04 Plagiarism
04 Plagiarism
04 Plagiarism
This study guide should be used along with a program published by Video Aided Instruction, Inc. For more information, call 1-800 -238-1512 or visit us online at videoaidedinstruction.com.
For more information, call 1-800 -238-1512 or visit us online at videoaidedinstruction.com.
This study guide should be used along with the follow-
ing program published by Video Aided Instruction. The Writing a Great Research Paper:
instructor works through the exercises found in this
guide – and much, much more – during the course of the
Plagiarism & Other Pitfalls
actual program. Study Guide
Writing a Great Research Paper:
Plagiarism & Other Pitfalls
1 DVD · 1 hr. y mins.
item #VAI-1949 · price $49.95 Introduction
isbn 1-57385-194 -9 · upc 600459194994
With today’s busy schedules and tight deadlines,
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Other Video Aided Instruction products include:
To learn about various techniques for incorporating your research into your writing effectively, consult a
different program in this series: Writing a Great Research Paper: Quoting, Citing, & Paraphrasing. And for
information on parenthetical references, footnotes, and bibliographies, consult: Writing a Great Research
Paper: Formatting Your Paper.
Part 3: Types of Plagiarism
This study guide should be used along with a program published by Video Aided Instruction, Inc.
Plagiarism includes all of the following:
• Buying, borrowing, or reusing a paper
• Claiming as your own a piece of writing from a published source
• Quoting words, sentences, paragraphs, or pages from another writer’s work without
giving that writer credit
• Copying another writer’s sequence of ideas without giving that writer credit
Additional Advice
As you’ve learned, many books, articles, etc. include references and/or bibliographies that can be invalu-
able tools for exploring additional research sources. But don’t make the very common error of citing
sources you’ve only read about — as opposed to sources you’ve actually read! Sometimes an “intermediary”
source adds its own subtle layer of interpretation, so verify that the sources you’re going to refer to in your
research paper actually contain the relevant information. Misattributing information — be they facts or
ideas (interpretations, opinions, analyses, or theories) — is a serious academic “mistake” that you should be
careful to avoid.
Be aware that cutting-and-pasting from the Internet has advantages and disadvantages: it can make it
easier to capture complex web page addresses and long passages, but it can also make it easier to “use”
another writer’s words without giving that person due credit.
A final note: Modern software tools and web search engines make detecting plagiarism easier than ever.
Even a single inadvertent mistake or omission in your references can “smell” like plagiarism, so be extra
careful to cite every last one of your sources accurately.
Keep all of these issues in mind when you begin taking notes and later when you write your paper!
This study guide should be used along with a program published by Video Aided Instruction, Inc.