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Report PDF 1
Note: An individual may show higher fasting glucose level in comparison to post prandial glucose level due to following reasons :
The glycaemic index and response to food consumed, Changes in body composition, Increased insulin response and sensitivity,
Alimentary hypoglycemia, Renal glycosuria, Effect of oral hypoglycaemics & Insulin treatment.
Associated Tests: HbA1c (H0018), Diabetes Profile – Maxi (D0021),HOMA Index (H0275), Insulin (I0275).
If the test has been ordered for COVID-19 purpose, you may take one of the following profiles for further investigation under your
clinician’s advice.
• Covid Monitor Initial profile (C0374) from Day 1 to Day 5
• Covid Monitor maintenance profile (C0375) from Day 5 to Day 10
• Covid Monitor Recovery profile (C0376) after discharge.
Interpretation :
• Increased TSH is seen with intake of Iodine, Lithium, Amiodarone drugs and also indicates considerable physiologic &
seasonal variation.
• Decreased TSH values require correlation with patient age & clinical symptoms and seen with intake of few drugs e.g. L-
dopa, glucocorticoids.
• Transient alteration in TSH is seen in non-thyroidal illness like severe infections, liver disease, renal and heart failure, severe
burns, trauma and surgery etc.
Clinical Utility: Levels of TSH are used for monitoring of thyroid related disorders.
Caution: Patients on Biotin supplement may have interference in some immunoassays. For sample collection, at least 8-hours wait
time is recommended for individuals taking high dose of Biotin (more than 5 mg per day) supplements.
Note: TSH levels may fluctuate based on few factors such as pregnancy, illness and age. Also, time of sample collection,
technologies used to analyze the test, usage of certain drugs, diet may have impact on TSH levels. TSH may show around 50%
variation even when done at different times of day due to its association with circadian rhythm.
Associated Tests: T3 (T0029), T4 (T0031) free T3 (T0028), free T4 (T0030), reverse T3 (R1004), Thyroid Antibodies (T0061),
Thyroid Comprehensive Profile-1 (T0062)
• Clinical Chemistry 50:12, 2338-2344 (2004) and Ind J Clin Biochem (Apr-June 2014) 29(2):189–195.
• Ref: Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 141, November 2017.
• Fisher DA. Physiological variations in thyroid hormones: physiological and pathophysiological considerations. Clin Chem.
1996 Jan;42(1):135-9. PMID: 8565215
CBC Haemogram
Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Reference Interval
Haemoglobin (Hb) 15.4 gm/dL 12.0-16
Erythrocyte (RBC) Count 4.97 mill/ 4.2-5.4
PCV (Packed Cell Volume) 45.9 % 37-47
MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume) 92.4 fL 82-101
MCH (Mean Corpuscular Hb) 30.9 pg 27-34
MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hb Concn.) 33.5 g/dL 31.5-36
RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width) 11.5 % 11.5-14.0
RBC Morphology
Remark Normocytic Normochromic
Total Leucocytes (WBC) count 8,290 cells/ 4300-10300
Absolute Neutrophils Count 2868 / 2000-7000
Absolute Lymphocyte Count 4717 / 1000-3000
Absolute Monocyte Count 464 / 200-1000
Absolute Eosinophil Count 174 / 20-500
Absolute Basophil Count 66 / 20-100
Neutrophils 34.6 % 40-80
Lymphocytes 56.9 % 20-40
Monocytes 5.6 % 2.0-10
Eosinophils 2.1 % 1-6
Basophils 0.8 % 0-2
Platelet count 364 10^3 / µl 140-440
MPV (Mean Platelet Volume) 10.1 fL 7.8-11
PCT ( Platelet Haematocrit) 0.370 % 0.2-0.5
PDW (Platelet Distribution Width) 14.8 % 9-17
EDTA Whole Blood - Tests done on Automated Five Part Cell Counter. (WBC, RBC Platelet count by impedance method, WBC
differential by VCS technology other parameters calculated) All Abnormal Haemograms are reviewed confirmed microscopically.
Differential count is based on approximately 10,000 cells.
Method : Microscopy .
•If Dengue NS1 is detected positive, concurrent testing with Dengue IgM is advised to know the type of infection-Primary
• Negative NS1 antigen results may occur if the specimen was collected greater than 7 days following symptom onset.
• A negative Dengue NS1 antigen does not rule out possibility of exposure to or infection with dengue virus.
• False positive Dengue NS1 antigen results may be seen in individuals with other flaviviruses west nile virus as well as Yellow
• High titre of heterophile antibodies or rheumatoid factor may interfere with the results.
Note: As per regulation, specimen collecting Laboratory is responsible for reporting positive Dengue & Leptospira cases to
Municipal corporation.
Associated test: Dengue IgM Test code (D0004) & Dengue IgG Test code( D0003). Dengue Virus PCR Test code (D0008).
• CDC: Dengue. Accessed 13/09/2019. Available at:
• World Health Organization. Dengue: guidance for diagnosis, surveillance and control WHO, Geneva (2009) Available at:
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Tests marked with NABL symbol are accredited by NABL vide Certificate no MC-2139; Validity till 01-06-2024
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Clinical Chemistry
Reg No.2020/12/6991