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Tender No: 60247376 Closing Date/Time: 13/11/2024 11:30
Sr.DMM/LJN acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No 60247376
Closing Date/Time 13/11/2024 11:30 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing
date and time only. Manual offers are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be
S.No. PL Code Item Stock / Ordering Consider Approving Inspection Currency Estimated
(Group) Type NonStock For Eval Agency Agency Allowed Rate
1 420448820011 Goods (Y) Non Stock --- Yes CONSIGNEE INR
Description :Blower motor unit for electrical chimney suitable for EOG LHB pantry car as per M/s SEM mod
el no. 12 EC1BF (black color) or equivalent, 230V AC Conforming to ICF Spec No.- ICF/ELEC/898, CS-2. Firm
should submit the proof of purchase from OEM or their authorized dealer at the time of supply of material. [
Warranty Period: 30 Months after the date of delivery ] ]
Consignee SSE/AC COACH/GKP, NER Uttar Pradesh 18.00 Numbers
3. T AND C
Delivery Period
Payment Terms
S.No Description
Payment Terms
1 100% payments against receipt, inspection and acceptance of material by the consignee at destination.
S.No Description
1 Statutory Variation in taxes and duties, or fresh imposition of taxes and duties by State/ Central
Governments in respect of the items stipulated in the contract (and not the raw materials thereof), within
the original delivery period stipulated in the contract, or last unconditionally extended delivery period
shall be to Railways' account. Only such variation shall be admissible which takes place after the
submission of bid. No claim on account of statutory variation in respect of existing tax/duty will be
accepted unless the tenderer has clearly indicated in his offer the rate of tax/duty considered in his quoted
rate. No claim on account of statutory variation shall be admissible on account of misclassification by the
supplier/ contractor.
S.No Description
1 The contract shall be governed by latest version (along with all correction slips) of IRS conditions of
contract, conditions of NER Bid Documents Ver. 39.0 and all other terms and conditions incorporated in the
tender documents. In case of any conflict between [a] IRS conditions, [b] NER Bid Documents Ver.39.0 &
[c] all other terms and conditions of the bid, then incorporated conditions in order of [c], [b], [a] shall be
2 These have also been uploaded on IREPS website [] and can be accessed after logging in
using the allotted user name, password and digital signature through the link North Eastern Rly/Stores
documents available in the documents section on the ireps home page. Tenderers are advised to go
through these instructions before submission of their offers.
Check List
2 Please indicate [Yes/No] whether you are Normal Applicable to Yes Yes Allowed
interested in availing the benefits all bidders (Optional)
available to Micro and small
Enterprises[MSEs] of their participation in
Govt. Procurement in reference to the
Ministry of Railway letter No. 2010/RS[G]
/363/1 dated 13.02.2019 as mentioned in
bid document. If yes, Please attach the
requisite registration certificate
specifically for the tendered item for the
same application issued by appropriate
agency. Also indicate whether MSE's is
owned by SC/ST/WOMEN/OTHER. The
requisite certificate is to be uploaded with
tender document. Please note that in
absence of the requisite certificate
uploaded/ submitted along with the offer ,
such benefits may not be extended.
3 Certificate for Compliance of Rule 144 (xi) Normal Applicable to Yes Yes Allowed
in the General Financial Rules (GFRs), all bidders (Optional)
2017. "I /we have read the Orders
regarding restrictions on procurement
from a bidder of a country which shares a
land border with India vide Order Ref. F.
No. 6/18/2019- PPD dtd. 23.07.2020
(containing office Memorandum, order
(Public Procurement No. 1) & Order (Public
Procurement No. 2). Order Ref F. No.
6/18/2019-PPD dtd.23.07.2020 (Order
(Public Procurement No.3) issued by Joint
Secretary (PPD),Department of
Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Gol and
OM No. DPE/7(4)/2017-Fin. Part-I dtd.
30.07.2020 issued by the Director, Dept of
Public Enterprises, Gol; " Note- 1- To
comply bidders are also to certify either
Certificate-A or Certificate-B as given
under "Other Conditions" of this NIT. 2-
Para No. 2.30 of Bid Documents may also
be read in this regard
4 Certificate-A for Compliance of Rule 144 Normal Applicable to Yes Yes Allowed
(xi) in the General Financial Rules (GFRs), all bidders (Optional)
2017 (undertaking given in NIT in this
regards may be referred with) "I/ we
hereby certify that I/ we are not from such
a country and are eligible to be
considered." Note-Para No. 2.30 of Bid
Documents may also be read in this
5 Certificate-B for compliance of Rule 144 Normal Applicable to Yes Yes Allowed
(xi) in the General Financial Rules (GFRs), all bidders (Optional)
2017 as mentioned in clause above, in
case the bidder is from a country which
shares land border with India vide order
reference mentioned in related clause
above the following confirmation to be
provided by the bidder :- (undertaking
given in NIT in this regards may be
referred with) "I/ we have been registered
with the Competent Authority as
mentioned in the above Govt. Order dtd.
23.07.2020. I/ we hereby certify that, we
fulfil all requirement in this regard and are
eligible to be considered (where
applicable,evidence of valid registration
by the Competent Authority shall be
attached)." Note- Para No. 2.30 of Bid
Documents may also be read in this
6 Other procurement solicitations: (a) If a Normal Applicable to Yes Yes Not Allowed
Nodal Ministry is satisfied that Indian all bidders
suppliers of an item are not allowed to
participate and/or compete in
procurement by any foreign government,
it may, if it deems appropriate,restrict or
exclude bidders from that country from
eligibility for procurement of that item
and/or other items relating to that Nodal
Ministry. A copy of every instruction or
decision taken in this regard shall be sent
to the Chairman of the Standing
Committee. (b) For the purpose of
subparagraph above, a supplier or bidder
shall be considered to be from a country if
(i) the entity is in-corporated in that
country, or (ii) a majority of its
shareholding or effective control of the
entity is exercised from that country; or
(iii) more than 50% of the value of the
item being supplied has been vadded in
that country. Indian suppliers shall mean
those entities which meet any of these
tests with respect to India. Note-Para No.
2.24 of Bid Documents may also be read
in this regards.
7 Please enter the percentage of local Normal Applicable to No Yes Allowed
content in the material being offered. all bidders (Optional)
Please enter 0 for fully imported items,
and 100 for fully indigenous items. The
definition and calculation of local content
shall be in accordance with the Make in
India policy as incorporated in the tender
General Instructions
Other Conditions
Special Conditions
S.No. Description
Validity of offers: Offer must be kept valid for the validity period asked in the bid document after closing
1 date of tender. Offers having lesser validity shall be deemed as commercially unresponsive and will be
summarily rejected.
The tenderers in their bid shall indicate the details of their GST Jurisdictional Assessing Officers (Designation,
Address & email id). In case of a contract award, a copy of Purchase Order shall be immediately forwarded by
Purchaser to the GST Jurisdictional assessing officer mentioned in Tenderer's bid
This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by
Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no.
2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated 03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.
As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate
provisions of GFR regarding procurement through GeM.
Digitally Signed By