WWKY Final Mini Project Group 6-Compressed
WWKY Final Mini Project Group 6-Compressed
WWKY Final Mini Project Group 6-Compressed
Mini Project
Presented by
Group 6
Jayanth Sai Sivanand PGP/27/369
Anurag Verma PGP/27/427
Siddharth Ranka PGP/27/472
Nirupam PGP/27/143
Madhan Gopal PGP/27/386
Introduction to Jayanth Sai Sivanand
Transformation Emotional
• •
Areas of
Impatien Frustration
1. Meditation 2. Workout
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• • •
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Tracking Progress and Measuring
• Rate my overall day and overall
Annamaya to
Madhan Gopal M E
• Reduce Social anxiety levels & Brain Fog
Overthinking all of which led to more
Rajas in life.
• Build confidence in social or public
• Remove lathargy and laziness from my
daily actions.
• Foster a stronger internal calm and
connection to self.
• Mindfully stop perseverative cognition
• Strengthen resilience to social stressors
through mindful and physical practices.
1. Mindful Breathing: Dedicate few minutes at regular
basis throughout the day, to sneak in a mindful
breathing session, eg. in between classes.
2. Cyclic Meditation: Perform cyclic meditation at least 3
times a week.
3. Running: Start running again to get in touch my with
‘self’’ and boost physical and emotional well-being.
4. Rediscovering Personal Interests: Set time aside weekly
for hobbies, helping reconnect with my inner self and
be ‘present’
5. And Gratitude Journalling
I have become more mindful in social
situations and free from the results of my
Ability to maintain composure in social
settings and be myself rather than attempt
to cater to expectations of the society.
This has wholly improved my average time
in Sattva state. I would not say I have
achieved Gunateetha but I am a WIP.
Triggers from Past Excessive Consumption
Irregular Sleep
Relationships of Comedy Videos
• Unresolved emotions or • Spending too much • Insufficient rest
experiences from past time on entertainment increasing my
relationships. content. emotional instability
• Constantly revisiting • Neglecting important and stress levels.
memories or events tasks or personal
leading to mental clutter. development activities
Lack of Physical Procrastination Comparison on LinkedIn
• Comparing my
• Empacting my mental • Pending tasks linger in
achievements and
health and causing the mind, causing stress
profile with others.
stress about deadlines and
• Increased self-doubt
and feelings of
Practiced the Pañca Kośa model for controlling overthinking and stress