect. To all who
believe the creature to be real, it appears as if a successful psychic
Creating a Phantasmal Creature coup de grace is physical.
“Phantasmal” is a template that can be added to any Special Qualities: A phantasmal has all the special
creature type (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). qualities (modified to supernatural per Special Attacks above) of the
After assuming the template, the base creature’s type does base creature and gains the following additional abilities:
not change, although “Phantasm” is added to its subtype Despair (Su): Those who successfully hit a phantasmal
information. A phantasmal creature uses the base creature’s creature in combat see that the attack has no effect. For each
statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted successful attack that seemingly deals no damage, the attacker must
below. make a Will saving throw (DC 10 + one-half of the phantasmal’s
Hit Dice: Same as base creature, but phantasmals HD + its Charisma modifier) or become shaken until the
have no hit points. phantasmal creature is defeated, disbelieved, or dispelled. Each
Damage: Same as the base creature, but successive attack that fails requires a similar save at +1 to the DC,
phantasmals can only inflict subdual damage. Creatures that but once a creature is shaken it suffers no further ill effects. Once
are immune to illusions are unaffected by a phantasmal’s the creature is disbelieved, this ability and its effects are no longer
attacks, while those that are immune to mind-affecting functional.
abilities cannot even perceive the phantasmal, much less be Disbelief (Su): Those that encounter a phantasmal creature,
attacked by it. Any other victim of a phantasmal’s attack and have good reason to believe it is not real, get an initial Will
makes a Will save (DC 10 + one-half of the phantasmal’s HD save (DC 10 + one-half of the phantasm’s HD + the creature’s
+ its Charisma modifier) to begin to comprehend the attack Charisma modifier) to disbelieve its existence. (Those who initially
as illusory. An opponent that fails the save takes damage, believe in the creature, but are told the creature is not real by a
believing it to be real. The damage should be described as if comrade also get this save, but at a –4 circumstance penalty.) That
it were genuine to all who perceive the phantasmal to be an phantasmal creature cannot affect anyone who makes the save.
actual creature. Making the initial saves causes the opponent Each phantasmal must be disbelieved individually.
to believe the attack missed in some miraculous manner, and Spell Immunities (Su): Since they are not real in any way,
he took no damage. For each successful save, the opponent phantasmals are immune to most spells and spell-like effects. True
gains a +1 to his Will save to see through the next attack. seeing reveals the creature’s illusory nature immediately and renders
If the phantasmal fails to affect a single opponent on three those with such ability immune to its attacks. Phantasmals are
successive attacks, it is fully comprehended as illusory by that suppressed for 1d4+1 rounds by a targeted dispel magic with a level
one opponent (who may communicate that fact to comrades, check that exceeds 11 + their HD. A phantasmal creature cannot
but they must disbelieve the creature for themselves). The enter an antimagic field (being destroyed if somehow forced to), and
phantasmal may still try to attack a foe that knows the illusory the spell disjunction utterly annihilates it. A rod of negation has a 75%
creature’s true nature, but all such attacks fail. Those knocked chance to dispel a phantasmal creature for 2d4 rounds.
unconscious (but not killed) by a phantasmal’s attacks cannot Immunities (Su): Phantasmals are immune to weapon
be further affected by such assaults, but the phantasmal has a damage (regardless of enchantment), energy damage, mind-
special attack to kill downed foes (see below). influencing effects, ability drain, critical hits, poisons, paralysis,
Special Attacks: Same as base creature, except necromantic effects, stunning, death from massive damage, or any
that all abilities are considered supernatural or remain spell- other conventional means of dealing damage. The visual effects
like (but function as they do for the base creature), and of such damage seem to bounce off the phantasm harmlessly or
attacks do subdual damage as indicated above. A phantasmal amazingly miss it. Further, phantasmals don’t need to eat or sleep,
creature does not use (and therefore loses) any special attack nor do they suffer from fatigue or die from age.
Saves: Same as base creature, but phantasmals are immune to the must disbelieve the creature for themselves). The phantasmal
sources of most saving throws. Make saves for show anyway. yrthak may still try to attack a foe that knows the illusory
Abilities: Phantasmals have no Constitution score. creature’s true nature, but all such attacks fail. Those knocked
Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground. unconscious cannot be further affected by such assaults, but
Organization: Any organization desired, using the base the phantasmal yrthak has a special attack to kill downed foes
creature as a guide. (see below).
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +3). Sonic Lance (Su): Every 2 rounds, a phantasmal yrthak
Alignment: Usually neutral, but sometimes of the same can focus sonic energy in a ray up to 60 ft. long. This is a
alignment as the creature’s creator. ranged touch attack that deals 6d6 points of subdual damage
Advancement: None. Once a phantasmal is created, it to a single target.
stays the same until destroyed. Explosion (Su): The phantasmal yrthak can fire its
ECL: N/A. Phantasmals are not real creatures. sonic lance at the ground, a large rock, a stone wall, or the like
to seemingly create an explosion of shattered stone. This attack
Sample Phantasmal Creature deals 2d6 points of subdual damage to all believing targets
This example uses an yrthak as the base creature. within 10 ft. of the effect’s center. This counts as a use of the
sonic lance and thus is usable only once every 2 rounds, and
Phantasmal Yrthak never on a round following a sonic lance attack.
Huge Magical Beast (Phantasm) Psychic Coup de Grace (Su): A phantasmal yrthak that
Hit Dice: 12d10 so desires can take a full-round action to deliver a deathblow
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) on the psychic level to any unconscious foe. Victims of a
Speed: 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) psychic coup de grace take additional subdual damage as if
AC: 18 (–2 size, +2 Dex, +8 natural); 16 flat-footed, 10 touch they had suffered a normal coup de grace. This coup de grace is a
Attacks: Bite +15 melee, 2 claws +13 melee mind-affecting, death effect. To all who believe the creature
Damage: Bite 2d8+5, claw 1d6+2 to be real, it appears as if a successful psychic coup de grace is
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. physical.
Special Attacks: Sonic lance +12 ranged touch, explosion Blindsight (Su): Phantasmal yrthaks can ascertain
Special Qualities: Subdual damage only, blindsight, spell the landscape and all opponents within 120 ft. Beyond that
immunities, immunities, disbelief, despair range, and if the phantasmal yrthak is somehow deafened, it is
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +5 effectively blind. A phantasmal yrthak whose sense of hearing
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con —, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 11 is impaired is effectively blind, treating all targets as totally
Skills: Listen +19, Move Silently +10 concealed. Phantasmal yrthaks are invulnerable to attack
Feats: Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Multiattack forms that rely on sight.
Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground Despair (Su): Those who successfully hit a
Organization: Solitary or clutch (2–4) phantasmal yrthak in combat see that the attack has no effect.
CR: 11 For each successful attack that seemingly deals no damage, the
Treasure: None attacker must make a Will saving throw (DC 18) or become
Alignment: Often neutral shaken until the phantasmal yrthak is defeated, disbelieved, or
Advancement: — dispelled. Each successive attack that fails requires a similar
save at +1 to the DC, but once a creature is shaken it suffers
Combat no further ill effects. Once the creature is disbelieved, this
A phantasmal yrthak prefers to attack its victim from the air, by ability and its effects are no longer functional.
seeming to strafe the ground with sonic attacks. Disbelief (Su): Those that encounter a phantasmal
Damage: A phantasmal yrthak can only inflict subdual yrthak, and have a good reason to believe it is not real, get
damage. Creatures that are immune to illusions or mind-affecting an initial Will save (DC 18) to disbelieve its existence. (Those
abilities are unaffected by a phantasmal yrthak’s attacks. The who believe in the creature, but are told the creature is not
phantasmal yrthak can appear to affect objects, but it never really real by a comrade also get this save, but at a –4 circumstance
does. penalty.) That phantasmal yrthak cannot affect anyone that
Any other victim of a phantasmal yrthak’s attack makes a makes the save.
Will save (DC 16) to begin to comprehend the attack as illusory. An Immunities (Su): Phantasmal yrthaks are immune to
opponent that fails the save takes damage, believing it to be real. The weapon damage (regardless of enchantment), energy damage,
damage should be described as if it were genuine to all who perceive mind-influencing effects, ability drain, critical hits, poisons,
the phantasmal yrthak as an actual creature. Making the initial saves paralysis, necromantic effects, stunning, death from massive
causes the opponent to believe the attack missed in some miraculous damage, or any other conventional means of dealing damage.
manner, and he took no damage. For each successful save, the The visual effects of such damage seem to bounce off the
opponent gains a +1 to his Will save to see through the next attack. phantasmal yrthak harmlessly or amazingly miss it. Further,
If the phantasmal yrthak fails to affect a single opponent on three phantasmal yrthaks don’t need to eat or sleep, nor do they
successive attacks, it is fully comprehended as illusory by that one suffer from fatigue or die from age.
opponent (who may communicate that fact to comrades, but they Spell Immunities (Su): Since they are not real,
phantasmal yrthaks are immune to most spells and spell-like
effects. True seeing reveals the phantasmal yrthak illusory nature Variant Phantasmals
immediately and renders those with such ability immune to A few microplate options exist for the phantasmal:
its attacks. Phantasmal yrthaks are suppressed for 1d4+1 The spell shadow conjuration can be added to the ritual
rounds by a targeted dispel magic with a level check that exceeds above to create a phantasmal creature that seems real and does real
23. Phantasmal yrthaks cannot enter an antimagic field (being damage unless disbelieved. This version of phantasmal has one-
destroyed if somehow forced to), and the spell disjunction fifth of the normal hit points of the base creature and does one-
utterly annihilates them. A rod of negation can has a 75% chance fifth real damage if disbelieved. While it has hit points, the shadow
to dispel a phantasmal yrthak for 2d4 rounds. phantasmal is visible to creature’s normally immune to phantasms,
Skills: Phantasmal yrthaks receive a +4 racial bonus seems to be vulnerable to injury, and thus loses its Despair ability,
to Listen checks. but retains a phantasmal’s other attributes. If the creature is
reduced to 0 hit points, it loses its ability to cause real damage until
Constructing a Phantasmal it “heals” normally (or by magic), but is otherwise treated like a
The ritual for constructing a phantasmal is delineated below normal phantasmal (cannot affect those immune to illusions, is
along with some more powerful alternatives to a phantasmal imperceptible and unable to affect those immune to mind-affecting
creature. magic, and has the Despair ability). This version of the ritual is 1
level higher, requires 1.5 levels of spellcaster, 1.5 days, 80 XP, and a
Create Phantasmal 400 gp value of diamond per HD of the final phantasmal. Such a
Illusion (Phantasm, Ritual) phantasmal has a minimum CR of +2 + 20% (maximum +4).
Level: Illusionist 5, Sor/Wiz 6, Trickery 6 Greater shadow conjuration can be added instead, requiring 2
Components: V, S, M, XP levels of spellcaster, 2 days, 100 XP, and a 450 gp value of diamond
Casting Time: 1 day per 2 HD of the target(s) per HD of the final phantasmal. Such a phantasmal has the abilities
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) noted in shadow phantasmal above, excepting it has 40% normal
Target: A diamond (see text) hit points, does normal damage (40% damage if disbelieved), and
Duration: Instantaneous may only be dispelled by a dispel magic or greater dispelling check that
Saving Throw: None exceeds 11+ 1.5 times its HD. A greater shadow phantasmal has a
Spell Resistance: No minimum CR of +2 + 30% (maximum +4).
Ritual DC: 14 (16 for non-illusionist or cleric) + 1 per HD Finally, shades can be added to the ritual, requiring 2 levels
of the created phantasmal of spellcaster, 2 days, 120 XP, and a 500 gp value of diamond per
Illusionists and powerful wizards use this ritual HD of the final phantasmal. A shade phantasmal has 60% normal
to create phantasmals. The ritual leader must have the hit points, does normal damage (60% if disbelieved), and may only
Craft Wondrous Item feat. Only one phantasmal may be be dispelled by a dispel magic or greater dispelling check that exceeds
constructed at a time. Including the leader, the ritual group 11+ 2 times its HD. A shade phantasmal has a minimum CR of +2
must have one level of spellcaster per HD of the created + 40% (maximum +5).
phantasmal. The group must cast the spells phantasmal killer,
fear, and death knell each day of the rite.
Material Components: Material components include
the brain or heart of the creature to be duplicated and four
ounces of its blood, or some equivalent thereof (such as the
head of an iron golem and four ounces of molten iron). The
focus for the spell is a diamond worth 350 gp per HD of the
final phantasmal. The diamond is burned out by the casting.
XP Cost: 50 XP per HD of the final phantasmal.
Failure: The participants in the ritual suffer 1 point
of temporary Wisdom damage, while the leader suffers 1d4.
Botch: All participants in the ritual take 1d4 points
of temporary Wisdom damage and must make a Will saving
throw (DC 20) or suffer severe hallucinations. Treat as a
confusion spell cast by a 20th-level wizard, except the duration
is 200 minutes and the behavior effects are rolled once every
10 minutes.
Fun With Phantasmals
Devious illusionists protect their homes with a perimeter of
regular phantasmals and then progressively stronger shadow
phantasmals towards their inner sanctum, with the occasional real
creature mixed in. Such an arrangement can kill the unwary that
believe that they are facing only illusions until struck by a shadow
creature. Imagine, further into the illusionist’s home, a real wraith
is mixed in with a pack of phantasmals.
the plantform must make a successful grapple check resulting
ften created by powerful druids or nature deities to
in a pin, followed by an appropriate natural attack (whether
protect sacred glens, groves, and other natural areas,
bite, claw, or thorns). For every point of Constitution drained
plantforms are most often found in the role of ardent
in this manner, the plantform gains 1d4 temporary hit points,
guardians. Not merely mindless automatons, plantforms are as
up to double its maximum normal hit points. The temporary
intelligent and creative as their fleshy kin, and thus are able to
hit points fade at the rate of 1d4 per hour as the plantform
improvise to outwit their foes or others that would defile their
metabolizes the blood. CR +0 to +1.
designated areas. Some of these creatures are merely variant races.
Constrict (Ex): Via vine-like appendages, the
plantform can constrict with a successful grapple attack
Appearance Changes against creatures one size smaller than it, or smaller. This
Plantforms are very similar in appearance and form to the creature attack deals damage according to the chart below:
upon which they are based. However, their features are altered
significantly to reflect their plant nature, such as leaves or moss Size Damage
instead of hair, bundles of vines for arms and legs, trunk-like Diminutive 1
torsos, thorns instead of claws, and so forth. Plantforms generally Tiny 1d2
do not possess finer features such as nostrils, fingernails, and the Small 1d3
like, although they do retain the same contours and shapes in Medium 1d4
locations where those features would occur in the non-plantform Large 1d6
version of the creature. Huge 1d8
Gargantuan 2d6
Creating a Plantform Colossal 2d8
“Plantform” is a template that can be added to any creature type
except constructs, elementals, outsiders, plants, and creatures The plantform can still move (if it’s strong enough to carry
antithetical to a plant form, like a fire creature (referred to hereafter its victim) while constricting, but it cannot use any attack
as the “base creature”). After assuming the template, the base requiring the constricting appendages. CR +0, or +1 if
creature’s type changes to “Plant”. All subtype information remains combined with Improved Grab.
the same. A plantform uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent Entangle (Sp): Once per day per 2 HD (minimum 1),
racial special abilities except as noted below. the plantform creature can animate plants around itself at a
Hit Dice: Die type changes to d8. range of 25 ft. + 5 ft per 2 HD. The spell otherwise functions
AC: Natural armor improves by +3. as an entangle spell cast by a druid of the plantform’s HD. CR
Attacks: Attack bonuses are recalculated as if the creature +1.
were always of the Plant type. Claws and teeth become woody Group Attack (Ex): In some of the special attacks in
thorns or ridges. Plantforms gain a slam attack that may be used in this list, the attacks allow one use per certain number of HD.
place of a natural attack. Instead of allowing a lesser creature to use the attack once,
Damage: Plantforms do slam damage according to their consider allowing a group of plantforms that equal that HD
size and the Plant type. measure to enact the attack as a group effort. Determine the
Special Attacks: Same as the base creature. Optionally, areas of effect for some of those effects in the same way,
consider adding one or more of the special attacks below to a but add the areas occupied by smaller creatures together.
plantform. Feel free to modify these attacks as you see fit for less or The saving throw is determined by counting the HD of
more efficacy. Choices include: all the participants in the concerted effort and the average
Awaken (Sp): Once per day per 4 HD, the plantform can Constitution modifier. Each lesser creature can participate in
awaken a single tree, Huge or smaller, as a full-round action at a the attack only once per day. CR as the attack divided among
range of 25 ft. + 5 ft per 2 HD. The tree uproots itself and animates the group.
over the next full round, and it then follows the directions of the Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the plantform
plantform that awakened it. Such animated trees have the same must hit with a natural attack. CR +0.
statistics as a tree awakened by the awaken spell. The tree works for Poison, Paralysis (Ex): The plantform’s natural attacks
the plantform that animated it for 1 hour per HD of the animating (including, possibly, simple contact) deliver a paralysis agent.
plantform, or until dismissed. It returns to its original place once the Any opponent struck by the plantform’s natural attack must
animation ends or it is dismissed. Further, if the magic animating the make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half of the
tree is somehow dispelled, it takes root where the magic fades. CR plantform’s HD + its Constitution modifier) or suffer initial
+1. and secondary Strength damage according to the plantform’s
Blood Draining (Ex): The plantform has the ability to size. Use the damage table in Constrict above for the number
drain the lifeblood from other creatures in the form of temporary of dice to roll for this damage (minimum 1). CR +0 to +1.
Constitution. A plantform drains a number of Constitution Poison, Lethal (Ex): The plantform’s natural
points per round according to it size on the Constrict damage chart attacks deliver a lethal poison. Any opponent struck by the
below (maximum 1d8). Fine creatures drain 1 point of temporary plantform’s natural attack must make a Fortitude saving throw
Constitution ever other round. To begin draining opponent’s blood, (DC 10 + one-half of the plantform’s HD + its Constitution
modifier) or suffer initial and secondary Constitution damage want to pick a specific type of creature towards which the
according to the plantform’s size. Use the damage table in aroma is aimed; this may even include vermin (considering
Constrict above for the number of dice to roll for this damage the scent to be a physical influence on a chemical level
(minimum 1). CR +1 to +2. instead of actually mind-affecting). CR +0 to +1.
Sap, Adhesive (Ex): The plantform exudes sap that Aroma or Pollen, Dominating (Ex): Once per day
acts as a powerful adhesive, holding fast any creatures or items per 7 HD the plantform possesses, it can release a strong
touching it. A sap-covered plantform automatically grapples aroma or fine pollen that attracts and subjugates the minds
any creature it hits with its natural attack(s). The creature those who interact with the substance. The normal effect
then adds its HD + its Constitution modifier to subsequent is per dominate person and dominate animal (Will save negates,
grapple checks. The plantform may automatically deal damage DC 10 + one-half of the plantform’s HD + its Charisma
with natural attacks each round against any creature stuck modifier). Plantforms with 20 or more HD may choose
to it, up to its maximum number of attacks. A weapon that to use dominate monster instead, once per day per 15 HD.
strikes a sap-coated plantform is also stuck fast unless the An opponent that makes the save still finds the aroma
wielder succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half of the pleasant and attractive. One who fails the save seeks out
plantform’s HD + its Constitution modifier). A successful the plantform creating the aroma and reacts according
Strength check (DC 10 + one-half of the plantform’s HD to the appropriate spell. Both effects last 1 day/HD the
+ its Constitution modifier) is needed to pry it off. Strong plantform possesses. You may want to pick a specific type
alcohol dissolves the adhesive. A pint of wine or a similar of creature towards which the aroma is aimed. CR +1 to
liquid weakens it, but the plantform still has half its normal +2.
bonus to grapple checks. The plantform can reabsorb its Spores or Pollen (Ex): Spores or thick pollen produce a cloud
adhesive at will, but the substance does not break down that spreads a distance from the plantform equal to the largest
after the creature dies (see Aberrant Adhesive in the Aberrant dimension of the creature’s Face (creatures with a fighting space
template for treasure possibilities). CR +0 to +1. less than 5 ft. by 5 ft. create a cloud that fills only their own square).
Sap, Caustic (Ex): The plantform exudes sap that acts The spores obscure all sight, including darkvision, beyond 10 ft.
as a powerful acid or base, which also sticks to any creatures A creature within 10 ft. has one-half concealment (attacks suffer a
or items touching it. The sap deals damage according to the 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total concealment
Constrict damage chart above (minimum 1, maximum 1d8). (50% miss chance, and the attacker can’t use sight to locate the
Further, it sticks to the item that it touched, delivering damage target. The spores settle out of the air at a rate of 1 round per HD
for an additional round per 3 HD the plantform creature the plantform possesses. A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the
possesses (maximum 5 rounds). Strong alcohol dissolves the spores in 4 rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the spores in
sap and stops the damage. (For a more biologically viable form 1 round.
of this sap, the sap only damages living matter via an intense Spores or Pollen, Blinding (Ex): Once per day, plus
cellular reaction and is not actually caustic. Such sap doesn’t once per 3 HD, the plantform releases blinding spores
affect objects at all.) CR +0 to +1. (Fortitude save, DC 10 + one-half of the plantform’s HD
Sap, Irritant (Ex): Any form of direct “skin-to- + its Constitution modifier). An opponent that makes
skin” contact with the plantform delivers an irritant agent. the save is shaken while in the cloud and one round after
Any opponent making such contact must make a Fortitude leaving it. One who fails the save is blinded while in the
saving throw (DC 10 + one-half of the plantform’s HD + its cloud and for 1d6 minutes after leaving it. Any opponent
Constitution modifier) suffer –1 to all rolls for 1d4 days (at that fails the save by 5 or more is blinded permanently. CR
least when using the affected member). CR +0. +1.
Aroma (Ex): Any spore attacks (see below) may be Spores or Pollen, Hallucinogenic (Ex): Once per
duplicated by an aroma. Scents travel on the wind up to 100 day, plus once per 4 HD, the plantform releases spores
ft. + 10 ft. per HD of the plantform delivering the aroma. causing strange (sometimes pleasant, sometimes horrible)
Aromas do not produce any sort of obscuring cloud, but can hallucinations (Fortitude save negates, DC 10 + one-half
be affected by wind direction, increasing in range downwind of the plantform’s HD + its Constitution modifier). An
(up to double) and decreasing in range upwind (at least half). opponent that makes the save is shaken while in the cloud
Aroma or Pollen, Charming (Ex): Once per and one round after leaving it. One who fails the save
day per 2 HD the plantform possesses, it can release begins to behave randomly for a number of minutes equal
a strong aroma or fine pollen that attracts those who to the plantform’s HD, as indicated on the following table:
interact with the substance. The normal effect is
per charm person or animal (Will save negates, DC 10 1d10 Behavior
+ one-half of the plantform’s HD + its Charisma 1–2 Wander away for 1 minute (unless
modifier). Plantforms with 7 or more HD may prevented, probably following a pleasant image)
choose to use charm monster instead, once per day per 3–7 Sit and do nothing for 1 minute (except
4 HD. An opponent that makes the save still finds look about at the sights)
the aroma pleasant and attractive. One who fails the 8–9 Attack nearest creature for 1 round
save seeks out the plantform creating the aroma and (fearing for your life)
reacts according to the appropriate spell. Both effects 10 Act normally for 1 round
last 1 day/HD the plantform possesses. You may
Roll again on the chart at the end of each result. the creature one additional slam attack each round per two
Wandering creatures leave the scene as if disinterested. vines (as secondary attacks if used in conjunction with other
Attackers are not at any special advantage when attacking attacks), and may be used in place of other natural attacks
them. Behavior is checked at the beginning of each (primary or secondary). This slam does damage according to
creature’s turn (or every minute, if desired). Any affected the Constrict damage chart above (minimum 1 point), as if the
creature that is attacked automatically retaliates against its creature were one size smaller.
attackers on its next turn. CR +1 to +2. Each vine that makes a successful grapple attack
Spores or Pollen, Infectious (Ex): Once per day, on a single opponent adds +2 to subsequent grapple
plus once per 5 HD, the plantform releases spores that checks against the same opponent. Further, vines allow a
cause a transformation disease (Fortitude save, DC 10 plantform to grapple and pin opponents, while keeping its
+ one-half of the plantform’s HD + its Constitution other appendages free to attack and threaten its area. The
modifier). An opponent that makes the save is nauseated creature still suffers a –1 circumstance penalty to AC for each
while within the cloud and for 1d4 rounds after leaving grappled opponent. Improved grab improves the utility of
it. Anyone who fails the save contracts a disease that does the vines, but it is not automatically included with them.
1d3 Wisdom damage per day. During the course of the A plantform with thorns can do thorn damage with
disease, the victim suffers intense pain and hallucinations. its vines. Vines, thorns, and blood drain (see above) together
He or she cannot eat (suffering starvation as normal) and allow a plantform to blood drain through its vines along
begins to show signs of plantlike growths as the disease with thorn damage. Further, vines may be used to constrict
progresses. If the victim’s Wisdom is reduced to 0, he or if the plantform has that ability (each additional vine on one
she is allowed a final Will saving throw (same DC). If that opponent adding one-half of the original damage). Thorns
save fails, the victim becomes an NPC plantform creature also add to this constrict damage.
under the control of the infecting plantform. Remove disease Each vine can take one-fifth of the hit points of the
ends this infection immediately, and the disease is not base plantform before being severed. CR +0 to +1.
magical in nature. CR +1. Special Qualities: A plantform retains all special
Spores or Pollen, Noxious (Ex): Once per day, plus qualities of the base creature, and gains the following:
once per 2 HD the plantform possesses, the plantform Camouflage (Ex): Plantforms in appropriate
releases nauseating spores. Living creatures in the cloud overgrown surroundings receive a +10 circumstance bonus
are nauseated (Fortitude negates, DC 10 + one-half of to Hide. In vegetated areas that are more sparsely populated
the plantform’s HD + its Constitution modifier), making by plants, a plantform receives half of that bonus.
them unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, Low-light vision (Ex): Plantforms have can see twice
and so on. The only action a nauseated character can take as far as humans in poor lighting conditions, so long as they
is a single move (or move-equivalent action) per turn. have visual capability. If the base creature has better low-light
These effects last as long as the character is in the cloud vision, it is retained.
and for 1d4+1 rounds after he or she leaves the cloud. Plant: As plants, plantforms are immune to poison,
(Roll separately for each nauseated character.) Those sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. They are also
who succeed at their saves but remain in the cloud must not subject to critical hits or mind-influencing effects.
continue to save each round. CR +1. Tremorsense (Ex): A plantform creature can detect
Thorns or Needles, Fixed (Ex): The arms, legs, and other the location of any other creature or object in contact with
appendages, as well as the body, of the plantform are covered in the ground within a number of feet radius of itself equal to
long, hooked thorns. Plantforms with thorns are always considered its reach x 10 ft.
armed and their attacks always do actual (rather than subdual) Optional Special Qualities: Consider the
damage. Fixed thorns grant the plantform a +2 circumstance bonus following special qualities for a plantform:
to grapple checks, and the thorns inflict extra damage according Regeneration (Ex): The plantform regenerates at a rate
to the Constrict chart (minimum 1 point) when the creature holds equal to 3 plus one-quarter of the plantform’s HD. Normally
or is in a hold in a grapple. The thorns add piercing damage to all fire and acid can overcome this regeneration. In some cases,
unarmed or natural attacks of the plantform according to the same cold or some other form of energy is more appropriate.
chart, using a size category three steps smaller than the plantform’s If it loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in
actual size. CR +0 to +1. (15/regeneration rate in hit points, round down) d6 minutes
Thorns or Needles, Projectile (Ex): The plantform can (minimum 1d6). The creature can reattach the severed
launch two volleys of thorns per day per HD it possesses. Each member instantly by holding it to the stump. CR +1.
volley contains 2d4 thorns and has a range increment equal to the Resistances (Ex): Plantforms are often resistant to
smallest dimension of the creature’s Face. Each thorn does damage substances and forms of energy that do not readily affect the
according to the Constrict chart above (Fine creatures do 1 point plant matter of which the creature is composed. For example,
for every 2 thorns), using a size category three steps smaller than a wet, mossy creature might be resistant to fire. CR +0 to
the plantform’s actual size. Projectile thorns are too loose in the around +1 per 30 points of resistance or a single immunity.
creature’s body to inflict extra damage in melee combat. CR +0 to Vulnerabilities (Ex): The plantform is vulnerable to
+1. some substance or energy form (your choice, usually fire).
Vines (Ex): The plantform gains two vines per 5 HD The creature takes double damage from the item in question.
(minimum 2) that literally function as other appendages, granting If the attack with the substance or energy allows a saving
throw, the plantform takes double damage on a failed save Thornfell giants are massive, humanoid-shaped bipeds composed
and normal damage on a successful save. CR –0 to –1 for of leafy and moss-like plant matter and a woody internal structure,
multiple weaknesses. with arms that almost drag the ground. The giants have wicked
Woody (Ex): The plantform has a woody hide and thorns all over that grow from inside the plant mass, the largest of
structure and therefore a DR of 5/— versus piercing damage. which can be found on the ends of creature’s appendages and in an
CR +0. orifice that is much like a mouth. Near that opening, on a bulbous
Saves: Saves are recalculated for the creature as if it “head” are two dark eyes and a long nose.
were always of the Plant type.
Abilities: Modify from base creature as follows: Combat
Strength +2, Dexterity –2, Constitution +2, Wisdom +2. Thornfell giants are less predatory than their monstrous cousins,
Skills: Plantforms usually speak Sylvan instead of but no less fearless. They entangle their foes before taking out one
any other language. opponent at a time.
CR: Base creature’s CR +1. Add any modifications Entangle (Sp): 3/day the thornfell giant can animate plants
due to special attributes—three CR 0 abilities equals CR +1. around itself in a 40 ft spread. The spell otherwise functions as
Alignment: Plantforms are often neutral. an entangle spell cast by a 6th-level druid (6-minute duration,
Advancement: Plantforms advance via the Reflex save DC 11). The giant cannot be entangled.
Plant type, excepting skills (see above), with Thorns, Fixed (Ex): The arms, legs, and
ranges equal to those of the base creature. other appendages, as well as the body, of the
If the base creature is allowed a character thornfell giant are covered in long, hooked thorns.
class, so is the plantform. Plantforms Fixed thorns grant the thornfell giant a +2
always favor the druid class if circumstance bonus to grapple checks, and
Wisdom is 15+, the ranger class if the thorns inflict 1d6 points of damage
Wisdom is 11-14, or barbarian if when the creature holds or is in a hold in a
Wisdom is 10 or less. grapple.
ECL: +1 to +3, Rend (Ex): If a thornfell giant hits
depending on the number with both claw attacks, it latches onto the
and nature of its special attacks opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This
and qualities. attack automatically deals an additional
2d6+10 plus 1d2 (thorns) points of damage.
Sample Plantform Camouflage (Ex): Thornfell giants in
This example uses a troll as the appropriate overgrown surroundings receive
base creature. a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide. In
vegetated areas that are more sparsely
Thornfell Giant populated by plants, a thornfell giant receives
(Plantform Troll) half of that bonus.
Large Plant Plant: As plants, thornfell giants are
Hit Dice: 6d8+42 (69 hp) immune to poison, sleep, paralysis,
Initiative: +1 (Dex) stunning, and polymorphing. They are
Speed: 30 ft. also not subject to critical hits or
AC: 20 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +10 mind-influencing effects.
natural); 19 flat-footed, 10 touch Tremorsense (Ex): A thornfell
Attacks: 2 claws (or slams) +10 melee, bite +5 melee giant can detect the location of any other creature
Damage: Claw 1d6+7 plus 1d2 (thorns) or slam 1d8+7 plus or object in contact with the ground within a 100-ft. radius of itself.
1d2 (thorns), bite 1d6+3 plus 1d2 (thorns) Regeneration (Ex): Fire and acid deal normal damage to
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. a thornfell giant. If it loses a limb or body part, the lost portion
Special Attacks: Rend 2d6+10 plus 1d2 (thorns), fixed regrows in 3d6 minutes. The creature can reattach the severed
thorns, entangle member instantly by holding it to the stump.
Special Qualities: Camouflage, regeneration 5, scent,
darkvision 90 ft., tremorsense, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 12, Con 25, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5, Hide +1 (+11/+6)
Feats: Alertness, Iron Will
Climate/Terrain: Any land, aquatic, and underground
Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)
CR: 7
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often neutral
Advancement: By character class
T errible is the puppeteer ooze. Whether by natural evolution,
foul magicks, or some other method, these beings have
the ability to bond to another creature permanently, taking
total control of its host’s physical mobility and special abilities. With
faster movement and improved attacks, these aggressive oozes seek
Acid Immunity (Ex): Puppeteer oozes are immune to acid.
Specialized Reproduction (Ex): Puppeteer oozes can
only reproduce while in symbiosis with another creature. See
the Puppeteer ooze host template for details.
Strength Leech (Ex): For every point of Strength the
out their prey with staggering efficiency. puppeteer ooze drains from its victim, it gains 1d4+1 hit
points. Any damage sustained by the puppeteer ooze can be
Appearance Changes healed in this manner and any hit points gained beyond its
Puppeteer ooze looks like a normal specimen of its type. original total are treated as temporary hit points, which fade
in a day.
CR: Base creature’s CR +2.
Creating a Puppeteer Ooze ECL: +2.
“Puppeteer Ooze” is a template that can be added to any ooze
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). The base creature’s
type and subtype do not change. Puppeteer oozes use the base Sample Puppeteer Ooze
creature’s statistics and inherent special abilities except as noted This example uses an ochre jelly as the base creature.
Speed: Add 10 ft. to all of the base creature’s movement Puppeteer Ochre Jelly
forms. Huge Ooze
Special Attacks: A puppeteer ooze gains the following Hit Dice: 10d10+60 (115 hp)
special attack in addition to its own: Initiative: –5 (Dex)
Subsume Host (Ex): A puppeteer ooze may attempt to Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
capture a host of its size, or one size larger or smaller, after a AC: 3 (–2 size, –5 Dex); 3 flat-footed, 3 touch
successful slam attack, by slowly engulfing its opponent over a Attacks: Slam +11 melee
period of several rounds. The opponent gets a Reflex save the first Damage: Slam 2d4+9 and 1d4 acid
round (DC 10 + one-half of the ooze’s HD + its Constitution Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.
modifier) to avoid this attack. If the save is successful, the Special Attacks: Improved grab, acid, constrict (2d4+9 and
opponent only suffers the normal damage of the slam attack. If 1d4 acid), subsume host
unsuccessful, the slammed creature takes normal damage and is Special Qualities: Strength leech, acid immunity, blindsight,
effectively grappled by the puppeteer ooze, losing 1d6 points of specialized reproduction, split, ooze
temporary Strength each round (Fortitude save each round negates, Saves: Fort +7, Ref –2, Will –2
DC 10 + one-half of the ooze’s HD + its Constitution modifier) Abilities: Str 23, Dex 1, Con 19, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
unless pulled free or the puppeteer ooze is slain. Any damage done Climate/Terrain: Any marsh and underground
to the ooze while its prey is grappled in this manner inflicts half Organization: Solitary
damage on the victim. CR: 9
The puppeteer ooze may take only partial actions while Treasure: None
subsuming its intended host, and only one creature may be targeted Alignment: Always neutral
as a potential host. When the victim is drained to 0 Strength, the Advancement: 11-15 HD (Huge); 16-30 HD (Gargantuan)
puppeteer ooze enters the host and drains Intelligence at a rate of
1d3 temporary points per minute. Once the opponent’s Intelligence Combat
reaches 0, it gains the Puppeteer ooze host template—for all intents Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the puppeteer ochre
and purposes, the host of the puppeteer ooze is dead (its soul has jelly must hit with its slam attack. If it gets a hold, it can
departed). The new puppeteer ooze host has normal Intelligence constrict or attempt to use its subsume host ability (below).
for that creature (per the Puppeteer ooze host template) and Acid (Ex): The puppeteer ochre jelly secretes a
recovers Strength at the rate of 1 point per minute—and the new digestive acid that dissolves only flesh. Any melee hit deals
creature may attempt to act the part of its former self using the acid damage.
puppeteer ooze host’s hide within special ability. Constrict (Ex): A puppeteer ochre jelly deals
Remove disease may expel the ooze from the victim’s body automatic slam and acid damage with a successful grapple
while the Intelligence drain is going on, but only if the caster of check.
that spell makes a level check that beats 10 + the puppeteer ooze’s Specialized Reproduction (Ex): Puppeteer ochre jellies
HD; heal or similar magic, expels the ooze immediately. After the can only reproduce while in symbiosis with another creature.
puppeteer ooze has drained all of the victim’s Intelligence, the new See the Puppeteer ooze host template for details.
puppeteer ooze host is considered a complete creature, and healing Split (Ex): Weapons and electricity attacks deal
magic cannot separate the host and the ooze (instead healing any no damage to a puppeteer ochre jelly. Instead the creature
damage the new organism may have suffered). A wish or miracle may splits into two identical puppeteer jellies, each with half the
do the trick. original’s hit points (round down), and each free to seek out
Special Qualities: Puppeteer oozes have all of the and obtain a host of its own. A puppeteer ochre jelly with
qualities of the base creature and gain the following: only 1 hit point cannot be split further.
Subsume Host (Ex): A puppeteer ochre jelly may attempt to
capture a host of its size, or one size larger or smaller, after a
successful slam attack, by slowly engulfing its opponent over
a period of several rounds. The opponent gets a Reflex save
the first round (DC 19) to avoid this attack. If the save is
successful, the opponent only suffers the normal damage of
the slam attack. If unsuccessful, the slammed creature takes
normal damage and is effectively grappled by the puppeteer
ochre jelly, losing 1d6 points of temporary Strength each
round (Fortitude save each round negates, DC 19) unless
pulled free or the puppeteer ochre jelly is slain. Any damage
done to the ochre jelly while its prey is grappled in this
manner inflicts half damage on the victim.
The puppeteer ochre jelly may take only partial
actions while subsuming its intended host, and only one
creature may be targeted as a potential host. When the victim
is drained to 0 Strength, the puppeteer ochre jelly enters the
host and drains Intelligence at a rate of 1d3 temporary points
per minute. Once the opponent’s Intelligence reaches 0, it
gains the Puppeteer ooze host template—for all intents and
purposes, the host of the puppeteer ochre jelly is dead (its
soul has departed). The new ochre jelly puppeteer ooze host
has normal Intelligence for that creature (per the Puppeteer
ooze host template) and recovers Strength at the rate of 1
point per minute—and the new creature may attempt to act
the part of its former self using the puppeteer ooze host’s hide
within special ability.
Remove disease may expel the puppeteer ochre jelly
from the victim’s body while the Intelligence drain is going
on, but only if the caster of that spell makes a level check that
beats 20; heal or similar magic, expels the puppeteer ochre jelly
immediately. After the puppeteer ochre jelly has drained all of
the victim’s Intelligence, the new ochre jelly puppeteer ooze
host is considered a complete creature, and healing magic
cannot separate the host and the ochre jelly (instead healing
any damage the new organism may have suffered). A wish or
miracle may do the trick.
Strength Leech (Ex): For every point of Strength the
puppeteer ochre jelly drains from its victim, it gains 1d4+1
hit points. Any damage sustained by the puppeteer jelly can
be healed in this manner and any hit points gained beyond its
original total are treated as temporary hit points.
Blindsight (Ex): A puppeteer ochre jelly’s entire body
is a primitive sensory organ that can ascertain prey by scent
and vibration within 60 ft.
Ooze: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to
critical hits.
C reatures that are subsumed by puppeteer ooze (see the
Puppeteer Ooze template) become puppeteer ooze hosts.
Through these grotesque pawns, puppeteer oozes can take
on a semblance of sentient life.
host’s melee attack must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10
+ one-half of the puppeteer ooze’s HD + its Constitution
score) or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. An attacker that strikes
the puppeteer gelatinous cube host with an unprotected
unarmed or natural attack is also subject to this slime.
Appearance Changes Acid (Ex): A puppeteer gelatinous cube host’s acid
Puppeteer ooze hosts look like the creature they were before they does not harm metal or stone. Any successful natural or
were dominated by puppeteer ooze, except the puppeteer ooze unarmed attack deals acid damage (a maximum equal to the
protects the body of the creature from acid with a clear mucus-like original damage of the attack, minus any Strength bonus,
substance. Therefore, puppeteer ooze hosts look wet and coated up to +1d6). An attacker striking the puppeteer gelatinous
with some sort of slime appropriate to the ooze’s appearance cube host with an unprotected natural or unarmed attack
(black pudding ooze hosts are readily identifiable). The host feeds takes the same amount of damage. Organic items that strike
by excreting a pseudopod of ooze onto prey (usually through its the puppeteer gelatinous cube host may also be harmed, but
mouth), dissolving the matter into the ooze. only for normal acid damage, which is usually not significant
enough to permanently harm the object.
Creating an Puppeteer Ooze Host Gray Ooze
“Puppeteer Ooze Host” is a template that can be added to any Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the puppeteer gray
living, corporeal creature (referred to hereafter as the “base ooze host must hit an opponent at least one size category
creature”). The creature must be no more than one size category smaller than itself with a natural attack. If it gets a hold,
larger or two size categories smaller than the controlling puppeteer it does slam and acid damage with each successful grapple
ooze. Further, the base creature may not have some physical feature check.
that would be deadly to the controlling ooze (like a fiery body for Acid (Ex): A puppeteer gray ooze host secretes
a gelatinous cube host). After assuming the template, the base a digestive acid that quickly dissolves organic material and
creature’s base type doesn’t change, but it gains the “Ooze” subtype. metal. Any successful natural or unarmed attack deals acid
Puppeteer ooze hosts use the base creature’s statistics and inherent damage (a maximum equal to the original damage of the
racial special abilities except as noted below. attack, minus any Strength bonus, up to +1d6). An attacker
Hit Dice: Same as base creature and puppeteer ooze. See striking the puppeteer gray ooze host with an unprotected
the divided hit points special quality below. natural or unarmed attack takes the same amount of
Speed: If the base creature can fly, the puppeteer damage—metal and organic materials may also be dissolved.
ooze host retains that ability but its speed is halved and the The puppeteer gray ooze host’s acidic touch deals 40 points
maneuverability rating decreases by one category. of damage per round to wood or metal objects. Armor or
AC: A thick coat of ooze improves natural armor by +1. clothing dissolves and becomes useless immediately unless
Attacks: The puppeteer ooze host retains all of the base it succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half of the
creature’s attacks. If the base creature does not already have a better puppeteer ooze’s HD + its Constitution score). The acid
natural attack, it gains a slam attack at its normal attack bonus. cannot harm stone. A metal or organic item that strikes a
Damage: Creatures that gain slam attacks do damage puppeteer gray ooze host also dissolves immediately unless it
according to their size and the Ooze type. (or its wielder, whichever save is better) succeeds at a Reflex
Special Attacks: All supernatural, spell, and spell-like save (DC 10 + one-half of the puppeteer ooze’s HD + its
abilities are lost if they would logically be lost or the puppeteer ooze Constitution score).
host no longer has the mental ability score to use the attacks. For
example, a cleric loses all spellcasting ability, domain abilities, and Ochre Jelly
the ability to turn undead due to no connection with the former Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the puppeteer ochre
cleric’s deity. A sorcerer puppeteer ooze host might retain some jelly host must hit an opponent at least one size category
spellcasting ability if his or her Charisma remained high enough. smaller than itself with a natural attack. If it gets a hold,
A puppeteer ooze within its host cannot use its subsume host special it does slam and acid damage with each successful grapple
attack. The creature gains the following in addition to its remaining check.
special attacks: Acid (Ex): A puppeteer ochre jelly host secretes a
Ooze Special Attacks (Ex): The puppeteer ooze host is digestive acid that dissolves only flesh. Any successful natural
completely enveloped by the puppeteer ooze and inherits special or unarmed attack deals acid damage (a maximum equal to
attacks depending on the type of puppeteer ooze. These attacks are the original damage of the attack, up to +1d4). An attacker
provided here for clarity, but are really just the special attacks of the striking the puppeteer ochre jelly host with an unprotected
puppeteer ooze, and the only ones it can use while within its host, natural or unarmed attack takes the same amount of damage.
not additional abilities.
Gelatinous Cube
Paralysis (Ex): Puppeteer gelatinous cube hosts secrete an
anesthetizing slime. A target hit by a puppeteer gelatinous cube
Black Pudding loses the natural armor bonus due to the ooze and relevant special
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the puppeteer black attacks. Some puppeteer ooze hosts use this tactic to get close to
pudding host must hit an opponent at least one size category potential prey or reproductive “fodder”.
smaller than itself with a natural attack. If it gets a hold, it Ooze Qualities (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects,
does slam and acid damage with each successful grapple check. poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. The body of
Acid (Ex): The puppeteer black pudding secretes a the puppeteer ooze host is affected normally by critical hits, but the
digestive acid that dissolves organic material and metal quickly. enveloping puppeteer ooze is not.
Any melee hit deals acid damage (a maximum equal to the Specialized Reproduction (Ex): A puppeteer ooze inhabiting a
original damage of the attack, minus any Strength bonus, up host may choose to take a full round to split, causing, the ooze within
to +2d6). An attacker striking the puppeteer black pudding the host to lose half of its hit points. Over the next full round, the host
host with an unprotected natural or unarmed attack takes the excretes another ooze with those hit points. This new ooze functions as
same amount of damage. The puppeteer black pudding host’s a normal puppeteer ooze (besides its depleted hit points) of the same
acidic touch deals 50 points of damage per round to wood HD. Puppeteer ooze hosts desiring to reproduce always attempt to
or metal objects. The opponent’s armor and clothing dissolve subdue or grapple their opponents to allow the new ooze an advantage
and become useless immediately unless they (or their wearer, in acquiring a host. Both oozes heal lost hit points normally until they
whichever is better) succeed at Reflex saves (DC 10 + one-half are both at full strength once again.
of the puppeteer ooze’s HD + its Constitution score). The acid Ooze Special Qualities: The puppeteer ooze host is completely
can dissolve stone, dealing 20 points of damage per round of enveloped by the puppeteer ooze and inherits special qualities
contact. A metal or organic item that strikes a puppeteer black depending on the type of puppeteer ooze. A puppeteer ooze cannot
pudding host also dissolves immediately unless it (or its wielder, use its strength leech special quality while attached to a host. These
whichever is better) succeeds at a Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half qualities are provided here for clarity, but are really just the special
of the puppeteer ooze’s HD + its Constitution score). qualities of the puppeteer ooze, and the only ones it can use while
Special Qualities: Any qualities of a purely mental within its host, not additional abilities.
or spiritual nature are lost if the puppeteer ooze host no longer
possesses the mental ability scores to use them (as per Special Gelatinous Cube
Attacks above). Since the puppeteer ooze cannot subsume a host Electricity Immunity (Ex): Puppeteer gelatinous cube hosts are immune to
while within one, it effectively loses the strength leech special quality electricity attacks.
until it leaves its current host. In addition to the base creature’s Transparent (Ex): It takes a successful Spot check (DC 15) to
remaining special qualities, it gains the following: recognize a puppeteer gelatinous cube host as more than just a wet
Acid Immunity (Ex): All puppeteer ooze hosts are example of the base creature.
immune to acid.
Blindsight (Ex): All puppeteer ooze hosts have blindsight Gray Ooze
at 60 ft. like normal oozes. Cold and Fire Immunity (Ex): Puppeteer gray ooze hosts are immune to
Divided Hit Points (Ex): A puppeteer ooze host takes cold and fire attacks.
damage from any attack that harms the base creature (with its Camouflage (Ex): It takes a successful Spot check (DC 15) to
new immunities, see below), however the controlling puppeteer recognize a puppeteer gray ooze host as more than just a wet example
ooze does not. Whenever the controlled creature takes damage, of the base creature.
the puppeteer ooze only takes half, if it is not normally immune.
Further, the controlling ooze is immune to any attack against Ochre Jelly
which the base creature is also immune. Split-based Immunities (Ex): The puppeteer ochre jelly does not split when
The only exceptions to this rule are those attacks that hit with weapons or electricity while bonded with a host. However, the
directly affect the metabolism of a targeted creature (such as the host creature is immune to electricity, and the puppeteer ochre jelly
spell horrid wilting). The host creature’s metabolism is one and itself takes no damage from weapon or electrical attacks.
the same as that of the puppeteer ooze. Attacks affecting the
metabolism affect the ooze directly. Black Pudding
The relationship is tightly symbiotic. Thus, while both Split-based Immunities (Ex): Puppeteer black puddings do
creatures live, the ooze must stay within its host. If the ooze not split when struck with weapons while bonded with a host. While
somehow dies or is forced to leave before the host creature dies, the host creature’s body takes damage from weapons normally, the
both die. If the controlled creature dies before the controlling puppeteer black pudding is simply immune to such damage.
ooze, the puppeteer ooze may take a full round action to leave Saves: The better of the puppeteer ooze’s or base creature’s
the dead host and seek a new one. Clever puppeteer oozes (by saving throws, modified for new ability scores.
virtue of absorbed mental ability scores) may continue to hide Abilities: The puppeteer ooze host has half of the
in the host’s body. Regardless, the puppeteer ooze reverts to its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores of the base creature (the
mindless state 2d6 rounds after the host dies, losing all attributes puppeteer ooze effectively has those scores, until the host dies, see
and skills of the host creature. Mindless puppeteer oozes always above). Further, the host gains the Constitution score of the puppeteer
leave a dead host to seek another. ooze. Otherwise, modify from base creature as follows: Str +2.
Hide Within (Ex): The puppeteer ooze inhabiting its Skills: A puppeteer ooze host retains a measure of its skills
host may choose to remove all exterior signs of its presence by and memories. Skills are the same as the base creature, retroactively
withdrawing to the inside of the host’s body. Doing so causes reduced by the loss of Intelligence plus only half of the benefit
hosts smaller than the inhabiting ooze to bloat, while hosts normally gained by extra Hit Dice or class levels. That is, subtract all
of the same size or larger show no clear sign of the ooze. Of skill points lost due to loss of Intelligence from the creature’s current
course, when the ooze withdraws in such a manner, the host skills and halve the skill points normally gained by advancement. The
host creature retains all skill bonuses due to physiology, but halves any attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails,
gained due to culture at your discretion. the opponent cannot react to trip the worg.
After the creature’s initial allotment of skills is reorganized Blindsight (Ex): The puppeteer gelatinous cube grants its
according to Intelligence and past advancement, puppeteer ooze hosts host the ability to ascertain the location of any prey by scent and
that advance further gain 1 skill point per 2 extra HD if they have vibration within 60 ft.
Intelligence 3 or above. Otherwise, the creature cannot learn new skills. Divided Hit Points (Ex): Ooze Subtype?
Feats: Same as base creature, excepting the total loss of any A welter worg takes damage from The Ooze subtype allows those
feat for which the puppeteer ooze host no longer qualifies. any attack that harms the base abilities usable against oozes to
Organization: Often solitary, but sometimes the same as the creature (with its new immunities, be useable against a puppeteer
base creature. see below), however the ooze host, without changing
CR: The puppeteer ooze host has a CR equal to the controlling puppeteer gelatinous the creature’s actual type. If this
Encounter Level of both the host creature and the ooze together. cube does not. Whenever the seems like a bad idea to you,
Subtract 20% from the CR of the host creature if it was primarily a welter worg takes damage, the don’t use it.
spellcaster, and loses those abilities, yet had some formidable attacks puppeteer gelatinous cube only
(like a cleric). Subtract 40% from the CR of the host creature if it was takes half, if it is not normally Changes to the Oozes
only a spellcaster or relied primarily on supernatural abilities (a nymph, immune. While working on the puppeteer
a sorcerer), and it loses those abilities. The only exceptions ooze host, we noticed the fact
Alignment: Always neutral. to this rule are those attacks that that an ooze’s acid should affect
ECL: N/A. The puppeteer ooze controls the host. directly affect the metabolism creatures that make unarmed or
of a targeted creature (such as natural attacks on an ooze. That
Sample Puppeteer Ooze Host the spell horrid wilting). Welter ability was added to the ooze
This example uses a worg as the base creature. worg’s metabolism is one and the abilities of the template, and can
same as that of the puppeteer be added to normal oozes and
gelatinous cube. Attacks puppeteer oozes as well, if you
Welter Worg (Gelatinous Cube Host Worg) affecting the metabolism affect
Medium-size Magical Beast (Ooze) like. Conversely, the ability can be
the puppeteer gelatinous cube removed from the template, so as
Hit Dice: 4d10+8 (30 hp) worg/4d10+36 (58 hp) gelatinous cube
directly. to conform to the ooze rules in
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
The relationship is the MM.
Speed: 50 ft.
tightly symbiotic. Thus, while
AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural); 13 flat-footed, 12 touch
both creatures live, puppeteer
Attacks: Bite +8 melee
gelatinous cube must stay within Raising the Dead
Damage: Bite 1d6+6 plus 1d6 acid plus paralysis A host whose ooze had died is
its host. If the ooze somehow
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. also dead. The body may be used
dies or is forced to leave before
Special Attacks: Trip, paralysis, acid to allow the host creature to be
the welter worg dies, both die. If
Special Qualities: Scent, blindsight 60 ft., divided hit points, acid raised from the dead as normal,
the welter worg dies before the
and electricity immunity, hide within, ooze qualities, specialized but only after the body has been
controlling ooze, the puppeteer
reproduction, transparent purged of the remnants of the
gelatinous cube may take a full
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +0 puppeteer ooze with a remove
round action to leave the body
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 3, Wis 7, Cha 5 disease spell. (The spell causes
of its host and seek a new one.
Skills: Hide +5, Move Silently +5, Listen +3, Spot +2, Wilderness the dead ooze to be expelled
Clever puppeteer gelatinous
Lore –2* from the corpse.) If the dead
cubes (by virtue of absorbed
Feats: Alertness puppeteer ooze and host are not
mental ability scores) may
Climate/Terrain: Any forest, hill, plains, and mountains separated prior to the application
continue to hide in the host’s
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (6-11) of magic that raises the dead,
body. Regardless, the puppeteer
CR: 4 the creature returns to life as a
gelatinous cube reverts to its
Treasure: None puppeteer ooze host, not the
mindless state 2d6 rounds after
Alignment: Always neutral original base creature and ooze
the welter worg dies, losing all
Advancement: 5-6 HD (Medium-size); 7-12 HD (Large) separately. Dead puppeteer oozes
attributes and skills of its host
creature. Mindless puppeteer whose bodies are expelled from
Combat the corpse of a host may also be
gelatinous cubes always leave a
Welter worgs are slightly more cunning than normal wolves and can raised from the dead as singular
dead host to seek another.
work in packs. They use pack tactics, driving and ambushing prey as best entities.
Transparent (Ex): It
as they can manage.
takes a successful Spot check
Paralysis (Ex): Welter worgs secrete an anesthetizing slime. A
(DC 15) to recognize a welter worg as more than just a wet worg.
target hit by the welter worg’s melee attack must succeed at a Fortitude
Limited Ooze Qualities (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing
save (DC 16) or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds. An attacker that strikes
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. The
the welter worg with an unprotected unarmed or natural attack is also
body of the welter worg is affected normally by critical hits, but
subject to this slime.
the puppeteer gelatinous cube is not.
Acid (Ex): Organic items that strike the welter worg suffer 1d6
Skills: A welter worg receives a +1 racial bonus to
acid damage.
Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks, and a +1 racial bonus to
Trip (Ex): A welter worg that hits with a bite attack can
Hide checks. * It has a +4 racial bonus to Wilderness Lore checks
attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch
when tracking by scent.
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4
n nature, some members of a given species are faster than
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 21, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 6
other members of their type. On rare occasions, certain
Skills: Hide +11, Listen +5, Move Silently +13, Spot +7*,
members of a species are much faster than the norm for
Wilderness Lore +0*
their kind. Other individuals are enhanced via magical means,
Feats: Improved Initiative, Track, Weapon Finesse (bite), Combat
and become quickened.
Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Appearance Changes Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (5-12)
Other than being a bit thinner than normal, a quickened CR: 4
creature retains the same look as other members of its kind. Treasure: None
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Creating a Quickened Creature Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large)
“Quickened” is a template that can be added to any creature
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming Combat
the template, the base creature’s type and subtype do not Quickened hell hounds are efficient hunters. A favorite pack tactic
change. A quickened creature uses the base creature’s statistics is to surround prey quietly, then attack with one or two hounds,
and inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. driving it with their fiery breath toward the rest. If the prey doesn’t
Speed: Increases by +50% in all modes. run, the pack closes in. Quickened hell hounds take advantage of
Special Qualities: A quickened creature has all the their improved bite attack (using Weapon Finesse) and heightened
special qualities of the base creature, plus the following: speed to track fleeing prey relentlessly.
Quickening (Ex): Once per day, plus once per 6 HD, a Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of fire, 30 ft., every 2d4 rounds;
quickened creature moves and acts more quickly than normal damage 1d4+1, Reflex half DC 13. The fiery breath also ignites any
for a number of rounds equal to the creature’s HD. On its flammable materials within the cone. Quickened hell hounds can
turn, the creature may take an extra partial action, either before use their breath weapon while biting.
or after its regular action and gains a +4 haste bonus to AC, Quickening (Ex): Once per day a quickened hell hound
losing this bonus whenever it would lose a dodge bonus. The moves and acts more quickly than normal for 4 rounds. On its
creature can jump one and a half times as far as normal (an turn, the quickened hell hound may take an extra partial action,
enhancement bonus). After using the ability, the creature is either before or after its regular action and gains a +4 haste bonus
fatigued until it can rest for an hour (–10 minutes per point of to AC, losing this bonus whenever it would lose a dodge bonus.
Constitution bonus; +10 minutes per point of Constitution The quickened hell hound can jump one and a half times as far
penalty, minimum 10 minutes). The creature may otherwise as normal (an enhancement bonus). After using the ability, the
use this ability every 1d4+1 rounds after the last use expired, quickened hell hound is fatigued until it can rest for 40 minutes.
but suffers exhaustion if the ability is used while the creature is Fire Subtype (Ex): Immune to fire damage. It takes double
fatigued. damage from cold unless the cold attack allows a saving throw for
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows: half damage, in which case it takes half damage on a successful save
Dexterity +8, Constitution +2. and double damage on a failed save.
Feats: The base creature gains the Weapon Finesse Skills: Quickened hell hounds receive a +5 racial bonus to
feat with its primary attack if its Dexterity is now higher than Hide and Move Silently checks. *They also receive a +8 racial bonus
its Strength. If it meets the prerequisites, the base creature to Spot checks and Wilderness Lore checks when tracking by scent,
also gains the following feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, and due to their keen sense of smell.
CR: Base creature’s CR +1. Quickwood (Quickened Treant)
ECL: +2. Huge Plant
Hit Dice: 7d8+42 (73 hp)
Sample Quickened Creatures Initiative: +3 (Dex)
These examples use a hell hound and a treant for the base Speed: 45 ft.
creatures. AC: 24 (–2 size, +3 Dex, +13 natural); 21 flat-footed, 11 touch
Attacks: 2 slams +12 melee
Quickened Hell Hound Damage: Slam 2d6+9
Medium-size Outsider (Evil, Fire, Lawful) Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft. / 15 ft.
Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp) Special Attacks: Animate trees, trample, double damage against
Initiative: +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) objects
Speed: 60 ft. Special Qualities: Plant, fire vulnerability, half damage from
AC: 20 (+5 Dex, +5 natural); 15 flat-footed, 15 touch piercing, quickening
Attacks: Bite +9 melee Saves: Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +6
Damage: Bite 1d8+1 Abilities: Str 29, Dex 16, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath weapon
Special Qualities: Quickening, scent, fire subtype
Skills: Hide 13*, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (any one) +8, Listen After using the ability, the quickwood is fatigued until it can
+9, Sense Motive +9, Spot +9, Wilderness Lore +9 rest for 10 minutes. Quickwoods may otherwise use this ability
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Power Attack every 1d4+1 rounds after the last use expired, but suffers
Climate/Terrain: Any forest exhaustion the ability is used while the creature is fatigued.
Organization: Solitary Skills: Quickwoods gain skills as though it were fey.
CR: 9 *They have a +8 racial bonus to Hide checks made in forested
Treasure: Standard areas.
Alignment: Always neutral good
Advancement: 8-16 HD (Huge); 17-21 HD (Gargantuan)
A quickwood is more likely to attack sooner than a treant, charging
in quickly using its quickening ability. Quickwoods often lead the
first assault against despoilers, allowing slower treants a chance to
close in and overwhelm foes. Animated tree allies have quickwood
Animate Trees (Sp): A quickwood can animate trees within
180 ft. at will, controlling up to two trees at a time. It takes a full
round for a normal tree to uproot itself. Thereafter it moves at a
speed of 25 ft. and fights as a quickwood in all respects. Animated
trees lose their ability to move if the quickwood who animated
them is incapacitated or moves out of range. The ability is
otherwise similar to liveoak as cast by a 12th-level druid.Trample (Ex):
A quickwood or animated tree can trample Medium-size or smaller
creatures for 2d12+5 points of damage. Opponents who do not
make attacks of opportunity against the quickwood or animated
tree can attempt a Reflex save (DC 20) to halve the damage.
Double Damage against Objects (Ex): A quickwood or
animated tree that makes a full attack against an object or structure
deals double damage.
Plant: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep,
paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to critical hits.
Fire Vulnerability (Ex): A quickwood or animated tree takes
double damage from fire attacks unless the attack allows a save, in
which case it takes double damage on a failure and no damage on a
Half Damage from Piercing (Ex): Piercing weapons deal
only half damage to a quickwood, with a minimum of 1 point of
Quickening (Ex): 2/day, a quickwood moves and acts more
quickly than normal for up to 7 rounds. On its turn, a quickwood
may take an extra partial action, either before or after its regular
action, and gains a +4 haste bonus to AC, losing this bonus
whenever it would lose a dodge bonus. The quickwood can jump
one and a half times as far as normal (an enhancement bonus).
H ellish abominations, agents of divine wrath, or
merely lucky entities on the right end of a well-
spoken wish, relentless creatures cannot be slain by
conventional means. Many of these creatures are older than
history, while others have acquired seeming invulnerability
Instead of rolling so many dice for creatures with low regenerative
scores, consider using the average die roll on a d6 (3.5) multiplied
by the number of dice generated by the above formula as a static
number of minutes. A creature with a 15d6 minute regrow rate
(regeneration 1) takes an average of 52 minutes to regrow a limb.
and immortality through some dark pact or holy boon. You can round this average to whatever you like for the relentless.
Such monsters come in and out of history and legend, the For ultimate simplicity, just assume all relentless creatures
foul among them bringing a tragic end to many a would-be regrow their lost limbs in 3d6 minutes (or 10 minutes).
champion. To actually kill a notable and iniquitous relentless Sleep of Ages (Ex): (Optional) Many relentless live for
creature is to have one’s name live forever amongst the thousands of years and grow weary of living. They begin to sleep
greatest of slayers. for long periods of time. The exact cycle of any relentless, and
whether a relentless even has such a hibernation habit, is up to you,
Appearance Changes so as to fit the telling of a great tale.
Relentless creatures look no different from their normal Spell Resistance (Ex): Relentless creatures have Spell
counterparts. Resistance (SR) equal to 5 plus two-thirds of their HD or the base
creature’s SR, whichever is greater.
Organization: Usually unique
Creating a Relentless Creature CR: Base creature’s CR +2 + 35%. Round up or down
“Relentless” is a template that can be added to any living,
judiciously in this case.
corporeal creature (referred to hereafter as the “base
Treasure: Often much more than the base creature, up to
creature”). Relentless creatures are usually advanced,
sometimes even beyond what is normal for their kind. After
ECL: +4.
assuming the template, the base creature’s type and subtype
do not change. A relentless creature uses the base creature’s
statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted Sample Relentless Creatures
below. These examples use a chuul and a kobold for the base creatures.
Special Qualities: A relentless creature has all the
special qualities of the base creature, plus the following: Gernanslakr, Relentless Chuul
Critical Weakness (Ex): One artifact, material, or Huge Aberration
energy can harm a relentless creature—choose this item Hit Dice: 33d8+198 (346 hp)
based upon the relentless creature’s creation and its relative Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
power. The item may be anything from the blood of an Speed: 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
ancient dragon, to alchemist’s fire mixed with rose petals, to AC: 25 (–2 size, +3 Dex, +14 natural); 22 flat-footed, 11 touch
the sap of a blue spruce harvested on the winter solstice. The Attacks: 2 claws +39 melee
substance still does subdual damage (per regeneration) on Damage: Claw 2d8+10
a successful attack, however the relentless is killed instantly Face/Reach: 10 ft by 10 ft./15 ft.
and irrevocably if it is struck or treated appropriately with Special Attacks: Improved grab, squeeze, paralysis
its critical weakness while it is unconscious due to subdual Special Qualities: Eternal, immunities, regeneration 17, SR 22
damage. Saves: Fort +17, Ref +14, Will +21
Finding out this sort of knowledge is the stuff of Abilities: Str 30, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 12
desperate quests and legendary tales (Knowledge or bardic Skills*: Hide +20, Jump +21, Knowledge (history) +20, Listen
lore check DC 30 or more). The legend lore spell works fine +18, Speak Language (Common), Spot +18
within its normal limitations—that is, most castings take 2d6 Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative,
weeks and give only vague clues. Such truths are well guarded Power Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge (history)), Sunder
by powerful relentless creatures. Climate/Terrain: The Death Fens of Gernanslakr
Eternal (Ex): The body of a relentless creature does CR: 18
not age nor does it suffer the effects of aging. Though it may Treasure: 50% coins, double goods, quadruple items
eat, breathe, and drink, it cannot be damaged by starvation, Alignment: Lawful evil
suffocation, or thirst. Advancement: —
Immunities (Ex): All relentless creatures are immune * Gernanslakr is very old, but he started with a 15 Intelligence.
to poison, disease, fatigue, fear, and one other form of energy. Knowledge (history) is a cross-class skill.
Regeneration (Ex): A relentless creature regenerates
at a rate equal to 1 plus one-half of its HD (round up or Gernanslakr has a memory that endures as he does—only his hate is stronger.
down as appropriate). No form of damage overcomes this You can cheat the Sleeper in the Swamp when he grows heavy with his age, but
regeneration. If it loses a limb or body part, the lost portion best ye be gone ’fore he wakes.
regrows in (15/regeneration rate in hit points, round down) —Local proverb in the Death Fens area
d6 minutes (minimum 1d6). The creature can reattach the
severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.
Gernanslakr is an awful monster, arthropodal in form with six legs, Eternal (Ex): The body of Gernanslakr does not age nor
huge claws, and mandibles surrounded by meaty, red tentacles. Just does it suffer the effects of aging. While the Iron-backed
above those tentacles is a set of six eyes, like polished onyx. The Devourer takes great pleasure in eating, it cannot be damaged
entire creature is encased a sickly brownish-black carapace. by starvation, suffocation, or thirst.
Gernanslakr (“Iron-backed Devourer”) does not call itself Critical Weakness (Ex): Gernanslakr can be killed
by that name, but knows that the natives in the area have dubbed by adamantine, blessed via magic weapon cast by a cleric. The
it that. It is older than the oldest settlement in the region, and substance only does subdual damage on a successful attack,
probably responsible for the area’s lack of continual habitation. The however the Iron-backed Devourer is automatically killed
great chuul demands tribute from any who dare live within a day’s irrevocably, if it is struck for 23 or more points of damage
travel of its swamp. Failure to do so brings swift death. with an item fitting this description, while it is unconscious
Knowledgeable in all the lore of many ages, the Iron- due to subdual damage.
backed Devourer is sought by some bold (or foolish) creatures for Immunities (Ex): Gernanslakr is immune to acid,
its teachings. That wisdom always comes with a terrible price that disease, fatigue, fear, paralysis, and poison.
had best be paid. Gernanslakr keeps to its word, but wreaks awful Regeneration (Ex): No form of damage from
vengeance on those that cross it. weapons or energy deals normal damage to a Gernanslakr.
When Gernanslakr speaks, its voice is deep and shrill at The creature regrows severed limbs in 1d6 minutes or can
the same time, like several voices mixed with scraping metal. That reattach the member instantly by holding it to the stump.
this unnerves many of its “guests” is pleasing to the wicked chuul. Sleep of Ages (Ex): Gernanslakr hibernates in the
muck of its fens for decades at a time, and sometimes the
Combat chuul is not heard from for a human’s lifetime. Every 10d10
Gernanslakr is cunning and patient. It has no honor when it fights years it awakes and terrorizes the nearby
unless it has made some promise to his quarry. Thus, its tactics lands for tribute and pleasure. It is
may resemble those of a lesser chuul. However, the old beast said, also, that while Gernanslakr
is full of hubris and ennui, and is thus foolhardy. It rushes sleeps it can be awakened
in where it might have been better served by an ambush. with the proper rite or
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, by unwisely disturbing
Gernanslakr must hit with a claw attack. its den. Regardless,
Squeeze (Ex): If Gernanslakr gets a once it stirs,
hold, it automatically deals claw damage, with an Gernanslakr’s
additional 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage wakefulness lasts
from the crushing force, each round the at least 3d10
hold is maintained. years.
Paralysis (Ex):
Gernanslakr can transfer
grabbed victims from a claw
to its tentacles as a partial
action. The tentacles grapple
with the same strength
as the claw, but deal
no damage. However,
they exude a paralytic
secretion. Those
held in the tentacles
must succeed at a
Fortitude save (DC
32) or be paralyzed
for 6 rounds.
While held in
the tentacles,
paralyzed or
not, the victim
automatically takes
1d8+7 points of
damage each round
from Gernanslakr’s
The Dalo’ahzul Tribe, Relentless Kobolds Combat
Small Humanoid (Reptilian) Dalo’ahzuls bear down on foes with brazen ferocity for a kobold
Hit Dice: 1/2 1d8 (2 hp) group. They drive opponents into traps in which the kobolds
Initiative: +1 (Dex) themselves take damage, knowing their own immortal status.
Speed: 30 ft. Critical Weakness (Ex): Like the desert whence they come,
AC: 15 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +1 natural, +2 leather); 14 flat- the Dalo’ahzuls are a waterless race. A Dalo’ahzul is killed if its
footed, 12 touch mouth is filled with water, or it is dowsed completely in water, while
Attacks: Halfspear –1 melee; or sling +2 ranged it is unconscious due to subdual damage.
Damage: Halfspear 1d6-2/crit x3; or sling 1d4-1 Eternal (Ex): The body of a Dalo’ahzul kobold does not
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. age nor does it suffer the effects of aging. It cannot be damaged by
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., eternal, immunities, starvation, suffocation, or thirst.
light sensitivity, regeneration 4, SR 5 Immunities (Ex): Dalo’ahzul kobolds are immune to fire,
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +2 disease, fatigue, fear, paralysis, and poison.
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 Light Sensitivity (Ex): Dalo’ahzul kobolds suffer a –1
Skills: Craft (trapmaking) +2, Hide +8, Listen +2, Move circumstance penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the
Silently +4, Search +2, Spot +2 radius of a daylight spell.
Feats: Alertness Regeneration (Ex): No form of damage from weapons or
Climate/Terrain: The desert lair of Praviktyahzul energy deals normal damage to a Dalo’ahzul kobold. The creature
Organization: As a specific tribe, the Dalo’azhuls currently regrows severed limbs in an hour or can reattach the member
number as follows: 123 (+ 48 non-combatants), 12 3rd-level instantly by holding it to the stump.
kobolds (Sor or War), 4 4th-level kobolds (Rog or Sor), 2 5th- Skills: Dalo’ahzul kobolds receive a +2 racial bonus to
level kobolds (Clr or Ftr), 1 8th-level kobold leader (female, Craft (trapmaking), Profession (mining), and Search checks.
CR: 2 Variant Relentless
Treasure: Standard There are times when you may want an extremely tough opponent
Alignment: Lawful evil without unleashing a full-fledged relentless creature. This simplate
Advancement: By character class provides a scaled-down version of the Relentless template and
serves as an unusual challenge to any group of heroes.
The Dalo’ahzuls’ unique situation is the result of a series
of wishes made by its former leader, the azure great wyrm Resilient
Praviktyahzul, through a deal with an efreeti. The kobold Some creatures are remarkably hard to injure or kill for any number of
warriors of the Dalo’ahzul are practically undying, though reasons. This simplate may be added to any living, corporeal creature,
their weakness was “built-in” by their draconic master. hereinafter called “the base creature”. To create a resilient creature, modify the
However, since the dragon left the material world on a base creature as follows:
personal quest long ago and has not been seen since, the AC: Natural armor improves by +4.
Dalo’ahzuls (“Claws of Azure”) guard her lair, along with the Special Qualities: Resilient creatures have all of the
drake’s two young daughters. Like all other kobolds, this tribe special qualities of the base creature and gain the following:
breeds, but it seems the relentless nature of the Dalo’ahzul Damage Reduction (Ex): A resilient creature has DR 5/—.
is being passed on to their children. The danger to human- Existing DR, which can be overcome by some type of attack or
dominated lands may be intolerable soon as the kobolds damage, is unchanged or superceded (if 5 or less). DR that cannot
become bolder, more arrogant, and of a mind that their be overcome by any form of damage, such as that granted by the
mistress will not return. barbarian class ability, stacks with this DR.
Dalo’ahzul kobolds speak a very pure form of Regeneration (Ex): A resilient creature regenerates at a
Draconic with voices that sound like yapping dogs. They rate equal to 1 plus one-half of its HD (round up or down as
paint themselves with paints made of lapis lazuli so they appropriate). One form of damage (your choice of energy, material,
resemble tiny, blue dragons. Many of the Dalo’ahzul are 1st- or attack form) overcomes this regeneration and deals actual
level warriors, but they tend to have fine weapons and armor. damage to the resilient creature. If it loses a limb or body part, the
Clerics and adepts of the tribe worship the deity revered by lost portion regrows in (15/regeneration rate in hit points, round
Praviktyahzul, with access to domains of Air, Earth, Evil, down) d6 minutes (minimum 1d6). The creature can reattach the
and Trickery. The kobolds themselves are unaware of their severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.
weakness, though the great wyrm’s daughters know it. CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +3).
Akusi, the kobold leader of the tribe, has begun
pondering the mixing of Dalo’ahzul blood with that of
a dragon. A half-dragon with Dalo’ahzul heritage would
certainly prove to be a great leader in the tribe. If that pup
were one of Akusi’s own, well, all the better.
A mong virtually every race and species a wilder, more Feats: A savage creature gains Alertness, if the base creature
feral variety exists. Canines, felines, and other common, does not already possess the feat. Creatures with no natural
domesticated animals have their wild counterparts. So do attack gain the feats Improved Unarmed Strike and Superior
humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, and many other humanoid Unarmed Strike (see New Feat below).
races. Indeed, to the keen observer, this phenomenon can be noticed Climate/Terrain: Wilderness appropriate to the base
among almost all the creatures of the world. Is it evidence of a long- creature’s preferred climate.
past, more primitive state of being or an indication of the future? Organization: Often solitary or paired, but sometimes
Either way, it can be seen that the primeval side of nature is alive and the same as base creature.
well. CR: Base creature’s CR +1 +10% (maximum +3).
Alignment: A savage creature’s alignment moves one
step toward true neutral from that of the base creature.
Appearance Changes Advancement: Those savage creatures that favor a
A savage being looks like an untamed version of the base creature.
character class now favor barbarian or druid (pick one), instead
Hair and clothing (where applicable) are often disheveled and crude.
of any other.
Among species that possess such traits, fangs and claws are longer, the
ECL: +2.
fur is denser, and there is a sense of power and danger centered on the
savage individual. In all cases, there is an unmistakable glint in the eye
and an almost spiritual connection to the natural forces of the world Sample Savage Creatures
present in savage beings. These examples use a blink dog and a gnome as the base
Creating a Savage Creature
“Savage” is a template that can be added Savage Blink Dog
to any animal, beast, dragon, humanoid, Medium-size Magical Beast
magical beast, monstrous humanoid, or Hit Dice: 4d10+4 (26 hp)
vermin (referred to hereafter as the “base Initiative: +4 (Dex)
creature”). After assuming the template, the base Speed: 40 ft.
creature’s type and subtype do not change. A AC: 18 (+4 Dex, +4 natural); 14
savage creature uses the base creature’s flat-footed, 14 touch
statistics and inherent racial special Attacks: Bite +5 melee
abilities except as noted below. Damage: Bite 1d8+1
Speed: +10 ft. to all forms of Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
movement. Special Qualities: Blink,
AC: Natural armor dimension door, scent
improves by +1. Saves: Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +5
Damage: Fierce and Abilities: Str 12, Dex 19, Con 12, Int
remorseless, and with larger natural 6, Wis 15, Cha 9
weapons, a savage creature’s Skills: Climb +1, Hide +9, Listen
damage with its natural attacks +12, Sense Motive +7, Spot +12,
improves as if it gained one size Wilderness Lore +3
category. Creatures without Feats: Alertness, Iron Will
natural weapons gain special Climate/Terrain: Temperate plains
feats instead (see below). Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack
Special Attacks: A (7-16)
savage creature retains any special CR: 3
attack for which it still qualifies. Treasure: None
Special Qualities: A savage creature Alignment: Always neutral good
retains any special quality for which it still Advancement: 5-7 HD
qualifies, and gains: (Medium-size); 8-12 HD (Large)
Scent (Ex): A savage creature gains the
scent ability, if it does not already possess it. Combat
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Strength Savage blink dogs hunt in packs, teleporting in a seemingly
+2, Dexterity +2, Constitution +2, Intelligence –4, Wisdom +2, and random fashion until they surround their prey, allowing some of
Charisma –2. A savage creature’s minimum Intelligence is 2, or the base them to make flank attacks.
creature’s, whichever is lower. Blink (Su): A savage blink dog can blink as the spell
Skills: Climb becomes a class skill for the creature. Those cast by an 8th-level sorcerer, and can evoke or end the effect as
creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or higher may access Knowledge a free action.
(nature) and Wilderness Lore as class skills as well. All savage creatures Dimension Door (Su): A savage blink dog can teleport as
get +2 to Climb, Jump, Swim, and Wilderness Lore checks, but lose dimension door cast by an 8th-level sorcerer, once per round as a
any racial bonuses to skills that come from its original culture (perhaps free action. The ability affects only the savage blink dog, which
retaining those that could be considered “genetic”). Savage creatures never appears within a solid object and can act immediately after
seldom know any language (other than their own), but sometimes speak teleporting.
Savage Gnome Savage gnomes can detect opponents within 30 ft.
Small Humanoid (Gnome) by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) increases to 60 ft.; if downwind, it drops to 15 ft. Strong
Initiative: +0 scents can be detected at twice the ranges noted above.
Speed: 30 ft. Overpowering scents can be detected at triple normal range.
AC: 14 (+1 size, +1 natural, +2 leather); 14 flat-footed, 11 touch When a savage gnome detects a scent, the exact
Attacks: Halfspear +1 melee or +2 ranged; or unarmed +2 location is not revealed—only its presence somewhere within
melee range. The savage gnome can take a move or attack action to
Damage: half spear 1d6/crit x3, unarmed 1d3 note the direction of the scent. If it moves within 5 ft. of the
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. source, the savage gnome can pinpoint that source.
Special Attacks: Savage gnome traits Savage gnomes can follow tracks by smell, making a
Special Qualities: Savage gnome traits Wisdom check to find or follow a track. The typical DC for
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +1 a fresh trail is 10 (no matter what kind of surface holds the
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 9 scent). This DC increases or decreases depending on the
Skills: Climb +3, Jump +3, Hide +6, Listen +4, Move Silently strength of the quarry’s odor, the number of creatures being
+2, Spot +3, Swim +2, Wilderness Lore +4 tracked, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is
Feats: Alertness, Improved Unarmed Strike, Superior Unarmed cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the
Strike, Weapon Finesse (unarmed) rules for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the
Climate/Terrain: Any remote forest, hill, and underground effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.
Organization: Hunting party (2-4), war party (11-20 plus 1 • +2 racial bonus to Climb, Jump, Listen, Swim, and Wilderness
leader of 3rd-6th level and 2 3rd-level elders), or tribe (30-50 plus Lore
1 3rd-level elder per 10 adults, 2 5th-level elders (at least one of • All savage gnomes have the feats Alertness, Improved
which is an adept or shaman), 1 7th-level chieftain, and 2-5 dire Unarmed Strike, and Superior Unarmed Strike.
badgers) • Automatic Languages: Gnome.
CR: 1 • Bonus Languages: Sylvan and any other language the DM
Treasure: Standard allows.
Alignment: Usually neutral • Favored Class: Barbarian.
Advancement: By character class • ECL: +1
S crylings create a sense of unease in the world—a creeping
suspicion that someone, somewhere, is watching. Animals,
plants, and common objects of all descriptions become more
than mundane occurrences in the world; they become the eyes and
ears of persons or beings unknown, monitoring the world’s events
the master to know certain information about the scryling
if he focuses on it and makes a Scry check (DC 15 + 1 per
10 miles). Through the link, the master can determine the
scryling’s health, emotional state, what it is doing (in general,
such as “waiting”), and its general location and distance. The
for their own purposes—whatever those may be. Scrylings are link allows no sort of communication or clear sensory input,
created when spellcasters, of either divine or arcane focus, imbue though certain spells might, per distant focus above.
certain animals, plants, or objects with the ability to transmit all Misdirection (Su): Scrylings always register as non-
that happens around them to their creator. These creatures are the magical creatures of neutral alignment. Undead scrylings
ultimate spies, for their appearance is so ordinary and unassuming register as objects instead of undead (though this reading
that few give them more than a passing thought. may be obviously false, depending on circumstances).
Nondetection (Su): Except in the case of aura-
Appearance Changes revealing spells (which fall under misdirection above), all other
The scryling template does not alter appearance in any way. divinations aimed at the scryling require the caster of the
spell to make a level check. The caster of the divination rolls
1d20 + his or her caster level versus 11 + the caster level of
Creating a Scryling the scryling’s master (typically 15th or better).
“Scryling” is a template that can be added to any animal, beast, Damage Reduction (Ex): (Optional) Scrylings can have
construct, magical beast, non-intelligent animated undead, plant, DR 10/+2, or the base creature’s DR, whichever is better.
or vermin (referred to hereinafter as the “base creature”). The base Spell Resistance (Ex): (Optional) Scrylings can have
creature’s type and subtype remain unchanged. Scrylings use the SR 21 (or more, due to the adding of the spell resistance spell
base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as to the creation ritual). The base creature’s SR is retained, if
noted below. it’s better.
Special Qualities: The base creature gains the following Endure Death (Su): So long as a scryling’s body is not
special qualities: completely disintegrated, it can be raised from the dead by
Disjunctive Vulnerability (Su): Scrylings subjected to the any means normally allowed for the base creature. A scryling
spell disjunction must make a Will saving throw or lose all scryling so raised retains its scryling abilities.
abilities permanently. If the creature is within 25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 of CR: Base creature’s CR +20% (maximum +2).
its master’s spellcaster levels, it may instead use its master’s Will save ECL: +2.
Distant Focus (Su): Scrylings are foci for their masters’
divinations and spells that allow communication (such as message Sample Scryling
or sending). (If it’s important, the scryling is considered a willing This example uses a cat as the base creature.
participant in the spellcasting, and therefore gets no saving throw
or SR.) As such, wherever a scryling is, its master may make Scryling Cat
a Scry check (DC 15 + 1 per 10 miles) to cast a divination or Tiny Animal
communication spell through the scryling (including clairvoyance/ Hit Dice: 1/2d8 (2 hp)
clairaudience to see the its location as if the place were a known area). Initiative: +2 (Dex)
The area or range of any spell so cast is limited by the location of Speed: 30 ft.
the scryling as if it were the caster. A spell so cast does not give AC: 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex); 12 flat-footed, 12 touch
sensory perception to the master of the scryling, unless it normally Attacks: 2 claws +4 melee, bite -1 melee
gives such things at a distance. Such information (such as the auras Damage: Claws 1d2-4, bite 1d3-4
seen with detect magic) is transferred to the master of the scryling as a Face/Reach: 2 1/2 ft. by 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
mental description instead of actual sights, sounds or smells. Special Qualities: Disjunctive vulnerability, distant focus,
For example, a scryling rat sneaks into a distant vault for endure death, mental link, misdirection, nondetection, DR
its master. The master is looking for a specific item, so he casts 10/+2, SR 21
locate object through the scryling. From the scryling’s location, Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
the spell can locate the object if it is within the distance specified Abilities: Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
by locate object and the master’s caster level. The master receives the Skills: Balance +10, Climb +5, Hide +17*, Listen +4, Move
information from the spell as if he were at the scryling’s location. Silently +9, Spot +4
With detect magic, conversely, the master would be aware Feats: Weapon Finesse (claw, bite)
of magic auras in the area in relation to the scryling, and even their Climate/Terrain: Any land
number, power, and general location (should the proper time be Organization: Solitary
spent). However, the spell only gives the caster an impression akin CR: 1/2
to a verbal description, not a visual of the area in which the scryling Treasure: None
sits. Alignment: Always neutral
Mental Link (Su): Scrylings have a mental link with their Advancement: —
creators, not unlike that of a familiar and its master. This link allows
Combat Becoming a Scryling
Scryling cats do not enter battle, but rather prowl about the Any spellcaster, who desires to, can attempt to construct a scryling
land relaying visual and audible information to their master. If creature using this ritual.
confronted, they flee.
Disjunctive Vulnerability (Su): Scryling cats subjected to Enchant Scryling
the spell disjunction must make a Will saving throw or lose all Transmutation (Ritual)
scryling abilities permanently. If the creature is within 25 ft. + Level: Brd 3, Clr 5, Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 4
5 ft. per 2 of its master’s spellcaster levels, it may instead use its Components: V, S, M, XP
master’s Will save bonus. Casting Time: 1 day per HD of the target creatures
Distant Focus (Su): Scryling cats are foci for their Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
masters’ divinations and spells that allow communication (such Target: Creature or creatures within range
as message or sending). As such, wherever a scryling is, its master Duration: Instantaneous
may make a Scry check (DC 15 + 1 per 10 miles) to cast a Saving Throw: Will negates
divination or communication spell through the scryling cat Spell Resistance: Yes
(including clairvoyance/clairaudience to see the its location as if Ritual DC: 10 (diviner) or 12 (all others) + 1 per HD of the
the place were a known area). The area or range of any spell so scryling
cast is limited by the location of the scryling cat as if it were the Wizards (particularly diviners), and sometimes other
caster. A spell so cast does not give sensory perception to the spellcasters, use this ritual to enchant various creatures as scrylings.
master of the scryling cat, unless it normally gives such things Including the leader, the ritual group must have one level of
at a distance. Such information (such as the auras seen with spellcaster per HD of the target creature. Each day of the ritual,
detect magic) is transferred to the master of the scryling cat as a the group must cast scrying, misdirection, nondetection, and sending. The
mental description instead of actual sights, sounds or smells. scryling can be given DR by the addition of stoneskin and it can be
Mental Link (Su): Scryling cats have a mental link given spell resistance with a casting of spell resistance in each day’s
with their creators, not unlike that of a familiar and its master. spell regimen—each addition raises the ritual DC by one.
This link allows the master to know certain information about The target of the ceremony must be willing, or it gets to
the scryling cat if he focuses on it and makes a Scry check make a Will save against the spell. Constructs, mindless undead,
(DC 15 + 1 per 10 miles). Through the link, the master can and all friendly animals or beasts are considered willing. The target
determine the scryling cat’s health, emotional state, what it is must make a single Fortitude save (DC 15 – the amount by which
doing (in general, such as “waiting”), and its general location the ritual check succeeded) or it suffers 2d4 points of temporary
and distance. The link allows no sort of communication or Wisdom and 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage from
clear sensory input, though certain spells might, per “Distant the magical energies of the ritual. When, and if, it recovers, the
Focus” above. creature is still a scryling if the ritual succeeded.
Misdirection (Su): Scryling cats always register as non- The created scryling is loyal to the ritual leader, who must
magical creatures of neutral alignment. give 4 temporary Constitution points to the scryling at the end of
Nondetection (Su): Except in the case of aura-revealing the rite. If the scryling is ever killed, its master takes 1d2 temporary
spells (which fall under “Misdirection” above), all other Constitution damage and loses 1 point of Constitution permanently
divinations aimed at the scryling require the caster of the spell if he fails a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15).
to make a level check. The caster of the divination rolls 1d20 + Material Components: The focus for the spell is an orb of
his or her caster level versus DC 26. perfect crystal worth 100 gp per HD of target creature, which is
Endure Death (Su): So long as a scryling cat’s body is burned out during the final part of the ceremony. Other materials
not completely disintegrated, it can be raised from the dead by include amethyst dust and mundane materials worth 50 gp per HD
any means normally allowed for the base creature. A scryling of the target creature. The materials for stoneskin (250 gp worth of
cat so raised retains its scryling abilities. diamond dust) are part of the ritual, if that spell is used.
XP Cost: 35 XP per HD of the scryling.
Failure: The participants in the ritual suffer 1 point of
temporary Intelligence damage, while the leader suffers 1d4. The
target creature can have the ritual performed on it again.
Botch: All participants in the ritual take 1d4 points of
temporary Intelligence and Wisdom damage. The target creature
must save (DC 10 + the amount by which the ritual failed) or take
2d4 points of temporary Constitution damage. A similar save
is required, or one of the points is a permanent loss. The same
creature cannot be the focus of the ritual again.
S hadowborne are beings either native to the plane of shadow
or so suffused with the essence of shadow that they can
function perfectly well on that umbral plane. Primarily
hunters and assassins, shadowborne creatures skulk about in the
dark recesses of their home plane, only occasionally journeying to
Shadow, moving the desired distance, and then stepping back
onto the Material Plane. The creature knows where it will
come out on the Material Plane.
Shadow Blend (Su): During any conditions other
than full daylight, a shadowborne creature can disappear into
the material world to fulfill their curiosity. They are fearsome beings the shadows, giving it nine-tenths concealment. Artificial
to confront, not because of their raw strength, but because of illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not
insidious powers that are inexorably linked to the very essence of negate this ability, although a daylight spell does. This ability
shadow itself. is always active unless the shadowborne creature willingly
suppresses it.
Appearance Changes Darkvision (Ex): Shadowborne can see in non-
Shadowborne creatures look like a hazy, translucent version of the magical darkness up to a range of 120 ft., or the base
equivalent creature on the Material Plane (or any other plane, for creature’s range, whichever is better.
that matter). Light Sensitivity (Ex): Shadowborne detest direct
sunlight and suffer a –2 circumstance penalty to all attack and
damage rolls, skill checks, and saves while exposed to natural
Creating a Shadowborne Creature or magical sources of bright, pure light (such as a daylight
“Shadowborne” is a template that can be added to any living, spell).
corporeal creature except for outsiders (referred to hereafter as the Skills: Shadowborne gain a +10 racial bonus to all
“base creature”). After assuming the template, the base creature’s Move Silently checks and an equal racial bonus to any Hide
type changes to “Outsider”, but its subtype is unchanged. A checks in dark or shadowy areas.
shadowborne creature uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20%.
racial special abilities except as noted below. ECL: +3.
Hit Dice: Die type changes to d8.
Special Attacks: A shadowborne creature retains its
special attacks and gains the following: Sample Shadowborne Creature
Creeping Shadow (Su): If a shadowborne creature succeeds This example uses a phase spider as the base creature.
with a shadow strike attack (see below), the target must make a
Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half of the shadowborne HD + its Darkjaunt Crawler (Shadowborne Phase Spider)
Charisma modifier) or suffer 1 point of temporary Constitution Large Outsider
drain. A critical strike with this ability does 1d3 points of temporary Hit Dice: 5d8+15 (37 hp)
Constitution damage. Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Shadow Strike (Ex): With one attack per HD per day, the Speed: 40 ft., climb 20 ft.
shadowborne can treat a natural attack as a touch attack, thus AC: 15 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural); 12 flat-footed, 12
ignoring armor and natural armor bonuses to AC. touch
Special Qualities: A shadowborne creature has the Attacks: Bite +7 melee
following special abilities in addition to its own: Damage: Bite 1d6+4 and poison
Shadow Evocation (Sp): Once per day per 3 HD (minimum Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
0), as a standard action, a shadowborne creature with a Charisma Special Attacks: Creeping shadow, ethereal jaunt, poison,
of 11 or higher can tap into energy from the Plane of Shadow to shadow strike
cast a quasi-real, illusory version of a wizard or sorcerer evocation Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., shadow shift, shadow
of a level equal to or less than its one-third of the creature’s HD blend, light sensitivity
(maximum 4th). The victim of the spell gets an initial Will saving Saves: Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +4
throw (DC 10 + spell level + the shadowborne creature’s Charisma Abilities: Str 17, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 10
modifier). If an opponent makes the save, he or she recognizes the Skills: Climb +12, Hide +13 (in shadows), Move Silently +21,
magic as illusory, and the spell does one-fifth of its normal damage. Spot +9
Regardless, the victims of the evocation get another normal saving Feats: Improved Initiative
throw according to the spell so duplicated. Non-damaging spells do Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
nothing if recognized as illusory. Caster level is equal to a wizard of Organization: Solitary or cluster (2-5)
the shadowborne creature’s Hit Dice. CR: 7
Shadow Shift (Su): Shadowborne may enter and leave the Treasure: None
Plane of Shadow at will as a move-equivalent action, so long as it Alignment: Always neutral
is in a shadowy or dark area. (Light the equivalent of a daylight spell Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
or better blocks use of this ability.) In the region of shadow, the
creature can move at a rate of up to seven miles every 10 minutes, Combat
moving normally on the borders of the Plane of Shadow but Darkjaunt crawlers dwell and hunt on the Material Plane.
much more rapidly relative to the Material Plane. Thus, the creature Once the spider locates prey, however, it shifts to the
can use this spell to travel rapidly by stepping onto the Plane of Ethereal Plane to move and attack, attempting to catch its
victim flat-footed. The spider shifts in, bites its victim with
a shadow strike, and retreats quickly back to the Ethereal
Plane. Such arachnids use their shadow shift abilities to escape
if necessary. For tracking prey over long distances, darkjaunt
crawlers use their ethereal jaunt ability to move in the Ethereal
Creeping Shadow (Su): If a darkjaunt crawler succeeds
with a shadow strike attack (see below), the target must make
a Fortitude save (DC 12) or suffer 1 point of temporary
Constitution drain. A critical strike with this ability does 1d3
points of temporary Constitution damage.
Ethereal Jaunt (Su): A darkjaunt crawler can shift from
the Ethereal to the Shadow or Material Plane as a free action,
and shift back again as a move-equivalent action (or during a
move-equivalent action). The ability is otherwise identical with
ethereal jaunt cast by a 15th-level sorcerer.
Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 15); initial and
secondary damage 2d6 temporary Constitution.
Shadow Strike (Ex): With 5 attacks per day, the
darkjaunt crawler can treat a natural attack as a touch attack,
thus ignoring armor and natural armor bonuses to AC.
Shadow Shift (Su): Darkjaunt crawlers may enter and
leave the Plane of Shadow at will as a move-equivalent action,
so long as it is in a shadowy or dark area. (Light the equivalent
of a daylight spell or better blocks use of this ability.) In the
region of shadow, the creature can move at a rate of up
to seven miles every 10 minutes, moving normally on the
borders of the Plane of Shadow but much more rapidly
relative to the Material Plane. Thus, the creature can use this
spell to travel rapidly by stepping onto the Plane of Shadow,
moving the desired distance, and then stepping back onto the
Material Plane. The creature knows where it will come out on
the Material Plane.
Shadow Blend (Su): During any conditions other
than full daylight, a darkjaunt crawler can disappear into
the shadows, giving it nine-tenths concealment. Artificial
illumination, even a light or continual flame spell, does not
negate this ability, although a daylight spell does. This ability is
always active unless the darkjaunt crawler willingly suppresses
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Darkjaunt crawlers detest direct
sunlight and suffer a –2 circumstance penalty to all attack and
damage rolls, skill checks and saves while exposed to natural
or magical sources of bright, pure light (such as a daylight
T he siphon beast is capable of absorbing energy of various
types and then discharging that energy in a powerful attack
of its own—co-opting, if you will, the attack of another.
They are particularly dangerous in hand-to-hand combat, where
they feed off the kinetic energy of melee attacks and add it to their
Normally, the siphon beast takes no damage from absorbed
energies. However, if the creature’s maximum absorption level
is exceeded by it being struck by a different type of energy, it
must decide whether to attempt to absorb the new energy or
not. If the siphon attempts to absorb the new energy, it must
own strength. Siphon beasts (also known as siphons), can adapt completely disperse one type of energy already being stored.
quite well to a wide variety of tactics and weaponry that is used The exchange is difficult, and the siphon beast must make a
against them and are also able to adjust to a staggering number of saving throw against the incoming energy as normal. If the
external environments and atmospheric conditions. save fails (or no save is normally allowed), half of energy is
absorbed and the other half damages the siphon beast. A
Appearance Changes successful save indicates the beast managed to absorb the
Siphon beasts look exactly like the base creature when not incoming energy without harm. Whenever the creature elects
“charged” with a particular type of energy. When they have not to absorb an incoming energy (that it isn’t already storing),
absorbed a specific type of energy, they take on various appearances it takes damage normally and doesn’t acquire a new form of
that indicate their true nature. For example, a siphon that has attack. Siphon beasts with an Intelligence of 2 or less always
absorbed a magic missile spell (a force effect) might have a faint elect to exchange stored energy for incoming energy.
shimmering field enveloping it. Immunities (Su): While holding a form of energy
from absorption or spell from spell absorption, the siphon beast is
immune to that form of energy or that specific spell. Immunity
Creating a Siphon Beast never apples to kinetic absorption.
“Siphon Beast” or “Siphon” is a template that can be added to any
Kinetic Absorption (Su): A siphon beast absorbs kinetic
living creature (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After
energy differently than other forms, though still as a free
assuming the template, the base creature’s type and subtype do not
action. For every 5 points of damage from physical attacks,
change. Siphon beasts use the base creature’s statistics and inherent
the siphon gains 1 point of Strength, up to a maximum of
racial special abilities except as noted below.
twice the base creature’s original Strength. The enhanced
Special Attacks: In addition to the special attacks of the
Strength is available only on the creature’s next turn to
base creature, a siphon beast has the following:
augment attack and damage rolls. Physical attacks still do
Energy Release (Su): As a standard action, a siphon beast may
damage to the creature normally.
release one type of stored energy as a ranged touch attack against
Spell Absorption (Su): A siphon beast can also absorb
one foe. The range increment is equal to twice the creature’s smallest
spells as a free action, so long as the spell does not involve
Face dimension, and the energy does any number of dice up to the
energy. (If it does, the energy is absorbed, not the actual
amount of damage that was stored (the creature’s choice). Once
spell.) The creature can absorb any spell (or spells) whose
the siphon uses up all the damage stored, it can no longer use that
total levels do not exceed the siphon beasts HD (less than
energy to attack, nor is it immune to that energy any longer. See
1 equals 0-level spells), so long as the spell’s individual level
absorption and immunities below.
does not exceed the one-third of the siphon’s HD (1 0-level
Spell Release (Su): The siphon beast can release spells it has
spell minimum). Absorbed spells do not affect the siphon
stored as if it had cast the spell itself (save DC 10 + spell level +
beast. Stored spells dissipate harmlessly, along with associated
the siphon beast’s Charisma modifier). Spell release never requires a
immunities, in a number of minutes equal to the siphon
Concentration check, nor does it provoke an attack of opportunity.
beast’s Charisma bonus +3 (minimum 3 minutes). Rules for
However, the resultant spell has a caster level equal to the siphon
exchanging stored spells for incoming spells works as per
beasts HD or the level of the original caster (whichever is lower),
“Absorption” above, excepting that the siphon beast is fully
and it is subject to spell resistance (the check made with the same
affected by any spell against which it fails a save and it loses
caster level the spell has). Once the siphon beast casts the spell, it is
the spell it was attempting to release to absorb the incoming
no longer immune to it (see immunities below).
magic. Siphon beasts with an Intelligence of 2 or less cannot
Special Qualities: In addition to the special qualities of
exchange one spell for another in this manner.
the base creature, a siphon beast has the following:
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20% (maximum +4).
Absorption (Su): As a free action siphon beast can absorb
ECL: +4.
energy attacks directed against it. Absorbable energy types include:
acid, cold, fire, force, electricity, and sonic. The creature may store
any type of energy, but only one form per 4 HD (minimum 1). The Sample Siphon Beast
energy may come from a passive (bonfire) or aggressive (fireball) The following example uses a lamia as the base creature.
source, although the siphon can only hold a number of dice of
damage from any one energy source equal to its HD. Energies so
stored dissipate harmlessly, along with associated immunities, in a
number of minutes equal to the siphon beast’s Constitution bonus
+3 (minimum 3 minutes). At its option, the creature may release the
energy harmlessly at any time.
Lamia Siphon Beast Absorption (Su): As a free action, the siphon beast lamia can
Medium-size Magical Beast absorb any two types of energy (up 9 dice of damage per
Hit Dice: 9d10+9 (58 hp) source) and store that energy to be used as it chooses.
Initiative: +2 (Dex) These energies are stored for 4 minutes, during
Speed: 60 ft. which time the lamia siphon beast may willingly and
AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural); 15 flat- harmlessly disperse the energy. After this time
footed, 12 touch has elapsed, the energy dissipates harmlessly
Attacks: Touch +9 melee; or dagger into the atmosphere around the lamia siphon
+11/+6 melee; or energy release beast.
+11 ranged touch Normally, the lamia siphon beast
Damage: Touch, 1 permanent takes no damage from absorbed energies.
Wisdom drain; or dagger 1d4/ However, if the creature’s maximum
crit 19-20; or energy release absorption level is exceeded by it being
(variable) struck by a different type of energy, it
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. must decide whether to attempt to
Special Attacks: Spell-like absorb the new energy or not. If
abilities, Wisdom drain, energy the lamia siphon beast attempts
release, spell release to absorb the new energy,
Special Qualities: Absorption, it must completely disperse
kinetic absorption, spell one type of energy already
absorption, immunities being stored. The exchange
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7 is difficult, and the siphon
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int beast must make a saving throw against
13, Wis 15, Cha 12 the incoming energy as normal. If the save
Skills: Bluff +13, Concentration +11, fails (or no save is normally allowed),
Hide +14 half of energy is absorbed and the other
Feats: Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, half damages the lamia siphon beast.
Weapon Finesse (dagger) A successful save indicates the beast
Climate/Terrain: Any desert, managed to absorb the incoming energy
hill, and underground without harm. Whenever the creature elects
Organization: Solitary, pair, or not to absorb an incoming energy, it takes damage
gang (2-4) normally and doesn’t acquire a new form of attack.
CR: 9 Kinetic Absorption (Su): A lamia siphon beast absorbs
Treasure: Standard kinetic energy differently than other forms, but still as a free action.
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil For every 5 points of damage from physical attacks, the lamia
Advancement: 10-13 HD (Large); 14-27 HD (Huge) siphon beast gains 1 point of Strength, up to a maximum of twice
its original strength. The enhanced Strength is available only on the
Combat creature’s next turn to augment attack and damage rolls. Physical
Lamia siphon beasts aware of impending combat often bathe attacks still do damage to lamia siphon beast normally.
themselves in some form of energy they can use against Immunities (Su): While an energy type or spell is stored, the
approaching foes. lamia siphon beast is immune to its effects.
Energy Release (Su): As a standard action, a lamia Spell Absorption (Su): A lamia siphon beast can also absorb
siphon beast may release one type of stored energy as a ranged spells as a free action, so long as the spell does not involve energy.
touch attack against one foe. The range increment is 10 ft., (If it does, the energy is absorbed, not the actual spell.) The lamia
and the energy does any number of dice up to the amount siphon beast can absorb any 3rd-level or lower spell, up to 9 levels
of damage that was stored. Once the lamia siphon beast uses worth. Absorbed spells do not affect the lamia siphon beast. Stored
up all the damage stored, it can no longer use that energy to spells dissipate harmlessly in 4 minutes, though the lamia siphon
attack, nor is it immune to that energy any longer. beast may choose to release the spell harmlessly before then.
Spell Release (Su): The lamia siphon beast can Rules for exchanging stored spells for incoming spells works as
release spells it has stored as if it had cast the spell itself per absorption above, excepting that the lamia siphon beast is fully
(save DC 10 + spell level + 1). This ability is strange mix of affected by any spell against which it fails a save and it loses the spell
supernatural and spell-like ability. Spell release never requires it was attempting to release to absorb the incoming magic.
a Concentration check, nor does it provoke an attack of Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—charm person, major image, mirror
opportunity. However, the resultant spell has a caster level image, and suggestion. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 9th-level
equal to lamia siphon beast’s HD (9) or the level of the sorcerer (save DC 11 + spell level).
original caster (whichever is lower), and it is subject to spell Wisdom Drain (Su): By making a successful touch attack, a
resistance (the check made with the same caster level the spell lamia siphon beast permanently drains 1 point of Wisdom. Lamia
has). Once the lamia siphon beast has cast the stored spell, it is siphon beasts try to use this power early in an encounter to make
no longer immune to it. foes more susceptible to charm person and suggestion.
S keletons are the tainted creations of the dark necromantic
arts—exhumed remains of living beings, condemned to walk
the earth and serve their new masters. These undead are
usually nothing more than the mindless puppets and come in a wide
variety of shapes and sizes, reflecting the unique skeletal structure
Special Qualities: A greater skeleton has all the
special qualities of the base creature, besides ones like those
prohibited in Special Attacks above, plus the following:
Darkvision (Ex): Greater skeletons can see in
non-magical darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base
that the creature had during life. creature’s range, whichever is better.
Yet, there is even another step to walking bones; a creature Immunities (Ex): Greater skeletons have cold
with free will and many of the abilities it had in life. Through rituals immunity. Because they lack flesh or internal organs, greater
enacted before or after a creature’s death, or simply a strong will, a skeletons take only half damage from piercing or slashing
greater skeleton is bone mingled with mind and spirit. The result is weapons.
both horrifying and grotesque. Turn Resistance (Ex): Base creature gains turn
resistance equal to one-third of its HD (including character
Appearance Changes levels, minimum +1).
Greater skeletons are the magically animated, interconnected bone Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects,
structure of a creature. Many greater skeletons attempt to hide this poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to
fact through clothing or magic. critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or
death from massive damage.
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
Creating a Greater Skeleton Dexterity +2. As an undead creature, the greater skeleton
“Greater Skeleton” is a template that can be added to any living does not have a Constitution score.
creature with a definite skeletal structure (referred to hereafter Feats: A greater skeleton is unhampered by flesh,
as the “base creature”). After assuming the template, the base gaining Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.
creature’s type changes to “Undead”. All other subtype information Alignment: Greater skeletons can be of any
for the base creature remains unchanged. The character level and alignment, though they are usually evil.
associated class abilities of the base creature (if any) are maintained. CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
Greater skeletons use the base creature’s statistics and inherent ECL: +1 (assuming the creature somehow has an
racial special abilities except as noted below. Intelligence score).
Hit Dice: Die type changes to d12.
Speed: If the base creature can fly, the skeleton version
loses that ability unless the flight was magical in origin. Sample Greater Skeleton
AC: A skeleton’s natural armor bonus to AC changes to a The following sample uses a winter wolf as the base creature.
value based on its size:
Greater Skeleton Winter Wolf
Natural Large Undead (Cold)
Size Armor Bonus Hit Dice: 6d12 (39 hp)
Tiny +0 Initiative: +10 (+2 Dex, +8 Improved Initiative)
Small +1 Speed: 50 ft.
Medium-size +2 AC: 14 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural); 12 flat-footed, 11
Large +3 touch
Huge +4 Attacks: Bite +9 melee, 2 claws +4 melee
Gargantuan +6 Damage: Bite 1d8+4, claws 1d6+2
Colossal +10 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, trip
Attacks: A greater skeleton retains all the natural Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., cold subtype,
attacks and weapon proficiencies of the base creature, except for immunities, +2 turn resistance
attacks that can’t work without flesh. A creature with appropriate Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3
appendages gains one claw attack per “hand”; the skeleton can Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con —, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 10
strike with all of them at its full attack bonus—unless it already Skills: Hide +7*, Listen +9, Move Silently +8, Spot +9,
has a primary natural attack that is not claws. In this latter case, the Wilderness Lore +1
claws are secondary. (If the base creature already had claw attacks, it Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative (x2)
can use the skeleton claw attack and damage, if better.) Climate/Terrain: Any cold land and underground
Damage: A claw attack deals damage depending on the Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (2-5)
skeleton’s size and the Undead type. Use the base creature’s claw CR: 6
damage, if it’s greater. Treasure: 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items
Special Attacks: Any attack that relies upon flesh (such as Alignment: Always neutral evil
scent) or metabolism (such as a poison) is lost. Supernatural and spell- Advancement: 7-9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge)
like attacks are almost always maintained, using Charisma in place
of Constitution to calculate save DCs.
These greater skeletons are obviously canine, with bluish- The ritual must be performed at night. A group of divine
white bones. Frost giant witches often create them as spellcasters must cast animate dead, create undead, and raise dead each
guardians and intelligent companions. Greater skeleton winter night during the rite. An arcane spellcasting group must cast animate
wolves can still speak Giant and Common. dead, planar binding, and enervation instead.
Material Components: The ritual requires a burial shroud of
Combat black silk, incense, jet gems and black diamond dust, and mundane
Greater skeleton winter wolves hunt in packs. Their size, material components worth 400 gp per final HD of the creature
cunning, formidable breath weapon, and tireless undead transformed.
forms allow them to hunt and kill creatures much larger XP Cost: 70 XP per HD of creature raised.
than themselves. A pack circles an opponent, each skeleton Failure: If the ritual fails, a willing target must make a
attacking in turn or aiding its stronger fellows with a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + the number by which the ritual
distraction. check failed) or die. Further, the ritual participants are all affected
Breath Weapon (Su): Cone of cold, 15 ft., every 1d4 as if by the spell enervation. In addition to this, the ritual leader takes
rounds; damage 4d6, Reflex half DC 13. Greater skeleton 1d6 points of temporary Wisdom and Constitution damage, while
winter wolves can use their breath weapon while biting. everyone else takes 1 point of temporary damage to each of these
Trip (Ex): A greater skeleton winter wolf that hits abilities.
with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free Botch: A botched ritual results in a greater skeleton with
action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack the wrong soul—the original target dies. A randomly generated soul
of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot of the same type of creature enters the skeleton, with its class and
react to trip the greater skeleton winter wolf. supernatural abilities. This should always be dangerous or detrimental
Cold Subtype: Cold immunity; double damage from to the priests involved in the casting—like a very weak soul or one
fire except on a successful save. hostile to its creators. All of the ritual participants suffer 1d4 points
Immunities (Ex): Because they lack flesh or internal of temporary Wisdom and Constitution damage, while the ritual
organs, greater skeleton winter wolves take only half damage leader suffers 2d6 and must make a Will saving throw (DC 25) or
from piercing or slashing weapons. suffer 1d4 negative levels (Will save DC 20 to remove them).
Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects,
poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to Skeleton Variants
critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or The following microplate allows the creation of mindless undead
death from massive damage. skeletons, like those found in the MM and created via animate dead,
Skills: Greater skeleton winter wolves receive a +1 but ones that more closely resemble the base creature.
racial bonus to Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks, and
a +2 racial bonus to Hide checks. *Their natural coloration Lesser Skeletons
grants greater skeleton winter wolves a +7 racial bonus to Animated, mindless skeletons differ from greater skeletons in the
Hide checks in areas of snow and ice. following ways:
HD: Remove all HD (and abilities) from character classes.
Becoming a Greater Skeleton Attacks: The base attack progression of a lesser skeleton is
A greater skeleton can be raised by the create undead and create calculated as if the creature’s type was always Undead.
greater undead spells as well as the ritual of dark calling as shown Special Attacks and Qualities: The lesser skeleton loses
in the Desiccated template. It is debatable whether or not all abilities from the base creature besides immunity or resistance
skeletons animated with these aforementioned spells actually to a specific energy type. It has no turn resistance and always has
possess the souls of the deceased, though they certainly darkvision at 60ft.
possess the skills, memories, and abilities. Necromancers not Saves: The saving throws of a lesser skeleton are calculated
only have techniques to raise sentient skeletons, but also have as if the creature’s type was always Undead.
a means to turn themselves into such. Immortality comes at a Abilities: A lesser skeleton has no Intelligence or
price, but is easier to accomplish than the transformation into Constitution score, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 1.
a lich. The ritual that follows does bind the actual soul of the Skills: A lesser skeleton has no skills.
deceased to the skeleton, no matter what the state of other Feats: Lesser skeletons only retain feats that confer
spells that create such monsters. weapon and armor proficiency. They still get Improved Initiative as
a bonus feat.
Form of Eternal Bone Treasure: Lesser skeletons rarely have treasure of their
Necromancy (Ritual) [Evil] own, although they may be guarding their creator’s treasure and may
Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6 have valuable equipment.
Casting Time: 1 day per 2 HD of the target Alignment: Lesser skeletons are typically neutral, leaning
Ritual DC: 15 (17 for an arcane caster) + 1 per HD affected towards the morality of their creator, which is usually evil.
This rite allows a spellcaster to transform any CR: A lesser skeleton’s Challenge Rating depends on its
still-living target (usually himself) into a greater skeleton. It size: Tiny or smaller 1/10, Small 1/6, Medium-size 1/3, Large 2,
functions like the form of the withering sands ritual, except as
Huge 5, Gargantuan 9, Colossal 12.
Two simplates appear below for adding other unique twists to
basic and greater skeletons or other skeletal undead. There is little
reason why the Energy-Infused template couldn’t be used on other
corporeal undead.
Calcified skeletons are skeletal undead that possess an unusually high
number of calcium deposits on their bodies. This simplate may be
added to any skeletal undead (hereafter called “the base creature”).
To create a calcified skeleton, modify the base creature as follows:
AC: Natural armor improves by +4.
Special Qualities: Calcified skeletons have all the special
qualities of the base creature, and gain:
Damage Reduction (Ex): Calcified skeletons have DR 5/—,
which stacks with any other form of DR that cannot be overcome
(like the DR from the barbarian class). Other DR is unaffected, but
remains in place.
Some skeletons or other skeletal undead (hereinafter referred to
as the “base creature”) can be mystically charged with one type of
energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). To create an energy-
infused skeleton, modify the base creature as follows:
Damage: The energy-infused skeleton’s natural weapons
deal extra energy damage (in the form of an additional die, or
additional dice) equal to the weapon’s normal damage, with no
added Strength bonus. Minimum damage is 1 point. For example, a
Medium-size humanoid skeleton (10 Strength) deals 1d4 points of
damage plus 1d4 points of energy damage with a claw.
Special Attacks: The energy-infused skeleton has all the
special attacks of the base creature. In addition, it gains:
Energy Burst (Su): A critical strike from an energy-infused
skeleton causes an explosion of the energy within the creature,
tripling the energy damage from the strike.
Special Qualities: Energy-infused skeletons have all the
special qualities of the base creature, and gain:
Immunities (Ex): An energy-infused skeleton is immune to
the energy with which it is infused. All energy infused skeletons are
immune to cold.
CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
1d6 points of cold damage per round. Further, fire does not cause the
n idea born of the vilest necromantic depravation, the
mold to grow unless the skinhusk is directly attacked with the fire. Cold
skinhusk is the hollow shell of a creature’s skin, animated
damage that does more than half of the skinhusk’s hit points in damage
to undeath by forbidden rituals of unspeakable evil.
in a single attack destroys the mold. If the skinhusk is destroyed while
Created from the flayed outer skin of a creature or humanoid,
the mold still lives, the skinhusk breaks open, filling its fighting space
skinhusks are an abhorrent blight upon the earth that bear a
with brown mold. Those within 5 ft. of this space take 3d6 points
strong, but chilling and twisted, resemblance to their former,
of damage, and fire within 5 ft. causes the size of all nearby mold to
living incarnations. Since a skinhusk only requires a skin and
double. Cold damage destroys exposed brown mold.
muscle, cunning necromancers have been able to animate both
Caustic or Flammable Substance: The inside of the skinhusk is
the skin and the skeletal structure of a creature, creating both a
filled with bladders of acids, bases, alchemist’s fire, or similar substances
skinhusk and a skeleton from the same raw material.
(like caustic gas), and the stuff erupts from the skinhusk each time it
is struck with a piercing or slashing weapon. The pressurized surge
Appearance Changes hits the attacker (if he is within 5 ft.), unless he makes a Reflex save
A skinhusk looks nearly identical to the living version of the (DC 10 + one-half of the skinhusk’s HD + its Dexterity modifier).
same creature or humanoid that it was made from. Its features are If the attack was a missile weapon, the eruption still occurs into the
slightly distorted, however, and it has prominent stitches where same square, possibly hitting anyone there. A single gush does hit point
the flayed skin was sewn together prior to animation. Skinhusks damage equal to that of the skinhusk’s slam, except it treats the skinhusk
often lack eyes, tongues, or other facial features. The skin also as one size smaller, and the maximum damage is 1d8. Further, the
takes on a ghastly pallor that is sickening to behold, although this skinhusk explodes when it is destroyed, doing one-half of its HD in
telltale sign of the skinhusk’s true nature can only be seen in the dice of damage in a burst radius equal to the smallest dimension of the
brilliance of daylight or its magical equivalent. Skinhusks cannot creature’s Face, centered on the destroyed skinhusk. (The die type is the
talk or make any vocal sounds whatsoever. same as that of a single eruption.) A Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half of
the skinhusk’s HD + its Dexterity modifier) halves the damage.
Creating a Skinhusk Disease: The skinhusk is filled with a contagion. Anyone who
“Skinhusk” is a template that can be added to any living, corporeal damages the creature with a piercing or slashing attack must save versus
animal, beast, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous the disease if he is within 5 ft. A successful attack with a missile or
humanoid, or vermin (referred to hereafter as the “base reach weapon endangers the square, possibly infecting anyone there.
creature”). After assuming the template, the base creature’s type Appropriate diseases are inhaled, like cackle fever and mindfire (see
changes to “Undead”. All other subtype information for the base DMG, Chapter 3, Special Abilities, Disease).
creature remains unchanged. Skinhusks use the base creature’s Poison: The skinhusk is filled with bladders of inhaled or
statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. contact poison (see DMG, Chapter 3, Special Abilities, Poison). Each
Hit Dice: Remove all dice (and abilities) due to time it is successfully damaged with a slashing or piercing attack, the
character levels, and the remaining dice become d12s. Creatures poison spurts out of the creature into the attacker’s space if he is within
with only character levels (that is, no monster HD) retain the 5 ft. If the attack was a missile or reach weapon, the eruption still occurs
minimum number HD for their original size and type, but those into the same square, possibly hitting anyone there. That opponent
dice are d12s. must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half of the skinhusk’s HD + its
Speed: If the base creature can fly, the skinhusk Dexterity modifier) or be affected by the poison (which has its own DC
retains that ability but its maneuverability rating decreases by one to resist). Further, the skinhusk explodes when it dies, bringing all within
category. a radius equal to the smallest dimension of its Face into contact with the
Attacks: The skinhusk retains the natural attacks of the poison.
base creature, but calculates its base attack bonus according to the Yellow Mold: The skinhusk is filled with virulent yellow mold.
Undead type. If the base creature does not already have a better The mold bursts forth with a cloud of poisonous spores whenever the
natural attack, it gains a slam attack. skinhusk is slashed open or pierced. The nature of the wound aims the
Damage: Those creatures that gain a slam attack do spores directly at the attacker (if he is within 5 ft.), who must succeed at
damage according to their size and the Undead type. a Reflex save (DC 10 + one-half of the skinhusk’s HD + its Dexterity
Special Attacks: A skinhusk has none of the special modifier) or be struck with a cloud of spores, requiring a Fortitude save
attacks of the base creature, except extraordinary ones that come (DC 15) to avoid taking 1d6 points of temporary Constitution damage.
from natural weapons (such as constrict or improved grab), but not Another Fortitude save (DC 15) is required 1 minute later—even by
from a metabolism, organs, or a skeletal structure (like poison). those who succeeded at the first save—to avoid taking 2d6 points of
Skinhusks also have the following: temporary Constitution damage. If the attack was a missile or reach
Level Drain (Su): Skinhusks inflict 1 negative level with a weapon, the eruption still occurs into the skinhusk’s square, possibly
successful natural attack. The saving throw for getting rid of the hitting anyone there. The mold is protected from fire and light by the
negative level is Fortitude (DC 10 + one-half of the skinhusk’s skinhusk, but if the skinhusk is destroyed by fire, so is the mold. If
HD + its Charisma modifier). the mold is not destroyed, it erupts into a cloud of spores with a 10 ft.
Filled Core (Ex): Skinhusks are hollow and their radius centered on the dead skinhusk’s body. All within the cloud must
necromantic masters fill them with various substances that save versus the poison as above.
damage those who strike the skinhusk in melee. Options include Special Qualities: A skinhusk has none of the special
(but are not limited to): qualities of the base creature, besides ones like those allowed in Special
Brown Mold: A skinhusk filled with brown mold radiates Attacks above. It gains the following:
cold. The skin of the husk shields the creature’s opponents from
the full brunt of the mold, and thus those within 5 ft. take only
Blindsight (Ex): Skinhusks no longer possess visual organs but can Alignment: Neutral evil
ascertain all foes within 60 ft. via a mystical awareness. Beyond this Advancement: 13-16 HD (Large); 17-36 HD (Huge)
range, the creature is considered blind. Combat
Immunities (Ex): Skinhusks are immune to fire, acid, cold. They If set on guard duty by their creator, dire bear skinhusks have
take half damage from bludgeoning weapons. much the same tactics in undeath as they did during life—wading
Turn Resistance (Ex): Skinhusks have a turn resistance equal to into the thick of the melee inflicting negative levels with their
one-third of their HD. formidable claws and teeth. If they are controlled by necromantic
Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, magicks, they follow the tactical commands of their creator.
sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the dire bear
damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. skinhusk must hit with a claw attack.
Saves: Recalculate the creature’s saves as if it was always of Level Drain (Su): The dire bear skinhusk inflicts 1
the Undead type. negative level on opponents with any successful natural attack.
Abilities: Skinhusks are mindless undead, and therefore have T h e saving throw for a negative level is
no Intelligence score, a Wisdom of 11, and a Charisma of Fortitude (DC 13).
1. As undead, skinhusks have no Constitution Filled Core (Ex):
scores. The inside of the dire
Skills: None, though all skinhusks bear skinhusk is filled
have a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently with bladders of
checks. acids, and the stuff
Feats: None. erupts from the
Climate/Terrain: Any land creature each
or underground. time it is struck
Organization: Small or with a piercing
smaller: Solitary, Pair, Gang (2-5), or slashing
Squad (6-10) or mob (11-20); weapon.
Medium-size: Solitary, Pair, The surge is
Gang (2-5), squad (6-10), under
or mob (11-20); Large and pressure as
larger: Solitary, pair, or hits the attacker,
gang (2-5). if he is within
Treasure: 5 ft., unless that
None. opponent makes
CR: Base a Reflex save
creature’s CR +1 + (DC 17). If
20% (maximum +4). the attack
Alignment: was a missile
Usually neutral evil. weapon, the eruption
ECL: still occurs into the same square,
+3 (assuming the possibly hitting anyone there. A single eruption does 1d6
creature somehow has an points of damage. Further, the dire bear skinhusk explodes when
Intelligence score). it is destroyed, 6d6 damage in a 10 ft. radius burst centered on the
creature. A Reflex save (DC 17) halves the damage.
Sample Skinhusk Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects,
This example uses a dire bear as the base creature. poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to
critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or
Dire Bear Skinhusk death from massive damage.
Large Undead Immunities (Ex): The dire bear skinhusk is immune
Hit Dice: 12d12 (78 hp) to fire, acid, and cold. It takes half damage from bludgeoning
Initiative: +1 (Dex) weapons.
Speed: 40 ft. Skills: Dire bear skinhusks gain a +4 bonus to Move
AC: 17 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural); 16 flat-footed, 10 touch Silently checks, for a total untrained skill of +5.
Attacks: 2 claws +15 melee, bite +10 melee
Damage: Claw 2d4+10, bite 2d8+5 Becoming a Skinhusk
Face/Reach: 10ft. by 20 ft./10 ft. Skinhusks can be created via create undead, create greater undead, or
Special Attacks: Improved grab the ritual of dark calling as detailed in the Desiccated template.
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., scent, undead, immunities, turn The process for creating a skinhusk requires the procurement
resistance +4 of the skin and the required materials for the creature’s Filled
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +8 Core ability. A Craft (embalming) check (DC 25) is required for
Abilities: Str 31, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 crafting the husk and its filling. If the roll fails by 10 or more, the
Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground creator has exposed himself to the materials inside the husk. The
Organization: Solitary or pair only exception to this rule is the diseased skinhusk, which merely
CR: 9 requires an application of the contagion spell during its creation.
Treasure: None
A nimistic cultures believe nature is alive with non-material
forces, and the world itself is merely the body of a
great spirit. All creatures have a spiritual nature and
cast reflections in a parallel world near the Material Plane. Spirits
dwell in that other place, sometimes visiting our world when
targets and can affect targets on the Material Plane normally unless the
spells rely on touch. A manifested spirit’s touch spells don’t work on
material targets.
Materialization (Su): By taking a full round action, the spirit
can become fully corporeal (losing the benefits of being incorporeal)
called or when matters dictate. Many spirits are tied to specific like a normal creature on the Material Plane. When it materializes, the
locales as guardians or manifestations of some metaphysical spirit has all of its normal physical attributes and interacts with the
relevance the place has. Material Plane and its contents like a normal denizen of that plane.
This template can be used to create spirits races that The spirit also interacts with the Ethereal Plane as if the spirit were a
are all the same, or differing creatures of the same apparent type. material being (ethereal beings are invisible and incorporeal). A spirit
It is also an opportunity to introduce monsters to your world can dematerialize, going back to manifested or ethereal, as a standard
that normally do not appear there, as some sort of otherworldly action.
beings. If the spirit world is actually a part of your game’s Possession (Su): As a full-round action, an ethereal or
cosmology, then a spirit should manifest from there, instead of manifested spirit can merge its body with a creature on the Material
the Ethereal Plane. Plane. This ability is similar to magic jar as cast by a sorcerer of the
spirit’s HD, except that it does not require a receptacle. If the attack
Appearance Changes succeeds, the spirit’s body vanishes into the opponent’s body. The target
Spirits look like their material counterparts when manifested can resist the attack with a successful Will save (DC 10 + one-half of
or encountered on their own plane. When the spirit is not the spirit’s HD + its Charisma modifier). A creature that successfully
materialized, but is manifested, it looks translucent and parts of saves is immune to that spirit’s possession for one day.
it may seem misty or disembodied. Spell-like Abilities: The spirit has one or more spell-like abilities
it can use a number of times per day you deem appropriate. The spells
are cast at a divine caster level equal to the spirit’s HD, and a spirit
Creating a Spirit cannot cast a spell of a level that exceeds this caster level (that is, a
“Spirit” is a template that can be added to any creature other than 3 HD spirit can cast 0-, 1st-, and 2nd-level spells). What these spells
an outsider (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After may affect depends on whether the spirit is ethereal, manifested, or
assuming the template, the base creature’s type does not change, materialized (see above).
but it gains the “Spirit” and “Incorporeal” subtypes. (Spirits are Common spells for spirits include: animate objects, bestow curse,
not undead.) All other subtype information for the base creature bless, curse, cause fear, confusion, contagion, dancing lights, deathwatch, dream,
remains unchanged. Spirits use the base creature’s statistics and emotion, etherealness, faerie fire, ghost sound, improved invisibility, invisibility, light,
inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. open/close, seeming, sleep, suggestion, telekinesis, and tongues.
AC: The creature’s natural armor bonus stays the Spirit Touch (Su): The spirit can attack material beings while
same, but is only applicable to other spirits and ethereal beings. incorporeal (not ethereal), and may attack incorporeal beings while
When the creature manifests (see Special Attacks below), it gains materialized, adding its Dexterity bonus to the attack roll, and rolling
a deflection bonus to AC equal to its Charisma bonus, or +1, normal damage, replacing its Strength modifier with its Charisma
whichever is better. Spirits capable of materialization have their modifier. A spirit with this ability may also use its touch spells against
normal natural armor bonus to AC when materialized instead of material beings while incorporeal.
the deflection bonus. Ethereal Spellcaster (Su): One (or more, at your discretion) of
Attacks: Spirits retain the attacks of the base creature, the spirit’s spells or spell-like abilities can be cast from the Ethereal
but those attacks may only affect other ethereal beings unless the Plane to the Material Plane, and vice versa. The spell’s level cannot
spirit manifests or materializes (see Special Attacks below). exceed one-fifth of the spirit’s HD, and casting time is always doubled.
Damage: Spirits retain the damage of the base Less harmful spells are most appropriate for this ability (dancing lights,
creature, but may only affect other ethereal beings unless the ghost sound, open/close, and so on.)
spirit manifests or materializes (see Special Attacks). Special Qualities: Spirits retain all of the special qualities
Special Attacks: Spirits retain the special attacks of of the base creature in addition to those listed below (rejuvenation is
the base creature, but may only affect other ethereal beings unless optional):
the spirit manifests or materializes. Saving throws against a spirit’s Detect Spirits (Su): At will, as a move-equivalent action, a
special attacks have a save DC of 10 plus one-half of the spirit’s materialized spirit can choose to see other spirits in an area (including
HD + its Charisma modifier, unless otherwise noted. All spirits incorporeal or ethereal undead, despite invisibility)—up to its line of
have the manifestation ability and 1d4 of the other abilities listed sight. The spirit cannot see other creatures under invisibility spells or
below: similar effects, only spirits.
Manifestation (Su): As ethereal creatures, spirits cannot Incorporeal (Ex): Incorporeal creatures can only be harmed by other
affect or be affected by anything in the material world. When incorporeal creatures, by +1 or better weapons, or by spells, spell-like
they manifest, spirits become visible, but remain incorporeal. effects, or supernatural effects. They are immune to all non-magical
However, a manifested spirit can strike with any touch attack or attack forms. They are not burned by normal fires, affected by natural
ghost touch weapon it possesses. A manifested spirit remains on cold, or harmed by mundane acids. Even when struck by magic or
the Ethereal Plane but can be attacked by opponents on both magic weapons, an incorporeal creature has a 50% chance to ignore
the Material and Ethereal planes. When a spellcasting spirit is on any damage from a corporeal source—except for a force effect. The
the Ethereal Plane, its spells cannot affect targets on the Material physical attacks of incorporeal creatures ignore material armor, even
Plane, but they work normally against ethereal targets. When a magic armor, unless it is made of force or has the ghost touch ability.
spellcasting spirit manifests, its spells continue to affect ethereal
Incorporeal creatures move in any direction (including up or down) at
will—they do not need to walk on the ground and can pass through The Spirit Subtype
solid objects at will, although they cannot see when their eyes are Some games, especially those with shamans, have spells and abilities
within solid matter. They pass through and operate in water as easily as that work on spirits. The Spirit subtype simply indicates that a
they do in air, cannot fall or suffer falling damage, and have no weight creature is vulnerable to such spells and abilities, and nothing else.
in a material sense. Incorporeal creatures do not leave footprints, have All spirits need not be incorporeal, and can include outsiders,
no scent, and make no noise unless they do so intentionally. Corporeal elementals, naturally incorporeal or ethereal creatures, undead, non-
creatures cannot trip or grapple incorporeal creatures. outsider creatures native to another plane, and even fey.
Rejuvenation (Su): (Optional) It’s difficult to destroy a spirit The preceding list refers to creatures that have not had the
through simple combat. The “destroyed” spirit restores itself in 2d4 Spirit template applied to them, but can be considered spirits by the
days. Even the most powerful spells are often only temporary solutions. virtue of their natures. That is, it is possible to have a cosmology
A spirit that would otherwise be destroyed returns to its old haunts where all fey are considered nature spirits, but those “spirits” don’t
with a successful level check (1d20 + spirit’s level or HD) against DC have the Spirit template. The same cosmology might have versions
16. As a rule, the only way to get rid of a spirit for sure is to determine of the same creature with the Spirit template applied, creating a
the reason for its existence and destroy it. The exact means varies with distinction between fey from the mortal realm and those from
each spirit and may require a good deal of research. another world.
Turn Resistance (Ex): The default assumption is that clerics
cannot turn spirits (unless the spirit is undead), while shamans can. Outsiders and the Spirit Templates
Perhaps druids and/or adepts can turn spirits as well (or instead), One might apply the Spirit template to outsiders anyway, to give
making them slightly more powerful. If clerics or non-shaman them the possession ability or to create an interesting and unique
characters are allowed to turn any spirit, the spirit should have turn cosmology. Perhaps all outsiders in your world are spirits instead of
resistance of up to one-half of its HD (your discretion). Consider entities from other planes. Alternatively, the planes could exist, but
allowing clerics (and other characters capable of turning) to turn evil be inhabited entirely by spirits instead of corporeal outsiders. What
spirits with positive energy, and good spirits with negative energy, if outsiders are treated as spirits, but can only materialize on their
without adding turn resistance if the idea fits your campaign. home plane? Possibilities abound.
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Charisma +4.
Skills: Spirits receive a +4 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and
Stacking With Spirits
Spot. They get +8 to Hide when manifested or ethereal.
The spirit template offers a unique opportunity for stacking—it
Organization: Often the same as the base creature, but
doesn’t change the creature’s base type and doesn’t really alter its
otherwise solitary, pair, group (3-6), or horde (7-12).
abilities in a way that interferes or complicates most other templates.
CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 20 %.
You could turn a vampire into a spirit, thus making something
Treasure: Usually none.
like the gaki from Asian myth or add the template to (physically
Alignment: Often the same as the base creature, but
superior) human or elf sorcerers (perhaps with the Enchanted
disparate individuals may be found.
template) and call them “sidhe”, not unlike those in Celtic legends
ECL: +3.
(and this book). Sky’s the limit!
These spirits inhabit areas used for refuse and trash for centuries, Calling Spirits, Becoming a Spirit
eating the spiritual manifestations of the garbage. It’s not Spirits can be summoned with any summon monster spell—the type of
uncommon for material otyughs to occupy the same area. Spirit spell determines the power of the spirit. Compare the spirit version of
otyughs speak Common, though it may be an archaic form. the creature to the regular version. It’s just as easy to say that summoned
monsters (including those summoned with summon nature’s ally) are
Combat spirits that are forced to manifest for the duration of the spell. Other
Spirit otyughs are not very aggressive, but wield disease as a brutal Conjuration (calling) spells, like lesser planar ally, can be used to summon
weapon. spirit creatures as well.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the spirit otyugh It’s unusual, because spirits are usually part of the metaphysics
must hit a Medium-size or smaller opponent with a tentacle and cosmology in a setting, but there are ways to craft spiritual energies
attack. If it gets a hold, it can constrict. into actual spirits. Those who have no wish to enslave or compel free
Constrict (Ex): A spirit otyugh deals automatic spirits learn to create such creatures as guardians. Lesser planar binding
tentacle damage to a Medium-size or smaller opponent and planar binding can be considered cleric, druid, and/or shaman spells
with a successful grapple check. for the purpose of calling spirits, if you don’t like the idea of
Disease (Ex): Filth fever, bite, “creating” such creatures. Or, the spells below simply call spirits
Fortitude save (DC 12), incubation period similar to the focus creature into the presence of the caster
1d3 days; damage 1d3 temporary Dexterity from some other realm—the spells are then Conjuration
and 1d3 temporary Constitution. (Calling). Perhaps, in this latter case, there need be no focus
Manifestation (Su): As ethereal creature, nor any expenditure of temporary Wisdom and
creatures, spirit otyughs cannot affect or be Constitution. Here are some possibilities:
affected by anything in the material world.
When they manifest, spirit otyughs become Fabricate Spirit
visible but remain incorporeal. However, a Conjuration (Creation)
manifested spirit otyugh can strike with Level: Drd 6, Sha 5
its Spirit Touch ability (see below). A Components: V, S, M, F, XP
manifested spirit otyugh remains on the Casting Time: 3 hours
Ethereal Plane but can be Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
attacked by opponents Effect: Creates a spirit based on focus
on both the Material and creature
Ethereal planes. When Duration: Instantaneous
a spellcasting spirit Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
otyugh is on the Spell Resistance: No
Ethereal Plane, its You can create one or more
spells cannot affect spirits very much like an example of
targets on the Material a living creature that is present, by
Plane, but they work summoning ambient spiritual energy in the
normally against ethereal multiverse, the realm of the mind, and a
targets. When a spellcasting small portion of the focus creature’s (or
spirit otyugh manifests, its your own) essence. The focus creature
spells continue to affect may not have more than 2 HD +1 HD
ethereal targets and can per level you are above 10th level, and
affect targets on the Material the created spirits are limited to the
Plane normally (due to “Spirit same level of HD. Thus, a 12th-level
Touch” below). character could raise any spirit that has 4
Contagion (Sp): A spirit otyugh may HD or less. This means he could raise 8
cast contagion 3/day as a 6th-level spirits of a 1/2 HD creature, or one spirit
cleric (Fortitude negates, DC 13) of a 3 HD creature. Only one type of spirit
by touching an opponent. may be created per casting, and the DM
Spirit Touch (Su): The spirit determines its actual powers, though you
otyugh can attack material beings while incorporeal have some influence with a successful Spellcraft
(not ethereal), adding its Dexterity bonus to the attack roll, Check (DC 25). This spell must be cast at noon, midnight, dusk, or
and rolling normal damage, replacing its Strength modifier to dawn.
damage with its Charisma modifier. Those hit with the spirit Created spirits are not automatically under your control, but
otyugh’s bite are subject to its disease ability—the spirit otyugh may you may attempt to command the spirit as it forms with a turning check
also use its contagion ability while incorporeal. or by using a small miracle spell. Even if you fail, you may try to negotiate
Skills: *A spirit otyugh receives a +8 racial bonus to with the spirit using Diplomacy or Animal Empathy as appropriate.
Hide checks when in its lair, due to its natural coloration, and an The spirits are initially Indifferent towards you and usually require some
additional +8 to Hide when manifested or ethereal. Spirit otyughs exchange for service. If you manipulate the spirit to a Helpful attitude,
receive a +4 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot. it agrees to perform some service for you, even a long-term one. Long
tasks require you to care for the spirit or place it in an area it enjoys, or it
may abandon its assignment.
Focus: This spell requires a living example of the creature of which you control HD equal to the caster’s level, while wish or miracle control
wish to make a spiritual copy. If the focus creature is unwilling, it must three times the caster’s level in HD. A successful turning check to
be unable to resist and it gets a Will save to negate the spell, and if the command the spirit also grants control. The spirit usually has the
save succeeds, you take 1d4 points of temporary Wisdom damage. On same attitude towards the ritual group as the focus creature.
a successful casting, the focus creature takes 1d4 points of temporary Material Components: The ritual requires the incense,
Constitution and Wisdom damage, which the caster may choose to take crystals and gems, and mundane material components worth 400
instead—this is an expenditure of spiritual energy on the part of the gp per final HD of the creature(s) raised.
focus creature, from which the new spirit is formed. Ability damage XP Cost: 75 XP per HD of the creature(s) raised.
done by this spell cannot be healed via magic (besides a small miracle Failure: If the ritual fails, the focus creature is
spell). unaffected and the ritual may be performed on the same creature
Material Component: The short ceremony requires incense and again, but at +1 to the ritual DC each time. Further, the ritual
mundane prepared herbs, something attractive to the created spirit, and participants are all affected as if they were the focus of the spell,
crystals worth 25 gp per HD of the created spirit. taking half that damage. The ritual leader takes full damage as if
XP: You must pay 20 XP per HD of the created spirit. he or she were the focus of the ritual. None of the participants
take permanent damage, however.
Fabricate Greater Spirit Botch: A botched ritual results in the same thing as
Conjuration (Creation) failure, except hostile spirits come to the calling, attracted by the
Level: Drd 8, Sha 7 creation magic. As many HD of hostile spirits are called in this
Components: V, S, M, F, M, XP way as would have been created. The ritual leader takes all ability
Casting Time: 3 hours damage as d8s (1d8 temporary Constitution, 2d8 temporary
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Wisdom), and must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or lose a point
Target: One creature of Wisdom permanently.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None Guardian Spirit (Vorthr)
Spell Resistance: No A special form of birth of spirit, called raise vorthr, can be cast using a
You create even more potent spirits than those created with willing, living creature as the focus. The vorthr is an exact duplicate
fabricate spirit, but it functions like that spell. You can raise 10 HD +2
of the focus creature, without equipment, but with the spirit
HD per level you are over 15th, and may only bring the creature under
template. Vorthr are usually created as guardians and, since they
control with a miracle spell, a successful turning check to command it, or
are replicas of the focus creature, are willing to take such duty,
a negotiation. The focus creature takes 2d4 points of Wisdom damage,
instead of 1d4. residing in an area for all time if need be. In such a case, the
vorthr is provided with whatever will make it comfortable and is
left in the place in question.
Birth of Spirit
Conjuration (Creation, Ritual) Many vorthr have the possession special attack and
Level: Clr 6, Drd 6, Sha 5 rejuvenation—some are even able to take possession of animated
Components: V, S, M, F, XP dead and constructs. Such spirits leave their guarded location
Casting Time: 1 day per 5 HD of the final creature only if they have failed to protect it or once specified conditions
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) are met. Failed vorthr may track those who violated their guarded
Target: Creature or creatures within range place, while vorthr who complete their task usually fade back into
Duration: Instantaneous the ether, becoming unmanifest forever.
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text) If mortals in your cosmology cannot create spirits,
Spell Resistance: No consider the vorthr a manifestation of the focus creature from
Ritual DC: 14 + 1 per final HD of target creature(s) the realm of dreams or mind and archetypes. This gives you an
This ritual allows the creation of any sort of spirit, allowed excuse to vary the called vorthr from the focus creature in some
by the fabricate spirit and fabricate greater spirit spells, through a long way, or make it an idealized version.
ritual. There is no limit to the number of HD of spirits that can be
raised in this way. The ritual must be performed at dusk or dawn each
day. Including the leader, the ritual group must have three levels of
spellcaster per HD of the spirit creature or creatures. The assembly
must cast the spell fabricate spirit each day during the rite.
A creature must serve as the focus for the spiritual crafting.
If unwilling, the focus creature must be bound and unable to resist. It
gets a Will saving throw against the ritual. That creature is drained of
1d4 points of temporary Constitution and 2d4 temporary Wisdom to
manifest the spirit. This damage cannot be healed by any spell short
of a wish. The creature must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15)
or a permanent Constitution point is lost, and Will save (DC 15) or a
permanent point of Wisdom is lost. A willing proxy in the ritual group
may opt to take this permanent damage instead.
At the end of the rite, the spirits are called into being if the
ritual check is successful. The ritual does not grant any control over
newly formed creatures, though a limited wish or small miracle spell grants
example, once every 1d4 rounds for dragons.
hether arising from intentional experimentation
Special Qualities: A two-headed mutant retains all of the special
by mages or accidental creation by strange magical
qualities of the base creature and also gains the following:
fields, two-headed mutants may pop up almost
Dual Mind (Ex): The mutant has two brains, so for all
anywhere. Assuming its parents don’t kill it outright, a two-
mind-affecting attacks the mutant counts as two separate creatures.
headed mutant is tougher, more adept in combat, and more
If a spell or effect can only affect one of the creature’s heads (such
resistant to some magic than a normal creature of its kind.
as a charm monster spell, which affects a single target), the unaffected
Creatures such as the ettin, amphisbaena (venomous snake
head takes control of the entire body. The spell affects the targeted
with a head on each end), and even the hydra may be end
head normally, and the creature temporarily loses its dual reflexes
products of this sort of mutation.
ability. The affected head won’t attack its own body or counterpart
Some accidental two-headed mutants born of
any more than a charmed person would kill himself. In effect,
humanoid parents are left to die in the wilderness after they
mind-affecting attacks must affect both heads in order to achieve
are born but end up being rescued by evil creatures, mad
the normal result (casting two successful charm monster spells on a
wizards, or strange cultists, where they may be raised with the
two-headed mutant brings it fully under the control of the caster
intention of being sacrificed upon reaching adulthood. The
and allows it to use all of its abilities).
lucky ones either escape their captors, to live in remote places,
Dual Reflexes (Ex): The creature’s two heads each control
or somehow prove their worth, earning a place for themselves
half of its limbs. This means that the creature acts as two creatures
in a new group or family.
for the purposes of making attacks and attacks of opportunity. This
has three effects.
Appearance Changes First (assuming a creature with two hands that use
A two-headed mutant looks like a regular version of its weapons), the creature may attack with a weapon in each hand,
kind of creature, except that it has a second head, normally and does not suffer attack or damage roll penalties for doing so. In
attached in the same general area as the head of a normal effect, the left and right hands each attack at the creature’s normal
creature (for example, the two-headed mutant of a humanoid base attack bonus (without any penalties for fighting with two
would have two necks sprouting from its upper torso, each weapons). If the creature’s base attack bonus would allow it iterative
with its own head). In some cases (such as for creatures with attacks with its first limb, the second limb does as well.
more symmetric or unusual bodies) the head may appear Second, the creature may make one more attack of
elsewhere, such as on the end of the tail (as is the case with opportunity per round than normal, but this extra attack must be
the amphisbaena). In some two-headed mutants the second with a different limb than any previous attacks of opportunity.
head is noticeably different from the first one (smaller, For example, a two-headed mutant ogre could make an attack of
discolored, and so on). opportunity with its left club, and if another attack of opportunity
was provoked later that round, the ogre could use the weapon in its
Creating a Two-Headed Mutant right hand to make another attack of opportunity. If the creature
“Two-headed Mutant” is a template that can be added to any has the Combat Reflexes feat, the additional attacks of opportunity
creature with a discernable anatomy and an obvious head or from that feat may be taken with either limb in any combination,
head-like part of its body (referred to hereafter as the “base and the creature still gains its extra attack of opportunity from this
creature”). Elementals and most plants cannot become two- ability (so a creature with a 16 Dexterity could make up to 5 attacks
headed mutants, nor can phasms (which lack a true head of opportunity per round—1 normally, 1 from this ability, and 3
in their natural form). Creatures that are little more than a from the Combat Reflexes feat).
head with small limbs (such as a vargouille) cannot use this Third, if the creature has the ability to cast spells or use
template. The base creature’s type and subtype do not change. spell-like abilities, it may use one head and one arm (for somatic
A two-headed mutant uses the base creature’s statistics and components) to cast spells and still make a single attack with its
inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. other arm (coordinated by the other head) in the same round. The
AC: Natural armor improves by +1. creature must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + spell level) to
Attacks: Same as the base creature. If the creature successfully use the spell or spell-like ability in this fashion.
has a bite attack or an attack that originates from the Using a two-handed weapon effectively eliminates the
creature’s head (such as a stirge’s touch attack), it gains an entire advantage, however, as both heads work to control the single
extra attack of this type at the same attack bonus. weapon. Some monsters in the MM and other monster tomes are
Special Attacks: Same as base creature. If the base listed with weapons that are a size category larger than the creature,
creature has a special attack based on some part of its head and thus necessarily two-handed. Consider giving the monster
or neck (such as a poisonous bite, or a gaze attack), each head another set of smaller weapons.
can use that ability each round. Spells and spell-like abilities CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
are not increased in this manner, nor are any abilities that ECL: +2.
originate from elsewhere within the body and are deployed
through the head. Breath weapons fall into a special category,
usually facilitated by some other organ(s) in the body. Thus,
they may only be used as is normal for the creature—for
Sample Two-headed Mutants make one more attack of opportunity per round than normal,
These examples use an ogre (ability scores for a unique individual, the but this extra attack must be with a different limb than any
template doesn’t modify any ability score) and a Huge viper snake as previous attacks of opportunity.
the base creatures. Rage (Ex): 1/day for 10 rounds (see the Barbarian class
in the PHB).
Drona, two-headed mutant ogre Bbn 1
Large Giant Amphisbaena (two-headed mutant Huge viper snake)
Hit Dice: 4d8+20 plus 1d12+5 (49 hp) Huge Beast
Initiative: +0 Hit Dice: 4d8 (22 hp)
Speed: 40 ft. Initiative: +4 (Dex)
AC: 18 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +6 natural, +4 chain shirt); 18 flat-footed, 8 Speed: 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
touch AC: 16 (–2 size, +4 Dex, +4 natural); 12 flat-footed, 12 touch
Attacks: 2 masterwork greatclubs +10 melee; or 2 masterwork Attacks: 2 bites +5 melee
longspears +3 ranged Damage: Bite 1d4 and poison
Damage: Masterwork greatclubs 1d10+5; or masterwork longspears Face/Reach: 15 ft. by 15ft. (coiled)/10 ft.
1d8+5/crit x3 Special Attacks: Poison (DC 13, initial and secondary damage
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5ft./10 ft. 1d6 Con)
Special Attacks: Rage 1/day Special Qualities: Dual mind, dual reflexes, scent
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., dual mind, dual reflexes, fast Saves: Fort +5, Reflex +8, Will +2.
movement (+10 ft.) Abilities: Str 10, Dex 19, Con 13, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2.
Saves: Fort +8, Reflex +1, Will +0 Skills: Balance +12, Climb +12, Hide +3, Listen +9, Spot +9.
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 11, Con 20, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 6 Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite).
Skills: Climb +3, Listen +2, Spot +2, Swim –13, Wilderness Lore +1 Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm land and underground
Feats: Weapon Focus (greatclub) Organization: Solitary
CR: 4 CR: 4
Alignment: Chaotic evil Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral
Drona’s mother abandoned him in the deep forest as a child, and he Advancement: 5–6 HD (Huge); 7–12 HD (Gargantuan)
has never forgiven her—venting his hatred on everything around him
that seems a threat. At 10 ft. of height (and 947 pounds), he would be This snake has a head on either end of its body.
easily mistaken for a small ettin, if not for his stooped appearance and
overlong arms. He is ugly and rapacious, reveling in the destruction Combat
of anything weaker than himself. His two heads argue with one Two-headed mutant viper snakes have the same combat tactics
another over the pettiest of issues, though the brute lacks the insight as their one-headed counterparts.
and intelligence to talk about anything truly interesting. Drona is Dual Mind (Ex): The two-headed mutant viper has
surprisingly well dressed for an ogre, for he has a loose alliance with a two brains, so for all mind affecting attacks it counts as two
nearby hobgoblin legion. Their gifts buy Drona’s loyalty for a time. separate creatures. If a spell or effect can only affect one of the
Possessions: chainmail shirt (hobgoblin), fur cloak, 2 greatclubs heads (such as a charm monster spell, which affects a single target),
(hobgoblin masterwork), 2 longspears (hobgoblin masterwork), 2 the unaffected head takes control of the entire body. In these
electrum torcs (hobgoblin, 500 gp each), potion of swimming, belt of situations, the affected head becomes inert for combat purposes
skulls (various humanoids and animals), backpack, sleeping furs, 121 gp (losing its extra bite attack), and the two-headed mutant viper
(Included in skills: armor check penalty –2; 91 lbs./–18 Swim). temporarily loses its Dual Reflexes ability. Even if one head is
charmed or dominated, the two-headed mutant viper does not
Combat attack itself or split its attacks between its normal opponents
Drona approaches combat in a straightforward fashion, wading into and those chosen by its “controller”. In effect, mind-affecting
melee to bludgeon his opponents with two greatclubs. attacks must affect both heads in order to achieve the normal
Dual Mind (Ex): Drona has two brains, so for all mind- result.
affecting attacks he counts as two separate creatures. If a spell or effect Dual Reflexes (Ex): The two-headed mutant viper’s two
can only affect one of Drona’s heads (such as a charm monster spell, heads are autonomous. This means that the creature acts as two
which affects a single target), the unaffected head takes control of the creatures for the purposes of making attacks and attacks of
entire body. The spell affects the targeted head normally, and Drona opportunity. This has the following two effects:
temporarily loses his dual reflexes ability. The affected head won’t attack First, the two-headed mutant viper may attack with
its own body or counterpart any more than a charmed person would a bite attack for each head and does not suffer an attack or
kill himself. In effect, mind-affecting attacks must affect both heads in damage penalty for doing so. If the two-headed mutant viper’s
order to achieve the normal result. base attack bonus allows it to make iterative attacks with its first
Dual Reflexes (Ex): Drona’s two heads each control half of its head, the second head does, as well.
limbs. This means that Drona acts as two creatures for the purposes Second, the two-headed mutant viper may make one
of making attacks and attacks of opportunity. Drona may attack with a more attack of opportunity per round than normal, but this
weapon in each hand, and does not suffer an attack or damage penalty extra attack must be with a different head than any previous
for doing so. If Drona’s base attack bonus allows him to make iterative attacks of opportunity.
attacks with its first limb, the second limb does as well. Drona may
as a free action. Thereafter it drains blood, inflicting points of
osferatu, mullo, or dreaded hopping vampires all
temporary Constitution damage each round the pin is maintained.
have one thing in common—they are corpses
The amount of this damage is the same as the bite damage
animated by an evil and animalistic will to feed on
of a creature one size smaller, but of the same base type, as the
the living. Not truly sentient, these abominations are like a
base creature according to Appendix I: Creature Construction Charts.
spiritual plague that can infest almost any creature. Only the
For example, an animal corpse vampire of Gargantuan size has a
bodies of the truly vile or terribly corrupted animate thus,
blood drain amount equal to the bite damage of a Huge animal,
and corpse vampires, resistant to many things that normally
or 2d6 per round. A Fine animal corpse vampire drains 1 point of
affect life drinking undead, are confusing to those experienced
temporary Constitution every other round.
with sentient bloodsuckers. Fortunately, corpse vampires are
Corpse vampires require 1 point of Constitution per HD
nowhere near as potent.
in the form of blood every day, often retiring for the evening when
they’ve had their fill. Each day this quota is not met, the corpse
Appearance Changes vampire loses one HD temporarily. As the starvation progresses, the
Corpse vampires look like what their namesake indicates— corpse vampire rots more and more. If the corpse vampire loses its
walking cadavers, with bloated and blood-filled innards. The final HD, it is destroyed and looks like a badly rotted corpse.
eyes of a corpse vampire glow slightly with the red light When the corpse vampire feeds adequately, in an amount
of animal rage, and the creature often lairs where it died equal to its normal requirement plus the number of HD previously
or was buried, even going so far as reburying itself each lost, it immediately regains one lost HD and the other HD return at
dawn. Corpse vampires of speaking creatures sometimes the rate of one per day.
talk, haltingly, of things that meant something to them in Improved Grab (Ex): If the corpse vampire hits with
life, but these vocal meanderings are often nonsequitur or both claws (or bite, if that’s the creature’s primary attack), it deals
meaningless. normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action
without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch
Creating a Corpse Vampire attack is required, Tiny and Small creatures do not suffer a special
“Corpse Vampire” is a template that can be added to any size penalty, and the corpse vampire may use this ability against
living, corporeal creature besides oozes, outsiders, and plants opponents of its size or smaller.
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming When the corpse vampire gets a hold after an improved
the template, the base creature’s type changes to “Undead”. grab attack, it pulls the opponent into its space. This act does not
All other subtype information for the base creature remains provoke attacks of opportunity. Otherwise, the corpse vampire
unchanged. Corpse vampires use the base creature’s statistics attempts to maintain a pin (and to drain blood), following normal
and inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. rules for grappling. The corpse vampire can move (possibly carrying
Hit Dice: Remove all HD (and associated abilities) away the opponent), provided it can drag the opponent’s weight.
due to character classes and double the remaining HD. Create Spawn (Ex): An appropriate creature slain by a
Creatures with only levels for HD get the minimum HD for corpse vampire’s blood drain attack rises as a corpse vampire 1d3
their size and type (see Appendix I: Creature Construction Charts), nights after its death if it fails a Will save (as if it were alive, DC 10
which is then doubled. Die type is d12. + one-half of the corpse vampire’s HD + its Charisma modifier).
AC: Natural armor improves by +4. Evil creatures suffer a –6 penalty to the save, chaotic evil creatures
Attacks: All corpse vampires have a primary claw suffer a –10. These new corpse vampires are not under the control
attack and a secondary claw and bite attack, unless the base of their “parent” in any way, though they sometimes willingly hunt
creature already has a more impressive set of natural attacks in packs.
or lacks the proper appendages to have claws. In that case, the Special Qualities: A corpse vampire retains the special
creature just has a bite attack. The base attack bonus of these qualities of the base creature like those allowed in Special Attacks
attacks is calculated based on the creature’s new HD and type. above. It also gains the following abilities:
Even if the creature retains the ability to use weapons (see Damage Reduction (Ex): A corpse vampire is tough and gets
Feats below), it usually favors its natural attacks. DR 2/—.
Damage: Claws and bite attacks do damage Darkvision (Ex): Corpse vampires can see in non-magical
according to the base creature’s type. If the creature already darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range,
had bite and/or claw attacks, instead treat the creature as whichever is better.
one size larger and determine its damage. The teeth and Fast Healing (Ex): Corpse vampires heal 2 points of
claws of bestial corpse vampires grow larger upon their damage each round so long as they have at least 1 hit point. A
transformation. corpse vampire harmed by blood loss, sunlight, or garlic cannot heal
Special Attacks: A corpse vampire has none of that damage until all of its other damage has been healed, and even
the special attacks of the base creature, except extraordinary then only heals a number of points equal to the creature’s HD per
ones that come from natural weapons (such as improved grab), day.
but not from a metabolism (like poison). Corpse vampires also Flashbacks (Ex): From time to time, the corpse vampire
have the following: sees something that reminds it of its life. At the start of every
Blood Drain (Ex): A corpse vampire can suck blood encounter, there is a 5% chance that it notices something about a
from a living victim with its fangs by making a successful single opponent (randomly determined, if more than one opponent
grapple check. If it gains a pin it can attempt a single bite
is present) that causes it to recall its life. If this happens, the corpse Corpse Vampire Weaknesses
vampire takes no action for 1 round, except for acting erratically Like supernatural vampires, corpse vampires have a number
(pacing, mumbling to itself, speaking, staring, and so on), and of weaknesses.
thereafter suffers a –2 morale penalty to all attacks directed at that Bleeding: Corpse vampires have blood and can bleed
opponent. (such as when struck with a wounding weapon). Such bleeding,
If actually faced with something (that it does not usually however, only lasts until the wound heals via the corpse
carry) or someone important from its life, like a loved one, a corpse vampire’s fast healing ability. If the vampire somehow bleeds
vampire must make a Will saving throw (DC 15), or go mad for 2d6 to 0 hit points, it is destroyed.
rounds, taking actions according to this chart: Garlic: Garlic, a blood tonic, is poisonous to corpse
vampires. The juice of a garlic clove functions as if it were an
Roll The corpse vampire… acidic poison (this is an exception to the rule that undead are
1 Cowers (and weeps, cries, or mutters if immune to poison); Fortitude DC 16, 1d8 hit points of initial
appropriate) and secondary damage. When damaged by garlic in this way,
2–7 Acts towards the object as it would have in the corpse vampire suffers burning agony causing a –1 morale
life (speaking, showing affection or disdain, penalty to attack rolls and skill checks for 2d6 rounds. Each
and so on) application has a limit of one successful strike, in the manner
8–9 Attacks the important person, object, or the of poisoned weapons.
one carrying the important object An entire one-ounce vial of garlic juice injected into
10 Acts normally for one round or consumed by the corpse vampire raises the Fortitude DC
to 20 and does 4d6 hit points of initial and secondary damage.
Even if the corpse vampire makes the save, it may pay The agony of such damage is terrible and the morale penalty
special attention to the object of its past life. Dialog on the subject increases to –4.
is almost always angry and accusatory, though it may have any basis Heart Vulnerability: A wooden or bone piercing
you desire. This behavior is always disturbing. weapon thrust into a corpse vampire’s heart destroys it
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Corpse vampires take a –1 instantly. To strike the heart while the corpse vampire is not
circumstance penalty on attack rolls in brightly lit areas. helpless, an opponent must use a full-round action to aim
Resistance (Ex): A corpse vampire has cold resistance 10. with a melee weapon or missile weapon at no more than one
Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, range increment, or 30 ft., whichever is less. Missile attacks
sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, made from further than adjacent to the corpse vampire suffer
subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from a –4 circumstance penalty to the attack roll. Spears (or similar
massive damage. weapons) with a non-silver blade may be used as well, but only
Saves: Recalculate as if the creature was always undead, at a similar penalty because of the extra force needed to push
but retain the “good” save categories of the base creature as well. past the blade to the wooden haft.
Will is considered a good save for all corpse vampires, regardless of Making a heart strike draws an attack of opportunity.
base creature. The attacker then makes an attack roll at –4 (the penalty for
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Strength using a missile weapon from range or non-silver spear stacks
+4, Wisdom –2. The Charisma and Intelligence scores of the base with this penalty). If the attack is a critical hit, the corpse
creature are halved (minimum 3, or the base creature’s original score vampire suffers normal (not multiplied) damage and must
if already lower than 3). As undead creatures, corpse vampires have make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or be destroyed
no Constitution score. instantly. Sneak attack damage may be applied to the damage,
Skills: Recalculate skill points as if the creature was always if appropriate, in this one instance (the corpse vampire is
undead. Skills the creature had in life are considered class skills for otherwise immune to critical hits and sneak attacks).
the corpse vampire. Corpse vampires receive a +8 racial bonus to Sunlight: Corpse vampires cannot stand sunlight.
Listen and Spot checks. Exposing one to sunlight for a full round causes it to take
Feats: Assume the corpse vampire is proficient with damage equal to its maximum hit points, destroying it instantly.
whatever armor and weapons the corpse wears or carries. It may A corpse vampire exposed to sunlight for less than a round
retain some of its class feats at your discretion, so long as it still loses a percentage of its hit points equal to the percentage of
qualifies for them. Corpse vampires gain Alertness, Improved the round spent in the light. Cover or concealment reduces the
Initiative, and Toughness as bonus feats. amount of damage by the amount of cover or concealment
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground. (so being exposed to sunlight for a full round through nine-
Organization: Solitary, pair, pack (2-5). tenths cover, such as an arrow slit, means the corpse vampire
CR: A corpse vampire’s challenge rating depends on its only loses one-tenth of its maximum hit points).
size: Tiny or smaller 1/2, Small 1, Medium-size 2, Large 4, Huge
8, Gargantuan 13, Colossal 16. CR goes up if the vampire retains
significant extraordinary abilities.
Alignment: Always chaotic evil.
Advancement: Corpse vampires might be found from all
forms of advanced creatures (in HD, not class levels), but do not
ECL: +2 (not including any bonus HD).
Sample Corpse Vampires Combat
The first example uses a former 4th-level gnoll ranger (with an Volgr usually fights like a beast, with straightforward tactics and
18 Strength, 14 Dexterity and Wisdom, a 10 Intelligence, and a no mercy. Occasionally, he remembers himself enough to shoot at
13 Charisma) as the base creature. The new creature has 4 HD fleeing foes.
due to the elimination of its class levels and the doubling of its Blood Drain (Ex): Volgr can suck blood from a living
base HD. The other stat-block is for members of Volgr’s pack victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple check. If Volgr
of three other (average) gnoll corpse vampires, who follow their gains a pin, he can attempt a single bite as a free action. Thereafter
former leader due to life memories. The whole pack has an he drains blood, inflicting 1d3 points of temporary Constitution
Encounter Level of 6. damage each round the pin is maintained.
Volgr requires 4 points of Constitution in the form of
Volgr, male gnoll corpse vampire blood every day. Each day this quota is not met, he loses one HD
Medium-size Undead temporarily. As the starvation progresses, Volgr rots more and
Hit Dice: 4d12+6 (33 hp) more. If he loses its final HD, Volgr dies and looks like nothing
Initiative: +6 (Dex, Improved Initiative) more than a badly rotted corpse.
Speed: 30 ft. When Volgr feeds adequately, in an amount equal to its
AC: 20 (+2 Dex, +5 natural, +3 studded leather); 18 flat- normal requirement plus the number of HD previously lost, it
footed, 12 touch immediately regains one lost HD and the other HD return at the
Attacks: Claw +8 melee, claw +3 melee, bite +3 melee; or rate of one per day.
masterwork mighty composite longbow +6 ranged Favored Enemy (Ex): Volgr gets +1 to attack and damage
Damage: Claws 1d4+6, bite 1d4+3; masterwork mighty rolls against humans, as well as Wilderness Lore checks to track
composite longbow 1d8+3/crit x3 them.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Improved Grab (Ex): If Volgr hits with both claws, he deals
Special Attacks: Blood drain, improved grab, create spawn, normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action
favored enemy (humans) without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 2/—, fast healing, is required, and he may use this ability on Medium-size or smaller
flashbacks, light sensitivity, resistance (cold 10), undead, creatures.
corpse vampire When Volgr gets a hold after an
weaknesses improved grab attack, he pulls the opponent
Saves: Fort +3, into his space. This act does not provoke
Ref +0, Will +5 attacks of opportunity. Otherwise the Volgr
Abilities: Str 22, attempts to maintain a pin (and to drain
Dex 14, Con —, Int blood), following normal rules for grappling.
5, Wis 12, Cha 6 Volgr can move (possibly carrying away
Skills: Climb the opponent), provided he can drag the
+9, Jump +9, opponent’s weight.
Listen +12, Spot Create Spawn (Ex): An appropriate
+12, Swim +4, creature slain by Volgr’s blood drain
Wilderness Lore +5 attack rises as a corpse vampire 1d3
Feats: Alertness, nights after its death if it fails a Will
Improved Initiative, save (DC 10). Evil creatures suffer
Toughness (x2), a –4 penalty to the save, chaotic evil
Track creatures suffer a –6. These new
CR: 2 corpse vampires are not under
Alignment: Volgr’s control in any way.
Chaotic evil
Volgr is a
moldering, blood-
swollen caricature of his former self. The rotten
remnants of his masterwork studded leather hang
from his putrid frame, and he still carries his once-
prized bow and a quiver of gnoll war arrows. The
animalistic thing Volgr has become still remembers
a bit about tracking and survival. He
can be a relentless enemy. Volgr speaks
Gnoll, Goblin, and Common.
Possessions: studded leather (ruined
masterwork, no bonus), composite longbow (mighty (+3),
masterwork), quiver (9 masterwork arrows), jewelry (250 gp)
(Included in skills: armor check penalty –1; 24 lbs./–5 Swim).
Fast Healing (Ex): If harmed by blood loss, sunlight, or garlic, Volgr Becoming a Corpse Vampire
cannot heal that damage until all of his other damage has been Corpse vampires can be created via create undead, create greater
healed, and even then he can only heal 4 hp per day. undead, or the ritual of dark calling as detailed in the Desiccated
Flashbacks (Ex): Volgr remembers his old hunting hounds, template. Usually, however, the foul things result from
elves, and horses most vividly, along with his favorite wife and pups. other corpse vampires, like a spreading plague. Optionally, a
Elvish knights and a female elf enchantress killed him. See the creature with less than 5 HD that is slain by a vampire comes
description above for the effects of Volgr being faced with such back as a corpse vampire (instead of vampire spawn). This is
things. especially appropriate for creatures not normally allowed the
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Corpse vampires take a –1 penalty on Vampire template, but allowed the Corpse Vampire template.
attack rolls in brightly lit areas.
Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits,
subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive
As vicious as Volgr, the pack occasionally uses its melee and ranged
weapons and does not get a favored enemy bonus against humans.
The save for their create spawn ability is DC 9. Otherwise, their
powers are similar.
F amiliar are tales of vampires—how these ruthless barons The dread vampire may also drain individual creatures that are suffering
of the undead world leech the very life-blood from the from any form of fear. To do so, the dread vampire must make a
living in order to perpetuate their abominable existence. successful grapple check against the creature. If it gets a hold it may lock
Few have actually met one of these horrors, and a still smaller eyes with the opponent and drain 1d4 points of permanent Wisdom per
number have survived to tell the tale. round it maintains the hold.
However, not all vampires live by consuming blood; Through the absorb fear ability, the dread vampire gains 5 hit
some live off the fear they create in the hearts of other beings, points per ability point drained. Any hit points over the dread vampire’s
draining psychic and physical energies from their terrified victims. maximum are treated as temporary hit points that fade in 1d4+1
This particular strain of vampire is known as the fear-drinker or minutes. Alternatively, the dread vampire may add 1 point to its Strength
dread vampire. for every 2 ability points drained. Any points added to abilities in this
fashion are also temporary and fade after 1d4+1 minutes.
Create Spawn (Su): A humanoid or monstrous humanoid slain
Appearance Changes by a dread vampire’s energy drain attack rises as a dread vampire spawn
Dread vampires have a chilling and otherworldly aspect to their
1d4 days after burial. A creature driven to 0 Wisdom and then killed in
appearance. They are at once compelling and revolting, both
any manner returns as dread vampire spawn or, if 5 HD or higher, a
charismatic and odious. Although these monsters strongly
new dread vampire. In any case, the new creature is under the control
resemble the forms they had in life, there are a few discernible
of the dread vampire that created it, and remains so until the master
signs that belie the true nature of these evil undead, such as a
vampire’s death.
sickly pallor to the skin, hauntingly evil eyes, claw-like fingernails,
Energy Drain (Su): The slam of a dread vampire delivers 2
or some other visible manifestation of the creatures’ nature.
negative levels.
Special Qualities: A dread vampire has all the special qualities of the
Creating a Dread Vampire base creature, besides ones like those prohibited in Special Attacks above,
“Dread Vampire” is a template that can be added to any plus the following:
humanoid or monstrous humanoid (referred to hereafter as Damage Reduction (Ex): A dread vampire’s undead body is
the “base creature”). After assuming the template, the base tough, giving the creature damage reduction 10/holy or +2.
creature’s type changes to “Undead”. Unless otherwise noted, in Darkvision (Ex): Dread vampires can see in non-magical
this template HD stands for Hit Dice plus any character levels darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range, whichever
the creature possesses. Dread vampires use the base creature’s is better.
statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. Fast Healing (Ex): A dread vampire heals 5 points of damage
Hit Dice: Die type changes to d12. each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. Damage from sunlight
AC: Natural armor improves by +4. or fire can only be healed at a rate of 1 point per round. If reduced to
Attacks: A dread vampire retains all the attacks of the 0 hit points or lower, a dread vampire automatically assumes shadow form
base creature and also gains a slam attack if it didn’t already have and attempts to escape. It must reach its lair within 3 hours or be utterly
one. destroyed. (It can travel up to 13 miles in 3 hours.) Once at rest, it rises
Damage: Dread vampires do damage with their slams to 1 hit point after 1 hour, then resumes healing at the rate of 5 hit
according to the Undead type. points per round.
Special Attacks: A dread vampire has all the special Resistance (Ex): A dread vampire has electricity and cold
attacks of the base creature, except those requiring an active resistance 20.
metabolism (meaning Constitution). Supernatural and spell-like Shadow Form (Su): As a standard action, a dread vampire can
attacks are almost always maintained, using Charisma in place of take the form of a fearsome-looking shadow (not the undead creature,
Constitution to calculate save DCs. Dread vampires also have the just a shadow). In this form, the dread vampire can move at its normal
following: speed and is totally insubstantial—unable to interact with the physical
Aura of Fear (Su): A dread vampire generates a perpetual world. It gets a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide in shadowy or dark
aura of fear (60-ft. radius, centered on the dread vampire, a areas. The shadow form can travel through any opening that light can
mind-affecting, fear effect). All creatures entering this area must breach and on any surface that can hold a shadow. The shadow form
make a Will save or cower for 1d6 rounds. If a creature cowed cannot enter any area lit by bright, pure light (like that of a daylight spell).
by this ability is attacked, it stops cowering and becomes shaken Turn Resistance (Ex): A dread vampire has +4 turn resistance.
for 2d6 rounds. Those who succeed the save are still shaken for Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
1d6 rounds. Creatures exiting the 60-ft. radius area remain shaken sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual
for 1d3 rounds. An opponent that is affected by the fear aura damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.
and recovers, or one having successfully saved against it, gains a Abilities: Increase from base creature as follows: Strength +4,
cumulative +1 per exposure to save against further aura attacks Dexterity +4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +4, Charisma +6. As undead
from the same dread vampire. This bonus lasts 24 hours. creatures, dread vampires have no Constitution score.
Absorb Fear (Ex): As a full-round action, the dread Skills: Dread vampires receive a +8 racial bonus to Bluff,
vampire may drain 1 temporary point of Wisdom per round from Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.
all creatures made to cower by its aura of fear ability. Creatures Feats: Dread vampires gain Alertness, Combat Reflexes,
affected by the drain are entitled to another Will save each round Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes, assuming the base
(+1 to the roll per previous attempt) to overcome the aura of creature meets the prerequisites and doesn’t already have these feats.
fear effect. Those that do are shaken for 1d6 rounds thereafter. CR: Base creature’s CR +3.
Whatever the outcome, those that suffer any Wisdom drain must
make another Will save when the final Wisdom point is to be
regained or that one point is a permanent loss.
Treasure: Double that of the base creature. Saves: Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +7
Alignment: Always chaotic evil. Abilities: Str 14, Dex 19, Con —, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 21
Advancement: By character class Skills: Bluff +19, Listen +17, Perform (buffoonery, chant, epic,
ECL: +5. limericks, melody, ode, storytelling) +13, Spot +16, Hide +12,
Move Silently +12, Search +7, Sense Motive +10
Dread Vampire Characters Feats: Dodge, Flyby Attack, Alertness, Combat Reflexes,
Dread vampires are always chaotic evil, which causes characters of Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
certain classes to lose their class abilities, or can no longer advance Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm land and underground
in that class. Clerics must choose a new deity (or spiritual path) and Organization: Solitary or pair
lose their ability to turn undead, but gain the ability to rebuke undead. CR: 6
This ability does not affect the dread vampire’s controller or any other Treasure: Double standard
vampires that master controls. Dread vampire clerics have access to Alignment: Always chaotic evil
the Darkness, Emotion, Evil, and Trickery domains. If a character Advancement: By character class
has a familiar (other than one of an undead nature or an appropriate
monster), the link between them is broken, and the familiar shuns its Combat
former companion. The dread vampire can summon another familiar, When a dread vampire harpy engages in battle, it moves in close
but it must be undead or appropriate (like a demon). enough to affect multiple opponents with its aura of fear ability
and weakens each of them through Wisdom drain. Then, when
Dread Vampire Weaknesses its foes are significantly weakened, it will use its Flyby
Dread vampires recoil from a strongly Attack to strike in melee. The dread vampire harpy uses
presented holy symbol. A dread her captivating song to draw prey to her.
vampire cannot stand the sound of Aura of Fear (Su): A dread vampire harpy
laughter or anything to do with love. generates a perpetual aura of fear (60-ft. radius,
These things don’t harm the dread centered on the dread vampire harpy, a mind-
vampire—they merely keep it at bay. affecting, fear effect). All creatures entering this
Animals can detect the presence area must make a Will save (DC 18)
of a dread vampire, acting nervous and or cower for 1d6 rounds. If
vocal when one is within 120 ft. Like normal a creature cowed by this
vampires, dread vampires cannot enter a ability is attacked, it stops
building unless invited in by someone with cowering and becomes
the authority to do so. They may freely shaken for 2d6 rounds.
enter public or abandoned places, since these Those who succeed at
are by definition open to all. the save are still shaken
Simply reducing a dread for 1d6 rounds. Creatures
vampire’s hit points to 0 or below exiting the 60-ft. radius
incapacitates but doesn’t destroy it. area remain shaken for 1d3
However, exposing a dread vampire rounds. An opponent that
to direct sunlight disorients it and instantly is affected by the fear aura
robs it of one-half of its hit points. It can take and recovers, or one having
only partial actions and is destroyed utterly on the successfully saved against
next round if it cannot escape. Driving a gold it, gains a cumulative +1 per
or gold-plated shaft through a dread vampire’s exposure to save against further
heart instantly paralyzes the monster. However, aura attacks from the same dread vampire harpy.
it returns to life if the shaft is removed, unless This bonus lasts 24 hours.
the body is destroyed. Absorb Fear (Su): As a full-round action, the dread
vampire harpy may drain 1 temporary point of Wisdom per
round from all creatures made to cower by its aura of fear ability.
Sample Dread Vampire Creatures affected by the drain are entitled to another Will save
This example uses a harpy as the base creature. each round (+1 to the roll per previous attempt) to overcome
the aura of fear effect. Those that do are shaken for 1d6 rounds
Dread Vampire Harpy thereafter. Whatever the outcome, those that suffer any Wisdom
Medium-size Undead drain from a dread vampire harpy must make a Will save when
Hit Dice: 7d12 (45 hp) the final Wisdom point is to be regained, or that one point is
Initiative: +4 (Dex) permanently lost.
Speed: 20 ft., fly 80 ft. (average) The dread vampire harpy may also drain individual
AC: 19 (+4 Dex, +5 natural); 15 flat-footed, 14 touch creatures that are suffering from any form of fear. To do so,
Attacks: 2 claws +4 melee; or slam +9 melee the dread vampire harpy must make a successful grapple check
Damage: Claw 1d3+3, or slam 1d6+3 against the creature. If it gets a hold it may lock eyes with the
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. opponent and drain 1d4 points of permanent Wisdom.
Special Attacks: Captivating song, aura of fear, absorb fear, energy Through the absorb fear ability, the dread vampire harpy gains 5
drain, create spawn hit points per ability point drained. Any hit points over the dread
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., shadow form, DR 10/holy or
+2, fast healing 5, turn resistance +4, cold and electricity resistance 20,
vampire harpy’s maximum are treated as temporary hit points that AC: Natural armor improves by +2.
will fade in 1d4+1 minutes. Alternatively, the dread vampire harpy Special Attacks: Dread vampire spawn special attacks differ
may add 1 point to its Strength for every 2 ability points drained. as follows:
Any points added to abilities in this fashion are also temporary Instill Fear (Su): The dread vampire spawn can direct its gaze
and fade after 1d4+1 minutes. at one opponent within 30 ft. That opponent must make a Will saving
Create Spawn (Su): A humanoid or monstrous humanoid throw (DC 10 + one-half of the spawn’s HD + its Charisma modifier)
slain by a dread vampire harpy’s energy drain attack rises as a against the mind-affecting fear effect or cower in fear. Those who
dread vampire spawn 1d4 days after burial. A creature driven to 0 succeed at the save are still shaken for 1d3 rounds. If a creature cowed
Wisdom and then killed in any manner returns as dread vampire by this ability is attacked, it stops cowering and becomes shaken for
spawn or, if 5 HD or higher, a new dread vampire. In any case, 1d6 rounds. An opponent that is affected by the fear gaze and recovers,
the new creature is under the control of the dread vampire harpy or one having successfully saved against it, gains a cumulative +1 per
that created it, and remains so until the master vampire’s death. exposure to save against further gaze attacks from the same dread
Captivating Song (Su): When a dread vampire harpy sings, vampire spawn. This bonus lasts 24 hours.
all creatures (other than harpies) within a 300-ft. spread must Absorb Fear (Su): The dread vampire spawn may drain
succeed at a Will save (DC 18) or become utterly captivated. This individual opponents that are suffering from any form of fear. To do so,
is a sonic, mind-affecting charm. If the save is successful, that the spawn must make a successful grapple check against the opponent.
creature cannot be affected again by the same creature’s song If it gets a hold, it may lock eyes with the opponent and drain 1d3
for one day. A captivated victim walks toward the dread vampire points of permanent Wisdom. The creature gets only basic sustenance
harpy, taking the most direct route available. If the path leads from this drain.
into a dangerous area, that creature gets a second saving throw. Energy Drain (Su): Dread vampire spawn inflict one energy
Captivated creatures can take no actions other than to defend level instead of two. The save DC formula is the same.
themselves. A victim within 5 ft. of the dread vampire harpy Special Qualities: Dread vampire spawn special qualities
stands there and offers no resistance to the monster’s attacks. differ as follows:
The effect continues for as long as the dread vampire harpy sings. Damage Reduction (Ex): Dread vampire spawn have damage
A bard’s countersong ability allows the captivated creature to reduction 5/blessed or +1.
attempt a new Will save. Fast Healing (Ex): A dread vampire spawn heals 2 points of
Energy Drain (Su): The slam of a dread vampire harpy damage each round. Damage from sunlight and fire is healed at a rate of
delivers 2 negative levels. 1 every 2 rounds.
Shadow Form (Su): As a standard action, a dread vampire Resistances: Dread vampire spawn have electricity and cold
harpy can take the form of a fearsome-looking shadow (not resistance 10.
the undead creature, just a shadow). In this form, the dread Turn Resistance (Ex): Dread vampire spawn have turn resistance
vampire harpy can move at its normal speed and is totally +2.
insubstantial—unable to interact with the physical world. It gets Skills: Dread vampire spawn receive half of the dread
a +10 circumstance bonus to Hide in shadowy or dark areas. The vampire’s normal skill bonuses (+4). Dread vampire spawn speak the
shadow form can travel through any opening that light can breach same languages they did in life. Dread vampires often make spawn from
and on any surface that can hold a shadow. Unfortunately, the creatures that can help them in daily activities, so such spawn are often
shadow form cannot enter any area lit by bright, pure light (like NPC classed creatures.
that of a daylight spell). Feats: Dread vampire spawn gain Alertness, Improved
Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, in addition to the feats of the base
poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to creature.
critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or Vulnerabilities: Dread vampire spawn are equally vulnerable
death from massive damage. to attacks that slay dread vampires.
CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
Becoming a Dread Vampire
Dread vampires can be created via create greater undead, or the ritual Vampire Spawn
of dark calling, as detailed under the Desiccated template. More Creating unique vampire spawn is easy. Take a 4 HD or less base
likely, however, a new dread vampire is the offspring of another. creature, to which the vampire template can apply. Spawn do not get the
vampire’s alternate form, domination, children of the night, or create
spawn abilities, and they deviate from the vampire template as follows:
Variant Vampire Spawn AC: Natural armor improves by +3
Two microplates are presented below to help make unique dread Special Attacks: Vampire spawn special attacks differ as
and normal vampire spawn. Alternatives to vampire spawn follows:
include the possibility of low-HD creatures slain by a vampire
becoming corpse vampires or even fleshbound vampires. Only
your imagination and the metaphysics of your game world are
limits. A Note on Turn Resistance
Perhaps vampires should have turn resistance, since their spawn
Dread Vampire Spawn do. Consider giving all vampires the same turn resistance as a
Dread vampire spawn can be of any HD. Such creatures do not dread vampire (+4). Optionally, this value can be one-third of the
get the dread vampire’s aura of fear or shadow form abilities, and vampire’s total HD, round up. Vampire spawn may receive this
they deviate from the dread vampire template as follows: variable ability as well.
Charm (Su): The vampire spawn gets this ability instead of the vampire’s Shadow Path
domination ability. The save DC is 10 + one-half of the creature’s HD + Transmutation (Teleportation)
its Charisma modifier, and the effect is similar to charm person as cast by Level: Sor/Wiz 3, Darkness 4
a sorcerer of a level equal to the spawn’s HD + 1. A charmed subject Components: V
allows the vampire spawn to drain his or her blood (see below). Casting Time: 1 action
Energy Drain (Su): Vampire spawn drain one energy level Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
instead of two. The save DC formula is the same. Target: You and touched objects or touched willing creatures
Special Qualities: Vampire spawn special qualities differ as weighing up to 50 lbs./level
follows: Duration: Instantaneous
Damage Reduction (Ex): Vampire spawn have damage reduction Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
10/silver. Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
Fast Healing (Ex): A vampire spawn heals 2 points of damage You instantly transport yourself and any allowed, touch
each round. targets from your current location to any other spot within range,
Resistances: Vampire spawn have electricity and cold resistance so long as the other location contains shadow or darkness. You
10. arrive exactly in the spot desired, whether by visualizing the area
Turn Resistance (Ex): Vampire spawn have turn resistance +2. or stating the direction. After casting this spell, you can’t take
Skills: Vampire spawn receive half of the vampire’s normal another action until your next turn.
skill bonuses (+4). Spawn speak the same languages they did in life. If you arrive in a place already occupied by a solid
Vampires make servants much like dread vampires. body or an area that contains no darkness or shadow, you and
Feats: Vampire spawn gain Alertness, Improved Initiative, those with you become trapped on the Plane of Shadow. Each
Lightning Reflexes, in addition to the feats of the base creature. round you are trapped in the Plane of Shadow, you may make
Vulnerabilities: Vampire spawn are equally vulnerable to a Will save (DC 25) to return to the Material Plane at a random
attacks that slay vampires. open space within 50 ft. with a safe surface and suitable darkness.
CR: Base creature’s CR +1. If there is no space within 50 ft., make a Will save each minute
to arrive in an appropriate area within 200 ft of the intended
New Domains and Spells destination. If there is no such place, you are trapped on the
The dread vampire, due to its spiritual tendencies, has access to two new Plane of Shadow until rescued (or you leave by means of another
domains. An “*” indicates a new spell. spell that allows such things).
Utterdark Phantasmal Aspect
Evocation [Darkness] Illusion (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting, see text]
Level: Sor/Wiz 6, Darkness 5 Level: Sor/Wiz 6, Emotion 6
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Range: Personal
Effect: 40 ft. radius circle/level Area: Line of sight up to 100 ft. + 10 ft per level
Duration: 1 day/level (D) Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: No Spell Resistance: Yes
You create an area of darkness so black that even You shroud yourself in energies that tap into the
creatures with darkvision cannot see into it. Sunlight cannot subconscious of any who see you. When the spell is cast you must
penetrate the darkness, and any light spell of equal or lower decide if this experience is merely a pleasant one or a fear effect.
level is instantly dispelled. Any other spell that relies upon Once the spell is cast, the effect cannot be changed. Those who
light (such as searing light) and is of a lower or equal level is arrive in the area after the spell is cast must save against it, but those
also dispelled. Clerics with the Darkness domain may prepare who have already successfully saved need not make another saving
this spell at any level above 5th as well, allowing the magic to throw against the same casting.
negate light spells of even higher levels. The pleasant version of the spell makes those observing
you see someone they expect or know; groups allied with one
Voidburst another see the same person. The illusion is perfect in every way,
Evocation [Cold, Darkness, Negative Energy] including all senses, so no Disguise check is needed. You get a +10
Level: Sor/Wiz 8, Darkness 8 circumstance bonus to any subsequent Bluff, Diplomacy, or similar
Components: V, S, DF check against your opponents. If you say or do anything totally
Casting Time: 1 action inappropriate, the viewers get another save.
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) The fearful version makes those who see you experience
Area: 10 ft./level-radius burst a terrifying vision of a nightmare humanoid from their own
Duration: Instantaneous subconscious. The illusion is perfect as per the pleasant effect above.
Saving Throw: Reflex partial (see text) Any creature with the same fewer HD than your own must make a
Spell Resistance: Yes Will saving throw. Those who fail are affected depending on how
Voidburst evokes a chilling globe of inky blackness many fewer HD they have than your own caster level as follows:
infused with negative energy to burst forth from the spot you
designate. The burst removes all air from the area and evokes Number of
a peal of thunder upon its disappearance. All creatures within Fewer HD Effect
the globe are deafened, dealt 1d4 negative levels, and 3d6 9 or more Cowering
points of cold damage. A successful save negates the deafness 5-8 Panicked
and negative levels and reduces damage by half. The negative 2-4 Frightened
levels heal in one hour each and, therefore, have no chance of 1 or less Shaken
being permanent. Undead creatures caught within the globe
are not damaged in any way, but are instead healed 1d8 points
of damage per 2 caster levels (maximum 10d8).
Emotion Domain
Granted Power: You can summon great strength of
personality, gaining and enhancement bonus of 1d4+1 to
your Charisma for 1 round plus 1 round per 5 cleric levels
you possess. These rounds need not be used consecutively,
but each time the power is activated, the Charisma bonus is
determined with a new roll.
Emotion Domain Spells
1 Cause Fear
2 Calm Emotions
3 Hideous Laughter
4 Emotion
5 True Seeing
6 Phantasmal Aspect*
7 Insanity
8 Antipathy/Sympathy
9 Foresight
F leshbound vampires are bloodsucking undead possessing
superior physical abilities. Although they are undead,
they can breed with each other (or suitable humanoids)
to produce young or infect humanoids by forcing them to ingest
vampire blood. Damaged by sunlight, garlic, and silver, these
Damage Reduction (Ex): A fleshbound vampire’s undead body
is tough, giving the creature DR 10/silver.
Darkvision (Ex): Fleshbound vampires can see in
non-magical darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base
creature’s range, whichever is better.
vampires are not bound to coffins and lack many of the strange Turn Resistance (Ex): A fleshbound vampire retains
abilities often attributed to supernatural vampires. much of its mortal nature and thus has turn resistance equal
to 4 plus one-quarter of the fleshbound vampire’s HD.
Appearance Changes Resistance (Ex): A fleshbound vampire has cold and
Fleshbound vampires appear just as they did in life, although electricity resistance 10.
they are often more pale than their living counterparts and their Fast Healing (Ex): A fleshbound vampire heals 5
eyes sometimes reflect light, like those of a cat. These vampires points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 hit
cast shadows and have reflections in mirrors. It’s unlikely that a point. A fleshbound vampire harmed by blood loss, garlic,
fleshbound vampire’s true nature can be guessed by appearance sunlight, silver, or magic weapons cannot heal that damage
alone. until all of its other damage has been healed, and even
then only heals at a rate of 1 point of damage per hour. A
fleshbound vampire can only heal a number of hit points of
Creating a Fleshbound Vampire sunlight damage per day equal to its own HD.
“Fleshbound vampire” is a template that can be added to any Slow Regeneration (Ex): Fleshbound vampires can
humanoid or monstrous humanoid (referred to hereafter as the slowly regenerate lost limbs over the course of several days,
“base creature”). After assuming the template, the base creature’s but cannot reattach severed limbs.
type changes to “Undead”. All other subtype information for the Infectious Blood (Ex): Fleshbound vampire blood has
base creature remains unchanged. Unless otherwise noted, in this infectious qualities (see Drinking Fleshbound Vampire Blood
template HD stands for Hit Dice plus any character levels the below).
creature possesses. Fleshbound vampires use the base creature’s Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects,
statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to
Hit Dice: Die type changes to d12. critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or
AC: Natural armor improves by +2. death from massive damage.
Special Attacks: A fleshbound vampire has all the special Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows:
attacks of the base creature, including those requiring an active Strength +4, Dexterity +4, Charisma +2. As undead,
metabolism (meaning Constitution)—they can even reproduce fleshbound vampires have no Constitution score.
biologically. Use Charisma in place of Constitution to calculate save Skills: Fleshbound vampires receive a +6 racial
DCs. Fleshbound vampires also have the following: bonus to Listen and Spot checks.
Blood Drain (Ex): A fleshbound vampire can suck blood Feats: Fleshbound vampires gain Alertness,
from a living victim with its fangs by making a successful grapple Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed
check. If it pins the foe, it drains blood, inflicting 1d4 points of Strike, Lightning Reflexes, and Toughness as bonus feats.
temporary Constitution damage each round the pin is maintained. Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground.
Fleshbound vampires require 1 point of Constitution per Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2-5), or troop
size category (Fine counts as 1) in the form of blood every day (+1 (2-5 plus 2-5 vampiric thralls).
point per 5 HD, excluding character levels). Each day this quota CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
is not met, the fleshbound vampire loses one HD temporarily. Alignment: Any evil.
As the starvation progresses, the fleshbound vampire looks more Advancement: By character class.
gaunt, corpse-like, and animalistic, until it resembles the undead ECL: +2.
thing it really is. For example, a Large, 10 HD monstrous humanoid
requires 8 Constitution points of blood per day (6 for Large size, 2 Fleshbound Vampire Characters
for 10 HD). Like other vampires, the alignment change to evil prevents
When the starving fleshbound vampire feeds adequately, the use of certain abilities and advancement in certain classes.
in an amount equal to its normal requirement plus the number A fleshbound cleric must dedicate himself to another god,
of HD previously lost, it immediately regains one lost HD and if his current god will not accept an evil and undead cleric.
the other HD return at the rate of one per day. If the fleshbound The character then rebukes undead instead of turning them.
vampire loses its final HD, it dies and looks like a shriveled corpse. Characters with familiars loose those creatures if alignment
Create Spawn (Ex): A humanoid or monstrous humanoid changes from good to evil, but may regain another in a year
slain by a fleshbound vampire’s blood drain attack rises as a and a day. Animals do not shun fleshbound vampires.
fleshbound vampire the next night after its death. These new
fleshbound vampires are not under the control of their parent
fleshbound vampire in any way.
Special Qualities: A fleshbound vampire retains all the
special qualities of the base creature and those listed below:
Fleshbound Vampire Weaknesses Pavil was the only man given any sort of mercy. When he awoke, a
Like supernatural vampires, fleshbound vampires have a fine blade lay by his side, but all of his other treasures were gone.
number of weaknesses. These weaknesses are exactly like Now Pavil acts, by night, as he did in life. He’s a robber, a
those of a corpse vampire, except as follows: cutthroat, and a brigand. Despite his cruelty and avarice, he will not
Heart Vulnerability: A wooden or silver piercing harm children or violate women, nor will he harm those of his old
weapon must be used to pierce the heart of a fleshbound clan.
vampire. Pavil looks human—blonde and robust, with ice eyes, and
long, braided locks. He still sports a wide mustache and dresses in
fine furs and jewels.
Stopping Bleeding Possessions: breastplate (masterwork), large steel shield
Even though a fleshbound vampire can bleed, it has some
(masterwork), +1 broadsword, composite longbow (mighty (+4),
control over its own blood and may use the Concentration skill
masterwork), quiver (20 arrows), potions (inflict moderate wounds, bull’s
(DC 10 + twice the amount of bleeding in hit points) to stop
strength), jewelry and furs (500 gp). (Included in skills: armor check
bleeding. This check is a move-equivalent action that does not
penalty -3; 60 lbs./-12 Swim)
draw an attack of opportunity, and it must be made each round,
or the bleeding resumes (unless the wound causing the bleeding
has healed).
Pavil is very aggressive, relying on his superior quickness and
resilience to give him the edge in melee combat.
Blood Drain (Ex): Pavil can suck blood from a living
Sample Fleshbound Vampire victim with his fangs by making a successful grapple check. If he
This example uses a 2nd-level human fighter as the base pins the foe, he drains blood, inflicting 1d4 points of temporary
creature. Constitution damage each round the pin is maintained. He requires
5 points of Constitution in blood every day, or he begins to starve
Pavil, human male fleshbound vampire Ftr 4 (see the template for the effects).
Medium-size Undead Create Spawn (Ex): A humanoid or monstrous humanoid
Hit Dice: 4d12+6 (32 hp) slain by Pavil’s blood drain attack rises as a fleshbound vampire 1d3
Initiative: +8 (Dex, Improved Initiative) days after its death. These new fleshbound vampires are not under
Speed: 20 ft. Pavil’s control.
AC: 22 (+3 Dex, +5 armor, +2 shield, +2 natural); 19 flat- Fast Healing (Ex): Pavil heals 5 points of damage each
footed, 13 touch round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. If he’s harmed by blood
Attacks: +1 broadsword +10 melee; or masterwork mighty loss, garlic, sunlight, silver, or magic weapons, he cannot heal that
composite longbow +10 ranged damage until all of his other damage has been healed, and even
Damage: +1 broadsword 1d8+7/crit 19-20, masterwork then only heals at a rate of 1 point of damage per hour.
(mighty +4) composite longbow 1d8+4/crit x3 Slow Regeneration (Ex): Pavil can slowly regenerate lost limbs
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. over the course of several days, but cannot reattach severed limbs.
Special Attacks: Blood drain, create spawn Infectious Blood (Ex): Pavil’s blood has infectious qualities
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., damage reduction (see Drinking Fleshbound Vampire Blood below).
10/silver, fast healing 5, resistance (cold and electricity 10), Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
slow regeneration, +5 turn resistance, fleshbound vampire sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits,
weaknesses subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from
Saves: Fort +4, Reflex +7, Will +1 massive damage.
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 18, Con — , Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Skills: Appraise +2, Climb +8, Handle Animal +6, Jump +8,
Listen +8, Ride (horse) +12, Spot +8, Swim –3
Becoming a Fleshbound Vampire
Fleshbound vampires can be created via create greater undead, or the
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative,
ritual of dark calling, as detailed under the Desiccated template. More
Improved Unarmed Strike, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack,
likely, however, a new vampire is the offspring of another.
Quick Draw, Toughness (x2), Weapon Focus (broadsword),
Weapon Focus (composite longbow), Weapon Specialization
Drinking Fleshbound Vampire Blood
Fleshbound vampires have infectious blood. There are a few
CR: 5
alternatives to how this blood affects the living, which can all be
Alignment: Neutral evil
used together, or you can pick one or more. The default is the Blood
Pawn option. The blood of non-fleshbound vampires may have
A murderer, Pavil was cast out into the wilderness by his
similar effects. Most persons of good heart consider knowingly
north-dwelling clan. He faired well there, preying on those
drinking vampire blood a vile act.
unfortunate enough to cross his path and eventually falling
Blood Pawn: An appropriate creature that drinks 1 hit
in with similar ne’er-do-wells. This all changed when Pavil’s
point per size category up to Small + 4 hit points per size category
band took a young girl from a passing group of strangers for
above Small of the fleshbound vampire’s blood gains the Vampiric
sport—what was good in Pavil made him protect her. When
Thrall template. It must make a saving throw according to that
her kinsman, an immortal blood drinker, came to find the girl,
template’s addicted special quality or become addicted to fleshbound
vampire blood. Consider the option that a fleshbound vampire
may not addict any blood pawn with more HD than the vampire
itself possesses. An alternate version of this option could grant the
Vampiric Thrall template without the accompanying addiction or
charm—a simpler, but less interesting choice.
Corpse Vampire: Any appropriate creature that drinks,
or otherwise ingests, the blood (and perhaps other fluids) of a
fleshbound vampire comes back as a corpse vampire when it dies.
The time between ingestion and death might be limited, so those
who live past the limit do not come back as corpse vampires.
Fleshbound Vampire: Any creature of the appropriate type
that is disabled or dying and drinks the blood of a fleshbound
vampire immediately stabilizes, but transforms into a fleshbound
vampire over the next 24 hours.
Half-vampire: Any appropriate creature that ingests the
blood of a fleshbound vampire (amount set by the DM) must make
a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half of the fleshbound
vampire’s HD + its Charisma modifier + 1 per previous drink) or
gain the Half-vampire (fleshbound variant) template. It is a half-
vampire-like creature, not a real half-vampire. (Optionally, the new
half-vampire creature may be addicted to blood like a vampiric
A half-vampire who is created in this way, and
subsequently loses the Half-vampire template, immediately suffers
aging effects as normal for its species. If such a creature has lived
past its racial maximum, it dies and withers. In addition, you might
rule the creature goes through withdrawal like a vampiric thrall
when the Half-Vampire template is removed (see Vampiric Thrall
template, blood of power special quality).
Unlike a normal half-vampire, the infected creature can
be turned as if it were undead, but has turning resistance equal to
one-half of its HD. The afflicted begins to hunger for blood, and
must make a Will saving throw (DC as above) against drinking the
blood of any sentient creature it sees bleeding (wounded in combat,
and so on). If the afflicted creature does drink, it must make a
similar saving throw to resist drinking its victim dry. Killing another
sentient creature in this manner causes the half-vampire to die and
transform into a full fleshbound vampire (losing the Half-vampire
template abilities altogether) after the next day has passed into
The only way to redeem the half-vampire is to kill the
fleshbound vampire from which the original blood came, thereby
cutting the metaphysical tie. Doing so allows the half-vampire to
revert to normal over the next 24 hours. Killing the vampire from
whom the blood came has no effect on a victim who has already
transformed (or is transforming due to having drunk the blood of
a sentient creature) into a fleshbound vampire. Paladins (and clerics
of deities offended by the undead) that become a half-vampire, and
are later cured, must have atonement cast on their behalf or lose their
Healing: Blood from a fleshbound vampire heals 2 points
of damage for every 1 hit point worth of blood. It rots quickly
when removed from the fleshbound vampire, though a gentle repose
spell, or a container with that enchantment, can preserve the blood
for the spell’s duration (or so long as the container remains magical).
This option works well if combined with a less attractive option.
creature enters middle age, old, and venerable if needed.
t is whispered some undead can mate with the living—
Resistances (Ex): Half-vampires have electricity and cold resistance 5.
this is especially true of vampires of all sorts. The mullo,
Saves: A half-vampire gets a +4 racial bonus to save against
a form of corpse vampire, is noted in legend for seeking
disease, poison, sleep, stunning, and paralysis. It gets a +2 racial
out its former mate. With the veil of life spell (see below), this
bonus versus all mind-affecting abilities and a +4 racial bonus versus
ability can be granted even to those without it normally. Still,
any necromantic effect such as energy drain or any special ability of
most half-vampires are the product of the union between
an undead creature.
lusty fleshbound vampires and mortals. They are semi-
Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
damned creatures caught between the world of the living
Strength +2, Dexterity +2, Constitution +2, and Charisma +2.
and the underworld of the undead, and many become great
Skills: Half-vampires are calculating and subtle. They get a
slayers of undead.
+2 racial bonus to Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense
Motive, and Spot checks. Further, a half-vampire gets a +4 racial
Appearance Changes bonus to Climb and any Animal Empathy check with any rat, bat,
A half-vampire usually looks like a particularly vital, but pale, or wolf.
specimen of its species. There are variations, however, noted Feats: All half-vampires receive Toughness as a bonus
in Half-vampire Variants below. feat.
CR: Base creature’s CR +1.
Creating a Half-vampire Alignment: Tends toward evil.
“Half-vampire” is a template that can be added to any ECL: +2.
humanoid or monstrous humanoid (hereafter referred to as
the “base creature”). The half-corpse-vampire is the exception Sample Half-vampire
to this rule (see “Half-vampire Variants”). The base creature’s This example uses an elf as the base creature.
type and subtypes remain the same. Unless otherwise noted,
in this template HD stands for Hit Dice plus any character Henrade, female caraigh-alfar Brd 1
levels the creature possesses. A half-vampire uses all the base Medium-size Humanoid (Elf)
creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Hit Dice: 1d6+3 (9 hp)
AC: Natural armor improves by +2. Initiative: +5 (Dex)
Special Attacks: The half-vampire retains all Speed: 30 ft.
of the special attacks of the base creature, and gains AC: 19 (+5 Dex, +2 natural, +2 leather); 14 flat-footed, 15 touch
the following: Attacks: Masterwork shortsword +6 melee; or longbow +5 ranged
Charm (Sp): A half-vampire, with a Charisma of 11 Damage: Masterwork shortsword 1d8/crit 19-20; or longbow 1d8/
or better, can cast the spell charm person once per day, plus crit x3
once per 5 HD. The spell is cast as if by a sorcerer of a level Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
equal to the half-vampire’s HD. Special Attacks: Caraigh-alfar traits, charm, bardic music
Spell Affinity (Ex): Half-vampires get +1 effective Special Qualities: Caraigh-alfar traits, detect undead, bardic lore
caster level when casting the spells gaseous form, spider climb, Saves: Fort +0, Ref +7, Will +3
energy drain, enervation, and any spell that changes their form Abilities: Str 11, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 17
into that of a rat, bat, or wolf. The creature also gains a +1 Skills: Bluff +6, Climb +5, Diplomacy +4, Forgery +3, Hide +9,
racial bonus to the save DCs of such spells. Knowledge (arcana) +3, Listen +5, Move Silently +9, Perform
Special Qualities: The half-vampire retains any +7, Search +5, Sense Motive +3, Spot +5, Tumble +7, Use Magic
special qualities not due to a character class and gains the Device +3
following: Feats: Toughness, Weapon Finesse (shortsword)
Darkvision (Ex): Half-vampires can see in non- CR: 2
magical darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s Alignment: Chaotic neutral
range, whichever is better.
Damage Reduction (Ex): Half-vampires have DR 3/ Henrade is a mercurial young elf maid, prone to great rage and
silver. great mirth. She left her home in the southern elven kingdoms
Detect Undead (Sp): Three times per day, a half- when her behavior became too much for her fellow villagers. Now
vampire can detect undead as if the spell were cast by a cleric of she seeks to experience all life has to offer with great gusto and is
its HD. not above duping the unwary or superstitious. One of her favorite
Fast Healing (Ex): Half-vampires have fast healing 2. ploys is to come into a small town with a declaration from an
Light Sensitivity (Ex): Half-vampires suffer a –1 aristocrat with authority over, but also far removed from, the local
penalty to attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius area. The declaration invariably has something to do with invisible
of a daylight spell. undead, which Henrade is to hunt. As she does so, the locals are
Long-lived (Ex): Half-vampires live twice as long as to give her everything she needs. Of course, sometimes Henrade
normal members of their species. Multiply the numbers in just performs for her supper—taking every advantage her positive
the age categories found in the PHB by two to find when the traits offer. Unknown to most, Henrade is afraid of deep water. She
speaks Elven, Sylvan, and Common. undead as if the spell were cast by a cleric of his
Henrade is a beautiful girl with a childlike face and big, violet eyes. character level.
Her skin is like alabaster. She has straight hair that is blue-black and • A caraigh-alfar gets a +4 racial bonus to save
almost habitually worn in a bun. The young bard loves the finest of against disease, poison, sleep, stunning, and
everything, overspending on jewelry and nice clothes. paralysis. It gets a +2 racial bonus versus all
Possessions: leather armor, shortsword (elven masterwork), mind-affecting abilities and to Will saves against
composite longbow, quiver (20 elven arrows), potion of cure light enchantment spells or effects. Finally, the
wounds, lap harp, backpack, scribe’s kit, fine clothing, jewelry (250 caraigh-alfar get a +4 racial bonus versus any
gp) (27 lbs/–5 Swim). necromantic effect such as energy drain or any
special ability of an undead creature.
Combat • Proficient with longsword or rapier, longbow,
Henrade is a dancer in combat. She moves with grace and style, but composite longbow, shortbow, and composite
has the disturbing habit of toying with her opponents. shortbow, regardless of character class.
Caraigh-alfar Traits (Ex): Charm and detect undead abilities • +2 racial bonus to Bluff, Hide, Move Silently,
clarified for Henrade below. See the PC race for other abilities. Sense Motive checks. +4 racial bonus to Search,
Bard Spells Known (4, save DC 13 + spell level): 0—dancing Spot, and Listen checks. Further, a caraigh-alfar
lights, detect magic, ghost sound, prestidigitation. gets a +4 racial bonus to Climb and any Animal
Bardic Music: (1/day) inspire courage (Su), countersong Empathy check with any rat, bat, or wolf. A
(Su), and fascinate (Sp). caraigh-alfar who merely passes within 5 ft. of a
Bardic Knowledge: +2 to the lore check. secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search
Charm (Sp): Henrade can cast the spell charm person once check as though actively looking for it.
per day as a 1st-level sorcerer. • All caraigh-alfar receive Toughness as a free feat.
Detect Undead (Sp): 3/day, Henrade can detect undead as a • Automatic Languages: Elven and Common.
1st-level cleric. • Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome,
Goblin, Orc, Sylvan.
Caraigh-alfar Traits • Favored Class: Wizard.
As a PC race, caraigh-alfar (kay-rah-eeg shee, blood elves) have the • ECL: +2.
following characteristics:
• +2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Charisma. Half-vampire Variants
• Medium size. Three microplates appear below for the differing vampires
• Caraigh-alfar base speed is 30 feet. in this book and how to make them half-vampires. Where
• Darkvision: Caraigh-alfar can see in the dark up to 60 ft. no change is given, use the factors from the Half-vampire
This vision is black and white. template.
• Low-light Vision: Caraigh-alfar can see twice as far as
humans in poor lighting conditions. Corpse
• Natural Armor: Caraigh-alfar have a +2 natural armor Half-corpse-vampires are animalistic and usually ugly. They
bonus. differ from the half-vampire above in the following ways:
• Damage Reduction (Ex): Caraigh-alfar have DR 3/silver. Type: The Half-corpse-vampire microplate can
• Fast Healing (Ex): Caraigh-alfar have fast healing 2. be applied to any living, corporeal creature besides an ooze,
• Long-lived (Ex): Caraigh-alfar live twice as long as elves. outsider, or plant.
They are middle-aged at 350 years, old at 526 years, and Attacks and Damage: Half-corpse-vampires have
venerable at 700. natural attacks with claws and a bite. Any of these attacks
• Resistances (Ex): Caraigh-alfar have electricity and cold may be used with the character’s normal attack progression,
resistance 5. and the vampire is always considered armed. The claws and
• Light Sensitivity (Ex): Caraigh-alfar suffer a -1 penalty to bite do damage according to the base creature’s type and size,
attack rolls in bright sunlight or within the radius of a but as if the creature were one size category smaller than it
daylight spell. really is.
• Spell Affinity (Ex): Caraigh-alfar get +1 effective caster Special Attacks: The half-corpse-vampire has none
levels when casting the spells gaseous form, spider climb, of the special attacks of a normal half-vampire.
energy drain, enervation, and any spell that changes their Special Qualities: The half-corpse-vampire has
form into that of a rat, bat, or wolf. The caraigh-alfar all of the qualities of a normal half-vampire, but some
also gains a +1 racial bonus to the save DCs of such are changed. It has DR 1/—, fast healing 1, and only cold
spells. resistance 2.
• Charm (Sp): A caraigh-alfar, with a Charisma of 11 or Abilities: Instead of the normal lot of racial
better, can cast the spell charm person once per day, plus ability modifiers, a half-corpse-vampire gets: Strength +2,
once per 5 character levels. The spell is cast as if by Constitution +4, Intelligence –2, Wisdom –2, and Charisma
a sorcerer of a level equal to caraigh-alfar’s character –4.
level. Skills: Instead of the normal lot of racial skill
• Detect Undead (Sp): 3/day, a caraigh-alfar can detect bonuses, corpse vampires have +4 to Listen and Spot checks.
ECL: +1.
Half-dread-vampires are a lot like normal half-vampires,
besides the following:
Special Attacks: The half-dread-vampire retains
most of the half-vampire traits, besides charm, and gains the
following changes:
Fear Mastery (Sp): A half-dread-vampire with a
Charisma of 11 or better can cast cause fear once per day,
plus once per day per 5 HD or character levels. At 3 HD or
levels, a half-dread-vampire with a Charisma of 12 or better
gains the ability to cast scare once per day, plus once per 10
HD or levels. At 7 HD or levels, the half-dread-vampire can
cast emotion (fear only) once per day. Even good half-dread-
vampires get a rush out of instilling fear in their enemies.
Spell Affinity (Ex): Half-dread-vampires get +1
effective caster levels when casting the spells energy drain,
enervation, and any spell that creates darkness or utilizes
shadow. The creature also gains a +1 racial bonus to the save
DCs of such spells.
Special Qualities: Half-dread-vampires have the
same qualities as normal half-vampires, but some are changed.
They have DR 2/silver, cold and electricity resistance 5.
Abilities: A half-dread-vampire also gets Wisdom
Skills: Half-dread-vampires get no bonus to Climb.
Further, they have no bonus to Animal Empathy, instead
earning a –4 racial penalty to such checks.
Half-fleshbound-vampires look the most human. They differ
from the half-vampire above in the following ways:
AC: Natural armor improves only by +1.
Special Attacks: A half-fleshbound-vampire has
only the detect undead special quality of a normal half-vampire.
Special Qualities: Half-fleshbound-vampires have
the same qualities as normal half-vampires, but some are
changed. They have DR 2/silver, and cold and electricity
resistance 5.
Skills: Half-fleshbound-vampires get only +2 to
Listen and Spot checks.
ECL: +0 (+1 with anesthetic and wounding).
V ampiric creatures are not true vampires, nor are they they’re full (about 1.5 Constitution points per HD), but this
necessarily undead, but they do possess certain qualities suggestion may be ignored in favor of more heroic battles or
that are similar to their infamous namesakes—most gluttonous monsters.
notably, the ability to drain blood from a living being. They are For example, a small vampire bat (Fine animal,
haemovores. Weaker than undead vampires, vampiric creatures do treated as one size smaller than Fine for two “zero” results)
not suffer from many of the weaknesses of true vampires. drains 1 temporary Constitution point every four rounds
(but probably stops eating before then), while a Medium-size
Appearance Changes humanoid drains 1d3 temporary Constitution per round.
Vampiric creatures look the same as normal counterparts, though Undead creatures (and perhaps constructs and
they may have more specialized teeth, tongues, claws, or other outsiders) with this ability optionally drain permanent
features for feeding. Constitution.
Wounding (Ex): (Optional) The saliva of some
vampiric creatures causes a wound to bleed freely. If such is
Creating a Vampiric Creature the case, the wound continues to bleed half the amount of
“Vampiric” is a template that can be added to any creature (referred temporary Constitution damage the vampiric creature would
to hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming the template, normally drain. The bleeding lasts until the wounded creature
the base creature’s type and subtype do not change. A vampiric can make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + one-half of
creature uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial special the vampiric creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier). Any
abilities except as noted below. healing magic applied to the wound immediately staunches
Special Attacks: A vampiric creature has all the special the blood loss.
attacks of the base creature, plus the following: CR: Base creature’s CR +1. Anesthetic adds about
Anesthetic (Ex): (Optional) Some natural vampires also have 10% to a creature’s CR, while a paralytic poison adds +20%.
the extraordinary ability to numb wounds they deliver. Anesthetic Wounding ability adds another +20% to the CR. Maximum
is usually local to the area bitten, instantaneous in action, and may CR increase +3.
be resisted with a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15 + one-half of
the vampiric creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier). Creatures Sample Vampiric Creature
affected by a local anesthetizing agent cannot feel any injury to the This example uses a shocker lizard for the base creature. The
area, nor are they aware of blood loss. The saving throw to resist lizard can drain blood faster than a normal vampiric creature
the agent, and damage cause an anesthetized creature, should be of their size, and it has an optional attack and drawback.
kept secret unless the creature has some other evidence of its injury.
It is possible that the anesthetic affects the victim’s entire Vampiric Shocker Lizard
system, rendering the sufferer immune to pain and shock (does not Small Magical Beast
enter the dying state, but still dies at –10 hit points). Such an agent Hit Dice: 2d10+2 (13 hp)
allows a Fortitude save at DC 10 + one-half of the vampire’s HD + Initiative: +2 (Dex)
its Constitution modifier. Speed: 40 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Further, a special type of anesthetic might simply be a AC: 16 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural)
paralytic poison, which also renders the victim immune to pain. Attacks: Bite +3 melee
Such a poison does the same amount of temporary Strength Damage: Bite 1d4
damage as the vampire can drain blood (see “Blood Drain” below). Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
The saving throw DC is the same as the full-body anesthetic above. Special Attacks: Stunning shock, lethal shock, attach, blood
Attach (Ex): If a vampiric creature with a natural bite drain, wounding
attack hits with that attack, it uses its powerful jaws to latch onto Special Qualities: Electricity sense, electricity immunity,
the opponent’s body and automatically deals bite damage and glutted lethargy
can use its blood drain ability each round it remains attached. An Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
attached vampiric creature loses its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class Abilities: Str 10, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 6
until it lets go. Skills: Climb +12, Hide +11, Jump +4, Listen +4, Spot +4
Vampiric creatures without a natural bite attack must Feats: Alertness
grapple and pin a foe to begin to drain blood, and cannot attach in Climate/Terrain: Warm aquatic, marsh, and underground
this manner. Organization: Solitary, pair, clutch (3-5), or colony (6-11)
Blood Drain (Ex): If a vampiric creature succeeds in CR: 3
attaching to or pinning an opponent, it can immediately drain the Treasure: 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items
victim’s blood in the form of temporary Constitution damage. Alignment: Usually neutral
The creature can drain a number of points per round equal to Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large)
the amount of claw damage it could do for its size and type, as if
the creature were one size category smaller than it is. An amount
of zero (“—”) means the creature drains one point of temporary
Constitution every other round, +2 rounds per zero result above
the indicated size. Natural vampires usually drain blood only until
Combat Wounding (Ex): The saliva of a vampiric shocker lizard causes a
A vampiric shocker lizard relies on its electrical abilities in wound to bleed freely. Wounds left by such creatures bleed for 1
combat. These lizards tend to bite, attach, and drain blood temporary Constitution point per round, until the wounded creature
only after their shock has rendered an opponent unconscious can make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 12). Any healing magic
or when the shock seems to have no effect at all. Clutches and applied to the wound immediately staunches the blood loss.
colonies deliver deadly shocks to troublesome foes. Electricity Sense (Ex): Vampiric shocker lizards automatically
Attach (Ex): If a vampiric shocker lizard that detect any electrical discharges within 100 ft.
hits with its bite uses its powerful jaws to latch onto the Glutted Lethargy (Ex): When the vampiric shocker lizard has
opponent’s body and can use its blood drain ability each consumed 6 or more Constitution points of blood, it is so gorged
round it remains attached. The creature loses its Dexterity it enters a state of lassitude for a number of hours equal to half the
bonus to Armor Class until it lets go. number of Constitution points consumed (minimum one). During
Blood Drain (Ex): If a vampiric shocker lizard this time, the creature wishes only to sleep, and is at –4 to all attack
succeeds with an attach, it can immediately drain the victim’s rolls, ability checks, and skill checks if forced to do anything.
blood in the form of 1d3 points of temporary Constitution Skills: Vampiric shocker lizards receive a +4 racial bonus
damage per round. The vampiric shocker lizards usually drain to Hide checks due to their coloration.
blood only until they’re full (3 Con), or glutted (6 Con) if
there is relative safety.
Stunning Shock (Su): Once per round, a vampiric
shocker lizard can deliver an electrical shock to a single
opponent within 5 ft. This attack deals 2d8 points of subdual
damage to living opponents (Reflex half DC 12). If the
vampiric shocker lizard is attached to an opponent, there is no
save versus this damage.
Lethal Shock (Su): Whenever two or more vampiric
shocker lizards are within 25 ft. of each other, they can work
together to create a lethal shock. This effect has a radius of 25
ft., centered on any one contributing vampiric shocker lizard.
The shock deals 2d8 points of damage for each vampiric
shocker lizard contributing to it (Reflex half DC 10 + number
of vampiric shocker lizard contributing).
B lood pawn is a derogatory term used by vampires to refer
to mortals that drink vampire blood and thereby gain some
minor power—at a terrible price. Most blood pawns are pets to
vampiric overlords, often called thralls, enslaved to the blood they drink.
Others become the greatest of vampire slayers, seeking their next fix
Fast Healing (Ex): Vampiric thralls have fast healing 1.
Immunities (Ex): A vampiric thrall does not need to
eat and need only consume half the water a creature of its type
normally needs.
Resistances (Ex): Vampiric thralls have electricity and cold
more than glory or goodness. resistance 2.
Turning Vulnerability (Ex): Vampiric thralls can be turned
Appearance Changes as if they were undead, but they have turning resistance equal to
A vampiric thrall looks no different than its normal counterpart, though their HD and/or character level.
it may have bloodshot eyes and unnatural pallor. Saves: A vampiric thrall gets +4 to saves against
disease, poison, sleep, stunning, and paralysis. It gets +2 versus all
mind-affecting abilities.
Creating a Vampiric Thrall Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
“Vampiric Thrall” is a template that can be added to any aberration, Strength +2, Constitution +2.
animal, beast, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, Feats: All vampiric thralls gain Improved Initiative as a
or vermin who drinks the blood of a fleshbound vampire (hereafter bonus feat.
referred to as the “base creature”). The amount of blood consumed Alignment: Any, though usually neutral or evil.
must be 1 hit point per size category up to Small + 4 hit points per size ECL: +1
category above Small. The base creature’s type and subtypes remain the
same. A vampiric thrall uses all the base creature’s statistics and special
abilities except as noted here. Sample Vampiric Thrall
AC: Natural armor improves by +1. This example uses a grick as the base creature.
Special Qualities: The vampiric thrall retains the qualities of
the base creature and gains the following: Vampiric Thrall Grick
Ageless (Ex): While the blood of a vampire is in its veins, the Medium-size Aberration
vampiric thrall does not lose physical ability points due to age, but does Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp)
gain mental ability points as normal. If the vampiric thrall loses its blood Initiative: +6 (Dex, Improved Initiative)
of power ability, its age immediately catches up with it—vampiric thralls Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
who have aged beyond the lifespan for their species die and rot. AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +5 natural); 15 flat-footed, 12 touch
Blood of Power (Ex): Blood consumed by a vampiric thrall Attacks: 4 tentacle rakes +4 melee, bite –1 melee
empowers and addicts it at the same time. The creature must consume Damage: Tentacle rake 1d4+3, bite 1d3+1
the same amount of vampire blood that made it a vampiric thrall (1 Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
hit point per size category up to Small + 4 hit points per size category Special Qualities: Addicted, ageless, blood of power, darkvision
above Small) every week to retain this template. 60 ft., fast healing 1, immunities, resistances, scent, DR 15/+1,
Each week an addicted (see below) vampiric thrall goes saving throw bonuses, turning vulnerability, +2 turn resistance
without the required blood, it takes 1d6 points of temporary damage to Saves: Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5
each ability score if it fails a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20, one save Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 3, Wis 14, Cha_5
per ability score). The ability damage cannot be healed normally until Skills: Climb +11, Hide +4*, Listen +7, Spot +7
the pawn gets enough blood, or the withdrawal ends. Magic can heal Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative
the damage. If the creature survives five weeks of withdrawal, it shakes Climate/Terrain: Underground
the addiction. Unfortunately, with the addiction goes any benefit or Organization: Solitary or cluster (2-4)
drawback (including charmed below) of the Vampiric Thrall template. CR: 3
Non-addicted vampiric thralls do not suffer withdrawal, but lose the Treasure: 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items
template five weeks after their last drink of blood. Alignment: Usually neutral
Addicted (Ex): When the vampiric thrall drinks the proper Advancement: 3-4 HD (Medium-size); 5-6 HD (Large)
amount of blood from a vampire (per blood of power above), and it fails
a Fortitude or Will saving throw (whichever is better for the victim, Combat
DC 10 + half the vampire’s HD + its Charisma modifier +1 per each These blood-glutted monstrosities are usually holed up in hidden
previous drink of blood), it becomes addicted to vampire blood. If lairs, guarding the entrance to the lair of their vampiric master.
that vampire is still “alive”, the victim reacts to it as if under the effects They attack from hiding and attempt to drag prey away.
of a charm person spell (but the effect is non-magical, and can effect Blood of Power (Ex): Blood consumed by a vampiric
vermin). This saving throw may be willingly failed, and usually is by thrall grick empowers and addicts it at the same time. The
non-sentient beings (Intelligence 2 or less) that seek the pleasure of the creature must consume 8 hit points worth of vampire blood
blood consumption as often as possible. Addicted creatures get no save every week to retain this template. Each week an addicted
against the domination (or charm) ability of the vampire to which they are vampiric thrall grick goes without the required blood, it takes
addicted. A vampiric thrall may only be addicted to one specific vampire 1d6 points of temporary damage to each ability score if it fails
at a time, always defaulting to the vampire with the highest HD. a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20). The ability damage cannot
Darkvision (Ex): Vampiric thralls can see in non-magical be healed normally until the creature gets enough blood, or the
darkness up to a range of 30 ft., or the base creature’s range, whichever withdrawal ends. Magic can heal the damage. If the vampiric
is better. thrall grick survives five weeks of withdrawal, it shakes the
Damage Reduction (Ex): Vampiric thralls have DR 1/silver. addiction. Unfortunately, with the addiction goes any benefit or
drawback of the Vampiric Thrall template. Non-addicted vampiric New Spells
thralls do not suffer withdrawal, but lose the template five weeks A vampiric thrall spellcaster might learn the following spells to insure a
after their last drink of blood. long and happy life.
Addicted (Ex): Vampiric thrall gricks are treated as if
under the effects of a charm monster spell when dealing with the Conjure Vampire Blood
vampire that provided the blood that made the gricks vampiric Necromancy
thralls. Addicted gricks get no save against the domination (or charm) Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4
ability of the vampire to which they are addicted. A vampiric Components: V, S, F
thrall grick may only be addicted Casting Time: 1 action
Half-vampire Vampiric to one specific vampire at a time, Range: Close 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels
always defaulting to the vampire
Thrall and Vampire? with the highest HD.
Effect: 1 hit point of vampire blood per level
The half-vampire’s abilities do Duration: 1 day
Ageless (Ex): While the Saving throw: None
indeed stack with those from blood of a vampire is in its veins,
the Vampiric Thrall template Spell Resistance: Yes
the vampiric thrall grick does not You create 1 hit point worth of vampire blood per caster
and any Vampire template, lose physical ability points due to level. This blood may be drunk to allow the drinker to continue to have
unless the Half-vampire option age, but does gain mental ability the Vampiric Thrall template, but it is too weak to grant the template in
from the fleshbound vampire’s points as normal. If the vampiric turn.
infectious blood ability is used. thrall grick loses its blood of Focus: A dehydrated vampire heart. One such focus is good for
That sort of half-vampire is a power ability, its age immediately 13 castings of this spell, and then it withers to dust.
temporary change as described catches up with it. Vampiric thrall
in that section. gricks that have aged beyond the
Create Vampire Blood
lifespan for gricks die and rot.
Immunities (Ex): A
Level: Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 6
vampiric thrall grick does not need to eat (but still does, out of
Components: V, S, M
habit) and need only consume half the water a creature of its type
This spell works exactly like and has the same parameters as
normally needs.
conjure vampire blood, but it can grant the Vampiric Thrall template as well.
Resistances (Ex): Vampiric thrall gricks have electricity
To gain (and maintain) that template, the drinker must consume the
and cold resistance 2.
appropriate amount of blood. See the Vampiric Thrall template itself,
Turning Vulnerability (Ex): Vampiric thrall gricks can be
for more information.
turned as if they were undead.
Material Component: A dehydrated vampire heart and a vampire
Skills: *Their coloration affords gricks a +8 racial bonus
fang—both consumed by the spell.
to Hide checks when in natural rocky areas.
Vampire Hunting A Will saving throw (DC 10 + the amount of blood needed that
Many vampiric thralls that wander the world do so to drink the blood week) must be made each time the vampiric thrall drinks, or it must
of vampires and maintain their own immortality. Twice as much blood drink all it needs. Vampiric thralls need not kill their victims, but
as normally needed, taken from a half-vampire, will do as well, leading creatures with large blood requirements often do. A vampiric thrall
to the hunting of half-vampires by vampiric thralls. The blood of a with a natural bite attack may drain blood by pinning an opponent
slain vampire must be drunk fresh (within 1 hour). The gentle repose in a grapple and biting. Vampiric thralls without such an attack may
spell preserves vampire blood for one day per caster level. Containers drain blood only by pinning an opponent and cutting with a Tiny or
permanently enchanted with the gentle repose spell can store the blood smaller slashing or piercing weapon. Most vampiric thralls subdue or
indefinitely. kill their victims before drinking.
manifested by the strike. Those that make the save suffer the
ccording to the sages of old, certain individuals and
normal damage from the critical hit (including double chaos
creatures are inexplicably drawn to the powerful energies
of utter destruction. These beings share an affinity for the
Touch of Annihilation (Su): Once per day plus once
void and seek to join with it in oblivion, believing or sensing it to
per 5 HD, voidspawn can disintegrate non-sentient objects
be the ultimate fate of all things. Somehow, in very rare instances,
due to its field of chaos energy. The voidspawn must touch
living beings have become suffused with a minute amount of the
the object or magic item, or make a touch attack against a
energy of ultimate annihilation, making them carriers of the void
carried or worn item. Carried or magic items are entitled
and harbingers of doom to those that encounter them.
to a saving throw (Fortitude negates, DC 10 + one-half
of the voidspawn’s HD + its Charisma modifier). Up to a
Appearance Changes 10-ft. cube of non-sentient matter is affected, so the ability
A voidspawn looks like the base creature, but is shrouded by a disintegrates only part of any very large object or structure.
semi-translucent, crackling field of seething black emptiness. Its Objects that make the save still take 2d6 points of damage
eyes change to the deepest of black color, with no visible retina plus 1d6 per 4 HD the voidspawn possesses.
or pupil. Over time, noticeable and distinguishing bits and pieces The voidspawn may use this ability as a free action
of a voidspawn become less distinct and, sometimes, disappear (still limited in uses per day) against an object that strikes it.
entirely—leaving a transmogrified and ever-eroding visage of what If the target object of the touch is destroyed, that target does
the base creature once was. no damage to the voidspawn.
The field goes off randomly as well, starting at
Creating a Voidspawn 2d10% at the beginning of a day, increasing 2d10% per
“Voidspawn” is a template that can be added to any creature hour, and resetting to the base 2d10% when it does finally
(referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). Voidspawn result discharge. Roll against the generated percentage every
from a personal encounter with a being or source of pure disruptive hour—the voidspawn never knows when the discharge is
energy (usually an outsider). After assuming the template, the base about to occur. When the field spontaneously discharges,
creature’s type does not change. However, “Chaotic” is added to everything touching or touched by the voidspawn must make
the base creature’s subtypes. A voidspawn uses the base creature’s a save as indicated above. This includes the floor of a room,
statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted below. water surrounding a swimming voidspawn, and so on. The
AC: Voidspawn have a swirling field of protective energy ability still only affects 10 cubic ft. of matter, but makes it
that grant them a deflection bonus of +4 to Armor Class. impossible for a voidspawn to keep items for long.
Special Attacks: A voidspawn has the following abilities, Special Qualities: A voidspawn has the special
in addition to those of the base creature: qualities of the base creature, in addition to the following:
Energy of Annihilation (Su): A voidspawn’s natural attacks Resistances (Ex): Entropy protects the voidspawn
automatically inflict an extra amount of chaos damage that cannot granting it resistance to acid, cold, fire, electricity, and sonic
exceed the original attack’s die type. Creatures warded against chaos damage equal to their HD.
take half of this damage (round down, minimum 0). The die type is Self-Annihilation (Su): The voidspawn runs a
determined by the creature’s size (with the restriction above): cumulative 1 percent chance per month that it will need
to make a Fortitude save (DC 5 + 1 per previous attempt)
Void or succumb to its own annihilation energy, being utterly
Size Damage destroyed forever. Ultimately, all voidspawn are destroyed by
Fine 1 their internal energies.
Diminutive 1d2 Abilities: Modify from bas creature as follows:
Tiny 1d3 Charisma +2
Small and 1d4 Organization: Usually solitary, occasionally in small
Medium-size 1d6 groups (the smallest the base creature offers).
Large + 1d8 CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 30%, round according
to your best judgment (maximum +4).
Aura of Fear (Su): The voidspawn constantly radiates Alignment: Always chaotic, never good
energies that cause fear in normal beings. Creatures within a 30-ft. ECL: +2.
radius of a voidspawn must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + one-
half of the voidspawn’s HD + its Charisma modifier) or become
frightened for 1d4 rounds. Opponents with more HD than the
voidspawn are unaffected.
Strike of Annihilation (Su): Whenever a voidspawn makes
a successful critical hit with an unarmed or natural attack, the
struck opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-
half of the voidspawn’s HD + its Charisma modifier) have its
body disintegrated by the powerful energy of utter annihilation
Sample Voidspawn The voidspawn rast may use this ability as a free action (still limited
These examples use a rast and a cachalot whale as the base in uses per day) against an object that strikes it. If the target object
creatures. of the touch is destroyed, that target does no damage to the
voidspawn rast.
Voidspawn Rast The field goes off randomly as well, starting at 2d10% at
Medium-size Outsider (Fire, Chaotic) the beginning of a day, increasing 2d10% per hour, and resetting
Hit Dice: 4d8+4 (22 hp) to the base 2d10% when it does finally discharge. Roll against the
Initiative: +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) generated percentage every hour—the voidspawn rast never knows
Speed: Fly 50 ft. (good) when the discharge is about to occur. When the field spontaneously
AC: 19 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +4 deflection); 18 flat-footed, 15 discharges, everything touching or touched by the voidspawn rast
touch must make a save as indicated above. This includes the floor of a
Attacks: 4 claws, +6 melee or bite, +6 melee room, water surrounding a swimming voidspawn rast, and so on.
Damage: Claw 1d4+2 and 1d4 chaos; or bite 1d8+3 and 1d6 The ability still only affects 10 cubic ft. of matter, but makes it
chaos impossible for a voidspawn rast to keep items for long.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Self-Annihilation (Su): The voidspawn rast has a cumulative 1
Special Attacks: Aura of fear, paralyzing gaze, improved percent chance per month that it will need to make a Fortitude save
grab, blood drain, strike of annihilation, touch of annihilation (DC 5 + 1 per previous attempt) or succumb to its own annihilation
Special Qualities: Self-annihilation, flight, fire subtype, energy, being utterly destroyed forever.
resistances (acid, cold, fire, electricity, and sonic 4) Paralyzing Gaze (Su): Paralysis for 1d6 rounds, 30 ft.,
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5 Fortitude save (DC 13).
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 3, Wis 13, Cha 14 Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the voidspawn rast
Skills: Hide +5, Listen +7, Move Silently +7 must hit with its bite attack.
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative Blood Drain (Ex): A voidspawn rast “drains” blood from a
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground grabbed opponent (actually, obliterating the blood as it makes contact
Organization: Solitary or pair with the creature’s chaotic energy), dealing 1 point of temporary
CR: 7 Constitution damage and 1d6 points of chaotic energy damage each
Treasure: None round it maintains the hold.
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral Fire Subtype (Ex): Fire immunity, double damage from cold
Advancement: 5-6 HD (Medium); 7-12 HD (Large) except on a successful save.
Flight (Su): A voidspawn rast can fly as the spell cast by an
Combat 11th-level sorcerer, as a free action. A voidspawn rast that loses this
Voidspawn rasts attack with a frightening, brutal cunning. ability falls and can perform only partial actions.
The creatures paralyze as many of their foes as possible, then
attack any that are still moving, trying to destroy them with Voidspawn Whale (Cachalot)
their strike of annihilation ability. A voidspawn rast can claw Gargantuan Animal (Aquatic, Chaotic)
or bite, but cannot do both during the same round. Hit Dice: 12d8+84 (138 hp)
Strike of Annihilation (Su): Whenever a voidspawn Initiative: +1 (Dex)
rast makes a successful critical hit with its bite attack, the Speed: Swim 40 ft.
struck opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or AC: 20 (–4 size, +1 Dex, +9 natural, +4 deflection); 19 flat-footed,
have its body disintegrated by the powerful energy of utter 11 touch
annihilation manifested by the strike. Those that make the Attacks: Bite +17 melee, tail slap +12 melee
save suffer the normal damage from the critical hit (including Damage: Bite 4d6+12 plus 1d8 chaos, tail slap 1d8+6 plus 1d8
double chaos damage). chaos
Aura of Fear (Su): The voidspawn rast constantly Face/Reach: 20 ft. by 40 ft./10 ft.
radiates energies that cause fear in normal beings. Creatures Special Attacks: Aura of fear, strike of annihilation, touch of
within a 30-ft. radius of a voidspawn rast must succeed at annihilation, resistances (acid, cold, fire, electricity, and sonic 12)
a Will save (DC 14) or become frightened for 1d4 rounds. Special Qualities: Blindsight, self-annihilation
Opponents with more than 4 HD are unaffected. Saves: Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +6
Touch of Annihilation (Su): 1/day a voidspawn rast Abilities: Str 35, Dex 13, Con 24, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 8
can disintegrate non-sentient objects due to its field of Skills: Listen +11*, Spot +12*
chaos energy. The voidspawn rast must touch the object or Climate/Terrain: Any aquatic
magic item, or make a touch attack against a carried or worn Organization: Solitary
item. Carried or magic items are entitled to a saving throw CR: 9
(Fortitude negates, DC 14). Up to a 10-ft. cube of non- Treasure: None
sentient matter is affected, so the ability disintegrates only Alignment: Always chaotic neutral
part of any very large object or structure. Objects that make Advancement: 13-18 HD (Gargantuan); 19-36 HD (Colossal)
the save still take 3d6 points of damage.
This voidspawn cachalot whale is surrounded by black energy and
streaked with white on its hide.
Voidspawn cachalots are wantonly destructive. They attack with
little provocation, seeking the annihilation of all they encounter.
Strike of Annihilation (Su): Whenever a voidspawn
whale makes a successful critical hit with a natural attack, the
struck opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or have its
body disintegrated by the powerful energy of utter annihilation
manifested by the strike. Those that make the save suffer the
normal damage from the critical hit (including double chaos
Aura of Fear (Su): The voidspawn whale constantly radiates
energies that cause fear in normal beings. Creatures within a 30-ft.
radius of a cachalot must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or become
frightened for 1d4 rounds. Opponents with more than 12 HD are
Touch of Annihilation (Su): 3/day a voidspawn whale can
disintegrate non-sentient objects due to its field of chaos energy.
The cachalot must touch the object or magic item, or make a touch
attack against a carried or worn item. Carried or magic items are
entitled to a saving throw (Fortitude negates, DC 15). Up to a 10-ft.
cube of non-sentient matter is affected, so the ability disintegrates
only part of any very large object or structure. Objects that make
the save still take 5d6 points of damage.
The voidspawn whale may use this ability as a free action
(still limited in uses per day) against an object that strikes it. If the
target object of the touch is destroyed, that target does no damage
to the cachalot.
The field goes off randomly as well, starting at 2d10% at
the beginning of a day, increasing 2d10% per hour, and resetting
to the base 2d10% when it does finally discharge. Roll against the
generated percentage every hour—the voidspawn whale never
knows when the discharge is about to occur. When the field
spontaneously discharges, everything touching or touched by the
cachalot must make a save as indicated above. This includes the
floor of a room, water surrounding a swimming voidspawn whale,
and so on. The ability still only affects 10 cubic ft. of matter, but
makes it impossible for a voidspawn whale to keep items for long.
Self-Annihilation (Su): The voidspawn whale has a
cumulative 1 percent chance per month that it will need to make a
Fortitude save (DC 5 + 1 per previous attempt) or succumb to its
own annihilation energy, being utterly destroyed forever.
Blindsight (Ex): Voidspawn whales can “see” by emitting
high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allow
them to locate objects and creatures within 120 ft. A silence spell
negates this and forces the cachalot to rely on its vision, which is
approximately as good as a human’s.
Skills: Voidspawn whales gain a +4 racial bonus to Spot
and Listen checks. *These bonuses are lost if Blindsight is negated.
Darkvision (Ex): Wights can see in non-magical darkness
up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range, whichever is
other dark places. There they wait to befoul any who dare Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
invade. sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits,
subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from
Appearance Changes massive damage.
Wights look much like zombies, except the body of the Saves: Recalculate the wight’s saves as if it was always of
creature is corpse thin and never rotted. Cold fire burns in a the Undead type.
wight’s eyes, and their aspect is predatory. Abilities: Modify from base creature as follows: Strength +2,
Dexterity +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +4. As an undead creature, a
wight has no Constitution score.
Creating a Wight Skills: Recalculate skills as if the creature was always
“Wight” is a template that can be added to any living, undead, using the base creature’s skills as class skills. Hide, Listen,
corporeal creature that has sentience (Intelligence 3+) besides Move Silently, and Spot are always class skills for a wight. Wights
an ooze, outsider, or plant (referred to hereafter as the “base gain a +8 racial bonus to Move Silently checks.
creature”). After assuming the template, the base creature’s Feats: Recalculate feats as if the creature was always of
type changes to “Undead”, while subtypes remain unchanged. the Undead type, favoring the base creature’s feats and the Blind
A wight uses the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial Fight feat.
special abilities except as noted below. Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground, favoring
HD: Remove all HD due to character class and add the base creature’s terrain.
3 dice to the remaining total. Hit die type changes to d12. Organization: Solitary, gang (2-5), or pack (6-11)—
AC: Natural armor improves by +4. usually no more than the base creature.
Attacks: Recalculate the wight’s base attack bonus as CR: Base creature’s CR +2 + 20% (maximum +4). Those
if the base creature had always been undead. Creatures with creatures that lose class abilities have their CR reduced by 40% (a
no other natural attack gain a slam attack. 10th-level character is reduced to CR 6).
Damage: The wight’s slam does damage according Treasure: Often none, but can be the same as the base
to the Undead type and the base creature’s size. creature.
Special Attacks: A wight loses all special attacks Alignment: Any evil, favoring lawful evil
that are due to a character class, but retains all other abilities Advancement: Equal to the base creature’s +3 HD to
of the base creature besides those that require a metabolism each end of each advancement range. For example, a gynosphinx
(like poison). Supernatural and spell-like attacks are almost has 8 base HD and an advancement of 9-12 HD (Large), 13-
always maintained, using Charisma in place of Constitution to 24 (Huge). As a wight, the gynosphinx has 11 base HD and an
calculate save DCs. A wight gains the following: advancement of 12-15 (Large), 16-27 (Huge).
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a wight’s If the base creature didn’t have advancement by HD, it
slam attack receive one negative level. A Fortitude save (DC gains one allowing it to double the HD it starts with as a wight. No
10 + one-half of the wight’s HD + its Charisma modifier) size change is granted. Thus, a human wight starts with 4d12 HD
24 hours later prevents the negative level from becoming and an advancement of 5-8 HD (Medium-size).
permanent. If the base creature could acquire a character class, so can
Create Spawn (Su): Any appropriate creature slain by a the wight.
wight becomes a wight (gaining this template) in 1d4 rounds. ECL: +6 (including 3 base HD).
Spawn are under the command of the wight that created
them and remain enslaved until the master’s death.
Sample Wight
This example uses a gynosphinx as the base creature.
Wights and Spawn
The spawn of a wight can quickly become a multitude if the
power is left unchecked. Thus, it may be best that the spawn so
Gynosphinx Wight
Large Undead
created follow rules similar to those restricting a mohrg. First, the
Hit Dice: 11d12 (71 hp)
wight can only spawn another wight from a creature that has the
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
same number HD (including the character levels of the victim)
Speed: 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor)
as it has, or less. Further, the wight can only control a number
AC: 26 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +15 natural); 23 flat-footed, 11 touch
of spawn equal to its own HD. On both counts, the wight’s
Attacks: 2 claws +9 melee
character levels (if any) apply as HD. A wight can choose which
Damage: Claw 1d6+5
spawn to release from control, should this become necessary.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Energy drain, create spawn, pounce, rake 1d6+2, Becoming a Wight
spell-like abilities A wight is created via create undead and the ritual of dark calling
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., undead (see the Desiccated template). A created wight must comply
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +14 with the rules of this template.
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 14, Con —, Int 18, Wis 21, Cha 23 A being might return to life as a wight to wreak
Skills: Concentration +17, Hide +12*, Intimidate +16, Listen +19, havoc, pursue vengeance, or finish some purpose it had in
Move Silently +22, Spot +19 life. Evil creatures are usually the only ones that can pull off
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Flyby Attack, such an act of will. A wight of this type is probably a greater
Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes wight, as described in the variant below.
Climate/Terrain: Any warm land or underground
Organization: Solitary or covey (2-4)
CR: 11
Variant Wight
The following microplate can be used to create a wight that
Treasure: Double standard
retains class abilities:
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: 11-15 HD (Large); 16-27 HD (Huge)
A Greater Wight
The wight template can be altered in simple ways to allow the
A gynosphinx wight is a shrunken, corpse-like creature with a
creation of a wight that retains the base creature’s memories,
terrible and beautiful countenance. These monsters lust after
character levels, and class abilities. Instead of losing all
knowledge, but they hate the living and cannot be trusted. Legends
character levels, the base creature keeps them, gains 3 HD,
hold that a goddess of secrets, pain, and betrayal created the first
and all dice become d12s. Greater wights get turn resistance
gynosphinx wights. Whether that story is apocryphal or not, these
equal to one-third of their HD (including character levels,
undead are horrifying foes.
minimum +1). The creature’s saves, skill, and feat calculations
remain the same as the base creature, according to class.
CR is that of the base creature +2 + 20% (maximum +4).
The gynosphinx wight is less potent than her living counterpart in
A greater wight with the animate dead spell, the ability to
direct melee, but the creature prefers attacks from ambush. It uses
command undead as a cleric, or both, adds the number of
clairaudience/clairvoyance to locate foes and its symbol spells to defeat
controlled undead granted by these abilities to its wight
persistent enemies.
spawn limit (from the sidebar). A greater wight has an ECL
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a gynosphinx
of +6 (not including any base HD).
wight’s claw or rake attack receive one negative level. A Fortitude
An evil spellcaster might turn himself into a greater
save (DC 21) 24 hours later prevents the negative level from
wight with this ritual:
becoming permanent.
Create Spawn (Su): Any appropriate creature slain by a
gynosphinx wight becomes a wight (gaining the Wight template)
Form of Cold Death
Necromancy (Ritual) [Evil]
in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the command of the gynosphinx
Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6
wight that created them and remain enslaved until the mistress’s
Casting Time: 1 day per HD of the target
Ritual DC: 16 (18 for an arcane caster) + 1 per HD affected
Pounce (Ex): If a sphinx leaps upon a foe during the first
This ritual allows a spellcaster to transform any still-
round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already
living target (usually himself) into a greater wight. It functions
taken a move action.
like the form of the remorseless ritual, except as follows:
Rake (Ex): A sphinx that pounces onto a creature can
The ritual must be performed at night. A divine
make two rake attacks with its hind legs.
group must cast the spell animate dead, create undead, raise dead,
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—clairaudience/clairvoyance, detect
and unhallow each night during the rite. An arcane group must
magic, read magic, and see invisibility; 1/day—comprehend languages, locate
cast animate dead, planar binding, and enervation instead.
object, dispel magic, remove curse, and legend lore. These abilities are as the
Material Components: The ritual requires a burial
spells cast by a 14th-level sorcerer (save DC 16 + spell level).
shroud of humanoid skin, incense, jet gems, two hearts
Once per week a gynosphinx wight can create a symbol of
(each from humanoid lovers), and black diamond dust, and
death, discord, insanity, pain, persuasion, sleep, and stunning (one of each)
mundane material components worth 500 gp per final HD of
as the spell cast by an 18th-level sorcerer (save DC 24).
the creature transformed.
Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
XP Cost: 90 XP per HD of the creature raised.
sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits,
Botch: A botched ritual results in a normal wight,
subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from
which attacks the ritualists—the original target dies. All
massive damage.
of the ritual participants suffer 1d4 points of temporary
Skills: A wight gains a +8 racial bonus to Move Silently.
Wisdom and Constitution damage, while the ritual leader
*Hide includes a size penalty of –4.
suffers 2d6.
Limited Ooze Qualities (Ex): Wretched creatures are immune to
ad wizards, conducting foul experiments in their
paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. They no longer have a
laboratories, are the stuff of many a gruesome
clear front or back and are therefore not subject to critical hits
tale. Their legendary efforts to combine the best
or flanking. Most wretched are able to see normally (as the base
features of one creature with those of another have gone on
for centuries, with precious few successes. The question is,
No Armor: Due to their unique body structure, the base
what fate befalls a creature when a wizard’s master plan for it
creature typically loses its ability to wear any type of armor or
goes horribly awry? The lucky ones die in the process. As for
shield. There is a 10 % chance that any given wretched is still able to
the survivors, they become hideous creatures known as the
use armor and shields, provided it could do so before its creation.
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Dexterity
–6 (minimum 1), Constitution +4, Charisma –4 (minimum 1).
Appearance Changes Feats: Those wretched that lose their eyes or are blinded
Each wretched has a uniquely different, albeit utterly by the transformation process gain the Blind-Fight feat, if they did
repulsive, look. Horribly disfigured from their original state, not already possess it.
most cannot even be identified as what they once were before CR: Base creature’s CR +1. This CR may be lowered by
experiments were conducted to “improve” them. However, loss of significant abilities.
the wretched do have one thing in common besides their Alignment: Sometimes the same as the base creature.
ignominious creation stories—they have become partially Often, however, the creature is driven mad, becoming chaotic
liquefied, semi-solid masses of quivering flesh. Oftentimes, neutral at best.
wretched will gain extra body parts (eyes, limbs, a wing, etc.) ECL: +0.
and/or lose some of their original body parts during their
creation process. They retain all of their normal appendages,
though these may be more tentacle-like than like a normal
Sample Wretched Creatures
These examples use a choker and a lammasu as the base creatures.
arm of leg.
The lammasu is included to show how a wretched might lose
abilities and CR—it loses its pounce and rake abilities due to the
Creating a Wretched Creature wretched physiology. Note that the lammasu had Blind-fight before
“Wretched” is a template that can be added to any living, his change.
corporeal creature besides outsiders and plants (referred to
hereafter as the “base creature”). After assuming the template, Strangle Jelly (Wretched Choker)
the base creature’s type changes to “Aberration”, while its Small Aberration
subtypes are unchanged. Wretched use the base creature’s Hit Dice: 3d8+23 (36 hp)
statistics and inherent racial special abilities except as noted Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative)
below. Speed: 10 ft., climb 10 ft.
Speed: The creature’s base speed in all modes AC: 13 (+1 size, –3 Dex +5 natural); 13 flat-footed, 8 touch
decreases by 10 ft. 75% of all changed creatures permanently Attacks: 2 tentacle slaps +6 melee
lose flight abilities when they become wretched. If the Damage: Tentacle slap 1d3+3
creature can fly, subtract 75% from the speed and two levels Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
of maneuverability. Special Attacks: Haste, improved grab, constrict 1d3+3,
Special Attacks: A wretched may lose special Special Qualities: Bonus hit points, darkvision 60 ft., limited ooze
attacks that rely on specific anatomy. Use logic here. qualities, no armor
Special Qualities: A wretched has the special Saves: Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +4
qualities of the base creature (except those logically lost as Abilities: Str 16, Dex 4, Con 23, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 3
indicated above) and gains the following additional abilities: Skills: Climb +16, Hide +7, Move Silently +4
Bonus Hit Points (Ex): By virtue of becoming an ooze Feats: Improved Initiative
(at least in part), the base creature gains bonus hit points (in Climate/Terrain: Any underground
addition to those from Hit Dice and Constitution scores) Organization: Solitary
according to size, as shown on the table below: CR: 3
Treasure: 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items
Size Bonus Hit Points Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Fine — Advancement: 4-6 HD (Small); 7-12 HD (Medium-size)
Diminutive —
Tiny — The wretched choker resembles a fleshy puddle of tentacled,
Small 5 slithering horror.
Medium-size 10
Large 15
Huge 20
Gigantic 30
Colossal 40
Combat Alignment: Always lawful good
A strangle jelly, much like an unaltered choker, likes to perch near Advancement: 8-10 HD (Large); 11-21 HD (Huge)
the ceiling, often at intersections, archways, wells, or staircases, and A writhing mass of four clawed limbs, fur, feathers, and
reach down to attack its prey. This particular wretched takes full two wings, this cursed lammasu still retains his goodness.
advantage of its rending abilities to tear its victims to bits. He guards the gate of an ancient temple wherein he was
Haste (Su): Although not particularly dexterous, a strangle originally transformed by an ancient malediction. Perched
jelly is supernaturally quick. It can take an extra partial action each upon the temple’s roof, Sikruki allows only the worthy to pass
round. in or out. He speaks Draconic, Giant, and Celestial.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the strangle jelly
must hit an opponent of up to Large size with a tentacle attack. If Combat
it gets a hold, it can constrict. The wretched lammasu attacks primarily with
Constrict (Ex): A strangle jelly spells. It can still attack those who get
deals 1d3+3 points of damage with close with its four appendages.
a successful grapple check against Spells: Sikruki casts
Large or smaller creatures. Because spells as a 7th-level cleric, with
it seizes victims by the neck, a the domains Knowledge and
creature in the jelly’s grasp cannot Law (domain spells are not
speak or cast spells with verbal italicized below).
components. Cleric Spells Prepared
Limited Ooze Qualities (6/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1,
(Ex): The strangle jelly is base save DC 14 + spell
immune to paralysis, stunning, level): 0—create water (x2),
and polymorphing. It is not detect magic (x2), detect
subject to critical hits or poison, resistance; 1st—bless
flanking. water (x2), comprehend
No Armor: Due to languages, detect evil, cure
its unique body structure, the light wounds, protection
strangle jelly cannot wear any from chaos; 2nd—cure
type of armor or shield. moderate wounds, detect
thoughts, enthrall, hold
Sikruki, the Gate person, zone of truth;
Guardian (Wretched 3rd—clairaudience/
Lammasu) clairvoyance, create food
Large Aberration and water, cure serious
Hit Dice: 7d10+50 (88 hp) wounds, searing light; 4th—
Initiative: +0 divination, cure critical
Speed: 20 ft., fly 15 ft. wounds, sending.
(clumsy) Magic Circle against
AC: 12 (–1 size, –3 Dex, Evil (Su): Sikruki has a
+5 natural); 12 flat-footed, continuous magic circle against
7 touch evil that affects a 20-foot radius.
Attacks: 2 claws +12 melee The aura can be dispelled, but
Damage: Claw 1d6+6 the wretched lammasu can create
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 10 it again as a free action on its next
ft./5 ft. turn.
Special Attacks: Spells Spell-Like Abilities:
Special Qualities: Magic circle against evil, 2/day—improved invisibility; 1/
spell-like abilities, bonus hit points, limited day—dimension door. These abilities
ooze qualities, no armor are as the spells cast by a 7th-level sorcerer.
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +8 Limited Ooze Qualities (Ex): Sikruki is immune to
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 4, Con 21, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 12 paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. He is not subject
Skills: Concentration +12, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Listen +8, to critical hits or flanking and sees normally for a lammasu
Sense Motive +12, Spot +8* (darkvision 60 ft.).
Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Flyby Attack, Iron Will, No Armor: Sikruki cannot use items that require a
Lightning Reflexes lammasu’s normal physiology.
Climate/Terrain: Any warm land and underground Skills: *Sikruki has a +2 racial bonus to Spot checks
Organization: Solitary during daylight hours.
CR: 8
Treasure: Standard
Z ombies, like skeletons, are the tainted creations Damage: Greater zombies do Slam damage according to the
of dark necromantic arts—shambling undead Undead type.
condemned to walk the earth until their utter Special Attacks: A greater zombie loses any attack
destruction comes. Some corpses, however, are possessed that requires an active metabolism (like web), at your discretion.
by the spirits of their former incarnations, whether through Supernatural and spell-like attacks are almost always maintained,
dark magic or darker will. This foul creature keeps many of using Charisma in place of Constitution to calculate save DCs.
the abilities of the base creature through its transformation to Special Qualities: A greater zombie has all the special
undeath. qualities of the base creature, besides ones like those prohibited in
Special Attacks above, plus the following:
Darkvision (Ex): Greater zombies can see in non-magical
Appearance Changes darkness up to a range of 60 ft., or the base creature’s range,
Unlike normal zombies, greater zombies do not continue to
whichever is better.
decay, although they do dry if in a suitable environment. While
Turn Resistance (Ex): Base creature gains turn resistance
the animated corpse is hardly attractive, it’s not as gruesome as
equal to one-third of its HD (including character levels, minimum
its constantly rotting, non-intelligent counterpart. Many greater
zombies were fresh when created, and they look like they did
Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
in life excepting obvious pallor of death and milky eyes. sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits,
subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive
Creating a Greater Zombie damage.
“Greater Zombie” is a template that can be added to any living Saves: Save progression is that of the Undead type (good
creature besides an ooze or outsider (referred to hereafter as Will) from HD not of a character class. Class progressions stay the
the “base creature”). After assuming the template, the base same.
creature’s type changes to “Undead”. Subtype information Abilities: Modify from the base creature as follows:
does not change. The character level and associated class Strength +2, Dexterity –2. . As undead creatures, greater
abilities of the base creature (if any) are maintained. Greater zombies do not have Constitution scores.
zombies use the base creature’s statistics and inherent racial Skills: The skills of the base creature do not change based
special abilities except as noted below. on the HD increase from this template. HD from advancement
Hit Dice: Meaty and undead, zombies are just hard grants skills points as normal.
to kill. Double any HD not acquired from a character class. Feats: All greater zombies get Toughness as a bonus feat.
Creatures with only character levels for HD get the minimum The feats of the base creature do not change based on the HD
HD for their size and type (see Appendix I: Creature Construction increase from this template. Hit Dice from monster advancement or
Charts), which is then doubled. As an exception, humanoids character classes grant feats as normal.
of Small or Medium size are always treated as 1 HD creatures, Organization: Usually solitary.
which then doubles to 2 HD. If the creature has a character CR: Base creature’s CR +1 + 10% of non-classed
class, it loses one of those extra HD to the 1st level of the
skeleton’s HD. Add CR due to class levels normally on top
class. Die type increases to d12.
Speed: Winged greater zombies lose 10 ft. of speed of this.
and one maneuverability rating—severely decomposed greater Alignment: Greater zombies can be of any
zombies may lose such flight. alignment, though they are usually evil.
AC: The creature’s natural armor bonus stays the Advancement: Multiply HD ranges by 2.
same or increases to the number listed below (if that number Character advancement does not change.
is higher): ECL: +1.
Size Armor Bonus
Sample Greater Zombies
These examples use an owlbear and a 15th-level gnome necromancer
Tiny +0
as the base creatures.
Small +1
Medium-size +2
Large +3
Huge +4
Gargantuan +7
Colossal +11
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, and troglodyte’s stench, that do not require a metabolism. It has no turn
prestidigitation as a 16th-level wizard; 1/day—speak with animals resistance and the following drawback:
(burrowing mammals) as a 1st-level caster. Move or Attack Action Only (Ex): A lesser zombie has poor
Wizard Spells Prepared (4+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/5+1/ reflexes and can perform only a single move action or attack action
4+1/3+1/2+1/1+1, base save DC 14 (16 with Necromancy) on its turn. It can only move and attack if it charges.
+ spell level, prohibited school: Illusion): 0—detect magic (x2), Saves: The saving throws of a lesser zombie are calculated
disrupt undead, read magic (x2); 1st—cause fear, chill touch, detect as if the creature’s type was always Undead.
undead, ray of enfeeblement, stench; 2nd—alter self, bull’s strength, Abilities: A lesser zombie has no Intelligence or
detect thoughts, exhaust, ghoul touch, scare; 3rd—dispel magic, fly, Constitution score, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 1.
gaseous form, stinking cloud, vampiric touch; 4th—burrowing bony Skills: A lesser zombie has no skills.
digits, enervation (x2), fear, scrying, stoneskin; 5th—animate dead Feats: Lesser zombies only retain feats that confer weapon
(x2), cloudkill, dominate person, feeblemind; 6th—greater dispelling, and armor proficiency. They still get Toughness as a bonus feat.
circle of death, mass suggestion, true seeing; 7th—control undead, Treasure: Lesser zombies rarely have treasure of their
death knife, ethereal jaunt; 8th—dark channeling, horrid wilting. own, although they may be guarding their creator’s treasure and may
have valuable equipment.
Undead (Ex): Immune to mind-influencing
Alignment: Lesser zombies are typically neutral with a
effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. leaning towards the morality of their creator, which is usually evil.
Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability CR: A lesser zombie’s challenge rating depends on its size:
damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage. Tiny or smaller 1/8, Small 1/4, Medium-size 1/2, Large 3, Huge 6,
Gargantuan 10, Colossal 13.
Becoming a Greater Zombie
Greater zombies can be created via create greater undead, or the New Spells
ritual of dark calling, as detailed under the Desiccated template. Burrowing Bones
A spellcaster can use this ritual as well: Necromancy
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Form of Eternal Flesh Components: V, S, M
Necromancy (Ritual) [Evil] Casting Time: 1 action
Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 6 Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Casting Time: 1 day per 3 HD of final greater zombie Target: Up to 5 creatures (see text)
This rite allows a spellcaster to transform any Duration: 1 round/3 levels (see text)
still-living target (usually himself) into a greater zombie. It Saving throw: None
functions like the form of eternal bone ritual exactly, except for as Spell Resistance: Yes
above. You launch 1 bone plus 1 bone per 3 levels (maximum 5)
at a target or group of targets, no two of which can be more than 15
Revenants ft. apart. Each bone must strike with a ranged touch attack, hitting
In some myths, those unjustly slain or highly motivated by for 1d6 points of damage. The digits then burrow into the victim’s
some goal could return from the dead in their bodies. Such flesh for 1 round for every 3 levels you possess, doing 1d3 points of
creatures have also been called aptrgangers, gegangers, and a damage per round. A full round action allows a creature to remove
variety of other names. The greater zombie template is perfect as many of the bones from it flesh as it has free hands, doing 1 point
for this idea. of damage for each round that has elapsed since the bones struck. A
successful Heal check can remove 1 bone without damage as a full-
Zombie Variants round action (before or after the burrowing stops).
The following microplate allows the creation of mindless Material Component: 1-5 humanoid digits, stripped of flesh
undead zombies, like those found in the MM and created via and bound together with thread made of gut.
animate dead, but ones that more closely resemble the base
creatures. Dark Channeling
Necromancy [Evil]
Lesser Zombie Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 8
Animated, mindless zombies differ from greater zombies in Components: V, S, M, F
the following ways: Casting Time: 1 minute
HD: Remove all HD (and abilities) from character Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
classes, double those that remain. Target: You and an undead creature (see text)
Attacks: The base attack progression of a lesser Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
zombie is calculated as if the creature’s type was always Saving throw: Will negates (see text)
Undead. Spell Resistance: Yes
Special Attacks and Qualities: The lesser zombie loses all You place your body in suspended animation and project your mind
abilities from the base creature except immunity or resistance in to the body or spirit of an undead creature within range and sight
to a specific energy type and extraordinary abilities, such as a (including scrying). Intelligent undead are entitled to a Will save
against the possession. You control the actions of the possessed Stench
creature, retaining your own Intelligence and abilities. Spells available Evocation
to the possessed creature may be cast as if they were your own, Level: Sor/Wiz 1
as well as your own spells. You may speak through the inhabited Components: V, S, M
undead, though the speech is in an amalgam of its voice and yours. Casting Time: 1 action
If the range of the spell is exceeded, it ends immediately. Range: Personal
You can vacate one undead creature for another within range as a Area: 10-ft.radius in a sphere centered on you
full-round action. Any host creature that is destroyed before you Duration: 1 round/level (D)
vacate it forces you to make a Will save (DC 20) or die. Success ends Saving throw: Fortitude negates
the spell and stuns you for 1d10 rounds. Spell Resistance: Yes
Arcane Focus: A lit brazier of black iron, a large chunk of You create a zone of carrion stench that affects
pure crystal, and a cap made from the skin of a sentient creature. everyone but you in the area. Those who fail their saving
throw become nauseated (DMG, Chapter 3, Condition
Death Knife Summary) while they remain in the area, and for one round
Necromancy [Death] after leaving it. The effect is not mobile, but remains effective
Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7 until the duration runs out, even if you subsequently leave the
Components: V, S, F area.
Casting Time: 1 action Material Component: A bit of rotten meat.
Range: Touch
Target: One small piercing weapon
Duration: 1 round/5 levels
New Items
Ring of the Hidden: A copper ring, this item appears
Saving throw: Will partial
innocuous and of little value. It cannot be detected via detect
Spell Resistance: Yes
magic and renders the second part of any wearer’s alignment as
You charge a knife (the focus of the spell) with vile death
neutral to any divination magic. The wearer is immune to all
energies. Upon being hit with a successful melee attack from the
divination spells. A person casting an identify spell on this item
weapon, an opponent must make its save or die. If the save is
is allowed a Will saving throw (DC 15) to see through the false
successful, the struck creature still takes 1d6 points of temporary
Constitution damage. If the knife leaves your hand, the spell ends.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, misdirection,
nondetection, nystul’s undetectable aura; Market Price: 18,000 gp;
Exhaust Weight: —.
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Ring of Soul Sucking: Made of the carved bone of an
Components: V, S, M
unknown fiend and warm to the touch, this ring allows its
Casting Time: 1 action
wearer to bestow a negative level with a successful melee
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
touch attack. Negative levels fade from the victim after 12
Area: 20 ft. radius spread
hours and never cause permanent drain, though a victim
Duration: Instantaneous
drained to 0 levels still dies. The wearer gains 1d3+1
Saving throw: Fortitude negates
temporary hit points for each negative level so bestowed.
Spell Resistance: Yes
These hit points last for 12 hours. The ring may only be used
Targets of this spell become weak and tired, as if they
once every 1d4 rounds.
had not slept in days. Each takes 1d6 subdual damage, becomes
Caster Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Forge Ring, enervation;
exhausted (per the condition DMG, Chapter 3, Condition Summary),
Market Price: 28,000 gp; Weight: —.
and loses its next action. Creatures that do not suffer from fatigue
(such as constructs and undead) are immune to this spell.
Material Component: A handful of sand.
Table 1-1: Creature Size Factors
Attack Grapple Hide
Size Modifier Modifier Modifier Dimension 1 Weight 2 Typical Face/Reach 3
Fine +8 –16 +16 ≤ 6 in. ≤ 1/8 lb. .5 ft. x .5 ft./0 ft.
Diminutive +4 –12 +12 to 1 ft. to 1 lb. 1 ft. x 1 ft./0 ft.
Tiny +2 –8 +8 to 2 ft. to 8 lb. 2.5 ft. x 2.5 ft./0 ft.
Small +1 –4 +4 to 4 ft. to 60 lb. 5 ft. x 5 ft./5 ft.
Medium-size +0 +0 +0 to 8 ft. to 500 lb. 5 ft. x 5 ft./5 ft.
Large –1 +4 –4 to 16 ft. to 4,000 lb. 5 ft. x 5 ft./10 ft. (tall)
5 ft. x 10 ft./5 ft. (long)
Huge –2 +8 –8 to 32 ft. to 32,000 lb. 10 ft. x 10 ft./15 ft. (tall)
10 ft. x 20 ft./10 ft. (long)
Gargantuan –4 +12 –12 to 64 ft. to 250,000 lb. 20 ft. x 20 ft./20 ft. (tall)
20 ft. x 40 ft./10-15 ft. (long)
Colossal –8 +16 –16 ≥ 64 ft. ≥ 250,000 lb. 40 ft. x 40 ft./25 ft. (tall)
40 ft. x 80 ft./15 ft. (long)
Biped’s height, quadruped’s body length (nose to base of tail).
Assumes that the creature is roughly as dense as a regular animal. A creature made of stone weighs considerably more, while a gaseous creature weighs much less.
Listed width x length. Tall creatures have their longest dimension in upright height, while long creatures have their longest dimension in horizontal length.
T hese charts are placed here for Table 1-2: Creature Changes by Size
utility; many of them come from the Natural AC/
d20 Modern, and they don’t match Old Size 1 New Size Str Dex Con Armor Attack
exactly those found in some newer official Fine Diminutive Same –2 Same Same –4
fantasy roleplaying monster compendiums. Diminutive Tiny +2 –2 Same Same –2
They still work very well, without actually Tiny Small +4 –2 Same Same –1
contradicting some of the monsters found Small Medium-size +4 –2 +2 Same –1
in those same tomes. Use them as guides for Medium-size Large +8 –2 +4 +2 –1
advancement and changes, especially with Large Huge +8 –2 +4 +3 –1
reference to how larger and larger monsters Huge Gargantuan +8 Same +4 +4 –2
increase in damage with their attacks and the Gargantuan Colossal +8 Same +4 +5 –4
average range for their ability scores.
The adjustments stack if the creature moves up more than one size.
Creature Size
Monsters change as they gain size. Table 1-1 is for reference of Here are some explanations about the type entries:
basic creature sizes and the effect of that size. The following Hit Die: Multiply the indicated number by the creature’s HD
chart is to alter a creature’s basic attributes as they change size. to get its base attack bonus.
Reference the creature’s type table to check for increase in damage Good Saving Throws: A creature’s “good” saves get their
and to see if the new attributes fall within suggested ranges. bonuses in a progression equal to one-half of the creature’s HD +2.
All saves not listed as good are “bad” and have a progression equal to
Creature Types one-third of the creature’s HD.
A creature’s type determines many of its characteristics and Skill Points: The creature’s initial skill allotment is given, and
abilities: average physical ability scores, Hit Die type, base attack then the amount it gains per extra HD (EHD).
bonus, saving throw bonuses, skill points, feats, and special Extra Hit Die (or Dice—also called EHD): To calculate EHD
qualities. Mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, and for a creature, subtract 1 from the creature’s total Hit Dice if it is
Charisma) can vary widely among creatures of a type. Unless Medium-size or smaller; 2 if Large; 4 if Huge; 16 if Gargantuan; and
a type description specifies a particular score for one of these 32 if Colossal. Treat results less than 0 as 0.
abilities, the DM can assign values as he or she deems appropriate. Feats: The creature’s initial allotment of feats is shown, along
Each creature belongs to one of the types described with those it gains by advancement.
below. A single creature cannot have more than one type, except Additional Traits: Traits that creatures of a type share are
in very rare circumstances. Even then, one type takes precedence listed here.
over the other.
Table 1-3: Aberrations
Size Str Dex Con Min. HD Slam Bite Claw Gore
Colossal 42–43 10–11 28–29 32d8 2d6 4d8 2d8 4d6
Gargantuan 34–35 10–11 24–25 16d8 1d8 4d6 2d6 2d8
Huge 26–27 10–11 20–21 8d8 1d6 2d8 2d4 2d6
Large 18–19 12–13 16–17 2d8 1d4 2d6 1d6 1d8
Medium-size 10–11 14–15 12–13 1d8 1d3 2d4 1d4 1d6
Small 6–7 16–17 10–11 1/2 d8 1d2 1d6 1d3 1d4
Tiny 2–3 18–19 10–11 1/4 d8 1 1d4 1d2 1d3
Diminutive 1 20–21 10–11 1/8 d8 — 1d3 1 1d2
Aberration Beast
An aberration has a bizarre anatomy, strange abilities, an alien A beast is a non-historical, vertebrate creature with a
mindset, or any combination of the three. Table 1-3 shows reasonably normal anatomy and no magical or unusual
the average ability scores, recommended HD, and damage for abilities. Beasts have Intelligence scores of 1 or 2. See Table1-
aberrations by size. 4 for physical ability scores, recommended HD, and damage
Hit Die: d8. based on size.
Base Attack Bonus: 3/4 of total Hit Dice. Hit Die: d10.
Good Saving Throws: Will. Base Attack Bonus: 3/4 of total Hit Dice.
Skill Points: 2 x Int score, plus 2 per EHD. Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex (some have
Feats: Int modifier (minimum +0), plus 1 feat per 4 EHD. different good saves).
Additional Traits: Aberrations are proficient with their natural Skill Points: 10–15.
weapons and any weapon mentioned in their entries. Aberrations Feats: None.
noted for wearing armor gain the Armor Proficiency bonus feat Additional Traits: Beasts are proficient with their natural
for whatever type of armor they are accustomed to wearing (light, weapons only. They are not proficient with armor. Beasts
medium, heavy), as well as all lighter types. Most aberrations have have Intelligence scores of 1 or 2. Beasts have Intelligence
darkvision with a range of 60 ft. as an extraordinary ability. scores of 1 or 2. No creature with an Intelligence score of 3
or higher can be a beast. Most beasts have darkvision with a
Animal range of 60 ft and low-light vision as extraordinary abilities.
An animal is a non-humanoid creature, usually a vertebrate with no
magical abilities and no innate capacity for language or culture. See Construct
Table1-4 for physical ability scores, recommended HD, and damage A construct is an animated object or artificially constructed
based on size. creature. See Table1-5 for physical ability scores, minimum HD,
Hit Die: d8 and damage based on size.
Base Attack Bonus: 3/4 of total Hit Dice. Hit Die: d10.
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude and Reflex (some animals have Base Attack Bonus: 3/4 of total Hit Dice.
different good saves). Good Saving Throws: None.
Skill Points: 10–15. Skill Points: None.
Feats: None. Feats: None.
Additional Traits: Animals are proficient with their natural Additional Traits: Constructs are proficient with their natural
weapons only. They are not proficient with armor. Animals have weapons only. They are not proficient with armor. They have
Intelligence scores of 1 or 2 (predatory animals tend to have no Constitution score and usually no Intelligence score. Most
Intelligence scores of 2). No creature with an Intelligence score of 3 constructs have darkvision with a range of 60 ft. Constructs
or higher can be an animal. Most animals have low-light vision as an are immune to mind-influencing effects and to poison, sleep,
extraordinary ability. paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects, and any effect
that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on weapons only. They are not proficient with armor. Most dragons
objects or is harmless. They are not subject to critical hits, have darkvision with a range of 60 ft. and low-light vision as
subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, or extraordinary abilities. They are immune to sleep, hold, and paralysis.
the effects of massive damage. A construct reduced to 0 hit
points or less is immediately destroyed. Since it was never alive, Elemental
a construct cannot be raised or resurrected. An elemental is a being composed of one of the four classical
Constructs cannot heal damage on their own, though elements: air, earth, fire, or water. Table 1-7 shows the average ability
they can be healed. Constructs can be repaired in the same way scores, recommended HD, and damage by size.
an object can. A construct that has the regeneration and fast Hit Die: d8.
healing special qualities still benefits from those qualities. Base Attack Bonus: 3/4 of total Hit Dice.
Good Saving Throws: Varies by element: Fortitude (earth, water)
Dragon or Reflex (air, fire).
A dragon is a reptilian creature, usually winged, with magical Skill Points: 2 x Int score, plus 2 per EHD.
or unusual abilities. Table 1-6 shows the average ability scores, Feats: Int modifier (minimum 0), plus 1 feat per 4 EHD.
recommended HD, and damage by size. Additional Traits: Elementals are proficient with their natural
Hit Die: d12. weapons only. They are not proficient with armor. Most elementals
Base Attack Bonus: Total Hit Dice. have darkvision with a range of 60 ft. They are immune to poison,
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex, Will. sleep, paralysis, and stunning, and they are not subject to critical hits,
Skill Points: 6 + Int modifier per Hit Die. flanking, or the effects of massive damage. Elementals cannot be
Feats: 1, plus 1 feat per 4 EHD. raised from the dead, but a wish or miracle can bring them back.
Additional Traits: Dragons are proficient with their natural
Table 1-8: Fey
Size Str Dex Con Min. HD Slam Bite Claw Gore
Colossal 42–43 8–9 26–27 32d6 2d6 2d8 2d8 4d6
Gargantuan 34–35 8–9 22–23 16d6 1d8 2d6 2d6 2d8
Huge 26–27 8–9 18–19 8d6 1d6 1d8 2d4 2d6
Large 18–19 10–11 14–15 2d6 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8
Medium-size 10–11 12–13 10–11 1d6 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d6
Small 6–7 14–16 8–9 1/2 d6 1d2 1d3 1d3 1d4
Tiny 2–3 16–17 8–9 1/4 d6 1 1d2 1d2 1d3
Diminutive 1 18–19 8–9 1/8 d6 — 1 1 1d2
Table 1-11: Magical Beasts
Size Str Dex Con Min. HD Slam Bite Claw Gore
Colossal 42–43 10–11 28–29 32d10 2d6 4d6 2d8 4d6
Gargantuan 34–35 10–11 24–25 16d10 1d8 2d8 2d6 2d8
Huge 26–27 10–11 20–21 8d10 1d6 2d6 2d4 2d6
Large 18–19 12–13 16–17 2d10 1d4 1d8 1d6 1d8
Medium-size 10–11 14–15 12–13 1d10 1d3 1d6 1d4 1d6
Small 6–7 16–17 10–11 1/2 d10 1d2 1d4 1d3 1d4
Tiny 2–3 18–19 10–11 1/4 d10 1 1d3 1d2 1d3
Diminutive 1 20–21 10–11 1/8 d10 — 1d2 1 1d2
Magical Beast (light, medium, heavy), as well as all lighter types. Most monstrous
A magical beast is similar to an animal but can have an humanoids have darkvision (60 ft.) as an extraordinary ability.
Intelligence score higher than 2. A magical beast might possess
supernatural or extraordinary abilities, or it might be bizarre Ooze
in appearance and habits. Table 1-11 shows the average ability An ooze is an amorphous or mutable creature. Table 1-13 shows the
scores, recommended HD, and damage by size. average ability scores, recommended HD, and damage by size.
Hit Die: d10. Hit Die: d10.
Base Attack Bonus: Total Hit Dice. Base Attack Bonus: 3/4 of total Hit Dice.
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex. Good Saving Throws: None.
Skill Points: 2 x Int score, plus 1 per EHD, or 10–15 points if Skill Points: None.
Int score is 1 or 2. Feats: None.
Feats: 1 + Int modifier (minimum 0), plus 1 feat per 4 EHD. Additional Traits: Oozes are proficient with their natural weapons
Additional Traits: Magical beasts are proficient with their only, but not with armor. They have no Intelligence score. An ooze
natural weapons only and are not proficient with armor. They has no natural armor rating, but is difficult to kill because of its
have darkvision with a range of 60 ft. and low-light vision as protoplasmic body. It gains extra hit points (in addition to those
extraordinary abilities. from its Hit Dice and Constitution score) according to size, as
shown on Table 1-13. Oozes are immune to mind-affecting effects,
Monstrous Humanoid poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions,
A monstrous humanoid is a humanoid creature with and other attack forms that rely on sight. Oozes are not subject to
monstrous or animalistic features. A monstrous humanoid critical hits, flanking, or the effects of massive damage. Most oozes
often possesses supernatural abilities as well. Table 1-12 shows have blindsight with a range of 60 ft. as an extraordinary ability.
the average ability scores, recommended HD, and damage for
aberrations by size. Outsider
Hit Die: d8. An outsider is a non-elemental creature originating from some other
Base Attack Bonus: Total Hit Dice. dimension, reality, or plane. Table 1-14 shows the average ability
Good Saving Throws: Reflex, Will. scores, recommended HD, and damage by size.
Skill Points: 2 x Int score, plus 2 per EHD. Hit Die: d8.
Feats: 1 + Int modifier (minimum 0), plus 1 feat per 4 EHD. Base Attack Bonus: Total Hit Dice.
Additional Traits: Monstrous humanoids are proficient Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex, Will.
with their natural attacks, simple weapons, and any weapon Skill Points: 8 + Int modifier per Hit Die.
mentioned in their entries. Monstrous humanoids noted for Feats: 1, plus 1 feat per 4 Hit Dice.
wearing armor gain the bonus feat Armor Proficiency with Additional Traits: Outsiders are proficient with their natural
whatever type of armor they are accustomed to wearing weapons, simple weapons, and any weapon mentioned in their
Table 1-13: Oozes
Size Str Dex Con Min. HD Hit Points Slam Bite Claw Gore
Colossal 44–45 6–7 26–29 32d10 40 4d6 4d6 2d8 2d6
Gargantuan 36–37 6–7 22–25 16d10 30 2d8 2d8 2d6 1d8
Huge 28–29 6–7 18–21 8d10 20 2d6 2d6 2d4 1d6
Large 20–21 8–9 14–17 2d10 15 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d4
Medium-size 12–13 10–11 10–13 1d10 10 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d3
Small 8–9 12–13 8–9 1/2 d10 5 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d2
Tiny 4–5 14–15 8–9 1/4 d10 — 1d3 1d3 1d2 1
Diminutive 2–3 16–17 8–9 1/8 d10 — 1d2 1d2 1 —
Fine 2–3 18–19 8–9 1/16 d10 — 1 1 — —
entries. Outsiders noted for wearing armor gain the bonus Shapechanger
feat Armor Proficiency with whatever type of armor they are A shapechanger has a stable body but can assume other
accustomed to wearing (light, medium, heavy), as well as all lighter forms. Shapechangers use the chart in this section appropriate
types. Most outsiders have darkvision with a range of 60 ft. as an to the creature the monster most resembles. An aranea could
extraordinary ability. They cannot be raised from the dead, but a wish use Table 1-11: Magical Beasts, a doppelganger might use Table
or miracle can bring one back. 1-12: Monstrous Humanoids, and a lycanthrope uses a table
closest to its base creature type (usually Humanoid).
Plant Hit Die: d8.
A plant is a vegetable creature. Table 1-15 shows the average ability Base Attack Bonus: 3/4 of total Hit Dice.
scores, recommended HD, and damage by size. Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex, Will.
Hit Die: d8. Skill Points: 2 x Int score, plus 1 per EHD.
Base Attack Bonus: 3/4 of total Hit Dice. Feats: Generally, the same as the creature’s most closely
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude. associated type.
Skill Points: None. Additional Traits: A shapechanger is proficient with its
Feats: None. natural weapons, simple weapons, and any weapon mentioned
Additional Traits: Plants are proficient with their natural weapons in its entry. One noted for wearing armor gain the bonus feat
only. They are not proficient with armor. All plants are immune to Armor Proficiency with whatever type of armor they are
sleep, paralysis, stunning, and mind-affecting effects. They are not accustomed to wearing (light, medium, heavy), as well. Most
subject to critical hits or the effects of massive damage. Most plants shapechangers have darkvision with a range of 60 ft. as an
with a visual sense have low-light vision, while those without visual extraordinary ability.
sensory organs have blindsight (60 ft.) as an extraordinary ability.
Table 1-16: Undead
Size Str Dex Con Min. HD Slam Bite Claw Gore
Colossal 44–45 6–7 — 32d12 4d6 4d6 2d8 2d6
Gargantuan 36–37 6–7 — 21d12 2d8 2d8 2d6 1d8
Huge 28–29 6–7 — 10d12 2d6 2d6 2d4 1d6
Large 20–21 8–9 — 4d12 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d4
Medium-size 12–13 10–11 — 1d12 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d3
Small 8–9 12–13 — 1/2 d12 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d2
Tiny 4–5 14–15 — 1/4 d12 1d3 1d3 1d2 1
Diminutive 2–3 16–17 — 1/8 d12 1d2 1d2 1 —
Fine 2–3 18–19 — 1/16 d12 1 1 — —
Undead not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability
An undead is a once-living creature animated by spiritual drain, energy drain, or effects of massive damage, or any effect
or supernatural forces. Table 1-16 shows the average ability requiring a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects or
scores, recommended HD, and damage by size. is harmless. Most undead have darkvision with a range of 60 ft. as
Hit Die: d12. an extraordinary ability.
Base Attack Bonus: 1/2 of total Hit Dice. Undead cannot heal damage on their own if they have
Good Saving Throws: Will. no Intelligence score. Undead can be healed with negative energy
Skill Points: 3 x Int score, plus 2 per EHD. (usually only available through the use of magic). Most undead are
Feats: 1 + Int modifier (minimum 0), plus 1 feat per 4 EHD. destroyed immediately if reduced to 0 hit points or less. Undead
Additional Traits: An undead is proficient with its natural cannot be raised from the dead. Resurrection can affect them, but
weapons, simple weapons, and any weapon mentioned in since undead creatures are usually unwilling to return to life, these
its entry. Undead noted for wearing armor gain the bonus attempts often fail.
feat Armor Proficiency with whatever type of armor they
are accustomed to wearing (light, medium, heavy), as well
as all lighter types. Undead have no Constitution scores. It
This type includes insects, arachnids, other arthropods, worms, and
uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks. They
similar invertebrates. Table 1-17 shows the average ability scores,
are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease,
recommended HD, and damage by size.
necromantic effects, and mind-affecting effects. They are
Hit Die: d8.
Base Attack Bonus: 3/4 of total Hit Dice.
Quick and Dirty Weapon Size and Damage Good Saving Throws: Fortitude.
Weapon damage can be increased or decreased the same way Skill Points: 10–15.
monster damage is. Take a weapon at its current size and damage, Feats: None.
checking the damage on this scale: 1, 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, Additional Traits: Vermin are proficient with their natural
1d10, 2d6, 2d8, 4d6, 4d8, 6d6*. Treat 2d4 as 1d10 and 1d12 as weapons only. They are not proficient with armor. They have no
2d6. If you increase the weapon’s size, move up a step—if you Intelligence score, and are thus immune to mind-affecting effects.
shrink it, move down. (*6d6 is for weapons that are two-handed Most vermin with visual sensory organs have darkvision with a
for a Colossal creature.) range of 60 ft., while those without such organs have blindsight
Thus, if you take a greataxe (1d12) as a Large weapon, with a range of 60 ft. Both are extraordinary abilities.
and increase it to a Huge greataxe, it does 2d8 points of damage at Vermin have more potent venom than other creatures.
that size. A Huge weapon requires two hands for a Large creature Medium-size or larger poisonous vermin get a bonus to the save
to wield. Conversely, if you take a longsword and decrease it to DC of their poison based on their size, as follows: Medium-size +2,
Tiny (2 steps from Medium-size to Tiny), what you get is basically Large +4, Huge +6, Gargantuan +8, Colossal +10.
a dagger (1d4 points of damage).
hand, you may simply decide that the Outsider type takes
ith so many great options, sometime down the road
precedence, and the creature is merely of that type.
(if not immediately) you’ll want to create a truly unique
Other examples include Outsider (Construct) and
threat to the party. Something they’d never expect. To
Outsider (Ooze). The Outsider type seems to be the top of
aid you in your quest for creating the ultimate in bizarre and unusual
the pile, while Undead, Construct, and Ooze look like the top
encounters, this appendix provides some suggestions and general
of the chain for most non-outsider creatures.
guidelines for stacking multiple templates.
You can fudge the rules with templates in this way
The first thing one must consider when stacking any
by deciding on which templates to add to a creature first. The
templates is whether or not the templates create any mutually
ebon servitor, vampire elf wouldn’t be allowed if the elf in
exclusive paradoxes. You can’t create a creature with both the half-
question were already a vampire before you tried to add the
fiend and half-dragon templates, in the same way you wouldn’t create
Ebon Servitor template. So, the elf in question was an ebon
a half-orc using the half-human and half-orc templates together. It’s
servitor before becoming a vampire. Thus, what you want to
either a half-fiendish dragon or a half-dragon fiend, or simply half-
create and the restrictions of each template usually set up an
orc in the latter case. “Half-” templates all work this way.
obvious sequence for applying templates.
However, there’s nothing really stopping you, however,
Subtype: Subtypes are easily stackable, so long as
from creating a half-fiend from a good-aligned creature, even though
they aren’t opposites. It is possible to have a creature that’s
the rules say otherwise, or a celestial form of an evil creature. There’s
Humanoid (aquatic, cold, earth, goblinoid, incorporeal). You
certainly no reason why you couldn’t use this book to create, say, a
couldn’t have a creature with both the cold and fire subtypes,
Savage Aberrant Elf. It’s your campaign after all.
though. (If you absolutely must do so, the opposite subtypes
When stacking appropriately stackable templates use the
should eliminate one another.)
guidelines below. These rules do not apply to the base creature’s
Some stacking simply eliminates other types and
statistics, which are usually used in their entirety, except where
subtypes, while sometimes other stacking creates a subtype.
denoted in the How to Use This Book section and specific templates.
Suppose you took a hobgoblin and made it blue half-dragon
for the Dragon (Earth) type and subtype, then added the
Getting the Picture Fiendish template, and finally the Elemental template (Fire).
The first step in creating a creature with multiple templates is to have That hobgoblin could have a type of Outsider (Earth,
a general concept or guiding archetype for the creature in mind, just Evil, Fire, Lawful); all other types and subtypes are lost. It’s
like a character. What purpose within the adventure or campaign important to note alignments in the case of our “magma-
does such a creature fulfill? Is this an archenemy type of being or a goblin”, because the creature is an outsider.
simple one-encounter creature? What background story or rationale Hit Dice: After all of the templates are chosen, the
best justifies such a thing’s existence? Is it a creature of legend, highest Hit Die type among them should be used. Any other
known throughout the lands with peasants praying it never returns, modification to HD should be averaged, or the one most
or an obscure abomination cowering in darkness and mystery for advantageous to the creature should be used.
eons? How powerful should this particular creature be? Speed: The creature gains all modes of movement
These and other preliminary questions are not vital, of indicated by multiple templates, but not necessarily all rates of
course, but they will assist you in making some decisions about the movement. The highest speed for any single movement type
direction the new creature should take. They can help form a sort of provided by any template takes primacy over the others, while
outline or pattern that can guide the creative process toward the best considering any templates that add a static factor to speed as
result for your particular game. also applicable. Finally, the worst maneuverability rating for
flight is utilized, unless there’s a compelling reason to ignore it.
Creature Attributes and Stacking If a creature received templates that provided a
Special considerations exist for some monster attributes when speed of 30 ft. (ground), 40 ft. (ground), fly 60 ft. (average),
stacking templates as detailed below: climb 15 ft., and +10 ft. to all movement, the final creature’s
Type: Some creature types take precedence over others. For Speed category looks like: 50 ft., climb 25 ft., fly 70 ft.
example, if you combine an elf with the Ebon Servitor template and (average). It’s still important to note the climb speed, even
the Vampire template from the MM or d20 Modern, the Undead type though the creature can fly, should it be rendered unable to
takes precedent over the Humanoid type. The resulting creature is take flight for some reason. Finally, if some physical change
undead. alters the creature making it illogical for the fastest speed to be
If you added the Half-fiend template atop these others, used, use the one that makes sense to you.
the Outsider type seems to take precedence over Undead, yet it’s Armor Class: Armor bonuses stack according to the
important to note when two types like this stack for game effects. In language of the templates in question. For example, “natural
this case, the creature can remain both Undead and Outsider, with armor improves by +3”, means the bonus stacks with existing
Undead becoming a subtype of the Outsider type, creating unique natural armor or gives a natural armor bonus where none
strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the monster becomes a Medium- existed before. Otherwise, for the most part, bonuses of the
size Outsider (Undead) and is vulnerable to those spells and abilities same name do not stack; instead the highest bonus applies.
that affect undead and those that work on outsiders. On the other Alternatively, you might average the bonuses. If it makes sense
for two bonuses of the same name to stack, do so, but avoid Sample Multi-Templated Creatures
weighting the AC too highly. Kaavaak, the beast lord of tigers, is an example of a stacked
Attacks, Damage, Special Attacks, and Special Qualities: template. Here is another example of a creature built with stacked
The creature gains all attacks and qualities indicated. In templates and adjusted to fit a concept. In this case, the concept
the case of a template providing the same type of attack is a giant plant creature that is the immortal representative of a
or quality, such as duplicate claw and bite attacks, only the good nature deity. The base creature is an ogre and the statistics are
most advantageous of the duplicates is kept. The others annotated in brackets to show calculations and changes.
are superceded. Occasionally the language of the template
overrides this general admonition (such as the fast healing ability Ogre
of a Woundmender, which stacks with existing fast healing). Large Giant
Abilities: Ability bonuses can stack, but use keen Hit Dice: 4d8+8 (26 hp)
judgment here. If it seems to make little sense for the Initiative: -1 (Dex)
ability bonuses or penalties of one template to stack with Speed: 40 ft.
another, they shouldn’t. Instead the highest value from any AC: 13 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +5 natural)
one template or an average of the ability bonuses from each Attacks: By weapon (BAB = 3/4 HD)
template may be used. Damage: By weapon
The most common occurrence of this is when Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
two or more templates don’t change the creature’s type at Saves: Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +1
all. Stacking three templates on a humanoid resulting in that Abilities: Str 21, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7
humanoid having a 36 Strength is generally the wrong way to Skills: Climb +8, Listen +2, Spot +2 [4 base + 4 extra for HD +
go. Using the template with the highest Strength bonus (or ability mods]
averaging the bonuses) is more appropriate. Feats: Weapon Focus (greatclub)
When each stacked template changes the creature’s Climate/Terrain: Any land, aquatic, and underground
type, ability changes are more appropriate. The same Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2-4), or band (5-8)
humanoid changed to a giant, via the Gigantic template, and CR: 2
then into a Greater Zombie gets all of the associated bonuses Treasure: Standard
and penalties. Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Skills and Feats: The creature receives skill points and Advancement: By character class
feat totals according to the language of the templates applied.
If there are no rules for changing skills, then the creature Step One
advances according to its base creature type. If any of the To get the plant creature, the Plantform template is added and the
templates change the creature’s monster type, that type applies ability scores fudged toward the concept:
normally. In the case of conflicting templates, favor the last
template added to the creature that changes advancement.
Plantform Ogre
Creatures with multiple types (like and undead, outsider)
Large Plant
usually favor the most restrictive type.
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 (30 hp) [Increase from improved Constitution]
Challenge Rating: Challenge ratings are the most
Initiative: -2 (Dex)
demanding of the monster features to adjust. As a creature
Speed: 40 ft.
increases in power, there is frequently a diminishing of returns
AC: 15 (-1 size, -2 Dex, +8 natural) [natural armor Ogre +5, +3
on that power compared with existing abilities. That is, the
more powerful a creature is to begin with, the less important
Attacks: Slam +9 melee [+3 BAB +6 Str + 1 feat – 1 size], Vine slam
any one increase in power becomes. The percentages described
+4 melee [secondary]
in How to Use This Book in this book can be useful for this, as
Damage: Slam 1d8+6, vine 1d6+6
can the CR advice there.
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Other Features: In all other categories, the creature
Special Attacks: Constrict*, improved grab*, vines*
should adhere to the most logical (typically the most
Special Qualities: Camouflage*, low-light vision*, tremorsense*,
restrictive) of the elements imposed by the templates and
plant*, darkvision 60 ft. [* plantform abilities]
base creatures used. The ghost of a celestial elf would have
Saves: Fort +7, Ref –1, Will +2 [Dex lower, Con higher]
no treasure (ghost), the organization of a ghost, would usually
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 6, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12
be of chaotic good alignment (elf), and most likely appear
Skills: Climb +10, Listen +5, Spot +5 [ability modifiers + 3 for Int]
in a temperate forest (elf). Of course, any or all of these are
Feats: Weapon Focus (slam)
alterable for the needs of the world and whatever stories
Climate/Terrain: Special
you’re weaving.
Organization: Solitary
CR: 4 [+1 template, +1 constrict & grab]
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Neutral good [plantform and concept]
Advancement: By character class
The plantform ogre speaks Sylvan. servitor abilities]
Step Two Saves: Fort +18, Ref +4, Will +15 (+2 additional vs. fear)
The plantform is then advanced to a 17th-level druid: [servitor fear bonus, +1 Fort & Will from abilities]
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 6, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 21, Cha 14 [+2
Plantform Ogre Str, Con, Wis, Cha]
Large Plant Drd 17 Skills: Animal Empathy +21, Climb +11, Concentration
Hit Dice: 4d8+12 plus 17d8+51 (157 hp) +11, Heal +16, Knowledge (nature) +20, Listen +10, Scry
Initiative: -2 (Dex) +8, Spellcraft +10, Spot +10, Wilderness Lore +21 [ability
Speed: 40 ft. modifiers]
AC: 15 (-1 size, -2 Dex, +8 natural) Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Brew Potion, Power Attack, Track,
Attacks: Slam +21/+16/+11/+6 melee, vine +16 melee [+3 BAB Weapon Focus (slam)
ogre + 12 BAB druid + 6 Str + 1 feat – 1 size] Climate/Terrain: Special
Damage: Slam 1d8+6 melee, vine 1d4+6 vine Organization: Solitary
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. CR: 24 [getting a bit high]
Special Attacks: Awaken, constrict, improved grab, vines Treasure: Standard
Special Qualities: Camouflage, low-light vision, nature sense*, Alignment: Neutral good
resist nature’s lure*, trackless step*, tremorsense, woodland Advancement: By character class
stride*, venom immunity*, a thousand faces*, timeless body*, wild
shape*, plant, darkvision 60 ft. [* druid abilities; venom immunity is Step Four
unnecessary when combined with plant] Finally, being a divine herald, this creature is given the
Saves: Fort +17, Ref +4, Will +14 [+10 Fort and Will from druid, Relentless template and rendered into final form:
+2 Will from Wis, +5 Ref from druid]
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 6, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 19, Cha 12 [+4 to Wis Lughnerg the Green Man,
from druid] Father of the Long Wood
Skills: Animal Empathy +20, Climb +10, Concentration +10, Heal Large Plant Drd 17
+15, Knowledge (nature) +20, Listen +9, Scry +8, Spellcraft +10, Hit Dice: 21d10+84 (210 hp) [hp slightly better than average]
Spot +9, Wilderness Lore +20 [+85 skill points from druid, ability Initiative: –2 (Dex)
modifiers] Speed: 40 ft. (+10 ft.)
Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Brew Potion, Power Attack, Track, Weapon AC: 20/24 vs. evil (–1 size, –2 Dex, +5 deflection, +8 natural,
Focus (slam) [+5 feats from druid] +4 divine vs. evil); 20/24 flat-footed, 12/16 touch
Climate/Terrain: Special Attacks: Slam +22/+17/+12, vine +17 melee
Organization: Solitary Damage: Slam 1d8+7 melee, vine 1d4+7 (1d8+8 or 1d6+8
CR: 21 [17 levels of druid] plus 1d10 holy damage vs. evil)
Treasure: Standard Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft.
Alignment: Neutral good Saves: Fort +16, Ref +4, Will +14 (+2 additional vs. fear)
Advancement: By character class Special Attacks: Constrict, detect evil, divine energy feedback,
improved grab, vanquishing blow, vines
The plantform ogre druid speaks Sylvan and Druidic. Spells Special Qualities: Camouflage, critical weakness*, darkvision
delineated in final creature. 60 ft., DR 11/unholy, eternal*, immunities, low-light vision,
nature sense, plant, resist nature’s lure, resistances, sacrificial
Step Three healing, SR 19*, a thousand faces, trackless step, tremorsense,
Now, the plantform is given the Argent Servitor template: woodland stride, wild shape [* relentless abilities, eliminates
need for divine health and timeless body]
Argent Servitor Plantform Ogre Drd 17 Abilities: Str 25, Dex 6, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 21, Cha 16 [2
Large Plant added to Charisma for desired effect]
Hit Dice: 4d10+16 plus 17d10+68 (199 hp) [die type from Argent Skills: Animal Empathy +21, Climb +10, Concentration
Servitor + Con modifier] +10, Heal +15, Knowledge (nature) +20, Listen +9, Scry
Initiative: -2 (Dex) +8, Spellcraft +10, Spot +9, Wilderness Lore +20 [Charisma
Speed: 40 ft. [+10 ft. from Argent servitor ignored in this case] modifier to Animal Empathy]
AC: 15 (19 vs. evil) (-1 size, -2 Dex, +8 natural) [+4 divine vs. evil] Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Brew Potion, Power Attack, Track,
Attacks: Slam +22/+17/+12, vine +17 melee [+1 Str] Weapon Focus (slam) (+5 from druid)
Damage: Slam 1d8+7 melee, vine 1d4+7 (plus 1d10 holy damage Climate/Terrain: The Long Wood
vs. evil) [holy damage added] Organization: Unique
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. CR: 24 [left lower to prevent ridiculous inflation, even this
Special Attacks: Constrict, detect evil*, divine energy feedback*, may be high]
improved grab, vanquishing blow*, vines Treasure: Standard
Special Qualities: Camouflage, darkvision 60 ft., divine health*, Alignment: Neutral good
DR 11/unholy, low-light vision, nature sense, plant, resist nature’s Advancement: By character class
lure, resistances*, sacrificial healing*, a thousand faces, timeless body,
trackless step, tremorsense, woodland stride, wild shape [* argent
Lughnerg takes the damage from such strikes normally.
The verdant and impassable Long Wood is said to be home Eternal (Ex): Lughnerg does not age nor does he suffer the effects of
to many strange and fey creatures. Lights dance on the eaves aging. Though he may eat, breathe, and drink, he cannot be damaged
of the forest at dusk and dawn, and sounds of things not of by starvation, suffocation, or thirst.
this world escape the shade of the ancient trees from time to Immunities (Ex): Lughnerg is immune to poison, disease,
time. Ancient tales speak of a day long ago when the land was fatigue, fear, and sonic attacks. As a plant, he is immune to sleep,
barren and a grand being from the forests of the heavens was paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. He is not subject to critical
sent to plant trees. Whispered yarns during spring festivals hits or mind-influencing effects.
reveal the name Lughnerg as the protector of the enchanted Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, Lughnerg must hit
place. A few hunters claim to have seen an immense creature with a slam.
like a living portion of the forest floor moving in the leafy Nature Sense (Ex): Lughnerg can identify plants and animals
twilight. Few have gotten close enough to see his grey eyes and (their species and special traits) with perfect accuracy. He can
eternal grin, and though he and his forested home are feared in determine whether water is safe to drink or dangerous.
this age, there are no tales of evil fates in the Long Wood. Regeneration (Ex): Lughnerg regenerates 15 hit points per
Lughnerg is semi-divine and is allied with every round. No form of damage overcomes this regeneration. If he
creature in this wood. From the tiniest insect to the most loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 1d6 minutes.
powerful nymph sorceress, all pay homage to the one who Lughnerg can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to
breathed life into the green. They’ll defend him with their lives. the stump.
Lughnerg speaks Sylvan, Druidic, and Celestial. Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): Lughnerg has a +4 bonus to saving
Druid Spells Prepared (6/7/6/6/6/5/4/3/2/1, base throws against the spell-like abilities of fey creatures.
save DC 15 + spell level): 0—create water, detect magic x2, know Resistances (Su): Lughnerg has fire, cold, and electrical
direction, light, resistance; 1st—cure light wounds x2, entangle x2, resistance 15.
faerie fire, goodberry, obscuring mist; 2nd—barkskin, lesser restoration, Sacrificial Healing (Su): Lughnerg may sacrifice some of
resistance, soften earth and stone, speak with animals, tree form; his own life-essence to heal another. For each hit point sacrificed,
3rd—cure moderate wounds, meld into stone, plant growth, speak with the recipient of the healing gains 2 hit points (up to the creature’s
plants x2, spike growth, 4th—cure serious wounds, control plants, normal maximum). Lughnerg may sacrifice all but 10 of his own hit
dispel magic x2, quench, scrying; 5th—animal growth, commune with points to heal one or more other creatures.
nature, control winds, tree stride, wall of thorns; 6th—greater dispelling, Lughnerg can only regain hit points lost in this manner
liveoak x2, transport via plants, 7th—creeping doom, greater scrying, through normal healing. Healing of sacrificed hit points is doubled
transmute metal to wood; 8th—command plants, repel metal or stone; if the creature meditates for one hour, morning and evening. No
9th—shambler. activities of any kind may be undertaken while in this trance and it
Possessions: staff of the woodlands, periapt of the green man has no effect on actual wounds.
Sleep of Ages (Ex): Lughnerg sleeps much of the time,
Combat awakening in undetermined intervals to handle the needs of his
Lughnerg avoids combat when he can. He uses spells and warded forest or those who come to talk to him. Strangely, no one
ample allies to defend himself if need be. Toe-to-toe melee is ever finds the creature asleep.
reserved for foolishly persistent or wantonly destructive foes. A Thousand Faces (Su): Lughnerg can change his appearance
Camouflage (Ex): In appropriate overgrown at will, as if using the spell alter self.
surroundings Lughnerg receives a +10 circumstance bonus to Trackless Step (Ex): Lughnerg leaves no trail in natural
Hide. In vegetated areas that are more sparsely populated by surroundings and cannot be tracked.
plants, he receives half of that bonus. Tremorsense (Ex): Lughnerg can detect the location of any
Constrict (Ex): Via vine-like appendages, Lughnerg other creature or object in contact with the ground within 100ft.
can constrict with a successful grapple attack against creatures Vanquishing Blow (Su): When dealt a successful critical hit,
Medium-size or smaller. Constriction does 1d6+10 points of evil-aligned opponents must immediately make a Fortitude save
damage (DC 23) or die. Those not subject to Fortitude saving throws (like
Critical Weakness (Ex): Lughnerg is killed instantly and undead) must make a Will saving throw instead. Vanquishing blow
irrevocably if he is struck with cold-forged iron coated with cannot affect opponents with more than 21 HD.
fiend blood while he is unconscious due to subdual damage. Woodland Stride (Ex): Lughnerg may move through natural
The substance does not affect Lughnerg in this way while he is thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain at his normal
conscious. speed and without suffering damage or other impairment. However,
Detect Evil (Su): Lughnerg can detect evil at will, per the thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically
spell, excepting that the effect goes straight to that of the third manipulated to impede motion still affect the Green Man.
round as shown in the spell description. He uses this ability as Wild Shape (Sp): Lughnerg may polymorph self into an
a 21st-level cleric. animal 5/day limited to Tiny to Huge size and Dire versions. As
Divine Energy Feedback (Ex): Any evil creature that stated in the spell description, he regains hit points as if he had
strikes an Lughnerg with a melee attack suffers points of rested for a day. Lughnerg does not risk the standard penalty for
damage equal to his HD, with a maximum of one-half of being disoriented while in the wild shape. 1/day Lughnerg may
the physical damage that was inflicted with the original blow. take the shape of a Medium-size to Huge elemental, gaining all the
elemental’s special abilities. [size extrapolated from the usual ability
and Lughnerg’s size.] Advancement: By character class
Vines (Ex): Lughnerg has two vine-like appendages in addition Sidhe are the otherworldly descendants of a mating between
to his arms. He may use them to slam or grapple. Each vine that the elvish lord of the forest, and the human goddess of
makes a successful grapple attack on a single opponent adds +2 rivers and earth, Tanu. They inhabit their own plane, called
to subsequent grapple checks against the same opponent. Further, Tanuinaire or more simply the Land of Spring. The sidhe use
vines allow Lughnerg to grapple and pin opponents, while keeping their ability to enter and leave the Ethereal Plane to travel to
his other appendages free to attack and threaten his area. The the Material Plane at will from the Land of Spring.
creature still suffers a –1 circumstance penalty to AC for each Fair and vigorous, the sidhe look like extremely
grappled opponent. attractive human males and females, perhaps with slightly
The vines can take 20 hit points before being severed (of pointed ears. They are powerfully built, quick, and tough.
course, they regenerate). Males often sport facial hair, while both sexes have wild
hairstyles. There’s always an otherworldly aspect about them,
New Minor Artifact however, and the sharp eye and mind can tell that one is
Periapt of the Green Man: This amulet is actually embedded dealing with a being not of the Material (Knowledge (arcana),
in Lughnerg’s flesh, though he can remove it. It grants the giant Sense Motive, or Wisdom check, DC 20).
plantform (or any other user with a neutral aspect to his or her The sidhe are an advanced and enchanted tribal
alignment) a +5 deflection bonus to AC as well as the improved evasion culture based around small family bands. They fight monsters
ability (like a rogue) versus fire attacks. Further, any druid or ranger and one another with equal vigor, and are given to extreme
that meets the aforementioned alignment restriction may use the emotion. Brave, quick to anger, honorable and fierce are the
talisman to trade prepared spells for extended (as the metamagic sidhe. Their forays into the material world are usually for fun,
feat) summon nature’s ally spells one level lower. For the periapt to which inevitably results in trouble for nearby mortals, whom
function, the wearer may sport no item of artificed metal. the sidhe often challenge to games of skill and chance. Sidhe
Caster Level: 18th; Weight: —. never forget a wrong, and always repay favors—sometimes
more than threefold.
They dress in fine clothing and usually carry
Sidhe masterwork or better items. Sidhe love music, art, and revelry
Sidhe are half-elves with the Celestial, Enchanted, and Spirit
(sic debauchery), and kidnap attractive mortals to Tanuinaire
templates, but some liberties were taken with the templates to get
from time to time. These stays are usually pleasant for the
the desired effect. The sidhe are outsiders, even though no template
mortal involved, unless the sidhe in question is evil. Honoring
applied here gives them that type. They also have 4 HD just because
another’s right to personal choice is a golden rule among the
they are descendants of gods. Finally, the Spirit template is only
sidhe. (Those returning from the sidhe world may acquire the
used to give the creatures the materialization power and a few
Fey-kissed template).
other bonuses—unlike normal spirits, sidhe do not manifest, they
The sidhe revere their ancient mother, but actively
materialize or are ethereal. Some abilities, like acid and electricity
worship no god. Their hatred of evil giants and goblinoids is
resistance, were removed. The sidhe also have a few powers added
unmatched, but the capriciousness of the sidhe makes mortals
to them here and there, such as +2 to all ability scores and some
wary of them nonetheless. They speak an ancient form of
additional spell-like abilities.
Elven and Celestial.
Sidhe (celestial, enchanted, spirit half-elves) Combat
Medium-size Outsider (Elf, Incorporeal, Spirit) Sidhe ar courageous and overbold in combat. Each jockeys for
Hit Dice: 4d8+7 (25 hp) the right to fight the bravest and most powerful foe.
Initiative: +1 (Dex) Sidhe Traits: See below.
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 15/16 with Dodge (+1 Dex, +4 chain shirt); 14 flat-footed, Sidhe Characters
11/12 touch Sidhe favor the sorcerer class, for the magic is their blood.
Attacks: Masterwork shortspear +6 melee; or javelin +5 ranged Very few have familiars however, instead taking Spell Focus
Damage: Masterwork shortspear 1d8+1/crit x3; javelin 1d6+1 as a replacement feat. Otherwise, sidhe are usually fighters or
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. barbarians. Sidhe clerics are rare, but those that exist usually
Special Attacks: Materialization, spell-like abilities take from the Animal, Earth, Magic and Plant domains, but
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, +8 turn are by no means restricted to these. Most divine spellcasters
resistance, cold resistance 10, DR 5/+1, SR 14 among the sidhe are druids.
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16
Skills: Bluff +5, Climb +7, Hide +7, Jump +7, Knowledge (planes)
+5, Listen+5, Move Silently+7, Spot +5, Search +5, Swim +7
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Toughness
Climate/Terrain: Temperate or cold land and underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, fianna (war party, 3-6), or clan (7-12)
CR: 6
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
• Spell-like Abilities: At will—detect magic, read magic, light; 2/
Sidhe Traits day—bull’s strength, expeditious retreat, invisibility, mage armor;
As a PC race, sidhe have the following characteristics: 1/day—true strike, see invisibility. Each of these abilities is
• High HD: A sidhe starts play with 4d8 HD, of which cast as if by a sorcerer of a level equal to 4 + character
the first is maximized for a PC. The sidhe’s base level (save DC 13 + spell level). At 13th-level, a sidhe can
attack bonus, saves, initial skill points, and feats all use the spell etherealness 1/day.
come from the Outsider type. • Detect Spirits (Su): At will, as a move-equivalent action, a
• +2 to all ability scores, except Charisma, which gets materialized sidhe can choose to see other spirits in an
+6. area (including incorporeal or ethereal undead, despite
• Medium-size. (Use human height and weight.) invisibility). The sidhe cannot see other creatures under
• Sidhe base speed is 30 feet. invisibility spells or similar effects, only spirits.
• Darkvision: Sidhe can see 60 ft. in darkness. This • Spell Resistance (Ex): A sidhe’s spell resistance starts at 14
vision is black and white. and improves by +1 every two character levels.
• Low-light Vision: Sidhe see four times as far in poor • Turn Resistance (Ex): A sidhe has turn resistance equal to 8
lighting conditions as do humans. + character level
• Materialization (Su): By taking a full round action, a • Skills: Sidhe receive a +4 racial bonus to Listen, Search, and
sidhe can become fully corporeal (losing the benefits Spot. They get +8 to Hide when ethereal.
of incorporeality and etherealness) like a normal • Automatic Languages: Elven.
creature on the Material Plane. When it materializes, • Bonus Languages: Common, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Sylvan.
the sidhe has all of its normal physical attributes and • Favored Class: Sorcerer
interacts with the Material Plane and its contents • ECL: +7 (including 4d8 base HD)
like a normal denizen of that plane. The sidhe also
interacts with the Ethereal Plane as if the sidhe were
a material being (ethereal beings are invisible and
incorporeal). A sidhe can dematerialize, going back to
ethereal, as a standard action.
• Etherealness (Ex): Unlike normal spirits, sidhe are
either material or ethereal, gaining the properties of
etherealness while on the Ethereal Plane. A sidhe
is invisible, inaudible, insubstantial, and scentless to
creatures on the Material Plane (the normal world)
while traveling on the Ethereal Plane. Most magical
attacks have no effect on them. See invisibility and true
seeing can reveal an ethereal sidhe. An ethereal sidhe
can pass through and operate in water as easily as air
and it does not fall or suffer falling damage. Ethereal
sidhe can see and hear into the Material Plane in a
60-foot radius, though material objects still block
sight and sound. (A sidhe can’t see through a material
wall, for instance.) Things on the Material Plane look
gray, indistinct, and ghostly. An ethereal sidhe can’t
affect the Material Plane, not even magically. It can,
however, interact with other ethereal creatures and
objects the way a material creature interacts with
other material creatures and objects. Ethereal sidhe
can move in any direction (including up or down)
at will. It does not need to walk on the ground, and
material objects don’t block it (though it can’t see
while its eyes are within solid material). Force effects,
gaze effects, and abjurations affect ethereal sidhe
normally, since these all extend onto the Ethereal
Plane. However, none of these effects extend from
the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane.
Templates by Name
Template CR ECL Page
Aberrant +1 (varies) Varies 12
Abyssal +1 to +3 +2 18
Amorphous +1 (+20%) +3 20
Angel, Fallen +0 +0 to +1 24
Angel, War +1 (+20%) +4 26
Apocalyptic +15 (+10%) N/A 28
Arcane Servitor +1 to +5 +4 31
Argent Servitor +1 to +3 +3 32
Beast, Elder +1 +0 or +1 35
Beast Lord +10 (+20%) N/A 38
Bladed Horror +2 +4 41
Blighted Thrall +0 (–40% special) +2 44
Blind Oracle +1 +2 46
Construct, Ablative –20% By type 48
Construct, Kith Varies Varies 52
Construct, Necromantic +1 +3 57
Construct, Skinrug Guardian +1 +2 59
Construct, Verminshell +0 +2 61
Construct, Woundmender +1 to +3 +2 63
Demi-Gorgon +1 to +3 +3 64
Denizen of the Deep +2 to +4 +2 (+4) 66
Desiccated +1 (+20%) +6 68
Dragon-Blooded +1/2 +1 72
Dreadnaught +2 (+20%) +5 77
Drider +1 +2 80
Ebon Servitor +1 to +3 +3 84
Elemental +0 to +3 +3 88
Elemental, Thermic +1 +1 91
Enchanted +1 to +2 +2 92
Ethereal +1 to +3 +3 93
Exoskeleton +0 +2 95
Fey-kissed +1 +1 96
Fiend, Redeemed +0 +0 or +1 98
Ghoul +1 +3 100
Gigantic Varies Varies 102
Half-drow +1 +1 104
Half-genie +1 to +4 +2 106
Half-gnome +0 +0 108
Half-humanoid +0 +0 111
Half-kobold +0 +0 122
Half-medusa +2 +2 123
Half-nymph +1 +2 125
Half-orc +0 +0 127
Half-sidhe +1 +2 129
Half-troll +3 +3 131
Heightened +1 (varies) +2 133
Hiveling +10% (special) +0 or +1 135
Hypermitotic +1 to +3 +1 137
Immortal +2 +3 140
Lekassi +0 +1 142
Lycanthrope, Wereworg +3 +3 144
Mephit Lord 9 +12 146
Metallivore +1 to +4 +2 149
Templates by Name (continued)
Template CR ECL Page
Miniature Special Varies 151
Mohrg +2 +8 153
Moon Wildling +2 +2 155
Mummy, True +2 +5 157
Necrovore +1 to +4 +2 160
Nettlecloud Spider +0 +0 162
Non-Euclidean +1 to +4 N/A 163
Paleoskeleton +1 to +3 +3 166
Phantasmal +1 to +3 N/A 168
Plantform +1 (varies) +1 to +3 171
Puppeteer Ooze Host Special Special 175
Puppeteer Ooze +2 +2 177
Quickened +1 +2 180
Relentless +1 + 35% +4 182
Savage +1 to +3 +2 185
Scryling +20%(max +2) +2 187
Shadowborne +1 (+20%) +3 189
Siphon Beast +1 to +4 +4 191
Skeleton, Greater +1 +1 193
Skinhusk +1 (+30%) +3 196
Spirit +1 (+20%) +3 198
Two-Headed Mutant +1 +2 202
Vampire, Corpse Varies +2 204
Vampire, Dread +3 +5 208
Vampire, Fleshbound +1 +2 213
Vampire, Half- +1 +2 216
Vampiric Thrall +0 +1 219
Vampiric +1 to +3 +0 or +1 221
Voidspawn +1 to +4 +2 223
Wight +2 to +4 +6 226
Wretched +1 +0 228
Zombie, Greater +1 or more +1 230
Templates by CR Adjustment
CR Adjustment Template Page
-20% Construct, Ablative 48
+10% (special) Hiveling 135
+20% (max +2) Scryling 187
+0 (-40% special) Blighted Thrall 44
+0 Angel, Fallen 24
Construct, Verminshell 61
Exoskeleton 95
Fiend, Redeemed 98
Half-gnome 108
Half-humanoid 111
Half-kobold 122
Half-orc 127
Lekassi 142
Nettlecloud Spider 162
Vampiric Thrall 219
+0 to +3 Elemental 88
+1⁄2 Dragon-blooded 72
+1 Beast, Elder 35
Blind Oracle 46
Construct, Necromantic 57
Templates by CR Adjustment (continued)
CR Adjustment Template Page
+1 Construct, Skinrug Guardian 59
Drider 80
Elemental, Thermic 91
Fey-kissed 96
Ghoul 100
Half-drow 104
Half-nymph 125
Half-sidhe 129
Quickened 180
Skeleton, Greater 193
Two-Headed Mutant 202
Vampire, Fleshbound 213
Vampire, Half- 216
Wretched 228
+1 (+20%) Amorphous 20
Angel, War 26
Desiccated 68
Shadowborne 189
Spirit 198
+1 (+30%) Skinhusk 196
+1 (+35%) Relentless 182
+1 (varies) Aberrant 12
Heightened 133
Plantform 171
Zombie, Greater 230
+1 to +2 Enchanted 92
+1 to +3 Abyssal 18
Argent Servitor 32
Construct, Woundmender 63
Demi-Gorgon 64
Ebon Servitor 84
Ethereal 93
Hypermitotic 137
Paleoskeleton 166
Phantasmal 168
Savage 185
Vampiric 221
+1 to +4 Half-genie 106
Metallivore 149
Necrovore 160
Non-Euclidean 163
Siphon Beast 191
Voidspawn 223
+1 to +5 Arcane Servitor 31
+2 Bladed Horror 41
Half-medusa 123
Immortal 140
Moon Wildling 155
Mummy, True 157
Ooze, Puppeteer 177
+2 (+20%) Dreadnaught 77
Mohrg 153
+2 to +4 Denizen of the Deep 66
Wight 226
+3 Half-troll 131
Lycanthrope, Wereworg 144
Templates by CR Adjustment (continued)
CR Adjustment Template Page
+3 Vampire, Dread 208
+10 (+20%) Beast Lord 38
+15 (+10%) Apocalyptic 28
CR 9 Mephit Lord 146
Special Puppeteer Ooze Host 175
Varies Construct, Kith 52
Gigantic 102
Miniature 151
Vampire, Corpse 204
Templates by ECL
Total ECL Template ECL (HD) ECL ( Lvl. Adj.) Page
-1 Construct, Ablative +0 -1 48
+0 Half-gnome +0 +0 108
Half-humanoid +0 +0 111
Half-kobold +0 +0 122
Half-orc +0 +0 127
Nettlecloud Spider +0 +0 162
Wretched +0 +0 228
+0 to +1 Angel, Fallen +0 +1 (w/aura) 24
Beast, Elder +0 +0 to +1 35
Fiend, Redeemed +0 +1 (w/aura) 98
Hiveling +0 +1 (in group) 135
Vampiric +0 +1 (w/abilities) 221
+1 Dragon-blooded +0 +1 72
Elemental, Thermic +0 +1 91
Fey-kissed +0 +1 96
Half-drow +0 +1 104
Hypermitotic +0 +1 137
Lekassi +0 +1 142
Skeleton, Greater +0 +1 193
Vampiric Thrall +0 +1 219
Zombie, Greater +0 +1 230
+1 to +3 Abyssal +0 +2 18
Argent Servitor +0 +1 to +3 32
Plantform +0 +1 to +3 171
+1 to +5 Arcane Servitor +0 +4 31
+2 Blighted Thrall +0 +2 44
Blind Oracle +0 +2 46
Construct, Skinrug Guardian +0 +2 59
Construct, Verminshell +0 +2 61
Construct, Woundmender +0 +2 63
Denizen of the Deep +0 +2 (+4) 66
Drider +0 +2 80
Enchanted +0 +2 92
Exoskeleton +0 +2 95
Half-genie +0 +2 106
Half-medusa +0 +2 123
Half-nymph +0 +2 125
Half-sidhe +0 +2 129
Heightened +0 +2 133
Metallivore +0 +2 149
Moon Wildling +0 +2 155
Necrovore +0 +2 160
Quickened +0 +2 180
Savage +0 +2 185
Templates by ECL (continued)
Total ECL Template ECL (HD) ECL ( Lvl. Adj.) Page
Scryling +0 +2 187
Two-Headed Mutant +0 +2 202
Vampire, Corpse +0 +2 204
Vampire, Fleshbound +0 +2 213
Vampire, Half- +0 +2 216
Voidspawn +0 +2 223
+3 Amorphous +0 +3 20
Construct, Necromantic +0 +3 57
Demi-Gorgon +0 +3 64
Ebon Servitor +0 +3 84
Elemental +0 +3 88
Ethereal +0 +3 93
Ghoul +1 +2 100
Half-troll +0 +3 131
Immortal +0 +3 140
Lycanthrope, Wereworg +0 +3 144
Shadowborne +0 +3 189
Spirit +0 +3 198
+4 Angel, War +0 +4 26
Bladed Horror +0 +4 41
Relentless +0 +4 182
Siphon Beast +0 +4 191
Skinhusk +0 +4 196
+5 Construct, Kith (Wood) +0 +5 52
Dreadnaught +0 +5 77
Mummy, True +0 +5 157
Vampire, Dread +0 +5 208
+6 Construct, Kith (Glass) +0 +6 52
Desiccated +2 +4 68
Wight +3 +3 226
+7 Construct, Kith (Clay) +0 +7 52
+8 Construct, Kith (Stone) +0 +8 52
Mohrg +4 +4 153
+9 Construct, Kith (Iron) +0 +9 52
+12 Mephit Lord +12 +0 146
N/A Apocalyptic N/A N/A 28
Beast Lord N/A N/A 38
Non-Euclidean N/A N/A 163
Varies Aberrant +0 Varies 12
Gigantic +0 Varies 102
Miniature +0 Varies 151
Templates by Originator Microplates and Simplates by Name
While all of the templates in this book were edited (and even Microplate or Simplate (S) CR Adj. Page
redone) for this volume, many of them originated with the Apocalyptic, Lesser +5 (+20% ) 30
authors listed below. The names of the originators in this Breath Weapon Varies 73
chart are closed content—see Appendix V: Licenses & Legal Desiccated, Greater +6 71
Information for more information. Elemental, Thermic (Air) +1 91
Elemental, Thermic (Water) +0 91
Originator Template Ghoul, Greater +1 101
Andy Collins Lycanthrope (Wereworg), Wight Glider (S) +0 117
Chris S. Sims Angel (Fallen), Dragon-blooded, Half-corpse-vampire +1 217
Fiend (Redeemed), Gigantic, Half-dragon Variants Varies 73
Glider, Half-humanoid, Half- Half-dread-vampire +2 218
sidhe, Half-vampire, Humanoid, Half-fleshbound-vampire +1 218
Miniature, Mohrg, Moon Half-human +0 115
Wildling, Oozoid, Vampire Humanoid +0 to +1 115
(Corpse), Vampiric Thrall Mohrg, Greater +10 154
Devon Apple Fey-kissed Mummy, Desecrated Varies 159
Erica Balsley Mephit Lord, Paleoskeleton Oozoid Varies 116
Gregory W. Ragland Non-Euclidean Phantasmal, Greater Shadow +2 to +4 170
Ian S. Johnston Aberrant, Abyssal, Amorphous, Phantasmal, Shade +2 to +5 170
Angel (War), Apocalyptic, Phantasmal, Shadow +2 to +4 170
Arcane Servitor, Argent Servitor, Resilient (S) +2 185
Bladed Horror, Blighted Skeleton, Calcified (S) +1 195
Thrall, Blind Oracle, Construct Skeleton, Energy-Infused (S) +1 195
(Ablative), Construct (Kith), Skeleton, Lesser Varies 194
Construct (Woundmender), Spirit, Guardian (Vorthr) +1 (+20%) 201
Demi-gorgon, Denizen of the Vampire Spawn +1 210
Deep, Desiccated, Dreadnaught, Vampire Spawn, Dread +1 210
Ebon Servitor, Elemental, Verminoid +0 115
Enchanted, Ethereal, Half-genie, Wight, Greater +2 (+20%) 227
Half-gnome, Half-human, Half- Zombie, Lesser Varies 232
kobold, Half-nymph, Half-orc,
Half-troll, Heightened, Hiveling, New Monsters by Name
Hypermitotic, Immortal, Monster CR Page
Metallivore, Necrovore, Achaierai, Clay Kith (Construct) 7 53
Puppeteer Ooze Host, Ankheg, Necrovore 5 161
Puppeteer Ooze, Phantasmal, Ansikvol 1 115
Plantform, Quickened, Ant (Giant Soldier), Verminshell (Construct) 2 61
Relentless, Savage, Scryling, Argentate Alicorn 5 33
Shadowborne, Siphon Beast, Athach, Desiccated 9 68
Skeleton (Greater), Skinhusk, Baleful Bayer 14 103
Vampire (Dread), Vampiric, Bear, Skinrug Guardian Grizzly (Construct) 4 60
Voidspawn, Wretched, Zombie Behemoth, Vein-Seeker 10 149
(Greater) Behir, Iron Kith (Construct) 11 54
M. Jason Parent Construct (Necromantic), Black Half-orc 1/2 85
Exoskeleton, Ghoul, Lekassi, Blink Dog, Savage 3 185
Mummy (True) Bugbear, Ethereal 4 93
Matthew Sernett Drider, Half-drow, Verminoid Cachalot Whale, Voidspawn 9 224
Sean K Reynolds Construct (Skinrug Guardian), Caraigh-alfar 1 216
Construct (Verminshell) Cat, Scryling 1/2 187
(originally Spidershell), Daergrim 1/2 109
Elemental (Thermic), Half- Darkjaunt Crawler 7 189
medusa, Nettlecloud Spider, Darkmantle, Hiveling 1 135
Two-headed Mutant, Vampire Dire Bear Skinhusk 10 197
(Fleshbound) Drider Marilith 18 81
Steve Kenson Beast (Elder), Beast Lord, Spirit Elder Hart 1 36
Elemental, Thermic Earth 6 91
Equine, Flamewing 4 90
New Monsters by Name (continued) New Monsters by Name (continued)
Monster CR Page Monster CR Page
Ettercap, Bladed Horror 5 42 Strangle Jelly 3 228
Ettin, Foul-fin 8 66 Talock 1/2 114
Exoskeleton, Giant Wasp 3 95 Thunderhead Dwarf 4 152
Faewasse 1 96 Troger 4 103
Gargoyle, Glass Kith (Construct) 5 54 Truagekin (Dragon-blooded Dwarf) 1 72
Ghoul, Heavy Warhorse 3 101 Tsaavyn 2 104
Giant, Gnarlfang 4 131 Ultramorph 5 21
Giant, Slip-Shape 9 20 Unkindled (Blighted Thrall Azer) 2 44
Giant, Thornfell (Plant) 7 174 Wereworg, hobgoblin 3 145
Girallon, Wood Kith (Construct) 6 55 Winter Wolf, Greater Skeleton 6 193
Gloma 1 120 Worg, Welter 4 179
Gnoll, Corpse Vampire 2 207 Wyrm of Teeth and Fire 15 163
Gnome, Savage 1 186 Wyvern, Bone (Construct) 7 57
Goblin Spider, Hunter 1 81 Yrthak, Phantasmal 11 169
Goblin Spider, Monarch 3 82
Goblin Spider, Spinner 1 81
Golem, Woundmender Stone (Construct) 14 63 New Monsters by CR
Gorgon Calf 2 152 CR Monster Page
Grick, Vampiric Thrall 3 221 1/2 Black Half-orc 85
Gynosphinx Wight 11 226 1/2 Cat, Scryling 187
Halfling, Lekassi 1/2 143 1/2 Daergrim 109
Harpy, Dread Vampire 6 209 1/2 Halfling Lekassi 143
Hippogriff, Flesh (Construct) 3 58 1/2 Kolmun 117
Homunculus, Ablative (Construct) 1 49 1/2 Kyampasa 119
Horned Fiddler 2 65 1/2 Talock 114
Iron Mindbender (Construct) 17 165 1 Ansikvol 115
Ironback Bullman 6 64 1 Caraigh-alfar 216
Kava’at-zahal (Black) Orc 1 85 1 Darkmantle, Hiveling 135
Kobold, Dalo’ahzul 2 184 1 Elder Hart 36
Kobold, Ethereal 1 94 1 Faewasse 96
Kolmun 1/2 117 1 Gloma 120
Kolmun, Dragon-Blooded 1 118 1 Gnome, Savage 186
Kyampasa 1/2 119 1 Goblin Spider, Hunter 81
Lillend, Arcane Servitor 8 31 1 Goblin Spider, Spinner 81
Maelstrom Render 10 89 1 Homunculus, Ablative (Construct) 49
Moon Faun 6 155 1 Kava’at-zahal (Black) Orc 85
Ooze, Puppeteer Ochre Jelly 9 175 1 Kobold, Ethereal 94
Orgar 1 127 1 Kolmun, Dragon-blooded 118
Otyugh, Spirit 6 199 1 Orgar 127
Owlbear, Hunter Corpse 6 231 1 Skjoniss 126
Owlbear, Stone Kith (Construct) 8 55 1 Truagekin (Dragon-blooded Dwarf) 72
Padrafyte 2 123 2 Ant (Giant Soldier), Verminshell (Construct) 61
Paleoskeleton, Triceratops 9 166 2 Gnoll, Corpse Vampire 207
Puc (Half-nymph/half-pseudodragon) 3 125 2 Gorgon Calf 152
Ragahd 10 86 2 Horned Fiddler 65
Rast, Voidspawn 7 224 2 Kobold, Dalo’ahzul 184
Ravid, Abyssal 7 18 2 Padrafyte 123
Reaper Giant 2 119 2 Reaper Giant 119
Remorhaz, Enchanted 9 92 2 Spider, Nettlecloud Monstrous Hunting 162
Resplendent Nightwing 7 33 2 Tsaavyn 104
Shield Guardian, Ablative (Construct) 6 48 2 Unkindled (Blighted Thrall Azer) 44
Shocker Lizard, Vampiric 3 219 3 Blink Dog, Savage 185
Sidhe 6 245 3 Exoskeleton, Giant Wasp 95
Skjoniss 1 126 3 Ghoul, Heavy Warhorse 101
Spider, Nettlecloud Monstrous Hunting 2 162 3 Goblin Spider, Monarch 82
Stag Beetle (Giant), Verminshell (Construct) 8 63 3 Grick, Vampiric Thrall 221
New Monsters by CR (continued) New Player Character Races by Name
CR Monster Page PC Race ECL Page
3 Hippogriff, Flesh (Construct) 58 Adan-sidhe +2 130
3 Puc (Half-nymph/half-pseudodragon) 125 Ansikvol +1 114
3 Shocker Lizard, Vampiric 219 Black Half-orc +1 85
3 Strangle Jelly 228 Caraigh-alfar +2 217
3 Wereworg, hobgoblin 145 Daergrim +0 111
4 Bear, Skinrug Guardian Grizzly (Construct) 60 Elder Hart +2 36
4 Bugbear, Ethereal 93 Faewasse +1 97
4 Equine, Flamewing 90 Gloma +3 121
4 Giant, Gnarlfang 131 Gnome, Savage +1 186
4 Troger 103 Goblin Spider, Hunter +2 83
4 Worg, Welter 179 Goblin Spider, Monarch +6 83
5 Ankheg, Necrovore 161 Goblin Spider, Spinner +2 83
5 Argentate Alicorn 33 Halfling, Lekassi +1 143
5 Ettercap, Bladed Horror 42 Kolmun +0 119
5 Gargoyle, Glass Kith (Construct) 54 Kolmun, Dragon-blooded +1 119
5 Ultramorph 21 Kyampasa +0 121
6 Elemental, Thermic Earth 91 Orgar +1 128
6 Girallon, Wood Kith (Construct) 55 Padrafyte +2 124
6 Harpy, Dread Vampire 209 Sidhe +7 246
6 Ironback Bullman 64 Skjoniss +1 126
6 Moon Faun 155 Talock +1 113
6 Otyugh, Spirit 199 Thunderhead Dwarf +7 152
6 Owlbear, Hunter Corpse 231 Truagekin +1 72
6 Shield Guardian, Ablative (Construct) 48 Tsaavyn +3 105
6 Sidhe 245
6 Winter Wolf, Greater Skeleton 193
7 Achaierai, Clay Kith (Construct) 53 New Player Character Races by ECL
7 Darkjaunt Crawler 189 ECL PC Race Page
7 Giant, Thornfell (Plant) 174 +0 Daergrim 111
7 Rast, Voidspawn 224 +0 Kolmun 119
7 Ravid, Abyssal 18 +0 Kyampasa 121
7 Resplendent Nightwing 33 +1 Black Half-orc 85
7 Wyvern, Bone (Construct) 57 +1 Ansikvol 114
8 Ettin, Foul-fin 66 +1 Gnome, Savage 186
8 Owlbear, Stone Kith (Construct) 55 +1 Halfling, Lekassi 143
8 Stag Beetle, Verminshell (Construct) 63 +1 Faewasse 97
9 Athach, Desiccated 68 +1 Kolmun, Dragon-Blooded 119
9 Giant, Slip-shape 20 +1 Orgar 128
9 Lillend, Arcane Servitor 31 +1 Skjoniss 126
9 Ooze, Puppeteer Ochre Jelly 175 +1 Talock 113
9 Paleoskeleton, Triceratops 166 +1 Truagekin 72
9 Remorhaz, Enchanted 92 +2 Adan-sidhe 130
9 Cachalot Whale, Voidspawn 224 +2 Caraigh-alfar 217
10 Behemoth, Vein-Seeker 149 +2 Elder Hart 36
10 Dire Bear Skinhusk 197 +2 Goblin Spider, Spinner 83
10 Maelstrom Render 89 +2 Goblin Spider, Hunter 83
10 Ragahd 86 +2 Padrafyte 124
11 Behir, Iron Kith (Construct) 54 +3 Gloma 121
11 Gynosphinx Wight 226 +3 Tsaavyn 105
11 Yrthak, Phantasmal 169 +6 Goblin Spider, Monarch 83
14 Baleful Bayer 103 +7 Sidhe 246
14 Golem, Woundmender Stone (Construct) 63 +7 Thunderhead Dwarf 152
15 Wyrm of Teeth and Fire 163
17 Iron Mindbender (Construct) 165
18 Drider Marilith 81
Unique Creatures by Name
Name CR Page
Azideena the Hidden (gnome greater zombie Nec 15) 16 231
Barasnusana, the Jade Master (elder jade scorpion) 5 35
Charzol, the World Killer (apocalyptic titan) 56 28
Cockatrice, Aberrant 5 16
Dachnan ap Cuilach (adan-sidhe Sor 4, Bar 3) 8 129
Drona (two-headed mutant ogre Bbn 1) 4 203
Gargoyle Mohrg 10 153
Gernanslakr (relentless chuul) 18 182
Henrade (caraigh-alfar Brd 1) 2 216
Jeseba (skjoniss Drd 1/Sor 1) 3 126
Kaavaak, Lord of Noble Tigers (beast lord tiger) 25 38
Kaminheni the Traveler (true mummy Tra 10) 12 157
Kierjet (half-kobold drow Ftr 1) 2 123
Krykuswyn, Lady of the Ice Mephits 11 147
Kurnus, Hound of the End Time 22 29
Libran (centaur blind oracle Drd 10) 14 47
Lughnerg the Green Man 24 243
Mine (tsaavyn Bbn 1) 3 104
Mouth of Madness 11 140
Pavil (fleshbound vampire Ftr 4) 5 214
Pluggung (orgar Rgr 2/Rog 1) 3 127
Rausalyn (redeemed succubus) 9 99
Sikruki the Gate Guardian (wretched lammasu) 8 229
Smrtak (hobgoblin dreadnaught Ftr 10) 14 78
Sven Varian, Knight of the Bitter Chalice (halfling lekassi Ftr 1/Pal 3) 4 142
Vanhloda (truagekin Ftr 1/Sor 3) 4 73
Volgr (corpse vampire gnoll) 2 206
Vuncrozi the Skulking Sculptor (padrafyte Rog 4) 6 123
Vushwiyael (war angel astral deva) 18 26
Xakazz, Lord of the Fire Mephits 9 147
Unique Creatures by CR
CR Name Page
2 Henrade (caraigh-alfar Brd 1) 216
2 Volgr (corpse vampire gnoll) 206
3 Jeseba (skjoniss Drd 1/Sor 1) 126
3 Mine (tsaavyn Bbn 1) 104
3 Pluggung (orgar Rgr 2/Rog 1) 127
4 Drona (two-headed mutant ogre Bbn 1) 203
4 Sven Varian, Knight of the Bitter Chalice (halfling lekassi Ftr 1/Pal 3) 142
4 Vanhloda (truagekin Ftr 1/Sor 3) 73
5 Barasnusana, the Jade Master (elder jade scorpion) 35
5 Cockatrice, Aberrant 16
5 Pavil (fleshbound vampire Ftr 4) 214
6 Vuncrozi the Skulking Sculptor (padrafyte Rog 4) 123
8 Dachnan ap Cuilach (adan-sidhe Sor 4, Bar 3) 129
8 Sikruki the Gate Guardian (wretched lammasu) 229
9 Rausalyn (redeemed succubus) 99
9 Xakazz, Lord of the Fire Mephits 147
10 Gargoyle Mohrg 153
11 Krykuswyn, Lady of the Ice Mephits 147
11 Mouth of Madness 140
12 Kaminheni the Traveler (true mummy Tra 10) 157
14 Libran (centaur blind oracle Drd 10) 47
14 Smrtak (hobgoblin dreadnaught Ftr 10) 78
Unique Creatures by CR (continued)
CR Name Page
16 Azideena the Hidden (gnome greater zombie Nec 15) 231
18 Gernanslakr (relentless chuul) 182
18 Vushwiyael (war angel astral deva) 26
22 Kurnus, Hound of the End Time (apocalyptic hell hound) 29
24 Lughnerg the Green Man 243
25 Kaavaak, Lord of Noble Tigers (beast lord tiger) 38
56 Charzol, the World Killer (apocalyptic titan) 28
New Spells & Rituals by Name (continued)
Spell/Ritual Name School Caster/Level Page
Rite of the Shapeless Form (Ritual) Transmutation Clr 5, Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 5 23
Ritual of Dark Calling (Ritual) Necromancy [Evil] Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 6 70
Shadow Path Transmutation (Teleportation) Sor/Wiz 3, Darkness 4 211
Shadow Well Conjuration (Calling, Creation) Sor/Wiz 9, Darkness 9 211
Small Miracle Evocation Clr 7, Drd 7 9
Stench Evocation Sor/Wiz 1 233
Usurp Construct Conjuration (Summoning) Sor/Wiz 6 51
Utterdark Evocation [Darkness] Sor/Wiz 6, Darkness 5 212
Veil of Life Necromancy Sor/Wiz 3 143
Voidburst Evocation [Cold, Darkness, Negative Energy] Sor/Wiz 8, Darkness 8 212
New Spells & Rituals by School of Magic (continued)
School Spell/Ritual Name Caster/Level Page
Transmutation Dreadnaught Ritual (Ritual) Clr 7 78
Enchant Scryling (Ritual) Brd 3, Clr 5, Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 4 188
Exchange Minds Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7 51
Exhaust Sor/Wiz 2 233
Grafting Ritual Sor/Wiz 6 16
Greater Bestial Aspect Animal 3, Drd 3 11
Greater Bestial Aspect Other Animal 5, Drd 5 11
Hypermitosis Ritual (Ritual) Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 5 138
Infuse Demi-Gorgon (Ritual) Sor/Wiz 5 65
Mend Construct Brd 6, Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 7 51
Rite of the Shapeless Form (Ritual) Clr 6, Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 6 23
Shadow Path (Teleportation) Sor/Wiz 3, Darkness 4 211
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15 Copyright Notice (cont’d) Designation of Open Gaming Content
Spells & Spellcraft, © 2002, Fantasy Flight Inc. This edition of the Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition is produced under
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The Shaman’s Handbook, © 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author, trade dress, illustrations, maps, and cartography, likenesses, poses, logos, or
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Book of Templates, © 2002, Silverthorne Games; Author: Ian Johnston. Silverthorne Games.” This material is protected under the copyright laws
Cleave Asunder, © 2000, Michael J. Kletch of the United States of America. Any reproduction, retransmission, or
Cross-Class Learning, © 2000, Bradley H. Bemis, Jr. unauthorized use of the artwork or non-Open Game Content herein is
Mephit Lord and Paleoskeleton templates, © 2002, Erica Balsley prohibited without express written permission from Silverthorne Games,
Non-Euclidean template © 2003, Greg Ragland. except for purposes of review or use of OGC consistent with the OGL.
The templates: Dragon-blooded, Gigantic, Half-humanoid, Half-sidhe, The original purchaser may print copies of the .PDF version of this work
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and voidburst; characters: Kaavaak, Lughnerg, and Sven Varian; creatures:
Elder Hart, Gloma, Goblin Spiders, Kyampasas, Sidhe, and Truagekin;
items: Kaavaak’s Crown Ruby, Periapt of the Green Man; and rules: Breath
Weapons for Everyone, Dragon-blooded feats, Half-dragon Variants, ritual rules
and feats, and Vorthr are all © 2003, Chris S. Sims.
Fleshbound Vampire, Half-medusa, Nettlecloud Spider, Skinrug Guardian,
Spidershell (Verminshell) Construct, Thermic Elemental, Two-Headed
Mutant, and Superior Unarmed Strike, are Open Game Content from, © 2001, 2002, 2003 Sean K Reynolds.
Wereworg and Wight templates are Open Game Content from , © 2001-2003 Andy Collins.
Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition, © 2003, Silverthorne Games;
Authors: Ian Johnston and Chris S. Sims.