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Kaushal Coaching Institute Bardoli

Chapter :1,2,3,6,7 Std 12th (GSEB) Date : 15/09/24

Total Marks: 50 Part A MCQ Time: 1 hrs
Section A
• Choose correct answer from the given options. [Each carries 1 Mark] [50]

185) 200 cm3 of an aqueous solution of a protein contains 1.26 g of the protein. The osmotic pressure of
such a solution at 300 K is found to be 2.57 ´ 10–3 bar. Calculate the molar mass of the protein.
(A) 61.14 ´ 105 g mol–1 (B) 61.022 ´ 103 g mol–1 (C) 60.377 ´ 103 g mol–1 (D) 61.03 g mol–1
2. ) Which mixture shows negative deviation from Raoult’s law ?
(A) Hexane and heptane (B) Carbon disulphide and acetone
(C) Phenol and aniline (D) Ethanol and acetone
3. ) If the solubility product of CuS is 9 ´ 10–16, then what will be maximum molarity of CuS in aqueous
solution ?
(A) 3 ´ 10–8 M (B) 5 ´ 10–7 M (C) 6 ´ 10–12 M (D) 2 ´ 10–10 M
4. ) Which of the following is non-ideal solution ?
(A) Phenol + Aniline (B) Benzene + Toluene
(C) n-hexane + n-heptane (D) Bromo ethane + chloro ethane
5. ) Under identical conditions, which solution has highest osmotic pressure ?
(A) 1 M NaCl (B) 1M BaCl2 (C) 1M FeCl3 (D) 1M Glucose

6. ) What will be the molality of 10 % w/w aqueous solution of NaOH ? (Mol. mass of NaOH = 40g/mol–1)
(A) 2.78 m (B) 2.5 m (C) 2.87 m (D) 2.05 m
7. ) The pressure required for the reverse osmosis is quite high. For this ....... membrane is used.
(A) Parchment (B) Cellulose acetate (C) Cellophane (D) Pig’s bladder
8. ) The addition of 3 gms of a substance to 100 gms CCl4 (M.w. = 154 gm/mole) raises the boiling point
of CCl4 by 0.60°C. If Kb of CCl4 is 5.03K Kg mole–1 then find out the relative lowering of vapour
(A) 0.0181 (B) 0.0224 (C) 0.204 (D) 0.192
9. ) Which of the following solution, where physical state of solute and solvent is liquid and solid,
respectively ?
(A) Air containing moisture. (B) Zinc dissolved in mercury.
(C) Solution of naphthalene in benzene. (D) Sugar solution.
10. ) Match the following two Column-I and Column-II :

Column-I Column-II
(U) Raoult’s law for volatile (i) PA = p0A × X A
solute and volatile solvent
(V ) Raoult’s law for gaseous
(ii) PA = p0 + p0 + p0A X B
solute and liquid solvent p0 - p
1 1 n2
(W) Raoult’s law for non-volatile (iii) 0
p n1 + n 2
solute and volatile solvent 1

(A) U ® (iii), V ® (i), W ® (ii) (B) U ® (iii), V ® (ii), W ® (i)

(C) U ® (i), V ® (ii), W ® (iii) (D) U ® (ii), V ® (i), W ® (iii)
11. ) Which of the following represents nernst equation for given cell.
Mg(s) | Mg2+
(0.130 M) || Ag+(0.000M) | Ag(s)
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RT [Mg 2+ ]2 RT [Mg 2+ ]
(A) Ecell = Eocell – log (B) Ecell = Eocell – log
2F [Ag + ] 2F [Ag+ ]2
) Which of the following represents nernst equation for given cell.
Mg(s) | Mg2+ +
(0.130 M) || Ag (0.000M) | Ag(s)

RT [Mg 2+ ]2 RT [Mg 2+ ]
(A) Ecell = Eocell – log (B) Ecell = Eocell – log
2F [Ag + ] 2F [Ag+ ]2
2.303 RT [Mg 2+ ] RT [Mg 2+ ]
(C) Ecell = Eocell – log (D) Ecell = Eocell – log
2F [Ag + ] 2F [Ag + ]
12. ) What will be the products obtain on anode and cathode during electrolysis of an aqueous solution
of CuCl2 using platinum electrodes.
(A) Cl2(g) liberates on anode and Cu(s) deposites on cathode.
(B) O2(g) liberates on anode and Cu(s) deposites on cathode.
(C) O2(g) liberates on anode and H2(g) liberates on cathode.
(D) Cu(s) dissolve on anode and Cu(s) deposites on cathode.
13. ) Which substance is used as cathode in mercury cell ?
(A) HgO + KOH (B) ZnO + Pt (C) HgO + C (D) ZnO + NaOH
14. ) Which species is obtained at anode on electrolysis of aqueous solution containing higher
concentration of H2SO4.
(A) S2O28– (B) SO23– (C) SO2 (D) S2O23–

15. ) How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to reduce 2 mol of MnO4– to Mn2+ ?
(A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 3 (D) 6
16. ) In the following reaction, which is the value of equilibrium constant ?
Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) ® Cu2+ o
(aq) + 2Ag(s)E cell = 0.46 V
(A) 3.92 ´ 1015 (B) 39.2 ´ 1015 (C) 3.92 ´ 1010 (D) 3.92 ´ 1014
17. ) Which is increasing order of the reducing power of the following metals on the basis of standard
electrode potential ?
Ag+ | Ag = 0.80 V ; Mg2+ | Mg = –2.37 V
Hg2+ | Hg = 0.79 V ; Cr3+ | Cr = –0.74 V
(A) Hg < Ag < Mg < Cr (B) Cr < Mg < Ag < Hg (C) Mg < Cr < Hg < Ag (D) Ag < Hg < Cr < Mg
18. ) An electrochemical cell can behave like an electrolytic cell when .............
(A) Ecell < Eext (B) Ecell > Eext (C) Ecell = Eext (D) Ecell = 0
19. ) On charging lead storage cell…
(A) Pb of electrode utilize. (B) Solution becomes diluted.
(C) H2SO4 of solution is utilized. (D) PbO2 is deposited on one electrode.

20. ) How much faraday current is required for reduction of 1.5 mol Cr O –2 to Cr3+ ?
2 7
(A) 15 F (B) 9 F (C) 6 F (D) 3 F
21. ) Give symbolic representation of following reaction : Mg(s) + Co2+ 2+
(aq) ƒ Mg (aq) + Co(s)

(A) d- Co(s) | Co(1M) | Mg(s)Å (B) d- Co(s) | Co(1M) || Mg(s) | Mg (aq)(1M)Å

2+ 2+ 2+
|| Mg(s)
2+ Å
(C) d- Mg(s) | Mg(1M)
|| Co(aq) | Co(1M) (D) d- Mg(s) | Mg(1M)
2+ 2+
|| Co(1M) | Co(s)Å

22. ) Molar conductivity of KCl, NaCl and KNO3 are 150, 126 and 109 S cm2 mol–1 respectively, then what is
the molar conductivity of NaNO3 ?
(A) 385 S cm2 mol–1 (B) 133 S cm2 mol–1 (C) 167 S cm2 mol–1 (D) 85 S cm2 mol–1
23. ) Which of the following is correct Nernst equation for the given electrochemical cell ?
2+ -
Mg(s) | Mg(aq)(0.1M)||Cl(aq)(0.1M)| Cl 2(g)(1 bar)| Pt(s)

o 0.059 1 Wish You - All The Best o 0.059

– 2
[Cl ]
(A) Ecell = Ecell – log 2+ – 2 (B) E cell = E cell – log 2+
2 [Mg ][Cl ] 2 [Mg ]
) Which of the following is correct Nernst equation for the given electrochemical cell ?
2+ -
Mg(s) | Mg(aq)(0.1M)||Cl(aq)(0.1M)| Cl 2(g)(1 bar)| Pt(s)
– 2
o 0.059 1 o 0.059 [Cl ]
(A) Ecell = Ecell – log 2 – 2 (B) Ecell = Ecell – log 2+
2 +
[Mg ][Cl ] 2 [Mg ]
o 0.059 [Mg 2+ ] o 0.059
log[Mg 2+ ][Cl – ]2
(C) Ecell = Ecell – log (D) Ecell = Ecell –
2 [Cl – ]2 2

24. ) For which of the following electrolytes the graph of Lm against C gives a negative slope ?
(A) Acetic acid (B) Sodium acetate
(C) Ammonium hydroxide (D) Water
25. ) What will be the slope, when a graph is plotted between log10[R] ® t for a first order reaction ?
k –k
(A) k (B) –k (C) (D)
2.303 2.303
26. ) What will be the unit of rate constant for following reaction ?
C2H4(g) + H2(g) ® C2H6(g)
(A) mol–1 L S–1 (B) S–1 (C) mol L–1 S–1 (D) mol–2 L2 S–1
27. ) A first order reaction is found to have a rate constant, K = 5.5 ´ 10–14 s–1. The half life of reaction
is ........ .
(A) 1.26 ´ 1014 s (B) 6.93 ´ 1014 s (C) 1.26 ´ 1013 s (D) 12.6 ´ 1015 s
28. ) The rate constants of a reaction at 500K is 0.02 S–1. Its activation energy (Ea) is 18.230 kJ. Calculate
Arrhenius constant.
(A) 1.2 (B) 1.3 (C) 1.4 (D) 1.6
29. ) The decomposition of NH3 on platinum surface is zero order reaction. What is the rate of production of
N2 if K = 2.5 ´ 10–4 mol L–1 S–1 ?
(A) 2.5 ´ 10–4 mol L–1 s–1 (B) 8.3 ´ 10–5 mol L–1 s–1
(C) 7.5 ´ 10–4 mol L–1 s–1 (D) 5 ´ 10–4 mol L–1 s–1
30. ) Which of the following relation is correct for zero order reaction ?
(A) t 1 µ (B) t 1 µ [R]0
2 [R]0 2
(C) t 1 µ (D) t 1 is independent of [R]0
2 [R]02 2

31. ) Which of the following methods are used to determine rate of the reactions containing more than one
type of reactants ?
(P) Integrated rate equation method.
(Q) Half life time method.
(R) Ostwald’s isolation method.
(A) Only R (B) Q and R (C) P and Q (D) P, Q and R
32. ) The half reaction time of a first order required to decrease initial concentration from 40% to 20% is 20
minute. What time will be taken to decrease initial concentration from 10% to 5% ?
(A) 20 minute (B) 5 minute (C) 10 minute (D) 60 minute
33. ) What is the correct formula for R ® P reaction rate ?
– D[R] – D[P] – D[R] D[P] –[R] D[P] – D[R] Dt
(A) = (B) = (C) = (D) =
t t Dt Dt t Dt Dt D[P]
34. ) Which reagent is used to prepare pure alkyl halide from alcohol ?
(A) PCl3 (B) SOCl2 (C) PCl5 (D) PBr3
35. ) Which of the following reacts rapidly by SN2 mechanism ?

(A) CH 3 – CH – CH – CH 3 (B) CH CH2CH2CH2Br

| Wish You - All The Best 3
) Which of the following reacts rapidly by SN2 mechanism ?
(A) CH 3 – CH – CH – CH 3 (B) CH3CH2CH2CH2Br
| |
(C) CH3 – C – Br (D) CH3 – C – CH2 – CH 3
| |
CH3 Br
Na /ether
200) R' – X ¾¾¾¾¾® 2, 3-dimethylbutane. Identify R'

(A) (CH3CH2)3 C – (B) (C2H5)2 CH – (C) (CH3)3 C – (D) (CH3)2 CH –

198) CH3Br + AgF ® Product What is the name of this reaction ?
(A) Finkelstein (B) Wurtz (C) Grignard (D) Swarts
38. ) From following which is not allylic halide ?
(A) 1-bromo but-2-ene (B) 3-bromo-2-methyl propane
(C) 1-bromo-2-methyl but-2-ene (D) 4-bromo but-1-ene
39. ) Which compound is optical active ?
(A) 2-bromo butane (B) 1-bromo butane (C) 2-bromo propane (D) 1-bromo propane
40. ) Which kind of halide is the following compound ?

(A) Allylic (B) Arylhalide (C) Vinylic (D) Benzylic

41. ) IUPAC name of given organic compound H Br is
(A) 2-bromo-3-methyl but-3-ene (B) 3-bromo-2-methyl but-1-ene
(C) 1-bromo-1,2-dimethyl prop-2-ene (D) 3-bromo-2,3-dimethyl prop-1-ene
42. ) The IUPAC name of the major organic product of the reaction :
CH3CH2CH = CH2 + HBr ¾¾¾¾¾ ®
(A) 1,2-Dibromobutane (B) 2,2-Dibromobutane (C) 1-Bromobutane (D) 2-Bromobutane
43. ) Which poisonous compound is formed if Chloroform is kept in open air ?
(A) Phosphine (B) Phosgene
(C) Freon (D) Carbon tetrachloride
44. ) Which of the following is an analgesic drug ?
(A) Aspirin (B) Ranitidine (C) Erythromycin (D) Luminal
45. ) Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their acidic nature.
(i) p-Nitrophenol
(ii) Phenol
(iii) o-Cresol
(A) i < iii < ii (B) i < ii < iii (C) ii < iii < i (D) iii < ii < i
H3 C CH3
46. OC2H5
222) IUPAC name of is .......

(A) 1-Ethoxy-2, 2-dimethylcyclohexane (B) 2-Ethoxy-1, 1-dimethylcyclohexane

(C) 2-Ethoxy-1-ethylcyclohexane (D) 1-Ethoxy-2-ethylcyclohexane

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219) Which compound has highest value of pKa ?
(A) p-cresol (B) phenol (C) o-nitrophenol (D) m-nitrophenol
48. ) What is the product of Riemer-Temann reaction ?
(A) Salicylic acid (B) Benzoquinone (C) Salicylaldehyde (D) Picric acid
49. ) Which of the following compound has highest boiling point ?
(A) Butan-2-ol (B) Butan-1-ol (C) Pentan-1-ol (D) Propan-1-ol
50. ) Name the product obtained by the following reaction ?
(BH3 )2
CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH = CH2 ¾¾¾¾¾¾ +
H2 O2/OH
(A) Pentan-3-ol (B) Pentan-2-ol
(C) Pentan-1-ol (D) 2-methyl butan-2-ol

Wish You - All The Best

Kaushal Coaching Institute Bardoli
Chapter :1,2,3,6,7 Std 12th (GSEB) Date : 15/09/24
Total Marks: 50 Part A MCQ Time: 1 hrs

Section [ A ] : 1 Mark MCQ

No Ans Chap Sec Que Universal_QueId

1. B Chap 1 S6 185 QP24P11B1212_P1C1S6Q185
2. C Chap 1 S6 182 QP24P11B1212_P1C1S6Q182
3. A Chap 1 S6 181 QP24P11B1212_P1C1S6Q181
4. A Chap 1 S6 176 QP24P11B1212_P1C1S6Q176
5. C Chap 1 S6 174 QP24P11B1212_P1C1S6Q174
6. A Chap 1 S6 171 QP24P11B1212_P1C1S6Q171
7. C Chap 1 S6 169 QP24P11B1212_P1C1S6Q169
8. A Chap 1 S6 153 QP24P11B1212_P1C1S6Q153
9. B Chap 1 S6 141 QP24P11B1212_P1C1S6Q141
10. D Chap 1 S6 139 QP24P11B1212_P1C1S6Q139
11. C Chap 2 S6 198 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q198
12. A Chap 2 S6 196 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q196
13. C Chap 2 S6 192 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q192
14. A Chap 2 S6 191 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q191
15. B Chap 2 S6 186 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q186
16. A Chap 2 S6 182 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q182
17. D Chap 2 S6 177 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q177
18. A Chap 2 S6 175 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q175
19. D Chap 2 S6 173 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q173
20. B Chap 2 S6 161 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q161
21. D Chap 2 S6 157 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q157
22. D Chap 2 S6 153 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q153
23. D Chap 2 S6 146 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q146
24. B Chap 2 S6 137 QP24P11B1212_P1C2S6Q137
25. D Chap 3 S6 168 QP24P11B1212_P1C3S6Q168
26. B Chap 3 S6 165 QP24P11B1212_P1C3S6Q165
27. C Chap 3 S6 159 QP24P11B1212_P1C3S6Q159
28. D Chap 3 S6 157 QP24P11B1212_P1C3S6Q157
29. A Chap 3 S6 153 QP24P11B1212_P1C3S6Q153
30. B Chap 3 S6 147 QP24P11B1212_P1C3S6Q147
31. A Chap 3 S6 133 QP24P11B1212_P1C3S6Q133
32. A Chap 3 S6 120 QP24P11B1212_P1C3S6Q120

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33. B Chap 3 S6 114 QP24P11B1212_P1C3S6Q114
34. B Chap 6 S6 204 QP24P11B1212_P2C6S6Q204
35. B Chap 6 S6 203 QP24P11B1212_P2C6S6Q203
36. D Chap 6 S6 200 QP24P11B1212_P2C6S6Q200
37. D Chap 6 S6 198 QP24P11B1212_P2C6S6Q198
38. D Chap 6 S6 197 QP24P11B1212_P2C6S6Q197
39. A Chap 6 S6 196 QP24P11B1212_P2C6S6Q196
40. A Chap 6 S6 194 QP24P11B1212_P2C6S6Q194
41. B Chap 6 S6 188 QP24P11B1212_P2C6S6Q188
42. C Chap 6 S6 185 QP24P11B1212_P2C6S6Q185
43. B Chap 6 S6 162 QP24P11B1212_P2C6S6Q162
44. A Chap 7 S6 140 QP24P11B1212_P2C7S6Q140
45. D Chap 7 S6 224 QP24P11B1212_P2C7S6Q224
46. B Chap 7 S6 222 QP24P11B1212_P2C7S6Q222
47. A Chap 7 S6 219 QP24P11B1212_P2C7S6Q219
48. C Chap 7 S6 208 QP24P11B1212_P2C7S6Q208
49. C Chap 7 S6 202 QP24P11B1212_P2C7S6Q202
50. C Chap 7 S6 194 QP24P11B1212_P2C7S6Q194

Welcome To Future - Quantum Paper

Kaushal Coaching Institute Bardoli
Chapter :1,2,3,6,7 Std 12th (GSEB) Date : 15/09/24
Total Marks: 50 Part A MCQ Time: 1 hrs
Section A
• Choose correct answer from the given options. [Each carries 1 Mark] [50]








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