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Gamjara Power Station, Benha 750 MW

BY : Ahmed Hussein Hosny
Section: 1
Gamjara Power Station, Benha 750 MW

1- Introduction

2- safety

3- power plants

4- turbines

5- Generators

6- transformers
7- Power-system protection

8- Distributed control system (DCS)

9- Gas Insulated Substation GIS

10- busbar
11- References
1- Introduction

The Banha Power Plant is a combined cycle system with a capacity of

750 MW. It is located on an area of 23 feddans on the road of Kafr Shukr
- Banha in the district of Mit Rady - Qalioubia governorate. It is also
located on the Tawfiqi wind south of Jamjara. The project consists of 2
gas units with a capacity of 250 m , The total cost of the project is 4.5
billion Egyptian pounds (divided into about 1.750 billion pounds in
local currency and 2.750 billion pounds in foreign currency) financed
by the Arab Social Fund, the Kuwaiti Fund for Social and Economic
Development, the Saudi Fund for Development, The Abu Dhabi
Development Fund and OPEC for International Development, as well as
self-financing from the Middle Delta Electricity Company.

Gamjara Power Station, Benha

The project of the Benha power plant is a capacity of 750 m, and mega
projects that will contribute to the deficit in the summer loads of 2014,
where the first gas module was entered on the consolidated network on
8/11/2013, and the second gas unit on 30/11/11, 2013 with a total
capacity of 500 m, and to enter the steam unit capacity of 250m on July
2014 .
2- safety
Personal protective equipment (PPE):

refers to
protective clothing, helmets, glasses, gloves, Safety shoes,or
other equipment designed to protect the wearer's body
from injury or infection. The hazards addressed by protective
equipment include physical, electrical, heat, chemicals, biohazards, and
airborne particulate matter. Protective equipment may be worn for job-
related occupational safety and health purposes.

3- power plants

A power plant , also referred to as a power station or powerhouse and

sometimes generating station or generating plant, is an industrial facility
for the generation of electric power. Most power stations contain one or
more generators, a rotating machine that converts mechanical
power into electrical power. The relative motion between a magnetic
field and a conductor creates an electrical current. The energy source
harnessed to turn the generator varies widely.
Most power stations in the world burn fossil fuels such as coal, oil,
and natural gas to generate electricity. Others use nuclear power, but
there is an increasing use of cleaner renewable sourcessuch
as solar, wind, wave and hydroelectric.and in The Banha Power Plant is a
combined cycle system (gas and steam) with a capacity of 750 MW

power plants

4- turbines
4.1 gas turbine also called a combustion turbine, is a type of
continuous combustion, internal combustion engine. There are
three main components:

1. An upstream rotating gas compressor;

2. A downstream turbine on the same shaft;
3. A combustion chamber or area, called a combustor, in between 1.
and 2. above.
A fourth component is often used to increase efficiency
(turboprop, turbofan), to convert power into mechanical or electric form
(turboshaft, electric generator), or to achieve greater power to
mass/volume ratio (afterburner).
Gas turbine

The basic operation of the gas turbine

is a Brayton cycle with air as the working fluid. Fresh atmospheric air
flows through the compressor that brings it to higher pressure. Energy is
then added by spraying fuel into the air and igniting it so the combustion
generates a high-temperature flow. This high-temperature high-pressure
gas enters a turbine, where it expands down to the exhaust pressure,
producing a shaft work output in the process. The turbine shaft work is
used to drive the compressor; the energy that is not used for shaft work
comes out in the exhaust gases that produce thrust. The purpose of the
gas turbine determines the design so that the most desirable split of
energy between the thrust and the shaft work is achieved. The fourth
step of the Brayton cycle (cooling of the working fluid) is omitted, as gas
turbines are open systems that do not use the same air again.
Gas turbines are used to power aircraft, trains, ships, electrical
generators, pumps, gas compressors, and tanks

Diagram of gas turbine


Very high power-to-weight ratio compared to reciprocating engines.

 Smaller than most reciprocating engines of the same power rating.
 Smooth rotation of the main shaft produces far less vibration than

a reciprocating engine.
 Fewer moving parts than reciprocating engines results in lower
maintenance cost and higher reliability/availability over its service

 Greater reliability, particularly in applications where sustained

high power output is required.
Waste heat is dissipated almost entirely in the exhaust. This results
in a high-temperature exhaust stream that is very usable for boiling
water in a combined cycle, or for cogeneration.
 Lower peak combustion pressures than reciprocating engines in

 High shaft speeds in smaller "free turbine units", although larger
gas turbines employed in power generation operate at
 synchronous speeds.
  Low lubricating oil cost and consumption.
 Can run on a wide variety of fuels.

 Very low toxic emissions of CO and HC due to excess air, complete
combustion and no "quench" of the flame on cold surfaces.


  Less efficient than reciprocating engines at idle speed.

 Longer startup than reciprocating engines.
 Less responsive to changes in power demand compared
 with reciprocating engines.
  Characteristic whine can be hard to suppress.
 Core engine costs can be high due to use of exotic materials.
2- steam turbine

A steam turbine is a device that extracts thermal energy from

pressurized steam and uses it to do mechanical work on a rotating
output shaft. Its modern manifestation was invented by Sir
Charles Parsons in 1884.
Because the turbine generates rotary motion, it is particularly suited to
be used to drive an electrical generator – about 90% of all electricity
generation in the United States in the year 1996 was by use of steam
The steam turbine is a form of heat engine that derives much of its
improvement in thermodynamic efficiency from the use of multiple
stages in the expansion of the steam, which results in a closer
approach to the ideal reversible expansion process.

steam turbine

Principle of operation and design

An ideal steam turbine is considered to be an isentropic process, or

constant entropy process, in which the entropy of the steam entering
the turbine is equal to the entropy of the steam leaving the turbine.
No steam turbine is truly isentropic, however, with typical isentropic
efficiencies ranging from 20–90% based on the application of
the turbine.
The interior of a turbine comprises several sets of blades or buckets. One
set of stationary blades is connected to the casing and one set of
rotating blades is connected to the shaft. The sets intermesh with
certain minimum clearances, with the size and configuration of sets
varying to efficiently exploit the expansion of steam at each stage.
Practical thermal efficiency of a steam turbine varies with turbine size,
load condition, gap losses and friction losses. They reach top values up
to about 50% in a 1200 MW turbine and we use 250 MW in this station;
smaller ones have a lower efficiency.

Diagram of steam turbine

To maximize turbine efficiency the steam is expanded, doing work, in

a number of stages. These stages are characterized by how the energy
is extracted from them and are known as either impulse or reaction
Most steam turbines use a mixture of the reaction and impulse designs:
each stage behaves as either one or the other, but the overall turbine
uses both. Typically, lower pressure sections are reaction type and
higher pressure stages are impulse type
5- Generators

generator is a device that converts motive power (mechanical energy)

into electrical power for use in an external circuit. Sources of mechanical
energy include steam turbines, gas turbines, water turbines, internal
combustion engines and even hand cranks. The first electromagnetic
generator, the Faraday disk, was invented in 1831 by British
scientist Michael Faraday. Generators provide nearly all of the power
for electric power grids.

The reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is

done by an electric motor, and motors and generators have many
similarities. Many motors can be mechanically driven to generate
electricity and frequently make acceptable manual generators.

Specialized types of generator

Direct current (DC)

Homopolar generator
MHD generator
Alternating current (AC)

Induction generator
Linear electric generator
 Variable speed constant frequency generators
In this station the Generator is Induction generator

Induction AC motors may be used as generators, turning mechanical

energy into electric current. Induction generators operate by
mechanically turning their rotor faster than the synchronous speed,
giving negative slip. A regular AC asynchronous motor usually can be
used as a generator, without any internal modifications. Induction
generators are useful in applications such as minihydro power plants,
wind turbines, or in reducing high-pressure gas streams to lower
pressure, because they can recover energy with relatively simple
controls. They do not require an exciter circuit because the rotating
magnetic field is provided by induction from the stator circuit. They
also do not require speed governor equipment as they inherently
operate at the connected grid frequency.
To operate, an induction generator must be excited with a leading
voltage; this is usually done by connection to an electrical grid, or
sometimes they are self-excited by using phase correcting capacitors

6- transformers

A transformer is a static
electrical device that
transfers electrical
energy between two or
more circuits through
induction. A varying
current in one coil of
the transformer
produces a varying
magnetic field, which in
turn induces a varying
electromotive force
(emf) or "voltage" in a
second coil.

Electric transformer 13,7 kv/220 kv

Power can be transferred between the two coils, without a metallic
connection between the two circuits. Faraday's law of
induction discovered in 1831 described this effect. Transformers are
used to increase or decrease the alternating voltages in electric power


This transformer cooling with (OFAF) oil forced air forced

7- Power-system protection

Power-system protection is a branch of electrical power engineering that

deals with the protection of electrical power systems
from faults through the isolation of faulted parts from the rest of
the electrical network. The objective of a protection scheme is to keep
the power system stable by isolating only the components that are
under fault, whilst leaving as much of the network as possible still in
operation. Thus, protection schemes must apply a very pragmatic and
pessimistic approach to clearing system faults. The devices that are used
to protect the power systems from faults are called protection devices.
Current and voltage transformers to step down the high voltages
and currents of the electrical power system to convenient levels for
 the relays to deal with

Current transformer

Protective relays to sense the fault and initiate a trip,
or disconnection, order
Circuit breakers to open/close the system based on relay
and autorecloser commands
Batteries to provide power in case of power disconnection in
the system
 Communication channels to allow analysis of current and voltage at
 remote terminals of a line and to allow remote tripping of equipment

Protective relays
Types of protection

Generator sets
In a power plant, the protective relays are intended to prevent damage
to alternators or to the transformers in case of abnormal conditions of
operation, due to internal failures, as well as insulating failures or
regulation malfunctions. Such failures are unusual, so the protective
relays have to operate very rarely. If a protective relay fails to detect a
fault, the resulting damage to the alternator or to the transformer
might require costly equipment repairs or replacement, as well as
income loss from the inability to produce and sell energy.
Overload and back-up for distance (overcurrent)
Overload protection requires a current transformer which simply
measures the current in a circuit. There are two types of overload
protection: instantaneous overcurrent (IOC) and time overcurrent
(TOC). Instantaneous overcurrent requires that the current exceeds a
predetermined level for the circuit breaker to operate. Time overcurrent
protection operates based on a current vs time curve. Based on this
curve, if the measured current exceeds a given level for the preset
amount of time, the circuit breaker or fuse will operate. The function of
both types is explained in "Non-Directional Overcurrent Protection"
Earth fault ("ground fault" in the United States)
Earth fault protection also requires current transformers and senses an
imbalance in a three-phase circuit. Normally the three phase currents
are in balance, i.e. roughly equal in magnitude. If one or two phases
become connected to earth via a low impedance path, their magnitudes
will increase dramatically, as will current imbalance. If this imbalance
exceeds a pre-determined value, a circuit breaker should operate.
Restricted earth fault protection is a type of earth fault protection
which looks for earth fault between two sets of current transformers[4]
(hence restricted to that zone).
Distance (impedance relay)
Distance protection detects both voltage and current. A fault on a
circuit will generally create a sag in the voltage level. If the ratio of
voltage to current measured at the relay terminals, which equates to an
impedance, lands within a predetermined level the circuit breaker will
operate. This is useful for reasonably long lines, lines longer than 10
miles, because their operating characteristics are based on the line
characteristics. This means that when a fault appears on the line the
impedance setting in the relay is compared to the apparent impedance
of the line from the relay terminals to the fault. If the relay setting is
determined to be below the apparent impedance it is determined that
the fault is within the zone of protection. When the transmission line
length is too short, less than 10 miles, distance protection becomes
more difficult to coordinate. In these instances the best choice of
protection is current differential protection.
The objective of protection is to remove only the affected portion of
plant and nothing else. A circuit breaker or protection relay may fail to
operate. In important systems, a failure of primary protection will
usually result in the operation of back-up protection. Remote back-up
protection will generally remove both the affected and unaffected items
of plant to clear the fault. Local back-up protection will remove the
affected items of the plant to clear the fault.

Advantages of protected devices with these three basic components
include safety, economy, and accuracy.

 Safety: Instrument transformers create electrical isolation

from the power system, and thus establishing a safer

environment for personnel working with the relays.
 Economy: Relays are able to be simpler, smaller, and

cheaper given lower-level relay inputs.
 Accuracy: Power system voltages and currents are
accurately reproduced by instrument transformers over
large operating ranges.
8- Distributed control system (DCS)

is a computerised control system for a process or plant usually with a

large number of control loops, in which autonomous controllers are
distributed throughout the system, but there is central operator
supervisory control. This is in contrast to non-distributed control
systems that use centralised controllers; either discrete controllers
located at a central control room or within a central computer. The DCS
concept increases reliability and reduces installation costs by localising
control functions near the process plant, with remote monitoring and

Distributed control systems DCS

Scada system
Distributed control systems first emerged in large, high value, safety
critical process industries, and were attractive because the DCS
manufacturer would supply both the local control level and central
supervisory equipment as an integrated package, thus reducing design
integration risk. Today the functionality of SCADA and DCS systems are
very similar, but DCS tends to be used on large continuous process
plants where high reliability and security is important, and the control
room is not geographically remote.

9- Gas Insulated Substation GIS

A gas insulated substation (GIS) is a high voltage substation in which

the major structures are contained in a sealed environment with sulfur
hexafluoride gas as the insulating medium. GIS technology originated in
Japan, where there was a substantial need to develop technology to
make substations as compact as possible. The clearance required for
phase to phase and phase to ground for all equipment is much lower
than that required in an air insulated substation; the total space
required for a GIS is 10% of that needed for a conventional substation.

Gas insulated substations

Gas insulated substations offer other advantages in addition to the
reduced space requirements. Because the substation is enclosed in a
building, a GIS is less sensitive to pollution, as well as salt, sand or
large amounts of snow. Although the initial cost of building a GIS is
higher than building an air insulated substation, the operation and
maintenance costs of a GIS are less

10- busbar
is a metallic strip or bar, typically housed inside switchgear, panel
boards, and busway enclosures for local high current power distribution.
They are also used to connect high voltage equipment at electrical
switchyards, and low voltage equipment in battery banks. They are
generally uninsulated, and have sufficient stiffness to be supported in air
by insulated pillars. These features allow sufficient cooling of the
conductors, and the ability to tap in at various points without creating a
new joint.

11- References

1- Training officials at Jamjara power plant in Benha

2- Sonntag, Richard E.; Borgnakke, Claus (2006). Introduction

to engineering thermodynamics (Second ed.). John Wiley. ISBN

3- A Stodola (1927) Steam and Gas Turbines. McGraw-Hill

4- D'Andrea, Raffaello (9 September 2003). "Distributed Control Design

for Spatially Interconnected Systems". IEEE Transactions on Automatic

5- Thomas, John Meurig (1991). Michael Faraday and the

Royal Institution: The Genius of Man and Place. Bristol: Hilger.
p. 51. ISBN 0750301457.

6- Mack, James E.; Shoemaker, Thomas (2006). "Chapter 15 - Distribution

Transformers"(PDF). The Lineman's and Cableman's Handbook (11th
ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 15–1 to 15–22. ISBN 0-07-146789-0.

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