PET - B1 - Writing Worksheets - 22.23
PET - B1 - Writing Worksheets - 22.23
PET - B1 - Writing Worksheets - 22.23
There are two parts to the writing paper in the 3 In pairs look at this student’s reply to Sam.
Preliminary For Schools exam. In Part 1 you have to Why do you think the student got a low mark
reply to an email that has been sent to you. In Part 2 for it? Tick two of the reasons a–d.
you have a choice of tasks. You can write an article or
a story. This worksheet focuses on the email writing a Length – is it long enough?
task in Part 1.
b Content – does it include all the
1 In pairs, look at the exam task below and necessary information?
answer these questions. c Grammar – is the grammar generally
a Who are you writing to? correct?
b How many words do you need to write? d Vocabulary – does the writer use
suitable vocabulary?
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WRITING Worksheet 1: An email
5 Read the language functions A–E below. In 8 In pairs, spot and correct the five spelling
pairs, match the expressions 1–10 with A–E. mistakes and three grammar mistakes in
A to say thank you this reply.
B to make a suggestion
C to explain or give reasons Hi Sam
D to invite
That’s fantastic that you’ve started playing the
E to finish a message
guitar. It’s a grate instrument!
I am practising the guitar every day.
1 That book you bought me for my birthday
Sometimes for a long time, but sometimes only
was great!
for ten minites. I think it’s important to practise
2 Have a great holiday!
regularly. A short practice is allways better than
3 Maybe we can meet up next weekend if
none at all.
you’re free.
4 I was so busy at work that I forgot to … I think it’s a realy good idea to use the school
5 Why don’t we go to the cinema on Friday? guitar. You don’t know how much you’ll enjoy
6 Would you like to come over and meet the to play the guitar yet. Wait and see and if you
rest of my family? will really love the guitar, you can buy your
7 See you next weekend! own.
8 Please thank your parents for lending I can teach you some simple songs, but it’s
me … probably better to wait untill you’ve had some
9 I can’t come tomorrow because I’ve lessons first.
already arranged to … Speak soon.
10 Please come to my party next Saturday. Adam
6 In pairs, write two more example sentences
of your own for each language function A–E. 9 Now write your own reply to the exam task on
They can be on any topic. page 1 of the worksheet.
Remember to use this checklist:
7 In pairs, complete the email with the Content
expressions in the box.
• Have you responded to all four notes?
I usually practise for about … Communicative achievement
See you soon • You are writing to a friend, so have you used
I would use … an informal friendly style?
I can show you how to … Organisation
I try to do some practice … • Have you included a suitable greeting?
… but remember that…
• Have you divided your writing into
That’s great that …
It’s a waste of money if …
• Have you ended your email in a suitable
Hi Sam way?
you’ve started playing the • Have you put your name at the bottom?
guitar too. I’m really pleased. Language
every day if I can, but I don’t • Have you used the correct tenses?
always manage to do this. • Have you used a range of vocabulary?
an hour, but sometimes a bit less. • Have you checked your spelling and
the guitar the school lent punctuation?
you for now, at least until you will be sure you
want to continue playing.
you buy one then decide to give up.
play some songs
it takes time for it to sound
good – you need to be patient and practise.
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WRITING Worksheet 2: An article
There are two parts to the Writing paper in the 3 It’s important to have ideas for each question
Preliminary for Schools exam. In Part 1 you have to and also to think of reasons to support your
reply to an email that has been sent to you. In Part 2 ideas. In pairs, make some notes about how
you have a choice of tasks. You can write an article or you could answer the questions in the task.
a story. This worksheet focuses on the article writing Use these headings and prompts to help you.
task in Part 2. Time spent online
On bus going to school
1 When you’re looking through a magazine, what
makes you stop and read an article? Discuss Limit time online - good idea?
in pairs. Yes/No because …
• A good title Reasons for spending less time online
• Interesting first lines different hobbies/interests, …
• It looks fun to read
4 Read the sample answer in Exercise 5.
• Interesting opinions and information
Underline the parts of the article that answer
the three questions. Did you have any of the
2 With your partner, look at the exam task below same ideas?
and answer the questions.
a What is the topic of your article? 5 With your partner, discuss which aspect of this
article could easily be improved.
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WRITING Worksheet 2: An article
8 You can make an article more interesting by 11 Complete these sentences with a reason. Then
starting with a question. In pairs, match the compare your answers with your partner.
article titles 1–3 with the questions A–E. There
are two questions you do not need. a Music is important because
Practice Tests Plus B1 Preliminary for Schools Writing © Pearson Education Limited 2019 Photocopiable 4
WRITING Worksheet 3: A story
There are two parts to the Writing paper in the 4 Your story needs to be in the past tense. Look
Preliminary For Schools exam. In Part 1 you have to at the sample answer again and underline
reply to an email that has been sent to you. In Part 2 any examples of verbs in the past tense. Then
you have a choice of tasks. You can write an article or compare your answers with your partner.
a story. This worksheet focuses on the story writing
task in Part 2. 5 Working in pairs, name the different past
tenses the writer uses.
1 Read question 3 of Part 2 of the Writing paper.
In pairs, discuss whether these sentences 6 It is good to use adverbs and time expressions
about the story task are True (T) or False (F). in your story. Find three adverbs and one time
expression in the sample story. Then compare
a Your story has to start with the
your answers with your partner.
sentence Anna had just …
b You can change small parts of the Time expression:
sentence, for example, Anna’s name.
7 Read this second sample answer. In pairs
c You need to write exactly 100 words. discuss what is wrong with the
Question 3 underlined language.
Write your answer in about 100 words.
Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Anna had just got out of bed when the phone
Your story must begin with this sentence. suddenly started ringing. She was excited
Anna had just got out of bed when the phone when she heard it. Anna enters a competition
suddenly started ringing. and she was waiting for the result. She
Write your story. answers all the questions and she was sure
she gives the right answers. But then she
2 In pairs, think of some ideas for a was disappointed because nobody called her
possible story for question 3. Think about so she was thinking that she didn’t win the
these questions: competition. The prize in the competition was
a Who is Anna? a big safari holiday in Africa. She really wanted
to win so she can take her family. Then her
b Who was phoning Anna? phone started to ring. She knew it was for the
competition. She knew she was the winner.
c Why was the person phoning Anna?
Anna was really happy.
d What happened next?
e How does the story end? 8 In pairs, correct the underlined language.
3 In pairs, look at the sample answer below and 9 Read Writing Examiner feedback: A story,
answer the questions in Exercise 2. Did you page 4.
have any of the same ideas?
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WRITING Worksheet 3: A story
10 In pairs, put the sentences in the correct 13 You can make your story more interesting by
order to make a story. The first line of each adding adjectives and adverbs. Complete the
paragraph has been done for you. sentences with the words in the box. Then
check your answers with your partner.
Anna had just got out of bed when the phone
suddenly started ringing. annoyed bossy hopefully
“Where are you?” Katy asked in a worried voice. incredibly reliable seriously
impressed embarrassed
Suddenly Anna remembered today was the a The team played well and
school trip. won the championship.
A ‘We’re all waiting for you on the coach. b Harriet was very and enjoyed
We’re about to leave!’ telling other people what to do.
B Luckily Anna lived very close to c He felt so when he couldn’t
her school. remember the words to the song.
C She answered the phone, it was her best d Tom wasn’t ill, he just had a
friend Katy. bad cold.
D Anna quickly got dressed and ran to e They were very with his
the coach. painting – they didn’t realise he was so good.
E She felt very embarrassed! f Jack was that his brother
had borrowed his bike without asking.
F ‘Can you ask the teacher to wait for five
more minutes?’ Anna asked her friend. g Zoe is a very friend – if you
ask her to do something, you know she’ll
G She looked at her alarm clock and realised
do it!
it had stopped.
h My cousin’s waited for the
H Who was calling her at this time in
phone to ring.
the morning?
14 Now write your own story for the exam task
11 Look at the story below. What kinds of words
on page 1 of the worksheet. Use the back of
are underlined in the first paragraph? Compare
this sheet.
your answers with your partner.
Remember to use this checklist:
• Does your story have a beginning, a middle
Anna had just got out of bed when the phone and an end?
suddenly started ringing. She hadn’t slept well
• Have you added details and language to
because she had been too worried to sleep.
make the story more interesting to read?
The day before, she had lost her beautiful
Communicative achievement
watch. It was a very special old-fashioned
watch that used to belong to her great • The story is for people who are reading
grandmother. That’s why Anna was so upset for pleasure, so have you used a suitable
when she realised it was missing. entertaining style?
She wondered who was calling her. She picked Organisation
up her phone and saw that it was her tennis • Have you divided your writing into a
teacher, Ms Roach. Anna answered the phone few paragraphs?
and immediately started smiling! Ms Roach • Have you included suitable linking words to
said that Anna had left her watch at the tennis join the parts of your story together?
club. Anna was so happy and relieved!
• Have you used the correct tenses?
12 In pairs, look through the rest of the story • Have you used a range of vocabulary?
and underline the other eight adjectives and • Have you checked your spelling and
three adverbs. punctuation?
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