El Niño
El Niño
El Niño
El Niño
About every 5 yrs near Christmastime this climate changer brings
heavy rains to the eastern Pacific, massive droughts to the far western
Pacific and upsets normal weather patterns worldwide.
places, however, an El Niño is
Polar jet
responsible for substantial modifica-
North America tions to the weather that we would
normally expect to encounter.
Subtropical jet
What is El Niño?
Warm Strong trade winds
water El Niño is a periodic warming of
Cool the surface water in the equatorial
water Ecuador
Low pressure
Equatorial currents (strong)
Pacific ocean that happens about
Peru every 5 years and can last between
about 9 months and 2 years. This
warming is connected to the circula-
tion of the atmosphere both in its
Strong causes and its effects. Oceanic cur-
Peruvian rents are part of large-scale circula-
current tion patterns that are produced by the
Normal climate conditions over the Pacific Ocean basin. Trade winds create strong equatorial ocean
continual circulation of the atmo-
currents that feed warm water westward and allow cool water to rise along the South American sphere above the water’s surface.
coast. El Niño is a breakdown of that pattern that results in warmer waters in the eastern Pacific. Throughout the tropics warm
humid air from the northern and
southern hemispheres converges,
Warmer than average winter picks up heat and moisture and rises
Polar jet convectively. This is the reason for the
North America omnipresent band of towering cumuli
Wetter than average winter that ring the tropics. When the rising
Subtropical jet air meets the stratosphere and its
inverted temperature profile (warming
Weak trade winds with height), it can no longer rise and
Pressure instead it flows toward the poles. The
increases Ecuador now cool and drier air returns to earth
Strong counter current Warm Peru
in the subtropics, creating a region of
water high pressure at these latitudes. In the
Dryer northern hemisphere, surface winds
flow clockwise from a high and in the
average Pressure
decreases southern hemisphere they flow coun-
Peruvian terclockwise. As a result, the air flow-
current ing back toward the tropics has an
easterly component to it (blowing
Conditions in the Pacific during an El Niño event. Weakened trade winds allow the ocean to from east to west).
flow eastward and prevent the upwelling of cooler water along the South American coast. This This flow is known as the trade
reverses normally wet conditions in Indonesia and drier conditions in Perú.
winds and in the Pacific Ocean it
pushes the surface water westward,
By Karsten Shein nomenon are confirming that an El in turn drawing up cold subsurface
Comm-Inst, Climate Scientist Niño is likely before the end of the water that is flowing northward
year and that it may be moderate to along the western coast of South
arlier this year climatologists strong. But aside from sounding omi- America. This upwelling brings nutri-
monitoring conditions in the nous what does the reappearance of ents that support abundant marine
equatorial Pacific ocean noted El Niño actually mean for aviation? life and local fisheries, as well as
that conditions were setting up for In many parts of the world it will cooling the surface of the ocean. A
the development of an El Niño over mean very little and in others it will colder ocean surface keeps the
the coming months. Computer mod- just mean small changes in seasonal lower atmosphere cooler and drier
els designed to predict this phe- temperature or rainfall. In some and suppresses convection.
As a result, the warm ocean pro-
moted atmospheric heating and
convection, further dropping the
pressure and bringing heavy and fre-
quent rains to the eastern Pacific. At
the same time, the western Pacific
Image courtesy NASA/JPL
December and February. Flooding 1997. Farmers or fishermen who of production can have a substantial
and landslides are also a possibility can no longer feed their families economic impact unless companies
at some airports. may turn to violent activity to affect can adapt by shifting production
But aviation operations can be political change, protect their inter- elsewhere until the El Niño has ter-
affected by El Niño in a less direct ests, or simply to make a living. A minated.
way. El Niño has the potential to dis- 2011 study in the journal Nature Pilots who would like to track El
rupt many of the socio-economic determined that the presence of El Niño, or become better read on the
and political systems that depend on Niño doubled the risk of internal subject have a number of online
a steady climate. El Niño has a strife in 90 tropical counties studied. options. For example, NOAA main-
propensity for changing precipita- During and after a strong El Niño, tains a comprehensive El Niño web
tion patterns in many places. The flight planners would be wise to site (http://www.elnino.noaa.gov)
result is often failed crops, damaged closely evaluate the socio-political with graphics and other educational
infrastructure, and impacted liveli- situation in countries that may have resources, while its Climate
hoods—all of which can destabilize been affected. Prediction Center monitors El Niño’s
a subsistence or developing econo- Likewise, many pilots fly for com- current conditions and provides
my. For example, in the mid-1790s, panies with significant business long-range forecasts and warnings
a drought and famine in Egypt coin- operations in places that may be (http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov).
cided with a prolonged El Niño, and impacted by an El Niño. Unexpected These websites can help you to keep
led to a revolt of the populace. In flooding can close factories and track of whether 2014 will become
1876-78, the Great Famine of India make it impossible to move goods an El Niño year.
was a result of failed monsoons that and raw materials in many locations.
were in part attributed to strong El Conversely, severe and unusually
Niños. This event was one of the prolonged drought can disrupt pro-
triggers of the Indian nationalism duction at facilities that require a Karsten Shein is a
climatologist with the
movement that eventually gained ready supply of water, such as power
National Climatic
independence of India from the plants, paper mills or beverage bot- Data Center in
British. tling facilities. Workforces can simi- Asheville NC. He
Similarly, El Niño has been cited larly be impacted. Changes in formerly served as an
as a factor in the civil unrest in weather patterns under El Niño assistant professor at
Sudan in 1963, El Salvador, Uganda increase the incidence of epidemic Shippensburg
and the Philippines in 1972, Perú in diseases such as cholera, malaria, University. Shein holds a commercial
the early 1980s and Indonesia in and dengue fever. The resulting loss license with instrument rating.