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Tender No: 61245125 Closing Date/Time: 27/06/2024 14:30
PCMM acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No 61245125 Closing
Date/Time 27/06/2024 14:30 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and time only.
Manual offers are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.
S.No. PL Code Item Type Stock / Ordering Consider Approving Inspection Currency Estimated
(Group) GST(Y/N) NonStock For Eval Agency Agency Allowed Rate
1 601400010105 Goods (Y) Non Stock --- Yes TPI INR
Description :25 mm Thick Nylon Cord Reinforced Elastomeric Pad having size 245mm*240mm*25mm similar t
o RDSO's Drawing No.- B-1636/1/R-2 [ Warranty Period: 30 Months after the date of delivery ]
Consignee SSE/P.WAY/TD/BNGN, NFR Assam 4000.00 Numbers
3. T AND C
Delivery Period
Payment Terms
S.No Description
Payment Terms
1 100% payment after receipt and acceptance of the materials by the consignee.
Pa g e 1 o f 6 Ru n Da te/Time: 16 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 16 :5 1:2 7
Tender No: 61245125 Closing Date/Time: 27/06/2024 14:30
S.No Description
1 Statutory variation in taxes and duties, or fresh imposition of taxes and duties by state/central government in
respect of the items stipulated in the contract (and not the raw Materials thereof), within the original delivery
period stipulated in the contract, or last unconditionally extended delivery period shall be to Railways account.
Only such variation shall be admissible which takes place after the submission of bid. No claim on account of
statutory variation in respect of existing tax/duty will be accepted unless the tenderers has clearly indicated in his
offer the rate of tax/duty considered in his quoted rate. No claim on account of statutory variation shall be
admissible on account of Misclassification by the supplier/contractor.
S.No Description
1 The Contract shall be governed by (a) Instructions to tenderers for E-tenders (b) Special conditions of contract
(SCOC) (c) IRS conditions of contract and all other terms and conditions incorporated in the tender document.
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Tender No: 61245125 Closing Date/Time: 27/06/2024 14:30
2 Make in India Policy: (a) This tender complies with Public Procurement Yes Yes Allowed
Policy (Make in India) Order 201, revised on 16.09.2017, issued by (Optional)
department of Industrial, Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce
circulated vide Rly. Bd letter No. 2015/RS(G)/779/2/Pt.1, dtd. 25.09.22. (b)
Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being offered.
Please enter 0 for fully imported item and 100 for fully indigenous items.
The definition and calculation of local content shall be in accordance with
the Make in India policy as incorporated at Para-14 of Special conditions of
contract attached. (c) In case of procurement for value in access of Rs. 10
Crs. the Class-I local supplier/Class-II local supplier shall be required to
provide a certificate from the statutory auditor or cost auditor of the
company (In case of companies) or from practicing cost accountant or
practicing chartered accounts (In respect of suppliers other than
companies) giving the percentage of local content.
3 (A) MSE sources, who are interested for availing benefits under MSE act No Yes Allowed
mentioned in the notification of Ministry of MSME, should upload valid (Optional)
document maintained under MSE act such as UDYAM Registration
certificate duly marking the tendered item in the certificate otherwise claim
for benefits under MSE act may not be entertained.
4 (B) MSE source owned by SC/ST/Woman should upload necessary Yes Yes Allowed
documents to get the benefits in regard to their category i.e. the ownership (Optional)
of MSE pertains to SC/ST/Other category clearly. Absence of this
information in the registration certificate would be taken as MSE falling in
the category of Others.
5 Please enter the percentage of local content in the material being offered. No Yes Allowed
Please enter 0 for fully imported items, and 100 for fully indigenous items. (Optional)
The definition and calculation of local content shall be in accordance with
the Make in India policy as incorporated in the tender conditions.
Other Conditions
Pa g e 3 o f 6 Ru n Da te/Time: 16 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 16 :5 1:2 7
Tender No: 61245125 Closing Date/Time: 27/06/2024 14:30
7 Tenderers, to please quote the equated Freight for all consignees falling Yes No Not Allowed
under jurisdiction of N. F. Railway. If firm quotes different freight, in that
case lowest quoted freight among the all consignees will be considered for
placement of order (not for consideration of inter-se ranking. Inter-se
ranking will be considered as per the original bid) and no back references
will be made for their consent of becoming agree.
8 (a) In case of any contradiction or conflict between special conditions of Yes No Not Allowed
contract to that instruction to tenderers/IRS conditions of contract the
special conditions of contract will prevail. (b) In case of any contradiction or
conflict between tender schedules to that instruction to tenderers/Special
condition of Contract/IRS condition of contract, the conditions pointed out in
tender schedule will prevail.
9 Acceptance of tender: (a) The purchaser reserves the right to reject any or Yes No Not Allowed
all of the tenders in part or full at his sole discretion without assigning any
reason. ( b) Railway does not pledge itself to accept the lowest or any
tenders and reserves to itself the right of acceptance of the whole or any
part of the quantity offered. (c) The decision of Railways with regard to
allotment of quantity so as to insure uninterrupted supply of Sleepers will be
final. (d) The acceptance of the tender will be communicated by letter of
acceptance direct to the tenderers. In case where a counter offer is issued,
the unconditional acceptance of counter offer will result in a validity
concluded contract through formal letter of acceptance may be forwarded
to the contractor at a letter date.
10 Unloading to be done by supplier at consignee depot. Yes Yes Not Allowed
11 Firm to mention Number of stages (excluding final/product stage Yes Yes Not Allowed
inspection), if any.
12 Firm to mention part quantity inspection (if required) in commercial Yes Yes Not Allowed
13 If any modification is required in P.O., it should be applied with in 7 days Yes Yes Not Allowed
from the date of issue of P.O. to be eligible for D.P. re-fixation.
Special Conditions
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Tender No: 61245125 Closing Date/Time: 27/06/2024 14:30
Pa g e 5 o f 6 Ru n Da te/Time: 16 /0 5 /2 0 2 4 16 :5 1:2 7
Tender No: 61245125 Closing Date/Time: 27/06/2024 14:30
S.No. Description
S. No. Description 1 Validity of offer No deviation from the offer validity period stipulated in the tender is permitted.
2 Price variation clause No deviation from the Price variation clause stipulated in the SCOC is permitted.
The tenderers in their bid shall indicate the details of their GST Jurisdictional Assessing Officers (Designation, Address &
email id). In case of a contract award, a copy of Purchase Order shall be immediately forwarded by Purchaser to the
GST Jurisdictional assessing officer mentioned in Tenderer's bid
This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by
Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no.
2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated 03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.
As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate provisions of
GFR regarding procurement through GeM.
Digitally Signed By
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