Anju Soman.T, Jayasudha.R, Ruth Rufina.S, Shreya Jayachandran Nair, Irayya C Mathad, Chidambaram.S
Anju Soman.T, Jayasudha.R, Ruth Rufina.S, Shreya Jayachandran Nair, Irayya C Mathad, Chidambaram.S
Anju Soman.T, Jayasudha.R, Ruth Rufina.S, Shreya Jayachandran Nair, Irayya C Mathad, Chidambaram.S
Agriculture is one of the important aspects of Indian economy. Traditional method integrated with
the wireless sensor network helps in increasing the productivity of the field and thus raising one’s
profit. Internet of things (IoT) plays a pivotal role in smart gardening system. Irrigation is key
factor of agriculture and thereby achieving the efficient watering system to utilize the water
resources adequately. Thus, the paper aims at achieving automation in gardening by controlling
and monitoring the system ensuring the safety of the plants. It focuses on increasing the quality
and quantity of agricultural production using sensing technology making the system efficient and
cost effective. The system uses various sensors such as Moisture sensor, DHT11, PIR and LDR
which helps in monitoring and controlling several parameters. These sensor data are transferred
via LoRa transmitter and received via LoRa receiver which connects to the server using MQTT
protocol. The features of this application include displaying the sensor output using an Android
application which uses MQTT protocol to receive the data, controlling the watering system and
providing feedback to the user.
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Date of Submission: 26-02-2019 Date of acceptance:19-03-2019
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The largest sector of Indian economy is agriculture where India being the second largest farm producer in the
world contributes to 17-18% of GDP and is responsible for 50% of employment in the country. Almost 43% of
geographical area is occupied by the agricultural sector and over 70% of the households depend on
agriculture[1].The main source of income and the commitment of agribusiness in India is the basis for
agriculture being the backbone of nation‟s economy. According to the survey of FAO, 1/3 rd of food production
has become a challenge in Indian agricultural sector due to the ever-growing population. Green-house farming
in terrace helps in energy conservation and thereby energy sources can be easily controlled. Green-house helps
in creating and controlling the optimum growing environmental parameters to enhance the growth of plants and
gives healthier better-producing plants.
IoT helps in eliminating the traditional methods of farming and provides the real time information about the
agricultural fields[2]. Here the system is built for monitoring the plants with the help of sensors and automates
the irrigation system. LoRa (Long Range) technology is a low power wireless platform for building IoT
networks worldwide[3]. It offers a combination of long range, low power consumption and secured data
transmission. This technology provides better solution for connecting sensors and gateway at longer distances
with low-battery consumption. This paper focuses on deployment of automated and controlled irrigation system
by interpreting moisture, temperature and humidity values. In this system, we use sensors like PIR sensor, Open Access Journal Page 15
IoT based Terrace Gardening System using LoRa Technology
DHT11 sensor, Moisture sensor, LDR and each sensor has its own different functionalities. The sensor nodes
are connected to the Arduino Uno with LoRa transmitter and these sensor data are sent to LoRa receiver which
is connected with ESP8266 NODE MCU. Then the received sensor data is sent using MQTT protocol to the
server. Android application is developed using the Android Studio which monitors the system.
Smart irrigation system can optimize the water levels based on the soil moisture and weather conditions and
determines whether the plant has to be watered or not.Irrigation management of the plants is by monitoring and
calculating on Real time different values[8]. High production yield can be obtained depending on the
temperature and humidity of the environment. Temperature conditions can be controlled by making use of
cooling fan. Nutrient efficiency of the soil can be measured based on the Electrical Conductivity using LDR
sensor. Detailed values of the sensor data‟s can be viewed in the mobile app and decisions can be made by the
user accordingly. A significant amount of money is saved and hence the irrigation system optimizes the
resources so that everything gets what it needs without needless waste.
This technology uses star topology which helps in increasing the battery lifetime for long range
connectivity.Some of the important elements of this system are End-nodes, LoRa gateways and Network
servers. The remotely placed node such as sensors or application sense and controls the system[11]
The data transmitted by the nodes is sent to the gateway and it sends the transmitted signal to the network
server. Then the server sends the packet to the specific application.
Figure:4.2LoRa Ra-01
4.2.2 Topics
MQTT packets sent by publishers are delivered to all subscribers registered for the same topic or matching topic
filter. The topic name can be hierarchical with „/‟ as the delimiter in between to avoid collisions; e.g.,
4.3Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on 8-bit ATmega328P microcontroller. Along with
ATmega328P, it consist other components such as crystal oscillator, serial communication, voltage regulator,
etc. to support the microcontroller. Arduino Uno has 14 digital input/output pins (out of which 6 can be used as
PWM outputs), 6analog input pins, a USB connection, A Power barrel jack, an ICSP header and a reset button.
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. The Arduino board
started changing to adapt to new needs and challenges, differentiating its offer from simple 8-bit boards to
products for IoT applications, wearable, 3D printing, and embedded environments. All Arduino boards are
completely open-source, empowering users to build them independently and eventually adapt them to their
particular needs.
Figure:4.3.1Arduino UNO
The flowchart 5.1 illustrates the implementation of the system at client section.The below flowchart explains
about the flow of the algorithm. Initial pin settings such as transmitter-receiver pins and data pins assignment
has to be assigned properly. Then set the required Baud rate and frequency. Check for the serial communication
since the algorithm uses serial communication. Once it is made sure that the serial pin is available move to the
next step else continuously check for the availability. Now collect the sensor values and check for the
availability of the gateway. If the gateway is available, check for the acknowledgement from the gateway and if
the acknowledgement is received, it indicates successful communication between the LoRa and the Gateway.
This algorithm explains the flow at the server side. Initially the required Baud rate and Frequency has to bet set
and continuously check for the data set frequency. Now publish the data to the MQTT broker. Check for the
availability of the data. If the data is received, then subscribe the data from the MQTT broker and display the
obtained result on the application.
Figure: 6.3 demonstrates the Lora testing using MQTT Lens where the data can be published and
subscribed.The android application is shown in Figure :6.4.
In this research paper, we have discussed about a novel methodology to improve the crop yield by monitoring
certain parameters such as moisture content of the soil, light intensity, temperature and humidity of the
environment and motion detection using LoRa technology. This methodology has been proposed using Arduino,
Node MCU, LoRa Ra-01, MQTT Protocol[14] and Android Application. LoRa is a technology that can cover
large area with low power consumption[15]. This helps the farmers to monitor a large area and thus increase the
crop yield. The reliable delivery of the data from the sensor node to the user was done using a broker based
publish/subscribe messaging protocol that is the MQTT protocol. The Android Application helps the farmer to
get the real time data in their mobile phones and it helps them to take the decisions accordingly.
This research work was supported by Centre for Digital Innovation, CHRIST (Deemed to be
University),Bengaluru. We generously thank Jonathan Kim for providing computing and equipment facilities.
We also thank JyotirmoyDuttafor extending scientific guidance for all the stages of our projectwork.
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Anju Soman.T" IoT based Terrace Gardening System using LoRa Technology" International
Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), vol. 09, no. 3, 2019, pp 15-24