Ms Sudhansu Sekhar Bhanju G s155 Revision - 06 4

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Contractor Competency assessment form (Star rating system) - Annexure "8"

Form No:SAFETY/FORMS/CSM/08 Revision No:06 Effective Date :20 th Feb 2023

Organization name M/S SUDHANSU SEKHAR BHANJA Assessment team : Bureau Veritas Industrial Services India Pvt. Ltd. (BVIS)
Contractor Proprietor
Mr. SUDHANSU SEKHAR BHANJA Team Leader : Tanweer Ahmad Raza
Organization Registered Tanweer Ahmad Raza
TSL representatives (CA/
CO /Mentor / Local safety Date of Assessment 05-01-2024,10:30 AM
CO - Mr.ARPIT KHUNTIA & Mr. Debashish Mohanty
Vendor Code S155 Comments by Assessor : Last assessment done on - 22/02/2023

Work Order No.1: 3800018469/118 Department : Civil project CO Name: Mr.ARPIT KHUNTIA

Active work order Work Order No.2: 3800019782/118 Department : Infrastructure CO Name: Mr. Debashish Mohanty
numbers with
Department Work Order No.3: Department : CO Name:

Work Order No.4: Department : CO Name:

Audit Location: Central fire station TSK

Risk Parameter: (Risk of P High Risk :

job where contractors to P Low Risk : # During opening meeting Mr. ARPIT KHUNTIA ( Manager) was

be engaged) present during the entire assessment and during site visit.
Both :
# During opening meeting Mr. SUDHANSU SEKHAR BHANJA ( TSP
Type of Contract /997176/1223) Mr.SANJAY KUMAR JENA(TSP/779025/0823) Mr.
Manpower contract BHAKTAPRIYA NILAKANTA PADHY ( TSP/849977/0923), from M/S
SUDHANSU SEKHAR BHANJA were present during the entire
Supervision contract P assessment and during site visit.
Set apart contract
Transient contract
Other Services

Tick the type of work the company is capable of undertaking :

Civil, Structural & Building
Lifting equipment Maintenance and Services Utility Services
Electrical Maintenance and
Cleaning Services Mechanical Maintenance and services
Instrumentation Calibration Transportation and Material
Catering Services
and Testing Handling
Waste materials / slag /
Manpower supply Mining related activity
reclaiming & disposal

Lifting, Loading, Unloading,

Road maintenance Rail maintenance
feeding & packaging


1.What is total manpower strength of your organisation working in Tata Steel? 32

1.1. Number of Supervisors and their qualifications (Attach list): 3

1.2. Number of certified and skilled employees (Please attach list of employee with skill level): 9
1.3. Number of unskilled employees: Unskill-23
Order valid from- 08.08.2022 to 31.12.2023
1.4. Number of Site Safety Supervisors and their qualifications (Attach list): 1 3800019782/118
Order valid from- 24.07.2023 to 23.07.2023
2.Total Value of Contract in currency as applicable with Tata Steel: Example in Rupees: (less than 5 Lacs / 5 to more than 1 crore (1.8
25 lac/ 25 lac to 1 crore, and above 1 crore If more than 1 crore, mention exact value ). Crore )

3. Name of the departments/locations where you are currently engaged in Tata Steel: PROJECT
4. Organisational Structure of your organisation: (e.g. MD, GM, Managers etc.) Available

Evaluation Criterion for Star Rating and Safety Performance Evaluation

0 = Process not yet started/ No System.

1 = Poor- Weak Safety system and process, weak or no system of Lead Indicator identification, reporting and compliance monitoring; little awareness; minimal or no ownership
and commitment. (Survival)
2 = Reasonable- Some system & process exist; inconsistent system of Lead Indicator identification, reporting and compliance monitoring; awareness may be present, but
implementation of this aspect is haphazard or not evident at all. (Reactive stage)
3 = Good- Safety Management system & process exist and documented; improving trend of system of Lead Indicator identification, reporting and compliance monitoring; system
is implemented at the minimum levels; ownership and commitment visible at some extent. (Dependent stage)

4 = Very Good- H&S Management System is addressed systematically, documented and updated regularly, reaching the respective targets regularly; good system of Lead Indicator
identification, reporting and compliance monitoring; integration with other activities is at high levels; felt and visible ownership and commitment. (Independent stage)

5 = Excellent- Can be recognised as a leader in this particular aspect of the H&S Management System; everyone is involved and high levels of integration and ownership &
commitment are demonstrated.; continuous improvement is evident. (Interdependent stage)

Assessment Frequency: Once in two years(within 24months) for the 4 & 5-Star rated vendors and once in a year(within 12 months) for 3 -Star rated Vendors from the date of the previous assessment .
Assessment reports must be logged in ‘ENSAFE-IT SYSTEM’ by the CA/ CO within 4 days after receiving report from central safety team. [Refer to DOC. NO.: SAFETY/PROC/CSM/ 01, SAFETY/PROC/CSM/ 02]
NOTE: [(5 Star- 850-1000), (4 Star-750-849), (3 Star-650-749), (2 Star- 550-649), (1 Star- 450- 549), (No Star- Less than 450)]
All the requirements will be evaluated in a scale of 0 to 5 which will be weighted for Star rating score calculation.
Evaluation status
AttributesSN Criteria Requirements Guideline for audit Expected Aspects Actual score Remarks
( on the 0 to 5 )
1.1 Safety & Health Management System 0. 0% :No system exists. # No system exists- no policy , no organization structure.
(Policy & Principles, Safety Manuals, 1. 20% : Documented Safety and Health #Documented Safety and Health management system Documented Safety & Health Management System in place.
Safety Organization) (Safety manuals – management system exists and exists and organizational structure exists- safety manual Safety Manual available vide Doc. No.SSB/TSL/CSM/01, Rev.01 dated 13.10.23, with signed by concern
(Look for HIRA or JHA document, Legal organizational structure exists. (policy, procedure, objectives,OCP,hazard & risk authority.
compliance system, Emergency Planning assessment-GRA/HIRA, JHA, SWP,SOP, emergency HSE Policy available with effective date 13.10.2023 and signed by propriter.
system, Safety dash board, Safety audit preparedness & response plan), organization structure Safety Principle available. Objectives are set and declared.
& review system, Operational control, (roles and responsibility , competence management) Safety Organisation Structure available.
Asset Management). HIRA available for 01 activities prepared by vendor & approved by concern department.
01nos. of SWP provided by TSK for all activities as per existing Work Order.
01 nos. of JHA prepared by the vendor for all activities considering the requirement of PPEs, Tools & tackles and
Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan available with few scenarios without flow chart & mock drill system. (
Note:- Needs to revised.)
Safety Dash Board maintained on monthly basis and displayed at site. Dec-23
All legal documents (Labour License, PF, ESI, etc.) available with a Compliance System.
Labour License no. JRD-1300 ,valid up to 31.03.2024
Documented Asset Management System in place with a list of office stationeries and tools tackles &
2. 40% : Regular Audits done through # Regular Audits done through Internal & External Audit plan available for Severity Audit, PPE Audit, Tools & Tackles Audit, Housekeeping Audit, etc.
Internal & External agencies. agencies- audit done at planned interval either internal or Contractor Safety Audit conducted by supervisors on weekly basis and reports available with 1, 2, & 3 severity
2 20
external in reference to requirements / criteria violations. (Field audit
(CSMS,OHSAS OR other safety management system) reports available Month of Aug-23 to Sep-23). Date are not mentioned in site severity audit,& CAPA not
External audit on CSMS Safety Management System conducted by the external agency, M/s. S&P SAFETY
SOLUTIONS JAJPUR in 02-01-2023. Certificate not available.
Self assessment (Anx-08- Rev.05 ) audit conducted by vendor on 15.11.23 and no verified by CO
3. 60%: Evidence exists for Corrective and #Evidence exists for Corrective and Preventive action CAPA of Audit observations (severity cases) not done for severity 3 type cases.
Preventive action taken along with taken along with improvement regularly- based on audit No Evidence exists for Corrective and Preventive action taken along with improvement regularly- based on audit
improvement regularly. presence of corrective and preventive action along with presence of corrective and preventive action along with root cause analysis.
root cause analysis. Analysis not done for improvement of the audit findings and prevent the repetition of similar type

4. 80%: Continuous improvement in the # Continuous improvement in the system based on Continuous improvement in the system based on feedback of Audits - improvement in objective (leading &
system based on feedback of Audits. feedback of Audits - improvement in objective (leading & lagging indicator) & evidence of continual improvement trend system needs to be developed.
lagging indicator), & evidence of continual improvement Trend of Continual Improvement not Visisble.
5. 100% participation of all employees along # participation of all employees along with all of above - Vendor complied all the above mentioned points.
with all of above. evidence of participation in tool box talk, safety meeting, Apart from that, employees participation in Tool Box Talks, Safety Meetings, Safety Campaigns, Safety Quiz,
safety campaign, safety quiz, safety competition etc. Safety Competitions, etc. are evident
1.2 Documented procedure on selection, 0. 0% :No system exists. # No system exists - No procedure for selection and
deployment of skilled and Certified deployment of skilled and Certified employees
employees. Job description, Roles & 1. 20% : Benefit of Safety Certification given # Benefit of Safety Certification given at the time of Documented procedure for selection and deployment of skilled employees available.
Responsibilities to be available at the time of employment employment - whether safety supervisor, project Qualified Safety Supervisor ) Mr. BHAKTAPRIYA NILAKANTA PADHY with PDIS certificates.(
mentioning safety as one of the manager have undergone any formal certified safety Skilled employees assessment done by Tata Steel for all level of site supervisors and workers as a mandatory
mandatory requirement (Which courses (OHSAS, NEBOSH,RLI/CLI courses, diploma in part of Gate Pass issue formalities.
institute ,Type of skill training like industrial safety, Tata Steel courses) Safety a mandatory requirement mentioned in appointment letter evidenced.
Mechanical, Electrical etc..) Project manager / Proprietor has not undergone any certified safety course.

2. 40% : Existing Personnel encouraged # Existing Personnel encouraged undertaking safety

undertaking safety courses. courses - company initiated , sponsored safety training. Company sponsored any safety course / training to not done any existing employees.

3. 60% : Safety a mandatory requirement for # Safety a mandatory requirement for engaging all Safety a mandatory requirement for engaging all employees Top mentioned in selection procedure.
1 10
engaging all employees. employees - safety aspect in job description, Safety a mandatory requirement mentioned in appointment letters. Letter of Mr.BHAKTAPRIYA NILAKANTA
appointment/employment contract. PADHY designation, Safety Supervisor dated 20.08.2023 evident. SSB/AP/023.
Safety aspects not mentioned in individual job descriptions of all level of employees in selection procedure.

4. 80% : Documented Safety certification # Documented Safety certification requirement beyond a Project manager / Proprietor has not undergone any certified safety course.
requirement beyond a certain level in the certain level in the hierarchy - safety certification course Safety certification required beyond a certain level (Safety Personnel) in the Hierarchy not mentioned in
hierarchy. by safety supervisor project manager & above. selection procedure.

5. 100% : Positions beyond a certain level # Positions beyond a certain level can be occupied by Safety certification required beyond a certain level (Safety Personnel) in the Hierarchy not mentioned in
can be occupied by personnel having personnel having exemplary safety records and having selection procedure.
exemplary safety records and having safety safety certification - evidence of safety competence of No Safety performance award, reward, etc. received from Tata Steel, Kalinganagr .
certification. top management , excellent safety record.

1.3 Documents showing safety planning 0. 0% : No system exists. # No JHA in place

process for safe execution of jobs- JHA 1. 20% : Job hazard Analysis exists for 25 % # 20% Job takes into account of JHA, but no corrective
document, Audit plans, planning for of the jobs. No evidence of preventive and and preventive measures in place
1.Pla tools & equipments,Job execution plan, corrective measures at site.
nnin work permit system, Method statement 2. 40% : Job hazard Analysis exists for 50 % # 40% Job takes into account of JHA, but no corrective
g of of the jobs. No evidence of preventive and and preventive measures in place
Safet corrective measures at site
Syste 3. 60% : Job hazard Analysis exists for 50 % # 60% Job takes into account of JHA, with preventive
m& of the jobs. The jobs are well planned and measures planned potential hazard identified
Proc evidence exists of Safety features at site to
ess counter the Hazards identified.
4 40
1.3 Documents showing safety planning
process for safe execution of jobs- JHA
document, Audit plans, planning for
1.Pla tools & equipments,Job execution plan,
nnin work permit system, Method statement
g of

4. 80% : Job hazard Analysis exists for 75 % # 80% Job takes into account of JHA, with preventive 4 40 JHA available for 100% of total job as per Work Order.
of the jobs. The jobs are well planned and measures planned potential hazard identified Jobs are well planned as mentioned in JHAs.
evidence exists of Safety features at site to Corrective and Preventive measures against potential hazards consider in JHAs.
counter the Hazards identified. Audit Plan available and being followed.
Planning for tools & equipment considered in JHAs considered for respective jobs.
Job execution plan available for selective jobs.
Work permit system in place and being followed. Permit No.5298610 dated 04.01.2023 checked.( Civil Project)
Method Statement related to running not available.
Interaction with employees at site site employees they aware not awear about JHA.
TSP/980358/1123,TSP/787554/0823, TSP779031/0823, TSP/881296/0923, TSP/779028/0823,
5. 100% : Job hazard Analysis exists for 100 # 100% Job takes into account of JHA, with preventive
% of the jobs. The jobs are well planned and measures planned potential hazard identified
1.4 System and processes for training on evidence
0. 0% :Noexists of Safety
system features
or process at site
exists. # No system or process exists -
Safety standard, Behavioural based, Job 1. 20 %: Documented system and process # Documented system and process exists along with Documented training procedure clearly defined in manual.
specific, skill development, emergency exists along with training organizational training organizational structure and infrastructure - Training Organizational Structure (Plan, Course Modules, Materials, Trainer, etc.) mentioned in training
preparedness for employees and structure and infrastructure. Organization has defined personnel for training , training procedure.
supervisors. infrastructure Training infrastructure (rooms, sitting facility, chalk board, visual display, etc.) available.
Safety Person & site Incharge is the defined trainer for all type of safety trainings.
Training Need Identification (TNI) made for all individual category employees.
Documented Training Matrix made considering the requirement of trainings based on all related works as per
the Work Order, JHA and SOP.
2. 40 %: Along with above a training records # Along with above, training records maintained on all Training
Trainingscalendar / plan made
are conducted as perto cover
the planall
recordssafety trainings
maintained as per (Plan)TNI.
as attendance sheet.
maintained on all SOPs. SOPs - Training on SOP given with evidence/record. Trainings for all respectiveSTF, EPRP,Matterial handling,Vichle fire protection,Cleaning and maintences of
PPEs,Uder utility safety, JHA, BBS,Generic safety polisy, Road safety Job specifc training, SWP, are conducted as
2 20 per plan.
Training for other supervisors conducted separately / combinedly with workers and records available.

3. 60%: Along with above SOPs getting # Along with above SOPs getting revised based on General training feedback / suggestion system not in place.
revised based on feedback continuously feedback continuously - revision on SOP based on 1. Date - Topic - suggestion
feedback (training effectiveness) Subject oriented training feedback / suggestion system not in place.
1. Date - Topic - suggestion
Revision of SOP not available. Revision of SOP based on training feedback not done till date.
4. 80%: Along with above pictorial SOPs # Along with above pictorial SOPs displayed at site in
displayed at site in regional languages for regional languages for better understanding of all
Pictorial SOP in English / Hindi / Odia language available and displayed at site evident during site visit.
better understanding of all employees. employees - pictorial display of SOP (in regional language)

5. 100%: Along with the above employees # Along with the above employees display an exemplary
Understanding of employees regarding SOP (during site visit) visible.
display an exemplary understanding of all understanding of all SOPs at site - interview / discuss
Supervisor- Mr.U.S.KAMESHWER SAHOO & Mr. Smartui Ranjan Sahho
SOPs at site. during site visit.
1.5 System for two way communication 0. 0% : No system or process exists. # No system of communication
(Top – Bottom – Top) between 1. 20 %: Documented system and process # Documented system is in place for internal Documented system of two way communication mentioned in manual as Line Walk, Mass Meeting and TBT.
contractor leadership and their exists for communication between all levels communication. MoM available as record/display in Safety Meetings / Safety Committe Meetings / Safety Review Meetings, are conducted on monthly basis and last
workforce (Proprietor engagement in of Contractor leadership and their workforce. office meeting conducted on 01.12.2023
line walk, Safety meeting etc.). Visual displays MoM of meetings and action MOM of safety meetings available as record with discussion points.
taken reports. Mass meetings conducted on monthly basis and last mass meeting conducted on 11.12.2023
Report available with discussion points & employees feedback / suggestion evidanced.
Actionable feed back / suggestion given by site employees during Mass Meetings,not available.

2. 40 %: Along with the above evidence exists # Documented system is in place. Evidence of Leadership Line walks conducted by leadership team / Proprietor along with respective TSL department representatives on
of leadership team visits and discussions and team visit, discussion and action exist monthly basis. Last Line Walk conducted on 25.12.2023
action. Record of line walk maintained along with photographs.
3 30 Discussion points and action taken during line walk recorded with compliance status.
Actionable feed back / suggestion given by site employees during Line Walks. No
evidence exist feedback and communication on action
3. 60%: Along with the above evidence exists # Along with above top management involvement in Implementation of all raised points given during Line Walks done with status of implementation recorded.
of leadership team and the proprietor visits implementation action exist (evidence is must) Vendor top management & locational Incharge involved in action to comply the raised and / or discussion
and discussions and action points during Line Walks and Mass Meetings.
No evidence exist feedback and communication on action

4. 80%: Along with above record of # Along with evidence exist feedback and No evidence exist feedback and communication on action
improvements undertaken as a result of such communication on action
communication and feedback
5. 100%: Along with the above recognition # Along with above reward/recognition mechanism exists
and reward for participants for such for participation/ suggestion on action (evidence/record)
communication exists
2.1 Capability of Workforce, (Skilled, # Deployment of Skilled & certified vendor a) Deployment of below 70% certified employees at
Certified Competent Supervisor, Site employees ( supervisors, site safety site, Score - 0 marks
Safety Supervisors and manpower supervisors and workman as per the job b) Deployment of 70- 90 % certified employees at Deployment of 100 % certified employees at site by JNTVTI, out of which 00 % of employees done their
etc.) Verify through site visit and requirements ) from JNTVTI or other TSL site & having up to 15-30% employee in gold & certification in gold and platinum.
Interview. approved institutions. platinum proficiency : Score - 10 marks Total skill assessment 32 is out of which 0 employees have got skill certification in gold category and 0 have got
skill certification in platinum & Remaining man power, silver-32
c) Deployment of 90- 100% certified employees at 0 0
site with right skill in right job & having 30-50 %
employee in gold & platinum proficiency Score- 20
2.1 Capability of Workforce, (Skilled, # Deployment of Skilled & certified vendor
Certified Competent Supervisor, Site employees ( supervisors, site safety
Safety Supervisors and manpower supervisors and workman as per the job
etc.) Verify through site visit and requirements ) from JNTVTI or other TSL
Interview. approved institutions.

0 0

d) Deployment of 100% certified employees at site

with right skill in right job & having more than 50 % `
employee in gold & platinum proficiency Score- 25
# Hazard identification and Risk a) Inadequate hazard identification and poor
assessment :Inclusion of site specific , job implementation of safety measures mentioned in work
specific and adequate six directional permit, Score – 0 marks
hazard in Work permit .Job Hazard b) Inclusion of Job specific, site specific hazards &
Analysis by contractor supervisors safety measures mentioned and addressed
.Learnings from JHA incorporating in ‘SOP’ adequately in work permit , Score – 5 marks

c) Job specific, site specific hazards and safety 10 10

measures mentioned adequately in work permit and Adequate hazard identification and implementation of safety measures mentioned in work permit. Permit No.
known to the working group. Score – 10 marks 957723 dated 05-01-2023 checked.(Pallet plant loading Track )
Adequate six directional hazards considered in current Work Permits and followed accordingly.
Employees aware about the SOPs and JHAs, verified by discussion with them during site visit.
Site supervisors are capable to identify hazards as per the SOP and JHA checked by discussion with them.
1.Excavator operator- Mr. Rajib Kumar Behera- 2. Excavator operator- Mr. Sayed Akram Raja

# Compliance to deployment of applicable a) Non-compliance captured with respect to applicable

safety standards at site as mentioned in safety standard , SOP and permit system , Score - 0
“SOP” and permit system marks
b) Non-compliance captured with respect to only one
aspect ( applicable safety standard , SOP or work
permit system)Score - 10 marks

c) 100% compliance to applicable safety standards , 15 15 100% compliance to safety standards and ‘SOP’ are followed at site, checked during site visit.
‘SOP’ & work permit system , Score - 15 marks 1. Job in progress by following the SOP guidelines and Work Permit conditions.
2. All workers including site supervisor has followed the basic safety standards, evident during the activity.
3. Awareness of some employees and supervisors on SOP in plant is satisfactory, verified by discussion with
1.Excavator operator- Mr. Rajib Kumar Behera-
2.HMV Driver- Bharat Chandra Mahanta
2.2 Conducting Tool box ,mass meeting # Conducting Tool Box meetings daily at all a) In adequate records on Toolbox meetings
regularly and leadership engagement( sites of location by site supervisors , site and participation below 80% in Tool Box In adequate records on Toolbox meetings site employees Name & Signed not mentioned In TBM records.
Contractor proprietor line walk). safety supervisors . meetings, Score – 0 marks
(Verify through Records , Interview & b) Maintaining adequate records & 100% participation
0 0
site visit) of work men & supervisors in Tool Box meetings,
Score – 10 marks
c) Compliance of tool box meeting points being
captured & reviewed ,Score – 20 marks
# Participation of Proprietor / Locational in a) Below 80% compliance of monthly line walk
charge in Line walks and Monthly mass & mass meeting, Score - 0 marks
meetings and maintaining records b) Monthly compliance of line walk & safety mass Monthly compliance of line walk & safety mass meeting & record available.
meeting & record available - 10 marks
c) Monthly compliance of line walk by proprietor being 10 10
captured in E Proc (IT system)) & mass meeting Monthly line walk conducted by proprietor and line walk not logged in E Proc system
record available -15 marks
d) compliance of line walk & mass meeting points , 20
# Effectiveness of line walk , tool -box a) Compliance of learning of the Incidents of the Compliance of learning of the Incidents of the department /division /location,is Less than 80%
meeting & safety mass meeting department /division /location , is less than 80%– 0
b) Compliance of learning of the Incidents of the
department /division /location , compliance is 80- 0 0
94%%– 5marks
c) Compliance of Learning of the Incidents of the
department /division /location , compliance is more
than 95%– 10 marks
2.3 Providing & ensuring usage of # Hazard mapping with respect to location a) Hazard mapping not available ,score – 0
standard (IS/EN) and right PPEs while specific and usage of applicable and marks
performing the job. Ensure timely standard PPEs by contractor employees at b) Availability of Hazard mapping with the current job
replacements. (Verify through site visit working site requirements but non-compliance related to use of
and Interview). PPE observed, score – 10 marks 20 20
c) Availability of Hazard mapping and 100% employees
using required and standard PPE ,score – 20 marks Hazard mapping done for required PPEs with respect to location specific jobs as per the Work Order.
100 % employees using required and standard job specific PPEs during the job, evident during site visit.

# Physical condition of PPE using by a) Some of employees using defective PPE ,

employees at working site score - 0 marks
20 20
b) 100% employees using non defective PPE ,score - Physical condition of PPEs using by the employees at working site are of right quality and defective free.
20 marks
# Regular audits on usage of PPE by a) Poor compliance on Audits on PPE usage
supervisors and review of PPE quality and and review , score – 0 marks
improvements by vendor b) Regular audits by supervisors with specified 0 0 Regular audits on usage of PPEs done by vendor with PEE check list but No improvement.
frequency and review by vendor on monthly basis ,
score – 10 marks
2.4 Providing & ensuring safe usage of # Availability and usage of applicable and a) List of Standard, applicable Tools &
standard, certified and right tools & standard tools & tackles by contractor at Tackles not available , score – 0 marks
tackles, equipment’s and calibrated working site b) List of Standard, applicable Tools & Tackles
safety gadgets (e.g. Gas detectors) available but non-compliance observed at site, score – 20
while performing the job. (Verify 10 marks
through Records and Site visit)
2.4 Providing & ensuring safe usage of # Availability and usage of applicable and
standard, certified and right tools & standard tools & tackles by contractor at
tackles, equipment’s and calibrated working site
safety gadgets (e.g. Gas detectors) 20
while performing the job. (Verify
through Records and Site visit) c) List of 100% Standard, applicable Tools & Tackles
available and no non-compliance observed score – 20 List of 100% Standard, applicable Tools & Tackles and equipments available and being used at site.
# Physical condition & legal compliance of a)Legal compliance not followed and poor
applicable tools-tackles & equipment at condition of Tools & Tackles , score – 0
working site ( As applicable) marks
b) 100% Legal compliance being followed and all the 20 20 Legal compliance being followed by vendor for all tools & tackles used at site.
Tools & Tackles are defective free ,score - 20 marks All the Tools & Tackles are defective free (evident during site visit),Test certificate available. evident.
Equipments- MRS/2023/D-80-A12/TATA-S.S. BHANJA/TC 1 Valid up to 20.OCT.2024.

# Tools & Tackles based audit by a) Poor compliance of audits and review ,
contractor's supervisors (site verification) score – 0 marks
b) Regular audits by supervisors with specified 0 0
frequency and review by vendor on monthly basis , Regular audit of tools-tackles & equipment not conducted by supervisors.only checklist maintained.
score – 10 marks
2.5 Ensuring a good housekeeping free # Working sites house keeping maintained a) Poor house keeping at site ,score – 0
from any slip / trip / fall hazards at in systematic approach .Material storage marks 15
working sites. (Verify through site visit) area, stores area and rest sheds b) 100% compliance to excellent House keeping at site
House keeping at working site is good and maintained, evident during site visit.
orderliness maintained. Free from Slip / , storage & contractor shed , score – 15 marks
# Implementation of 1S ,2S at site. a) Concept of 1S & 2S not followed , score
– 0 marks 15 15
b) Deployment of 1S & 2S at site, storage & contractor Deployment of 1S & 2S at site,
shed ,score - 15 marks
#and approach for 5S concept at working a) Poor compliance of audits and review ,
sites . Check list developed on 5s and score – 0 marks
being followed regularly b) Regular audits by supervisors with specified
frequency and review by vendor on monthly basis , Regular audits by supervisors with specified frequency and review by vendor on monthly basis not evidanced.
score – 10 marks 0 0

C) Concept of 5 S & Visual workplace management is Concept of 5 S not visible. Regular audits by site safety supervisors with specified frequency with 5S check list
deployed , score -20 marks and compliance report of audit's available & review by vendor on monthly basis not evidanced. Only 5S check
list maintained.
2.6 Self-Safety Initiative / Project by # System of safety improvement projects a) System not exist and poor engagement of
contractor for Safety Improvement exist and known to 100% supervisors. top leadership ,score – 0 marks
Involvement of top management in self b) System exist for capturing suggestions by System of safety improvement projects exist. But no action taken
initiated safety projects (record of no. of
employees and other stake holders related to safety 10 10
suggestion received, no. of suggestion improvement projects & involvement of top leadership
implementation, resource provision) in implementation of safety improvement projects
.score – 10 marks
# Safety improvement projects implemented a) Less than 4 nos of safety improvement
at working sites projects in a year – 0 marks
0 0
b) Minimum 4 safety improvement projects Below 4 nos of safety improvement projects in a year .
implemented - 20 marks
# Safety projects to improve system a) Less than 2 nos of system related safety
related gaps improvement projects in a year, score -0 Less than 2 nos of system related safety improvement projects.
b) Minimum 2 nos. System related safety improvement
project implemented , score - 10 marks 0 0

c) Confirmation of Implementation of all types of

safety improvement projects in field by CO /TSL Safety projects to improve system related gaps safety improvement projects by CO /TSL representative
representative & assessor, score -20 marks evidanced.

3.1 Contractor safety audit by 0. 0% -System does not exists # No safety audit done
thecontractors' supervisor andsite 1. 20%-Regular self-audits not done. # Safety audit done on adhoc basis (no audit plan, no
safety supervisors inthefield.(Verify checklist)
records) 2. 40% -Audit done occasionally but no # Safety audit done with no record
Self safety audits not done as per plan and reports available without CAPA.
record found
3. 60% -Regular audit done but record # Safety audit done as per plan, but no record 2 16 CAPA of severity 3 cases are not done by the vendors.
not in place.
4. 80%-Regular audit done, record is in # Safety audit done as per plan, report available with
CAPA of severity 1 &2 cases are not done by the vendors.
place with follow up action. CAPA
5. 100%-The same points are not # Safety audit findings are not repetitive (effectiveness of Self safety audit findings are of repetitive / same type as mentioned in severity audit reports, as PPE violation,
recurred in the next audit audit) Housekeeping issues, etc.
Effectiveness of audit is not proper.
3.2 Corrective and preventive action on self- 0. 0%: No system exists. # No CAPA No CAPA
audit report specifically on 4 & 5 1. 20%: System for identification of # CAPA covers unsafe practices of severity 4&5
severity potential. (Verify records & site unsafe practices of severity 4 & 5 exists.
visit) 2. 40%: Structured review mechanism for # Review of CAPA of unsafe practices of severity 4&5
3. 60%: Systematic process of correction # Systematic process of correction of all unsafe practices
of all unsafe practices of severity 3, 4 & 5 of severity 3, 4 & 5 exists. 0 0
4. 80%-There is no unsafe practice of # No unsafe practice of severity 4 & 5 observed by
No unsafe practice of severity 4 & 5 observed during field audit.
severity 4 & 5 observed during filed visit. auditor during filed visit at the time of assessment.
5. 100%-Procedure violations of severity # Procedure violations of severity 3 does not exists
3 does not exists Procedure violations of severity 3 exist as mentioned in severity audit reports, as Housekeeping issues, etc.

3.3 Compliance to Generic and Specific 0- 0%- Basic deviation of PPE observed # Basic deviation of PPE observed Basic deviation of PPEs are not observed at site during visit.
Safety clauses as per contract. (Verify 1- 20%-Generic safety clauses have been # Generic safety clauses have been followed Generic safety clauses have been followed by the vendor.
through site visit and Interview based followed
2- 40%-Specific safety clauses with # Specific safety clauses with reference to hierarchy of Specific safety clauses with reference to hierarchy of hazard controls are followed.
on some Work order).
reference to hierarchy of hazard control is hazard control is followed
3- 60%-Safety violation with respect to # Safety violation with respect to workforce capability Safety violation with respect to workforce capability not evident during site visit.
5 30
workforce capability does not exists does not exists
4- 80%-Infrastructure resources tools & # Infrastructure resources tools & tackles are provided Infrastructure resources tools & tackles are provided with right quality as per the job conducted, evident during
tackles are provided with right quality with right quality site visit.
3.3 Compliance to Generic and Specific
Safety clauses as per contract. (Verify
through site visit and Interview based
on some Work order).

5 30

5- 100%-Process of doing job has been # Process of doing job has been standardized and
standardized and followed and learning and followed and learning and integration approach is visible Process of doing job has been standardized as per JHA / SOP and followed.
integration approach is visible
4.1 Reporting, investigation and learning of 0- No system of reporting incident and # No system of reporting incident and health issues
all incident / accident, Health issue. healthAdhoc
1- issuesand weak system available # Adhoc and weak system available
2- A documented procedure for reporting # A documented procedure for reporting of incidences Documented procedure of incident / accident and health issues mentioned in manual with reporting formats.
of incidences exists and followed and exists and followed and investigation carried out
investigation carried out
3- Reporting and investigations done # Reporting and investigations done systematically and No First-aid case, incident and health issue are occurred till date.
4 32
systematically and root causes are identified root causes are identified

4- Recommendations are implemented # Recommendations are implemented and learning Learning from other incidents happened on dated 31.05.2023 at TSL, Sukinda chromite mine and shaerd on
and learning shared shared 28.08.2023, Recommendations are implemented and learning shared.
5- Learning from other incidents shared # Learning from other incidents shared and implemented
and implemented
4.2 Near miss and Unsafe act / condition 0- No system of reporting incident and # No system of reporting near miss & unsafe act/
reporting, investigation and corrective health issues condition
action. 1- Adhoc and weak system available # Adhoc and weak system available
2- A documented procedure for reporting # A documented procedure for reporting of Near miss Documented procedure of Near Miss & Unsafe Acts / Unsafe Conditions mentioned in manual with reporting
of Near miss exists and followed and exists and followed and investigation carried out formats.
investigation carried out
3- Reporting and investigations done # Reporting and investigations done systematically and Total 02 nos. of near miss cases reported during current FY2023 . Last case reported by Mr. BHAKTAPRIYA
systematically and root causes are identified root causes are identified 4 32 NILAKANTA PADHY, designation S.S on 29.10.2023
Reporting of near miss done vide TSL / own format and not logged in TSL ENSAFE system.
Investigation of near miss done systematically and root causes are identified.
4- Recommendations are implemented # Recommendations are implemented and learning Recommendations of own near miss cases are implemented.
and learning shared shared Learnings of own last near miss case shared in 11.12.2023 on Mass meeting.
5- Learning from other near miss shared # Learning from other near miss shared and implemented Learning of other agency's near miss cases are not shared.
and implemented
4.3 Skill retention, amenities, employees 0- No system. No amenities and high # No system of skill retention System of skill retention are mentioned in manual.
liability etc. (Verify through records and skilled employees turnover # No amenities provided High skilled employee(s) turnover not evident.
Interview) # High employee turnover No. of employees left the company in current FY2023.
1- Amenities provided and it is of # Amenities provided is of minimum requirement Basic amenities provided by TSK and maintained by the agency.
minimum requirement
2- Employees are motivated and remain # Employees are motivated to remain in the organization Employee motivational programme documented in manual and followed.
with the organization Employees are not motivated to remain in the organization, since 2022 (1.nos). of high skilled employees left
the company in current FY.
Last high skilled employee (Mr.Parshant Jena designation- Safety Officer) left the company on 2023.
Employees are motivated to remain in the organization.
3 24
3- Employees grievances are recorded and # Employee grievance are recorded and considered for Employee Grievance record available.
individual consideration is given action Employee Grievances are recorded and considered for action.
1. Rest shelter provided
2. First aid kid at site.
3. Drinking water provided at site
Some of grievances are well taken by the vendor.
4.Per 4- No grievances from employee and # No grievance from employees on amenities provided, No grievance from employees on amenities provided, hygiene and workplace environment
form amenities are provided considering hygiene hygiene and workplace environment
ance and workplace environment
Meas 5- A feedback system exists for capturing # Feedback system exists to capture employee
ure: employees engagement and retention suggestion, engagement and retention
4.4 Campaign e.g. (Safety quiz, Safety skid 0- No system for safety campaign # No safety campaign
etc.) to develop Safety Culture. (Verify 1- It is done haphazardly # Adhoc safety campaign Adhoc documented safety campaign system in place and done haphazard manner.
through records and Interview)
2- Done systematically and involvement # Safety campaign done systematically (record is must) Documented system of safety campaign mentioned in manual and declaring the themes.
of employees are there Safety campaigns done as per the declared themes and reports available with photographs.
Employees involvement in campaign seen as attendance sheet and photographs.
Related campaign specific Banners, Posters, etc. displayed at site.
Plan for safety skid not available, and also safety skid not conducted.
Campaign specific safety quiz conducted for the employees and reward given to winners.
3- A monthly or annual plan is available # Plan for campaign available with theme Annual / Monthly Safety Campaign plan cum calendar with theme available.
and campaigns are conducted as per theme Safety campaigns are conducted as per the declared plan.
1. campaign -Manual Matterial Handling- April-23
2. campaign - STF date-May-23
3 24 3. campaign -Protect people from Dengue Fever- 16.09.2023 to 25.09.23
4. campaign -5S housekeeping- Jun-23
5. campaign - Road safety week date- Aug-23
6. campaign -National safety day date- March-23
7. campaign -National Fire service week- Nov-23
8. campaign -Moving Machinery- date- July-23
9.campaign- Environment day- Aug-23,
10.campaign- Exavation safety - Date- Oct-23
4- Ownership of campaign are fixed and # Responsibility of campaign are defined and topic based Additional campaigns
Responsibility (Pastof
/ ownership incident or Accident
respective campaigns)
safety campaigns are
are not conducted
defined .
and mentioned in manual.
topic based are conducted campaign are conducted Topic based campaigns are conducted as per declared themes.

5- Campaigns are linked to past incidents # Campaigns are linked to past incidents and based on
and based on learning learning (record/evidence)
4.5 Reward, Recognition and Consequence 0- No system # No system
Management System of Contractor. 1- Ad hoc system available # Ahhoc system
(Verify through records)

3 24

4.5 Reward, Recognition and Consequence

Management System of Contractor.
(Verify through records) 2- There is criteria and documented # Defined criteria & documented procedure Documented procedure of Reward, Recognition and Consequence Management System mentioned in manual
procedure for both with defined criteria.
3- System is followed and applied to # Mechanism of bad & good performer exist (shall be Consequence Management System known to employees, verify by discussing with workers during site
identify good and bad performer transparent and shall be known to employees) visit.
Mechanism to find out bad performer exist and known to employees.
Safety Memo / Warning letter issued against safety violations.
1. Date -18.12.23, Mr.Santosh Mohanty - against safety violations. - warning latter.
3 24 2. Date - 23.11.2023 Mr. Rajeev Behera, -against safety violations -warning latter.
Transparent mechanism to find out good performer exist and known to employees.
Safety Rewards given to selected employee's on Best safety Performance, etc.
1. Date -Dec-23, Mr.Karamchand - Reward - Program Mass meeting,
2. Date -Oct-23, Mr.Santosh Mohany- Reward - Program Mass meeting.
4- PDCA is followed and learning and # PDCA is followed and learning and integration approach
integration approach visible and reduction in visible and reduction in unsafe acts and practices PDCA is not followed systematically.
unsafe acts and practices Reduction in Unsafe Act and Practices not visible as repeated safety violations evident.

5- There is positive impact among contract # Positive impact amongst employees and they are
employees and they are highly motivated motivated

form Zero Lost time /serious injury or 0-60 # No LTI/Serious injury/ permanent disablement incident
5.1 60 60 No LTI/Serious injury/ permanent disablement incident evident.
ance permanent disability # 1 or more LTI/Serious injury/ permanent disablement
>/=1-0 incident
ure: 0-40 Score # No first aid incident
5.2 Zero First aid case 40 40 No first aid incident evident.
Lag 1 or more-0 score # 1 or more first aid incident
ators Non-Injury Incidents (e.g. Property 0-10 score # No property damage case
5.3 10 10 No property damage case evident.
appli Damage) 1or more-0 score # 1 or more property damage case
Safety violation of fatal potential of 0 - 20
for # No fatal potential violation of severity 4 & 5 violation.
5.4 severity 4&5 (reference contractor # Fatal potential violation of severity 4 & 5 violation are 20 20 No fatal potential violation of severity 4 & 5 violations evident.
safety audit system) >=1 - 0 more than or equal to 1.
ion Safety noncompliance cost recovery / 0-20 score # No cost recovery violation evident
5.5 20 20 No cost recovery violation evident
itself Penalty imposed / Job stopped. 1-0 score # 1 or more cost recovery violation evident
ious # No fatality, zero score will be awarded, i.e. no deduction
0 : 0 score
Finan of marks.
Fatality : 1 # If vendor is responsible -100 score will be awarded.i.e
cial 5.6 Fatality of contractor employee a) Responsible 0 0 No fatality.
100 marks will be deducted from total score
year b) Not Responsible # If vendor not responsible, marks will not be deducted.

Score obtained 607

1 Self assessment done by vendor :Yes / No Yes

2 Verified by CO / Mentor : :Yes / No No
3 Report (1 &2) seen by Third party :Yes / No No
Overall feebback :
A: Strengths:

B: Opportunity for Improvement:

Clause 1 Clause 2 Clause 3 Clause 4 Clause 5
Scored in criteria 5 18 3 5 6 37
Total No. of Criteria 5 18 3 5 6 37

Score 120 155 46 136 150 607

48.00% 51.67% 46.00% 68.00% 100.00% 607
% Score 100%
Other check points
Organisation name in Gen info sheet and feedback form shall be same
CO and representative to the CO shall be given in the Gen info sheet along with personal number
Lag indicator shall be with comments with incidence number
For feedback and OFIs please get acceptance in Teams chat box after you paste it there
Manpower list, JNTVTI compliance check. To be obtained from vendor
Audit locations are - TSJ, OMQ, Jharia, WB, FAMD, Global Wire, Bearing Others
Use tick in place of colouring the box

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